#redcated audio
nais-doodles · 1 year
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... He’s hot okay, I feel it in my bones. And yes I did make up the collar thing, sue me.
Find the rest of my actor au stuff here
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ghostsfruit · 10 months
The pain of having a very specific design for a character that has no canon physical desgin, but the fanon design isn't anything near it
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romeo-the-homeo · 2 years
guy, on the phone at work: no wings this time? just the one pizza too? okay… it’ll be there in about half an hour
guy, putting phone down, thousand yard stare: theyre gonna feed me to that fucking dog
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Redacted Audio is amazing at bringing deranged and yandere characters to life. From Regulus’ obsessive chaos to Hush’s unsettling whispers, each dark and tragic character he creates – like Echo, Vega, Adam, and even his early Vincent – showcases Redacted’s exceptional talent in crafting unhinged voices. I thoroughly enjoyed the Imperium and hope that it will be continued one day. His team-up with Good Boy Audios, playing Mahatma/Attila, was really fun, too. Redacted’s versatility and ability to delve into these complex characters truly sets him apart in the world of audio role playing.
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broccolibaabe · 1 year
Im fucking foaming at the mouth.
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lunnats · 4 months
I present to you, a listener character!!
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YouTube Audio Series: Gator Boys
Listener: Bug (in nearly all varieties except literally)
Name: Beatrice "Trish" Atknis
Never knew a biological family, grew up in an orphanage in Aakahn, where the environment was less than ideal for a small child. The kids in their care would quickly learn to fend for themselves, stealing food, coin purses, medical supplies, whatever they might need whenever they might get the chance to get it.
Beatrice learned quickly to play the tough girl act, to play at being confident and do everything on her own.
When she managed to get out of the orphanage, she tried to get a better life for herself with an honest job but it's not as easy as it seemed to be for everyone else. After a few years of bouncing from job to job, she decided to try to be a hunter, the work' i's dangerous but she could handle herself and not only was it well paid but hunting down monsters sounded like an honorable enough job. What could possibly go wrong?
She could get herself lost and then step right into a bear trap! That's what could go wrong! Because Divines forbid anything actually works her way even once! Her very long and varied list of curses did not seem like enough as images of dying alone in the middle of nowhere where bleeding out or starving were the better options when compared to being brutally murdered by some swamp moster made the rounds in her head... Maybe her next life would be better, because there was no way it could actually be worse! At least it wasn't like she was leaving anyone behind to remember her, let alone miss her...
As it happens, her whole life was about to take a turn she had never even dreamt possible.
Turns out, the “monsters” of the swamp weren’t the big green and clawed alligator half bloods, but the humans who hunted them. Kinder than any human she had ever met, these gators take her in and show her something she had only ever dreamt of – a true home. They look after her when she's injured and when she's sick, never doing anything to make her feel like a burden. They care for each other and even for her, a human who they know basically nothing about "Do humans not help each other? The way I see it, it's only natural to help a person when they need it." an action that seemed so natural to them yet feels absolutely foreign to her even though she knew it shouldn't. For the first time ever she felt... Safe.
Confessing to being a hunter was the scariest thing she’d ever even considered doing, but Bodie admits to have known all along and so revealing himself SOMEHOW even kinder than she already thought him to be. But what about Marco? Or, Divines forbid, Timmy…?
As she's gathering her courage and picking just the right words and where to even START that conversation, the chance gets taken away from her... With the catfish out of the bag, she just hopes to be able to help and maybe, just maybe, Divines willing, they'd understand too.
OK! I've done it! @astralbulldragon13 I'm tagging you OBVIOUSLY for dragging me into making this and everyone else you said I should tag... So yeah...
@rozeliyawashereyall @asmrbrainrot @willowve01 @kaiamtt @iistxrmyskyii @insignificant-anarchy @stxph-artist @aspenm00n @keyaartz @fangsshadow @rustycopper4use @piffany666 @lunaritychuwolf @dreamyshape @idontevenknow7878 @littlesiren79 @castbracelet240 @strayharmony943 @proxdragon @tiefling-chaos @threeweekinsomnia @redcated @wilderrorcard @diamondzoey @fennaboysenberry
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creationofacentury · 2 years
How do you stop hurting?
