#regardless. i’m just going to prep for the interview and then do it. it’ll be fine probably
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Okay I have an interview with a temping agency that organise TA positions. If I just end up straight back in education after this whole side quest I’m going to laugh and then cry
#okay i hated teaching but tbh i didn’t mind TAing? and i have this friend who said they were thinking about leaving education entirely#until they switched to TAing and now they love their job#they TA in primary school though which… to me is insane. i spent a morning volunteering in a primary school and it was just full on chaos#like please give me adults or at least older teenagers lol#other than that… i mean i think i’d be okay as a TA. i’m just fully out of practice doing interviews in the education field#i remember that they’re super strict and i remember some of the questions they ask. they aaaalways ask about safeguarding and british values#which are really simple questions to answer. they want you to say something like ‘i’d report to the safeguarding lead’#and name a few british values; maybe walk them through how you’d approach the subject with a class#for a TA it’d probably be even less intense than that. they’d just want to know i’ve had Some prevent training#the rest i don’t really know. probably just the usual stuff about my experience and why i want to TA#they’re probably going to be way too interested in why someone with a master’s degree and multiple teaching quals wants to be a TA#and take the salary hit; and the honest answer is i don’t like teaching. i don’t like the long hours or the responsibility#but i don’t mind working in education and i know i have the necessary skills to do so lol#regardless. i’m just going to prep for the interview and then do it. it’ll be fine probably#personal
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madmadmilk · 5 years
Hey madmad, I wanna share some good news I got: I finally got a job!!!! I’ve been trying since March last year and now I finally got a job!! I am so terrified, it’s my first job and it doesn’t start until February but I already have SO MUCH anxiety, if you got any tips on how to calm down please let me know but yeah first job yay
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Yeeessss!!! I’m so fucking happy for you!!! The job hunt is so perilous and no one truly knows about the hard work you did to get there,, so i hope you’re celebrating!!!! :) but yeah we’ve all been in this spot before. Here’s some reminders and tips for your first few days:
Remember that your employers WANT you. You interviewed and made it past the tests and everyone else because they want what YOU have! You’ve got a great ethic, and mind and presence and energy! Love that!
It’s ok to be nervous. That’s natural lol, you’re entering an environment that you’ve never been in before with people you don’t know. That’s eternally nerve wracking for a lot of people >>> but it doesn’t mean your have to perceive it as negative. Start thinking of your nerves as excitement. List off the cool things that will come from this and look forward to it!
The people training you have been in your position. Dont’ forget that! Everyone around you has had their “nervous first day” too, so people will generally be kind and considerate to your status! We all start somewhere.
Drink a lot of water the day before, sleep early and just be as well rested as you can. You’re gonna be exhausted after your first day, regardless of whatever kind of job you’re going into. It’s a lot of information to process at once and a lot of polite smiles. Be ready to use up a loooot of energy.
Talk about it! Talk about your nerves to the people close to you. It’ll ease your worries and you’ll be comforted nicely. Also,,, feel free to shout yourself out! You worked hard for this! You deserve to be praised!
Dance. Lol i don’t think this is a tip for everybody, but before i have to do something big or whatever, i like to sing really loud in my car or dance around my room before i get there. Something to get the blood pumping and just borrow a bit of excitement. It can prep you for the energy you’re gonna have to give for the day.
That’s all i have for now! I’m so so so so incredibly happy for you, and can’t wait for your journey! You got this, you got this!! :) good luck!
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safely-crazy · 5 years
Prepping for an Interview...
So, I’m currently getting ready for an interview that I have coming up and it’s astounding how much research I’ve just been doing about the whole interview process. So! I decided to compile it all and decided to pass on the sage wisdom of the job hunting realm (lol):
Whoever contacted you about the interview, get their information (name, email, phone, etc). You don’t need to be best buds with the people but it’s good for both reference and further contacting.
Research the hell out of the company you applied to. Even if you think you know the company, look up their mission and vision statements and their values (if given) at least. This allows you to sniff out the mindset of the company and what their prime candidate looks like.
See if they pop up in the news; if they don’t then they’re either too small or know how to deal with failure. If they do, you can learn how they deal with failure/praise.
Write out a list of questions to ask your interviewer. You’ll stand out a hell of a lot more if you make it more like a two-way conversation. YOU ARE INTERVIEWING THEM AS MUCH AS THEY ARE INTERVIEWING YOU (even if you’re desperate for a job; it shows you care and are thinking ahead).
Make a resume if you haven’t already and print it off. Even though their system may have your resume, it’s always nice to have the option of a hard copy for the interviewer (especially if they ‘can’t find yours’ at the time of the interview.
If you are the type to take notes to remember things, ask your interviewer/contact ahead of time if it’s alright for you to take notes during the interview. If yes, sweet. If no, respect them and review what you’d like to go over.
DO NOT come with a notebook filled with how you plan to respond to common interview questions; this comes across as nervous and poor planning.
EYE CONTACT!!!!! I know it gets hella awkward and sometimes it’s just unbearable. If you’d like to attempt full eye contact, look them in the eye, note their eye color, and then look away. Otherwise, you could look at their forehead, nose, or lips to make it look like your keeping eye contact (i tend to look at people’s mouths out of habit).
Actually pay attention. I’ve been in a couple interviews where I’ve accidentally zoned out and then find myself just smiling and nodding. This is not good since most interviewers are trained to notice when someone isn’t invested in the conversation. It’s actually killed a few of my chances.
Relax your body language. Get in the seat they give you and roll your shoulders. Just act like your having a couple brewskies with the fam if you have to (but slightly more professional--legs crossed or a straighter back).
Be honest, but in a positive way. DO NOT BAD MOUTH PREVIOUS JOBS no matter how horrible it was. Phrase it in a way that’s positive and looks forward to working with the company.
Ask the questions you’ve prepared. A common one is to ask if there’s anything in your resume that concerns them. Another is to ask how the interviewer has enjoyed their time with the company. You can ask several other questions that may require some previous research on the company itself. And make sure to phrase them in a way that sounds like you if you can. If you can’t, no worries, but understand what you’re asking.
MAKE SURE YOU ASK WHAT THE NEXT STEPS ARE. Don’t just assume they’ll contact you. Unfortunately, most companies won’t tell you if they’ve decided on someone else. By asking about next steps, you’ll most likely be able to get a time frame on when you should hear back from them if hired.
Preferably the day of or after, send the interviewer a thank you. There are a couple templates online (that i can’t find at the moment) that show how to word it. Basically, thank them for taking their time to see you and how great an opportunity was to do so. Follow that up with an enthusiastic “Can’t wait to hear from you” in pro-talk before thanking them again. This keeps you in the interviewer’s mind.
Go over what you went over with the interviewer and decide if the company is a good fit for you. An interview does not automatically guarantee the company that you will accept a hiring if they chose you. Again, this is just as much as you interviewing the company as the company is interviewing you. If you think it’ll be overly stressful, or the environment will be awful, it’s okay to kindly thank them but deny the offer. And you don’t have to explain yourself. A good cop out answer, if you decide to reject, is to say you found an opportunity elsewhere.
Continue to apply elsewhere. Even if you think you nailed the interview, it’s never good to bank on getting that singular job. Because, unfortunately, getting a job is difficult even if you did everything right. 
It’s okay to ask the interviewer where they’re at within their hiring process. Don’t overload them with emails asking everyday, because that can have the opposite effect. I usually wait about 5-7 days before inquiring how far along the process they are. You aren’t guaranteed an answer, but if they do, it’ll generally mean you’re still in the running (unless they inform you otherwise).
Treat yourself a little bit in order to help you relax after. Nothing good comes from prolonged stress. Let yourself ease out of interview mode (i normally get some of my favorite food to help relax me...or a nap)
Regardless of what company the interview is for, try to dress to impress. What impresses a company is different for each one. Hotels and corporate companies usually prefer business formal for an interview (to show you’re serious) while others like retail, tattoo shops, and locally owned would probably be alright with dress-up casual (like jeans and a nice shirt or something along those lines). Never show up in sweats, pajamas, or mismatched clothes unless you know for a fact that the business wouldn’t mind it. Even if you aren’t overly fashionable (like me), try to find a researched outfit that will put you in the interviewer’s favor since people’s first impressions start with an outfit.
This is, by no means, an extensive list of what to do. It never hurts to look it up for yourself either (especially when it comes to writing thank yous and follow ups). However, I do hope this will be able to help some of you. ^_^
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The Trophies of NaNoWriMo, with AJ Mac
Follow this link to check out the book The Gem State Siege:
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The following is a transcript of this episode. The complete transcript is available on the show’s website.
