#regis x clarus
savage-rhi · 1 year
Idk if you write for these characters but Regis and clarus go on a road trip with
getting back from the trip, and some friends are there to welcome them back, but something seems..different and one mf cant help but say “what happened did you guys fuck or something” (…they did)
I never wrote for Regis or Clarus before, but I am now! Hope you like it! 💙
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Weskham couldn't help but side eye Regis as they both ventured down one of the main palace halls. Since the prince arrived home from his trip with Clarus, there had been something different about him. Regis looked more exhausted than when he first left. As if another issue at hand was gripping his mind. This troubled Weskham a great deal. The whole point of the trip--that both he and Clarus arranged--was to ensure Regis had time to rest. Gods above knew Regis needed it before he and his team would venture to Accordo to build up alliances.
The weight of the world was literally upon the crown that Regis would wear. Weskham knew that better than anyone. Being the hand of the king, it was his duty and honor to help the monarch keep the peace and also take care of himself. To see Regis look so tired after having a peaceful vacation, felt like a failure on Weskham's part. He felt foolish for not pulling Clarus to the side to ask what had happened.
Weskham stared at the coronation ring that was snug against Regis's right index finger, knowing one day the Ring of the Lucii would take its place. Furrowing his brows, Weskham could feel the competent adviser he knew himself to be pave way to the best friend: wanting to know what was ailing his pal besides the unfair sacrifices his bloodline carried.
"A pardon, highness." Weskham cleared his throat.
"Yes?" Regis stopped in his tracks and turned his attention in full to Weskham. His eyes glanced up and down his form, noting he looked concerned.
"You only ever look like you've seen a ghost when something terrible is on the horizon, my friend."
Weskham couldn't help but laugh. He shook his head. "Fortunately, you are wrong there. However, I have to say that as your friend you have me worried. You haven't looked well since you left the Regalia."
"Oh," Regis made a face. He turned his gaze elsewhere down the hall, as if making sure no one else was within the vicinity. "I can assure you there is nothing amiss on my part. However, the trip with Clarus was...an experience to say the least. Let's resume our walk."
Weskham gave a bow with his head and pressed on. While staying at Regis's right side, he couldn't help but grin.
Regis raised a brow. "What's so amusing?"
"Oh nothing but an immature thought." Weskham chuckled.
"Enlighten me." Regis smiled awkwardly, shaking his head.
"If I didn't know better," Weskham began, trying to keep his composure in check. "I'd say you and Clarus finally gave into that tension that's been with us since youth."
"Beg your pardon?"
"Don't be daft, Regis." Weskham huffed with amusement. "I mean what exactly happened between you and Clarus that was an experience? Did you two fuck or something?"
Regis's eyes bulged from his skull at the accusation. His body and posture tensed and an awkward silence fell between both his long time friend and himself. He blinked a few times after Weskham did a double take.
"I'm good," Regis coughed. "I'm good."
The faint blush to Regis's pale skin and his response was enough to tell Weskham everything. He parted his mouth to say something, but was quickly interrupted.
"May we both respectfully pretend this conversation didn't transpire."
Weskham could feel his own face growing warm now. What began as a jest to an inside joke between himself, Regis, and Clarus was now heading into territory Weskham himself wasn't sure he was ready for. Both as a friend of the prince and his future adviser.
"I agree," Weskham finally responded, not before smirking. "Was he good at least?"
"That meeting with the Niflheim councilman, I need you to get it rescheduled ASAP." Regis all but bulldozed through the question Weskham asked. He glared at hearing the suppressed chuckles escaped Weskham's mouth.
"I'll ensure it happens," Weskham nodded. "By the way, Reg, nice dodge."
"Oh shut up."
If you like my work and feel generous, feel free to donate to my ko-fi account or my cash app account!
Cash App: $JayRex1463
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andywinter16 · 2 years
Glaives S/O crashes drunk in their place (+ Regis)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my @autumnspookydreams​! Enjoy your men with your drunken shenaningas XD  (I loveee youuu! )
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The alarm clock showed exactly three in the morning when he heard the keys in the lock. "Love, looove, *hic loooveeeeeee I want to *hic cuddleeeee, nooooow.*hic" She said in a singing voice. Nyx had to smirk at your antics, he knew you were celebrating your friend´s newborn, but he never imagined you would get that drunk.  And weren´t you adorable one.  He tiredly pulled you closer to his chest .“Come here kitten” he chuckled at you” cuddles will be after I get you to bed.” You pouted at him while wrapping your arms around his waist tightly. “ But *hic I want * hic hic cuuudle Nyxie noow!” Nyx picked her up like a little baby and throw himself at the bed with you in his arms. “ Aren´t you in luck, kitten. I was just thinking about being lonely in here.” You looked at Nyx with such adoration in your doe eyes. He felt like on Cloud 9 with you, his precious kitten. He started to doze off on you, when your voice called for him. "Nyxie," you wrapped lose strand of his hair around your finger" I will puke." You were so lucky that he loved you, because he got no sleep.
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Tredd would call himself a party animal. So coming home at odd hours for him wasn´t anything unusual. But for fuck´s sake who would bang at his door at 1:30 am, when he just came from assignment and wanted nothing more that sleep?!  Tredd went to open the door. “ You better be dying out there, If you think..” “Treddiiee, you areee baack.” What greeted him, was you completely wasted with wide grin. “ Babe, what the hell, partying without me?” said quite annoyed. He took you inside, you were shivering in your pretty dress with wide cleavage. " Not that I mind the view, but it' freezing outside." Seriously, you were the one usually nagging him about this. Guess the roles switched now. Tredd took you by your waist and leaded you inside the bathroom. "Tredd, b-but I don't want to ..." You didn't have a chance to end your sentence, when Tredd pushed you in the hot running shower. The shock was tremendous, your body fully awake. Tredd's personal sober tactic, works every time as he would proudly state. You saw his red hair through the curtain, his voice sounded so cocky. " So are you still cold, babe?" "Tredd, you asshole!" you tried to splash him. " Easy there, tiger! Or you will slip up. And I don't want your pretty face get hurt." He grinned like ass, he is. You wanted to strandle him. " Furia, you better pray to the Astrals when I get my hands on you!" you wobblily got from a shower, the dress was ruined and dripped water on the floor. Tredd winked at you. " Hm, I will enjoy that for sure, babe."
