I'm editing past chapters right now instead of making the next chapter. I should be writing the next chapter of Game Face, and yet...
Can anyone tell I'm a procrastinator?
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Did you guys know Wattpad did rankings on stories? I didn't but I was just looking at my stuff, as one does, and I noticed it.
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This is Reject Cast: Game Face's current rankings! Which is pretty cool all things considered, and surprisingly high, for the amount of stories in these categories.
Was this just an excuse to brag about my story rankings? Kind of, but I just found the feature neat and wanted to share.
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I want to write... but writing hard... I should just be able to shove my ideas into other peoples heads without effort
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I want to write about Rebecca's friendship with Jessica and Peggy SO BAD but I am also very tired and just want to nap. That being said, I feel like it's also important the children of the world know toxic friendships exist, and sometimes you are manipulated into being kind of a bad person. And that's okay, as long as you change, you're not a terrible person. You're just having a First Time On Earth experience, and it's okay, everyone does.
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Reject Cast: Game Face | Chapter 3: He Has Courage (4/10)
Lemao's finally free from the grips of middle school. Her label as a reject not as daunting anymore. She's moving onto a new challenge: Surviving high school. But this time she's on her own, no friends in sight. The silver lining this time? She's prepared.
Or, she was, until a group of boys find their way into her life. Not leaving despite the dangers Lemao's current life possesses. She's eager to keep them around as much as she's eager to shoo them away. In the end, what will she do?
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This isn’t a shipping thing I just thought it’d be funny with them
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Realizing now I put the wrong thing on the first caption when I did this last night. However I'm lazy so I'll only tell you it's supposed to be "WE'RE" and not "THEY'RE"
Anyways they make me mentally ill
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Made a playlist for Reject Cast: Game Face! Link for Youtube Link for Spotify
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Ram Rowling
Meet the popular kids enforcer! Ram Rowling!
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What's His Deal?
Ram is Jessica and Peggy's enforcer labeled by many in the school as the stereotypical bully and he wears that label with pride. He's a meathead who spends any and all hours he can at the gym with his football companions. And while the coaches aren't stupid enough to make him the lead of the football team, he still has some sort of reign over the football team so they often do what he says without question. He's short tempered and oblivious to most things that don't matter to him. If you're a reject watch out, because there is no way he'll grant you mercy as he lacks empathy for those not in his immediate social circle. Those he is close to label him as Jessica's number 1 believer as he never questions her demands or her ideas, stubborn to anyone who would oppose her.
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Important Side Characters:
See if I can keep this short! The side characters that matter to the story! Starting off with Christy!
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Former popular girl and Chrissy’s cousin. She was rivaling Jessica’s popularity and control before a rumor started that she was in love with a reject. After realizing she didn't care about her popularity she faded into the background trying to live a peaceful high school life with her girlfriend. ‖↛ Enjoys doing hair ‖↛ Adamant coffee enjoyer ‖↛ Stubborn ‖↛ Skeptical ‖↛ Confident ‖↛ Strong sense of justice ‖↛ Enjoys a good mystery
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Christy’s girlfriend, Nia, is a nerd through and through. With people believing that she at one point was a reject. She doesn't seem phased by it though. Taking the rumors with grace and living her best life. She stays out of trouble for Christy's sake, but if she had it her way she'd make sure everyone knew how toxic the popular kids are. ‖↛ Loves scary movies ‖↛ Plays the flute ‖↛ In Marching Band ‖↛ Skeptical ‖↛ Confident ‖↛ Understanding ‖↛ Strong sense of empathy
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Kurt Walker
Kurt is "Ram's best friend" since middle school. Being made to join the same football team by his dad Ram's been at his hip ever since. He often tries to redirect Ram from bullying the reject cast, even if he doesn't always succeed. Some say the only reason Ram is popular is because of Kurt but no one is stupid enough to ask if that's true. ‖↛ Sweet & Timid (not a push-over though) ‖↛ Bit of hopeless romantic ‖↛ Enjoys cartoons ‖↛ Loves Football(American) ‖↛ Loves to surf ‖↛ Sucker for those TV Soap-Operas ‖↛ Monster (the drink) lover ‖↛ Protective
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An old friend of Rebecca's from middle school. He moved to Pennsylvania but kept in touch with a lot of old friends from his home town. ‖↛ Pun lover ‖↛ Gamer nerd ‖↛ Tech wizRobotics team leader at his current school ‖↛ Strong sense of justice ‖↛ Strong sense of empathy ‖↛ Skeptical ‖↛ Level headed
If you're seeing this, thanks so much for reading about them! I promise it's not gonna be just name drops with these guys, so if you're excited to see them, do check out my stories!
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Welcome! This is the Reject Cast Series!
This is the master post of all Reject Cast Content. More will, of course, be added as I make more things. (Main Blog: @dakotafinely)
The Main Cast: ╰─▸Lemao ╰─▸Isaac ╰─▸Ethan ╰─▸Tantum ╰─▸Dajuan ╰─▸Rebecca The Extras: ╰─▸Antagonists ╰─▸Important Side Characters
Books I've Made: ╰─▸Reject Cast | Book One (Unpublished WIP) Short Stories: ╰─▸Reject Cast: Game Face
Extra Content For The Content Gods: ╰─▸The Tiktok Channel ╰─▸Reject Cast: Game Face - Playlist: (Youtube) | (Spotify) ╰─▸Reject Cast | Book One - Playlist: (Youtube) | (Spotify) ╰─▸Uquiz: Which Reject Cast Character Are You?
