earthtrembled · 1 year
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fatummortem · 1 year
@earthtrembled gets a thing
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" When should I expect those five anniversaries you owe me? "
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geckoh · 12 years
152 votes! hope you win :)
yay thank you! URL: okay | great | amazing | flawless | {marry me}Theme: okay | great | {amazing} | flawless | marry mePosts: okay | great | {amazing} | flawless | marry me Overall: okay | great | amazing | {flawless} | marry meAm I following?: yes | {no, sowwy} | following now
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fearrwilllose · 12 years
your blog is so perfect, omg
gah you're lovely thank you
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fatummortem · 5 years
@earthtrembled ✉︎
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         Daken almost loses his cool when Julio moves, even when he told him not too. He knew it was a normal response, he knew why the other did it, there was no reason for him to snap. He had to grit his teeth, tightening his jaw tightly as he tries to push back the bombardment of scents coursing through the area. It was hard, so very hard. He wasn’t used to this, he usually laughed mockingly when something like this happened, but here he was, freaking out with his heart pounding in his ears. It pissed him off, that it was affecting him so much. That Julio was bleeding so severely right in front of him. So many things where making his emotions go haywire he couldn’t track it. 
            His arm shoots out, balancing Julio with a gentle touch, his other hand moving to tug at Julio’s shirt, to gage how injured he was without nudging the other. Only to get frustrated to the point one of his blank claws slide free with a snikt. ❝ I do know, but tell me anyway. ❞ Maybe if his partner keeps talking he’d be able to keep focused, along with Rictor focusing on something, even if it was nonsense. He really wasn’t that picky about it. Then again, his own voice sounds far too controlled to his ears. Mainly for the fact the idiot was still moving, any other instance he’d be impressed.
           Grabbing the material of Julio’s shirt once he finally stops moving & after Daken helps him slide down the wall, he uses his claw to slice it open to bare his chest. There was too much blood, even he knew that. Blue eyes flick over Julio’s wounds as his claw slides back in, frowning deeply. He didn’t want to move his lover, he really really didn’t want to. ❝ Shhhh... ❞ It comes out as a stuttering sound, licking his lips Daken tries to focus. Maybe if he did something like when he helped Laura with the plague victims. His hands move to press firmly against the bigger gashes, he had to calm down, closing his eyes he focuses on calming, trying to meditate while he concentrates on calming down so it would work.                                                      Is this what being weak feels like?
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fatummortem · 5 years
@earthtrembled​ tests a theory & sent: Julio walks up to Ryouta and tickles his fingers along Ryoutas side. "You better be ticklish."
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       Ryouta could hear every movement of his partner as he nears, pretending he was oblivious to the other’s approach, mainly out of sheer curiosity. That & he wants to see what his lover was going to do with that playfulness of his.
          The second he feels those fingers on his side he lets out a light chuckle of amusement, more for the act than being tickled. Running his tongue along his cheek he peeks back at Julio, laughing lightly at those words.
          But as those fingers continue to move, Daken’s body shifts away when they reach one of his spots, turning around to snag those mischievious fingers of his lover’s. ❝ Sounds like a challenge. Maybe I should keep it a secret, leave you guessing. ❞ It would make it all the more fun. Ryouta’s blue hues spark playfully as he moves Rictor’s captured hands to his own sides & tickles the other.
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fatummortem · 5 years
@earthtrembled​ gives me halloween love & sent: Rictor leans on the doorbell for Dakens penthouse sending off a continuous buzz until it's answered. Upon which moment he lets out a deep throaty laugh " trick or treat."
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        Glancing towards the elevators where the loud buzzing was coming from, Ryouta walks over in his cowboy outfits minus his shirt. Not that there were many people that knew or could get that far, so when he hears Julio’s voice he snickers lightly. Hitting the button to allow the elevator entry, dramatically rolling his eyes at his partner when the doors open, smirk in place with a mischievous glint to his blue eyes. Looking over the other man slowly taking him in before smirking up at him. ❝ I suppose I could give you something good to eat. ❞ 
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fatummortem · 5 years
@earthtrembled sent: Reckless Vibez from your perspective SEND ⚰️+ two people & I’ll... Accepting
is more likely to kill someone? Daken... Even when he’s trying not to kill anyone it’s deff Daken without a doubt, especially when the other choice is Rictor.
only threatens to kill someone but won’t actually go that far? Rictor.. hey Julio, if you were pushed in a corner what would you do?
freaks out and who stays perfectly calm and collected? Daken can make them both calm, depending on how freaked out Rictor gets at the situation he’d probably do it without thinking just to save them both the stress if he can’t talk him down.
provides the utensils to help get rid of the body?  This is hard... I doubt the boyfriend would actually like Daken influencing people to do all the work for them... I’m not sure how much smooth talking would get him out of it. 
comes up with the hiding place for the body? Y’know, they’re both creative people I’m sure they could come up with something creative...
watches out that nobody witnesses them getting rid of the body? Daken would try to make a few points that he could perfectly hide within the shadows without anyone noticing him so he could influence any passerby into not noticing a thing with pheromones but he could do that while he’s hiding the body... Julio would call him on his shit & he’d be doing both. Bcuz it would be Daken’s fault
hides the body and murder weapon? If you think about it the right mixture of claws & a good quake... no one has to do a thing... <.< >.> y’know just a thought.
knows the right people to deal with this? Daken is the right people... He’ll probably pretend he isn’t the right people & make a few fake phone calls that are mixed in with a few good calling in favours while Rictor makes phone calls of his own. Julio... How many calls would you make? I’m curious.
isn’t doing this for the first time? *cough*Daken*cough*
will cave in and eventually call the police? Once all is said & done, Daken could probs orchestrate it where someone, wearing hair curlers, trips over the body & does it for them. I mean... it’s not like Daken has ever done that before or anything. I mean it he hasn’t... yeah okay I’m lying... He probably already thought up this idea to be used at a later date if i’m honest.
puts the blame on themself to save the other? Pheromones are a wonderful thing where neither of them will ever get caught or thought of unless the old man or Romulus is involved, then shit will hit the fan.
is the better liar? Daken. One of his mutations literally makes anything that comes outta his mouth utterly believable. jsing.
