#reignCorp best friends
dcjelliclequeen33 · 1 year
Lena: I don’t think there are any songs that could make a playlist for my life.
Sam: ……bitch you’re life is LITERALLY a Melanie Martinez album!! I can name two off the top of my head that may as well have used you as an inspiration!
Lena: ……shut up
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 4 months
Prompt (it's okay if you ignore this one cos it's a bit dark/triggering): Lena, post S4 having just killed her brother & finding out about the SG secret, is suicidal, like seriously considering ending it once and for all. BUT she finds something that brings her back to wanting to live and be happy (a new goal or motivation?) Side reigncorp would be nice, having Sam there to support her etc and she's the only one she trusts right now plus she's the only one who never lied to/betrayed her. Thanks!
Lena stares at the pill bottle in her hand. It would be so easy, she thinks. Just tip the bottle to her lips and swallow the lot with a chaser of bourbon. Let herself drift away into sleep. Maybe she'd get lucky and remain blissfully unaware of the vomit and foam that would likely follow. Perhaps her mind would block it out, allow her to sink peacefully into death while her body convulsed to reject the poison.
She considers who might find her. The cleaners perhaps, due to return in two days time. Or more likely Jess, when she fails to come to work or answer her phone. Certainly not Kara, who believes everything between them is fine-- that their friendship hasn't shattered into irrecoverable shards.
Kara. No, Supergirl. Fucking Supergirl.
Lena clenches her eyes shut, but the image of the hero simply projects against the backs of her eyelids. With her stupid hair and her stupid cape and her stupid, lying smile. But no. The truth is, Lena is the idiot. An idiot to think she'd made true friends, to think she could share the innermost parts of herself with someone who wouldn't turn around and use it against her.
They played you for a fool, Lex's voice echoes from beyond the grave.
Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Suddenly, an explosion of glass issues from her living room. Lena surges for her handgun, and carefully creeps from her bedroom. Her fingers clenches unnecessarily-- angrily-- against the trigger when she recognizes the caped figure that rises shakily from the floor. But she doesn't fire.
"Lena?" Kara croaks, cradling her middle as though her ribs are broken. Lena watches her scan the living room and kitchen before locating her outside the bedroom. "Lena..."
"What do you want?"
She means it to sound angry, or at the very least irritated. Instead, she just sounds tired, even to her own ears.
"Something's happened to Alex-- to everyone. The DEO is compromised. They--" The hero grimaces in pain. "They tried to kill me."
"So you came to me."
"I hoped you wouldn't be affected. Whatever it is... it's bad. It's really bad."
Lena tries to feel something. Concern, outrage, curiosity-- anything. But she can't. She feels flat, like the air has deflated from her, leaving her a sagging balloon, pressed down by the weight of the air around her.
Lena sees the exact moment the name hits home, and its implication hits home. Her eyes close in resignation-- not apology, Lena notes distantly.
"You figured it out--?"
Kara nearly sighs. "Your mother?"
"Brother," Lena allows, "but interesting that you know Lillian knew."
Lex was right. Everyone in the world but her knew the truth. Even her mother. And Kara knows that Lillian knows. That she allowed Lena's family to know the truth, but not she herself.
Fuck her.
"And now you've come to the Luthor you've managed to keep in your pocket."
Like always, Lena notes. Every time she's been involved with Supergirl and her allies, it's been as a last resort. Not because they truly wanted her or her help. Because they had nowhere else to turn.
Her stomach turns, and again Lena's thoughts flicker back to the prescription bottle in her bedroom. She feels sick, and she doesn't want to. She'd rather feel nothing at all than feel this.
"Lena..." Kara straightens as best she can. "I'm not here because I have to be. I'm here because you're the only one I trust."
Their eyes lock for a long moment, and Lena hopes her gaze conveys her disbelief. The words mean nothing, and the fact Kara expects her to believe them is actually insulting.
"What do you expect me to do?"
"We need to know what's affected them and find a way to neutralize it."
"I'll need a current blood sample, and a sample from before the changes in behavior occurred for comparison."
Lena turns back towards her bedroom.
"Then I'll see what I can do."
What she can do, it would seem, is quite a lot. Per usual. She isolates a chemical signature in Agent Schott's blood that stands out as abnormal, and traces it back to readings taken from clothes that have arrived on several alien refugee ships. The chemical is alien in nature, but it's not long before Lena synthesizes a counteragent to render the chemical inert until it could be processed from the bloodstream on its own.
She does all this before it can spread further than the DEO. Kara looks at her with gratitude and relief and a little bit of patent awe, but Lena isn't impressed with herself or her results. Isn't this what she always does? Pulls a rabbit out of her ass and saves the day-- but never enough to breach that final circle of trust she never even knew existed.
Once she confirms all DEO employees are returned to their normal selves, Lena withdraws. She relinquishes her role at L-Corp to Sam with some easy bullshit about taking a sabbatical. She hoards her prescriptions, waiting for the moment to be right.
The night she chooses is dark and rainy. But she manages to prod herself to going to the boutique liquor store beforehand-- might as well go out sipping something luxurious and expensive.
On her way back, she pauses on the sidewalk when she hears something moving beneath the car parked next to her along the curb. When it doesn't come again, she moves to resume her march home, but is stopped again by a new sound.
A whine.
Lena hesitates. She can keep walking, pretend she never heard it. But her feet remain rooted against her intentions to leave, until she finally relents and climbs down to her hands and knees. Pressing her cheek almost to the cement, she peers under the sedan and sees the soggy silhouette of a small quadruped.
A puppy. Or some sort of small breed. When it shifts, she sees disproportionately gangly limbs and a long tail curled around its trunk. Puppy.
