#red is also such a difficult color for me to shade
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The King and Queen of The UnNamed Kingdom
I didn't think this would turn out well because of the pose but I'm happy with how this looks now
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hbdttg · 1 year
“Hold the elevator!”
The elevator doors are mere inches from closing, but Steve dutifully shoots a hand out to stop them. They slide back open, revealing a flustered-looking man about Steve’s age on the other side.
He’s dressed head to toe in black, decked out in a simple black pullover with a modest V-neck, snug black jeans, and all-black leather Chucks with a messenger bag slung across his chest. The messenger bag is, unsurprisingly, also black, but covered in a collection of tough-looking patches and pins in varying shades of—well, it’s mostly red, dark red, white, and some yellows, but the pops of color still stand out against his otherwise monochrome ensemble.
His dark, curly hair reaches a little past his shoulders and he’s got this frankly outdated fringe that, despite its very 80’s vibe, frames his face perfectly. His eyes are large and expressive, and he’s got this frantic energy about him that reminds Steve of a live wire. He’s nothing like the buttoned-up suits Steve usually shares his elevator rides with each morning, and it’s a refreshing change of pace.
The man gives Steve a thankful look before stepping into the elevator and leaning against the side wall. “Thanks,” he says, a little distractedly. He’s got a pair big of headphones on and Steve realizes he’s in the middle of a phone call when he adds, “No, not you, Gare, I was thanking the guy who held the elevator for me. Yeah, this building’s crazy. There’s a whole-ass sixtieth floor—guess I’m kind of a big deal now.” He lets out a small, self-deprecating chuckle, reaching for the panel beside him.
As the doors close and the elevator starts to slowly ascend, Steve notices the man pressed the button for the floor above his. Both the fifty-second and fifty-third floor buttons are lit in a halo of green.
“You know I didn’t want to leave you guys,” the man continues, a bit more quietly now that he and Steve are sharing the same small space, “but shit, I couldn’t turn down the pay.” He scoffs. “Ugh, listen to me, just another cog in the capitalist machine. Man, if high school me could see me now. High school Eddie used to talk big about forced conformity and rising up against the man, and now here I am—”
Steve tries not to listen to the one-sided conversation going on beside him, but it’s difficult when a moment later, he hears his own name.
“—clocking in for my first day at fuckin’ Harrington Hargrove Hagan. The pretentious bastards can’t even shorten it to an acronym or something. God forbid they have to miss out on the sound of their own names.”
Steve manages to hold in the obnoxious snort that threatens to escape him. He’s starting to think he might like this guy—Eddie, his mind supplies helpfully—but Eddie’s next words have him freezing in place.
“And it’s nepo baby central. Yeah, pretty sure all the H kiddies are hotshot brokers with the company. All the biggest accounts—gee, I wonder why.”
Steve can feel the back of his neck burning hot with a mixture of annoyance and shame as Eddie cracks a caustic joke about silver spoons and trust funds.
“You’re kidding, one of them works at this branch? Damn, I guess I’ll just keep an eye out for the guy who most looks like he’s got a giant stick up his ass.”
This is quickly becoming the longest elevator ride of Steve’s life. He grits his teeth and stares fixedly at the floor display panel above the elevator doors, watching the numbers climb higher and higher. Thirty-seven. Thirty-eight.
“Listen, I should go, but let’s grab a drink at the Hideout later. Cool, see you then. Bye.”
Forty-one. Forty-two.
Eddie removes his headphones and shoves them into his bag, angling slightly toward Steve. “Sorry about that, man.”
“You’re good,” Steve says shortly, not looking away from the changing numbers. They reach the forty-seventh floor, and all the while, he feels Eddie’s gaze on him.
It’s not like he’s openly staring, but there’s a certain weight to his furtive glances that completely counteracts his attempts at subtlety. It’s the type of gaze Steve’s familiar with, one that he’s been on the receiving end of since his sophomore year of high school when he hit a growth spurt and actually learned how to style his hair. Assessing. Appreciative. Interested.
And in any other situation, Steve would gladly engage. He’d turn on the charm, quirk the corner of his lip up in that way Robin always rolls her eyes at but reluctantly acknowledges as ‘passably effective’, and maybe even make up an excuse to sidle a bit closer.
But he’s not giving this guy his A-game.
Instead, Steve waits in stifling silence until the fifty-second floor is announced and the doors slide open. He steps forward to exit, but at the very last moment stops in the doorway.
He initially wasn’t going to say anything—though, a past version of himself would have definitely spat something biting and bitchy to Eddie about his snark, would have snootily told him to take his little assumptions and shove them where the sun don’t shine—but sooner or later Eddie’s going to realize he and Steve are colleagues, and he’s going to remember shit-talking him in an elevator on his first day of work, and it’s going to be awkward and uncomfortable.
Steve’s just speeding up the timeline, pushing for the sooner rather than the later, when he decides to spin around and fully face Eddie.
“I think you pressed the wrong button,” he says, all sweet and helpful like he’s talking to Dustin’s mom over a sink full of soapy dishes. “Couldn’t help but overhear that you work at Harrington Hargrove Hagan. It’s on the fifty-second floor, not the fifty-third.” Then he takes a small step backward, moving out into the carpeted hallway.
“Oh.” Eddie scrambles for his phone, unlocking it and scrolling quickly until he finds something that has him straightening up and smiling gratefully at Steve. “I guess I remembered it wrong. Thank you.” He pushes away from the wall, takes a step forward to follow Steve out, but then stops dead in his tracks.
Steve gleefully notes the line of Eddie’s gaze, how it lingers at the breast pocket of his shirt, where, clipped to a retractable badge reel, his building keycard hangs. Eddie evidently hadn’t noticed it during the elevator ride up, but he’s certainly fixated on it now.
Perhaps on the abstract yet easily recognizable Harrington Hargrove Hagan logo in the top right corner.
But more likely, based on the positively mortified look growing on Eddie’s face, on the name clearly printed underneath Steve’s photo in bold, black lettering: STEVE HARRINGTON.
Slowly, Eddie drags his eyes back up to Steve’s face. He stares in silence, eyes bugging nearly out of his head, face turning a concerning shade of pink, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, and his reaction is extreme enough that a small part of Steve is almost inclined to take pity on the guy and laugh it all off.
Unfortunately for Eddie, a bigger part of Steve thinks Eddie looks kind of cute all red-faced and embarrassed like this. So he glances down at himself thoughtfully before turning his attention back on Eddie. “Wow,” he says with exaggerated astonishment, “now that you mention it, I guess I do look like I’ve got a giant stick up my ass.”
As if on cue, the elevator chimes in warning. The doors begin to close, but Eddie just remains rooted in place with that same wide-eyed, horrified expression.
When it becomes clear he has no intentions of actually exiting the elevator, Steve chuckles and wiggles his fingers in a cheeky little wave. “Welcome to the team,” he says airily, before Eddie’s still-blushing face disappears behind the elevator doors.
/ Now with a Part 2!
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neptuneiris · 1 year
cardigan (02/03)
tried to change the ending, Peter losing Wendy.
pairing: modern!aemond × best friend reader!
summary: being in love with your best friend since high school becomes a strong and unavoidable feeling. until it starts to become more difficult when you get to college and the two of you, especially him, meet new people.
word count: 8.4k
previous part • next part • series masterlist
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As you're looking down at yourself, making sure there's nothing out of place, you just hear the loud sound of Sara inhaling deeply which makes you startle and you watch her quickly in panic.
hello! i just want to say that i can't believe how much you guys loved the first part. the story just exploded hehe. I'm so grateful for that, for your support and your opinions, I didn't think it would happen so soon, thank you very much.
i wanted to give you part two after such a quick acknowledgement and support, truly thank you so much and also let me know what you think of this second part please, i love reading and responding to you. enjoy!
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"You like this one?"
"No fucking way, Y/N! You look amazing!"
And at that moment you can feel the color come back to your face and you calm down.
"Come here!" she asks you excitedly, "I want to take a closer look."
You stand in front of her and turn on your own axis to get a better look at yourself in the large full-length mirror, instantly liking what you see.
Last year your dress for the Targaryen ball was red. And you don't usually repeat colors. So now you've chosen a deep ocean blue dress.
Which is Aemond's favorite color.
"This is the one, definitely."
"Really?" you put your hair behind your shoulders, watching you carefully, "Is this one better than the last one?"
"In my opinion the style is better."
You've tried on dresses of the same color in different styles before and honestly… you liked this one better than the others.
It's a long dress open at an angle exposing your left leg. It has no neckline, is strapless and shimmers in a metallic shade beautifully.
This is it.
You think definitely more convinced than ever as you look in the mirror after a few more inspections. You'll shine brighter with your hair and makeup done, you know it and you know you'll look beautiful. That's why you can't wait for the day to come.
You can't wait for Aemond to see you.
"And why did you choose this color?"
"Because it's Aemond's favorite color and it will match his sapphire."
"Oh yes," says Sara in a reminiscent tone, "I had forgotten that detail about your best friend."
"His sapphire eye?"
"But if that's precisely why everyone at the university knows him."
"They also know him for his hair and for apparently having come from the very palace of the Greek gods, don't forget," she says, also amused.
You let out a small laugh.
"Yeah, it's true."
After a little silence between the two of them where they inspect the dress, Sara stirs a little and seems to fight against herself to say what she wants to say. Until she grimaces and nerves invade her as she speaks.
"Listen Y/N…" she says cautiously, "It's not that I want to be nosy or anything, in fact I don't like to know people's things about things like…" she bites the inside of her cheek "That seem very delicate" she says finally "And it's that I'm very curious, I—
"You're a gossip, Sara," you remind him in an amused tone, interrupting her.
"Well… yeah, it's true, who am I kidding," she nods in acknowledgment, shrugging her shoulders and you laugh.
"You want to know what happened to Aemond's eye?"
"Yes," she murmurs, almost embarrassed, "But it's just out of curiosity and if it's something very personal then I understand."
You take a long breath and look away from the mirror to observe her.
"Yes, it's very personal," you tell her, "I can only tell you that it was a horrible accident that happened to him as a kid. He still finds it a little difficult to talk about it, even with his mother and sister."
"Yes, of course," Sara nods sympathetically, "In fact something like that I had imagined."
You nod too, sympathetically, thinking about it.
"At first, when I met Aemond in high school and we started our friendship, he didn't want to tell me," you confess, "It's not as if I insisted on the matter, of course not... but he knew I was curious about it. And it wasn't until after he was sure that I wasn't a fake friend, as I was with him, that we both confided a lot of things to each other until he told me about his accident."
"How old was he?" she ask attentively and curiously.
"Barely ten."
Sara raises her eyebrows in surprise with a face of pity.
"Ten?" she repeats in a murmur, "Wow. I can't even imagine. It must have been pretty awful, huh?"
"It was," you assure her.
You know Aemond has only told about what happened to you and a guy who was his best friend in high school, who now that guy got into another college in another state.
And what happened was that Aemond defended his little nephew, Luke, from some boys who were picking on him and wanting to almost beat him up at school.
But the blows went to Aemond who had to defend himself as best he could against four boys even a little bigger than he was at the time.
Then one of the boys did not measure his strength, hit him and pushed him too, and because of the push Aemond fell on top of a net of wires that made up a small garden in the huge backyard of the school.
They didn't even let him get up, so Aemond also hurt some parts of his body.
And out of desperation, before he could try to do anything, another one of the boys hit him in the face and that's when a piece of wire ripped his eye as he turned his head towards the wires from the blow.
When Aemond was telling you everything, you didn't even know what to say.
And the best punishment the bully boys could have received was to have been expelled. But it wasn't enough for Aemond and his family. They had taken his eye and that was 'justice'.
Luckily his whole family supported him and was there for him through the whole difficult process of doctors appointments, therapies, medications and so on.
His uncle Daemon especially made sure he received the best possible treatment with the best doctors and nurses while his older sister, Rhaenyra, searched for solutions to his lost eye along with his mother.
"And why does he have that sapphire? Didn't he think about a prosthesis or something like that?"
"As a kid, all he wanted was to recover and cope with the physical and emotional pain, and also to get used to his only right sight," you explain, "And then he told me he was thinking about it, but it's been a long time. Maybe he has already got used to the sapphire."
"And it doesn't hurt him?" asks Sara curiously, thoughtfully.
"No, he always has his appointments with the ophthalmologist," you let her know, "I guess the sapphire is to maintain an appearance. Kind of like what rich people do."
"Oh, of course," Sara nods with more understanding, "It makes perfect sense vonsidering how exaggeratedly rich he and his family are."
You let out a small laugh, turning to look at yourself in the mirror at the beautiful dress.
"Yes, they are," you murmur, "Are you sure your aunt will let me pay her weekly?" you ask, looking at her again a little worried.
"I already told you yes, Y/N. Stop worrying," she says amused.
"But she already knows?" you ask distrustful.
"Yes, she knows," she assures you for the eighth time, "She just said that by the time you decide to stop paying for it for one reason or another, there is no refund and you have to return the dress. And if you tear it, stain it or something, you pay extra."
"Oh, I'm not worried about that," you make a nonchalant gesture, "I'm definitely going to finish paying for it."
You think about how the dress is so beautiful that it doesn't deserve to be worn for just one occasion. You can wear it to another event, not necessarily just the ball.
And after you've picked out the last dress, you both leave the dressing room, secure everything for payment, and Sara takes you home and you both say goodbye saying you will see each other tomorrow in class.
When you arrive at the apartment, only Vhagar greets you, to which you assume that Aemond must still be in class or with his girlfriend.
So you decide to take Vhagar with you to your room to do some homework and wait for Aemond to arrive to have dinner together.
And by the time you finally hear his arrival at the apartment, you take Vhagar in your arms and leave your room to ask him how his day was and what he wants for dinner tonight to see if it matches what you want.
But the words get stuck in your throat the moment you see him and your eyes meet his, watching him in shock, definitely not expecting this.
And at your reaction of saying nothing and continuing to stare at him in disbelief, he lets out a small laugh as he runs a hand through his neck and hair.
"What do you think?"
And that's when you seem to remember how to talk.
"No way," you mutter, "Are you fucking kidding?"
"As I understand it, your head can't grow, Y/N. At least not at this age," he tells you amused.
"Shit," you say still in disbelief, "It looks fucking amazing, Aemond!" you finally react with a huge smile.
He has cut his hair.
His fucking long hair is now short and he looks so ridiculously good, like it's not an everyday thing, as well as he looks even better than before and even... sexy.
And in an instant you're all over him, running your fingers through now his short, silky, still straight hair with some waves at the ends that now point slightly upwards.
Even his face, his figure, his sapphire, everything about him looks better than before just because of a haircut.
"Why didn't you tell me?" you ask, still surprised and puzzled, with a small smile.
"I wanted it to be a surprise," he says with a smile, "What do you say, do you really like it?"
"I love it," you confess, "Even you, everything about you—
You stop, not wanting to look nervous, not wanting to insinuate your true feelings for him through his new appearance.
That's why you think very well what you will say before you speak, controlling yourself not to say anything too much.
"Well... it looks better," you finally say.
"Thank you, pretty one."
He smiles at you and you melt at the sight of his expression, simply because of the gesture accompanied by his new cut, so you couldn't be more ridiculous, but you can't help it either.
You find it so attractive and so striking the way you watch his dimples form and look, even they so damn good, again, because of his new haircut.
"I hope Alys likes it too."
You bite your lips, not wanting to focus on his comment at the mention of his girlfriend.
"And why did you decide to cut it?" you ask not to talk about her, acting nonchalant but still feeling surprised.
"I thought it would be a good idea to cut it for the ball," he confesses, "It's this weekend and I thought I'd do it now because I knew I wouldn't do it later."
You both laugh, as that is very Aemond Targaryen and you both know it.
"Well, I'm glad to hear that," you say with a small smile, "I've got everything ready for the ball too."
"Oh really?" he raises his eyebrows, interested, "Now what color dress did you choose?"
"Nope. No details."
You turn away from him in an instant and head to the fridge to finally make dinner, because you know if he keeps looking at you and talking like that, you'll end up showing him everything.
"Oh come on, Y/N."
"I'm so sorry but you'll have to wait for the day."
"Are you serious?" he asks you.
"Even your new haircut isn't going to convince me."
He certainly says with a disappointed tone and you let out a laugh.
"Be patient, Aemond. Now..." You look at him, "What do you want for dinner?"
You and Aemond talk about what his mother has told him she has planned this time for the ball with his sister Rhaenyra while you prepare dinner and listen to him at the same time. And when everything is ready, you both watch a movie in the living room.
And the next morning, Aemond Targaryen with his new haircut is all you hear about even among all the girls in your apartment. Even something as simple as a haircut drives them all crazy. Even you.
But that it's already a real topic of conversation is amazing.
And the next few days are really stressful for you, also for Aemond, as you have to push your respective careers forward with homework and projects.
In fact the week is so busy that you barely have time for breakfast in the morning as you have to rush to the university. Aemond also told you that he was very busy with the same thing.
But it's worth it.
You tell yourself even in every break that you actually make use of to continue doing more homework.
And for you there is no better motivation than knowing that by the time the week is over, you will finally be free and the ball will be a great way to finally relax and have fun with your best friend.
And you honestly can't wait.
However, you were not prepared to hear what Aemond says to you the day before the ball when you arrive at the apartment and he is already there, apparently waiting for your arrival.
And you knew it wouldn't be good what he would say to you the moment you see the sadness, worry and sorrow in his eyes as he watches you.
"My family wants to meet Alys."
He tells you and then says nothing for a few more seconds, looking away from you, running a hand through his hair, frustrated, to which you already know what he will probably tell you.
"And I couldn't think of any better occasion than to take her with me to the ball so everyone can meet her."
And her words stab like a dagger into your heart, shattering it into little pieces.
And he speaks to you so softly, so carefully and so sorrowfully at the same time while you want to believe it's a damn joke and he's really not doing this to you.
"I'm so sorry, my pretty one," he looks at you with all the anguish in his eyes for your reaction, worried, "Could you do me this favor, just this once, please?"
Do him the favor?
You repeat in your mind, just watching him without really having any expression in your look, because you don't want to make him see that he has broken you with this news and this suddenly change of plans.
And his next words only make you feel worse for your lack of response, with him wanting to make the situation better, as if it were possible.
"You could still come, you know. I'll be with Alys, but Helaena or Aegon can keep you company and eventually I'll try to be around you as well."
"I'm not taking Alys."
He had said.
"This ball belongs to both of us, it always has. And I'm not going to break the tradition."
He had promised you.
And you say to yourself: he is asking you this as a favor. It's just a ball and it's only fair that his escort should be his girlfriend. Don't bother, you shouldn't bother.
"I know you had everything ready and I know I shouldn't be telling you this a day early."
He continues saying to you with sorrow, and then he goes to you in a desperate action and takes your hands in his.
"But I promise you that I will make it up to you, I will—
Unable to stand it any longer, you take your hands from his, which makes him stop and look at you instantly, a little surprised and worried by your reaction.
And you again... you act unconcerned and like it's no big deal.
Mostly because you no longer want to keep listening to his promises that are worthless in the end, you also don't want to be around him right now and also because you want to end the matter once and for all.
"Okay, I understand."
You tell him with the best look you can put at that moment, really trying to pretend that everything is fine, almost convincing him, almost.
"Don't worry."
And without waiting for anything else, because you really want to get away from him, feeling that if he tells you something else you're really going to burst into tears right then and there, you walk past him and head to your room.
But he doesn't let you go so easily.
"Y/N..." He holds you by the shoulders, looking at you worriedly, "Talk to me, please."
You let out a small laugh, the fakest laugh you've ever let out, trying with all your might to make it okay.
"What do you want me to say? I told you it's okay."
Again you try to pass by him but he again stops you. And you let him.
You let him because you don't want him to see you bad, broken. You let him because if you get upset, if you let him see that he has broken you, you fear he will realize your true feelings.
