#Egyptian gays
fag4arabs · 7 months
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Eyes up here fag! Look at me! I know what you want, you little cum whore! On your knees now and let me fuck your throat. I need to unload in one of your holes
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reverie-darling · 4 months
Hispanic James this, Desi James that
I present
north African James
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feluka · 9 months
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every day i learn something new about this world <3 something completely false and racist but new nonetheless <3 keeps life fresh and exciting!
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qldqueerboy · 2 months
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Financial advice received has all the hallmarks of being brilliant and if the plan is successfully applied appears to have the potential to reap new opportunities not previously provided towards you. So why then can you not shake the avalanche of scepticism over the advice and the plan? Subsidise the internal noises is the correct direction as there are no red flags present. It is completely legitimate.
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ascendingaeons · 5 months
Relationships With The Netjeru: Set
Of all the Netjeru I work with, Set (Seth, Sutekh) has been with me the longest. He came into my life when I was seven years old and was my constant companion growing up. I was in the second grade during our first trip to the school library. Almost immediately, I found a picture book depicting the Kemetic Mystery Play, the story of the primeval pharaoh Asar’s (Osiris) betrayal at the hand of His evil, jealous brother Set. Asar’s queen, the beautiful and wise Aset (Isis), traveled long and far with Her devoted sister, Nebt-Het (Nephthys) to restore Her husband to life. Sadly, because a “piece” of Him was lost, Asar was unable to fully return so He descended to the Duat to reign over the souls of the dead. With that “piece” Aset conceived and was left to raise Their son, Herupakhered (Horus the Younger). Eventually, the young Heru grows up and challenges His uncle for the right to rule. In the end, Heru is victorious and earns the kingship over the land of Kemet. I was absolutely enthralled.
Of all the Gods in that story, Set stood out to me. I noticed pretty quickly that He was different. To my young mind, Heru was probably the most similar to Set as they both had animal heads. If the story hadn’t said otherwise, They could be brothers! I was a… unique kid who struggled to fit in so I related to Set’s otherness. I could understand His anger and the distance He put between Himself and His fellow Netjeru. With Set in my life, I felt like I wasn’t alone even when it appeared that I was. I felt His presence even before I could understand what that meant. 
Controversial as this may be, I believe nothing would get done without Set. He represents the force of opposition, without which there could be no momentum or growth. Without expulsion forces, planets would leave their orbits and galaxies would rip themselves apart. Without friction, we could not walk. Without challenges, we would not improve. Without bad conduct, we would not know how to act. Set is the primeval Other that churns the waters of creation. Even in the Mystery Play, Asar would not become the ruler of the Duat without Set being there to kill Him. Set along with His brother Heru-Wer (Horus the Elder) were the Egyptian kingmakers since the predynastic era.
Long before the fertility cult of Asar gained prominence Kemet was divided into tribal territories possessing different patron deities with Set belonging to an archaic stellar cult and Heru-Wer belonging to a proto-solar cult. Eventually, these two cult centers and their mythos merged, originating in the concept of the Two Lands and creating the earliest narrative of the Contendings of Heru and Set or the Tale of Two Brothers. Set and Heru-Wer embodied the complementary forces of the cosmos that, through their interactions, are responsible for what we consider the creative principle. An important thing to note is that through all Kemetic mythos, Set and Heru fight and sustain injury but neither can destroy the other.
Set has a very aristocratic, noble personality that does not bow or bend to adversity. Once a benevolent storm God, psychopomp, and ruler of the honored dead, Set’s role was recast from the Second Dynasty onwards. He became reviled by those outside of the priesthood for millennia, representing isfet, destruction, and conquering foreigners—an irony I believe He revels in. Set knows His worth and recognizes those who recognize Him. Despite His treacherous role in the Asarian myth, every night Set defended the solar barque from the onslaught of Apep, a task otherwise reserved for the Eye of Ra. Set was so trusted by Ra that He was given the task of defending the light of creation in its most vulnerable moment.
Set was directly responsible for a lot of growth in my life. As a child, Set opened my mind to the vastness of the cosmos, showing me that there is so much more to… everything. He began to impart an understanding of All That Is and I began to question the apparent order of the world. As a teenager, He started to guide my Initiation, acting as an agent of Khepera through my expanding consciousness, and so I began to write. As an adult, He began the tedious, painful process of removing from my life and my being all that does not serve me, and so guided me through my first dark night of the soul. Without Him there to challenge me I don’t know where or who I would be. Set is the dad who tells you to get back up when you fall off your bike and takes you out for ice cream when you get it right.
Humor is one of the ways I commune with Set. He loves bad jokes, dirty jokes, and particularly irony. In all likelihood, Set invented the dad joke. It’s no surprise one of His sacred animals is the hyena. Laughter is a universal language that every conscious being can understand. It has been shown to promote physical healing in otherwise irrecoverable patients and I’ve known people with debilitating chronic depression whose road to recovery began with laughing until they cried. Humor is a way to take ourselves less seriously and release from material attachment. It moves mountains by illuminating what is hidden in darkness. All at once, Set’s Gift releases us from what doesn’t matter and shows us what does.
Even though His domains are unpleasant, Set is kind to a fault. It is actually because of His raw, destructive capability that Set is kind. Among the vices Set detests are self-pity, hypocrisy, and victimization whereas He respects those who take responsibility, speak the truth, and do their best. One of Set’s epithets is “Great of Strength.” He knows exactly what you are capable of and expects nothing less than that. He also validates emotions such as defeat, depression, grief, and anxiety. Were Set truly unkind and incapable of recognizing inner truth, He would be utterly incapable of guiding someone through a dark night of the soul.
