#recasting twilight series
rosaalee · 2 years
recasting twilight
hi, i just wanted to start off by saying i am no way trying to say that this list of people i chose for the cast is better in anyway than the original. i know there are certain casts that are perfectly chosen (charlie swan) and it would be impossible to recast them. this was just a fun little series i wanted to do and you absolutely do not have to love it just please keep your negative talk to yourself because i actually don’t fucking care. :) -bri | rosaalee
Bella Swan - feb 1st
Charlie Swan - feb 3rd
Renée Dwyer - feb 6th
Jacob Black - feb 8th
Jessica Stanley - feb 10th
Mike Newton - feb 13th
Angela Weber - feb 15th
Eric Yorke - feb 17th
Tyler Crowley - feb 20th
Lauren Mallory - feb 22nd
Edward Cullen - feb 24th
Alice Cullen - feb 27th
Jasper Hale - march 1st
Rosalie Hale - march 3rd
Emmett Cullen - march 8th
Esme Cullen - march 15th
Carlisle Cullen - march 22nd
Leah Clearwater - march 29th
Seth Clearwater - april 5th
Renesmee Cullen - april 12th
Bree Tanner - april 19th
Sam Uley - april 26th
Quil Ateara - may 3rd
Embry Call - may 10th
Paul Lahote - may 17th
Jared Cameron - tbd
Billy Black - tbd
Emily Young - tbd
Sue Clearwater - tbd
James - tbd
Victoria - tbd
Laurent - tbd
Edythe Elizabeth Cullen - tbd
Tanya - tbd
Kate - tbd
Trina - tbd
Carmen - tbd
Eleazer - tbd
Garrett - tbd
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layraket · 3 months
Imagine if you will, the chain all get hit with a spell that more or less recasts a transformation spell. Legend is a bunny, Twilight a wolf, Wild is....whatever the Hero's aspect is (weird Zonai? Depths dwellers? Hybrid of the two?), Time is a deku scrub, Four is a Minish, and Hyrule is a fairy.
Now because Warriors, Wind, and Sky have not transformed before they're still Hylian
They need supplies and, begrudgingly, head into a town nearby. To speed things up they split into three groups. Warriors is with Twilight and Legend. Wind has Wild and Four (he's got Four because he's the only human shaped Link that can see him as a Minish). Sky has Time and Hyrule
Interaction Sky's group has:
Merchant: WHAT IS THAT? *Points at Time*
Sky: *shrug* no idea, but it's friendly. Helped me find my way out of the forest! *Points at Hyrule* this little guy seems to like it, too
Merchant:....if you say so
Time: *salty deku scrub noises as he sulks next to Sky*
Wind's group
Wind is 100% on aspect Wild's shoulders, while Four is on his nose. They are enjoying being tall for once. Wild is (unintentionally) giving Wind scary dog privileges. Wind is just excited that he doesn't need to argue with merchants about what a kid his age can and cannot buy/carry (he definitely bought some booze)
Warriors group
Little kid: BUNNY *heads towards Legend*
Warriors: NOPE! *Stops kid from approaching Legend* He bites
Kid's mom: what's your problem? He just wants to pet the rabbit. NOT the wolf
Warriors: I know. The wolf is friendly, your kid can pet him. The rabbit is the one that bites
Hard cut to Twilight rolling on his back asking for belly rubs. In the background bunny Legend is fighting, and winning, against three stray dogs
ohhh i really like these interactions! i think that @tashacee had something really similar with the Hero's Aspects series (Master Mode) but these ideas for scenarios are great!
i specially love the feral bunny XD let the pink fluffball fight all monsters and he will win
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ppeonppeonhan · 6 months
Dead Friends Forever Q&A-Style Review
I listen to a movie podcast called The Rewatchables, and they have interesting categories that I want to examine this series through.
Most rewatchable scene: It has to be the last one, because we've been talking about it nonstop since it aired. Plus, it lives in my head, rent-free, like Non is haunting me. Like WE failed him. 😱
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But since I'm a BL girlie, who loves a well-crafted sex scene, I also have to include both of Phee and Jin's high-heat moments when Phee's trying to seduce him on the balcony and when they have rough sex in Jin's room. I'm not gonna lie: That was some king shit on Ta's end.
Best quote: "No one could leave this abandoned house — not even one." Come on! It foretold the surreal ending and fulfilled the victim's wishes. Gold.
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What aged the best? The way that even the bullies perceived teacher Keng as a groomer, who took advantage of a desperate child — that will most definitely make that subplot still bearable even a decade from now.
What's aged the worst? The unaliving and SA montage in the finale that some have said was insensitive/irresponsible to have included. It was like trigger after trigger after trigger — practically a machine gun of traumatic scenes. The fandom could sincerely organize a class action lawsuit against the writer and director for them to pay for our therapy bills.
