#if you ever do make your own blog feel free to contact me! :D
fayesdiary · 2 years
Omg i had no idea you wrote for that fire emblem heroes supports blog! That was my fave blog back then LOL. A question for your blog though: how did you get the courage to start this account? I am also very shy on the internet and feel cautious about putting myself or my art online 😅
It was my favorite blog too! In fact, the reason I made a Tumblr account to begin with was to interact with and eventually submit supports to it😂 Shame no one uploads supports to it anymore, although I suppose I am part of the problem...
Anyway! Regarding your question, it was weirdly enough a mix of slowly preparing for it (there was a time where I made the blog but still was too scared to post anything) and getting on with it faster than my brain could freak out and make me back off. It's a weird game of push and pull and it's very frustrating.
But if you want some personal advice, I'd say wing it and post something, anything before you can think about it. Make a Tumblr account if you don't have it already, take full advantage of the fact it gives you full anonimity by not tying anything of your personal life to it (or rather, only the things you feel confident in letting anyone know, but if you're a minor do yourself a favor and don't put any personal information, not even your name and age) and if too much interaction freaks you out, you can disable anything you don't feel confident engaging with, from asks to replies to reblogs. Anonimity is great, it means you can put yourself out there without, well, actually exposing yourself more than you want. Same goes for filtering content you see, take some time to mess around with the settings and it will definitely pay off!
Also- I'm not speaking from personal experience here since everyone I've dealt with has been sweet, but remember the block button is always an option and you should use it whenever you don't want someone to interact with. It's there for that very reason after all!
And lastly, posting art or whatever else you want to post, I'd say just mess around and stick to whatever it feels most comfortable to you! You just want to post your finished art? Do that! You want to add WiPs and shitposts? Cool! 99% of your posts are barely tagged reblogs? You do you! Everyone uses their own blog differently, so take your time to experiment with what you want yours to be, and remember you can always change it later. As I mentioned earlier, this very blog was supposed to just be detailed posts about FE meta after all, and look where we are now😂
And that's all, I think.
Good luck anon! I hope your artistic endeavors go well <3
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roastbeasts · 7 months
for the ask game: 4, 10, 14, 32!! and feel free to send me some if you like (no pressure) :D
4. who is/was your most intense sapphic crush?
i think the most intense crush i had (sans my partners obviously) was on this girl jenna at summer camp when i was like 13. she was like this fat buff bisexual who deadlifted me once for a talent show we were doing. she had a bunch of scars from various accidents & not-accidents that covered her arms and her shirts were extremely big on me but i loved wearing them bc they smelled like her. we dated ("dated" in a summer camp way) for a month or so and then i completely lost contact with her i hope she's butchin it up still
10. did you do anything gay as a kid that makes sense when you look back on your childhood?
the only thing i can really think of was fucking OBSESSING over fictional women and denying the fact that i was a lesbian the entire time. the first woman i ever actively obsessed over was astrid from httyd at the ripe old age of 9, then tigress from kpf at 12, then lucina from fire emblem at 13-14, ema skye from ace attorney at 15, and so on
14. list five things you look for in a partner, or five things you love about your current partner(s).
i have two partners! i love them both dearly. here are 5 things i love ab them:
i love gawain's sense of humor. by far the funniest person i've ever met by a longshot
i love how gawain is always willing to fight for me. no one in my life has ever really done that before
gawain is also a colossal artistic inspiration to me. his art owns supremely in a way that i don't have the words for
gawain is one passionate guy. just like in general. ab causes, ab me, ab doing stupid shit in video games. i love it
also he's hot as fuck. like insanely hot. drop dead gorgeous
i love charlie's gentleness. he's like full of kindness always
that being said, i love charlie's small kindnesses. he's got a tag for my art on his blog
i also love charlie's dedication. he'll send me those dunmeshi blingee things every morning and even if i can't / don't respond he just keeps doing it and i never want him to stop
i love charlie's art. he's a writer and that is something extremely beyond me but reading his writing is always a treat
most of all i think i love charlie's laugh. i don't think i've heard anything quite like it
32. tell a funny story about something really gay you’ve done.
