#red hat openshift
msrlunatj · 1 month
Guía sobre Red Hat Enterprise Linux: La Solución Empresarial en Linux
1. Introducción
Presentación de Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) es una distribución de Linux de clase empresarial desarrollada por Red Hat, Inc. Lanzada en 2000, RHEL está diseñada para ser una solución robusta y confiable para entornos empresariales y de misión crítica.
Importancia de RHEL en el ecosistema Linux
RHEL es ampliamente utilizado en servidores y entornos de nube debido a su estabilidad, soporte técnico y la capacidad de integrarse con una amplia gama de tecnologías empresariales. Es conocida por su enfoque en la seguridad y la escalabilidad.
2. Historia y Filosofía de Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Origen y evolución de RHEL
RHEL se basa en la distribución comunitaria Fedora y fue creado para ofrecer una versión comercial y soportada de Linux. Red Hat ha lanzado versiones de RHEL con ciclos de vida extensos, lo que garantiza soporte a largo plazo para empresas.
Filosofía de RHEL y el software libre
RHEL sigue la filosofía del software libre y open source, pero ofrece soporte comercial, lo que incluye asistencia técnica, actualizaciones y servicios adicionales. Esto proporciona a las empresas la confianza de contar con respaldo profesional.
3. Características Clave de Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Soporte a largo plazo y estabilidad
RHEL ofrece soporte extendido para cada versión, con actualizaciones de seguridad y mantenimiento durante 10 años. Esto es crucial para entornos empresariales que requieren estabilidad y confiabilidad a largo plazo.
Gestor de paquetes
YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified) fue el gestor de paquetes tradicional de RHEL, pero ha sido reemplazado por DNF (Dandified YUM) en versiones más recientes. DNF mejora la gestión de paquetes y la resolución de dependencias.
Comandos básicos: sudo dnf install [paquete], sudo dnf remove [paquete], sudo dnf update.
Formatos de paquetes soportados
RHEL utiliza varios formatos de paquetes:
.rpm: El formato de paquetes nativo de Red Hat y sus derivados.
.deb: Aunque no es nativo, puede instalarse en sistemas basados en RHEL con herramientas específicas.
Soporte para entornos virtuales y en la nube
RHEL ofrece herramientas y soporte para la virtualización, incluyendo KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine), y es compatible con plataformas de nube como AWS, Azure y OpenStack.
4. Proceso de Instalación de Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Requisitos mínimos del sistema
Procesador: 1 GHz o superior.
Memoria RAM: 1 GB como mínimo, 2 GB o más recomendados.
Espacio en disco: 10 GB de espacio libre en disco.
Tarjeta gráfica: Soporte para una resolución mínima de 1024x768.
Unidad de DVD o puerto USB para la instalación.
Descarga y preparación del medio de instalación
La descarga de RHEL requiere una suscripción activa con Red Hat. Se puede preparar un USB booteable usando herramientas como Rufus o balenaEtcher.
Guía paso a paso para la instalación
Selección del entorno de instalación: El instalador gráfico de RHEL, basado en Anaconda, ofrece una interfaz intuitiva para la instalación.
Configuración de particiones: El instalador permite particionado automático y manual, adaptándose a diferentes configuraciones de almacenamiento.
Configuración de la red y selección de software: Durante la instalación, se configuran las opciones de red y se pueden elegir paquetes y características adicionales.
Primeros pasos post-instalación
Actualización del sistema: Ejecutar sudo dnf update después de la instalación garantiza que todo el software esté actualizado.
Instalación de controladores adicionales y software: RHEL puede instalar automáticamente controladores adicionales necesarios para el hardware.
5. Comparativa de RHEL con Otras Distribuciones
RHEL vs. CentOS
Objetivo: CentOS era una versión gratuita y sin soporte de RHEL, pero ha sido reemplazado por CentOS Stream, que ofrece una vista previa de la próxima versión de RHEL. RHEL proporciona soporte técnico y actualizaciones extendidas, mientras que CentOS Stream actúa como un puente entre Fedora y RHEL.
Filosofía: RHEL se centra en el soporte empresarial y en la estabilidad, mientras que CentOS Stream se enfoca en el desarrollo y la contribución de la comunidad.
RHEL vs. Ubuntu Server
Objetivo: Ubuntu Server está diseñado para ser fácil de usar y de administrar, con un ciclo de lanzamientos regular. RHEL, por su parte, se enfoca en ofrecer soporte a largo plazo y en satisfacer las necesidades de grandes empresas.
