#references 😉
lilliesthings · 3 months
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shuploc · 8 months
Kay but also? 👀👀👀 Do you think you'll ever share a screenshot of your TAV from bg3? Bc I truely enjoy all the unique characters ppl come out with, names backgrounds, everything?
This is such a boring answer, but my Tav is literally just me 😭
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I know a big component of DnD is to play as a made-up character, but since there's a bunch of options for customization in the game, I wanted to see if I could make a character that looks like me and I got surprisingly close!
Fittingly, my plan was also to play my first run as if I had been isekai'd into Faerûn, and pick the dialog options that were closest to what I would have said myself if I had been in those situations
But anyways, super sweet of you to ask, I'm really sorry for the boring answer though 😅
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shadowkira · 10 months
Lae'zel: *grabs Shadowheart's throat in a rough and threatening way*
Shadowheart: *gasps out a moan*
Lae'zel: ............
Shadowheart: ..............
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animaxvi · 10 months
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"I was so heavy in your arms. And yet, my dear, you held me despite it all" ☀️🐺👑
Day 2 - 'ragnarok | rebirth'
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I wanna know where all the metalhead acotar fans are at because I’m starting to get the feeling like I’m the only one😭
If you are an acotar metalhead fan please show yourselves my blog is a safe space for you pookie
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iheartgod175 · 2 months
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I played too much KonoSuba and this doodle popped into my head 😅
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ghurab-alzilal · 11 months
Nightwing: Okay guys, halloween is tomorrow so I want everyone to come dressed up as something that scares you to the party.
*Next night, all Titans comes dressed up as Robin *
Damian, dressed up as the Heretic : What the hell does this mean?
Raven: I don't know but I have to admit the mask makes me feel... terrifying. *smirks *
Damian: YOU TOO???!!!
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studentbyday · 3 months
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*vivaldi's summer plays in the background* i keep flip flopping between feeling confident and having no confidence...as per usual in the lead-up to exams.
finished practice exam
did some questions from the book
kind of reviewing past assignment questions
review notes (again bc...it kind of feels like a mess in my brain sometimes so this helps me re-organize...)
i kept losing focus today. i have passion and energy for anything other than ochem which...i'm feeling pretty sick of by now. luckily the test is tomorrow and i can review a little in the morning before it actually happens and then i never have to look at set of reagents and wrack my brain trying to remember which reaction occurs and what the product will look like based on the rules again. or try to figure out whether a set of reactants is likely to undergo Sn1, Sn2, E1, or E2, or god forbid a mix of the reaction types, which is another really annoying thing to do.
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multicolour-ink · 2 years
Ok but WHAT IF
Bowser manipulates Luigi into working for him
Something like "Haha you're not in the prophecy so you're not important. Don't you just hate your brother taking the lime light?"
And Luigi (already feeling less confident and overall unimportant than Mario, even in Brooklyn), gets transformed into a minion.
And at the end, Mario steps into Bowser's throne room, expecting to fight the Koopa King.
But instead
Standing in front of the throne
Is his own brother
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supes9 · 1 month
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"I might start to understand you, and that would scare me."
🚨 SUMMER OF 51’s (2024) 🚨            ⮑ Day 6:  Out Of This World
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hostilemuppet · 6 months
oh yeah that definitely makes much more sense than what i was thinking. cause it'd be wild as hell reading about pro-life floyd on twitter and then, idk, going to the grocery store and he's the cashier.
ik weve focused more on the drama aspect but... its obvious theyre mega successful mega rich celebrities right? i thought it was very clear
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blorboo · 3 months
Idk who this will reach but to everyone who's ever read "Order's Up" by @DeerandWalnuts on A03 (aka the lovely @curry-and-gunpowder on tumblr) I went ahead and ordered ✨le drink✨
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by that I mean Dazai's infamous "One coffee with lots of milk, decaf, double sugar, cooled down but no ice" that he orders in the fic.
SHSHSHS overall experience: 9/10!
mainly cause a.) i punched my social anxiety by doing this 🤭 and b.) the drink actually didn't taste that bad! (i love sweets and milk though so.. 🤷
yipee~ [disclaimers in the tag btw]
**** for those who don't know
the fic is quick one shot about dazai's strange coffee orders told from the perspective of the cafe waitress (who actually has a personality btw!). it's inspired by chapter 1 of the Dark Era LN, where Dazai asks hirotsu for a drink.