Grian hesitates, and deletes the message. He’s kind of afraid that this new Grumbot- this ominous and aloof machine, would be on to him. It’s harder now, with less and less way to cope, and more and more things that remind him that his preciouses are left behind (not wiped out, it’s not wiped out), to refrain himself from asking Grumbot these questions.
To be complete honest, though, this machine is what’s left of them. 
He is just...he misses his boys. He misses Mumbo, who seems to fades in and out of the riff, and often gone for a long time. He misses the old time. And he has a slight suspicion that this machine knows, too.
Grian raises his head to stare at Grumbot, observing its every features, from its glowing eyes to its glorious mustache. It’s all so familiar yet not. They need Grumbot to get home, since it was Grumbot who got them on the Empire server in the first place. Not the same Grumbot, sure, but probably with the same power...
About the power, Grian doesn’t know how accurate did he code the machine. Mumbo isn’t here to do it, and Grian can only pray that nothing goes wrong.
Suddenly, Grumbot starts to beep, like it’s processing something.
“...What?” Grian squints.
“Starts Receiving.”
It’s a very mechanical sound. Grian realizes with dread that it was Grumbot.
Grumbot’s eyes starts getting brighter, its mustache trembles. Grian takes a step back- oh no, something just went wrong. Very, very wrong. Maybe he shouldn’t do the redstone and the coding and anything that’s just out of his expertise-
“-End Receiving. Procedure Done.”
A piece of paper pops into Grian’s inventory. He squints at the incredibly messy print.
-[Redacted]! Hi, you are still in hibernation, but I don’t think you would meet me when you wake up, so I just want to say, I got all the messages from the [Redacted]. Also! Don’t worry about us! [Redacted] were rescued by [Redacted], we are in a safe place, and we are doing meaningful things. So go ahead and have a great time in [Redcated]! We want you to be happy, that’s the reason why [Redacted]. Jr-
“What was...” Grian trails off, turning the paper upside down bewilderedly, “what was that!? What is this!?”
First overall, this Grumbot is not supposed to have any audio device. Second, what was this weird message? It seems like all the names are crossed out...and what does “Jr” means? Is it like an abbreviation? Or is it a six? The print is too messy.
Grumbot beeps again. Another paper gets into Grian’s inventory. 
 -put that back into the barrel, you might break the multiverse-
Grian throws the paper into the barrel, shaking his head. It’s okay, when all the hermits done packing their things, they are leaving. This problem wouldn’t last too long for him. Just get home. Everything would be fine.
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konnorhasapen · 1 year
Hey~~ for the Redacted Ask Game - Freelancer, Starlight, D.A.M.N. 💞
OMG HIIIII- (I literally was not expecting anyone to ask me anything💀💀 but I'm so happy people are :D) thankies for the ask!!
Freelancer (what is a skill you'd like to learn and be good at?)— I've bounced around interests quite a bit, and I know some stuff and can do that stuff decently, I'd like to think^^; the thing that I've been hellbent on recently is bass! I've been playing guitar for a few years now and I'm hoping that gives me at least a little but of a buff when learning how to play bass :)
Starlight (what is your favorite constellation and/or planet? What's your zodiac sign?)— My favorite constellation is Orion. I'd like to give a super detailed reason as to why, but I don't think I can. I don't know very much about the constellations—though I'd love to learn (I love learning about anything I don't know or understand tbh-)—but Orion is one of very few constellations I can see right from my backyard, and every time I look at it, I just feel kind of comforted? Little hard to explain and kinda dumb, but I'll stick with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
D.A.M.N. (how did you get into Redacted?)— This is a really funny story to me actually- it's pretty long so I'll put it under the cut.
