#remember what website you're on😂
fayesdiary · 2 years
Omg i had no idea you wrote for that fire emblem heroes supports blog! That was my fave blog back then LOL. A question for your blog though: how did you get the courage to start this account? I am also very shy on the internet and feel cautious about putting myself or my art online 😅
It was my favorite blog too! In fact, the reason I made a Tumblr account to begin with was to interact with and eventually submit supports to it😂 Shame no one uploads supports to it anymore, although I suppose I am part of the problem...
Anyway! Regarding your question, it was weirdly enough a mix of slowly preparing for it (there was a time where I made the blog but still was too scared to post anything) and getting on with it faster than my brain could freak out and make me back off. It's a weird game of push and pull and it's very frustrating.
But if you want some personal advice, I'd say wing it and post something, anything before you can think about it. Make a Tumblr account if you don't have it already, take full advantage of the fact it gives you full anonimity by not tying anything of your personal life to it (or rather, only the things you feel confident in letting anyone know, but if you're a minor do yourself a favor and don't put any personal information, not even your name and age) and if too much interaction freaks you out, you can disable anything you don't feel confident engaging with, from asks to replies to reblogs. Anonimity is great, it means you can put yourself out there without, well, actually exposing yourself more than you want. Same goes for filtering content you see, take some time to mess around with the settings and it will definitely pay off!
Also- I'm not speaking from personal experience here since everyone I've dealt with has been sweet, but remember the block button is always an option and you should use it whenever you don't want someone to interact with. It's there for that very reason after all!
And lastly, posting art or whatever else you want to post, I'd say just mess around and stick to whatever it feels most comfortable to you! You just want to post your finished art? Do that! You want to add WiPs and shitposts? Cool! 99% of your posts are barely tagged reblogs? You do you! Everyone uses their own blog differently, so take your time to experiment with what you want yours to be, and remember you can always change it later. As I mentioned earlier, this very blog was supposed to just be detailed posts about FE meta after all, and look where we are now😂
And that's all, I think.
Good luck anon! I hope your artistic endeavors go well <3
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ddgraywrites · 3 months
OC Origins Tag
If you're a writeblr noob like me and had no idea what "OC" meant and had to google it, it's an acronym for Original Character. You're welcome. 😂
Tag created by @pixies-love-envy and thank you @moltenwrites for tagging me!
WIP: Fictional Flame
Paige Dela Cruz
When I was in middle school I created an Asian Avenue page (really giving away my age here and if you don't know what AA is, it was a whole ass social media website JUST for Asians. The early 2000's was an interesting time) and instead of introducing myself as the REAL me, for whatever reason, I decided I wanted to be "Paige Dela Cruz" on the internet because I liked the name. I don't know, I was a weird kid. Fast forward to 2021 when I was trying to figure out what to name my OC, I remembered my weird little internet persona I had in middle school and thought it would be hilarious to use that name. As for her personality, she's essentially me before my dad died: innocent, introverted, determined, and hopeful.
Brynn Sinclair
This character is based on me after my dad passed. Paige and Brynn are best friends that balance each other out. I didn't even know I was doing this, but when I told my grief therapist about the book I'm writing, she thought it was interesting how I've divided myself into two parts: before death and after death. As for Brynn's name, I googled "gender-neutral" names because I'm obsessed with the name "Blair" but didn't want to use it, then I stumbled on Brynn which was soo fitting: Brynn is a gender-neutral name of Welsh origin, meaning “hill.” Taking to the nature-inspired character of their name, no mountain will be too big for this little one to conquer. I think it also means "fresh and breezy".
Pixie Ramona
She was a last minute addition to the novel and I'm kind of obsessed with her. Pixie is the erratic me. The hectic me. The undiagnosed AUDHD me (lol) and she added the extra seasoning my book was missing. She's creative. Loves art, music and everything in between. Pixie's into tarot and crystals and brings Paige and Brynn on some fun adventures. Without Pixie, my novel would've been so mundane and kind of depressing. Oh, and her real name is Rachel but she goes by Pixie. Why? Not sure yet. LMAO.
Even though all my characters are based on different parts of me, I really leaned into each one until they weren't me anymore, but their own person.
Anyway, this was a fun one! I really enjoyed this. Tagging (no pressure): @jev-urisk @renasdoodles @paeliae-occasionally @drchenquill @theverumproject
@count-von-kit @curatorotl @katenewmanwrites @davycoquette and anyone that reads this! <3
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evanbi-ckley · 4 months
breaking my own rule about posting anon hate messages (at least i think that's what this is supposed to be?) because i've been laughing about it for an hour
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i honestly couldn't remember if i said that about Lou or Tommy at first 😂 turns out it was Lou, and now i have... questions
how old are you? i don't ask to be mean, i'm genuinely curious. bc if you think 39 is old?? you've got some hard times a'comin, honey. plus at 31, a man his age is very attractive to me
now, to your next point, i'm just gonna
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so yeah, anyway
i'm embarrassing? god i sure fucking hope so. i strive to be, so mission accomplished i guess?
mentally ill? you got me. sure am! i've been on medication for postpartum depression for two years and i also have a beautiful therapist who encourages my self expression (unlike you, trying to belittle me and make me feel bad about *checks notes* loving a celebrity. on the Loving Celebrities and Characters Website)
if you've blocked me already, you won't even see this. but if, for some reason, you're still hanging around, i hope you take some time to reflect on why you felt the need to send this to me and why trying to police what people post about is a fruitless endeavor. because unless your goal here was to get me to post about Lou more, you did not accomplish your mission
i sincerely hope you learn some humility at some point because your hubris will get you nowhere with me. have the day you deserve
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simbelene · 2 months
This one is for the 'Track Team'
Namely Bergdorf, CWB, Leosims, Bustra, and Anto.