And you don't want that now that he has a girlfriend and looks happy with her. So happy that she even managed to change his mind about taking her to the ball even though he told you he wouldn't because that ball belonged to the two of you.
And you don't want to ruin that for him if that's what he wants, you also don't want to make a big deal about the change of plans. You want to make him see that you're okay with it.
Again...you don't want to look sad and broken in front of him.
"I know you, Y/N," he says to you in a sad, apologetic soft voice, "I know you're not okay with me wanting to take her now because I told you I wouldn't, that this ball belongs to both of us," he lets out a long breath, "But I—
"I'm perfectly fine with it, Aemond," you interrupt him with the most nonchalant and fake look possible, "I mean... she's your girlfriend and it's only fair that you take her, right?"
And your words don't know why they make her feel worse when that's just what she needed from you: understanding.
But somehow it feels a hell of a lot worse that you're understanding him after he knows he promised you he wouldn't take her and you'd both go together.
"But you—
"Look... actually this is good," you lie, "Now I have a lot of homework to finish and also a big project due on monday. The weekend will help me to get everything done and delivered on time."
That's what you assure him even though this whole week you had worn yourself out getting everything ahead of schedule for next week so you could go to the ball and have fun without any more worries.
"Are you..." He looks at you suspiciously, "Are you sure?"
"Very," you say, putting on a small fake smile, "Now I just want to rest before I do everything."
He watches you for a few seconds with the softest and gentlest expression possible, still a little worried, while you watch him firmly back to show him that it's okay.
Even though it hurts like hell all this is happening.
"Well," he murmurs, looking away from you, nodding slightly, "Would you like me to make some dinner for the two of us? I can...
"No thanks," you cut him off, "I want to sleep, that's all."
And finally, carrying all your dignity with you, you head to your room, pretending that everything is fine and that you are fine.
But as you close the door to your room behind you, that's when all the appearance finally goes away and you allow yourself to really feel the way you feel.
And it makes it worse to see the beautiful dress on your bed, looking so spectacular, so ready to be worn, when you will no longer need it for the main occasion you decided to buy it and wanted to wear it for so badly.
Looking at it with longing and sadness, the first tears fall down your cheeks and you avoid letting out a sob as you bite your lips.
You would have preferred that Aemond told you about taking his girlfriend that day when you went to get the dress and then he came home with his new haircut. It would have been more preferable to telling you the day before the ball.
Either way, though, you know it would have destroyed you, just the same way you feel destroyed now.
That's why the next morning, you don't even leave your room. You don't want to and can't see Aemond knowing that today is the day it was supposed to be the two of you.
So you only leave your room when you make sure Aemond is in his room to grab something from the fridge and get back to your cave as quickly as possible.
Until the time of the ball gets closer and closer and you make sure your desk is full of sheets of your previous projects, pretending to be busy as you had told Aemond you would be.
Even his sister, Helaena, sends you an excited message asking if you will come tonight and with all the pain in your heart, you reply that you will not be able to come as you are too busy with homework and projects.
When Aemond knocks on your bedroom door and calls you from the other side. You quickly go to your desk, pretend to be busy with the sheets, tell him to come in and he does.
"I'm leaving now, pretty one."
"Okay, have fun," you say in the best possible tone, without looking at him.
You really don't want to look at him.
"I will probably come here to sleep, I don't think I'll stay anywhere else, just to let you know," he says in a soft and cautious tone, still a little worried about yesterday.
"Yeah, that's fine."
A few seconds of silence and then you hear him let out a sigh.
"Are you sure you don't want to come? You know Helaena and my brothers will be there. I can wait for you to leave."
You bite the inside of your cheek, annoyed that he's suggesting this again, when you shouldn't be.
You know he means well, but it bothers you, it hurts you. How does he think you'll want to go to the ball after changing your plans?
"I have a lot to do," you answer briefly.
And again you hear another one of his sighs.
"Okay," he murmurs.
But he doesn't leave immediately, you hear how he is still at your door and you feel his penetrating gaze, as if he is asking you for forgiveness, but you don't even look at him.
You can't and you don't want to.
You think that if he tries to talk about it again, you'll tell him how busy you are so he won't do it.
But fortunately you only hear him let out a long breath and finally close the door to your room. And the next thing you hear are his footsteps and then the apartment door opening and closing.
The next few days after what happened between you and Aemond at the ball are again like you didn't want them to be.
But it seems that the ball was an important point that broke between you and Aemond and again he and you don't spend time together anymore. It's only in the mornings when you both see each other for breakfast, but there isn't even a conversation for the time being.
There are no more movie weekends, no more going to a restaurant for breakfast on some weekends, and no more going to the grocery store together.
However, the agreement remains that he takes care of everything financially and you take care of the food, laundry and cleaning.
Still, it's as if you live alone.
Suddenly Aemond stopped coming to the apartment less and less, as well as he has stopped sleeping here constantly anymore.
Sometimes there are not even any more of his clothes to wash, mostly because they are still clean or because he takes them away or has left them somewhere else, with Alys obviously.
All the food is finished by you since he barely eats breakfast or dinner here. And the few times you've gotten to talk, there's been no mention of the ball at all.
And you can tell, as he also shows, that he seems to be very busy with his classes and also with his girlfriend.
He still pay for the electricity, water and everything you need, you know he does, but he's not even here. Now it's like you totally take care of Vhagar, which you don't complain about, but she's supposed to be his dog because you gave her to him.
And even though things are tense between you, you still can't help but feel sad and lonely every time you realize that he didn't even get to sleep and on weekends you're all alone.
Whenever you text him asking where he is or why he didn't get to sleep, he always replies the same thing: Alys. He apologizes for not telling you but still never tells you.
Now you sleep in the apartment all alone, with only Vhagar's company every day. And even though it hurt you a lot about the ball, you still miss your best friend very much.
You missed him the most especially when a nasty storm hit King's Landing at night and lasted all morning until six o'clock.
You hate storms and Aemond also knows that you are afraid of them.
That night you couldn't sleep at all, you were curled up hiding under your sheets, hugging Vhagar as your only comfort, hoping that everything would pass soon.
The next morning you couldn't go to class due to lack of sleep and Aemond didn't even show up at the apartment.
Until one night, saturday at one o'clock in the morning, you heard the sound of the door and his footsteps in the living room and kitchen.
And ready to talk to him about how you've been feeling these past few days, as well as the fact that you practically live here alone, you head out of your room.
But you stop just as you open a crack in your door when you hear and realize that he is not alone.
"We should have arrived at my house, Aemond."
"We talked about this, Alys."
"But she's always here. I don't understand why she never goes out with friends or anything."
"I told you she's not that type."
You could have closed the door and gone to sleep with the idea of talking about what you had in mind with him another day, but you stay still when you hear that they are talking about you.
And what Alys says next only makes you stand stiller and listen more attentively.
"Oh my love... Are you still worried about her?"
You sharpen your ear more, attentive and confused.
Worried about me?
You repeat in your mind not understanding, willing to listen more, even though you shouldn't but still you do.
"I'm not worried. I'm just thinking about her."
"You are worried, Aemond," Alys repeats in affirmation and in a serious tone, "What I don't understand is why if the ball was two weeks ago."
"I know," you hear him mutter, "But still, you should have seen her face... she already had everything ready and I told her a day before that I wouldn't take her with me."
"But she told you it was okay, didn't she?"
"Yeah, but..." sigh, "In a way it felt much worse that she understood."
Alys lets out a snort.
"Of course she must have understood, my love," she says obviously, "I'm your girlfriend, not her."
You press your lips together, thinking that it didn't even cross your mind that he was still thinking about the ball when he doesn't even see you and isn't even here.
You don't fully understand but you do have an idea that after the ball, maybe he needed to distance himself from you and that's why you haven't seen each other anymore and he doesn't come to the apartment.
Maybe he felt really bad about himself for killing your illusion of going to the ball together, like every year.
But if he feels so bad, then why did he do it?
You ask yourself with some bitterness.
Apparently Alys was more convincing to him and it's okay, she's his girlfriend, but he's just feeling bad after it's all over.
"You care a lot about her and it's ridiculous, Aemond. As ridiculous as it is that she lives here and doesn't give you a single penny."
And then again her words catch your attention more than ever and you continue listening attentively, with your face falling because of her words.
"Alys..." he calls out to her in a tired tone, "I already explained that to you."
"But even so," she insists with an absurd tone, "Won't she be ashamed? She's your best friend and she doesn't even think about helping you a little?"
"She does help me and you know it."
"I mean financially."
"Her parents send her what money they can for college. She buys food and also buys what she needs for her classes and other necessities."
"Oh, so not only she doesn't help you with money, but also her parents?"
"Hasn't she even thought about getting a job?"
"Yes, but I told her that it wasn't necessary, that she could help me with the domestic and I could help her with the money without charging her anything."
"Are you serious?"
"She's my best friend, Alys. I'm the one who convinced her to live with me because I wanted her to."
"No, Aemond. It wasn't because you wanted to. It was because you pity her."
Your heart skips a beat and you open your lips and listen in surprise, beginning to feel that sharp pain in your chest as it hurts to hear those words.
"No," he says firmly, "It's never been like that."
"Oh please, don't fool yourself," she insists, "Y/N is not like you and me...her family has no money and from what you've told me, she's always been on scholarship in everything."
"Not everyone can have what we have, Alys," he says incredulously, "Besides, why would I care if she has money or not? Other people like us are really distasteful and don't have even a shred of humility, sincerity and trustworthiness like she has."
"I don't see it that way. I think she's so different and you feel so sorry for her that you've made it easy for her by putting her in an apartment like this because you know she and her family don't have the resources."
"That's what you think. But she and I both know that's not true."
He says with a confident tone and yes, it is true.
Alys at this moment made you doubt, a lot, because of the venom he was spitting out every word and for speaking so confidently about how he really feels about you.
But you never felt that Aemond treated you, since their friendship began, with pity.
"She has always been there for me and never with the intention of taking advantage of me for what I have. Not for nothing is she my best friend and you know how selective I am with my friends."
You hear the long sigh she lets out, to which you must think she has an irritated face.
"Well, if you say so," she says bitterly, "Still, isn't it annoying that she's always here? She doesn't go out to parties, she has no friends but you, and whenever we come here we can't even have the privacy we'd like because she's locked in her room."
"This is her house too."
"She's not a child anymore, Aemond. You should tell her to get a job and an apartment of her own or live in the dorm now. Tell her you want your own space now."
"It's not even a year since we've been living together, Alys."
"So, if I tell you in one more year that we want us to live together, will she live with both of us too?
"Of course not."
He answers instantly in an absurd low tone and again you feel your heart break at his words because of how quickly he answered and in what tone.
And you can't blame him, those are plans with his girlfriend, you have nothing to do there. But you can't help it and it really hurts because you will never be her.
"Look... I admit that I do wish I could have more privacy and also that she would go out to have fun and meet new people... I even want to get here with you and she's not here."
You feel the tears start to form in your eyes, but you bite your lips and control yourself.
"But I can't just tell her that I want to live alone now and give her to understand that I want her to leave. And I really don't want her to leave, not like this," he say honestly, "Not when things are still tense between us," he sighs, "She's my best friend and I love her. I don't want to hurt her anymore. I really want to make things right with her."
And as if everything Aemond had just said wasn't relevant to Alys, she says the following with every intention of it actually happening someday soon.
"What if the two of us go live together somewhere else?"
And the few seconds of silence afterwards on Aemond's part you know is from his confusion.
"If you don't want to hurt her, fine, let her keep living here so you can feel good about yourself by continuing to help her."
You frown, really hating and feeling annoyed with his girlfriend's words.
"Then we can look for another apartment to live together," she proposes and you feel your heart shrink, "It doesn't have to be now, but later, but really do it, what do you think?"
You don't hear anything again for a few seconds, wanting to hear Aemond's answer while your heart beats hard against your chest.
"Please, baby. I want to live with you. I want to do many things with you."
And in that moment you know it's enough as you hear them start kissing and you finally, carefully, close the door and lie back down on your bed, holding back the tears.
Not wanting to hear anything promising out there, you put on your headphones and try to sleep with this ugly pain in your chest.
You shouldn't have listened to that conversation between the two of them, but you couldn't help it. But after listening to them, staring for a few moments at the ceiling of your room, broken, you make the decision you had thought about before but were not sure about.
And that is that you will fulfill Alys' wish... you are going to look for a job and you are going to ask for a doorm in the residence.
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The following days after hearing Aemond's conversation with his girlfriend, continue the same.
Aemond still doesn't show up much at the apartment, the two of you don't talk much, he is always with Alys and you start looking for jobs near the university without success.
When you don't find anything, the days of searching get longer because the ones that are available are far away from your area and others don't apply for you because they ask for experience.
And at the same time you try not to let everything you heard that night affect you by keeping busy with college.
You also try not to let it affect you that Aemond said he wanted to make things right between you but he still doesn't see you and doesn't show up because he's with Alys.
You really don't understand.
That's why you continue to look for a job as it hurts you that you are practically living alone in a big apartment like this when before it wasn't like this and you enjoyed Aemond's company.
Now it's just you and Vhagar.
Then one afternoon when you come home from school and finish feeding Vhagar and start preparing food for yourself, suddenly the door opens and Aemond enters with a soft look, instantly observing you.
"Hello, pretty one."
You try not to look surprised and confused by his arrival, so you just don't let his nickname affect you and smile a little, just a little, in his direction.
He smiles a little more at you as his gaze turns to Vhagar who runs excitedly to greet him.
"Hello to you too my little one," he says tenderly and you see how he takes her in his arms, "I missed you."
You look away from him to continue cooking, not wanting to talk and preferring to ignore him in the same way he seems to ignore you by not showing up or sleeping here anymore, leaving you and Vhagar alone.
You want to know why he has suddenly appeared, but you control yourself from asking. Just as you tell yourself that you don't plan to say anything to him about moving into the dorm until you secure a job.
"What are you cooking?"
You hear him ask you as he approaches you.
"Fillet," you reply briefly.
"Do you mind if I ask you to cook one for me?" He asks with some care.
"No," you answer simply.
You really don't want to be rude to him, after all, this is your agreement, so you cook a fillet for him, waiting to serve everything.
"Do you have something to do today?"
He asks you suddenly and you continue cooking, without looking at him.
"Homework," you answer, "Why?"
"Ah... some classmates are coming to prepare an presentation we have tomorrow," he lets you know and you finally turn to look at him, "I hope you don't mind."
"No, it's fine," you assure him, turning your back on him again, "I'll be in my room, you know."
"Of course."
You continue cooking and he seems to be waiting for his food, so you don't say anything, mostly because you don't have anything to say.
You feel his gaze on you at almost all times, which you deliberately ignore, trying not to make a big deal of it.
When you start serving and finally turn your face to him to place the plates and also the glasses, feeling more firmly his gaze on you.
And as soon as he says your name you knew he wasn't watching you silently for nothing, but because he was fighting himself to talk to you about something that had him in doubt.
"I know I haven't been around much..." he starts to say and you avoid letting out a sigh of irritation, "And I also know that I've left you alone with Vhagar—
"Yes, I know," you interrupt him in a nonchalant tone, "And that's okay, you have things to do and honestly so do I, believe it or not," you say quickly and then open the refrigerator, "Do you want soda or juice?"
Your clear disinterest for not wanting to talk about it makes Aemond stop talking and watch you in silence, feeling a little guilty for your attitude.
But you continue to watch him expectantly for an answer and he gives it to you after a few seconds of silence.
You nod and start filling the glasses. And at that, Aemond doesn't insist on the matter and simply remains silent, waiting for you to start eating together.
But he can't be like this anymore. He really wants to make things right and that's why he mentions the next:
"Don't think I forgot your birthday."
He says in an attempt to finally calm the tension between the two of you as you turn and hand him the glass and then take a seat in front of him.
"You don't?" you say almost sarcastically, almost.
"Of course not," she assures you, "It's this Friday. Aren't you excited?"
"Not really," you say honestly, "I have a project due that friday that has been causing me a lot of stress. I don't want to get a grade that isn't worth all the effort."
"Oh come on, you always get the best grades," he says with a small smile, "Don't worry, you'll see, everything will be fine."
And the next thing he does is to place his hand on top of yours to give it a gentle squeeze as he always used to do before in situations like these, just like you do with him.
At this, you try not to fall for him and his gestures, so you just nod thanking him with your eyes for his support and start eating, just like him.
"And what are your plans? Tell me," he asks you interested.
"Mmm..." You grimace, "In the morning I don't have much planned, just to talk to my parents," you confess, "After class my friends said they wanted to take me to a restaurant and at night to go out partying but... I'm still not sure about that."
"About what?"
"The party."
He takes a sip of his soda and looks at you confidently.
"Let's go."
"Where to?"
"The party."
"You want to go?" you frown.
"Of course I do," he says with a smile, "I want to celebrate and have fun with you on your birthday."
You raise your eyebrows expectantly at him.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, come on, I'll take you," he says more confidently than before, "In fact, since you won't be doing much in the morning, I could buy a cake for both of us, give you your present and I don't know, go out or watch a movie," he proposes, "Just me and you. Then I'll see you in the night and we'll go out and party."
So, for all that confidence in talking, even with that determination and that excitement in talking about making plans together on your birthday... you shouldn't but again you feel that hope come back to you.
That same spark and hope when he told you about the ball and in the end he did the complete opposite of what he promised you.
But this time... they are both talking about your birthday. You know and you know that he knows you're not just talking about anything.
That's why you stop feeling that little bitterness and forget about the conversation you overheard, you also stop considering going to live in the dorm because he just gives you hope.
"What do you say? Do you like the plan?" he observes you with a little excited smile.
And without being able to help it, you also smile softly in his direction, feeling how that emptiness in your chest fills up, leaving you feeling alone and ignored.
So you nod your head, avoiding showing too much of your happiness and illusion.
And after you both finish eating, before his classmates arrive, you both make yourselves comfortable on the couches and talk about almost everything while Vhagar keeps you company.
And because of this, you feel more of that hope, that companionship that you had needed so much from him and finally everything is okay.
Everything feels okay.
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All the following days, both Aemond and you go back to the old routine where you don't see each other as much and don't talk much.
But at least there is that feeling that between you everything is already fine and there are plans in place for the weekend that you couldn't be more excited and anxious about.
You've already planned everything with your friends as well, so it's sure to be a perfect day.
Until finally friday arrives and you expect to wake up to Aemond making a big fuss with that happy birthday children's song.
However, it doesn't.
You wake up to a chill in your room and also in the whole apartment when you realize that Aemond is not here. You check to see if he has left you a note or a text but nothing.
Instantly you think to yourself that he must be getting that cake he promised you, so you take a shower and get ready for the day.
Then you get congratulations from your friends and other family members. You even talk to your parents who are in your little town, Stone Hedge, in the Riverlands, working hard to support your studies.
And then when you finish getting ready, Aemond still doesn't show up, so you call him but he doesn't answer, you also send him messages but nothing.
[You]: I'll be waiting for you until 12PM. I have my class at 1PM.
And you send the message, wishing and hoping he'll be here soon.
Until the hours go by, he still doesn't answer, doesn't even return your calls, doesn't tell you anything and there definitely comes a time when you can't wait for him anymore.
And you control yourself. You don't want to think anything bad. You tell yourself that maybe something important came up at school.
So you stay positive, tell yourself that he will explain when you see him tonight, and leave the apartment to go to the university.
The moment you walk into your classroom, your friends greet you with big hugs, flowers and helium balloons wishing you happy birthday, which definitely lifts your mood.
And even more so when you turn in the most stressful project you've done so far in your entire career and with all the happiness and excitement in the world you see how you get graded with an A+.
And your friends are quick to say that it's all the more reason to celebrate tonight.
When the class is over, along with Aileen, Sara, Ryan and Ryan's friend James, you head to the restaurant they told you they wanted to take you to.
