#redemption is sought after not earned
merbear25 · 3 months
Helo there! Would you mind if I may request Akainu x son! Reader please?
You can write this in any scenario you prefer,and bulit their relationship however you like💕
I understand if you can't do my request, but thank you either wats💞💞💞💞
I don’t mind at all! I was playing around with some ideas on where to take this, and I’m sorry but I can’t see him being the most…loving father figure, so I couldn’t resist having angst. Thank you for sending this in and I hope you like what I’ve written for you 💜💜
CW: SFW, platonic, angst (strained family dynamic), m!reader, reader is in the marines, spoilers for Marineford Arc
When the need for acceptance trumps one’s own morals (Akainu)
The light never seemed to touch you, as you were unable to break away from your father’s shadow. Whenever you were acquainted with another, your surname piqued their interest more than the individual they were speaking to. Though the yearning to be recognized as your own person persisted, the want to live up to the name that’d been passed down gnawed at you. 
Growing up under the watchful eye of your stern and cold father planted the seed of feeling inferior—igniting the drive to earn your place as his son.
Without any particular talents, your will to push forth began to falter as you struggled to move up the ladder in the Marines. That being said, the adversities you faced molded you into one worthy of bearing the title of Captain, but the title bore a weight that was unbeknownst to many, one which tested the limits of your morality.
The cruelty in this world brought out the worst in people—forcing them to act against their better judgment in order to get ahead in life. You saw those who’d started out as sound individuals, only wanting to protect and serve civilians being morphed into greedy, power hungry heathens. When you didn’t fall into the same pits of damnation, even going so far as to speak out against your fellow Marines, the title you held was put into question by your higher-ups.
Even a title worthy of praise and admiration wasn’t enough for your father to give you that drop of encouragement, that smidge of approval you’d been working endlessly to obtain. When your loyalties were questioned, any hope you were holding onto was slipping. His glare burrowed into your soul; while he delivered the formal warning, your ears strained to focus over the sound of your suppressed heaving breaths.
The days following were met with inner turmoil—thoughts which clouded your mind and casted darkness during a time when you were in most need of light. With news of war trickling down through the ranks, a chance at redemption was overshadowed by the fleeting opportunity of regaining ethics.
As the weight of each blow collided with the irredeemable enemy, the sling of your weapon carried the burden that’d been plaguing you since childhood. Such selfish reasons for fighting didn’t phase you in the moment, instead being pushed aside to fester and later eat away at you in your darkest hour.
Even with the dust from the battlefield having long been settled and the residue on both the ground and survivors having been washed away, only the remnants of that day dwelled.
With your reputation having once been on the chopping block, the regained trust from your fellow Marines brought you such little satisfaction. Even when promoted, the recognition your father bestowed was accompanied by your own bitterness. The praise you’d sought after was lack-luster: faint acknowledgments shown through phrases and subtle nods.
Giving you more time to work alongside him didn’t even grant you the sense of accomplishment you thought you’d wanted. Now feeling as if you were being looked at under a microscope, you begged for your doubts in this cause to go undetected by your father’s eagle eye.
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cienie-isengardu · 6 months
Honor: Bi-Han’s disillusion vs Kuai Liang’s idealism
Did you notice how Bi-Han in the previous timeline barely talks about honor in contrast to his younger brother?
Like in Mythologies: Sub-Zero, Bi-Han does not describe himself as honorable man or part of honorable clan, as in his own introduction he calls himself mortal, then thief and assassin before Lin Kuei warrior and Sub-Zero
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When accused by Raiden for putting Earthrealm in danger, only says "I was just earning my living" - considering how he balances between death and life, as he either fulfill incredible difficult missions or he will be killed for failure sounds to me more like "I'm trying to survive" kind of argument.
The Elder Sub-Zero mentions honor only when facing the Grandmaster
"Grandmaster, in honor of the Lin Kuei, I bring you this sacred Map of Elements."
as Lin Kuei custom demands and MK11 Noob Saibot's BIO points out Wraith's desire to reclaim the honor that was forcibly taken away from him
Mortal Kombat 11: "Shadow of the Netherrealm. In life, Noob Saibot was known as Sub-Zero. Unjustly murdered by Scorpion, he was resurrected by Quan Chi and granted power over darkness, but as Quan Chi’s slave. Now, Quan Chi is dead. Noob Saibot is finally free to reclaim the honor that was stolen from him."
and that is basically all? None of Noob’s intro dialogue directly uses this word but honor (and honoring someone or something or alternatively, dishonor) is one of Kuai Liang's constant used term, from 
Mortal Kombat 9
"[...] assuming Bi-Han's identity is the best way to honor him."
"I am his family and clan! I fight for his honor!"
Mortal Kombat X
"Our honor is indeed stained. Please. Sit."
"After you and I were freed from Quan Chi's control, I sought out my clan. I had hoped rebellion from within would have quashed the Grandmaster's plans. But Sektor had realized his father's vision. The Lin Kuei had been fully cyberized. I pledged to kill Sektor and his followers. Reform the Lin Kuei and restore our honor."
"When I finally killed Sektor, I discovered the Lin Kuei had not sacrificed its honor with the Cyber Initiative. We had abandoned it long before."
 to Mortal Kombat 11
Erron Black: That's some outfit. Sub-Zero: It honors Lin Kuei tradition.
Liu Kang: I admire your discipline, Sub-Zero. Sub-Zero: And I your honor, Liu Kang.
Mileena: You're so cold to me, Sub-Zero. Sub-Zero: Because you are utterly devoid of honor. Mileena: Who needs honor when you have power?
Sub-Zero: Can Tarkatans be redeemed? Baraka: My tribe seeks no redemption. Sub-Zero: Then it has no honor.
Sub-Zero: You serve Shao Kahn. Kollector: And I am well compensated. Sub-Zero: Wealth without honor is pointless.
to name few examples.
And this seems to be carried out to the new timeline even though the games don't exploit much this difference between brothers, the Bi-Han’s disillusion vs Kuai Liang’s idealism. Previous timeline gives the feeling Elder Sub-Zero was more aware of Lin Kuei's true nature, as he witnessed Grandmaster and Quan Chi's deal that resulted in death of Scorpion's clan but Kuai Liang would not believe Lin Kuei could be responsible until he found a hard evidence how wrong he was. Now, one brother sees Lin Kuei servitude as enslavement while the other blindly believes and chose to honor the tradition passed down for generations.
At the same time I feel like original timeline Kuai Liang, the same as his elder brother, was much more disillusioned about Lin Kuei but I will leave that subject for another time.
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thegeminisage · 2 months
star trek update time! wednesday we watched voy's "displaced" and ds9's "children of time" AAAAAA from which i will. never recover
displaced (voy):
this one was truly so fun. i loved the mystery of what was going on, i loved how janeway was (i felt) unnecessarily hostile and then it turned out she was RIGHT, i loved when chakotay gave up on winning and decided to simply do as much sabotaging as possible before the same was up because i loved watching him cause problems on purpose
similarly the scenes in the biomes/tunnels were fun not only because janeway had a blast bargaining with that one guy but because and and tuvok were ALSO having fun creeping around causing problems on purpose
the final moment of joy was janeway willing to leave those aliens to freeze to death in their own fake biome if they didn't let everybody go. prime directive? we don't know her. sometimes it's annoying how trek only remembers the prime directive when it's convenient, but this was so much fun that i don't really care
shoutout also to tuvok for vulcan nerve pinching that one guy. not nearly enough vulcan nerve pinches lately
and, all right, look. tom and b'elanna are cute. i'm not going crazy stupid over them or anything but it was really special to me when he didn't fuck her. you can overlook so much annoying buffoonery from a guy when you begin giving him the benefit of the doubt (because he didn't fuck her) instead of being instantly annoyed every time he opens his mouth. tom paris maybe earned his redemption. i only wish i could have had a turnaround like this for picard instead
i was really glad they didn't Talk About It at the end. they both opened their mouths as if to say more and then decided not to and that was PERFECT. like the fact that she came and sought him out was apology enough. well done.
children of time (ds9):
girl, help
never in my life...
I DID NOT EXPECT THIS. i read we were due for a season 6 get together
ok. like. ok. she's by the bucket rip odo back in the bucket so she's by the bucket smiling fondly at it and then THE OTHER ODO. WALKS IN. AND JUST SAYS IT. I HAD TO ADJUST. PRESENT DAY ODO IS SICK RN I KNOW IT
the way he almost touched her face without actually touching it. the way he says it because he's had 200 years to regret not saying it
also, the way that he can love someone for 200 years and not have it diminished in any way. like i'm not saying offing 8k colonists was the way to go but for someone whose body can change shape his will and the way he loves people is so steadfast and UNchanging and that is very. wow. what a situation that is
HIIIII THEY HELD HAAAAANDS. did i have to pause the episode and recover from hysterics and maybe also tears? don't worry about it
he makes hands to touch people with and when he woke up that morning for the first time in 200 years he made hands to touch her with.........
also, kira praying over her own grave. insane.
THE KISS!!!!!!! she was very much like giving that to him as a one time goodbye thing but AAAUGHGHGH
i kind of wish she'd asked WHY he loves her - that it had had a little more substance - but we gotta save some goodies for modern day odo
also aw he's still bad at shapeshifting even after linking with his other self...
also, i had odo vision this entire episode. kira has never looked more beautiful
anyway, sorry, the ethical dilemma. i don't think erasing 8k people from history is quite the same as killing them. they don't know they were erased and no one grieves them. it's more existentially horrifying, worse in some ways, but also not the same as murder, because again - what about the people on ds9 who exist right now and need their families? keiko and molly and yoshi and jake and kassidy? what about the people who would be born because they go back? the people who need sisko especially in the war efforts?
there's really not a clear right and wrong answer and it kind of sucks that the episode painted staying behind as like "the right thing to do even though it's very difficult to make such a sacrifice." like maybe the colony is miserable. struggling to survive. and that thickens things up a little
i read that dax was originally supposed to be the one to redo the autopilot because of his guilt over the accident which would have made lots of sense - i think we could have swung it to dax getting helped by odo, because dax's dedication to keeping the colony alive makes less sense the more you think about it, and then kira's slightly less horrified? maybe that removes some of the teeth, idk
also, imagine being bonded to your grandma's trill. like you'd remember her sex life. wack
AND I NEARLY FORGOT BUT SISKO BABY TALKING HIS LITTLE DESCENDANT!!!!!!!! please please PLEASE somebody give that man a baby he loves babies so much
anyway, 10/10, blew me away, i can't believe that really happened
TONIGHT: voy's "worst case scenario" and ds9's "blaze of glory"
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Redemption Through Service - Kugrash in The Unsleeping City
In their post (cited with their express permission at the bottom of this essay), Tumblr user midground says that Kugrash and Kingston's handshake at the end of season one can be read as New York City (embodied by Kingston Brown) thanking Kugrash for his service. I'd like to expound upon that in this essay, as it's a fascinating point.