Filosofía: Ubuntu Server ofrece versiones LTS para estabilidad, mientras que RHEL proporciona soporte y servicios comerciales extensivos.
RHEL vs. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)
Objetivo: SLES, desarrollado por SUSE, es similar a RHEL en términos de soporte empresarial y estabilidad. Ambas distribuciones ofrecen soporte extendido y herramientas para la gestión de servidores.
Filosofía: RHEL y SLES son comparables en términos de soporte empresarial, pero cada uno tiene su propio enfoque y conjunto de herramientas específicas.
6. Herramientas y Servicios de Red Hat
Red Hat Satellite
Red Hat Satellite es una solución de gestión de sistemas que permite la administración centralizada de sistemas RHEL, incluyendo la implementación, configuración y mantenimiento.
Red Hat Ansible Automation
Ansible Automation es una herramienta para la automatización de tareas y la gestión de configuraciones, facilitando la administración de sistemas a gran escala.
Red Hat OpenShift
OpenShift es una plataforma de contenedores y Kubernetes gestionada por Red Hat, ideal para la implementación y gestión de aplicaciones en contenedores.
7. Comunidad y Soporte
Acceso al soporte de Red Hat
Red Hat ofrece soporte técnico profesional a través de sus suscripciones, que incluyen asistencia técnica 24/7, actualizaciones de seguridad y parches.
Recursos comunitarios y documentación
Red Hat Customer Portal: Acceso a documentación, guías de usuario, y foros de soporte.
Red Hat Learning Subscription: Cursos y formación en línea para usuarios de RHEL.
8. Conclusión
RHEL como una opción robusta para empresas
Red Hat Enterprise Linux es una opción sólida para empresas que buscan una distribución de Linux con soporte técnico profesional, estabilidad y escalabilidad. Su enfoque en la estabilidad y el soporte extendido lo convierte en una opción ideal para entornos empresariales y de misión crítica.
Recomendaciones finales para quienes consideran usar RHEL
RHEL es adecuado para organizaciones que requieren soporte técnico y estabilidad a largo plazo, y que están dispuestas a invertir en una solución de Linux empresarial respaldada por Red Hat.
9. Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQ)
¿RHEL es adecuado para pequeñas empresas?
RHEL es ideal para empresas de todos tamaños que buscan un sistema operativo empresarial robusto y con soporte técnico profesional.
¿Qué diferencia a RHEL de CentOS?
CentOS era una versión gratuita y comunitaria de RHEL, pero ahora CentOS Stream sirve como una vista previa de las próximas versiones de RHEL. RHEL proporciona soporte empresarial y actualizaciones extendidas.
¿Cómo obtengo soporte para RHEL?
El soporte se obtiene a través de una suscripción con Red Hat, que incluye asistencia técnica, actualizaciones y acceso a herramientas de gestión.
¿RHEL es compatible con software de terceros?
Sí, RHEL es compatible con una amplia gama de software y aplicaciones de terceros, y Red Hat ofrece soporte para integrar soluciones empresariales.
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govindhtech · 7 months
Dominate NLP: Red Hat OpenShift & 5th Gen Intel Xeon Muscle
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Using Red Hat OpenShift and 5th generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors, Boost Your NLP Applications
Red Hat OpenShift AI
Her AI findings on OpenShift, where have been testing the new 5th generation Intel Xeon CPU, have really astonished us. Naturally, AI is a popular subject of discussion everywhere from the boardroom to the data center.
There is no doubt about the benefits: AI lowers expenses and increases corporate efficiency.
It facilitates the discovery of hitherto undiscovered insights in analytics and expands comprehension of business, enabling you to make more informed business choices more quickly than before.
Beyond only recognizing human voice for customer support, natural language processing (NLP) has become more valuable in business. These days, natural language processing (NLP) is utilized to improve machine translation, identify spam more accurately, enhance client Chatbot experiences, and even employ sentiment analysis to ascertain social media tone. It is expected to reach a worldwide market value of USD 80.68 billion by 2026 , and companies will need to support and grow with it quickly.
Her goal was to determine how Red Hat OpenShift‘s NLP AI workloads were affected by the newest 5th generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors.
