#regi speaks
orderandcollosal · 7 months
Hey. Out of curiosity, what would you say is the most difficult thing about having your abilities? I’m asking both of you, if it isn’t clear. :}
The most difficult thing, hm?
Having to limit myself. And to not use too much energy. It takes a lot sometimes. I cut my original strength in half because my body just couldn’t fully handle it.
Knowing when it’s necessary for certain abilities, and what to use. I don’t want to abuse my power just because i’m one of the more powerful legendaries..
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hanzajesthanza · 1 year
the reason geregis works is that they are both middle aged men with lines on their face who previously severely struggled with intense suicidal ideation and they’re still grappling with facing the tragic reality that they’re unable to save everyone and to be human is inherently to suffer and kill mercilessly. also they have gay dream sex
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ministarfruit · 2 years
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tempus hypemen showing up to outscream all the fans
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packet-of-staples · 6 months
So I found some Rawfury videos of Yuri Lowenthal, Krizia Bajos and Cissy Jones talking about their characters and talking about the game before it was released (I was looking for clips for OC voice claims) and there was something in Cissy's Vivian video that kinda stuck out to me.
So what she says about Vivian exactly is: "Arcadia to her is- its not only where she's built her career, its where she's building her legacy, and uh, for her this is something really important. She wants to leave something of value, something that's worth a lot to people-"
Now, from a non spoiler point of view this is like, oh yeah rich Ceo lady wants to leave a mark on the world. Ceos are always talking about legacy, wanting to leave something behind, be something great yadda yadda. Added bonus if you know that she's supposed to be Elijah's '''Granddaughter''', she wants to continue her family's legacy all checks out.
But, knowing who she really is, not Elijah's granddaughter but one of the Arcadia 6, makes this sentence a lot more interesting. You could see this as her wanting to remake her legacy, because she technically already had one. Emily Garland is one of the 6 Arcadian born citizens to escape the dome, that's something pretty cool to be known for. But she threw that away, she sold out and chose to support the very company that oppressed her and many others like her. So now she has to make something more of herself to justify that choice. If she can make Arcadia greater, bring it out of its current slump like Howard Ashman did for Disney, then she's no longer the escapee who sold out because she was too weak to handle the outside world, she's the amazing woman who made American Arcadia popular again!
Cissy goes on to say: "-and so she works really really hard to make this thing, um, the best it can be with the most interesting people-" (She also goes on to call Trevor 'a bit of an L 7' or a square and I think that's really funny, like yeah, yeah he wouldn't be there, he would be square)
She does work really hard to leave something that, in her eyes, is positive to her image. She's reinventing herself to make her crawling back to the company worth it. To prove to herself that it wasn't a mistake and to leave a legacy that, hopefully, most people will look fondly on instead of in contempt or betrayal. She wants to leave something of value, because I can imagine there is a part of her that doesn't hold any value in herself, not after failing to make a difference that actually mattered and becoming part of the problem.
And I dunno I feel like that adds just an extra layer to her which is pretty cool. I could also be reading way too much into this idk.
Anyway, the other two videos are very cool too. Yuri talks about how Trevor's life isn't boring like Walton thinks it is, its just 'Exciting in the wrong way'. He also talks about how he thinks lots of people will relate to Trevor (So true) and how just because your life may be simple, it doesn't mean its boring and not worth living which I think is very sweet. Thank you Yuri. Krizia talks about how she really related to Angela because she grew up on Puerto Rico and how she got to add a couple of 'spicy words' as she put it, in her dialogue for a bit of extra authenticity. She also talked about how Walton was the job Angela always wanted, but after 'peaking behind the curtain' she realised that it wasn't the dream she thought is was, it's both kinda heart breaking but also very relatable, especially I'm sure to those in the entertainment industry. It makes me really want to know what her 'peak behind the curtain' moment was and what the steps where to get her to this point in more detail (Hey hey, Out of the Blue, hey please. please make that prologue thing you said was a good idea of mine on twitter. Hey, please? Please? It has the Regi Davis stamp of approval, please?)
The videos are very cool I'll put them under the cut if you're interested. I just wanted to have a ramble cause I haven't in a while and I've just been thinking about this.
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Felt the need to doodle this—
but I was too lazy to finish the second arm lmao
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sparklecryptid · 1 year
Because I'm in the mood for angst at the moment - well, I suppose I should preface this by saying that I generally like Regis? It's just - sometimes, it's just *so satisfying* to /blast/ the occasional character. (Usually those in some position of authority.) So - remember the Regis-Kills-Ace-Before-Ace-Is-Implausibly-Resurrected scenario? Imagine if that happened in All The Bastards (1/2)
(2/2) None of the Bastards will ever forget this. Or ever trust Regis
It takes a second for Ardor to realize what has happened. In the second it takes him to realize that there is a hole where Ace’s presence in his magic once sat like a gathering storm Jules eyes have widened to saucers behind her thick glasses.