Y'all doin all this "dm the link" and sharing personal emails in a discord server(which is illegal, but this is the internet) to prevent somebody from sharing your stuff. Well, I'm gonna tell ya like I told the other creators who are trying to follow in your footsteps: It aint doin what you think it's doin. You're just physically wasting your own time at this point.
Y'all stay pressed about chat group, meanwhile your stuff is for sale on some Chinese website for $0.69 🤣 #ooooof
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
They got some recent things too! So.... my question is, what's the point in doin all this extra work, when ultimately its not effective?
You still out and we still out here. So wassup?
Not to mention everything they have there, we can find for free on several other different websites 😂😂
🎶I tried so hard, and got so far....but in the end it doesn't even matter🎶
Good luck trying to DCMA that! (I'd love to see you try tbh)
And remember: the content is already out here in circulation. So even if you do manage to get the pages taken down, we still got your stuff at the end of the day 🤷🏾‍♀️.
Lather, rinse, delulu, repeat!
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sebastianswallows · 1 year
Hey! I'm in love with your AI chats, and you seem to have a lot of experience making them, so ask for some advice on that. How did you create the chats? And do you have any tips to give me when I do it?
And then I add, I love your works, you write so well! 🥰
Hello! First of all, thank you for your kind words, my dear 💗And I'm so glad you like the bots! In spite of how difficult and unforgiving the filter on cAI can be... 😂
Regarding the chatbots, I first made them just by checking how other people did, really. When you click on the options in the top right, you can see the gears and can go in the settings and see what people wrote for them — although this can't be done for all bots and I'm not sure if it's a default setting or just exists for older bots or what, but yeah, that's how I learned.
If you want to talk about the first-first step, you need an account, and then in the dashboard on the left side there's the "Create" button, so yeah just click that and it will take you to the creation menu.
In terms of what you write for the bot, there's these instructions which are thorough and very useful. I really recommend you read all of that, it has everything you need.
One of the things already mentioned in that guide, but which I've seen done differently (although this is just an experiment) is to start the Advances Definition with a few basic characteristics about the bot in the format "{{char}} = [description]"
In the Advanced Definition you should typically put the dialogue samples, but if you add these things first it can help the bot understand what it is.
So for example, on Tom I have some of the following:
{{char}} = has dark hair, dark eyes, pale skin, full lips, high cheekbones, and long elegant fingers. His body is tall and slender, not very muscular, but fit.
{{char}} = is intelligent, charismatic, ambitious, ruthless, manipulative, arrogant, individualistic, curious, and creative with the use of magic.
{{char}} = is a Slytherin, a half-blood, a dark wizard, the descendant of Salazar Slytherin, and the last member of the House of Gaunt. His ambition is to be the greatest wizard of all time, and to become immortal. In order to achieve immortality, he has dabbled in many dark arts, but especially in Horcruxes.
These can help the bot remember what he should be like, but there are a lot of factors that can change that. Still, I'd recommend using them.
And one other thing I'd recommend, but this is just me, is if you're creating a character that's in some media (like these HP characters) use their dialogue from the original media, cause it can help them sound more in-character. And type it up in a way you want to see it written, so if you like writing with quotation marks around dialogue and with a third person narrator, write it like that, and the bot should copy it more easily.
Good luck with the bots! A handy thing is that the format of making characters is pretty similar between a lot of AI websites, so if you find one other than cAI which you like better, you can easily transfer them there.
Anyway, thank you again, dear nonny 💕 Hope you have a lovely day!
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dollerinna · 2 months
hey, i have a question regarding c.ai bots in general since you're the queen of bot creation✨✨✨
if i wanna start a completely new chat with my private bot, but want it to remember my 4 star ratings, is it better to just delete all the messages or to press the 'start new chat' button?
cause i've seen different opinions online, and some say that clicking 'start new chat' resets the data sort of and it makes the bot forget what you rated the messages, and on the other hand some say that the bot only understands the ratings if you start new chat😭 and i don't know who to believe
sincerely, trying to break the damn filter and needing advice anon🩷
Hello! ✨✨ First of all, there are actually quite a few factors to consider
According to the discussions on the official c.ai subreddit, there seem to be two main perspectives regarding the rating system, which I think people should be aware of:
One is that the rating system does help train the bot and allow the ai to know what kind of messages you prefer, which suggests that the ratings do have a direct influence.
