#letter to humans
star-girlfriend · 11 days
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Did u get my vibes man?
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 6 months
:33 < iHATE having to fight EVERYTHING for the SMALLEST amount of representation in this community. therians get SO MUCH representation in this community, nobody talks of objectkins, or fictionkins, or plantkins, or conceptkins, or elemental kins, or space/voidkins, or songkins, or LITERALLY. ANY. "UNCOMMON". ALTERHUMAN IDENTITY. it is SO UNFAIR ON THE REST OF THE COMMUNITY THAT WE LITERALLY HAVE TO FIGHT TOOTH AND NAIL JUST TO GET THE SMALLEST REPRESENTATION IN THIS COMMUNITY. WE NEVER GET TALKED ABOUT. EVER. (also, ihave NOTHING against therians. iam one. but iwont post about it because iwant to fight for representation of "uncommon" kins.)
:33 < shout out to alterhumans/non humans with NO kin identity, just saying they arent human. youdont "need" to have an identity and fit into a box. youre perfect just the way you are.
:33 < shout out to plantkins. every single plant/fungi. from the DEADLIEST venus fly traps to the BRIGHTEST boquet of roses. have a fresh ray of sunlight to beam upon you, youre shining so much its insane.
:33 < shout out to all the objects. whether it be a small eraser, or your favourite plushie, youre still valid, and awesome, and soooo cool /gen
:33 < shout out to elemental kins. burning fire, cold breezes of wind, all elements. the most HURTFUL, DEADLIEST elements to the ones that arent so dangerous. your kintype is never too dangerous for me. keep living life the way youwould
:33 < shout out to fictionkins. the weirdest characters, the "prettiest" characters, your favourite characters, your hated characters, your least favourite characters, characters from an uncommon source or from a common source, all of you.
:33 < shout out to songkins. from the strangest, most unusual melodies, to the songs everyone knows. you are the most beautiful, melodic songs ever. you keep being you bro.
:33 < shout out to placekins. youre a little cottage in the woods ? thats awesome. youre that corner shop down the street ? so cool. youre massive theme park, with flashing lights and fireworks and everything ? genuinely so amazing.
:33 < shout out to daykins/monthkins/seasonkins/yearkins. all the several days, seasons, months passing by us is so beautiful to watch
:33 < shout out to number/letter kins. all the numbers formed to make mathematics, all the letters we have in languages today, all so beautiful
:33 < shout out to spacekins. all the stars, cosmos, voids, even those who identify with being space as a whole. so beautiful.
:33 < shout out to conceptkins. strangest concept to comprehend, the easiest concepts, idont care. yall are amazing.
:33 < and shout out to any "unusual" or "uncommon" kintype ihavent mentioned.
:33 < yall are SO BEAUTIFUL !!
:33 < if you identify with an "uncommon kintype" PLEASE interact with this blog iwant more cool people to follow /nf
:33 < and if you are a therian blog iwould hope you to repost this so youcan show awareness for other kintypes in this community. (but youdont have to !! idont mind if youdont, do not worry !! :3 its perfectly ok with me not to reblog it, I understand why you wouldnt !! :33)
:33 < /nf
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juniper-clan · 20 days
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Moon 27: Walking on My Grave (feat @in-memoriam-tgwk Glowstar!)
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filmnoirsbian · 1 year
I think more people would realize they like horror (this goes for all genres, horror is simply the one I have the most experience with) if they stopped thinking they had to like every type of horror. The amount of times I've had someone say they don't like horror, only for me to introduce them to horror comedies or creature features or psychological horror etc and watch them delight in it again and again borders on the absurd. Why are people convinced they must enjoy every inch of such a broad, expansive landscape in order to be able to claim some fondness for it? I don't love every poem I read; still, it would never occur to me that that means I must not really like poetry. There are many horror movies I outright dislike and many more I simply don't jive with. That doesn't take away from the fact that it's my favorite genre. I see this the most regarding horror and romance--always interesting to me, the similar ways in which those genres are treated--and in fact I've been guilty of assuming that because I dislike most of the more popular romances, it must mean I don't like romance as a whole. Which, of course, is unfair to the wide range which romance has, a deep ocean which I have and do occasionally find solace in. Still, I've always struggled to say I like it. Why? Romance as a genre has far more to offer than just Harlequin novels and American comedies from the 2000s. Just as there's more to horror than slashers and anatomical queasiness. Nothing wrong with liking or disliking those things, but pretending they are the be all/end all or even the majority of their respective genres means shutting the door on countless opportunities not just of enjoyment but real, genuine love.
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thirdity · 5 months
It begins with fear, passion begins with a fear. Fear is the trembling of faith. One cannot have faith without being afraid. One cannot *have* faith, no human being. Being human is that: to have faith that's been fractured then stuck back together.
Hélène Cixous, Love Itself: In the Letter Box
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luthienne · 1 year
How could we forget the myths about dragons who at the last moment transform into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses waiting to see us act just once with courage.