“No,” she says and it’s desperate and pleading and she looks at Ardor for assurance when Ardor has none. He’s frozen and curling his magic inward to look for any sign that Ace is still there. Any sign that his brother is being cruel and not dead. “No. No! Where did Ace go? Ardor - Ardor please where is he? Why can’t I feel him anymore? What happened to our brother?”
Her voice break at the end and Ardor can do nothing but catch her as she throws herself into his arms and sobs.
Persephone is cleaning. It’s her day off and she has plans with her husband and Ace and Nyx for dinner. She thinks that she’ll make something rice and some sort of meat and sauce. As for vegetables - perhaps some sort of tomato? Or maybe corn.
She decides on corn eventually and is in the process of pulling the cobs out of the fridge when death latches onto the bond she has with her siblings and she spares a moment to panic before the chill leaves. For a moment she thinks it was a fluke but then she realizes she can’t feel Ace anymore. All of her siblings are alive. She can feel their magic thrumming through her bonds like a live wire. Her siblings are fine.
All of them are fine except Ace. Ace’s magic has vanished and Persephone swallows the lump in her throat. She puts the corn down on her counter and reaches for her phone.
He doesn’t answer.
Persephone’s can feel the rage in her welling to uncomfortable levels. Ace is hers. Her brother. Her brother. Hers.
He doesn’t get to die without them. He doesn’t get to die when she can prevent it.
Persephone calls Ardyn.
He doesn’t answer either.
Thanatos is fine.
He is fine.
His little brother could be dead - could because unless there is a corpse in front of him Thanatos is not going to believe Ace let something as stupid as death take him - Ace could be dead and Thanatos knows that he should do something. He knows that he is shaking and that his eyes are glowing and maybe studying forbidden magic was a bad idea because the ground beneath his feet cracks open.
He usually has more control than that. But his brother could be dead.
His brother could be dead.
Thanatos lets out a hysterical laugh and blindly reaches his magic out for Ace’s. If Ace is alive Thanatos will find him. If Ace is dead Thanatos won’t find anything.
Thanatos doesn’t find anything.
He reaches out again, latching onto Ardyn’s magic and Thanatos makes a truly stupid decision. Without a beacon, without anything to guide him but his Uncle’s magic Thanatos forces himself into a warp and finds himself in Regis’ throne room.
“Hey,” Thanatos says as he stumbles in between Regis and Ardyn, “Where the fuck is my brother?”
Mercury and Jupiter are in Niflheim when Ace’s magic fades.
An MT helmet is crushed in Jupiter’s grip.
“Hey,” Jupiter says, “Can you find out where Uncle is?”
Mercury is frozen in spot. Stilled for once as too many scenarios run through her mind that she hadn’t ever needed to think about before. Ace was never supposed to die.
“Hey!” Jupiter drops the helm and stalks toward her sister. She grabs Mercury’s face in her hands. “We aren’t gonna find out anything if you freeze up! Where the fuck is Niflheims Chancellor?”
Mercury pushes Jupiter away and pulls out a cellphone.
“Give me a minute.”
Bard pause. She thanks her audience and stands up. She packs her instrument away and calmly makes her way to an alleyway. A quick soundproofing spell ensures she won’t be overheard.
She takes a breath.
She screams at the top of her lungs. What happened to her brother? Why can’t she feel him? What happened to her brother?
She doesn’t know. She opens the group chat to find everyone freaking out but neither Thanatos or Ardyn are online.
Neither is Ace.
Bard takes another breath.
Her brother has to be fine.
He has to be.
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sunbunnyyy · 29 days
y’all wanna see my dogs
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outeremissary · 1 month
Contemplating tonight that for all their other ideological differences, Sosiel really does carry what Carmen considers her ideals for the future. That vision of healing after devastation, the belief in good and the worth of principle- this is what Carmen thinks she's about, thinks she's fighting for. There's something compelling there. Needs time to marinate.
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angeltism · 4 months
more writing under the cut :) accidentally pressed post b4 proof reading but whatever we die like men or smth
when you both wake up, the strange mage who trapped you here seems much more energized than he did the night before. he taunts you a bit more, reminding you of your circumstances and how from now on you'll be completely alone.
he attempts his spell again and before you can process whether it succeeded or not, your vision goes black and you promptly pass out.
you wake up again, in a different field, with the mage on the floor next to you. the world is considerably different, almost as though you were in a dream. everything has a blue or purple hue, and it seems to be much more alive than wherever the mage had put you when you first arrived here. he wakes up after you've taken in your surroundings a bit, and upon realizing you are not where you were before and he's still here, he panics.
in a fit of anxiety, he stumbles out the fact that the teleportation spell must have gone wrong when he sent it, or he was still too low on mana, or something really bad must have happened because now even he does not know where you are. he frantically looks around, but is attacked by a wolf and you have to swoop in to save him.
he admits that the realm seems to have completely altered itself and he doesn't know why or how it happened, but he believes he is also trapped here and the only way out for the both of you is to find the exit he had planned, but now he isn't even sure if it's in the same location and even if it is, it is most likely very, very far away from where the two of you are currently.
he reluctantly apologises for having been so rude to you, and introduces himself as aimar. he explains he's served the demon king for decades (although he doesn't elaborate on how exactly that happened, or why he doesn't look too old if it's been that long), however he's willing to have a truce between yourselves, just for the sake of making it out of here alive.
you accept the truce, properly introducing yourself, and playfully note how his hat seems to be missing. he groans, noting how it must have gotten lost when the realm rearranged itself. for a moment, he seems a bit too pathetic to have been the one to trap you here, instead looking like one of the many mage apprentices you met and ran errands for over the course of your journey.
he shakes your arm, pulling you from your thoughts, and insists that you both should try and scout out your surroundings and find some kind of food.
this'll be a long journey home, won't it?
