#red dead redemption concept art
concepthunter · 1 year
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starspurs · 23 days
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the braithwaite manor
(many hours in photoshop)
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jyaart · 1 year
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lazypapers · 8 months
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Dutch Studies
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telltalesketch · 2 years
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Time for some art dump! (and oh boy you can really see the progression)
So as part of that Red Dead Supernatural AU I'm working on it's going to feature a Ghost Rider!Arthur. Or in this AU a "Harbinger".
Goes from most recent to oldest because of tumblr show more and I definitely want to show off the most recent one, and my favorite, first. Can't wait to draw more of this and get back into the groove of writing out that AU.
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notthatnoodle · 1 month
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Tombstone Redemption
~Van Der Linde Gang meets the Cowboys~
”Gentlemen! May I simply ask you to listen to my, proposal.”
”Hear that, boys? We’re going to have some fun tonight, shall we!”
And my dumb talk about cowboys, mental health, and me being so unsure of my drawing skills. Buckle up cowboy, it's going to be a long one.
Do you know that feeling, when you have an idea. And that idea is something that scares you? Because I do, too clearly if one may say.
I wanted to do something. Draw something that I would be proud of. But how to do that when you just hate everything you do, when it feel overwhelming to do.
Well, just trying to do it. Just trying to enjoy the journey and the things I'm doing while on it.
It was scary to start, but I still had a plan for it, you know.
Something big, scary.
"This is never going to look good. It's going to be terrible."
"It's going to take so long, it's going to look stupid."
"I already hate it."
That's what I thought at the time, while doing the sketch.
And you know what...
I did. But after days of just doing the lines again and again, it finally got better. After DAYS. For me it might take weeks before I can continue working on something which looks bad in my eyes.
I hated to do the line art first, I hated to do it, so much that I almost gave up because it already, alone, felt overwhelming. I didn't like it one bit. The characters didn't look like themselves, and I wasn't happy. No one has any idea how long it took to do it.
BUT i finally did it. I got flat colors done. And from there, I could finally move to the next part. And I was so happy how it turned out, it gave me hope, feeling of success.
"I can do it."
"I can do the next part too."
I was in halfway now, the RDR2 side was ready, except the lighting and the shadows of course but anyway. To get myself to do the rest, I asked myself...
Why I do this again?
And the answer to that was surprisingly simple.
I do this because even it feels so overwhelming at times, I love to do it. I love to see what I'm capable of. I love to draw, sketch, do things like that.
Because it helps my mental health.
Because I need to get my inspiration out to a paper.
Because I love westerns
Because RDR2 became my comfort game.
Because Tombstone became my comfort movie.
Because I have no money to travel to the other side of the world to a meetings or something. I have to create my own "meetings", in a way of an art.
Because both, RDR and Tombstone, have helped me in the past year, in the ways I never imagined would be possible.
Who would've known long time ago that I wouldn't need any meds in couple of years because some sad, rough, cold, unstable cowboy men, huh?
I've heard so many times that people have called comfort characters "cringe" or "weird."
And that "you should get real help."
Well, I did. I had that real help, but beside the medication that helped, I just couldn't find anything to talk about with the professionals.
I never personally have liked talking (but it's still good, try it) and I've always used art and writing to get all my feelings out. Tbh, it haven't helped the situation that I'm terrible at recognizing my own feelings.
And, well.
If anyone would've said back in 2020 that "In couple years your mental health is going to get better because of Arthur Morgan and Johnny Ringo" I would've been so confused.
"Who??? Where??? When???"
The two most mentally stable men in the universe, right?
But you see, here we are. Still trying to decide do I hate my art or not. But even still, it's finally on place where I dreamed it would be when I was 14 years old and could only draw poor dogs and cats.
I may not feel like it, but I try to remind myself many times in a day. That this is what I wanted, this is what I worked for.
The progress has been slow, but it's still showing up. But I want to get better, I want to draw even more better, to get more realistic or something. I'm not even sure myself. Can you believe it? 10 years of drawing and I'm still not sure what I want my style really to be, other than somewhat realistic.
The progress is slow, but it's here. The mental health and drawing skills are both growing even I may not admit it to myself. And I still want to get better.
There is going to be bad times, there is always going to be bad times, those are never going to disappear. But what also is not going to disappear, is my passion to my art. To the characters, to the world they live in.
It's surely going to stay a big part of me, even it may fade in some point. But it is still there, a part which shows what helped me get back up.
As a reminder to myself how I got better. And that healing journey isn't in the end. Is only just begun.
It's a journey I'm afraid of, excited, curious, terrified...
But it's going to be amazing, hard, I'm going to hate and love every second of it.
And that's good. It means I've finally managed to dig up my closed emotions.
I may be able to know what I feel for the first time in years. I might be able to feel something that has been hidden away since forever.
And all that just because of some Cowboy Depression Simulator and the movie with the Cowboys and tuberculosis.
Seriously, they both end almost same way and managed to broke my fucking heart while doing it. And still they are probably the best things that have ever happened to me.
What I learned, what I thought while doing this art and thinking it's meaning... Only person you can let down in this planet is yourself, and only person who really knows everything you've done to get back up, is yourself. So, give a hug to you, give a tap to you, give a hamburger to you or something.
The good begins before the bad things end.
So go kick this day to the balls or something, somewhere where the sun doesn't shine, get it all back to yourself.
Carpe diem and have some FAITH to yourself...
Because you really don't know how good the light of tomorrow morning could feel.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. I believe in y'all.
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idyllghost · 5 months
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RDR2 sketchbook page ft a work in progress Arthur portrait
Fun fact I wanna do matching Arthur, John and Dutch portraits maybe even angled after tarot cards Click for better quality and if you’d like more art from me/to support my work consider commissioning me!
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geekynerfherder · 7 months
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Showcasing art from some of my favourite artists, and those that have attracted my attention, in the field of visual arts, including vintage; pulp; pop culture; books and comics; concert posters; fantastical and imaginative realism; classical; contemporary; new contemporary; pop surrealism; conceptual and illustration.
The art of Omar Samy.
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shindukoi · 3 months
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why not mix both of my obsession?
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marinsdoodles · 3 days
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tuna-fish-sammy · 21 days
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t-dubber · 5 months
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“Just take on what you can.”
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leonicedtea · 4 months
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My yeehaw guys!!!
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leanmeangenie · 1 year
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Belle Boucher
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lotartfarts · 11 months
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Rdo2 ocs, they’re a work in progress!
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telltalesketch · 2 years
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Original character tiiiime! This one is specifically meant for that RDR Supernatural AU because I can't help myself
This is Dr. Katherine Ward, local physician of Valentine and very old necromancer. okay she's technically a lich but shhhhhhhhh
I had a lot of fun drawing her again honestly, came up with her initially in 2020 (which is when the second image was done and is technically an early concept of her lich form). The gangrene hand is a new development which started with "oooooo aesthetic color fade fingers" and turned into "how do I make this creepy?".
I also have her real age pinned down, but where's the fun in the character if I tell you everything before you actually get to meet her in the story?
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