#remember to tell your favorite creators you appreciate their work
franstastic-ideas · 8 months
The Pokemon fandom is ridiculously huge, and it often takes years for people to fall into niche circles and for those fans to start posting on their blogs, until then one is left poking around dead blogs trying to poke some life back into them bc at one point the OP cared about this topic and turns out, they still do! They just gave up from the silence of the void. It's also majorly teenagers everywhere. Very talented artists, great ideas, but Dear Lord Are They Opinionated. And nobody wants to feel shamed by a bunch of teenagers bc they're VERY strict on how someone should read characters and their relationships or darker topics/the villains/taxes (which are literally IN the game and spin-off series themselves) I mentioned taxes there bc I for the life of me cannot find that post talking about the men in black suit trying to collect taxes in ORAS. (I love ORAS it's so fun there is SO much going on. I'm very insane about Pokemon Lore across the first 3 Gen they're my playground. It all connects together, ALL OF IT. NPC dialogue my beloved.) All this to say, I am very happy to see someone just doing their thing online. I literally could care less what someone does but some people will burn you at the stake over it. Sending a bouquet of flowers to you and all your awesome mutuals. You've got an ally and future fan of your AU here for sure.
This unfortunately has been an ongoing issue, and not just in the Pokémon fandom either.
Many artists and writers have stated they practically have to beg for positive feedback on the works they've poured all their passion into, and more people have become entirely too comfortable being entitled and rude to creators.
I write the stories I want to read first and foremost, I am my target audience, but it truly can be disheartening when you've poured a countless amount of time and effort into an idea, and then receive either silence (likes are silence) or hatred.
And it is my deepest regret to inform you that it isn't just teenagers who are behaving this way.
I received harassment not long ago from someone in their twenties for shipping Volo with an aged up Akari. They demanded I pair him with a reader insert or OC instead, as though the protagonists aren't essentially player inserts or OCs with a preset design.
I refused to entertain their nonsense, they threw an even bigger tantrum in response, then I blocked them and happily continued to post about Wieldershipping.
On a lighter note, I was just speaking to a friend of mine the other day about Hikari/Akari being an adult woman in Sisterhood ("She does her Pokémon taxes"), and then we were saying how terrible it would be if not even the world of Pokémon were free from taxes.
It's been a few years since I've played ORAS, so the men in black demanding tax money slipped my mind. Now that it's been mentioned though, I have a vague memory of it being rent money they were trying to collect instead?
But thank you so much Talkative and Mysterious Anon for showing such interest in my ideas! I have plenty more.
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dontbelasagnax · 4 days
I find as fandom has assimilated towards a capitalist mindset of consumption, there has been a larger focus on fanart and fanfiction- both in spaces that view creatives as "content creators" and spaces where creatives are seen as writers and authors but lauded similarly to celebrities or deities for gracing the common people with their creations.
This has produced a side effect wherein fanart and, primarily, fanfiction are seen as the Best Forms Of Transformative Works... which means that any other type of transformative work is thrown by the wayside.
There should be no hierarchy of fanworks - every single work is a labor of love (or spite... I see y'all throwing middle fingers to canon 😉) and should be recognized as such. Fandom is a community. It's not a transactional relationship. Everyone contributes and interacts out of shared passions and interests.
If you make podfics, gifs, photo edits, fanvids, fan binding, metas, fiber arts, jewelry, fanmixes, translate fics to another language, run/contribute to a fan wikia or compile lore and resources in other ways: I see, appreciate, and cherish all the hard, love fueled work you put into your creations.
Not to say that fanfic and digital art are over-appreciated (Since I do see that many people are allergic to pressing reblog. It's a community. We're supposed to share and communicate. Lurkers are valid but for the most part, interaction with like-minded people is what fandom is intended for.) but the pedestal they are placed on needs to be lowered. Your favorite artists and authors are real people with real lives. They piss and shit just like you. They work in retail and healthcare and are unemployed due to disability. There is nothing extraordinary about them and they are wonderful human beings all the same. No one is better than anyone else. We're all equals here on this playground.
That said, I think we need to uplift the underappreciated fanworks and creators and give them more attention so they are on equal footing with fanfic writers and fanartists. Reblog the gifsets and tell the creator you're in love with how they colored the gifs, keyboard smash in the tags when reblogging a plush doll someone crocheted of your blorbo, try listening to a podfic on your commute home instead of an audiobook and remember to leave a comment when you get home.
As a final note, I want to give a warm hug to anyone who has sat refreshing tumblr or ao3 hoping that maybe someone will tell them they did a good job. To anyone who has considered quitting their fandom endeavors because their posts or works never get as much attention and love as the rest of the artworks or fics in the fandom tags, your creations are worth making and sharing. Numbers do not equate to quality, nor can they convey how loved your creations are by a given person. Only you can bring your unique sparkle to fandom and your presence is absolutely welcome no matter how big or small, grandiose or inconsequential, important or worthless you think it is.
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ackermans-angel · 5 months
A/N: Been obsessed with the Brother's Best Friend trope recently, specifically regarding Satoru, and I really wanted to share my favorite fics created by the amazing writers listed below. ALSO I wanted to do this because I haven't made one of these recommendation lists in awhile, and I love to do them number one to help promote the writers I love, and number two because when I find a trope I love with a character I wish I had a list like this to just find fics instantly LMAOOO. PLEASE feel free to recommend me your favorite brother's best friend fics if you know anymore and FEEL FREE to send me an ask at anytime if you're searching for fics of a certain trope I'd be happy to make more lists. Now enough of my yapping, I got ahead of myself and I'm posting this now but I'll update as I find more fics.
WARNING: I WON’T BE MORE CLEAR ON THIS! If you proceed to these accounts make sure to look at the rules and warnings. please respect the account owner, as most of them don’t want people under 18 on them. ALWAYS READ WARNINGS ON FICS TO INSURE YOU ARE RESPECTING THE WRITERS GUIDELINES!!!
One more thing! IF YOU LIKE A FIC PLEASE REBLOG NO MATTER THE ACCOUNT! The easiest way to show a creator you care and that their work is being appreciated is to reblog reblog reblog! They spend hours of their time creating work FOR US. The least we can do is REBLOG!
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accounts under the cut. (last updated January 4th, 2024.)
IF IT’S ONLY A TOUCH…AITA? by @tteokdoroki This one is so good and the most recent one I read. It's the perfect amount of angst and smut. It does have some descriptions of the reader having braids, darker skin, and brown eyes so if you don't like when it's not vague about how the reader looks then this is probably not for you. However, those descriptions do not match me at all and I didn't have a problem while reading at all. I think you should definitely give it a read if you like the brother best friend trope!
BROTHER'S BEST FRIEND by @cptnleviackerman This one was so good for it only having so few notes. definitely go hype this one up because it deserves it. Read the tags before you continue on though because some of the themes could be triggering! Other then that this one was super good.
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO FUCK YOUR BROTHER'S BEST FRIEND? (FOUR WHOLE DAYS) by @saetoru SOOO GOOD. I love this fic so please go check this one out!
CRYBABY. by @ieirism AHHHH I FORGOT ABOUT THIS ONE. This one was soooooo goood. It is really fluffy and has so much sweet satoru. love love love.
