cea-tide · 1 year
Queer/Neurodivergent Resources Archive
A collection of queer, neurodivergent resources.
The entries are in no particular order. The post is edited with new entries when I come across them.
What is a QPR?
Pronouns master post by @/realtransfacts
Intersex explained
How to tuck DIY
Sex Ed by Scarleteen
Aro+ace resources
Lilacisexual (aspec microlabel)
Non-speaking and verbal autistics terms
Autistic inertia
Why do ADHD kids say "I don't know" so much?
HRT DIY (harm reduction)
Voice pitch analyser
No Pronouns FAQ + my pronoun closet script
Mutual Aid Disaster Relief resource list
Pap smear / cervical cancer tests also for trans women
Stimuwrite, a writing help for neurodivergent people
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selfmademen · 9 months
do you know of any good blogs for us transfems?
I'm sorry, I don't know of any specific blogs, but you could try @realtransfacts
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lgbtqwriting · 4 years
Hi! In my story, there's a trans woman. It's a fantasy story but the setting is based on the 1940s. How do I write a trans woman character correctly? Are there stereotypes to avoid? Things you'd like to see more represented in characters like her? What are some problematic tropes/cliches to avoid? Thanks, and have a nice day!
Hello! If you’d like to continue discussing the unique issues related to your character, we’ll happily walk you through a couple of harmful stereotypes surrounding trans people (and especially, specifically trans women), as well as positive tropes and good representation. However, please know that while all of the current mods are trans, we’re not transfeminine, let alone authorities on what is or isn’t transmisogynistic. At the end of the day, it’s important to listen to the voices of trans people who are and have been intentionally and directly targeted by transmisogyny.
The most effective approach to your question that we know of is to respectfully turn our platform over to any transfeminine content creators (artists, writers, etc.) who would like to offer their input and/or answer your questions, as well as take this opportunity to signal boost as much of the amazing content created by transfeminine people as possible. 
TL:DR; We’re not qualified to fully assist you. That being said, any trans women, transfeminine nonbinary, and/or TMA (transmisogyny-affected) content creator is welcome to reblog and/or comment on this post, as well as tag us in their own post(s) about how best to write characters that represent them efficiently. We’ll graciously reblog them with relevant tags that assist advice-seeking writers in the future. 
Unfortunately, we were unable to find any advice-oriented writing blogs run by and for trans women and transfeminine nonbinary people, so we cannot give you any recommendations at the moment. (That being said--if people express they want us to, we’ll make a post reaching out to transfem creators who write/reblog posts on the topic of writing accurate and respectful transfem characters.) Hopefully we’ll have some solid blog recommendations for you in the near future! 
In the meantime, it may benefit you (and your character!) to familiarize yourself with existing resources on writing trans characters, as well as the original content produced by transfem creators. Here’s a list of our personal recommendations:
Transfeminine Creators (Blog Recs)
Some Notes on How Not to Write Trans People (via @cameronmcbaird) 
Writing Trans Characters: Corrections of Common Mistakes (via @scriptlgbt)
So You Want To Write a Trans Character (via @fixyourwritinghabits)
Writing Trans Characters Masterpost (via @realtransfacts) 
Writing Trans Characters: Names (via @owlsofstarlight)
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nonbinaryresource · 4 years
so, i’ve been attempting to do research on T, alright? however, most of what i find either are too difficult for me to read bc it’s too complex (i’m neurodivergent and anything that isn’t listed is very hard to read) or nothing has the right information for it. I was wondering if anyone could help me out by listing the affects of what t does or will help do and/or maybe link some sources that could explain them simply without too much detail? if not, that’s alright, i was just wondering. thanks!
You mention “nothing has the right information” - so if you’re looking for something specific, please let me know, so I can try and track the right thing down for you!
Here’s my fave simple breakdown of HRT impacts: https://transgenderteensurvivalguide.tumblr.com/post/143210972035/realtransfacts-outforhealth-we-get-a-ton-of
Tumblr media
[Table for HRT impacts. Table uses feminizing/masculinizing hormones - captioner is simplifying to estrogen/testosterone instead.
via WPATH 2012, 7th version
Table 1.
