#reiner braun x reader angst
hanjisungslag · 3 months
Headcanons for when aot men get jealous? Maybe seeing reader and someone else spending time together and getting agitated and then dragging them away - ‘Pay attention to me not them.’ sort of vibe.
💢 aot men & jealously
characters included: eren, armin, connie, jean, reiner, bertolt, erwin and levi.
notes: this ask had me floored.
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☆ eren jaeger
he caught you and reiner talking to each other AGAIN.
this has happened one too many times and eren finally loses it.
he’d definitely say something like “what about spending time with your boyfriend instead of him, hm?”
very temperamental about the whole thing..
one second he’ll be furious, next he’ll be sad, next he’ll be happy you’re back to spending time with each other
but mostly angry over it.
he storms over and pushes reiner away from you as he comes between the both of you, “what the fuck do you think you’re doing with MY partner?” eren asked threateningly “woah eren we were just—” but before reiner could say anything, eren grabbed your arm and stormed off with you.
☆ armin arlert
you and jean are very close friends
too close, your boyfriend may say.
armin usually lets things slide at first, he doesn’t want to come off as overbearing or jealous
also you and jean are just friends at the end of the day, right?
but one day, you and jean are laughing away as usual and armin asks what’s so funny and you say..
“oh, it’s an inside joke. you wouldn’t get it.”
after you said this, you continued to laugh. but armin had reached his breaking point, he slammed his hands on the dinner table and rose from his seat turning to face you, “y/n. get up.” your smile drops as you also get up from your chair. you two walk out the dinner hall. armin quickly speaks up “pay attention to me, not him.”
☆ connie springer
you and berty boy were spending wayyy too much quality time together.
making you spend less time with your own boyfriend!
connie obviously took this to heart and had to do what a man’s gotta do
aka pull a prank on bert.
every single day for like 2 weeks, connie would do something just to cause him inconvenience.
just like hiding his things right before practice, stealing food off his plate, replacing his sugar with salt, messing up his laundry etc.
but now what was connie going to do with you? after he pulled one of his pranks on bert he saw you HELPING him so not only do you spend all your time with him but now you’re ruining connie’s revenge plan? nope, not happening. he slams bert’s door open not taking any notice that the both of you are trying to talk to him, he just grabs you and pulls you into the hall. “last time i checked, i was your boyfriend. so, stop acting like bert is.”
☆ jean kirstein
there was someone in the survey corps who clearly had a thing for you
but you didn’t seem to notice. supposedly.
anyways, you guys would spend quite a bit of time together especially during expeditions.
jean obviously took offence to this and what does he do?
while on an expedition, you and this guy were chatting away, killing titans, all the usual stuff. but little did you know, from the back, jean was watching all of this happening and he was getting pissed off. his anger built up so much that when it came to killing the titans be whipped out half of them on his own. everyone was super impressed and the girls started complimenting you for having such a strong, brave boyfriend.
he pulls you aside afterwards and says “that was because of you and him, you know? so, you better start paying more attention to me now.”
☆ reiner braun
there was this one guy from garrisons who adored you!
and you thought he was sweet and you’d always try and catch up with him when you could.
which reiner would say was too often.
reiner would definitely intimidate this guy with how huge he is.
it’d be intimidating even reiner wasnt massive because he was just a garrison.
he’d pump his chest out more and wrap his big arms around you in front of him to prove how much bigger and better he was.
and when it came to you, he was so mad. as you stepped away from the garrison guy, he took his arm off of you and grabbed you by the shoulders turning you to face him. “hey. you better stop talking to that fucking whimp. i’m your boyfriend.”
☆ bertolt hoover
you and connie were super close.
you both trained together, love pulling pranks and just bounce off each other so well.
some people sometimes even think you’re a couple..!
but you already have a boyfriend.
bert doesn’t like to speak up about how he feels for a while until something really tips him over the edge.
bert always used to ignore how close you and connie were, he was too shy to say anything in the first place but he also didn’t want to ruin your guys’ relationship by being jealous. that was until someone asked if you and connie were a couple. that was his final straw. he calmly walked over to you but grabbed you with a grip you wouldn’t expect from bertolt. you found yourself outside with him where he looks you dead in the eyes “unless you actually want connie to be your boyfriend, you better start paying more attention to me, y/n.”
☆ levi ackerman
you mostly worked in the offices after a bad injury.
and there was this one librarian who really took a liking to you.
but, you’re already coupled up with mr. ackerman.
levi sees you guys talking all the time. sees that you’re in the library quite a lot even when you don’t need to be.
because of this he delegated menial work to him and even you, when he’s feel mean.
but when he catches you STILL talking while doing the tasks he set for you, he loses it.
you got distracted from your task when your little librarian friend starts discussing this ancient book he discovered the other day and as you were chatting away, you heard the door creak.. you jump out of your skin, trying to return to your task but it was too late. levi had already seen you. he calmly marched towards you and pulls you away to the other end of the library “is that what i said your task was, y/n? come here, i got a better task for you like helping your boyfriend. not this cretin.”
( however at the end of the week when things were all cleared up and you ask him about it he just says “me? jealous? no, i wasn’t.” )
☆ erwin smith
you and mike were working a little too closely lately.
erwin saw the way mike looked at you longingly
at first he thought it was nothing, he wasn’t even jealous!
until mike starts getting more physical
a shoulder brush here, a slight hand touch there
after this, he fully loses it.
erwin side eyes you and mine when he sees his hand gently brush up against yours, it could be pure accident but erwin couldn’t care less. he had gone too far. he marched over tall and mighty and swiftly stole you from mike “i’m the only man who gets to do that to you, you hear me?”
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s-sugustar · 6 months
Your body is my safe space
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ʬʬ: ̗̀➛ pairings !: ex-military! Reiner Braun x black! fem! reader
ʬʬ: ̗̀➛ content warnings !: fatphobia, insecurities, mentions of fatphobia
ʬʬ: ̗̀➛ word count !: 1.9k
ʬʬ: ̗̀➛ author's notes !: exams almost done and wheww, I couldn't wait to post this. I didn't do the synopsis cause I suck at em. Also, congrats to @chrollohearttags for hitting 13k!! You deserve ittt sunny! 💕
You twisted and turned, rolling until you found the perfect spot to sink into the silk sheets. You moaned quietly as you found yourself curled into a pillow, your head snuggling into the cold side of the pillow. from the light snores that came from above, you knew that your fiancé was still deep in sleep.
You giggled to yourself as an idea filled your mind. crawling back to where your fiancée laid, you slowed your breathing before pulling back the sheets that was snugged around his waist. You observed Reiner quietly, toned biceps that slowly gained fat over time; no longer working out as much as he once did. you could still see the outline of his abs, but his soft pudgy stomach caught your attention.
You loved to feel it beneath your fingers grasped unto his tanned skin. When you met Reiner, he was somewhat shy and very conscious of the way he looked. With time spent and memories made, you helped Reiner shaped into the person he is today. He may have his moments, but one thing is for sure, and two things are for certain, once his wife fiancée loved the way he looked then that's all that mattered to him.
Once your hips lowered onto his, the tip of your right index finger traced lines from his happy trail right up to his jaw, your other hand playing with his nipple. Reiner groaned, the feathery touch from your finger causing sparks to flow through his body all the whilst he slept.
Your smile widened, you quickly pulled your hands back before laying one out flat unto his stomach whilst the other gripped the sheets, holding you up against him. Your teeth grazed his jaw, the stubble from his chin eliciting a prickly feeling against your lips that you ever so loved.
You pulled at his ear lobe, pulling back to kiss below his ear before your hips grinded against his, causing slight friction to make him jump below you. A low mutter left his lips but he hadn’t moved from his position, way too tired from the day in front. You paused in your ministrations before grinding down against him, your hands finding his shoulders to steady yourself. "Shit." Reiner realized this dream he was having was more realistic than anything; his hands unconsciously gripping your hips making you squeak at the gesture. Sometimes you wish Reiner didn't have such good hearing because the squeak that fell from your lips caused his eyes to snap open before he looked towards you, slowly taking in your appearance.
"G'morning baby." You sent him a daring smile as you continued to grind against him, the friction causing him to groan in response. With his eyes squinted and his grip tightening on your hips, you had been under him with the blink of an eye. Head flush against the headboard as Reiner pulled your hands away from his waist; forcing them above your head to stop you from running the against his body. "Couldn't wait till I was awake, huh?" he asked, hips pressed against you, stopping you from moving any more. "You were tired so I-." A gasp fell from your lips as you felt two of his fingers enter you. "I'm waiting to hear your answer y/n." he taunted, slowing thrusting them in and out of you. "You make me sick Rei." His smile widened as he bent down with his mouth close to you ear. "I'm just getting started sweetheart."
Four p.m. on a Tuesday and the two of you had gone to the supermarket. With Reiner pushing the trolley and you holding the grocery list while searching for what you needed, you hoped to find all that you needed and still make it home in time to watch a Christmas movie. "Hey baby, can you go and get me some chives and possibly some chicken seasoning. You can leave the trolley here; I'll be waiting for you. Oh, and if you want, you can pick up some of those snacks that you like too." Sending a smile his way, Reiner took to the aisles in search of what you told him to look for.
After he found what you needed, he set in search for a snack or two for himself as for you. Without the trolley in hand, Reiner had to hold the groceries within his hand. As he searched the snack aisle, someone had been passing through that aisle and saw Reiner searching or had he been deciding which snack he wanted for himself. An older lady seemed to be passing by when she saw Reiner looking at the variety. " You would think someone like would be looking in the fruits section and not around here. " The old lady laughed, chuckling to herself as she continued to push her trolley into the other aisle.
Reiner bit in his lower lip, quickly putting the snacks on the shelf before finding his way back to you; pulling down his shirt when he saw others glancing at him. Once he found you standing in the same aisle you promised you had been in, Reiner found himself lingering close to where you were; so quiet that you hadn't noticed his presence until you turned back to the trolley, jumping at him just standing behind you with a distant look in his eyes. "Jesus Rei, you scared me. Did you get what you wanted?" You asked, not noticing how quiet he had become. "Didn't want anything, got something for you instead." He quickly dismissed what you had asked, quite ready to leave the supermarket. Your tongue poked the side of your cheek, observing Reiner's off-putting behavior.
It wasn't until you saw him picking at the beige sweater he had on, trying to pull it further down that what it already was. Self-conscious, something or someone said something to him. It couldn't be his height, the man was a walking tree, standing tall at 6'4 with some beefy muscles. It wasn't his face, cause the man was a sight to look at, honey gold eyes with golden blonde hair and light stubble to top off the look. Ahh, his weight. He always was a bit on the soft side when it came to his weight. Since he left the army, Reiner hadn't gone to the gym, seeing that he wasn't under a strict diet anymore, he ate the things he once enjoyed and when you came into the picture, you just added to the plate.
Time and time again, you reassured him that you were perfectly okay with the way he looked. Matter of fact, you loved his chubby chin and beefy arms, snuggling into him every night as he enveloped you into his warmth. Loving the way his stomach felt between your thighs, not too stark and hard but with a bit of chub in place of some of the muscle mass. You kept quiet, not questioning him on what happened, rather, you waited until the two of you were home.
The steam filled the bathroom as you lowered yourself into the tub, sighing in comfort as you rested against Reiner's chest. Your head situated on his chest with your fingers glazing over his pecs. Silence was interrupted when Reiner spoke up, uncertainty and doubt filling his voice. "You think I should start back hitting the gym, been getting a bit too big." Trying to crack a joke at the end to lighten the tension, Reiner winced when you tensed in his hold. He knows that you love him the way he is but he can't help but wonder if you would love him even more if he was a bit, smaller?
The silence in the bathroom was deafening and Reiner slightly wished he hadn’t said anything. “You want to hit the gym again, Rei? Is that something you truly want?” you emphasized on the word, leaving a silence that plunged him into thought. Unsure of his feelings to going back to the gym, Reiner quickly gushed out an answer. “I-if you want me to, I can. I don’t mind doing it for you, y’know. Wanna make you happy and everything, if you want me to go back, j-just tell me.” You could hear the pain within Reiner’s voice, you knew deep down, he didn’t want to but that didn’t matter, your answer did; so, he waited.
“What brought this up? Why so sudden?” you asked, not dodging his previous question but wanted a further explanation or excuse as you called it to why so sudden. You pushed yourself off of him, turning to look him in the eyes, searching closely. Still seated on his naked lap, you stared him full in eyes, not backing up until you heard his reason. You could see that he was hiding something, fidgety eyes, arms tucked in; he looked small and the tears at the corner of his eyes weren't helping his case. You knew he hated bringing these things up but you couldn't let it go, his feelings were hurt and that was one of your main priorities. With a quiet sigh, your hands found comfort in his waist, white acrylics smoothing over his rolls. "Oh Rei. Y'know you can talk to me, right? About anything, y'know that?" you asked, softening your face as you pulled his chin so that he could face you.
"Need you too look at me Rei. Need to see those beautiful eyes of yours." you ordered playfully, smiling at the slight redness of his cheeks as his eyes found yours. The two of you stayed there, nothing but silence filling the room yet everything he wanted to say within those moments were spilt and the tears came soon after. "Poor baby, don't cry. Doesn't matter whether you have visible abs or a slight chub, a sharp jawline or chubby cheeks, muscular arms or bulky arms, I love you for you Reiner Mavis Braun. I love you for your smile, your softness around children, how patient you with me when I'm being a brat, the way you gush about different types of flowers and what they mean and so much more. I love you for you and not for your body. Your body is my safe space and besides I like chubby you way better."
With every you said you loved, came a kiss after and you didn't stop until you got every single part of his body. Once you were finished, you leaned back up to find him smiling at you. "You'd make such a good mama, y'know that?" he commented, staring deeply into the eyes that belonged to the love of his life. "Oh yeah? Why don't you make me one then?" you retorted, a wide grin on your face as his eyes widen in shock and in adoration.
"REINER!" you squealed as the buff man pulled you from the shower and over his shoulder as he headed back to the bedroom.
"Hi, excuse me, are you Mrs.Smittingham?" you asked politely, a soft smile adorning your face as the lady turned to acknowledge you. "Why yes I am, why?" she asked, seemingly annoyed that you are bothering her, as quickly as your smile came, so did it disappear. " Listen here, you buck tooth, bow legged, big foot, hairy looking half piece of sword fish, the next time you tell my man about his weight, I'll knock them dentures out, real clean." You sneered all in one breath, ignoring the shock look that adorned her face. "Oh and before I forget, my man don't want nothing that came from that Sahara desert you got down there. He got all that he needs, riight here."
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lunaslovelyrambles · 1 year
-> hey i wrote a sequel to this :)
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you're the first person he looks for - always. before the two of you even started dating he'd seek out your eyes in a crowd. your eyes. not anyone else's.
reiner was a quick learner when it came to the ODM gear. he'd whip through one of the training courses nearly flawlessly. then, once he was back at the start, he'd give you a wink and a cocky grin. and oh how he loved the way you'd roll your eyes with a small smile at his annoying confidence.
he's too damn cute for his own good sometimes.
this carries over into the rest of your time in the military: his desire to look for you, make sure that you're alive. when you're both in trost, fighting actual titans, he tries to always keep an eye on you.
it's hard when you're in different squadrons. yet he still finds himself searching for you throughout the city. through the titan massacring his fellow cadets, he still looks for you.
he's careless. as he's distracted by the thought of finding you, he nearly misses a titan running towards him.
"look out-!" he finally heard your call as you soar by on your ODM gear to slice the titan's ankle. it was seconds away from attacking him.
you didn't have to do that. regardless of if you showed up or not, he would've been fine. but you didn't know that. a pang runs through his chest at the reminder of the weight of a warrior.
"better watch your back, braun. or i might actually rank higher than you when we graduate." this time, you're the one grinning and giving him a smirk. despite your expression, he can still see the way your fingers clench the handle of your gear. you're shaken beyond belief.
he realizes then that he loves you.