•The picrew I've used for all the pictures is by @potato-lord-but-not• TAGGING SYSTEM: • All Posts: #rejectcast #reject cast #reject cast series • Characters: #firstname #first & last name (ex. #john #john doe) • Groups: #main cast #important side characters #importantsidecharacters #antagonists • Stories: #my writing #creative writing #original work • Artwork: #my original art #dakotafinely art #rejectcastart #tiktok #tik tok • Asks: #ask #thanks for the ask! #rejectcastask #creator speaks
↠Have fun scrolling! Feel free to ask me anything!↞
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Chrissy Douglass
Everybody say heyyyyy to our last antagonist, Chrissy!
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What's Her Deal?
Chrissy's never been the highest on the totem pole of popularity. Often forgotten amongst her fellow popular peers when people think of them. However that doesn't stop Chrissy from trying anything and everything to achieve popularity from trying to create her own TikTok fame to inserting herself in every picture with her popular friends. Chrissy refuses to be forgotten and tries to take Rebecca's place in their circle of friends after she's been booted. Many consider her to be a pick-me girl and think she's too stubborn and oblivious about how she comes across. She chooses to be ignorant about most things going on in the world except her own personal bubble. Some even say she's just a rumor chaser and tries to start any gossip she can get her hands on. Yet Jessica and Peggy keep her around and let her ride off the little popularity she can get with them.
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Ethan Kovac!
Say hello to what the reject world knows as the second in command of the rejects! Ethan!
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What's His Backstory?
Like Isaac, Ethan had moved from New York during the summer. He's father hoping to give him a brand new start for freshman year. He planned to cause as much trouble in Creek Hill as he had any other school until he met Lemao and the others. Quickly embracing the life of a reject for the few people in the world he cared for.
What's He Like?
Ethan's a skeptic of many things and is slow to trust others that aren't in his immediate friend circle. He's a bit cynical and sometimes a bit smug about it but it's usually with justification. Ethan is very witty and tends to pick on others to show affection but will tone it down when it's necessary. He's is, of course, very protective of those he does trust. Adding a necessary balance to the groups dynamics.
More About Him:
Ethan's full name is Ethan Ivan Kovac
When he first appears he's 5'4 but by junior year he's grown a full 5'10
Ethan is an only child of divorced parents
He lives with his dad as he never remarried and he is estranged from his mother as she left when he was very young
His birthday lands on 10/13/01 making him 17 by junior year
Fun Facts!
He loves comics, movies and manga, mostly anything Marvel and DC he can get his hands on, some of his favorite manga and anime's are My Hero Academia, One Piece, Bleach, and Yugioh
Ethan is a Monster drink lover, though any energy drink will do in a pinch for him to get through the day, monsters are defiantly his favorite
He's an insomniac, a common sleep disorder. With insomnia, you may have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting good quality sleep.
He's half Croatian on his father's side, his dad actually moved to America from Croatia, so Ethan has a slight accent when speaks
Ethan can actually speak Croatian fluently since his father taught him and it's the language they typically speak at home
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I just wanted an excuse to talk about the Thunder Saga and the Reject Cast, sue me
(also yes ik in America the school year is over just suspend your disbelief here okay?)
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Our Antagonist List!
Well, we've made it through our list of main characters. Now to answer the next question: Who will be our antagonists? That being answered here of course!
Jessica Stevens
Peggy Hopkins
Ram Rowling
Chrissy Douglass
Here's the whole list of links that will show you who our main characters will have to face through out the story!
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Dajuan Lee!
Here he is at last! My boy Dajuan!
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What's His Backstory?
Dajuan was a former popular kid who never quite wanted to acknowledge his popularity. Which just added to it as a down-to-earth, relaxed person anyone could hang out with. So his downfall? Well, no ones quite sure why Dajuan started hanging out with the likes of Lemao and the others. Some say he hides a dark secret and is using the rejects as a cover up to it. Others say it was just an accident and one day, when Dajuan may come to his senses, he'll be a popular kid once again.
What's He Like?
Dajuan's considered to be level-head amongst the group. Still as down-to-earth and chill as he was when he was popular. The others consider him to be the most logical of the group due to those few characteristics. He also tends to be fairly trusting and empathetic to new comers of the rejects. Understanding them on a level the others don't always tend to. But it's mostly his intuition about people that makes him a great addition to the group.
More About Him:
Dajuan's full name is Dajuan Xavier Lee
Dajuan doesn't grow between freshman to junior year, staying at 5'6 throughout the series
He's an only child and lives not only with his mom and dad, but also his aunt and her partner, all of them sharing a house together
He adores and loves his family just as much as they adore and love him
Dajuan's birthday is 09/25/01 making him 17 by his junior year
Fun Facts!
Dajuan enjoys sweets specifically ice cream or frozen treats are a great bribe for him! Otherwise any kind of chocolate bar will do
He enjoys puzzle games anything that gets his gears turning his excited to play. Some of his favorite types of games to play are usually word association games
He enjoys kick boxing though he's never done it before, it's defiantly a sport he likes to keep up with and if ever given the chance, one he'd be ecstatic about learning
Dajuan plays the Trumpet in band an instrument he's been playing since he entered middle school and will probably continue learning even once he graduates high school
He's in marching band, something he's worked very hard to get into and is very proud of achieving
Dajuan's a coffee lover and enjoys his coffee cold, ice coffee is a delight he enjoys having and will often try and pick up if he's going out anywhere
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