The Support Red Hat OpenShift Provides for Your AI Foundation
Red Hat OpenShift is an application deployment, management, and scalability platform built on top of Kubernetes containerization technology. Applications become less dependent on one another as they transition to a containerized environment. This makes it possible for you to update and apply bug patches in addition to swiftly identifying, isolating, and resolving problems. In particular, for AI workloads like natural language processing, the containerized design lowers costs and saves time in maintaining the production environment. AI models may be designed, tested, and generated more quickly with the help of OpenShift’s supported environment. Red Hat OpenShift is the best option because of this.
The Intel AMX Modified the Rules
Intel released the Intel AMX, or fourth generation Intel Xeon Scalable CPU, almost a year ago. The CPU may optimize tasks related to deep learning and inferencing thanks to Intel AMX, an integrated accelerator.
The CPU can switch between AI workloads and ordinary computing tasks with ease thanks to Intel AMX compatibility. Significant performance gains were achieved with the introduction of Intel AMX on 4th generation Intel Xeon Scalable CPUs.
After Intel unveiled its 5th generation Intel Xeon Scalable CPU in December 2023, they set out to measure the extra value that this processor generation offers over its predecessor.
Because BERT-Large is widely utilized in many business NLP workloads, they explicitly picked it as deep learning model. With Red Hat OpenShift 4.13.2 for Inference, the graph below illustrates the performance gain of the 5th generation Intel Xeon 8568Y+ over the 4th generation Intel Xeon 8460+. The outcomes are Amazing These Intel Xeon Scalable 5th generation processors improved its predecessors in an assortment of remarkable ways.
Performing on OpenShift upon a 5th generation Intel Xeon Platinum 8568the value of Y+ with INT8 produces up to 1.3x improved natural-language processing inference capability (BERT-Large) than previous versions with Inverse.
OpenShift on a 5th generation Intel Xeon Platinum 8568Y with BF16 yields 1.37x greater Natural Language Processing inference performance (BERT-Large) compared to previous generations with BF16.
OpenShift on a 5th generation Intel Xeon Platinum 8568Y+ with FP32 yields 1.49x greater Natural Language Processing inference performance (BERT-Large) compared to previous generations with FP32.
They evaluated power usage as well, and the new 5th Generation has far greater performance per watt.
Natural Language Processing inference performance (BERT-Large) running on OpenShift on a 5th generation Intel Xeon Platinum 8568Y+ with INT8 has up to 1.22x perf/watt gain compared to previous generation with INT8.
Natural Language Processing inference performance (BERT-Large) running on OpenShift on a 5th generation Intel Xeon Platinum 8568Y+ with BF16 is up to 1.28x faster per watt than on a previous generation of processors with BF16.
Natural Language Processing inference performance (BERT-Large) running on OpenShift on a 5th generation Intel Xeon Platinum 8568Y+ with FP32 is up to 1.39 times faster per watt than it was on a previous generation with FP32.
Methodology of Testing
Using an Intel-optimized TensorFlow framework and a pre-trained NLP model from Intel AI Reference Models, the workload executed a BERT Large Natural Language Processing (NLP) inference job. With Red Hat OpenShift 4.13.13, it evaluates throughput and compares Intel Xeon 4th and 5th generation processor performance using the Stanford Question Answering Dataset.
What is OpenShift and why it is used?
Developing, deploying, and managing container-based apps is made easier with OpenShift. Faster development and release life cycles are made possible by the self-service platform it offers you to build, edit, and launch apps as needed. Consider pictures as molds for cookies, and containers as the cookies themselves.
What strategy was Red Hat OpenShift designed for?
Red Hat OpenShift makes hybrid infrastructure deployment and maintenance easier while giving you the choice of fully managed or self-managed services that may operate on-premise, in the cloud, or in hybrid settings.
Read more on Govindhetch.com
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codecraftshop · 2 years
How to deploy web application in openshift command line
To deploy a web application in OpenShift using the command-line interface (CLI), follow these steps: Create a new project: Before deploying your application, you need to create a new project. You can do this using the oc new-project command. For example, to create a project named “myproject”, run the following command:javascriptCopy codeoc new-project myproject Create an application: Use the oc…
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remitiras · 9 months
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I was bored at work so I made a custom logo for our openshift test cluster.