"yeah, thanks." he's still a little out of it. the rush from the sudden attack to the rush of emotions that he just felt sent him into a daze. he's surprised that he managed to respond to you at all.
you notice this, he doesn't care.
the thought of being in love with you terrifies him. he's not supposed to feel this way about you.. a supposed devil in the eyes of his homeland. still he does. and there's no stopping it now, he's too far gone for his own good.
he crashes his lips to yours and doesn't look back.
reiner knows. he knows that he's fucked. he knows, but there's nothing that can stop him now from caring for you. for loving you. for always making sure that you're okay first. by looking for you, your eyes, first.
even as he reveals his true identity to eren on the walls by saying that he's the armored titan. he looks at you. you break before his eyes, he breaks harder.
when he came to that island, he thought there would be nothing that could tear him away from his goal. no island devil could deter him from fulfilling his duty as a warrior.
you aren't a devil, though, you're an angel.
an angel whose eyes he loves, and soul he loves even more.
an angel he swears to look for again, someday.
— • — • —
-> masterlist
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sanb3rry · 5 months
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is it love if every waking hour it’s you who’s always on his mind? your smile, the way your eyes light up when he enters the room, how you’ve forgiven him for all the sins he’s committed just because you love him.
he’d never be able to have a normal life with you, one in which you two could sit on the porch of your first house in the morning peacefully as he admires the way you drink your coffee. he can’t be the one who you wake up to every morning, he can’t be the one who gets to cook dinner with you every night as you sway along with the music.
in spite of all that, you choose to stay and love him, for that he’ll love you always and forever.
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suguru geto, eren yeager, reiner braun, bonten!sanzu haruchiyo, bonten!ran haitani, bonten!rindou haitani, bonten!kakucho hitto, bonten!kokonoi hajime, tenjiku!izana kurokawa
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jeansplaytoy · 1 year
habits aot guys have after a breakup.
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includes: Connie, Reiner, Levi, Eren, Armin. (angst? sorry bb), language, lowercase wording.
so sorry if it’s too short! if this one gets kind of popular like my last head cannon did, I’ll continue doing them.
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eren never wanted to admit it, neither did he wanna show it, but he missed the hell out of you. he missed the way you talked to him, looked at him, but sometimes he just does shit that makes you not wanna stay. which is why you didn’t. that’s why he’s always cursing at himself when he’s sitting on the bathroom counter, right before getting in the shower, waiting for something. but what’s he waiting for? he’s waiting for you to rush in the bathroom, explain why you’re late, and calm your nerves while taking a hot soak with him. as he looked around the bathroom, frowning, confused. “where the fuck…” he cut himself off right before pausing and exhaling, remembering that you weren’t there, and he had no reason to wait for you anymore. ever. he licked his lips before scratching his head, feeling almost frustrated at the feeling of guilt and shame. “fuck.” he whispered before grabbing a towel and hanging it above the shower curtain. it was gonna be his first shower in a long time that didn’t involve you in it, and it was gonna be the death of him.
now armin hated the fact that you two were done. he didn’t fully know why you broke up, but when you said that you needed a break from relationships, or him specifically, it rushed through his head with every thought, almost literally over flowing his brain. he wasn’t rude, or sensitive about it, but he was quiet about it. he never really liked mentioning it when someone asked. so as he thought about it, he laid down, finally trying to get a few hours of rest. he put his phone down, eyelids finally getting heavy. he lazily turned over, reaching his arm out and closing his eyes before his arm dropped. he flew up and looked at the spot you usually laid in. and of course, you weren’t there. armin tucked his lips in between his teeth and grabbed the pillow that you used to lay your head on. he still hasn’t washed it. he doesn’t want to. he put his arm over the pillow and moved it closer towards him. at least it was a little part of you. that’s what he told himself before he drifted away into sleep, an unintentional tear leaking down his eye as he did.
now sort of like eren, levi would never admit he missed you. like, ever. he didn’t talk bad about you, or didn’t specifically talk about how he didn’t miss you, but he would never just openly say it. and when someone rarely asked him if he did, he’d just shrug his shoulders and act like nothing ever happened. that’s what happened the day before he woke up, brushed his teeth, went downstairs with heavily low eyes, and walked into the kitchen, grabbing cups, and pouring coffee. he inhaled a little, about to lazily say your name, loud enough for you to hear it so that you’d go downstairs in a blanket and grab it. but that’s only until he noticed that he wasted one more cup of coffee for nothing. he was confused at first, because it was something you did every single day. he sighed, taking one cup and pouring the drink into the sink. “what a waste.” he muttered to himself while cleaning the cup and putting it in the cabinet. he grabbed his cup of coffee and started to drink up, only imagining that you were there with him, snickering and giggling at his mean facial expressions.
connie didn’t care. he didn’t care who asked, when they asked, how they asked, he’d always nod. he wasn’t scared to admit it when everyone knew it was true that he wanted you back. it was no one’s fault you’d broken up, you two just needed space. or, what he’d like to say, you just needed space, because “how the fuck could I ever leave her for this long?”… yeah. you were always on his mind, 25/8, he thought about you. I mean, nothing had changed when you’d left except for your presence and his feelings and actions towards people. so he thought about you as he walked into the mall. his hands in his sweat pants pockets as girls looked at him while he passed by. that was what you liked the most. that everyone wanted him, but couldn’t get him, because you were his. you were his. he looked at a new pair of Nikes that had came out, instantly searching for your size, like he normally did. he quickly turned around, preparing to tell you to get the shoes, because you two were gonna be matching, considering you’d literally had every matching pair of shoes you liked. but he frowned before turning back around to look at them. you’d always said you wanted them too. “fuck, bro.” he whispered before scratching the back of his neck and walking out of the shoe store. it was too bad that you wouldn’t even get to be his “mini me” anymore. hm.
reiner tried to play it off. he always did, hes reiner. anytime someone would ask, “do you miss her?” he’d respond with a straight up “no.” and it was almost an everyday routine with the amount of guy friends he had, and the amount of females that constantly flirted with him. he didn’t like them though, hell no. he despised them, not only because their only conversation starter would be about you, but because they weren’t you. and they would never compare to you, or be you. that’s what he told himself every time he was close to kissing another girl, that he pictured was you. and after the last awkward interaction with a girl like that, he drove home. leaning back, one hand on the steering wheel and another hand that his face was resting on. after a few minutes of silence, almost like how every argument ended, he reached his hand over to the passenger seat, but feeling air on his hand. he sat up and glanced over, seeing nothing, before fixing his eyes back on the road. he bit his lip. he was pissed at himself, for making you feel the way you did, when you did. for making you leave the way you wanted, when you wanted.
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imjustasimpxd · 6 months
My Angel (Part Three)
➬ Reiner Braun x Fem reader
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Part one | Part two | Masterlist | Blog Home | Aot Masterlist
Summary : Reiner was always taught that the devils of Paradis were vicious creatures, but what is he supposed to do when he soon finds himself reluctantly falling for one? Or when he is forced to go back to Marley and leave her altogether?
Word count : Almost 4, 300 words
Warnings : nothing really, reader is upset and isolates herself, Jean comforting reader,
Author’s notes : reblogs are appreciated!! I appreciate all feedback on my writing so that I can know what you guys liked and what you think I should improve on😊
Disclaimer : this is a work of fiction and should in no way, shape, or form, be taken seriously.
Side Note : this fic, and everything else I’ve written on my blog, is mine and only mine. I work very hard on everything I write so do not, under any circumstances, modify, copy, or steal my work.
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***Important Note***
Hello my dears, I’m sorry for going on hiatus HAHA, I was super busy with school and work, plus on top of that I had major personal issues that were just too overwhelming to deal with at the time; and I couldn’t even write at all until I got it solved. I was under a lot of stress and was feeling really down about a lot of things in my life so I stopped writing for a little while. But I’m doing better now and I started writing again! So here’s the long awaited chapter three :))) I’m legit just gonna be turning this into a series so stay tuned for more parts! I appreciate your support and patience! <333
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“Y/n?” There was a gentle voice at your door, followed by a few quiet knocks against the wood. “Y/n, can I come in?”
Your head slowly lifted from the fetal position you had succumbed to, your vision still blurry with tears as they glanced across your bedroom to the entryway. Barely anything was visible in the dark expanse of your room, except the silhouette of a shadow under your door; a shadow you quickly recognized as Jean’s.
“Yeah, I guess.” You answered his request, quickly lifting your fingers to wipe away the tears littering your skin.
The door then opened slowly, allowing the light from the outside hallway to seep through; its piercing glow caused your eyes to squint after being in the dark for so long. Although, once you began to adjust to the brightness, you were able to make out Jean’s figure entering your room, along with a tray of food he was holding in his hands.
“Hey,” his voice was soft, a tender smile lining his lips as he walked over to your bedside; one of his hands then reached towards your nightstand to turn on the lamp. “There, that’s better. Did you turn nocturnal or something?” He teased, hoping to cheer you up in some small way.
Although, as his eyes glanced toward you, seeing no alleviation in your downcast expression, he realized it was going to take much more than a simple joke to bring you out of this fog you were enclosed in.
“I uh, I noticed you didn’t come down for dinner again.” Jean sighed and spoke with a gentle tone, awkwardly trying to change the subject. “So here, I brought you something.” He quickly stretched his arms outward to show you the tray of food he was holding, hoping it would improve your mood; even by the smallest amount.
You grinned faintly at his gesture. “Thanks, you can set it on my desk. I’ll eat it later.”
Jean’s eyebrows lowered at your words; that wasn’t the answer he was hoping for.
You said the same exact thing when he visited last night, and as he walked over to your desk to set your meal down like you asked, he realized it was foolish of him to believe you.
Already sitting there was the plate he previously brought you yesterday; the same one you promised you wouldn’t allow to go cold.
The food was uneaten, its texture now dry and spoiled after sitting out all night; even the fork he settled beside your plate was in the same exact spot he positioned it in before he left.
A disappointed sigh escaped Jean’s lips as he set the new meal down on your desk, knowing it would go to waste as well.
It’s a pity, had you not wasted it, Sasha would’ve been more than happy to eat at least half of your serving for you; just like she always did.
She used to demand to sit next to you for every meal, because you were the only one who was kind enough to let her steal your food. It started off as just a few bites of course, nothing too covetous, but, as time went by, she started unintentionally stealing almost half your plate.
She’d always apologize thoroughly for it though; she even began buying you a couple sweets from the local shop afterward to make up for it.
Sooner or later, it became a normal routine for you both. She’d eat her portion, as well as half of yours, then later she’d get you something in return. It was a fair trade, and it brought the two of you closer in the process.
Every meal since then was quite entertaining; not to mention loud. It always started with your thunderous laughter after Sasha, once again, scarfed down her food too fast that she ended up coughing. Following that was Connie’s usual “slow down, the food isn’t going anywhere,” comment that would always spark a brainless argument between the two.
Once their fight got more heated than just trivial little jabs, Jean would always step in and order them to cut it out. And every single time, almost like clockwork, Connie would call Jean his permanent nickname of “horse-face” that immediately had the whole table erupting in laughter; especially Eren.
Every meal it was something, and every single time you were doubling over in a convulsing laughter that you couldn’t breathe from. Between Sasha’s coughing, the silly arguments, and the non-stop jokes: the dinner table was always eventful, and your smile was always present.
But now, things had changed.
Ever since the catastrophe that occurred two weeks ago, you stopped attending dinner; and for once, the table was relatively silent.
With only one plate to tackle, Sasha didn’t eat as frantically as she used to. Because of that, Connie’s comments about her speed weren’t made anymore, and Jean didn’t have to play patrol officer and break up any more fights. There weren’t as many jokes for Eren to laugh at, or a noise problem that Mikasa could complain about.
For the first time, the dinner table was quiet, uncomfortably quiet.
Your seat remained vacant for the past two weeks, as did Reiner and Bertholdt’s; but no one needed to ask why, the reason for that was already blatantly clear.
It pained them all to sit at that table without you, to witness the way you isolated yourself, but they knew better than to confront you about it.
There was no point in discussing it, lest they wanted to rehash their grievances for the hundredth time.
So, Jean resorted to bringing your meals directly to you instead; that way you could still get the food you needed without having to interact with anyone before you were ready.
That in itself became a routine of its own: Jean would come to check on you in the early mornings when you’d skipped breakfast, bringing you something light to start your day with; and then at night he repeated the process.
And every single time he came to check up on you, your face wore the same grief-stricken expression as the day before.
Of course, he didn’t exactly expect you to be bursting with joy after what had happened; it was completely normal for you to be upset about it.
Reiner and Bertholdt were their friends after all; their comrades who they fought alongside for years. It was a stab to the heart to be betrayed by them, but, what’s worse is things didn’t stop there either. After the betrayal was the battle, the same battle that wiped out more than half of the military corps, including their trusted commander.
As if the betrayal itself wasn’t already agonizingly painful, the death toll that followed was more than enough reason to feel as dejected as you were right now. It was the bloodiest mission you’d ever encountered before, and the aftermath was beyond heartbreaking, especially since the enemy still managed to escape in the end.
Jean understood why you were isolating yourself; others did too for a little while. And though he wanted to, the reason he never pushed you about rejoining the land of the living was because he knew you were hurting; and the last thing he wanted to do was make things worse for you.
But as his eyes narrowed in on that plate of wasted food you promised him you’d eat, he realized he might’ve been too lenient on you.
You never ate a whole lot of what he would bring you, but you were still getting something, and that was enough for Jean.
Although now that you’d stopped eating altogether, that was officially his last straw.
“What’s the point in telling me you’ll eat later if you never do?” Jean suddenly spoke up, causing you to flinch slightly at the sudden noise.
His voice sounded stiff; almost as if he was frustrated at you. Your head tilted upward to examine the expression across his face, and sure enough, you realized your assumption was correct. His jaw was clenched together tightly, and his eyes stared you down with an irritated glare.
“Well?!” He asked once again, his tone increasing with annoyance as he awaited your response.
“I’m just not hungry right now.” You answered dismissively, as if he was foolish to even be asking such a thing. “I’ll eat when I wake up.” Your words were followed by a subtle roll of your eyes. Your hands then gripped the blanket lying next to you, petulantly yanking it over your shoulders as you plopped down onto your pillow. “Now, goodnight.”
You knew full well that you were acting a bit childish, especially when Jean was only trying to look out for you. But you were too fed up at this point to apologize for your stubbornness.
Every single time you saw anyone it was always the same “look who decided to join us” comment, or worse: a dozen or so questions that you didn’t feel like answering.
Most of them were the usual “how are you feeling?” or “do you want to talk about it?” However, there were always those irritating ones they just had to ask: the ones about Reiner.
As if you even had the mental strength to think about him in the first place, they were still expecting a full report on what you thought about his actions, or what you’d do now that he’s gone.
Their curiosity always seemed to far outweigh their regard for your feelings on the matter; that’s why you resorted to isolation. It quickly became too overwhelming to deal with the bombardment of questions they were ready to unload on you; so, you stayed away, refusing to give them the chance to do so in the first place.
But now Jean was doing the same thing: invading your barracks and asking those bothersome questions you didn’t feel like answering.
Maybe you were just emotional right now, and perhaps being a little too sensitive. Nevertheless, you just wanted him to leave; you just wanted to be left alone.
“Fine then.” You heard Jean scoff. “Just let me know if you need anything.”
You didn’t respond. Instead, you just closed your eyes, nuzzling your face into the blanket as you waited to hear the usual defeated sigh slip past his lips; along with the closing of your bedroom door that would follow soon after.
Just a few more seconds and he’d storm out; surrounding your ears with a jarring echo after he tumultuously slammed that wooden door behind him.
Any second now…
Just one more minute, and then you’d hear it; you were sure of it!
However, the seconds kept creeping by, and there was still no sound to indicate the opening of that door. Rather, an unexpected sound emerged from the silence instead.
You immediately turned around to see what the commotion was about, as well as to find out why he was even still here in the first place.
You didn’t exactly know what you expected to see when you glanced over your shoulder, but watching Jean pull the chair out from under your desk and take a seat was definitely not what you imagined.
“What are you doing??” You groaned in annoyance.
He obviously wasn’t getting the hint that you wanted him to leave, or perhaps he was and just refused to meet your demands.
“Oh? Did you need something?” He asked, as if this was normal, as if you were the one disrupting his peace.
“I thought you were leaving.”
“I never said that.” He leaned back in your chair, extending his legs across the floor; almost like he planned on staying a while.
You stared him down with a glare, but he didn’t acknowledge it. Instead, his gaze was fixated out the window, admiring the moon’s captivating glow from the comfort of your dimly lit bedroom.
“Fine, stay then, I don’t care.” You snapped, laying back down with a dramatic huff; continuing your sulking.
Why was he being so difficult? You just weren’t in the mood to be around anyone? Couldn’t he understand that?