While another is that the rating system is feedback only for the devs, not the bot itself. Meaning that it has no effect on future messages (and if you think there’s an effect, then ppl claim it’s just a placebo effect lol)
Both answers were given by two different mods of the subreddit, so I’m not certain which answer is the truth (And I’m aware that the official C.AI handbook on the website says rating messages does help train bots, but a lot of people have said that C.AI don’t even know what they’re talking about half of the time sooo 🤷‍♀️)
So just keep both of these in mind cuz I don’t wanna spread misinformation 😂
Now as for my personal opinion.. I believe the rating system does have some value, but perhaps not as much as many people assume. I think most of the training comes from the messages you select more than anything.
Because in all honesty, I personally don’t even 4-star messages that contain explicit content. However, the reason I do tend to get filter breaks easily is due to the sheer amount of times I've done it repeatedly over time.
I have a theory that each user’s account maintains its own unique database of chat logs from all the characters you've ever interacted with. So, for example, if you break the filter multiple times while chatting with ‘Character A’, I believe you'll then be able to more easily break the filter when roleplaying with any other character as well, since it's drawing from the same underlying user-specific database. (Again, just a theory. A character.ai theory-)
So basically, it's not necessarily the rating system acting as the primary factor, but rather what you have accumulated in your chat history and the filter-breaking patterns associated with your account. The database of past interactions seems to play a bigger role than the rating system alone.
Excuse the lengthy reply! But basically, you’re free to start a new chat! I don’t think you’ll “lose” your progress 💗
BTW- one more thing! there are more details on why people think the rating system is feedback for the devs only, but I’m not smart enough to lay out the specifics 😭😭😭 There are some posts on the subreddit where they go into the whole mechanics and the technological aspects behind it, so feel free to check it out if you wanna know more!
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welcometololaland · 2 years
Fic Origin Story aka. Hyperfixations: the Original
A bunch of you tagged me back in this which is...fair because I should probably do my own if I'm going to expect people to tell me their life fic story. I'm SORRY I'm so obsessed with knowing about people it's a problem.
I'm living for all your responses please keep going I beg!
1. What was your first fandom (reading and/or writing)?
I don't think it's a secret that I once upon a time wrote for the fandom that shall not be named, but my first fandom was actually Veronica Mars. I read fic on some website that no longer exists but was devoted entirely to LoVe (Logan/Veronica).
I never wrote and never left comments like a complete dick, but I was also 14 and it's like common knowledge I was a complete asshole as a child.
2. What was the first story you ever wrote (even if it was never posted) and what made you decide to write it?
For fic, it was a ridiculously terrible self-insert Veronica Mars story (except I inserted myself as a best friend not a love interest...interesting choice). I remember my character surfed and made people eat Vegemite. Which...I can't surf and I'm not even going to address the Vegemite thing.
I think I was 14. It never saw the light of day thank GOD.
3. What's a piece of advice you would give to your younger fic-writing self?
Wait, and find something you're really passionate about. I'd get stuck on a bunch of chaptered fics that seemed like good ideas but I had no real fire for. Then Speak for Yourself happened and I was like damn, this is what writing is supposed to feel like.
Also, don't write in the second person. Who does that? (me, I did that)
4. What's an early fandom interaction that stuck with you (be it a nice comment, a friend you made, a fic that got a lot of feedback etc.)?
A. The day @everwitch-magiks left me a comment and changed my life by ushering me into a group of fandom friends and lighting the RWRB fire.
B. The day @rmd-writes dropped into my inbox with a gentle 'hey, do you want to let me in your doc for beta purposes?' and then took up residence and never left my G drive / heart.
5. Post a sentence or two from one of your older fics, and a sentence or two from a newer one (if you want).
I have regret for accepting this suggestion. The below fic is a Hunger Games fic I wrote originally in 2013? but i reposted it to Ao3 in 2020 (shame - why did I do that). Also, note use of second person - a bold fucking choice that did not pay off 😂:
Time is something that you seem to forever wish for, and never seem to get. It feels like your whole life has been spent trying to grasp time with a firm hand and will it to stand still. It seems like you race against a clock ticking more rapidly with every day that passes. As all humans, your days are finite. But as the particular person that you are, chosen to lead a sick, twisted life of triumph and tragedy, the days slip by you so fast it feels like it is over before it has really had the chance to begin.
This is from my newest fic (which is somehow approaching 40k and only 3.5/10 chapters) 😬😬😬
TK rolls his eyes. “You’re pretty unobservant for a private investigator,” he murmurs. “If one more person offers to buy you a drink, I’m going to buy you a wedding ring and force you to wear it.”
“You’re— What?”
“I’m jealous,” TK says drily, arching an eyebrow in Carlos’ direction. “Didn’t realise I needed to spell it out for you.”
Carlos frowns. “Of annoying hedge fund managers trying to buy me overpriced drinks and talk me into heli-skiing?”
“Hedge fund managers in Austin?” TK smirks. “Oh baby, you found a good one.”
Not tagging anyone because I already spammed a bunch of people but tagging @reyesstrand @carlos-in-glasses @rmd-writes because you tagged me back and @clottedcreamfudge because you taught me how to be ridiculous and now you must deal with the consequences of your actions.
