doueverwonder · 2 years
This was inspired by @rebelsandtherest fic Amity on their ao3 (their username is Elfpen)! Go read it please! It's amazing! One of my favorites! They did give me permission to write this. I know my writing isn't as good as theirs but I hope someone likes this! Also no, I don't want to know if I'm using the word Tutelage wrong.
Warnings: None, except for the mention of a gun at some point.
July 21st, 1969. 
Alfred sat at home, eyes glued to the TV, part of him had wanted to stay at the NASA headquarters. But he also wanted to watch it as most of the world would. Nothing yet, just news headlines running it, 'any moment now' they had to have said it a thousand times. But nothing had happened, he leaned back starting to think the transmissions would never come. His foot tapped insistently on the floor, staring at the tv for even another moment seemed unbearable, but getting up and possibly missing it seemed even worse. He should have just stayed at NASA headquarters, at least there were other people to talk to; at home it was just quiet. 
He wouldn't miss anything getting a book off a shelf would he? Alfred turned up the tv keeping his eyes trained on it as he crossed the room to the bookshelves. His head still turned every moment or so as he tried to pick something to read. Nothing seemed interesting though, he moved to another shelf, there had to have been hundreds of books on the shelves something would be interesting. Stuck in the corner of one of the lower shelves Alfred noticed an unlabeled book that he didn't recognize, he leaned down pulling it out and flipping through the pages. It was an astronomy book funnily enough, but he couldn't remember buying it or even getting it for a birthday or christmas. He made his way back to his chosen spot on the couch still searching the pages for something to remind him of where it had come from. 
Nothing. The last fifty pages or so were empty, the first handful had drawings he could recognize as his own handwriting. He kept flipping, finally getting to the back cover where something had been glued to the inside cover. Alfred checked the tv again to make sure nothing else had happened, the still headlines about Apollo 11 still flashing across the screen, but nothing new. His eyes went back to the note, squinting trying to decipher the neat handwriting that he knew wasn't his. It wasn't in english either, that much was immediately noticeable. He was able to read it, the fading made it harder though and he was only able to get a word here and there, not the full message. The note wasn't signed, which would have helped greatly. A few more moments of staring at the paper trying to figure it out, and he had it... 
'I've included all the maps I know. Next time I see you, I expect to learn some new ones, and hope you'll tell me how you made them.'
Suddenly he knew where it came from, everything about that trip back in 1783 rushing back.  months staying with Björn, days of wandering Stockholm, evenings of stories of things that happened centuries before he was born. Sweden had been so kind: it was still odd to think that Françios had said he would have been the first to call Björn that. That night at the Uppsala observatory, they stayed up there all night. The conversation with Kasper that he hadn't thought about since it had been fulfilled and he visited him and they walked in Turku... he forgot to watch the tv as it all came rushing back. He cringed at himself, he had to have been thirteen, fourteen maybe? Alfred knew he had almost cried when he had to leave. He looked down at the book flipping back to the front pages, a new feeling filled him. It was like... homesickness, for somewhere that wasn't technically home. Of course he and Björn and Kasper had been in contact constantly since then, but he hadn't visited them like that, just to visit, for a century at least. 
His eyes flipped back up to the tv, the screen had changed and now showed something that was very much not a repeated headline on a screen. The notebook stayed in his lap as he felt what seemed like the entire world hold their breath, everyone was watching weren't they? He glanced at the clock, 10:56 pm, and he was watching history happen alone in his living room. 
"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"
Alfred sat back, his hand going to his forehead, they did it. He knew everything he should be feeling, but instead his first reaction was to want to call someone, and say 'did you see?' of course they would have, they would tell him good job, Alfred hated it that his first reaction was to want someone else's approval. Who could he call though? Matthieu would nod and congratulate him, but he knew his tone wouldn't offer what he wanted. William wouldn't even want to say anything good about it, just complain and offer up something he did himself... his mind went through all the people that he could call, but the weight of the book in his lap offered a suggestion. 