TELL ME YOU DON'T WANT ME by @awearywritersworld I completely forgot about this one but from what I can remember it was really sweet. All angst and fluff and omg their dynamic after sugurus death is just so sweet.
YOUNGER BROTHER'S BEST FRIEND GOJO by @satocidal this is just a little drabble but the smut>>>>> that's all I have to say. go read!!
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mysticheathenn · 5 months
What are you Destined for?
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Hi there! Remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
The extended FREE reading includes:
What steps to take that will lead you to your destined life?
Messages, Signs, and Synchronicities from your Oracle Cards.
Pile l:
Where are you currently in life? (Tarot: Knight of Wands, Eight of Wands, Five of Swords, Eight of Pentacles, Two of Pentacles, and Eight of Cups)
Shuffling your cards, a sign that says dead end pops up in my head along with the song Energy by Keri Hilson. Currently, you may be at a job that doesn’t fulfill you or doesn't give you any kind of balance in your life that you desperately crave right now. Some of you may have issues with if not colleagues possibly the higher-ups at work because you don’t feel appreciated and like the song energy it’s draining you day in and day out and you don’t see the light at the tunnel some days. Some of you wish you could quit but you know people around you will see you as a fool because maybe this job gives you good benefits, discounts, it’s “stable”, or maybe it looks good to have on your resume but inside you’re dying. You know you can’t keep doing this job forever and know you need to leave soon but aren’t sure when to leave or even how because for just a few of you, you may not have a backup or even know what you want to do with your life. Maybe you’re a part of the group where your parents have told you X was a good career choice and you never thought about looking into anything else because you trust the opinions of others or trust in something that’s more predictable than having constant downs and ups.
What are you destined for? (Tarot: Knight of Wands, Eight of Wands, Five of Swords, Eight of Pentacles, Two of Pentacles, and Eight of Cups)
Travel, flexibility, and freedom are what you are destined for. I’m hearing influencers or even content creators for a lot of you. Just remember content creator doesn’t always mean social media you could possibly be an artist and use social media to help promote your brand. The song Belle from Beauty and the Beast is playing in my head. It’s the song where Belle is singing about longing for adventure and the great outdoors something more than this everyday life that has everyone satisfied and content with not wanting more.  You want to be your own boss and not have to deal with the constant drama of having other people around you telling you what you can and cannot do. This may be specific for only just a few of you but maybe you have a manager who doesn’t like to let you take time off from work or even play favorites with who they allow and don’t allow to do things. For those who want to be influencers, I’m mostly seeing travel, and artists (writers, bloggers, painters, sculptors, etc) again you don’t have to be but I’m feeling this pile wants freedom or at least a job where they can wake up how celebrities do. If you want to do nothing all day, that’s what you do. If you want to go to Bali at the drop of the hat that’s what you do and so forth. You don’t want to be tied down to a desk job your whole life and I’m here to tell you you aren’t. You are destined for this life pile 1 but it’s up to you to walk away and come up with a plan that will help you on this journey.
(This extended reading is available for FREE!)
Pile ll:
Where are you currently in life? (Tarot: The Hermit (reverse), 6 of Cups, The Fool, Temperance, The Moon, and The Tower (reverse))
Healing. I kept hearing the word healing over and over again in my head. Some of you are on a spiritual, religious, or even personal development journey where you are currently in solitude trying to work on your shadow self and other areas in your life that either haven’t been going well for you or something happened to where you had to take a step back and see the red flags to a situation that you were color blind before. For some of you this could have been a relationship (platonic or romantic) that forced you to see someone for who they really are and caused you so much pain to the point you just want to be left alone right now to heal and replenish yourself because you feel you can’t depend on anyone else. You feel everyone is out there to hurt you right now but you know deep down you don’t truly feel that way you’re just hurting and need to do some inner journey work to figure out what and where you go from here. I’m here to tell you it’s nothing but up from here boo.
What are you destined for? (Tarot: The Hermit (reversed), 6 of Cups, The Fool, Temperance, The Moon, and The Tower (reversed))
Generational Curse Breakers. With the 6 of cups someone handing over a cup filled with nothing but goodness and loving energy while you have a cup that is sitting behind you empty on a broken rock states you want to do and show up better for the next generation whether in your family or for people around you. You are walking down a new path that no one in your family or in your friends group has walked down before because you have seen growing up what certain environments, behaviors, or even thought patterns can do to a person and you don’t want that for yourself. You want to be able to uplift people, see people thrive, and grow in a loving environment. You want people to see and feel nothing but peaceful and calming energy from you like maybe your dream is to be that safe space for those you love or for your future children if you decide that’s what you want. You are done with people handing out traumatic experiences and passing them off as trophies or something that should be normalized. Good for you babe! I’m proud of you.
(This extended reading is available for FREE!)
Pile lll:
Where are you currently in life? (Tarot: Five of Wands (reversed), Seven of Wands, Knight of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles (reversed), Ace of Swords, Five of Cups (reversed)
Rolling in the deep by Adele is your song pile 3. Even though the lovers, 3 of sowrds, or even 2 of cups isn’t in your pile I am sensing some of you are going through it with a relationship. Maybe you thought you found your prince charming and you wanted to prove that you’re a ride or die to the point it left you empty, drained. The meme “I done ride and died, ride and died so much I died” is coming to mind. Some fo you thought this person was some sort of savior for very few of you this person may have provided you a certain lifestyle only to throw it in your face constantly making you feel like a burden. This doesn’t have to be romantic as again no romance cards are here. This could be family, a job, or even friends who you feel you have given your all to and you’re just tired and left on E. The saying no one is coming to save you is coming to mind. You have to save yourself.  
What are you destined for? (Tarot: Death  (reversed), 6 of Cups, Wheel of Fortune, Temperance, 6 of Wands, and 10 of swords (reversed), 10 of Cups, and The World (reversed))
Victory is what you are destined for pile 3. Finding your community that loves and appreciates you for you exactly. You are the only pile where your destined for cards are different from the where are you currently in life question. So this tells me that you are going to go through a transformation. People you were once attracted to or would attract in your life (again doesn’t have to be romantic as no romance cards) will leave you alone as your energy is going to be changing for the better. You will be thriving to a point in your life where in order for people to reach you they need a bean from Jack and the bean stock or an extremely tall ladder for those who don’t know that children's story.  I’m not getting too much more information on this question as it’s quite straight forward and I rather not repeat myself. Just know your environment, yourself as a whole will be changing. There was a tweet that once said "I want the next person in my life to have to go through God in order to get to me."
(This extended reading is available for FREE!)
Thanks for checking out my reading. Be sure to check out Patreon for the rest of the FREE reading. I appreciate all of you, until the next reading.
Stay Safe and Be Blessed.
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tau1tvec · 7 months
S/O to a few of my favorite TS3CC Creators
I know this community is small, and therefore doesn't get as much love and attention as it deserves, but know that it is alive and well, much like my love for it, and it's many thanks to these ppl for keeping it fresh and fun even today.
@simtanico literally what would my sims be without you and your amazing sliders, slider fixes, and conversions.