Lena sighs. "C'mere," she mutters, reaching her arm under the car. The dog is far enough under that her shoulder feels like it nearly dislocates before she finally catches the sorry creature by the scruff of the neck.
It yelps when she drags it out into the rain, but makes no move to escape when she stares down at it appraisingly. Short brown fur darkened by rain, small half-flopped ears, and big brown eyes. It's certainly the picture of a creature any decent human being would cleave to.
"All right," she says heavily. "Let's get you somewhere dry."
She picks the pup up and tucks it into her coat. It curls into the warmth of her chest, shivering all the way back to her apartment. She snags a towel from the linen closet before removing her coat, and transfers the animal directly into it.
Once it's mostly dry, Lena sits back and stares at the beast as it stares at her. She glances at the bottle of liquor she'd set on the coffee table next to the pup.
Lena sighs.
"You chose a hell of a night to turn up," she says drily. Lena gives the dog's head a rub before picking it up to set it gently on the floor.
"Let's get you some food."
(Prompts are closed)
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sssammich · 4 months
(upends all the -corps on your desk)
agent, guardian, reign, rojas, super, freespace for any i forgot?
god you're a bitch (affectionate)
im so sorry it's so long so please have a read more
also i give you 2 freespace -corps as a treat (to literally me and like 3 other people idk if anybody else cares about this)
agentcorp - NO
for all the potential they could have based on how i feel about their relationship to their respective siblings, i just don't care. im not vibing. just ready to nuke her? idk pass i guess. (did kara lie a gazillion times? yeah for sure. but also like she doesn't want lena dead dead so)
guardiancorp - (if you're referring to kelly, then YES; if james, then NO)
the potential for james guardiancorp could have been interesting but it's literally the same as agentcorp in that i end up not caring about it? no nuking tho and i think if it wasn't idk rammed into our eyeballs without friendship (that is the literal ticket to lena's heart, it's friendship so idk why they're not giving it to her), i might be more cool with it. but as it stands *shrugs* just not vibing lmao
the potential for kelly guardiancorp is that there is so much healing involved. not because she's idk a therapist or whatever and it's her job, i think kelly (for all the characterization she did get) i think it can pair as unlikely friends who click on well but turn into something more. it's slow but it doesn't burn, necessarily. i think their respective demons and skeletons in the closet are gonna come out and not necessarily war with one another, but come out at inopportune times. i think kelly might even last longer than jack, all things considered, because she knows about that pain or tension or darkness that lena needs. i think it could work. also i maintain that gun range headcanon
reigncorp - YES
sam is a also giver but i think because she's not silver spoon-grown the way the rest of lena's posse are, there's a grit to her that makes her different. at least to the likes of jack and andrea. there's history there, shared companionship, compatibility. literally a quality friends to lovers fic. the child complicates it, but lena is so starved for love just as she hungers for giving love. i think that sam (and ruby, as a result) are good people for that. i think of all the relationships to work out long term, this might be it, actually. especially if we're talking long term restorative healing journies. controversial take since i have never written anything to signify this, but *shrugs* they would be good for each other. i think this is like accidental eventual happy ending in the way that they've since stayed together through everything, it almost is a surprise when lena leans forward and sam closes the distance. but then when they kiss, it isn't. so, yeah.
rojascorp - YES
similar to how sam and lena have history, companionship, and compatibility, i'd like to think andrea was the blueprint for that. and then she betrayed lena and got into some bullshit and wrecked her life a bit before getting it slightly together. rojascorp is like redemption!arc endgame that i think would happen in light of a permanent supercorp rift. their dynamic would also serve to highlight just how vastly different their station in life is in comparison to the others. where the superfriends are decidedly middle class, lena and andrea literally are in the .05% of society. they live particular lives, have particular expectations thrust upon them, navigate the world so differently. lena is open to hang with the plebes people but staying around andrea keeps her up in the social circles of her family, despite their absence. aside from that, i think that andrea will fight for and with lena. i think she's the right type of pain and struggle that lena needs in her life. in some ways i also see this working out, but i can also see this couple getting as close to the Best and they get in each other's way by getting in the way of themselves. old wounds that have scabbed over might reopen at a moment of weakness, even with the progress they make, so that would be interesting on how can they survive again. if nothing else, that's how they define love with each other.
supercorp - YES
i mean (see my ao3 tag pls)
if you want a real answer, i think they have been set up so perfectly together that whatever it is that the show can't do, i know that i can do for myself (and the fandom as well). i'm also thinking about the emotional beats of their upbringing and complicated relationships they have with both male and female family members and what that entails, and also that they serve to complement and parallel each other in different ways. two women born out of circumstance and trauma, enduring of so many things, what's not to like. suffice it to say, other women on this list also share this with lena, so it's not like kara is unique, but i do think that the ways in which the two of them have stationed themselves where kara is the sun and lena orbits her (both canonically and fanonically, for literal better or worse) is fascinating in a way that i literally just can't get enough of. granted, that could be that kara is the titular character so we just see her more. but i've shipped pairs from nothing but the power of my imagination, so i don't think that's it, necessarily. i think that there is a bit of a serendipitous approach to their relationship's rise and fall. i think redemption!arc endgame, when done right between them, reassesses how they can be better than they were, this time with each other in mind. but it's a lot of work and i think they will have to really, really work at it - especially kara, to make it so that they never hurt each other in the way that they have in the past. kara has committed a thousand paper cuts on lena and i think she addresses that in her second chance with lena. and i think that's enough of that grounding pain that lena seeks, whether she realizes it or not. it's not all the way healthy, i'll admit, but they are also not all the way healthy, so.