Scene-stealing location: The lake. Such a beautiful setting for romance, betrayal, and revenge. 😈
Best shot: Definitely the one of Tan from above when he's successfully drugged all of his victims. Iconic.
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Are we sure this person is good at their job? Tee's uncle. The fact that he has so much riding on two teenagers is ridiculous. He didn't just start being a con man / mob boss that week. How does he not have a more stable criminal infrastructure at this point?
Best use of food and drink: Obviously, Tan spiking the beverages, knowing it would be the easiest way to poison everyone.
Was there a better title? Absolutely not. The play on the phrase "Best Friends Forever," an archaic term popularized in the '90s that puts way too much pressure on kids to find their kindred spirit and hold on to them through adolescence and adulthood, was inspired. It truly encompassed the impossibility of it all. There are just so many obstacles ahead of you, like peer pressure, family obligations, love triangles, bullying, ego, insecurity, and cowardice, that it's a lofty promise to make when you've barely finished puberty. Plus, it kind of hints at the ending...
Overacting award: Some could argue Barcode, but part of his performance was meant to be surreal, because it was in the dream state. I, personally, vote Jet (Top). Sometimes I felt like his character was in an entirely different, far more slapstick genre.
The "That Guy" Award: This category is for the actor/famous person you see all the time, but don't know the name of. I noticed a lot of people were excited to see Perth, so I "saw him all the time" on my feed. When I Googled him, that's when I learned that he was on a reality show with other Be On Cloud stars. 
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Scene-Stealer (with very few scenes): Honestly, whichever extra/stunt double they had wearing that mask, freaking us out. The most memorable of which was when its creepy hand groped Tee.
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Recasting couch:
I think Nanon (Bad Buddy) could've been interesting as the tormented Tan, because we would've bought his innocence longer.
It could've added to the mystery if we had the BL twins, AJ and JJ, confuse the narrative. 
I would watch Neo in almost anything at this point, and he could've played the morally conflicted Tee as he showcased those skills already in Only Friends.
A younger Mark (Last Twilight) would've fit so well into this cast. He plays lost and guilty quite well.
Picking Nits: This category is for pointing out things that just don't add up.
Why didn't Phee's cop dad have more questions about his son's behavior and activities after he saw who his son was involved with?
What teenager is fine going somewhere that has no wifi or reception? Even I wouldn't do that and I've had wifi as long as these characters have been alive.
Why was Non, a teenager, being medicated for mental health issues, but not being monitored by a mental health professional?
If Tee's uncle didn't want to be at a loss if Non died unexpectedly, then why didn't he let him get his wounds treated and get some rest? Unless the plan was always to harvest his organs, which would still have merited rest. Nobody wants shitty organs.
Unanswerable Questions
If Jin and Phee survived, would they have got back together?
If Non were alive, would Phee have ditched Jin?
What did they do with Non's body?
And, of course, after succeeding: Does Tan recover from his grief and move on with his life? Does he successfully escape arrest? Does he leave behind evidence of what the boys did to his family to further persecute them in death? Is his revenge plot really over...?
That was fun! Tag me if you answer the same Qs.
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galwithalibrarycard · 4 months
I am so hoping Bridgerton will Go There with Eloise x Cressida, but I also hope that… (book series spoiler and show-related rumor discussion under the cut)
…Francesca’s second love interest really does get genderbent to become Lady Michaela Stirling. A quick debunk of all the reasons I’ve seen people argue against this:
- They can still do a tie-in edition of the book, just put Fran’s actress Hannah Dodd on the cover without either of her love interests and highlight that the season is “inspired by” the book. They can even have Julia Quinn or another writer pull a Twilight and write the genderbent Michaela version of the novel and sell that too, double the books, double the profit. (They can do the same thing with the Eloise book if her TV love interest is Cressida or a recast [or rehired if she wants to come back and they can make the set a safer workplace for her mental health] Marina!)
- I understand that people who love book!Michael might be disappointed, but actually, book!Michael will not stop existing if the show goes the Michaela route! The book will be there for you, unchanged, no matter how the show adapts it. It doesn’t go away.
- The inheritance and infertility plot lines can be adapted, just differently. Maybe Michaela’s dad or brother inherits and knows she’s gay, accepts her, and gives her an allowance to live on. Maybe she’s a widow with a baby boy and he inherits.
- The infertility plotline doesn’t need to end with Fran getting pregnant, especially given that many people who struggle with their fertility in real life never do get pregnant. She can struggle with infertility/loss while married to John, then grieve him and their lost child, then when she’s ready to move on with a new love, she either adopts Michaela’s son or they adopt a ward together to raise as their own. (Adoption, when done ethically, is a VALID form of family-making.) Or F&M are the cool aunts who do all the babysitting for their niblings.
- Even if their relationship can’t be public, and that will always be a source of sadness and stress, they can still have accepting families and take each other as wives in their hearts if not in the law. Queer people have always existed and fallen in love. Allies have always existed and loved their queer relatives/friends, even when that was a dangerous and unpopular choice.