not to bring up jenna again but she would literally ask me questions like what my bra size was and if i was into girls and i was so fucking oblivious at the time (our whirlwind romance happened the following summer) i just thought it was like a #girlthing to have conversations like this. she'd invite me to sleep in her bunk w her. we made candles together. also the deadlifting thing. and i left that summer very sure of my heterosexuality somehow
shoot me a number and i will bear my lesbian soul
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krat395 · 1 year
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Requests Closed!!! (READ DESCRIPTION)
***REQUESTS ARE NOW CLOSED! Thank you to all who made requests. :) And know that no matter how long it takes me, I will finish each and every one of them. ;)***
It's that time again, folks! After 3 years, requests are finally open again! Yay! :D And for this next group of requests, I am planning to fill 25 slots. 20 of these slots are for users that I haven't done requests for before while the other 5 are for users that I have done requests for before. I might add some additional slots later along the line but for now, I am planning on 25 slots. And once again, requests are FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE!
Information and general rules:
To make a request, either comment on this post or send me a private message. It makes no difference to me. 
I am only accepting one request per user. You may request multiple ideas but just be aware that only one will be accepted. So please request the idea that you want to see the most. Or, if you don't have a preference, tell me every idea you have and I can choose for you. I realize that this might be disappointing to those that wanted me to do more than one request for them but based on how long it took me to complete the last group of requests, I feel that this approach will be the most beneficial for me.
The four websites I post stories on are DeviantArt, Tumblr, Wattpad, and Furaffinity. You may contact me on any of these four sites. Or Discord. I also have Discord. And Twitter as well… if you're into that. Lol XD I'm not into it personally, as you're probably aware. In fact, the only reason I even have Twitter is because of Toby Fox himself. It's the only site where he posts updates regarding his work. So in other words, don't contact me on Twitter unless you have no active accounts on any of the aforementioned sites. 
DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/nman1983 
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/krat395 
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/nman1983 
FurAffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/krat395 
Discord: nman1983#4971
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nman1983?t=MZczL9KyEEEwvNJyUrj8Ng&s=09 
Requests will vary in length depending on the material I have to work with but none of them will ever exceed 7500 words nor will they ever consist of more than one upload. Short story length and single uploads, just like before.
And last but not least, be patient and respectful! Due to my busy work life and personal life and the time it will take me to work on other stories I'd like to do (stories in the Main Series and Side Series and also Deltarune Stories), there is no telling how long it will take me to finish every single request. So please be patient. Not that this has been an issue before or anything but I still thought that it was necessary to address.
And now for the request rules…
UNDERTALE AND/OR DELTARUNE REQUESTS ONLY, please! If you request something that isn't related to Undertale and/or Deltarune in any way, it will not be accepted! And if you're wanting to make a Deltarune request, please view this list I made before doing so (link below). It is a list of ideas I have for future Deltarune stories and I made this list for you to refer to so there won't be any conflicts when coming up with ideas for Deltarune stories. And since I myself haven't written very many Deltarune stories, I am giving you a choice. You can either 1. come up with your own idea for a Deltarune story OR 2. suggest one of the ideas I have in mind for future Deltarune stories. But as far as Undertale stories go, you are free to request anything you'd like, so long as you adhere to all of the following rules listed below…
Link to list:
Everyone with the exception of Gaster is fair game for tickles in requested stories. Sorry to those who might be wanting Gaster to appear as a ticklee in requested stories but since we have yet to find out if Gaster is actually ticklish or not in the Main Series, I want to hold off on having him appear as a ticklee in requested stories. 
NO NSFW REQUESTS! If you're familiar with my work, then I think it goes without saying that I don't like creating NSFW/lewd content. However, there are certain things that I myself don't consider to be strictly NSFW that others might consider to be strictly NSFW. Here is a list of some of those things:
Stocks. I am ok with stocks just as long as the ticklee isn't naked or stripped down to their underwear while they're in them… or gagged while they're in them. 
Tickling utensils such as hairbrushes, scrub brushes, electric toothbrushes, pens, forks, and back scratchers. I don't see the harm in using these types of utensils to tickle someone. But how long a character is tickled by one of these types of utensils will depend on the age of the character though.
Bondage. I am ok with bondage as long as it isn't too extreme. Friendly bondage, usually with the ticklee's consent, and just enough to limit the ticklee's movement. And just like with the stocks, no gagging the ticklee or stripping them naked or down to their underwear!
Blindfolds. I don't mind blindfolds but how they're utilized in the stories will all depend on the characters involved in a given scenario. For example, I would not be ok with an adult putting a blindfold on a minor.