I've gone most of my life being subject to my older sister and her incessant obsession with all things vampires and werewolves, so I grew to hate the whole genre altogether. Not to mention, as I got older and was still being forced to sit down and watch The Vampire Diaries with her (otherwise she'd cry and accuse me of not loving or caring about her and make me feel kinda shitty, so I just sucked it up lmao) I came to realize that it was just... horribly written. I'd say horribly acted, but I don't think I can fully blame them for the god-awful teen angst that was poured into that show by the tons. Anyway- when I got into the whole asmr rp thing, I was mostly just listening to normal boring domestic stuff (and comfort for trauma and all that blah-blah-bull). One day, I stumbled across a recommended video from Mr. Redacted ASMR (at the time) and was... less than interested when I saw it was an audio of a "feisty werewolf boyfriend" so I kinda rolled my eyes and continued with my boring normal human stuff. Then, few days later I'm hit with another Redacted recommendation, but this time it was a "nervous air elemental" I was still a little iffy bc this was the same guy who had the werewolf bf stuff, but I went ahead and added it to my playlist of "listen to later" anyways. And then proceeded to forget about it and never touched it.
Couple days after that, I was hit with yet another Redacted recommendation! And this time around it was "a flirty vampire," so now I was like "jfc, why am I getting this stupid vampire and werewolf crap in my recommended??" Scrolled twice, came across another "nervous air elemental" audio and shrugged as I added it to my list, but then promptly forgot all about it yet again.
It was a month and a half. I was still getting this "Redcated ASMR" guy sprinkled generously throughout my recommendations on the youtubes, so I finally said "fuck it, what the hell is this dude all about." Took a gander through his playlists, rolled my eyes again at all the werewolves and vampires in his most popular audios and decided to still steer clear.
Then, as someone who was evidently a sucker (no pun intended) for a good injury comfort, I was suddenly struck with an offer I was admittedly hesitant to take: "Vampire Tends to Your Injuries." I saw it was by that same Redacted dude. Finally, I said "fuck it" and gave it a shot. And now, here I am; one year later stuck in this rabbit hole I don't think I will ever want to climb out of.
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achildofapollo · 11 months
We get a Guy audio and a Finn audio on the same day!!! Yuuri and Redcated are feeding us good today!! Also 1 day till the Summit!!
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savsystem · 1 year
Enhance Classroom Learning with SAV Systems' Innovative Soundfield Solutions
Have you ever been in a classroom where it's hard to hear the teacher? That's because classrooms can sometimes have tricky acoustics, which means it's not always easy to hear what's being said. But guess what? We have something really cool called Classroom Soundfield systems that can help with that!
These Soundfield systems are like magic microphones that the teacher wears. They make the teacher's voice come out of speakers all around the room, so no matter where you're sitting, you can hear them loud and clear. It's like having a personal speaker just for the teacher!
These systems don't just make the teacher louder. They also help to get rid of background noises, like the sound of shuffling papers or footsteps, so it's easier to focus on learning. Plus, they make sure the teacher's voice sounds really clear, like when you're watching a movie at home with really good speakers.
At SAV Systems, we have different types of Soundfield systems to choose from. There's the FLEXMIKE, which is easy for teachers to use and wear. They can adjust the microphone volume to make sure everyone can hear perfectly. Then there's the REDCAT system, which has amazing sound quality and doesn't get mixed up with other sounds. If you want something easy to install, we have the TOPCAT system. And for crystal-clear audio, there's the 975 system that even connects with safety systems. Visit Our website to know more. 