There they all order a bottle of wine and toast to your birthday and also to their good grades in this final project they handed in. Even the restaurant's employees bring you a small cake and together they sing happy birthday to you, feeling very nice.
Although unconsciously, you keep thinking about Aemond.
From time to time you check your phone to see if there are any answers from him yet, but nothing. So you really try not to think about him too much and fortunately, with the help of your friends, you succeed.
Until it starts to get dark and everyone says they should get ready to go to one of the many fraternity parties.
Ryan takes you with James to your house and expecting to see Aemond at the apartment, you arrive and no one is there except Vhagar.
You let out a long breath and call him one more time but nothing, so not to be late you get ready for the party.
You're hopeful that Aemond will eventually arrive, but even when you finish getting ready, nothing. And you know he won't show up or he would have already.
But there is still a little hope.
You think, confident and positive, because it is your birthday.
You ask Sara to pick you up and soon you are both arriving at the party where you meet your other friends who have also brought friends.
"What about your best friend, is he coming?"
Aileen asks you over the music and you, still wanting to feel confident, nod.
"Yeah, he might be a little late."
She nods and takes you to the kitchen to play with the other party games before everything here becomes a mess with so many people and louder music.
And you get distracted for a moment as you start to play and have some fun with the games.
You realize that you're actually having a great time despite Aemond's absence, but you still want to see him since it's your birthday.
That's why after a few hours have passed, the party is getting more crowded and everyone is starting to drink more, you check your phone and there's still nothing from him.
You turn away from everyone for a moment to call him but he doesn't answer. You look at the time and realize that it will be eleven o'clock at night and feeling a little worried now, you send him more messages.
[You]: where are you?
[You]: i have been trying to talk to you all day.
[You]: will you at least come to the party?
You let out a long, disappointed breath, yet you tell yourself that he couldn't have forgotten about your birthday, he just didn't.
He made the plans, he promised you a fun day, he said you two would be together.
But then... where is he?
As you walk back to the house, across the entire backyard, you finally feel your phone vibrate several times and you stop to turn the screen back on again, hopeful.
However... you wish you had not.
[aem❣]: sorry for not responding, I was busy all day with alys and we just finished having dinner with her parents.
[aem❣]: party?
And that's all he tells you.
So surprised and incredulous, somehow already expecting it since he didn't show up in the morning you think it can't be.
You can't really believe it and you wish you were so wrong but... it's the truth.
He forgot your birthday.
Your best friend really has forgotten your fucking birthday.
He doesn't tell you anymore, he doesn't say happy birthday, he doesn't apologize for his absence on your birthday, he just doesn't tell you anything.
He just asks you that, with that question being reason enough to give you to understand that he has forgotten the whole plan and your birthday.
And you don't cry.
You really don't want to cry. He doesn't deserve it.
So you avoid breaking down at that moment and just put your phone on silent to put it in your little bag, holding back the tears and enduring this huge sharp pain in your chest.
When that's when you decide you've had enough.
It's still eleven o'clock, you have one more hour to enjoy your birthday, then you'll have fun for the rest of the party and tomorrow you'll have time to feel bad about what your so-called best friend has done to you.
But this is not going to ruin what's left of your birthday.
So you suppress everything, mentally prepare yourself and go back to the party more confident and determined than ever to have fun with your friends who are here.
And that's what you do.
But after this, enough will definitely be enough.
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@hey-lucille @queenofshinigamis @winxschester @xcinnamonmalfoyx @ladymarg0t @yazzzmints @namoreno @wintrr13 @fan-goddess
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talkbycolor · 6 months
red lipstick
A/N; this is actually wholesome, btw i felt very gay when combining the colors because i wanted to make it all orange or all blue but then i thought that wouldn't be equitable and i wanted to give them love equally
Pairing; "Keith/Tenebris" x GN!Reader
CW; very fluff actually, love for keith and tenebris as it should / kinda has spoilers LOL
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Ah, young love, so fresh, the romance, the heart beating strongly, the stolen glances, the heavy sighs. The murder, the blood boiling when you notice how someone takes an unpleasant interest in your loved one.
The courtship with Keith and Tenebris was adorable, since you were able to properly meet them things have only gotten better, going out on romantic dates, overnight getaways, and sleepovers.
Although at first it was a bit complicated to… organize times, so to speak, you wanted to spend as much time with Keith as with Tenebris, you adored both of them and you didn't want either of them to feel out of place.
Right now it was just 5 PM, you were about to have a date with your boyfriends! The emotion was so palpable, your style used to vary constantly so once Keith arrived at your home he couldn't help but be surprised, again, you were wearing a different lipstick, your lips shined in carmine just like his face.
"You look exceptional this afternoon" He complimented you, but he didn't come over to kiss you like he did every time he picked you up for a date.
But that didn't mean anything, right? It doesn't matter.
You both went to his favorite place, the place where the bitch waitress you murdered used to work, the food was delicious and you even dared to order a dish outside your comfort zone. The dinner passed calmly, you could chat with Keith, and at times there was a glimpse of blue spots on his skin, Tenebris was also part of the conversation, seeing your boyfriend's disfigured face where they were both trying to be present was complicated, but a greatly appreciated effort for you.
The bright glances they shared caused your heart to bubble, so you moved closer to lock your lips in a kiss.
A kiss that never came.
"Huh? Keith? Tenebris?" Your confused and sad voice came out of your mouth, causing the boys to panic. "Why don't you kiss me?" You finally asked, so it wasn't your imagination, they were avoiding your lips.
Keith immediately tried to explain. "N-no, no! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that, I do want to kiss you, but I didn't want to ruin your makeup-…" And you interrupted him with a kiss.
"You're a fool, but a very adorable one." You kissed his lips again, a loud and tender kiss. "That's exactly why I put on lipstick, to kiss you" You spoke boldly before launching into filling your partner's face with kisses.
Kisses that were no longer rejected.
You both decided to return to your love nest at home, now snuggled up and comfortable in bed, your bodies so close together as you sat on his lap to spread sweet kisses all over his face, lovingly caressing his jaw while he ran his hands along your hips.
It was a special and intimate moment where you could see the evidence of your love staining his face in shades of red.
"I love you" He spoke softly, his voice a little distorted because it was difficult to tell if it was Keith or Tenebris who said it, but does that matter? No, they both loved you and loved being with someone who accepted them. "Gosh, I love you so much, thank you for being with me, us."
"Thank you for not running away," Tenebris commented, making you laugh, although his comment was serious and not a joke.
"I love you so much" You whispered as you placed a kiss on his forehead, leaving the mark of your red lips on his skin.
You even decided to touch up the lipstick, there was something so satisfying about smearing each other with lipstick that made you so happy and obviously the boys too, that strange smile gave it away.
Your partner leaned his back against the mattress to be more comfortable, your body still on top of him was not a bother. Your lips left sleepy kisses on his lips.
"We can't sleep like this, sleeping with makeup on is bad" You mentioned out of nowhere, causing a small laugh from the boy.
"Then let's get cleaned up, then we'll go back to bed and you'll keep kissing me until I fall asleep."
It was already late and your body was too relaxed with the natural scent of Keith's body to get up, but you still both stood up to find your makeup remover. Once ready you returned to the bed, where your bodies stuck together like leeches once again and you received a passionate kiss from Tenebris.
"I know it's late but… can we kiss some more?"
"Of course, love"
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sidmakestuff · 11 months
Fast Track
Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Summary: You see him on the train on your daily commute. You secretly pine. and pine. and pine...and pine. Day after day. And then you finally get a chance to talk to him.  Warnings: Angst w/happy ending, hurt/comfort, use of y/n, very insecure and soft bucky, reader using petnames slightly excessively, swearing, some references to sex, mdni!
Hope you enjoy :) Leave me some feedback pls and thx xx
You took the B train every Monday through Friday at seven in the morning. You got off at the seventh stop every Monday through Friday at seven thirty in the morning. You smiled politely at the muscular stranger who shared your stop at seven thirty in the morning. Even though he never really smiled back, only sometimes gracing you with a slight nod of his head.
You talked to everyone on the train. It started as a nervous habit. Nerves were easily appeased once you complimented a stranger and their tight-lips transformed into a glowing smile at the flattery. It was always genuine; you never made up a compliment. It wasn’t that hard to find at least one nice thing about someone, and it was worth it to be able to fall into conversation with them over constant conversation with yourself and your mind that was usually trying to convince you that you were always out of place. 
Over the years, you knew every face on the seven am B train. You knew their lives, what they did, who they loved, and sometimes even made some kind friends in your neighborhood.
You knew everyone from Mr Delmar, who always watched out for you, to Peter Parker, who was always far too bruised up for a high school kid, to the humblest of men, Steve Rogers, who grew to love you as a kind soul with the remarkable ability to put themselves in anyone’s shoes and imagine quite accurately how they must feel, a compassion you extended even to him, something you said was not difficult at all, which Steve found hard to believe. But, chip by chip, you aided him in changing how he viewed himself. People did not deserve to see themselves any less than they were, least of all Steve Rogers, you told him.
Yet, of course, there had to be one remaining obstacle, one last stranger you never got to know. He didn’t really intimidate you, though you got the impression that that was his intent. You supposed, as a woman taking the New York subway, you should be wary of a tall, muscular man, dressed in dark clothing. You weren’t to be mistaken for a foolish woman. You carried around a taser the size of your forearm and pepper spray was always hardly a second out of grasp. You looked for an exit to every room you walked in. You worked for S.H.I.E.L.D for fuck’s sake. Even if you were just an engineer, you had taken self defense classes since your first day of work. Caution was in your blood at this point. 
This man should have set off every red flag, and still, there was something endearing about his slightly crooked walk, his uneven shoulders and long strides. His stubble grew in all different directions as if no one taught him to shave. There was some constant uncertainty in his certain gaze. There was something remarkable at how human he was with his little ear buds and his strangely gloved hands. You wondered what he listened to every morning. You could only guess and those guesses ran from the Beatles to Motley Crue. 
But then there were his eyes. Lighter eye shades usually came off more deceptive; you favored coffee colored irises like Peter’s–coupled with his childlike wonder and affliction for trouble, it made you relax around him immediately. But this man’s eyes, despite being a striking cerulean, were much, much too soft for a dangerous man. There was something so utterly tender about him that had you catching your breath far more often than you’d like. 
It’s also what stopped you from exchanging words with him, fear that those eyes would turn on you in anger, something you didn’t feel that you could bear. An odd weight on your chest for a literal stranger. You chalked it up to social anxiety, though you knew there was more to it. 
Still, it wasn’t for a lack of trying that you still hadn’t gotten to know him. You had wordlessly offered him many a bagel, a donut, a bear claw, a puff pastry, for crying out loud, but he had always politely waved you off, ears red in what you assumed to be annoyance. You felt a little dismissed, like Pooh trying to invite Eeyore to come play, but you knew this was likely how he treated everyone, and eventually gave into being content with knowing the people you knew. You weren’t one for a challenge that made you look stupid. You knew your place. 
You still wondered what he did, though. Your stop was the same, but your routes after were different, yet you swore you saw him around S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters sometimes. 
 It was nearing two years of seeing him on the B train that you found out what he did. You were on your short walk from the cafe near Delmar’s where you got your morning latte, humming softly as you passed alleyway after alleyway. You were almost to the station when you caught sight of a familiar silhouette. On his knees, head in hands, there was your mystery man. No doubt about it, it was him. It was the same kevlar jacket, the same dark wash jeans and steel-toed boots, the same uneven shoulders.
You hesitated, paused beside the alley, facing him. His breaths came far too frequent and far too short, visible in the cold Brooklyn air. This was one of your worst ideas, but you couldn’t stand by and watch him stumble through this, quite awfully you might add. Unfortunately for him, it looked like he didn’t know a single coping mechanism to get through a panic attack. Hell, you doubted he even knew that he was even having a panic attack. 
You took a deep breath, bracing yourself for what lay ahead, and approached him. 
He didn’t notice you at first, hands ungloved, revealing that one of them was made of some sort of expensive metal. It looked like it could crush you in a second. You gulped, certain you didn’t want to scare him, and quietly called out, “Hey, there.”
He turned to you in an instant, a hand dropping to his waistline. Oh my god, he was armed, too. What had you gotten yourself into?
You knew that looking scared wouldn’t help, though. You slowly dropped to your knees as well, your worried eyes locked with his terrified ones. 
“Hi, honey,” you began, your lips suddenly feeling dry. 
He was still panicking, one hand on his chest, but he didn’t say a word. 
You tried your best to only focus on what he needed at the moment. You dropped your bag to the ground and put your near empty coffee beside it. 
“It looks like you’re having a panic attack. I think I can help you.”
He chews the inside of his cheek, hands shaking terribly. “Can I give you my hand?” you ask. 
He hesitates, drawing his hand closer to his body, as if his body language could be any more inward. 
“I’m not going to hurt you, love, I promise. I only want to help.” He relaxes slightly at your steady tone. He reached his flesh hand out for you to take. You grab it with both of yours and inch closer to him. You can feel how warm he is, hands slightly sweaty from panic, the pulse in his wrist thundering. 
“These things always end. Know that. It’s going to be over soon,” you reassure, watching as sweat builds on his temple.
His eyes are restless, looking over you and around you, never pausing. “Focus on me, sweetheart. Just look at me. Yes, there you go. Let yourself breathe. You’re going to get through this. I know it’s stupid hard for no reason and you feel helpless, but just trust me when I say you’ll get through this.”
He gave you a curt nod, grateful eyes staying on yours.
“Can you tell me your name, honey?”
He nearly choked, voice shaky as he rasped out, “Bucky.”
Your eyes flashed in recognition. You didn’t want to say anything that might trigger him yet, though, so you softened your features and smiled. “Sweet. That’s a sweet name. I like it.”
Bucky’s breaths were slowly steadying, his pulse decelerating. 
You stayed with him, coaxing him off of the edge and whispering words of encouragement. 
 He was dying. This was it. Some old lady in the coffee shop he frequented saw his metal arm and screamed, calling him a monster and that was it. He left the shop, unable to breathe. He checked his body for bullets, but he couldn’t find any. Bucky was certain his lungs had been shot, though. He’d only ever woken up from nightmares with this feeling. There’s no way this wasn’t real. 
Heart in his throat, Bucky pulled off to a nearby alley and nearly vomited his internal organs. The world was spinning. He didn’t know how he got to his knees with his head in his hands but he was there now, unable to fight off the evil feeling that he would never be normal, never be anything better than HYDRA’s monster.
Tears threatened to breach Bucky’s eyes as he still couldn’t take in a proper breath. He imagined drowning would be a better way to die than this.
He was so caught up in his distress, in the shadows that threatened to pull him under, that he hardly heard your voice, muffled like it was underwater.
Bucky flinched hard, surfacing, immediately reaching for the pistol in his waistband. He had a fleeting thought that put into perspective for him how sick it was that the one technological adjustment he didn’t have to make from his old life to his new life was weaponry. He knew of every one; he had _used _every one.
He took you in, eyes glossing over your overly concerned figure. 
Fucking hell, of course he would lose his shit in front of the woman he had become sweet on from the morning train for two goddamn years. Bucky had no real reason to take the B train. He had initially only taken it for a week when his bike was in the shop, but that week had given him more faith in humanity than anything had in the last decade.
He had noticed you the moment you had walked into the train, eyes taking in every one on the car and greeting near everyone around him. You checked in with a teenage boy’s science project and urged him to apply to an internship where you worked–S.H.I.E.L.D. 
You were warm, and bubbly, unburdened by any horrors, at least not on first look, and you cared so much for every individual you came across. Bucky hoped you didn’t notice him watching you like a creep the entire ride, jaw slack and eyes way too fond for a stranger.
Though he was headed the same way you were, he went the opposite direction at the seventh stop so it didn’t look like he was following you. 
He came back day after day, your blinding smile and kind eyes starting off every one of his mornings until he began to dread the weekends when he couldn’t see you–nights plagued with nightmares and memories of a person he wanted to set himself as far apart from as possible. He didn’t realize how much he had come to depend on seeing your plushy face and hearing your silken voice until nearly two years had already passed. 
You were always too bright of a star for him to accept any of your kindness, however. Sometimes he felt unworthy of even looking at you, a sun in the cold world he lived in. That’s why he always waved off any of your offerings, often without even making eye contact, trying to hold down the flush of his skin from his flustered state.
He never imagined that this is how he would finally meet you.
Oh no. _Oh no, ohnoohnoohno. _This couldn’t be happening. You had definitely seen his hand. There was no hiding it now with his gloves strewn at his feet. Bucky wondered what you thought. He figured it was something along the lines of repulsion. But no part of you looked at him in disgust, only with affection. 
“Hi, honey,” you practically crooned, the pet name making him practically melt into a puddle at your feet. It wasn’t condescending at all, only genuine concern in your voice. You told him he was having a panic attack. Is that what this slow death was? You seemed to know a lot about them. He hoped it wasn’t from personal experience. Shit was miserable.
Then you asked for his hand and he practically threw himself away in the dumpster closeby. He couldn’t imagine why you would offer to touch him. Him, who was the devil in disguise. 
He swallowed thickly, chewing the inside of his cheek, before he gave in. He couldn’t help it. There you were, pleading so tenderly with him to take your hand. How could he refuse? He didn’t know how he ever refused you anything, to be honest. It seemed almost blasphemous.
His lungs wouldn’t stop wailing and the world still wouldn’t stop spinning. You were the only anchor and even then he wasn’t sure of his footing. 
You took his hand in both of his and described exactly how he was feeling, as if you had felt it before. And you were calling him all these sweet things like honey and love and sweetheart and he didn’t know if he could survive it, but this was in a good way, a sort of death he didn’t deserve but was desperate for.
And then you asked his name. Before he knew it, he was saying it, and you were calling it sweet and then he was near choking out a sob, suddenly wishing he knew yours. He already knew he loved it.
It felt like you knew him then, and he knew you. He wondered if you felt it, too.
There was something so intimate about the little bubble you two had created, and all at once you realized just how much you had been craving the presence of this near stranger, the chance to know him. The tension was palpable and there was no true rhyme or reason to it, but it had you on the verge of tears. 
Of course, you knew far more about him now. You knew he was Steve’s best friend way before he was the Winter Soldier and way before he was this–essentially an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. You knew things about him that Steve told you, that you weren’t sure if he’d ever tell you himself. You knew he wanted to be a scientist in the 40s, but he saw Sergeant as the best way to help his country at the time. You knew how much he always cared for the little guy, a quality so deeply ingrained in yourself that you immediately adored in him. You knew of his struggles with coming to terms with his past as a HYDRA pawn, and in fact, you had helped engineer the very suit he wore on most assignments. Your fates were considerably more intertwined than you had ever realized. 
Once he had fully come through the panic attack, heart in your throat, you finally admitted. “I’m a friend of Steve’s. Erm, at least, I was,” you corrected. The worst timing. You had no business dumping that on him after what just happened, but something told you you needed to blurt it out. That it would help. 
At that, you heard a deep chuckle. You looked up to see Bucky full out-laughing and the sight had you biting your lip to keep away your own smile. He was so free when he was laughing, all of his teeth were out and his eyes crinkled in a way that drew at your heart-strings. So young. He laughed with his whole chest.
“I don’t see what’s so funny,” you said, smiling.
Bucky shook his head, still beaming, “It’s nothing. Well, actually, it means a lot. It’s just funny. It makes perfect sense. Of course, of course, Rogers, you little bastard.”
“What makes sense?” you pushed as he stood up, pulling you up with him. 
He caged you in against the wall, chewing his lip, “It just makes sense that Steve would know exactly what I like.” He was deep red at the admission, but you were still processing, your mind slightly fuzzy from your view, his arms on either side of your head and his face inches from yours. He was going to kiss you. You could almost taste his breath when his eyes widened and he flinched away, realizing. 
