#but here is some agentcorp
sanversandfriends · 1 year
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The amazing @dkgwrites is not only a terrific writer, but she's also got a knack for encouraging people and bringing them together. We're extremely thankful for her presence and her many contributions to FtF. Today, she joins us to talk about writing and the importance of finding your people.
Tell us a little about yourself. How did you get started writing fic? Have you written for other fandoms? What are your favorite tropes?  
a) As a kid, I read a lot and used to create plot outlines for favorite shows that my childhood BFF and I would act out in improvisational skits in one of our basements. As much as I was always drawn to write, I never had any formal training, nothing past high school, and was well aware that my skill level didn't make me commercially publishable. I had given up on ever sharing this part of my creative side when a coworker mentioned she wrote fanfic. I had never heard of it. I went home and googled the word fanfic with my two favorite story subjects (superhero and lesbian) and SuperCorp was the top response. I signed up for AO3, read a few fics, and watched some SuperCorp clips on YT before jumping in with both feet and writing my first fic without having seen an episode of Supergirl yet. That was five years ago, and 1.4 million words (and counting) later, here I am. 
b) I've written in other fandoms twice. Once for Black Lightning (ThunderGrace) for the BLDC zine event, and once in the Legends of Tomorrow fandom (Avalance) for a fic trade event. Both times I was rather nervous, wading outside familiar waters, but I think both fics turned out well. I have some unposted WIPs for Wynonna Earp which I was never able to fully explore. Outside that, I've stayed firmly in my lane in the Supergirl fandom with a heavy dose of SuperCorp, a little bit of AgentCorp, a touch of Sanvers, and a single Brania fic. Danvaria will make guest appearances in some of my fics.
c) My top three tropes would be miscommunication (because I am one whole idiot), friends to lovers (thank you SuperCorp), and fake dating, not necessarily in that order.  What were your inspirations for this particular story? What was it about this/these ships that grabbed you?
a) This particular fic was a prompt from a reader, probably the first prompt I ever received. It's an au where Lena is the Kryptonian but also a vegetarian, and Kara is the Luthor. I expanded it a bit from there, but it gave me my introduction to aus, and I absolutely adore them. They combine the comfort and ease of familiar characters with the creativity of an original(ish) universe.
b) SuperCorp is the main ship for this fic. I enjoy the way Kara and Lena compliment each other, the play on darkness and light, raw power and intellect, and the whole rather Romeo and Julietesque love despite their warring families. I think this fandom has proven, again and again, how magical these two are together. I feel lucky to have entered fandom at a time to be able to write them. Has the time spent away from your story changed your outlook or approach to any of the storylines or themes? Have you had any new inspirations or breakthroughs/revelations in the meantime?
a) I wouldn't say time away has altered my approach to this particular story, but I have grown and developed a lot as a writer in the past four years. If I were rewriting from scratch (give me the strength not to do so) the story would be more direct, less meandering, and I wouldn't use dialogue as my crutch due to a lack of skill at narrative. I'm not sure how well the first few chapters will marry with the second part, but I hope it makes for an enjoyable, if oddly off balance, final story.
b) I think I have greatly developed as a writer since I started this fic. Do you remember when you were a kid, and your parent would stand you with your back to the wall and mark how tall you were? Each year you could go back and see how tall you've gotten. That is exactly how this fic makes me feel. I look at the old chapters and then the new and think "Look how I've grown." Any advice for new or aspiring fic writers?
I have more advice than I should put in any post, so I'll try to reduce it to a few salient points. Read a lot, and when you do, read as a writer. What lines do you like, and why do they resonate with you? What pulls you out of the story and why? Make note of the things you love and dislike, make lists and reflect on them when you write, and learn from those who have come before you.
Become a beta reader for others. I swear, I have learned more about writing from beta'ing than anything else. As a beta, you are forced to read mindfully, to really dissect the story, and you can't help but carry that mindset over into your own writing. Additionally, the writing community falls apart when we don't have betas, so do your part.
Outline. You may think you don't need to outline. (You probably do.) You may think an outline crimps creativity. (It does not.) Your outline may just be a few lines or a full blown spreadsheet (Excel is much sexier than most give it credit for being) but learning to organize your thoughts, even if you discover whole new paths and veer wildly off script as you write, will help you. Take it from someone who wishes they had known that sooner. Get yourself a writing community and be open to critique. Too often when we say, "What do you think?" about one of our stories, what we really mean is, "Say something nice about this." That's fine. You may only be in the emotional space to receive fully positive feedback, but when you open yourself up to kind but honest critiques, you improve your chances of growing. For me, my writing is like my child, and the last thing I want to hear is anything negative, but sometimes, the thing I need to hear is something negative.
If you don't have a writing community or friends in the fandom, message me. I am absolutely certain I'm not the only person in this fandom who would say the same, but so long as we can be kind and respectful to each other, you have a friend. I may be slow to respond, but my DMs are always open (if for no other reason than I have no idea how to close them). 
The best reason to write is because you want to write. That is the beginning and the end of the whole thing, and although there are a lot of reasons you'll find along the way, that is enough. You should write. 5. If you were going to promote this fic with a single line, what would it be? What if Lena was the kind-hearted but often clueless Kryptonian who accidentally found herself dating a Luthor named Kara and then assassination attempts occurred? 6. If you’ve already posted some of your work, please provide a link. I was very young (in writer years) when I wrote this. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17078813/chapters/40161911
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femslashhistorian · 2 years
Help, I’ve fallen down the AgentCorp rabbit hole and am looking for good fics out there. Anybody who’d like to rec a fic?
Thanks for the ask.
I was really into Alex/Lena some time ago and I have a few things.
Check out my AgentCorp tag. The best way (especially in the mobile app) is to click the tag below the text of this post, but if that doesn’t work, here is a link. There are fics and art.
This ask from a few month ago
My AgentCorp fic rec from some years ago
Does anybody else have any further recs?
Comments or reblogs with additions are welcome. You can also send an (anon) ask.
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onceuponaweirdo · 11 months
Quick I need someone to write me an AgentCorp kidfic! (It can be an Intersex or ABO, whatever y'all feel, thing, as long as Alex is the one with the P (I have my reasons, leave me alone!))
Here's the panning: it starts with Lena leaving the baby on Alex's doorstep, crying whipping yada yada, and then leaving (y'all are creative make shit up before this scene) and turns back into the before, them being madly in love and fucking like rabbits (I'm asexual but I still love a sexy scene okay!) It has to be a kind of "forbbiden love" and with lots of angst. And more important, Alex raises the kid (no questions asked because Lena left a note saying its her kid and to never look for her) but Alex being the amazing listener she is goes and finds Lena, who disappeared into some small city in Ireland, and goes like: "ha, found ya bitch, here's our 12yro kid let's raise her together now".
Please! Someone 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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unknownalien3388 · 2 years
The Ugly Duckling Makes a Friend - AgentCorp Friendship Fanfic.
Lena and her family had just moved to Midvale a few weeks ago and have been the talk of the town ever since. This didn’t surprise Alex, as it was to be expected when a family as rich and influential as the Luthors suddenly moved from the big city of Metropolis to a small humble town like Midvale that people would talk. And talk they did. Though Alex was too busy with her school work and babysitting her young alien sister to really pay any attention to what the adults and peers around her had to say about a family she couldn’t care less about. It wasn’t until one after while Alex was waiting at school for her mom to pick her up after work, like she had promised, that her paths crossed with the youngest Luthor, Lena. While they may not have a lot in common, there is one thing that they did have in common and that was the fact they were the unloved sibling in their family. But was that enough for them to forget their differences and become friends or are they just too different?
                                                  ---------------- The late afternoon sun cast a warm glow across Midvale High School's library where sixteen-year-old Alex Danvers sat. School had long ended, but Alex remained, one of the last students lingering due to yet another extended student council meeting. Earlier that day, she had told her adopted sister Kara that she would stay late and instructed her to go home without her. Now, she sat alone, waiting for her mother, Eliza, who had promised to pick her up after work that morning. As she gazed at a history book she should have been reading, a sense of resignation washed over her. 'She forgot about me again,' Alex thought silently. She wiped away a stray tear and added with a bitter laugh, 'I bet if Kara were here, she wouldn't have forgotten. But then again, Kara is her favorite daughter.'  She was so deep in her thoughts that she did not see the girl walk up to her until she tapped on her shoulder, scaring her in the process. "Whoa. Hey, I didn't mean to scare you," the girl said calmly with her hands raised to show she meant no harm. "I'm Lena, the new girl. I saw you sitting by yourself and thought I might keep you company, is that cool with you?"
Alex eyed her cautiously. She was a short, pale-skinned girl with long raven hair who looked to be around Kara’s age of sixteen and clearly rich. She nodded her head slowly. 'Yeah, sure; why not.' She shrugged.
"Thanks," Lena said as she took a seat across from her. "So, how are you? How was school?"
"I’m well, and school was school. You?" Alex asked with another shrug.
"I’m good, thanks. School was okay. I passed all my end-of-term tests with high scores, so I’m happy with that," Lena answered with a proud smile.
"Well done," Alex congratulated her sincerely.
"Did you have any tests this week?"
"No, they’re all next week. There was a moment of silence before Alex spoke again. 'So, why are you still at school so late?' She asked. 'I mean, you just told me you’ve done all your tests. So, you don't have to study. And just by looking at you, I can tell your family is obviously rich. I’m surprised you don’t have people tripping over their feet to get you home to your mommy and daddy." Alex asked with clear disdain.
Instead of taking offense to her comment like Alex thought she would, the girl just laughed. “I was not always like this,” she said, gesturing to her outfit. “I was adopted by the Luthors, who just love to flash their wealth and money around. But between me and you, I would rather wear what you have on than this ridiculous get-up." She admitted, pointing to Alex's ripped skinny jeans and t-shirt that had some rock band on it that her father gave her before he died. She spoke with just a hint of an accent that Alex knew was not American. “But then again, anything is better than this.” She added with a laugh as she pointed to her pencil skirt and blouse.
“That’s true.” Alex agreed with a small grin.
“The reason I’m here so late is because my Chess Club meeting ran overtime. We’re getting ready for the big Interschool Chess competition at the start of next term, and Lillian, my adopted mother, refused to pick me up after she had picked up her golden boy, Lex, from his polo practice. Her reasoning being Lex had to go home and have an ice bath, and she didn’t want to ‘waste their time' by picking me up because I ‘chose’ to stay at school late.” She answered with a sneer. "But if I even mention leaving the team, she loses it. So, it's a lose-lose situation, really."