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“Clarus, I can walk perfectly fine to my room, mind you.” she proceed to almost fell down the stairs. “ I can see that, highness.” Clarus truly wasn´t paid enough for dealing with this. But you were almost near your bedroom and Clarus will gladly throw you at your husband without mercy. “ Regie, I am back! The party was a great success, even Sylva was enjoying it. And that is something, consider it that her sense of humor is rather bland." You happily chatted to your husband who amusedly watched you from bed when you barged in to your shared bedroom. " Highness, your wife drank eight bottles of the exclusive red wine from Leide. And then with Queen Sylva danced on the table." Regis had to hide a laugh. You were always so wild, he loved that about you. Regis only hoped, that there was a video of it. He made mental note to ask Cor about it later. "Clarus, you're dismissed. Thank you for accompanying my wife safely to our room. I believe there was no trouble at all." He snickered at Clarus poorly hiden distress. " Good night, your highnesses!" You came dressed in your pajamas. " Bye bye Clarus, tell your wife I love her!" Sadly Clarus was gone. Regis almost pissed himself from laugh at how fast his friend run. He opened his arms, a very warm invite into his embrace " Come here angel. I am curious what else you were doing on the "Tea party" of yours." " But for such information, there is a price to pay." You giggled when you returned the hug. " Regis smirked " Oh, I believe we could find solution to this, my Queen."
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ocrpfinder · 12 days
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
21+ | 🕊️🍪 | oc x oc | mxm | Dark Themes| Dead Dove | I'm looking to play the dom (but I can sub if you're a hard dom) | Real face claims only (unless we need monster forms, etc) | Anything goes (except for bathroom play) | Discord Private server RP with Tupperbox | Semi-Lit to Novella, I match my partners. | Looking for active people/people who love OOC/world building/aesthetics | Filling some time gaps between my slower partners, so they don't feel pressured to reply to me more quickly! I love and want them to feel pressure-free :) |
Theme: Bodyguard x Guarded Individual, OR something similar. I'm still looking for more partners!
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Hello! If you're still reading this, that means you're interested in all the basics I posted above. I'm a 21+F and I don't care what you are. I'm looking to hammer out some bodyguard-esque themed RPs--preferably with a fantasy, supernatural, monstrous or otherwise magical twist. Knights would be so freaking good right now. 😭❤️ But yes--I'd like to play it out where the pair absolutely cannot fall in love, for example, the Regis x Clarus ship from FF15. I'm not looking to play out that ship, but if you know, you know.
I'd really love some Prince x Knight, or something along those lines, be it modern day (with Knights still being a thing because lore and world building reasons!) or set in a fantasy world with names that we can actually pronounce, I'm so down for this. If you're looking for hardcore high fantasy with Ageulisk Maximu'sklur as your main character, I'm not sure we'll be a fit. I can do high fantasy, but please don't expect me to invent complicated locations/names for things.
I usually RP every day, but frequency of posts depends on how much I have on my plate and how bad my health is. I'm on a year-long medical leave, so I have tons of time on my hands. Anyways, I'm not opposed to monster shenanigans, with monsters doing the plowing, nor am I opposed to the bodyguard being forced into his position as a slave. The dom character can be either one, I don't care. I prefer my subs to be dynamic characters, not just pretty things to look at who throw themselves at my muses. I can also mumu, if we see fit for the story. Lots of growth here. Potential 🍪 if they're growing up together or with an age gap.
I love me some healthy dose of smut, but if you love storybuilding and plot that comes WITH a healthy dose of smut, then this is the right one for you.
Please like this post if you're interested and I'll get back to you! :)
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prpfz · 19 days
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
**21+** | 🕊️🍪 | oc x oc | mxm | Dark Themes| Dead Dove | I'm looking to play the dom (but I can sub if you're a hard dom) | Real face claims only (unless we need monster forms, etc) | Anything goes (except for bathroom play) | Discord Private server RP with Tupperbox | Semi-Lit to Novella, I match my partners |
**Theme:** Bodyguard x Guarded Individual
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Hello! If you're still reading this, that means you're interested in all the basics I posted above. I'm a 21+F and I don't care what you are. I'm looking to hammer out some bodyguard-esque themed RPs--preferably with a fantasy, supernatural, monstrous or otherwise magical twist. Knights would be so freaking good right now. 😭❤️ But yes--I'd like to play it out where the pair absolutely *cannot* fall in love, for example, the Regis x Clarus ship from FF15. I'm not looking to play out that ship, but if you know, you know.
I'd really love some Prince x Knight, or something along those lines, be it modern day (with Knights still being a thing because lore and world building reasons!) or set in a fantasy world with names that we can actually pronounce, I'm so down for this. If you're looking for hardcore high fantasy with Ageulisk Maximu'sklur as your main character, I'm not sure we'll be a fit. I can do high fantasy, but please don't expect me to invent complicated locations/names for things.
I usually RP every day, but frequency of posts depends on how much I have on my plate and how bad my health is. I'm on a year-long medical leave, so I have tons of time on my hands. Anyways, I'm not opposed to monster shenanigans, with monsters doing the plowing, nor am I opposed to the bodyguard being forced into his position as a slave. The dom character can be either one, I don't care. I prefer my subs to be dynamic characters, not just pretty things to look at who throw themselves at my muses. I can also mumu, if we see fit for the story. Lots of growth here. Potential 🍪 if they're growing up together or with an age gap.
I love me some healthy dose of smut, but if you love storybuilding and plot that comes WITH a healthy dose of smut, then this is the right one for you.
Please like this post if you're interested and I'll get back to you! :)
❥・・ ┈┈┈┈┈‪༚༅༚˳ . ୨୧ . ˳༚༅༚┈┈┈┈ ・・❥
give a like and anon will get back to you
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4th-make-quail · 1 month
5, 6, 8, and 18! (If you want to do all of them :3)
Fandom Questions
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for? ahaha quite a few!! mostly video games with a few other canons scattered here and abouts
Final Fantasy XIV (27) Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) (26) Final Fantasy XII (18) Final Fantasy XV (13) inFAMOUS (Video Games) (13) British Comedy RPF (9) The Magnus Archives (Podcast) (8) Devil May Cry (Gameverse) (7) Supernatural (TV 2005) (7) Baldur's Gate (Video Games) (5)
Interview with the Vampire (TV 2022) RPF (4) Compilation of Final Fantasy VII (4) Interview with the Vampire (TV 2022) (3) Overwatch (Video Game) (2) Final Fantasy X (2) Dishonored (Video Games) (1) The Goblin Emperor Series - Katherine Addison (1) Uncharted (Video Games) (1) Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga (1) Metal Gear (Video Games) (1)
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in. AHHHH THIS IS SO HARD I HAVE SO MANY OTPS SDLKGJL'FG okay here goes!