@rollo-rolls you always work so hard to keep our sims looking stylish, I know a lotta people in this community appreciate you as much as I do!
@johziii you put so much love into your CC as you do your sims, homes and gameplay, you're truly the whole package!
@sim-songs an absolute legend for helping revive the Maxis Match ts3 community!
@nectar-cellar an absolute legend, period.
@imamiii idk how you do it, but you make this game look how it probably would had it been released today. Whether it's your gameplay posts, or your CC, I know when I see your post on my dash, I'm bound to be blown away.
@sourlemonsimblr still can't tell whether we're playing the same game, bc everything you post looks like The Sims 10, but I am so glad you're willing to share your CC with us, so maybe one day we will be playing the same game, lol.
@pleaseputnamehere just thought I'd let you know that I kiss your nosemasks goodnight as I tuck them into bed.
@xiasimla an amazing talented and devoted creator all around, every download post is a WIN.
@martassimsbook you keep my love for ts3's buy/build mode alive!
@billsims-cc ty for never giving up on us. 😭😭😭
@bioniczombie for sharing your amazing conversions, and helping run one of my favorite ts3cc finds blogs!
@satellite-sims although you aren't too active right now, I miss you, and I love your conversions sm. The extra work you put into making them the absolute best quality, just like all your posts is so loved and appreciated.
@simbouquet your mods and fixes are such a MUST, you always know exactly what this game needs, and execute it like a pro.
@phoebejaysims another amazing modder keeping this game truly interesting, ty so much for your dedication.
@criisolatex you're like some ethereal being sent to Earth on a mission to make ts3 the best it can be, and you're kind enough to share it with us.
@nemiga-sims-archive you pop out every once and a while like an all year round Santa giving us presents to throw into our games. TY!
@olomaya you work so hard to expand and improve and also make the gameplay in ts3 a lot more interesting.
@twinsimming you know you carry ts3 simblr, right? 💕
@thesweetsimmer111 besides being just the most talented animator I've ever seen in any modding community, your dedication to the youngest and ignored age groups is most admirable, ty.
@flotheory yet another talented and devoted modder giving ts3 the love and attention it deserves. I just know the devs would be so proud.
@greenplumbboblover you've always got something big up your sleeve, your ambition knows no bounds, and the ts3 community is so lucky to have you.
I'm likely forgetting some folks, so I'll probably add some more when I remember, and ty again everyone on this list for working so hard to keep this game alive, and fun, and freeeeeee!
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wordbunch · 1 year
Hobbits and cuddles AND kisses!
a/n: some sweet anon requested Frodo & cuddles, then @queenmeriadoc​ wanted the other three as well, and THEN someone asked for headcanons abt kisses... 🥰 BEHOLD I am here to give you all of that!!! y’all eat this up and my soul heals when I write it. enjoy. i love u. MAJOR fluff incoming!!! 💕💕💕 lmk how you liked it, reblogs greatly appreciated and encouraged 😍
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♡ cuddling ♡
nobody would really get him to admit it, but he’s a huge fan of cuddling
if you’re sitting down and reading, or lying in bed, he will drop whatever else he thought of doing and just plop down
loves to just wrap around you as much as possible
he will very rarely ask to be the little spoon but you know he sometimes needs it
deep down he’s actually a bit insecure, but when you hold him it all just melts away
he doesn’t need to be smart, funny, brave, anything, he can just be
surprisingly, he’s okay just being quiet while you cuddle
and he can just listen to you talk or even read to him and he’ll drift off to another plane of existence
many times you caught him looking at you like you’re the very creator of love, beauty and everything good there is in the world
♡  kisses ♡
 he is particularly inclined to making out with you, without a care in the world
someone is nearby? literally who cares
couldn’t be him
and he will have your face in his hands while kissing you
afterwards he will playfully squish your cheeks just because
bonus points if that gets you slightly annoyed
this is my personal headcanon 100% based on nothing BUT
he is absolutely the type to interrupt your rant with a kiss, like that is a guilty pleasure
he might sometimes be annoying on purpose so that you would do that to him in return, and his face all but burns for like ten minutes afterwards
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
♡ cuddling ♡ 
on the one hand cuddling is sometimes too slow of an activity for his energetic self
on the other hand he would glue himself to you if that was possible
he likes cuddling with you but every now and then he will sit up because he remembered something or he will retell a story so animatedly that you’ll accidentally get hit in the face
of course he will apologize a trillion times, paired with just as many kisses
he loooves when you two lie down facing each other, noses almost touching, who needs personal space anyway
not him
you figured out how to magically make him calm - brushing your fingers through his curls works like magic
and it’s even better if he can lay half on top of you
♡  kisses ♡ 
he basically has no idea what he’s doing but that has absolutely never stopped him before
and it is not about to, especially when it comes to being affectionate to his favorite person
he will attack your cute face with kisses until you laugh breathlessly
long and tender kisses are saved for more private and special settings
short and sweet kisses are the more common kind 
100% the type to give you a quick little kiss on the lips, move away, and then come back for a longer one
sometimes your noses or foreheads would bump due to too much enthusiasm and then you giggle and he’s FLOORED like how are you real
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 
♡ cuddling ♡ 
 in his opinion there’s almost nothing better than cuddling with you while reading
the two of you would even make some snacks and tea to bring with you so you don’t have to move anywhere for a while
settle comfortably in his lap with your back against his chest and all will be well in the world
the feeling of your weight against him calms him down immensely - it’s so reassuring to know that you’re there and so close and that he can just hug you and kiss you whenever he wants
 you’ll tease him for distracting you, but the soft blush of your cheeks tell him otherwise
at this point he basically cannot fall asleep without cuddling with you
of course he doesn’t immediately tell you that, and he thinks he’s being oh so subtle, but you can read him better than that, and sometimes you lovingly tease him for it
♡  kisses ♡ 
he will literally kiss you wherever he can reach, depending on your position
forehead, lips, cheeks, temple, anything
it’s basically second nature to him when you’re alone
kisses to your fingertips when you’re holding hands
he 100% takes his sweet time kissing you
if you kiss him in public, he will need a few moments to stop blushing and regain composure
one thing that GETS him more than anything else is if you gently pin him down during a cuddling session and you’re hovering over him, some strands of your hair tickling his face
and when he’s looking up at you with those unbelievably blue eyes, you can’t help but kiss him with all you’ve got
his heart is guaranteed to skip a beat
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 
♡ cuddling ♡ 
asking him for a cuddle session is a guaranteed way to get him to stop working and fussing
you surprise him with a picnic and a relaxing day for just the two of you and his heart almost explodes
so there you are, on an emerald green grassy hill, his curly head is on your lap and he’s tracing his fingers up and down your leg while you make a flower crown out of some of his favorite wildflowers
he will blush when you place it on his head
and then immediately pull you down to lay down beside him
your head on his chest and his arm wrapped securely around you as you look up into the sky and look for clouds in funny or interesting shapes
whenever you raise your hand to point at one, he will intertwine his fingers with yours and brush a quick kiss against the back of your hand
♡  kisses ♡ 
this sweet lil thing is a very big fan of kisses, actually
his go-to, when you’re somewhere, is a soft kiss to the back of your hand (a.k.a. how to subtly show off his beloved)
in private, though, he will kiss you anywhere and everywhere and he just can’t get enough of you
but ESPECIALLY neck kisses omg
thank-you kisses
if he’s in a particular lovey-dovey mood, he will pick you up and kiss you deeply, making you feel like the main character of a love story (I mean… you are)
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
if u got this far congrats 💖
✨ taglist my beloved ✨ @lotrnonsense​​​​​​ @starlady66​​​​​​ @queenmeriadoc​​ @entishramblings​​​​​​ @thesolarangel​​​​​​ @silversword7000​​​​​​ @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog​​​​​​ @averys-place​​​​​​ @valkyriepirate​​​​​​ @emmaarenstarr​​​​​​ @noldorinpainter​​​​​​ @asianbutnotjapanese​​​​​​ @adamgetawaydriver​​​​​​ @fenharel-enaste​​​​​​ @ironmandeficiency​​​​​​      @starryeyedrogue​​ @dinofromspac3​​  @wisheduponastar​ @lady-of-imladris​ @frodo-cinnamonroll​
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thana-topsy · 6 months
Ok I gotta come out and say it. I envy you. Like, to a painful extent. The amount of people you get interested in your characters, how you're incredibly skilled in both visual art AND writing, how readers your fics have. I absolutely adore your work, but seeing it fills me with so much envy it's honestly ridiculous.
