princebenvi · 1 year
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trent + laura, circa 2017. a discovery and the important conversation that follows.
pt. 1
trent crimm is trying to finish this damn article, but if he has to write another word about george cartrick he's going to scream. he tries to get some words out about the latest on-pitch fight that broke out between the prodigal son, jamie tartt, and the old legend, roy kent- at least that's interesting.
he types some nonsense words and then repeatedly hits the backspace key for a few moments more, before ultimately taking his glasses off and calling it a night. he rubs his eyes for a few seconds, when his wife calls for him from the bathroom down the hall.
"yes, love?"
he stands from his spot on the couch, stretches and begins to walk down the hall to his wife.
the door to the bathroom swings open, and she stands in the doorway, looking at him, eyes wide and breathing heavy.
he searches her with his eyes, trying to assess the source of her distress. she lifts her hand up, holding-
holding a pregnancy test.
a positive pregnancy test.
"good 'oh' or bad 'oh'?" she tilts her head and gestures with the stick in her hand.
"just. a surprised 'oh', i suppose."
surprise was the closest word to what trent was thinking, but really didnt tackle the depth of his feelings. he and laura weren't 20 years old anymore and trent supposed that conceiving was more or less out of the question. not to mention there weren't many opportunities for them to have conceived as it were. they didn't have a lot of sex to start, and the frequency has only decreased over the years. trent was, of course, fine with this, and laura hadn't expressed any disappointment.
"we should... we should talk about this. discuss, erm. how we want to proceed." trent says, nodding, and he turns and walks to their couch, making a space for them both to sit.
she sits down between his legs and leans into his chest. he holds her close. they often ended up sitting like this. while trent often had difficulty mustering up the motivation for whats expected of couples, other forms of intimacy weren't difficult at all. he loves holding laura in his arms after a long day at work. he loves feeling the weight of her on his body, loves the smell of her shampoo that remained in the evenings when she takes her ponytail down from that morning. he loves her. he loves her.
trent can't deny his nerves. he cant deny that he's terrified of ending up like his father- emotionally distant and dismissive- but there is a part of him that. that's really excited for this. a chance for him to give a child what he didnt have.
if you liked this please consider supporting my top surgery journey !
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onward--upward · 6 months
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angelslant · 1 year
feeling a bit weird recently bc ever since i started presenting as like mainly masculine then people have been significantly less likely to be attracted to me (or at least be open about it) and it just kinda sucks a little bit bc i feel way better and more attractive now to myself but its weird knowing people liked me a lot more when i was feminine/androgynous
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partygore · 2 years
oh to be a gay european man and have a loving boyfriend and call eachother things like dear and beloved and dance in the rain and moonlight and wear long sweeping cloaks and use fancy language and hold hands in that fancy way you guys know what im talking about
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only--thoughts · 25 days
“ e no final quem mais dizia“Eu te amo” foi quem menos amou, e quem mais se “silenciou” foi quem se mostrou quem mais amava…”
“Mesmo depois de tudo, quem mais disse amar, hoje se diz estar feliz com a escolha de um término, e quem menos pronunciou um “Eu te amo” é o que mais sofreu com a sua perda e sua ausência…”
“ você era tudo que eu queria e então, eu nunca mais te vi, seja lá onde quer que você esteja, eu posso dizer que ninguém mais poderia te dar o amor que compartilhamos, eu sei que não esquecerei o amor que tivemos”
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psycguypeterson · 7 months
The Complexity of Romance: Beyond Emotions to Biological Imperatives
Romantic relationships, historically framed within the realm of emotional landscapes, have evolved in our understanding thanks to advances in brain imaging. Contrary to past beliefs, recent studies suggest that the core of romantic love might reside less in the emotional cortex and more within the brainstem and paralimbic systems. This groundbreaking insight suggests that love transcends mere…
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joelsbeard · 5 days
Sarah and Ellie as biological sisters ❤️ part 2
Although sarah and ellie definitely have a relationhsip better thnan most sisters, would sarah really be an older sister if she didnt tease ellie? one time when sarah is 9 or 10 and ellie is 3-4, sarah keeps calling her a stinky baby and ellie's yelling at the top of her lungs going "I'M NOT A STINKY BABYYY😭😭😡!" poor baby was so upset she had to run to joel, and is like "daddy i'm not a stinky baby 😭😭" and she had to be carried around for the next 2 hours by him. He's like "sarah don't call your sister that" and sarah's like "but she is 😈" at this point ellie is just wailing. You walk in to sarah pouting in time out and joel nearby in another room holding ellie in his arms while she's saying "daddy I'm not a stinky baby :(" and he goes "I know you're not, sweet girl, sarah's just teasing you but she's not being very nice". And you’re like “??? what happened here?” And joel says “sarah was buggin ellie and made her upset bc she kept calling her a stinky baby-” and ellie starts whining again and kicking her little legs and the tears almost start back up again “i’m not!!!” and joel’s like “i know baby, sarah wasn’t being nice” and kisses his baby on the forehead, he glances up at you and goes “looks like we’re still a little sensitive about that word 😬” and you’re like “aww it’s okay my love, i think you smell so yummy, mommy could eat you!!” and you pick her up from joel’s arms and you pretend to munch on her little chubby cheeks and then cover her face in kisses until she’s laughing. Sarah isn't typically that annoying with her though, she just decides to be a menace on occasion lol.