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Taylor Swift performing Mine on Live With Regis and Kelly on October 27, 2010.
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claitea · 9 months
oh my god i just found out that meloetta is obtainable without an event in the indigo disk, which is great bc i adore meloetta and the way they're making previously event only mythicals available in other ways is nice. the best part tho is that it sings relic song, its got an animation synced to the song i ADORE this
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orderandcollosal · 1 year
Hello, this is our intro!
I am Zygarde, the keeper of order. You can call me “Zy” though.
Bonnie came up with the idea of me making a blog, so I dragged Regigigas into this as well.
We are individuals. All 5 of us. Though, whenever we are in a human body or 100%, only one of us controls the body. It’s complicated. So, we wear a necklace to indicate who’s in the body, and 2 bracelets to show whose controlling it.
We have different pronouns.
Red - He/They
Orange - She/They
White - She/Her
Blue - They/Them
Purple - He/Him
Whenever its 100%, use They/Them. (All green text = 100%)
We all are caught by Bonnie, and travel with her, Serena, Ash, and Clemont.
Red and Blue come from Kalos, and the rest come from other regions. We are all over the world with color differences depending on the region/temperature.
We are currently in a poly relationship with Xerneas, Yveltal, and Regigigas.
You are welcome to ask any questions you may have.
Hey. I’m Regigigas. The colossal pokemon. The one who towed the continents. I was dragged into this.
My nickname is Regi.
I created all of the Regis. They still stick around nearby where we travel to.
My pronouns change, just ask.
I physically cannot talk fluently out loud. I do not have a mouth. If in person, I will communicate with morse code or binary. However, I AM able to speak, it just takes quite a lot of energy in order to do so. Even then, it could mess up and I start speaking in ancient languages.
I have so much strength that I could lift a mountain. Yes I experimented with that. Don’t ask why.
I walk around with Zy and the others for fun. There isn’t that much else to do.
I am able to change my height somehow. I still don’t understand how exactly. Normally I just use a height thats around as big as Zy. Naturally however, I’m around..over 60’ ft.
// YOOO my first rp blog!! :D
I use tone tags!!/gen
These are my characters!
Ik its probably..definitely weird versions of em-
Basically I ONLY fixate on XYZ. Soo..Instead of the xyz gang splitting up, they take a break and reunite after a few months! The story continues from bonnie’s perspective as she catches Zygarde and grows up to be a trainer with the whole gang! The sun and moon thing still happens, just with xyz as well
For Zy, heres their personalities!
Red - Fond of humans, a little more trusting
Orange - Skiddish, anxious. Typically called a “Coward”.
White - Mood swings galore. Could be happy and content to angry in 2 seconds.
Blue - Trust issues at first, gets chill if you’re close with em.
Purple - Angry Bastard. Always picking a fight. He ALWAYS fights with white.
Heres old art I made on here!
They are able to use power to turn into a human form or disguise!
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hanzajesthanza · 1 year
Geralt: From now on, we will be using code names. You can address me as Eagle One. Yennefer, code name: “Been There, Done That.” Fringilla is “Currently Doing That.” Regis is “It Happened Once in a Dream”; Dandelion, code name: “If I Had To Pick a Dude.” Milva is... Eagle Two.
Milva: Oh, thank the gods.
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clericofshadows · 1 year
I should probably stop using Regis as my model for all my mods because tbh I'm very tired of people commenting just to ask about him (or parts of him) even though I've stated in my description that he'll never be released...
but I'm not going to because why use a custom or default Shep when I make all my mods purely for Regis lol
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thefandomcassandra · 1 year
Writing fic is like:
Puts them in a situation
Puts them in a situation 2: electric boogaloo
Bonks them with the Consequences Stick
Bonks them with the Feelings Stick
Your honor, they are baby (figurative)
Your honor, they are baby (literal)
Washing machine on high spin
Heehoo, geode
Tucking them in with a kiss
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honestly-oceanie · 2 years
So my first fic has reach a hundred notes, thank you guys😭❤ but I still haven't made a second fic yet and I had a few ideas but decided on these. I'm practicing and helping myself on getting out of procrastination cause I really need to so I'm making a schedule and just organizing things which I'll hopefully really fulfill. I'm trying. Pinning this to get reminded when im on tumblr.
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