#reblogging for amnesty international and petition links
serethespider · 6 months
hello everyone! today (march 30) is land day, and a perfect opportunity to do something i've been meaning to do for a while - create a tag chain with resources to help the palestinian people. this is in an effort to get around tumblr's suppressing of the general tags and to inspire action by tagging other people directly
so, the main thrust is: if you're tagged in this post, please reblog with proof of donation for one of the charities/fundraisers below, proof of contact to a representative for the one of the email scripts, or a link to another material resource! then tag some people to continue the chain!
if you can't do any of the above, or see this post on your dash without being tagged, that's ok - go ahead and tag so that you can give others the opportunity to help!
if you don't want to post proof, that's also fine! it's mostly an effort to ensure people actually take action instead of just reblogging. go ahead and donate or contact your reps - that's the important part.
e-sims for gaza
palestinian's children relief fund (pcrf)
donate to urnwa
care for gaza
humanitarian aid (anera)
help ahmed leave gaza
help yousef beat cancer and escape gaza
spreadsheet of families to help in gaza
masterpost of vetted fundraisers
other actions:
arab.org (daily clicks, good option for people who can't otherwise contribute monetarily)
petition for ceasefire (amnesty international)
petition to end the crisis in gaza (oxfam)
stop gaza genocide (world beyond war)
demand a ceasefire now! (ceasefiretoday)
stop arming israel (uspcr)
stop the genocidal bombing of gaza (actionnetwork)
stop the ethnic cleansing of palestinians (actionnetwork, us)
these are only a few resources, and focused on the usa, so please add any you know that aren't on this list! you can also dm me if you want them added to the main post in an edit
tagging my mutuals @laurenbrightwing, @miloe, @agentfawkes, @stellarfoam, @duskdragon39, @thefoxdurpy, @boughkeeper-dainsleif, @esoclectic, and @wormonastringtheory
also tagging @ibtisams, @fairuzfan, @huzni, and @decolonize-the-left for spread since i follow you and this seems relevant to your interests. please let me know if you want me to delete your tag or anything ^^
also, any of my followers and anyone who sees this!
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osteoporosises · 11 months
Reposting since they turned off reblogs
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[ID: the first image is a tweet by Literary Hub (@/lithub), reading, "Rupi Kaur has declined an invitation from the Biden White House for a Diwali event, citing the administration's "support of the current atrocities against Palestinians" as the reason." Linked in the tweet is the lithub article, with the title "Rupi Kaur has declined an invitation from the White House" and a photo of Rupi Kaur.
The next two images are from her Instagram, showing a statement. It reads: "A few days ago, I received an invite from the Biden administration for a Diwali event being held by the VP on Nov 8 2023. I'm surprised this administration finds it acceptable to celebrate Diwali, when their support of the current atrocities against Palestinians represent the exact opposite of what this holiday means to many of us. Diwali is celebrated by people of South Asian heritage worldwide. In the Hindu & Jain traditions, Diwali is the celebration of righteousness over falsehood and knowledge over ignorance. In the Sikh tradition, during the time of Diwali, our 6th guru, Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji, helped free 52 fellow political prisoners from unjust imprisonment. We call this day Bandi Chhor Divas. I have always used this day to reflect on what it means to fight for freedom against oppression. Today, the American government is not only funding the bombardment of Gaza, they continue to justify this genocide against Palestinians—regardless of how many refugee camps, health facilities, and places of worship are blown to bits. They reject the call for a humanitarian ceasefire—a baseline action being demanded by the United Nations, organizations like Doctors Without Borders, Red Cross, and a majority of countries. Over 10,000 Palestinians have been killed. The UN says 70% of the dead are women and children. We have seen Israel use white phosphorus bombs, which Amnesty International says must be investigated as a war crime. We've seen footage on CNN of Israeli settlers kicking out and occupying the homes of Palestinians in the West Bank. I implore my South Asian community to hold this administration accountable. As a Sikh woman, I will not allow my likeness to be used in whitewashing this administration's actions. I refuse any invitation from an institution that supports the collective punishment of a trapped civilian population-50% of whom are children. As a community, we cannot remain silent or agreeable just to get a seat at the table. It comes at too high a cost to human life. Many of my contemporaries have told me in private that what's happening in Gaza is awful, but they aren't going to risk their livelihood or "a chance at creating change from the inside". There is no magical change that will happen from being on the inside. We must be brave. We must not be tokenized by their photo-ops. The privilege we lose from speaking up is nothing compared to what Palestinians lose each day because this administration rejects a ceasefire. When a government's actions dehumanize people anywhere in the world, it is our moral imperative to call for justice. Do not be afraid. Stand with the world and demand a humanitarian ceasefire. Many voices will join you when you speak. Let us sign petitions. Attend protests. Boycott. Call our reps and say—stop the genocide." End ID.]
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marveltrumpshate · 4 years
Supporting the Black Lives Matter, Hong Kong, and Philippines protests
There is a lot going on right now, most notably the unprecedented global protests in response to the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd, three of the latest casualties in a long history of anti-black racism and oppression, police brutality, and white supremacy. It has been both horrifying and uplifting to witness—horrifying for reasons we’re all aware of and uplifting because the protests have brought about more change in two weeks than we have seen in years. You can see some of the accomplishments here, here, and here, though progress continues everyday. 
