#reggie mantel
alaffy · 1 year
Riverdale 7x12 - After the Fall (spoilers)
There are eight episodes left. I just wanted to point that out. Eight episodes and we get...this. Going to possibly be my shortest recap ever.
Ethel is cleared of killing the Milkman and she's no longer a suspect in her parents murder. She's forced to go back with Alice, who starts to treat her like she's her daughter (as if Ethel hasn't been through enough). She and Jughead are told by the councilor that the Milkman was insane transient. Not even the principal swallows that bs. Ethel wants to work with Jughead and create a sequel to the Milkman story. Pep comics editor doesn't want the attention. Ethel explains to Jughead (in an actually decent scene) that she wants to do the story because everyone is telling her how to think and feel about her parents murder and she wants to tell her story. They change the idea to a mailman. Pep editor knows that everyone will come for them, but decides it's time to fight the system.
Betty and Veronica break into the Pembrook and secretly live in the apartment. They have a sleepover with Kevin and Clay. Then, a day or so later, they have an intimate talk about how horrible their families are (which, true); promise not to become their parents; and talk about how happy Kevin and Clay are. Which turns into talking about experimenting with other women, which turns into them almost kissing. However, they're stopped by Mary Andrews who, long story short, knew something was wrong when she overheard the two girls talking earlier in the episode. When she finds out that the girls have been rejected by their mothers, Mary shames Hermione (off screen) and Alice into taking them back. Mary has strange, strange powers. Anyway, the girls seem to be considering a relationship with one another. To be clear, I don't have a problem with Beronica and wouldn't mind seeing Beronica, but I doubt this will last more then an episode or two, so it's just kind of...meh.
The boys basketball team is without a Captain as Julien is in a coma. Reggie is blamed for the accident by Clifford, who wants Reggie off the team. Archie is made captain of the team, but he just wants to write poetry. Cheryl wants to take care of her brother and not worry about cheerleading, but Clifford threatens to harm Cheryl. And it's this point we should remember that Clifford is the only parent in this show that has effectively and ruthlessly killed one his own children, so...
Anyway, long story short, Clifford seems to be close to getting rid of Reggie. But Archie, and the team, say if Reggie isn't made captain; they'll walk. Clifford mentions that he doesn't like being threatened (which, again, actually is concerning with this character); but Reggie is made Captain. Julien wakes up from his coma. Reggie wins the game. Clifford is pissed. Yadda, yadda, yadda, something about a storm coming.
And, again, we only have eight episodes after this.
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ghoststudios · 2 years
Archie for the last I dunno, ten years: Reggie is mean and he is the villain of the comic.
Archie in the encyclopedia: he is a good boy and must protect.
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jhsharman · 2 years
Close, no cigar
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Still got his name wrong.
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supercap2319 · 4 months
Y/N knew that the Seprents had a lot of male members in their group, but he never would have expected most of them to be so desperate for a quick fuck.
After his Serpent dance on stage in the Whyte Wyrm in front of all Serpents, Y/N was made an honorary member of the Southside and was even given a blue leather jacket that was similar to the black ones the Serpents wore and the red one Archie wore as well.
That's when Archie had proudly announced that if anyone wanted a chance to come and get to know Y/N on a more personal level, they had a tent in the back all read the to go. Needless to say, Y/N wasn't expecting so many guys. Some of them were even married.
That didn't stop him from taking round after round of Serpent dicks in one or both of his holes. He serviced them all. Such as: Moose Mason. Chuck Clayton. Reggie Mantel. Even some of the older Serpents, until he was ready for the king himself: F.A. Andrews. Letting Archie's dad slide his cock inside his mouth and ass was truly hot. Even more so when F.A. said that Y/N was so much better than Archie's mom. Tighter, too.
And after everyone had their fill, Archie came into the tent with a smirk. "You were so hot, babe. Dancing on stage in that tight ass jockstrap and then plowed and played with my everyone in the Serpents. You look so good with dicks inside your mouth and ass." Archie palmed his growing erection.
Y/N eyed his hard on and smirks. "Always room for one more. But first... I want my payment."
Archie smirks. "A new motorcycle and a necklace that says you're my little concubine. It's yours, babe. Now, take off that soaked jock, and let me fuck you properly."
Y/N slips the jockstrap off his legs and smiles. "Come get it, Andrews."
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mean-vampyre · 1 year
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Round 6
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; there are no issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, they are a part of that history. Please do take this as an endorsement, and committ online violence.
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Riverdale Hunger Games?