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If you haven't read the fic yet, i suggest you do! It's only 1 chapter, a very quick and EASY read, it's light hearted and the writing is engaging. <3 link is here:
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radioactivepeasant · 1 year
Fic Prompts: Snippet Monday
Some weeks ago, @sparguscityangel and I were discussing the world map in Jak 2, and it occurred to me that at least one character refers to the northeastern area of the main continent as The Wasteland as well as the island to the west. And in the Jak and Daxter franchise, plot holes are just writer worldbuilding opportunities. So we started tossing around the idea of there being two or three separate communities of Wastelanders, all in different environments, because "wasteland" doesn't automatically mean "desert". And we thought "maybe they're all loosely affiliated and the leaders of the clans meet up every once in a while". For context, my idea of the other clans was Longstump Clan, down where the swamp used to be in TPL, and Foothills Clan, which lives around what used to be the Spider Caves and the base of Snowy Mountain. All this then got incorporated into Adopted Dadmas au with a pinch of Spy Tess. (That bit comes tomorrow)
"Fine young gun you've got there, Wolf."
The chief of the Longstump settlement took a drag on his intricately carved pipe and nodded to where Jak was climbing up one of the old pillars to watch for Marauder activity below. The old man snorted as the boy turned an unnecessarily elaborate flip to make it to the top.
"What is he now, eighteen? Nineteen?"
"Sixteen, by count of his last physical," Damas answered, sparing the boy a glance. A faint smile tugged at his cheek. "Sixteen, impudent, and always climbing, that one."
Sal puffed out a smoky chuckle. "No wonder the Foothills band likes him."
He leaned back and shook out the soft hide vest and tunic common to the inland Wastelanders, rattling with wooden beads and Precursor metal. His hands were wrinkled, and his face creased; Sal was old enough to be Damas’s father, but his hair was the same deep teak it was in his youth, tied back in neat plaits.
"At the rate he's going, he'll have no trouble when it's time for his Proving," Sal observed.
The Proving. That was what the Wastelanders of Longstump called the trials to usher newcomers into their ranks: a three day test of strength against metalheads in the basin, with an amulet awarded for each day survived.
The Foothill Wastelanders called their test Running the Spire. Young warriors or outsiders wishing to join had to race up a dangerous trail on the border of the Marauder homelands, without being caught by Marauders or dangerous wildlife, and infiltrate Snowy Mountain to bring back a piece of Marauder armor.
By comparison, the Arena was a far more controlled environment, with more rules. There was a strange irony in that.
Damas couldn't have said why the swell of pride he felt was so overwhelmingly strong, but he didn't bother to hide it.
"Jak has already passed the first two trials of his Proving," he corrected the Longstump chief with a full smile.
"I predict that before winter, he will join the warriors' councils as an equal."
Sal took another puff of his pipe and shook his head in wonder. "Two amulets and he's sixteen. Shee-oo! You dune-wolves don't do anything by halves, do you? You must be so proud."
Damas looked up. "I am," he murmured, smiling.
From the top of the pillar, Jak seemed to feel his stare. He looked down and made a questioning face. Damas snorted and signed up at him, "No moncaw-business! I'm not stealing light eco from the temple if you fall down and break both your arms!"
Sal laughed out loud beside him. "Ah! I remember telling my daughters that all the time!"
Yvelle, matriarch of the Foothills Clan finally looked up from the trade agreements the three had been exchanging. "Sometimes you just have to let them learn the hard way," she offered.
Damas made a face. "Can't. He convinced an Oracle in Haven city to teach him how to battle-shift -- like the Sages used to in the history books -- and now half the time he just regenerates whatever damage he's done to himself. I tell you, if my hair wasn't already white..."
"Your boy is a War Sage?" Sal sputtered, choking on smoke.
Yvelle's eyes glittered with interest. "No wonder he's half done with his Proving already. Hey, if you need a break, just send him up to the Caves. We'll tire him out."
"In your dreams, Yvelle," Damas scoffed. "Get your own kid: Jak's mine!"
"Worth a shot," the woman joked. "But seriously, my Lurker Wastelanders are asking about taking back their ancestral city in Frosthold. Loooooot of Marauders up there. We could use a War Sage."
Damas leaned back and searched the sky for a moment before his eyes landed on the Day-Star. He frowned. "Let's deal with subverting the apocalypse first. Then we'll see how far I'm willing to let my boy travel unaccompanied."
Of course, Jak would likely have all three amulets by then, and thus be considered old enough to go where he wanted. But Damas wasn't fond of the idea. He'd lost one son, why tempt fate by letting another wander far from home without supervision?
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Huh? Dominating a man can’t be fu- well actually it looks fun in its own way. - France in Hetalia Fantasia
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necramentia · 2 years
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Looks like nip’s back on the menu boys!
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playing-with-dax · 2 months
I have 2 asks in my inbox I'm gonna draw responses for!
Y'all really wanna see tongues huh lol
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