Lotion/oil on feet. Lotion/oil is fine in my book. I'm all for making ticklish feet even more ticklish. Hehe. ;) But primarily on adults. As for minors, it'll depend on the situation. So if you're wanting to use lotion/oil on minors, you need to run it by me first. Inform me of the situation you have in mind when making your request.
You are allowed to change the genders of certain canon characters in your request. The canon characters that don't have confirmed genders in either of the games to be exact. That includes Frisk, Chara, Monster Kid, Napstablook, Kris, and Seam (the "non-binary" characters). So for example, characters that are females in my stories (Frisk, Chara, and Kris) can be changed to male characters and characters that are males in my stories (Monster Kid and Napstablook) can be changed to female characters. But whatever you do, do not change the genders of any characters that have confirmed genders. 
You are allowed to include your own OCs and/or a fictionalized version of yourself in your request as long as they and/or you interact with at least one canon Undertale character, at least one canon Deltarune character, or at least one of my Undertale OCs.
Characters do not have to be the same ages that they are in my headcanon. If you'd like certain characters to be younger or older than the ages they are in my headcanon, please let me know. You're free to alter characters' ages however you please in order to adhere to your own personal headcanon.
As far as character ships go, there are some non-canon ships I'll allow. Just be sure to run it by me before telling me what you have in mind for a request. But I'll tell you right now that I will not allow Fontcest (or any type of incest for that matter), Frans, Papyton, or Soriel. And just to be clear, when I say that I'm not allowing the aforementioned ships, that doesn't mean that you aren't allowed to pair any of those characters together at all in your request. For example, if you want to pair Sans and Toriel together, you can do that just as long as they are nothing more than friends. 
After making your request:
Allow me enough time to review your request and if I decide that it's something I'd like to write, I will add it to my list. And from that point forward, it won't be removed from said list unless you give me a reason to remove it. Below are some reasons why a request could get removed:
Blocking me. If you block me, that likely means that I've done something that offended you and you therefore don't want anything to do with me anymore because of it. And for that reason, your request would be removed from my list. Makes sense, right? If you don't want anything to do with me anymore, then what's the point in keeping my word to do something thoughtful for you?
Personally asking me to remove your request from my list. If you're having second thoughts about the request you made and no longer want me to write it, then send me a message asking me to remove it from my list and I will do so at my earliest convenience. 
Neglecting to stay in contact with me if you deactivate your account or if your account gets deactivated on the site you made your request on. For example, let's say that you have a DeviantArt account and if for some reason you deactivate your DeviantArt account or get banned from DeviantArt sometime after making your request and you still want me to do said request after deactivating or getting banned, then you better contact me asap on another website! I am not doing requests for users that I can't send messages to at any given time!
Constantly pestering me about your request. As I've mentioned before, this has never been an issue for me but it's still necessary to address. Writing stories takes time and pestering me about your request isn't going to make my work on it get done any faster. And if you're rude while pestering me, then you can definitely guarantee that your request will be removed from my list. I will not tolerate rude behavior. But if you just ask me a bunch of questions without intending to come across as rude, I’ll let you off with a few warnings. Just don’t get too carried away with questions about your request’s progress, alright? 
And there you have it, folks. And now that the countdown is officially over, you are free to tell me your ideas whenever you please. I look forward to hearing them all very, very much. :D And if you have any questions about anything, anything at all, like if you feel that there's something I didn't cover all that well or at all, please don't hesitate to ask. ;)
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lokiskitten · 3 years
Request for @brat-blog-2 !!
Loki Laufeyson | dark obsession
Loki Laufeyson x fem!reader
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plot : after Loki takes over Asgard and becomes king, he is now finally able to tear you away from his brother’s grip, before deciding to make you pay for it.
warnings : cursing, degrading, physical abuse, mental abuse, biting, none/co, smut, unprotected sex, physical manipulation, lack of after care.
PLEASE, this imagine contains NONE/CO. Do not read it if it’s a subject that you’re uninterested/sensitive with. All irrelevant comments will be deleted. Now, to all the people that are willing to read, enjoy! :D
Groans exit your lips as you were forcefully dragged all the way up to Odin’s throne, which had now unfortunately become Loki’s- and that against everyone’s will. Most of the Asgardians had decided to submit to their new savior, however you decided not to take part in this petty move and remain faithful to the people you believe deserved it, such as Thor or Odin. Unfortunately, this attitude easily led you to get in trouble with the king and his surroundings, remaining unaware that Loki had been obsessing over you for a while now which allowed you to avoid great moments of anxiety. But now, you had just gotten caught, and escaping felt absolutely impossible.