He turned the tv up again, making sure he would be able to hear it from the front hall where the telephone was. Alfred got up and made his way to the front hall picking up the phone, and waiting for the operator. Most home phones wouldn't allow international calls, but as a government official his fortunately would. 
It rang a few times before the operator picked up, "Hey Mrs. O'Connor's," Alfred knew all the operators by this point, he had the same line for so long and apparently some of them just didn't leave. He answered a few questions, thanked her for the congratulations on such an achievement. Then got back on topic, 
"Mrs. O'Conners, I have to make a long distance call, how long? Well..." he hesitated for a moment, knowing after he told her and hung up he couldn't change his mind unless he wanted to make up an excuse for why he had to talk to Björn, "Stockholm?" 
She made a small disgruntled noise, then reminded him it would take awhile. "Yes, yes ma'am I do know, but I really need to speak to someone over there" 
She promised to do her best to make it quick, Alfred thanked her and hung up knowing it was going to be a long night. Calls could take six hours to go through and he wasn't risking falling asleep and missing it. 
He went back to the living room, he looked up at the TV not sure if he should keep it on to see if anything else happened or if he should turn it off. A decision was met to keep it on, just to fill the space with noise. Alfred looked at the ceiling, what was he thinking wanting to talk to Sweden of all people? 
"Did you see?" Alfred didn't even wait for Björn to say Hello once he heard he was connected, there was a click the operator hanging up and he heard the Swedish man on the other end respond; 
"I saw" 
"I beat Russia"
"And I told you to stay out of Russian affairs" he was reminded of the warnings given centuries earlier, ones that had clearly been ignored as of recent. 
"I'm sorry" 
The line went silent, Alfred didn't know what to say and if he was guessing Björn didn't know either. A conversationalist he was not; and suddenly it almost seemed like a mistake to go through all of this for a phone call to brag. 
He jumped hearing his name on the other end, "Yes sir?" 
Björn hesitated again on the other end, he wasn't sure if he should be saying what he was about to. He didn't exactly have to hide things like he did at the beginning of their relationship. Pointing a gun at Njal was a wonderful way to start off a relationship though. He was still supposed to be the Neutral one though, if either the East or West found out differently it could trash decades of cooperation. 
So instead of continuing he asked; "When can we meet in person?" 
"Excuse me?" Alfred was confused by the question. 
"When can I see you next" 
The other end went silent yet again, "There's a UN meeting in–"
"No. Just you and I."  
Alfred thought for a moment, he looked at the book still sitting on the coffee table in the living room. "I can be in Uppsala in two weeks" 
"As soon as you're in Europe, call me." 
Two weeks went by, and then a month, then two; it was October before Alfred did actually make it to Sweden. Even then it was almost purely by miracle, the only way to get up there had been to lie about how long a NATO meeting was running for, and go afterwards. 
He stepped out of the airport, immediately shivering at the gust of wind. Alfred pulled his suit coat closer grumbling to himself about how he should have brought a heavier coat. The pickup area was bustling with activity; family members and friends rushing around to greet each other and help load suitcases into cars. It really wasn't all that different from a port seventy years ago. Alfred liked to jokingly think between his height, blond hair, blue eyes, and two hundred years of Swedish practice he might be able to pass as a Swede. The real only things that gave him away were how he wore his suits, and the deep tan he always retained. 
He finally stopped watching people to scan the line of waiting cars, black volvo is what Björn had told him when they talked before Alfred got on the plane in Belgium. He heaved a sigh trying to look in car windows, there had to be thirty black volvo's and he hadn't been given a more detailed description. How long was it going to take to get a phone he could carry around? 
He turned around to see if maybe he had accidentally pulled into the line of taxis behind him; only to jump a bit when a car a little too close for comfort blew its horn. The car in question's driver door opened, Björn getting out and waving Alfred over. Alfred tried to be quick to get his bags in the trunk and get in the passenger's seat, he knew how people could get if you took too long in the pickup line; or at least how New Yorkers got. As they pulled out, and onto the main road, Alfred tried to start conversation quickly: 
"It's nice to see you, sir" 
"It's nice to see you as well, Alfred" 
"It's cold ain't it?" He started talking about the weather, only because he wasn't sure what else to say. 