"But wait, isn't your brother old enough to get his license and drive himself around?” Alex asked.
“Yes, but Lex doesn’t have to do anything with mother dearest around.” Lena explained with a roll of her eyes.
“What about your father? Why can’t he pick you up?”
“Lionel? He’s too busy being the CEO of LuthorCorp to notice anything else. And even if he wasn’t, he’s too busy with his flavor of the month to care. The Luthors like to fool the world into believing that they are a tight-knit family, but I can promise you; it is all for show.” She answered with hidden pain in her voice that Alex knew too well. The pain of feeling unloved.
“I kind of understand how you must be feeling,” Alex said, feeling like she had finally found someone who understood her pain. ‘Maybe, I can make a friend that knows what it feels like to be neglected by their parents.’ She thought to herself. ‘Not that anyone should ever go through this.’
“You do?” Lena questioned, surprised.
“Yeah.” Alex sighed. “In case you didn’t know, I’m the student president, and well, the student council meetings also have a history of running late, like today. So, I told my sister to take the bus home because our mom said she would pick me up after work tonight, but I guess she forgot again.” She told Lena, “Oh, I’m Alex, by the way.”
“I know, we share the same third period AP Science class with Mr. Smith.” Lena informed her with a kind smile.
“Oh, I never noticed. Sorry.” Alex said apologetically, feeling a little guilty, but Lena just smiled.
“That’s okay, Alex; really. I usually sit at the back of the room, and because of my new last name, I’m never called upon during class, so not many people notice me, which is great.” She assures her in a gentle voice. “I’m just sorry that your mother can’t see how wonderful you are. But I know for a fact that one day she will.” Lena promised with deep conviction in her voice.
“Thanks.” Alex replied, not knowing what else to say and honestly not believing that her mother would ever see her or her greatness, as she felt she would always be living under the shadow of her alien sister. “May I ask how old you are?”
“Thirteen, I turn fourteen next year.” Lena answered with another proud smile. "You?" She asked in return.
"That's pretty young to be entering high school," Alex said, surprised by her age. 
"Well, with my high intellect, thirst for knowledge, and my new last name, I skipped a few grades,” she explained with a blush.
"That’s cool that you got to skip a few grades,” Alex commented. "And I’m sixteen, turning seventeen in a few weeks. My mother doesn’t like the idea of teenagers driving cars and says, 'that's the adults’ job.'” Alex said with a shake of her head.
“Yeah, have you noticed that adults are always expecting their children to do better than they did when they were young and get really mad at them when they fail to meet their high expectations? I mean I know I will never meet Lillian’s expectations, only Lex will do that.” Lena said with barely hidden distaste.
"Damn, if that isn’t true. I probably won’t ever meet my mother’s exceptions either, that will always be my sister. Now, I’m not saying I hate her. I do not hate Kara. I just wish my mother viewed us as equals, you know?" Alex asked, desperate for someone to understand her.
"Yeah, I do. But I have come to terms with the fact that Lillian will never love me as much as she loves her Lex," Lena said with a sad little shrug. "The only thing I am grateful for is that their money helps feed my need for higher education." She acknowledged. “What would be your favorite attribute?” She asked, changing the subject. “Mine’s obviously my IQ, which is higher than Lex’s IQ.”
Alex thought for a moment. “Probably my eidetic memory would have to be mine; I don’t know what my IQ is, but I can read and memorize 20,000 words a minute.” She bragged with a grin. It felt good to be able to brag about her abilities as she rarely, if ever, got the chance to do it.
“Those are two pretty cool attributes you have. And hey, with a memory and skill like that, you could get into places like MIT, Stanford, even Harvard. I also bet your IQ is super high, you must be like Einstein level smart,” Lena exclaimed in a loud voice, only to be shushed by the librarian.
Alex’s grin widened with a blush. “I wish I were that smart! But I’m aiming to get into Harvard to study medicine. It’s one of the hardest schools to get accepted into.” She informed Lena, still feeling proud at the young girl’s compliment. "My mother wants me to study science like her, but I want to be a doctor and help people. I guess that’s another thing about me that disappoints her," Alex said just as her phone beeped with an incoming message.
Mom (4:00 PM): Hey sweetie, hope school went well! I’m sorry but I can’t pick you up tonight, staying late at work. I will get Kara to pick you up soon. Lots of love, Mom xx.
Alex (4:01 PM): Okay.
“Hey, are you okay?” Lena asked, concerned.
“I’m fine, it's just my mom letting me know what I already guessed. She forgot her promise and won't be picking me up,” Alex said.
“That's just fucking crap!” Lena exclaimed with anger. “Are you sure you’re okay? I’m here for you, and it’s okay if you aren’t. I won't judge you either way,” she assured Alex, worried about her new friend.
“Yes,” Alex answered with a fake smile. “Thanks.”
"Can I tell you a little about me?" Lena asked her politely, deciding to change the subject instead of pushing her to talk.
Alex nodded her head. “Yeah, sure.”
"As you might be able to tell, I was not born here in the States. I was actually born in Ireland. When I was growing up, I only had my mother; no father. My mother’s name was Kieran McGrath, and she was the only hero I ever had. She was a kind and loving soul. I loved her dearly and miss her every day."
“What happened to her if you don’t mind me asking?” Alex asked.
“No, I’ll tell you. I was about four years old when my mom decided to take me to the lake near our house for a picnic as it was a great day for it. Nice and sunny. After lunch, she wanted to go for a swim, but I hadn’t been feeling well that day, so I didn’t join her and stayed on the shore to watch her. I remember her smiling for the first time in what felt like a long time as she bent down to kiss me on my cheek before she ran into the water laughing. She had such a beautiful and carefree laugh,” Lena said with a smile and a faraway look in her eyes as she relived that fateful day. “When my mother was up to her waist deep in the water, she turned around to wave at me one last time with this big grin on her face. She was so happy and radiant. That was the last time I ever saw her before she died,” Lena explained.
“How did she die?” Alex asked, shocked.
“She drowned,” Lena answered numbly.
“Oh damn. That’s terrible,” Alex whispered, completely heartbroken for the other girl.
“A few hours later, I was sent to live in an orphanage, and a few weeks after that the Luthors came and picked me up. And you know the drill, a rich family adopts a poor orphan child with no family of their own, to help hide any of their wrongdoings while making the family look great. Charity work, they call it," Lena said with barely hidden disgust.
“I’m so sorry for your loss,” Alex replied mournfully.
"I won’t say it’s okay because that would be a lie, but thank you anyway. When I moved to the States, they changed my name to Luthor, and I grew up with a hateful mother who never liked me, a father that tolerated me at best, and that’s whenever he could be bothered to play at being a family man. Only Lex genuinely liked me. He taught me my love for chess, reading, and all things science. He was the best brother I could ever ask for. Everything in my life was finally okay. I may not have had loving parents like everyone else, but at least I had a loving brother. Then everything changed when he went off to college. I don’t know what happened to him over there, I just know that he came home for the holidays his first year different, and he never went back,” Lena told her.
“What do you mean?” Alex asked.
“He came back changed. He was angrier. Then recently Lex’s hatred towards anything extraterrestrial became more concerning, which is why Lillian suggested we move here to Midvale and away from the new alien superhero in Metropolis, Superman.”
"That's pretty shitty that you had to move just because your brother isn’t a fan of Superman," Alex concluded with a frown.
"Yeah, it is," Lena agreed. "But that is my life. What is your story, Alex?"
"Sorry, ladies," the kind librarian interrupted. "The library will be closing soon. If you could pack up your things and make for the exit, that would be much appreciated." She said with an apologetic smile.
The girls packed up their things and moved to the front steps of the library to continue their conversation.
"My story? Hmmm." Alex thought for a moment about what to tell Lena before settling on as close to the truth as she was allowed. "Well, it isn't as long or sad as yours but here goes. My life started off normal. Both my parents were scientists, but they always had time for me, no matter how busy they got. Due to my high intelligence and eidetic memory, I was the star of my whole family, the apple of my parents' eye. And it wasn’t until last year that things started to change. It happened after my parents decided to adopt Kara following her losing her family in a house fire…”
“No, she didn't.” Lena interrupted.
"What do you mean she didn’t? Of course, she did. I think I would know how my little sister's parents died," Alex argued fiercely, concerned that Lena might have uncovered the truth about Kara and her family.
“Just stop, Alex; you do not have to lie to me. I am in a lot of Kara’s classes and I notice things about her. I know that your sister is, in fact, an alien and is probably related to Superman. Which, if she is, would make her Kryptonian. I know this for a fact because, as I mentioned before, Lex is crazy obsessed with Superman and other aliens. He spends most of his days now trying to find ways to rid the world of aliens. Also, Kara shows signs of having similar powers as him, and it’s pretty clear that she worships a different god. One named Rao.” Lena said with a raised eyebrow, changeling Alex to disagree with what she said.
“Fine! You're right. But if you tell anyone else I swear..." Alex began to threaten.
"I won’t. I promise I won’t tell anyone. Especially with someone like Lex hanging around. I would hate to put an innocent life in danger, and I’m scared to see what Lex would do if he knew an alien was living right here in Midvale, right under his nose.” Lena told her honestly.
Alex looked into her eyes, searching for any signs that Lena might be lying to her. She found nothing to indict a lie. "I believe you when you say you won’t tell anyone, but don't make me regret it." Alex said with a pointed look. "Anyway, everything was fine then Kara came crashing into my life. Literally. Her superhero cousin didn’t want her and left her on our doorstep. That was when everything in my life changed. My parents had less and less time for me. My mother is always expecting me to grow up and be mature, always expecting me to be my sister’s babysitter like I have no friends that I want to hang out with or schoolwork I need to get done. I just feel like in my mother's eyes, I have no life outside of looking after Kara. Which only got worse when my father, who gave everything he had to protect Kara, died." Alex confessed, her voice tinged with a mix of vulnerability and longing. "I've just been trying to be strong for everyone, but it's nice to talk to someone who understands."
"That's really tough," Lena said bluntly, though her empathy was still shining through. 
“It is, isn't it?” Alex said with a humorless laugh.