FFXIV: Sartauvoir/Basch, Gaius/Estinien, Lyon/Menenius Resident Evil: Chris/Wesker, Leon/Krauser, Jake/Sherry FFXII: Cid/Vayne, Ghis/Bergan, Ashe/Basch/Vossler, Ondore/Reddas, Ashe/Balthier(/Al-Cid) FFXV: Gladio/Noct, Prompto/Ignis, Nyx/Drautos, Regis/Clarus inFAMOUS: Cole/Zeke, Reggie/Delsin, Eugene/Reggie Britcom RPF: Charlie Brooker/David Mitchell TMA: Jon/Gerry, Martin/Mike Crew, Peter/Elias, Jon/Elias DMC: Nero/Credo, Dante/Vergil SPN: previously Dean/Cas, now Dean/Sam, Dean/Crowley, Sam/Rowena, many many others.... bg3: Omeluum/Blurg, Tav/Emperor, Orpheus/Voss iwtv rpf: Eric/Assad ofc!! iwtv: Armand/(old)Daniel, Louis/Armand/Daniel, Louis/Daniel, Armand/Louis FFVII: Cid/Vincent, Turks Gangbang in various combos Overwatch: Reaper/Soldier 76, Hanzo/Mcree (sorry idr his new name sldhglg) FFX: Auron/Jecht/Braska, Seymour/Anima(or Seymour's mother) Dishonored: Corvo/Daud The Goblin Emperor: Thara/Iana Uncharted: Sam/Sully!!!!! but i wrote Nate/Elena as a gift lol Full Metal Alchemist: Hughes/Mustang, although I wrote Ed/Winry for an exchange MGS: Sam/Raiden, Vamp/Raiden, BB/Ocelot, BB/Kaz, although when i wrote for this fandom it was..... a britcom rpf crossover LOL
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom? well, i was SUPER into the vampire chronicles as a young teen but i basically read iwtv -> TVA -> blood & gold and then stopped, cos i was mostly HUGELY into Armand and then Marius, and less bothered about the rest. then when iwtv (tv) came out, i was HUGELY into it, but i wasn't back on tumblr back then so i just kinda squeed in my own head? so when i found out s2 was airing (i'd missed like 3 eps i think??) i just finally got into the fandom proper! and having Armand there now just gave me all the impetus i needed to start making things heh. god i love him so much... needless to say young teen me HATED the casting choice from the original film LOL
Current Fandom
18. What ship have you written the most about? it's definitely Eric/Assad atm!! i've written three Armand/Daniel drabbles for Seasons of Drabbles exchange, but man, the rpf has taken me overrrr
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howdydarling · 2 years
Long post. Super long post. Super super long. Almost certainly not complete, but I ran outta steam like halfway through, so this is what you get.
IRL MEN. → men i would currently let absolutely wreck me
Ted Raimi - i do not have a single limit or boundary that i would not break for this man.
Lance Henriksen
Josh Brolin
Oscar Isaac
Jason Momoa
Christoph Waltz
→ men i have formerly been interested in who could probs still get it
Jeff Bridges
Robert Knepper
Andrew Scott
David Anders
Zachary Quinto
Leonard Nimoy (if he were still alive)
Karl Urban
DeForrest Kelley (if he were still alive)
Gaspard Ulliel
Paul Bettany
Adam Driver
Domhnall Gleeson
→ men i would probably fuck but not necessarily bc of the usual reasons
Tim Curry
Willem DaFoe
The Skarsgårds
Jack Black
→→ Outer Range
Royal Abbott
Perry Abbott
Rhett Abbott
Wayne Tillerson (it'd be a really weird fuck, i know it in my heart)
Billy Tillerson
Luke Tillerson
→→ Doctor Who
The Doctor (Nine / Ten)
The Master
→→ BBC Sherlock
Jim Moriarty
→→ Firefly
Hoban Washburne
Jayne Cobb
Simon Tam
→→ Torchwood
Owen Harper
Jack Harkness
→→ Heroes
Gabriel Gray / Sylar
Adam Monroe / Takezo Kensei
Peter Petrelli
Samuel Sullivan
→→ Dollhouse
→→ Star Trek (TOS)
Leonard "Bones" McCoy
S'chn T'gai Spock
→→ The Walking Dead
Negan Smith
The Governor
Darryl Dixon
Merle Dixon
→→ Tron
CLU 2.0
Kevin Flynn
Alan Bradley
→→ Jurassic Park (franchise)
Robert Muldoon
Ian Malcolm
→→ Zombieland
→→ Star Trek (NuTrek)
Leonard "Bones" McCoy
S'chn T'gai Spock
→→ Priest
Black Hat
Ivan Isaacs ("Priest")
→→ Dredd
Madeline "Ma-Ma" Madrigal (Mama's not a man but she could get it)
→→ Pacific Rim
Herc Hansen
Stacker Pentecost
Newton "Newt" Geiszler
Hermann Gottlieb
The Kaidanovskys
Hannibal Chau
→→ Hunger Games
Haymitch Abernathy
→→ Alien (franchise)
David 8
Dwayne Hicks Xenomorph
→→ The Lego Movie
Good Cop/Bad Cop
→→ Guardians of the Galaxy
Yondu Udonta
→→ Star Wars (franchise)
Armitage Hux
Kylo Ren
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Han Solo
Cassian Andor
Poe Dameron
Phasma (again, not a man, but Oh Boy)
Qui-Gon Jinn
Boba Fett
Jango Fett
Tobias Beckett
Dryden Voss
Literally any Stormtrooper (not just the clones)
Any/all of the Knights of Ren
→→ Legend
Ronnie Kray
Reggie Kray
→→ The Devil's Carnival
The Agent
→→ Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
Hector Barbossa
Davy Jones
James Norrington
William "Bootstrap Bill" Turner
→→ Labyrinth
Jareth, the Goblin King
→→ Ferngully
→→ James Bond (franchise)
Raoul Silva
James Bond/007 (Daniel Craig)
Ernst Stavro Blofeld
→→ Inglourious Basterds
...am I allowed to say Hans Landa? Hans Landa.