"It's actually warm for this time of year" Björn countered, his eyes not moving from the road for even a moment. "Why did you call me?" 
Alfred stiffened at the tone of it; he had been asking himself that for the past two and a half months and still hadn't come up with an answer. "Why did you want me to come here?" 
A silence settled over the car, both questions left unanswered. That was the problem about answering questions with questions; usually neither got answered. Alfred looked out the window attempting to avoid eye contact with Björn in the mirrors. He thought they were going to Uppsala, but didn't say anything when instead the road signs told him they were headed the opposite way to Stockholm. Alfred also knew though that the drive wasn't exactly short, and sitting in silence for forty minutes would be worse then just answering the question. 
"I guess..." he trailed off for a moment, trying to come up with a plausible excuse. "I guess I just wanted to brag" 
The Swede huffed, "You would have called anyone else to brag. Not me" 
Alfred tried not to sound offended, covering up that his excuse hadn't worked; "Why not you?" 
"If you really wanted to 'just brag' you would have called François" He wasn't wrong, Alfred needed François' approval more than anything else nowadays and with how critical of him the French were being, he had been using anything he could. But this hadn't been something he had wanted to tell François. "Why did you call me?" 
"Why did you ask me to come here?" Alfred asked his question more forcefully, making it clear he wouldn't speak another word until he had an answer himself. 
"Someone could have been listening to the phone lines" 
Alfred laughed at the statement, "We both know that's bullshit, Björn. You're not that much of a conspirator" 
"Kasper is turning me." The conversation almost changed at the mention of the Finnish personification. Alfred hadn't spent nearly as much time with Kasper as he had with Björn, it made him wonder how he was. 
But they both knew what was going on, and they both knew one of them could stop being stubborn; or they could go around in circles for the next half-hour. Really the only difference between them and Alfred with William was how explosive it could get. 
Alfred broke quite quickly, he had never been able to hide anything from Björn anyway. "I found that book you gave me. The one with the maps of the stars." he heaved a sigh, "And of course I found it just as they're landing the Apollo Mission on the moon, and it made me think of you, and 1783, and it just made me want you to be proud of me. It's stupid" 
The silence seemed unbearably awkward to Alfred as they continued on. Björn didn't respond, he didn't even look over to Alfred for a moment. The younger kept internally scolding himself; look what you've done, you made him uncomfortable. Why would he be proud of you? Why would you want him to be proud of you? He's just a work friend at most. 
The car stopped, Alfred didn't bother refocusing his vision, it must just be a stop light. They hadn't been in the car nearly long enough to be at the house. But the sound of cars still driving by made him look out the window, Björn had just pulled over to the side of the road for some reason. He opened his mouth about to ask if something was wrong with the car when;
"I am proud of you." 
Alfred scoffed lightly at the words, "You don't have to say that just to make me feel better about myself" 
"I'm not." Björn was looking at Alfred, he was serious as normal. But there was something different in his eyes. "When I met you, you were hopeless" 
"Thanks. That really boosts my confidence" 
"Alfred. You're the strongest in the world now." 
"And I can't help but think..." Björn trailed off wondering if he should say it. If he really had the right to. "I can't help but think I started that" 
"Of course you did!" Alfred laughed, "Dad hated my guts, François was too busy, no one else cared. I would have majorly messed up being a country without you." 
"See. So I have something to be proud of, I started it, and you built everything else." 
"You're proud of yourself." Alfred argued, 
Björn shook his head, "I'm proud of what you've become after what you were" 
He looked at his elder meeting his eyes, Alfred almost couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was proud of him, sincerely. Something no one else was, at least not openly. 
"You're sure you mean it?" He was almost mad about how hopeful he sounded. 
"I'm sure. There's plenty to be proud of." Björn smiled, just barely, but Alfred knew it was more than most people got from him. 