The guards’ grip tightened around your fragile arms as they forced you on your knees before Loki’s sat silhouette, wishing to avoid accidentally letting you go which would’ve risked to annoy their king. The raven haired man’s green eyes looked down at you, smirk appearing onto his devilish lips as you progressively started to feel more and more uncomfortable about his intense stare. Thankfully, hatred managed to drag you out of this shame hole, giving you strength to stand up face to this man who claimed to be your king though he truly was nowhere near reaching this rank. “Ah, at last. You almost made me wait.” He spoke, raspy voice echoing through the large room. And as you continued to physically and mentally struggle, Loki carried on talking.
“You gave me a really hard time, in fact.” He explained, causing you to cringe as you truly did not look forward to discovering the double meaning hiding behind this creepy sentence. Getting up from where he had been sitting, the man accepted to remove his horns before taking a couple of steps down the luxurious throne which once belonged to his adoptive father. Watching him near you stroke another shockwave of hatred through your body, head looking up as you were no longer fighting the guards grip- or at least not physically. “Tell me... Why keep fighting it? All you have to do is give in. Forget about the past, and become my queen.” He purred, though you felt nowhere near softened by his devilish words.
“You are not king.” The words escaped your lips like the purest yet sneakiest venom. Hearing this sentence, Loki groaned and turned around in order to refrain from allowing his anger to take over his calm yet frustrated mindset. “I’m a better king than you’ve ever known.” Loki spoke lowly, hand forming a fist in anticipation of your next, surely offensive, answer. “You are nothing compared to your brother!” You dared to affirm, head dangerously moving closer to his silhouette through the words’ hatred. This sentence crossed a line which probably should’ve been kept intact, easily leading Loki to unleash his anger out on your left cheek. The back of his hand collided with your face as he turned around in a fast manner, your head and upper body propelled backwards due to the imminent shock you had just received.
A small wince escape your lips, Loki’s silhouette now hovering above yours as the guards took a step back in order to leave some space for their king to outburst. “I am ten times the king he will ever be, you little quim! And you’re just a fool for believing otherwise.” Progressively, his tone lowered, entire being calming down as his hand travelled to your bruised cheek. “I could show you a good time... and that only if you agree to give in.” The young man proposed, though the physical contact was soon broken by your strong attitude. Shaking your head in an attempt to make his hand back away from your face, a sigh escaping Loki’s lips as he seemingly agreed to take a step back and watch your pathetic self struggle helplessly.
“Alright. Have it your own way then.” He affirmed, green eyes drifting up to his guards, a move which was accompanied by a simple nod of his head. Instantly, your arms were trapped by their palms, body dragged away towards god knew where whilst Loki frustratedly made his way back to the throne. Screams exited your lips as you had completely gave up on any form of dignity, though it wasn’t as if Loki hadn’t proceeded to completely steal it from you barely a couple of seconds ago.
After spending the rest of your day locked away in the dungeons, body sitting down against the wall whilst trying to contain it’s need of food and water, an unexpected visit occurred. Before you could even tell, Loki turned out to be standing before your quivering frame, refraining from making physical contact with you as he simply waited for the moment where you would finally notice his presence. Barely looking up, you decided to offer him no form of attention as you knew that it was something that made his blood boil. “It would be foolish to ignore my presence.” Loki explained, kneeling before your folded self. Your face looked away, jaw clenching in an upset and painful manner.
Seeing how you seemingly weren’t willing to properly cooperate, the demigod rose from the floor and made his way towards your bed which had graciously been gifted by the dungeons services. He sat down, legs remaining spread as his bulge pressed against the elastic fabric of his suit. Finally agreeing to look up, a blush spread over your cheeks when you made eye contact with the man who was now your king. Gasping uncomfortably, your hands immediately decided to push down the fabric of your dress in order to hide the leftovers of flesh which weren’t covered by the thin piece of fabric. Even with the attitude your carried, your instincts forced you to go humble face to the threat of male gaze.