- Besides, this show does not have to be historically accurate. Maybe Queen Charlotte hears Brimsley and Reynolds’ love story and makes LGBT+ equality the law of the land about it.
- The concept of a long story arc where we see a character love her first partner deeply, mourn them, then fall just as deeply in love with a new person of a different gender from her first spouse, is so rare! A bi person who gets to articulate that all of the loves in her life are valid and equal is so sadly rare in media! This season would (I hope) force people to acknowledge that there’s more than straight or gay, that you can’t act like a bi person’s ex-husband “doesn’t count” just because she has a wife now. It would be so good!!!
- Also, while I’m at it, bi4bi Sophie and Benedict. She finds out he’s queer by seeing some exquisite male nudes in his sketchbook and is not even a little bit bothered. She aggressively finds him sexy about it, to combat the discomfort a lot of (straight) women have with dating bi men in real life. They both love having a partner who understands what it feels like to be bisexual, always stuck in the middle. This one’s just a headcanon… unless…?
- You got 3 straight couples already, you can share. And if you’re homophobic to me on this post I will block you. I’m just having fun speculating here.
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: June 2023 ~  
⛱️ Happy July!!! 👗
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post!
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff!  -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 Let’s Eat Together - June 2nd (Japan)
🌟 Ever After - June 3rd (Philippines)
🌟 Tin Tem Jai (Special Episodes) - June 3rd + June 4th (Thailand)
🌟 Twins - June 6th (Thailand)
🌟 Love Tractor  - June 7th (South Korea)
🌟 Stupid Genius - June 9th (Vietnam)
🌟 Moonlight Armour - June 10th (Philippines) 
🌟 Aedan - June 12th (Philippines) 
🌟 Tokyo In April - June 15th (Japan)
🌟 The Internship (movie) - June 22nd (Thailand)
🌟 His Man Season 2 (dating show) - June 23rd (South Korea)
🌟 A Story to Remember - June 23rd (Philippines) 
🌟 Tie the Not - June 24th (Philippines) 
🌟 Dinosaur Love - June 25th (Thailand)
🌟 One in a Hundred (international release) - June 29th (China) 
Monthly likes/dislikes
❣️ ø
👎🏻 La Pluie - Sadly I had to drop this one because I got super bored by it. It had a very interesting premise and the first 2-3 episodes were solid but then it deflated. Them revealing Pat as the soulmate so soon was a fatal mistake imo, they should have leaned more into the mystery of who he is to Saengtai etc. The story with Lomfon and Saengtian had an interesting start as well but then went nowhere. It’s a pity because I thought they were onto something with this show. oh well. 
New series & movie announcements
🎥 Beyond the Star - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 The Rebound (produced by AllThis Entertainment) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 My Imaginary Boyfriend (novel adaption) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Choco Milk Shake Season 2 - Date TBA (South Korea) 
🎥 The Only One (novel adaption) - Date TBA (Taiwan) 
🎥 So-And-So (novel adaption) - Date TBA (Taiwan)  
🎥 Beyond the Duo (movie) - Date TBA (Myanmar) 
🎥 The Bartender - Date TBA (Myanmar) 
🎥 Kiseki: Dear to Me - Date TBA (Taiwan) 
🎥 Dear Dopamine - Coming 2024 (Thailand) 
🎥 90's Boyfriend - Date TBA (Philippines)
🎥 Jazz for Two - Date TBA (South Korea) 
🎥 My Dear Gangster Oppa (starring MeenPing) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Spirit Reborn - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 My Momentary Wish - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Mr. Cinderella Season 2 - Coming September 2023 (Vietnam) 
🎥 Love of the Sea - Date TBA (Myanmar) 
Other news from the BL world
❗️ The upcoming GMMTV BLs Dangerous Romance, Only Friends, Last Twilight and Cooking Crush as well as the WabiSabi production Absolute Zero have started filming.
❗️ Actor Build Jakapan announced his withdrawal from the upcoming BL 4 Minutes due to the events that have occured over the last few months and his resulting departure from BOC. It’s unclear whether or not his co-star Bible Wichapas will remain a part of the project and get a new acting partner or if the project will get cancelled altogether. 
❗️ The upcoming Domundi BL Love Upon a Time released its pilot trailer. 
❗️ A second season for the Korean BL Choco Milk Shake was announced. Further details are unknown. 
❗️ The members of the kpop group OnlyOneOf will star in the upcoming Korean BL Bump Up Business. Further details are unknown.  
❗️ Actor Frank Thanatsaran announced that he will not be reprising his role as Itt in the upcoming sequel Love Syndrome: The Beginning. His role will be recast. It was announced that instead, he will star in the upcoming BL The Rebound, where he will be paired with Nammon Krittanai. The series will be produced by AllThis Entertainment and will be directed by Golf Tanwarin. (The Eclipse, 609 Bedtime Story)  
❗️ A spinoff for the Korean BL Unintentional Love Story was announced. Further details are still unknown. 