freespace: rojaslettecorp (aka andrea, veronica, lena) - YES
it's a throuple of boarding school bitches with A Past, all rich and somewhat shady in various and compelling ways. what's not to love i guess. i headcanon that they are all soft (even veronica, but not all the way, just enough for the other two not to give up on her) and broken mostly through family trauma and expectations that they don't meet
but also think about the fact that they could very well come together as versions of their youthful selves, a little battered, a little broken, a little bit more criminal (they are rich, they literally already exist outside of the law for the most part) and there's a certain kind of recognition in that. the way it'll play though is that andrea and veronica will 100000% antagonize each other and lena will for sure play the straight man who just keeps the peace together long enough until it's time for her to pick a winning side, temporary that side may be.
freespace: imralucylena (what the fuck kind of corp are they?) - WHY NOT
a) i believe in myself so im vibing and can make this happen so jot that down
b) "in service of the greater good, even at the expense of one's personal good" is what i would sum this all up to be
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runningandcrying · 3 years
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lena threw her phone out after this (insp.)
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rodpower78 · 7 years
I'm gonna make you better.
Lena Luthor
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criston-cole · 3 years
Reigncorp, thoughts?
easily the best friend lena ever had, even when lena was being problematic. not one of my top ships romance wise, but they are very beautiful together
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daskey · 4 years
samantha arias
ok just realised this was a lot of thoughts so under the cut
How I feel about this character
i love her. i miss her. her character really intrigued me, someone who worked her way up from a difficult situation. who dealt with a lot of shit but who still radiated kindness. ms pancake o clock. who then ended up being a kryptonian death machine.
ugh she’s what really got me into supergirl, i’d been lurking from season 1 but after the show went to the cw i bailed and didn’t come back till s3 when i saw that one gifset with alex and sam at the waterfront. which brings me to-
All the people I ship romantically with this character
alex was the first and also one of the best. agentreign... (alexa, play “rolling in the deep” by adele) ugh. babies. i love them. but also as i’ve grown into loving reigncorp, and in extension agentreigncorp because sam and lena have STRONG soulmate vibes and also they BOTH deserve that happiness.
since im a multishipper who loves rarepairs, i love thinking about the enemies-to-fuckbuddies-to-reluctant-lovers thing that reignjas have going on. drawn together by their mutual love for lena luthor, sam would hate andrea for causing lena so much pain at first but then that hate turns into a different kind of tension...
(also at one stage i shipped alex/sam/diana. rip to agentwondereign it was real fun while it lasted tho)
oh and another rarepair? kelly/sam (mostly in the context of kelly/sam/alex but like also they’d be cute) because i’m a slut for a tol and smol (and i’m realising now i need to post some sketches for them)
My non-romantic OTP for this character
jack spheer and sam arias. bros for life drawn together by their mutual love of suits and lena luthor. i can totally picture the two of them having a little friendly competition (but ultimately it’s sam who ends up with the girl. and jack isn’t even mad cause he loves seeing his best friends happy)
My unpopular opinion about this character
she likes anime and claims that it’s because of ruby but she lies. she would be the type to have a katana mounted on the wall in her home office in metropolis and lena doesn’t realise till she’s in a zoom meeting with the execs from both branches and she can see sam’s freakin anime sword in the background
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
i wish she STAYED first of all. agentreign or at least allusions to past reigncorp.
in an ideal universe, i’d like to have seen sam refusing to become a hero but still having some latent superabilities that she uses in completely mundane ways as a sort of ongoing on-screen gag. like sam dropping something beneath a sofa and lifting the entire thing with one arm to fish it out sort of mundane.
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Jamie and Maggie Sawyer first christmas holiday together with the super gang Family season 6
by Sanvers80
brand new season with Jamie Sawyer and her super family a lot new moments with everyone including with sam and Ruby and Alura they are celebrating christmas a little early Kara favourite time of yr the supergirl of steel sharing all of christmas secret like mince pies xmas cake and cookie and gingerbread men decorate it family time for them all
Jamie will be spoit rotten with her first ever family xmas thats all Maggie was the best for her daughter and now she can experience true xmas moments
Words: 1308, Chapters: 1/26, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Part 2 of season 2 Jamie sawyer new adventure with superfamily
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015), supercorp - Fandom, Sanvers - Fandom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Samantha "Sam" Arias, Maggie Sawyer, Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Lena Luthor, Eliza Danvers, Jamie Sawyer (DCU), Lillian Luthor, Alura In-Ze | Alura Zor-El, Ruby Arias, Gertrude (Supergirl TV 2015), Krypto
Relationships: Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Ruby Arias & Samantha "Sam" Arias, Alex Danvers & Eliza Danvers & Kara Danvers, Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers & J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw
Additional Tags: NCPD, The DEO | Department of Extra-Normal Operations, National City (DCU), Mother-Daughter Relationship, Best Friends, Friendship/Love, Trust, Sanver - Freeform, SuperCorp, ReignCorp, First Christmas
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/27531034
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femslashhistorian · 5 years
Sam Arias poly femslash fic recs: SuperReignCorp (part II)
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For @samarias-week​ 2020 this is part 3 of 3 4.
Part 1 - Favorite Sam Arias ships
Part 2 - Favorite Sam Arias femslash (f/f) fics (fic recs)
Part 3 - Favorite Sam Arias femslash poly (f/f/f) (OT3) fics (fic recs)
Part 3 - Favorite Sam Arias femslash poly fics: SuperReignCorp (fic recs)
Part 4 - Favorite Sam Arias femslash poly fics: AgentReignCorp (fic recs)
I have done a lot of Supergirl (TV 2015) fic recs and while I have done a Kara/Lena/Sam fic rec before, I have not written about Alex/Lena/Kara/Sam stories before.