In my previous essay on Robert Moses in The Unsleeping City, I stated that Kugrash is serving penance for his actions prior to the start of the series. Specifically, he fucked over a very powerful wizard and was transformed to show what his soul looked like - a rat, a very clever play on the idea of a "rat race". Since his transformation, he's been working to protect New York City and its dispossessed.
Not only is he working to protect the city from magical threats, but he also provides food, shelter, and magical care to the homeless and support for his fellow Heroes of New York (the latter of which we'll get to in a minute). Mechanically, Kugrash is a Circle of the Shepherd Druid, a subclass focused on protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Dimension20 has always excelled at making the mechanics of a character part of their personality or an idea that the character is meant to convey.
Not only does Kugrash care for the helpless, but he also cares for two other Heroes of New York. First, he cares for Sophia Lee multiple times, including their memorable first interaction. Some of the most touching moments in The Unsleeping City are shared between the two, including their tearful goodbye after Kugrash eats the Bagel of All Things. Second, he acts as proof to Pete that redemption is possible at a time when the young Vox Phantasma needs proof of that, including sticking up for Pete when the rest of the Heroes of New York were debating killing him, and Pete would later go on to advocate for Cody in season two in much the same way.
He then goes on to use a Greater Restoration to end a bloodline curse on Esther's family, which includes the woman he fucked over who turned him into a rat.
When offered a chance at the life he might have had by the American Dream, he tells the eldritch horror:
"I used to be a lot like you. You're a rat...I can't have what you're offering me, and that's my fault. But American Dreams change."
He rejects an offer to have his curse lifter because he thinks he hasn't earned it. He's resigned to spend the rest of his life in service as a penance, and that moment is followed by him making a pivotal choice - he eats the Bagel of All Things and sacrifices himself.
Finally, we get to Kugrash's final act. Not only does Kugrash shake Kingston's hand, the city thanking him for his service, but that handshake is him using his power to heal the city one last time since it's flavored as a 5th-level Cure Wounds. And then he disperses, foiling Robert Moses and earning the redemption he's sought for so long.
His legacy continues in season two, but that's a matter for another time.
My next essay is going to be on how Brennan and the Intrepid Heroes used the American Dream's offer of happiness and security as one last chance for characterization.
As promised, the link to midground's post.
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gcthvile · 3 months
Elara the Rogue Mage
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Elara was born into a noble family in Temeria, showing a natural aptitude for magic from a young age. Recognizing her potential, her parents enrolled her in Aretuza, the renowned academy for young sorceresses. Elara thrived at Aretuza, excelling in her studies and mastering elemental magic and alchemy under the guidance of experienced mages.
After graduating from Aretuza, Elara quickly established herself in the mage community. Her innovative approaches to magic and relentless pursuit of knowledge earned her a place on a powerful mage council. Her colleagues respected her intelligence and ambition, even though her unorthodox methods often raised eyebrows.
Elara’s downfall began with her experiments in necromancy and forbidden alchemy. She aimed to push the boundaries of magic to find new ways to combat dark forces. Her groundbreaking research was considered dangerous and unethical by many on the council. The situation escalated when an experiment went wrong, resulting in an explosion that caused significant damage and loss of life. The council, fearing the potential consequences of her unchecked ambition, voted to exile her. Stripped of her title and resources, Elara was cast out to fend for herself.
Elara wandered the Continent, struggling to survive and find a new purpose. Exile forced her to confront the consequences of her actions and reevaluate her approach to magic. Determined to atone for her past, she decided to use her knowledge and skills to protect the innocent and combat the dark forces she once sought to understand.
Living as a rogue mage, Elara adopted a more cautious and ethical approach to her magic. She traveled from village to village, offering her services to those in need. Her reputation as a powerful yet exiled mage spread, drawing both those seeking her help and those wishing to punish her for her past. Elara remained vigilant, constantly moving to avoid capture by bounty hunters and agents of the mage council.
Elara’s quest for redemption became a driving force in her life. Haunted by the memories of her failed experiments, she took on dangerous tasks others would avoid, often risking her own life to protect the innocent. Her deep knowledge of dark magic and forbidden alchemy made her uniquely suited to combat malevolent forces.
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Elara's thirst for knowledge is insatiable. From a young age, she displayed an exceptional intellect and a keen curiosity about the world around her. Her desire to understand the deeper mysteries of magic and the arcane drives her to constantly seek out new information and hone her skills. She is methodical in her research and approaches problems with a logical, analytical mindset. Despite the hardships she has faced, Elara remains steadfast and determined. Her exile from the mage council was a significant blow, but instead of giving up, she chose to use her abilities to make amends. This determination fuels her quest for redemption, pushing her to take on dangerous tasks and confront dark forces. Her resilience allows her to adapt to difficult situations and find ways to overcome obstacles.
Elara is deeply affected by the consequences of her controversial experiments. The memories of the catastrophic explosion and the lives lost weigh heavily on her conscience. This sense of guilt is a driving force behind her actions, motivating her to seek redemption and ensure that her magic is used for good. She is often introspective, reflecting on her past mistakes and striving to learn from them. Elara has a strong desire to protect the innocent and those who cannot defend themselves. Her compassion is evident in her interactions with others, particularly those who are suffering or in need. She is willing to go to great lengths to help others, often putting their needs above her own. This protective nature extends to her allies, and she forms deep, loyal bonds with those she trusts.
Exile has taught Elara to be resourceful and inventive. She has learned to survive with limited resources, often relying on her wits and magical prowess to navigate challenging situations. Her adaptability allows her to adjust quickly to new environments and circumstances, making her a formidable opponent and a valuable ally. Living as a rogue mage, constantly on the run from those who wish to punish her for her past, has made Elara wary and cautious. She is always on guard, careful about whom she trusts and what information she shares. This cautious nature helps her avoid unnecessary risks and stay one step ahead of her pursuers, but it can also make it difficult for her to form new relationships.
Elara’s time in exile has forced her to become highly independent and self-reliant. She is used to working alone and solving problems on her own. This independence has made her a strong, capable individual, but it also means she sometimes struggles to accept help from others or to delegate tasks. Despite her controversial past, Elara holds herself to a high moral standard. She values honor and integrity, and strives to ensure that her actions align with her ethical beliefs. Her experiences have taught her the importance of using her magic responsibly and for the greater good. She is driven by a desire to make amends and to prove that she can be trusted to do what is right.
Reunited with the past
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Elara was passing through a remote village, following a lead on a series of magical disturbances that had been plaguing the area. The villagers spoke of strange lights and whispers in the nearby woods, and Elara decided to investigate. As she ventured deeper into the forest, she reached a secluded clearing bathed in the soft glow of twilight.
Elara’s senses were sharp, her guard up as she scanned the clearing for any signs of trouble. Suddenly, she felt a familiar presence, the unmistakable hum of powerful magic. She turned to see a figure stepping out from the shadows, dressed in elegant black and white robes. The woman's violet eyes, striking and intense, met Elara's with a mixture of surprise and relief.
"Yennefer," Elara said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Yennefer's eyes widened as she took in the sight of her old friend. "Elara," she replied, her voice catching slightly. "It's been a long time."
Elara nodded, feeling a wave of emotions she had thought long buried. "Too long."
The two women stood in silence for a moment, each processing the unexpected reunion. Yennefer was the first to break the silence, stepping closer. "What brings you here? I thought I'd never see you again."
Elara sighed, her gaze dropping to the ground. "I've been tracking magical disturbances in the area. The villagers mentioned strange occurrences in these woods. I didn’t expect to find you here."
Yennefer's expression softened. "I've been investigating the same disturbances. It seems our paths were bound to cross again."
The initial shock of their reunion gave way to a flood of memories. Elara looked at Yennefer, seeing both the friend she had known at Aretuza and the powerful sorceress she had become. "I’m sorry, Yennefer, for everything that happened. My experiments... they were reckless. I never meant for anyone to get hurt."
Yennefer shook her head, her eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and understanding. "I know, Elara. I never doubted your intentions, only your methods. But that’s in the past. What matters now is what you do with your knowledge and power."
Elara felt a surge of gratitude for Yennefer's forgiveness. "I’ve been trying to make amends, to use my magic to help rather than harm. It's been a long road."
Yennefer smiled, a rare and genuine expression. "I’ve missed you, Elara. More than you know."
Elara returned the smile, feeling a warmth she hadn't felt in years. "I’ve missed you too, Yennefer. Your letters... they meant a lot to me, even if I couldn't always respond."
Yennefer’s cheeks flushed slightly, a glimpse of the old vulnerability she had once shown only to Elara. "I meant every word. You were always special to me, even before... everything changed."
Their conversation was interrupted by a sudden rustling in the woods. Both women tensed, readying their magic. A moment later, a shadowy figure emerged, but it was quickly dispatched by a combined effort of their spells. The danger passed, they relaxed, sharing a look of mutual respect and understanding.
"Looks like we make a good team," Elara said, a hint of playfulness in her voice.
Yennefer nodded. "Always did. Perhaps it’s time we stopped avoiding the past and started working together again."
Elara's heart lifted at the prospect. "I’d like that, Yennefer. There’s still so much to learn, and so much good we can do."
As they left the clearing together, Elara felt a renewed sense of purpose. Reconnecting with Yennefer brought back memories of their shared past, but it also offered hope for a future where they could stand together against the darkness.
The Dragon Hunt (or the battle of a mage and a witcher for the woman of their hearts)
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The news of a dragon sighting had spread quickly across the Continent, drawing adventurers, mercenaries, and nobles alike. The hunt was organized by a king who promised treasure and lordship over a vassal state to the team that could bring him the dragon's head. Among the various groups vying for the prize were an earthy gang of dwarves, a band of knights led by a white knight, and a team consisting of Yennefer and Elara, who had joined forces to ensure the dragon wasn’t killed unnecessarily.
Geralt of Rivia, the famous White Wolf, had also answered the call, traveling with Jaskier. He had little interest in the treasure but was concerned about the implications of a dragon being hunted in such a manner. As he arrived at the camp set up for the hunters, he was surprised to see Yennefer and Elara among the participants.
Geralt approached the campfire where Yennefer and Elara were seated. Yennefer greeted him with a smile, but her expression faltered when she noticed the tension between Geralt and Elara.
“Elara,” Geralt acknowledged curtly, his eyes narrowing slightly.
“Geralt,” Elara replied, her tone equally cool.
Yennefer glanced between the two, sensing the hostility. “We’re all here for the same reason,” she said diplomatically. “The dragon needs to be dealt with, but not slaughtered.”
Geralt nodded, but his eyes never left Elara. “As long as we’re clear on that.”