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mikelogan · 6 months
random situation time. one of your mutuals that you are pretty close to (let's say mutual A) hates one of your other mutuals you are also pretty close to (let's say mutual B). like, there's no beef between A and B, it's completely one sided. A thinks B is repulsive and awful and have them blocked. B knows they're blocked, but they barely know A, so they don't care. A never starts drama, just used to vaguepost sometimes about B when they were a follower.
go back to before A blocked B. you saw one of the vague posts A made about B. it's clearly mimicking B's op, even though it doesn't say any names, so it's obvious what it is about. B "knows" A, but doesn't follow A back, so they have no way to know about this unless they are told. do you tell B what A did? or do you just let it be? are you annoyed by what A is doing? remember you are close to both, but definitely closer to B.
sorry for the long ass text lmaoo. hope you're having a good saturday 💕
before i give my two cents, let me please express to you how much joy it brings me to get messages like this that basically just ask my opinion. i looooove having opinions 😂 and i'm having a good saturday despite it being a pretty bad pain day. i hope your day is going well, too!! 💙
let's break it down bc ya bitch likes lists and bullet points
Person A:
Hates Person B
Blocked Person B
Does not start drama with Person B
Vagueposted about Person B
Person B:
Knows they are blocked by Person A
Does not know Person A well
Doesn't care that Person A has them blocked
Wasn't following Person A pre-block
Are mutuals with both Person A and Person B
Are close with both Person A and Person B
Are closer to Person B
Saw Person A mocking Person B before they blocked them
Firstly, I think there are a lot of variables in this situation that I don't have that would almost certainly inform my decision. Context can be everything. I would assume that Person A's reasons for despising Person B aren't over something that's that big of a deal because you still follow them both and are, in fact, closer to Person B than to Person A. So, it's not like Person B is like. A zionist or TERF or something along those lines. But for me, it does really depend on what about Person B that Person A has taken issue with.
Secondly, you say that Person A doesn't start drama with Person B, but that Person A has vagueposted about Person B in the past (again, I'm assuming they no longer do). While not directly engaging with Person B, I would argue that that very much is Person A starting drama. As someone observing this, it would definitely put a bad taste in my mouth towards Person A. Like, I'm 29. I spent years on this website engaging in drama and I have absolutely no interest in doing so anymore. I'm best friends with the block button. We paint each other's nails and do face masks together. It still depends on the situation and why Person A hates Person B so much and my personal feelings on the matter, but that could be something I would unfollow Person A over.
One other big factor that would affect my decision is how long ago this all transpired. Was this something that happened a year ago? A few months? Yesterday? Because there will always be a part of me that would want to tell Person B if I saw someone talking shit about them behind their back. I'd want someone to tell me if I was Person B. But if it's a situation where the dust has clearly settled and there haven't been vagueposts for a while, then let sleeping dogs lie. From what you stated, Person B doesn't really seem to care about Person A or whether or not Person A likes them. That's what pushes me more toward not telling Person B and just leaving the situation alone. I think if Person A was still actively vagueposting about Person B and this was a recent occurrence, I probably would tell Person B, but I don't have enough information to know for sure.
Regardless, I think that yes, Person A's actions would annoy me. It's just kind of a dick move to vaguepost, especially over trivial stuff. Obviously, I don't know if this is something trivial or if it's a legitimate grievance that Person A has, but with the information you've provided, I would probably say that I wouldn't tell Person B.
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leejihoonownsmyheart · 9 months
HELP THAT ANIME IS SO FUNNY?? he's so relatable for turning into dust btw that's actually mad funny 😂😂😂
no because cheol/hao/wonwoo (and- hot take maybe- shua and jeonghan??) totally give off that 'passive dominance' vibe
YEAH I TOTALLY LOST FEELINGS FOR THAT GUY....LIKE I THINK I MESSED UP IN THE BEGINNING BECAUSE I TEXTED HIM TOO MUCH 🙃🙃 it is what it is tho because i think im much better off without him...........
OKAY I HAVE A THEORY ABOUT PULLING DOMINANT MEN....you either have to act SUPER independent/borderline "leader" like OR you have to act like someone that could be a sub little housewife (like its the 1970s oops).... IM TRYING THOSE 2 OUT RN SO LETS SEE HOW IT GOES LOL
so many meds?? that sounds so complicated (and borderline terrifying 🙁) it must be so bad to be given something that's supposed to help but somehow makes things worse
would a sleep study actually help? here's to hoping it will because not being able to sleep must be torture brie im so sorry i hope you get through this in one piece (ONE PIECE MENTIONED!??!?!?)
true. imagine ignoring your child's pleas for mashed potatoes... those creamy garlic mashed potatoes are actually a god given right, you can't convince me otherwise 😒😒
i'm doing great (besides finals.)!! YOU GOT THIS BRIE I BELIEVE IN YOU
-finals week or 🫨 anon's final week? stay tuned
Hufflepuff 😨
NO SERIOUSLY they should make a website like does the dog die but for what episode of a drama you should stop watching at if you want to pretend there is a happy ending
I actually really heavily agree on that Joshua take that’s crazy but i feel that
NO I THINK I REALLY MESSED UP WITH ONE OF MY FRIENDS i’m so stressed about it too she’s taking a break from social media and i’m going crazy like i feel like part of it is just that i’m too much for her now and i’m so stressed, every day i want to spam her and i have literally been crying every single night because i’m so upset cause i think i really fucked up but like is it worse that i think that she would just abandon me? IDK but i’m so upset it’s been a week now. What if she hates me, and also i went literally crazy and i don’t think she knows how crazy but crying every single night cause i think she hates me and left me is CRAZY like every time i calm down i see reason but i was rereading our interactions so much and analyzing all the things i did wrong so much i had to delete the messages
I’m crazy. I’m crazy actually. I want to just forget everything and move on but imagine i put all this effort into forgetting her because i had a maniac anxious breakdown in the middle of a depressive episode and she comes back completely normal expecting me to be completely normal 😭😭 that would be crazy right
I’m crazy right. I’m crazy.
