therecz · 1 year
Travel Destination: Places that will give you major travel goals
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Traveling to exotic places rejuvenates your soul. It is one of the best gifts that you can treat yourself with. In this blog, we will be taking a look at some of the best travel destinations that you can visit. These places will definitely give you major travel goals. Read on to learn more about the best travel destinations recommended by the Recz app. 
Best Travel Destination in the World 
1. Bali, Indonesia 
Bali is one of the best tourist places that you can and should visit. Every year thousands of tourists flock to this travel destination. Bali has everything that you can find in a tourist destination. It has beaches, it has volcanos, and it has exotic animals. In Bali, you can find tigers and Komodo dragons. Orangutans of Bali are also quite popular among the tourists. If you are wondering which travel destination to visit this year for a vacation, we suggest that you should go to Bali, Indonesia. Bali also has great food. You can treat your taste buds with the amazing food of this country. 
2. Kerry, Ireland 
Kerry is a county situated in Ireland. It is a popular travel destination. The climate of Kerry is quite pleasant. The North Atlantic Current passes through this region. This results in milder temperatures in the area. Due to this, subtropical plants flourish in this region. Due to the mountain area of Kerry, it receives the highest rainfall in Ireland. This place is known for traditional Irish music, songs, and dance. This is due to the fact that Kerry is situated at the extremity of Ireland. Kerry has lakes and mountains and over 1000 km of the Atlantic coastline. This makes Kerry quite a scenic place and a top travel destination. 
3. Marrakesh Morocco 
Marrakesh is a city situated in Morocco. This city is the fourth largest city in Morocco. Berber languages and Arabic is spoken in Marrakesh. It is situated west of Atlas mountains. According to portals, this exotic place has been inhabited by Berber farmers since the Neolithic period. Marrakesh is one of the most traveled destinations in Morocco. Jemaa el-Fnaa, Bab Agnaou, El Badi Palace, Bahia Palace, and Kutubiyya Mosque are some of the best tourist places in Marrakesh that you can visit while in Morocco. The word Marrakesh comes from the Berber language, where it means ‘the land of God.’ Ever since the independence of Morocco, Marrakesh has become a famous tourist destination. 
4. The Maldives
Maldives is a tropical nation situated southwest of Sri Lanka and India. It is situated about 750 km from the Asian mainland. The beaches of Maldives are some of the most visited beaches in the world. It is a very famous tourist destination. The Maldivian archipelago is also quite famous and the most visited travel destination in the world. Tourism began in the Maldives around the 1970s. This tourist destination consists of over 1000 coral islands. Maldives enjoys a tropical monsoon climate. The temperature of this island country is often hot and humid. The beaches of Maldives are some of the best beaches in the world and are quite common tourist destinations. There are over 1000 fish species around the Maldives. The marine life around the Maldives is quite rich. Maldives is one of the cleanest countries in the world. 
5. Paris, France 
It is situated in France. Paris is also one of the most visited travel destinations in the world. It is also the capital of France. This tourist destination is known for being the world’s major center for finance, diplomacy, commerce, and fashion. In the 19th century, this place gained the epithet ‘the City of Light.’ Paris is also known for its food. Some of the most popular travel destinations include the Eiffel Tower, the Seine, Arc de Triomphe, Palais Garnier, and the Louvre. During the time after the First World War, many writers and artists moved to Paris. This included Earnest Hemingway, James Joyce, Henry Miller, Salvador Dali, and others. 
6. Cape Town, South Africa 
Cape Town is one of the most traveled tourist destinations in the world. It is the capital of South Africa. There are several places in Cape Town that you can visit while in South Africa. Table Mountain, Cape Point, Groot Constantia, Robben Island, Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden, V&A Waterfront, and others. The Table Mountain of Cape Town is a World Heritage Site. This mountain supports unique flora and fauna. The Cape Town Natural Reserve is a beautiful place with hills and rocky coastline. Every year, thousands of tourist flock to this beautiful town.
7. Kasol, India 
Kasol is among the most popular tourist destinations in the world. It is a hamlet situated in the Kullu district, which is a part of Himachal Pradesh This place is situated in Parvati Valley and is on the bank of the Parvati River. Kasol has beautiful weather throughout the year. It witnesses heavy snowfall from December to February. The climate of this place is categorized as humid subtropical. The food in Kasol is delicious and quite popular.