"We both deserve better." Lena told Alex with a serious look on her face. I’m always being judged and ridiculed for being too much of a Luthor by strangers on the streets and in school. Then I go home to be compared to my 'perfect' brother and ridiculed for not being Luthor enough by mother and father. And then there is you, who has a mother who stopped seeing you and your greatness when Kara came along, which is wrong." She shook her head in disappointment. "We both deserve better."
Alex hummed in agreement. There was a moment of silence before a car horn sounded, causing both girls to jump and look around.
"There’s my sister," Alex said, nodding toward the truck parked across the street. "Are you sure you’re going to be okay? I’m sure Kara won’t mind giving you a lift home," she asked, sounding a bit worried.
Lena reassured her with a warm smile, "Yes, I’ll be fine, Alex. My friend Jack just texted me to let me know that his practice will be finished soon, and then he’ll be around to pick me up. But if you are still concerned," Lena offered, "how about we swap numbers so I can text you as soon as he picks me up? So, you know I am safe."
"Sure, that would be great," Alex agreed with a sigh of relief. She handed her unlocked phone to Lena and accepted Lena's phone in return.
"There you go," Lena said, giving Alex her phone back. "I will text you later, and I’ll see you tomorrow," she added with a shy look in her eyes.
Alex smiled. "You sure will. I have to go now, but we will talk soon. Bye, Lena."
"Bye, Alex," Lena called. "And hey, one day, we will get the family we always wanted," Lena promised her.
 Lena Luthor (5:30PM): Hey, it’s Lena. I just wanted to say that I think becoming a doctor is a great idea and you will be amazing in whatever you choose to do in life.         
Lena Luthor (5:31PM): Also I’m home safe. See you tomorrow.   
The better Alex (5:35pm): That is very sweet of you to say, thank you. I’m glad you are home safe. See you tomorrow.    
Lena Luthor (5:40pm): Do you mind me asking why Kara is allowed to drive if your mother doesn’t like teenagers driving? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.
The better Alex (5:41pm): No, it’s fine. Kara is allowed to drive because she’s Kara. Mom lets her get away with pretty much everything.
Lena Luthor (5:45pm):  That’s just stupid, if you are going to let one child do something then both children should be allowed to do it.
The better Alex (5:46pm):  Agreed.
Lena Luthor (5:46pm): Maybe we can complain about being the unloved sibling together?
The better Alex (5:47pm): That would be nice to have someone on my side for a change.                          
Lena Luthor 5:48pm):  I will always be on your side.
The better Alex (5:50pm): Ditto.                                                               The End.
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mcgrathandwives · 6 years
Dating Agentcorp would include...
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I finally heard back from the hospital today- I have an appointment on Friday so here's hoping they'll do more than just a physical check over to be sure I'm all gucci good! Whoop! Also sorry that this is 2 days late I forgot to save yesterdays update so I had to write it again❤
Request: Dating reigncorp would include?
Lena and Alex met you through Winn.
You were brought on as a consultant by J'onnz at Winn's request. You both had studied together at college and he desperately needed someone who thought and worked like he did.
Anyways. You were brought into the DEO a few times to help out Winn but due to the invasion, you were told to meet him at L-Corp.
Once you got there a woman in her mid-twenties, incredible black hair and a silk blouse was pacing back and forth frantically.
You stood waiting for about 5 minutes before Winn fell out of a black DEO SUV. Another woman with short red hair jumped out the front she seemed to be talking to Winn.
The woman in the silk blouse made her way over to them. You followed quickly behind.
"My mother's in my office are you sure you're 100% comfortable working on this?" Before Winn could answer he noticed you, pulling you into his side.
"Agent Danvers, Miss Luthor this is Y/n L/n. She's our extra set of hands. She's good at this sorta stuff and she knows how to handle a gun." Both women turned to you, the red head was the first to reach her hand out.
"Agent Alex Danvers. Thank you for lending us a hand with our problem." You gave the woman-Alex a warm smile as you turned to face the other woman.
"Lena Luthor, hi thank you honestly 6 hands are better than 2 thats for sure." Her facial features softened when she introduced herlself. Turning on her foot she gestured ahead. "Shall we?"
Of course it all turned out to be a massive success.
Once everything was over you were introduced to the rest of the team.
After that day you stuck around National City.
You now work with both L-Corp and the DEO as a consultant.
As your stay in the city grew, your relationships with the oldest Danvers and youngest Luthor grew.
You got invited to the game, movie and girl nights.
You helped Lena with her problems with Kara/Supergirl and the both of you helped Alex through the break up.
The 3 of you confessed your feelings for each other over a shared bottle of wine. Kara had been called out on Supergirl duty.
At first your relationship was a bit rough- the three of you spent forever trying to work out who likes what and then there was the challenge of trying to work out your relationship by yourselves and not infront of everyone else.
Keeping it a secret wasn't that much of a challege from everyone...excpet Kara.
You are dating her sister and her best friend.
One night she was out on patrol and flew past L-Corp. She knew you and Lena were working on a project and so she did her usual and checked in to see Lena sitting on her desk caught up in a rather heavy make out session with you.
Later that night she was heading to Alex's and found you and her kissing at her door, both wearing matching smiles.
So Kara being Kara called the 3 of you to her apartment- she was so mad at you for "cheating" on her sister and best friend.
When you arrived all ypu heard was Lena and Alex trying to explain to Kara what was going on, but she wasnt having it. Until your girlfriends seen you walk in, they both instnatly lit up making their way over to you.
Once Kara knew you were serious about them both she was excited and kept texting you different ideas for dates and presents- which in all honesty you were so thankful for.
Date planning was your thing since both your girlfriends are crazy busy with work.
One night you begged Kara to talk both of them into going back to your apartment in order for you to have dinner with them.
You managed to get tickets to the grand opening of Metropolis Alex and Lena hadn't shut up about going but not having the time (it took you 7 meetings, voice messages and begging J'onnz to give Alex the same weekend off.
They both loved it just as you hoped. It was quote: "the best date ever."
Lena spends most her time in the office and Alex tends to be at the DEO or the gym. You on the other hand have a normal working schedule because are (your words) "not batshit crazy".
You admire your girlfriends for a million reason but the number 1 is always their drive for making the world a better place.
You love them for it, even if it means having to sacrifice some of your time with them.
If they're both over working themselves at the DEO you always bring them a make shift flung together picinic for their dinner. It's always consists of Lena's salad and anything Alex claims she'd die for.
Everyone loves your relationship.
Not everyone takes it seriously though. Lilian has a massive bad habit of literally tearing you apart with her cruel comments about how neither you or Alex are worthy enough.
You're always the first person at their sides if they get injured and surprisingly it's normally Lena who has to make a trip to Alex with some form of injury from her experiments.
Alex loves to show off in front of you and Lena at honestly every occasion- she'll purposely work out as soon as she hears either of your voices or she'll flex doing the easiest of tasks.
Lena loves to make you sit and watch as she tries on every outfit she has bc she knows no matter what you'll not be paying attention bc you'll be too busy trying not to choke at how ridiculously good looking she is.
But like everyone else they get insecure and worry.
You do everything in your power to make sure they know how much you love them.
When your out they're very protective of you.
One normally holds your hand tightly and the other has their arm wrapped around your waist.
Lena's a tad more jealous than Alex but she normally had a reason for it.
Alex is always checking in on you when you're feeling under the weather being a doctor and all.
Lena normally stays at home to be sure you're alright it got to the point you just made her come and cuddle.
When you feel shitty they do everything they can to make you feel better from buying you your favourite flowers to spoon feeding you.
Movie nights are your Saturday night tradition. You're always in the middle as they cuddle into you.
Sunday morning you all have breakfast together including Kara who brings fresh french pastries.
For the holidays everyone ends up at your apartment because it's the biggest and has the most home like feel.
Your girlfriends are the best- they might over work themselves but they always carve that time out for you because they'd be lost without you.
Every night you find yourself in the middle being held by both of your girlfriends, both laying their heads in the crook of your neck.
Y'all whisper your 'I love you' to each other before you fall asleep.
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xbasorexiax · 2 years
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from here || @peoplexlikexus​ || accepting 💄 – a lipstick kiss (agentcorp)
Lena wasn't typically a jealous person but from time to time, there was someone who was too close to her partner. The gala was a success, and she was happily walking between the guests until she spotted her girlfriend talking to some other woman.
Alex was an intelligent, amazing woman but she was oblivious when people flirted with her. Lena on the other hand, needed a second to know what was happening. With a fake smile on her red lips, she joined the two women at the bar. "I was looking for you, Darling." She said sweetly and pressed a loving kiss to her girl's lips. When their kiss stopped, the other woman had already left. "Are you having fun?"
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jamies-overalls · 3 years
Agentcorp prompt if you feel like it: high school/college AU first date. They're both really nervous, panicking to their best friends (Kara and Sam), cute fluffyness on their date, you choose what they do. Love your writing :)
This is a lovely prompt! Thank you so much!! I do love a good college AU :)
When Sam had told her roommate, Alex, that she was going to set her up on a date with her friend, Alex hadn’t been expecting Lena Luthor. Lena was far out of Alex’s league, a genius from a rich family and probably the most beautiful woman Alex had ever seen. Even more unexpected, it turned out that Lena was Kara’s roommate and best friend.
All four of them went to National City University, but Alex’s pre-med program had her too busy for much of a social life. Because of this, she had never actually met Lena. She’d heard plenty about her from Kara and had seen her across the quad sometimes, but never actually met her. Still, the realization that she was going on a date with Kara’s best friend seemed like a dangerous game.
“What if we don’t like each other? Worse, what if we hate each other?” Alex asked Sam as she got ready on the evening of the date.
“Then you don’t go out again.” Sam shrugged, not really seeing the problem.
“Yeah, but she’s your friend. Worse, she’s Kara’s best friend. If this doesn’t work out, it’s gonna be weird for everyone, but I personally couldn’t handle any tensions it could cause between Kara and Lena. I mean, knowing Kara, she’s probably told Lena that I’m some genius who’s gonna save the world someday with the power of science, only for me to turn out to be, well, me.” Alex rambled.
Sam waited for her to completely stop talking before she responded. “I know Lena well. She will at least like you, if not like you a whole damn lot. And don’t sell yourself short, you are going to save the world someday. Kara’s right about that. Plus, if that’s what you’re wearing tonight, I don’t think Lena would be able to resist you.”
Alex frowned, her hands pausing their mission to tie the stupid bow tie correctly. “Is the tie too much?”