Effect -> Expected Onset -> Expected time to Maximum Effect(1)
Effects of Estrogen: Body fat redistribution -> 3 - 6 months -> 2 - 5 years Decreased muscle mass/strength -> 3 - 6 months -> 1 - 2 years(2) Softening of skin/decreased oiliness -> 3 - 6 months -> unknown Decreased libido -> 1 - 3 months -> 1 - 2 years Decreased spontaneous erections -> 1 - 3 months -> 3 - 6 months Sexual dysfunction -> variable -> variable Breast growth -> 3 - 6 months -> 2 - 3 years Decreased testicular volume -> 3 - 6 months -> 2 - 3 years Decreased sperm production -> variable -> variable Thinning and slowed growth of body and facial hair -> 6 - 12 months -> >3 years(2) Male pattern baldness -> No regrowth, loss stops 1 - 3 months -> 1 - 2 years
(1) - Estimates represent published and unpublished clinical observations (2) - Significantly dependent on amount of exercise (3) - Complete removal of facial and body hair requires electrolysis, laser treatment, or both
Table 2.
Effect -> Expected Onset -> Expected time to Maximum Effect(1)
Effects of Testosterone: Skin oiliness/acne -> 1 - 6 months -> 1 - 2 years Facial/body hair growth -> 3 - 6 months -> 3 - 5 years Scalp hair loss -> >12 months(2) -> variable Increased muscle mass/strength -> 3 - 6 months -> 2 - 5 years(3) Body fat redistribution -> 3 - 3 months -> 2 - 5 years Cessation of menses -> 2 - 6 months -> N/A Genital (clitoral) growth/enlargement -> 3 - 6 months -> 1 - 2 years Vaginal atrophy -> 3 - 6 months -> 1 - 2 years Deepened voice -> 3 - 12 months -> 1 - 2 years
(1) - Estimates represent published and unpublished clinical observations (2) - Highly dependent on age and inheritance; may be minimal (3) - Significantly dependent on amount of exercise
///end caption]
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finley-myself · 4 years
how do i know if i'm not cis? i like being recognized by my agab sometimes, but other times i wish i had a different name and a different everything so i wouldn't be referred to by my agab. help?
Hi, friend! It’s perfectly alright! Gender can be very confusing to figure out. @realtransfacts compiled this masterpost that I think is a very good place to start.
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horrorhorizon · 3 years
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💌
Thank you
@freedomisscaryshit @unconditlonal @a-lavender-boy @salvation-within-the-void @suffering-is-my-comfort-zone @vbs-bloody-rose-garden @morguenecrosis @screechingnewt @realtransfacts @treekk @ash-nico @f4ggoths
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whoneedssexed · 4 years
Hey there, I was wondering if there’s any way that I can make my face look more androgynous? I’m amab and am transitioning to be a girl but right now looking feminine isn’t possible for a couple of reasons and I know that looking androgynous would help out somewhat? Thanks a bunch
@realtransfacts​ has a post about androgynous presentation:
Looks like it’s focused on using makeup for the effect. 
- mod BP
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andthenweloved · 4 years
Did u delete the pride blog? :(
i deleted four of my blogs recently. a pride themed one, a moodboard themed one, a russian langblr themed one and an autistic themed one. i didn’t really get much enjoyment out of them anymore so i decided to get rid of them to give myself enough peace of mind to put more effort into the blogs i actually enjoy running. you can still find me at @realtransfacts and @dagenssvenska. and im trying to be more active on those blogs than before now :D
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antiterf · 4 years
For the closeted anon; the realtransfacts tumblr has a lot of amazing resources in their FAQ for closeted and out trans individuals! Additionally, the closeted anon can do the opposite of what a lot of transwomen do to feminize our voices. Instead of raising the trachea, anon could lower their trachea. Without going into the specifics, it essentially elongates the vocal harmonics giving a deeper and more resonant sound.