“If I may, I think you look alluring alluring.” Loki confessed, green eyes moving up from your body to your face. It didn’t take long for you to understand the man’s intention- like a doe being preyed by a dangerous cheetah in the mountains. Noticing that the door had been left unlocked since the king remained in your cell, you decided to attempt the impossible by getting up to your feet and rushing towards the exit. Unfortunately, and quite unexpectedly, Loki’s silhouette summoned before you could reach the see through wall, stopping you in your track. Thankfully, this vision was nothing but a clone yet which still successfully managed to make you back away in fear as your eyes stared straight into his smirking features.
Your feet bumped against the edge of the bed, making you fall back as the real Loki got up right in time to avoid your silhouette. The demigod joined his clone with a chuckle, both of them looking down at you in amusement as your troubled mind couldn’t manage to figure out who the real Loki was. The only object which turned out to be in your reach was a book, and your hand didn’t waste any time before taking a firm hold of it in order to throw it at your abuser. Unfortunately, you couldn’t seem to tell which one of them was real- and seeing how you had one chance out of two to miss, your brain took a decision rather quickly... but unfortunately, it didn’t turn out to be efficient. The book passed straight through the projected figure of Loki, landing onto the floor shortly before the clone faded away from your sight.
A disappointed sigh escaped Loki’s lips as your eyes stared at his face in fear. “That was audacious. It’s a shame that your instincts decided to lead you towards the wrong path.” The king affirmed before taking ahold of your ankles, easily managing to get on top of your fragile self. You squirmed, head tilting back as you wrists were now trapped by his strong hold. “Can’t you see that I want you. I need you, my dear.” Loki confessed roughly, face buried against your neck as he kept on kissing and licking your warm flesh. You exhaled loudly, refraining from moaning as this unwanted gesture would’ve only encouraged the madman through his acts.
Soon enough, your mind and body both agreed that it was time for you to stop fighting it, arms helplessly laying beside your head as the demigod continued to do whatever he wished of your body. Thankfully, emptying the rest of the cells had been one of the first things that Loki did shortly after becoming king- which offered you both complete privacy. His hand roamed your clothed waist, the other one taking a rough hold of your breast he’s seemingly been wishing to touch for a long time now. You could feel his teeth biting at your jawline, probably creating bruises which you wouldn’t get to see until the moment you’d be free from his grip and facing your own reflection in the mirror.
Almost carefully, Loki sat you up before pulling your dress over your body, naked silhouette now exposed to his sight as you had never felt more vulnerable in your whole entire life. Soon enough, he decided that it was your turn to return the gesture, limbs falling back besides his own body as a smile appeared on his face. “Undress me.” Loki demanded calmly, green orbs looking at your scared self as he admired the way you still found the strength to fight the situation. Carefully, his hand traveled up to your chest, index and middle finger pressing against your sternum as his facial expressions were now stern. “Undress me.” Loki repeated, green mist swirling around his fingers and magically penetrating through your skin.
Nearly instantly, your brain was intoxicated with the painful grip which was Loki’s magic. Forced to obey, your hands moved up to his shoulders as you started to remove his first layers of clothing. Surprisingly enough, and as difficult to figure out as his suit could be, you managed to remove the layers of clothes as if you’ve been doing this for your entire life. Though, even if you obeyed his orders and successfully managed to undress the demigod, your soul remained empty from any forms of emotions- which was soon to become a dislike for the unamused god of mischief.
The man now sat shirtless face to your naked self, magic exiting your body as he forcefully laid you back down against the rough sheets. It felt as if you had just awoken from a dream, eyes blinking curiously as you barely managed to understand what was going on around yourself nor properly get back into reality. All you could feel were Loki’s hand on you as his clothed crotch pressed against your bare one, happy grunts and hungry moans escaping his lips as he let his lust out on the skin of your neck. His boner was undeniable, and your scent penetrating through his nostrils only managed to make it swell even harder as it prepared for the upcoming penetration.
On another hand, you turned out to have a hard time getting any wet, as the thought of having to submit to his demands made you feel sick in your stomach. However, nature was soon to take over as the feeling of his crotch against yours uncontrollably caused your genitals to throb and moisten- preparing for intercourse just like Loki’s. His head moved down to your chest, lips easily wrapping around your nipple which he religiously suckled on. Your eyelids shut close in order to avoid paying too much attention to the multiple sensations going through your body at the moment, though it was becoming harder and harder seeing how Loki truly didn’t help.