Granted, you hadn’t been in the mood to be social for the past two weeks now, but regardless, why couldn’t he just leave you be? That’s all you wanted.
“It’s not going to change anything you know?
“Huh??” You immediately turned back around, quite displeased at him.
If Jean was going to insist on staying, he could at least have the decency to remain silent so that you could sleep. Evidently, he didn’t agree with that notion.
“It’s not going to change anything.” He repeated.
“No, I heard what you said,” you groaned impatiently, not knowing how much more you could take of this. “But what are you talking about?!”
Jean’s voice was quiet but stern, his eyes soon looked over at you with a sympathetic gaze. “Isolating yourself, starving yourself, everything you’ve been doing for the past two weeks.” He paused momentarily, letting out a gentle sigh before speaking once more. “None of it’s going to bring him back, you know?”
Your eyes widened at Jean’s words, your breathing coming to a halt in your lungs. You immediately looked away from him, avoiding his gaze as you stared at the ceiling; trying to hold back those tears you could feel collecting in your eyes.
Jean was right.
None of your sulking or lack of eating would ever be enough to bring Reiner back; No amount of isolation could change the fact that he was gone.
Reiner had chosen to betray and abandon those who trusted him, those who loved him, and that was all there was to it.
He was clearly never coming back, and even if he did, things would never be the same between the two of you again; or anyone else for that matter.
There was nothing left to do except move on and accept the reality of your situation.
But even so, you still couldn’t bring yourself to do it. Despite the things he’d done, you still loved Reiner, and your heart still longed to be with him.
“I know.” You finally spoke up, “but I wish it would.” A gentle sigh jerked past your lips as you quickly turned back around to face the wall again, clearly not wanting to talk about the subject any longer.
Jean eyes lowered at your response, frustrated that you were shutting down once again; just like you’ve been doing for the past two weeks now.
He quickly slumped against the back of your chair with an enervated sigh, feeling like giving up on his efforts to pull you out of this darkness.
Jean had been trying his best to be gentle with you, to make sure you didn’t feel like he was pressuring you. He’d been patient with your stubbornness, he’d been calm and caring, but you didn’t seem to recognize any of that; all you were concerned about was the agony you allowed to cripple you from the inside, and it hurt to be a witness to it.
It hurt to see the way you were torturing yourself, pretending as if you deserved to be put through this pain. It was almost as if you were acting like this was your fault, like you had done something to deserve this.
But that wasn’t true; and Jean could see now that you’d forgotten that.
None of this was your fault, Reiner was the only one to blame here.
It was cruel of him to put you through this; to make you believe you weren’t good enough to make him stay, that you weren’t special enough to be loved by someone.
What kind of monster does that to a person; a person he loves especially?!
Jean couldn’t understand it, it angered him.
Did you truly believe you deserved to be abandoned? Left unloved?
Was Reiner the one who taught you to think that way? Jean’s blood was beginning to boil at just the thought of that.
It was all so frustrating, so heartbreaking. You weren’t the same person anymore, and Reiner was the cause of it.
Ever since his betrayal, Reiner had taken away a piece of you, the same one that used to laugh so loudly at the dinner table, the same one that contained your beautiful smile.
Your true self was withering away because of the crimes carried out by a man who promised to love you; but Jean refused to let it go without putting up a fight.
He wouldn’t stand by and watch the best part of you fall to pieces just because of some idiot who didn’t realize what he had before he threw it away.
You had to be saved from this, reminded that you didn’t need Reiner to be fulfilled, that you were already enough as you were.
You needed to remember all the good things in life that didn’t include Reiner, all the people that still cared deeply for you; people you seemed to forget about within the span of the past two weeks.
If you were ever going to be able to move on, ever going to heal from this: you needed to let Reiner go.
Jean sighed quietly as he stood up from the chair, attempting to try a different approach in hopes to get through to you.
He had tried everything he could think of without breaking any boundaries, but it got him nowhere. This was now officially his last resort, his final chance to rescue you from this darkness before it consumed you fully; leaving no trace left of the person you used to be.
If this didn’t work, then Jean could at least say he tried everything he possibly could; but hopefully, it doesn’t come to that.
Jean inhaled nervously to prepare himself before he slowly made his way over to your bed; placing a tender hand on your shoulder. “Y/n?” Jean spoke in a quiet voice, trying his best not to make you feel overwhelmed or anxious. “Can you please look at me?”
You didn’t move at first, you didn’t want to.
You were fully aware he was just trying to help, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to open up again without breaking down; and that was the last thing you needed right now.
“Y/n please.” Jean’s voice was desperate and pleading, his hand gently rubbing along your shoulder to, hopefully, coax you into giving in.
You let out a gentle sigh, tempted to just unload everything at once now that the offer was standing. It was hurting to keep everything inside like this; bottling it up and hiding it away as if it didn’t matter, as if you didn’t feel like screaming until your throat became dry and sore.
It was becoming too much to bear; the burden was too heavy to carry on your own anymore, and Jean had obviously noticed.
As usual, he could see right through you; penetrating through every wall you built to conceal your true feelings.
Maybe it was easier to stop fighting him, maybe, you really should just give in.
“I just want to know you’re okay.”
Jean’s voice was kind and sympathetic; the gentle caressing of his hand against your shoulder matching that tender tone he was currently using.
He sounded so desperate, so genuinely worried about you; something you couldn’t just ignore no matter how scared you were to open up again.
He pleaded, and by the tone of his voice you could tell this would be the last time; that this was your last chance to accept his offer of confiding in him before he would give up.
Despite your reservations to it, you knew you couldn’t refuse this time, lest you wanted to sign the contract to submit to your grief eternally.
If you were ever going to recover, ever going to restore that old version of yourself that you missed so much, then you’d have to grab ahold of this opportunity before it slipped away forever.
A gentle sigh rumbled in your throat before your body slowly turned to face Jean, watching the way he retracted his hand from your shoulder as you moved.
“I’m not okay.” You shook your head, eyes welling up with tears already. “And I don’t know how to be okay again.” You spoke with a shaken tone, feeling your lip quiver gently as you stared at him.
Barely ten seconds into speaking and you were already struggling to keep it together; feeling your heart clench in your chest at the recollection of all those bottled up thoughts now resurfacing.
Jean’s expression lowered at the sight of you, as if it was hurting him to watch this.
His body gently kneeled in front of your bed, aligning his eyes with yours as he reached to stroke your shoulder once more. “It’s okay, you don’t have to do this alone, no one expects you to.” He said reassuringly, staring at you with a sympathetic and tender gaze.
“I just-“ A sudden sob appeared at the back of your throat, choking the words you were trying to let escape. “I just don’t understand it. Why did he leave me?” You sniffled gently in between sentences. “Why didn’t he care about me?” A quiet sob slipped past your mouth, much to your dislike.
It was pathetic, embarrassing even; the way you were falling apart over this, not even lasting a good minute before turning into a crying mess.
Your eyes diverted away from Jean, cowering behind the blanket you were now burying your face into; hoping to muffle the sound of your sobs. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean, I just…” Your words came to a halt in your mouth as your emotions quickly took over; preventing you from getting a proper word out. “I’m sorry…” You repeated, clenching your eyes shut in humiliation.
You expected to hear a sigh of annoyance right about now, or perhaps even the shutting of the door. However, your body jolted in surprise when you felt the sudden warmth of a person hugging you gently instead.
Your head quickly lifted from the blanket and your eyes widened to see Jean’s face so close to yours; almost making you blush awkwardly at the proximity.
A comforting smile painted across Jean’s lips when he saw you look up at him. “Sorry if this is weird.” he chuckled nervously and quickly let go of the hug; backing away in case you felt uncomfortable. “You just looked like you needed that.”
Your expression softened as you looked at him, feeling a sense of gratitude filling your heart at the way he was attempting to comfort you; even if it was a little awkward at first. “No, it’s okay.” You quickly shook your head in response, granting him a gentle smile in return; one Jean hadn’t seen in two weeks.
Your body quickly sat up and leaned forward, reaching off the bed to where Jean was kneeling and wrapping your arms around him to continue the hug. “You’re right, I do need this.” You spoke in a soothing tone, letting him know you were okay with what he did a few seconds ago; and that it hadn’t pushed you away.
Jean let out a gentle sigh of relief at your actions, a little flabbergasted at how well you were responding to him. Here he was prepared to face your stubborn and dismissive attitude for the millionth time and yet he was faced with a completely unprecedented outcome.
There were no more spiteful comments or hurtful glares coming his way, just a gentle gaze and a pleasant embrace he never anticipated receiving after the state you were in merely seconds ago.
For the first time in two weeks, it seemed the Y/n he once knew, the Y/n he always secretly harbored feelings for, was finally showing herself again; even if just by the smallest amount.
Jean grinned gently to himself, and his arms quickly wrapped around your back to return the unexpected hug. “We’ve all been worried sick about you, ya know?” Jean spoke softly as he tightened his grip around you, allowing his hand to gently caress your back in the process.
“I know,” You uttered quietly, your voice sounding less unhinged and imbalanced as it was before. “And I’m sorry.”
You sniffled gently, your eyes clenching shut and your arms tightening around Jean’s neck as you leaned against him; wanting to stay in his comforting embrace.
Jean chuckled as he felt the way you clung to him; realizing just how desperate your need for reassurance was. “It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize.” He said as he leaned the side of his head against yours, continuing the subtle tracing of his fingers along your back. “Just please don’t do that again, okay?”
You nodded quickly, feeling the sting of tears pricking against your eyes once more. “I won’t, I promise, I’m really sorry.” You apologized again in an uneasy tone, feeling shameful of the way you’d been acting for the past two weeks.
This whole time Jean had been here trying to help you, but you’d just been too consumed in your own misery that you failed to notice the damage you were causing; the pain you were putting him, as well as everyone else, through by isolating yourself like this.
You’d been rude, selfish even; too hyper fixated on your own agony that you’d become blind to the impairment you were projecting onto everyone else.
You’d hoped it wasn’t too late to turn things around and make amends with the people you’d been neglecting for the past two weeks; and a part of you started to grow fearful that you’d missed your chance by now.
However, by the way Jean held you close and leaned his head tenderly against yours, it was obvious that wasn’t the case.
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mayariviolet · 3 months
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Daddy Lessons
dad! Reiner x Reader
summary: “With his right hand on his rifle, he swore it on the Bible, Oh my daddy said shoot!” // Some of Reiner's life lessons for your children. Specifically for your daughter.
cw: established relationships & family dynamics, mentions of guns, fluff (?), light angst, Reiner is just a good dad, guys!
a/n: Inspired by that Beyoncé song! Duh! Also, on ao3.
wc: ~2k
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For the most part, Reiner is the quintessential gentle giant and an overprotective dad. There is no way in hell his children would ever get hurt, physically or emotionally, regardless of whatever gender identity your child chooses.
But when he found out that you two were expecting a daughter, he felt a wave of both excitement and anxiety. As your little family grew, Reiner dove straight into fatherhood without hesitation. He would introduce your daughter to his interests: blackjacks and classic vinyls while also allowing her to find strength in femininity. Learning how to respect her rules at the tea parties Reiner was so graciously invited to. Making sure that she listened to the smartest women he knew (you) amongst other things. He aimed to raise a strong, confident, and compassionate young woman. Granted, this got your daughter into some sticky situations at school regarding fighting bullies, but the only things that Reiner would ask when he picked her up from detention were:
“Did they deserve it?” And if she nodded yes, the most important follow-up question would be, “Did you win?”
You didn’t condone violence in any form, but you’d be lying if there wasn’t a swelling in your chest when she said that she won.
Reiner was acutely aware that he could never fully understand the trials and tribulations of being a woman. Babysitting Gabi and her gaggle of friends showed him that. However, he did try his best to warn your daughter about horrible men (something that his many years of playing recreational hockey made abundantly clear) and things to be cautious about. Reiner often looked down upon locker room talk and cringed at how some of his old teammates carried it so casually in their everyday colloquialisms- with Floch being the worst of it.
Sure, he knew your daughter would grow up and start dating one day. He understood that he couldn’t vet every single person she’d dated. Reiner sure as hell knew that you two were more than capable of teaching her how to protect her heart while also keeping an open mind. But he felt obligated to teach your kids how to court a person properly. He instilled some lessons: flowers, gifts for the parents, staying a little longer at invited parties to help clean.
So when your daughter brought home a new boyfriend, Reiner tried to accept that his little girl wasn’t his little girl anymore. By now, she was mature enough to approach Reiner and you for any advice. However, Reiner couldn’t shake this feeling that her new boyfriend was nothing more than a grade-a-loser—something he would always bring up to you as soon as your daughter's boyfriend left the house. Reiner tried to like him the first few months, but his interaction with people never sat right in his spirit.
Quite frankly, you agreed that your daughter’s boyfriend is slightly off-putting and over-compensating with bravado. It did nothing more than hide the stench of insecurity he secreted. But the way your daughter’s eyes lit up whenever she had the opportunity to talk about her boyfriend (albeit praising the bare minimum he did occasionally) made it challenging to deter her.
However, in the quiet moments, you attempted personal discussions with your daughter about ‘keeping her options open’ and ‘not settling too quickly.’ Hoping to prevent countless similar dating disasters before you were blessed with Reiner’s love. But when her cheeks started reddening with annoyance, and the conversations started to veer towards debates, you and Reiner decided to drop the topic altogether, much to your dismay.
When ‘the boyfriend’ took space in your well-loved home, Reiner would go so far as to start openly talking about how he owns several rifles, although being a ranch owner and hunter gave that away. It also had a sign that said, “God Lives Here,” courtesy of Karina and begrudgingly endorsed by your mom, predominantly hung on the gallery wall amongst the family portraits. This was a subtle but all too loud declaration to any potential visitors.
Of course, he’d be courteous- never outright told your daughter’s boyfriend that he’s a jackass. But he kept a mental note of every slight, all noticed and usually brought up by you. The first red flag was that the young man didn’t even greet you two at the door, not even a halfway smile! Just a bee-line to your daughters' bedroom up the stairs and to the right.
The second was that, after two years of dating, he never gave either of you two a Christmas card. What was more irritating was that your daughter never missed an opportunity to provide the Forster’s individualized presents, no matter the occasion.
The third and less obvious one was how he spoke about other girls when you or your daughter weren’t around. Reiner didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but the way that scrub spoke about women- and to his son, no doubt!- made Reiner consider installing an electric invisible fence where his stupid pickup truck usually parked.
“Love, please just drop it. Maybe he’s just tired,” you’d whisper in the kitchen while fervently rubbing his arm.
“Fine. But if he stays here another night—Forster’s kid is paying for the water bill. How many showers can he take and still smell!” Reiner let out an exasperated sigh before addressing your son. “Listen to me, if you wanna impress whoever’s parents you’re dating, don’t be like your sister’s boyfriend. That kid is a dunce.”
You shoot Reiner a cautionary glare while urging your son to continue his homework and keep in mind what Reiner said.
“Look, love, I think we’ve taught our children well enough that if anything happens, they’re capable of handling things. They will come to us when they need it.” You say and soothingly brush away some of his hair.
Reiner eases his stance a little, uncrossing his arms and wraps one around your waist. He kisses your temple and gives you a small smile. The crow's feet from the luxury of living a life getting deeper as he looks down at you. The sounds of farewells break apart the moment between you two. 
He peers through the archway before turning back to you. “I’m going to talk to her once he leaves,” he says.
“Don’t overdo it!”
Reiner gives you another quick kiss, his five o’clock shadow rubbing against your cheek; before he leaves the room, Reiner pours a small glass of whisky and a cup of tea to bring to the front porch.
“Good luck, Dad,” your son says, giving Reiner a thumbs-up. Reiner returns the gesture and gives him a wink. Reiner maneuvered through the front room before taking a seat on the front porch. A creaky door and a clink of the mesh screen announced his arrival- causing your daughter and her boyfriend to jolt and look up at Reiner’s imposing frame.
He nods in acknowledgement before trying to look casual and not eavesdrop on the heated but whispered conversation in the driveway. The cicadas begin their choir singing as Reiner makes himself comfortable placing his drinks on the wooden coffee table. Your daughter’s usual smile is replaced with an apathetic expression as she waves her boyfriend goodbye, choosing to make her way up the stairs instead of electing to see him off until his headlights disappear into obscurity.
 “Have a good night, kid,” Reiner waves and sips his drink.
“You too, Reiner. I’ll tell Dad you said hi.”
