#reduce anxiety and stress
glamwish · 1 month
friendly reminder that i have a gfx / help bloggo @rphbydior and am always open for requests for borders/gfx for free ♡ ♡
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shopcat · 14 days
quite random but bc i get turbo ocd nightmares fairly often that tend to be about my intrusive thoughts and i've never actually seen any mention of it outside of asking my friends so i just want to say
1. dreams don't mean anything and never will they're just your brain entertaining itself in whatever way possible and there are no deeper meanings to them it's just nonsense conjured from whatever stimulus you've engaged in over time.
2. bc of the nature of intrusive thoughts being well. in your head. dreams or nightmares that take the shape of these thoughts and bring them to "life" in some way don't make them more real / less of an intrusive thought / etc. and anything can be considered a nightmare even if you don't wake up scared like a big dramatic chased by a dinosaur nightmare can. like if it makes you feel bad or anxious when you wake up that's a nightmare still, which is an easy, healthy way to reframe the thinking if ur struggling w these types of dreams
3. similarly if u dream of trauma/similiarly traumatising events that you have or have not 1:1 experienced but are still bc of said trauma, especially "sex dreams", these also mean nothing and are the same meaningless goop in your brain, and any reaction you may or may not have during or after the dream is bc of the same hormonal response your brain has to just about anything to do with sex. much like how someone sa'd who has a stimulated response didn't "actually like it", the only job of a dream is to in some way create stimulus and they're rooted in nothing tangible I Promise. reliving trauma of any kind in dreams is very common, doesn't mean you're suppressing anything or bad or secretly into it.
ok that's all kisses
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Daily Habits to Reduce Stress and Anxiety | Stoic Tips for a Calmer Mind
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crypt1dcorv1dae · 23 days
To people who draw Apollo justice with some Beef: I love you I would marry you you are doing important work
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jmrothwell · 6 months
. . .
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harmonyhealinghub · 9 months
Reduce Anxiety in 10 Seconds: Engage Your Senses for Instant Calm
Shaina Tranquilino
January 16, 2024
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We all experience moments of anxiety and stress in our lives. Whether it's due to work pressures, personal challenges, or the constant barrage of information we receive daily, finding quick and effective ways to reduce anxiety is essential for our overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore a simple yet powerful technique that can help you find instant calm within just 10 seconds - engaging your senses. By focusing on what you see, hear, feel, smell, and taste around you, you can quickly shift your attention away from anxious thoughts and ground yourself in the present moment.
To practice this exercise effectively, find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably or stand if you prefer. Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. Now let's begin:
1. Five Things You See: Look around your surroundings deliberately and identify five things that catch your attention visually. It could be anything from objects in the room to nature outside your window. Focus on these visual elements with curiosity and interest, allowing them to distract you momentarily from any anxious thoughts. Example: A painting hanging on the wall, a potted plant on the windowsill, a family photo on your desk, sunlight streaming through the curtains, and a cozy blanket draped over the couch.
2. Four Things You Hear: Shift your focus now to what you can hear around you. Tune into various sounds present in your environment with an open mind. Pay attention to both external noises and internal sounds like your own breathing or heartbeat. Example: Birds chirping outside, distant traffic noise, the hum of electronics running nearby, gentle background music playing softly, and the sound of your own steady breaths.
3. Three Things You Feel: Next, direct your attention towards physical sensations within your body. These could include feelings of warmth or coolness, pressure, tingling, or the texture of objects you are touching. Notice these sensations and let them anchor you in the present moment. Example: The softness of the cushion beneath you, the warmth of sunlight on your skin, and the gentle breeze brushing against your face.
4. Two Things You Smell: Engaging our sense of smell can be a powerful tool to shift our focus and reduce anxiety. Take a deep breath in through your nose and try to identify two distinct smells around you. It could be the scent of flowers, freshly brewed coffee, or even the aroma of scented candles. Example: The subtle fragrance of lavender essential oil and the rich aroma of freshly baked cookies from the kitchen.