As the journey began, the animosity between Geralt and Elara became evident to everyone around them. Geralt, protective of Yennefer and wary of Elara’s controversial past, found it hard to trust her. Elara, aware of Geralt’s feelings for Yennefer and her own unresolved feelings, didn’t miss an opportunity to antagonize the witcher.
Geralt was inspecting the tracks left by the dragon when Elara approached, her presence marked by the faint scent of ozone. “You know, Geralt, if you spent less time brooding and more time tracking, we might actually find this dragon.”
Geralt looked up, his eyes cold. “And if you spent more time studying magic and less time playing with fire, you might have avoided exile.”
Elara’s eyes flashed with anger, but she managed to keep her tone even. “Touché, witcher.”
During a steep climb up a rocky hill, Elara subtly used her magic to make the ground under Geralt’s feet just a bit slipperier. He stumbled slightly, catching himself with a growl. He turned to glare at Elara, who was smiling innocently.
“Something wrong, Geralt?” she asked sweetly.
He gritted his teeth. “Just enjoying the company.”
At the campfire one evening, Geralt was sharpening his swords while Elara prepared her potions. Yennefer and Jaskier were deep in conversation, trying to keep the peace.
“So, Geralt, how do you manage to keep that scowl on your face all the time? Is it a witcher thing?” Elara asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
“It’s a survival thing,” Geralt shot back. “Keeps annoying mages at bay.”
Later, as the group was setting up camp, Elara used a minor spell to send a gust of wind that knocked over Geralt’s carefully arranged supplies. He looked up to see her smirking at him, and he responded with a narrowed glare.
Despite their ongoing feud, the group made significant progress in tracking the dragon. As they neared its lair, they realized they would need to work together to ensure the dragon’s safety and deal with any threats from the other hunting parties.
One night, as they camped closer to the dragon’s territory, a band of mercenaries attacked, hoping to take out the competition. Geralt and Elara found themselves fighting side by side, their combined skills proving formidable.
Elara’s magic flowed seamlessly with Geralt’s combat prowess. She cast protective barriers and offensive spells while Geralt took down their attackers with swift, lethal precision. The battle was intense but brief, leaving the ground littered with fallen mercenaries.
As the last of the attackers fled, Geralt and Elara stood back-to-back, panting from exertion. They shared a brief, intense look of mutual respect before Yennefer and Jaskier rushed over to check on them.
In the aftermath of the battle, as they tended to their wounds and regrouped, the hostility between Geralt and Elara began to thaw. They had seen each other’s strengths and recognized the need to put aside their differences for the greater good.
“Not bad, for a witcher,” Elara said grudgingly as she handed Geralt a healing potion.
“Not bad, for a mage,” Geralt replied with a rare hint of a smile.
As they continued their journey, the snarky remarks and magical annoyances lessened. Geralt and Elara began to communicate more openly, sharing their knowledge and strategies. By the time they reached the dragon’s lair, they had developed a reluctant but growing respect for each other. Their shared concern for Yennefer, coupled with their combined efforts to protect the dragon, laid the foundation for a more cooperative relationship.
Another friend from the past
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Elara had heard rumors of a dark curse affecting a small village on the outskirts of Temeria. Always seeking to atone for her past mistakes, she decided to investigate and help if she could. The village was quiet and tense when she arrived, the air thick with fear and despair.
Elara made her way to the village center, where a group of villagers were gathered around a red-haired woman in a green cloak. The woman was speaking calmly, her voice filled with reassurance and authority. Elara recognized her immediately: Triss Merigold, a powerful sorceress known for her compassion and healing abilities.
“Elara?” Triss’s voice was filled with surprise as their eyes met across the crowd.
“Triss,” Elara replied, equally astonished. She hadn’t expected to see a familiar face, especially one from her past.
The villagers stepped aside as Elara approached, sensing the recognition between the two mages. Triss gave her a tentative smile, one that Elara returned with a mixture of relief and apprehension.
“What brings you here?” Triss asked, her tone warm but cautious.
Elara glanced around at the anxious villagers. “I heard about the curse affecting this village. I came to help.”
Triss nodded, her eyes softening. “I’m glad you did. We could use all the help we can get.”
As they worked together to break the curse, Elara and Triss began to talk, their conversation weaving between the task at hand and memories of their time at Aretuza. Triss’s compassionate nature and genuine interest in Elara’s well-being brought a sense of comfort that Elara had sorely missed.
One evening, after a particularly grueling day of magical work, they sat together by a small fire outside the village. The villagers had begun to trust Elara, largely due to Triss’s reassurance and support.
“Elara,” Triss began, her voice gentle, “I never believed you were beyond redemption. I knew you’d find a way to use your knowledge for good.
Elara looked into the flames, the warmth contrasting with the chill of her memories. “I made a lot of mistakes, Triss. But I’m trying to make things right.”
Triss reached out, placing a hand on Elara’s. “We all make mistakes. What matters is what we do to atone for them.”
Their shared efforts to lift the curse forged a stronger bond between them. Triss’s unwavering support and belief in Elara’s potential helped to rebuild Elara’s confidence. For her part, Elara’s dedication and willingness to learn from her past impressed Triss, deepening her respect and affection for her old friend.
After the curse was lifted and the village began to recover, Triss and Elara found themselves considering their next steps. They decided to travel together for a while, combining their strengths to help those in need and to continue their quests for redemption and justice.
Elara and Triss’s relationship evolved into one of deep mutual trust and support. Triss became a confidante for Elara, someone she could turn to for advice and encouragement. Their shared experiences and complementary skills made them a formidable team.
Their combined efforts often focused on helping those who were marginalized or suffering, using their magic to heal and protect. Triss’s warm, nurturing nature balanced Elara’s more reserved and cautious demeanor. They learned from each other, growing stronger through their partnership. Both women were driven by a desire to atone for past mistakes and to use their magic for the greater good. This common goal strengthened their bond and guided their actions.
Bonus characters
Jaskier. (or a red head and a twink combo)
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Elara and Jaskier met during the dragon hunt. Jaskier’s charming and flirtatious nature initially clashed with Elara’s reserved demeanor, but they quickly found common ground. Jaskier’s playful and flirtatious nature often brings a light-hearted dynamic to their interactions. He enjoys teasing Elara, who, despite herself, finds his antics endearing. Over time, they develop mutual respect for each other’s talents. Jaskier admires Elara’s magical prowess and determination, while Elara appreciates his loyalty and wit. Jaskier becomes a supportive friend, offering encouragement and helping Elara navigate her complex relationships with Geralt and Yennefer.
Elara moved quietly through the underbrush, her senses attuned to every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs. The forest was dense, its canopy blocking out much of the waning sunlight. She was tracking a creature that had been terrorizing a nearby village, its trail marked by deep, clawed footprints and the occasional splash of dark, viscous blood. Her mind was focused, her magic humming just beneath the surface, ready to be unleashed at a moment’s notice.
A loud crash and a curse broke her concentration. She turned, already knowing who she would find tangled in the bushes. Jaskier, the ever-charismatic bard, was extricating himself from a particularly stubborn thicket, his lute somehow managing to remain unscathed.
“Elara! Wait up!” he called, brushing leaves from his doublet and wincing as a thorn snagged his sleeve.
Elara sighed, a mix of exasperation and amusement playing on her lips. “Jaskier, must you make so much noise? We’re supposed to be tracking a dangerous beast, not announcing our presence to it.”
Jaskier grinned, finally free of the foliage. “Ah, but where’s the fun in sneaking about in silence? Besides, you’ve got all the magic we need to deal with whatever nasty creature we come across.”
She rolled her eyes and continued forward, her senses once again on high alert. Jaskier hurried to catch up, his lute slung over his shoulder, ready for whatever ballad might strike his fancy.
They made an odd pair, the somber and focused mage alongside the flamboyant and perpetually cheerful bard. Yet, despite the contrast, there was a rhythm to their companionship, a balance that had developed over the months of shared adventures.
As they walked, Jaskier began to hum a tune, his voice low and soothing. It was a habit of his, one that had initially grated on Elara’s nerves but had since become a comforting presence. His music filled the silence, lightening the oppressive atmosphere of the forest.
“Do you always have to sing?” she asked, though there was no real irritation in her voice.
“It helps me think,” Jaskier replied, his fingers strumming an imaginary lute. “And it keeps the spirits high. You should try it sometime. A little song might do wonders for your mood.”
Elara snorted. “I’ll leave the singing to you, thank you. I prefer to keep my mind clear.”
Jaskier chuckled, but didn’t press further. He knew when to push and when to pull back, a skill that had earned him a place at her side despite their differences.
They reached a clearing, the beast’s trail leading into a dark cave at its edge. Elara paused, her eyes scanning the entrance, her magic tingling with the sense of something dark and powerful within.
“Stay here,” she instructed, her voice firm. “This could be dangerous.”
Jaskier opened his mouth to protest but thought better of it. Instead, he nodded, taking a seat on a nearby rock. “Be careful, Elara.”
She gave him a brief, appreciative nod before stepping into the cave. The air grew colder, the light fading as she moved deeper. Her fingers traced a pattern in the air, a soft glow emanating from her hand to light her way.
The creature was there, its hulking form crouched at the back of the cave. It turned, yellow eyes gleaming with malevolent intelligence. Elara summoned her magic, ready to strike.
The battle was fierce but swift. Elara’s spells struck true, her movements precise and deadly. When the creature finally fell, she stood over it, breathing heavily but unharmed. She took a moment to collect herself before making her way back to the entrance.
Jaskier was waiting, his eyes widening in relief as he saw her emerge. “That was quick,” he remarked, hopping off his rock. “And here I thought I’d have time to compose an epic ballad about your heroic fight.”
Elara smirked. “Maybe next time. Let’s get back to the village and let them know it’s safe.”
As they walked back, Jaskier couldn’t resist. “You know, Elara, you should really consider letting me write a song about you. ‘Elara the Exiled Enchantress’ has a nice ring to it.”
Elara shook her head, but there was a hint of a smile on her lips. “Only if you promise to make it accurate. No embellishments.”
Jaskier laughed. “Where’s the fun in that? But I suppose I can try. For you.”
Their banter continued as they made their way back, the weight of the recent battle lifting with each playful exchange. Elara found herself appreciating Jaskier’s presence more than she would admit, his light-heartedness a welcome counterbalance to her own seriousness.
Despite his tendency to be annoying, Jaskier had become a steadfast friend. His loyalty and unwavering support were constants she had come to rely on, even if she didn’t always show it. As they reached the village and the grateful villagers began to cheer, Elara glanced at Jaskier, a genuine smile breaking through her usual reserve.
“Thank you, Jaskier,” she said softly, her voice sincere.
He looked at her, surprised but pleased. “Anytime, Elara. Anytime.”