Climbing back to your face, both of your crotches aligned again as his hand moved down in order to lazily pull his own pants down, and that just enough for his member to be set free. A wince escaped his lips due to the friction the movement managed to create for his cock to enjoy, warm tip colliding with your clit as Loki took a couple of seconds to blindly align his length with your slightly moist entrance. His lips pressed against yours as his warm member slid inside of your core, a loud yet deep and creepy moan escaping his lips as his bare stomach collided with your skin.
Never once you believed ending up having to submit to such an act in your life, and yet here you were : laying down in the arms of a man you were meant to despise. However, the intercourse technically remained none consensual. As soon as he had reached balls deep, the demigod took a couple of seconds to catch his breath as this first sexual contact was visibly sending him head over heels. At least, one of you was having fun. You adjusted the position of your legs against the bed, leading Loki to do same as you could feel his stomach bulge every time he breathed in. “Fuck, my darling... you know how to make your king happy.” The man praised with a grin before starting to thrust in and out of your entrance.
A gentle hiss exited your closed mouth as Loki allowed multiple winces to escape his parted lips, his head tilting back in pleasure whilst your breasts bounced generously every time his balls collided with your ass. Once in a while, you noticed that the god of mischief would stop and enjoy some cosy time inside of your warm and soaked self as he caught his breath, hand always pressed against your cheek as he either kissed you or stared right into your eyes. Then, he would begin to thrust again and allow more frustrated groans to escape his lips as his body took care of slowly building up it’s owner’s climax.
His mouvements were soon to become sloppier, betraying the undeniable fact that your partner was soon going to release his semen against your cervix. Of course, from where you patiently laid, you couldn’t help but apprehend this moment as your worst fear was for him to cum inside of you and cause a pregnancy you did not want to occur. Finally, a moan escaped the man’s lips as he paused inside of you, the lower part of his shaft moving in waves as his scrotum throbbed and twitched. Your greatest fear had just come to reality as you could sense the thick and warm liquid stain your walls, grin appearing on Loki’s seemingly satisfied face.
“Oh my lord.. that felt so nice. I’m afraid I couldn’t thank you enough.” He confessed whilst looking down at you, shortly after managing to wash away his orgasm. Pulling out of you and causing a sudden emptiness to take over your stretched pussy, a couple of more droplets of white semen leaked out of his tip which he made sure to wipe off against your sensitive clit. Your jaw clenched as you tried your best to remain calm though your heart was rushing due to your ovaries receiving the needed ingredient to produce a living being. “I can’t wait for you to give birth to my heir.” He affirmed, sat down on the edge of the bed as he lazily pulled his pants back up.
This sentence was enough to pull you out of your daytime nightmares only to dip you into a worse one, eyes filled with fear and hatred staring up at him in a determined manner. A dark chuckle escaped Loki’s lips as he seemed to appreciate your reaction, feeling amused by behaving as if he didn’t know that was something you wouldn’t enjoy. Mental torture was in fact his favorite. “But don’t you worry my darling, I will make sure to find time through my many duties in order to visit you often.” The demigod added, confirming the fact that you probably wouldn’t get to leave this cell until your pregnancy was led to term.
Sorry for being so inactive! Here’s an imagine I hope y’all can enjoy. Unfortunately, I think I’ve been shadowbanned. ( @delightfulheartdream )
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thetravelingmaster · 3 years
Anonymity - Shield or Weapon?
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The most common thing among us in this community is Anonymity. We all use it to some degree when indulging our Kinks. Our first and foremost reason to do it is, of course, to keep us safe as we explore this strange and for some, embarrassing kinky world of non conventional arousal. The internet is a heaven for everyone to learn and explore ANYTHING their hearts may find desirable.
Are identities aren't needed to indulge and discover new things about ourselves. You can call yourself Jack, Jill, Fran or Hornybabyslut. It doesn't matter. It helps create a sense of security that enables you to dive into what ever kink you feel you can't indulge in your every day life.
And even if you can indulge IRL and are fully accepted as the kinkster that you are, Anonymity affords you a a free shield for you to protect your wonderful life from the dark and ill intentioned predators constantly surfing the World Wide Web for prey.
Anonymity isn't bad at all. It's recommended.
Exploring and enjoying our different kinks can lead you to wonderful and emotional places. Places you may not go if you couldn't be someone else.
Anonymity is a perfect and accepted shield we all carry.
But it doesn't mean you can't be yourself. It doesn't mean you can't be honest and true with yourself and the people you engage with.