It was decided then that it was good they were in a car, if not Alfred would have hugged the man hard enough to crack a rib. Instead he just sat there reminding himself that superpowers don't cry when someone is proud of them. 
"I'm proud of you, Alfred." 
Third time a charm, and it left Alfred pinching the bridge of his nose to keep himself from crying. Björn must have noticed but instead of commenting he carefully got off the shoulder and back onto the main road headed to Stockholm. The silence that settled over the car was different from the others, it wasn't awkward. It was a contented silence. 
Once Alfred composed himself, he bounced back; and smiled, jokingly asking, "Can I have your "Lion of the North" title then?" 
"Absolutely not" Björn responded back quickly, trying to hide a smile. 
"Awww c'mon old man, you're not using it! And you said it yourself, you were my tutelage" 
"I did not use that word" 
"Close enough"
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gremlins-hotel · 1 year
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one brain cell between them but no mind reading powers
credit to @/rebelsandtherest for the message that inspired this
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ego-meliorem-esse · 1 year
(This is rebelsandtherest on main) I adore all your art, especially of the disaster family tree. After noticing some of the facial resemblance between your Arthur and Alfred, and also Alfred and Matt, it got me wondering—most people would probably be able to tell that both Matt and Al were raised by Arthur just because of…. How they are, emotionally and mentally 😂 but does anyone point out to Alfred that he looks like his dad, or does it come as a surprise that they’re related? Likewise, do people assume Matt is his bio son, or do they look so different people have wondered about it?
Ohohohoho your question tickled me in the best way poasible! I love the theme of resemblence and biological relations with these bastards!
I guess the best way to describe weather Alfred looks like his dad or not would be by saying that many people meeting Alfred and his disaster dad tease him by saying he "picked out" all the good/attractive features od his dad. Like he undeniably looks like his dad but there is something unique on him. For instance his skin is darker but still he has Arthurs unmistakable freckles. Alfred has features that, when looked closely are uniquely his, but when you are looking at him in photographs, you could assume youre looking at a tall, well-feed, broader and tanner Arthur. They are definutely father and son looks-wise, but if you had to pick out who is more good looking, its Alfred by a long shot.
In my hc, they are biological father and son since I love the notion of nations being born like humans (to other humans or to nations it doesnt really matter, their dna is a match) and having that distinctly human nature to them while absolutely not being human. So, in that aspect they are (unfortunately for Alfred) biologically related. Whereas Matthew and Arthur are not. I also love that aspect. I love the notion that this rat man adopted a french whore child and at first had no interest, no love and no care for this boy. But, as time goes by and as Matt sheds blood, sweat and tears to fit into the mold of the "Anglo child", Arthur accepts him, be it after an unfair amount of time and effort. By the 21st century Matt is Arthurs confidante, his no. 1 emergency call, his oldest son.
Its unfair that Matt spent less time with Francis and he is still considered his son by the old world, but had to spend considerably more time under Arthurs "care" to even be considered the mans bastard.
Matt and Alfred arent twins to me. They look alike in the sense that they share a second parent, but you can definitely see the resemblence as well as differences. They are not interchangeable looks-wise, no mistaling Matt for his yank bro in this household.
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oumaheroes · 1 year
It’s been a while since I’ve written anything new, a while since I updated this series, and a while longer since I made a game of it. Here’s snippet of a WIP to keep me motivated
Ériu is careful.
Does not go out alone in bad weather. Prays to the Gods before crossing the sea, never goes in when it is rough. Walks along paths well-trodden unless in a group, plans meticulous watches with Alba when they travel alone together at night, listening keenly to the hungry sounds of the forest whilst the other sleeps. He thinks before he does, debates and considers the risks before every action. Where is the danger? What could happen? How can I stop it?
Alba says he is too cautious. Says that death will come for him eventually and putting it off will only make it worse. Says that Mama spoilt him with her fretting and that he is rotting inside for the privilege. Despite himself, Ériu knows that he is right. It is worse, waiting with it. The expectation and fear of the inevitable fermenting inside him, growing and swelling and making him throw away food he cannot afford to waste because he is unable to convince himself that the colour is right.