[00:00:00] Devin Davis: Are you ever worried about writing a large amount of text in a short amount of time? Then you need to listen to AJ Mac, author of the book The Gem State Seige. He wrote the entire thing during NaNoWriMo of 2020, and he is our guest today on Writing in the Tiny House. Hello, hello, hello! And welcome to the show.
[00:00:47] Welcome back to the show. I am Devin Davis, your host, and I am the guy living in a tiny house to show you all of the different ways, regardless of how busy you are, that you can write that book. We focus mainly on fiction, at least the majority of these episodes. Today we have a person that I have been so excited to get to know. His name isAJ Mac.
[00:01:11] His first name is actually Aaron. And it's not in the interview. So I get to share a little tidbit before we play the interview. I actually met Aaron on a Facebook group looking for a critique partner. I had no idea what he had done. I had no idea his story or the process that he had taken to write this thing, but we exchanged first chapters many, many months ago and he critiqued my first chapter.
[00:01:40] I critiqued his first chapter. It was a great experience. And then like, a couple months later, I realized that his book was being released and was in print. So today we have AJ Mac, author of the book The Gem State Seige to share his entire story with us. 
[00:02:02] AJ Mac: I started off writing a completely different novel that I said I was going to release first, but then I thought about the options of like Permafree books and like start in content. Cause I just wanted to kind of roll into something that was a little bit bigger of a project than the one that I released first. And it took me about 10 years to actually write that novel, like rewriting and constantly revising and all of that. The final draft of that book, it took me about nine months to do a hundred thousand words, I think. And I was just like, okay I need to write it a little bit faster if I have this goal of doing all of these books and all of this story, this this whole sci-fi universe that I've created in my head, I might want to write a little bit faster.
[00:02:52] So NaNoWriMo came along. I found it on Facebook, found a lot of groups on Facebook, talking about writing 50,000 words in a month. And I was like, Okay. That's a challenge. I'm going to take it. I don't know if I can do it, but I'm going to try. 
[00:03:07] So October 31st. I was just like, kind of like at my computer at 1159, like a runner at a Olympic track meet. 12 o'clock hit and I just started going. It took me about 20 days, 21 days, I think to get the 50,000 words, but I did it and I proved to myself that I actually could write faster. 
[00:03:29] Devin Davis: NaNoWriMo, though it calls itself a competition, is more like a big push to get people to start writing. No one is looking over your shoulder. You don't submit your progress to anyone, but it's just a month long marathon in the spirit of writing. And it is celebrated by everyone. When Aaron got in the thick of it, he had some big realizations about his own writing process.
[00:03:58] AJ Mac: I like being a pantser for the most part. Doing Prep-Tober is what they call it when you're preparing for NaNoWriMo I took some time out and wrote like a whole outline. I started setting up my writing space, and I bought Scrivener, and I wrote out and it took me about a day or so to write this entire like, outline of what I was going to do.
[00:04:21] And about Chapter Two, I was like screw outline. Yeah. I just yeah. 
[00:04:26] Devin Davis: He wrote for hours every day. Like he said, it took him 21 days to get his first draft completed. Three weeks. And as you might imagine, it took a toll on his social life.
[00:04:41] AJ Mac: I don't think I talked to my girlfriend much during that time. I was working night shift at my full-time job. And what I would do is I would work 5:00 PM to about 4:00 AM, was my schedule. And I would spend as much time as I possibly could while I was working-- which wasn't much-- writing. And when I was at home I would wake up early. I still wake up earlier about 11 o'clock and I will write until I go to work. so I I was pretty much, at my computer the entire time. 
[00:05:14] Devin Davis: Because he wasn't an experienced writer, at first he didn't know how to go about self edits and critique partners at all. This is how he handled it.
[00:05:25] AJ Mac: And I sat on the manuscript for about a month and a half maybe. And like, there were a lot of people saying that if you write something in NaNoWriMo, then it should at least be a year out before you actually start, like, thinking about publishing, but I was determined. I was determined to get some feedback on it. And I, I went to Facebook groups and like a bunch of critique groups. And I start querying for some people to give me some feedback on the book. And that was my start. And to editing that rough draft and submitting that rough draft and seeing if there was a actual concept for me to even publish a book. 
[00:06:05] Devin Davis: And a few short months later, he had The Gem State Siege in print.
[00:06:13] AJ Mac: It's about Tawnie Simms, a world-renowned conspiracy theorist who finds herself in the middle of a cataclysmic event in her hometown, Idaho falls. When what seems like a natural disaster, a mysterious organization that uses the tragedy is fueled to start a mass extermination disguised as a pandemic. Tawnie has to find her way to stop the monstrous billionaire responsible while keeping her and her five-year-old son safe.
[00:06:41] Devin Davis: So this book required some research, not only about concepts, but about geography. The story takes place in Idaho falls and Aaron doesn't even live there.
[00:06:54] AJ Mac: The pantser in me decided to find it somewhere where geysers would make sense for for the relic that I used in the book. So Yellowstone National Park was, was nearby. I have a fascination with-- and this is going to sound horrible-- but I have a fascination with like end of the world kind of cataclysmic movies like that, like movies, like 2012 and Water Worlds, things like that. Just kind of like interests me. So the apocalyptic trope I feel like that's my thing. That's what interests me. It's a lot of build up to what I'm doing in the scifi universe that I'm creating and the world that I'm putting together. And that just happened to be one of the starting points of the world.
[00:07:36] Devin Davis: So I asked him what got him interested in books and science fiction in the first place.
[00:07:44] AJ Mac: A lot of fanfiction. I used to do a lot of sketches growing up and drawing my own comic books specifically when I was younger. It was a show called Dragon Ball Z that for whatever reason in America did not want to continue past a certain saga.
[00:08:00] So I started drawing my own and that trend never left. Like I fell in love with writing and coming up with my own ideas. And I felt comfortable. Like growing up as an introvert, I felt comfortable just writing my own reality as opposed to living in the real reality, I guess. And it just kind of worked for me. 
[00:08:19] Devin Davis: All of us as writers, face roadblocks and other struggles. And sometimes we have self doubt. 
[00:08:25] AJ Mac: I struggled with the belief that I could even write that fast, considering that I've just been sitting on a bunch of ideas for 10 years before I actually decided to publish a novel. For any aspiring author that wants to write, join a community like NaNoWriMo where people are having the same challenges.
[00:08:47] Devin Davis: Not only is Erin cranking out books, but he and his friends also do a podcast.
[00:08:54] AJ Mac: My podcast is called The Dirty Trunk podcast. And we like to say that that's where the elephant is always welcome. And we talk about the uncomfortable conversations about growth and building your mindset as an entrepreneur. They come out every Tuesday, and the last episode we discussed your environment and how it shapes your future as an adult. 
[00:09:17] Devin Davis: By the time this episode airs, the Dirty Trunk podcast will have reached more than 100 episodes. 
[00:09:26] AJ Mac: For anybody who's listening to this episode here, if you have the goal or the dream to be a published author, do it. You can listen to this podcast and everybody who joins Mr. Devin on this this journey being a guest on this awesome podcast that he has here in this platform, you can listen to every single one of them talk about their dreams, their goals of how to start and how they started, but it will not be possible for you unless you actually put pen to paper and do it. Do not let fear get in the way of your goals and your dream. 
[00:10:01] Devin Davis: A special things to Aaron, author name AJ Mac, for joining me today on Writing in the Tiny House. He is working hard on the next several books of his series. And I am excited to see when those are going to come out. If you are interested in ordering or reading the Gem State Siege by AJ Mac, follow the link in the show notes and it'll get you there.
[00:10:26] And that is it for today. Thank you so much for my patrons. Without them this show can not be possible. If you wish to become a patron, patreon.com/writinginthetinyhouse. You can get early access to these episodes. You can get an additional episode, and you can get quality time with me over our exclusive chat rooms on Discord. Follow me on Instagram. My handle is @authordevindavis and on Twitter, my handle is @authordevind. Thank you so much for listening. We will see you next week and have fun writing.
Check out this episode!
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myselfinserts · 5 years
The choice is yours, don’t be late
“Hello, Mr. Aizawa? This is Mr. Aylward, calling to confirm your interview time. Please be here no later than 11am this Saturday. You’ll be expected to bring a portfolio of your previous modelling jobs if you can, along with an extra copy of your resume, a change of clothes in case the artists want to give you a test session, and your identification. If you wish to cancel, please call us before Friday at 5pm. The choice is yours if you wish to proceed with your application process, so please don’t be late for this appointment or the cancelling deadline. We’re very excited to meet you.”
Shouta had prepared everything the night before. He’d made sure he was cleaned up, packed a brush and hair tie just in case, and made damn certain he had triple copies of his previous modelling work. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to show he was experienced and committed. He wasn’t worried about the appointment. 