What absolute nerve this young man has not even to call Reiner ‘Mr. Braun!’ That is the bare minimum!
“Floch is almost always welcome here. You two, come stop by now!” Reiner bites his tongue and tries to remain composed.
Over his dead body, would Reiner let that helmet-headed freak Floch visit his ranch, but he had to pretend for your sake. Even if you also agree that Floch was definitely the reason his son is the way that he is. As her boyfriend pulls out of the gravelled driveway, your daughter plops a seat next to Reiner on the sun-bleached fabric couch. Reiner gives another halfway wave before letting his smile fall when the truck is no longer in sight.
“Congratulations on getting into your dream school sweetheart.” He takes a sip from his whiskey-infused tea.
“Thanks, Daddy.” Your daughter smiles but keeps her head down, tucking her feet into the couch cushions to shield her from the cool summer breeze. “I’m really excited,” she hums, conveying no other particular emotion. Reiner takes this as an opportunity to say his peace and clutches the ceramic mug tighter.
“You know, you’re a smart kid- You should think about YOUR future.”
She sighs heavily, “Dad-”
Reiner raises a hand to finish his thought: “I know, I know. But let me say what I need to say. I want you to be smart, independent, and—” He grabs your daughter’s hand, giving it a firm squeeze: “Baby girl, that boy is playing you.”
“Daddy!” Your daughter groans and rolls her eyes, knowing this conversation all too well. She sinks further into the couch. “Please!”
“I don’t plan on dying any time soon—but remember what I said about fighting?” he asks, never letting his gaze break away from the delicate dance of the sun and moon across the horizon.
“It’s my Second Amendment,” she mutters, picking at the dry skin on her thumb.
“Exactly.” Reiner let her hand go, pouring more whiskey into his tea, “You are a tough girl. That’s why this is the last time I will ever bring this up. I promise.”
The cicadas are screaming a little louder. Reiner and your daughter enjoy the sunset on the front porch. His gaze follows the creamsicle-coloured sunset, which disappears behind the rolling fields. Your voice cuts the silence, urging Reiner and your daughter to enter. “Love, your potatoes are done! Come inside so we can finish plating dinner!”
Reiner slowly gets up from his wicker chair, his calloused hands opening the creaking door. “Come on—I also made your favourite.”
Your daughter doesn’t move, instead looking out to where the sun once was. “Come on, baby girl. You know how your brother gets.” Reiner softly urges.
“Daddy, he cheated on me. I-” she choked on her words, “I don’t know what to do.”
Reiner softly closes the door. From the corner of his eyes, he can finally see the steady stream of tears cascading from her eyes.
“Reiner! Hurry, please!”
“One-second love!” He calls out to you, “I’m sorry, baby girl.” Reiner thumbs your daughter's tears away before roughing up her hair.
Almost as if you sensed a shift in the air, you urge your son to help with dinner instead- much to his dismay. After two minutes of whining, the sound of an oven door closing and plates replace your son’s protests. Your daughter's sniffles fill the air, and the aroma of dinner mingles with it. “It’s fine.”
“It’s not.” Reiner glances halfway before patting his pant pocket down in search of something. The depths of his muddy denim work pants rattling.
“Daddy what are you doing?”
“Good. I have my keys.”
“For what?”
Reiner throws his keys to your daughter. “You have your license?”
“Yeah? I drive to school everyday?”
“Not that one.”
As if she finally understood what Reiner was saying, her lips curled into a little smile.“You don’t have to go out and fight.”
“It’s my Second Amendment.”
Reiner nods before turning back to the door. As he’s about to enter the house she runs up to him giving a tight hug. He pulls her into a warm embrace and waves her goodbye. Your daughter rushes to the red pickup truck with anticipation. Reiner feels a swelling in his chest that only his little family could ever elicit.
He grabs the now-empty cups and heads inside the house, kicking off his outdoor shoes at the entrance and changing into his slippers. When Reiner enters the kitchen, he rinses and places the cups in the sink to be washed later. Sounds of the truck engine starting and a slamming door snap you away from the conversation with your son.
“Is she not going to eat dinner?”
“She has an errand to run—just to check something out.” He pulls out his chair and gives your son a little pinch on the cheek. “Let’s say grace."
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a/n: I LOVE DAD REINER SO MUCH! When I heard this song again for the first time in years, this was all I could think about. Okay! Time to finish this chapter for First Love/Late Spring, which I might push back the release date to Saturday because I worked sm overtime this week and I’m feeling tired >.<
© Please do not copy or replicate my work. Inspiration is appreciated, but credit properly! ♡
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lovelywritinglady · 2 months
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Strangers (Part.1)
Reiner Braun x fem!Reader
Season 3 Spoilers and Season 4 light spoilers You and Reiner use to be a couple until you found out he was the Armored Titan…
Time line is going to be ever so slightly altered for the next part.
Third Person Pov
"How could you Reiner?" You cried out to him trying to keep yourself balanced on the tree branch below him.
"What do mean, if you're talking about why I took you, it's simple. I love you and I just couldn't leave you to die along side these devils." Reiner spat in disgust as his eyes lingered on your shaky from below.
"Devils, how could you ever think we are devils?" You questioned him
"I'll tell you more when we get back to my home town. It will all make sense when we are there." He answered you looking hopeful
"You assholes are gonna pay, you hear me!" Eren screamed from behind you waving his severed hand like he was going to punch Reiner.
"Shut it you two, it's not like we can do anything right now anyway. See those titans down there?" Ymir questioned as you looked down to see dozens of titans looking up twords you. "Even if we could, we'd have no chance of escaping. Plus Y/n isn't one of us so she'd die easily especially sense you ain't got your ODM gear." She soke sounding rather disinterested.
"Ymir is right, we'll leave at nightfall when the titans are sleeping." Reiner spoke scanning the three of you. Ymir started talking to them, but you blocked out her words trying to focus on calming down and not losing you head. You picked up on a few words an phrase in particular caught your attention.
"We'll get Christa and then we'll go, I can't leave her here!" Ymir pleated which caused your anger to spike.
"Ymir what the hell!" You shouted walking towards her as her limbs grew back.
"What, I have nothing here except Christa and Reiner and Bertholdt have a future. This place will be dead soon any way, don't you want to live!" She screamed at you walking closer
"Calm down you two! Y/n hear me out." Reiner pleaded jumping down from the tree branch he was standing on. "Y/n please, everyone here will die and the last thing I want is for you to die with them. My hometown is special and there are so many things that I want to show you. Sights that you'll never be able to see, I can show them to you. Please let me take care of you in a place I know you'll be safe. I love you." Reiner declaired with pleating soft eyes that would normally make your heart melt.
"I'd rather die here with them than live a lie with you." You spat as frustrated tears began to form in your eyes. Depsite the fact that you loved him too and the very idea of departing with him shatters your soul.
"Go to hell!" Eren screamed jumping at Reiner hitting him across the face multiple times until finally Reiener hit him so hard that it knocked him out cold. Reiner began panting looking at you silelently telling you to follow him.
"Reiner look, it's the scouts!" Bertholdt yelled in in desperation gaining Reiner's full attention.
"Shit, looks like commander Erwin is a lot smarter than I thought." Reiner yelled jumping down twords you. "Get on my back sweet heart we need to go." He asked you holding out his hand. Part of you would like nothing more than to hold his hand and feel his body against yours. Except now he had betrayed you and your friends and there was no way in hell that you were going to let him take you, Eren, or Christa. So you took a page out of Eren's book and punched Reiner too. You were a lot better than Eren at hand-to-hand combat and this was the only thing you could think of. His nose began to bleed heavily and despite his best efforts, he was not as fast as you. You hit him anywhere you could thinking that if the fight lasted long enough the Scouts could get to you faster. However, your actions came to a painful halt as Bertholdt punched you in the back of the head knocking you out cold, just like Eren.
Reiner grabbed your unconcious body and securly held you to him with as much gentelness as he could. He hated seeing you so hurt and broken and vowed that no matter what he'd do whatever he could to make up for all of the mental strain he put on you, after all, he did love you. After some time flying through the forest, he turned into his titan form after handing you over to Bertholdt. He jumped down as Bertholdt and Ymir, who also assumed titan form, landed on his back after she went serching for Christa. Ymir then took her from her mouth causing Christa to cough.
Reiner ran as fast as he could trying to outrun the scouts, but they were too late. Commander Eriwn, along with a massive horde of titans, scouts, and MP's were coming twords them. All Reiner could do was brace for impact as he protected you, Eren, and Berthold underneath his armored hands and pray that Ymir was holding onto him tight as he smashed his way through the titans. And as scout by scout and titan by titan came at him trying to get you and Eren. Despite their best efforts, the scouts took you, Eren, and Christa back and Reiner had lost you and the coordinate. All he could do now is protect Berthold from the titans trying to eat them as he watched you being taken away from him on the back of Erwin Smith's horse.
Operation To Retake Wall Maria…
“You’re not going cadet.” Captain Levi commanded as you were getting ready to join your friends to retake wall Maria.
“Forgive me sir, but why the hell not?” You questioned him with clear anger.
“Calm down, Commander Erwin thinks you’ll be a liability. We already know that Reiner and Bertholdt wanted to take you back home with them. So it’s safe to say that they’ll try again. We simply can’t have that.” Levi reasoned
“Wouldn’t I be useful then, Sir?” You yelled still angry and confused at the situation.
“No, no offense to your skill but Erwin said so. That’s final cadet I don’t want to hear anything else about it.” He spat walking away from you because he didn’t want to continue arguing with you.
You were so furious at the commander but you knew deep down that he was right. That you would confront Reiner despite saying otherwise because what he did to you was unforgivable and you needed to know why. You desperately needed to know why Reiner was a Titan and what the hell he meant by “home town.” You needed answers and you only prayed that the scouts would be victorious so that you could receive some.
A few days later…
The scouts came back as they reetook Wall Maria. However, the casualties made it seem like thee was no win whatsoever despite the people of the walls rejoicing. Especially the people of Wall Maria as they would now be able to go home, including you.
The commander had died which made Hanji the new commander of the Scout Regiment. You were shocked to say the least, but you were glad that your friends survived. You asked Captain Levi about Reiner and Bertholdt and he told you what happened to them. Hearing that Armin nearly died and it was between him or the commander as to who would be come a Titan brought tears to your eyes. It was such a cruel choice and one that should have never have happened. Both should and deserved to live in your mind. Yet you remembered that this world is cruel and unfair. However, now with this victory the Scouts would now be able to venture further outside the walls than they ever have. You were excited to see the ocean and potentially see the world beyond. Little did you know about the dangers and hatred lurking not too far from your island home…
Three years later…
Three years without him. Three years of resenting him and hating him. Long nights filled with cries and nightmares from that day. Reiner was your rock and someone you always thought you could rely on. A lot of people throughout those three years thought that you were somehow a Marley spy, but that was soon forgotten as Hange made a public announcement about it. You needed answers for everything but more than anything you just wanted to see him, talk to him, and hold him. Because above all else, you still loved him.
You were now a high ranking official in the Scout Regiment. Your intelligence and experience helped you land the position. Especially with the recent developments with other countries. You had helped Hange and other become more diplomatic. While maintaining the idea that your island is still dangerous.
Now here you were on a boat, disguised as a tourist with a few friends and other me members of the regiment. You were tasked on getting intel on Marley. And so here you were feeling the wind blow your hair as the salty sea air filled your lungs. You felt peaceful despite the aching feeling in your heart. As Marley was Reiner’s homeland and there was a small chance that you would see him and that terrified you. You tried preparing yourself for it even taking to the commander on what to do if you should see him. But no amount of preparation could ever prepare you for the experience that lies ahead…
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Thanks so much for reading💜 I apologize if the first part isn’t the best. I have better plans for the second one. Including flashbacks and more angst.
Please feel free to like, comment, request, and reblog.
Click here to see what I’ll write for and HERE to see my master list.
•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•
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nininikki · 1 year
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summary! — wedding headcanons for the aot boys + hange
warnings! — mentions of sex, slight suggestiveness, pregnancy, rich people (erwin and armin), a bit of angst on reiner’s
author’s note! — this was so fun to write. got to live my dream of marrying every single one of them 🙌🏽
word count! — 2.4k
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erwin’s got old, old, old money, and what better way for him to spend it than on your dream wedding?
you’re his dream, his baby, his queen, so of course he married you in a castle (will get to that later, but yes! a castle!)
it wasn’t random at all for erwin to surprise you with sporadic vacations, so when he took you to greece one summer—where you traipsed around on beaches with your lover and let him dangle fruits above your mouth—you hadn’t suspected anything.
but one night you two are coming home from dinner, you’re full of pasta but fat with happiness and you’re not sure things can get any better.
until erwin leads you onto the private beach behind your house, where he kneels into the sand at your feet and asks you to be his wife.
of COURSE, you said yes (after you nearly tackled him into the sand whilst screaming your head off like a decapitated chicken)
now, i imagine him proposing with like a nice big diamond that can be seen on your finger from miles away.
he just wants everyone who sees you to know you’re happily married.
now, the wedding…
this man doesn’t know what it is to hold back.
everything is perfect. perfect, perfect, perfect. like straight out of an old disney movie.
you guys get married on one of his family’s old properties in france, ahem, the castle i mentioned earlier.
it’s actually majestic. beautiful autumn scenery, endless space, the perfect amount of solitude
(you were so tempted to spend your honeymoon—and maybe the rest of your life—there but erwin had other plans, obviously)
but everything was incredible—the food: amazing. the decorations: even more amazing.
(which was partly erwin’s doing. he’d sit in bed with you late at night, reading glasses perched over his nose, and pick out chairs and champagne glasses and different flower arrangements. he’s just so perfect.)
you had many, many guests so it was wedding gifts galore.
his parents—we’ll call them mr. and mrs. smith—gifted y’all a house out in the french countryside. 
it was a dream, and you had the dreamiest, most perfect man to share it with! 🥹💘🪽🪽
bonus: erwin took you to so many places for your honeymoon. trying new foods in south korea, cruising on his yacht in brazil, and shopping sprees in london (you’re also pretty sure you two conceived, like, ten babies on his yacht)
now, listen…
the love this man has for you is infinite and insurmountable, hence why his proposal wasn’t even planned.
let me explain!
he wakes up one morning and the first thing he sees is you. still asleep and cheek smushed over your stack of pillows, just existing as the perfection you were, and something snapped.
you were beautiful, you were special, you were his. why hadn’t he married you yet? why hadn’t he done something to guarantee he got to wake up to this sight every morning?
so, a few minutes later when you wake up, you’re ambushed by a hoard of kisses and ‘i love you’s. 
he punctuates each kiss with a persistently dazed, “marry me,” and by the time he stops to let you catch your breath, fresh tears begin to sting at the corners of his eyes. 
excitedly, sleepily, passionately, you accept. (& also wrapped your arms around his neck and practically glued yourself there the entire day)
the months spent wedding planning are tedious but oh so worth it. 
eren hadn’t exactly got around to buying a ring, so that was its own difficult journey 
(he wanted you to have something as special and perfect as you were. i can see him doing an emerald, maybe???—it reminds me of his eyes ok—or possibly just a regular diamond)
eren’s kind of a diva, but it’s sooo cute.
“what do you mean peonies aren’t in season? my fiancée wants peonies, she’s getting ‘em.” “eren, honey, i can do without the—” “shhh, baby, i’m negotiating.”
winter wedding! you two get married in a beautiful ballroom! lots of regal vibes. beautiful decorations, ornate setting, there was even a live band 🥹
eren sees you walking down the aisle and cries.
like trying not to ugly cry but it’s no use because the tears have fallen and the snot is halfway out his nose.
he’s in love like that.
bonus: hawaii honeymoon 🌺 the two of you splash around in the waters for what feels like forever, then spend even longer drying under the sun.  
shortly after finding out you were pregnant, (3 months to be exact) reiner popped the question. 
the two of you, but especially you, were a horrid whirlpool of emotions. excited to be pregnant, scared to be pregnant, wracked with confusion and fear and what have you.
hence why you said no the first time he asked.
you figured reiner was only doing it out of some guilt or moral obligation, and couldn’t bring yourself to say yes knowing he’d be marrying you out of anything but love. 
but, ohhhhhhh, if you knew how bad this man loved you.
the way he’d talk about you to any and everyone—bertholdt, annie, eren, jean, his mom, the poor cashier at target who made the dire mistake of asking if the bouquet in his grasp was for anyone special. anyone who’d listen, really!
the way he already had the ring bought!!! before he even knew you were pregnant! you’re the love of his life, and he needs to marry you. no matter the circumstances.
so, he asks again. and this time he’s sure to put all your worries to rest.