Sgt. Donny Donowitz
Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz
→→ The Black Phone
Albert Shaw (look, sorry, don't @ me please)
→→ Scream (franchise)
Ghostface (but like?? the concept of him, rather than any particular actual iteration of him)
Dwight "Dewey" Riley
→→ Venom (franchise)
Eddie Brock
Cletus Kasady
→→ Dune (2021)
Gurney Halleck Leto Atreides Duncan Idaho Stilgar
→→ Final Fantasy X/X-2
Auron Jecht Seymour Guado Shuyin Baralai Nooj Gippal Isaaru
→→ Final Fantasy XV
Ignus Scientia Ardyn Izunia Gladiolus Amicitia Regis Lucis Caelum Clarus Amicitia Bahamut
→→ Resident Evil VIII: Village
Karl Heisenberg Sturm Soldats Lycans Varcolac Urias Brothers
→→ Kingdom Hearts (franchise)
→→ Borderlands (franchise)
Mordecai Handsome Jack Fl4k Zer0 Krieg
→→ Boyfriend to Death (franchise)
Strade Lawrence Oleander
→→ The Price of Flesh
Mason Derek The Auctioneer Jack Komodo Dragon Machete The Demon The Lich
→→ Overwatch
Jack Morrison (Soldier 76) Gabriel Reyes (Reaper) Jamison Fawkes (Junkrat) Mako Rutledge (Roadhog) Reinhardt Wilhelm (Reinhardt) Siebren de Kuiper (Sigma) Cole Cassidy
→→ The Quarry
Travis Hackett Jedediah Hackett Chris Hackett
→→ Fortnite
The Jonesy Collective Midas
→→ Left 4 Dead
Bill Overbeck The Hunter The Smoker
→→ Dragon Age (franchise)
Zevran Anders Fenris Alistair Iron Bull Krem Samson Solas Varric Hawke Cole
→→ Death Stranding
Heartman Higgs Deadman Sam Cliff
→→ Fallout 4
John Hancock Nick Valentine
→→ Detroit: Become Human
Hank Anderson Connor Gavin Reed Nines Simon Ralph Karl Manfred
→→ Star Wars
Sinjir Rath Velus Cardinal
→→ Shade's Children
→→ InkHeart
→→ A Darker Shade of Magic
Holland Astrid & Athos Dane
→→ Dune
Everyone included in the movie list, plus: Shaddam IV Hasimir Fenring
→→ Naruto
Gaara Zabuza Sasori Deidara Itachi Kakashi Iruka Kabuto Kisame Shikimaru Kankuro
→→ Trinity Blood
Isaak Fernand von Kampfer Dietrich von Lohengrin Abel Nightroad Cain Nightroad Radu Barvon Leon Garcia de Asturias Tres Iques Hugue de Watteau
→→ Hellsing
Alucard Pip Bernadotte Father Anderson
→→ Loveless
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atomic-taco-muffin · 2 months
Ignis x Jessica true pacifist au:
That night:
Jessica: *was sitting next to ignis during a sudden meeting Regis called for*
Regis: I apologize for the sudden late night meeting but the time was come.. my daughter Jessica is willing to take the imperial throne with her husband Ignis
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Clarus: your majesty.. does she even have a full court?
Jessica: I'm currently working on it
Kai: *was asleep on Hana and noctis's bed while they were playing a game on the TV*
Hana: im gonna go get the kids ready for bed
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pearlpugly · 5 years
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Hold me, Clarus!
Just some “A King’s Tale”-era RegClar, for style practice purposes.
Regis, living the dream...or more like cheesy romance novel fantasies xD
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hisroyalhighnarse69 · 5 years
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thedarklordmegatron · 5 years
Screw it, have some Regclar angst~ 
During the fall of Insomnia, Regis dies but Clarus survives, albeit seriously injured. Cue Clarus trying to cope with the knowledge that he failed in his duties as a Shield, and his husband died because he wasn't strong enough. 
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patsdrabbles · 5 years
Title: Amoosed Fandom: FFXV Pairing: Regis/Clarus Rating: Gen Word Count: 543 Summary: Silly, fluffy fic for the dialogue prompt "Alright. It's fine. I just don't understand why among all the mugs in the store you had to get THAT one." :DD  A/N: I did another super fun speed prompt writing challenge the other week, this one with my darling friend @moonraccoon-exe, this is one of the results ♥ Please enjoy <3 (AO3)
“Alright, but. This is the worst, Reggie.”
“I assume by ‘the worst’ you do mean ‘the best’, right?”
Clarus is covering his face with his hand but Regis can tell by his body language, the silent huff of air he exhales and – ah, yes – the slight tug on the corner of his spouse’s lips that he can see behind that hand... Clarus is more amused than annoyed.
“Clarus.” He is close to stretching the a in his name and Clarus can hear Regis’s pout. Ah, the merits of being together for over thirty years already...
“Just look! Isn’t it the most adorable chocobo mug you’ve ever seen?” Regis is holding up the mug carefully, turning it around as if to showcase it to Clarus again as if he hadn’t already begged him at the shop to let them take this one home. (It really was an adorable chocobo-shaped mug, with an attached head and tail feathers and all. The poor shop assistant’s eyes had boggled at the sight of the former king on his knees in front of his shield nevertheless.)
“Reggie, you already got me to admit as much but you know very well that this isn’t what I am talking about.”
Regis puts the chocobo mug down and raises an eyebrow at him. Oh, he could fool almost anyone with his innocent look. Foreign dignitaries if need be, the poor guard many years ago who had scurried inside upon hearing ‘worrisome noises’ from Regis’s bedchamber- the amount of people Regis’s innocent expression is able to fool are many. But not Clarus, who knows him better than himself most of the time.
Clarus, who decides that moment that he would have to admit defeat and just let it be.
“Alright. It's fine. I just don't understand why among all the mugs in the store you had to get that one, but... it’s fine."