But Ériu does not want to die. He hears Alba cry out sometimes at night, knows that he muffles the dark memories of one particular rainy day into his pack and pulls Albion closer in the dark. And Ériu recoils from it.
Death is a funny thing.
It comes to the careful anyway.
Tagging @needcake, @historia-vitae-magistras, @stirringwinds, @rebelsandtherest, and @balladofthewhitehorse to do if they fancy!
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📜✨Last Line Tag ✨📜
RULES—share the last line you wrote for your WIP, and then tag as many people as there are words.
tagged by @oumaheroes @hetagrammy @needcake and @fizzycherrycola
"I'm sorry," Matthew whispered to what was left of the wolf's rapidly cooling carcass. He could see his breath in the cold. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry."
tagging (sorry if you've already done it, I'm late as hell lol) @stirringwinds @paperbarks @rebelsandtherest @rein-ette @thegoliathbeetle
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sketchytea · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you’d like to know better!
tagged by @lithugraph, thank you so much!!!
What book are you currently reading?
haruki murakami’s blind willow, sleeping woman, i started it a while ago and i’ve been re-reading to try and finish it recently
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year?
everything everywhere all at once, i did my duty as a queer asian diaspora creature and ugly cried at the end
What do you usually wear?
some dark/desaturated shirt or sweater with jeans, one(1) piece of jewellery, bright socks, and sneakers/boots
How tall are you?
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
pisces. i share a birthday with frédéric chopin, kesha, and lupita nyong’o. the articles of confederation were ratified and the sam-il movement occurred on this date
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
i have too many names, which is what happens when your original name has seven letters in it and you’ve got another name in another language. but usually most people call me by my name and online friends call me by my web-name
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
close! i landed in the general vicinity but not exactly the same position
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
i am jared, 19
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
i like to think i’m a pretty decent cook, but i suck at baking. only one friend has witnessed the evidence in real time and they are sworn to secrecy to never speak of it again
Dogs or cats?
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
my rainbow dnd party piece, or ciaran shielding sav’s limp unconscious ass. i don’t want to stick an image file here so have some random dialogue from my less impressive writing out of context instead:
“The prince is weird, and crazy.”
What’s something you would like to create content for?
star wars, lord of the rings, guardian, ghost in the shell s.a.c., kimetsu no yaiba, dragon age, webcomics i read, more sailor moon or vanitas no carte... my ideas are way more multifandom than my posts are
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
my dnd campaign and homebrew setting. it has me by the throat on a daily basis
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
some of the work parties i’ve gone to, i think
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
i can blow big soap bubbles with my fist
Are you religious?    
not at all. i had a lot of christian influences growing up but it never really stuck
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
a fully illustrated sourcebook of my own dnd setting. also an air fryer
tagging: @digital999placebo, @ellmovy, @rebelsandtherest, @oumaheroes, @thedisappointedidealist12, and @ironic-orange to do if they’d like!
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hwsforeignrelations · 2 years
for the ask meme mwahahahah >:3C 1, 2, 28, england 47, america 32
Do you relate to your favorite character(s)?
Absolutely i do, with the exception of his sceince knowledge lol idk shittttee. He's loud, very much the YOLO type, wears glasses, and I think we'd both enjoy a lot of the same hobbies like funky art, cooking w/o recipes, reading adventure books and comics, appreciating how leather smells (and tastes), jazz and country, the freedom of nature and roads, ect. :D
2.Who are your favorite Hetalia artists? Why?
ur embarassing meeeeee >.<
ok. #1 is @/sully-s. literally would not have joined hetalia or developed an artistic style w/o them. I cannot properly express my appreciation for what they do!!! @historihet (deactivated) was so kind and wicked smart, really pushed my desire to create historical hetalia content and independently study history in general. @/rebelsandtherest hella amazing, especially combined with their work (western fic so good!). @/bougietalia OMG LITERALLY AMAZING symbolism soooooo good lots of snarky england and just the COLORS ugggg SO LUSH @/thedisappointedidealist12 has FANTASTIC stylization and storytelling. and of course. @/stirringwinds. SSMARTEST MOST AWESOME AND AMAZING. @poxtra LOVE their content. @cidersketch is the OG rusame LOTs of Good (tm stuff). Thats just a few off the top of my head but YEAH. I have many feelings!!!!