Bucky apologized, stepping back, “I’m-I’m sorry, that was uncalled for. I’m not a creep, I promise, I’ve just seen you around on the train and I’ve seen the way you talk to the kid and to Delmar and I have to admit I’ve grown a little sweet on ya, but I-I understand if–”
He didn’t get the chance to get through anymore because you had pulled him by his jacket, crashing your lips against his, hands immediately reaching for his hair. 
He gasped in surprise, an mmph! making its way past his lips and into yours, but he quickly recovered, hands dropping to your waist and his lips bruising yours. The kisses were hungry, rushed, Bucky taking your lower lip between his only to bite down on the plump skin softly. 
You whimpered, letting your tongues envelop each other, reaching, longing, craving something more. 
Bucky pulled away, pupils blown, lips swollen red, his face utterly wrecked. You found that you wished he could always look like that, as long as it was because of you. “Wait, wait, wait. I don’t-” He smiled all crooked,, “I don’t even know your name, doll.”
You laughed, trailing your nose against his, “You can call me whatever you want if you keep kissing me like that.”
Bucky chuckled, pressing a kiss to your neck, whispering against the skin there, “Oh, I plan on it.”
You didn’t know where all of this boldness came from, but you loved it on him. “It’s y/n.”
Bucky hummed, “y/n.” It rolled off of his lips as he tasted it, testing how it felt. He lifted your legs around his waist and pushed you further into the wall. “It’s perfect.”
Your hands roamed across his torso, over the layers of kevlar as he captured your lips with his again. Your breaths were visible as you panted between kisses, both of you flushed a deep red from the cold air. 
He pushed against you at just the right spot, causing the perfect sort of friction and you gasped, before moaning, “_Oh! _Bucky…”
“Shit, say my name like that again, sweetheart, and I’ll take you right here.”
You felt so far from reality then. Your boss would be a little upset but what did it matter? You were on time every day of your life. You had clung to routine for so long out of a need for an anchor from all of the chaos of this world that you had forgotten what it was like to do something spontaneous, to live, to love. While you were nowhere near loving this man, you felt it somehow only a matter of time that you ended up here, with him. He was Steve’s childhood friend. He worked at S.H.I.E.L.D. He took the bloody B train. You were bound to meet him. Something told you that you were meant to act on only your heart now, your heart which Bucky had touched so deeply without you even realizing it. He saw you. He saw your kindness. While you never did any good deed for attention, being seen for it was utterly validating. In this world, constantly making the right decision took a toll, and this was a reminder that it was worth it in the end. The right people would see it. Your choices, however small, did matter. Your empathy was your most prized possession and you would be damned if you’d let go of someone who saw that so clearly from just the morning fucking train.
Cloudy and dazed, you wrapped your legs around Bucky tighter. “Fuck it, what’s stopping you?”
Bucky’s laughed nervously, “Wait, you’re serious?”
You raised a brow, “What? Can’t handle it, Sarg?”
You could tell he liked that as he bit his lip, eyes hooded. “Oh, I think I can handle you, doll.”
You leaned into his ear, whispering, “Prove it.”
He huffed, hand around your neck as he slotted his mouth over yours, once again kissing you dizzy.
Hands tight on your hips and nearly bruising you, he moved his lips to your neck first, and then your collarbone, tongue and teeth working together to work you up so much you weren’t sure he even needed to touch you for you to climax right there. 
You had a moment then. Again, rethinking everything. That was kind of your secret special power, after all. You all of a sudden saw a future. There was something so intimate about every interaction with this man, and while you never judged anyone for jumping into sex with someone, you weren’t sure it was the best way for you to start something that could be important to you, not with you being a flight-risk and constantly anxious. 
You slowed your breath and put your hand on his jaw, thumbing his cheekbone, something you only felt unafraid to do while his eyes were still on your neck. When his eyes met yours, you withdrew, holding your wrist in your other hand, close to your chest. He recognized the lack of surety in your gaze, softly dropping your legs to the ground as you steadied yourself with your hands on the wall behind you. He gave you a second, both of you catching your breaths before he quietly asked, “Everything okay?” 
It still felt as steamy as before, your eyes kept meeting and leaving, your pants visible in the cool air, lips swollen, plump, and a luscious pink, only centimeters away from each other, but there was also a comfortable air of quiet. There were no expectations, only patience. 
You picked at the fabric of your collar, looking at his face, eyebrows furrowed in worry. “I just,” you chuckled, “I just realized I kinda want to take you out first, Sarg.” You smiled a little, “Just you know, to make sure you can handle it and all that.” 
Bucky laughed, eyes crinkling as he lifted your chin with his thumb, “You’re gonna make me prove it, doll?”
“If you don’t mind,” you whispered, jutting your chin out even more.
He licked his lips, a sort of excited challenge igniting in his eyes, “Nothing would make me happier.” 
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ilalos · 8 months
A lady’s plea (Benedict Bridgerton x reader) Blurb
Summary: You are set to be married to a horrible man and the only way to get out of it is to find a better bachelor that will impress your father, and who is better than Mr. Benedict Bridgerton the most elegible bachelor of the ton (after his older brother got married).
Warnings: Non-descriptive nudity, crying, talk of death.
Word count: 505
A/N: Hello! This a teeny tiny blurb about and idea I have been toying around with but I would like some feedback before fully diving into it (my anxiety is flaring up, sorry) So if you this it is interesting and have any predictions to how it could go I would appreciate it if you could tell me :) I do have a draft of the ending but I would still love to see what you think.
Benedict sat petrified in his brother’s office while he watched you, a respectable daughter of a lord, getting undressed until you were left in just your chemise as tears streamed down your face and your body trembled with little hiccups. He finally snapped out of his stupor when you began undoing your chemise, which would’ve left you completely naked in front of him.
“Please, stop” he placed a palm in front of his eyes as he said that “Get dressed, for heaven’s sake” That only seemed to make you sob harder.
“If you could please just look at me, sir” you pleaded “you’ll see that I’m not that bad to look at, a-and I can provide you with children and I can lead a household and I won’t even be bothered by you having a mistress and also our marriage wouldn’t be long, I was sickly as a child so I will probably die in childbirth l-l-like my mother did and you will get to keep the dowry” you fell on your knees and crawled until you could place your hands on his knees “I can’t marry lord Wilson, he has had 4 wife’s already and all have died terrible slow deaths, please!” You pleaded and let your head fall towards your chest while more sobs racked your body.
Benedict could not help the way his heart ached when seeing you in such a vulnerable state, naked and crying while sitting on the floor like a dog. He felt deep sorrow for you as he knew about lord Wilson and the rumors that surrounded him and his past marriages, people whispered that he was experimenting on them, some strange medicine he learned in a faraway land.
A knock on the door startled both of them and Anthony’s voice could be heard from behind the entranced asking if everything was okay.
“Don’t come in!” Shouted Benedict as he hurried to pick up your clothes.
“Benedict, it has been more than enough time for you to be with an unchaperoned lady, unless you want her reputation tainted and our mother to murder you, I suggest you let me and Kate in right now!” The eldest Bridgerton said and the lock was seen wiggling again.
“Just a moment, brother” Benedict was hastily tying your corset but it was proving to be a difficult task because you were still crying and being uncooperative.
“Benedict, we have the key, we’re coming in” announced Kate, and sure enough, the key was heard opening the door.
Time stood still for all four of them as Kate and Anthony took in the scene in front of them. You were half-dressed, bent over the couch crying and Benedict was holding the laces of your corset. Anthony’s face slowly started changing colors until there was a single shade of red from the top of his head to the top of his collar. Kate was quick to close the door just as her husband found his voice to shout.
“What on earth is going on here?!”
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nanawritesit · 9 months
SM Entertainment Girl Group Idol AU (fem!reader insert)
feel free to use this for shifting or as a fanfiction backstory! (just tag me if it’s the second one hehe)
disclaimer: the extra info sections aren’t all original ideas, many were found on pinterest/tiktok :) images aren’t mine either
tw: none that i’m aware of
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Group Profile:
Group Name: Etoile (meaning star/ point of a star in French)
Members: 5 (5 points on a star)
Fandom: Starlight
Concept: Ethereal, Cosmic, Elegant
Debut Year: 2017 (between Red Velvet and Aespa)
Debut Song: “Constellations”
Debut Album Title: “5 Makes 1”
B-Sides: “Aries,” “Nebula,” “Orbit,” “Stardust,” and “Pisces”
Fandom/ Lightstick Color: Indigo and White (stars in the night sky)
Group Chant: All: “Twinkle twinkle!” Nabi: “Hi Starlight! It’s…” All: “Etoile!”
Members Profile:
Y/N: Oldest, Center/ Face of the Group, Main Vocalist, Speaks Korean, English, and Chinese
Cho Nabi: Leader, Lead Vocalist, Korean, Speaks Korean, English, Chinese, and Japanese
Marie Tang: Main Dancer, Chinese-American, Speaks Korean, English, and Chinese
Han Iseul: Visual, Lead Dancer, Korean, Speaks Korean
Ikeda Kaori: Maknae, Main Rapper, Japanese, Speaks Korean and Japanese
Extra Info about the Group:
Pre-debut, Etoile released a cover of Girls Generation’s “Genie,” and it blew up so fast that fans couldn’t wait for them to debut
Etoile is known as “the bridge between third and fourth generation” in the kpop community
The members are also known as “the princesses of SM”
Etoile does a lot of variety shows because everyone loves the members’ funny personalities and playful group dynamic
Etoile was featured in a popular kdrama as themselves, though they only had a few lines in a couple episodes, it became a fan favorite and made the ratings sky-rocket
Etoile’s second comeback, “Andromeda,” is said to have one of the most difficult girl group choreographies in kpop. It was also the song that got them their first win
When Etoile got their first win with “Andromeda,” all of the girls were crying hysterically, including Nabi who was supposed to give the speech. She ended up handing the mic to Y/N, who had just been smiling happily the whole time. Y/N pulled Nabi into her arms as she gave the speech, and then the other three girls assembled a group hug around them. It became such a tender moment for Starlights that everyone watching started crying too
Etoile did a collaboration music video with Sailor Moon where all the members got to dress up as the sailor guardians. Y/N was Sailor Moon, Nabi was Sailor Mars, Marie was Sailor Mercury, Iseul was Sailor Venus, and Kaori was Sailor Jupiter
Etoile has their own plushie characters that are put on headbands and other merchandise for Starlight, similar to BT21 and Skzoo. Y/N’s is a white swan, Nabi’s is a blue butterfly, Marie’s is a black cat, Iseul’s is a pink puppy, and Kaori’s is a yellow duck
Etoile did a collab with “rom&nd,” a korean makeup brand, where each member got to create their own shade of lipstick. The five shades the members created sold out in just three minutes.
Etoile performed a cover of EXO’s “Growl” during one of their concerts in male school uniforms, and Starlights were so impressed by how cool and masculine they were
Being sandwiched between the two girl groups, Red Velvet and Aespa are like the older and younger sisters of Etoile (respectively.) The Red Velvet members are always checking in on them and giving them advice, and Etoile does the same thing for Aespa.
Starlight is famous for being one of the most loyal and devoted fandoms. They buy the girls billboards and food trucks for their birthdays, protect them from antis, and offer so much love and support.
The members have their own youtube channel called “Etoile Clubhouse” that they have permission to use freely. They post lots of different content, including challenges, games, song/dance covers, mukbangs, get ready with me/us videos, and q&a’s
Extra Info about Y/N:
Y/N is known as the loving mother of the group, while Nabi is more like a strict dad
Kaori was still in high school when she debuted, and Y/N took care of her like a mother would her daughter. She would wash and iron her uniform, prepare her breakfast and lunch, and help her with her homework every night. Kaori’s mother was so thankful, as she couldn’t do all this for her daughter herself, still living in Japan
While all the girls are close, Nabi and Y/N are best friends, they even have friendship bracelets
While Iseul is the visual because she fits the KBS the best, Y/N is the center/FOTG because her visuals match the group concept the best. She’s known for her “white swan” visuals: ethereal, graceful, and elegant.
Y/N and Iseul were also chosen as members of GOT the Beat
Y/N was the first member to have a solo debut in 2021. Her debut song was fittingly titled “White Swan.” Nabi helped her compose the songs, Marie helped her with the choreography, and Kaori had a rap feature on one of the tracks. Y/N performed it at the MAMA awards, and everyone was singing/dancing along to it so hard they almost forgot about the actual awards show!
Y/N is an ambassador for Dior and Chanel. Many brands were offering her deals after Etoile became popular due to her unique visuals, so she got to choose the ones she liked best
Y/N is known as the “OST Queen” of the group, she has sang many drama OSTs
Y/N’s best friends at the company include Yeri (Red Velvet,) Taeyong (NCT/SuperM,) Karina (Aespa,) and Ten (NCT/SuperM/WayV)
Y/N has had cameos in many different artists’ music videos, including Stray Kids, Enhypen, and NCT Dream
SHINee’s Key dubbed Y/N “SM’s secret weapon”
Y/N was part of a one-time collaboration unit with Dreamcatcher’s Dami, Weki Meki’s Doyeon, IZ*ONE’s Yena, and fromis_9’s Chaeyoung. They released a single called “Wild Mind,” and it was so popular that fans were advocating to start a new group with just these idols!
Y/N once dyed her hair indigo to match the fandom color, and fans started to dye their hair the same color to match her. The shade became known as “Y/N hair” on social media
Y/N and Marie were mentors on a Chinese idol training show, all the girls loved them because they were super helpful without being too tough. It also gained Etoile a lot of Chinese fans
Y/N has very impressive high notes, Starlights have made several youtube compilations with titles like “Y/N obliterating the sound barrier with her high notes for 5 minutes”
Y/N’s nickname from Starlight is “Angel Voice” due to her clear, bright voice
Y/N sang a cover of Taylor Swift’s “Anti-Hero” on Etoile Clubhouse, and Starlights tagged Taylor in it so much that she was shown the video in an interview. Taylor responded: “I’ve watched this video so many times! Her voice is so pretty. I met her once in Korea too, she’s so genuine and sweet! I’d love to collab with her, or Etoile as a whole. They seem so fun.”
Y/N was getting a lot of lip-synching rumors, until one day a staff member shared a video of her practicing before a concert with her mic on. It revealed her raw vocal talent and debunked all the rumors.
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e-dubbc11 · 26 days
also also...
“Oh I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you worse than this, my love. Remember your last birthday before you got pregnant with the little miss? At one point, I had to make sure you were still alive.”
👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 i forgot to comment about this but do tell, i love me a good tea
Hello my lovely friend! I loved coming up with the backstory for Billy’s comment! Thank you so so much for sending this to my inbox. I hope you like what I did here! 💚
Anything for You
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Tattoo Artist Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: Some swear words, alluding to smexy time but PG-13, pure fun, fluffy bunnies and unicorns, drinking
Word Count: 4.4K-ish
Summary: It’s your birthday and you told Billy you wanted to have a little fun doing something very nostalgic plus tacos and tequila
A/N: Part of The Sweetest Pain Series. Based on the above ask. Excerpt was from Son of the Sea. This one was a lot of fun to write, I hope you like it!
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
Green soap.
It was probably one of your favorite scents and there was always a hint of it on your husband’s clothes when he came home from his studio. But now, sitting in his tattoo chair, that strong aroma surrounded you while Billy, as gently as he could, slowly dragged the single needle across the skin on your arm.
He was outlining one of the snakes on your Medusa tattoo. You winced a little when the needle scratched the sensitive skin on the inside of your arm toward the pit, just below your shoulder. A devilish smile stretched across Billy’s face. You knew he not-so-secretly enjoyed it, making you clench your fist or when you bite down on your lower lip to deal with the pain from the long drags of the liner needle across your skin.
“That one tickled a little bit, huh baby.” He said with a sly smirk on his face.
Biting back a smile of your own, you replied, “I know you’re enjoying this Billy Russo.” Narrowing your eyes at him, you continued, “I know you just loooooove tattooing those sensitive spots to watch people’s faces, especially mine. And your smile gets even wider when it’s time for the white ink.”
Billy knew what you said was true. His eyes lit up with pure joy when it was time to put the white ink in. It always seemed to hurt more than any other color and since most of your tattoos were black and gray, there was a LOT of white ink in them.
The buzzing of Billy’s tattoo pen stopped and he paused to look up at you. He flashed that million-dollar smile which he knew full well what it did to you.
He gently brushed his gloved finger along your arm and softly said, “I know you can take it, sweet girl.”
He winked at you.
Heat rose to your cheeks and you started to blush. Billy always knew just what to say to make you turn every shade of red there was but you knew how to make him blush too.
“Are we still talking about the white ink, baby?” You asked, with a slight smirk.
Billy turned away from you briefly. You knew he was blushing which made you chuckle.
Ed #1 interrupted the two of you. “Uh, you guys know there are other people in the room too, right?”
“You say somethin’, Ed?” Billy asked sarcastically.
A loud laugh escaped your lips before you leaned into Billy and whispered in his ear, “Can we stop for a minute, handsome? I gotta pee.”
With a slight smile, he nodded, set his tattoo pen down, and took his gloves off. With the fan on in the bathroom, it was difficult to hear what they were all talking about out there but they were all smiles when you walked out.
“What are y’all smiling at?” You asked with narrowed eyes.
Billy replied, “We were just talking about your birthday.”
“My birthday? It’s not for three more weeks.” You said.
With a warm smile, Billy said, “The Ed’s just wanted to know what we were doin’ for your birthday. I told them you hadn’t decided what you wanted to do yet.”
A wide smile stretched across your lips as you walked back over to Billy’s tattoo chair.
“Ahhhhhh ok, well when I do figure out what I wanna do, you guys will be the first ones to know.” You said.
Billy had been asking you what you wanted to do for your birthday for the past month or so. He was a planner and he said he just wanted to make sure that he had enough time to take care of everything.
You did have one idea in mind, you just hadn’t mentioned it to him yet.
Later on that night, you rolled over in bed hoping to be warmed up by Billy’s body heat but his side of the bed was empty. You didn’t need to look very far to find him though. Over in the next room was where Billy went when he couldn’t sleep. He painted or worked on his drawings until the early morning hours, sometimes even until the sun began to warm the sky.
You threw on his sweatshirt and tiptoed toward the next room.
“You know you can’t sneak up on me, sweet girl.” Said Billy.
Even though you could only see the back of his head, you could tell he was smiling. The commissioned painting he was working on had been keeping him awake for the past few weeks. The perfectionist in him always wanted to make sure that everything was just so; clients paid a lot of money for commissioned paintings so Billy made sure to give them exactly what they wanted.
“Oh I know, my love. I just love to watch you work, that’s all.” You replied, leaning against the doorframe and biting down on your lower lip.
His long skilled fingers held the brush firmly as it moved smoothly against the canvas. Billy had endless talent that begged to be seen and a talent that, hopefully one day, would be passed down to your children and that thought brought a smile to your face.
Billy put his paintbrush down and turned to face you, he gazed at you with his endless brown eyes and flashed his perfect smile at you which still gave you butterflies. He looked tired and there were faint purple shadows underneath his eyes. Billy didn’t sleep much and you desperately wanted to protect him from his nightmares but you couldn’t.
Those nightmares were one of the reasons he didn’t sleep very well and why he got up in the middle of the night to paint. The only thing you could do was to be there for him if he wanted to talk about it which wasn’t very often but he was getting better about it; you were his wife and there wasn’t anyone he trusted with his feelings more than you.
“You look sexy while you paint.” You said, shyly.
Billy snaked his long arms around your waist and gently touched his forehead to yours.
“Well I think you look sexy when you do anything, baby.” He said, glancing at you from head to toe.
“You’re delirious, Billy. You need some sleep.” You replied.
You had grabbed his hoodie on your way out of the bedroom to cover yourself. All you had on was a pair of very short shorts and a tank top, his hoodie covered your legs to about mid-thigh so it looked like you weren’t wearing anything underneath.
The sweatshirt hem slipped in between Billy’s fingers as he slowly lifted the sweatshirt away from your legs.