The one he was worried about though was his daughter. Midoriya and Togata both were busy preparing for the upcoming practice exams, and everyone else he knew had prior commitments. And he was not going to just leave Eri with someone he didn’t know on short notice. 
So he packed her day bag and brought her with him to the interview.
“Where are we going?” Eri asked, staying close and her head low. 
Shouta smiled fondly. “I have a job offer, and we’re going to the interview. If I get this job, I’ll be away a bit more for a short period of time, but it’ll mean I can earn some more money.”
“And money is important?”
“It is. You earn lots of money, you can buy lots of apples.”
Eri managed a smile. “I like apples.”
“I know, Eri.” They stopped in front of the building, looking up at the door. “That’s why I’m doing this interview. If I get the job, we can get lots more apples.”
She looked up at Shouta, her head tilted slightly. “Can I work too? To get you a cat after Melba goes home?”
“No, it’s okay,” he chuckled. “You enjoy your childhood. You can work when you’re a grumpy old man like me.”
“Can’t I be a grumpy old man now?”
“No, you be Eri.”
“Okay. I’ll be Eri.”
Shouta gave her a gentle pat on the head and the two went inside. 
The main floor was rather nice, with clean white walls and tiles, fine art hanging from the walls and ceiling, giving it the bold colors and making it feel more welcoming. There were stairs to the right and an elevator to the left, and near the back end between the two a rather nice desk with someone typing away at a computer. 
I guess I sign in here.
“Excuse me?” Shouta said, pulling out his i.d. “Shouta Aizawa. I’m here for my 11am appointment.”
The secretary took his i.d., flipping through to a page on the small dates binder off to the side. “You’re thirty minutes early. That’s good, but not ideal. Monsieur Allard does not like being interrupted while in the middle of work and is quite of the mind of people being punctual.”
“You don’t have to interrupt him. We can wait for him to finish.”
“We?” The secretary narrowed their eyes. “Mr. Aizawa, you’re the only person we’re expecting this morning.”
Shouta nodded, reaching down and picking Eri up, holding her close. “I know, but I couldn’t find a babysitter. This is my daughter, Eri.”
“Hello,” Eri greeted timidly. 
The secretary’s harsh stare softened a bit and they let out a sigh. “Hello.” They quickly pulled out the sign in sheet, having him sign them both in and then proceeded to escort them to the elevator. “My name is Chris, and I’m Monsieur Allard’s personal assistant and the group’s secretary. I’ll be taking you up to level seven, where you can wait for your interviewers to arrive. I’m sure Mx. Adaire won’t mind you both waiting on their floor.”
Shouta was confused. “Their floor?”
Chris nodded. “Each artist gets their own floor for their own personal work, with the exception of Mx. Adaire, who turned their floor into a sort of activity room for the cats during the day. Each floor comes with an apartment for every member of the group regardless if they are involved in art or not, and there’s a total of twenty-two floors.”
Eri looked at Shouta, head tilted slightly. “Is that a lot of stuff?”
He nodded. “Yeah. It’s a lot.”
The elevator came to a halt on level seven, and the moment the doors opened they were greeted by a fluffy white cat that looked tinged pink. She stared up at them, eyes wide and pupils dilated, before turning around and trotting over to one of the nearby cat towers. The room was filled with towers, play tunnels, cat toys, beds, a sitting area for the humans, and of course an area just for the litter boxes. Near the human area sat a person with bright blue hair, holding a tiny golden kitten and bottle feeding it. 
“Lucien,” Chirs called out. “Mind watching our guests until Étienne finishes prepping for the interview?”
Lucien looked up, not stopping the feeding. “If they don’t mind me focusing on the babies a bit.”
“We’re okay with that,” Shouta assured, trying not to act startled at how pink their eyes naturally were. 
“Then come on over. I’ll introduce you.” 
Shouta nodded and set Eri down, walking over and having a seat in one of the nearby armchairs. He let Eri get as close as she was comfortable with, her face plastered with a look of awe as she saw the mama cat laying down to rest while the other kittens suckled. 
“You can call me Luci,” the cat caregiver said, turning to point at the cats with their toes. “Mama Meatloaf here is a little tired from playtime, so it’ll be naptime for her and the babies soon. The big one there is Camilla, the one with the spots is Domino, those two calico boys are Cai and Leroy.” They settled back to criss-cross position, holding up the golden tabby. “And this little one is Honey.”
Eri smiled softly. “They’re so cute.”
Luci nodded. “Aren’t they? They’re really precious.” They nodded back to Meatloaf. “If you give her a light scratch behind her cheek, she’ll probably start purring. You can try if you like.”
Shouta knelt down, helping Eri give Meatloaf a scratch. They both barely touched her and she began to purr. Eri let out a soft gasp, looking at him with excitement. 
Even if this interview is a bust, at least she got to have fun.
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“Dammit! This just won’t do at all!”
“That doesn’t mean you need to consider tossing it out the window.”
“You’re right. An incinerator would be better.” Étienne grumbled, throwing down his paintbrush before turning on his heel and hurrying to the apartment door. “Ceri, can you get my suit from the closet? Its the one in the gold bag.”
“Certainly, love.” Ceri went towards the bedroom, making quick work finding the outfit. “I don’t see why you’re unhappy with the piece. It’s a lovely piece.”
Étienne rolled his eyes as he jumped quickly into the shower. “But that’s not what I’m going for! We’re all supposed to do several pieces for this exhibition and I can’t do something like this piece of repetitive trash! Everyone expects more from me.”
Ceri set the bag on the back of the bathroom door, reaching into the cupboard to pull out two towels. “Then what is it that you’re trying to portray in this series of pieces?”
“Something that’s a challenge for me. God, why did I agree to let the theme this time be selected in a hat draw.” 
“Oh Étienne.” Ceri held out one of the towels as the disgruntled artist stepped out of the shower, taking the other and gently drying the glistening blond hair. “You’ll find your muse. And who knows? Maybe the interviewees today will give you some inspiration.”
“Mhm.” He let out a contented sigh, reaching out and wrapping his arms around Ceri’s shoulders. “Are those interviewees the reason you handed me the towel for my waist?”
“I, um-”
“You said ‘um’. It’s definitely because of that.”
“We have to be professional, and I don’t want to be thinking of what might have been if I didn’t hand you that towel.”
Étienne smirked. “Maybe later tonight you can find out still. If you behave.” Ceri turned beat red and Étienne took a moment to swipe a peck on the cheek. “When do interviews finish tonight?”
“Your last one of the day is at three.”
“Then how about tonight we go out for dinner? I need to stretch my legs.”
Ceri smiled fondly. “Sounds perfect.”
Étienne finished getting ready and headed for the elevator. He pressed a button on the little screen beside the doors, and Chris’s face appeared. “Chris, is our 11am here?”
“Yes, sir,” Chris said. “He’s on Adaire’s floor. Arrived early with his daughter so I sent them there to wait. I hope that was alright.”
“Perfect. I can check on their progress while I’m down there. Let me know when our next appointee arrives.”
Chris disappeared and the elevator doors opened. As he rode his way down, his mind wandered back to the hat drawing, trying to pinpoint who submitted that troubling theme. Whoever it was wrote it sloppy, as though it wasn’t their dominant hand, so that ruled out anyone ambidextrous. 
Which, if he remembered right, almost all of them were. And he couldn’t remember who wasn’t. 
It couldn’t have been Lucien. They were too focused on Meatloaf and agreed to do whatever anyone else did, so they didn’t even throw their hat into the ring. The most likely candidates were probably Princess, Reginald, Phoenix, and Ceri. Oh well. It doesn’t matter. I’ll figure out something for this expo. I always do. And I always come out on top.
As he arrived on the seventh floor, Étienne looked over at the sitting area, immediately pinpointing the interviewee. He seemed like a decent enough model from even at that angle, but he wasn’t sure. Only a proper look at the face would give him a better idea. 
“So which kitten do you think is the cutest?” Lucien asked, half-jokingly. 
“I think they’re all pretty cute,” said the interviewee. “What do you think, Eri?”
Eri (the little girl if he had to assume) turned to look at the babies, who were all refusing to nap and instead were climbing all over mama Meatloaf. “They’re all really cute. But...” she pointed to the smallest. “She kinda reminds me of the scoop of honey you put in my warm milk. So I think she’s the cutest. She looks sweet.”
Étienne couldn’t help but smirk. This girl had taste. “Shouta Aizawa?”
Aizawa looked up, quickly getting to his feet and nodding rapidly. “Yes, that’s me.”
