#reblogs are appreciated!!! 💗
yummycrummy · 11 months
They're Lain coded!!!!
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edenfire · 4 months
what kind of merch do you look for in an Artist Alley at a convention?🤔💞
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sunshinereddie · 1 year
my reddie week fics masterpost!
[click on each fic for the ao3 link and a more detailed description!]
Day 1 Prompt: Mythical Creatures
can you stake my heart. Richie is a vampire hunter, trying to figure out who is being all these recent killings in his hometown. His top suspect is Eddie, a vampire he meets in Neibolt House.
Day 2 Prompt: Occupation Swap
Communication Error Has Occurred. Richie Tozier has a secret crush on his coworker, Eddie Kaspbrak. And while he prides himself in having kept those feelings to himself for so long, on one drunken night… well, it becomes not quite a secret anymore.
Day 3 Prompt: Meet-Cute
a sweet request. a SWEET (no pun intended) fic where Eddie is a baker, and Richie is in desperate need for a cake.
Day 5 Prompt: Books/Movies/Games/TV
who ya gonna call! A Mob Psycho 100 AU, wherein Richie runs a less-than-truthful ghost extermination business... and gets himself entangled in some pretty spooky things.
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kitwasheree · 7 months
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Behold! My son my boy (sobbing crying) 📸
[Name] : Axel Lotto
[Dorm] : Octavinelle 🌊
[Class] : 1-B, 27
[Birthday] : 4 March (Pisces)
[Age] : 16
[Height] : 163 cm/5'4
[Dominant Hand] : Right
[Homeland] : Coral Sea
[Club] : Mountain Lovers' Club
[Best Subject] : Astrology
[Hobbies] : Crochet
[Pet peeves] : Azul won't let him make coffee for him.
[Favourite Food] : King Crab
[Least Favourite Food] : Sashimi
[Talent] : Waiting tables
A chatty and loyal first-year that works at the Mostro Lounge as a waiter. Unsuspecting and friendly at first glance, but dangerously perceptive. He looks up to Azul, Jade and Floyd, and acts as Azul's source of information from around the campus.
• His birthday, 4 March, is also Employee Appreciation Day.
• Think of him as Octavinelle's stray cat that they picked up and decided to keep, or perhaps Octavinelle's younger brother that has chosen some very questionable role models.
• The reason why Azul doesn't let him make coffee for him, is because Axel is infamously terrible at preparing drinks. They found this out when he was first hired and being trained, 😭😭 and somehow, something always went wrong.
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• This is likely due to the cultural and environmental difference. As Axel is a first year, he hasn't spent that much time on land, living most of his life in the Coral Sea. 😭 He's trying his best... But they ended up putting him on waiter duty because it seems he's good at interacting with customers.
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• Axel addresses Azul most often as "Boss".
• He addresses Jade and Floyd with the "-senpai" honorifics, and then it changes to "-nii" later.
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• Axel's favourite out of the Octatrio would be Floyd, and they hang out the most. He admires the capabilities and good parts of the Octatrio, and aspires to be as capable as them.
• He's often enthusiastic enough to follow along with Floyd's whims, even if it leaves him panting for breath trying to catch up as Floyd changes his mind from tennis, to basketball, to soccer and then to swimming. Which also encourages Floyd, too.
• The Tweels are frankly, bad influences, and Axel gets caught up and participates in any mischief or schemes they get into.
• For instance, there was this one time Axel bought a bath bomb from the shop, curious as to what it does. Apparently you're supposed to put it in water, so he tried it out at the Octavinelle pool. Floyd, seeing this and amused by it, has an idea to see what the pool would look like if they filled it with bath bombs.
• So they ran back and forth buying as many as possible, just to see it out of curiosity, and Jade caught them doing this while they were on their way. And then he joins in, helping his brother and Axel fill the pool because he wants to see Azul's reaction.
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• Axel's curiosity also made him join the Mountain Lovers' Club, because he wanted to see and learn, after trying to grow mushrooms once with the help of Jade. He thinks the trekking and exploring is fun, but Jade's mushroom obsession leaves Axel a little confused as Jade points and names every mushroom along the way with facts about each.
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• He also has an uncanny ability to read people, which is extremely useful. Adding to that, his friendly demeanour and face allows him to attract more potential customers to make a deal with Azul.