“Are you wearin’ anything underneath this, beautiful?” He asked as a devilish smile played across his lips.
Playfully slapping him on the shoulder, you replied, “Yes, I have shorts on, Billy. You know that.”
“That’s too bad. You always look perfect wearin’ my hoodie and nothin’ else.” He said with a wink.
Billy leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, gently at first but as you melted into his kiss, he parted your lips with his tongue so it could tangle and knot with yours. After unzipping the sweatshirt, his long agile fingers brushed the soft skin of your stomach.
Goosebumps peppered across your body when you felt his hand dip below your waistband and touch the wet spot on your panties. Warmth quickly spread across your cheeks and between your thighs as a soft moan escaped your lips while his strong hands caressed your body.
You could taste the peppermint on his lips and faintly smell the green soap left on his black t-shirt as your fingers glided through his ink like hair. Billy had pulled you flush to him, squeezing your body tightly against his like he was scared to let you go and you embraced him firmly in return, silently telling him that you were real and you weren’t going anywhere.
You were his.
The hoodie fell to the floor after he had pushed it off of your shoulders. Looking up at him through your long dark lashes, you smiled warmly at first but then narrowed your eyes and said, “I thought you were painting tonight, lieutenant.”
With a devilish smirk, Billy replied, “I think I’d rather paint you, baby…with my tongue.”
Covering your eyes in embarrassment, you let out a chuckle and replied, “Well I might be agreeable to that, my love.”
Suddenly his hands were under your ass and he picked you up with ease. With your legs wrapped around his waist, he started to carry you off to bed when you mentioned, “Don’t you have to clean up first, Billy?!”
He only had one word to say in response.
The Next Morning
You could feel the peaceful murmur of his heart steadily beating inside his chest as he slept. Billy doesn’t usually sleep in. Most of the time he’s awake before you are and you normally find him drinking his coffee at the breakfast bar but not today. On this rare morning, you just watched him sleep and tried not to move so you wouldn’t disturb him.
Billy shifted slightly underneath the arm you had resting on his chest. He inhaled sharply then let out a deep yawn before snaking his arm around you.
“Good mornin’, beautiful. I guess I slept in. That’s your fault though…you wore me out.” Said Billy, kissing the top of your head and rubbing his eyes with his other hand.
With a shocked look on your face, you lifted your head slightly so you were resting your chin on top of the hand that was placed against his chest.
“Oh I wore YOU out?!! I slept in too, soldier!” You exclaimed with a wide smile.
His sly grin stretched from ear to ear and he winked at you as he replied, “There’s my little firecracker. I’ll go make some coffee.”
As he rolled over you, his lips collided with yours and you gently brushed his beard with your thumb. Propping up your head with your hand, you carefully watched Billy as he slipped on his black sweats. Your handsome husband had a lean, toned body and his tattoo sleeve was just as impressive today as the first time you saw it.
He’d catch you staring at it all the time. You couldn’t help it.
“I think I know what I wanna do for my birthday, Billy.” You said, still staring at him and biting down on your lower lip.
“Oh yeah?” Said Billy. His dark eyes shone in the early morning sunshine spilling in through the window. “Well come tell me over coffee, sweet girl.”
Billy sat at the breakfast bar while you stood in front of the stove cooking some eggs, a smile stretched across your face as you looked over your shoulder at his face when he asked in a confused tone, “an arcade?”
You continued to push the eggs around in the pan.
“Yeah! This place has old arcade games and pinball machines!” You said excitedly. “Plus, it’s a bar too. Oh and I’d also like tacos and a little tequila, please.”
He raised a finger to point at you.
“So aside from the tequila, you want an 8-year old’s birthday party.” He joked.
You started to hand him his plate of eggs but pulled them back toward you when he made his smart ass comment.
“Are you making fun of me, Mr. Russo? Cuz if you are, I can throw these eggs right in the trash and no breakfast for you.” You said.
“All right, all right my little firecracker, you’re feisty this morning. I’m teasin’ ya. Don’t go throwin’ away perfectly good scrambled eggs. I don’t know what you do to them to make them taste that good but they are pretty amazing. So yes, I will take care of your birthday party arrangements, just lemme know who you’re inviting.” Said Billy.
You handed Billy his plate of eggs through the breakfast bar window and walked around to the other side, kissed him on the cheek, and asked, “Really? You’d do that for me, Billy?”
“I’d do anything for you, sweet girl. I love you.” He said after swallowing a mouthful of eggs. “God, these are good!” He exclaimed as he took another bite.
You smiled and kissed his cheek again.
“Cream cheese and chives, my love. Those are my secret ingredients.” You said with a warm smile. “And I love you too. Don’t forget to tell the Ed’s first.”
Three Weeks Later
Billy spoiled you on your actual birthday. On his way home from the studio, he stopped to buy you flowers, a calzone from your favorite pizza place, and cupcakes from your favorite bakery. The men from your past relationships never were as considerate or as sweet as Billy. You never expected fancy dates or gifts; you just wanted them to try but they never did.
“I know it’s not much but…” Said Billy.
You interrupted him.
“Not much? It’s perfect, my love. I couldn’t ask for anything more. Thank you!” You said, as you snaked your arms around his neck and pulled him in closer for a kiss.
“Happy Birthday, my little firecracker. You ready for your party this weekend?” He asked.
A wide smile stretched across your lips as you replied, “YES!! I’m very excited! Where are we going for tacos?”
“I made a reservation for all of us at that place on Hope Street. De Mole, I think it’s called. I think, I THINK they have the requirements you asked for.” Billy said sarcastically.
You narrowed your eyes at him and folded your arms protectively across your chest. “I’m not sure I like your tone, lieutenant.” You joked. “Careful, or I’ll eat both cupcakes that are in that box.”
“How do you know there are two in there?” He asked, flashing you a sly side smile.
You started to laugh.
“You think I don’t know you, Billy Russo? Like you would come home with just ONE cupcake.” You said, still laughing.
“Well, you got me. There ARE two in there.” He said, sounding slightly defeated.
Pointing a finger at him, you said “AHA! I knew it! Hey, if you ever sleeve your other arm you can just have all of your favorite sweets tattooed on you.”
Billy lowered his voice to barely more than a whisper and purred into your ear, “My all-time favorite is you, sweet girl. You really are the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.”
He always knew exactly what to say to have you fall apart with just the sound of his voice. At times you still couldn’t believe he was all yours, a friend that had turned into everything you had ever wanted in a relationship and so much more…and you were the same for him.
Billy was someone you could laugh with and tell all of your worries to. You were the one person besides Frank that he felt like he could talk to about his mother; he never had the comfortability with anyone to be able to do that with before you. And more than anything, you loved to see him smile.
He wasn’t perfect but he was perfect for you.
“You can taste me later, handsome. I want my calzone and cupcake.” You whispered back, the bristles of his beard tickled your lips as you kissed him on the cheek.
Billy smiled his million-dollar smile at you and said, “Whatever you want, my love. It’s your birthday.”
The food and drinks at de Mole were delicious. There was crispy calamari with jalapeno aioli, roasted tomato sauce and corn relish. The spicy margaritas and your favorite, Baja fish tacos, were the perfect combination of heat and flavor. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves so far.
“You gotta do a shot. It’s your birthday, kid!” Said Frank as he dropped a shot of tequila down in front of you.
Staring at the shot glass nervously, you replied, “I dunno Frank, I’m not 21 anymore. I don’t recover as fast as I used to.”
“One shot ain’t gonna kill ya, sweetheart. Besides, Bill’s drivin’.” Frank stated.
After sprinkling some salt on the back of your hand, you downed the shot of tequila and took a bite of a lemon wedge.
“Woo! Oh it burns! It’s been a minute since I’ve done this, Frank!” You exclaimed, squinting your eyes and pursing your lips.
A wide sly smile stretched across Frank’s lips and he replied, “Atta girl! Let’s go play some video games, yeah?”
Billy had booked a private party for you and everyone at Barcade. Everyone that worked at the tattoo studio came, Ed #1, Ed #2, Andy, and Shortcake, along with Frank, Maria, and two of your really good friends, Danielle and Jessie.
It really was like being a kid again, hearing all the noises from the different machines and games throughout the bar. The unmistakable sounds of pinball flippers, the rolling of the metal ball, flashing lights and the ringing of the bells each time the ball was struck.
Familiar phrases like “FINISH HIM!” and “Flawless Victory” could be heard coming from the Mortal Kombat II machine where the Eds were talking shit to each other. You overheard the revving of engines and screeching tires coming from the Daytona USA game.
Frank and Maria were racing each other while Billy practiced his target shooting on Quick & Crash. It was a fast draw shooting gallery game and it wasn’t a surprise to you that Billy got the highest score. They put his name up on the chalkboard with all the other high scorers. He was a little proud of himself like “I still got it.”
“You havin’ a good time, sweet girl?” Billy asked, snaking his long arms around your waist.
Excitedly, you replied, “Oh I am, baby! I’m having SO much fun! Thank you for doing this for me.”
“I told you, I’d do anything for you my love.” He said, leaning in and capturing your lips in a soft kiss.
Licking his bottom lip, you could tell he tasted the tequila on yours.
“Frankie gave you another shot of tequila, didn’t he.” He said with a slight smile.
You were feeling a little tipsy and started to giggle.
“Maybe.” You replied. “Come on! Let’s go race!”
Billy laughed. “Hey, you’ve been drinking. You can’t drive.” He joked, chasing after you to the racecar game.
“We’ve all been drinkin’! Come onnnnnnn!” You yelled.
He won by a nose.
You made sure to hang out with everyone and thank them for coming out for your birthday. It felt really nice to be surrounded by people who really cared about you but no one enjoyed watching you have fun more than Billy did. Every time you turned around, his eyes were on you with a wide smile stretched across his lips so you’d blow him a kiss every time you caught him staring.
You were everything to him.
“How are you so good at this game?!!” Ed #2 shouted.
You replied, “Please, Street Fighter II was my favorite game growing up. You’re not gonna beat me!”
Frank interjected, “Alright, I’m playin’ winner. You ready to lose for the first time tonight, sweetheart?”
“I’m tellin’ ya Frankie, you’re not gonna beat her. She’s won against everyone tonight.” Said Billy, gently brushing the bristles of his beard.
“She hasn’t played me yet, Bill.” Said Frank.
He talked a big game but luck was not on his side. Frank lost and he lost miserably so his punishment was he had to do a shot of tequila but he also bought another one for you. Barcade had about 25 craft beers on tap to choose from so between the beer and the shots, you were feeling pretty good, maybe a little too good. You had tried to pace yourself but that last shot was probably one too many and you began to feel a little unsteady on your feet.
“Alright, my little firecracker, I think it’s time to call it a night. What do ya say?” Asked Billy.
Leaning into him, you replied, “I-I thhhhhhink y-you’re right, b-baby. L-let’s go h-home!”
Billy glared at Frank and said, “Thanks a lot, Frankie.”
“Ah, it’s her birthday. She’ll be alright.” Frank replied.
You said goodbye to everyone, thanked them all again for coming before Billy put you in the car. As he drove away from the curb, you waved and immediately leaned back to rest your head and closed your eyes.
“Stay awake, sweet girl. We don’t have that far of a drive. You have fun tonight?” He asked.
Billy figured if he kept you talking, that you wouldn’t fall asleep on the way home. A warm smile stretched across your lips as you reached to touch him on the shoulder before replying, “I d-did h-handsome, thank youuuuuu.”
Billy rested his hand on your thigh as he always did when he was driving.
“I love you, Billy. Thank you again for my party.” You said softly.
“I love you too, beautiful.” He whispered. “We’re almost home, you gonna make it?”
“I’ll make it.” You said.
Getting out of the car and the elevator ride up to your apartment were uneventful. But as soon as Billy unlocked the door, you ran for the bathroom. At least you made it home first before getting sick. After taking off his jacket and putting his keys away, Billy came into the bathroom to make sure you were alright.
He helped hold your hair back and checked to see if your sleeves were rolled up. The sides of the bowl felt cool against your wrists while everything you had that night came up and out.
Never again with the tequila. Just say “no” to Frank.
The bathroom floor felt nice and cool against your skin, the room wasn’t spinning when your cheek was resting against the tiled floor so that’s where you wanted to stay but Billy didn’t want you sleeping there.
“Sweet girl, you can’t stay on the floor all night.” He said.
Joking around, you replied, “Sure I can, it’s nice and cool down here. Just forward all my mail here, I’ll be fine.”
“Even tequila drunk, you make me laugh, baby.” Billy chuckled, shaking his head. “Come on, you’re goin’ to bed.”
He did his best to make you comfortable by helping you put on one of his old marines t-shirts that you loved to sleep in so much. He also left some Gatorade and pain reliever on your bedside table.
You must not have moved much for the rest of the night because you woke up in the same position you fell asleep in as the sunlight danced across your face. Billy was sitting straight up in bed, his arm draped over you, his chin to his chest until he felt you move which startled him awake.
“It’s ok, Billy…it’s ok. It’s just me. Ow…” You said softly, pinching the bridge of your nose trying to ease your headache pain. “You slept like that all night?”
He blinked his eyes a few times, looked down at you and smiled.
“Well I cleaned up the bathroom so not ALL night. Wasn’t too bad. It smells like green soap in there now, your favorite.” He winked. “And of course, I had to make sure you were ok while you were sleeping.” Said Billy.
You returned a smile and replied, “That’s so sweet of you, baby. It’s not my first drunken night but I love you for watching over me.” You paused for a brief moment. “Ya know, I realized something last night.”
“What’s that, my love?” Asked Billy.
“I realized that you probably never played video games like that when you were young, huh?” You said.
“Nah, we didn’t have regular field trips to the arcade, if that’s what ya mean and we certainly didn’t have any video games or pinball machines at the group home. So, you’re right, baby. I didn’t do stuff like that when I was a kid. It’s ok though.” He said in a low voice, shaking his head.
Tears stung the back of your eyes. “I’m sorry, Billy. I’m so sorry you never really got to do normal kid things. Even though my childhood was exactly the greatest, there were some highlights and good times. I’d give anything for you to have happy memories like that.” You said as a tear streaked down your cheek.
“Y/n, sweet girl, it’s ok because I have happy memories NOW.” Billy said.
His words made you cry even harder but they were happy tears. Being married to Billy wasn’t always easy but it never was just one-sided either. You were the one that was always giving in your past relationships, but this was the first one where he gave just as much as you did.
“I love you.” You whispered as you gazed up at him through your lashes that were wet with tears.
“I love you too, baby…Come here and let me see those beautiful eyes a little better.” He said.
Slowly sitting up in bed and being careful not to move too quickly because of your headache, you straddled him and softly brushed the bristles of his beard with your thumbs.
“Oh I imagine they’re really red at the moment, my love.” You replied, a little embarrassed.
Billy didn’t care. He still looked at you like you were the only woman in the world. The slight lines around his eyes made him look even more handsome, if that was even possible. He was happy and seeing him smile always made him more attractive.
He leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to yours.
“Nah, they’re not too bad. That just means you had a really good time.” Joked Billy.
That made you laugh.
“Oh is that what that means?” You said, biting back a smile.
Billy laughed along with you and replied with a wink, “Yes, sweet girl. That’s exactly what it means.”
His wild dark brown hair had tumbled into his eyes so you pushed stray pieces away from his face as his warm hand grazed your cheek and he kissed you again.
“Thank you again, handsome. I had a great birthday.” You said with a kind smile.
Billy closed the gap between your bodies once again. He stopped short just before touching your lips with his, smiled, and whispered, “Anything for you.”
Tag List: @wheresthesunshinesblog @rafaelakelley @idaoftheburningmind @snowkestrel @fakehappy27 @music-indie-tv @fictional-hooman @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @celestialend @k-marzolf @nutmeg17 @rosaleenablack @vaguekayla @qu1etwolf @danzer8705 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @aoi-targaryen
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lovelyhan · 1 year
kwannie w a corruption is my fav thing ever … i’ll never shut up abt it >_< he just loves cute things … “that’s my cute girl” … and he goes feral when he sees u wear anything w lil flowers on it :c
he's finally debuting on this blog 🤧 also heads up that i'm Well Aware that sk's bday is in january but just roll w me on this one ok?
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seungkwan likes cute things.
from adorable puppies to frilly dresses; from afternoon tea parties and dainty flower arrangements—his affinity for all things cute is something a lot of people know about him, but don't really think twice about.
so when he brings you to this year's birthday dinner, no one really bats an eyelash at the way you're dressed. everyone knows seungkwan loves dolling you up. always decorating you in those cute babydoll dresses that flutter across your thighs, hair adorned with pretty flower pins, and a light sheen of makeup that makes your pouty lips all the more delectable.
god, those lips... it's already a difficult for him to let his other friends see you when you look like the epitome of adorable. but when you keep acting so shy and bashful every time someone compliments your outfit? seungkwan can hardly wait for all the formalities to end so he can get you alone in your shared hotel room again—doing things that are the furthest thing from cute.
he finally gets what he wants hours after wining and dining with his friends—with you giggling in the hallway as you drag your boyfriend into the privacy of your room.
seungkwan can't help the way his heart momentarily swells at how breathaking you look. you've only had one glass of champagne, but the alcohol has colored your cheeks a lovely shade of red—further emphasized by how your cheekbones puff out as you beam at him lovingly.
it's in times like this when he can't wrap his head around how he managed to end up with someone as otherworldly as you. but when the door to the hotel room clicks shut and you immediately spread yourself out on the queen-sized bed, all those wholesome thoughts are gone in a flash.
"i've been itching to give you your present, kwannie," you giggle as you spread your thighs, tugging the hem of your babydoll dress to reveal what you've been hiding underneath. "i think you'll really like it."
seungkwan nearly chokes on his own breath when he catches a glimpse of the white lace of your underwear. he's no stranger to seeing you in such intimate fabric—silk and lace were his favorites—but the dainty red roses embroidered on the crotch area are enough to make his brain short-circuit.
fuck. he likes cute things—adores them way too much. but you in particular love to drive him just a little more insane with each passing day.
"what a pretty baby," he groans, letting himself join you on the mattress as he helps you out of your dress. when he sees the same embroidery patterns stitched across the matching bra, he hisses between his teeth. "all this for me?"
"you deserve it," you purr, guiding one of his big hands to cup your throbbing heat through your panties. "happy birthday."
with the last threads of his self-control finally snapping, seungkwan lunges for your sweet lips—tasting the peach lip gloss on his tongue as he pries your mouth open. you let out a quiet whine that he swallows with another kiss, pushing your underwear to the side so he can glide his lithe fingers along your wet slit.
"you're drenched, sweetheart," he notes with a laugh that has you pouting against his lips.
seungkwan brushes his fingertips along your entrance, gathering enough slick before spreading it across your puffy clit. your reaction is most adorable—a buck of your hips and another whine reverberating in your chest.
"kwannie," you whimper, hooking one of your legs around his waist to bring him closer. "i've been wet all night. wanted you to come unwrap your present while we were at dinner."
"dirty girl. you wanted me to take you in front of all my friends? is that it?" your boyfriend gives your pussy a playful but firm slap, making you jolt on top of the mattress as another rush of slick trickles out of your needy hole.
"uh-huh," you babble, grinding your cunt against his hand with parted lips. "want them to know i'm yours."
gods above. he only has so much self-control.
while others might've completely caved and stuck their dicks inside of their adorable girlfriends, seungkwan likes seeing you fall apart on his fingers first before he fucks you dumb with his cock.
you're always so receptive when he preps you like this. whining so cutely when he rubs your clit with just the right pressure. the way you frame the his name around such a pretty moan as he pumps his long fingers into sopping cunt is all the incentive he needs before feeling your walls clamp down on his length.