“Étienne Allard. I’ll be conducting your interview.” He turned to Lucien. “Would it be alright if we borrowed your apartment for the questionnaire and you watch over the child?” 
Eri immediately froze up, reaching up and taking Aizawa’s hand. He wasn’t sure, but Étienne could have sworn she was trembling. 
“If it’s all the same to you,” Aizawa said slowly, “I’m afraid Eri has to stay beside me during the interview. For her health.”
Étienne cocked an eyebrow. “For her health?”
“Yes.” He gave the girl’s hand a soft squeeze. “Her well-being is my top priority, so if that’s going to be a problem, we can see ourselves out.”
Now this is a surprise, he thought. “Storge...”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s nothing,” he assured. “Very well. We can do the interview here then.” He took a seat across from them and pulled out his notepad. “Ready?”
Aizawa nodded, sitting back down and softly wrapping an arm around Eri, who immediately relaxed. 
“Alright then. Let’s begin.”
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ebenpink · 5 years
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Opening June 2019: Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach. Where expert coaching, world-class curriculum, and innovative software meet. http://bit.ly/2IunEmh
Tested with over 100,000 clients, ProCoach makes it easy to deliver research-proven nutrition and lifestyle coaching to anyone who needs it… from paying clients and patients, to family, to co-workers, to loved ones.
Want to coach in-person? Online? A combination of the two? Whatever fits your ideal lifestyle, it’s all possible with ProCoach.
With the ProCoach curriculum, coaching tools, and software, you’ll be able to turn what you learned in the Precision Nutrition Certification into a thriving practice, getting better results with dozens, even hundreds, of people while working less and living life on your own terms.
Wondering how you can handle more clients while still giving them a high-quality experience?
Wishing you could grow your business, work fewer hours from wherever you want, and still be a great nutrition, health, and fitness coach?
I once asked myself these exact questions.
To learn how I answered them, check out this short video. It highlights some of the key frustrations I had as an early coach, the strategies I used to overcome them, and how you can benefit from what I learned.
JB shares his early coaching struggles and how PN went from 20 to over 100,000 clients with ProCoach.
Want to know exactly how the ProCoach software works? Then check this out.
See how other health and fitness pros are using ProCoach with their clients.
  Want to learn even more? Join the Presale List Today
The most reliable and effective system for coaching nutrition.
On Wednesday, June 5th, ProCoach becomes available to all Precision Nutrition Certification students and graduates.
With ProCoach you can quickly, easily and effectively deliver — to your own clients or patients — the habit-based nutrition coaching you learned (or are learning) in the Precision Nutrition Certification program.
Maybe you’re an established health and fitness pro looking to go from 20 to 200 clients. Or perhaps you’re just starting out in this business and hoping to get your first few clients, in-person or online.
Regardless of your goals, ProCoach solves a central problem…
How can I coach more people and make more money — while working fewer/more flexible hours, and still helping people get amazing results?
Grow your business and work less.
Whether you want to start a new coaching business, or add nutrition coaching to your current business, ProCoach will help you:
Market and sell your services to the people who need it.
Coach more people while delivering exceptional results.
Work with people in-person or online.
Spend less time on the admin things that drive you crazy.
Spend more time on the coaching things you enjoy.
Work on your own terms, from anywhere in the world.
A proven curriculum, created/organized for you.
ProCoach automatically delivers — to your clients or patients, on your behalf — an online nutrition coaching curriculum that helps them:
practice new eating habits,
troubleshoot their biggest challenges,
stay consistent, motivated, and accountable, and
radically improve their nutrition, lifestyle, and health.
With you as their coach — answering questions, offering encouragement, and tracking progress through a special dashboard — ProCoach helps you get more people to their goals, reliably and effectively every time.
Develop your coaching expertise.
ProCoach will also help you:
Assess clients quickly and efficiently.
Deliver daily habits, lessons, assignments from our curriculum.
Review client consistency and habit adherence at any time.
Track clients’ physical, mental, and behavior changes every week.
Communicate clearly and expertly when clients are stuck.
Attract new clients with photos, data, testimonials, and straight-up, irrefutable, hard-data evidence of your success as a coach.
Want to learn even more? Join the Presale List Today
What’s new with ProCoach?
ProCoach is getting better every single day.
Through our exclusive ProCoach Facebook group, and the regular interviews and surveys we do with ProCoaches, we’re listening closely, responding dynamically, and creating new features every day.
As one ProCoach said: “I’m amazed at how closely you’re listening to feedback and shaping ProCoach in response. You’re saving us time, helping make both our experience and our clients’ experiences better, and much more.”
Indeed, since we opened ProCoach in June of 2016 we’ve released dozens of new features, including the following game changers.
Customized mini-site for every ProCoach
By answering a few simple questions within your ProCoach dashboard we’ll generate a customized mini website for your business, complete with a custom web address.
It’ll lay out your services, including the features, benefits, and hopeful future you’re promising.
Not only will this “do the selling for you,” it’ll also position you as the skilled, experienced, and educated coach that clients need to finally reach their goals.
ProCoach generates your own custom sales page and mini-site.
Done-For-You marketing
Attracting new clients is always a challenge. That’s why, with the help of Pat Rigsby, we created a host of online and offline marketing campaigns for you.
We built these to help you save time and make more money. They come complete with design assets, copy, and deployment instructions.
Now you can easily spread the word about your business and attract the right kind of clients without needing to be a marketing guru to do it.
Done-For-You Marketing is now built into ProCoach.
Quick-Start guides
Whenever onboarding new clients (either in-person or into an online program) it’s useful to share something tangible. Both so they feel like they’re getting something amazing for their money and so they can feel like they’re making progress on day one.
That’s why we’ve created these custom Quick-Start Guides. They’ll help set clients up for early success by giving them advice around portion control, workout nutrition, grocery shopping, and meal prep starting on Day 1.
Personalized Quick Start Guides are also built into ProCoach.
Comprehensive Learning Center
Since we first launched ProCoach in June 2016 we’ve made major improvements to our Learning Center.
With articles on every imaginable topic, and an awesome search feature, the Learning Center will teach you everything you need to be successful with ProCoach.
The comprehensive Learning Center included in ProCoach.
$20,000 in prizes for you and your clients
Every year, we invite our ProCoaches to submit photos of, and stories about, their most successful clients. Prize categories include Best Transformation and Best Story, and are organized by age and gender.
Winners in each of the 8 categories take home $2,000 USD — $1,000 to the ProCoach and $1,000 to the client. (Plus, we give away some fun bonus prizes to selected runners-up.)
ProCoach prize money winners.
ProCoach Workouts (optional)
After working with thousands of ProCoaches to deliver comprehensive nutrition and lifestyle coaching, many began asking us to unlock our vault of expert-designed exercise programs so they can deliver a more holistic, single-platform experience.
As Precision Nutrition’s own coaching programs have offered integrated exercise, nutrition, lifestyle advice for years, we decided to make available our 28 client-proven exercise tracks for you to use with selected clients.
You now have 3 options when using ProCoach. For each client, you can:
Use ProCoach for nutrition coaching only
Use ProCoach for both nutrition and exercise coaching
Use ProCoach for exercise coaching only
The choice is yours.
ProCoach Workouts is now an option you can use with selected clients.
Community of like-minded people + top experts
With our ProCoach Facebook group, you can now work alongside an extremely supportive group of more than 2,500 ProCoaches — including trainers, nutritionists, sport coaches, researchers, therapists, and other healthcare professionals from all over the world.
With case studies, lessons, daily tips, and more, being part of this community will help you expand your network, grow your business, and strengthen your coaching skills.
You’ll also get daily access to our experts and coaches, such as Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon, Kate Solovieva, Craig Weller, Adam Feit, and more. Ask questions, get feedback and advice, and nerd out on all things fitness and nutrition.
Want to learn even more? Join the Presale List Today
My story: Once, I wanted to help more people. But I couldn’t.
As mentioned in the first video above, I started coaching clients about 25 years ago. Back then, there was no such thing as “automated” or “online” coaching.
It was old-school: You met clients in person, you carried a clipboard, and after sessions you’d store handwritten programs on card stock paper in an organizer off to the side of the gym.
I have so many fond memories of my time training clients. But when I think back, there’s one frustration that always jumps out.
I consistently had between 15 and 20 full-time clients. No matter what I tried, I couldn’t find time to add more.
On top of working 45-60 hours every week on the gym floor training these clients, I needed to write programs, organize nutrition habits, do record keeping, manage billing, and nurture new leads.
I needed some time back, but I felt stuck.
I was working my butt off, but not making much money once the gym took their 50% cut of my coaching fees.
I realized that to make even a little more money, I’d have to find more time… which meant sacrificing my own workouts (and health) or the few hours I had left for socializing and sleeping.