5. One Thing You Taste: Finally, bring your attention to your sense of taste by identifying one thing you can taste at that moment. This might require a bit more creativity depending on where you are but try focusing on any residual flavors in your mouth or imagine something delicious like mint or citrus. Example: The lingering sweetness of a piece of chocolate you enjoyed earlier or the refreshing burst of flavor from chewing gum.
By engaging your senses for just 10 seconds using this simple exercise, you can effectively redirect your attention away from anxious thoughts and ground yourself in the present moment. Remember that practice makes perfect! Regularly incorporating this technique into your daily routine will help it become an automatic response whenever anxiety arises.
Remember, reducing anxiety is a journey that requires patience and self-compassion. While this exercise may not eliminate all sources of stress from your life, it can serve as a valuable tool in managing anxiety when used consistently over time. So take a deep breath, engage your senses, and find solace in knowing that calm is always within reach - even if just for 10 seconds at a time.
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lesbianlenas · 1 year
applying for an apartment was. tbh. the worst experience of my life….if i don’t get accepted for this apartment i will kms so aggressively the whole world will explode just from my forceful energy alone…..
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there's something deeply wrong with me
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alexofasinfulnature · 2 years
Rosa Odorata
I fear your gentle voice,
it's a reminder that there's always been a choice,
between the serrated blade love I know,
and your sweet love that makes plants grow.
I'm almost envious of their connection,
how they are showered with your affection,
and how they strive to touch you,
if I were a rose I would too.
A rose with nothing to fear,
a rose that only needs you near,
but I am not a rose,
and I'll never get that close.
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sanchoyo · 1 year
I am actually so annoyed w reselling my shit online it’s unreal. Ppl on depop are decently nice usually and have manners but I swear every other website is a hellscape of ppl straight up ignoring my descriptions 🙃 sure I need the money but …ppl not reading that I’m not willing to go lower than the listed price on my camera, (which is already a huge discount from the value) offering $200 for a $700-900 value (when again, it’s not listed for that much but is 100% worth it!!) is SO insulting I actually can’t believe it 😭 where do they get the audacity….
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britneyshakespeare · 1 year
well i didn’t get my paycheck in the mail but i did get a referral notice from my doctor saying that i can expect to see an endocrinologist... in SIX. FUCKING. MONTHS.
#no. fucking. no#i can barely get out of bed on a good day. i've been feeling this way for months.#bloodwork says i HAVE hashimoto's disease. i have a family history of thyroid issues on both sides#i am NOT in acceptable health to be waiting six months. i wanna cry. maybe i will#tales from diana#another fucking phone call i have to make on monday. i still haven't called the other specialist i need to see to make an appointment#the secretary told me they'd take care of this one and schedule it for me#they said it might take until the fall#i can't wait until the fucking winter solstice#i have so much anxiety on top of all of this health shit i have barely been able to think straight this week#everything in my life is falling apart#reducing/managing stress is all they told me i can do for now (until i potentially start a treatment course)#to prevent myself from developing full-blown hypothyroidism#AND LET ME TELL YOU... CIRCUMSTANCES IN THE LAST WEEK HAVE NOT BEEN GREAT FOR THAT#i'm gonna have to drop out of society and be a recluse again at this rate. this is so discouraging#i'm not gonna be able to continue my education or pick up a steady job#luckily being a substitute teacher is super flexible but i wanna fuckin be able to pick up hours at that job#i haven't been able to work more than two fucking days a week since april#i don't leave the house to see ppl anymore bc if i so much as walk in a parking lot im unable to get up for the rest of the day#im PISSED#i do wanna cry#ok bye i can't be ranting like this anymore i wanna cry
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selectivechaos · 2 years
imagery for anxiety
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therapist sent me this. thought it might be helpful. i always thought of coping skills as things just to reduce anxiety in the moment, but now i kind of see it as a way to become acquainted with feeling calm. i never feel calm, and apparently having too much cortisol in your body for years on end can cause more physical health problems like chronic pain. only problem is i couldn’t think of any real place that was calming enough, so i just made one up. it’s kind of like an old brown sofa that’s midway in a very green forest , and there’s some mossy rocks and giant dragonflies and stuff, and there’s wind but i still feel warm, and there’s blankets. transcript under cut. 🌹🌹
“Think of a place that you find comforting. It could be a secluded beach, your bedroom, a quiet mountaintop, or even a loud concert. For 5 to 10 minutes, use all your senses to imagine this setting in great detail. Don't just think fleetingly about this place--really imagine it.