 When Regis actually gets up early some mornings later to surprise him with breakfast and coffee in bed (Clarus long learned to continue sleeping when his body realized it was just Regis getting up), he finds himself face to face with the mug again. The one that is so ridiculous he can’t help but snort and then barely avoid spilling the hot coffee on either himself or their bed sheets.
There’s a chicken on the mug, looking at him sideways. And a text, declaring “Sorry, I can’t stop chicken you out.” What tops it off, however, is the mirrored sideway glance Regis is giving him over the rim of his own mug of tea.
“C’mere, you silly old man.” Clarus has put his mug aside and is pulling him close to himself barely a second after Regis had chance to do the same, breathing in the scent of croissants and coffee and sleep that has caught hold of the man’s pajamas.
“You truly are one of a kind. And that mug is awful.”
He is joking, though.
“As are you, my dearest. ...that’s why I can’t help but chicken you out, after all.”
The last part comes out muffled because Clarus had seen this coming and decided then and there that shutting Regis up with a kiss (or two) was the best way to deal with his love’s puns.
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ocrpfinder · 18 days
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
**21+** | 🕊️🍪 | oc x oc | mxm | Dark Themes| Dead Dove | I'm looking to play the dom (but I can sub if you're a hard dom) | Real face claims only (unless we need monster forms, etc) | Anything goes (except for bathroom play) | Discord Private server RP with Tupperbox | Semi-Lit to Novella, I match my partners |
**Theme:** Bodyguard x Guarded Individual
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Hello! If you're still reading this, that means you're interested in all the basics I posted above. I'm a 21+F and I don't care what you are. I'm looking to hammer out some bodyguard-esque themed RPs--preferably with a fantasy, supernatural, monstrous or otherwise magical twist. Knights would be so freaking good right now. 😭❤️ But yes--I'd like to play it out where the pair absolutely *cannot* fall in love, for example, the Regis x Clarus ship from FF15. I'm not looking to play out that ship, but if you know, you know.
I'd really love some Prince x Knight, or something along those lines, be it modern day (with Knights still being a thing because lore and world building reasons!) or set in a fantasy world with names that we can actually pronounce, I'm so down for this. If you're looking for hardcore high fantasy with Ageulisk Maximu'sklur as your main character, I'm not sure we'll be a fit. I can do high fantasy, but please don't expect me to invent complicated locations/names for things.
I usually RP every day, but frequency of posts depends on how much I have on my plate and how bad my health is. I'm on a year-long medical leave, so I have tons of time on my hands. Anyways, I'm not opposed to monster shenanigans, with monsters doing the plowing, nor am I opposed to the bodyguard being forced into his position as a slave. The dom character can be either one, I don't care. I prefer my subs to be dynamic characters, not just pretty things to look at who throw themselves at my muses. I can also mumu, if we see fit for the story. Lots of growth here. Potential 🍪 if they're growing up together or with an age gap.
I love me some healthy dose of smut, but if you love storybuilding and plot that comes WITH a healthy dose of smut, then this is the right one for you.
Please like this post if you're interested and I'll get back to you! :)
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cakelanguage · 5 years
I had the honor of being able to take part in the @fullbloomzine​ . For my piece I decided on making a headcanon that Gladio's tattoo was done as a rite of passage for Amicitia and from there decided to focus on Clarus' potential tattoos. I wanted to expand on Clarus and Regis' relationship and this is what I came up with from that.
I hope you all enjoy this!
If you wish to buy the zine
You can also read this on AO3
Clarus and Regis had met as boys, both of them still on the cusp of childhood, when wild adventures were still make-believe in the castle gardens. But from the very moment they met, they’d been inseparable and that did not wane with age. They shared in the hardships of following in their fathers’ footsteps and the trials and tribulations they faced, they tried to share the burden.
In each Amicitia’s life, on their eighteenth birthday, they were to get a tattoo to commemorate reaching adulthood as a homage to their original galahdian roots. As many or as few as the person desired, just as long as they got one. It didn’t have to be anything big, but it had to hold a special meaning to the person receiving the tattoo. Some went for elaborate tribal markings, others marked their skins with words to live by or an animal to guide them. Clarus’ father inscribed dates along his spine, each one denominating an important date in his life from his first day meeting King Mors to Clarus’ own birth.
Clarus, on the other hand, chose to get flowers inked on his skin.
He thought long and hard about which flower to get first, what he wanted to say with each flower. He’d spent countless hours poring through books on flowers and their meanings whilst Regis looked on in amusement while studying his own material.  
His first flower was a chrysanthemum, for loyalty and love, and placed it over his heart.
“It’s quite elegant,” Regis said, tracing the black lines on his chest. “What made you decide on this one?”
Clarus’ gaze did not waver as he wrapped his hand around Regis’ own. “It’s a promise,” he said, “a promise that I will always be loyal to you.” He gave Regis’ hand a reassuring squeeze. “And a promise to always love you.”
The blush that flourished across Regis’ face made Clarus laugh as his friend shoved him. “Don’t jest with me, Clarus.”
“Do you really think I would joke about this?”
Regis stared at him wide-eyed. “Truly?” His voice was barely a whisper, but the disbelief was clear as day. “You love me?”
Clarus gave him a soft smile and slowly pulled him into his arms. “I always have, from the very first day I met you.” Regis didn’t speak for a few moments, but Clarus was content to just hold the man in his arms. “You don’t have to say anything back, you know. I just wanted to be honest with my feelings about you. There shouldn’t be any secrets between us.”
Regis pressed his face into the crook of his neck and breathed in a deep breath. “Do you think I don’t love you the same?” He was still quiet, but his voice sounded stronger. “Of course I do, stupid.”
Clarus let out a disbelieving laugh. “That’s not very nice.”
Regis made a noncommittal noise and just hugged him closer. “Deal with it.”
He grinned and pressed a kiss against the top of Regis’ head. “I guess I’ll have to, won’t I?”
 Clarus’ next tattoo was of a red lotus, which he got on his nineteenth birthday. It started behind the chrysanthemum and branched out toward his shoulder. Regis was just as interested in this one as he had been the first one.
“It’s a lotus,” Regis murmured, looking from the tattoo back to Clarus’ face. “And what’s this one for?”