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Elara met Vesemir at Kaer Morhen, where she sought refuge and advice on dealing with a particularly challenging magical threat. Vesemir, as an experienced witcher, provides Elara with wisdom and guidance. He respects her knowledge of magic and her determination to make amends for her past. Vesemir’s calm and steady presence offers Elara a sense of stability and reassurance. She views him as a fatherly figure and values his advice.
Elara’s journey brought her to the ancient keep of Kaer Morhen, the stronghold of the witchers, during the harsh winter months. She had been tracking a powerful and elusive curse that required knowledge and resources she couldn't access alone. Word of her mission had reached Geralt, who suggested she seek the counsel of Vesemir, the oldest and most experienced witcher.
The ancient keep stood tall against the snow-covered mountains, a bastion of old magic and forgotten histories. Elara approached the gates with a mix of trepidation and determination, knowing this encounter could be pivotal.
The gates of Kaer Morhen creaked open, and Elara stepped inside, her breath visible in the cold air. She was greeted by Geralt, who led her through the winding halls to a spacious, well-worn chamber where Vesemir was waiting. The elder witcher stood by a roaring fire, his presence commanding yet calm.
“Vesemir, this is Elara,” Geralt introduced. “She’s seeking help with a curse.”
Vesemir turned, his piercing eyes studying Elara with a mix of curiosity and wisdom. “Welcome to Kaer Morhen, Elara. Geralt has spoken highly of your skills.”
Elara inclined her head respectfully. “Thank you for seeing me, Vesemir. I’ve come across a curse that I can’t break on my own. I was hoping you might have some insight.”
Vesemir gestured for her to sit by the fire, his demeanor warm and welcoming. “Tell me about this curse. What have you discovered so far?”
Elara explained the details of the curse, her findings, and the challenges she had faced in trying to lift it. Vesemir listened intently, occasionally nodding and asking probing questions to better understand the situation.
“You’ve done well to get this far,” Vesemir said finally. “Curses like these are rare and dangerous. It will take a combination of knowledge, skill, and perhaps a bit of luck to break it.”
Over the next few days, Elara and Vesemir worked closely together. Vesemir’s extensive knowledge of curses and magical lore proved invaluable, and Elara was struck by his patience and willingness to share his wisdom. He treated her as an equal, respecting her abilities and insights.
One evening, as they pored over ancient texts and discussed possible solutions, Elara found herself opening up to Vesemir about her past. She spoke of her controversial experiments, her exile, and her quest for redemption. Vesemir listened without judgment, his steady presence reassuring.
“We all have our mistakes,” Vesemir said thoughtfully. “What matters is what we do to atone for them. You’ve taken a difficult path, Elara, but it’s clear you’re committed to making things right.”
Elara felt a sense of relief and gratitude. “Thank you, Vesemir. Your guidance means more than you know.”
Vesemir’s fatherly demeanor provided Elara with a sense of stability and reassurance she hadn’t realized she needed. He became a mentor and a trusted advisor, offering not only his knowledge but also his wisdom and perspective on life’s challenges.
After weeks of research and preparation, Elara and Vesemir were finally ready to attempt breaking the curse. The ritual was complex and dangerous, requiring precise execution and unwavering focus. Together, they performed the ritual, their combined efforts finally lifting the curse and freeing those affected by it.
As the last vestiges of the curse dissipated, Elara felt a profound sense of accomplishment. She turned to Vesemir, who nodded in approval. “Well done, Elara. You’ve proven your strength and dedication.”
Their shared success forged a lasting bond between Elara and Vesemir. She continued to visit Kaer Morhen, seeking his counsel on other magical matters and enjoying the camaraderie of the witchers. Vesemir became a steadfast mentor and friend, guiding her with a steady hand and a kind heart.
Powers and Abilities
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Elara's abilities stem from her exceptional talent and rigorous training at Aretuza, the premier academy for young sorceresses. She has mastered a wide array of spells and magical disciplines, making her a formidable mage.
Elara can conjure and control fire, using it both offensively and defensively. She can create fireballs, streams of flame, and protective fire barriers. Her mastery allows her to fine-tune the intensity and direction of the fire. Elara can manipulate water, summoning water blasts, creating water shields, and even purifying water sources. This ability is particularly useful for both combat and survival. She can control earth and stone, using them to create barriers, launch projectiles, and even cause minor earthquakes. This ability provides her with versatile defensive and offensive options. Elara can control the wind, using it to create gusts that can knock enemies off balance, deflect projectiles, or enhance her mobility by allowing her to jump higher or move faster.
Elara has a deep understanding of curses, able to cast complex and powerful ones. However, she uses this knowledge sparingly and responsibly due to the potential consequences. Her knowledge of necromancy also allows her to lift curses and dispel dark enchantments. This ability makes her a valuable ally in combating malevolent forces. Elara can communicate with spirits and the dead, seeking their guidance or information. This ability provides her with unique insights and assistance in her quests.
Elara is skilled in alchemy, able to create a variety of potions, elixirs, and salves. Her potions can heal wounds, enhance physical abilities, provide temporary magical boosts, or grant protection against certain types of magic. She can also craft potent poisons and antidotes, using them strategically in combat or to protect herself and her allies from toxin-related threats. Elara can cast powerful healing spells, mending wounds and curing ailments. Her healing abilities are highly advanced, allowing her to treat even severe injuries and magical afflictions. She can accelerate the body’s natural healing processes, both for herself and others, providing swift recovery from injuries and fatigue.
Elara can create magical barriers and shields to protect herself and her allies from physical and magical attacks. These barriers can be tailored to specific threats, providing robust defense in battle. She can cast wards to protect areas from dark magic and malevolent entities. These wards can be used to safeguard villages, campsites, and other important locations.
Elara can move objects with her mind, using telekinesis both in combat and for practical purposes. She can disarm opponents, move obstacles, and manipulate objects from a distance. She has the ability to teleport short distances, allowing her to evade attacks, reposition herself strategically in battle, or escape dangerous situations. Elara can cast invisibility spells to conceal herself or her allies, useful for stealth missions and surprise attacks.
Elara possesses extensive knowledge of ancient lore and magical texts. This expertise allows her to identify rare magical artifacts, understand complex spells, and devise strategies to counter powerful enemies. She can inscribe runes and glyphs, imbuing them with various magical effects. These runes can be used to trap enemies, enhance weapons, or protect areas from intrusion.
Due to her controversial experiments, Elara has developed a unique ability to manipulate raw magical energy. This power allows her to absorb and redirect magical attacks, turning an enemy's power against them. She can combine different elemental spells to create hybrid effects. For example, she can fuse fire and earth to create molten projectiles or combine water and air to summon a freezing storm.
Strengths and Limitations
Strengths: Elara's versatility in magic makes her a formidable opponent and a valuable ally. Her deep understanding of both light and dark magic provides her with a wide range of tools to tackle various challenges.
Limitations: Despite her vast abilities, Elara is cautious about using certain types of magic, particularly those related to necromancy and dark arts, due to the potential consequences. Her need to constantly move and stay hidden limits her access to extensive magical resources and libraries, sometimes requiring her to rely on her own knowledge and improvisation.
PHEW this was probably the longest OC post I've ever had! But i hope you guys will like her ^^
@missstrawbs2001 @jackiequick @blueboirick @cherrysft @meiramel @purpleprincessonfyre @ask-missparker @askstevella @therealdaydreamstark @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh @gaminggirlsstuff @macabremaenad
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verona2314 · 3 months
Hello dear readers, new chapter available!
Here is a short extract, I hope you enjoy it.
In the realm of Limbo, where souls deemed too good for Hell but not virtuous enough for Heaven reside, Victoria finds herself thrust into an unprecedented mission. When a notorious sinner, Sir Pentious, achieves redemption and ascends to Heaven, it sends shockwaves through all realms. Tasked with unraveling this mystery, Victoria, a minor judge of souls, is sent to the infamous Hazbin Hotel in Hell. For the first time, an emissary from Limbo steps foot into the fiery depths, tasked with observing and judging the denizens of Hell for their potential for redemption. As Victoria navigates this unfamiliar territory, she captures the unrequired attention of the enigmatic Radio Demon, Alastor. Amidst the chaos of demonic antics and the pursuit of understanding redemption, Victoria must confront her own beliefs and judgments. As she delves deeper into the secrets of the Hazbin Hotel, Victoria uncovers hidden truths about sinners, redemption, and the ultimate fate of souls caught between damnation and salvation. With each soul she encounters, Victoria's journey becomes not only a quest for answers but a personal voyage of self-discovery in the heart of darkness.
Sitting at his desk, in the safety of his office, Alastor pondered the implications of Victoria's revelation. There were still many questions in his head. Why had a human soul been elevated to a minor judge of Limbo? Why was Adam's blood, being a human soul, golden like that of the celestials of Heaven, while Victoria's was red and not silver like the celestials of Limbo? What kind of life had she led? When did she die? How? And more intriguingly, why did she end up in Limbo in the first place?
He had wanted to ask her all these questions but considered it wasn't the right time. That's why he had limited himself to just keeping her company in silence until the doctor's arrival, then sought some calm in his office. There was a lot of information to sort through. But first, he needed to calm down. He felt very frustrated with what had happened. He had just started having fun with Victoria's attacker when that hooded figure made him disappear. He felt unsatisfied. But he couldn't deny that this mystery entertained him greatly. The idea of hunting down Joseph and making him pay for such an offense motivated him immensely. The prospect of extracting information from him while he begged for mercy amused him. After all, it was the least he deserved for having touched the judge. No one could have that privilege but him.
He shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he thought again about the emissary from Limbo. He hated to admit it, but he had been worried about Victoria. It was always pleasant to see new expressions on the judge's calm face, to see her lose her composure. But the fact that someone else had caused that deeply bothered him. The pained expression she had shown was etched in his memory, and he couldn't understand why it made him feel somewhat... possessive. He felt that after all this time, only he had earned the right to witness those expressions. Indeed, those grimaces were something private to her, something intimate that not just anyone deserved to see. A secret.
@empressofashed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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filmista · 2 years
Film History: Pre-code films
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The pre-code era represented a radical change in the role of women in cinema. Undoubtedly, the new female protagonism was not attributable to a sudden interest in the figure of women in society, nor by the search for equality, not even by a current of socio-cultural thought that sought renewal, in this regard , of the American arts. 
The studios simply used women to find enough sensationalism, morbidity and scandal to bring more audiences to theaters. It is evident that, despite the fact that economic gain was sought more than artistic quality, the end result was that many actresses became real movie stars, gaining a prominence, in many cases, greater than that given to male roles , and even, as we will see later, an actress even saved a major studio from bankruptcy.
There were many films that directly or indirectly addressed issues related to adultery, although perhaps it was the Metro Goldwyn Mayer film "The Divorcee" from 1930, the first to address the issue directly, creating a stir among the most popular  conservative sector of American society. 