Rainer Maria Rilke, from Letters to a Young Poet (tr. Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy)
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infernal-lamb · 6 months
Draw Neves at the bar , trauma dumping to heket (she's the bartender)
HFSLKJGKDGJLJKLDS pls this is so funny to me. Neves is a mess when she's drunk. she is now Heket's burden....here she is telling a very silly story
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calicolite · 14 days
“Racing wasn’t the best part of Hud’s life… you were.”
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yearningaces · 8 months
Ok ok enough of humans being scared
I want a monster that's scared, that's the prey in the relationship, that's instincts are so different it makes you realize just how scary you can accidentally be
Reader is described as strong/heavier/ carnivorous/a predator (keep in mind though, this is a human being compared to small rabbit-like creatures so regardless of your stature it applies)
Reader is referred to as 'he' once in passing, beyond that everything is up to interpretation
I want a monster that's intimidated and horrified by humans because humans are a predatorial species, specifically pursuit predators. We just keep going- humans do insane shit for fun or adrenaline, or because it's a dire situation and their brains have hit fight/flight and at that point has dropped any barrier of "can't do that, too much effort would hurt the body" and will lead to humans doing insane feats in crisis mode, even if it damages their body. Once the adrenaline wears off they're gonna feel it but essentially at least for a short time a human is capable of hulking out.
And I want you to imagine with me, say a rabbit monster, small, quick, agile. No excessive strength because they're made to evade which means being light and being fast.
A bunny-boy if you will. Triangled nose that twitches when he smells things, upright ears that when relaxed lean back against his head. Fur patches on random body parts like arms or legs or along the spine from his hair to his hips where the humanoid body morphs into a pair of anthropomorphic rabbit legs. Springy lad.
I'm calling him Nyx
And Nyx adores his human partner so much. You.
He just adores you, you know that post about the rabbit with his gf that's 3x his size? Similar case but this rabbits got a human for a partner.
And whenever he brings you home to his families burrow, you note there are many burrows of different families around here. Almost only burrows. As if it's intentional.
Now, in your eyes you're an average human. Maybe a bit strong when you need to be, but your not the strongest or fastest or smartest. Even if you're very capable you're not the best of the best, and You've told Nyx this whenever he goes on his tangents about being the lucky guy to score such a capable partner.
But you realize just how different you are once he brings you inside and you have to duck down to get into the burrow. When you see the children and the adults alike freeze as if something truly terrifying has entered their home.
You have to soften yourself right now, overly deferring to Nyx in a way you never thought you'd need to just so this family of prey monsters will feel safer. Strange isn't it?
And Nyx -happy as can be- drags you along, not ducking, not concerned, not out of place, brings you to the kitchen to meet his Da and his Ma. His Da is at the stove cooking something a bit clumsily as if there's something he's unfamiliar with as his Ma is setting the table with one spot given the most room. And they both freeze for a moment, noses twitching, taking you in before it's Nyx's Ma that finally takes the plunge and greets you with what you can clearly define as nerves.
No one else seems to notice though, or remark on it.
You'd followed your little Nyx here wondering how his family would threaten you about 'if you ever hurt him' the way human families would, but these creatures seem overly appeasing. Nonconfrontational.
Eventually you ask Nyx's Ma -as she seems to be the one in charge- if she has any questions for you. She takes a breath, looking back to her own partner and mentally decides to ask something. "What sort of human are you?"
It takes you some time to understand her words, but Nyx chimes in before you can. "A loyal one." And the way his gaze flutters up to you, so enamored and adoring, his form leaning into your side where your arm automatically wraps around him. It must be comforting with how he sinks into your hold with a content little sigh. You never did notice how fragile he is until right now when it's so obvious around his families home how out of place you are.
With a tilt of your head, you feel the need to experiment a little. With one hand you grip onto his shoulder, supporting the weight easily and with the other hand you grab onto his hip. And lift up.
He's light- so, so light. Weighing nothing to your heavier body that's built for heavier task than the rabbits swiftness and agility.
Nyx is having the time of his life, delighted at the curious display you've demonstrated, his family has their own shock to get over- as do you. With such care, you set him back down again with the absent minded remark of- "You weigh nothing, hun... I gotta feed you more." Because to you that's what it means, he's not eating enough.
To the families confusion, Nyx clarifies for you. "It's a human thing. They feed others they care about, really big ordeal food is. Share it with loved ones, make it to express care or appreciation, even old phrases like "the way to a humans heart is through their stomach", it's a big deal!" And he's so delighted to explain something you never really thought about too much yourself because it's instinct. Natural. But there's something so sweet about how he describes it and he is right, so you nod your head, holding him close once more as he turns to you. "And I promise I'm eating enough, I'm just made to be a lot lighter than predators like you." His tone is soft and comforting as if intentionally trying to appease your own instincts you've never given much thought of.
With a tilt of your head, you shrug and agree but mentally swear to give him bigger portions in the future regardless.