Did you deal with similar feelings towards other creators when you started writing fic by any chance? If so, how did you deal with those feelings? I feel genuinely stuck feeling worthless about my fics. I'm not as verbose with my language despite over 10 years of writing under my belt and it seems as though my plots don't interest people as much either. So I feel like there's just nothing of worth about any of my work.
I know that this is a lot to dump on you, but I felt like I would burst keeping this all in. Much love to you and I hope you have a wonderful New Year!
Hey there my friend, I've been sitting with this all day trying to decide how I want to answer you. I genuinely appreciate your honesty, because I know this is a familiar feeling for a lot of people, myself included.
I remember when I first rejoined Tumblr in early 2019, desperately trying to find anyone to talk to about TES, I would look at all these blogs gettings asks about their OCs like they were little celebrities and feel envy and longing. Now, when these feelings start to bubble up, I force myself to take a break from sharing my work, be it art or writing, if only to remind myself why I'm creating it and who I'm creating it for: myself. I know it sounds cheesy, and I probably sound like a broken record, but genuinely I just do this because it's bursting out of my skull. But I won't lie and say the engagement and the support doesn't have a big impact on my motivation. I love sharing with people and getting an enthusiastic response.
I think something people might not realize, or maybe they just forget, is that I used to write a lot of smut. Like...a lot of smut. (I still do). Hahaha and it doesn't get a lot of comments or engagement, but it does draw a lot of eyes. Once my smut stories started taking on heavier plotlines, a comment I'd get a lot was "came for the porn, stayed for the plot." And I wasn't writing smut because I thought it would get me an audience, I was just horny LMAO. But it encouraged me to branch out and experiment with the types of stories I was telling.
Anyways, art is another big part of it, yes. But that also didn't get a lot of engagement in the beginning, and my skills were rusty as hell. I was getting maybe 15 notes on here, 30 likes on instagram. But that didn't really matter to me, I was just insane with inspiration. I'd reach out to people and ask to do art trades, got ghosted a lot, made some good friends, (some people who are still my good friends to this day!). But it took a lot of risks, and I made a lot of accidental enemies and learned a lot of hard lessons. But having visuals to go with the stories I'm writing is like advertisement in its own way. I'm just lucky enough to hyperfixate on this shit like it's my lifeblood. I've always obsessively drawn my favorite characters, ever since I was a wee bab. Long before social media was a factor or the words "content creator" even existed.
And I think that's what it all comes back to. Above all else, do what you do with unbridled joy. If someone else finds joy alongside you, all the better! Even if it's just one person. Take risks, make friends, make enemies, draw that blorbo unapologetically and with wild abandon. Love what you create, even when it's bad. Even when it makes you cringe years later, don't delete it. Even when people try to find every reason to hate what you do and who you are. Don't stop.
Every act of creation is bringing something into the world that didn't exist before you made it. And that alone gives it worth.
Happy New Year!
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satanicsanity · 1 year
Are you familiar with Clownsuu's mob au? I'd love to hear your take on amob boss version of Wally.
Oh I'm more than farmilar! Haha!! Clownsuu is like one of my favorite creators on here!! Their work is incredible!! I love their MOB AU, so I was nervous to even make this because.. I- I don't know, if they ever saw this I'd probably die?? Haha! I dunno, I tried I guess?? That's all I'm going for when it comes to my voice impressions, I tried 😅
Anyway even though it's very clear, still a disclaimer!! This is related to @:clownsuu's mob AU! Please if you can go check out clownsuu they're incredible!!💕
Tw: Some folks may find this a bit unsettling, there is talk of eyeballs and maybe some creepy undertones! Just letting you know!
‼️please go support wally's ACTUAL voice actor, @DaFrankiestein!🩷🩷🩷‼️
The art and original characters used are by clown/party coffin!🩷Go support them and donate to their Kofi of you can
Background noise credits: Sleepy Sounds Express, on YouTube!
Subtitles, wally speaking: Where the fuck is that guy? I can't remember if I got his eyeballs or not. Eh? Oh, Neighbor. It's funny seeing you here! Where do you think you're going? ..To to Mr. Beagle? Darling I seriously doubt that. Come now, we're family aren't we? We can tell each other Anything. [pause] Oh I see, you're quite the trouble maker aren't you? I suppose I can let this slide this... One.. Time. But no further than that. Good. You seem to be very understanding of my rules, I appreciate that. Don't be gone too long now.. I deeply don't want you wasting my time. Good, Alright. Take care Neighbor.
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sleepytoby · 2 years
Hi hi Toby!! :D I love your works, and I appreciate you liking my works too 🥺 could I ask for fluffy hcs with a sleep deprived reader? (Corazon, Sanji, and Koby if that’s alright with you 💜)
Maybe just the boys trying to help reader get some much needed rest :) please take care of yourself! I love your Pokémon au <3
Corazon, Sanji, and Koby with a sleep-deprived reader.
Omg hello! I am in love with your works, not like, sweets. Anygays, it is an honor to have you as my first request as one of my favorite CC creators in tumblr. I hope you like it. :DD
Warnings: Nothing, just pure tooth-rotting fluff that can give you diabetes
Pronoun usage: You/Your, gn!reader
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Corazon is trying everything in his power to help you go to sleep.
He's there laying in your bed and lets you pick whatever position you want to sleep in.
You want to be little spoon? Sure! He's there spooning you with his 9'7½" frame.
You wanna lay on top of him? Here, take his fluffy coat, too.
He's comfortable if you are!
He uses his devil fruit as well to block out any noise outside and is humming you to sleep as you lay with him. He's stroking your skin lovingly as he hums you a gentle tune.
He's so cute omg-
If you're sleep deprived because you're working on something, he'll ask you to take a break with him and let you finish at least one of your works first before cooing and telling you to sleep with him.