“No, but get over here so I can fix it. You’re terrible at tying these evenly.” Sam muttered with a chuckle. Alex sighed and moved to where Sam was standing. She still wasn’t very confident, but she supposed se could at least try.
Meanwhile, Lena was trying to get Kara’s opinion on which dress to wear.
“How about this one? Or was the first one better?”
“This one. Definitely this one. The color brings out your eyes.” Kara nodded.
“Hm. Fair enough.” Lena said, though she still looked unsure.
“Lena, Alex is going to adore you no matter which dress you pick. I mean, last I talked to her, she was shocked you even agreed to this. She has some crazy notion that you are way out of her league.”
Lena turned to look at her. “Me? Out of her league? I’m pretty sure it’s the other way around. She comes from a good family, both of her parents are scientists, she’s top of her class... And the way you’ve described her, she’s the best sister in the world. How could I possibly impress her?”
“Just trust me, Lena. It’s going to be fine.” Kara said gently. Lena sighed and nodded. There was no arguing with Kara, she had a tendency to fight Lena’s insecurities with an intense amount of positivity and love.
An hour later, Alex was standing outside of the dorm room that Kara and Lena shared. It took every ounce of courage she had, but she eventually knocked. Lena answered the door, a bit tentatively. 
“Ah, Alex! You’re here. And right on time, too.” She smiled kindly and noted the flowers in Alex’s hand. “Are those...?”
“For you! Um, I didn’t know what kind you liked, I asked Kara and her answer was to get you whatever looked prettiest at the store. But since my taste is probably different than yours, I might have got the wrong ones and I’m so sorry if I did, they just looked nice, so I thought they would be good.” Alex said, trying desperately not to trip over her words as she handed them over. 
Lena chuckled softly. Well, Alex certainly was adorable, which was something neither Sam or Kara had mentioned. It sure was endearing. 
“Thank you, Alex. These are lovely. You have great taste.” She said gently and set the flowers on the counter so that she’s remember to put them in a vase later. “You look wonderful, by the way. Did you pick out that outfit?” 
“Sam helped. I, unfortunately, do not have the greatest fashion sense.” 
“I happen to disagree. That leather jacket you wear around campus? Very attractive.”
Alex could feel herself blushing. “Thanks. Well, shall we go? Dinner and a movie, right?” 
“Absolutely. That sounds like a great idea. You pick the movie, I’ll pick the dinner spot.” Lena smiled softly. Alex nodded and the two of them headed out. All in all, not too bad so far. 
They went to an Italian restaurant for dinner, a place Alex had never heard of. It was a little bit out of her normal price range, but Lena had insisted on paying. 
Alex had been expecting the most awkward date of all time. After all, they only really knew each other through their friends and had never officially met until tonight. And yet, everything seemed to go perfectly. Alex’s nerves washed away fairly quickly, as did Lena’s. As it turned out, they had far more in common than they had each realized. 
“I’m not gonna lie, one of my favorite parts about tonight was getting to talk about all my projects and ideas with you.” Lena said as they walked as slowly as possible back to the dorms later that night. They were holding hands.
“Really? You don’t have anyone to talk about that with? I mean, Kara’s pretty smart, I’m sure she’d understand it.” 
“She is smart, no doubt. Probably a genius like you. But her passion lies elsewhere, in the journalism world. She would understand what I’m saying, sure, but she doesn’t have the passion for it that you do. You, though... God, Alex, your eyes lit up like I’ve never seen from anyone when I asked you about your most recent project. And when I mentioned that new development in medical nanotechnology? You seemed ready to talk about that for hours! Most people just nod and tune me out.” Lena explained.
“I suppose I know what you mean.” Alex nodded. “It’s nice to be around someone who just wants to listen and converse.” 
They were quiet for a few minutes, each contemplating what to do next. Neither wanted this to be their one and only date. 
“Would you... want to go on another date? Next weekend?” Alex asked quietly. The smile that grew on Lena’s lips was brighter than ever. 
“I’d love that, Alex.” Lena told her. 
Their goodbye at the doorway to Lena’s room was a happy one. They knew they’d be seeing each other again as soon as possible. Next weekend seemed like so far away, but they had something wonderful to look forward to now.
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thebisexualdogdad · 3 years
Is it just me or was the concept of "shipping" treated as a little inside joke within a certain fandom? I mean you have one or two couples that were obviously gonna get together and a certain number of fans shipped them. But there was always that one couple (usually the majority fan-favorite) that were clearly not gonna get together but the idea of them together was kind of cute (Ex: Sterek, Princess Rover, Faberry) and then everyone would joke that they should kiss, get married, have kids, etc. When did "shipping" become so toxic. You have fans sending death threats to the show runners or actors because their favorite couple didn't get together. Calling the show homophobic because that character didn't have sex with this character or they got together with another character. Hell it's getting to the point where it's making IRL people uncomfortable. Shipping did use to be a joke, right?
There is so much to unpack here and this probably won't be linear because i just woke up so bare with me but I miss the days when shipping was actually fun and lighthearted. I first joined tumblr back in 2012 and the main fandom i was in was pll which had a ton of ships but everyone was just chill with each other (at least in my experience), if you were queer you were team Emaya, paily, emison, sparia or spanna and if you were straight you were team spoby, haleb or ezr*a but people respected each others ships even if you weren't on that ship.
But eventually tumblr was ruined because people became entitled and if you didn't ship their ship you didn't deserve to be apart of the fandom. This also ruined actors actually wanting to interact with their fandoms and ships like remember when actors were active on twitter and enjoyed messaging and replying to fans and had fun with the different ships even if they weren't canon?
Let's look at some specific fandoms (i know sterek started out as a fun ship but then turned super problematic and brought up anti scott hate for some reason but i wasn't in the teen wolf fandom when it actually aired so i don't have any personal experience with it during that time). When Lena first got introduced to supergirl i thought superc*rp was cute, it wasn't my top ship cause i was on team agentcorp but if people wanted to ship Lena and Kara than cool good for them. But as the seasons went by the shippers became more entitled, more delusional and more racist. People hated on Jack even though he was an absolute sweetheart just because he got in the way of superc*rp and then obviously all the James shit which y'all know i didn't think they made a good couple but the fact that people sent threats to Mechad was absolutely out of line and him quitting the show was very much the right call for him.
And then there's b*ghead. Once again people sent Vanessa death threats before her character was even introduced because people were so insecure in themselves that just the idea of Toni getting in the way of their ship meant the end of the world and once the Choni storyline was introduced suddenly they were all fine with her. And Cole and Lili aren't the best people but i can't even imagine the amount of pressure they felt from shippers who couldn't disassociate their personal relationship from their tv characters. And the Riverdale fandom is racist and toxic in general but a big chunk of it does stem from the b*ghead fandom.
Even fandoms that start out great eventually get ruined. When Wynonna Earp first came out i actually enjoyed being a part of a fandom again. It didn't matter if you were team wayhaught, wyndoc or wyndolls everyone was just enjoying a fantastic show. But within the last 2 years the inevitable toxic fans shuffled in and again couldn't separate characters from actors. It was no longer people loving wayhaught it was people sending hate to Kat's husband because "Kat and Dom were in love and she doesn't love him like she loves Dom".
I can't even begin to delve into the overuse of queerbaiting in fandoms or the blatant racism in this ask.
And I'm certainly not editing and rereading this because i spent 20 minutes trying to type this out somewhat coherently but yeah. Fandoms suck and social media sucks and shipping is supposed to be fun but it's not because people are toxic, racist and entitled.
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loveandwriting3000 · 3 years
Seeking partner for AgentCorp roleplay
I'm a 30-something, experienced RPer who's looking for a 25+ woman to play the Alex to my Lena and vice-versa. I apologize in advance for the long post, but I want to be as specific as possible.
A bit about what I'm looking for in a Role Play and Partner:
I'm okay with using elements from canon, but I'm particularly interested in AU slice of life, romance, angst, etc. I'm pretty open to different scenarios and changing things up when it's starting to feel stale. Mainly, what I like in a partner is the ability to brainstorm and outline, without being strict on sticking to what we came up with initially. I support things going where the flow takes us and what makes sense in the moment (think improv using a basic set up to kick things off).
I use third person, past tense and I'm not a stickler about length in replies as long as you're holding up your end of the story. If a quick dialogue reply makes sense for the moment, awesome. If you're feeling like you need a paragraph or two, then by all means, go for it. I do want someone who has passion, experience, and love for writing. I will also add that while we all make mistakes, I do my best to be accurate (spelling and grammar) and would like someone who feels the same.
I don't mind subbing in for side characters and even switching off those side characters when it makes sense to and I'm comfortable portraying both male and female roles. It would be great if you're comfortable portraying both as well, but no pressure.
I am pretty open when it comes to NSFW content and will go with your comfort level. For example, if you're not into kink, we don't have to do it or if using certain words makes you uncomfortable, we can agree on common language. That being said, I am looking for more mature themes as they make sense to the development of the story. I don't want every other scene to be sex just for the sake of it, but I do want it to be an element of what we're writing.
I'm fine with side OCs as long as we can really develop them in a way that makes sense for the story. As someone visual, I am also a fan of using face claims for OCs and enjoy trying to find the right "fit" for the character. I try to avoid someone coming in to permanently break up the main couple, but an affair might make sense to create some drama here and there.
I'm looking for someone that can commit to meeting up at least one or two nights a week for a few hours (2-4). I'm pretty open most week nights and some weekend evenings and it doesn't have to be the same days each week. If you like having a schedule, though, I'm happy to do that too.
I try to keep my private life private and avoid drama. I am happily in a relationship and I do this for fun because I enjoy it. I will respect your boundaries and ask that you respect mine.
I wish I didn't have to say this, but I've had my fair share of people who've ghosted. If that's something you do, no judgment, but please don't respond to my post. I'm only looking for really interested partners who want to show up and create something.
I get that life happens and we all have other priorities, but please just touch base and be honest with me if you're not gonna be able to make it on a certain evening. I will do the same.
Looking for someone in the U.S. that is in the pacific, mountain, or central time zone. I've found it works best if we're within 1-2 hours of each other just because of work and sleep schedules.
I'd prefer to meet on Skype or other messaging app, but I'm open to using Discord or Google Docs.
While this post is for a Supergirl RP, I do have a lot of other fandoms I write/enjoy and it would be nice to find a partner with a breadth of fandoms that they're interested in so we have options to expand.