These are some of the tourist destinations recommended by the Recz app. Stay tuned for more information on the best travel destinations in the world. The Recz app has suggestions and recommendations for everything ranging from travel destinations to movies.
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stuffed-gutz · 4 months
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Too Small To Convey: Causes of Sumireko-chan's Deaths - Harasaki
It's been a long time since I've posted any recs, and I realize this is my 3rd? 4th? time recommending Harasaki, but, this was actually going to be my first at one time...
I debated recommending this one due to the lolicon tag, which implies that Sumireko is a child, however I ultimately don't see it as loli. She's a T0uh0u (<- this is to avoid going in search results) character, so she naturally looks small, and the age seems ambiguous. She's put in very adult scenarios, like being evicted and jacking off, so I think I have some ground to stand on if someone tries to come for me.
ANYWAY!! This one is basically a series of standalone snuff drawings of one specific T0uh0u girl I'd never personally heard of, and a few of them have stuck with my for a long time. This was the first work by Harasaki I ever read, and I obviously enjoy her work, so I've been wanting to share this for a while !! Pwease enjoy. The art is soft and cute, so its very satisfying to see it ripped apart uwu
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cgtg · 2 months
more of heawdio's pilotredsun covers... smth about them sounds so desperate im obsessed... like theyre trying 2 leap in time or something. they feel alive to me idk how else to word it
this cover of canals makes me cry dude i just heard it for the first time 2day. canals is one of my fav pilotredsun songs by a huuuuge shot & this just captures the energy of it so well in a rlly nostalgic & loving way. fucking hell introducing piano to these melodies just puts them on a whole different level. holy shit. pls give this one a listen
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mxstellatayte · 14 days
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jesusbutbetterrr · 5 months
man this song
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faithst · 11 months
HI I LOVEE UR ACCOUNT SM 🤍🤍 i wanna look for more zb1 fics do u have any recommendationss?
here are a list of my personal favourites 🫡
don’t let the ice melt ☆ gunwook — @haesunflower
cold shoulders ☆ gunwook — @yrthr
daisy ☆ hanbin — @seokmthw
love at first sound (it’s a series !) ☆ taerae — @taerrrrrae
honeydew boba ☆ gyuvin — @jebewonmorelike
boiled up ☆ taerae — me cuz i love this one sm sgsjvdns
i hope this helps you 💗
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takiberry · 9 months
hey whos jian?
i believe jian is @seolboba’s oc! if you like oc stories, i think you def read their stuff bc jts definitely cool!
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not-today-thx · 2 years
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jamminvroomvroom · 1 year
send fic recz i beg i’m desperate
(or alternately fic ideas)
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nightlist · 2 years
Big Pozt Of my zaved nozleep ztoriez
warning i havent reread theze and dont remember all of them and conzidering my tazte itz zafe to azzume they are all very fucked up
Cackling Grackles
The Artist
The Pancake Family
Gurgles & Bugman
Has anyone heard of the Left/Right Game?
Ellie Bakerfield disappeared thirty years ago
My next-door neighbor was really loud
Deck the halls... if you dare
I've done terrible things to my son
It all started when I realized my iPhone was self-lubricating.
I was a boogeyman for 12 years. Yesterday the kid I was supposed to haunt finally saved me
When I was a little girl I had a phantom arm -- along with two real ones.
The Bell in the Woods
I'm the Only Woman at My IT Job and Now I Know Why
I killed all of my colleagues, and I'll never get caught. This is my confession.
I Was Dead for Six Minutes and Saw Heaven. I Would Rather Go To Hell. Part 1
Come to Daddy
Jogging in the Park is My Excuse to Look At All The Little Girls (thiz one iz not abt being a pedophile /g)
An old friend's been emailing me about a strange, secret website
The Broken Man
The Sun's Not Coming Up
For nearly 10 years my Secret Santa remained anonymous, but now I know the truth. - December 17
The Sisters of House Omega
I have an unusual job. The pay is good, but I really hate the moaning sounds that go with it.