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iwannabeyourman · 3 years
Y’all ready to hear another fucked up mcyt related Dream I had !?? of course you are !! :) anyway last night I dreamt Wilbur streamed and he let us vote on a poll whether we wanted him to release his new arg or give us more editor arg clues first, and we voted on arg clues. So sometimes within the next month he dropped a cryptic tweet which lead to an unlisted video just titled “where I’ve been”, and the first bit was kind of an introduction saying hi, how long it’s been etc and he told us what he’s been up to. Apparently argbur had run off and isolated himself in a cabin in the woods for a couple years but decided that he couldn’t keep running from his past and an old friend (implied to be jack) convinced up him to go to therapy. then it skipped to a recording of argbur and his therapist setting up a camera to record the appointment. Basically the therapist tried to kind of tip toe around the “embarrassing thing” he did, but when she started to press about it he held his glasses so hard in his hand that they shattered, which made her freak out, which made him freak out, and he starts having a panic attack and starts saying stuff like “I shouldn’t be here, I should go, I knew this was a bad idea-“ then he grabs the camera and it cuts out. The next few clips were him going about his day, doing daily video logs for his therapy appointments (with a bandage around his hand). Then, in the next appointment, he is more open to talking about it. Unfortunately, the video gets corrupted, so the audience is only left with little tidbits of the story that he tells his therapist. The audio was basically “so me and Kai went to [REDACTED] and then we [STATIC] but I was afraid to [BLANK SCREEN] so I [REDCATED]” etc etc etc….. not much but he definitely gave us a template and it kind of kickstarted a new look into the arg… and for something I came up with I thought it was pretty good
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datacultaudio · 4 years
1 year ago this week, Data Cult Audio’s featured artist was our dear friend, Peter Grenader aka @petergrenader. You can also catch Data Cult Audio in the following places- Site: http://datacultaudio.com/episodes/ iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/data-cult-audio/id1234835844 SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/datacultaudio FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/DataCultAudio/ About: Peter Grenader has an enduring history in electronic music. From having studied music composition at the California Institute of the Arts under Barry Schrader and Morton Subotnick, to having been past member of the SEAMUS board of directors, and the founder/primary designer of EAR/Plan B Synthesizers and their primary designer. He has performed throughout the United States and Europe, and in 2001, he won the Periòdic Experimental Music Festival in Barcelona, Spain. He has been a featured composer at the 17th American Composer’s Forum Salon in Venice and  performed at  REDCAT in Los Angeles with Analoglive! with film composer Gary Chang, Alessandro Cortini, Richard Devine, Chas Smith, Thighpaulsandra, and video artist Paul Tzanetopoulos. Peter's recent collaborations include The zZyzx Society with Jill Fraser and featuring Thighpaulsandra, Chas Smith. Jennifer Irvine, Katherine Redlus and Danny Carey of Tool, The Third Ear with Shiro Fujioka and Doug Lynner and POV with guitarist Miles Richmond and featuring Steve Roach and Thighpaulsandra. He has released recordings include Secret Life (2013) on Coda Recordings, zZyzx Society (2018) on ZSR Records, Patch.cv TWO (2019) on Organic Artists Records and POV (2019) on Blue Trousers Records - commissioned by and sold exclusively on Steveroach.com Most recently, he was featured in the Patch.cv modular documentary series produced by David Elliot Johnson and Organic Artists LLC. Links: https://www.zzyzxsociety.com/ http://www.ear-synth.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9aHBuZY9CeRB8H0wG7kK6w #datacultaudio #electronicmusic #modularsynth #experimental #music #noise #podcast #techno #industrial #ambient #drone (at The Moon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_MTsQshrWo/?igshid=yysl00t2hp2x
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People who get mad when they give their interpretation of a listener in an MFA/F4A audio a gender are so annoying. The point of 4A audio is that the listener can be ANYONE and you can interpret them/headcanon them however you like. It's supposed to leave room to be a little personal. They aren't invalidating your super duper gender neutral interpretation of a Listener by referring to their own interpretation of the same Listener as "she" or "he".
Seeing people get straight up attacked for this makes me so embarrassed to be part of the fan community. I've seen people in Redcated fan Discords and Tumblr get torn apart over this. It's not really a problem.
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freemindtech · 3 years
Education Conferences Turn to Lightspeed’s ‘Redcat Project’ to Prepare for Return of In-Person Attendees
Education Conferences Turn to Lightspeed’s ‘Redcat Project’ to Prepare for Return of In-Person Attendees
“The Redcat instructional audio system is incredibly easy to move around and use throughout the convention center,” said Meaghan Rhame, the director of conferences and events at TCEA. “We love its ease of use for educators.” TUALATIN, Ore. (PRWEB) October 05, 2021 Lightspeed, a leading provider of powerful instructional audio solutions, announces the return of its Redcat Project for education…
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RedCat Mega-Catamaran
February 17th, 2017.
Professor: Mr. Julian Wood
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In this ocassion, our teacher told us about this travel agency: RedCat Mega-Catamaran. This is managed by Panama Sailing Tours. Mr. Wood worked with this company for the Taboga Island trip which has a duration of 6 hours, departing at 9:00 a.m. and arriving at 3:30 p.m.
The catamaran boarding dock are located at the Trump Ocean Club Marina. 