❗️GMMTV has announced the following cast changes for their upcoming BLs:
Only Friends: Piploy K. will be replaced by Lookjun B. (role of น้ำเชื่อม) 
Cooking Crush: Mark P. will be replaced by Aungpao O. (role of Dynamite) 
❗️ Y MOMENT Entertainment Thailand has announced their lineup for 2023/2024:
Low Frequency - Coming July 2023
Venus in the Sky - Coming September 2023
Kiseki - Coming 2024
Time - Coming 2024 
Lovely Addict - Coming 2024
Beyond the Star - Coming 2024
❗️ Actor Ja Pachara has decided not to renew his contract with his agency 888 Entertainment. He will continue to work as a freelanced artist. 
❗️ The upcoming horror/fantasy BL movie After Sundown released its official trailer. The movie will star ZeeNunew and will be released in Thai cinemas on July 20th. 
❗️ The Thai BL A Boss and a Babe won in the category “Rising BL series” at this year’s Asia Top Awards.
❗️ The ongoing filming for the upcoming Special Edition of Chains of Heart has been suspended due to intractable scheduling conflicts of the main actors. The project has been cancelled. 
❗️ The long awaited Thai remake of the Japanese BL Cherry Magic (starring TayNew) will air in 2024. According to cast + crew, after a long struggle with copyright issues, the trailer will be released shortly. Filming will start at the end of the year. 
Upcoming series & movies for July:
👉🏻 Be Mine SuperStar (starring JaFirst) - July 3rd (Thailand)  
👉🏻 Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 - July 5th (Japan)  
👉🏻 Stay by My Side - July 7th (Taiwan) 
👉🏻 Stay With Me - July 7th (China) 
👉🏻 Low Frequency - July 8th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Hidden Agenda - July 9th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Club Friday: Moments and Memories - July 9th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Laws of Attraction - July 15th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Wedding Plan - July 19th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 After Sundown (starring ZeeNunew) - July 20th (Thailand, cinema-release)
👉🏻 Jun and Jun - July 20th (South Korea)  
👉🏻 Stay Still The Series - July TBA (Hong Kong) 
👉🏻 The Star Season 2 - July TBA (Myanmar)
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quohotos · 1 year
did u maybe also read guardians of ga'hoole? could i bother u for some of those owls?
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YES! I did read all of them when I was like 11 or 12. Our school library had the full series. I don't remember if I liked owls before I discovered Ga'Hoole, or if I liked owls because of Ga'Hoole but either way it became like my THING for a couple years.
My favorite thing about them was that in the inner cover was all of the main characters illustrated with their names attached, and then in the back cover was four more characters illustrated who you hadn't met yet. I just thought that was so cool, and every time a new character was introduced I would flip back to the end cover and see if it was one of the ones shown off. I'm totally going to steal that technique if I ever get published.
I actually made a clay plant pot that had little (also clay) renditions of these guys pasted onto the side but I can't find it at the moment. If I ever do I'll post a picture of it.
oh, rant time:
I read ALL of the books, and then got two books into the wolf spinoff before I realized I just... didn't super enjoy Lasky's writing. I put up with it because owl but there were a lot of things that really baffled me as I reading. What the fuck was going on with gizzards? And magnets? Why were there always songs? Why did we get two expansion pack maps (wait, no that was cool I'm not complaining about that one)? Why was Soren's brother owl Hitler? I mean that literally, they say like "Hiel Kludd" and goose step and do a little owl salute. Why do all of the books I read as a child have animal Hitler in them??? Are the humans (sorry, others) all dead? Did the owls kill them? Trader Mags tears out the eyes of portraits and trades them, and laments the fact that she's never found violet eyes (is that a fucking Underland Chronicles Reference??? (I don't think it is now but I sure as heck thought so then). Why did it suddenly become first person but for like only one book? Why is Soren related to both Owl Hitler and Owl Jesus? Does Mist actually have magic powers or is she just like that? Why did Soren let his kids drink alcohol? Soren just starts a family off screen like welcome back he's a dad now? Am I allowed to make fun of the fantasy names that are impossible to spell and pronounce or are they actually Native names and I'm gonna appear super racist? God those were violent, like a lot of people died? What's all this shit about owls not pooping, they totally do poop in addition to dropping pelots? This book mislead me and I totally embarassed myself infront of the entire highschool biology class aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I remember walking downtown and going past a local mini movie theater. There were posters up for the Ga'Hoole movie and I was like HOLY FUCKING SHIT LETS GO LETS GO YES YES YES.
And then I saw it and it was just alright. I mean I'm not gonna say it was bad or anything, I don't think Zach Snyder ruined my life or whatnot but it was just okay. I feel like British Soren was anoying but they at least got Twilight correct. Mad they recast the spotted owl because they're native to where I grew up and we love the representation. They rolled the first like four books into one and changed the lore to kind of merge the moon blinking (which just dissipated from the story after book 2?????) with the animal magnetism that brainwashes his sister (fucking magnets again, magnets in the gizzards, how do they work?). Why did they put owl city on the soundtrack? I mean it was obligatory, they had to, but also why?