(I drew it in ms paint and then deleted the background and added a border in Photoshop)
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techzert · 1 year
Red Hat OpenShift Services - Techzert
Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud Services. TechZert offer services flexible deployment, seamless Kubernetes updates and upgrades and converge payments processing onto a single platform, Regular maintenance of all components etc. Book a demo now!
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linux2cloud-pvt · 2 years
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ardenasaservice · 2 years
everyone please look at my shiny new badge
on a more serious note, I've been a heavy RHEL user for a few years but never really worked directly with red hat until my work with kubernetes. openshift has been a lot of fun to learn, and red hat has been great to work along side as I've learned more about k8s style container orchestration. I'll also be attending Red Hat Summit 2023, and I'd love to say hi if I see anyone there!
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mitchipedia · 10 months
The Flaming Fedora fellowship at Red Hat debuts OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) with hosted control plane, which it claims can cut costs of running Kubernetes clusters by 20%. I wrote this.
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norteenlinea · 3 days
Red Hat y Datco presentaron una solución basada en OpenShift en el encuentro Internacional del sector minero
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qcs01 · 8 days
Red Hat Training Categories: Empowering IT Professionals for the Future
Red Hat, a leading provider of enterprise open-source solutions, offers a comprehensive range of training programs designed to equip IT professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the rapidly evolving world of technology. Whether you're an aspiring system administrator, a seasoned DevOps engineer, or a cloud architect, Red Hat's training programs cover key technologies and tools that drive modern IT infrastructures. Let’s explore some of the key Red Hat training categories.
1. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
RHEL is the foundation of many enterprises, and Red Hat offers extensive training to help IT professionals master Linux system administration, automation, and security. Key courses in this category include:
Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA): An essential certification for beginners in Linux administration.
Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE): Advanced training in system administration, emphasizing automation using Ansible.
Security and Identity Management: Focuses on securing Linux environments and managing user identities.
2. Ansible Automation
Automation is at the heart of efficient IT operations, and Ansible is a powerful tool for automating tasks across diverse environments. Red Hat offers training on:
Ansible Basics: Ideal for beginners looking to understand how to automate workflows and deploy applications.
Advanced Ansible Automation: Focuses on optimizing playbooks, integrating Ansible Tower, and managing large-scale deployments.
3. OpenShift Container Platform
OpenShift is Red Hat’s Kubernetes-based platform for managing containerized applications. Red Hat training covers topics like:
OpenShift Administration: Learn how to install, configure, and manage OpenShift clusters.
OpenShift Developer: Build, deploy, and scale containerized applications on OpenShift.
4. Red Hat Cloud Technologies
With businesses rapidly adopting cloud technologies, Red Hat’s cloud training programs ensure that professionals are prepared for cloud-native development and infrastructure management. Key topics include:
Red Hat OpenStack: Learn how to deploy and manage private cloud environments.
Red Hat Virtualization: Master the deployment of virtual machines and manage large virtualized environments.
5. DevOps Training
Red Hat is committed to promoting DevOps practices, helping teams collaborate more efficiently. DevOps training includes:
Red Hat DevOps Pipelines and CI/CD: Learn how to streamline software development, testing, and deployment processes.
Container Development and Kubernetes Integration: Get hands-on experience with containerized applications and orchestrating them using Kubernetes.
6. Cloud-Native Development
As enterprises move towards microservices and cloud-native applications, Red Hat provides training on developing scalable and resilient applications:
Microservices Architecture: Learn to build and deploy microservices using Red Hat’s enterprise open-source tools.
Serverless Application Development: Focus on building lightweight applications that scale on demand.
7. Red Hat Satellite
Red Hat Satellite simplifies Linux system management at scale, and its training focuses on:
Satellite Server Administration: Learn how to automate system maintenance and streamline software updates across your RHEL environment.
8. Security and Compliance
In today's IT landscape, security is paramount. Red Hat offers specialized training on securing infrastructure and ensuring compliance:
Linux Security Essentials: Learn to safeguard Linux environments from vulnerabilities.
Advanced Security Features: Cover best practices for maintaining security across hybrid cloud environments.
Why Red Hat Training?
Red Hat certifications are globally recognized, validating your expertise in open-source technologies. They offer hands-on, practical training that helps professionals apply their knowledge directly to real-world challenges. By investing in Red Hat training, you are preparing yourself for future innovations and ensuring that your skills remain relevant in an ever-changing industry.