The fight isn’t over; we need to keep the momentum going. We know that many of you want to help but may be overwhelmed by the amount of information out there. Here are some resources to help you get involved or find more ways to be engaged if you already are:
This BLM Carrd is the most comprehensive link for petitions, domestic and international fundraisers and organizations to donate to, resources, and other information. www.ally.wiki is also a great Google doc. These links include the following info and more:
protest info, mental health and educational resources, tips on being a good ally and practicing anti-racism, reading lists, and different fundraisers for protestors, victims, marginalized people, mutual aid groups, and organizations 
TIME’s article on how to support BLM, protesters, and equality initiatives
A verified, up-to-date running list of misinformation 
Donation option if money is tight (instructions here and resources in video description)
Remember it’s Pride Month: thread of (mostly) black LGBTQ+ organizations and individuals to donate to 
Actions non-black Americans can take to fight for racial justice on a daily basis
10 steps to non-optical allyship
Breakdown on white privilege 
Anti-racist reading list & another one by the New York Public Library’s Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture 
Letters for Black Lives, multilingual letters and resources for you and your family and friends to start a discussion about BLM
ACLU’s guide to rights while protesting (U.S.-specific)
@fandomtrumpshate​ made an informative post you can check out here.
We also want to highlight two other big global movements and how to help:
Stand With Hong Kong Carrd
Another resource covering various ways to help from abroad including info on contacting representatives, petitions, monetary and non-monetary donations, and blacklisted and whitelisted companies 
Upcoming solidarity events and local organizations listed by country
Hong Kong Free Press, a non-profit, independent English-language newspaper that reports daily on the protest movement
The Stand News, a Cantonese news source on the movement
Junk Terror Bill Carrd
A Twitter thread with an in-depth explanation of the situation and ways to help 
A resource on how to join the email protest against the bill
To sign petitions and get informed about more human rights violations worldwide, see this Amnesty International page. 
You can also pitch in by making information about current events accessible for people who are blind or have low vision through these methods.
We know how easy it is to get overwhelmed or burned out, especially with the pandemic still going on. We know how easy it is to feel like you're not doing enough; however, there is no one “right” way to be engaged as long as you're doing what you can. Remember, we have different strengths and are in different situations. Take care and take Angela Davis’s words to heart: “I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things that I cannot accept.”
With love and in solidarity 💜, MTH Mods
P.S. If you have more links and resources, feel free to add them in a reblog or reply to this post!
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letter to every human with a heart
dear wholehearted friend:
i only write to you when i feel helpless. i wish i could believe in some sort of god to pray to, but sadly, i have seen so much awfulness that made me refuse to believe in anything like that. Or to be honest, i only feel god when i’m with my loved ones, when i look at my male lover, and look, and i look, but i feel a small, tiny, helpless, beautiful god. a god like me; a god like him; a god like you, my dear anonymous, sending me sweet notes and making me feel that my prayers are heard, that i matter.
please bear with me!
recently, the not-my-president Al-Sisi made a contract with APCO a lobbying company that supports gay rights, to enhance Egypt’s image in the U.S. especially in D.C. this recent contract came after the American Administration cut the military and law enforcement aids to Egypt. APCO makes me - as a gay person who-probably-doesn’t-matter-much to their  billion-dollar-company, feel confused and enraged. why would they shake hands with the homophobic, the cruel, and the unjust. i can’t breath. i know four people were arrested. the fourth is my best friend and he’s bailed out, and the sentence trial will be next january. he’s facing at the least four years in jail. 
and because i’m not allowed to ask my-not-president how could he invest more than a million dollars on lobbying in D.C., i turn to you, my friends, gays and allies. we’re scared, and some of us are killing themselves. i’d be a liar if i said i didn’t think of it. J.K.Rowling said once in a speech at Harvard or Stanford commencement, that as she worked in Amnesty International she learned that there’s always a burden on the democratic countries’ citizen to push their countries to make difference in places that are hostile and cruel. 
my president paid more than a million dollar in order to improve his image in the U.S., and i’m sure he used a pro-gay corporation to bring us down, but NO, we’re not down, not yet, and we’re still super gay and super eager and hopeful to make the slightest difference.
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here are a few things you probably didn’t know about Egypt, APCO wants the media that surrounds you to tell/sell you something untrue. 
1. 95% or more of females in Egypt are forced to Genital Mutilation, some girls bleed to death. here’s a link from WHO, and another from a local newspaper that luckily has an English version. Here is a 119 pages profile. 
2. The human rights profile in Egypt by Amnesty International, and to summarize it: arrests, and torture to activist, bloggers, cracking down on NGOs and civic-education organizations. Egypt jail people without charges or trials. 
3. Egypt isn’t safe to peaceful quiet LGBTQ members. So far hundreds of gay trans persons are arrested, left to rot in jail. They’re even passing an anti-gay bill. The Egyptian police uses social media and dating apps to lure homosexuals and arrest them. The arrested were sentenced from 3 to 12 years. Twelve years. 
as a person who is living in a free country, you can help a great deal. 1) spread the word. don’t let it stop on your ears (or eyes). 2) reblog this. 3) shares the articles and the pieces i left as references. 4) use this Amnesty petition to send to our idiot president and his clown prime minister. using just your email, the letter is ready. 
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