I did read all of them religiously, and I do have a great appreciation for owls as a result... but I'm just not as attached to them as I am the Underland Chronicles. I feel like they were good books for me as a kid, but I have very little desire to go back and re-read them.
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kwebtv · 11 months
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Tyler Christopher Baker (November 11, 1972 – October 31, 2023), known professionally as Tyler Christopher. Television actor best known for his roles as Nikolas Cassadine (1996–1999, 2003–2011, 2013–2016) and Connor Bishop (2004–2005) on the ABC soap opera General Hospital.
In August 2017, it was announced that Christopher would be joining the cast of the NBC soap opera Days of Our Lives as the son of long-time villains Stefano DiMera and Vivian Alamain. His tenure on the show began December 29, 2017. Christopher left the series on March 20, 2019; his role was recast with Brandon Barash.
Other TV series he appeared in were The Pretender, Charmed, Angel, Family Law, Felicity, The Division, JAG, Boomtown, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, The Twilight Zone, Crossing Jordan, Into the West and The Lying Game. (Wikipedia)
IMDb Listing
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stormyoceans · 1 year
we are expecting gmmtv 2024 in october. what's your list of manifestations? share with us, dear!
i also don’t know how to feel about the line up being announced before last twilight and 23.5 even got the chance to air (unless we’re getting last twilight replacing hidden agenda which means it would start on october 1st, but i do not dare to hope), however i thought about it a little and here’s a very rough list of my hopes and dreams that im gonna actualize with the power of manifestation and delusion:
JIMMYSEA NEW SERIES DIRECTED BY P’JOJO. LISTEN I DON’T CARE IF IT’S UNLIKELY FOR THEM TO GET A SHOW 3 YEARS IN A ROW MY CLOWN WIG IS ON MY SHOES ARE SQUEAKING MY MAKE UP IS IN PLACE. the amount of p’jojo+jimmysea online interactions we’ve got since p’jojo visited them on the last twilight set is just TOO SUSPICIOUS to be meaning nothing I WANT TO BELIEVE. that being said, i feel like it will probably be an ensamble cast kind of series, so im praying for the medical drama QL of my dreams with jimmysea + earthmix OR the heist QL of my dreams with jimmysea + forcebook. im not picky though I REALLY JUST WANT A NEW PROJECT FOR JIMMYSEA AS A PAIRING but also..
SOME SOLO PROJECT FOR BOTH JIMMY AND SEA. they’re both great actors and sea in particular is able to portray an insane range of emotions so it’s time for GMMTV to start giving him more roles.
regardless of whatever happens with jimmysea, i do want earthmix and forcebook to have a new series next year.
PAPANG AS THE MAIN LEAD IN A BL. do i believe this is gonna happen? sadly, no. will i still be manifesting this every single day from here to october? DAMN RIGHT I WILL MY MAN DESERVES IT. actually i said this before but i think GMMTV should just give me papang+guy+pond+pepper in a BL. MY MEN DESERVE IT.
AT LEAST 2 GLs BUT PREFERABLY MORE. freenbecky got me gagged with their upcoming sci-fi movie and period drama series, so i think GMMTV should step up their game and give us ALL THE GIRLS. im frankly starving for more GLs so i don’t really have any specific plot i want to see, i just want the genre to thrive and be allowed to explore different stuff like BL has started to do. if i really had to pick tho, i would love to have a sizzy series (maybe with janaye and ciizejane) and to have prigkhing and piploy in a GL. and namtan. and jamie.
QL exploring other sexualities and gender identities. just give me ace main characters, trans main characters, non-binary main characters, ALL THE DIFFERENT QUEER MAIN CHARACTERS!!!!!!!
i want to say enigma season 2 because it was actually a great show but with bright leaving GMMTV i don’t think i should get my hopes up ;;;;;;; unless they recast his character since he appeared for 5 seconds at the end of the series.
these are the main things that come to my mind for now, but im sure that by the time october comes im gonna have some more!!!!
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healthiffy · 10 months
Big mouth season 8: Release Date, Cast, Trailer, where to watch & more?
If you’re a fan of animation comedy shows that tackle the awkwardness and challenges of adolescence in a hilarious and relatable way, then you’re probably familiar with the hit series “Big Mouth.” This Netflix original has garnered a dedicated fanbase since its premiere in 2017, and many are eagerly awaiting the release of Big Mouth Season 8. In this blog post, we’ll explore the latest updates on the upcoming season, including the release date, cast, trailer, and where you can watch it. So, grab your hormone monsters and take a dive into the world of Big Mouth!
Table of Contents
Will there be big mouth season 8?
When is big mouth season 8 coming out?
big mouth season 8 Cast?