After a few years on this merry-go-round, I finally came up with a solution:
I started supplementing my in-person training with online coaching.
It began really well. But whenever my roster reached 25-35 clients, I bumped up against new problems.
Problem 1:
With online clients, I didn’t have much time left for in-person coaching. I ended up doing a ton of administrative work for my online clients: program writing, record keeping, email responses, phone calls, and other routine client management tasks.
I was surprised; online coaching wasn’t the time-saver I had imagined.
Problem 2:
I started losing track of my clients.
Because I had more clients than ever, I started forgetting who was on what program, who had what goals… I sometimes felt like an idiot, asking people “So what program are you on again?” during a session.
The interesting part? Lots of other fitness and health coaches were experiencing the same things. They felt the same frustrations.
I wasn’t a lazy, disorganized, “bad” coach.
I just needed a system.
We all did.
We needed to find ways to do the “human” work of creating programs, listening, connecting with, and motivating our clients.
But we were constantly bogged down by administrative work, like paperwork, scheduling, and receipts.
So I got to thinking:
Couldn’t technology handle much of the repetitive “busywork” of day-to-day administration?
Couldn’t it keep us organized and on track? Monitor clients, even when we were sleeping or doing other things? Send us reminders and alerts?
I started asking: Could I “outsource” all these annoying and time-wasting administrative tasks so that I can take on more clients and do what I do best… coach?
So we built a dream solution to make coaching easier.
One of my best friends, Phil Caravaggio, had an answer.
Trained in systems design engineering, Phil showed me real-life examples of how IBM, Dell, and Apple were using software to simplify and amplify their businesses.
At that moment, I knew exactly what we had to do.
We set out to build a coaching platform that would allow coaches — starting with me — to deliver the highest quality coaching experience to larger numbers of clients.
One year later: Success!
We built a beta version of ProCoach and started testing it with a new batch of clients. Immediately I was able to go from coaching 25-35 clients to 100-150 clients at a time.
All while working the same number of hours — or even less — in a given week.
Want to learn even more? Join the Presale List Today
15 years later, that early prototype has become ProCoach.
That was the first prototype of Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach.
Since then, we’ve consistently and relentlessly refined the technology, the software, and the curriculum.
We’ve tested its max limits. We’ve broken it on purpose and rebuilt it so it’s stronger. We’ve found all the sweet spots.
For example:
Since we built the beta version of ProCoach, our in-house coaches at Precision Nutrition have coached an average of 5,000 clients per year with the software.
Today we’re able to coach these clients with 20 full-time Precision Nutrition supercoaches (and a group of part-time interns and mentors) who work wherever they want in the world, living life on their own terms.
You’ll notice that’s an average of about 250 clients per coach — and they get amazing results.
What kind of results are we talking about here? Check this out.
See what 365 days of ProCoach can do.
And this video shares some amazing behind-the-scenes client stories.
Bodies, and lives, are changed with ProCoach’s habit-based nutrition coaching.
As you can see, our clients are a diverse bunch. They come in all ages, shapes, and sizes. In fact, they’re probably a lot like your clients.
Which means:
The results you see in the videos above are the exact same results your clients can expect when you start using Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach.
Want to see more? Check these out:
Precision Nutrition Coaching – Men’s Hall of Fame
(225+ men’s before and after photos. Ages 21-70)
Precision Nutrition Coaching – Women’s Hall of Fame
(375+ women’s before and after photos. Ages 21-74)
Want to learn even more? Join the Presale List Today
The ProCoach reviews have been stellar.
In June of 2016, we opened ProCoach up to our Certification students and graduates. We wanted to let them test drive the program in their own businesses.
The response has been amazing.
We sold out all available ProCoach spots in a matter of hours — and the same thing has happened each time we’ve opened up new spots, ever since.
To date, our ProCoaches have:
enrolled over 100,000 new clients,
helped them lose over 830,000 pounds (and counting), and
collected nearly $50 million in revenue.
Yep, that’s all within just the first two years!
If you want to try this research-proven, client-tested, reliable system for coaching nutrition with your own clients — join us on Wednesday, June 5th.
Want to learn even more? Join the Presale List Today
Save time, increase your effectiveness, get better results, and work on your own terms.
By incorporating ProCoach into your business, and coaching practice, you’ll:
Add habit-based nutrition coaching to your existing services, easily.
Add a highly profitable revenue stream, immediately.
Deliver habits, lessons, assignments from our proven curriculum.
Review and track your clients’ consistency and progress every week.
Set clients up for long-term, sustainable success.
Attract even more new clients with photos, data, testimonials, and straight-up, irrefutable, hard-data evidence of success.
You’ll save time while making more money.
Your clients will get world-class results.
You’ll look like a rockstar coach.
And you’ll feel more in control of your time (and your work) than ever before.
Want to learn even more? Join the Presale List Today
Interested? Add your name to the
presale list. You’ll save 30% and secure your spot 24 hours before everyone else.
On Wednesday, June 5th, 2019, ProCoach becomes available to all Precision Nutrition Certification students and graduates.
If you’re interested and want to find out more, I’d encourage you to join our
presale list. Being on the presale list gives you two special advantages.
You’ll pay less than everyone else. At Precision Nutrition, we like to reward the most interested and motivated professionals, because they always make the best students and clients. Join the presale list and we’ll give you 30% off the monthly cost of Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach.
You’re more likely to get a spot. Remember, last time we sold out within minutes. But by joining the presale list you’ll get the opportunity to register 24 hours before everyone else, increasing your chances of getting in.
If you’re ready to help more people live their healthiest lives, grow your business, and worry less about time and money… ProCoach is your chance.
The post
Opening June 2019: Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach. Where expert coaching, world-class curriculum, and innovative software meet. appeared first on Precision Nutrition. from Blog – Precision Nutrition http://bit.ly/2i2C1PU via IFTTT http://bit.ly/2ZdrGoT
0 notes
oovitus · 6 years
Opening November 2018: Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach. Where expert coaching, world-class curriculum, and innovative software meet.
Tested with over 100,000 clients, ProCoach makes it easy to deliver research-proven nutrition and lifestyle coaching to anyone who needs it… from paying clients and patients, to family, to co-workers, to loved ones.
Want to coach in-person? Online? A combination of the two? Whatever fits your ideal lifestyle, it’s all possible with ProCoach.
With the ProCoach curriculum, coaching tools, and software, you’ll be able to turn what you learned in the Precision Nutrition Certification into a thriving practice, getting better results with dozens, even hundreds, of people while working less and living life on your own terms.
Wondering how you can handle more clients while still giving them a high-quality experience?
Wishing you could grow your business, work fewer hours from wherever you want, and still be a great nutrition, health, and fitness coach?
I once asked myself these exact questions.
To learn how I answered them, check out this short video. It highlights some of the key frustrations I had as an early coach, the strategies I used to overcome them, and how you can benefit from what I learned.
JB shares his early coaching struggles and how PN went from 20 to over 100,000 clients with ProCoach.
Want to know exactly how the ProCoach software works? Then check this out.
See how other health and fitness pros are using ProCoach with their clients.
  Want to learn even more? Join the Presale List Today
The most reliable and effective system for coaching nutrition.
On Wednesday, November 28th, ProCoach becomes available to all Precision Nutrition Certification students and graduates.
With ProCoach you can quickly, easily and effectively deliver — to your own clients or patients — the habit-based nutrition coaching you learned (or are learning) in the Precision Nutrition Certification program.
Maybe you’re an established health and fitness pro looking to go from 20 to 200 clients. Or perhaps you’re just starting out in this business and hoping to get your first few clients, in-person or online.
Regardless of your goals, ProCoach solves a central problem…
How can I coach more people and make more money — while working fewer/more flexible hours, and still helping people get amazing results?
Grow your business and work less.
Whether you want to start a new coaching business, or add nutrition coaching to your current business, ProCoach will help you:
Market and sell your services to the people who need it.
Coach more people while delivering exceptional results.
Work with people in-person or online.
Spend less time on the admin things that drive you crazy.
Spend more time on the coaching things you enjoy.
Work on your own terms, from anywhere in the world.
A proven curriculum, created/organized for you.
ProCoach automatically delivers — to your clients or patients, on your behalf — an online nutrition coaching curriculum that helps them:
practice new eating habits,
troubleshoot their biggest challenges,
stay consistent, motivated, and accountable, and
radically improve their nutrition, lifestyle, and health.
With you as their coach — answering questions, offering encouragement, and tracking progress through a special dashboard — ProCoach helps you get more people to their goals, reliably and effectively every time.
Develop your coaching expertise.
ProCoach will also help you:
Assess clients quickly and efficiently.