“i don’t care what happens tomorrow, i’m still gonna want to marry you. whether you’re pregnant or—god forbid—you’re not. you’re always gonna be everything i want, so just…please. please let me be your husband.”
by the time reiner’s finished, there isn’t a dry eye in the room. 
(albeit the two of you are alone. but shhh)
you accept his proposal, and he’s lifting you off your feet and spinning you in giddy, newly-engaged circles.
wedding planning is fairly easy, seeing as reiner wants to do it all. like won’t let you lift a finger. 
“un-unh, baby. don’t you worry your pretty head about it. i’ve got it all covered.” “rei, i’m pregnant, not stupid. give me the computer.”
although, you (and the baby braun inside you) grow to adore cake testing. reiner has to tear you away from a chocolate cake, kicking and screaming. (and he does it with nothing but love in his eyes)
reiner sees you walking down the aisle in your beautiful dress with your hand resting over your bump and actually cries. like the sight is too much for him to bear and he’s sniffling horribly by the time you both say i do.
when it’s time to “kiss the bride” reiner shamelessly tongues you down in front of who and whatever (by the end of the kiss you had honestly forgotten the two of you weren’t alone)
summer backyard wedding!!! (mainly because reiner wanted to grill. & you definitely weren’t complaining.) a good 1/3 of your wedding photos include you tearing into a barbecue sausage or burying your face in a slice of cake.
when you and reiner get home that night, you’re both fat with adoration and thoroughly seasoned ribs. you’re happy. you’re married. 
bonus: reiner rents a house in the countryside and you guys honeymoon there. you revel in the peace and quiet and solitude. (it’s all you’re getting before the baby comes)
just like erwin, armin’s got olddddd money
it’s not like he keeps it a secret but he’s definitely shy about it.
he wanted to be sure you were 100% for him & you obviously were
so he proposed to you while on a weekend getaway to nantucket. 
you spent a beautiful two weeks at his house there. drinking champagne on beaches, letting him teach you how to play tennis (you suck horribly), perusing around on his amazingly spacious property. 
it was perfect
“i think you already know why i brought you here,” he’d say while getting down on one knee.
of course you had no idea, and you had to fight the urge to scream your throat raw right there! 
(there, being the picturesque garden of wildflowers behind his home that he had planted just for this occasion)
i feel like your engagement ring is beautiful, oval cut diamond that weighs your finger down 😵‍💫😵‍💫
wedding planning is a crazy beautiful mess with him.
you both have big families that live all over the world, and you just get so caught up trying to please everyone
armin has to remind you that this is your wedding, and whatever you want goes
side note: he’s willing to pay stupid amounts of money to get you whatever you want 
“omg babe, this girl on instagram had horses for her wedding. how cool is that?” “horses? yeah, we can do that. i’ll just have to call my guy & figure it all out. but don’t worry, baby, you’ll get all the horses you want.”
armin just screams summer hamptons wedding!
like beautiful flower arrangements, tranquil sounds of the water in the distance, and hors d’oeuvres that were to die for.
armin thinks you look like a princess walking out of a dream as you come down the aisle, and the feeling is only amplified when he lifts the veil away from your face and kisses you as your husband for the first time.
the wedding gifts are crazy
from designer heels, (courtesy of mikasa) to mansions in germany (courtesy of armin’s inheritance)
bonus: you honeymoon in the maldives on a property his family owns 😵‍💫 sex by the ocean goes so crazy
this mf screeeeeaaamms elopement.
let me elaborate!
he’s got a very “you only live once” mentality, which isn’t helped by the fact that he’s madly in love with you.
you’re reading on the couch as he rests his head on your lap when he asks, “hey, why haven’t we gotten married yet?” “well, connie people usually wait for that sort of thing.” “yeah but, like, what are we waiting for?”
leads to him having a whole speech about how life and how grateful how his life can change at any moment but you’re the only constant you want in it (sappy baby)
“i could die in eighty years or eighty days, and you’re the person i’d wanna be married to. so, fuck it. why wait?” “are you serious, connie?” “come to the courthouse with me right now and see just how serious i am.”
thirty minutes later, you’re parked outside the nearest courthouse with your now fiancé, clammy fingers intertwined as you two plant reassuring kisses over each other’s faces.
“you can” kiss. “change your mind if you want” kiss kiss. “& we can” kiss kiss kiss. “go home & forget this happened.” “why would i do that, con?”
sasha acts as your witness, and the two of you are married not even three hours later
when it’s time to kiss the bride, connie takes advantage of the practically empty room and doesn’t hold back as he makes out with you. the poor officiant can attest to that. 
it finally starts to dawn on you when you’re leaving the courthouse, hand in hand with your husband (even thinking the word made you feel tingly inside) and you’re letting him kiss you in plain sight. 
not caring for the passerby’s that may be entering or exiting or whatever. why would you? you’re married!!
connie lifts you off your feet twirls you around, finally breaking away from the kiss to rasp, “my wife, my wife, my wife.”
you two go to the mcdonald’s across the street and have your first meal together as husband and wife (which includes an oreo mcflurry that you feed to each other because you’re in love like that)
the entire rest of the day you can’t stop telling strangers that you’re married
the florist at the flower store when they ask what the special occasion is? connie can’t hold back ecstatic giggles as he says, “oh, just getting some flowers for my girl. we’re newlyweds.”
you go to get your ring sized at the jeweler’s and the lovely woman helping asks, “celebrating anything?” oh, if only she knew what was about to commence.
that evening, you rent go carts and race around on the track until you’re dizzy and limp.
you return home that night and fuck like rabbits go straight to sleep!
bonus: cross country road trip honeymoon! just you and him and the endless skies and roads ahead. there’s no place you’d rather be. 
the entire time they propose, they’re a stuttering mess. 
don’t get me wrong, it’s the cutest thing ever, but usually hange is pretty quick-witted and funny.
so, when you’re coming home from work and gingerly following the trail of maroon roses that leads to your room, you’re utterly delighted to see hange standing at the other end of it.
the delight quickly turns to stark shock when they get down on one knee.
hange is all blushy and shy and sooooo not like they are normally. it’s insane
“would you want to, uh, do me the honor of…um, idontfuckinknow…would you marry me, is what i’m trying to ask.”
and of course, you would marry them. 
you practically tackle them to the ground before they can get all the syllables out, which leads to you knocking the ring in their hand from their grip.
you spend the next thirty minutes looking for it. kissing and hugging as you crawl over the rose-covered floor.
“i was so nervous to ask” kiss. “cause i didn’t think you’d say yes.” kiss kiss. “but you did.” kiss kiss kiss. “i’m so happy, honey.” kiss. “of course i said yes.” kiss. “you make me happier” kiss. “than anything.” kiss kiss. “i can’t wait to marry you.” “same here, honey. but we really gotta find that ring. it cost me a pretty penny.”
you end up finding the ring and once you do, you never take it off. 
it’s practically glued to your finger now.
hange is such a diva with wedding planning but you love it
but it’s only because they want your wedding to be the best thing ever (and it is)
beach wedding!!!! (so hange can wear a shirt that’s halfway unbuttoned while the wind blows through their hair ufieiwjejr)
but no seriously, the most beautiful, picturesque, serene wedding ever. 
when it’s time to kiss the bride, hange kisses you so hard their glasses almost break (cue levi gagging next to y’all)
you and hange feed each other respective cake slices during the reception. 
you two are a frosting covered mess by the end of it. 💞
bonus: i see you two honeymooning somewhere tropical. hange loves any wild animal and would def wanna be in the ocean chasing around stingrays or smth. my lil cutie patootie.
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© NININIKKI. do not repost, translate, copy, or modify my works in any way shape or form.
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keischreiber · 5 months
Thinking about how Reiner's decision-making as a leader is influenced by a need to a) fulfill a mission; and b) for the sake of someone else.
So when it comes to making decisions that are solely from himself he's lost and unsure of what to do, because his mind spirals back to how those decisions will affect the people around him.
You tell him that it's fine to be scared; but he needs to take the first step of truly deciding things for himself.
He understand you, but it doesn't make it easier.
"You can hold my hand until you feel it's safe enough to let go. And even if you do, I'll be behind you to push you up when you feel like you'll fall back."
That's what you promise him.
He is overwhelmed with emotion; never having felt this kind of support. It was different from they type of support he received. Different from his mother's who had expectations for him beyond himself, different from the military who had expectations for him to be the perfect warrior, different from Zeke who had expectations for him to remember that his failure was the reason everything happened in the first place, different from his friends whose expectations of him were slowly being rebuilt after the shared experiences of both loss and gain, different from the kids whose expectations were for him to be the role model that could be followed...
You didn't have any other expectations of him other than for him to be himself.
And that was what scared him. What if who he was, who he REALLY was, was something irredeemable... with damage too broken and shattered to be fixed. Once he puts down his mask of being a soldier... of being a warrior... of being the Armor... what the hell was he left with other than the child who he had chosen to cast away for the sake of what his mission needed?
"I... can you—"
He was struggling to say what he wanted. Not knowing where to start and fearing how it would end.
"I want you to stay by my side." He blurted it out. Selfishly. Greedily. As firm as he can be, letting his heart and every fiber of his being bleed out the last remnants of courage that he could muster.
His expression's filled with guilt and apprehension. What was he going to put you through? He knew it won't be easy being with him. But he wanted you there.
It was his first big decisions that he made solely for himself.
And that decision was to have you in his life.
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dollwritesarchive · 1 year
𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞 — 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐧
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), fem!marleyan!reader, obvious manipulation, reader definitely takes advantage of Reiner’s not so healthy mental state so dub con, mild angst, handjob, needy!sub!reiner, body worship, size kink, all characters featured are 18+ 
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ requested by anonymous!! i’m always down to make reiner pathetic. do not repost or translate. please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading <; 3
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“What would you do for me?” 
“Anything…” Reiner moaned, his hips jutting forward. you slide around on his lap, but you don’t mind. his face is buried between the open buttons of your uniform top, panting hot air against your cleavage. his tiers smear grateful kisses over the tops of your breasts, but he doesn’t dare reach to unclasp your bra without permission. 
bring him back. 
that had been what your superiors told you. 
they could tell that the Armored Titan had changed; whether that meant he was slipping out of Marleyan control or had simply lost himself over the years he spent on Paradise Island, it didn’t matter to them. they’d sent you with Zeke, straight to where Reiner had been resting in the infirmary; the whole time you’d walked side by side with Zeke, you wondered how he could be okay with this. 
how was it that he, like the Marleyans, didn’t mind playing mind games with his soldiers? 
“He likes you.” Zeke had broken silence once the two of you were just outside the infirmary. 
“You’re his War Chief,” you replied, looking away, “he would listen to you if you ordered him to. There’s no need to bring me into it.” 
“He likes you.” Zeke repeated, taking a long drag off a cigarette, “Of course he’d listen to me, but he needs more than orders right now.” he’d given you a knowing look from beneath the rims of his glasses, staring down his nose at you. “I know you’ve done it before, when he first came home.” 
your brows knit together, and you tried to glare at him, but in the end, your gaze fell to your own feet. “I told the general I didn’t want to do it anymore.” you grumble; that familiar, sick sensation twisting your stomach into knots. Reiner was a good man, if not a little misguided, and even though you knew that he must know that the Marleyan military uses you against him, that you only visited him, kissed him, slept with him because you had been ordered to do so, he didn’t seem to mind. you did, though. because you knew he deserved more.
you just couldn’t give it to him, and he wouldn’t seek it out on his own. 
“With all due respect,” Zeke started in a low tone, “I don’t really give a damn what you think of me for bringing you here. If you think I’m wicked for toying with Reiner’s head, then you may be right.” you glare up at him, open your mouth to speak, but he’s no longer looking at you. “My Vice Chief is standing on a metaphorical ledge, and I don’t want to see him jump. If dangling your cunt in front of him will talk him down from it, then I’ll do that. If the general permits it, I’ll drag you to him whether you want to or not. I’ll toss you over my shoulder and carry you, kicking and screaming, to his bed every night if it will keep his head on straight.” 
you could’ve slapped him— it was well within your ability to make his cheek burn red with the imprint of your hand, and even he wouldn’t have stopped you, but you don’t. something about the way he spoke, with the certainty he used, told you it didn’t matter how you protested. he and the general shared the same sentiments. they didn’t care how badly you messed Reiner up when you played with his heart; they only needed him to fight. 
Pieck was waiting at the door, a lazy smile gracing her lips, and she waved you inside, leaning against one crutch. you pondered, for a moment, about telling Zeke how despicable he was. but, it would do no good. so, you simply trudged forward, slipping inside and allowed the Eldian girl to lead you to Reiner’s room. 
to your duty. 
“Anything?” you repeat, biting back a frown. you didn’t want him to see how much you loathed how easily he threw himself into the flames for you. your svelte digits caress the bulging veins on his cock in butterfly strokes. it stood straight up between your clothed bodies, swollen, jabbing at the air and the palm of your hand when you wrapped a fist around it, begging for attention from you. you tilt your head back and exhale when he sucks hard on your clavicle, both massive arms wrapped around your midsection and keeping you pulled tight against him. he was big, much bigger than you, and that always made you a little nervous. nervous that he might, one day, stop being so submissive. “Reiner—“ you breathe, unsteady, and he whimpers against your skin, rocking his hips more fervently now that you’ve called his name. he always loved the sound. “What would you do for me?” you repeat, the gentle pad of your thumb teasing his slit. precum frosts it, and the muscles in his arms draw taut. 
“Fuck,” he slurs, dragging his open mouth over your breasts, his brows furrowed, “anything! I’d kill for you.” his breath is shaky as he lifts his head, his golden gaze desperate to meet yours. you avoid it, mostly, and stare at the dusky rose colored blush across his cheeks. “I—I’d die for you…” he moans, and you allow your hand to gather all of his essence and use it to ease the friction as your hand glides south, back down to squeeze the thick base. “If that’s what you want from me, I’ll do it, I will…” 
“Sh, sh, sh…” you croon, filling your voice with as much honey as you could murmur, pursing your lips and pumping your fist in slow, firm strokes that had a sordid whine rumbling in his throat, “I don’t want you to die for me, Reiner. I want you to live for me. I want you to fight for me.” 
he was nodding, leaning as close to your lips as he could, his own working to capture your couplet, even as you kept them just out of reach. to kiss him would only make lying to him harder, even if he wanted to live in the fantasy so badly. your pace quickens, only just, and his grip around your smaller frame tightens. “I will, I am.” you knew that, if he wanted to force you, it wouldn’t be difficult. he could easily overpower you, steal what he wanted ( which, right now was your kiss ), and you could do nothing to stop him. but he doesn’t. he begs you, just under his breath, moaning your name until you’re lightheaded. “Kiss me… please…” you knew he was close; he was throbbing in your hand, bucking his hips to hump the tight fist you used to jerk him off. he was going to cum, and he needed your kiss to push him over the edge. 
“As soon as you promise me.” you urge, running your free hand up to grasp at his cropped, golden hair at the nape of his neck. you didn’t have to pull at it, he leaned back willingly, his lips leaving a peppering of needy, heated pecks over your jaw, as if pleading to be able to land one on your tiers. “Promise me you’ll fight for me.” 
“Promise you’ll fight with me.” 
“Fuck, p—please…” 
“You won’t leave us.” 
Reiner nodded to every syllable, his eyelids fluttering weak, but he managed to keep his eyes on you, sucking on your jawline, inching up, hopefully, to kiss at the side of your mouth. “I s—swear… I’ll fight for you. I’ll fight… I’ll do whatever you want, I’m yours to command… use me on the battlefield or off, I don’t care. Just please… kiss me!” 
you shudder. 
you were using him. he knew that. he was just too obsessed with you to care. 
pumping harder, faster, you allow your lips to part, and a gentle tilt of your head towards him encourages his to find yours, as if rewarding him for being the most obedient toy soldier he could be. Reiner grunts and devours your mouth in hard, desperate kisses, locking you in place with his powerful biceps. you keep pumping, the other hand still buried in his hair as he comes undone, panting and rumbling a pathetic slew of thank yous into your cavern. 
his head drops forward when he needs air, leaving you panting, too, and praises your soft breasts again. his tongue tracing what you thought might be his name as he snorts against them, glazing your hand and his twitching cock in the warm release that erupts in furious, little spurts. he’s still so pent up, even though you’d seen him a couple of months before, and you wonder if he ever slept with any other women. 
or, did he always save himself for you? 