Originally, I had planned to write 3 parts for Sam Arias Week, but there are four now as I split the poly ships & fics into separate parts.
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (SuperReignCorp)
I wrote a long SuperReignCorp fic recs last year, check it out here: [tumblr] [WordP]
There a few updates and additional fics that I have not recced before or that were not completed when I wrote my first SuperReignCorp rec.
Powerful Women series by AgentGrey
The first story is SuperCorp, the second is Kara/Lena and Kara/Sam and the third part (which I have not read so far) is tagged Kara/Lena/Sam.
This series was updated since I wrote my SuperReignCorp rec: I have read the first two (completed) parts and there is a third incomplete part.
While the start of the series sticks relatively close to canon, the longer the series progressed, the more it diverged. Beautiful, very well written. Highly recommended.
 1) The Intricate Lives of Powerful Women by AgentGrey
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (f/f)
Completed, 28 chapters, 98k words, 2017-2018
Rating: Teen and up Audiences; Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Starting from right before Season 2, Lena leaves behind her best friend Sam to save her company in National City. Filling in the Supercorp blanks through Season 2, and fixing some BS by the Supergirl writers. Some canon adaptation, especially towards the end. All Lena or Kara POV. Trust issues and gayness abound.
Favorite quote
It was a few weeks before Thanksgiving that Kara began to suspect that she was no longer capable of being subtle about her attraction to Lena.  Like at all.  She couldn’t count the number of times she’d accidently inhaled a cup of coffee or kombucha when Lena had unexpectedly dropped an intentionally obvious double entendre on her. 
 2) And Sam Makes Three by AgentGrey
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Kara Danvers, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, polyamory
Completed, 29 chapters, 143k words, 2018
Rating: Mature; Graphic Depictions of Violence
Sequel to The Intricate Lives of Powerful Women. Set more or less during Season 3, but using almost none of the canon from Season 3. This is a story of Lena and Kara’s relationship and how it eventually expands as they both grow closer to Sam.
Favorite quote
Lena wanted to believe that.  Wanted to ignore the voices that had returned at full volume to tell her that Sam would make a far less burdensome girlfriend.  But self-doubt was one of Lena’s most well-developed skills. [...] “Okay.  Okay … so then, yeah.”  Kara nodded, and her eyes went a little distant.  “I think Sam is an incredible person.  She’s gorgeous.  She’s a wonderful friend and a wonderful mom.  She’s quickly become one of my closest friends, and more importantly, she’s your family.”  Kara bit her lip for a long moment before focusing on Lena again.  “Yes.  There’s something there.  A spark.  I don’t really know.  But!  B-but, I am not going to leave you for her.  Not ever.  You’re Lena forking Luthor.  You’re my Lena.”  Then Kara was kissing her, firmly and passionately.
 3) The Many Facets of Family by AgentGrey
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (f/f/f), polyamory
Incomplete, 32/33 chapters, 162k words, 2019
Rating: Mature; Graphic Depictions of Violence
Sam Arias is no longer Reign and now must find her place in the world as a superhero in her own right. At the same time, she must juggle a new relationship with Kara and a strained friendship with Lena. Relationships will fray, strengthen, blossom, and solidify. Lots of love, but lots of angst as well. Worst of all, Lillian Luthor returns to wreak havoc, and it will change our protagonists' lives forever. What is family, and what binds us together?
 Where There's a Will by writerbot5000
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (f/f/f), polyamory
Completed, 19 chapters, 61k words, 2018
Rating: Teen and up Audiences; Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
After Lena realizes that the supervillian that just put her girlfriend in a coma is none other than her other girlfriend, she struggles to find a way to save Kara, save Sam and save their little family.
This is a great and well written SuperReignCorp story. In flashbacks we learn how Sam got together with Lena/Kara and some nice background. Liked the scenes with Eve and Jess and that they are together.
Favorite quote
It occurred to Lena that “like a sister” might not be the best way to describe Sam. [...] Things got a bit blurry after that and when Lena woke up the next morning with an epic hangover, she snuggled closer to the woman in front of her and was shocked to realize the woman, the very naked woman, she was holding her arms wasn’t Kara. It was Sam. And on the other side of Sam was an equally naked Kara.
 and please, come back to me by MovePastTheFeeling
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (f/f/f), polyamory
Completed, 3 chapters, 6k words, 2019
Rating: Teen and up Audiences; Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Kara sees it as if in slow motion. The beams of heat vision travel towards her, so bright that even her eyes can barely handle it. Her entire body tenses up. The pain will be excruciating, she knows, but perhaps it won’t last too long. Maybe she’ll see her parents again soon.
Just as the beams are almost upon her, they part before her like the red sea. The pain never comes, though the light of the heat vision overwhelms Kara for a moment.
Kara, set upon by Lex and his minions, receives help from an unlikely place.
In this shorter and well written fic, Sam regained Reign's powers and is able to save Kara.
 if you love me won't you say something? by MovePastTheFeeling
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Kara Danvers, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (f/f/f), polyamory
Incomplete, 10/? chapters, 37k words, 2019
Rating: Mature; Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Kara surprises even herself as she and Sam flirt relentlessly, much to Lena's chagrin. Will the three women be able to navigate their increasingly complicated relationships, and will any of them ever just look up what "polyamory" is? Will they all be able to find their happy ending?