I like doing crossover and uncommon pairings. It would be cool if you're open to that or have your own that you'd like to bring to the table.
If you've made it this far, thank you so much for reading! If you're interested, please direct message me on instagram.
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agentcorpevents · 3 years
Rise!  The time is upon us!
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AgentCorp Week 2021 is coming!
Heya lovlies!
The time winds down here at the cabin as voting polls close.  If you haven’t voted yet for your top agentcorp themes for this year’s event, you still have time.  However....
Polls close midnight tonight, April 24th!
Timezones are wacky, so we’re gonna go with the last possible midnight hour of the 24th anywhere. 🤷‍♀️
We have a few strong themes in the top three, but are in need of some tie-breakers.  Your votes matter! 
If Lena and Alex could help out, they’d drag out out to vote!  Maybe.  Or maybe Lena would just use some device to teleport you out of your room to come vote, smile with her gratitude, Alex maybe mock punches your arm with her bashful way of saying thanks, then they zap you on your way.  😆
Anyway, come help, k?  For those thinking of contributing, the results will be out soon.  ❤️
Vote Here:  https://forms.gle/C1e9yj5mxfAPZpLH8 Information:  https://agentcorpevents.tumblr.com/info
Event Dates:  Now targeting mid-May and will have a finalized date when we announce the final results on Monday.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 4 years
WIP Challenge Meme
Thank you for the kind tag, @gveret-fic!
Rules: below are the names of all some of the files in my wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you, and i’ll post a snippet or tell you something about it!
I actually went through my phone and archived all of my phone snippet/notes onto my google drive so I could participate. It took way longer than anticipated, but it ended up being a good thing because a) I revisited ideas I hadn’t seen in years, and b) it forced me to collate all my notes into usable pieces. 
That said, there are some things on there that were completely random and no longer made sense to me. I kept them, but I didn’t list them on here because I no longer remember where they were going. The below list is all Supercorp unless otherwise indicated.
Winter Olympics AU
Daxamite Baby AU
Nuclear Winter AU
Mummy AU
Children of Liberty AU - Guardiancorp
Post Crisis AU - Lena doesn’t retain her memories
Season 4 Finale AU
Lena has a Stalker
Amnesiac Lena
Mindwipe - Alex POV
Reunions - Guardiancorp Bunnies
SG/Merlin Crossover
Cryo AU
Soulmate AU - two names 
Lena Vs Pheromone Guy - Guardiancorp
Royal AU - DARK
Lena vs the Truth Seeker
Pacific Rim AU
Assorted S4 Agentcorp Snippets 
Supercorp Red-K Scenario
When Lena Met Reign Sequel
Not gonna lie, some of the snippets may have already been posted, it’s hard to keep track. But if I haven’t seen them in a while, you guys probably haven’t either, so it’d be a nice revisit anyway. So, hit me up!
Tagging anyone and everyone who has been waiting to be tagged but hasn’t been. 
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ellieroxx · 3 years
So I just posted my AO3 Supergirl/ AgentCorp story link on here and I was wondering if anyone would like to help me with it. I haven't worked on it in a very long time and would love to update it but need some help. Please DM me if interested in helping. I have so many ideas but just don't know where to go from here. Thanks!
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femslashhistorian · 2 years
Hi Hi, I’m starved for some more good agentcorp (in addition to the list you already compiled and shared). Any ideas?
Thanks for the ask, anon. I don't read a lot of Alex/Lena fics anymore, but I have something for you.
First: check out my AgentCorp tag. The best way (especially in the mobile app) is to click the tag below the text of this post, but if that doesn't work, here is a link. There is some fanart and lots of fic recs and shorter fics that I reblogged over the years.
I will eventually come back to AgentCorp in my Supergirl retrospective, but this might take a while.
In the meantime maybe try captured by potstickermaster (who is one of my favorite authors)
And of course StarvingLunatic who is a great and versatile author and has written several AgentCorp fics that you could check out, such as Addicted to the Thrill (a fic collection for AgentCorp week 2021) or More Than Enough (which I have not read so far).
I read Second Thoughts last year and I liked it a lot. It is a bit "non-traditional". It is Alpha/Beta/Omega and the best way to describe it is probably a partner swap A/B/O fic. It is very much focused on Alex and Lena and very well written. A/B/O is not for everyone, check the tags and warnings; there is no cheating and everything is consensual.
It is the first part of a series (with a satisfying, non-cliffhanger ending) and I haven't read the next part yet.
Here is the author's summary of Second Thoughts:
Second Thoughts (AO3) by StarvingLunatic
Lena's heat strikes when Kara is off-world and she has no choice but to go to their agreed upon second to see her through her heat. The problem is Alex is the second and she and Alex don't really get along. Still, Lena's heat is coming and she needs someone to help her. AgentCorp (but also SuperCorp).
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afaimsarrowverse · 4 years
Shipable „Supergirl“-Edition
Multishipping is fun, even if most people still think it’s a crime. But shipping is only fun, if you actually have fun. And some people are just so damn shipable. So here are my Favorite Ships for „Supergirls“ Leading Ladies:
  Top Ten Kara Danvers Ships:
  10.  Supersaturn (Kara Danvers/Imra Ardeen)
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9.      Supercanary (Kara Danvers/Sara Lance)
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8.      Karawel (Kara Danvers/Winn Schott/Mon-El)
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7.      Superarrow (Kara Danvers/Oliver Queen)
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6.      Kalex (Kara Danvers/Lex Luthor)
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5.      Karry (Kara Danvers/Barry Allen)
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 4.      Killiam (Kara Danvers/William Dey)
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 3.      Karolsen (Kara Danvers/James Olsen)
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 2.      Kanvers (Kara Danvers/Kate Kane)
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1.      Karamel (Kara Danvers/Mon-El)
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 Top Ten Alex Danvers Ships:
  10.  Agentschott (Alex Danvers/Winn Schott)
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 9.      Agentreigncorp (Alex Danvers/Sam Arias/Lena Luthor)
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8.      Agentcorp (Alex Danvers/Lena Luthor)
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7.      Superagent (Kara Danvers/Alex Danvers)
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 6.      Batagent (Kate Kane/Alex Danvers)
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 5.      Agentreign (Alex Danvers/Sam Arias)
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 4.      Lanvers (Maxwell Lord/Alex Danvers)
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 3.      Dansen (Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen)
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2.      Agentcanary (Alex Danvers/Sara Lance)
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 1.      Sanvers (Maggie Sawyer/Alex Danvers)
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fireladybuckley · 4 years
New Year’s Surprise
Fandom: Supergirl (AU) Pairing: Alex Danvers / Lena Luthor (Agentcorp) Word Count: 4981 Rating and warnings: Probably 18+, kinda smutty Summary:  Alex and Lena unexpectedly discover their mutual attraction at a  New Years Eve party for L-Corp.  Flirtations and lust abound. Timeline: This is an AU. No specific time.  Post-Maggie, Pre-Kelly.  Somewhere in between but not finite timing!
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[ gif made by me ]
              “Don’t you have any plans tonight?”  Kara asked as she came into her living room and spotted Alex lounging on the couch in a tank top and pajama pants.  
                “Nah,” Alex shrugged, taking a swig of her beer and changing channels on the TV.  “Fell through, and I don’t feel like bar hopping.”
                “Oh,” Kara frowned, unwilling to leave Alex sitting here alone on New Year’s Eve.  “You don’t have anyone to go out with?”
                “Everyone’s either away for the holidays or busy already,” Alex replied distractedly, not looking up from the TV as she read the synopsis on a movie listing.  Kara’s frown deepened and she narrowed her eyes, thinking.  Suddenly, she realized the solution and let out a small gasp of excitement, startling Alex into looking up at her.
                “I know!  Come to the L-Corp party with me!”  Kara exclaimed brightly, grinning as Alex’s eyebrow raised.  “Come on, it’ll be fun!”
                “A party full of tightly wound businesspeople?  Pass,” Alex said flatly, her head turning back to the screen and changing the channel again.
                “It’s not just businesspeople,” Kara said, shaking her head.  “I’m going to be there!  And James, and a couple other people from CatCo you know.  And obviously Lena will be there.”
                “Kara, that’s not really my crowd,” Alex told her, looking up at her sister again.  “You guys will all be busy mingling and I’ll have nothing to talk about with all the other people. I’m better off here, as long as you don’t care that I stay in your apartment.”  
                “Come on,” Kara insisted, walking over to the couch and taking Alex’s hand, tugging gently. She nearly pulled Alex off the couch with her first tug and adjusted her strength accordingly for the second, letting out a soft laugh as Alex shot her a look.
                “I wasn’t even invited, Kara,” Alex pointed out, pulling her hand out of Kara’s and shoving her sister playfully.  “I don’t think I’d be welcome.”
                “Oh please,” Kara scoffed, waving her hand dismissively.  “Lena likes you, she’d be perfectly happy if you turned up.   Besides, I’m sure it was just a technicality that she didn’t invite you anyway, since you’re not part of L-Corp.”
                Alex looked at Kara pointedly after that last sentence, and Kara shook her head.
                “I just mean she probably didn’t think to invite anyone outside of the company, not that she wouldn’t want you there.  Please, Alex?” Kara asked, grabbing Alex’s hand again and squeezing it.  “I don’t want you to be alone on New Year’s Eve and I want you to come with me!  It’ll be fun!”
                Alex sighed as Kara’s voice started to get higher pitched and more nagging, knowing that she wouldn’t quit until Alex gave up.
                “Fine, fine,” Alex relented, and Kara clapped her hands once with excitement.  “I’ll come, but don’t be surprised if I duck out early before I die of boredom.”
                “Yay!  You won’t regret it, I promise.  Now go get dressed, we don’t have much time!” Kara beamed at Alex as she rolled her eyes as turned off the TV, forcing herself to get off the couch.  
                “I don’t even know what I’m going to wear,” Alex complained as she headed towards the bedroom. “I don’t think I have any nice clothes here and we don’t exactly have the same style.”
                Kara followed Alex into the bedroom and looked in the closet with her, her mouth twisted slightly in thought.  Alex was right; while Kara had a lot of nice clothes, none of them suited Alex at all. Alex did have a few outfits that she left here, but nothing nice enough for a party.
                “Okay hang on, I’ll run to your place and grab something.”  Kara said, taking Alex’s keys from her.