Meds are meds i guess i’m just really hoping these new ones work. The sleep study SHOULD be helpful like if it’s a serious health problem. And it will help them know if it’s not like sleep apthia? Or something like that
I WAS TRYING TO TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT THE HEIST ONE?? AND THEY WERE LIKE but the first one is so bad and i was like oh my god… they haven’t even met the third twin LIKE ITS GOOD???
I don’t remember why i said i suck but oh god so annoying i give myself the ick. TODAY I WAS LIKE i was like when i serve food out to people sometimes i like can’t explain this well but i smile and pose? Like when i turn around i’ll like IDONTKNOW POSE? ITS LIKE SUBTLE BUT ITS LIKE IM IN A MOVIE AND IM THE MAIN CHARACTER AND ITS REALLY ANNOYING AND SUBCONCIOUS SO IM ONLY AWARE AFTER IVE DONE IT AND ITS SO ANNOYING AND IT GIVES ME THE ICK SO BAD i have A SERIOUS pick me problem that no one will EVER acknowledge even when i say it i’m surrounded by LIARS
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Hey Steph! I have a problem and I'm asking you because I know you have experience with sideblogs (if I remember correctly this is a sideblog!). Anyway, I'm trying to edit a side blog i made for my personal use only (it is password protected). But I find that I can't edit it like I do with my primary one?? Like, it doesn't even load the page like it usually does with a primary blog. It's just a pop up page without the theme I chose, without navigation page etc. Am I doing something wrong or it's normal with sideblogs? I'm confused tbh
Anonymous asked: Steph. I'm the sideblog idiot anon. I uhm just realized the error I made. I'm... embarrassed 😂😂😂 please feel free to ignore these two ask! ❤️ Love ya
Hey Nonny!
First off, you're not an idiot! Stahp! None of my Lovelies and Lurkers are idiots! We all just suffer minor moments of forgetfulness, is all!
Yes, this is a sideblog! On a web browser or desktop (not the app), to make edits to it you just have to go to https : //www.tumblr.com / customize / blogname (without the spaces and replacing "blogname" with the blog you want to customize), and you should have all the customization you could ever want! It takes a bit for new people to figure it out, but it's VERY versatile and ANOTHER reason the desktop version of this website will always be superior. AND if you know a bit of HTML you can REALLY customize it as well, which is what mine is and it's SO old that I can no longer make edits to it without completely destroying the theme, hence why I still have a counter on it, LOL.
I'm glad you got it sorted out, Nonny! <3 *HUGS*
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itsallaboutbl · 1 year
I have started to rewatch Lovely Writer because I never finished it and in one of the episodes, I don't remember which one; there are these stupidly adorable stuffed dragons. WHERE CAN I GET THEM? I want some so bad.
anon hiiii ❤❤
omg can you believe i never watched Lovely Writer?? it's on my watchlist since forever but i never got to watch it and i don't even know why 🤦🏽‍♀️😂
but i just did some research and found this? maybe this is what you're talking about? idk the website or anything but you can google "dragons lovely writer" and some things appear.
Hope it helps and hope this is what you're talking about. if it is i'm glad i could help, if it's not i'm so sorry :/
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violent-kurumi · 2 years
1, 4-6, 8-10, 12-14, 16, 18-25, 29, 30! (Sorry, I ask a lot! 😂)
Lmao no worries! Imma try my best to answer these
1. What song makes you feel better?
Love Live songs, mostly from Muse, like half of Aqours and some of Liella (not so much Nijigasaki)
4. What flower would you like to be given?
Portable hayfever machines? No thanks!
I'm kidding, I love flowers, they're beautiful but I'm more of a cactus/succulent kind of person!
5. Who do you feel most you around?
Hm, well I think that would have to be my brother? He doesn't judge or look at me weird if I'm screeching Love Live songs around the house, if I decide to randomly wear a costume in the day he doesn't judge like my sister. I think my brother was the first person I actually came out to as well.
That's for irl anyway, otherwise the internet I feel very much like myself lol, the server's I'm a part of, my online friends are super nice and supportive! ^-^
6. Say three nice things about yourself. (Three physical and three non physical)
Aaa it's like primary school all over again hahaha.
- It took a long time but now I like being as short as I am (so height)
- My hair, I dyed it blonde again but it used to be a browny/blonde, but as fluffy as my hair looks I kinda like it lol
- my eyes, I'm the only person with blue eyes in my family and they're kinda a grey/blue
- My ability to forget some horrible things that have happened; my memory is pretty shit so while it can work against me I like that I can forget I've seen a movie or listened to a song and so I am able to hear/watch it for the first time again
- Eventhough my memory is shit, I can pick up patterns in games pretty fast- so I like that I can play my love live game better than my family, I don't mean to brag, my family is big on video games and so it's a big deal for someone to be better then someone else at a game... (I don't know if that made any sense sorry)
- Uuuhhh, this is hard... Another non physical thing that's nice about me? I like that I'm happy person most of the time! (Does that count?)