28. DILFS and MILFS and NILFS?
I can't pick!
(Hungary and Russia)
47. [Insert character]'s guilty pleasure?
Canada LOVES growing all the weed strains he can find lmaoo
32. Describe (one of) [insert character]'s homes.
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ENORMUS Manhattan penhouse used for hosting parties and events
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thefederalist · 2 years
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made a drawing of cryptid america (based off art of my favorite historical psychopath😘)
the boy just ran from a british camp in full feral dog mode. Heavily based off @rebelsandtherest new brilliant fic, “Spare the Rod” https://archiveofourown.org/works/39627099
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fizzycherrycola · 2 years
WIP challenge ✍
WIP challenge, write the last paragraph of your most recent work then tag 3 others to do the same.
I got tagged by @lady--lisa, @kitaychan, and @the-magpie-that-stands-high but I was away on vacation without internet and literally just saw the tag now, and I’M SO SORRY. Gahhhhh, I really try to stay on top of these things, but please don’t think I ignored the prompt!
Anyway, sorry for flailing about. Here’s my snippet:
Paris, France; 19 July 1815 The air is flushed warm, roiling with dozens of merry voices crammed into a saloon that was never designed for so many boisterous patrons. Prussia stumbles through the crowd, chuckling as he passes Baden, patting his brother on the shoulder and receiving a slurry of mangled German syllables in response. He bumps into stools, oak tables, and several other siblings, getting sprinkled with droplets of beer from their overfull mugs, in search of his seat, wherever it went. He’d been sitting with... with... England. Yes! He’d been sitting with England when Denmark dragged him away to help settle a debate about shakos and whether or not they look completely ridiculous compared to other soldierly hats. A drunken consensus was reached between himself, the Dane, Brunswick, and Nassau that declared shakos to be haughty, but not nearly as silly as the powdered wigs and cocked hats that monopolised their previous century. And after downing three schnapps in rapid succession, Prussia turned to see that he’d somehow arrived on the opposite side of the venue, lost in a sea of jolly inebriation. “Where did those eyebrows go?” Prussia murmurs to himself. Portraits and prints slope to the side while rusted oil lamps sway high overhead and perhaps, he’s had a few too many drinks, but tonight celebrates a special occasion: the capture of one, Napoleon Bonaparte. After all, how often does a man witness the downfall of a titan, even if he has lived hundreds of years in Europe? So, Prussia quiets his inner critic, the nagging reminder of a crucial military assembly tomorrow morning, and takes another clumsy step forward.
Slightly more than a paragraph, but I like adding context. Thanks again for tagging me! In return, I’ll tag @rebelsandtherest, @koolkat9, and @acemapleeh if they’d like to participate.
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acemapleeh · 3 years
End of the year review
Tagged by: @draw-a-circle-thats-the-foxhole
What fandoms did you create for?
After coming off a three year long depression, I finally began creating again this year. So really, I only created for Hetalia in the last quarter of this year. I can't even remember if I did anything else the first half of this year. It's kind of a blur if I'm being honest.
How many works did you make this year? Fics (posted on ao3 or Tumblr or wherever), edits, gifsets, mood boards, playlists, fanart, vids, meta?
Posted four fics this year, which, is the most I've done in actual years. Hell, even moodboards I hadn't posted since 2019 maybe??? I even made character playlists on spotify this year. Hetalia really just grabbed me by the collar and shook me hard.
Here's Arthur's playlist because I think it came out the best.
What are you most proud of?
Okay, really, anything I made that was Arthur Kirkland related came out way better than I thought they would. This includes fics, aesthetic board and the playlist. I just really vibed with him for some reason. I never wrote him much before and I came back into the Fandom ready to focus on Alfred and Matthew. Am I just more of a crabby old man than I was five years ago? Maybe.