                “Fine, but don’t grab anything too –” Alex began, but Kara was gone, leaving Alex in her slipstream. “—skimpy,” Alex finished with a sigh, her hair ruffling around her face in the sudden breeze.
                Kara was barely gone two minutes when she returned, clutching a garment bag in her hands and looking excited.  Alex raised an eyebrow at her and Kara unzipped the bag, then turned the hanger to show Alex the dress – the black one she’d worn when she’d gone to dinner with Max Lord a couple of years before, the one with a plunging neckline and short skirt.
                “No, Kara,” Alex groaned.  “I said not skimpy…”
                “It looks really good on you,” Kara insisted, thrusting the dress at her.  “And you have no time to argue, it’s this or nothing!”  
                Alex made a face at her that suggested ‘nothing’ would be better, but Kara quickly cut in again before Alex could open her mouth.
                “But you’re not staying here, so get dressed.”
                With that, Kara left the room and Alex sighed again, looking at the dress.  It did look good on her, she had to admit, but it had not so great memories attached to it. Deciding that just wearing it was easier than arguing with her irrepressible sister, however, Alex took off her pajamas and slipped into the dress, squirming until it fell as it was meant to.
                “Beautiful!” Kara said, smiling from the doorway. Alex jumped, a hand flying to her chest to cover the very low neckline, feeling her cheeks redden.
                “Here, wear this necklace,” Kara said, coming up behind her and fastening a delicate silver necklace with a deeply purple amethyst pendant around her neck.  “You look incredible, Alex.”
                “Thanks,” said Alex, a little flatly, though she had to admit it felt nice to dress up sometimes.
                “Hey, maybe you’ll even snag a date!” Kara grinned, winking as Alex rolled her eyes again.
                “Do not set me up with any of your coworkers, Kara,” Alex said warningly as Kara giggled and left the room with Alex at her heels.  “I’m serious!”
                Alex quickly did her makeup and slipped her feet into a pair of black heels (thankfully hers and Kara’s feet were roughly the same size), and looked up to find Kara glancing at her watch and wincing.
                “What?  What time does the party start?” Alex asked, glancing over at the oven clock and noting it said 7:56.  
                “Eight,” Kara replied, frowning.
                “Well, I guess we’ll be fashionably late,” Alex said with a shrug, pulling on her leather jacket over the dress.   “Let’s go then.”
                “It’ll take way too long to cab it there, we won’t be there until like 8:30,” Kara lamented. “Unless…”  She smiled and looked over at Alex, who deadpanned and shook her head.
                “No, Kara.” Alex said sharply, as Kara grinned.  Alex’s voice went from sharp to incredulous.  “No!  Oh, come on, really?”
                “Please, Alex? I don’t want to be late!” Kara pleaded, and Alex let out the tiniest whimper before sighing.
                “Fine, but I swear to god if you play chicken with a building again like you did last time I will never fly with you again.”
                “I promise!” Kara laughed.  Reluctantly, Alex followed Kara to the window and cozied up to her sister’s side, wrapping her arms tightly around Kara’s middle.  Kara wrapped an arm around Alex’s back and Alex could feel Kara’s strength and protectiveness.  Still, it didn’t stop Alex from inhaling sharply in fear as Kara took off through the window with Alex clutched tightly at her side.  
                They were near the L-Corp building in seconds, Alex’s chest feeling tight from the speed of the wind passing them, making it hard to breathe.  Kara dropped down behind some bushes not too far from the building and let go of Alex, who teetered on the spot precariously for a moment, gulping air like it was going out of style.  Alex shakily brushed her hair back, attempting to smooth it back down, her hands trembling a bit as she took stock of herself.
                “Never again,” Alex muttered as Kara lead her around the bushes and towards the front entrance of the building, Alex still trying to flatten her windswept hair.  Kara lead the way from the front entrance to the elevators, then down a couple of hallways to the reception area on the top floor. They approached a large entryway near the end of a beautifully decorated hall, and Alex could see lots of lights and hear music floating down to them.
                “Kara and Alex Danvers,” Kara told one of the guards at the doors brightly as they reached them, Alex hanging back a few steps, unsure.
                “Kara Danvers,” the guard said, running a finger down the list.  “You’re good.  No Alex Danvers, though.”
                “Oh it’s alright, she’s my sister and a friend of Lena’s,” Kara told him, taking Alex’s hand and pulling her forward. Before she could get past the guard however, he put his arm out and physically blocked Alex’s path, Kara tugging her right into his arm.
              “Only listed invitees allowed,” the guard said firmly, pushing his arm back a bit to force Alex to back up, which she did, letting go of Kara’s hand.
                “See, Kara? It’s okay, go and have fun,” Alex said, shaking her head.  She’d known this was going to happen, why had she wasted her time?  
                “But.. Alex…” Kara began, as Alex backed away from the doors, allowing some other guests to pass.
                Alex was just about to reassure Kara again that it was fine when a sharp voice suddenly spoke up.
                “Kara! Lovely to see you!” Lena moved partially into view and hugged Kara, who beamed at her friend. “And you brought Alex, that’s wonderful!”  
                “Yes!” Kara agreed. “But the guard won’t let her in,” Kara said, gesturing at the guard, who suddenly looked uncomfortable.
                “I’m sorry ma’am,” the guard said hastily, as Lena turned to frown at him.  “But she’s not on the list, I didn’t think—” he sound worried, but Lena shook her head.
                “Alex Danvers is more than welcome at this party, but of course you didn’t know that.  Don’t fret, Albert, it’s nothing but an oversight.” Lena reassured the guard, then gestured to Alex to come in, still half obscured to Alex by other people.  Alex stepped past some guests who had queued, nodding at the guard as she approached him this time.
                “Thanks,” Alex said, smiling at Lena as she passed the guard, who looked relieved that he wasn’t in trouble.  Kara shot her a “toldja so!” look and Alex rolled her eyes.
                “Of course,” Lena said, smiling back and reaching out to give Alex a hug as well.  Alex felt like she’d been punched in the chest and her heart skipped several beats when Lena stepped back from the hug and Alex saw what she was wearing.  She looked absolutely striking in a dark grey pinstriped pant and waistcoat set, with a black and grey patterned blouse and a deep purple, silk cravat.  She looked incredibly elegant and sophisticated and absolutely gorgeous.  Her perfume lingered in the air between them as she pulled away from the hug and Alex felt slightly punchdrunk at the combination of sight and smell.
                “Th-thanks,” Alex said again, feeling a bit lightheaded.
                “I meant to invite you anyway, but I must have forgotten,” Lena said apologetically, putting a hand on Alex’s arm. “By the time all the invites were sent to everyone affiliated with the company, I completely forgot the few non-L-Corp invitations!”
                “That’s alright,” Alex replied, her voice wavering a little as she stared at Lena, hyperaware of Lena’s touch, even through her jacket.  Lena didn’t seem to notice anything amiss, but Alex, when she finally tore her eyes from Lena’s face for a moment, caught Kara looking at her with a bemused expression.
                “Here, let me take your coats,” Lena said, gesturing for them to hand them over.  Alex shrugged out of her jacket, still trying to shake herself, and thought she saw Lena do a double take when she looked over at Alex as she handed over her jacket.  Lena passed the jackets to one of the servers to take the coat check and turned back to the sisters.
                “You both look amazing,” Lena smiled, her eyes lingering on Alex for much longer than Kara, something that Alex noticed immediately and that caused her cheeks to redden slightly.
                Before they could do much more than say thank you, someone who looked important came up and began speaking to her, and Lena signaled her apologies and began to speak with him, walking away from them.
                “What was that?” Kara asked, as soon as Lena was out of earshot.
                “What was what?” Alex asked innocently, quite aware that her cheeks were still red.
                “You know what,” Kara retorted, looking intently at her sister.  
                “It was nothing, I just… have a headache, and the bright lights made it worse for a minute,” Alex invented wildly, hoping it sounded convincing.  It seemed to work; Kara’s face went from suspicious to concerned, and she began digging around in her small purse.
                “I don’t have anything for pain in here,” Kara said regretfully, but Alex shook her head.
                “I’m sure I’ll be fine, I’ll just have some water.  Look, there’s James!” Alex said, pointing as she recognized him a little farther into the room, glad of the distraction.   Kara took the bait and flounced off, Alex following her.  Alex looked surreptitiously around and spotted Lena not too far away, watching her talk animatedly for a few moments as Kara greeted James enthusiastically.  
                Alex spent most of the evening wandering around after Kara, participating in some discussion, but mostly just people watching.  The food was excellent, thankfully, and Alex mused that the food and free drinks alone had been worth letting Kara drag her here.  
                Kara spent a lot of time talking to a cute coworker of hers and trying to constantly drag Alex into the conversation, telling her coworker about things Alex was good at and things she liked that she and the coworker had in common.  Alex could smell the set up coming from a mile away and excused herself to the washroom. It wasn’t that she didn’t appreciate the sentiment, but Alex was not interested in being set up – if she found someone to date, it would be on her terms only.
                Kara immediately accosted Alex on her way out of the bathroom.
                “Didn’t you like Emma?” Kara asked almost accusingly as Alex headed towards the bar for another glass of expensive wine.  
                “Sure, she seemed nice,” Alex shrugged. “Not my type, though.”
                “Well what is your type?” Kara asked, her tone disappointed.  “I have a lot of cute coworkers.”
                “Kara,” Alex began, patting Kara’s arm.  “I appreciate you’re trying to help, but I don’t want to be set up, okay?  I want to find a girlfriend on my own.”
                “But –“
                “Okay, okay,” Kara agreed, looking put out.  “I just want you to have a good time.”
                “I am,” Alex told her genuinely, leading Kara to a table covered in fancy hors d’oeuvres . “More fun than I thought I’d have anyway.  Have you tried these?”  
                The rest of the evening passed in relative fun.  Alex and Kara spent a long time chatting and joking around with James and a few others, and Alex really did enjoy herself.  She even managed to forget about her momentary panic upon seeing Lena; that is, until Lena herself joined them.
                “How are you guys? Enjoying the party?” Lena’s voice came suddenly from behind Alex and she nearly jumped out of her skin as Lena appeared at her side, beaming at them all.  Alex’s heart rate immediately increased as Lena’s perfume wafted to her and she stayed silent as others answered Lena’s question, not trusting herself to speak just yet.  Thankfully it seemed Kara was thoroughly distracted at least, so Alex was grateful.