"f-fuck," seungkwan stutters—thighs clapping against your ass with each forward thrust. the sight of you still wearing the dainty lace set as he takes you from behind makes him feel just a little more feral. "that's my cute girl. taking me like i'm made for you."
the squelch of your pussy is the most obscene sound he's heard all day and your boyfriend decides he wants more of it. seungkwan amps up the cadence of his strokes as he presses your head down on the mattress. but as much as he wants to pull your hair to keep you in place, he wants to spare those pretty flower pins even more.
"baby's the prettiest little thing in the world," he whispers raspily in your ear, one of his palms groping your breasts as he continues hitting it from behind. "you'll let me finish inside you, right? then you'll keep these cute panties on so my cum won't go to waste."
the mere mention of being filled has you clenching even tighter around him—desperate moans echoing across the four corners of your hotel room.
"need it, seungkwan," you nearly sob into the sheets—reaching between your thighs to find your clit before timing your rubbing with your lover's movements. "need you to stuff me full of cum so badly."
who is he to deny his pretty girl such a desperate request?
your boyfriend's hot cum surges into your cunt in thick globs, dragging a long-winded moan out of your lips as the sensation of being filled pushes you over the edge.
seungkwan inhales sharply when he feels you milk him for each drop of his release. but no matter how overstimulated the both of you are, he continues to fuck his cum into your sloppy pussy. as if to make sure it'll take you days to sweat him out.
when his vigor has all been spent, seungkwan slips out of your hole carefully—so quick to pull your delicate lace panties back in place before tugging the fabric against your ruined pussy. the material catches across your sensitive clit, making you moan out on instinct.
your boyfriend quietly observes the way his cum is starting to stain the pure white lace before his eyes flicker to your fucked out face. still panting and squirming like you want more even though he's already given you so much.
but hey, he's nothing if not a fool for his adorable baby.
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⟢ end notes: Obviously i got carried away with writing this 🦧 but that is ok bc everyone deserves to be headass for corruption kink seungkwan 🥰🥰 thank you for sending this in, mika my love so sweet <3 i enjoyed experimenting w kwannie more than i thought i would !
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whimsical-sonic · 8 months
well, i said that i'd make a post breaking down stings design if he made it to round 2 and so! this is it! this is that post
without further ado, let's talk about how i designed my boy!
warnings for (drawn) close-up images of scorpions:
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let's start off with his head!
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the vast majority of sting's head comes from scorpion anatomy! his eyebrows are based off of a pair of a scorpion's walking legs. scorpions have 4 pairs of walking legs which are attached to the head/thorax. i can't represent all 4 pairs but i could at least represent 1, hence why his eyebrows are Huge and stick off of his head
the pair of darker red tubes that go from behind his eyebrows to the back of his head, those are meant to be pedipalps! pedipalps are actually part of a scorpion's mouth, but for sonic character design purposes i used it to resemble hair. as for the actual pincers, thats what the two things on the back of his head are. if you were to translate it to hair, it'd be like a tight, messy bun
the other part of a scorpion's mouth are the chelicerae! his mouth originally took more inspiration from how a scorpion's mouth is supposed to look, but due to how difficult it was to consistently draw + emote in general, this was changed to be more beak-like (using mimic for reference). his "tusks" are still reminiscent of the tip of the chelicerae, only they turn up to help his mouth look more distinct!
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as for the 2 pairs of dot markings on his head, those are meant to represent eyes! scorpions have at least 6 eyes, 12 at most. the 2 pairs of markings are meant to give the impression that sting has 6 eyes!
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next up is his clothes! since sting specializes in close-combat fighting, he doesn't really wear loose clothes as he doesn't want to risk tripping over himself or getting caught on anything. that's why he wears a simple torn tank top and some pants
his belt is fashioned after the segments on a scorpion's abdomen! thats why there's all those lines on it
his shoes, the golden edge of his shoes with the two little protrusions, those are meant to resemble a scorpion's paws!
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as for sting's tail, the reason why it's so thick is because he is a highly venomous scorpion! it's also why the pincers on his head are so small: scorpions with thick tails and small pincers are Very Venomous while scorpions with thin tails and big pincers are mostly harmless! i went for a more spherical shape with his tail because i thought it looked cool. he originally didn't have a set number of segments but ultimately i landed on 6, which is the same amount of an actual scorpion (5 metasomal segments + the 1 pincer)
lastly, his palette! sting's palette is actually inspired by the deathstalker scorpions from kipo and the age of wonderbeasts! actual deathstalkers are more orange/brown, but the mutated ones in kipo are various shades of red. you can really see the inspiration in this image here
his tail has an alternating color palette for readability! it'd be harder to make out more action-y poses if it was all the same color, or if it was half lighter half darker, so the alternating colors help make it more distinct
this art is from august! it helps show the color breakdown
(flat + shade)
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AND THATS IT! that is all the thought and inspiration i put into my boy. if you took the time to actually read through all of this thank you so much!!! it genuinely means a lot to me 🌟
if you really like sting, please consider voting for him in the oc showdown! you can vote here
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immortalmint · 11 months
How many people on the Boiling Isles are related to Caleb? And are Dell and/or Gwendolyn related?
In The Owl House, there is strong evidence the Clawthornes are related to Caleb Wittebane and Evelyn (Clawthorne?). Many fans point to a connection through Gwendolyn, via the ‘lyn family suffix shared by Gwendolyn, Edalyn, and Evelyn. There is also Gwendolyn’s family knowledge of a human previously living in Bonesborough:
“My great-grandmother told me about a human who once lived here. But one day he just vanished. Rumor has it he left something in the library, and if you can find out more about him...”
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A Gwendolyn connection is very plausible. We’ll get into family resemblances later.
But a connection through Dell has merit as well, given his palisman’s striking resemblance to Flapjack. We’ll call our yellow cardinal Biscuit for now. (Biscuits were ship rations in the late 1500s onward, and absolutely have been eaten for breakfast. They work in any meal. Every meal. Caleb was poor and hungry, okay?)
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The visual clues we get are intermingled between Dell, Caleb, Biscuit, and Flapjack. When Dell is first injured by the Owl Beast, the red blood over his closed eye makes the same shape as Flapjack’s scar. Both Dell and Flapjack are wounded in the same eye, their left. These wounds share symbolic similarities, as they were both from family members: Dell’s injury was caused unintentionally by Eda when she was startled and turned into in Owl Beast form, and Flapjack’s injury likely occurred during Philip’s failed attempt to murder his sister-in-law Evelyn and Philip’s (also unintentional?) murder of his brother Caleb.
(As for physical appearance, note the similar nose shape between middle-aged Dell and teenage Hunter in the screenshots below.)
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Looking at older Dell, the scar’s color and shape greatly resembles Flapjack’s head. Both Flapjack and Biscuit have two-peaks of feathers crowning their heads, similar shaped face and chest feather patterns, bicolor wings of light and dark from their respective color pallets, and identically shaped feet. These birds were clearly a matched set, Biscuit likely being carved by Caleb to complement Evelyn’s Flapjack. Sometime after Evelyn’s death, Flapjack presumably left for the Bat Queen, and Biscuit stayed on with the family (I strongly believe Biscuit was Caleb’s palisman, and bonded with his young daughter to relay the love of the father she was deprived of). Biscuit continues to stay with the family to this day, adopting a young witch every 3 to 4 generations. She now belongs with Dell.
It’s also telling that all the Clawthorne family palismen are birds.
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If you’re wondering why Biscuit is a she, check out the Northern Cardinal, which is quite common in Connecticut. I took pictures from this lovely bird website: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Northern_Cardinal/id
Male Northern Cardinals are red, and females are supposedly “brown,” but if you told me that bird looked yellow, I’d agree with you.
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What about family appearance? We’ve compared Dell to Caleb/Hunter. So let’s take a look at Evelyn. We’ve got a lot less to go on here. Just a few memory photos from Philip’s mindscape. But from what we can see, Evelyn has impressively full hair very similar to Gwendolyn and Eda. The washed out colors of the photo make it difficult to determine an exact hair color, but brown to reddish-brown seems plausible.
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Looking at the Clawthornes, we see various shades of brown, red, and orange (yeah… I know they’re still called redheads, but that’s because the word ‘orange’ wasn’t in the language when redheads first showed up.) These are all plausible hair colors for the descendants of Caleb and Evelyn.
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Am I saying that both Gwendolyn and Dell are related to Caleb and Evelyn?
Yes, I am.
‘But isn’t that gross?’ you may wonder.
Eh, not really. They’re around 13 generations away from their shared common ancestor, Caleb and Evelyn’s daughter. We’ll call her Caylyn for convenience. With each generation, the percentage of DNA from a relative goes down by half. Example: You share 50% of your DNA with your mom, but only 25% of your DNA with your grandpa. The calculation is 1/(2^generation) x 100%, where that little ^ character means “to the power of.” So by the time we get to Dell and Gwendolyn, each would only have 1/(2^13) x 100% = 0.012% shared DNA. That’s very low risk for hereditary birth defects. You probably don’t have your own family tree documented well enough to avoid hooking up with your 13th cousin.
‘But what are the odds of two Caylyn relatives hooking up?’
After 13+ generations on an island? It’s more likely than you think!
Now that you’ve been lured in with screenshots and pretty birds, it’s time to get to my favorite part: MATH!
And dates. Yeah. They’re important too.
From Masha’s account, in 1613, the orphans Philip and Caleb Wittebane arrive in Gravesfield. Based on how small the boys are compared to a butter churner meant for adults, it’s safe to assume Caleb is 10 or younger. Philip is likely 7 or younger.
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Now fast-forward to Evelyn’s pregnancy. Philip has a full beard in this photo, which means he’s at least 18, more likely in his early-to-mid 20s (most white males can’t grow a full beard until their 20s). That would put the date sometime between 1625 and 1630 for Caylyn’s birth.
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To simplify our generational model, we’re going to assume that Caylyn was born in 1625 and that she and her descendants had 2 surviving children each when they were approximately 25 years old. That means in 1650, Caylyn had 2 children, and Evelyn became a grandmother.
If you’re wondering about my assumptions, the birthrate didn’t fall below 2 children in the USA until the 1970s. And before 1800, the birthrate was over 7 children! But when we look back at the 1600s-1800s, 40-50% of children died before adulthood, leaving only 3.5-4 children surviving to have kids of their own. I went with the assumption of 2 children per generation to account for additional factors such as people deciding not to have kids or cultural differences in family sizes that may have existed in the Boiling Isles. In all likelihood, Caleb’s descendants had a higher birthrate than 2. But we’ll stick with 2 to be conservative, and to make the math easy to see the effects of doubling!
Let’s finish the century out with 4 great-grandchildren (2 x 2, or 2^2) in 1675 and 8 great-great-grandchildren (2 x 2 x 2, or 2^3) by 1700. We get another 4 generations of descendants every century after this. So, by 1800, we have 128 (2^7). By 1900, we have 2,048 (2^11). And by the year 2000, we have 32,768 (2^15) new babies born related to a human! That’s a lot of people! And if we add together the most recent 3 generations, there’s even more living relations to Caleb on the Isles. At least 57,344 people!
Dell and Gwendolyn are 13 generations away from Caylyn, with birthdays approximately in 1950. I get this date based on Eda being in her mid to late 40s at the start of The Owl House (2020) according to Dana Terrance (so Eda’s birthday is ~1975). Her parents would be ~25 years older than her. So, when Dell and Gwendolyn meet, our number is around 8,192 (2^13) descendants of Caleb in their generation. And in all likelihood, Caleb’s descendants are more concentrated on the forearm where Evelyn originally lived. This makes it extremely likely that at least some of Caleb’s descendants marry each other.
How likely? First we need to know the approximate population of the Boiling Isles in the 1950s. Dana Terrance said the BI is roughly the size of Vermont in this interview. And in 1950, Vermont had a population of 377,700. We’ll use this as our rough population number for the 1950s BI. For the group born in 1950 (8,192 of which are descendants of Caleb), they make up 2.17% of the total population. But if we think about the number of people in that generation who would marry someone of similar age, we’re looking at the 20-30 year-old bracket, which is about 10% of the total population, or 37,770 people. And 8,192 is 21.7% of the people in Dell and Gwendolyn’s generation (gen 13). It isn’t a question of if two Caleb descendants got married, it’s a question of how many marriages!
(If you’re curious: [chance of person 1 being a Caleb descendant] x [chance of person 2 being a descendant] x [half of gen 13 population], because we’re looking at pairs of people, not individuals. So 21.7% of 21.7% = 4.7% of marriages in gen 13, times half the gen 13 population (18,885) is 887 marriages!)
Dell and Gwendolyn both being descendants of Caleb isn’t even that rare! The Clawthornes are one of multiple families where both sides of the family can claim human ancestry. It’s amazing how far one person’s genetics can spread in 400 years of breeding!
Alright, let’s get back to the main question: How many people on the Boiling Isles are related to Caleb?
By the Day of Unity (2022), we’re close enough to generation 16 (2025), which is 65,536 (2^16) babies, that we can look at a range between 2020 and 2025. In 2020, the 3 generations alive are 8,192 (2^13), 16,384 (2^14), and 32,768 (2^15), or 57,344 total living descendants. In 2025, the 3 generations alive are 16,384 (2^14), 32,768 (2^15), and 65,536 (2^16), or 114,688 total living descendants. In 2022, Vermont had a total population of 647,064 people, and we’re assuming the Boiling Isles population grew similarly. So we have between 8.9% and 17.8% of the BI population related to Caleb on the Day of Unity.
Belos wasn’t only attempting genocide against witches. Philip Wittebane was trying to kill thousands of his own relatives.
Food for thought.
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skyedancer-rae · 11 months
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TGAA 2 Spoilers
In which I recycle 2 jokes I've used previously because I am still amused by the idea of Ryunosuke accidentally confessing to Kazuma & Barok.
Image description after cut:
A 3 images are 2-panel comics, read horizontally. In all 3 comics, Ryunosuke is drawn in shades of blue (except for the armband, which is red), Kazuma is red, and Barok is violet (except for his badge, which is red). The gold accents on their outfits are also colored in gold.
Panel 1-1 shows Ryunosuke glancing at a mini Kazuma floating over his right shoulder (the manifestation of his love for Kazuma). The mini Kazuma says, "But Kazuma is your best friend, right? So why would he suddenly hate you just because you confessed to him?" Ryunosuke, expression slightly worried, says, "Well, you're right, but I still..."
Panel 1-2 shows that a mini Barok has appeared to float over Ryunosuke's left shoulder. Mini Barok says, "And Lord van Zieks has said that he trusts and respects you. At worst, he'd let you down very gently." Ryunosuke, still wearing the same expression as the previous panel says, "Well, yes..." Ryunosuke is drawn in monochrome shades of blue, except for his armband, which is red with gold accents. The mini Kazuma is in shades of red and the mini Barok is in shades of violet.
Panel 2-1 shows Ryunosuke is the left background talking to his shoulder, the mini Kazuma and Barok no longer visible, as he says, "But if they don't like me back, things would still be awkward after I confessed. I don't want to put either of them in a difficult position." Barok stands in the right foreground, gesturing toward Ryunosuke. His expression is incredibly flustered, a deep blush stretched across his face, and a small speech bubble with a scribble in it indicates that he is making a wordless, flustered noise.
Panel 2-2: A speech bubble gives Ryunosuke's dialogue as: "And things are still awkward between them. If one of them liked me back, it would be fine. But if they both liked me, I might still have to choose between them." Beneath this speech bubble, Kazuma can be seen, covering his face with his hand. Though his face is hidden from view, the side of his cheek and ear are a deep red, indicating that he is blushing. Kazuma says, "He likes to think out loud."
Panel 3-1 shows Ryunosuke is the background saying, "I don't want to break either of their hearts." A moment later, adding, "I mean, yes, they do both have nice chests, but how does that..." Barok & Kazuma stand in the foreground, incredibly flustered by the last comment. Kazuma can be seen from behind, covering his face with a hand. Barok stands to his right, deeply blushing, one hand braced against his chest.
Panel 3-2 shows Kazuma, hands cupped around his mouth in the foreground, yells, "RYUNOSUKE, YOU KNOW WE CAN HEAR EVERY WORD YOU'RE THINKING, RIGHT?" Ryunosuke, in the background, screams, "WHAT?!!!" His entire body jolts at the realization he has been talking aloud, deeply blushing. Beside Kazuma in the foreground, Barok hunches forward, a cartoon ghost falling from his breath to show how flustered he is by everything.
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bomberqueen17 · 5 months
kitchen colors
so ok it's the weekend and we were snowed in for a week and i've done a ton of unpacking but it's all invisible yay
but dude was making low-key plans for the weekend and i was like NO WE MUST GO TO THE HARDWARE STORE AND GET PAINT SAMPLES
i had to like. drag him to look at the paint chips idk why it was so difficult.
So we haggled and hemmed and hawed and held chips up in various spots and eliminated almost everything I'd brought home. Nothing would do as the accent color. But the wall color... we narrowed it down to Behr's Thai Teal, Celtic Queen, or Bella Vista. Celtic Queen was their pthalo-est green; Thai Teal and Bella Vista are almost the same except Thai Teal is dustier and Bella Vista clearer. Dude felt the cabinets having a dusty cast meant the wall should do, and I strongly felt the opposite. He yielded to my intensity of feeling on this.
But none of the colors I'd picked out were suitable as a trim color to pair with either of the teals or the green, so we'd have to go look. A lime green, perhaps, or a bright orange?
I also felt that painting the bay windowsill a strong color was the wrong choice, so we decided it should be a high-gloss white, but of course a shade of white that didn't clash with the white countertop. Not having a sample of countertop, I instead brought a spare backsplash tile with me to the hardware store, so I could tell what color of white I needed (ugh).
Thus ensued Hell: Trying to pick which of the hundred colors of white would match the tile without being too obviously not-white (which would clash with the white-white plastic of the electrical outlets and the plastic window frames, which I am not painting. The outlet and switch plates are getting painted or replaced with something decorative, sure, but the actual bit you put the plugs into is staying as it is, I'm not painting that shit). But, fortunately, Dude comes of graphic designer types, and came through for me.
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[image: a man's hands, holding a white subway tile and several basically-white paint chips, in front of a hardware store display of paint chips in every shade imaginable of white, beige, black, or gray. This is my idea of hell.]
We tried lime green with the teal. It looked banger as fuck, but the only problem was, it also looked exactly like a really classic IKEA duvet cover pattern from about 2000. I could not paint my kitchen to look like the duvet cover Dude had when we met. That is not going to work out, psychically.
I picked a brilliant orange, and also hated it. It looked like... the 1970s. it looked. Too much. It popped but like, in a slightly upsetting way. it was giving Miami vibes, in an early-90s kind of way.
I dithered, and finally Dude went and picked a less red orange, in fact called Joyful Orange. That looked much better, and I got sample pots of Joyful Orange and Bella Vista to take home. (They are SEVEN DOLLARS each can you believe. Ah well.)
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[image description: In the center of the photo, a section of wall trim is painted bright yellow-orange, next to a section of wall painted deep teal. To the right, a blue-washed cabinet corner, the white tile backsplash, and a section of counter with the tea kettle on it; to the left is the paler yellow in the distance of the living room, with a bunch of blurry stuff piled in the middle of the room.]
It's. Sort of parrot colors? But it's bright and it's bold. I like it in every lighting situation. So I think this is what I'm going with.
And then for the outlet covers, I got one lighter shade of turquoise, and then dug out my craft paints. I bought a couple of spare outlet covers at the hardware store-- forty-eight cents apiece? I'd be crazy not to-- lightly buffed them with some fine sandpaper, and went to town. This is just the first layer, once it dries I'm going to go back over and try to add realistic veining and like metallic glitter and such to make them look like turquoise gemstone material.
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[image: lying on a crinkled paper towel, a US-style outlet cover is mottled in shades of turquoise paint, in an irregularly-textured pattern.]
Ah maybe I should do a layer of clear coat and then do the veining? We'll see. I'm not sure.