 This is a fantastic story. It starts with Kara/Sam before it becomes SuperReingCorp. A very well written story. Highly recommended. At the time of writing this rec, the story is incomplete and has 10 chapters and chapter 10 does not end in a cliffhanger
 This was cross-posted to tumblr and my WordPress blog
In part 4: AgentReignCorp
If you liked this, you might also enjoy
ReignCorp (Lena/Sam) Fic Recs [tumblr] [WordP]
SuperReignCorp Fic Recs [tumblr] [WordP]
or my fic recs only sideblog @femslashhistorianficrecs​​
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 4 years
Reigncorp: After Kara tells Lena she’s is going to treat her like a villain, Lena decides to go to metropolis to see Sam
The last sight Kara expected to see at CatCo in the middle of the day is that of Sam Arias stalking towards her with an expression Kara hadn’t seen since Reign’s defeat. Her stomach dropped, and only her shock kept her feet rooted against the urge to run far, far away. 
Sam lifted one hand, cutting Kara off with a single gesture. “We need to talk.”
Kara swallowed thickly. “O-kay… um, we can--”
If Kara’s belly could fall any further, it’d be on the ground floor. She nodded, and led Sam away from the bullpen and towards the elevator, waving aside Nia’s rise to intervene. Whatever Sam had come all the way from Metropolis for, Kara would handle it. 
The seventeenth floor used to house IT before they moved up to join HR on twenty, and it now sat largely empty. Kara sensed that whatever Sam had to say, they’d need the privacy. As soon as they’d reached an empty office and closed the door, Kara turned to face Sam. 
“Why are you here--”
“Care to explain why Lena crashed on my couch last night?” 
Kara froze. The guilt that had been pooling in her chest since her last conversation with Lena flared bright and hot, heating her cheeks in a deep flush. Concern followed close on its heels: she hadn’t known Lena had left the city. The discovery left her feeling off-kilter, like some stanchion of her world had been pulled out from under her. 
“Is she all right?” Kara asked. 
“You tell me, Kara,” Sam snapped back. Despite her anger, her voice remained almost gentle. “Because the reason she was on my couch instead of in the guest room is because that’s as far as she got before she drank herself to sleep.”
Kara remembered the last time Lena fell asleep on Sam’s couch: her reputation ruined, the world stacking up against her, all hope seemingly lost. Only this time, there was only one circumstance stacked up against Lena, and the fact that circumstance was Kara settled heavily on her shoulders, pressing suffocatingly against her chest. 
“What did you say to her?”
The accusation comes sharp and unyielding, almost making Kara flinch.
Kara licked her lips, eyebrows shrugging as she shook her head. “I didn’t--”
“Then what did Supergirl say?”
The air evaporated from the room in an instant. 
Kara knew the apprehension that coiled suddenly around her spine reflected in her features, from the set of her jaw to the steel in her eye, condemning herself as surely as popping the buttons on her blouse. She couldn’t bring herself to deny it, even as Sam lifted her hand to head her off.
“I’m not asking anything a close friend of both Lena and Supergirl wouldn’t know.”
“What makes you think it was Supergirl?”
“There’s only two people who could break Lena in the span of a day,” Sam explained, holding Kara’s gaze. “And I’m looking right at her.”
Her words were no slip of the tongue. Sam knew the truth.
“Lena didn’t tell me anything,” Sam followed up, softly.
Oddly, the thought hadn’t crossed Kara’s mind at all.
“Please, Kara… I just want to help my friend.”
With a deep breath, Kara squared her shoulders and lifted her chin. “I told her that if she continued to pursue whatever she’s been working on, we could no longer be friends.”
Sam lifted an eyebrow. “Your words. Exactly.”
“I told her I would do whatever I needed to do to stop her. Just like any other villain.”
The softness in Sam’s features disappeared. Again, Kara was faced with an echo of Reign’s rage, her utter and unrelenting judgement.
“How dare you.”
“You haven’t been here, Sam. You don’t know--”
“I know my friend,” Sam nearly snarled. Her jaw barely moved, it was clenched so tightly. 
“Things are different now,” Kara shot back. “Lena isn’t the same.”
“You don’t get to say that. No one in this city does.” Sam began to pace, then turned sharply back to point at Kara with a hand on her hip. “No, you know what? No. Whatever it is that’s happened between you, I refuse to believe that Lena deserves to hear those words from her best friend.”
Kara pressed her lips together. “And that’s your choice.”
“Lena risked everything to save me, to save the world from me, and when she did Supergirl was all too quick to judge her for keeping my secret. How dare you. Both of you.”
“This isn’t the same thing--”
“The hell it isn’t! Did it even occur to you that Lena might be trying to do good?! Did you even talk to her?”
“I tried!” Kara’s voice lifted to a shout. She paused, reining emotions back under control. Frustration mingled with helplessness, pulling tears of anger to her eyes. “I tried, so many times, Sam. She’s-- she won’t.”
“Can you blame her?”
“She’s working with Lex.” Kara swallowed thickly, meeting Sam’s gaze once more. “Did she tell you that?”
Surprise flickered across Sam’s features, confirming not only that Lena hadn’t told her, but also that while Sam may not have any memory of the previous reality, Lena and Lex’s relationship wasn’t one that lent itself to collaboration. But as soon as it appeared it vanished. 
“Well maybe she didn’t think she had anyone else to turn to.”
With that, Sam was done. She reclaimed her purse from the dusty desk and slung it over her shoulder on her way out the door. Kara let her go, only to chase after her when Sam jabbed the elevator call button. 
“Does Lena know you’re here?”
Sam barely glanced at her. “She’d kill me if she did.”
“When you see her, tell her…” Kara paused. “Tell her I--”
The words wouldn’t come. Even now, when no more damage could possibly be done, she had nothing to say.