How I Go to the Woods really just let me write my love of the fae and folklore and I really want to write more like it.
any stats you wanna tell us about?
I'm genuinely shocked all the fics I posted have over a hundred views each on ao3.
What inspired you this year? Any specific works or creators?
What always brings me back to this Fandom are people who really like to dig deep into these characters. The immortality, connection to the earth, culture and history all just speak to me. You can see a person's love of history and culture and creativity when done well.
Shout out to @draw-a-circle-thats-the-foxhole @oumaheroes @stirringwinds @rein-ette @rebelsandtherest @peonycats @ego-meliorem-esse @ashafox @cutie-cutter
Y'all make such wonderful things and helped me regain sparks of creativity again. Always on the lookout for content from you guys. Thank you for all that you share. ❤
What’s a piece you didn’t expect to make? Why?
Me going back to finish writing the first chapter of this Canada and his family fic honestly shocked me. I just woke up one morning and as I was doing dishes, it struck me like a train that I needed to go back and finish writing. I had started it back in 2016 and it had been sitting in my drive ever since.
What are you excited to work on next year?
Finishing the multi-chapter works I have
Getting more headcanons about FACE family and ANZAC written out
Francis and Arthur need some spotlight
I really want to write Jack and Charlie more in depth. Some Arthur raising his children throughout the Victorian era.
Really the Victorian era is my jam and I can't wait
Sooooo excited to write for my Celtic children
Jacobite Rebellion 👀
Looking forward to History Week and Whumptober
Actually writing romance for pairs I like
Anyway anyone who wants to partake is more than welcome. Here's to an uneventful year where we can just be creative and indulge in escapism ✌
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ego-meliorem-esse · 11 months
@historia-vitae-magistras ty for tagging me I will do my best
Last song: Hrvatska zastava, Ivan Mandić (ak hrvat koji ovo vidi niste nista vidjeli)
Current obsession: Our Flag Means Death (huge Izzy Hands stan)
Last Film: I rewatched 1917 and tears fell fast and hard
Currently reading: oh god like 3 books at once and my brain keeps mixing plots. Tho I did read Drawing Dead Rusame fic (absolute fav, best shit, kudos Drewyth)
Currently watching: "Inside Britains top secret codebreaking organisation that cracked enigma" on yt
Is aight
Next in line: @sunnylolli @snifekinner @rebelsandtherest @ask-hesse @artemiswolfheart @bytheredmoon @gremlins-hotel 9 tumblr users??? bro i dont have 9 friends irl
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oumaheroes · 1 year
do you have headcanons about your characters' scars?
Oh anon, what a good question!
I don't really have too many scar headcanons myself. I think they heal very quickly and most things won't leave scars unless the wound is very very deep, or takes a long time to heal (Matthew has a secret scar on one buttock he dreads having to explain)
Mostly, I think large national events leave a mark if the person themselves was also injured during that time. Francis has a faint necklace of a scar around his neck from a guillotine, most of them are peppered with shrapnel from world war one, and I really like @historia-vitae-magistras and maybe also @rebelsandtherest 's headcanon that Arthur has a huge scar along his back from Danelaw
I also do however toy with the idea that if they reset/ grow a new meatsack, they start again clean, with only what they've gained in that lifetime
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hetaliatxtpostz · 4 years
Hetalia Shoutouts!
These are Hetalia blogs that I love and adore (from my main/personal account where I reblog everything).
And that, if you're a Hetalia fan, you should check out!
@ashafox Is a great blog that focuses mainly on Canada and has 1) a SUPER cute art style and 2) a ton of AMAZING AUs. I love this blog. I check this blog regularly for updates.
@frukmerunning is hilarious and delightful. She makes a ton of content, and she ships some ships that do not get enough love in this fandom! (And her ask blog is great, too!)
@thedisappointedidealist12 Honestly if you are a Hetalia fan and you don't know this blog you are seriously missing out. The art is incredible, they have the best AUs, and they are one of the best sources for FrUk content in the entire fandom. Seriously. 15/10 could not recommend enough.