The protagonist (Norma Shearer), deceived by her husband, decides to take revenge by sleeping with her best friend. Her performance earned her an Oscar. Curiously, this film was produced by Irving Thalberg, promoter of the first code and one of the most interesting characters in Hollywood of those years.
Returning to what the film's premiere meant at that time, there were two details that triggered the outrage of the "conservative sector"; firstly, that it was precisely one of the authors of the code who produced a film that openly violated it and, secondly, that the attitude adopted by the character of Shearer was certainly shameless and seemed to convey the following message: "if a man can be unfaithful  why shouldn’t a woman flirt with whoever she wants.” Of course, after being divorced and conquering man after man, she regretted that behavior and returned to her husband, whom she had never stopped loving.
Norma Shearer herself, again produced by her husband, would soon release "A free soul", 1931. This film tells how the daughter of an important lawyer begins an intense sexual relationship with a gangster played by Clark Gable (in which what would be his first major role). Another twist on what, according to the code, should not be shown in the movies.
Also in 1931 would be released "Night Nurse", a classic film of the pre-code era, with gangsters, and a  sexuality that floods the entire film with numerous scenes in which nurses appear in underwear.
But the most relevant thing about "Night Nurse", apart from serving as an example of a pre-code film, is that it was one of the first leading roles of the great Barbara Stanwick. Actress full of strength, talent and charisma, she was undoubtedly the most important Hollywood star of those early 30's. Before “Night Nurse” she had already shot “Illicit” 1931 (Illicit) and “Ladies of Leisure” 1930 (Light Women ) her first film with Frank Capra, with whom she would be very prolific during the 1930s and 1940s. Her enormous versatility led her to appear in genres as diverse as comedy, western, melodrama or film noir.
Apart from Capra, she worked for the best directors of the time; Howard Hawks, Cecil B. de Mille or Fritz Lang were lucky to have her in some of their casts. In 1933 she would participate in "Baby face" (Angel's Face) undoubtedly one of the most extravagant and lascivious films of the pre-code era. In it we are introduced to a licentious, sordid Barbara Stanwyck full of strength and determination. 
The film shows us how a woman uses her sexuality to achieve a higher social status by cajoling increasingly important men. The message she conveyed left no room for doubt: women can manipulate men with sex and be successful in life. Although it is also true that the ending serves as redemption for the character, she has to choose between money and love and she already knows what truly makes her happy ...
One of the actresses who stood out especially in the pre-code era for her sensuality and daringness was Mae West, considered the first sex symbol and fatal woman in the history of cinema. In 1932, she appeared in the film "Night after Night", by Archie L. Mayo. After this film Mae West became a comedian with a very characteristic humor that gave her the rank of star thanks to an adaptation of her theatrical hit "Diamond Lil" entitled "Lady Lou" (1933).
She enjoyed enormous decision-making power in the films in which she participated; She was a set designer, a screenwriter, and she also chose her co-stars. Provocative, confident of herself and her showmanship, she was surely the most influential actress in Hollywood in a long time. It was she who avoided the bankruptcy of Paramount, discovered a very young Cary Grant and also, charging for all this more than any of the actresses of that time, was the highest paid actress. In 1933 she premiered "I'm no Angel (I'm not an angel), along with Cary Grant and directed by Wesley Ruggles. Endowed with an undeniable gift for comedy and, especially, for double entendres she was the author of phrases that are already part of the history of cinema such as:
"Do you have a gun in your pocket or are you glad to see me?" "I believe in censorship, after all, I have made a fortune at its expense." "When I have to choose between two temptations I always choose the one that I have never tried." "When I am good, I am very good, but when I am bad, I am better."
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murmoruno · 1 year
"I don't trust you, but I can use you"
PAIRINGS: Astarion x fem!Tav
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I had an idea/headcanon or whatever this is called for my own Tav and I want to try to write about it for a bit. Please note that this is my first time writing fanfic in English since It is not my native language. Bear with me if it sounds strange since I use a lot of Google Translate haha.
------------------------------ What if Tav is a true vampire?
In the shadowy realm of Faerûn, a most peculiar encounter unfolded. Tav, a true vampire, had embarked upon a path of redemption, now residing in solitude amidst the ancient woods. She is harboring no intentions of causing harm or extending a helping hand. All she sought was a peaceful existence in her eternal life.
Unfortunately, while revisiting her long-abandoned hometown of Baldur's Gate, she found herself ensnared by the sinister tendrils of the mindflayer's grasp.
On that day, destiny took a fateful turn as she crossed paths with Astarion. The vampire within her recognized his vampiric nature instantly. Despite this realization, she kept her silence, knowing the plight of being a spawn all too well, as she had once walked that same path. She empathized with his desire to conceal his secret, for she had harbored the same intentions.
Having spent centuries secluded in the woods, Tav had mastered the art of concealing her vampiric urges from others.
She marveled at her newfound abilities—to bask in the sun, to cleanse herself in the flowing waters, to enter another's abode unbidden. She realized she had never experienced such joy, and she believed Astarion would feel it too. Yet, she maintained her composure despite this revelation.
Astarion did question the crimson hue of her eyes, but she dismissed it as a family trait, shared by most of her kin.
On the night when Astarion attempted to sink his fangs into her and confessed his vampiric nature, Tav felt compelled to disclose her own past. She yearned for his trust as ardently as he yearned for hers.
A heavy silence hung between them, with Astarion's expression shifting from surprise to utter disgust. His facade, the mask he wore in front of all others, crumbled away. His anger and loathing were laid bare before her.
Desperately, she tried to convince him that she was not the vampire lord he believed her to be, or at least not the kind he dreaded. She pled for his trust, vowing never to harm him, never even to entertain the thought. She promised to shield him, just as she had always done. She uttered every word she could conjure in her quest to earn his trust, for as much as she knew she could continue this journey alone, she couldn't bear to lose him. She didn't want him to leave. She wanted him to remain safe. With her.
But regardless of her words and the earnestness with which she spoke, his perception of her remained unchanged. He uttered no words and silently departed from the camp, leaving her engulfed in the consuming embrace of guilt.
She believed he had left for good, and she blamed herself for it. A heavy weight of remorse twisted in her stomach, leaving her utterly helpless. This marked the first time she had experienced such profound anguish as if her cold, lifeless heart could rupture from her chest at any moment. The intensity of her emotions caught her off guard; she had never realized she could feel so deeply, or even feel at all. These overwhelming emotions frightened her, an unfamiliar sensation after so many years.
Throughout the night, she sat alone, gazing at the stars, yearning for a reality where whatever had just transpired had never come to pass.
The following morning, she spotted Astarion returning from the forest, his mask firmly in place, greeting others casually as if nothing had happened.
Their eyes met as he passed by her.
In a hushed tone, Astarion murmured, "Don't misunderstand, my dear. I don't trust you, not in the slightest. But I can certainly make use of you."
Shock flickered across Tav's face as she glanced back at him, noticing a sly grin. She had never fathomed he could muster such bravery to tell a true vampire that he could manipulate her.
Yet, the truth lay bare when she saw the tremor in his shoulders. In that moment, she realized that this spawn had already been consumed by fear, pushed to the brink of desperation, with nothing left to lose but his choice to trust her, to trust her assurances of non-harm and protection from whatever perils pursued him.
With a subtle nod, she replied, "If allowing you to use me earns your trust, then with honor, I shall allow it."
The words hung in the air, a punctuation to her inner musings. A glimmer of hope flickered in her eyes, a whisper of belief that perhaps this gesture could mend the divide between them. And in that moment, she dared to envision a future where trust might bloom anew.
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jellisdraws · 9 months
“You meager souls, devoid of the touch of the Veil, bereft of your gods, Sundered and Shattered- you eke out a paltry existence in the wake of the grand civilizations that came before.
You look to the eternal cities and edifice of the Eldritch, the magic and might that astounds your greatest arcanists, champions and celebrants, and marvel in the eternal wonders of such a civilization. You wonder at how wise were their people, how enlightened, how advanced?
Your Museums display the potsherds of the ages of divinity, when your ancestors walked by the feet of the gods and you wonder at their nobility, their unbreakable spirit, their great strength. You look back at the heroes who rose among the gods to take their place in legends and wonder if such a halcyon epoch is possible again. I tell you it is not.
You forget that through it all there were people: both simple and complex, of every race and oath and creed, who watched on the sidelines and fought on the frontlines, who pioneered and were lazy, who took advantage and betrayed trust, who sought redemption and just to be comfortable in their own skin, who cared for simple things and demanded recognition, who hated themselves and who hated each other. Bigots and saints and champions and rogues, and between and around them all. People. Kith. Kin. You forget, what the humans call their “humanity”- these people of the past. You look to history and are lost in the golden gleam of greatness, you care not for those who simply lived.
So lost are you in the grandeur, so lofty are your visions, You forget that these great demigods and ascendants were people among people. And they are as liable to their mistakes as anyone else. There were days before they were challenged and faced with the ending of their era. There were grey and golden days. Their enlightenment did nothing to prevent all suffering, their advancement was unequal in its distribution, their good intentions were as deficient and harmful as the schemes and plots of the great leaders of today.
Looking in the eternal and eternally shattered ruins of the Veilborn, that even in ruination hint at a potential that dwarfs your own-it’s impossible for you meager souls not to wonder at the greatness there, at the knowledge no one knows. Their grand structures, their portals and artifacts. How many died in pursuit of their gain and creation, how many were lost?
I tell you now the Veilborn are hardly worthy of admiration and wonder, the Septarchs even less so. Their world ways developed magic too quickly, they earned not and felt not the consequences of the fell powers they unleashed. Your gods and heroes are to be even more scorned and loathed- abandoning you on this shattered world after their Conflagration and Wars. Leaving you to pick up the pieces as the Veilborn did after them.
They tell you they entrusted the future to you- do not believe them. When their greatness could no longer be sustained and they looked at the destruction of their creation around them, and fell to solipsism. The gods creating their own worlds to retreat to; to hide from the disaster and crises leaft in the wake of them. And what about when it came turn for the Veilborn and their Septarchs? They visited ruination upon themselves rather than deign to allow their destruction at the hands of any outside force. So great was their pride and arrogance.
And now look at you, you and your ilk, a new civilization scratching in the junkyard shantytown left in the wake of what came before. Pitiful, untouched by Grace of Divinity or Veil. You call this the Age of Progress. How laughable. You pale in comparison to even the ruin of the past. Your folly is greater still than those who came before, trying to rebuild some semblance of civilized society. Your world has long ended, and unlike those who came before, you’re too stupid to abandon it.
I come with fire, to burn away the last vestiges of what was lost, to scour clean the remnants of this world. It will begin anew, seeded from the space beyond the stars, with life born of the final wastes. No more ambition, no more folly. No more picking up the pieces and wondering at what came before. I will raze it all. I do it for you, for once I am done- no more people must suffer at the hands of those with grand ambition. No more will the people of the future feel the weighty consequences of the past. I will free you all. This is my love. This is my beneficence. Submit and be destroyed.”