• He's not afraid to call out bullshit, and he does this in a rather blunt but polite manner too. Not because he's trying to be mean, he's simply oblivious. He does this the most with Iris (his oc intro will take 500 years to complete i am sorry), because Axel finds that his upperclassman can be rather complex and contradictory, which confuses and ignites his curiosity.
• Also, since Axel is meant to be more of a comedic, silly little guy character, I gave him the ability to break the fourth wall because it would be funny to me, and it affects nothing whatsoever. He just occasionally looks at the camera or Yuu and say something out of left field.
• He's just a silly little guy with.. Eyes that pierce into your soul and see the universe.
• What character is he twisted from? The answer is none, unless you want to count the axolotl from Gravity Falls. I don't twist my twst ocs from Disney characters, I like to keep them as background characters. And maybe I just want to make gijinkas.
• His signature spell is " Echo The Heart ", which allows him to copy the signature spell of other people, with limitations and specifics that I have not yet thought in detail.
i hit the image limit thank you for reading 💖💗 i think ill add more in reblogs
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sweets-anoett · 3 months
Hiiii, everyone! I am working on my dissertation thesis for my July exam and I was wondering if you could help me with a couple of answers on my questionnaire? The answers are completely anonymous if you do not wish to answer any of the demographic questions at the end and you do not need to use your email address!
I'm doing my research on mass manipulation via social media algorithms and its effect on people's perceptions and behaviors! [Here is the link!]
Thank you all in advance!!
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spoonsandsporks · 28 days
He's just so...... 🥰💖😍 I'm newly back into the disco elysium hyperfixation and I'm concentrating it all onto crownhead this time let's give it up for the Voice of Reason and Sobriety 🎉 🎉🎉
If anyone other than @volivolition is reading this GO CHECK OUT THEIR BLOG it's got some incredible art of the skill the myth the legend Volition of Disco Elysium fame that I highly recommend. Also just in general their art is super cute!!!! Go look at it!!!!!!!!
Now please excuse me as I continue to plague the dash with art of my beloved 👉👉
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dariasonlinedairy · 2 months
St☆r painting.
(self portrait kind of 🌼)
(reblogs >> likes!! 🌟)
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cannibalismyuri · 1 year
everyone's always on guard in the upside down, and well, they need to be. so everyone takes turns guarding their makeshift post (its a tent they 'borrowed' from the wheelers' basement) and it's mike's turn to keep guard while the others sleep, he's a lousy guard really, so he should be exempt from the night job at all times, but that's just his opinion. he's almost falling asleep while trying to perfect his menacing face and fighting stance when will comes out of the tent and whispers, 'knock, knock?' and taps the side of the log he instinctively left space for will on. mike's fighting to keep his eyes open while will teases him for the same, and he's mumbling arguments that have absolutely no basis and resting his head on will's shoulder as will whisper-laughs, and mike looks up at will with a look in his eyes that is maybe a touch too adoring, as will's breath catches. 'why are you looking at me like that?' 'you're pretty' and will thinks mike is delirious, saying things he doesn't mean. he turns his head around to tell mike exactly that but finds him asleep, head lolled on will's shoulder. and maybe will can keep this for once. maybe he can afford to dream and hope and cherish this peaceful moment in his heart even if it's one-sided.
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saturngalore · 1 year
it’s kinda funny how the people that had the most followers or already get enough notes on their content were oddly yet strongly anti-reblog during that whole debacle. a lot of nasty people shamed other simblrs especially who hardly get any notes of their well deserved content because “they shouldn’t want attention” in order to run a simblr…i really hope karma bites y’all in the ass one day hopefully next year 😇
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merryfight · 1 year
just got back from savannah! aubrey, our tour guide at the sorrel weed house, is raising surgery funds for her rescue kitten, peaches, who has a congenital hernia. even after a brief conversation with aubrey it was clear that she cares so deeply about this little guy. i hope by sharing this we can help her help peaches get the surgery she needs to thrive 💖 my family donated after the tour and i encourage you to share her gofundme and do the same!