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samynnad102687 · 11 months
Oct 29th - James and Sirius - Halloween Pranks
1,327 words
James and Sirius were the biggest pranksters when they were in school. Just because they graduated didn’t mean that they had grown up enough to stop their pranking, it just got a little harder to get away with it. Not that they really try to, it’s not like they can’t get detention for their pranks anymore. 
James and Sirius were lying on James’ couch, trying to come up with what they should do while their husbands were at work. They had already watched a movie and eaten way too much candy that James was sure Regulus was going to yell at him for later if he found out. Sorry, when he found out. Who was James kidding? There was no if when it came to Regulus finding out shit.
“You know-” Sirius started and James sat up. He knew that tone well. It was his mischievous tone. “We haven’t pranked anybody in a while. I think it’s time to see if we still have what it takes. Don’t you think?”
“What kind of pranks do you have in mind and how long would I be sleeping on the couch when Reggie finds out?” James asked curiously.
It wasn’t that he wasn’t willing to do the pranks, he just needed to know the level before he eventually said yes. Sirius looked up from his spot on the couch and they both knew that James was going to say yes, regardless.
“Couple days, maybe, if he finds out.”
“You know there is no if with Regulus it’s only when,” James corrected him.
“Yeah, I know. I still haven’t figured out how he does that either.” Sirius shrugged as he sat up straight and stared at James. “Are you ready?”
“Always,” James said with a smirk that screamed mischief.
“Okay, so here’s my plan-”
Sirius told James his plan and it sounded like a fun plan. They planned on hitting everybody so that nobody felt left out and the severity of the prank would depend on the person or couple. James and Sirius grabbed their phones, keys, and jackets before slipping on their boots and heading to the shops to pick up supplies. It took them an hour to get everything and to start setting up.
The first stop was Lily and Pandora’s flat. James knew that both of them were at work still but he had an emergency key to let them into the flat. Would it get taken away after this? Possibly. James and Sirius had set up a remote-controlled snake in the living room that was connected to Sirius’ phone and they hid a camera on the mantel to capture their reactions when Sirius turned it on.
The next stop was Barty and Evan’s flat. James and Sirius took clear plastic wrap and blocked off a few of the doors in the flat including the front door on their way out. After that, James and Sirius hit up Dorcas and Marlene’s place. James had rigged it so that every time they opened a new door, a bucket of fake spiders would fall on their heads.
Sirius had set up a prank for Remus and James had set one up for Regulus. They didn’t tell each other the specifics of the pranks for their respective husbands but Sirius did mention something about Remus’ shampoo. James knew better than to even think about touching Regulus’ hair care products. He still wanted to live, thank you very much.
Unfortunately, Mary and Peter were out of town visiting their parents for the holiday, so they couldn’t prank them like they wanted to. Everybody’s pranks were set to go off all at the same time and James couldn’t wait to watch their reactions on his phone. He was fully prepared to sleep on the couch if Regulus got too upset by them. But honestly, Regulus knew who he married so it shouldn’t be a surprise. Plus, all of the pranks were harmless. Nothing like what they used to do in school. They would need to plan more the next time they feel like doing this.
James was sitting on his couch again, watching a movie when Regulus came home from the bookshop. From his demeanour, it seemed to have been a pretty slow day. Regulus came in and gave James a quick kiss before heading off to put his bag away in the bedroom. When he returned, Regulus sat down on the couch next to James and let out a sigh of relief and James was confused.
“How was work?” James asked curiously. 
“It was fine, we just had to do inventory and that was a bitch. At least we didn’t have a lot of customers come in today,” Regulus replied before staring at James with curious eyes. “What did you do today?”
“Oh, umm, Sirius came over and we watched a couple of movies. That was about it.”
“Uh-huh,” Regulus started before giving James a knowing smirk. “So whose idea was it to prank people then?”
And that was just annoying. James knew that Regulus would figure out that he was out pranking people with Sirius but he didn’t think he would figure it out before he actually got to prank him.
“Who said we were pranking anybody?” James asked innocently.
“Please, your face said it all plus I found the rat under the bed.” Regulus shrugged as he handed the remote control rat back to James. “My guess is that it was Sirius’ idea and you both hit up everybody’s houses while everyone was at work.”
“Seriously, how do you always know everything?” 
“You can’t fool me, Jamie. You never could so I don’t know why you keep trying,” Regulus replied nonchalantly.
“One day. One day I will be able to pull one over on you.”
“Keep telling yourself that, dear.” Regulus laughed lightly. “Now if I know my brother and I know I do, where’s the video for everybody else?”