Big Mouth Season 8 Trailer?
where to watch Big Mouth Season 8?
Will there be big mouth season 8?
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Bid farewell to the hormone monsters as we embark on the last journey of the Emmy-nominated series, Big Mouth. Change can be a frightening prospect for growing tweens, and the young main characters of this beloved show will surely be devastated to learn that the highly anticipated eighth season will mark its final installment.
When is big mouth season 8 coming out?
Big Mouth Season 8 is set to grace our screens on Netflix in late 2024. Stay tuned as Healthiffy will provide updates as soon as the official release date is announced.
big mouth season 8 Cast?
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The cast of Big Mouth Season 8 remains unchanged, as per our current knowledge, with no recasts being announced by Netflix. Nick Kroll, the co-creator of the show and renowned talent from The Addams Family and Sing, will return to portray various characters, including Nick Birch, Maurice the Hormone Monster, Coach Steve, Lola Skumpy, and more. Joining him will be the incomparable John Mulaney as Andrew Glouberman, Nick’s erstwhile best friend, and Jessi Klein as Jessi Glaser, adding her unique flair to the mix.
One of the key reasons behind the enduring popularity of Big Mouth is its vast ensemble cast, comprising a colorful range of characters. Season 8 will see the return of cherished actors and their respective roles, including:
Jazon Mantzoukas as Jay Bilzerian.
Ayo Edibiri as Missy Foreman-Greenwald.
Fred Armisen as both Elliot Birch and Bob the Hormone Monster.
Maya Rudolph, lending her versatile voice to Connie the Hormone Monstress, Diane Birch, and other captivating characters.
Jordan Peele, known for his work in The Twilight Zone and Key & Peele, portraying the ghost of iconic jazz singer Duke Ellington, as well as other notable figures like Freddie Mercury and David Bowie.
Andrew Rannells as Matthew, adding his signature panache to the series.
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Big Mouth boasts a talented supporting cast, enhancing the depth of the show’s universe. Gina Rodriguez will return as Gina Alvarez, while Chloe Fineman will continue to captivate as Nick’s older sister, Leah. Although it remains uncertain whether there will be any recasts among the supporting cast in the upcoming season, it is a possibility. Notably, Fineman took over the role of Leah from Kat Dennings in Season 5.
Big Mouth Season 8 Trailer?
As fans eagerly anticipate the release of Big Mouth Season 8, the first question on everyone’s minds is: To get a glimpse of Trailer? Unfortunately, Big Mouth Season 8 Trailer have not been released yet.
where to watch Big Mouth Season 8?
Now that we have been treated to an enticing glimpse of Season 8, the next question is: Where can we watch it? Big Mouth is a Netflix original series, so you’ll need a Netflix subscription to catch all the new episodes. Whether you prefer streaming on your TV, computer, or mobile device, Netflix offers a convenient and accessible platform to enjoy your favorite shows, including Big Mouth.
If you’re not already a Netflix subscriber, signing up is a breeze. Simply visit the Netflix website or download the Netflix app, create an account, choose a subscription plan that suits your needs, and you’ll be ready to dive into the world of Big Mouth. With its user-friendly interface and vast library of content, Netflix provides a seamless streaming experience for viewers around the world.
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nhacly · 2 years
Why The Twilight Movies Recast Victoria For Eclipse
Why The Twilight Movies Recast Victoria For Eclipse
The Twilight film series wasn’t safe from recasting, and the character of Victoria was one that went through that process – and it was a bit messy. As it happens with many successful books, Stephenie Meyer’s often controversial Twilight series was adapted to the big screen between 2008 and 2012, with the final book, Breaking Dawn, being split into two parts (very much like the Harry Potter series…
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rosaalee · 1 year
btw i will not be updating my schedule for the recasting twilight cast btw i will just be randomly posting on a wednesday at 3:33 mountain time
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myreyisbae · 3 years
Let's celebrate the 14th Anniversary of Moonlight (2007-2008) with some Facts/Trivia
🌔Part 1 /?
