#really large numbers
dduane · 1 year
So I was just rereading Dark Mirror and it just amused me that you mention 512 terabyte isolinear chips and we're really not far off that now in hard drive sizes... I just bought an 8 terabyte external for less than 200 bucks.
Life imitating art? Or is Geordi La Forge secretly working in Silicon Valley?
(snicker) Another reminder that it's wiser to make up measurements instead of assuming a Really Big Metric One you invent will be big enough to last until the work goes safely out of print. (As you see, I've already embarrassed myself this way once in a Trek novel. A harsh lesson...)
...But have I learned my lesson? Hmm. I mean, look at this, which goes back to 2009 or so. By quoting a storage size in yottabytes, I just skated by. And I think I may be safe with that for a while longer. But how much longer? Hard to say...
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qqueenofhades · 7 months
The number of white, ostensibly liberal male political pundits insisting that elections in the Biden/post-Dobbs era are just Completely Unpredictable and Wild sure is something, huh.
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@vanweek2024 day 6 - spare
vanny goes bowling !
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carronpatrick · 7 months
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Haven't found this here yet, so I wanted to share it with some links for education.
Found it from-
Twitter post by OmarSShakir
IG Post by visualizing_palestine
Created by-
AAANY (Arab American Association of New York)
Gaza Is Palestine
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fairweathermyth · 7 months
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MR. SUNSHINE + episode two [Dong-mae introduction]
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daily-hanamura · 8 months
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shimmershy · 6 months
What does kin mean?
The meaning can tend to vary depending on who you ask, but it generally means (TLDR:) identifying with a character in some way. Although it originated from the term "otherkin", which means identifying with an animal/another species, the way it's typically used in this context refers to "fictionkin".
Many people use it to describe simply relating strongly to a character and don't really see themselves as the character in any way, but it was originally used to describe identifying as the character in a spiritual/psychological way. To clarify, it doesn't mean that you think you literally are that character right now, in a physical way etc. It's more of an identity thing. (I could go more in-depth on what that means, but I'm going to assume that's more information than you're looking for.)
It's kind of a Tumblr/internet culture thing, but I'm not very involved in the community or anything because it's more of a personal thing for me specifically, so. I really don't feel like the best person to ask if you have any more questions. I apologize if that's too much information for such a simple question; I guess it's a bit complicated to explain.
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leo-kinnie · 2 months
Kiiinda unhappy w the fact that a mutual made a post essentially saying “if you support / interact with this proship neutral dont interact with me + DONT harass the account i mentioned” and then immediately got condescending/manipulative replies, asks, and Extreme dogpiling by the accounts friends/affiliates to the point of having to leave their account.
Personally I think if you can’t handle other people saying what you are, you maaybe should rethink identifying with that label.
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plantanarchy · 6 months
poinsettia season so close to being over..... just one week...... so close.... in other news, i am already thinking about next year and already did all the numbers for the 2024 order lmao
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"i thought my birth was crazy" sure yeah lets skip over how youre also basically from a babyfarm yeah?
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townofcrosshollow · 1 year
A little attempt at research into queer history...
Put the year or rough time you first heard it in the tags!
If you heard it before the year 2010 please reply, reblog, or DM me directly to say when!
If you have sources of the word in print or online that can be definitively dated to earlier than or around 2010, please share!
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indelicateink · 12 days
#okay i'll break:#do i just have the most exquisitely curated internet experience ever or#is there actually any merit to people saying they're seeing a lot of hate for ep3 on here and twitter??? i do not see it#all i can think of is seeing a few people unhappy/quibbling w various aspects which is simply expressing valid opinion--and that's not hate#or people poking fun at this that or the other. but it's not generally based in hate. it's just interaction with beloved media#i'm not saying the angry aren't out there. but i just. they're in the vanishing minority by my (possibly lucky) experience??#do the haters just have the loudest voices despite their smaller numbers. or do they really have just large numbers and i don't see it#i only ask bc it gives me an ulcer that amc would get this impression based on social media#when gdi this is our beloved show and as far as i can tell we're having a damn good time#iwtv#iwtv spoilers#PS slightly separate issue:#are people out there *genuinely* shitting on louis for the end-of-episode choices or only simply throwing shade?#again: i'm not seeing the hate on my dash. only references to it#bc if it's hate wtf lol holy shit just let the man live!#idk his motivations rn but the man is .005 seconds from a real psychotic break (i'm not going to diagnose him maybe he's#having them already idk) let it play out lol#but if people are throwing shade eh he can withstand it he is our cherished gothic hero forever. not unassailable but always beloved#god maybe i'm being pollyanna lmk#shoving this all in the tags bc i hate drama and don't want it; idk how else to put this out there for thoughtful answers
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dyrewrites · 4 months
Now I get to research dances and music and what sort of filthy things high society people got up to in the 18th century.
Writing is fun, isn't it?
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riverkingmarley · 6 months
“Just do me a favor? Try not to murder me like you did the other three Directors.” He winked.
I love that I had to pause to count out who he was talking about.
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lwcina · 1 month
the fact that the us government can continue funding and arming a genocide despite massive public opposition really highlights how inherently non-democratic the united states is
#almost like the idea of a representative demcracy is both historically undemocratic and inherently is incapable of being so#by historically i mean that representative democracies have always meant the creation of a category of ‘citizen’ that is above ‘non-citizen#even the civilization where the term democracy comes from was patriarchal and had fucking slavery#not chattel slavery but (hot take) non chattel slavery is still bad.#also fundamentally one person can literally not represent the wishes of a large collection of people who have only geography in common.#theyre going to want different things!!!#now the idea of if democracy is inherently a virtue is like. another topic. but i will say that like seeing the history of like the#popular sovreignty movement wrt to slavery really made me question it. just because a lot of people want something to happen doesnt#actually mean it should happen. white people voted to legalize slavery#kind of where the old ‘minority’ terminology comes in. just by numbers alone in the states that had these votes it wasnt like in the south#where in the south because of plantations the actual population majority in some places was black.#but in those midwestern new states even if everyone person there could have voted. white people would still be the vasy majority.#honestly to a degree pointing out that none of the societies that have claimed to be democracies have truly been democratic is…#i guess the primary value in it is to challenge people who take state mythologies at face level#a very large population that i often forget exists.#the ‘they cant do that its illegal’ types.#anyways. if we consider that every society in documented history has had some type of violence and oppression#and if we believe that people are NOT inherently selfish/violent#it follows that what we need to do is something different than what we have been doing.#not just different from what we are doing right now. but different from what we have been doing for the past centuries#but also i can imagine that societies and ways of living that aren’t legible to the status quo or just went undocumented for other reasons#may have been more egalitarian. and we dont know due to erasure (either intentional or non-intentional)#both erasure and a fundamental inability of historians to comprehend it. similar to how cishet historians who cant fathom the idea of#transness or lesbianism talk about things.
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yuuugay · 10 months
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briony from @shepherds-of-haven 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪
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