James stared at him for a few more minutes before giving in and pulling out his phone. He pulled up the camera feed without another word right as everything started to happen. First, Evan ran straight into the clear barrier when he opened the door and nearly fell back on his ass. Lily screamed when the snake moved across the floor. Marlene shrieked and swatted at her hair to get the spiders off. Once Evan and Barty got the plastic wrap off of their front door with a huff, Barty went into the kitchen and ran into the plastic wrap there bouncing off just like Evan did with the front door. Dorcas opened the bathroom door and had a bucket full of spiders and spider webs fell on top of her. Pandora found the snake and broke it. Sirius isn’t going to like that. 
When James and Regulus looked at Sirius’ flat, they found Remus coming out of the bathroom with bright red hair and a sour expression on his face. 
“Oh, he’s going to kill Sirius for that one. We were planning on taking a group photo tomorrow at work for Halloween,” Regulus said through his laughter before he sobered up and stared at James again, “You didn’t let him near my hair care products right?”
“No, I was in charge of your prank. Sirius had already gone home before I set it up,” James said quickly and watched as Regulus relaxed again.
“Okay. Did you eat? I’m starving.”
“Not yet, do you want to cook or order takeaway?”
“Let’s cook tonight. We’ve had takeaway three times this week.”
Regulus stood up after giving James a quick kiss on the cheek and headed for the kitchen to find something to eat. It took less than a minute for the shriek to come from the pantry and James had to hide his laughter before Regulus got even more pissed off at him. 
“Jamie, could you come here please?” Regulus asked calmly and James knew he was in trouble. 
@cazzythefrogking @clementinewoolf @maladaptivewriting @lavenderhaze @literally-the-prettiest-star @thebibutterflyao3 @seiworf @emjayeingray @remusregulusrosekiller @heartsoncover @accuratewhereabouts @belowthestarrs
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femmescooter · 8 months
the bollywood version of riverdale has dilton doiley in unrequited but tenderly recognized love with reggie mantel and it is bittersweet and lovely and I’m not joking
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mothmanchronicler · 1 year
reggie the blur mantel ... you never see him coming
pls be bisexual archie just PLEASE
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riverdalefan6602 · 2 years
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shymeg · 4 years
Why is Reggie Hiram's 2nd man? Doesn't Reggie remember when Hiram left him for dead? I mean I do. You think Reggie would be more inclined to be working with the Serpents. Whatever.
I wonder if Archie is a little jealous that Reggie has his old job?
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dandiest-art · 4 years
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Archie Comics: Cheryl, Reggie, Kevin and Chuck
My comic character style studies
(This is me just having fun and messing around with already existing photos, I did not design anything about the appearance of these characters)
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ghoststudios · 2 years
This is for the comics verison, go else where for riverdale.
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jhsharman · 1 month
"patch as patch can" "patch me if you can"
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Streamlining the explanation in the second panel. Not sure why the need to add a stutter for the first panel.
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Bedelia Glutenschnable gets replaced by Ophelia Glutenschnable, a more permanent character.
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The shortening for Ophelia's skirt is an odd choice, given that she is taken to have negative physical appeal and is comically out of fashion.
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"Gee Whiz" slides away in favor of "Golly". And Veronica's skirt gets cut off barely above the panel border. On the expression "that's real George", an expression I am unfamiliar with but a quick look see shows it was a popular expression amongst early 50s youth which originated from Jerry Lester in the late night variety tv show 'Broadway Open House'. For what it is worth, the 1952 panel has Veronica saying simply "That's George".
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Reggie Mantel.
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Betty's skirt is kept long. And we note differences in the styles of the background students 1952 vs. 1960 -- noting the girl in the middle.
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A glitch gives Betty a green sweater for a panel. Ad the best laid plans etc. And everyone comes out unhappy here. Except, I guess, Glutenschnable.
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Different expressions from the two Glutenschnables.
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"Shake your ankles, Archie. I ain't had so much fun since Granny caught her nose in the meat chopper". Vs. "Let's go Archie. I ain't had so much fun since Aunt Danny caught her nose in the clothes wringer". Unfortunately, the Ophelia Glutenschnable title was cancelled before that story.
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emma-ofnormandy · 5 years
Unpopular Opinions (or maybe not?) From Tonight’s Episode
1. I’m here for Principle Honey- he’s rocking a sexy Clark Kent look, in his teen years he was a regular at Dawson’s Creek and I love the fact he’s in a war with Cheryl Blossom.
2. Kevin deserves only love and friendship and understanding. He is not a pawn for other people’s bullshit.
3. Betty needs to check the attitude.
4. Not here for the prep school thing.
5. Reggie Mantel is breaking my heart and someone please swoop in and save him.
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zaltzman · 6 years
bro the choni content in today’s episode was the fucking cutest shit i’ve seen
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