Red Hat training empowers IT professionals to build, manage, and secure the enterprise-grade systems that are shaping the future of technology. Whether you're looking to enhance your Linux skills, dive into automation with Ansible, or embrace cloud-native development, there’s a Red Hat training category tailored to your needs.
For more details click www.hawkstack.com 
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amritatechh · 16 days
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Scaling Kubernetes Deployments: Red Hat OpenShift Administration III - DO380" Visit website : https://amritahyd.org/ Enroll Now- 090005 80570 #amrita #amritatechnologies #do380 #DO380 #kubernets #cka #linux #linuxcourse #linuxautomation #linuxautomation #linuxplatform #redhat #ansible #linux9 #containerregistration #rh294course #openshift #linux #automation 
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hotnew-pt · 18 days
Plataforma de desenvolvimento nacional utiliza tecnologia Red Hat #ÚltimasNotícias
Hot News A Nationwide Building Society está usando o Red Hat como parte de sua plataforma de desenvolvimento de aplicativos, o que está acelerando os lançamentos de software e melhorando a disponibilidade. A gigante financeira do Reino Unido está usando o Red Hat OpenShift como parte de uma plataforma para integrar sistemas empresariais após o sucesso de um projeto inicial para coletar dados em…
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govindhtech · 8 months
IBM LinuxONE 4 Express: AI & Hybrid Cloud Savings
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With the release of IBM LinuxONE 4 Express today, small and medium-sized enterprises as well as new data center environments can now benefit from the newest performance, security, and artificial intelligence capabilities of LinuxONE. Pre-configured rack mount systems are intended to save money and eliminate client guesswork when launching workloads rapidly and utilizing the platform for both new and established use cases, including workload consolidation, digital assets, and AI-powered medical imaging.
Developing a comprehensive hybrid cloud plan for the present and the future
Businesses that swiftly shift their offerings online frequently end up with a hybrid cloud environment that was built by default, complete with siloed stacks that are unsuitable for AI adoption or cross-business alignment. 84% of executives questioned in a recent IBM IBV survey admitted that their company struggles to eliminate handoffs from one silo to another. Furthermore, according to 78% of responding executives, the successful adoption of their multicloud platform is hampered by an insufficient operating model.2. Another strategy that organizations can adopt in response to the pressure to improve business outcomes and accelerate and scale the impact of data and AI across the enterprise is to more carefully determine which workloads belong in the cloud or on-premises.
“Startups and small to medium-sized enterprises have the opportunity to develop a deliberate hybrid cloud strategy from the ground up with IBM LinuxONE 4 Express. According to Tina Tarquinio, VP of Product Management for IBM Z and LinuxONE, “IBM delivers the power of hybrid cloud and AI in the most recent LinuxONE 4 system to a straightforward, easy to use format that fits in many data centers.” “And as their businesses grow with the changing shifts in the market, LinuxONE 4 Express can scale to meet growing workload and performance requirements, in addition to offering AI inferencing co-located with mission-critical data for growing AI use cases.”
Accelerating biosciences computing research
University College London is a major UK public research university. They are developing a sustainable hybrid cloud platform with IBM to support their academic research.
According to Dr. Owain Kenway, Head of Research Computing at University College London, “Our Centre for Advanced Research Computing is critical to enable computational research across the sciences and humanities, as well as digital scholarship for students.” We’re thrilled that LinuxONE 4 Express will support work in “Trusted Research Environments” (TREs), such as AI workloads on medical data, and high I/O workloads like Next Generation Sequencing for Biosciences. The system’s affordability will enable us to make it available as a test bed to university researchers and industry players alike, and its high performance and scalability meet our critical research needs.”
Providing excellent security, scalability, and availability for various use cases and data center environments
Based on the IBM Telum processor, IBM LinuxONE Rockhopper 4 was released in April 2023 and has features intended to minimize energy usage and data center floor area while providing customers with the necessary scale, performance, and security. For customers with stringent resiliency requirements owing to internal or external regulations, IBM LinuxONE 4 Express, which is also based on the Telum processor and is supplied in a rack mount format, offers high availability. Actually, Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform environments running on IBM LinuxONE 4 Express systems with GDPS, IBM DS8000 series storage with HyperSwap, and other features are built to provide 99.999999% (eight 9s) availability.3.