He is also notoriously confident and proud. Although it might be difficult to discern there is a difference between arrogance and confidence. I think arrogance is like a snow globe and confidence is like a diamond—one is carefully crafted to be alluring but is ultimately hollow while the other is forged into something relentless by pressure, heat, and time. Working with Set is like becoming a diamond and reaping the rewards of your endurance. His confidence and bravado are reassuring and they often come out during His praise. He’s the dad who sits tall with a cheeky grin pointing out His kid who scored the winning touchdown.
Of all the things that I revere about Set one stands apart from the rest. Among Kemetics, Set is widely considered to be a “Gay God.” Until recent years, being LGBTQIA+ was widely considered to be unnatural, immoral, and in many instances criminal. I grew up living in South Texas surrounded by angry bigots, probably one of the worst places to be for someone queer. When I realized I was bisexual I decided that for better or worse I would never live in the closet. That was simultaneously the best and worst thing I could have done but it was also the most Setian thing I could have done. That decision made me who I am today and I made the conscious choice to never look away. I’d like to point out that all of the Netjeru detest acts of bigotry as it is antithetical to ma’at but Set in particular stands as a symbol of strength, courage, and resistance among the LGBTQIA+ community.
Set is my father, teacher, healer, and friend. I don’t see as much of Him now but He is around. I’ve gotten to a point where I don’t quite need Him as much but He still makes Himself known. The occasional life lesson sown by isfet reminds me that His lessons never end. He sometimes shows up as things go awry—always situations that He knows I can handle. Will I stress and worry or will I ride out the storm, however brief it is likely to be? One thing I’ve learned from Set is that I can choose what to worry about. If something isn’t worth my energy, I owe it only one thing—if even that—and that is to walk away.
Set represents the aspect of chaos that is beneficial in that it, by becoming aware of itself, undergoes self-transformation. His is the power of Ouroboros, the cosmic serpent that devours itself to so engender the greater alchemical process of eternal return. In slaying Apep, Set is proving that His Will and Nature transcend that of mindless chaos. In this way, Set has both an aristocratic air and that of a seasoned warrior. He is a trickster, a fighter, and a lover of red meat, spicy food, hard liquor, terrible jokes, and all things over-the-top. He is a Master of what we call magick and His is the process of Initiation. Set is all of these things. He is the Netjer of many hats.
Dua Set!
Recommended Books:
Seth: God of Confusion by Herman Te Velde
Images of Set by Joan Lansberry
Tankhem and Bull of Ombos by Mogg Morgan
Set by Judith Page and Don Webb
The Setian by Billie Walker John and Melusine Draco
The Sky Religion in Egypt by G.A. Wainwright
A Silver Sun and Inky Clouds by Bibliotheca Alexandrina
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beatrack92 · 3 months
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Ancient Egypt Love 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 🏳️‍🌈
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aurora altair sinistra < 3
my favourite autistic astronomy lady
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ava-of-shenanigans · 2 months
The ancient Egyptians: And they were dualistic counterparts Herman te Velde, writing papers about Set in the 1960s: Oh my god they were dualistic counterparts
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holyhomoerotictraps · 4 months
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fag4arabs · 2 months
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Look at you, pathetic fag! On your knees just like a dog. Waiting for Arab Cock. You are such a loser! The lowest in the hierarchy. My wife is not here. So I need a hole. Bow your head for me fag. For your Alpha. Behold your King! Crawl to me on your knees. Come between my legs and sniff my balls. They are full of superior Arab Cum. You want it? Suck my cut Arab Cock. Deep in your throat, filthy whore!
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fic rec (not) friday
Dunes and Waters
by MarigoldWritesThings (@marigold-hills) on Ao3
Remus is sensitive to changing tides, a part of the moon always with him, and Black is like the sea. He can smell it on him, the way his magic builds up and crackles about the fingertips.
A werewolf, a convict, and a riddle.
I love this fic so so much! I've been in love with it since it got posted here on tumblr and it's so amazing and you should definitely read it!
favourite tropes included are:
werewolf angst
some solid hurt/comfort
Kingsley being generally done with everybodys bs
good boy padfoot
egyptian mythology (<3)
rivals to lovers
but slowburn
Sirius discovers crossword puzzles
sneaky Peter
Sirius has an actual support network
fluffy fluff
my art
as always leave lots of love and kudos to the author and have an amazing rest of the week <3
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qldqueerboy · 2 months
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Don’t allow self-critical thought to infold you today by the amount of time you are spending in discerning ideas on what will or will not improve stagnant areas of your life. Your objective today is not the immediate elimination of the stagnation but ways in which you can transform those life areas into something more result orientated rather than its current state as a dormant blockage.
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fullpalacetrashhero · 8 months
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nonbinary-akutagawa · 6 months
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OC challenge!!
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#10 in another century
OC challenge here
Zayn in like 2000BC being the professional dancer. They were called "Shai's child" for presenting as nonbinary. And they were pharaoh's personal dancer of few years.
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ava-of-shenanigans · 22 days
(This is from “Same-Sex Desire, Conjugal Constructs, and the Tomb of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep” by Greg Reeder, about how the iconography of their tomb can be pretty reasonably understood to mean they were lovers.)
Underneath the image of Khnumhotep holding a lotus is a special musical scene. A musical director is facing three singers and two harpists. He makes a very interesting comment that is carved in front of him. He tells this group to “play the one about ‘The Two Divine Brothers.’” The epithet ‘snwj nṯrwj’ in other contexts refers to Horus and Seth, and it should be considered as such here. There are strong suggestions as to what kind of song might have been sung to two intimate male friends at a banquet, a banquet that, when shared by husband and wife, could have erotic elements coded into the scene. An account of Horus and Seth from the 'Chester Beatty Papyrus I' is famous for its bawdy descriptions of the attempted sexual penetration of Horus by Seth, said to have taken place after a banquet.
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