                “Almost midnight!” Kara announced pointing at the large clock hanging over everyone’s heads. The clock read 11:59:30, and the noise level around them grew exponentially as people started getting excited and shouting for their friends and loved ones to join them for the countdown. Alex smiled as everyone started counting down, clapping along and counting herself.
                “Nine, eight, seven…”
                Alex suddenly remembered what the tradition was when the clock struck midnight and felt sad when she realized she had no one to kiss.
                “Six, five…”
                Alex glanced around her to see people pairing up, and her eyes happened to land on Lena, who was only a few feet away and already looking at her.
                “Four, three…”
                Alex’s heart shot into her throat when she saw Lena’s gaze was on her and stared back, hope blossoming in her chest at the expression on Lena’s face.
                “Two, one…”
                Lena tilted her head slightly, as though asking for permission, and Alex gave an attempt at a casual shrug and a half smile, trying to play it cool and come across like she was saying “Yeah, sure”.
                “Happy New Year!”
                The crowd erupted around them and cheers and the music blared as the clock struck midnight.  All around them people were either yelling or kissing, but Alex heard none of it as her brain hyper-focused on Lena’s face as she stepped forward towards Alex.  
                Without allowing herself to think about it, Alex leaned forward as Lena did the same, and their lips met.  Alex felt a thrill of joy shoot through her as Lena settled a hand on her waist, her head tilted delicately to the side as they kissed.
                It only lasted a few seconds, but it felt both like it had taken a split second and many long moments.  Alex’s heart was racing as she pulled away, both terrified and excited to see the look on Lena’s face, wondering if she’d enjoyed the kiss as much as Alex had.  Lena’s face was hard to read; there was a small smile on her face, but then Alex saw the fire in her eyes and realized just how much Lena had enjoyed it. Before Alex could stop herself, before she could remind herself they were in a room full of people, – people who worked for Lena, no less – Alex had moved forward.  Lena, too, moved forward in the same moment and their lips meet again, Alex’s hand drifting upwards and settling on Lena’s jawline, the other on her arm, as Lena’s arms slid under Alex’s and held her around the middle, her hands settled on Alex’s back.
                This kiss lasted a lot longer and went deeper, more than a mere peck. Their lips parted just slightly and their tongues tentatively met, sending shocks of excitement and arousal through Alex, and through Lena as well, if the woman’s small but sharp inhale was anything to go by.
                Many moments later, both Alex and Lena seemed to realize that the people around them were finishing their kisses and looking around; pulling out of the kiss, Alex opened her eyes and noticed a few people already looking at them, whispering to each other.
                Wordlessly, Lena took Alex’s hand and pulled her away through the crowds, ducking around and under arms, away from everyone they knew. Lena lead her down a hallway and through a couple of doors, and suddenly they were in a place Alex had seen before; Lena’s office.
                “Lena, I…” Alex began, with no idea where the sentence was going as Lena stopped pulling her along and turned to look at her, that small smile and fiery look back in her eyes.
                “Don’t,” Lena said softly, laying a finger over Alex’s lips to stop her.  Surprised, Alex immediately stopped talking and let Lena lead her over to the couch, though they stopped before sitting down.  Lena turned back to Alex and Alex felt her heart flip flop once more as they locked gazes.
                Lena reached out and pulled Alex closer, wrapping her arms around Alex’s waist again.  Alex felt herself melting, moving with the flow, slipping her hands slowly up Lena’s arms and to her neck, stroking the skin there and looking at her in awe, wondering how on earth she was being allowed to touch her like this.   Without a word, Lena moved closer and pressed her lips to Alex’s again.  Alex nearly collapsed into the kiss; she managed to keep herself upright and kissed Lena back at once, her hands around the side of Lena’s neck, stroking her jawline with her thumbs.
                The kiss deepened quickly and their tongues clashed, both of them becoming breathless in record time, Lena’s hands slipping from Alex’s back to her sides, feeling their way up, as Alex let one of her hands slip into Lena’s gorgeous black hair, her fingers tangling in the strands as she held the woman as close as possible.
                They parted for a moment in order to breathe, both of them panting, Alex feeling more than a little shaky.  Lena looked extremely pleased with herself for taking Alex’s breath away, and momentarily rested her forehead against Alex’s as they absorbed what had just happened.
                “You are so gorgeous,” Alex murmured as she lifted her head a little and looked down at Lena’s outfit again.  “Way out of my league.”
                Lena’s eyes flared and she spun Alex around, pushing her a little roughly down onto the couch, Alex’s eyes widening in surprise as she landed on the couch with a soft “oof”.
                “Don’t be ridiculous, Danvers.” Lena’s voice had a bit of a growl in it and that combined with her use of “Danvers” went straight to the pleasure centre of Alex’s brain, making her breath hitch slightly as Lena leaned over her.   “You are the most beautiful woman in this building.  Maybe in the entire city.”
                Alex felt her cheeks reddening again and was about to protest when Lena climbed onto the couch and straddled Alex’s lap on her knees, making Alex’s heart stop briefly as she leaned down and brushed Alex’s hair out of her eyes.  
                “Not to mention, you are extremely brave,” Lena continued, tossing her long hair over one shoulder and again causing a jolt of lust in Alex’s brain.  Lena leaned down and kissed Alex lightly, then pulled back and spoke again.
                “An excellent fighter,”
                Lena planted another light kiss on Alex’s lips.
                “And the smartest woman I know.”
                Before Alex could say anything, Lena lowered her rear so she was sitting in Alex’s lap and slid both of her hands into Alex’s hair, pulling the woman close and kissing her deeply.  Arousal and lust shooting through her, Alex wrapped her arms around Lena and held her close as they kissed, her hands roving over Lena’s back and settled over her ass, holding her in place.
                Alex was completely breathless as Lena pulled away from the kiss a moment later and gasped as Lena pushed Alex’s head back gently and began to kiss down her jawline, down her neck, pausing for a moment and kissing deeply under Alex’s jaw, right along her pulse point, before continuing down to her collarbone.  Alex whimpered as Lena’s hands slipped into the front of Alex’s dress – the neckline dipped down to well below her breasts – and slid her hands over Alex’s bare skin, making Alex inhale sharply at the feeling.   Lena immediately paused and looked up at Alex, clearly searching her expression.
                “Too fast?” Lena asked, clearly not wanting to push any boundaries.  Alex shook her head, her heart pounding in her chest.  She was nervous as hell to have Lena touching her like this but also ecstatic, and she definitely didn’t want her to stop.
                “Keep going,” Alex said hoarsely, and the clear lust in her tone made Lena smirk, able to discern from those two words that Alex was just as into this as she was.
                Lena slipped her hands farther upwards and cupped Alex’s breasts from below, unsurprised to not encounter a bra in the dress she was wearing.  Alex gasped as Lena’s thumbs brushed over her nipples, sending shocks of pleasure through her.  Smiling at the noises Alex was making, Lena leaned closer to kiss Alex again, still gently touching her nipples, circling her fingertips around them, making Alex gasp throatily into the kiss.  
              Alex brought her hands up between Lena’s arms and reached for Lena’s waistcoat, unbuttoning it with shaking hands, moaning as Lena resumed the kissing of Alex’s throat, her hands still deep in Alex’s dress.  Alex managed to get the waistcoat undone and pulled it open, then began to work on Lena’s blouse, her fingers slipping on the buttons as Lena gave her no moment of calm. Lena had pulled either side of Alex’s upper dress apart now, completely exposing her breasts, and Lena was kissing down Alex’s throat and over her collarbone, clearly continuing to head downwards.   Alex knew she needed to get Lena’s shirt undone by the time Lena got to her nipple or she was done for.
                Alex had just finished undoing the last button of Lena’s blouse as Lena’s lips reached Alex’s nipple.  Lena drew the nipple into her mouth and gave it a gentle suck, making Alex gasp sharply and breathe hard, the feeling incredibly intense.  Alex was just reaching into Lena’s undone blouse, touching her bare skin for the first time, when there was a sudden noise at the door across the room and an audible gasp and the sound of papers hitting the floor, as though someone had just dropped them.
                Lena sat bolt upright and turned her head as Alex instinctively threw her arms across her own chest, blocking her breasts from view. Alex sat stock still as the horror of the situation sank in; someone had just walked in on them and was staring at them.   Lena found her voice a moment later and Alex sat, frozen, mostly blocked by Lena’s body.
                “Molly!  What have I told you about knocking?!” demanded Lena sharply, still breathing a little hard and sounding incredibly firm and unwavering considering she’d just been caught straddling Alex on the couch, sucking on her nipple.  Lena still hadn’t moved; she was still straddling Alex’s knees and turning to look at her employee; Alex suspected it was to preserve her modesty, and she appreciated it.
                “I… oh my god Ms. Luthor, I am so sorry,” Molly sound abjectly horrified and Alex felt a bit sorry for her.  She probably thought she was about to be fired.    “I thought you were down at the party so I didn’t… I was just going to drop off these folders, I… I’m so sorry!”
                Alex heard the young woman’s footsteps as she ran off and saw Lena relax and turn back to Alex, who was staring up at her in shock. They looked at each other in a slightly awkward silence for a moment, Alex’s arms barely covering her breasts, Lena’s shirt hanging open, their faces flushed but the moment clearly over.
                “Don’t worry, she won’t say anything,” Lena said after a few moments, climbing off of the couch and turning to allow Alex to slip her dress back into place.  “But I need to go and talk to her before she thinks I’m going to fire her.  You understand, right?”
                “Of course,” Alex said hastily, her face burning. “I’m sorry, I should’ve…” Alex trailed off, unsure of what she wanted to say, but Lena turned around to face her again and shook her head, smiling.
                “You have nothing to apologize for,” Lena said softly, leaning over and pressing a light kiss to her lips.  Alex had to stop herself following Lena as she pulled away, trailing a hand down her arm as she stood up again and began re-buttoning her blouse.   Alex made sure her dress was in place properly and stood up as well, smoothing her hair and begging her heart to calm down and slow to its normal rate.  
                Once Lena was finished redressing and had straightened her cravat, Alex looked over at her, wondering if this had been a one-time thing, or if maybe there was the possibility of something real between them.  They certainly had chemistry, tons of it, and they were both smart, strong, capable women who could complement each other nicely.  But was Lena interested in a relationship?    As though reading her mind, Lena came over to her and took one of Alex’s hands in her own.