“It’s a promise of love,” Clarus said, placing a kiss against Regis’ cheek. “A promise of passion,” he emphasized with a slow kiss against Regis’ lips. He languidly kissed along Regis’ jaw before pulling back and pressing their foreheads together. “And promise to always be compassionate to your problems and take time to understand where you’re coming from and help you in any way I can.”
Regis laughed. “You really are too sweet to me, Clarus.”
Clarus shrugged. “You deserve it.”
“When did you become so romantic?”
Clarus felt his cheeks grow hot and shyly averted his gaze from the soft look in Regis’ eyes. “I might have picked up a few books or so.”
Regis’ laughter echoed throughout the room, but Clarus only felt his heart warm at the sound.
 The week before he and Regis set out on their roadtrip with Cid, Weskham, and Cor he added another tattoo to his growing collection: sunflowers that crept from his shoulders down to his shoulder blades.
“As I’m sure you’ve guessed from my previous ones, this tattoo also embodies a promise,” Clarus mentioned, slipping off his shirt.
Regis propped his chin on his fist, “Hmm, care to tell the audience?”
Clarus snorted and shook his head. “Don’t get cheeky, that’s not cute.”
“Of course it is,” Regis stood up and moseyed over towards him. “But nevermind that, dear. What do the sunflowers mean?”
“It’s to promise my dedication to weather all the storms we face together not only on this trip but throughout the rest of our lives.” He grinned at his love. “And emerge victorious on the other side.”
Regis face shuttered and his lips thinned. “This scuffle with Niflheim isn’t going to end any time soon, is it?”
Clarus’ shoulders sagged. “No, I don’t think it will.” He didn’t think it was going to end any time soon if the battle plans he’d looked at with his father were anything to go by. He watched Regis nod his head and turn away from him, but he grabbed Regis’ wrist before the man could walk away. “But I will be with you every step of the way.”
Regis gave him a brittle smile. “I expect nothing less.”
Clarus didn’t know if the tears that threatened to fall from Regis’ eyes were for the war they were about to enter or for the future that was looking more grim as time went on. He didn’t want to know.
 His next tattoo was for his son and his son’s namesake: a Gladiolus. It was a delicate looking flower but it’d been inked with thick lines to give it a stronger look. Even at his birth, Clarus knew his son was going to be strong, but he wanted his son to also be soft- to allow his son to love and show compassion along with his strength.
He’d honestly never thought he’d become a father, at least not like this. But he needed an heir just as Regis needed an heir to the throne. It didn’t mean he didn’t love Gladio with his entire being just that it was under unique circumstances.
Gladio was oblivious to Clarus’ thoughts, focused solely on the new mark on his father’s body. Clarus grinned down at the boy in his arms and let the boy gum at his bicep, pressing sticky fingers against the lines of the flower. He heard the amused guffaw and simply turned with a grin as he took in Regis’ appearance.
He looked different now that he wore the Ring of Lucii and had focused his attention on keeping the Wall fortified, but he was the same too. The same smile, the same soft look in his eyes when he looked at Clarus.
Though love had found itself in their respective partners, it would never rival the bond they shared.
“He really is adorable, Clarus,” Regis said. He brushed his hand through the hair on Gladio’s head, mussing up the strands into an unruly fashion. “And his name... was that your decision?”
Clarus laughed. “Only half my choice.”
“But you suggested it.”
“Didn’t say that.”
Regis gave Clarus a sly look. “Didn’t not say it.”
Clarus couldn’t help but laugh. Whether from being found out or the fact that they were still the same after all this time, he wasn’t sure. But he laughed all the same.
 He doesn’t get another flower until Regis’ son Noctis is prophesied as the Chosen King. He gets the tattoo that night, shoulder still wet from Regis’ tears. It’s large and branches up towards his throat, the petals harsh with stamen that stick out from the center like thin towers. For once, the flower isn’t a promise.
It’s a regret.
A regret for Noctis and the life that will be cut short because a mystical rock said it was Noctis’ destiny to drive away the Starscourge. A regret for Regis who was deteriorating before his eyes. A regret for his inability to do anything to prevent this future from coming to pass.
He stared at the asphodel on his skin and gave a bitter chuckle. “’My regrets follow you to the grave,’” he whispered, “perhaps a little too on the nose for this one.”
 His daughter is a surprise, but no less loved. She was delicate and small in comparison to how Gladio had been, but her lungs were strong and he knew that strength would carry throughout her in time. His daughter, his Iris, she gave him hope and courage to keep going despite knowing how his story would come to an end. A promise to hold onto hope and that there was still so much good left to experience.
An iris for an Iris.
Regis made sure he knew that his joke wasn’t funny, but they both laughed all the same.
 A week before the treaty signing with Niflheim, he gets two new flowers. The first is a series of jasmine flowers with petals that contrast with the asphodel that still sits as a heavy weight on his chest each time he sees it. He gets a cluster of them on his left shoulder, one flower for each precious person in his life. It’s the first flower that comes to mind when he thinks of those he holds dear.
The creases on Regis’ face soften when he sees them and Clarus can almost see the young man he fell in love with all those years ago. “Unconditional love,” Regis said with the hint of a smile tucked into the corner of his mouth. “I remember this one. You gave me a bundle of them some twenty years ago.”
Clarus smiled. “The petals were all damaged by the time I gave it to you.”
“And yet I loved them all the same.”
“That you did,” Clarus agreed nodding his head. They shared a warm look before Regis continued to explore his tattoos. After all this time, Regis still enjoyed examining them and running his hands along the inked lines.
As Regis trailed his fingers across the last jasmine flower he paused and met his eyes again. “You got another flower as well?” He furrowed his brow and tilted his head in the same way Clarus had seen Noctis do on multiple occasions. “You usually only get one at a time.” Clarus didn’t say anything in response so Regis continued. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen this one.”
“You wouldn’t, it’s a cyclamen. It usually grows only around Gralea or the colder regions.”
Regis made a curious hum and stared into Clarus’ eyes. “And it’s meaning?”
Clarus felt something clench in his chest and dropped his eyes down to Regis’ hand that still rubbed against the flower. He felt bitterness and resignation in equal measures bubble forth as he stared at the ring that stood out against Regis’ finger.
He swallowed and pulled Regis hand into his own. “It means goodbye.”
Regis’ breath hitched and his lips thinned, closing his eyes and nodding his head. “Goodbye,” Regis mumbled, shaking his head. “I will never truly say goodbye to you, not even in death.”