One day you hear sarah and baby ellie giggling and you look up from what you're doing to see ellie getting pushed around in sarah's little doll stroller 🥺you ofc take a picture and send it to joel while he’s at work, he almost cries when he sees it bc his babies are so cute.
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mmyashas · 8 months
missa singlehandedly figured out doied isnt roier (kind of) i could make a really nice comment of qmissa and qroiers relationhsip But i wonr :-)
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ryuichirou · 4 months
Happy weekend! Today I’m replying to things that you wrote regarding this post <3
characharing asked:
you can desensitize Idia of being called by other name by cheering for premo while fucking him. after being called by the name of all the singers, what's being called jamil or riddle as well
True true, but then you would face another possible risk: Idia would think “damn I want to listen to them rn” and just ditch his partner to rewatch his favourite concert of theirs. Sex is great, but Premo is otherworldly. Idia has his priorities.
Anonymous asked:
Ooohh, the boys are seething and heart-broken, there's no better sound than the shattering of fragile young egos! I'm glad that the question was a fun one, these headcanons are all perfect. Cruelty aside, it's really interesting to see how unique their relationhsips are with one another. I was thinking about this ask the other day and I started joking that the reaction for all of them would end up being like "Oh it's ok, one time I called prof. Trein mom, now that's really embarassing!". Also, is Sebek discovering a new kink? Between the "father" thing and his enthusiasm at the idea of breeding Malleus, I'm keeping an eye on him...
Thank you, Anon! I am very happy you liked the headcanons, it was very interesting to think about this one. Yeah, the shattering of fragile young egos and the bitter sweetness of young hearts’ tears… such beauty <3
But imagine calling Trein mom…!! I remember a comic one artist drew about Deuce calling Trey mom, but with prof. Trein it’s even better lol I wouldn’t be surprised if all of them did that at some point.
I feel like Sebek is constantly on the verge of discovering all kinds of kinks lol And the fact that he is very opposed to all of them make him react even stronger: his body would react before his brain even realises what he’s just heard. Not sure if this is going to end up becoming a kink, but he definitely would feel interesting sensations…
eh-nonnie-mouse asked:
Your hc's (the calling lover by diff names specifically) are all so on point. But the ones that had me giggling are freaking Sebek and Malleus. There is just something so shouty about Sebek that makes me wanna put him in a jar and shake him (like Idia but less loving).
Silver calling out for Lilia with Sebek, does the boy even get a chance? Sure if he's with Malleus, that's one thing. But Idia too?! Every man he sticks his dick into has a certain someone else on the brain. It must mess with his ego a little to be compared to someone else he clearly looks up to. (But also what if Lilia was the one who taught him how to top, hm? So his movements just feel too familiar. 😔)
And Malleus, that whole snip of interaction really shouldn't be as funny as I read it to be but I was cackling. You know that boy is calling down thunder and lightning *in the bedroom*. Not even hellfire can save you now. He would get that cold angry look, you know where it's just face calm but internally raging. I feel a little bad for doing this to them but....Sebek calling for Silver. Seven help them all, the betrayal of love (in like a 'I love you enough to assign you as my personal guard and switch in lover' if that makes sense) that Malleus has. Sure, Malleus is only playing with Sebek so if he (Mal) calls for someone else that's not as big as deal. But as a Prince and to be King? Naughty boy, Sebek shouldnt have let his thoughts stray.
Thank you so much for enjoying the post! I think you should put both Sebek and Idia in a jar and shake them together, it would be a joy.
Also you are so right, Sebek really is being haunted by Lilia’s presence no matter who he sleeps with! And Lilia doesn’t even sleep around all that much these days, I guess this is just Sebek’s poor luck…  But I really like the thought of Sebek just moving in a similar manner because of Lilia’s teachings because it really wouldn’t surprise me if Lilia was there for Sebek and Silver’s first time. Or even Sebek and Malleus’ first time, who knows, all those are possible scenarios lol
Oh but Malleus being called Silver… this is very dangerous!
Ironically though? With Malleus, Sebek has this weird immunity that could work in some situations. I think it’s not impossible for Malleus to be so shocked that Sebek of all people called him by some other name, that it would actually be amusing/funny in a weird way, but ONLY in specific situations and ONLY because this is Sebek of all people. And of course, it’s only possible if these two aren’t together-together but are just having sex.
I guess Sebek does have some luck after all..
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bigttsgoodheart · 2 months
Is my appetite loss/food repulsion caused by...?
A. My fucked up sleeping schedule
B. My summer depression
C. My unhealthy relationhsip with food
D. All of the above
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nacregames · 1 year
How would the Ros react if they were talking and moving their arms and MC came up behind them just in time to get smacked by Ro on accident lmao
askdasjdkdkas would highly depend on MC's reaction tbh, but let's say it was a hard smack...