You can call yourself Gina64 and be a full on kinky bimbo slut that talks and acts so dumb and dirty that the people you engage with online think you are nothing more. If that is your way to explore and escape, there is nothing wrong with that. You can become anyone you wish once you fire up your phone or your computer.
That is the beauty of this wonderful and dark internet.
When all is said and done, Gina64 is just a persona you try on. She may or may not have the same beliefs as you promote in your every day life. That's perfectly fine.
Anonymity offers that possibility. That safety...
Anonymity can also be a weapon.
That same safety can protect the bad people that are looking to take advantage of others.
Just like a sword, it can be used to defend and protect as well as divide and conquer. It all depends on who wields it and what they choose to do with the sword in their hands.
My point is very simple: Anonymity doesn't half to mean that you can be 100% yourself.
For the purpose of this post, I'm going to exclude the people that come here to become someone else. It can be a very therapeutic and I definitely not saying that being a completely different person online is wrong in anyway.
Well not in itself...
And that's what I mean. You can play at being fun and fluffy or dark and brooding, what ever fills your cup of tea. As long as you are being honest with yourself about why you are doing it.
The problem I have tonight as I write these lines is when the kink in question involves hypnosis. Not fun roleplaying, but REAL hypnosis and subsequent play.
You have to be very honest and open to engage in that sort of kink and Anonymity can offer you that safe space to indulge from.
Being dishonest has nothing to do with anonymity and here is an example of what I mean. Say Our Gina64 is into hypnosis. Say she searches out potential erotic hypnotists online to explore and indulge that itch. She can call herself Gina64 and be a dude. It doesn't really matter as long as you are being honest and about the level of things you wish to reveal to the hypnotist.
If you are being honest with yourself and the person you are engaging with, no harm no foul.
But say that Gina64 doesn't want to reveal that he is in fact a guy. It could be fine if the hypnotist doesn't care. But what if the reason you are engaging in hypnosis is to experience erotic hypnosis? And that Gina64 leads the hypnotist on being saying again and again that they are a girl. For all of us, erotic hypnosis in our Kink community is arousing and erotic for both parties. So a hypnotist that decides to engage and offer erotic hypnosis to Gina64 while under the impression that he is a she when in fact they are a HE...
Well... That can create confusing and even dangerous things down the road. If the connection develops and more and more the hypnotist is made to believe in this falsehood, then it creates an invisible rift between them. A very dishonest rift...
A rift that can actually hurt... Especially if the hypnosis kink also includes flavours of Domination and submission. We all know and understand that D/s play can stir up incredibly powerful emotions. As the lies pile on to covert up more lies, the cycle becomes deeper and darker with every dishonest reply.
Until Gina64 finds himself in a position where the lies have boxed him in and he has to bail out instead of admitting to everything he led the hypnotist to believe and experience.
And I'm not even going to talk about people who create elaborate and complex fake personas to actively catfish people...
I'm not saying that all people who indulge in hypnokink and D/s play should always reveal everything about themselves, far from it.
What I'm saying is that you just have to be HONEST as to what type of person you are and what you want to experience. Our community can be very open minded. It's the very nature of our kink.
And anonymity provides the perfect way to be 100% true to yourself without fear or worries.
To properly demonstrate how one can be completely anonymous and still be incredibly honest, I'm going to talk about friend @qu1etsleep.
Theo is an incredible human being and hypnotist that is, like me, adamant about keeping his online life separate from his offline life. He doesn't shy away from telling anyone who contacts him that Theo isn't his real name and that there is no respectful way in hell that you'll ever get a glimpse or a clue as to who he really is.
His Anonymity is a shield meant to keep the lines clear between his hobby and his life. We all do that in some form or another.
I might not know Theo's true name and identity, but I do know that if I were to ever sit in a cafe somewhere and end up chatting with the man behind the blog, then those 2 persons would be identical.
I'd have the same exact conversations and learn about all the exact same opinions Theo and the man in front of me share.
Because even though his name has changed, he will still be the same person. he just changed out his name tag. Nothing else changed.
Theo is authentic with himself and with everyone that takes the time to talk with him. His Anonymity doesn't affect or change that at all. It just offers him the same safety we all crave.
This authenticity is what makes him, in my humble opinion, a terrific and accomplished 'amateur' hypnotist. Make no mistake, he is no rookie and he WILL drop you if the rapport is there. Authentic and Anonymous...
That is what this community needs above all else.