Clarus maneuvered himself so that he could comfortably pull Regis into his arms. If they had cried, neither mentioned it. Neither said anything else, no words were needed. Though they had a week until the day of the treaty signing, they both knew.
This was goodbye.
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silvahhauntah · 6 years
Noctis: I’m in love with one of my retainers
Regis, sipping his drink: is that so
Noctis: dad seriously
Regis, nonchalant: marry him
Noctis: you know I can’t!!
Regis: sure you can, clarus and I got married, most of the kings of lucis fall in love with one of their retainers.
Noctis: you- wait what? You’re married?
Regis: shit. shit shit shit shit shit-
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By the Will of His Prince
Ship: regclar (King’s Tale Era)
Rating: E
Words: 2186
There was nowhere for him to go, not that he would want to, as Regis closed the distance between them until their faces were barely an inch apart. Though Clarus was slightly taller than Regis and much more muscular, Clarus felt Regis’ presence as something immense and overpowering.
There was something different in the cool night air. Clarus felt it deep in his chest; a heavy fluttering feeling that was unnerving yet somehow not unpleasant. It wasn’t until Cid and Wes retired to the tent for the evening and he was left alone with Regis by the dying campfire that Clarus began to understand exactly what was different. It was something in the Princes posture, in the way he stole lingering gazes at Clarus. Sometimes the smoke from that still drifted off the embers twisted between them and obscured Clarus’ view of Regis, but he did not have to see to feel the intensity of those gray-green eyes.
“Nice night tonight,” Clarus said to break the silence. His voice did nothing to still the vibrating air.
“It is,” Regis agreed with a smile. “Perfect weather for a nighttime stroll.” Regis stood from his folding camp chair, but Clarus quickly caught him by the wrist.
“I don’t think so. There’s deamons outside the haven, you know that.”
“We’ll be fine, Clarus. Come on, lets take a walk.”
“Regis, no,” Clarus protested even as he stood and allowed himself to be lead away hand in hand with Regis.
What was wrong with him tonight, Clarus wondered. He could usually stand toe to toe with the stubbornness of the young and adventurous crown prince and at least make a concerted effort to talk him down from any reckless notions, but tonight Clarus felt like Regis could ask him to jump into the eternal flames of Mt. Ravatogh with him and he would follow. He was to busy imagining how majestic his prince would look wreathed in smoke with the glow of the raging flames surrounding him and casting a blinding orange light onto his pale skin to notice how quickly Regis had lead him down the steep path from the haven to the base of the small plateau. The glow of the runes barely reached them here; Clarus could barely make out Regis’s features from a foot a way.
“We shouldn’t go far,” Clarus warned. “The glow here might be just enough to keep most deamons away, but I won’t risk your safety much farther.”
“We won’t go farther than this.” There it was again: that unrecognizable something that Clarus had been feeling all night, now in the Princes voice. “You are my Shield after all.” The was Regis was smiling was both loving and mischievous, and it made Clarus think things that he knew he should not think about Regis. Regis was beautiful, something Clarus had always known. But it was not until setting out on this journey that he had truly begun to notice. Notice the graceful way his body flowed so fluidly when he wielded a sword. Notice the way his eyes seemed more green in the sunlight, or more gray when he was in a serious mood. Notice how he smiled with his entire face when he found a new source for a rush of adrenaline that he so craved… the way he was smiling now.
“Yes,” Clarus said and nodded. He was surprised by the breathlessness of his own voice. “I am your Shield.”
Still holding tightly to Clarus’ hand, Regis stepped closer to Clarus, and it was only then that the Shield realized he was backed up against the rocky side of the plateau. There was nowhere for him to go, not that he would want to, as Regis closed the distance between them until their faces were barely an inch apart. Though Clarus was slightly taller than Regis and much more muscular, Clarus felt Regis’ presence as something immense and overpowering.
“My Shield,” Regis repeated and leaned up to kiss Clarus.
Clarus had kissed both men and women before. Everyone kissed differently but a first kiss with someone had always been soft, slow, and tentative, an opportunity to learn that person and gauge how receptive they were to each other.
This first kiss with Regis was none of those things. Regis claimed his mouth with ferocity that made Clarus once again think of Ravatog and made his blood just as hot. He could do nothing but stand there pinned against the rocks while his lips were forced apart by Regis’ and a hot wet tongue dipping into his mouth. Teeth scraped painfully against his lips and their teeth clicked together. It was a sloppy mess of a kiss and Clarus happened to know that it was his Princes first. Clarus wanted to slow down, wanted to guide his charge but found that he was helpless to resist the young man who was now biting and sucking on his lower lip.
While one of Regis’ hands still held tightly to Clarus’ hand, the other without subtlety slipped into the Shields pants and gripped his cock that was already half hard. His grip was not quite tight enough to be painful, thank the Six, but it was tight enough that it was clear that Regis was claiming in as his. Startled by the sudden escalation, Clarus gasped, which made Regis release his lip from his teeth.
“Are you alright, Clarus,” he asked with genuine concern. “Do you…”
Suddenly the passion in the Princes eyes was gone and Clarus’ heart lurched. “Do I what, Regis?”
Their eyes met and Clarus found nothing but love and caring there. “Do you want this?”
“I’ve admired you for a while now, Your Highness.” Even in the dim light, Clarus could tell how Regis’ cheeks reddened at the use of his proper title. “Yes, I want this.”
Regis smiled widely again and Clarus smiled back. His heat swelled with pride for his future King who he himself had helped to train and build into the passionate young man he was. Clarus knew Regis would never have ordered or forced him into a compromising position, even if he could very easily do so, especially with the sudden desire that had fallen over Clarus to bend to the will of his Prince. This fact alone made him want him more.
Regis kissed Clarus again, slower this time but with just as much force and passion. Clarus kissed back with equal fervor, loosing himself in the taste of Regis combined with bad coffee (that Regis would happily drink so Cid didn’t feel bad) The front of his pants grew tight with his growing erection and Regis’ hand taking up more space than was comfortably available, so he reached between their bodies and undid his belt, buttons, and zipper. He shivered when his heated cock met the cool night air and Regis laughed against his mouth.
“A little chilly?”
Clarus smirked. “Not with you around.”