Sam took pity on her as the elevator doors opened.
“Tell her yourself.”
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ao3fanfic-supercorp · 4 years
by Sanvers80
brand new season with Jamie Sawyer and her super family a lot new moments with everyone including with sam and Ruby and Alura they are celebrating christmas a little early Kara favourite time of yr the supergirl of steel sharing all of christmas secret like mince pies xmas cake and cookie and gingerbread men decorate it family time for them all
Jamie will be spoit rotten with her first ever family xmas thats all Maggie was the best for her daughter and now she can experience true xmas moments
Words: 1308, Chapters: 1/26, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Part 2 of season 2 Jamie sawyer new adventure with superfamily
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015), supercorp - Fandom, Sanvers - Fandom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Samantha "Sam" Arias, Maggie Sawyer, Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Lena Luthor, Eliza Danvers, Jamie Sawyer (DCU), Lillian Luthor, Alura In-Ze | Alura Zor-El, Ruby Arias, Gertrude (Supergirl TV 2015), Krypto
Relationships: Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Ruby Arias & Samantha "Sam" Arias, Alex Danvers & Eliza Danvers & Kara Danvers, Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers & J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw
Additional Tags: NCPD, The DEO | Department of Extra-Normal Operations, National City (DCU), Mother-Daughter Relationship, Best Friends, Friendship/Love, Trust, Sanver - Freeform, SuperCorp, ReignCorp, First Christmas
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The Only One
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YGHY8U
by lrhaboggle
After Lena discovers Kara's secret in the worst way possible, she feels as though she has no one left to trust or talk to. But then she remembers... there is one other person she considers a best friend whom she knows is just as ignorant to the truth as she is (or was). This one last hope, this one last friend, of Lena's is Samantha Arias.
Words: 11584, Chapters: 5/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Lena Luthor, Samantha "Sam" Arias, Ruby Arias
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: Long, technically one shot even though it's long, SuperCorp, ReignCorp, Minor shipping, slight shipping, implied - Freeform, possibly romantic, Sad, Hurt/Comfort, angsty, 4x22, still dead inside from that ep, here's another rant fic from me, Emotional, Comfort, Comforting, wish it was canon, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Lena Luthor Needs a Hug, Lena Luthor Finds Out Kara Danvers is Supergirl, Lesbian Lena Luthor, Minor Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Sad Lena Luthor, Pain, Grief
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YGHY8U
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mcgrathandwives · 6 years
Dating Agentcorp would include...
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I finally heard back from the hospital today- I have an appointment on Friday so here's hoping they'll do more than just a physical check over to be sure I'm all gucci good! Whoop! Also sorry that this is 2 days late I forgot to save yesterdays update so I had to write it again❤
Request: Dating reigncorp would include?
Lena and Alex met you through Winn.
You were brought on as a consultant by J'onnz at Winn's request. You both had studied together at college and he desperately needed someone who thought and worked like he did.
Anyways. You were brought into the DEO a few times to help out Winn but due to the invasion, you were told to meet him at L-Corp.
Once you got there a woman in her mid-twenties, incredible black hair and a silk blouse was pacing back and forth frantically.
You stood waiting for about 5 minutes before Winn fell out of a black DEO SUV. Another woman with short red hair jumped out the front she seemed to be talking to Winn.
The woman in the silk blouse made her way over to them. You followed quickly behind.
"My mother's in my office are you sure you're 100% comfortable working on this?" Before Winn could answer he noticed you, pulling you into his side.
"Agent Danvers, Miss Luthor this is Y/n L/n. She's our extra set of hands. She's good at this sorta stuff and she knows how to handle a gun." Both women turned to you, the red head was the first to reach her hand out.
"Agent Alex Danvers. Thank you for lending us a hand with our problem." You gave the woman-Alex a warm smile as you turned to face the other woman.
"Lena Luthor, hi thank you honestly 6 hands are better than 2 thats for sure." Her facial features softened when she introduced herlself. Turning on her foot she gestured ahead. "Shall we?"
Of course it all turned out to be a massive success.
Once everything was over you were introduced to the rest of the team.
After that day you stuck around National City.
You now work with both L-Corp and the DEO as a consultant.
As your stay in the city grew, your relationships with the oldest Danvers and youngest Luthor grew.
You got invited to the game, movie and girl nights.
You helped Lena with her problems with Kara/Supergirl and the both of you helped Alex through the break up.
The 3 of you confessed your feelings for each other over a shared bottle of wine. Kara had been called out on Supergirl duty.
At first your relationship was a bit rough- the three of you spent forever trying to work out who likes what and then there was the challenge of trying to work out your relationship by yourselves and not infront of everyone else.
Keeping it a secret wasn't that much of a challege from everyone...excpet Kara.
You are dating her sister and her best friend.
One night she was out on patrol and flew past L-Corp. She knew you and Lena were working on a project and so she did her usual and checked in to see Lena sitting on her desk caught up in a rather heavy make out session with you.
Later that night she was heading to Alex's and found you and her kissing at her door, both wearing matching smiles.
So Kara being Kara called the 3 of you to her apartment- she was so mad at you for "cheating" on her sister and best friend.
When you arrived all ypu heard was Lena and Alex trying to explain to Kara what was going on, but she wasnt having it. Until your girlfriends seen you walk in, they both instnatly lit up making their way over to you.
Once Kara knew you were serious about them both she was excited and kept texting you different ideas for dates and presents- which in all honesty you were so thankful for.
Date planning was your thing since both your girlfriends are crazy busy with work.