— Wriglth Nhegal, the Worm Hunger, the Writhing Decay, the Lord of Carrion
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filthy-reckless-rp · 9 months
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♛ Spotted on the Upper East Side…
Name: Johnny Akana Pronouns: He/Him Age: 50 years old Hometown: Up To Player Occupation: Actor Social Status: Insider Faceclaim suggestion: Keanu Reeves
Who Is Johnny?
“I’m a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride, I’m wanted dead or alive.”
Is that the elusive Johnny Akana or am I hallucinating? Where have you been hiding for the last decade? Back in the day, you were on the tip of everyone’s tongue. The ‘bad boy’ of Hollywood, the original heart throb. Getting into trouble was second nature to you (along with paying for the damages, literally and figuratively). Over the years, you started to resent the fame and you managed to burn through most of the fortune. It’s a good thing you have your own ‘non-judging breakfast club’ to help you out, even now: the iconic ‘brat pack’. The past is the past but I wonder if your sudden return to the spotlight will stir up old drama, and feelings. You might have played the part of the broody, tortured soul but I bet there’s a heart in there somewhere. XOXO ---Gossip Girl
A Little Extra
Johnny Akana was one of Hollywood's most enigmatic and unpredictable actors, known for his charm, intensity, and a penchant for trouble. His rebellious spirit and unpredictable nature earned him the reputation of being a "wild card with a sharp edge." He was a heartthrob, but more than that, he was Hollywood’s favorite bad boy—a man whose personal struggles often spilled over into the public eye, fueling his fame and notoriety. Born into a world of glitz and glamor, Johnny quickly rose through the ranks of the film industry, capturing the attention of fans and critics alike. His smoldering looks and undeniable talent made him a sought-after actor, but it was his off-screen life that cemented his place as a Hollywood legend. 
Throughout his career, Johnny’s personal relationships became tabloid fodder, particularly his high-profile romances with two of his co-stars. His whirlwind romance with Jamie Park, another rising star, culminated in a marriage that famously lasted just 17 days. The sudden end of their union only added to Johnny’s reputation as a self-destructive force in his own life. His second and more serious relationship was with Dianna Watts, another celebrated actress. They married in a highly-publicized ceremony, and for a time, it seemed as though Johnny had found a steady path. 
However, as with many things in Johnny’s life, the marriage eventually crumbled under the weight of his impulsive behavior and personal demons. He had, once again, ruined something beautiful—just as many suspected he would. Despite his flaws, Johnny Akana always tried to be better. Behind the public persona of the troubled star was a man struggling to overcome his mistakes, seeking redemption in a world that often seemed to conspire against him. Whether or not he ever truly changed is a matter of debate, but his legacy as Hollywood’s favorite heartache endures. Johnny Akana remains a symbol of the tragic allure of stardom—a man who could light up the screen but couldn’t escape the shadows of his own making.
What Does Gossip Girl Have On Them?
He adopted someone behind the backs of everyone, a child called Melody, though it’s his mother who raises her - but he is involved with her upbringing as well. Of course, this isn't knowledge that biological mother Veronica Ravenwood has.
Nilay and Latife Levent - Johnny’s best friend growing up was Nilay and Latife’s dad. He became the unofficial ‘uncle’ to the girls and still keeps in touch even if he hasn’t stopped by in a while.
Jamie Park - ‘brat pack’ member and a hot mess. Johnny and Jamie were famously married for exactly 16 days before calling it quits (just long enough to have the wildest honeymoon ever!). They’re both screw ups and soulmates, y’know?
Rebecca Ravenwood - ‘brat pack’ member, Johnny and Becca were always at each other’s throats when they were young. They were either arguing or laughing, screaming or dancing together. Johnny hasn’t spoken to her since her daughter was little.
Diana Watts - ‘brat pack member’. Johnny and Di were actually married (really married, not like with Jamie). She was everything good in this world and Johnny screwed it up. Some people just can’t be saved, right? Misses her like hell.
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whenimgoodandready · 1 year
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When you wanna put a stop to something, you take action. Like how the Bee Miraculous does it’s job by paralyzing the person they sting. Chloe had that job and then Zoe. Both sisters did well, but only one earned it by using their intended purpose for it wisely and for the greater good. Chloe sought fame and recognition as a super (“Queen’s Battle Part 2:Queen Wasp”), but Zoe was the one with the moral compass to only look out for the people and lend a hand (“Queen Banana”). Perhaps maybe Chloe would’ve eventually grown to do the same had she not been so selfish and listened to Ladybug (or Marinette/Ladybug giving her a chance more instead of a personal grudge), but alas it did not happen and we got a huge mess of a character from Chloe. That’s exactly what will also happen to the world if we don’t give it a chance and it causes a huge mess! We need to take action! How!? Read and learn:
*Action-This here special takes place in the middle of Season 5 and it turns out, Monarch was re-creating the world before the finale! How? Well, there’s a heat wave in Paris and Gabe was “solving the problem” by using 3-D Adrien and Kagami to promote these decorative (yet single use) plastic fans, that Mayor Andre had installed in vending machines all throughout Paris, which get discarded into the Seine river which pollutes it re-creating the city (and eventually the world) into a planet of trash!
None of the adults would help or understand the dangers of plastic pollution:Nadja with her news network (but for ethical reasons cuz she’d lose her job and not support her child), Gabe with the fan advertisements and even Mayor Andre on removing the vending machines selling said fans. Not even when Marinette and the gang decide to get to the root of the problem by going over to the head of the plastic industry and confronting Bertrand King, “The King of Plastic” (think Colonel Sanders, but “bubblegum flavored”), about their issue helped cuz Bertrand refuses to listen to the kids on reducing plastic, so they hijack the news station and point out (along with their Miraculous World friends) how over endorsing plastic can be harmful. These kids play hardball, let me tell ya, when they want to get a point across, they do it! Go big or go home!
This causes Gabe and Andre to save face by claiming to be “unaware” of the negative effects plastic can do for the environment and humiliating Bertrand to be akumatized, with the Bee Miraculous, as King of Plastic. An all plastic looking villain with the power to turn anyone he touches with his staff into colorful paralyzed plastic. When I first saw his look, he looked a bit too colorful to be a “plastic” themed villain. He looked more like a King Candy type of villain, but after seeing the ep, I realized that the reason why he was so vibrant was because all plastic is like that and he was like the human version of his multi-color changing pen that you see tween girls carrying in their trapper keepers! (Shhh! I have one too! It’s scented!), so it was fitting. The dynamic duo struggled with him at first, but it turned out his strength, was also his weakness! Whomp! Whomp! Whooooooop!
First ep to not be written/directed by Thomas Astruc and instead by the Breteau Foundation and despite the ep seeming “bland” and “Captain Planet” esque theme, kids shows tend to have episodes focused on environmental care so they can get their attention and take part in saving the world (in small doses that is) and having a little something for elementary school classrooms to learn from in a “Bill Nye:The Science Guy” type of way. Part of what motivates the kids to take action and not be so careless for the Earth. Which is why Zoe was more worthy of the Bee Miraculous as she was taking part in helping to minimize plastic use and Chloe was just there watching the interrupted news special (perhaps maybe this’ll come back to her and she’ll finally get that redemption arc we’ve all been dying for). Like before, this ep stands on its own being set in the middle of Season 5 possibly between “Confrontation” and “Collusion” which is why the more eco-friendly atmosphere isn’t established yet cuz of our new mayor, Bustier, and why Gabe/Monarch isn’t rotting in the dirt in his wife’s place (“The Last Day Part 2:Re-creation”). Not much else to go by since this whole special was pretty self explanatory and alls I can say is that we should do what we can to stop pollution and that I’m just waiting for the next special with Shadybug and Claw Noir!😉. I will still be back with that and the Season 6 premiere with new frames and thoughts on the show. Good-bye fellow Miraculars, the power is yours!
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monterraverde · 1 year
vs. Red @redlegend
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The battle trees arena was empty until the paperwork was completed, which gave them free range of the pitch.
Naturally, her first act is to call for a rematch. High up in the bows of the giant tree at the head of Poni Island, they'd make another stand against him.
She knew she hardly had a chance of winning, but she wanted a battle that didn't end in such a crushing defeat. Five to one on their first proper battle stung deep in her soul, and she refused to stand for it any longer.
Wipe the sleep from your eyes and gear up, Elite, redemptions in the air, now SEIZE IT.
Fafnir and Pikachu hit the field, Sandstorm set, but before it can even get raging, Pikachu cracks the sky with a mighty thunderbolt, and while it stings, Fafnir's almost completely knocked from the platform when the rodent suddenly launches at him in a harsh tackle, Rika quickly recalling him before he could well and truly fall.
Not a good start, she's scared.
Kamina hits the field, and Blastoise on the opposite side. A familiar matchup, with a familiar outcome. Blastoise smashes his shell, blood and shards flying everywhere while Kamina uses the sand to his advantage, moving like a whirlwind through it and using his small stature to get behind Blastoise and Drill Run right into the freshly opened wound on the turtles back- and he doesn't STOP drill running until the matchup is called, and he's returned to his ball. Choice band working perfectly.
One to One.
Bappy and Venusaur next, and Red surprises her by drawing out his Mega stone early. She was expecting Charizard, but the intense light of infinity energy engulfs the gargantuan frog, growing her canopy and empowering her greatly.
Bappy looks on, undaunted, He may not have his big mega spikes anymore, but he refused to back down, and the battle was on, taking swings at one another, the earth quaking beneath their feet as both pokemon sought to use it to their advantage. Venusaur covers him in Leech seeds, and Bappy roars as he endures hit after hit so she wouldn't feel sad, until he finally can endure no longer, and collapses under the onslaught.
You did your best, bud.
Next came Charizard, and she throws out The Don to greet him, the ancient Donphan trumpeting loud to signal his readiness as the Booster Energy around his neck activated. Scarlet energy coursed over his whole form like electricity, driving him into a bit of a battle frenzy as a centralized bit of sunshine seemed to generate from nowhere- and then they were off, Headlong Rush slamming right into the great dragons side. Charizard flames were potent, but the Donphan refused to yield- He was NOT going to suffer that injustice a second time.
He throws his whole body into Charizard, tusks primed and ready to gouge- Close combat.
Charizard falls, and The Don stomps his foot in triumph.
Two to Two. Already better then the last battle
Adniel next, against Snorlax, and Rika syncs with him almost immediately, the energy on the pitch becoming electric from the lingering high of battle, and Adniel roars in excitement before launching himself full force at his gigantic opponent. Claws met claws as Adniel continued to push back against Snorlax, feeling he had no recourse other then to shove the creature out of the ring since his defense was so high... And he almost succeeds, as a harsh brick break attack finally drops the Snorlax... and Adniel lets out a roar of excitement before he's eventually called back as well.