Regis gave Clarus no warning before he pulled down the Shields pants and dropped to his knees in front of him. He licked his lips and was about to take Clarus into his mouth before Clarus stopped him.
“Regis, wait.”
Regis stood and cocked his head. “Something wrong?”
Clarus nodded. He took Regis by the hips and pulled him against him. “My future King shouldn’t be on his knees,” he whispered, lips against Regis’ ear.
Regis laughed. “Fair enough. Are you going to get on yours, then?”
“If His Highness wishes it.”
Not giving Regis time to respond, Clarus knelt in front of the Prince. In contrast to Regis’ haste, Clarus worked slowly with the care royalty deserved. He pushed the black slacks down gently, feeling the smooth skin of Regis’ thighs as he did. Regis’ cock jutted out toward Calrus’ face and the sight of the glistening tip and the scent of his heady musk filled the Shield with reverence and desire. He started with a tentative lick, tasting precum on the tip of his tongue. It was not a particularly pleasant taste of equal parts sweet, salty, and bitter, but Clarus craved more because it was Regis. He took the tip between his lips and gave it a gentle suck, earning a moan from Regis. He slid his mouth slowly down the length until his nose was buried in a tuff of black curls.
“Clarus,” Regis said, his voice raspy and breathless. The sound trickled arousal through Clarus’ body all the way down to his cock, which twitched causing Clarus to moan around Regis. Clarus set a steady pace, bobbing his head up and down, playing his tongue along the underside and around the head. Withing minutes Regis’ moans turned to cries and he gripped his hands tightly in Clarus’ hair when Clarus hollowed his cheeks to give extra suction.
“AH! Clarus! Clarus FUCK stop I’m close!”
Clarus released Regis from his mouth and caught his breath.”How does His Highness want to finish?”
Regis caught his breath before answering. “Lay down on your back.”
Clarus complied and laid back. He kicked off his boots so he could fully remove his pants and tossed them all aside. Regis did the same with his own shoes and pants and knelt between Clarus’ legs.
“I didn’t think this through well. We don’t have anything for lubricant.”
Clarus chuckled. “His Highness has a bad habit of rushing in headlong with no plan,” he teased. “We can do this how the men in the ancient court used to. Remember that day in history class?”
Regis laughed nervously and ran his fingers through his hair. “Yeah… that was… awkward.”
“Useful now though, right?”
Regis pushed Clarus’ legs together and leaned down to the place where Clarus’ thighes met his ass. He kissed and licked at the tender skin and Clarus let out a contented sigh at the warm pleasant wetness. Regis mus have judged that he had done a good enough job wetting the area, because after about a minute of lavishing attention on the junction of Clarus’ thighs, Regis sat up and lined himself up. He readjusted Clarus’ legs, putting them over his shoulders while still keeping his thighs pressed tightly together.
It was a strange but pleasant sensation for Clarus when Regis slipped his cock between strong muscled thighs that were wet with his saliva. The skin was sensitive there and Clarus felt unexpected waves of pleasure as Regis fucked his thighs.
“Clarus,” Regis moaned, “so good. So smooth. My Shield…”
“Yes, Your Highness. Yours.” Clarus reached down to take his cock in hand, but Regis stopped him.
“No. You’re pleasure’s mine. Put your hands above your head.”
Clarus knew Regis was eager, possessive perhaps. But this display of pure dominance was new. Clarus found it tremendously arousing and complied with his Prince without question. When Regis reached around Clarus’ legs and began stroking, Clarus eyes rolled back and he moand loudly and shamelessly. His pleasure did indeed belong to Regis and he dared not move his hands from where they were, wrists crossed above his head. They were bound with only the bindings of the will of his Prince, as Clarus himself was.
Regis’ pace was without rhythm at first, but after a few minutes he found his cadence and pumped Clarus’ cock in his fist in time with his quickening thrusts. It did not take long for the Prince to cum with a shrill cry of his Shield’s name. Regis’ hot cum dripping down his thighs and onto his balls and the tightened grip on his cock was just what Clarus needed to follow is Prince over the edge.
“Your Highness… Regis!!” he shouted as he came, covering Regis’ hand and his own shirt.
They stayed like that for a few minutes, gazing at each others faces in the dim blue glow while Regis massages Clarus’ trembling legs. But they could not stay at the base of the plateau forever, a fact of which Clarus reluctantly reminded Regis.
“We should head back now before Wes and Cid miss us too much.”
“Oh, Cid can’t wait to get rid of me half the time and Wes probably passed out cold as soon as his head hit the pillow. We’re fine.”
“True about Wes, but we are still out at night and I wouldn’t want us to be caught by deamons, quite literally with our pants down.”
Regis laughed. “That would be difficult to explain to the others,” he admitted and stood.
“Not to mention King Mors,” Clarus added and stood as well, retrieving his pants and shoes. “I can hear it now. ‘Clarus Amicitia,’” Clarus did his best satirical imitation of the King, lowering his voice and taking on the accent of the royal court. “’Would you care to explain to me how you allowed my son to be bitten in his bare posterior by a goblin?’”
Regis laughed and emulated Clarus. “’You had best not be up to any buggery.’”
Clarus finished fastening his belt buckle and turned back to face Regis. “Oh, I wouldn’t mind some more ‘buggery’” he said. “Just maybe somewhere safe next time.”
Regis wrapped his arms around Clarus and pulled him close until their noses touched. “I always feel safe with you. My Shield.”
“And I’ll do my best to make sure you always are,” Clarus promised and kissed Regis deeply. When he pulled away, he smiled. “My Prince.”
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gladiolusacn-blog · 5 years
He looked in surprise at the tall man he happened to meet in a shopping street and walked over to him. "Clarus?!" That the man before him wasn't Clarus, the prince couldn't know, because Clarus and Galdio looked so similar in their youth, that they could be called brothers. But it was father and son, which Regis can't know.
De[ACCEPTED ] hello Majesty! Such a honor
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The Shield is doing peacefully some training at the sport place. But when he felt someone talking to him by a wrong name, Gladio turned his head toward this young man.
"... Uh? Clarus?? Who?... Sorry boy, but I'm not this Clarus!"
And he continued his trainee until he stopped suddenly.
"Ah wait... I know a Clarus but he's my father! I know I look like him, but I'm prettier!"
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