“You’re good, Reiner.”  you whisper, before you even realize you’ve done it, resting your chin on the crown of his head. carefully, you pet the damp tendrils back, and nibble on your lip. “So good.” 
Reiner lets out a partial moan, but it’s mostly a heavy sigh of relief, before he nuzzles into your cleavage. “Don’t leave me yet.” he mutters, shifting underneath you. you move, too, slow to allow him to pick the position. he guides you on to your back, and lays against you, keeping his face buried in your heaving chest. he closes his eyes, breathing easier as you run your fingers through his hair. “You can sneak out later just, please wait until I’m asleep.” 
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paypay0315 · 3 months
canon!reiner being so desperate for your forgiveness. He whines and whimpers at how you smash down on his pelvis.
You huff above him, almost twitching at how big he is, you slow down your movements and he lets out a long whine.
“Oh, no dont stop” he begs. You flare your nose at his response.
“You want me to keep going?” You question him. Your hips start to move faster and eventually his head is bobbing at your fast pace.
His whines almost become screams you immediately put your hand over his mouth to stop his whines.
“m-i-…….s-sorry” he tried to say through your hand. You quickly remove it and he gasps “I’m soooo sorry” he slurs.
104 notes · View notes
imjustasimpxd · 11 months
My Angel (Part Two)
➬ Reiner Braun x Fem reader
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Part One | Part Three | Masterlist | Blog Home | Aot Masterlist
Summary : Reiner was always taught that the devils of Paradis were vicious creatures, but what is he supposed to do when he soon finds himself reluctantly falling for one? Or when he is forced to go back to Marley and leave her altogether?
Word count : around 5, 200 words
Warnings : Again, very angsty. Reiner feels guilty about what he’s done, reader is angry with him. Crying, mentions of heartbreak. Spoilers for season 4 part one.
Author’s notes : reblogs are appreciated!! I appreciate all feedback on my writing so that I can know what you guys liked and what you think I should improve on😊
Disclaimer : this is a work of fiction and should in no way, shape, or form, be taken seriously.
Side Note : this fic, and everything else I’ve written on my blog, is mine and only mine. I work very hard on everything I write so do not, under any circumstances, modify, copy, or steal my work.
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❗️Important Note❗️
There will in fact be a part three! While I was writing part two, it ended up becoming so long that I just decided to split it up. That’s why this chapter leaves off on a cliffhanger (and that’s also why it took me so long to post this one). But I thank you all for your patience. If anyone else wants to be tagged for part three then let me know in the comments! :)))
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“Can I please ask where exactly we’re going?” Reiner questioned, his voice lacing with a hint of annoyance as Falco gripped his arm, anxiously pulling him towards the city’s back alleys.
“I told you it’s a surprise! A friend of yours wants to say hi before the show starts!” Falco explained, glancing backward at his superior with a cheerful smile as he continued to pull him in the opposite direction.
“Is that right?” Reiner spoke sarcastically, scoffing quietly to himself as he took in the boy’s words.
What was Falco really up to?
Surely the whole “a friend wants to say hi” explanation was made up; because Reiner Braun wasn’t exactly a man you would think of as having friends.
Sure, he was surrounded by people a lot of the time, and he even had allies with whom he got along pretty well with. But even so, Reiner knew he was nothing more than a comrade to them; nothing more than a vessel to wield the armored titan.
But that was okay, because they were nothing more than comrades to him.
With being born Eldian as well as being a warrior for Marley’s military force, Reiner Braun didn’t exactly have the time, luxury, or frankly, the mental strength to seek out any social interactions beyond strictly work-related ones.
Well, at least, not anymore.
He made that mistake once, and in doing so, it cost him the demolition of a poor woman’s heart; as well as his own.
In fear that opening up to another person again might cause that beating vessel in his chest to truly see itself past repair, Reiner Braun had decided to close himself off from others, refusing to repeat those tragic events of his past.
So, with that in mind, who exactly was this “person” that Falco was happily dragging him by the arm to see?
It couldn’t have been anyone he was genuinely close with; there wasn’t anyone like that for him, not anymore at least. Any authentic connections he once had with people were now severed, collapsed by the calamity he caused back on that forsaken island.
So who on earth was he being forced to see?
“It’s just in here!” Falco said excitedly, his finger pointing toward a wooden door as they rounded the corner; one that lead to a basement stationed under an older apartment complex.
From the outside, the place looked dim and run down, its location secluded to a quiet and unfrequented street.
The very sight had Reiner scratching his head in confusion. Of all places, why here? Why pick such an isolated area to meet with him? Not only that, but why would this person send a naive little boy to escort him to this place instead of just contacting Reiner directly?
Was this a trap he was walking into?
Should he leave?
Like a flame set to brush, panic began spreading through Reiner’s veins. His free hand was gripped into a strained fist and his eyes darted in all directions, watching out for any surprise attacks.
If this really was a trap, if someone was anticipating charging at him, then he’d be ready for it.
Suddenly, the wooden door opened. Loud groans from the beat-down hinges filled the air, followed by the sound of footsteps; footsteps that belonged to a dark, hooded figure.
Reiner’s eyes widened at the scene before him, an eerie feeling twisting in his stomach as he watched the mysterious person walk out the door; heading in his direction.
Whoever it was, he thought about fighting them off, even going as far as raising both his hands in the air to assume a defensive stance.
However, that’s when he caught a glimpse of Falco next to him. The little boy had started to head towards the figure, almost as if he was acquainted with the human; if it even was human.
“Falco wait!” Reiner quickly followed in the boy’s footsteps, gripping his arm before he could walk any closer to the person. “We should leave.” He suggested, anxiously tugging on the boy’s limb in hopes to urge him back in the opposite direction.
“It’s okay Mr. Braun,” Falco smiled, quick to reassure his superior. “This is where he said to meet him.”
Who’s he? Was it that person lurking around with the cloak draped across their face? Or was there someone inside as well?
Reiner didn’t have any answers, nor did he have a definite resolve on how to react in this situation. Should he trust Falco’s judgment and allow this “meetup” to happen? Or should he grab the boy and run while he still had the chance?
The latter seemed like the best option, especially considering the fact that Falco was just a child, and therefore could’ve easily been manipulated into something dangerous.
He wanted to trust Falco’s words, but it was too risky. If something happened, the boy’s blood would be on Reiner’s hands; and he couldn’t bear the weight of any more sorrow, or any more guilt.
“We’re leaving, Falco!” Reiner insisted, readjusting his grip on the boy’s arm to forcefully pull him away from the situation.
Although, just as he’d turned around to take those first few steps, he heard something that made his body freeze, and his heart clench.
“If you’re done arguing you can go on ahead. He’s waiting for you inside.”
That voice. Reiner knew that voice.
It was the same one he used to hear nagging at him to wake up in the early mornings. The same voice that used to comfort him whenever he was feeling disheartened.
It was… the same voice he never thought he’d have the pleasure of hearing ever again…
All he received was one simple sentence, but that was all the verification he needed. There was no doubt in his mind, the voice he heard: belonged to you.
“Y/n?!” His body immediately turned around to face the hooded figure. His eyes then squinted, trying to see more than just the gentle silhouette of a pair of lips and a jawline that was exposed by the moonlight’s glow.
The figure froze at his words, saying nothing in response; almost as if they didn’t anticipate being recognized.
“Y/n, is that you?” Reiner asked again, hoping to earn a response this time.
However, there was none; at least, not a verbal one.
All he gained was a sudden flinch that occurred once he spoke that name a second time, followed by the subtle shaking of fingertips that poked out from the sleeves of the cloak.
You must’ve been scared, embarrassed; perhaps even both.
And who would blame you for it? The last time you saw him he had slaughtered more than half of your comrades. Who knows what he’s capable of now after four years have passed?
“Falco?” Reiner finally broke the silence, glancing down at the boy he was still holding on to. “Why don’t you go on inside, I’ll be with you in a minute.”
However, before the boy could open his mouth to speak, he was quickly interrupted. “There’s no reason for him to leave! I’m not staying to chat.” A stern voice echoed past the cloak covering your face, but that didn’t phase Reiner.
He knew it was you from the moment that first syllable left your lips, even more so now that you’d spoken a second time.
Your tone was serious, added with a hint of aggression in order to scare him off, but he wouldn’t be turned away by that. Not when this was the chance he’d been silently praying for ever since he left that island four years ago. The chance to finally see you once again, even for just a moment.
Now that this chance was finally here, standing in front of him, there was no way he’d let it slip away; regardless of the tone you used with him.
“Just a few minutes?!” He insisted, taking a few steps forward in case you were preparing to run away. “Please?” He asked in a much quieter tone, his eyes practically begging for you to give in, to grant him even the smallest portion of your time.
Even after all these years he still knew how to persuade you, didn’t he? He must’ve, otherwise, your mouth would’ve never opened to let out a frustrated “Five minutes and that’s it!”
Reiner’s shoulders quickly relaxed at your words. His head then turned towards Falco subsequently, giving him a quick nod of his head: which apparently was his signal to “get going.”
Falco’s gaze switched between Reiner and the person he was apparently dying to speak to. The boy was unsure of what was going on, or who that unidentified person even was, but nevertheless, Falco knew better than to argue with his superior; so he’d comply with the orders given to him.
“S-sure…I’ll just, be inside then…” Falco spoke hesitantly, slowly backing away to walk toward the wooden door. He stopped momentarily after placing his fingers on the handle, almost as if he was waiting for Reiner to change his mind. But after receiving no signs of a change of heart, Falco reluctantly opened the door and stepped inside; closing it behind him.
The moment that wooden door shut, an unpleasant silence filled the air. Instead of partaking in the “conversation” you were supposed to have, the two of you just stood in silence.
You didn’t dare speak up. Reiner was the one who made you stay after all, if anyone should be the first to start this conversation it was him.
Your eyes were fixated on him with a calloused glare, your lips refusing to part even the slightest bit.
Reiner on the other hand, wore an expression more timid and anxious than yours.
He shifted uncomfortably on his feet, fingers fidgeting with each other as he contemplated the best way to start this conversation.
“I uh…” He tried to speak, but the words fumbled in his mouth, leaving just as quickly as they came.
It’s ironic, just a moment ago he was begging for you to stay so that he could have the chance to talk to you, but now that his chance had finally arrived, he couldn’t think of anything to say.
As he stood there, overanalyzing a potential response, he noticed the way you scoffed, clearly annoyed at his delay in response.
You were growing impatient with him, and if he didn’t take the opportunity to speak with you now, you’d most likely never allow him another chance to waste your time again.
So, after what had seemed like hours of silence, when in reality was more like 1 minute, Reiner finally spoke up.
“Can you take off the hood?”
Your eyes quickly narrowed in confusion at his odd request. Out of everything he could’ve asked, everything he could’ve apologized for, this is the first thing he says?
“Why?” You questioned, still unsure of his intentions on the matter.
“I just…” He began, but his words quickly started to fade out, almost as if he felt unworthy to be asking in the first place.
Nevertheless, you were persistent.
“You just what?!” You snapped, frustrated at his apparent dedication to withhold information from you; a recurring dedication at that.
“I just…” he inhaled shakily before speaking, “I want to see your face.”
You paused at his words, taking a moment to process what he’d just said. After expecting something pitiful, or perhaps even bitter coming from him, it was quite a shock to receive this: a fairly tender request.
He wanted to see your face? Why? What difference would that make?
It’d be the same one he saw four years ago, nothing’s changed; at least, not to you.
Despite asking for something which would require him to look upwards, Reiner kept his eyes glued to the ground, as if he felt undeserving to see you again. It wasn’t until he heard the heavy sigh that jerked past your lips, along with the quiet “fine” you gave in response to his request that made him finally look up.
As his gaze lifted, watching you pull that gloomy hood off your head, Reiner was met with a flashback of memories.
It all reappeared in an instant: the sound of your adorable laugh, the way your hair looked when the sun glistened across it, even the small little habits he’d discovered about you as time went by; they were all coming back, recollecting in his mind clearer than if it all happened a day ago.
Reminding him, painfully, of a time when things were simpler, when he was happier, and, most regretfully, a time when he had you.
Pulling off that hood allowed him to finally lay eyes upon a face he hadn’t seen in ages. A face he used to watch soundly sleeping next to him at night, placing gentle kisses all over when no one was around.
It was the same face he used to stare at in fascination; taken back by the beautiful way your lips would curve upwards into a smile, or even the way your eyes radiated the most alluring shade of color when the sun shone across your skin.
That face was one he had desperately longed to observe once more for the entirety of four long years, and coincidentally, it was the same face that now stared him down with an irritated glare.
Absent was the sparkle your eyes once held for the man standing before you, and gone was the loving countenance you were never hesitant to grant him.
Now your face lay still, your features refusing to move even the smallest bit in case it were to form some sort of pleasant expression towards him accidentally.
Who was this woman?
If not for the fact that he had easily identified her face, Reiner wouldn’t have recognized her.
Where was the kind and loving woman he fell in love with? Was she not the one standing before him now?
No, this woman was different. This one seemed to hold an inkling of abhorrence towards him, easily provoked by just his presence alone.
Was this… the product of his own making?
Was this… what he’d turned you into?
As if he wasn’t tormented enough by his decision, now he was witnessing the consequences of his actions unfold before his very eyes.
“How.. how are you here?” Reiner stuttered, still in shock over the fact that you were actually standing there; that for whatever reason, his prayers to see you again had finally been answered.
“I’m only here in service of a friend; nothing else.”
Your response was so vague, so cold; nothing like the endearing way you used to speak to him.
“Which friend?”
“It doesn’t matter,” You replied forbiddingly. Your tone sounded so distant, so unfriendly towards him.
To think, the last time he heard your voice, it had told him “Goodnight, I love you.” But now that voice was harsh as it spoke, probably regretful of saying those very words after waking up to find out he’d abandoned you that next morning.
The difference in your tone was beginning to eat away at Reiner, straining that beating vessel in his chest more and more with each look of your indignant expression. As if you’d just picked up a shovel and started digging, deepening his guilt further than it already was; if that was even possible.
“Your minutes are up by the way, and I have to leave.” You suddenly spoke, hoping your statement was bleak enough to end the conversation, meaning you could finally leave; finally be free of him.
“Wait!” Just before you could escape, Reiner quickly reached forward and grabbed your wrist, clinging to it as if his life was hinging on it. “Wait please, don’t leave…”
“That’s rich coming from you.”
He deserved that. Honestly, he deserved more than that.
Call him whatever names you could think of, and he would let you, he’d allow every single one of them, no matter how excruciating, because he knew they were true; because deep down he knew he deserved them.
“I’m not interested in what you have to say, Reiner.” Your words were like knives to his heart, causing the already aching organ to shudder yet again. “Whatever it is you should’ve said it four years ago.”
Was that true?
If he really did explain it to you before he left, would things be different now? Would you have understood his situation? Understood why he had to do it?
Why he had to leave?
“Please,” he implored, desperately maintaining that grip on your wrist. “Please, just let me explain it to you.”
It was pathetic, how he was begging like this, pleading for you to stay and hear him out as if he wasn’t the one that left you in the first place.
“Nothing you say will change what happened.”
He knew that was true, but in spite of that, he still refused to let you go again without telling you, without apologizing at the very least.
“I know,” he admitted, a glossy haze shimmering in his eyes as he looked at you. “But please, I want you to know the truth.”
A part of you wanted to leave, to deny him any further chances to cause you more pain with an explanation. However, another part of you wanted an apology. You wanted to hear his side of the story; to hear whatever excuse he had for abandoning you. No matter how twisted, or pitiful, his reasoning was, you couldn’t deny you had questions you wanted him to answer.
“Fine then. Tell me.” You quickly adjusted your posture, staring at him with your eyebrows raised; a gesture he remembered you only used when you were serious about something.
“Why did you betray us?”
Here it was, the moment he had been waiting for since this conflict arose: his chance to finally be understood, to be seen as more than just the traitor he was made out to be.
“I was given orders,” he started, retracting his hand from your wrist now that you’d clearly abandoned the option to run. “I had no choice but to follow them.”
“And what were your orders?” Your voice sounded heavy, almost as if it was hurting to bring all this back up again; like a wound that was still fresh, still desperately trying to heal itself.