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bt-writing · 11 months
Winter's Touch
Link x gn!Reader
A/N: lord i love link so much. i know we're all playing totk rn!! this fic is pretty ambiguous, so it can be set in either botw or totk, it has no spoilers for either game :) and to all of my followers,
wow! it has been an AMOUNT of time since i last wrote something! i'm sorry for falling off the map, but i'm sure you all know how life goes. i'd also like to say that i know, as all of my works have been genshin based, that you all most likely followed me for my genshin content, and i appreciate all of you so much. i've had so many kind, encouraging comments that made me feel proud of my work. but, truthfully, i will most likely not be writing any more genshin content for the foreseeable future. unless i get back into the game, which is unlikely. i'll most likely continue to write here and there, but who knows what fandom it will be for?
anyways, thank you all again, and i hope everyone can enjoy this story! i put a lot of effort into it, and i hope i've improved from my previous works :)
Word Count: 5.9k
Summary: You and Link are caught in a brutal snowstorm while traveling through Hebra. Finding yourselves in an abandoned cabin for the night, how in Hylia will you manage to keep warm?
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Hebra's perpetual winter snowfall had been merciless ever since you arrived in the secluded northern region. The last few days especially had shown capricious bursts of flurries and wind gusts even more brutal than normal, heralding in the blizzard that faced you now. An unholy amount of the powdery, blinding white coating had accumulated, disguising any semblance of ground for what appeared to be the entire regionーprobably the entire world, from what you could tell. Nothing would surprise you at this point, seeing just how relentless the thick snowflakes had been since you arrived in this godless land.
A heavy sigh escaped from your chest and fell into cupped hands. The tips of your fingers and knuckles were flushed red from the subzero temperature that effortlessly seeped through your clothes and nipped at your skin. Even after rubbing your hands together like a plotting insect, they remained raw and aching, lamenting the loss of your cozy Rito-made gloves which were misplaced somewhere in a far-off stable. The chill felt like knives, an inescapable punishment for your disorganization, unbearable even through a heavy, wool-lined jacket and several other layers of essentially every article of clothing that you traveled with. As you brought your freezing hands up to try and revive your numb ears, you cast a glance over at your Hylian companion.
It had certainly been a number of hours since the two of you had departed from the Snowfield Stableーalbeit, you would argue it was more so a few days spent wandering the ninth layer of hellーbut it was hard to determine precisely how long due to the constant ambiguity of the murky, grey cast sky above. You couldn't help but pinch your eyebrows together, squinting to protect your eyes from the light reflecting off of the obnoxious white plain. Link appeared unphased by the icy insanity you had found yourselves in. He marched dutifully along the invisible path with his typical resolved purpose, his deep footprints leaving a trail to the rhythmic crunching of snow. The caped hood that Link wore concealed his pointy, elven ears from the onslaught of wind, but you were positive they were a similar cherry-colored shade as your own. Its thin fabric flapped wildly behind Link as he traversed the land, obviously experienced in navigating the ruthless northern tundra. The speed at which he walked through the snow was honestly impressive. You had long since tired, but he never slowed down. It was almost as if his stamina reserves were blessed by the gods themselves.
You, on the other hand, were in a much worse state. The journey had begun to turn your brain to mush. Lack of visual stimulation and the persistent weather beating down on you made it difficult to carry on. Yet, burdening Link with your fatigue wasn't an option. Trying to match your partner's pace, you took long, forceful steps forward, legs burning from overexertion. The additional weight of chunky snow boots, padded clothing, and your traveler's bag filled to the brim with supplies made your hike comparably more strenuous than any other you've been on. Giving thought to your exhaustion only served to make things worse, however, as with your next step, the tip of your boot failed to escape the crater your footprint had made in the snow and instead got caught on the very edge.
Thrown off balance, you stumbled forwards with a small gasp. Your hands flailed in a short motion by your sides in a meager attempt to save yourself from faceplanting into the cold, wet snow below you. Before you could kiss the ground, all of your momentum was halted by Link's hand wrapping around your wrist. His other hand shot across your body, reaching for your opposite shoulder and supporting your weight with his forearm over your chest. He turned your torso to face him directly. The knight allowed for his hold on you to linger, wanting to be doubly sure you found stability. Meeting his focused eyes, another sharp breeze whistled by your ear and sent a chill down your spine. The hood blew off from his head, unveiling his messy blonde locks and long ears which's hues confirmed your earlier suspicion. Link took his time inspecting your face, as if he were searching for the answer to some unspoken question, before breaking the silence.
"You're cold."
Your eyebrows raised incredulously. Cold? It was enough to send a small chuckle from your frostbitten lips.
"I don't know if you've noticed exactly where we are, but I'd say that more than simply 'cold' fits the norm here," you replied, exasperated by his statement. Though, before you could ridicule the words of Captain Obvious, he released his hands from your body, leaving you to silently grieve the loss of his touch. Gloved fingers played with the clasp of his hood before removing it from his shoulders and tossing it over your own. His knuckles grazed the exposed skin of your neck as he secured the cloth to you. His thumbs brushed past your cheeks and ears as he reached for the hood, bringing the oversized fabric to rest right above your browbone. Link's hands trailed down to your arms where he reached behind you to tug the sides of the cape around you tightly. It reminded you of a worried mother swaddling her child in a winter coat. Your chapped lips were slightly parted in surprise at Link's movements. The events of the previous minute had left you stunned, and his current actions weren't helping you recover in the slightest. As your brain fried, a tingly warmth filled your body. It erupted from your stomach and quickly spread to your face, staining your already red features a shade darker.
You simply brushed off the newfound warmth as the loss of wind-chill.
Although grateful for his gift to you, you were also concerned about Link's own well-being since he was the one now exposed to the elements. Your eyes traced his ears as they twitched from the wind's lashing. Adorable as the involuntary motion was, you had to object to his kindness.
"Won't you be cold now?" you asked, trying to deny the item. Even if you were slightly less miserable as a result, his health came before your own. Link was the champion, the hero chosen to protect Hyrule indefinitely. He was the one who mattered most between the two of you. Yet, Link closed his eyes and shook his head at your question. Snowflakes had already begun to accumulate on his dark lashes.
"No. I'll be fine. I have a tolerance for this sort of weather, anyways," he spoke bluntly.
It was your turn to study his face this time in an attempt to detect any semblance of a lie. His serious, teal eyes left no room to argue, and you knew it would be a losing battle to try and change his mind. When you could no longer bear to maintain eye contact with the boy, you cast your sight over his shoulder timidly, growing overwhelmed by his silent insistence. It was hard to look straight at him when it felt like he was staring directly into your soul. However, a dull silhouette in the distance caused you to perk up suddenly, catching his attention. A couple hundred meters away from you was a tiny wooden cabin, nearly swallowed by the dense horizon of snow flurries. The structure was most likely abandonedーthe flatland of agony for miles in every direction didn't exactly scream 'tourist attraction' to you, but at the moment it might as well have been the oasis paradise in a desert of frosty sand.
"Link—" you stepped past him, grabbing the cloth of his sleeve with urgent fingers. "Link, look!"
His eyes flickered down to your grasp on his Snowquill jacket before following your gaze into the snowfield. By the time he had managed to locate the structure, you had already begun to drag him along toward it. This was the most energy he had seen out of you in the last few hours.
After some minutes spent walking through the blizzard, you and Link eventually reached the little dilapidated shack, a lone shelter in Hebra's snowy sea. Not wanting to spend any more time outside than necessary, you quickly pushed open the shoddy cabin door. A loud creak! resounded off the bare walls, greeting the two of you as you made your way inside. The interior wasn't impressive by any means. Dust had amassed on the floor and furniture in a layer thick enough to see from your place by the door. A wobbly table sat to the left of the room, positioned right beneath a small, framed window, its glass frosted over by the raging snowstorm beyond the cabin's log walls. On that table was a partially used candle jammed into its candlestick and a few shards of flint. This was good news, you thought, as it provided a means to easily ignite the fireplace directly opposite of the door. An untouched bundle of wood was conveniently propped up against the stone mantel, begging to be lit aflame by the lodge's new inhabitants. Rest be assured, starting a fire was no doubt next on the to-do list. As Link shut the door behind you, your eyes glossed over the bed to your right. A single, flat pillow rested unremarkably against the equally lackluster bedframe. The remainder of the bed was covered by a hefty comforter adorned with simple Rito chevron patterns. Now this, you could get behind. The only issue was the size of the bed. It was a comfortable fit for one person, sure, but two people would be a tight squeeze.
Before you could ponder the issue any further, Link's footsteps pulled you out of your daze. The planks of the floor groaned beneath his weight, but he paid no mind, instead getting straight to work on building a fire. You smirked to yourself—he must have been colder than he let on. You wouldn't give him a hard time about it, though, as you weren't any better off. Deciding to try and make yourself useful, you made your way to the foot of the bed where the group of barrels were and began to inspect their contents. Not expecting much to begin with, your meager hopes were squashed as you removed the brown lid of each container. The first barrel contained a handful of chillshrooms, which sat snugly at the bottom of the cold, dark abyss. The next one provided nothing more than a few more flint shards, and the third barrel was completely empty, save for the dust bunnies gathered in its crevices. The poor scavenge wasn't a big deal, luckily, since your bag held enough rations to get you and Link through a few more days of travel at best.
Crouching down next to Link, you watched in silence as he stoked the starter flames in the fireplace. The faint heat emanated by a fire as small as this one still felt like heaven on your fingers, which burned from the blood rapidly circulating back through them. You gingerly flexed the joints of your hand with an appeased sigh.
The feeling of watchful eyes on you halted your appreciative finger wiggle. Link looked at you expectantly, causing an amused huff to pass from your nose.
"They were pretty much empty. Unless you're hungry for mushrooms and dust particles, that is," you joked. "It looks like curry again. Sorry."
Link held your gaze for a few seconds before leaning back on his hands and resting his eyelids.
"I don't mind," Link spoke, thoughtfully tasting his next words on his tongue. "Your cooking's good."
That same funny warmth from earlier crept up through your chest. Your cheeks turned soft and fuzzy from his compliment. Trying to keep them from melting off your face, you lightly bit their insides to hold the muscles in place.
"It's like, two ingredients," you said with a soft laugh. Pulling yourself to your feet, you shuffled towards the scrawny bed that your bag occupied. You undid the worn latches that secured your materials and dug around for the ingredients to tonight's dinner. "Although, in comparison to that monstrosity you made the other day, I guess anything is better—Ah!"
During your preoccupied rummaging through your bag, Link had managed to sneak up behind you without you noticing and teasingly elbowed your side in retaliation for your comment about his awful cooking. You chuckled in surprise and returned the gesture, nudging him with your shoulder as a toothy grin broke out on his face.
"It wasn't my fault," Link swore in a poor attempt at defending himself, "how was I supposed to know that monster parts wouldn't work in place of meat?"
"Yeah, because bokoblin stew sounds so delicious," you replied sarcastically. For how talented your Hylian companion was at most things, his incompetence at making an edible meal was rather endearing. Ignoring Link's fake pout, you retrieved the Goron spice and Hylian rice from your belongings and brought them over to the fire.
Before long, idle chatter and the aroma of spiced curry had filled the air of the remote Hebra lodge, imbuing it with more life than it had seen in quite some time. It was cozy, sitting there with Link. The heat from the spice danced on your tongue and warmed you from the inside out. This was everything you had wanted only a few hours ago. One of the goddesses must have heard your prayer, you thought, as you examined the frozen landscape through the window. The sun had disappeared from behind the clouds by this point, leaving behind a pitch black sky in its wake. The snow's reflection no longer stung your eyes.
With your body temperature raised and stomach filled, you couldn't help the large yawn that escaped your lips.
Right. The bed.
The time to face the issue of sleeping arrangements had finally arrived. As enticing as the small cabin bed was in your exhausted state, all you really needed to be satisfied was a spot next to the toasty, flickering light of the fireplace. However, Link was apparently two steps ahead of you. He suddenly rose from his seat on the floor and stepped over to the window, facing his back to you. You held your tongue and curiously waited for his next move. What you weren't expecting Link to do was slowly begin stripping. First went the gloves, which were tossed haphazardly onto the wooden table with a thud. Hands free, he reached around his back to undo the leather corset of his Snowquill armor. It joined the matching gloves on the table. As his fingers hooked underneath the hem of his sweater, you turned your entire body to the side, forcing yourself to look away and pulling your knees into your chest. Of course, there wasn't much privacy where you were, but he could have at least announced that he was going to change beforehand. The sound of thick cloth hitting the table sent a rose-colored tint across your face. You played with your fingers to distract your mind as he rustled through his own bag—for a shirt, you hoped. Considering the amount of time you and Link had been traveling together, it was a given that you had seen him shirtless before. Regardless, that scenario was always in a different context than your current one. The close proximity that the wooden shack forced you into felt much more intimate than usual.
Once Link had finished dressing himself, you hesitantly looked back over at him. Hanging loosely from his hips were the baggy pants of the Snowquill set, minus the boots, which lay toppled over each other in the far corner of the room. It took physical restraint to keep your expression stoic as your eyes found his exposed midriff. Never one to care about fashion, Link wore an old, beige shirt that was just small enough on him to expose the dips of his V-line. The sight made your tongue go dry in your mouth—you wanted nothing more than to run back out into that goddamn blizzard that would surely bring your body temperature back down to normal levels.
But, his face was what held you still.
Link had always been attractive—above average, even—but seeing him now, with the way the golden light from the fire bounced off of his handsome features, highlighting the soft pink blush on his wind-burnt nose and cheeks, it was more like an angel that stood before you. His hair was released from its rubber band confines, now free to frame his face and kiss the tips of his ears and shoulders. You couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to run your hands through its wild curls.
Completely lost in admiring the Hylian boy before you, it took you embarrassingly longer than it should have to notice what Link was actually doing. With a quick snap of his arms, Link rolled out his depressingly thin blanket onto the cold floor of the cabin, right next to the fire.
"Woah!" you exclaimed, the flap of the blanket hitting the ground bringing you from your daydream. "What do you think you're doing?!"
Link ignored you, grabbing his sweater from the table and bunching it up. He tossed the pathetic ball of cloth near the edge of the blanket, presumably to be used as a makeshift pillow. You had to stop this plan before it was too late.
Before he could sit down on his sad excuse for a bed, you dived face first into the "pillow" that Link had made, stretching your legs out to cover the entire length of the blanket. Your arms wrapped around the clump of sweater, pulling it close to your face to prevent it from being stolen. It was really soft, made from a similar material as your own winter apparel. But, most noticeably, it smelt like him. Link's scent was hard to compare to anything because it contained a touch of everything. It was nature-y, like rich evergreen and sweet nightshade, but also infused with campfire smoke and the vague traces of battle. In the back of your mind, you wondered if this spot on the floor was ultimately better than the proper bed.
The room was silent. Link hadn't made a single noise since you decided to belly flop onto the floor, and you hadn't really wanted to see his reaction. Your nerves got the best of you, however, and you slowly opened an eye to look up at your partner.
Oh. That was a new expression.
His eyebrows were raised high, nearly fully hidden by his tousled bangs. You didn't think Link was capable of displaying that many emotions at once. Confusion, exasperation, and intrigue all bled through his features, like he couldn't decide on just one to feel.
"What do you think you're doing?" he mimicked in astonishment.
"Mhm," you muttered from your spot on the ground, "you take the bed. I want to be close to the fire. I haven't completely warmed up yet, you know?" Seeking cover from his skeptical gaze, you rolled over to face the fire directly. You couldn't stand the pressure of his questioning eyes on your back, so you out spoke again, trying to finish the interaction as quickly as possible. "Thanks for setting this up for me, though!"
"Get up," Link said with furrowed brows. He was having none of it. You absently swiped at his hand as he reached out toward you.
His lips pulled taut, visibly unimpressed with your childish antics. After a few more dismissive swats from your end, Link straightened his back and peered down at you with a dangerous glint in his eyes. You should have known better than to test his patience. Now, he would make sure you paid in full.
A startled noise left your throat as two large hands shot towards you. Link had fallen to his knees in order gain easier access over you. His calloused fingers closed around your wrists, trying to hold you still as you squirmed frantically underneath him. You wouldn't go down without a fight, unwilling to surrender the wrestling match over the shitty fireside bed.
"No! Stop! I don't want to sleep on the bed," you cried out. Full-belly laughs were now echoing off the cabin's walls as you two play fought on the floor. Even though you resisted with all your might, Link's superhuman strength could only be eluded for so long before your inevitable loss came. In one quick motion, he brought both your wrists above your head, throwing you off balance and causing your back to collide with the blanketed ground below.
A painfully large grin stretched across your face, making your cheeks blissfully sore. You panted, slightly out of breath from the altercation with the oh-so-mature Hero of Hyrule. Link sat on top of you, being careful not to rest too much of his weight on your body whilst straddling your sides. He allowed for just enough pressure to keep your body trapped beneath his own. His long bangs dangled only inches away from your forehead. Those playful, sea colored eyes that you cherished stared victoriously into your own. The smile lines in their corners trailed down to lightly flushed cheeks that made your stomach do flips. Link wasn't the type to wear his emotions on his sleeve, so the rare moments where you got to see his more mischievous side made you long to see it again.
Once you had finally come down from your laughing fit, you let out a heavy sigh and stopped struggling to escape. That was when you noticed the position the two of you were in was... suggestive, to say the least. Link still had a hold on both of your wrists, effectively pinning you down underneath him.
"Do you give up?" Link spoke lowly. The huskiness in his voice sent shivers up your spine.
"Never," you whispered back, doing everything in your power to keep your tone steady. He examined your face for a while. You could only hope he didn't realize that the blush your face was from his proximity rather than the physical exertion. Then, in a motion that nearly sent your heart out of your chest, Link began to lower his face down to your own. The tension in the air was heavy and your body tingled everywhere. Shutting your eyes expectantly, you waited for Link to grant the wish you've had for a long time.
But the feeling of his lips on yours never came.
"Too bad," he breathed into your ear. Before you could process what just happened, your world flipped upside down—literally. Link had tossed you carelessly over his shoulder and brought you to the Rito-quilted bed. You hit the mattress with an "oof!" as he flung you down unceremoniously.
You laughed and complained, "Link!" at his actions. All he did was stick his tongue out at you and make his way back to his own bed on the floor. You had been totally and utterly defeated.
"You suck," you pouted.
"Get some sleep," he waved you off as he sat down criss-cross before the fire, monitoring its flames.
You stuck your tongue out at him from behind his back and pulled the comforter over yourself. Your heart raced in your chest. What were you thinking? That Link was actually going to kiss you? Embarrassment flooded through your body, making you bury your face into your pillow as a means of escaping the unpleasant feeling. Your palms were sweaty as you gripped the pillow case.
Link. You had known the Hylian for quite some time, having accompanied the boy on his hero's journey over the last few months. Being Link's companion had exposed you to his colorful personality, which was often hidden underneath his trademark stoic exterior. It had admittedly taken you a while to pick up on his idiosyncrasies, but once you did, it was impossible not to become smitten. The way he would roll his eyes at some stranger's tedious request and still agree to do it. How he would give the stables' herding dogs the rest of your meat when he didn't think you were looking. His wholehearted laugh anytime Epona jumped particularly hard, resulting in a startled yelp from you. Though, he never seemed to mind your arms wrapping tighter around his waist. Even the way his eyes become glossy when a traumatic memory hit him, avoiding eye contact but hovering ever so slightly closer to you, as if he were afraid that the past would come and take you, too.
You earnestly couldn't help but catch feelings for Link during your travels. Even so, you really wished that he'd be a bit more aware of the effect he had on you.
As your adrenaline slowly wore off, the exhaustion from the day hit you like a brick. Your thoughts about Link began to fade, only to be replaced by the sweet slumber you had yearned for all day.
After what was most definitely not enough sleep to satisfy you, a sharp chill shot through your body, throwing you from the depths of sleep and into the misery of consciousness. You groggily sat upright and turned your head towards the door of the cabin. There stood Link, still dressed in his sleepwear and boots, quietly shivering from the light dusting of snow on his body.