One night you begged Kara to talk both of them into going back to your apartment in order for you to have dinner with them.
You managed to get tickets to the grand opening of Metropolis Alex and Lena hadn't shut up about going but not having the time (it took you 7 meetings, voice messages and begging J'onnz to give Alex the same weekend off.
They both loved it just as you hoped. It was quote: "the best date ever."
Lena spends most her time in the office and Alex tends to be at the DEO or the gym. You on the other hand have a normal working schedule because are (your words) "not batshit crazy".
You admire your girlfriends for a million reason but the number 1 is always their drive for making the world a better place.
You love them for it, even if it means having to sacrifice some of your time with them.
If they're both over working themselves at the DEO you always bring them a make shift flung together picinic for their dinner. It's always consists of Lena's salad and anything Alex claims she'd die for.
Everyone loves your relationship.
Not everyone takes it seriously though. Lilian has a massive bad habit of literally tearing you apart with her cruel comments about how neither you or Alex are worthy enough.
You're always the first person at their sides if they get injured and surprisingly it's normally Lena who has to make a trip to Alex with some form of injury from her experiments.
Alex loves to show off in front of you and Lena at honestly every occasion- she'll purposely work out as soon as she hears either of your voices or she'll flex doing the easiest of tasks.
Lena loves to make you sit and watch as she tries on every outfit she has bc she knows no matter what you'll not be paying attention bc you'll be too busy trying not to choke at how ridiculously good looking she is.
But like everyone else they get insecure and worry.
You do everything in your power to make sure they know how much you love them.
When your out they're very protective of you.
One normally holds your hand tightly and the other has their arm wrapped around your waist.
Lena's a tad more jealous than Alex but she normally had a reason for it.
Alex is always checking in on you when you're feeling under the weather being a doctor and all.
Lena normally stays at home to be sure you're alright it got to the point you just made her come and cuddle.
When you feel shitty they do everything they can to make you feel better from buying you your favourite flowers to spoon feeding you.
Movie nights are your Saturday night tradition. You're always in the middle as they cuddle into you.
Sunday morning you all have breakfast together including Kara who brings fresh french pastries.
For the holidays everyone ends up at your apartment because it's the biggest and has the most home like feel.
Your girlfriends are the best- they might over work themselves but they always carve that time out for you because they'd be lost without you.
Every night you find yourself in the middle being held by both of your girlfriends, both laying their heads in the crook of your neck.
Y'all whisper your 'I love you' to each other before you fall asleep.
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stennnn06 · 6 years
what's your favorite thing about supercorp, agentreign, reigncorp, or any other ship you love?
supercorp: i love the super/luthor dynamic (sometimes even more than kara/lena as themselves, even though i know, i know, they’re soft and fluffy and so damn cute). but what makes SUPERCORP so legendary and iconic is it takes the narrative we know and love from a franchise with global impact, and it turns it right on its head – in literally every way. it changes the super-luthor from hero and villain to soulmates, and not only that, but it makes it gay. 80 years from now, people are still going to be talking about superman and lois lane….but man oh man, if they ever dared to make supercorp happen, that would honestly challenge one of the most iconic couples of all time. people would REMEMBER it. they aren’t going to think about whatever other betty crocker store bought love story they make on this show because its all just going to be bland in comparison. like, sure, its fine…. a bit boring and cheap, but fine. but supercorp is quite literally the stuff of legends, with infinite staying power, and that’s just a fact.
[Also i’m a fan of sizzling chemistry, sharp jawlines, and soft skin that contrasts beautifully with tan, toned muscles, ALRIGHT? and i like heroes in all forms…i like brilliant women who take charge in a world dominated by men and i like women built like the gods with hearts of gold who can fly. SO WHAT. i like relentless belief in each other and i like soft encouragement and gentle words. i love flirtatious glances and i love love love the way they prioritize each other above all else. WHAT KIND OF SOULMATE NONSENSE]
agentreign: these two just FIT. the way canon is written right now, it gives the most natural progression, and bonus points that odie and chyler have fantastic chemistry. i love alex’s serious and bad ass nature… how she can kill with a stare, and also with just her finger tip…but that she’s also a sweetheart with a soft, caring heart. i love sam’s joyful spirit even in the face of all the adversity she’s been through, and i love that she’s also a powerful woman in business who gets. shit. done. … i love the way alex cares about her, even though they’re new friends, and i love the way sam lets her in and allows herself to trust. i just think they’re so freaking CUTE, and again…the chemistry is wonderful to watch. i would be SO INTO them if they made them canon, because to me it opens a lot of possibilities and would be amazing representation.
reigncorp: MY DARLINGS. this one is self-indulgent, because like i’ve said before, it isn’t necessarily that sam and lena have this attraction to each other in canon. at least, that’s not how its written. yes, they’re aesthetically pleasing, and if katie and odie really wanted to act it that way, they would knock it out of the park (and knock me out in the process). but i love what’s implied by what ISN’T there. sam and lena bring a lot to the narrative that is untarnished by canon (lol - but really). there’s a lot we can pull from their story that probably won’t be told to us, and that’s just a writer’s dream. i love the idea that sam has helped shape lena into the loving person she is, because once upon a time, she really did have an amazing beautiful best friend turned lover that made her learn how to trust. someone that made her realize that she isn’t like everyone else, and that that’s actually PREFERRED. i like the idea of blurred lines and first times and secret confessions on scared lips. i like them navigating hardship together, and sharing triumphs. and i like the angst that maybe they had to part for good reasons, only to reunite later on as stronger, older, but not wiser individuals. i love that lena sees the potential in sam, and i love that sam trusts and adores lena. that part IS written in the way they act, and you can tell its deeper than just colleagues. if lena ever had to end up with someone other than kara, i’d pick sam in a second, because it would be true and genuine and loving. and it would last. 