Reiner’s mouth remained shut, his head lowering as he closed his eyes, not wanting to answer your question. He knew he’d be made to look like the villain no matter what he said, no matter which way he worded it.
Did that mean he really was the villain?
In your eyes, maybe.
Perhaps you’d never accept his side of the story, never be able to see past the wretched sins he’d carried out. But regardless, even if he never got the forgiveness he so desperately wanted from you, he couldn’t hide from the truth any longer. It was time to embrace it, all of it.
“They told us to sneak in and make allies first, that way we had the people’s trust and no one would suspect us.” He sighed, his eyes refusing to look up at you in fear of the face you’d make upon hearing his confession. “Once the time came, we were ordered to steal the founding titan by whatever means necessary. And if anyone tried to stop us, we had permission to silence them, using whatever tactics we deemed fit.”
Reiner’s heart felt tight as he let those words out, his shame growing stronger now that he was remembering it all, remembering what he’d done.
How did things end up like this?
He was just trying to do what he was trained to do: save the world from ruin; that’s all. But here he was now, that mission an embarrassing failure as he reminisced on his actions; the same actions that caused such sorrow for so many people, including himself.
And as if things weren’t bad enough, as if Reiner wasn’t feeling guilty already, he heard a sudden change in your breathing that could only mean one thing: you were beginning to cry.
“No, wait!” His head quickly lifted to look at you, instantly regretting it as your distressed face came into view. “Please, don’t cry.” He begged, using his thumb to wipe away the liquid collecting on your skin; which you surprisingly allowed him to do without putting up a fight.
“Don’t cry, okay? Not for me.” He demanded, despite his own eyes welling up with tears as well.
He just couldn’t bear it, knowing he was hurting you yet again.
It was almost as if nothing had changed, even after all those years. As if he was reliving those horrors of his past once more, reliving that anguish he saw imprinted across your visage when you found out he was the armored titan; the same armored titan that had killed so many of your friends.
You didn’t understand it, even now.
Was the man who used to dote on you really the same person as the one who carried out such violence and hatred against your people?
How could that be true? How could he have done such a thing, committed such betrayal against the woman he loved?
What changed? Was it something you did?
Or perhaps a more gut-wrenching explanation: he never loved you to begin with. Maybe that’s why it was so easy for him to give you up, maybe, this was his plan all along.
“What else?” You asked, your voice trembling in the process.
Reiner’s face quickly scrunched in confusion, unsure of what you were getting at. “What do you mean?”
“Were those your only orders?” Tears quickly began trickling down your face faster than Reiner could stop, your gaze looking more despondent than ever. “Was there really not anything else?” Your lips parted to let out a stinging sob, one that seemed like it’d been held in for too long.
It was obvious you were waiting for some sort of answer from him, and every second he delayed with a response was only tormenting you further.
But, even so, it didn’t change the fact that Reiner didn’t understand what you were asking of him; or what you wanted to hear so badly.
Your eyes stared at him in sorrow, more tears absorbing into your skin before you asked your question one last time; phrasing it differently now.
“Was falling in love with me a part of your mission too? Was I just another means to accomplish your end goal?”
Reiner’s heart convulsed at your words, his mouth agape to let out a pained gasp.
Did he just hear that right?
A tool?! Is that really what you thought? Is that really all you assumed you were worth to him?
As if you could ever be such a thing.
Granted, he understood how you may have assumed that, given the matter of his betrayal and all. But, despite that, he never expected such an absurd accusation.
There was a wide range of names you could’ve called him: a traitor, a liar, a monster; anything, and he would’ve accepted it; He would’ve owned up to it.
But this: questioning whether or not his affection towards you was genuine; that was one accusation he’d never admit to.
You were never a tool, you weren’t even a part of his plan to begin with. Falling in love with a woman of Paradis wasn’t exactly one of the orders he received when he was assigned to that mission. In fact, getting involved with you went against the sole purpose of him being there; the sole purpose of his assignment.
He was sent there to exterminate the Eldian race, to wipe out every last one of those despicable beings so that the world could finally be safe.
Falling in love wasn’t an order laid out in his job description at all, much less with a woman of Paradis. And yet, he did.
Reiner was a strategic man, he wasn’t one to easily abandon orders, no matter how difficult they may be. That in itself should’ve been enough to prove his affection toward you; because he never would’ve done such a thing had he not felt it was worth it, had he not felt you were worth it.
Nevertheless, here you were, teeth gritted in frustration as you impatiently awaited his answer.
Your face spoke only of torment, and it pained Reiner to have to witness it. The way your eyes were slanting together in an unsuccessful attempt to subdue your tears, your fingers curling into fists to help better contain your irritation, all of it was a clear sign of the repercussions his decision to abandon the woman he loved had caused.
It was just like the last time, you were falling to pieces over him once more, and Reiner couldn’t stand the sight of it.
Your gentle cries may not have been as loud and mournful as they were four years ago, but it didn’t matter; the fact that you were even crying in the first place was enough to make that twisting sensation return to his stomach; possibly becoming permanent at this rate.
Reiner stretched his arm out to grasp your hand, hoping to console you, however, you quickly backed away, refusing to let him touch you.
“I don’t want your pity!” you spat, your fragile body trembling from both the anger and suffering fueling inside. “I just want the truth! Did you ever love me?”
Was that even a question?
Yes, he was fully aware that it would’ve been hard to believe the authenticity of someone who’d abandoned you; someone who so easily decided to turn against you, as if doing so didn’t phase them in the slightest.
But regardless, ignoring the heinous crimes he’d committed, did you still believe he never loved you?
Were his actions before this messy conflict never enough to convince you of his sentiments?
What about all the times he’d hold you in his arms, whispering to you about how happy you made him feel? Did you really not believe any of that? Was he pouring out his heart’s inner-most secrets for nothing?
Or what about the times he’d surprise you with food, despite rations being low? He almost got caught stealing food for you so many times; which was unwise of him considering the fact that it could’ve possibly had him kicked out of the survey corps: meaning his whole plan to infiltrate the military would’ve gone up in flames.
Or, perhaps how he’d always try to keep an eye on you during missions, making sure you never encountered something too dangerous for you to handle. You always complained that he was being too paranoid, but it was only because, unlike you, he was aware of the kind of power titans held; the kind of pain they could’ve, he could’ve, inflicted upon a tiny human being.
All he ever wanted was to protect you, to do what was best for you. Did you really never realize that?
Even after he made Annie and Bertholdt promise not to lay a hand on you during their countless fights with the survey corps, even after all the times he put your saftey before his own mission, was it still never enough?
Even when he left you behind, did you really never consider the fact that he could’ve been doing it because he thought it’s what’s best for you?
You would’ve never been safe with someone like him, so he spared you from that danger by leaving.
Even though he caused you much pain by doing so, did you still never put that together?
“I understand if you don’t believe me when I say this,” Reiner began, “But I never stopped loving you.”
Even before any words left your lips, the doubtful look stringing along your face was enough to tell Reiner that you didn’t believe him; or were highly skeptical at the very least.
“If that’s true, then why wasn’t that enough for you to stay?”
He’d asked himself the same question so many times before. Why didn’t he just give up on his mission and stay with you? It’s not like he wouldn’t have preferred that option in comparison to the one he chose.
Why didn’t he just let the Marleyans presume him dead, forgetting his life in Marley and starting a new one with you on Paradis?
He wanted to, he considered it even. But there was one factor he was forgetting that made all the difference; one tiny reminder that convinced him to abandon that option in the end: you deserved better.
If he stayed behind like you would’ve wanted him to, like he would’ve wanted to, then he would’ve been living a lie; deception would’ve been rooted at the heart of your relationship.
He would’ve never been able to fully open up to you because doing so would mean he told you the truth about his past, about where he’s from and why he came here in the first place. He’d have to fabricate every detail about his life up until this point; tricking you into believing he was born inside the walls just like you. He’d need to have an excuse for everything: why his parents weren’t around, where he was born, what his home life was like, everything.
Nothing about his life would be real anymore, from the moment he’d wake up, to the second he drifted off to sleep at night, he’d be living a lie.
Every time he’d look at your innocent expression he’d be reminded of the secrets he was keeping from you, the lies he was tricking you with; and he couldn’t live like that. He refused to live like that.
“Staying would’ve only put you in danger, so I left, taking the danger with me.”
“I see.” Your voice was strained, as if you were having trouble processing everything. The shock from seeing him again so unexpectedly still hadn’t exactly worn off yet, and with the addition of all this new information piled on top, you didn’t necessarily know what to say; or how to react.
So, instead, you remained silent, hoping some ideas might materialize inside your head as you waited.
However, you weren’t kept waiting for long because Reiner quickly took an initiative to speak once again, asking something that left you stunned,
“Is it okay if I kiss you?”
Your head quickly flung upwards to look at him, contemplating whether or not you heard him right.
“What??” You asked, aghastly, desperately hoping you misheard his question.
“Is it okay if I kiss you?” He repeated, unfortunately proving that your ears were working just fine, and that you did in fact hear him correctly the first time.
He only meant it as a farewell, nothing more.
He knew this might very well be the last time he ever saw you again, so, with that in mind, he wanted to leave you with something pleasant to remember him by.
He had every intention of letting you go, he’d walk away and you’d never have to see him again afterward.
Just one last memory with you, that’s all he wanted. One last moment to reminisce on the merriment of his past before he let you go for good.
That’s what he wanted at least, but, when you finally uttered a response, he realized it might’ve been too much to ask for.
“I’m with someone else now, Reiner.”
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Part One | Part Three | Masterlist | Blog Home | Aot Masterlist
(YES THERE WILL BE A PART THREE. So comment below if you want to be tagged).
Tags : @thebadbatch @mvteria @nervouslad @ah-finally @usagikookiejams
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Sugar daddy Reiner who epitomizes gentility and compassion, an absolute pillar of strength and security to those around him. His authoritative presence commands respect, accentuated by his well-tailored black suit, accentuating his broad and sturdy shoulders.
The sartorial statement screams of raw power, reiterating Reiner’s dominance. With an arm perpetually poised on the small of your back, he shields you from the noise of business dealings, bringing an overwhelming sense of calmness, shielding you from any misfortunes.
Donning a pristine white, thigh-slit dress personally chosen by him, you bask in Reiners enchanting persona, basking in the rays of elegance and sophistication emanating from his commanding persona. Reiner’s golden blonde hair and rough-hewn stubble make him the epitome of manhood, filling your heart with an unparalleled warmth whenever he whispers into your ears, expressing his devotion for you.
Notwithstanding his tenacity, Reiner often feels agitated when around multitudes of people, unease rising from within. The formidable self-doubt pulls him down, leading him to question his adequacy in being with someone of your calibre, someone that the world regards as a paragon of beauty.
As you witness the unanticipated trepidation seeping into his eyes, you realize his deepest fear; the fear of losing you. A sensation of profound gratitude flows through you, filling you with an undeniable sense of satisfaction that you're capable of providing him with the solace and protection he seeks in moments of vulnerability.
The thought of leaving him is unfathomable, and thus you tenderly hold him, imparting him with stability and fortitude, becoming his faithful and steady partner through thick and thin. Reiner’s presence in your life imbues it with unmatched worth, leaving you no room for contemplation of life without him.
Sugar daddy Reiner embodies all that is charming and tender in the bedroom. His gentle caresses, paired with soft, delicate kisses, have you transfixed and yearning for more.
His firm grip, clasping your hand in a tight embrace as you begin to writhe, all the while his visage buried in the soft, supple flesh of your neck, sends shivers down your spine. Your cries of ecstasy, though unbidden, come naturally as he indulges himself, his thick cock plunging ever deeper within you.
Yet, as you writhe and twist under his affectionate ministrations, you cannot help but sense a hesitation. It is as though he holds back, unwilling to truly unleash the full force of his tremendous size upon your form.
Though you are no delicate flower, his robustness intimidates you, and he knows this all too well. With subtle hints, you have tried to coax him into letting go, but to no avail. His responses, each and every time, are a kiss and a whisper, professing his love and his reluctance to ever harm you.
Sugar Daddy Reiner often woke up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat, his body trembling with fear. His dreams were always vivid, haunting him with terrible images and sounds that he couldn't shake off. But the worst part was when he would claw at his own skin, as if trying to escape from some unseen monster, calling out your name in a piteous whimper.
Your heart ached seeing him like that, shattered and broken, and you wished you could take away all his pain.  But you couldn't. Not really. Because there were certain boundaries to your relationship with him; he was nothing more than a sugar daddy to you, not your boyfriend, not your husband.
You knew that his nightmares were a symptom of something deeper, something he wasn't willing to share with you, and it frustrated you to no end. 
Every time you attempted to address the issue of his nightmares, he would push you away, shutting himself off from you and asking you to leave. This was deeply frustrating because you longed for him to take that final step, to offer himself to you wholeheartedly, yet it seemed like he was hesitant to do so.
The emotional distance between the two of you became a source of constant worry, gnawing at you every time you were together.  Although Reiner's constant attention and generous gifts were appreciated, they never felt enough. You craved more than just material possessions, and it seemed like he was simply attempting to make up for the lack of intimacy with his lavish offerings.
Despite his efforts, you knew that this wasn't what you wanted. You wanted the real Reiner, flaws and quirks included, but the impenetrable wall that stood between you two seemed insurmountable. 
Reiner was intuitive enough to notice that something was amiss. He bombarded you with incessant texts and calls, making you anxious and overwhelmed. You knew that avoiding him forever wasn't a solution, so you tried to force yourself to face him every time he asked to see you. But it was always the same routine— the half-hearted touches, the strained smiles, the promises that never materialized, and it only added to your growing frustration.
  Every time you came up with an excuse to decline his invitation, his voice carried an underlying sadness that further fueled your sense of inadequacy. You wanted nothing more than to give him what he asked for, to show him how much he meant to you, but somehow you could never muster up the courage to do it. You remained stuck in a self-imposed trap of disappointment, struggling to find a way out.
Sugar Daddy Reiner was a man who had it all—the money, the power, the influence. But all of it seemed meaningless in the face of losing you, his heart's greatest desire. As he lay awake at night (for the first day without you) , he could feel his heart tearing apart at the thought of you leaving him.
He knew deep down that all you wanted was for him to let down his guard and reveal the man he truly was beneath the polished exterior.  But Reiner was trapped in the grip of his insecurities, unable to break free of the gnawing doubts and incessant anxieties that consumed him. Every time he tried to reach out to you, you always avoided him, leaving him feeling even more isolated and alone.
It was like a vicious cycle, with his fear driving him deeper and deeper into despair.  The more he pushed you away, the more desperate he became to hold onto you. He would try to catch glimpses of you whenever he could, stalking your social media profiles, driving past your apartment building, and sending you messages that he knew you'd take hours to respond.
  It was a frenzied haze of emotion that he found himself caught in—the urge to be close to you, to hold onto you tightly, to never let go. And yet, he felt powerless to stop himself from spiraling out of control.  In a moment of clarity, he found himself walking down the quiet street towards the quaint little cafe where you worked.
He knew that this was his last chance to save what little was left of his shattered heart. He knew that if he could just speak to you, really speak to you, and lay all his cards on the table, he might just be able to salvage something from the wreckage.
Sugar Daddy Reiner, a man of poise and prestige, appeared as if he had been through the wringer. His normally impeccable hair was disheveled and unkempt, resembling a bird's nest perched atop his head.
His eyes, typically radiant with care, now appeared to be exhausted, surrounded by a pair of dark circles that bespoke an underlying burden. It was apparent that something had upended the self-assured and unwavering Reiner, a sight so unfamiliar that it nearly shattered his identity.  
As he approached you, his hands trembled with an unease that seemed palpable, begging for reassurance. His throaty murmur was barely audible over the rustling leaves and soft swish of grass, "Can I talk to you for a moment?" You saw him, then—vulnerable, in pain, his once mighty demeanor wavering in a quiver.
Without a second thought, you grasped his hand, silently reassuring him with your presence and comforting words. The tenseness in his frame slowly began to ease as you tightened your embrace. The closeness between the two of you sparked something more intense than a simple attraction.
  After a moment of shared embrace, Reiner spoke, "Are you done with me?" You could sense the despair lurking behind his question. Your heart wrenched with empathy. Shaking your head vehemently, you could see his grasp on reality starting to fade, fearing the loss of another loved one. You gently spoke,
"No, I am not done with you. I could never be." The declaration eased his trepidation for the moment, but the angst in his eyes was apparent. He spoke again, his hands shaking with uncertainty, "Then why have you been avoiding me?"