Two to three... One more takes it.
Gremlin emerges, against Lapras, and it's hardly a battle- more like the most calculated grounding of a bat pokemon one would ever see. Ice beam into Sheer cold- Which somehow hit again with deadly accuracy.
A Tie.
They double back and choose three more mons each, but while they're healing, Rika's riding the high. She brought it to a tie this time- There's still a chance she can win, but this alone was a satisfactory outcome for her.
Redemption earned, pokemon healed, and they return to the pitch.
Her three strongest pokemon against three of his, and the battle commences again.
The Don against Pikachu is hardly a fight, a pair of Earthquakes is enough to ground the electric rat, after swatting him away with his trunk.
Bappy and Venusaur return to the field together, and again its an incredibly close match, Bappy enduring hits and dealing back just as much damage, digging his spines into Venusaurs appendages and doing everything he could, but ultimately falling.
And then Adniel and Lapras. A fight that left the whole stadium encased in a light layer of ice and frost. Adniel lashing out wildly with brick break and dragon claw, dodging ice beams, and managing to dodge Sheer Cold a fair amount. The Onslaughts from both sides were intense, and it eventually caused them to disengage and regroup before launching at one another one last time.
It drags on for what seemed like an hour, Rika watching in awe as Adniel slashed into Lapras' flesh and shell, trying desperately to get in whatever critical blows he could before Lapras could attack him again, roaring and biting and snarling...
But it's ultimately a wash, Lapras landing a critical Ice beam straight into the Garchomps core, dropping him to the ground.
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Another loss, but one that she- for all her pouting and huffing- couldn't be mad about. Her pokemon performed excellently, she brought it to a tie, and that final battle practically made her hair stand on end.
They just keep getting better... but so does Red, and thats more then fine by her.
"That... That was incredible, Red, well done..."
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firstopinionsblog · 15 days
Exclusive Nordstrom Gifts: How Sharing Your Opinions Can Earn You Luxurious Rewards
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Imagine being rewarded with luxurious gifts from Nordstrom, one of the most prestigious department stores in the United States, just by sharing your opinions. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, it’s not just a fantasy. Many people are discovering that by participating in paid surveys, they can earn exclusive Nordstrom gifts as rewards. These gifts range from high-end fashion items to top-tier beauty products, making the experience of sharing opinions not only satisfying but also rewarding in a very tangible way.
In this blog, we’ll delve into how you can take advantage of this opportunity, the types of rewards you can expect, and the best strategies to maximize your gains. Whether you’re a seasoned survey-taker or new to the world of paid surveys, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to start earning luxurious Nordstrom gifts today.
1. Understanding the Concept of Paid Surveys
Paid surveys are a popular method for companies to gather consumer opinions on products, services, and market trends. By participating in these surveys, consumers provide valuable feedback that helps companies make informed decisions. In return, survey participants are often rewarded with cash, gift cards, or exclusive items.
The concept is simple: companies need data to understand consumer preferences, and they are willing to pay for it. This is where platforms like First Opinion Online come into play. These platforms connect consumers with companies looking to gather insights, offering rewards in exchange for honest feedback.
2. Why Nordstrom Gifts?
Nordstrom is synonymous with luxury, quality, and style. With its wide range of products, from designer clothing to high-end beauty products, Nordstrom is a brand that appeals to a broad audience. The opportunity to earn Nordstrom gifts through paid surveys is particularly attractive because it allows consumers to indulge in luxury items they might not otherwise purchase.
These exclusive rewards can include everything from designer handbags and shoes to premium skincare products and fragrances. The appeal of Nordstrom gifts lies in their quality and exclusivity, making them highly sought after by survey participants.
3. How to Start Earning Nordstrom Gifts
To start earning Nordstrom gifts through paid surveys, follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Sign Up for a Reputable Survey Platform The first step is to sign up for a reputable survey platform like First Opinion Online. This platform connects you with companies looking for consumer feedback and offers rewards in the form of Nordstrom gifts.
Step 2: Complete Your Profile Once you’ve signed up, it’s important to complete your profile. This includes providing information about your demographics, interests, and shopping habits. A complete profile ensures that you receive surveys that are relevant to your interests, increasing your chances of qualifying for surveys that offer Nordstrom gifts.
Step 3: Start Taking Surveys After completing your profile, you can start taking surveys. Each survey will specify the reward you can earn, and many surveys offer Nordstrom gifts as a reward option. The more surveys you take, the more rewards you can accumulate.
Step 4: Redeem Your Rewards Once you’ve accumulated enough points or completed a qualifying survey, you can redeem your rewards. On platforms like First Opinion Online, you’ll find a range of Nordstrom gifts available for redemption, from gift cards to exclusive products.
4. Types of Nordstrom Gifts You Can Earn
The types of Nordstrom gifts you can earn through paid surveys are as diverse as Nordstrom’s product offerings. Here are some examples of the luxurious rewards you can expect:
Designer Handbags Nordstrom is known for its selection of designer handbags, featuring brands like Gucci, Michael Kors, and Kate Spade. By participating in paid surveys, you can earn points that can be redeemed for these coveted accessories.
Luxury Beauty Products Nordstrom offers a wide range of high-end beauty products, including skincare, makeup, and fragrances. Popular brands like La Mer, Chanel, and Estée Lauder are often available as rewards, allowing you to pamper yourself with premium products.
Fashion Apparel Whether you’re looking for the latest trends in women’s, men’s, or children’s fashion, Nordstrom has it all. Survey participants can earn points that can be redeemed for stylish clothing items from top designers.
Exclusive Gift Cards In addition to physical products, you can also earn Nordstrom gift cards through paid surveys. These gift cards can be used to purchase anything from the store, giving you the flexibility to choose your own rewards.
Home and Lifestyle Products Nordstrom’s selection of home and lifestyle products is just as impressive as its fashion offerings. From luxury bedding to chic home décor, you can find exclusive items to enhance your living space.
5. Tips to Maximize Your Rewards
Earning luxurious Nordstrom gifts through paid surveys is not just about luck; it also involves strategy. Here are some tips to help you maximize your rewards:
Choose the Right Surveys Not all surveys offer the same rewards, so it’s important to choose surveys that specifically offer Nordstrom gifts. Prioritize these surveys to maximize your chances of earning the rewards you want.
Be Consistent Consistency is key when it comes to earning rewards through paid surveys. Make it a habit to check for new surveys regularly and complete them as soon as they become available. The more surveys you take, the more rewards you can accumulate.
Complete High-Reward Surveys Some surveys offer higher rewards than others. Look out for surveys that offer a significant number of points or direct Nordstrom gift rewards. These surveys may take a bit longer to complete but are worth the effort.
Refer Friends Many survey platforms, including First Opinion Online, offer referral programs. By referring friends and family to the platform, you can earn additional points that can be redeemed for Nordstrom gifts.
Stay Updated Stay informed about new surveys and promotions by subscribing to the survey platform’s newsletter or following them on social media. This way, you’ll be the first to know about opportunities to earn exclusive Nordstrom gifts.
6. The Value of Your Opinions
It’s important to recognize the value of your opinions. Companies rely on consumer feedback to make informed decisions about their products and services. By participating in paid surveys, you’re not only earning rewards but also contributing to the development of products that better meet consumer needs.
Nordstrom, known for its commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, values the feedback it receives through these surveys. When you share your opinions, you’re helping to shape the future of the brand and its offerings.
7. Real-Life Success Stories
To inspire you further, here are some real-life success stories from people who have earned luxurious Nordstrom gifts through paid surveys:
Sarah’s Story: From Opinion Sharing to Designer Handbags Sarah, a fashion enthusiast, started participating in paid surveys as a way to earn extra cash. She soon discovered that she could redeem her rewards for Nordstrom gift cards. After consistently completing surveys, she was able to purchase a Michael Kors handbag, which she proudly carries today.
James’ Story: Earning Luxury Skincare Products James, a skincare aficionado, wanted to try high-end products without breaking the bank. By participating in surveys that offered Nordstrom gifts, he earned enough points to redeem a set of La Mer skincare products. His skin has never looked better!
Emily’s Story: Upgrading Her Wardrobe Emily, a busy mom, found that paid surveys were a great way to earn rewards while taking care of her family. She used her Nordstrom gift cards to purchase new clothing for herself and her children, all without spending a dime of her own money.
8. Conclusion: Start Earning Luxurious Nordstrom Gifts Today
Earning luxurious Nordstrom gifts through paid surveys is a fantastic way to treat yourself while contributing valuable opinions that help shape the market. By following the steps outlined in this guide and staying consistent with your survey participation, you can start enjoying the rewards of your efforts in no time.
Platforms like First Opinion Online make it easy to connect with companies that value your feedback and offer exclusive Nordstrom gifts as a token of appreciation. So why wait? Sign up today and start earning the luxurious rewards you deserve!
Ready to start earning exclusive Nordstrom gifts? Sign up now at First Opinion Online and begin your journey to luxurious rewards by sharing your opinions!
Q1: What are paid surveys, and how do they work? Paid surveys are questionnaires provided by companies looking to gather consumer feedback on their products or services. In exchange for your time and opinions, you are rewarded with cash, gift cards, or exclusive items like Nordstrom gifts. You simply sign up for a survey platform, complete surveys, and redeem your rewards.
Q2: How can I earn Nordstrom gifts by taking surveys? To earn Nordstrom gifts, you need to sign up with a reputable survey platform, such as First Opinion Online, that offers Nordstrom gifts as rewards. Complete surveys that match your profile, accumulate points or rewards, and then redeem them for Nordstrom gifts, such as designer handbags, luxury beauty products, or gift cards.
Q3: Are there specific surveys that offer Nordstrom gifts? Yes, some surveys specifically offer Nordstrom gifts as rewards. To maximize your chances of earning these rewards, look for surveys that mention Nordstrom gifts in their reward options and prioritize those.
Q4: How long does it take to earn enough points for a Nordstrom gift? The time it takes to earn a Nordstrom gift depends on the number of surveys you complete and the value of the rewards offered. Some users may be able to redeem rewards within a few weeks, while others might take longer, depending on the frequency and type of surveys they complete.
Q5: Can I trust survey platforms offering Nordstrom gifts? It’s important to use reputable survey platforms. Look for platforms that have positive reviews, clear terms and conditions, and partnerships with well-known brands. Platforms like First Opinion Online are trusted by many users for offering genuine rewards.
Q6: Is there a limit to how many Nordstrom gifts I can earn? Typically, there is no strict limit to how many Nordstrom gifts you can earn, as long as you continue to participate in surveys and accumulate points. However, the availability of certain rewards may vary, so it’s a good idea to redeem your points when you see a reward you want.