"Link?" you choked out, concerned as to why he had been outside. "What in Hylia's name are you doing?"
It took you a few seconds to notice the room had dimmed a considerable amount since the last time you were awake. The fireplace had greedily consumed all of the wood you had to offer, leaving nothing more than the shadows and a taunting pile of ashes in its aftermath. At the foot of the bed, the fruitless barrels from earlier were missing. Link must have somehow broken them down without you hearing and used their husks to fuel the fire. Yet, even that wasn't enough to keep the flames alive. The only light source remaining was a decaying candle three-fourths of the way melted and showing no signs of stopping soon. It was barely enough to illuminate the vermilion contours that winter's touch left on Link's face.
"The fire died," Link muttered through chattering teeth, "I went to check for more wood outside." He desperately rubbed his hands up and down his arms, trying to create enough friction to rid himself of the frostbite. "There wasn't any."
Link was a rather pitiful sight. He stood freezing by the door, underdressed and racked with shivers. Even his nonchalant expression was twisted into one of discomfort. Without thinking, still half asleep and driven by an innate desire to help Link, you pulled the corner of the warm comforter over your lap and patted the empty spot next to you.
"It's alright," you yawned out, "just share the bed with me for the night."
The air was silent aside from the wind's whistling outside. Link stood unmoving, his mouth wordlessly agape at your suggestion. You would have found his dumbstruck face cute if your patience wasn't wearing thin from the low temperature in the cabin.
"I'm assuming you haven't slept yet, either," you mumbled, scooting your body back down to lay in the bed. "Come on, already, it's cold."
With that final prompt, Link kicked off his boots and shuffled over to the bed. You scooted your back as close to the wall as you could go. You didn't want Link to feel uncomfortable sharing a bed with you, but he would only suffer trying to brave the night with no fire. There was no other choice but to sleep together. At least, that was the mantra you kept repeating to yourself as reality began to set in. The dip in the bed was like a splash of water to your system, sending shock waves straight to your now wide awake brain.
Link gingerly tucked his legs underneath the comforter, flinching as his foot bumped into your own. You could tell he was tense by the way he lowered his body down and rested his head on your shared pillow. Link was flat on his back with his face pointed towards the ceiling, hesitantly glancing at you from the corner of his eye.
If you didn't know any better, you'd have thought the cabin had teleported from Hebra to Eldin. It felt as though the volcanic heat from Death Mountain had invaded the bed and threatened to scorch you both. You held mutually flustered eye contact with Link for a few awkwardly prolonged seconds before flipping your body to face the wall, pretending like his presence in the bed wasn't slowly suffocating you.
"Uh—night," you murmured.
"Y-Yeah," Link replied, voice pitched a bit higher than normal. You felt the bed shift as he presumably turned his back to yours.
Pins and needles crawled all over your body. You tried your best not to think about the palpable tension that hung in the air. Link's leg twitched softly, causing you to flinch in turn. You needed to get a grip on yourself. There was nothing wrong with sharing a bed with Link, even if you did have a substantial crush on the Hylian boy. Right now, you were just two friends trying to keep warm. Nothing else.
You spent the next few minutes forcing yourself to think of anything besides your current situation. It worked, luckily, and after one final self-lecture for fantasizing about Link, your breath slowed and your body welcomed sleep once again.
You felt a small sound leave your throat, watered down from sleep and muffled by the warm pillow your face was buried into. Another content sigh left your mouth as you pulled the pillow closer and stretched out your limbs. Its gentle undulations lulled you in your near-sleep state.
Wait. The pillow was breathing?
Your eyes shot open at the feeling. You pulled your head back and nearly fainted at the sight. Inches away from your face was Link's own quiet visage. His soft, pink lips were slightly parted and his long, dark eyelashes fluttered in his sleep, most likely a subconscious reaction to your sudden movement. His bedhead while asleep was truly a sight to behold—to no surprise, as Link had a natural bedhead while awake. Honey blonde strands of hair were tousled messily against the pillow and curled slightly at the ends. You felt his arms, which were draped loosely across your waist, pull you back into his chest. He could probably sense the loss of warmth in his sleep.
You can't remember a time where Link had looked so at-peace. 'Good for him', you thought agitatedly, as you were seconds away from a heart attack. It actually hurt, how hard the organ was beating in your chest. Your stomach was doing violent flips inside you. The only reason you hadn't leapt to the other side of the room yet was that, even if you wanted to move, you physically couldn't. Not without waking sleeping beauty.
After a few seconds of meditative, although exasperated, breathing, you calmed down. Maybe this was alright. It was true, Link rarely had a chance to get a good night's rest. You two were constantly on your feet and Link always kept watch when you camped outside. He'd quickly shoot down your offer to take lookout shifts, refusing to hear another word out of you. Even when you spent the night at a stable, you knew Link slept with one eye open. He'd never admit it, though. He didn't want you to worry.
In an act of blissful defeat, you buried your face back into Link's enticing chest and allowed yourself to fully enjoy the moment. Hylia knows if this chance would ever come again. You sheepishly hugged Link, savoring the drum of his heart beating in his chest. The sensation of his body in yours... it was so warm. If love had a feeling, you imagine it would be like this.
Link's body began to shift against you. As his shoulders slowly hunched down, the angelic curls in his hair trailed down your cheek and his nose found its place in your neck. Link's lips were pressed against the top of your collarbone. Whether this was intentional or not, you couldn't tell. Your mental state was out the window. At a tantalizing pace, Link's lips placed featherlike kisses along your neck, wordlessly confirming that their earlier placement was no mistake. His kisses reached your jawline and languidly began to map out your face. From the curve of your cheekbone to your temple to your forehead, Link's mouth traversed the planes of your face, exploring each hemisphere in extensive detail.
Finally, the Hylian pulled away from your face. Your wide, dumbfounded eyes stared into his own half-lidded, cerulean blue ones.
"You never pulled away."
You were so stunned that you didn't even notice his lips moving. Every part of your body felt weak, you could hardly bring yourself to respond.
"Did you want to pull away?"
"No," you whispered.
Without another word, Link brought his perfect lips onto your own. It was a funny sensation that quickly became your favorite thing in the entire world. You returned his affection in full. As Link trailed his calloused hands under your shirt and along your back, you quickly seized the opportunity to threat your fingers through his fluffy blonde locks. Hylia, how you longed to do this.
You couldn't help but smile into the kiss. Every nerve in your body tingled in elation from the way Link kissed you. He was gentle but passionate, as if he'd wanted to do this for a long time. Reluctantly, you broke the kiss to ask.
"How long?" you breathed.
"Too long," Link shook his head. That impish smile you love so much broke out on his face as he suddenly flipped you onto your back. A surprised laugh barely made its way out of you before Link silenced it by returning his lips to yours.
Link broke the kiss again after a few minutes. He held your face in his hands and rested his forehead against your own.
"You have no idea how hard it was," Link sighed. His warm breath tickled your nose. "Sharing this cabin with you, waking up to you tucked into my chest," he trailed off. Your face went red at the revelation—Link had been awake for everything. "I tried to pretend I was asleep in case you were repulsed, but... when you didn't pull away from me, I just couldn't help myself," he admitted, staring sincerely into your eyes, tracing the curves of your face with his thumbs. "You were just so warm."
You smiled giddily and leaned into the palm of Link's hand.
"It wasn't easy for me either," you chuckled, relieved that your feelings had been mutual all along. You wanted so badly to tell Link how dearly you loved him, but you knew you shouldn't. Not yet, at least. For now, you were content lying in his arms while he showered you in kisses. The heat from his touch made you think that, just maybe, this blizzard wasn't so unbearable after all.
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baejax-the-great · 5 months
Snippet Sunday
From this unnamed fic in which Achilles is the Champion of Elysium, and Patroclus has spent the years in Asphodel. cw for violence and gore as might be found in the iliad.
As Patroclus joins the other shades flowing into the stands of the arena, he sees that Zagreus was correct; he is wearing the wrong color. This probably puts a time limit on his ability to stay here, so he rejects caution and pushes his way to the front where the best seats are.
The arena is empty, but across the way, Patroclus can see colorful banners with a blond-haired man’s visage sewn onto them. He knows it is meant to be Achilles, but all he can think is, who wove them? Is this how the warriors spent their downtime? Did they have downtime? Did the weavings in Asphodel somehow make it to Elysium? And if so, did the women who made these banners even know who they wove or what it was for?
The murmuring of thousands of souls starts to ripple into patterns, louder and then muffled, the voices and whispers coagulating into individual syllables, into a rhythm known to all but him, and when Patroclus finally understands the words of this spontaneous chant, it is loud enough to shake the floors of the stands.
Aristos! Achaion!
Achilles looks small as he walks into the center of the arena, his golden hair blocking Patroclus from being able to make out his face. His cuirass is so polished it appears to shine with its own glow. He bears a different shield than the one he had in life and a different spear, holding a helmet under his arm.
If Patroclus still had a heart, he thinks it would have stopped.
Achilles’ eyes don’t wander. He doesn’t take in the arena or the men calling his name. He jams his helmet on his head—where did they get such horsehair, Patroclus cannot help but wonder—and he waits.
The gate to the arena opens, and Zagreus rushes in.
If Achilles looked small, Zagreus looks tiny. Tiny and young and not at all certain of himself in the face of a warrior who is deadly sure of himself. His eyes do scan the crowd, though Patroclus can’t be sure why. He must not know anyone here. He won’t find many in the way of allies.
He is certainly about to die.
Achilles has never drawn out a death. He was never cruel. He was as likely to take hostages to sell back to their families as he was to fight to the death, but when it was the latter, it was over quickly. Zagreus has the misfortune of having faced Achilles many times already, which means Achilles aims with deadly precision. The first strike with his spear hits true, a hit to the chest that would kill any mortal man, but Zagreus is a god, and he gets back up again.  
Achilles anticipated this as well. His sword is already in his hand, and this time he aims higher, thrusting through Zagreus’s mouth and out the back. Patroclus winces—such a gory death—but it also instantly severed the boy’s ability to feel pain or anything at all.
To the screams of the audience, Achilles pulls his sword out and wipes it on a clean bit of the boy’s chiton. He does the same with his spear, needing to brace his foot against Zagreus’s shoulder to pull it out. Then, curiously, the godling disappears in a rush of what looks like blood and in his place is left an amphora.
Knowing his part in this, Achilles picks his prize up and displays it to the crowd, whatever it is.
Look at me, Achilles, Patroclus thinks. Find me in your crowd. He sticks out like a sore thumb in his red robes. It would be difficult for Achilles’ eyes not to find him. He just needs to look up at the crowds once again calling his name.
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heavenfell-au · 2 months
✦ Memory Lane contest results ✦
First off, I want to thank the people that partook in the contest ! I can hardly imagine having to pick only one scene from my own story, so kudos to each one of you for managing to do it !
Now, without further ado, here's the first submission that was submitted on Discord, realized by Arplenoon !
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« TW: Blood, injury, disturbing imagery
I got into Undertale and read Heavenfell back around 2020 and early 2021. There were a lot of things that happened to me in that time that deeply hurt me, separate from the anxiety of the pandemic, but probably had been brought on by it's pressures. Needless to say, I was having it rough. Abandoned, stalked and harassed by my former friends, I let my mind escape into Undertale AUs. Undertale AUs let me forget about myself. Going to work was hard. I'd sit in the breakroom, curled up, trying not to let my thoughts consume me- and often failing. It was during that time, huddled in one of the bigger chairs at work, I read Heavenfell every day for a week.
It was cathartic for me, and helped me process a lot of what I was going through. Even though I wasn't anywhere close to the same situation Frisk found themself in, the scenes where they spiraled in thoughts about their life on the surface resonated with me- Because that was me, tormented by the same demons. Someone knew what I was going through, and I wasn't alone.
I can confidently say that because of that I'm still here today.
Thank you. »
I can already tell you that this hits hard. You've selected a scene from Their Wings that hits very close to home, and I absolutely adore the way you've depicted Frisk's torments, which each bone digging into them carved with words that the ghosts of their past said, cutting them through and through. I love the fact that those bones, along with the vivid red of their clothes, blood and their soul tearing apart pop out against the darkness that surrounds them, all that that giant skeletal hands are craddling them in their palms, giving the sensation that they're at the mercy of death itself as they scream in absolute despair, or in that case, Sans if not both of the skeleton brothers. I really appreciate that we can also see the remnants of Flowey, illustrated here, reminding us the impact of his loss in the story, that he was Frisk's guardian but also their best friend, leaving them stranded in their time of need. There are so many little details here and there that tell about that specific part of Frisk's story, making such an impactful delivery of the message, alongside with the silhouettes that haunt them in their turmoil, ever so faded and yet, very present.
For the technique, it's an amazing artpiece made with watercolors. It's such a difficult media for me to handle, and it's always so mesmerizing to see you realize one of them, and this time, having to handle with so many shades of black. I wish I had an ounce of patience and technique that you have when handling that medium, making me all the more admirative of your craft. The execution is great, for the colors are vibrant against the deep shades of black, and I'm always admirative of people that are able to use that paint type without their paper curling, which requires some type of preparation and knowledge ! The result of this gorgeous illustration, with that particular attention to the red and white colors clashing with the deep black makes it absolutely chilling and nerve-wracking, even more so with how well you illustrated Frisk's agony. You could almost hear their screams. Gorgeous, I'm devouring this work of art. It is delicious.
Next submission is from Cao-the-Dreamer on Tumblr !
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« « More like “Adorable Dog” for me ! » you said.
My entry for #HeavenfellContest2024 by @heavenfell-au ! I choose the scene in chapter 15 (Sweet Brothers), where Frisk meets A.D. :3 Whenever I think of Their Wings, it is the first scene that comes to my mind. Is it because I love animals? Because it was a moment of fluff and peace amidst Frisk's painful journey? I think it's both. And yes, the dog is adorable <3
I've been working with shadow puppets for a while now, and I decided to try my hand with Eowyn's characters. I really liked the result! (I've been inspired by Michel Ocelot's works) :3
Here is le théâtre d'ombre in broad daylight: »
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You know what ? Seeing your submission made me smile so much ! A.D is such a good pupper and I'm so glad it got to get the spotlight ! (badumtss)
It is such a lovely take on their proper encounter, and the way you portrayed it is so simple, yet so effective and I absolutely love it, for it provides that vision of their bonding experience, as A.D remembered what Frisk did to save its life, and was willing to give them a chance in return. And the way they're staring deep into each other's gaze is so precious and tender, you know what the energy it gives me ? How to train your Dragon vibes, with Hiccup and Toothless having that very unique and special bond. That's what it makes me think of, and the fact that you picked that very tiny scene, for the reasons you mentioned, I'm fucking tearing up at this. I just adore your portrayal of their friendship, and how you selected a simple moment of peace and love in that dark and painful story of Their Wings.
You know what else amazed me ? The medium you used for your submission ! I love how you took the risk to use another type of media, to experience with shadow puppets. Looking back at Michel Ocelot's work, I can definitely see the inspiration, and it's such a nice way to make a tribute to another amazing artist ! I have never experimented with shadow puppets myself, to be honest, I've never thought of it being an option, and that submission was a very pleasant surprise ! I'm very happy you got to choose that medium, despite your drawing talents, I absolutely love people trying out things and taking the risk in a contest itself even  ! As I stated above, it is even moreso unique, and the execution is fantastic. The simplicity makes it all the more enjoyable, for such a simple scene, putting all the energy into the characters and the formation of their friendship, all put together thanks to the light source that gives into that intimate atmosphere. Plus, I can tell that while it is a simple looking result, it must have taken a lot of time having to carve and assemble all the pieces together, without counting the measuring, the placements and the light play. Un grand bravo for this artwork, it definitely lingered on my mind for the rest of the day when I've laid my eyes on it.
Last submission by victenSam !
« The illustration in Chapter 5 – Sweet Trap was one the first scenes that stuck with me, I enjoy the happy vibes. I brought it to life with minor dramatic liberties taken to spice up this short cutscene while still maintaining the overall feel. A paragraph done old-school video-game style, all recorded within a game engine. A happy moment that preludes the turning point of the story.
Reading through Heavenfell felt really inspiring to me. They really put it all in not just the writing, but in all the illustrations, character designs and singing. Not to mention how they’re rocking it in 3D modelling outside Heavenfell as well! This sincere multimedia externalization brought into the fan-work amazed me and helped me give myself a bit of a push to keep pursuing and learning things to hone my own craft. Unfortunately, due to the nature of both game development and making, it became quite a solitary effort on my part. And so, as both a way to honor their work and apply what I’ve been learning, I decided to make a game related entry within the schedule and theme of this contest. I honestly didn’t think I could pull something like this off; I’m glad I tried and I’m happy with the results.
There’s modelling, texturing, sound design, music, coding and directing all creatively put together only by myself just for this piece of animation. I leaned a lot of new things and tested whole new methods and theories in the making of the cutscene. I could go into a lot of details on how every element came together, but I’ll leave that open for any questions that come my way to avoid huge tangents. I hope you all enjoy this little piece of memory. »
Just... Wow.
For sure, that one got me gobsmacked. And if the previous submission hadn't gotten me smiling like an idiot, I found myself in absolute awe and I hardly repressed the giggle at the end ! I was breathtaken by the pressing atmosphere until the very moment that those two friends finally let go of the fear and laughed it out, finding myself to do the same, letting go of a breath that I hadn't realized I had stuck in my throat. The fact that you've taken so much time to not just illustrate, but make an entire animation had me floored !! It definitely reminded me of that one illustration that I made myself about that specific scene where Flowey and Frisk were laughing in relief, laying in the snow. That was such a nice little reference, and that made me smile even more! That was a very interesting scene that you picked, all the more heartbreaking knowing what comes afterwards, and that makes me cherish that moment all the more. There was so much nostalgy that I felt there, even felt myself mourning all over again, that was a very strange experience, but I welcome it. Thank you so much for showing Flowey the love he deserved <3
Oh god, there's so much to tell. It is truly a work of art. There's so many mediums put into play there, as you said, there was modeling, there was texturing, sound design and music, and even coding. I also can imagine the storyboard to create the scenes, and all of those details that we happen to forget at times, just so you can render a cutscene of my written story. Truly, I was not only floored by the story telling through your eyes, but by the amount of work you put into this ! It was an amazing surprise to see that kind of work appear for this contest, you're a very talented content creator and this animation is proof of it, knowing that it was made in a game mechanic mind. I lack the words to say how good the technique is for it exceeds anything that I ever imagined. Watching it over and over again, I keep hoping that someday, you get to make an entire game, or even to be hired because there's an incredible potential in you ! It's inspiring seeing how much of your blood and sweat were put into this in record time, I could never hope to do anything like that myself, making me all the more admirative. My best kudos to you, Sam, and thank you for honouring my work this way. <3
That's all for the submissions for Memory Lane. I'm extremely glad that you three had participated, though it feels unfair now to judge your creations when there were only so many participants, which made it harder for me to make decisions, as curious as it is. I've been wondering whether I just let go of the Prize system to give you all the same one, but it kind of goes against a contest, doesn't it ? So I'll still announce the results. Know that each one of your creations made me feel a certain type of way, and I cherished every single one of them. For different reasons, you all deserved the first place, but rules being the rules, I had to be realistic, which is why the importance of technique was there.
So comes to third place, Arplenoon, with his heart-wrenching painting !
To the second place comes Cao the Dreamer, with a very moving shadow puppet !
And the first place goes to victenSAM with his breathtaking cutscene !!
Since I wanted to thank you personally for giving my contest a chance, you all will have an extra in your prizes, as a way to find a middle ground with my prior tug of war <3 Thank you so much for the amount of love you gave to this project. I'll come in contact with you so we can discuss the prize shipping and all the like !
I'll also be reblogging the artpieces posted on tumblr for everyone to enjoy !
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