“IBM LinuxONE is quickly emerging as a key component of IBM’s larger infrastructure narrative,” says Steven Dickens, vice president and practice leader at The Futurum Group. IBM is in a unique position to manage mission-critical workloads with high availability thanks to the new LinuxONE 4 Express solution. This plus the system’s cybersecurity posture puts IBM in a strong position to gain traction in the market.”
The system tackles an entirely new range of use cases that small and startup companies must deal with, such as:
Digital assets: Specifically created to safeguard sensitive data, such as digital assets, IBM LinuxONE 4 Express offers a secure platform with private computing capabilities. IBM LinuxONE 4 Express now includes hardware-based security technology called IBM Secure Execution for Linux. For individual workloads, scalable isolation can aid in defending against both insider threats and external attacks. This covers data in use, which is a crucial security step for use cases involving digital assets.
AI-powered medical imaging: Clients can co-locate AI with mission-critical data on a LinuxONE system, enabling data analysis where the data is located, thanks to IBM Telum processor on-chip AI inferencing. To expedite business decision-making, health insurance companies, for instance, could examine vast amounts of medical records in almost real-time to verify process claims.
Workload consolidation: By combining databases onto a single LinuxONE system, IBM LinuxONE 4 Express is intended to assist customers in streamlining their IT environments and reducing expenses. When clients switch from an x86 server to an IBM LinuxONE 4 Express for their Linux workloads, they can save more than 52% on their total cost of ownership over a 5-year period. This product is designed to provide clients with significant cost savings over time.4
Enabling the IBM Ecosystem to achieve success for clients
IBM is working to provide solutions for today’s cybersecurity and sustainability challenges with the IBM LinuxONE Ecosystem, which includes AquaSecurity, Clari5, Exponential AI, Opollo Technologies, Pennant, and Spiking. An optimized sustainability and security posture is essential to safeguarding sensitive personal information and achieving sustainable organizational goals for clients that manage workloads related to data serving, core banking, and digital assets. Here, IBM Business Partners can find out more about the abilities needed to set up, implement, maintain, and resell IBM LinuxONE 4 Express.
Eyad Alhabbash, Director, IBM Systems Solutions & Support Group at Saudi Business Machines (SBM), stated, “We purchased an IBM LinuxONE III Express to run proofs of concepts for our strategic customers, and the feedback we have received so far has been excellent.” “LinuxONE III Express demonstrated better performance than the x86 running the same Red Hat OpenShift workload, and the customer noted how user-friendly the IBM LinuxONE is for server, storage and network management and operations.”
IBM LinuxONE 4 Express release date
Commencing at $135,00, IBM and its approved business partners will offer the new IBM LinuxONE 4 Express for general availability on February 20, 2024.
For additional information, join IBM partners and clients on February 20 at 11 a.m. ET for a live, in-depth webinar on industry trends like cybersecurity, sustainability, and artificial intelligence. You’ll also get behind-the-scenes access to the brand-new IBM LinuxONE 4 Express system.
Concerning IBM
IBM is a global leader in consulting, AI, and hybrid cloud solutions. They help customers in over 175 countries use data insights to optimize business operations, cut costs, and gain a competitive edge. Over 4,000 government and corporate entities in critical infrastructure sectors like financial services, telecommunications, and healthcare use Red Hat OpenShift and IBM’s hybrid cloud platform for fast, secure, and efficient digital transformations. IBM offers clients open and flexible options with its groundbreaking AI, quantum computing, industry-specific cloud solutions, and consulting. IBM’s history of transparency, accountability, inclusivity, trust, and service supports this.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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codecraftshop · 2 years
How to deploy web application in openshift web console
To deploy a web application in OpenShift using the web console, follow these steps: Create a new project: Before deploying your application, you need to create a new project. You can do this by navigating to the OpenShift web console, selecting the “Projects” dropdown menu, and then clicking on “Create Project”. Enter a name for your project and click “Create”. Add a new application: In the…
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nksistemas · 23 days
Red Hat Lanza OpenStack Services para Facilitar la Gestión de Redes en Telecomunicaciones
Red Hat, líder en software de código abierto, ha anunciado la disponibilidad general de su plataforma s, un movimiento estratégico diseñado para ayudar a proveedores de telecomunicaciones y empresas a unificar y simplificar la gestión de sus redes. El lanzamiento de Red Hat OpenStack Services en OpenShift está dirigido a facilitar el manejo de las complejidades de las aplicaciones virtualizadas,…
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