Deliver daily habits, lessons, assignments from our curriculum.
Review client consistency and habit adherence at any time.
Track clients’ physical, mental, behavior changes every week.
Communicate clearly and expertly when clients are stuck.
Attract new clients with photos, data, testimonials, and straight-up, irrefutable, hard-data evidence of your success as a coach.
Want to learn even more? Join the Presale List Today
What’s new with ProCoach?
ProCoach is getting better every single day.
Through our exclusive ProCoach Facebook group, and the regular interviews and surveys we do with ProCoaches, we’re listening closely, responding dynamically, and creating new features every day.
As one ProCoach said: “I’m amazed at how closely you’re listening to feedback and shaping ProCoach in response. You’re saving us time, helping make both our experience and our clients’ experiences better, and much more.”
Indeed, since we opened ProCoach in June of 2016 we’ve released dozens of new features, including the following game changers.
Customized mini-site for every ProCoach
By answering a few simple questions within your ProCoach dashboard we’ll generate a customized mini website for your business, complete with a custom web address.
It’ll lay out your services including the features, benefits, and hopeful future you’re promising.
Not only will this “do the selling for you”, it’ll also position you as the skilled, experienced, and educated coach that clients need to finally reach their goals.
ProCoach generates your own custom sales page and mini-site.
Done-For-You marketing
Attracting new clients is always a challenge. That’s why, with the help of Pat Rigsby, we created a host of online and offline marketing campaigns for you.
We built these to help you save time and make more money. They come complete with design assets, copy, and deployment instructions.
Now you can easily spread the word about your business and attract the right kind of clients without needing to be a marketing guru to do it.
Done-For-You Marketing is now built into ProCoach.
Quick-Start guides
Whenever onboarding new clients (either in-person or into an online program) it’s useful to share something tangible. Both so they feel like they’re getting something amazing for their money and so they can feel like they’re making progress on day one.
That’s why we’ve created these custom Quick-Start Guides. They’ll help set clients up for early success by giving them advice around portion control, workout nutrition, grocery shopping, and meal prep starting on Day 1.
Personalized Quick Start Guides are also built into ProCoach.
Comprehensive Learning Center
Since we first launched ProCoach in June 2016 we’ve made major improvements to our Learning Center.
With articles on every imaginable topic, and an awesome search feature, the Learning Center will teach you everything you need to be successful with ProCoach.
The comprehensive Learning Center included in ProCoach.
$20,000 in prizes for you and your clients
Every year, we invite our ProCoaches to submit photos of, and stories about, their most successful clients. Prize categories include Best Transformation and Best Story, and are organized by age and gender.
Winners in each of the 8 categories take home $2,000 USD — $1,000 to the ProCoach and $1,000 to the client. (Plus, we give away some fun bonus prizes to selected runners-up.)
ProCoach prize money winners.
ProCoach Workouts (optional)
After working with thousands of ProCoaches to deliver comprehensive nutrition and lifestyle coaching, many began asking us to unlock our vault of expert-designed exercise programs so they can deliver a more holistic, single-platform experience.
As Precision Nutrition’s own coaching programs have offered integrated exercise, nutrition, lifestyle advice for years, we decided to make available our 28 client-proven exercise tracks for you to use with selected clients.
You now have 3 options when using ProCoach. For each client, you can:
Use ProCoach for nutrition coaching only,
Use ProCoach for both nutrition and exercise coaching,
Use ProCoach for exercise coaching only.
The choice is yours.
ProCoach Workouts is now an option you can use with selected clients.
Community of like-minded people + top experts
With our ProCoach Facebook group, you can now work alongside an extremely supportive group of more than 2,500 ProCoaches — including trainers, nutritionists, sport coaches, researchers, therapists, and other healthcare professionals from all over the world.
With case studies, lessons, daily tips, and more, being part of this community will help you expand your network, grow your business, and strengthen your coaching skills.
You’ll also get daily access to me, as well as some of our revered experts and coaches like Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon, Kate Solovieva, Craig Weller, Adam Feit, and more. Ask questions, get feedback and advice, and nerd out on all things fitness and nutrition.
Want to learn even more? Join the Presale List Today
My story: Once, I wanted to help more people. But I couldn’t.
As mentioned in the first video above, I started coaching clients about 25 years ago. Back then, there was no such thing as “automated” or “online” coaching.
It was old-school: You met clients in person, you carried a clipboard, and after sessions you’d store handwritten programs on card stock paper in an organizer off to the side of the gym.
I have so many fond memories of my time training clients. But when I think back, there’s one frustration that always jumps out.
I consistently had between 15 and 20 full-time clients. No matter what I tried, I couldn’t find time to add more.
On top of working 45-60 hours every week on the gym floor training these clients, I needed to write programs, organize nutrition habits, do record keeping, manage billing, and nurture new leads.
I needed some time back, but I felt stuck.
I was working my butt off, but not making much money once the gym took their 50% cut of my coaching fees.
I realized that to make even a little more money, I’d have to find more time… which meant sacrificing my own workouts (and health) or the few hours I had left for socializing and sleeping.
After a few years on this merry-go-round, I finally came up with a solution:
I started supplementing my in-person training with online coaching.
It began really well. But whenever my roster reached 25-35 clients, I bumped up against new problems.
Problem 1:
With online clients, I didn’t have much time left for in-person coaching. I ended up doing a ton of administrative work for my online clients: program writing, record keeping, email responses, phone calls, and other routine client management tasks.
I was surprised; online coaching wasn’t the time-saver I had imagined.
Problem 2:
I started losing track of my clients.
Because I had more clients than ever, I started forgetting who was on what program, who had what goals… I sometimes felt like an idiot, asking people “So what program are you on again?” during a session.
The interesting part? Lots of other fitness and health coaches were experiencing the same things. They felt the same frustrations.
I wasn’t a lazy, disorganized, “bad” coach.
I just needed a system.
We all did.
We needed to find ways to do the “human” work of creating programs, listening, connecting with, and motivating our clients.
But we were constantly bogged down by administrative work, like paperwork, scheduling, and receipts.
So I got to thinking:
Couldn’t technology handle much of the repetitive “busywork” of day-to-day administration?
Couldn’t it keep us organized and on track? Monitor clients, even when we were sleeping or doing other things? Send us reminders and alerts?
I started asking: Could I “outsource” all these annoying and time-wasting administrative tasks so that I can take on more clients and do what I do best… coach?
So we built a dream solution to make coaching easier.
One of my best friends, Phil Caravaggio, had an answer.
Trained in systems design engineering, Phil showed me real-life examples of how IBM, Dell, and Apple were using software to simplify and amplify their businesses.
At that moment, I knew exactly what we had to do.
We set out to build a coaching platform that would allow coaches — starting with me — to deliver the highest quality coaching experience to larger numbers of clients.
One year later: Success!
We built a beta version of ProCoach and started testing it with a new batch of clients. Immediately I was able to go from coaching 25-35 clients to 100-150 clients at a time.
All while working the same number of hours — or even less — in a given week.
Want to learn even more? Join the Presale List Today
15 years later, that early prototype has become ProCoach.
That was the first prototype of Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach.
Since then, we’ve consistently and relentlessly refined the technology, the software, and the curriculum.
We’ve tested its max limits. We’ve broken it on purpose and rebuilt it so it’s stronger. We’ve found all the sweet spots.
For example:
Since we built the beta version of ProCoach, our in-house coaches at Precision Nutrition have coached an average of 5,000 clients per year with the software.
Today we’re able to coach these clients with 20 full-time Precision Nutrition supercoaches (and a group of part-time interns and mentors) who work wherever they want in the world, living life on their own terms.
You’ll notice that’s an average of about 250 clients per coach — and they get amazing results.
What kind of results are we talking about here? Check this out.
See what 365 days of ProCoach can do.
And this video shares some amazing behind-the-scenes client stories.
Bodies, and lives, are changed with ProCoach’s habit-based nutrition coaching.
As you can see, our clients are a diverse bunch. They come in all ages, shapes, and sizes. In fact, they’re probably a lot like your clients.
Which means:
The results you see in the videos above are the exact same results your clients can expect when you start using Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach.
Want to see more? Check these out:
Precision Nutrition Coaching – Men’s Hall of Fame
(225+ men’s before and after photos. Ages 21-70)
Precision Nutrition Coaching – Women’s Hall of Fame
(375+ women’s before and after photos. Ages 21-74)
Want to learn even more? Join the Presale List Today
The ProCoach reviews have been stellar.
In June of 2016, we opened ProCoach up to our Certification students and graduates. We wanted to let them test drive the program in their own businesses.
The response has been amazing.
We sold out all available ProCoach spots in a matter of hours — and the same thing has happened each time we’ve opened up new spots, ever since.