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dewitty1 · 7 months
Saturday Six (Stuff)
The Dude (@super-ultra-mega-kami-guru-blog) comes home Monday night!( ´͈ ॢꇴ `͈ॢ)・*♡
I guess the kittehs have been good company. Leeloo has been a typical kitten aka a terror. (^・ω・^ )
As much as I don't want my parents to interfere in my business I do want my mom to ask her bestie, WTF, because I did an estimate for her and I have heard back and I need money like now. Mom said no, and rightfully so, but still, lol.(’-’*)
Speaking of parents, Mom asked me to come hang out at their old people gratitude dinner today. Umm, yeah no thanks. Once was enough. I'm fine hanging out with myself.٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)ᵒᵏᵎᵎᵎᵎ
Seriously the worst part of being a small business person is worrying about money. We hates it.( •̀ω•́ )σ
And even though he's a jerk about it, Dad is helping me get tires on my car. That's one good thing, he'll always keep the car up. Though he still calls it "his" car. s(・`ヘ´・;)ゞ
Bonus: Happy End of Daylight Saving Time weekend! Tonight most of the USA imitates Cher and turns back time, the Standard clock. WHEEEE. (not fun. We hates the dark) (´~`)
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echonidae · 1 year
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i'm a bit late but!!! :''''') 2022 had a lot of art... ended up cheating and putting multiple pieces per month xD including some commissioned pieces i have yet to post :3cccccc but yeah, i feel like i learned a damn lot throughout the year, experimented quite a bit too, which is nice! sketched a lot as well, and digitally too, which used to be something i could only Dream of doing. got to work with and talk to really cool folks as well ♥ ahhh still got a long way to go, i'm nowhere near how i wish my art looked like, but i'm very happy and proud of these ones :D considering the previous two years had no summaries at all (mostly because there wasn't enough art so i decided to just not make any of those), this is quite the improvement i think! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
but anyway!! thank you so much to everyone who stopped by, who left nice tags and replies and messages, and everyone who commissioned me as well!! you folks are all really sweet ;_; thank you!!!!
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Besties, if you spam like, that’s fine, but it would be nice if you commented what you thought of at least one fic or reblogged a couple,,, I feel like for writers, the more likes/spam they get, the less motivation the get.
Give your writers motivation. Keyboard smash.
For example: my headcanons with the largest amount of notes:
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This kinda stings I can’t lie. To those three people who did comment on that fic (@marshmallow--3 + @iceboundstar ) I love you guys! 💗💗
But yeah. 73 < 1,249. Reblogs in my notes are rarely for my fics and instead are for shitposts (which is fine, reblog the shitposts!). But also, maybe reblog one or two of my writings?
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uwuravity · 2 years
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i just think he’s neat
[image ID: a digital drawing of hanta sero from my hero academia from the knees up against a plain yellow background. he’s wearing a black cropped tank top and grey pants and is slouched with his hands tucked in his pockets. he’s looking to the right with a neutral expression and has 3 black ear piercings in each ear.]
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isabellehemlock · 2 years
I forgot to post about it on here but I'm running a poll on twitter to help me decide what to do for my two year ao3 fic anniversary coming up on August 6th 🥰
Some ideas I'm contemplating:
Opening my ask box to anons as well and asking people to pick from some linked prompt lists to hopefully write and post in August/September
Same as above, but potentially art prompts, too/instead of
Drawing the TOG characters in period typical outfits reading ;)
Whittling down my marked for later list and making more fic rec lists based on what I managed to read that month
Making my own fic writing ask/tag game that I send out across fandoms lol
Moodboards/icons/playlists based on my own fics or requests
I had lost close to 2.5 months of writing time this year just due to rl events outside of my control BUT am slowly closing the gap between updates and should be done with my current posted WIPs next month, as well as most fandom events by mid summer, and some smaller WIPs I'm planning. So I definitly feel confident to undertake short prompts, and/or other content creation ideas for late summer/early fall.
My main goal is to simply give back to the fandoms that have brought me creative outlets that I hadn't been able to dive into since my teens, and I'm so very grateful for that. So this is my thank you to the readers, and commenters and the kudos-givers and all the support - and I would love feedback on how best I can honor that ❤️
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wonie-not-wony · 2 years
how did we get to 43 followers this fast 😀☝i don't understand 😭😭 all i can say is TYSMMMM 💞💞✨✨💗💗 i have something cooking up in the kitchen saur look forward to it!! tyyy again! 💓💓
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