"Hon? What about a little break, hm?" Corazon kissed your cheek, leaving a little lipstick stain from where he had placed his warmth.
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Sanji is cooking meals, drinks, anything you want as you finish your work before lovingly tell you to go to bed or sleep with him with a kiss on your cheek. (If you're fine with physical affection)
He'll tell you little stories about his adventures and stuff he went through when he was still a cook in a certain floating restaurant.
Humming or singing you a song~
Sanji's been drawn by Oda with a guitar, one in a manga book cover as well if I'm remembering this correctly.
He's there strumming his instrument and even singing for you a soft song that you request or a song he improvised as he sang praises to you, nearly making you shed a tear from how genuine his every word was.
"Angel, honey? Would you like your little songbird to song you a song?" Sanji whispered as his oceanic eyes stared at you with so much love and adoration.
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Also, why is there barely any gifs of this boy? He needs more love!!
Koby (or is it spelt Coby?) is a sweet boy!
He's giving you little sweet kisses as he gives you little motivational sticky-notes.
"You can do it, baby!"
"You're almost there, [Name], I know it!"
There are little doodles on it as well.
If he notices you're that tired, he'll tell you to go to bed with him.
He'll hold you gently and whisper you praises as he stares at your eyes lovingly.
He's giving you little kisses on your cheeks and forehead as hums you a little tune.
Also a big blushing mess.
He's stuttering a bit, but that's because he just loves you so much~!
Overall: sweet boy!
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ishipallthings · 11 months
Cap-IM Rec Week 2023 (Mon)
Absolute Faves Monday, July 17 for @cap-ironman Rec Week!
Very excited for Rec Week, hope you guys have fun too!
Today I'm reccing some of my favorite fics I've read or re-read this year :)
Remember to show some love for your hard-working creators!
Paint the Town Blue by ohjustpeachy @omg-just-peachy
Ten years since he’d seen or spoken to Tony Stark, ten years since they’d broken up to go away to school. And now this email. It could be his only chance to see Tony again.
with a kiss by svgurl410
When Steve is put under a curse, Tony tries his best to find his true love to save him.
tell me why by xWinterDreamsx @xwinterdreams-blog
Telling Steve how much he loves him doesn't go in any way Tony expects.
Never Worlds Apart by KandiSheek @kandisheek
It's been six years since he's seen Tony when he walks into his favorite diner and sees him sitting in their old booth, as if nothing ever happened. Steve can't believe the nerve of Tony to just show up out of the blue after the way he ended things. Turns out Tony has a reason for wanting to make amends. And Steve doesn't appreciate only finding out about it after Tony has already almost died.
Only Paintings in the Building by BladeoftheNebula @bladeofthenebula27, ironycap (art) Neverever @captainneverever (art)
Steve causes himself a whole heap of trouble when he starts to paint pictures of Tony.
Every Now and Then I Fall Apart by Sineala @sineala (616)
When Tony gets hit by a truth spell, the consequences aren't what anyone expected. They're sure not what Tony expected. He wishes he could stop telling his teammates about all the medical problems he tries to hide. As long as he doesn't open his mouth and reveal his secret feelings for Steve, or all his secret inadequacies as a human being, though, everything's going to be fine. And Tony's good at keeping secrets... or so he thinks. But maybe Steve knows him better than he knows himself. And just because Tony believes something, that doesn't make it the truth.
An Avengers Powerpoint Party by gogglor @gogglor
The Avengers threw a Powerpoint Party. These are their slides.
A Wish Your Heart Makes by Carsonian @carsonian
The absolute last thing Steve's expecting is Tony Stark, and so it's fairly in character for the man to be standing on the other side of the door. "Hi." Tony looks impatient, greeting barely out before he's walking past Steve and into the apartment. 
i was put together wrong by suchmadnesss @suchmadnesss
Even in his anger, in his misjudgment, or even in the barest glimpses of inadvertent cruelty, everything Tony did was with passion. No matter what, he was always graceful, grandiose, effusive. Incandescent. Tony grows in front of the cameras and keeps a world of expectations balanced on the tightrope of his shoulders, but nothing ever seems to be enough. The hubris is a fallacy and the smirk Steve had always known to be a front isn’t whimsy, as he’d expected; instead, it’s bred. As he follows a couple of his steps, Steve feels as Tony does, which is to say: intensely. Every happiness is a marvel, every pain is acute. The higher they fly, the harder they fall. (In which the stones beckon Steve into a glimpse of Tony's past, and it proves to be his unraveling.)
you’ve got to close your eyes and see by Thahire @thahiree
Morgan manages to bring Tony back eleven years after Thanos’ defeat, long after everyone’s learned to live without him. Everyone’s overjoyed once they get over their shock, but Tony finds it hard to adjust, now that Pepper’s moved on and Morgan’s not a little kid anymore. Somehow, the one constant is Steve.
Ship to Shore by msermesth @msermesth
The Avengers beat Thanos. Everyone is safe. (If you don’t count those five days they thought Natasha was dead.) All that’s left is to return the stones, a feat that Tony is sure will end his new friends-with-benefits relationship with Steve.
nobody saves me, baby (the way you do) by Capstiddies, meidui
“You’re a firefighter.” “You’re—half naked.” - Steve fights fires and rescues kittens for a living these days because of course he does; of course that man doesn’t know how to properly retire. So now Steve has his firefighting career and Tony has a new complication in his long, winding relationship with Steve after parting ways without so much as a handshake.
Hope you guys enjoy the recs, and stay tuned for more! Please mind the tags before reading. Check out my tag for previous years’ rec lists :)
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teyamsatan · 9 months
say something nice about your favorite mutuals!