Clay: "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU EVEN STAND THERE?!" *proceeds to baby MC and looks how bad the wound is*
Lei: immediately apologizes, gets them some ice, prepares something to drink and apologizes again. might kiss it okay regardless of the relationhsip shashjfsagf
Chal: feels guilty, but doesn't really show it; she falls silent in those moments. would get them some ice tho and say sorry
Mel: "*laughing* are you okay..? " wouldn't feel rly bad except MC was like...dying lol
Arrow: "Oh noooo! MC sorry!! Are you hurt!!" *proceeds to drag them behind him to either Chal or Lei, whoever is closest rly
Mercy: depends on their relationship; if romanced: p a n i c and apologizes like 10 times, if not: it's your own fault, stupid (only feels a litol bit bad; enough to get some ice, but not enough to apologize more than once)
Candy: "you fucking moron, what were you even doing there? shall i kiss it okay?" says silly things like 'booboo' but isn't overly concerned
MS Gab: a very dry and not at all apologetic sounding "sorry", tho she actually means it
Falito: "are you fucking kidding me?" doesn't even know how to respond lmao
Camus: same as Falito, tho he just stares at them
Polly: panics and tells MC to allow her to look at it; if it's nothing major she'll just tell them to get over it and that it was an accident lmao (it's actually funny how her mood changes once she's made sure they're okay)
Ara: oops, sorry hahaha
Mac: "are you alright??" kind of freezes up and just stands their while MC wallows in pain sahgafuhg but then it clicks and he gets them some ice
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Just had a thought how would mean Soap and mean König react with when gn uses the safe word?
Like I have a feeling that Soap would stop right away and make sure all is good but I really can’t tell for mean König:( a part of me thinks he would just get up an leave 
They would both stop when the safeword is used.
Soap would immediatley hold Frenchie and wrap them up in a tight hug. Then just like Frenchie did for Soap in part 2, he would just hold them and assure them and tell Frenchie to breathe. Soap would rub Frenchie's arms and back and when Frenchie felt alright again they would be able to talk through what happened and how to avoid it happening again. Then they'd spend the whole night cuddling and Soap would - by some miracle - stop himself from being a dick for the rest of the night.
König would never walk away. His relationhsip with newbie relies on the fact that Newbie trusts him (even if he does do very mean things sometimes). He'd make sure that they had something to drink, even if that did mean leaving them for a moment and would maybe be a bit more strict than comforting to start. He'd make them drink water or juice and have them take some deep breaths, if needed, and would wrap them in a blanket. Once he was sure Newbie was stable he'd take them into his lap and pile the pillows up in the corner so that he could lean against them and hold newbie. König's only mean when he knows Newbie can take it, he'd never want to do anything that would make them push him away.
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420technoblazeit · 2 years
i fuckign. wrote up a relationships hcart for c!aster and the entry for their relationship with sleep is FOUR PARAGRAPHS LONG. DO U SEE THIS. CONFLICTED RELATIONHSIP FR
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kissesjpeg · 1 year
Stranger things random learn to view bisexuality as a valid sexuality for your headcanons and not just a label you're forced to use because you can't explain away canon past relationhsips challenge Eddie munson edition (IMPOSSIBLE) (#THEYALWAYSFAIL) (NOT CLICKBAIT)
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astroyongie · 2 years
I know he has relationhsips like that but i don't know if he ever got blackmailed . I see that happening more with girls in my readings, although for NCT i am only remembering Mark for the moment having that problem as well as Yangyang
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burning-basil · 2 years
So me and @the-alistair-parable played frantic fanfic some time ago. and. well…
Red guy griiined under his beautiful yarn, kicked his and Ducks upside the head, knockng him out instantly.
Red guy had been waiting for this all dsy, he leaned forward to kiss duck on his sweet sweet duck lips as they met in a waltz and took it to the bed.
"oh red" duck whined. "you....you made the bed so well...and just for a nap... this is why i married you again after out seventh divorce:..:" they kisse
They made out for an hour, non-stop, on the perfectly made bed for napping. It was insane. Red even said as much.
"This is insane."
"Kill yourself," Duck said, then went back to kissing Red (like a beast).
"I want to take a nap now. This is boring," Red said, pushing Duck away from him. Duck gasped in outrage.
"I can't believe you just said you hated me and our relationhsip."
"I didn't say that," Red said, lying down and closing his eyes. 
"yes you did actually." duck said. "im going to brush your teeth. dont worry, ill save some for your breakfast tommorrow."
Red resisted the urge to punch him in the face as duck left to gonto the bathroom. he tucked himself into the bed and covered his entire face with the blanket, hoping duck wouldnt disturb him when he came back in.
t'was wishful thinking, unfortunately, as duck immediately beelined towards reds bed, pulling up the blanket so he could get under it snd letting out all the warm air. red groaned loudly.
"shut up" duck said lovingly, closing his ryes as he wrapped all his limb's sround red, legs included.
red decided to return the favour, hoping he would get a nightmare in the night snd asphyxiate duck by squeezing yo hard.
he sighed loudly, and let sleep take him.
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