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Before "Moonlight" there was "Angel of vengeance" a novel by Trevor Munson published after the series in  2011
the novel is a darker noir tale is very different compared to TV show
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Moonlight had an Unaired Pilot called "Twilight" later changed to "Moonlight" to avoid confusion with that other vampire series (you know the one)
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Some Differences between the pilot and the series
*Set in new York not Los Angeles
* Moonlight Josef is young and only 30 years old(when turned) Twilight Josef who was older
TW Mick and Coraline meet in 1947 in a Jazz club not at one of her parties in 1952
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.full episodes are 45 minutes the pilot was 25
vampire abilities shown in the pilot
. they can see body heat
.they have a hypnotic gaze
. in the pilot a vampire's form is more monstrous and demonic
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• … the show was completely recast around Alex in June 2007 after the original pilot was shot
Amber Valletta was Coraline Duvall,
Shannon Lucio was Beth Turner
Rade Šerbedžija was Josef Konstantin (who's name was later changed to Josef Kostan)
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The episode was never officially released, but it was included on a DVD of pilot episodes that was distributed to people in the media industry for previewing (it is currently available in 2 parts on YouTube)
Check out part 2
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gisellelx · 3 years
Hey Giselle!! I was reading some of your Peter F. Posts and I was wondering, do you have any fancasts of him or an approximation? I'm ver queries, Carlisle is my favourite character both in the books and movie, but I'm very fond of his actors 😅. Anyway, thoughts? (I di think he maybe should've had longer hair for the century he was born in lol)
You know, I don't? I don't like the movies really at all except for a handful of very small subtle moments. I only ever bought the first one, even, and that was in an era where I bought many more movies, so that's saying a lot. And I am bad at actors and movies. I like stories; it is usually very inconsequential to me who is playing a given character and I will often see an actor three or four times in different roles without realizing they are the same actor.
I loved the graphic novels for this reason. I felt like I did when I saw Alan Rickman as the cast for Snape (this will date me; I was reading HP back before they ever cast the films--I still remember standing in my dorm room and seeing the grainy photo of Dan, Rupert, and Emma and dissecting their appearances to death with my hallmate) and went "Oh my god, I've never really thought about what this person would look like, but yes this is what they look like." That's what I feel about graphic novel Carlisle. He's the character in my head, and it's why you'll almost never see me posting a picture of PFach when I could post a snapshot from the graphic novels instead. @kellythepitiablefangirl's rendition of GN Carlisle is similarly lovely to me, as is @needahugfromesme's.
But I have given this some thought lately and I have an answer? Which is not completely satisfying to me. But if someone handed me the Twilight script in 2008, I would've cast Sam Clafin. He has a face that is very gentle and expressive, and he has the range as an actor to be "whoop it up fratboy" and also "deadly serious if I told you I was 40 you'd believe me" gravitas. That's essential to who Carlisle is; he carries himself in such a way that even though people are like, "Wow he seems young" nobody thinks he's a Doogie Howser or a Sean Murphy. They believe him that he's passed his boards; they accept when he's yelling at them about their incompetence. And yet, he could easily pass for a frat boy when pal-ing around with his sons. So the actor has to be able to pull off that ambiguity.
I think Sam Clafin would be able to do that. He looks boyish and adorable, but he also can carry himself with an aura of churlish wisdom. He dances this line really nicely in Me Before You and to a lesser extent in the Mockingjays.
Mind you, he's not what I picture Carlisle as looking like. But I think he could pull off the role better than Peter did.
That being said, I get it. Nobody expected Twilight to be the blockbuster it was. They cast a solidly B-list cast, which made complete sense from a filmmaking perspective—part of the reason the first film is my favorite is that it is just so unapologetically bad. And then the fangirls were so rabid that recasting any of the main characters seemed like a very bad idea. They caught enough flak for recasting Bryce Dallas Howard. So I get why they ended up with PFach. But he just can't carry Carlisle, and he absolutely does not do so at any point in the series.
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rainbow-femme · 2 years
just finished the entire twilight series again. so if they filmed the sequels in canada, i dont know why summit entertainment didnt they recast an indigenous actor to play jacob
Convenience, a young attractive white actor who no one complained about in the first one was easier than recasting and risking losing racist audience members
Appeasing racist fans almost always wins out over moral choices in Hollywood
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geniejackman · 4 years
Recasting Twilight
Okay everyone, buckle yourselves in. It’s quarantine and I have absolutely nothing better to do, so here we are! I decided to re-read Twilight for the first time in years, and it got me thinking about who could potentially be cast in the various roles if the book were remade as a film/mini-series today! (well, you know, not TODAY today, because corona). 
Just a disclaimer- I won’t be casting any of the Forks High Students or the Volturi guard as I believe those should be opportunities for unknown actors. Same goes for Jacob and the Quileutes. Those roles should absolutely go to actors of Native American ancestry.
Please keep in mind that these are just my opinions, I’m in no way trying to infer that the original cast is bad. This is just something that I’ve been toying with in order to keep myself entertained, and for the general amusement of the 3 of you that follow me. I’ll continue on with the other books in separate posts if I feel like I have it in me after finishing this one up. Here we go! 
Bella Swan - Anya Taylor-Joy
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I’ve been fascinated by her ever since the one-two punch of The Witch and Split. She definitely has the capacity to get across the emotions of the character through facial expressions alone. She also has an understated beauty and charm that just seems very Bella.
Edward Cullen - KJ Apa
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It’s all about the jawline baby...
Oh, okay, I guess I should actually list a few legitimate reasons.
Edward is described as having bronze colored hair in the book, which KJ definitely pulls off better than any real human should be able to. He’s also got the tense, sometimes overly-serious attitude of Edward down, while still having a killer smile and a great sense of humor.
Alice Cullen - Lana Condor
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I know what you’re thinking, an Asian Alice?