He leaves to help his Pa in the kitchen, and you're left to entertain a family of rabbit-like monsters. It's surprisingly easy when the youngest are released and immediately ask you to lift them up like how you did Nyx. So you do, one after the other, occasionally giving a little toss where they're caught immediately once more.
They're so weightless and tiny, almost like your stuffed animals when you were little. But they squeal and giggle like they've never been lifted so easily before. As if it's impressive.
You chatter aimlessly with the older rabbitesk creatures, speaking of how you and Nyx met, what sort of accommodations you've worked out to live in a place suited to both you and your much smaller companion, whatever topics come to mind. Though you seem to be the one unintentionally driving the conversations, no matter how socially adverse you feel, or how confident. The floor is yours, practically given to you without any trying to speak over you a single time.
When you sit for supper you note that you'd been given a different plate, the plate that Nyx and his Da had been working on. A clumsily cut, undercooked steak. Not wanting to be rude, and knowing red meat won't hurt if it's not entirely cooked through, you tear into it.
You don't quite notice any of the stares until you hear your little Nyx voice his thoughts.
"See? I told you, eats like a carnivore he does!" His voice beaming with pride. You glance over with a confused expression only to really notice how every other rabbit creature sitting at the table is staring at you with different expressions. That's when it really kicks into your head your plate is the only one with any meat.
You give a sheepish grin and instead eat one of the steamed slices of eggplant that's on your plate.
Strange isn't it? To be human and to be viewed as something dangerous... But I suppose you are, just not in ways you'd notice because it's so normal for you.
Not to them it isn't, not to those monsters that are more prey than predator.
Isn't it just so strange?
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soracities · 4 months
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Samuel Beckett, letter to Thomas McGreevy (Mar. 10, 1935), The Letters of Samuel Beckett, Vol. I: 1929-1940 [ID'd]
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liketheletter-l · 1 year
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nothing boosts my mood like drawing this gay little blue bitch
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fisheito · 9 months
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is he a wise mentor or just jealous
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tanadrin · 9 months
wikipedia is certainly not a perfect encyclopedia--it has lots of flaws and things to be legitimately critical about--but it would be a staggering source of insight into our own culture and worldview. like a compendium of information about the world, in many different languages (with images!) that also comes with extensive commentary (in the user and talk and discussion pages) about why this or that decision was made in its construction would be a dream for an archeologist, if we found the equivalent for, like, the ancient near east, or preclassical mesoamerica.
this is why i think we should build a long-term storage vault on the Moon and every couple of decades update a repository with the most recent version of Wikipedia. that way, if our civilization or species ever die out, our successors (or at least some alien archeologists) can use that resource to learn what we were all about.
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filmnoirsbian · 1 year
I've spoken to too many people/seen too many critics who dislike the concept of horror as a genre and so when they like a film that is horror they simply argue that it isn't (see: Alien, The Shining, Jaws, The Silence of the Lambs, etc) so in turn I simply cast a very wide net on what I consider horror. I won't argue with people who don't consider those films horror, but privately I am rubbing my grubby neon green Blockbuster horror stickers all over them. Beetlejuice? Horror. Coraline? Kids deserve horror too. Rocky Horror Picture Show? Horror's in the name, baby! That's the power of horror 💋
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Goodbye bad feelings, hello empty memory.
Alright, I love the idea of Damian and Danny as twin who love each other very much but for some reason split up or didn't get along but learn to do so because they love each other more than they resent each other, really, I swear, but.... Danny never remembers anything from his time in the league.
Absolutely nothing, maybe he had some memories before he died for the second time, maybe he remembers Damian and he misses him, he is his brother and he loved him and.... not anymore, when he has his accident and dies for the second time his memory is lost, for a while he has a hard time recognizing his friends, he opens his eyes and doesn't know who are the guys that look so desperate in front of him.
Time goes by and although there are memories that never came back (he hardly remembers his first years with the Fentons, let alone the ones before that), he improves, learns to use his powers, gets closer to his friends, learns things again.
He discovers things in his room, something about a past he no longer knows, it bothers him not to know but even though he tries to remember nothing comes back, the name "Damian" causes him nothing, reading a little of what he wrote after researching the language he also doesn't recognize, he decides it wasn't important, not anymore at least.
He reads what he can and decides that yes, there are things he is fine without remembering, maybe he lacks context, maybe there is something there that he should discover or be more interested in a past that seems so mysterious but... if when he remembered him he thought he would be happy now that he was far away, maybe he was just as important as Dash, someone who unfortunately won't let himself be ignored but one day he will leave behind and never think of him again.
Life is good.
Or was until Robin, Gotham's vigilante, ambushes him with a heated speech full of pain and resentment while on "vacation" with his parents in Gotham.
Danny has had weird things happen to him before but he usually has context.
Robin looks furious and about to cry (if his unsteady voice says anything), Danny stares at him, from his hair to the way he moves, he pays attention to his voice and his sword but all he can say is "you know me?" without acknowledging him in the slightest.
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hey uh good omens fandom with all due respect WHAT THE RUTTING HELL DID YOU DO TO ME
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