To date, our ProCoaches have:
enroll over 100,000 new clients,
help them lose over 830,000 pounds (and counting), and
collect nearly $50 million in revenue.
Yep, that’s all within just the first two years!
If you want to try this research-proven, client-tested, reliable system for coaching nutrition with your own clients — join us on Wednesday, November 28th.
Want to learn even more? Join the Presale List Today
Save time, increase your effectiveness, get better results, and work on your own terms.
By incorporating ProCoach into your business, and coaching practice, you’ll:
Add habit-based nutrition coaching to your existing services, easily.
Add a highly profitable revenue stream, immediately.
Deliver habits, lessons, assignments from our proven curriculum.
Review and track your clients’ consistency and progress every week.
Set clients up for long-term, sustainable success.
Attract even more new clients with photos, data, testimonials, and straight-up, irrefutable, hard-data evidence of success.
You’ll save time while making more money.
Your clients will get world-class results.
You’ll look like a rockstar coach.
And you’ll feel more in control of your time (and your work) than ever before.
Want to learn even more? Join the Presale List Today
Interested? Add your name to the presale list. You’ll save 30% and secure your spot 24 hours before everyone else.
On Wednesday, November 28th, 2018, ProCoach becomes available to all Precision Nutrition Certification students and graduates.
If you’re interested and want to find out more, I’d encourage you to join our presale list. Being on the presale list gives you two special advantages.
You’ll pay less than everyone else. At Precision Nutrition, we like to reward the most interested and motivated professionals, because they always make the best students and clients. Join the presale list and we’ll give you 30% off the monthly cost of Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach.
You’re more likely to get a spot. Remember, last time we sold out within minutes. But by joining the presale list you’ll get the opportunity to register 24 hours before everyone else, increasing your chances of getting in.
If you’re ready to help more people live their healthiest lives, grow your business, and worry less about time and money… ProCoach is your chance.
The post Opening November 2018: Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach. Where expert coaching, world-class curriculum, and innovative software meet. appeared first on Precision Nutrition.
Opening November 2018: Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach. Where expert coaching, world-class curriculum, and innovative software meet. published first on https://storeseapharmacy.tumblr.com
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6 Gluten Free Life Lessons from a Celiac's First Full-Time Job
New blog post! When I randomly found a summer internship last year, I had no idea what I was getting into. Entity Magazine hadn't even launched yet; a handful of all-female interns in San Diego and Los Angeles - including me - were responsible for helping lay the ground work.
And then I fell in love with using my writing to empower women. (Ironically, a few weeks after my first boyfriend fell out of love with me). I kept working with Entity my last semester of college...and, now, as a college graduate, I'm still part of the Entity team. 
What has three months of working full-time taught me so far? Here are six gluten free lessons from this celiac's first "real" job! 
1. When you write what you're passionate about, people will notice. 
Thanks to my work with Entity, my computer history would confuse any FBI analyst. I've written about financial planning, instant happiness fixes, why all women should do a mud run and, most recently, what a mom who worked with the FBI wants parents to know about child abductions. You could say that my hands are often in ten cookie jars at the same time. 
However, my most successful article to date is also my most personal: an essay on living with celiac disease during the age of the gluten free fad. I shared it with y'all, my Facebook groups and my Instagram...and thanks to you amazing people, it went semi-viral. 
As a writing major, I've been trained to write about anything. And, not to brag, but I think I can write about most topics pretty well. But something magical happens when you write completely from the heart. I've seen this at this blog - with posts like this one or this one - and now I've seen it in my professional life as well.
Throwing it back to prom of '13!
Write what you really mean - and it'll mean that much more to others. 
2. Food prep is prepping for success. 
I still remember walking into the office on the first day of my internship and having our first meeting: a bagel breakfast. Although my boss was kind enough to grab me some fruit (now that is A+ celiac inclusion), I'd brought my own breakfast and lunch...and I kept doing that every workday that summer. 
Now that I'm working at home, meals are definitely a lot easier - and I'm 100% grateful for it everyday. However, food prep is still a must. You know the feeling: you're finally hitting the "flow" of your work when your stomach starts rumbling and the last thing you want to do is break for food. 
To make sure I can eat in a flash, I make a huge batch of smoothies over the weekend. Then, all I have to do is pop it in the microwave to defrost for 7 minutes and dig in as a I work! Check out this post for more ideas for make-ahead breakfasts and this one for packed lunches. There's nothing like having a delicious jar (or lunchbox) of inspiration waiting for you whenever you need it! 
Like my favorite overnight oatless zoats...
3. Blogging is a resume-worthy skill. Period. 
Sometimes, it's easy to downplay your blogging skills - especially if you're a woman. Studies have found that women are less likely to consider themselves "very qualified" and are more likely to give themselves lower self-evaluation scores. And while I know that I'm a bad ass 90% of the time, I'll still have moments when I think, "It's just a blog" or "I only have so-and-so many unique visitors a month, nothing compared to the real bloggers." My advice? STOP IT!
I never imagined that my blog could help snag me a job - but it did. This blog has taught me how to market my writing through social media. It has tutored me on the basics of online publishing, targeting and reaching an audience, moving people through the patter of my fingers on a keyboard and building a network of connections online.
Like Taylor at GlutenAway!
I've always known that blogging isn't a waste of time emotionally. It's my therapy, my scrapbook and my lifeline to people going through similar struggles as I am. But these last three months have shown me that blogging can also be career training. What's more awesome than that? 
4. If you're not a little afraid, you're not stretching yourself enough.
I'm not going to lie. When January first rolled around and I started working with Entity full-time, I was petrified. How would working from home, well, work? Would I be able to keep up with the high article turnaround? Could I adapt to the new demands of being a Senior Editor?
And, in the first month, there were plenty of bumps and detours. But, looking back. I couldn't feel more proud. I've bonded with the other Entity team members, even while states away. I've learned how to balance my own writing with interviewing experts, helping edit articles and undergoing more training. 
I couldn't have imagined landing this interview months ago!
And, as these three months have passed, Entity has grown stronger more every week. For instance, last week, we just broke our first big story about President Trump meeting with TMZ's Harvey Levin. Being a part of Entity from the embryo stage has definitely been a journey. But the work has been worth seeing how far the magazine has come - and hints of where we're going to go! 
5. I may not be a "normal" worker. But my health quirks don't detract from my skill. 
If this job has given me one thing, it's a reminder that my body isn't normal. I can't work 12 days straight and not have a physical and emotional breakdown. I can't do 40-hour-plus weeks and come back the next Monday ready to do it all over again. Is that frustrating? Heck yes. But is it the end of the world? No. 
I've been so grateful for the flexibility I've found with Entity. Our main goal is to empower women in every aspect of their daily lives - and I've seen this with the accommodations they've made for me. At the same time, though, I've also realized that I'm worth the extra "baggage" of celiac disease and fibromyalgia. 
Rockin' my fave celiac T-shirt...
I am not my diseases - but my diseases have made me stronger. They've made me too stubborn and dedicated to turn away from a challenge. They've made me empathetic and interested to hear and share others' stories. They've made me strong. And all of those qualities make me a good writer and a good employee, regardless of my health issues. 
6. A job is as great as you make it. 
Maybe you presently have a job that you absolutely love. Maybe you're struggling through every workday, dreaming of quitting. There will always be factors about your work that you can't easily change, like where your job is located or who you work with. However, you are also responsible for part of your own career happiness. 
Speak up if you're struggling and offer suggestions on how your job could change so you can do even better. Embrace the opportunities you're given, no matter how terrifying. I was shaking sweating in my boots when I traveled to Los Angeles to teach a class to other Entity interns, but, looking back, it's one of my favorite moments with Entity so far. 
A super flattering picture from the class ;)
Finding the "perfect" job is probably impossible. However, you can find moments of happiness in most jobs, even if it's just by befriending one co-worker or finding an awesome Thai place to get lunch at on Fridays. Advocate for yourself, follow your passions and dare to try something new - and who knows what will happen? 
It amazes me how much life depends on domino-like connections. My boyfriend and I broke up, giving me extra time (and motivation) to look for an internship. I found Entity and, now, I find myself still working with them almost a year later. 
All I have to say? I'm grateful for everything I've learned so far, and I'm excited to see what skills I'll discover next. And if these tips help just one of my readers, well, that makes my own career bumps worth it!
And if you ever find yourself bored on your lunch break...you can always see what I'm up to at my work by reading my articles at Entity here! 😉
What did your first "real" job teach you? Any gluten free lessons? Tell me below! 
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2mYSLLU
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howellrichard · 8 years
My top 10 wellness tips for a vibrant 2017!