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nightwhite13 · 7 years
Me, watching the newest trailer for tomb raider; “Are they going to bring back Sam? Please, I wanna see Lara and Sam being gay to each other again and maybe Lara will carry Sam bridal style for the second time”
My lizard brain: “Which Sam?”
*My lizard brain imagining Odette’s face smiling*
Me: “No wait, wrong Sam.”
My lizard brain: “You know, you could write a reigncorp tomb raider au where the Luthor family are an archeologist family that steal stuff and never publish any paper about their research and Lena is trying to clean her family name by becoming one that actually publish her paper about her research and never steals anything from the field and Sam is her best friend that helps her. and hey, you could even use the first game plot with Reign as Himiko that trying to control Sam’s body!”
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uselessgayshit · 7 years
Supergirl 3x09 Watch
-I’m prepping like an hour early for the emotional turmoil I feel like I’m about to go through. This is the first time I haven’t watched any of the sneak peaks so I am really going in blind. -I’m gonna have to deal with you know who, Lames, the gays all together at once without it being gay. -My theory is that Kara’s gonna die or come really close because of Reign. Maybe not this episode, but sometime in 3b.  -I am also watching this episode live with my parents which could be a real doozy.
-listen baby, you can destroy national city if that’s what it takes for you to get back to your self, i support you -why is he talking so much all ready?  -no one actually wanted the legion to be in this show but i guess they gave it to us anyway -Imra loves Kara, pass it on -I’ll fucking help you get home -”you might be here for awhile” NO,NO. come on -literally do not invite them wtf -Alex made it of course it is -this is aboslutely disgusting, i want to die. get away from me with this forced flirting. -everyone showed up to this in like christmas sweaters and pants and Lena fucking Luthor shows up in a probably few thousand dollar dress -this is the first time we’ve had a christmas episode on Supergirl and this is how they want to play it out. god i hate them -so now if a woman is not dating, she’s a crone????? check yourself -do you see that power lesbian -I am Ruby about Supergirl though tbh -bring up the best part of last season. Alex jumping off the balcony. ICONIC. -those two power lesbians talking about men make me want to die -”i am his boss” actually like good fucking point -”i can feel the chemistry” STOP GIVING YOUR CHARACTERS LINES TO TELL THE AUDIENCE WHAT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FEELING/THINKING -do they think putting them together are going to make us like it any more than us just suspecting it was gonna happen. -stop putting your female characters with men that previously despised them -also every single character doesn’t need to be in a relationship for this show to work. s1 was great without that. -can’t believe Supercorp is officially announced as #1 and they throw this at us. rough timing, guys -they’re also trying to end supercorp and reigncorp at the same time. but they tried that with the whole sister thing all ready. they’re fighting a fruitless battle -Sam has literally only done one thing for Kara and it was mostly for Lena so what is she even talking about. Like they have not been developed as friends -VASQUEZ IS BACK -what is this outfit she has on though. HOT DAMN, Lena. -okay Lena doesn’t need James to come in and protect her like this. she’s confronted Edge alone multiple times without backup -he’s really eating ribs with Irma now. thought that was a thing he did with Kara. Guess someone’s moved on. -Just logically, I’m not sure how she hasn’t moved on yet. They were apart more than they were together. I just don’t understand this hangup. Obviously him returning is rough and going to bring stuff up but at this point, theyre just drawing it out -the bar scene wasn’t necessary for the story at all. -i really didn’t expect this guy to have another episode -this dude is a mary sue wow -this guy is just like reading off the Kryptonian version of the Book of Revelations -there are more christmas decorations in each of the locations than there ever have been in this show -she is too old to be sitting on her mom’s lap but okay -”how did you know?” Ruby you never shut up about Supergirl, eveeryone knows -Sam loves Ruby so much like she’s gonna survive Reign -i don’t have Imra -me as Kara in any awkward situation -why she have all these cool af jackets -nifty retractable shield you got there -”quarterly assasination attempt” SHE’S HAD TWO IN THE SPAN OF THREE EPISODES -believing in something is Kara’s whole message???? her entire stance???? what???? -Okay so let’s pit women against women know wtf cw like really? you’ve dropped to this level? I shouldn’t be surprised.  -YOU LOST YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY BUT MON-EL MOVING ON IS THE WORST THING THAT COULD EVER HAPPEN TO YOU OKAY I’M LITERALLY FUCKING DONE -I don’t think I can even watch this for Katie, Chyler or Odette anymore -that was unnecessary destruction of property -are they gonna kiss in the office because that’s unprofessional -since when have they ever showed interest in each other aside from this episode though -idk she could stop watching SaturnValor if it makes her so upset -Alex would never tell her to get rid of her humanity this is ooc as far as they could fucking push it -Alex telling Kara to be cold totally dismisses the thought that Kara could get through to Sam -even with a mask you can tell that’s Sam, the glasses really don’t work -Lena watching her girlfriend beat up like so struck wow -I don’t like seeing Kara beat up or hurt but I do like to see her face an opponent that is equal and actually who seems stronger -maybe that’s how she will learn her compassion and hope mean everything -this is a pretty damn good fight scene -”you are no god’  yeah pretty sure she said that same exact thing -how did the ‘s’ come off her suit -I get why they want “is Kara dead” (though she’s not and everyone knows it) to be the cliffhanger but they didn’t pace the past eight episodes enough to offer that and gain anything. it feels rushed because it was and it doesn’t worry me one bit. I also am not surprised.
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