                “Since our little tryst got cut so short, let me make it up to you,” she said, bringing Alex’s hand up to her mouth and kissing her knuckles.  “I’m guessing you have plans tomorrow?”
                Alex nodded, her heart pounding so hard she thought Lena must be able to hear it.
                “Thought so. Then let me take you to dinner this weekend.  Does 7pm on Saturday sound alright?”
                Alex nodded, biting her lip, trying not to grin as widely as she wanted to lest she seem a little deranged.  Lena laughed at the expression on her face and gave her a radiant smile in return.
                “It’s a date, then. Happy New Year, Alex.”  Lena pressed another light kiss to Alex’s lips before straightening her waistcoat and walking out of the office after her assistant.
                Alex nearly collapsed to the floor right then and there, but managed to stay upright, leaning back against the wall nearest her, letting out a long, shaky breath.  She hadn’t felt something so intense in a very long time and the fact that Lena seemed just as interested in her as she was in Lena made her unbelievably happy.  She stood there for a while, just catching her breath and floating on a cloud before she finally, slowly, made her way out of the office and back to the party.  Some people had started leaving but Kara, James and many of the others were still around, dancing or chatting, so Alex slipped back into one of the groups, hoping no one noticed she’d been gone at least an hour.   She stayed until Kara wanted to leave, the majority of the time lost in a daydream, barely able to wait until Saturday night.
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alexdanversfbi · 4 years
Liam’s First Birthday (Agentcorp)
Prompt Number: One - Family
Rating: General
Warnings/Triggers: None
It had been one year since little Liam Danvers-Luthor was born. A beautiful creation of Alex Danvers and Lena Luthor's Genes. For Alex and Lena having a Kryptonian in the family had been a blessing when they were told about the secrets that hid in the Fortress of Solitude. There was a way to create a baby using both parents genetic make up and Kara was only too happy to help the happily married couple achieve this. Lena carried, and lets say, those nine months of pregnancy were interesting.
You do not try to stop a Luthor from working while pregnant, Alex tried numerous times and failed.
Lena went through it all, the hormone changes, the morning sickness, the weird cravings that sent Alex out in the middle of the night for her desperate wife, the flip floppy moods. Alex was happy with the physical change though, Lena’s breasts had always been a good hand full but while pregnant… wow, Alex’s eyes lit up and well, other parts of her too.
So here they were preparing for baby Liam’s first birthday. The little boy was already showing some signs of being another genius in this family of very intellectual women. In appearance he looked a little like both of them, with Lena's dark brown hair and Alex's hazel eyes. His facial features were a good mix of them both, with Alex's lips and jaw and Lena's cheekbones.
He had spoken his first words, “Mommy and Mum,” now they were just waiting for him to say the names of their other friends and family. Alex and Lena had bet each other as to whom Liam would say next.
“It will definitely be Kara,” Alex said as she put some home made cookies in the oven to bake.
Lena was busy cleaning up Alex’s mess off the counter, “My bet is on Brainy.”
Alex closed the oven and looked at her wife, standing there looking stunning as usual with her ponytail up, “Brainy, really? Isn't that a bit of a difficult one for our son?”
“Our son can do anything, say anything,” Lena shrugged, “He’s part you and me after all,” she added with a smile.
Alex stepped up to Lena and pulled her into her arms, then she kissed Lena on the nose and Lena giggled. She loved her playful Alex. And right now Alex was in a very playful mood.
Alex was about to start teasing and had her eye on some flour to add to Lena’s cute nose when the doorbell rang, “I’ll get it,” Alex said reluctantly letting go of her wife.
“Must be our guests,” Lena said brightly before turning around and continuing to clean the flour from the counter, she had a lucky escape.
Alex opened the door and was greeted by her sister Kara and Mother Eliza, “Hi!”
Eliza walked in with a smile on her face, “Where is my beautiful grandson?”
Alex quickly told them to shush, “He’s having an afternoon nap. While we cook in peace.”
Eliza looked at Alex, “You do know he won't sleep tonight now.”
Alex shook her head, “Anyway, help yourself to drinks, cookies are on the way.”
“Cookies, you read my mind,” Kara literally drooled.
“Yes and the cookies are for ALL of us,” Alex told her.
Kara gave a wry smile back, “Can I help with anything?”
"Nope, everything is covered," Alex replied.
Just then Lena walked over to them both, “Hi Kara,” the two hugged, “We need to get together soon, I miss our girls' nights.”
“I wholeheartedly agree,” Kara smiled, “Alex can be a babysitter.”
“Yes if J’onn ever lets me have time off, he’s got so many cases lately at The Tower,” Alex commented.
Eliza stepped up to Alex with her arms open and Alex hugged her, “I hope you aren’t overworking yourself?”
Alex pulled out of the hug and smiled, “It’s nothing I can't handle, and as Lena can work from home, Liam is getting plenty of Mommy time.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” Eliza smiled, “So lets get some drinks.”
While Eliza went to make drinks, Lena was busy putting the decorations on Liam’s birthday cake, whilst Alex and Kara set about putting up balloons.
Their next guests arrived about half an hour later, Brainy and Nia. Brainy had his hands full with wrapped gifts and Nia was holding a very large bottle of champagne.
“You can put the gifts over there,” Alex pointed to the pile in the corner of the room, “And I’ll get that champagne in a bucket of ice. Go help yourself to drinks and there are some chocolate chip cookies on the counter, just made so they are nice and warm.”
“Cookies?” Brainy looked at Nia, “What are these cookies?”
Nia laughed, “You've never had a cookie?”
“I can't say I have,” Brainy said following his girlfriend into the kitchen space.
Nia picked one of the warm chocolate chip cookies up off the plate, “Here take a bite.”
Brainy carefully, almost suspiciously did so and then as he let the deliciousness invade his taste buds he started to smile, it was slightly crunchy on the outside with gooey melted chocolate chips on the inside, “Mmm tasty, can I have more?”
“Help yourself,” Alex shouted over at him from the sofa where she was now sitting having a much needed rest with a beer in one hand.
“But leave some for me,” Kara made him jump as she stepped up behind him.
Lena then went to check on their son who was sleeping in his own bedroom. The bedroom was decorated with a space theme throughout, spaceship wallpaper, glow in the dark stars here and there. And an indoor planetarium that when switched on in the dark gave a beautiful illusion of the stars in the sky cast across the ceiling. Even the child's current romper suit had NASA written on it.
When she looked in his crib he was awake and as soon as he saw his mommy he started to giggle, “Hey little man,” she smiled and picked him up.
“Time to get you dressed and ready for your birthday party,” She told him as she bounced him in her arms. Then she put him down on the floor while she found out his smart clothes.
Liam had started to walk a few weeks ago, he was a very fast learner for his age. He followed his mother with interest.
“Right, we have a pale blue shirt and a pair of khaki trousers,” Lena told him and placed the clothes down on the bed. Then she pulled out some socks from his drawer and some superhero underpants, “Now, do we want a tie? I think so.” Lena took out a dark blue tie and added it to the pile. Then she sat with her son on the bed and clothed him.
She looked up minutes later when Alex opened the bedroom door and peered in. Alex smiled, stepped inside and closed the door, “How’s it going in here?”
Lena picked her son up and held him on her lap, “How does he look?”
Alex walked over to them and looked down at her son, “He looks adorable, and very smart.” Then Alex adjusted his tie, “And so cute in this tie.”
Liam smiled up at Alex with his hazel eyes, that had a hint of green then he excitedly flapped his arms and giggled. Alex took him from Lena’s arms and held him, “We are so lucky to have you,” she said kissing his head.
Lena stood, “Is everything ready?” she asked Alex.
Alex nodded, “All done, the party is raring to go,” Alex put her son down and took his tiny hand in hers, “Lets go!”
Everyone looked to the bedroom door as Alex and Lena came out with Liam.
“There he is the birthday boy!” Eliza stood and walked over to them, then she bent down and looked at his smart attire, “And a very handsome boy too.”
Alex walked with him over to the others on the sofas and when Liam saw Brainy and Nia he let go of Alex’s hand and rushed over towards them, as fast as his little feet would carry him without falling over.
Alex laughed as Liam rushed into Nia’s arms, “Well I guess Aunty Nia is his favourite.”
Lena stepped up beside her wife, “Maybe, he seems to be gazing at Brainy too.”
Kara walked in with a drink in her hand and grinned when she saw Liam, “There’s my little nephew,” she walked over to Nia and smiled at Liam, “Hi baby boy.”
Liam reached his little hand out to touch Kara’s face, “Ka…” he said.
Alex looked at Lena with a grin, “He said it! He said her name.”
“Not quite,” Lena replied, “he only said half her name.”
“Details, details,” Alex smiled.
“Yes, I’m your Aunty Kara,” Kara spoke to her nephew and took his hand, “I’m also Supergirl but you must not tell anyone.”
Alex and Lena watched as Nia put Liam down.
He immediately walked up to brainy, “Brr…” he said.
His parents watched and listened wondering if Liam was finally going to say a name.
“Brain...ey,” Liam said pointing at the man in question.
Everyone looked in surprise and Lena was grinning from ear to ear, “I win!”
Alex gave a small smile, “I guess you do.”
Brainy picked Liam up into his arms, “I am indeed Brainy.”
The boy giggled and said it again, and again.
“So what do I win?” Lena asked, smirking at her wife.
“Do you really need to ask?” Alex smirked back at her.
“Well, hopefully I can collect my prize tonight if we tire our son out enough in the meantime,” Lena said suggestively placing her hand to Alex’s shirt.
Alex gave Lena her best flirty smile, “Okay, time to open his presents and get those toys out, the more he plays the more tired he will become by bedtime.”
The couple couldn't move quick enough to get to the presents and help Liam unwrap them. Fun and games continued well into the evening until Liam was falling to sleep on the sofa next to his grandma. Everyone else had left by this time apart from Kara. Toys were still strewn all over the house.
“I’ll take him to bed,” Eliza said, “I don't get to do it very often.”
“Thanks,” Alex told her mother, “can you and Kara see yourselves out, were kinda beat.”
Alex ran her fingers through her hair and looked at Lena who was smiling at her with hungry eyes.
“Of course, you two go to bed, we will be fine,” Kara said walking up behind Alex.
Alex and Lena went to their bedroom and once they heard Eliza and Kara leave Alex gave Lena her winnings.
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