@ask-mr-biscuit This is my all-time favorite cosplay blog ever, for any fandom. It's hilarious! The person behind it makes the most delightful facial expressions and they put a lot of work into the blog! If you love England, you'll love this version of him.
@ask-art-student-prussia This blog has such a cute art style!! Their Prussia is awesome, and this is a good place to get AusPrus content. This blog is the source of my all-time favorite Prussia post ever.
@stirringwinds This blog is a bit of a shift from the fun ones tonally, but it's super detail oriented and has some incredible fanfiction. You learn stuff!!! I always like and read all the longer pieces of fiction, and it's always worth it.
@paperdrawsshit This blog has one of the best art styles!!! It's very unique and they have great Spamano content. Like, the best Spamano content. I love all thier AUs and comics. GREAT blog. Cannot stress enough.
@pindanglicious Okay, this is another art blog, and it's a Spuk blog, which is 👌. She has a great art style and I love both her Spain and her England. It's a fun time and I highly, highly recommend.
@historihet Okay, litterally what it sounds like. If you love Hetalia and history you NEED to follow this blog. There's great art, and great writing, and great analysis! All around solid content.
@rebelsandtherest So this blog is one I was only recently aware of, but I LOVE this blog. I also learn here!! They put SO much thought into this blog! Check it out!
@mironepta I cannot stress enough how much I love this art style. It's very unique, and very pretty, and this blog has made some of my all-time favorite Rusame art ever. I always get so excited about every new drawing they make.
@ask-rusame-aph I think this art style is just so cute (and it's a lot like @aliart-k who is also great and maybe this is the same person making both? But I would say follow both.)
@ellmovy Drew my icon picture!!! How could I not give a shout-out!!
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the-heaminator · 2 years
9 22 23 for the writer ask?
9. Current wip?
I have (looks at my pile of shit) a lot just waiting for me to write something, but currently the main one is The murder fic, but its really anything j can get my grubby hands on.
22. Favourite ship.
That, that is hard, Pruk is definitely first, with gereng and ruseng fighting for second, Frain and Gerfra for third, you can clearly see the favourite characters. Gerfruk is in a different category but that too because the gay.
23. Favourite author.
Please dont do this to me :')
A few historical hetalia writers that give me the feels, @rebelsandtherest and @the-magpie-that-stands-high
And as of legit authors pls I cant.
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oumaheroes · 9 months
Tagged by the lovely @sketchytea!! I love any opportunity to share my strange music taste so thank you for enabling me
rules: shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist & post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people 🎶
SAINt JHN - "Roses" Imanbek Remix
Darius Rucker - Wagon Wheel
XTC-Then She Appeared
Jónsi - Go Do
Loud Luxury feat. brando - Body
Enter Shikari - Sorry You're Not A Winner
Nailah Blackman & Shenseea - "Badishh"
Maisie Peters - Body Better
ByeAlex és a Slepp - Még mindig
Perfume Genius - Slip Away
I will tag @needcake, @historia-vitae-magistras, @rebelsandtherest, @stirringwinds, @senditothemoonn, @a-luran, @sunnylolli, @fizzycherrycola, and @balladofthewhitehorse to do if they wish!
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oumaheroes · 1 year
📜✨Last Line Tag ✨📜
RULES—share the last line you wrote for your WIP, and then tag as many people as there are words.
Tagged by @fizzycherrycola ​, @starsmadeinheaven ​, and @helianskies ​- thanks for the tag! Here’s my tiny snippet:
'Patrick came in to join them in bed hours later, the smell of fish clinging to his skin and hair like smoke under his bedclothes.’
There are too many words in that sentence, so I’m only going for @needcake ​ @rein-ette ​, @balladofthewhitehorse ​, @a-luran ​, @shachaai ​ @sunnylolli ​ @historia-vitae-magistras ​ @rebelsandtherest ​, @stirringwinds ​, and anyone else who might want to!
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