🌹What do you see around you? What do you notice in the distance? Look all around to take in all your surroundings. Look for small details you would usually miss. 
🌹What sounds can you hear? Are they soft or loud? Listen closely to everything around you. Keep listening to see if you notice any distant sounds. 
🌹Are you eating or drinking something enjoyable? What is the flavor like? How does it taste? Savor all the tastes of the food or drink. 
🌹What can you feel? What is the temperature like? Think of how the air feels on your skin, and how your clothes feel on your body. Soak in all these sensations. 
🌹What scents are present? Are they strong or faint? What does the air smell like? Take some time to appreciate the scents.”
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Top 7 Benefits of Essential Oils
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Essential oils have been around for thousands of years. Their use in traditional and folk medicine practices in various cultures around the world is nothing new, but their more widespread usage is becoming increasingly popular. Not only do essential oils smell pleasant—they’re also used in aromatherapy, personal hygiene practices, health care, cooking, cleaning, beauty treatments, and more! In this blog, we’ll share the top seven benefits of essential oils. 
What Are Essential Oils?  
Ultimately, essential oils are concentrated plant extracts that retain the natural smell and flavor of their source. They're made by steaming or pressing various parts of a plant (including the flowers, bark, leaves, fruit, roots, and peels) to capture the compounds that produce fragrance. There are dozens of different essential oils—like lavender, tea tree, peppermint, lemon, and ginger—all with different fragrances, chemical makeups, and associated uses.  
7 Common, Everyday Benefits of Essential Oils  
Boost Immunity & Fight Infections - Many essential oils have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Chemical substances found in oils have the potential to fight foreign pathogens that may threaten your health. Tea tree oil, for example, has traditionally been used for wound healing; today, it’s commonly used to soothe acne, combat athlete's foot, and provide relief from insect bites. 
Alleviate Aches & Pains - Among the most popular benefits of essential oils are their analgesic effects. Oils like frankincense and eucalyptus are known to help with inflammation, while lemon and rosemary may assist with pain regulation. 
Reduce Stress & Anxiety - Through aromatherapy—the practice of using essential oils for therapeutic purposes by inhaling their scent molecules—several different oils are used to better manage stress and anxiety. Oils such as orange, rose, and bergamot can induce calming, peaceful, and uplifting feelings. 
Support Digestion - Essential oils can help aid digestion by stimulating digestive enzymes that make it easier to break down and absorb nutrients, fats, and proteins needed by the human body. Some help relieve an upset stomach, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, ulcers, and gastrointestinal conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). 
Improve Energy Levels - Some oils may even help deal with feelings of tiredness and lethargy by increasing brain oxygen concentration. 
Relieve Headaches & Migraines - Instead of simply masking the pain, essential oils can work as a natural remedy for headaches and migraines by getting to the root of the problem: poor circulation and blood flow, stress, and sinus pressure. 
Promote Good Sleep - Those who struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep should be delighted to know that some essential oils, especially lavender, have sedative properties. Many people find the scent of lavender to be relaxing, helping them achieve a more restful night’s sleep.  
As you can see, the benefits of essential oils reach far and wide, so everyone stands to find them of use in one way or another! Here at Restoration Wellness, our goal is to help you achieve great health and wellness with natural medicine, herbs, essential oils (we exclusively use doTERRA essential oils at our shop), detox programs, and so many other services. Contact us today at 508-769-3682 to consult about which oils will work best for you, and we’ll get you started down the path of lasting wellness! 
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peaceful-ambiance · 2 years
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flops · 2 years
oh today i got answeres for my ear pain.. turns out i have tmj so my jaw was causing everything 🙏 i wont lose my hearing
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ashmitha1 · 2 years
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"CALMNESS IS THE CRADLE OF POWER." Best supplement for stress to help to reduce stress & anxiety. it will help you to focus on work.
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