Hiya Gorgeous,
Getting started can be the most difficult part of change. So today, I’m going to help you take that step.
Do any of these thoughts sound familiar?: I’ll start juicing next week. This weekend is a better time to take a walk (not now). I should put off visiting the doctor until after the holidays. I’m sure this ache/pain/lump is normal—I’ll just wait and see if it goes away. So-and-so needs me (again)—I’ll get to my stuff later…
Don’t wait on your well-being. Check out these top 10 #wellness tips for a #healthy, #happy life!: http://bit.ly/2j0ir9R @Kris_Carr
I created this list of tried-and-true blogs and resources in an effort to help you nip these inner excuses in the bud. Education, encouragement and a pinch of confidence are all you need to take a step toward positive change today. So, whatever your motivation may be, you’ve already made progress by showing up here and reading this blog. That’s all you need to do for now. Then, take another step tomorrow—and another and another. You’ll get there. Just don’t abandon yourself. And if you’re ever thinking about checking out with your goal, check in with me—I’m here to cheer you on.
Ready? Read (or skim) through the list below. Follow your gut. Identify the bits that resonate most. Then, dive in. OK, let’s find some buried treasure together…
Kris Carr’s Top Ten Wellness Tips
1. Eat more plants (and drink more greens!). You may be having an I-knew-she-was-going-to-say-that moment, but the garden (well, Whole Foods) is where my wellness journey began. This simple advice has been a turning point for hundreds of thousands of Crazy Sexy health seekers just like you. For starters, plants are loaded with nutrients and buckets of disease-fighting (and preventing) goodies. And, juicing takes that plant power and shoots it straight into your cells via liquid sunshine. If you want to find out how easy it is to get started, watch this video for a peek at what I eat on a regular day or check out my juicing and blending demos. And if you’re ready to go even further, pick up a copy of my cookbook Crazy Sexy Kitchen or my ultimate green drink recipe and guidebook Crazy Sexy Juice (now in paperback!).
Speaking of green drinks, in an effort to get you super pumped about juicing and blending in the new year, I’ve put together a Crazy Sexy Healthy Habit Challenge for January—woo-hoo! Wanna drink a #greendrinkaday with me? Grab some free recipes, planner, tips and more here…
Join my January #greendrinkaday challenge + get your FREE planner, calendar, recipes tips + more here:
2. Reduce chronic inflammation. This internal hot mess can wreak havoc on your precious systems. You see, your body gets confused when it’s overloaded by a barrage of environmental, physical and mental invaders, like poor diet, toxic chemicals and stress. And when that happens, your bod turns on itself—not knowing the difference between invaders and healthy cells and tissues. Luckily, you have a lot of control over this piping hot pickle (think cancer, chronic health issues, arthritis, skin trouble and the list goes on). There are a number of ways to reduce chronic inflammation, ranging from the kind of moisturizer you put on your face to the kinds of foods on your plate.
3. Improve your gut health. Did you know that your gut really does have “feelings”? There are nearly as many neurons in your intestines as there are in your noggin! Your incredible digestive tract is one of the body’s most important systems and the bacterias living in this delicate world need to be in balance to maintain tip-top overall health. Eating whole plant-based foods, keeping stress in check and adding some probiotics into your regimen are a few simple ways to support your glorious gut. Find out other ways you can get your gut in shape and how a healthy digestive system can revitalize your entire well-being here.
4. Pay more attention to your sh*t. When your bathroom visits are less than inspiring, it can indicate that your tooter isn’t working at its best (and that it’s time to talk about it!). Maybe you’re not getting enough fiber or water or exercise. Or perhaps, you need to investigate deeper. Whatever the cause, these scoop on your poop and low-down on constipation blogs will help you get to the bottom (hehe) of the situation.
5. Start here if you’ve been diagnosed with cancer. Many of you found me through your journey (or a loved one’s) with cancer. Maybe you were just diagnosed and feeling lost or overwhelmed. Or perhaps, you’ve been on this path a while and you want to prioritize prevention and well-being. Regardless, I’m so happy you’re here and I’m confident these two blogs are really going to help you. First up, my ultimate tips for cancer patients. This is what I want every cancer patient to know (in a nutshell), so please read it! And secondly, I hope that you’ll watch my interview with Dr. Kelly Turner. Her extensive research into cancer remission is simply amazing and reinforces what’s really worked for me and countless others. Although please remember, I’m not in remission. I’m living a healthy life with cancer. Oh, and one last thing. I wrote a couple books on the subject too, so if that’s up your alley, check out Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips and Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor while you’re at it.
6. Get organized so you can get (and stay) healthy. If you haven’t taken my Crazy Sexy Meal Plan for a spin, um, what are ya waiting for? It’ll save you a lot of empty-fridge frustration, whittle down your grocery bill and help you eat better. Even beyond those big-time benefits, there’s the priceless practice of planning and prepping. When you attack any project, whether it’s your weekly meal plan, a house renovation or your next book, sitting down to figure out exactly what you’ll need sets you up for success. That’s why I also created this handy self-care planner. Sure, sometimes life throws in a wrench or two, but that’s OK. You’ll adjust, keep jammin’ and plan again for the next meal. And for those of you who want to experience a total transformation in the meal planning, plant-based eating and self-care arena, get on the Crazy Sexy You 21-day Total Wellness Program waiting list. You’ll be the first to know when I’m launching it again!
7. Choose less toxic products. I talk about this important to-do in my 11 Tips for Cancer Patients blog, but it bears repeating here. Did you know that the average person uses 9 personal care products per day containing about 126 chemical ingredients? That’s a whole lot. And unfortunately, the FDA doesn’t have your back on this one—most products are not reviewed or approved by them. But wait, there’s more. Companies aren’t required to test their products and are allowed to leave hazardous chemicals off their labels. Bottom line: many of the chemicals found in personal care products have been linked to increased risks of cancer, infertility, birth defects, hormonal issues (ahem, endocrine disruptors), etc. The same holds true for household cleaning products. Please don’t panic. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your non-toxic makeup bag and abode. Get an intro to this topic by watching my interview with former Executive Director of the Environmental Working Group. Then, get the scoop on how to make your home a healthier, non-toxic place (checklist included!) to enjoy your life.
8. Realize how awesome you are. Realizing how awesome you already are creates more peace and joy in your heart. That negative self-talk will fade into the background and you’ll be better able to make decisions with ease. Knowing how awesome you are isn’t arrogant, it’s generous. Because when you love yourself more, you love others more, too. I’m never going to stop telling you that you’re awesome, but if you need more self-love nudges, head over to this blog or listen to this free Pep Talk meditation.
9. Connect with your true purpose. Ok, I’ll be honest, this is one of my all-time favorite posts. It’s so easy for us to judge ourselves. If we don’t have the “right” career or the “right” education or body or whatever the heck else, we often slip into a thick haze of unworthiness. I thought I had a pretty good thing going with the work I do and the sense of purpose it gives me, and then, blammo, life took me for a loop. After some soul searching, I learned to focus on letting go of my attachments to outside markers of achievement. Valuing ourselves from the inside out can drastically change our level of happiness. Try it!
10. Work on managing stress. Stress is one of the biggest health epidemics today. All that stinkin’ thinkin’, worry, fear and anger contribute to chronic disease, not to mention how much they chip away at your happiness each day. Check in with yourself. Do you feel like the world is weighing on your shoulders? Are you heavy with dread? Future-tripping disastrous events? One of my greatest missions is to help people feel less stress and more joy. I’ve got a few places you can start, but you’ll notice as you explore my blogs and books, that stress is covered again and again. There are a variety of ways to begin. You could try meditating with me or one of the countless amazing meditation teachers out there (it only takes 10 minutes a day to feel the benefits!). Start prioritizing sleep more so that you can handle life’s challenges with a clearer and healthier mind. Learn more about how natural approaches, like essential oils and adaptogens (herbs), can help lessen stress levels. And, one more tip: If you’ve been stressed out for a while and are feeling chronically tired, talk to your doctor about adrenal fatigue. It could be part of your personal health puzzle (was for me!).
I know there’s a lot here to take in, but remember that this blog isn’t going anywhere! Bookmark this page, email yourself a link, write down the title—whatever you need to do to save this spot! And don’t forget, you only need to take one step at a time, dear friend. My extensive blog library, Crazy Sexy books, programs, free goodies and more are waiting if you need some extra support! Can’t wait to here how your path unfolds.
Your turn: What’s one wellness habit or practice you intend to focus on in 2017? Put it out there so we can support you! Plus, we’re all looking for ways to make 2017 a healthy, happy year.
Peace & first steps,
The post My top 10 wellness tips for a vibrant 2017! appeared first on KrisCarr.com.
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