   At his inquiry, you swallowed your emotions and thought about how best to answer him. After a deep breath, you expressed, "I want more of you. Not just the physical, but the entire package. I want to know what inspires you, what moves you, your hopes, your dreams." He went silent for a moment, his eyes now glued to the ground, weighed down with heavy contemplation.
Then, he raised his head and spoke in a raspy, earnest voice, "I want more too." He took a deep breath before continuing, his words shaky, "I'll give you anything, anything you want. Just stay with me."
Tears began to trickle down his cheek as he clutched onto your uniform, a wave of anguish over the possibility of losing another. It was an act of vulnerability, rare for a man who was usually impenetrable, but one that showed you how much he genuinely cared for you.
Sugar daddy Reiner who showered you with lavish clothes and all sorts of gifts that night, leaving your heart racing and your hands trembling. The excitement didn't stop there, though, as he whisked you off to his penthouse apartment and proceeded to ravage your body with his rough and unrelenting thrusts, finally letting go all sense of hesitation. 
You moaned and writhed beneath him, unable to resist his masculine charms as he explored every inch of your body. He whispered sweet nothings into your ear, grunting out words of love and affection that left you dizzy with desire.
  When it was over, he held you tightly, unwilling to let you go. You could feel the warmth of his breath on your neck as he whispered promises of forever, his words echoing in your mind as you drifted off to sleep in his strong embrace.
Reiner, who once was just a sugar daddy to you, is now your beloved boyfriend, and you couldn't even imagine a future without him by your side.
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ackrmvvn-levi · 1 year
I couldn’t hold back || J.K.
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Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: Mentions of death, bad language
“The name of that good friend of yours, that one you told me about. Oh right, it’s Marco.”
Your eyes bored into the bowl of stew held in your hands, doing your best to remain calm through this conversation.
“You said Annie was involved in his death, didn’t you?”
You didn’t need to look over at Jean to know he was scowling. Marco’s death had taken a toll on both of you, finding out Annie was involved was even harder.
“Have you asked about it yet? The truth behind his death.”
Your head flashed up, eyes snapping between Yelena and Annie quickly. You hadn’t, truthfully, You didn’t think Jean had either. Up until now, you weren’t sure you really wanted to know. The point of it was Marco was dead, you didn’t need to know the details.
“I took off Marco’s ODM gear.” Annie spoke before anyone could inquire more information. “That’s why a titan ate-“ Reiner cut her off.
“Annie was only following my orders.”
The anger in your chest burned, bubbling under the surface. You could’ve assumed he’d have something to do with it as well, but hearing the words come out of his mouth was a different experience entirely.
“Marco overheard a secret conversation I had with Bertholdt. In fear of our cover being blown, I thought the best way to silence him was to have a titan kill him. I slammed Marco into a roof while in the air. And while I held him down, I had Annie take off his ODM gear. Marco was stuck there until a titan ate him.”
It was deathly quiet as Reiner finished, no one quite able to believe what they were hearing. You felt sick, you were furious. You couldn’t bring yourself to look back at either of them, knowing what they’d done to Marco.
“Did Marco say anything at the very end?” Jean spoke up, eyes trained at the fire in front of him. His tone was hard, cold, his body language seemed stiff, almost like a wall.
“He asked why I wasn’t willing to talk to him.” You looked towards him then, meeting Reiner’s eyes for the first time in years. There was nothing but pure regret in them, and it made something twist deep within your stomach.
“I think that question still applies. We hardly tried to talk, we all just kept fighting, assuming it had to be to the death,” You said finally. Your gaze fell back onto your stew as if suddenly uninterested, unable to maintain eye contact.
“I stood and watched the titan as it devoured Marco and then a switch flipped and I couldn’t figure out why it was happening. I just snapped. I flew into a rage, hellbent on avenging Marco. I cut down the titan myself.”
Your grip on the bowl tightened, your body stiffening at Reiner’s words. Anger fired up again in your blood, fueling a burning sensation behind your eyes that made you want to scream.
“We get it, Reiner. You feel guilty and it screwed with your head,” you snapped, your fingers digging further into the bowl, your glare focused only on the blonde man across from you.
“Don’t forgive me. I’m truly worthless.”
It was silent for another few seconds, Reiner’s eyes refusing to meet yours, but the tension was thick. You were on the verge of exploding when he spoke again.
“I’m sorry.”
You were moving in an instant, your half empty bowl of stew thrown to the side, your body moving towards Reiner before you could even register it.
“Y/N!” Hange’s yell fell on deaf ears as you lunged forward, tackling Reiner to his back. You barely registered your fists connecting to his face, your mind buzzing, eyes seeing red.
He made no move to fight back, your hits only stopping when Mikasa grabbed your wrist. “Stop!” You looked over your shoulder, sending a harsh glare up at the girl before yanking your arm out of her grasp.
“Listen to me, Reiner,” you spoke, turning back on the man under you in a flash, your hand roughly grabbing his shirt to force him to look at you.
“You lied to me, for years. You made me fall in love with you and then broke my heart in the worst way possible. You killed how many innocent people? How many scouts? People I knew, people I cared about. And now I can add Marco to that list. My best friend! Now, you’re gonna sit there and try to apologize? After everything you put me through?! I’ll act civil until we stop Eren. But after that, if I ever see your face again, I’ll fucking kill you,” you growled, glaring into Reiner’s eyes, a level of anger you’d never felt before flowing through your veins.
His eyes widened slightly, as he processed what you had just said. The rage inside of you was something you didn’t know how to handle. The need to hurt Reiner overwhelmed everything else, even logic. It was like an instinct. One you could hardly deny.
But you released him, standing and stalking off from the group, ignoring the calls of your name as you did. You needed time alone to process all this. To calm down. Time away from Reiner and the constant reminder of all those you had lost because of his actions.
You hadn’t noticed the footsteps following closely behind you, not until you heard the familiar voice cut into the silence.
“You got him pretty good.” Jean’s tone held a bit of amusement, but there was concern hidden beneath his words. You knew Jean well, if you hadn’t blown up on Reiner, it was likely he would’ve. He cared about Marco just as much as you did, you knew he was angry too. He had just gotten better at masking it.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like that.” You turned to meet his gaze, his eyes soft, his expression kind. He was worried about you.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been that angry,” you replied, shrugging lightly. “I know I probably shouldn’t have done that, but I couldn’t stop myself. I’ve wanted to see him again for so long, just to yell at him. But hearing him talk about Marco, I couldn’t hold back.”
Jean nodded thoughtfully, running a hand though his hair. His gaze wandered towards the ground as he thought. Then he looked back at you. “I thought it was hot, honestly, but that’s just me.”
You met his eyes again, a second passing before a small laugh left your lips. You grinned at each other for a moment before breaking out into laughter together.
The laughter soon died down, Jean’s arms moving to pull you into his chest. You sighed into his body, melting into him as you dug my face into his shoulder. Your heart calmed itself, settling against the comforting warmth of Jean.
“Are you alright?” Jean asked softly. You could feel his breath ghost across your head as he spoke. “Yeah, I think I am. Just exhausted, honestly.”
As Jean pulled back to check on me, you smiled weakly, his fingers reaching up to push back some stray hairs around your face. He leaned forward, pressing his forehead against yours. Your hands moved automatically to rest on his waist and you felt his hands cup your cheeks gently as he closed the distance between you.
Our kiss was light, yet filled with emotion. You could sense the sincerity of it, in the way Jean held you tightly and pressed himself closer. Our lips were moving rhythmically, your breaths mingling together. His thumbs stroked circles over your cheeks, soothing your nerves. You relaxed further into his touch, sinking deeper into his embrace and basking in the moment.
When you finally pulled apart, your bodies remained close, both unwilling to let go. Your cheek rested gently on his shoulder, holding him tight. He ran a hand lightly up and down your back, his touch reassuring.
“Thank you. For being here, with me.” Your voice was slightly muffled, still pressed against his body.
“Of course. Always.” His arms wrapped tighter around you. I could hear his heartbeat slowly starting to steady, his breathing calming once more.
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lovelywritinglady · 10 days
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Strangers (Part.2)
Reiner Braun xfem!reader
Three years later and you finally meet him again. But this time as strangers. Will you reconcile?
Angst, mentions of trauma and death. Reiner has low self worth. Talk of suicide, blood, and violence. Fluff, happy ending…
Reiner’s Pov
It’s been three years to the day since the day I lost her. Every moment I’ve spent has been filled with memories of her. Her scent, touch, and voice fill me with sadness and regret. I need to see her, but she’s so far from me now. The future is so unpredictable now and war has been upon Marley for some time. I wonder what’s she’s doing. What she looks like now and how beautiful she’s gotten.
I stared at the sea, the very one that separates us. Wishing she were here to see what I see. Wishing I were holding her hand here, making her laugh, telling her jokes. But I’m not, and she’s not here. I’m scared I’ll never be able to see her again or hear her sweet voice calling my name.
“Damn it all.” I sighed breathing in the salty sea air. I was trying not to think of her anymore as I could feel tears beginning creep.
I began walking along the docs admiring the markets and people around me. I had no where in particular to go as it was my day off, which was rare. There were so many people out today and I found myself accidentally bumping into a few. My head was fuzzy as I tried to push my emotions back once more. I wasn’t looking where I was going this time and bumped into someone and made them fall to the ground. My thoughts came back to me and I focused on the person I accidentally shoved.
“I’m so sorry are you okay.” I said frantically not looking at their face still. I grabbed their hand as I pulled them up. I locked eyes with them and suddenly the whole world stopped. The very air from my lungs had left me and the tears that I was trying so desperately to hold back were starting to fall. As the very person I have needed, loved, and desired was right in front of me and I had just bumped into her.
Your pov
One hour earlier…
We finally docked onto Marley dressed as ordinary people because if even one person caught wind that there were enemies on this island, then all hell would break loose. Truthfully, the only reason we were here was to see the other side of the sea. For me, I came to see him. I needed to, my whole body craved it. I hate him, at least I think I do. I love him, but I know that I shouldn’t. Or should I?
Once we left the boat, we were each given time to explore. Levi instructed us to all meet by the woods by sundown as that’s where we’d be staying. He also suggested to go in pairs, but I was on a mission, one more important than anything else. I needed answers and I needed them from him. One hour later I somehow made it to a market filled with people and things I’d never seen before.
“Damn it all.” I sighed walking through a large crowd.
Despite my mission, I was simply awestruck by these people. Many of different faces than I had seen on my island. They were beautiful and it felt nice seeing so many happy people together. I thought about him walking through these very streets. Had he come here often? Was he even interested in markets? What was he doing now? All of those thought plagued my mine and made me feel hazy. Something shiny caught my eye and I turned to look at it from a distance. However, much to my bad luck, I wasn’t paying attention and got thrown off my feet by what felt like a ox.
“Ouch.” I whispered feeling the wind leaving my lungs slightly.
“I’m so sorry are you okay?” The rather familiar voice spoke out in concern.
And just as I was about to respond the figure grabbed my hand and began pulling me to my feet. Once I was balanced, I looked up. Shock waves shot through my body as the very persons I had sought out was right in front of me. The person I loved more than anything was right in front of me more handsome than he was when I lost him…
Reiner pov
“Y/n.” I whispered. “Are you real?” I asked not truly believing the breathtaking sight in front of me.
“I hope so.” She responded giving me a smile.
“Hi.” I said awkwardly 
“Hi.” She whispered
“How… how are you?” I asked her after a few moments of simply staring at the woman I loved.
“Relieved.” She replied as a year left her eye.
“Me too.” I admitted. “Y/n, you’re so beautiful.” I whispered breathlessly losing myself in her magical eyes.
“Thank you.” She whimpered as more tears left her.
“Here, please.” I told her as I reached into my coat pocket, taking out a clean handkerchief and handing it to her. As I did, our hands brushed slightly making me let go of a breath that I didn’t even realize I was holding.
“Oh thank you.” She said quickly as she wiped her tears.
“Wanna go somewhere more private?” I asked her hoping she’d say yes.
“Yeah, as long as you don’t try anything mister.” Y/n joked chuckling a bit as I laughed too.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you.” I joked back.
“I hope so.” She spoke in a hushed whisper and I could tell she meant to say that to herself so I didn’t respond back.
“I have a good spot on the beach that should be pretty private.” I told her.
“Do you take all of your girls there?” She joked nudging my shoulder slightly. I missed this. I missed her. I just hope that I can find the perfect words to say to her.
“Nah, just you.” I replied seriously looking at her for a moment as we walked side my side to the beach.
“Good.” She smiled
After a few moments of walking and small talk, we made it to my spot. I helped her down to this small cave that most locals didn’t bother going to as it wasn’t as exciting as the rest of Marley. It was a peaceful little cave that was about 6 feet wide and 10 feet long. At the very end of it, you could see the water rising and falling. The sounds of the waves crashing echoed through the spot making a private conversation possible.
“It’s beautiful here. Good spot there Reiner.” She complimented looking around the sea cave. “As beautiful as it is, I need to speak to you about not so pretty things. But I think you know that.” She told me seriously looking straight into my eyes.
“I agree. What do you want to speak about. I promise to tell you anything you’d like to know.” I reassured her.
“Who are you?” She asked simply.
No one’s pov
“My name is Reiner Braun. I’m a warrior of Marley and I’m the holder of the armored titan.” Reiner replied seriously as he stood to the wall of the cave.
“Is see. Who else are you?” You questioned him trying to assess him.
Reiner stilled for a moment trying to decipher the right words to say and what you meant in that very moment.
‘Who am I?’ Reiner thought to himself
The two of you sat in silence for what felt like an eternity, but was really just a few minutes. Reiner had forced himself into an internal conflict with himself at your question. He hasn’t really given who he really was much thought for a long time. He thought he knew, he thought that after the battle at Wall Maria, that he knew who he was. However, with you standing right in front of him after so many years apart, he began questioning everything once again. He took a deep breath letting the salty sea air fill his lungs. He then looked into your eyes giving you a pained, but loving look as the words he needed finally came to him.
“Y/n… I’m not just Reiner Braun, Warrior of Marley. I’m also…” Reiner paused for a moment. “I’m also a man so desperately and completely still and utterly in love with the woman who stands in front of me. And with everything that I have and everything that I am. I’m so sorry for everything that I put you through on your island. For every death, every shitty memory you have because of me, for all of the people I’ve hurt. All I want is to die because of it I know I deserve to suffer for all f the shit I pot you and everyone else through. But I’m not sorry for falling in love with you. For wanting to be with you and for all of the years that I’ve spent missing you.” Reiner admitted as he began sobbing at all of the memories that he had.
“Reiner…” you sighed fresh tears beginning to spill. You couldn’t think of what to say as the confession that you wanted to hear but weren’t sure you are going to receive was just announced by him.
All you could do in that very moment was warp yourself around him. All you could think was to hold him. Your anger was overlooked my your intense love for this man, for Reiner Braun. You held him so tightly against you not wanting to let him slip away once again. You felt him stiffen slightly but hold you just as tightly. You felt him nuzzle into your hair.
“Oh Y/n, baby, I’m so sorry. I love you.” He spoke desperately feeling free that he was able to tell you the words he’s been waiting years to finally say once more.
“I missed you.” You admitted feeling anxious about saying it back but knowing you needed to. You turned your head up looking into his honey colored eyes and finally spoke the words that you were needing to say. “I love you too. I never stopped.” You told him still holding onto his muscular body.
“Good.” He whispered giving your forehead a affectionate kiss.
“You really hurt me though Reiner and despite the years apart, I’m still hurt.” You said feeling the pain you had felt for the last three years come back however a little less this time.
“I know, and I understand if it will take you time. Just know that I’ll wait as long as you want because you’re worth everything y/n.” Reiner says holding you against him once more.
“Thank you, I think I might have to go soon. But please let me stay here for a little while longer.” You pleated.
“Darling, you can stay here until time itself comes to an end.” Reiner spoke seriously
“Good, because I never want this feeling to end. And I promise you will see me again.” You said kissing his chest.
“I’m looking forward to it, Y/n…”
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Thank you so much for reading💜This is the last part of this. Although I might and a prequel to this short series about how these two met and how they feel in love.
Please click here to see what I’ll write for and HERE for my master list.
Please feel free to like, comment,follow, request, and reblog.
•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•
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