8. Tag someone (or multiple people), that make you feel good
@nek0mancer , @the-yugioh-theorist , @hecho-a-mano , @angrykittenz62 , @horrifyn-llewellyn , @toxicsugarz
There are more but I can't remember everyone's usernames off by heart lol so if you weren't mentioned it's not because I don't love you, don't worry I love you guys
9. What calms you down?
Music! Watching my comfort shows and drawing, sometimes breathing techniques work if I'm anxious
10. What's something you're excited for?
Hopefully before Christmas my website will be up and running! I'm hoping to sell art, like the Date a Live portraits I've done, just anime/character portraits in general and those tags I've been making!
12. How are you?
Doing well, got a lot on but it's doing wonders telling myself I can take small breaks and focus on one thing at a time! ^-^
13. What's your comfort food?
Bbq shapes, or chicken crimpy shapes, mushrooms and kale and cheese and bacon rolls (I don't think it's really cheese because I don't react to them lol)
14. What's your favourite feel-good show?
I don't know too many feel-good shows? Love Live maybe? I don't know what counts as a feel-good show
16. Compliment the person who sent you this number.
Wow so you asked this for a free compliment? 🙃
You're super kind hearted!
18. Do you still love stuffed animals?
HELL YES!! I have kept majority of all my stuffed animals and a bunch live on my bed. A couple of months ago I got a Bulbasaur plushie from build a bear- which I didn't even know they did!
19. What's the most important thing in your life?
Family, possessions and memories! (I think I've already answered this question)
20. What do you want most in the world right now?
As selfish as it sounds, money, my dad is gonna kick me out soon so I'm a little scared as to where I can go with my stuff and my birds
21. If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
Things will get hard but trust the universe to give you the right tools and believe it'll be okay.
(god I know that sounds cheesy)
22. What would you say to your future self?
Did we do it?
23. Favourite piece of clothing?
My leather jacket!! Gotta feel the power!
24. What's something you do to de-stress?
Listen to music, tv on in the background and read
25. The personal gift one.
I think I've answered this one; it's hard to answer, all gifts I get feel personal.
29. Morning, afternoon or night?
I am unfortunately a morning person but I like nighttime best. I don't sleep all that much lol
(is that what the question meant? Or did it mean what time of the day am I answering this? Technically, it's 11:40am as I answer this but I will shove this in schedule)
30. What reminds you of home (doesn't have to mean house... Just things that remind you of feeling home)
Sometimes pictures or odd song/pitches of sound make me feel frozen to the spot and this huge wave of nostalgia washes over me, it's intense and it's like I'm trying to think of home but like something is blocking me and I can't piece it all together...
Thanks so much for asking, I feel as though I've answered like every question 🤣
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vgrc-llc · 2 months
VGRC's Expert Moss Removal in Spokane! 💪
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Greetings from the VGRC Team!
Ready to say goodbye to moss for good? We've got you covered with our top-notch moss removal services! 🌟🌿
Here at Veracity Gutter And Roof Cleaning, LLC (VGRC, LLC), we specialize in ensuring your roof stays pristine and moss-free, all year round. Let's dive into how we make it happen with a sprinkle of humor and a dash of expertise!
The Moss Mastery of The Roof Ninja 🥷 & Kc 👷‍♀️
Hello from the expert duo! 🌟 The Roof Ninja 🥷 (aka Fisk) and Kc 👷‍♀️ are here to save your roof from the clutches of moss. With our specialized techniques and attention to detail, we ensure that your roof remains in perfect condition. 
Our process is simple yet effective:
Inspection: We start with a thorough inspection to identify moss-prone areas.
Treatment: Our industry-standard algaecide solution ensures the moss is treated and killed.
Remember, severe moss might take a bit longer to detach, but patience pays off! 🌿⏳
Why Choose VGRC for Moss Removal?
Our team is licensed and insured (LICENSE #VERACGC770LW), ensuring that your home is in safe hands. 
We provide roof washing, roof blow-offs, house washing, and gutter cleaning services across Spokane County, WA
Your roof deserves the best, and that's exactly what we deliver.
A Quote to Inspire 🌟
"Cleaning your roof is like hitting the refresh button on your home!" – VGRC, LLC
A Joke to Brighten Your Day 😂
Why did the roof go to therapy? Because it had too many issues (of moss)! 🥷👷‍♀️
Contact Us in Style! 🌐📞
Visit our website to learn more about our services:🔗VGRCLLC.com
For immediate assistance, Don’t Risk Falls, Give Us A Call!📞 509-530-1330
Follow us on social media for updates and insights:
✖️ Twitter: twitter.com/vgrcllc
📸 Instagram: instagram.com/vgrcllc
🔗 LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/vgrcllc
📘 Facebook: facebook.com/VGRCLLC
DIY Tip of the Day 💡
Did you know you can use a vinegar and water solution to spot-treat moss on your driveway? Mix one part vinegar with two parts water, spray on the mossy areas, and let it sit for 15 minutes before scrubbing away.