there's so many people i want to say something about i am genuinely considering making a whole separate post and pouring all my love and affection for everyone i am mutuals with because THEY DESERVE IT AND I LOVE YOU ALL SO SO MUCH :(((
@tiredmamaissy - my issy baby, she was the first writer mutual i had and i remember hyperventilating to my bf when I saw that notification massively because i was such a fan and it meant so much to me. she was also the first person to reach out to me privately when i got my first anon hater and she made me feel so much better about that whole situation, and i will forever me grateful to her for that
@neteluvr - kendra means so so much to me, she has been with me pretty much since the beginning, and she was one of the people that stuck with me and my writing and i love her so much for that. she commented on EVERY illicit affair/the archer chapter and her feedback made my world, i used to wake up at like 5-6 in the morning to see if she has commented because it meant so much to hear what she had to say. she's probably my first tumblr mutual and i've come to love and respect her so so much, to admire her beauty, intelligence and compassion, and my life wouldn't be the same without her, our chats, our mutual love for ts for sure <3
@lanasblood - my baby lana is doing her own thing at the moment, but i hope when she comes back she sees this because i love and miss her so much, our late night conversations mean the world to me and she's just overall such an incredible, beautiful, funny, intelligent girl, and her writing leaves me genuinely starstruck every time with no fail. BABY I MISS YOU COME BACK TO ME RN!!! :(((
@pandoraslxna - Luna is one of the first people I followed on tumblr and she was a celebrity to me for sure hahahaha, i remember sending her a couple of asks when i first started writing bc I was such a fan of her work and the way she carried herself on the platform. When she followed me back and started reblogging my works i literally screamed and cried, i couldn't believe it hahahaha. I love her so much, I consider her a friend and I'm so happy I met her. Her writing inspires me, her kindness and beauty and openness and unwavering support for her fellow creators speak for themselves, but i will just say i love her a lot and i'm grateful to know her <3
@blue-slxt - my baby blue is such a kind, beautiful, kindred spirit. i haven't known her that long but it feels like a lifetime? i feel so close to her and like i know her and want to know her and want to be around her more and more each day. she is so kind and compassionate, so incredible and heroic, i admire the hell out of her for what she does, for helping to save lives, to change lives each day, i am so grateful for her and i can't wait to celebrate more milestones with her <3 ilysm pookie :(((
@fleurriee - my beautiful flower, she brightens my day in a way you wouldn't believe? not only is she a phenomenal writer, and pretty much the only person (alongside lana) who can get me to like fluff hahahaha, but she is a beautiful, incredible, awe-inspiring, light of a human being. i adore her and miss her so much when she's gone, and i genuinely don't know what i must have done right to manage to meet her in the circumstances that i did <3
@jakexneytiri - dani, my beautiful baby, i love her so much? she genuinely radiates such kindness and positivity, she is such a beautiful soul, full of love and light, and she always makes me feel safe and like i can tell her anything and she would listen and not judge? i am so appreciative of her and everything she's done for this fandom, i appreciate how tirelessly she works to make sure this is a healthy, happy community, i love talking and thirsting with her about dilf jake, and i LOVE her creativity and passion she puts in every project :(( ily baby
@neytris - i genuinely ADORE su with all my heart??!?!?! like she is one of the absolute funniest, most beautiful, kindest person i've ever met and I DIE every time i see her posts, and reblogs, her tags, i feel like i want to be su when i grow up and that's that!!!! i love you bb and never stop being you, because you are absolutely the brightest star <3 this barbie is hyperventilating over THE barbie x
@sulieykte - i feel like talking about lys is redundant, because no words or essays or novels can describe what she means to me, i'm literally tearing up just thinking about it. she has genuinely been my rock the past few months and i don't know what i would have done without her? i cannot imagine my life without her anymore, without talking to her daily, without sharing my every thought, woe and achievement with her and knowing that she'll feel it and understand, the same way I do with her. she's my soulmate, my twisted sister, and i love her to the moon and to saturn :((
it's 11pm and i'm writing this half asleep and i promise i'll do a part two in order to appreciate everyone the way they deserve <3 i love you besties xoxoxo
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I am incredibly disappointed to learn about how much toxic shit has been going on behind the scenes in this fandom recently. Not that every fandom doesn't have its issues, naturally, but some of what's come to light is just ridiculous.
To those involved parties who have been the ringleaders of this 3-ring shitshow, shame on you. Feeling not only the need but the justification to slander people based upon a distaste for a fucking fictional pairing, or a person's career choice, when you yourself are responsible for curating your own internet experience, is childish at best.
You guys are in a fandom full of wonderful people who take time out of their lives to provide you with Free Content. Expecting that content to cater to you personally all the time shows a sense of delusional entitlement that indicates that perhaps you aren't mature enough to get to play in fandom spaces, since you can't behave like a responsible adult.
To those that were caught up in the whirlwind of lies and conniving plots, I am incredibly proud of those of you who put your foot down and said, "Enough is enough." I commend you for putting together the receipts and evidence, and presenting it not only to those you've wronged but to the fandom at large. It takes courage to admit wrongdoing and to think critically enough to realize you've been played.
Finally, to those who have been the target of these attacks, to @asrabounding , @drakonishe , and many others, I would not only praise your strength and resilience in the face of such a shitstorm, but also, I would like to take the time to thank you for all the work you've done, and continue to do, for this fandom. You've never written off the fandom as a whole due to the idiotic actions of a choice few, and you've continued to work on multiple demanding projects in the meantime. I've had the pleasure of speaking to @drakonishe during this Arcanacon, not about this incident specifically, but as a friend, and I've been treated with nothing but respect and welcoming vibes.
We, as a fandom, yes, but also as people, need to start being kinder and more grateful to the people who take time to use their talents to bring us joy. How wonderful that we can say we have enough variety in the art and writing produced by this fandom to have content to cater to a variety of preferences! How delightful that we, as fans, can come together to discuss different viewpoints and outlooks, and to share our love for a cast of characters and stories that have captivated us all! We are so lucky to have such talented artists and writers and creators of all kinds in this fandom, but we stand to lose that if we can't be civil and grateful to those that create such delights in the first place.
In all, take a step back, take a breath, and reflect on the wonderful things we have as a fandom. Then go and tell your favorite creator how much you enjoy the things they make. Go tell your friends you appreciate them. Hug your freakin dog or cat. Put some good out there, and remember that behind every username is a person. Lead with kindness, with an open mind, and don't be afraid to admit it when you're wrong.
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lordoftherazzles · 3 months
Hey, I just saw your most recent post earlier, and I thought to send you an ask instead of rambling in the comments or reblogs.
First of, you're completely right about there being fewer interactions in fandoms, and it makes me really sad and devastated too. If this makes you want to take a step back, then that's completely fine, I'm not trying to convince you to stay in this ask, I just wanted to share something. Even though I kinda grew out of the Hobbit fandom, I still remember how much I love your stories (and still do). They made me stay up late, to then follow me through my whole day, reading in between lessons, to then climbing in bed early again so I could continue reading. Even now, seeing you feel so left out, it made me devastated and wanting you to know how much you and your stories mean to me.
I'm so sorry for how the fandom is treating you and everyone else, you deserve so much more than what you're getting. I hope you make the choice that's best for you, whether that's staying or leaving, we all just want you to take care of yourself ❤️
I've held onto this for far too long...and not just because I neglect my inbox, but because I'm constantly looking back on the words, and finding them continuing to cheer me up <3
It's been a lot of back and forth with my feelings regarding the fandom and feeling included/wanted, and sometimes I know it's the bad brain talking, whereas others, I'm not really sure what to think. The highs are high, the lows are low, and at this exact moment, I feel somewhere blissfully in between (which is an alright spot to be, for me, I think).
There are so many excellent people in the fandom, whether they're still here or moving onto other fandoms. I appreciate every single one - every single kind comment, kudos, reblog, whatever it is, it warms my little heart.
Interactions are at an all-time low in my opinion, and I think this is a great opportunity to remind people to tell your favorite creators what you enjoy about their works! Though, my personal experience regarding the episode I was going through is more with not feeling wanted among the other creators (left out, like you said), I have been working hard to make changes to fix those feelings if I can (i.e. removing myself from environments/conversations/subjects that are bothersome, and trying to reach out more).
I just want to say again how much I appreciated this ask back when you sent it, just as I appreciate it today. Your kindness truly helped me when I was in a dark spot and wanting to disappear. Every day is a fight, and your kindness has helped me fight that much harder to not let the bad brain win.
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thehighfiveproject · 1 year
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Round three of the Fandom Boost Bingo is ready to go! This round, Astrocat has found love and is celebrating with a Valentine Edition!