Some of the features that the catamaran has are:
- It has a lenght of 23.75 m
- It has 4 nets on front for 40 people with swim ladder
- Complete bar with beverage and beer dispensers
- 2 restrooms dedicated for guests
- Retractable roofed area for sun or rain protection
- Tables with benches up to 60 people and benches for 70 people
- JL audio sound system with subwoofers around the catamaran
- Liferafts for 120 passengers
- Last generation electronics onboard
- Parking availability all day for $5.00 (Monday to Saturday) at Parking Solutions in front of the Trump Hotel
What kind of experience can you get in the catamaran?
The catamaran offers:
- Bay Tours: 2 hours on the ocean. In this 2 hour bay tour you will be able to see the following points of interest: Skyline of Punta Pacifica, Paitilla and Costa del Este, Cinta Costera, Big ships waiting to cross the Panama Canal, Causeway, The Old City and the Bridge of the Americas. Open Bar and Appetizers will be available throughout the tour.
The price for this tour is $49.00 per adult and $29.00 per child from 3 to 10 years. This prices does not include transportation. If you want that, you will need to pag $10.00 more.
- Taboga Island: all inclusive day tour. In this trip, the customer can get views of the Panama City Skyline, Cinta Costera and ships waiting cross Panama Canal, until they reach to Taboga Island on a 45 minutes ride. After reaching the island, the travellers will have 1 hour to stop and have their first swim.
The price for this tour is $89.00 per adult and $69.00 per child from 3 to 10 years. This prices does not include transportation. If you want that, you will need to pag $10.00 more.
- Pearl Islands: all inclusive day tour. In this tour, the traveller will visit the virgin islands of Panama. The time spent in the island is from 3 to 4 hours. 
This tour has a price of $149.00 per adult and $89.00 per child from 3 to 10 years. This prices does not include transportation. If you want that, you will need to pag $10.00 more.
In what position are they in the Bowman’s Strategy Clock?
They are at the 5th position because they offer to the customers a perceived value by a high price. 
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angiejonesart · 7 years
Come see this on a 70-foot screen tonight at 8 pm. A big thank you to Matt Bramante, Mirko Jankovic @ GPU Oven, and Panos Zompolas @ RedShift Rendering Software. Music composed by Bryan Curt Kostors I have a :15 piece in this show happening Friday April 28th, 2017 at the Official USC John C. Hench Division of Animation & Digital Arts. My piece will be projected on a 70-foot screen, along with other work by faculty and students. Refik Anadol, Miwa Matreyek, Davide Quayola and more! http://visionsandvoices.usc.edu/events/listing.php?event_id=679213 FRIDAY April 28, Rhythms + Visions /Expanded + Live 3 outside our building. Work from over 60 of our current students, alumni and faculty will be featured in the event! DESCRIPTION: Rhythms + Visions / Expanded + Live 3 will light up the outdoor spaces of the USC School of Cinematic Arts Complex in an evening of music, interactive animation, projection mapping, animated inflatables, and virtual reality. Innovative artists Refik Anadol, Miwa Matreyek, and Patterson + Reckinger will perform an eclectic program of contemporary visual music and audio-visual art. Groundbreaking artist Refik Anadol, who has performed visuals with the L.A. Philharmonic at Disney Hall, will create imagery on a super-panoramic 70-foot screen to live performances by Grammy Award–winning pianist Gloria Cheng and guzheng player Zi-Zhu Zhao. Patterson + Reckinger’s kinetic op-art abstractions will be accompanied by toy piano trio, Thomas Feng, Alexa Constantine, Dante Luna. Music by composers John Adams, Esa Pekka Salonen (piano), Tristan Perich (3 toy pianos and 3-channel, one-bit electronics) and Pantawit Kiangsiri (guzheng) will be performed live. On a second stage, Miwa Matreyek performs her fantastical shadow theatre work, The World Made Itself, inside a multi-projection stage. Miwa takes us on a journey through her surrealistic and magical worlds as she interacts within the projection. She has performed her work at MoMA, the Tate Modern, REDCAT, and Sundance. The VR Visual Music Lounge will offer exciting virtual-reality musical experiences and interactive installations from international artists as well as USC faculty and students. (at USC School of Cinematic Arts)
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