Because You Are My Baby
My daughter was a monster
The Puppet in the Tree
I work security at Disney World... well, I mean I did.
Matchsticks and Cigarettes
The same hitchhiker was waiting at every stop for the last 100 miles
My House Smells Like Shit And Brimestone. Thanks, Roomba.
My four year old never wants to sleep anymore. I need advice
I Bought The House I Died In As A Child
The Last Bus
Oh Sweetheart
I knew a woman who never took off her wedding dress
Maria on the Moon
Someone keeps leaving gifts at my doorstep, and the names of people they want dead
She's a Keeper
The Walls Sweat
I was adopted into a rich family and my new mother is a doll
I just graduated from medical school, and my new hospital has some very strange rules
This is not a suicide note!
Mommy Sleeps in The Basement
There's Something Beyond VantaBlack
Project Entryway
Feed the Pig
There's Something Wrong With Dad
Room 733
Rocking Horse Creek
The Pocket Watch
The Disappearance of Ashley Morgan
The Lost Town of Deepwood, Pennsylvania
July 10th, 1982
Aiden's Spot
Here comes the child bride
The local children think I'm a witch
Life’s tough when your best friend is a serial killer.
Down in the Library Basement
The Farm for Bad Animals
The Judge
Every Halloween, I have a story to tell...
Hell's Mortician
Ghost Repellent
My Best Friend Was a Mermaid
I'm the "Administrator" of the Numbers Station UVB-76 a.k.a "The Buzzer"
Have you ever met a boy named Tan?
The Crone's Wood
I Met a Demon on the Tokyo Subway
The Hello Game
If You See Particularly Clear Water at the Beach in Florida, Do Not Go Swimming.
The Last Time I Picked Up My Son
Ever See An Amber Alert You Were Responsible For?
Arranged Marriage
Everybody has a Demon
There's a Monster Under My Bed
There's a Man Outside My Window
I remember the first time I helped kill my sister.
How to survive camping
The Salt Witch
The worst part about caring for my grandfather with dementia can be hearing the things he confesses to
Down the Drain
The world ended on January 1st, 2022
Dad shut himself inside his bunker at the start of the pandemic. Three months ago, we lost contact with him.
The Swan
if one of theze zoundz interezting but you have triggerz youd want to be warned for firzt feel free to zend me a dm or azk im happy to check ztuff (anon azkz are on)
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emptymilk-bottle · 2 years
this is the playlist i’m referring to if anyone wants to spy at my music taste
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stuffed-gutz · 1 month
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Oyajigari o Karou! | Hunting the Geezer Hunter! by TKSN/TSUKUSUN
As always- Don't like, don't read. The protagonist is a typical delinquent yankee JK, so please keep this in mind if you're at all uncomfortable with a school girl protag. Please be aware as well that TKSN does draw loli in other doujins, if you look into their work.
It's been a while since I've done any recs, but, I also haven't been reading as much lately- So here's something short and extremely explicit.
The first part is generic noncon with an oddly carroonish and adorable old man, and it's just whatever, but the guro stuff is entertaining and fun. I've never seen someone remove the cuts by cutting off the asshole and yanking, so that's pretty novel.
The climax is disappointingly short, but, we got to see her leg get cut off in some nice detail. I enjoy the art style, too- Everyone looks sharp and fluid, and that slight western influence is really cute ♡
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cgtg · 2 months
afternoon randy. today i bring you the song "Fleece Snowkbs (pilotredsun cover)"... found it in my recommended randomly with like 2 views.
oh hell ya. i do know the original, im a big pilotredsun fan. whose cover is it specificly? theres a couple around
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therecz · 11 months
The Best Non-Fiction Book Recommendation
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Non-fiction books are a valuable genre that showcases a window into the real world. Unlike their fictional counterparts, these books are rooted in truth and provide information that is factual. These books also provide insights and perspectives on a wide range of subjects. Non-fiction books can help us expand our knowledge, gain new perspectives, and explore the world around us. These books encompass a wide range of sub-topics, from biographies and memoirs to history and self-help. 