Hear me out: Alice is petite, quirky, and full of energy and fun. Lana Condor fits that description to a T. She’s also dazzling, and would look great with the pixie hairdo. Also, like, all the Cullen kids are adopted, and the entire town of Forks knows they’re adopted, so there’s no need to make them all defacto white just because the parents are. Plus, look at her! She’s so darn cute! But she could also play the scenes where she needs to be scary and intimidating very well.
Rosalie Cullen - Dianna Agron
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I know I’m about to fully out myself as a Glee stan (seasons 1-3 anyway), but Dianna has always been what comes to my mind when I think of breathtaking blondes. Rosalie is described in the books as the most beautiful person Bella has ever seen, almost too perfect. Diana is definitely that. She can play the mean girl, but she can also be snarky and bad-ass. She’s a little older than the rest of the cast playing the teens, but have you seen pics of her lately? The woman never ages. Almost like she’s a real vam... no... it couldn’t be...
Emmett Cullen - Noah Centineo
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So I know Emmett isn’t a HUGE role, and Noah is a pretty big Hollywood heart-throb these days, but maybe he wouldn’t mind having a smaller role in what would definitely be a big-budget film/series. He’s a cutie and handsome as hell, but he’s also playful and tough like Emmett. I’m sure he’d also have a lot of fun in the fight scenes.
Jasper Cullen - Dacre Montgomery
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After Stranger Things, I’m sure we’re all eager to see Dacre take on more high-profile roles. I think he could do a lot with Jasper both in the early films when he’s supposed to be slightly more demure and apart from the others, and then later when his leadership skills are called on. Plus, he and Lana would be adorable!!!
Carlisle Cullen - Matthew Goode
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I’m taking a slightly different approach from the films with the casting for the parents from the original film, we’re going younger with Carlisle and Esme this time around in order to stay more accurate to the source material. In the books, Carlisle was 23 when you was changed, so if you think about it Matthew Goode is actually pretty old for the part (42). However, he can definitely appear younger than he is, all while giving the feeling that he’s lived hundreds of years. Plus, this is the guy that’s supposedly even more handsome than Edward, and Matthew definitely has the looks and the charm to pull that off. 
Esme Cullen - Michelle Cockery 
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Esme is described by Bella as having a heart-shaped face with Silent Movie Star looks. Michelle literally looks like she’s stepped off an Old Hollywood set, and she’s so classically beautiful. Also, it would be interesting seeing her play a sweeter, kinder figure than we’re used to seeing on Downton Abbey. She has well-established chemistry with Matthew Goode from working with him on Downton, so they’d be very believable as the Cullens Mom & Dad. 
Charlie Swan - Dylan McDermott 
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Yes, it’s the “20 Dollars? What do you need 10 Dollars for?” dad from Perks of Being a Wallflower. Dylan has experience playing dads, but he’s also played romantic figures, so you can see what would make 18-year-old Renee leave the big city. 
Renee - Melanie Lynskey 
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Not only does Melanie really look like Anya, but she also NEVER. AGES. So she definitely can pull off the young-mom look. She’s also got this naive sweetness in all the characters she plays that is perfect for Renee. 
James - Jonathan Groff
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Okay, I know what you’re thinking. Not my sweet innocent Groffsauce, not my happy-go-lucky King George/Kristoff/Jesse St. James. Hear me out though- despite the ‘nice’ characters he plays, I feel like there’s a dark side to Jonathan that would be perfect for James. Also, aside from some snarls and dirty looks when the bad guys first meet the Cullens in the baseball field, James isn’t all that outlandishly evil. Bella notes that his voice is fairly ordinary, almost soothing. Jonathan definitely has that, and he’d have a lot of fun with the snarky lines and the ironic nature of the character. 
Victoria - Mary Kate Wiles
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Mary Kate is more of an Indie Actress, but I think she would bring something really unique to this big-budget-extravaganza. She can play seductive, sassy, and high-energy in the baseball field scene, and then she can transform into the vengeful, focused, crazed-killer in the later portions. Plus, it’s about time MK got some high-profile roles! 
Laurent - Louis Garrel 
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Just what we need to finish off this first post, a seductive Frenchmen! Louis has the perfect look and a great accent for Laurent, and I think he would be amazing in the scene with Bella in ‘New Moon’. Honestly, after ‘Little Women’, I just need to see more of him in main-stream Hollywood. 
That’s all for now! Like I said, we’ll see if I can work up the energy to cast ‘New Moon’, ‘Eclipse’, and ‘Breaking Dawn’! Let me know what you think of my choices. Who’s your dream cast?? 
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theoutlandishnative · 4 years
My official plea to recast me in some of my favorite series just bc I want to be involved and this damn app has taken over my life. {Part Two}
Twilight: The one and only - Rosalie Hale. I would fucking die for her.
* extra points for the ones of me holding the ever-terrifying Renameme.
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