The round officially starts Wednesday, February 1. Feel free to grab the card and get going! Remember, there's no need to sign up, but if you would like us to share your card (whether you just fill one square or get a whole blackout), the due date to @ us is February 15. That's right: two whole weeks to share high fives and love across the fandom universe!
Astrocat and Aliencat would also like to encourage anyone who's interested to join them in celebrating love with a special Valentine's OTP Edition. Feel free to focus your high five efforts this month on your one true pairing -- whether that's your favorite romantic ship ever or the best gen buds that you love so much. (For the nonromantic, Aliencat wants to assure you that you can just fill out a regular card if hearts & flowers aren't of interest.)
As always, a list of definitions for each of the squares is below the cut. Don't forget to include a link to each fanwork or creator you high fived when it's time to share your card!
☆ How do I fill my card? How is each square defined?
Here’s the way we’re defining the activities associated with each card. If any of this is confusing after you read it over, send us a message and we’ll help!
- ‘leave kudos on a fic’
This is the easiest one! Just go out and find a fic you like and leave a kudos on it, if you haven’t already. It’s a small gesture but it makes an author know that someone actually read their story!
- ‘reblog/retweet an art post’
Find any art post you like and share it! Here’s the catch: you need to interact with it a little. When you reblog/retweet, please tell the creator what you thought about the piece – you can add some tags, or reply to the post, or quote-retweet or add a comment, or anything! A simple “I love this!” is nice but some details are even better (“your linework is so good!” or “that shade of blue is perfect”). One thing to think about: a lot of art on Tumblr is reposted (like when a user posts another artist’s work from Pixiv, say), so it’s nice if you make an effort to interact with posts that are actually from the creator if you can. That way the artist will see your comment!
- ‘reblog/retweet a fic post’
Same as the above, but for fic! Again, tags/replies/comments are needed, preferably with a little detail. You don’t need to be super eloquent or leave a detailed review (although if you have time/energy, that would be appreciated!); a tag as simple as “that was really cute” or “great characterization!” will do. Like with the art posts, it’s nice if you reblog directly from the writer (if you can) – some fics are posted by AO3 feed bots and the like, so the author may not even know a reblog has happened.
- ‘reblog/retweet an edit’
Same as the above, but for edits! Edits can include a gif set, or a set of screencaps, or even a fanvid. And, again, some simple tags/replies are needed. “I love that song choice!” for a vid or “great coloring!” on a gifset can let people know their work is being appreciated.
- ‘comment on a fic’
Find a fic, on any fic-hosting site you like, and leave a comment. That’s it! Again, no need to leave a novel-length comment (unless you’re inspired!) – a sentence or two is all we’re asking for this square to be considered complete. This is a great opportunity to let a writer know how their piece made you feel, or what section you particularly liked.
- ‘message a creator’
‘Creator’ here can mean anyone who makes *anything* to do with fandom: art, edits, fic, meta, knitted sweaters with character faces on them – if they’ve made anything, they’re a creator, and now’s your chance to let them know they’re appreciated. Send a message (anonymous or not!) letting them know that you enjoyed their work!
- ‘make a rec post’
This is a chance to tell your fandom friends about something they need to see. You can rec a fic, a blog, a fan event, an artist, an author, that person who knits sweaters with character faces – any kind of fandom thing that you want to make sure people see. This doesn’t have to be long or complicated, but feel free to go into as much detail as you want! Just make your own post, on Tumblr or Twitter or wherever else seems best to you, and give that thing you loved a little fanfare.
- ‘interact with a meta post’
A little love for our analytical friends! Here, you can reblog/retweet any kind of meta post for your fandom, whether it’s a three sentence headcanon or an essay-length dissection of why Character X is the absolute best character in Fandom Y. It’s even better if you respond to the meta, whether that’s agreeing or (respectfully!) adding your own thoughts, but sharing it is the main thing here.
And here’s the non-decorated version, in case you feel like making it your own. Get creative, if you want!
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jerzwriter · 7 months
Writer Appreciation Day
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I've reblogged many of my favorite writer's works today, and I wish I could do more, but I'm already over my time limit (work and all!), which is simply a testament to how many incredibly talented writers we have in our community! If you have not checked them out, do yourself a favor and DO SO. These people all give their talent lovingly to us... for FREE.
But there are a few more writers I simply must give a shout-out to, and work will need to wait a few more moments! In no particular order:
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Open Heart:
@tveitertotwrites Thank you for sharing your various pairings with us, and you know I have a soft spot for anyone who loves Tobias! Thank you for the weekly questions, which I am woefully behind on, to! I appreciate the way you try to lift others while sharing your gifts with us.
@peonierose Thank you for giving us the sweetness that is Bryce and Luna, and thank you for being such a force of positivity within our fandom. It's not unnoticed, and I'm so glad you're here!
@socalwriterbee God, I'm always happy when Tessa makes an appearance! lol Sorry, I'm of the school of thought that Ethan Ramsey NEEDS a Latina to keep him in line, and our community is woefully lacking in Latine MCs. I especially love the divorce au (because... angst...) but all of your fics are delightful. Thanks for sharing them with us.
@coffeeheartaddict2 While you're now in the CoP world, too, it will always be your OH works that resonate with me. I especially have enjoyed the lookback you've taken in the Hopkins years. You really have done a fantastic job of fleshing that story out. Thank you for sharing with us, and thank you for your ongoing support of so many creators in the fandom!
@the-pale-goddess, I do miss having you here! Let me tell you, some of your angst still tugs at my heart, and for an angst lover like me, that really means something! If you ever get the urge to indulge us in more Tiffany x Ethan, I will totally be here for it!
@headoverheelsforramsey Sweet Sruti, I hope life is being kind to you. I know you have a lot on your plate right now. You may not be active, but your sweet, beautiful Meera continues to live in my heart. Thank you for all you've given to us, and you are missed.
@utterlyinevitable Dom, how I miss you being here! I still have to catch up on some of your fics from earlier in the year (I recently remembered I still need to do that, and it's now on my to-read list!), but I will always love the gifts you've left us. You were always willing to go places where other creators wouldn't, and I admired the hell out of that. You're missed!
@a-crepusculo Dear, dear, sweet Mia... how I miss you my friend. I know this is all in your past now, but I'm forever grateful for what you left behind. Things have not been the same without you. xo
@thefirstcourtesan I was so delighted to see your Bryce fic this year! I've never really gotten to partake in your fics, and how I wish you had the time to give us more (I'm greedy lol). But I had to give you a shout-out today because you deserve it!
To @zealouscanonindeer and @rafasgirl23415 thank you for continuing to write for the fandom and bringing it new life! We're lucky to have you!
Crimes of Passion:
@starsarewithinme meeting you through the CoP fandom has been a highlight of my fandom year! I'm so glad you started writing (and I have much to catch up on!). I love the work you do! While I love your Trystan and MC Rose, I especially love that you take on other parts of the story that concentrate on other characters outside of the romantic realm. Especially with all the drama the Thorne family can give us! Thanks so much for sharing your creativity with us! :)
@reveluving and @shreyamistry, I have enjoyed your CoP fics so much. I know you have not done many, but I hope that changes because they're so good! Thank you so much for sharing them with us!