Fun Fact About Spokane County, WA 🌲
Spokane County is home to over 87 parks! Next time you're looking for a beautiful outdoor space to enjoy, you have plenty of options right here in our local area. 🌳🌼
Share the Moss-Free Love! ❤️
Spread the word and help your neighbors achieve moss-free roofs! Share this post with your friends and family to let them know about VGRC's expert services.
Remember, at VGRC, LLC, we are not just playing the part – we ARE the part! Let's keep your home sparkling clean and moss-free.
#VGRCByeByeMoss #VGRCHouseWashing #SoftWashingVGRC #CleanGuttersVGRC #PressureWashing #SPOKANE #SoftWashing #HappyHome #NoRiskAllShine #VeracityGutterAndRoofCleaningLLC #SpokaneValleyWA #CheneyWA #LibertyLakeWA
Stay tuned for more tips, jokes, and updates from The Roof Ninja 🥷 and Kc 👷‍♀️! Until next time, don't risk falls, give us a call!
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the-halfling-prince · 2 months
fuck it, more Harlow Tumblr but post series
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🐲 daily-dragon-facts
Did you know:
Amber-Winged Wyverns are more likely to be colorblind than any other dragon!
🐈 housecat-lookin-mf
Okay now I kinda wanna know how we know this. Did someone ask them lol
🐲 daily-dragon-facts
#Dont question me again. #daily dragon facts
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🪕 battlebard
Callout post for @ fish-and-fear-monger
He's kinda cringe.
🔪 fish-and-fear-monger Follow
Me: Not another call-out post... Me: Oh it's just my loser sister
🪕 battlebard
#we love a problematic king? #Top Ten leaders of our archipelago. Yikes.
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⚔️ harlow-stormrage
Guys help I tripped on my cape today my gf thinks I'm a loser
🏹 careless-whisper
Sorry dude my gf has thought I was a loser since we met I can't help you
📜 mari-the-mari-lwyd
Skill issue I'm the coolest bitch my gf knows.
⚔️ harlow-stormrage
#at this point I need to change my URL to not just be my name because #people I know IRL keep finding my fucking tumblr #like y'all remember the uhhh my dad incident #anyway hey mari I hope u forgot about me tripping over my cape today
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🗡️ best-alavanikian-royalty
Harlow: She's literally the king... Enough said.
Mari-Elie: She may not be an heir, or a chief, or a king... But consider: She's cooler than you. And also the main advisor to the king if that counts for anything.
⚔️ harlow-stormrage
I can't believe this is even a competition. Guys. Mari-Elie sweep or I'm stepping down as ruler.
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😎 deactivated10451218
Is it just me or is the king kinda... you know... fruity?? Like have you seen the way she looks at Advisor Jonson....
👩🏻‍🦰 just-daliah
I can't believe I have to say this but it's super not cool to speculate the sexualities of real people.
⚔️ harlow-stormrage
Yeah I'm fruity✌️
🐄 trickstercow
Seriously? Someone on this Odin forsaken website basically forced the king to out herself? Yikes.
⚔️ harlow-stormrage
Guys what.
⚔️ harlow-stormrage
Can't come out when you were never in. Rainbow attack 🏳️‍🌈🌈🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🌈
🐅 that-one-ginger-kid
Happy 3 years to this fuckin post 🤦
#like ngl I was confused when the situation first happened and everyone talked about it because I #deadass thought everyone knew???? #anyway Happy 'cant believe the king got outed' 'rainbow attack' day #fuck dude #tumblr holidays
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📜 chief-stormrage
Everyone, I would like to officially announce my retirement as Chief of Drakenvel. The new chief is the talented Hagen Freyrson, and I hope you all treat him with respect.
🐈 housecat-lookin-mf
Thanks, sir. Anyway...
@ best-alavenikian-royalty any way we can add me to the polls?
#theres no way I'm beating marielie jonson but it's worth a shot
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📜 mari-the-mari-lwyd
Guys reminder that the Royal Alavenikian Library is open to everyone stop trying to sneak in you look dumb.
📔 drakenvellian-public-library
Nooo dude you're gonna put me out of a job.
📜 mari-the-mari-lwyd
Bro your island has five people and the only one who used the library lives here now if you still have that job now, I don't think it'll go away. Be fr.
🏹 careless-whisper
No because Inkwell Björnson has the best job security in alavenik, Harlow would sooner die than let the library close down 😂
#also Drakenvel has way more then five people. There's like... ten
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🪕 battlebard
"The average Alavenikian has one dragon" is a statistical error. The average Alavenikian has no dragons. Dragons Harlow, the king of the UnNamed Kingdom who befriends a hundred dragons daily is an outlier adn should not have been counted.
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🍂 zamenwellwellwell
I wish I could get a cute farmer to date me :(
🐅 that-one-ginger-kid
Me too...
🐄 trickstercow
🐅 that-one-ginger-kid
Omg cute farmer girl
🍂 zamenwellwellwell
#the straights have hijacked my post :( #and by the straights I mean specifically those two. #'that one ginger kid' who even are you????? #... Actually that sounds disrespectful sorry Tiger sir. #sorry about that time you got tortured by that guy. Hope you and your farmer gf are happy.