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fatummortem · 5 years
Anon sent: @earthtrembled sent: //totally ANONYMOUS// Daken is allergic to shirts. All shirts. I heard a Rumour… Accepting
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        It takes Daken a few moments to actually respond, debating if he should actually state he can’t get allergies or not, but that would ruin all the fun, so he decides not to give that obvious bit of intel. ❝ Is that a request? ❞ Blue eyes dance with devious mischief at the other mutant.
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fatummortem · 5 years
@earthtrembled asked: ❝ i have an excellent sense of dramatic timing. & good hair. ❞ @daken Dragon Age Starters Accepting
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        An array of emotions flicker over his face before he just checks out the other man before smirking at him.  ❝ Is that a challenge? ❞ 
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fatummortem · 5 years
@earthtrembled asked: “When we find out how many dead bodies are in your basement, are we going to be more shocked or disappointed?” Daken- said all in teasing Code Monkey Starters Accepting
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       Daken knew the other man was teasing him, blue hues sparking at him teasingly. Purposefully making a show of thinking about the question. ❝ Assuming there’s a basement to be found, mm? ❞ Not that was linked to him, if someone did find it that would be impressive. He didn’t even remember where that was. ❝ I happen to keep all my skeletons in the closet. ❞ He would never do that for any reason, well maybe one shoved in there that’s convincing at a quick glance. That would set the heads rolling. Now he had to go shopping.
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fatummortem · 5 years
@earthtrembled sent: Our ship for the ship meme?;) Send a ship & I’ll... Accepting
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who wakes up first in the morning
Julio, mainly for the fact Daken enjoys being lazy once in awhile, though he has his times where he’s up & energized. unless Julio’s a big puddle of happy goo.
who’s the first to fall asleep at night
That entirely depends on how much sex they’ve had before. 😈
what they playfully tease each other over
Daken kinda just focuses on any one thing in the morning to tease Julio about, *coughs*tasteincoffee*coughs*. While Julio mostly teases Daken about his poor claw control during private naughty time. Then Daken teases Julio about natural disasters... couch slaughter. mattress slaughter... It’s a never ending cycle. 
what they do when the other’s having a bad day
Other then that one time of them shockingly almost talking about it & then finding a solution? Daken would probably murr at the kitties & then there would be an interest display of kitty snuggles on Julio. Mayhaps even lil kitties climbing up Julio. While Daken sits there trying to maintain his innocent look... instead of dying of laughter... probably. It’s a thing that could happen.
how they say ‘i’m sorry’ after arguments
Insta forgiven! *coughs* I mean whut no Daken wouldn’t do that. *brushes the idea under a rug while whistling dixie. a big flash of censorship flashes.* Did you get all of that?
which one’s more ticklish
Y’know that’s a good question. I’ll have to figure this out. *goes off to send an ask* We’ll find out later. ^_^
their favourite rainy day activities
Y’know walking thru a park or the woods has been discussed. For perfectly innocent reasons. 😇
how they surprise each other
Ryouta gave Julio three little kittens sneaky ninja style, while he knew he wasn’t about, Julio hasn’t figured it out yet. 
their most sickening shows of public affection
Daken’s still working on convincing Julio on a bit of public fun, so until that happens there is just whispering each other’s first names into their ears like saps. Don’t tell daken it’s sappy tho. Shusssshhhh.
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earthtrembled · 5 years
Daken: hold my morals
Rictor holding out a hand not looking up from his book/phone: Have fun babe
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fatummortem · 3 years
Anon asked: Couch slaughterer!! @earthtrembled​
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                  “Mug slaughterer.”
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earthtrembled · 5 years
*slides in* Casket + Recklessvibe ^_^
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is more likely to kill someone: Daken but dont underestimate Rictor if push comes to shove.
only threatens to kill someone but won’t actually go that far: Rictor-depending.
freaks out and who stays perfectly calm and collected: Rictor freaks out over something completely off topic (ie: carpet getting stained, coffee getting cold, bitching a lot) as a way to freak out about the murder but remain ‘cool and collected’. Daken remains calm.
provides the utensils to help get rid of the body: Rictor always has shovels in his trunk.
comes up with the hiding place for the body: Rictor knows all the best places
watches out that nobody witnesses them getting rid of the body: Daken has better night vision but Rictor makes him do the dirty work because fuck that shit hes drinking coffee in the car
hides the body and murder weapon: Daken gets then body(ies) and Rictor takes the weapon.
knows the right people to deal with this: Both of them are well connected
isn’t doing this for the first time: Both of them
will cave in and eventually call the police: Rictor calls in an anonymous tip about body location but doesnt provide anything other than that. ‘no family deserves that, man.’
puts the blame on themself to save the other: Daken.
is the better liar: Both of them.
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earthtrembled · 5 years
Moodboard meme
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