Non-fiction books not only entertain but also enlighten the readers. It allows the reader to learn about different cultures, explore scientific discoveries, and understand historical events. Whether you are looking to learn something new, gain inspiration, or deepen your understanding of a subject. Non-fiction books are an invaluable resource that can broaden your horizons and provide a deeper understanding of the world that we live in. 
At Recz, we provide you with the best book recommendations. Our book recommendation provides the best books that you should not miss out on. We provide information and synopsis on books that are the cream of the crop. Recz recommendations are top-notch. In this blog, we have compiled some of the best non-fiction books of all time. Read more: 
Best Non-Fiction Book Recommendation 
1. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
Sapiens was a revolutionary book written by Yuval Noah Harari. It was first published in Hebrew in Israel in the year 2011. It received several nominations. One of the top nominations it received was Goodreads Choice Award Best Graphic Novel & Comics. This book is followed by Homo Deus. 
This book focuses on Homo Sapiens. It surveys mankind’s history starting from Stone Age, and it covers the human journey up to the twenty-first century. Harari skillfully explores the major milestones that have shaped human history, from our early beginnings as hunter-gatherers to the present day, where we have become the dominant species on the planet. 
This book covers a wide range of topics, including the cognitive revolution, the agricultural revolution, the rise of empires, the impact of religion, the development of science and technology, and the challenges we face in the modern world. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind is a must-read non-fiction novel. This book has received a rating of 4.7 out of 5. 
2. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks 
It is one of the most remarkable nonfiction novels. It is penned by author Rebecca Skloot. This gripping account delves into the true story of Henrietta Lacks, an African-American woman whose cells were taken without her consent in the 1950s and became instrumental in scientific research and medical breakthroughs. 
Skloot traces the journey of Henrietta’s cells, which were called HeLa cells. They played a pivotal role in advancing medicine. This includes the development of the polio vaccine, cancer research, and countless other scientific discoveries. This book also sheds light on the ethical and moral dilemmas surrounding medical consent and the exploitation of downtrodden communities. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is one of the must-reads. It is one of the top Recz recommendations. It received a rating of 4.1 out of 5 on Goodreads. 
3. Between the World and Me
Between the World and Me is a powerful non-fiction book written by Ta-Nehisi Coates. This book is a heartfelt and deeply personal work that takes the form of a letter from the author to his teenage son. It grapples with the realities of being a Black man in America. 
Coates explores the profound impact of systemic racism and white supremacy on the Black experience. This book reflects on his own life, the history of racial injustice in the U.S., and the ongoing struggle for equality. Coates shares his fears, hopes, and insights with his son. This works as a raw and unfiltered account of the challenges faced by Black individuals in a society that often fails to recognize their humanity. This book has a rating of 4.4 out of 5 on Goodreads.  
4. The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History
The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History is a thought-provoking non-fiction book. It is authored by Elizabeth Kolbert. This compelling book deals with the themes of the alarming reality of mass extinction events and their impact on the planet. Kolbert delves into the current state of Earth’s biodiversity and the growing consensus among scientists that we are in the midst of a sixth mass extinction that is caused mainly due to human activities. 
In this book, Kolbert talks about the various ways in which human actions, like habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, and the introduction of invasive species, are diving several species to the brink of extinction. Through meticulous research and firsthand reporting, Kolbert travels to different parts of the world. She examined the effects of extinction on diverse ecosystems and species. 
From coral reefs and tropical rainforests to the melting Arctic and vanishing amphibians, she provides a comprehensive overview of the global ecological crisis. The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History is one of the best books that deal with the concepts of endangered ecosystems. It is an excellent book recommendation. The Sixth Extinction has a rating of 4.2 on Goodreads.
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k4ban0s2 · 11 months
kilka osob chcialo te przepisy na paczki/ciastka wiec wstawie wam odrazu je i kilka procz nich, jestem przeciez dobrym kabanosem (nie probowalam ich jeszxze wiec n recze ze wyjda n wiadomo jak):
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faithst · 11 months
HEYY FAITHH, idk if u do these things but do you have any account recommendations for good zb1 text imagines? hehehe
recently, i’ve been eyeing @ivrousae and @misflwr (u caught my eyes 🤩)
i’ve seen @matthyeu @haesunflower @yvjin and @hariboz do some cute ones aswell~!
i hope this helps 💗
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