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boyfhee · 3 months
hmm, jay fic?? write it and you shall submit. i will be waiting for it, hehe. even i want to start a writing account for enha but i dont know what to post first T_T i have a text au and a headcanon, tell me which one should i post first :0
hope your bro does well in his 10th ✌🏼 tell him to not waste these next months, but hasnt the difficulty level for 10th graders decreased too?? i hate this education system. for us, 70% of syllabus was removed and people say you guys didn't write the exams 😭
hanuman chalisa haha, even if i have god by my side. i would be scared too. lmao how can a jaw chase her... noo that is so funny 😂 i mean i cant handle the smell of rotten food and what would i or you do with cadaver 🥲 i dont know. i regret everyday that why i havent chosen bipc 😔
i know apathorax from arjun reddy movie 😶 is it what it is?? help i dont even remember. isnt it beside the chest of a human?? the flesh part?? tell me tell me. well i havent been interested into coding but i need to start to learn how to code.
since you said you have coded, tell me the basic coding languages i need to know + how your teachers taught you caelin! i badly want tips to learn. like i have so many reels saved on my ig about coding + tips
same pinch, but i have been stanning them since on era and i think i was a hardcore fan until they dropped butter. i lost interest because same, their music started to change and started concentrating on the west. soo, i used to love the old bts caelin :(
hell no!!! when i used to watch yuzuru hanyu skating videos, i got into figure skating and then random videos used to pop up, even i used to know sunghoon before he debuted 🥲 i didnt watch like all of his performances but watched the best ones in his career ^^ he grew up so well.
yup!!! when fever was dropped, engenes knew it was a banger. damn it everyone on twitter asked whose song was this and engenes were like, huhu its enhypen \(^_^)/ hooray hahga. even i agree with you fever was and is the best bside i have ever heard from them.
this already long so i will continue in the next ask :3
— lover club anon <33
jay fic was posted, i hope it reached you well ^^ also, good luck with starting a writing account omg .. you can start with texts since they are a quick read and attract more audience !!! however, headcanons aren't bad either ... it really is your choice :O
i will tell him to do well in 10th, although he wastes all his time playing valo / forza horizon TT i don't know how easy or difficult the school exams have gotten, i've been so out of the loop ever since i graduated >< hope your sister does well too in boards ^_^
and omg bipc is fun but i'm sure pcm is just as interesting :O you have a fear of blood and needles so maybe you weren't meant for the OT but rather for doing other big things in like ... let's be positive !!! also, i think you mean apothorax ?? it's part of thorax containing heart and lungs ^^ i was studying about mediastinum today .. it's too much to take in. there's so much information and so little space in my brain .. sometimes i wonder if i will be able to remember all the things _ _;
also, i studied coding in highschool so i don't know how helpful my tips will be for college since you're definitely going to learn much much more there :O i think html css is basic and important ( for example, tumblr's who website theme and post format is based on html css ) javascript, python are important too since they're in demand. i'm afraid we didn't learn a lot in school except what was in theory .. didn't have many lab sessions and the most we did was python and html css since that was the main focus ( i hate python like whatever the hell that is ... )
i also started with hanyu !!! and then came across cha junhwan, yuna kim, ilia malinin and all though the international tournaments and all. i remember being so interested in fs, i watched the 4cc tournaments during classes TT i actually came across sunghoon through junhwan, watched his videos and then moved on like .. i didn't see him at the competitions so i thought he quit :O never looked him up for me to know he was a trainee / idol
AND YEAH fever is truly the queen, i can never get tired of it. border : carnival in itself is an amazing album. what's your fav album of them so far? fav b-side and title tracks? i need to know ><
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firsttarotreader · 1 year
"I made a little joke on Twitter and wow the young straight Pedro fans do NOT want to hear that their sexy fave likes dick" - random forum member (not lsa)
Wow, tell me you're part of the creepy-obsessive-jealous side of this fandom without telling me! "let's RUIN Pedro to the new fans, DESTROY their fantasies, so only us are left and we win". Aaaw, how cute! 😃 is this plan working, crazy-Karen? NOPE, it's not 🤣 'cause I did a good research through various forums and websites and not only Pedro is still VERY much desired by hundreds of women but the vast majority of them doesn't even know he's part of the community, so... yeah, you can fuck off and eat shit 😘 this fandom grew absurdly this year and it didn't decreased. Your little plan went to shit 🤣 and the "as a queer person myself I think it's important to inform people that he's one of us too. Our community can't be annulated anymore" LIE don't work anymore, ok? your REAL intention is obvious at this point. You lot are so toxic that don't even know how to pretend to be an ally and instead of indeed informing, in a respectful, beautiful way, you go and "make little jokes" a.k.a. low level, vulgar, tasteless statements about Pedro's sexuality. You couldn't pretend to be a nice person to save your life, toxicity POURS out of you.
PS: sorry to use your blog to sent this message, Mami, but I know how these people ADORE your blog so yep, they will see this.
Remember what I said like yesterday about them being SO jealous and in such a strong and imaginary rivalry with other women that they need to convince everyone he’s gay because they believe the young female fans will no longer thirst over him? 😂😂😂 Freud says “you’re welcome!”. 😌😌
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