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aromoji · 4 years
Queerlection probably was an anti anti since they rbed from nonbinarypastels, another anti anti, regularly. Queerlection is also against pangender, so good riddance imo. Their blog realtransfacts is still up though :\ Their blog plentymood seems to be gone too
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hey pronoun anon (and other anons with similar concern), a good resource for stuff like that if you want to inquire in the future is @realtransfacts :)
oh hell yeah !
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Can you suggest terms for a gender which feels like it's made up of 3 genders and the % of each gender changes based on the people I'm with?
Lee says:
You might want to look into the label trigender! People who are trigender experience 3 different gender identities, sometimes all at once, sometimes the “amount” of each changes, and sometimes it’s one at a time.
We once had an anon who identified as “mirrorgender,” and defined it as a gender that changes to fit the people you’re around, but I searched on our blog and in our tags but couldn’t find anything with that term on our blog so they must have sent that ask a few years ago.
You could also look at the label genderfluid- anyone whose gender identity shifts over time can call themselves genderfluid, and your gender identity doesn’t seem to be static so this term may apply as well.
Our What am I? post has these links:
NB Flowchart
Long list of genders
Followers, any label ideas for anon?
Followers say:
nebeculae said: what about like “trifluid”? kinda like trigender and genderfluid since anon said it fluctuates a lot? or “triflux” or something similar
toph-proudfoot said: Trigenderflux or just triflux fits! though doesnt include that its affected by others…
realtransfacts said: I’d say genderfluid, though of course you can be use a more specific label than that if you want - I did some quick searching and found these: Amicagender: A gender that changes depending on the people you’re with. Mirrorgender: A gender that changes to match the person you’re with. Locugender: A gender that changes depending on situation or location.
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realtransfacts · 6 years
Find me elsewhere
Hello! With the recent tumblr update I like many others have some fears of getting our blogs randomly deleted, so here’s some other places you can find me:
Discord: samcat#9105
WordPress (Realtransfacts will be imported to there later!)
Even though I might not currently be super active on all of those places (and some accounts I literally created yesterday as a result of the new tumblr bullshittery) I will definitely get all the more active if I have to leave tumblr.
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finley-myself · 4 years
How do I dress androgonously so that girls think im gay and guys are sexually confused
Hi there, friend. Like I said to the other anon, try to not tailor your style based on what other people think. Do what makes you happy. However, since I do keep getting questions on dressing androgynously, I am going to direct your attention to this masterpost of tips by @realtransfacts so you can check it out.
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rfidblocking · 6 years
Whats a truscum?
“True transsexual scum,” or “truscum” for short, are a loose group of trans people who seek to delegitimize the standing of other trans people in a bid to improve their own standing in the eyes of a cis-centric society.
The group overlaps a lot with transmedicalists and Harry Benjamin Syndrome advocates.
Generally speaking, most truscum believe that transgender identity is defined by suffering, and that if you do not suffer for the sake of trans identity, you are not “actually” transgender, but are a “transtrender” who is imitating trans people for social gains.
What these social gains are is never adequately expressed.
One way that the demand for suffering is phrased is that, “dysphoria is what makes you trans.” For trans people who do not experience dysphoria, whether because it was treated via transition or because they experience the inverse- gender eurphoria- this is highly alienating.
It also present transgender identity in the context of cisgender identity, rather than as its own experience. By presenting trans people as having incurable suffering, they are presenting trans people as worthy if pity for failing to be cis, and presenting that pity as equivalent to respect.
Another common claim made by many truscum, especially those who are also transmedicalists, is that without presenting transgender identity as a disease, trans people will lose access to healthcare.
This is, of course, utter nonsense. First of all, transgender identity is already not considered a disease by most medical and insurance bodies, and transgender healthcare has not disappeared into the ether. Secondly, the belief that only diseases are medically treated is absurd given the entire pregnancy industry.
@realtransfacts will have more information for you than I do at the moment. Here is a search on that blog for “truscum.”
💮 Yazminx 💮
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dagenssvenska · 5 years
that giveaway you reblogged is cool are you trans?
Yeah I’m the one hosting the giveaway! Realtransfacts is my trans blog :D
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