Other Choices Fandoms:
@aallotarenunelma I know we write for different fandoms, and if I ever get to reading some other stories, hopefully that will change, but I really appreciate all you bring to this fandom. Your writing that I have read has been wonderful and the love you have for your characters shines through (I still have the one I requested saved, and I swear, I'm getting to it - this past month has just been brutal!) Thank you for being here and sharing your passion & talent with us!
@aria-ashryver I haven't gotten to read your works yet, mostly because I have not read Immortal Desires, but when I remedy that, I will. Just based on the descriptions I see when posting for CFWC I know I will love the creativity, and positive queer representation is SO needed in our fandom. Thank you so much for providing it and for being here! :)
@angelasscribbles We're in different fandoms, so I have not read as much as I want to (should have), but how I love what I have! I need to catch up on Law's End because I think it's just brilliant, and as soon as I have time (HOLIDAYS? PLEASE???) I need to read some of your poly stories because they sound fascinating. I have seen a lot in the descriptions on CFWC, and I need to get on this! Thank you for sharing your talent with us, and for doing so much to spur creativity in our fandom - but most of all - for being my sister from a different mister. I will FOREVER be amazed (but I'm no longer shocked) about all the weird coincidences in our lives. <3
I'm sure I've forgotten people, and I truly apologize if I have, but I want to thank every creator in our fandom for all they give to us!
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duckprintspress · 5 months
Meet Aether Beyond the Binary Contributor Terra P. Waters
Another day, another AETHER BEYOND THE BINARY creator to shine the spotlight on!
Before we get to that, just a note: hi, I’m Nina Waters, the lead editor, the person running this campaign, and the one who writes all these blog posts. I’ll be traveling for the next four days (Friday, Jan 12 – Monday, Jan 15) to vend for Duck Prints Press at Arisia in Boston. As a result, I will be slower to answer messages, reply to comments, and post updates (I’m going to try to post one, but I’m not sure I’ll have time). I appreciate your patience while I’m less available. And if by some chance, you’re attending the con, make sure you come and say hi! I’ll be at table D14 in the dealer’s room.
Now, on to Terra…!
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About Terra: Terra is a scientist by day who lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family. She has been writing fiction as long as she can remember, and has always told her partner of 17 years that if she wasn’t a scientist, she would be an author. During grad school, she discovered fanfiction and immediately began writing her own. After many years and several fandoms (including Teen Wolf, Hawaii Five-0, and Stranger Things), she returned to writing original fiction. To date, she has self-published two novellas in a 90s-nostalgia polyamory comedy series and has drafted two YA/NA sci-fi novels. When not doing science or writing, you can find Terra indulging her yarn addiction and knitting.
Links: Archive of Our Own | Tumblr (pterawaters) | Tumblr (terrapwaters) | Instagram | Bluesky
Terra has previously published one short stories with Duck Prints Press, a Patreon-exclusive entitled The Wayward Timekeeper, and she also wanted to share a few of her works from AO3: 
Kope Kamekona (Hawaii Five-O, Steve McGarrett/Catherine Rollins/Danny Williams)
Forever’s gonna start tonight (Stranger Things, A/B/O, multiple ships and ot3s)
Other Delicacies (Our Flag Means Death, Ed Teach/Stede Bonnet) – this is the piece that Terra used to apply to Duck Prints Press, and several of us reviewers liked it so much that we sought it out and read the whole thing even though we aren’t in the fandom!
An Interview with Terra P. Waters
What motivates you to create?
My love for the ideas!
How did you pick the name you create under?
I’ve been using the name “pterawaters” since 2009, when I joined fanfiction.net. “Ptera” came from an old gaming character I had, “Ptera the Pterrible,” and “Waters” was a last name I really liked the sound of. For my original writing, I decided to go with a more conventional version of the name. I moved the P from the front of my name to the middle initial as an homage to my fannish writing name.
What do you consider to be your strengths as a creator?
My ability to brainstorm scenarios and know how to outline the plot from there. Longer-form works, where I get to dig into the character motivations and development. World building.
What do you consider to be your weaknesses as a creator?
Short stories, creating characters who serve the story I want to tell, adding enough description around the dialog and plot.
When and why did you begin creating?
I’ve been writing since I was a kid, and even took a lot of creative writing classes during college (aside from my science major). I get a lot of joy out of thinking “what if…” and then turning that idea into a story.
Are you a pantser, a planner, or a planster? What’s your process look like?
I’m most often a planner. I like to outline the story beats of any project before I write. Sometimes, I’ll be more of a plantser. I’ll write 1-2k words of an idea before I do the rest of the outline, so I can see if it’s an idea worth planning out further.
Which of your own creations is your favorite? Why?
I wrote a story called “Entanglement” that was part of a long Stranger Things fanwork series. It’s absolutely my favorite thing I’ve ever written, and I’m excited to get to the point where I can incorporate the rewritten version into my sci-fi series.
What are your favorite tropes?
Polyamory, First times/Getting together, Forced proximity (cuddling for warmth, only one bed), Soulmate AUs, Omegaverse, Fake relationship, Friends to Lovers
What are your favorite snacks and/or drinks to consume while creating?
I like herbal tea, candy, or a crunchy snack like popcorn. I’ve recently gotten into eating roasted lentils, which is a nice substitute for not being able to eat nuts anymore.
What is your “dream project” – the thing you’d see as the culmination of your work as a creator?
I want to finish a series of at least 4 novels and have them all in print.
When you look at your “career” as a creator, what  achievement would you most like to reach – what, if it happened or has  already happened, would/did make you go “now – now I’m a success!”?
I would like to have at least one full-length novel printed and for people to actually buy it!
Tell us about your pet(s).
I have two orange cats, Gadget (the chonk) and Gizmo (anxiety in animal form).
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What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
Finish the thing. My writing got so much better once I forced myself to finish fan works so I could put them up for other people to read. Practicing the first part of writing a story without practicing how to write the end leaves you never finishing anything.
Terra’s Contribution to Aether Beyond the Binary
Title: Ancient Hearts Unearthed
Tags: academia, alternate history, cancer, character illness (serious), f/nb, f/f (background), fat, first kiss, friends to lovers, getting together, hospital, modern with magic, mystery, non-binary, panic attacks, past tense, phobia (claustrophobia), pining, professor, scientist, third person limited pov
Victoria turned and ran a hand over the runes again. “What bothers me is that these are early Age of Aether markings. You see the way they’re using archaic forms of our letters?”
Sasha leaned closer. “I’ll be damned. This doesn’t match the bronze-era artifacts in the rest of the cave, either.” They made a tiny humming noise. “Who else would have this much knowledge of ancient runes?”
As Victoria leaned as close as she could to the wall, she asked distractedly, “What do you mean?”
“Obviously, it’s a fake,” they said, mulling over the problem in their head. “Sanderson has wanted my place on the admissions committee since he joined the department.”
“What if it’s not a fake?” Victoria made a tiny, excited noise. “What if this is early Aether Age work? What if this is a secret that’s been buried for almost a thousand years?”
Sasha’s heart swooped at the thought. “We have to find out what that inscription says.”
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