Q7: What types of Nordstrom gifts can I earn? The types of Nordstrom gifts you can earn vary and may include designer handbags, luxury beauty products, fashion apparel, exclusive gift cards, and home and lifestyle products. The specific items available for redemption will depend on the survey platform’s current offerings.
Q8: How do I know when I’ve qualified for a Nordstrom gift? After completing a survey, you’ll typically receive points or direct rewards in your account. Once you’ve accumulated enough points, you can check the rewards section of the survey platform to see if you qualify for a Nordstrom gift and redeem it.
Q9: Can I combine points from multiple surveys to get a more expensive Nordstrom gift? Yes, on many platforms, you can accumulate points from multiple surveys and combine them to redeem higher-value Nordstrom gifts. Check the platform’s rewards policy to confirm how this process works.
Q10: What should I do if I encounter issues redeeming my Nordstrom gift? If you experience any problems with redeeming your Nordstrom gift, contact the survey platform’s customer service team for assistance. They should be able to help resolve any issues and ensure you receive your reward.
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born-to-kill · 6 months
hi! the mun’s name is joel and i am currently 26 years old.
Exploring themes of identity and self-discovery in a world rife with conflict and moral ambiguity.
Respect: Let's all treat each other with respect and courtesy at all times. Refrain from personal attacks, and avoiding any behaviour that may be considered disrespectful.
No Godmodding: Avoid controlling or dictating the actions or outcomes of other characters without their consent. Everyone has the right to have agency over their own character's actions and decisions.
Stay True to Character: Stay true to the established personalities and traits of the characters from the Metal Gear series. Try to accurately portray the character you're role-playing as.
Communication: Keep communication open and transparent. If there are any disagreements or misunderstandings with my portrayal, try to resolve them civilly through discussion and compromise.
Quality over Quantity: Focus on the quality of your role-play posts rather than the quantity. Take the time to craft your responses as there is no pressure to rush things out.
Stay In-Character: When posting as your character, stay in-character and avoid breaking immersion by discussing real-life topics or using modern language or slang that wouldn't fit within the setting of the Metal Gear series.
Have Fun: Above all, remember that role-playing is a collaborative and creative endeavour meant to be enjoyable for all participants.
Name: Raiden (real name: Jack)
Alias: Jack the Ripper, White Devil, Snake's Disciple
Background: Raiden, born Jack, was originally a child soldier in Liberia during the early 1980s. He was conscripted into a rebel army at a young age and forced to commit acts of violence and brutality under the command of his superiors. These traumatic experiences shaped him into a skilled and ruthless fighter, earning him the nickname "Jack the Ripper" for his prowess on the battlefield.
Joining the Military: After being rescued from the battlefield by Solidus Snake, Raiden was taken under the wing of the Patriots, a secretive organization manipulating global events from behind the scenes. He underwent extensive physical and mental conditioning, including cybernetic enhancements and VR training simulations, to become a highly skilled operative capable of carrying out the Patriots' agenda.
Shadow Moses Incident: Raiden's first major mission came during the Shadow Moses Incident in 2005, where he was deployed as part of a top-secret operation to infiltrate a nuclear weapons disposal facility in Alaska. Under the guidance of Solid Snake, Raiden faced off against a rogue group of terrorists led by Liquid Snake, uncovering a web of conspiracy and betrayal that would shape his destiny for years to come.
Big Shell Incident: In 2009, Raiden was assigned to the Big Shell, an offshore clean-up facility in the Hudson River, as part of a counter-terrorism operation known as "Operation Snake Eater." However, the mission quickly spiraled out of control when a group of terrorists seized control of the facility, threatening to detonate a nuclear bomb. Raiden, operating under the codename "Snake," was tasked with infiltrating the Big Shell and neutralizing the threat.
Revelations and Betrayal: During the course of the Big Shell Incident, Raiden uncovered shocking revelations about his own past and the true nature of the Patriots' control over his life. He learned that his memories had been manipulated and that he had been groomed from a young age to become a pawn in the Patriots' grand scheme. Feeling betrayed and disillusioned, Raiden struggled to come to terms with his identity and his place in the world.
Rebirth and Redemption: Following the events of the Big Shell Incident, Raiden underwent a period of self-reflection and transformation. He sought redemption for his past sins and resolved to break free from the control of the Patriots once and for all. With the help of allies such as Solid Snake and Otacon, Raiden embarked on a journey of self-discovery, ultimately reclaiming his humanity and forging a new path for himself.
Becoming a Cyborg Ninja: In the years that followed, Raiden underwent further cybernetic enhancements and became known as the "Cyborg Ninja," a formidable warrior with superhuman strength and agility. Embracing his new identity, Raiden continued to fight against tyranny and oppression, using his skills to protect the innocent and uphold justice wherever he went.
Fatherhood and Personal Trials: Despite his tumultuous past, Raiden found happiness and purpose in his relationship with Rosemary, a data analyst he met during the Big Shell Incident. The couple eventually married and had a son named John, whom they affectionately called "Little John." However, Raiden's newfound happiness was short-lived as he faced personal trials and challenges, including the abduction of his son by a mysterious organization known as Desperado Enforcement.
Continued Struggle and Legacy: Throughout his journey, Raiden continued to struggle against powerful adversaries and forces beyond his control. He faced off against rogue military units, rival mercenaries, and even his own inner demons as he fought to protect those he held dear and preserve the fragile peace of the world. Despite the hardships he endured, Raiden remained determined to forge his own destiny and leave behind a legacy worthy of the title he had earned as a legendary warrior.
Legacy: Raiden's legacy lives on as a symbol of resilience, determination, and redemption. His journey from child soldier to cybernetic ninja is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of hope in the face of adversity. Though his path has been fraught with hardship and sacrifice, Raiden continues to inspire others to stand up against injustice and fight for a better future for all.
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thegeneralreturns · 1 year
Christopher Nolan is a great director who, for the past fifteen years, has devoted himself to making less-than-great films. The Dark Knight was the last time he sought to entertain, enlighten, or inform, and ever since, he's constructed his work for the sole purpose of getting us all to congratulate him on being the cleverest little boy there is (yes, even Inception, don't @ me). He directs like Salman Rushdie writes, and I don't entirely mean that as a compliment. God in Heaven save us from artists who know they're good, but think they're cute.
So it is with no small amount of satisfaction that I report that Oppenheimer break's Nolan's dry spell. It's the best film in his filmography, and my dissatisfaction with his more recent work should not, I hope, obscure the Gadsden Purchase worth of ground that covers.
If it is a standard biopic, then it is one fed through the woodchipper of Nolan's penchant for chronological jumble and thematic obfuscation, constructed less to draw attention to itself, and more to follow a dramatic and emotional through-line. The chain of events may be veined with diversion and distributed piecemeal, but how you feel about what you're seeing is as straight and as true as an arrow's flight.
Those worried about an attempted rehabilitation of J. Robert Oppenheimer himself need not do so, for Nolan can't make any clearer the fact that he holds the man in almost sneering contempt. Portrayed by the wraith-like Cillian Murphy, he is not afraid to portray him as a man blessed by vast intelligence, yet in a poverty of anything even remotely resembling a damn lick of sense as his personal relationships blow up in his face as spectacularly as any bomb might. And the film goes to great pains to show that even his late-inning mea culpas are a luxury he can't afford and didn't earn.
This is where Nolan's almost alien detachment really works for Oppenheimer's benefit, as the standard story beats of triumph are handled like that of a parent looking at a child who has no idea what they did. Even the third-act redemption, which would have been milked by a lesser filmmaker, is viewed through a thick film of sour irony. The mask only slips after the Trinity test, when Oppenheimer addresses a crowd of people, and the pyrotechnics attendant make apparent that this character is beheld by a director that hates him.
Oppenheimer is the best film of 2023 so far.
SIDE NOTE THE FIRST: A movie for grown-ups made eighty million bucks in the US this weekend. Say Hallelujah, c'mon, get happy.
SIDE NOTE THE SECOND: It took him over twenty years, but Nolan finally wrote his first legible and compelling female character. Congrats to Emily Blunt on her impending Oscar nomination.
SIDE NOTE THE THIRD: Matt Damon's character states he studied engineering at MIT, and all I could think was that Will Hunting got that time machine up and running.
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You can select to supply benefits that enhance their present keep, or give them an even much better experience on their following one. This will strengthen to the guest that they made the appropriate choice and that they ought to always return to your brand name. Power your circulation, advertising and also revenue technique with open door to crucial booking trends and also market ideal techniques. All accommodations undergo accessibility at the time appointments are made.
The plan is actually helpful for company tourists-- you get a wonderful return on your spend, and also your business will certainly repay the overall rate shown on your resort receipt.
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Stunning beaches as well as lush greenery await you at this tropical heaven.
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If more than one name is on a solitary room appointment, honors will be credited to the participant whose name shows up initially. Participants who have any kind of overdue equilibrium owing to Omni Hotels & Resorts waive any type of awards gained. Employees of Omni Hotels & Resorts as well as its affiliates are not qualified to earn complimentary evening honors. Comparable to IHG's PointBreaks, Marriott Bonvoy offers PointSavers promos. This discount rate program lets you publication resort homes for much less than their normal award prices, yet just for a limited time. Occasionally websites like these will offer a higher cashback payment if you give up gaining night credit histories with the Hotels.com Incentives program.
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See what a factor or mile is worth with our evaluations of a loyalty program's money, based on redemption worths. Improve incomes, maximize rewards and track progression towards dream trips. Members get immediate access to deep price cuts as well as beneficial benefits. Factors never ever run out and there are no blackout days, so feel secure understanding your benefits will constantly be with you.
It's far too time consuming and costly to purchase that kind of strategy. Individuals like to share good news as well as in travel particularly, individuals like to make referrals. Your commitment program will enhance the opportunities of your regular visitors bringing new guests right to your doorstep. There are really couple of aspects that are more important today than the on-line credibility of your resort. You can usually build an account of your visitors, and also develop the factors behind their trip by evaluating their information within your residential or commercial property management system.
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If you do make it to Silver, it's absolutely worth seeing if you can obtain your holiday a bit cheaper though!. Each stamp is made at the worth of the price you have spent for that evening's stay. Once you have actually struck 10 stamps, you obtain a "complimentary night's keep" on your next reserving with Hotels.com which is a reduction off a booking of the typical rate of the 10 evenings. Obtain 75% perk factors for every single eligible hotel purchase, including room rate, eating, medspa, as well as more. H Incentives is a versatile program that adjusts to the various requirements of our brand name household and also various needs of guests. It provides members access to exclusive deals and also events from our national and local cooperation partners.
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Dreamy St. Thomas all-inclusive resorts for a stress-free vacation.
Posted: Thu, 09 Mar 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]
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The loyalty program features PointBreaks properties every two to three months. With this promotion, you can reserve an award night with just 5,000 factors. Yet you have to remain at the PointBreaks residential or commercial property within the adhering to couple of months.
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