Some of you MIGHT just understand why I'm ranting about all this tonight, and you would be right. I've felt the sting of this double edged sword and it took others to help me see just how far down the fake rabbit hole I had been led into.
But now I'm out, dusting off the creepiness of the experience and moving on.
So by all means, soak yourselves in Anonymity until people in our kink community aren't even sure who you are...
But BE HONEST. And if you do, I think you'll find even more incredible people and exquisite experiences to be had. You'd be surprised how much someone can accept and understand.
As a point of fact, if the person you are trying to let into your mind isn't opened minded enough to accept your own authenticity, then perhaps you should seriously rethink the fact that you are giving them the keys to your mental palace.
There is no gain from being dishonest and stringing people along.
Unless that is the pleasure you are seeking here... If that is the case, then maybe you should start understanding that you are no better than a full blown predator.
And that is something our community needs the least of all.
We are all searching and indulging ourselves in our forbidden and delicious kinks, there is nothing wrong with that.
Enjoy your safe and secure anonymity, but do it responsibly and above all, do it while being honest with yourself and others.
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keerishima · 3 years
HELLO! I saw you were a new blog that needed requests and I was wondering if you could write head-canons for todoroki, bakugou, and kiri (separately) with a s/o that has a witchcraft quirk? TY
well hi! thank you for the request, it was so cool to write! now i’m assuming you mean like a quirk that works like potions and herbs/crystals and spirit summoning and spells which is the road i’m taking i hope that’s okay?
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now this boy is
when he first saw the mist swirling around your fingers as you fought the robots in the UA exam, a shock went through his body
what was that? 
okay he didn’t mean to stare- considering he was in the middle of an exam- but the way you moved and the glints of a crystals around your body was just so cool
time passed and he got closer to you, during the dorm competition your room was the only room he wanted to see and boy did he love it
the green ivy and plants in your room, the pots and white smoke curling from diffusers and shelves full of powder and inks organised in a neat row
your room felt like a whole new world- like magic
literally after everyone had left he was still in your room looking around like a meerkat assessing it’s surroundings
fast forward; you guys are dating and he was VERY curious as to how your quirk worked, and you explained how your spells and energy came from the crystals and jewels
each crystal gave you a different energy, which converted to your power!
kirishima literally watched in awe as you pointed at all the different coloured gems and jewels and the symbols on your walls
he even asked to touch some of them and asked where you got them
he also asked to see them in battle, and asked if you had any similar to his own quirk!
the both of you engaged in LOTS of different mock battles, which almost always ended up in a play fight rather than real training- just because he ends up enjoying watching you use your quirk too much to actually focus
once you two had engaged in a long, breathless make out session against one of the walls- what can I say? you wanted to see what it felt like to kiss kirishima in his red riot form and have him melt back to normal under your touch
yeahh...it was a bad idea to do that in the school gym, where half of class 1-B caught you two mushed together against a wall
back to the hc!
he asks SO many questions
sometimes just sits on your bed for ages and asks one after the other after the other, to the point where aizawa has to come and send him back to his side of the dorm
let me tell you now: if you are 1) planning to get anything or 2) NEED anything, don’t let him find out
you once let it slip that you were considering getting pouches to carry these crystals, and the sweet, sweet boy went out and bought BUCKETS of bags
yes buckets because he didn’t know if your crystals would be affected by material or size of the bag or- god forbid what if it did and he ruined your quirk in battle?! 
he’d never forgive himself.
like literally he’d be on his knees ready for punishment of how you saw fit because of his mistake
what can i say? the boys dramatic
but its endearing :,)
it ended up being the cutest date of you cuddled up on his bed wrapped in his blankets like you were drowning in them,
whilst he sat on the floor, presenting each little bag and pouch to you, all teleshopping style.
‘and THIS 🤩 gorgeous article comes with not just 1😱! not just 2 😱! but THREE 🤯🥵🥳🥳 buttons to clip close to ensure a tight, secure hold of your 😏 special package’
yeah he made a sleazy face
yeah you threw a plushy at him
all of them were bought with your costume in mind and how could you not keep some of the bags? with kirishima watching you with the biggest eyes and slightly-pouting-lips-but-he-would-never-admit-it there was no way you didn’t keep the most useful ones
you asked him to return the extra bags so he wouldn’t have wasted his money, whilst you repaid his kindness with lots and lots of kisses and cuddles
;) or more depending on how you want it
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todoroki is uhh...
emotionally constipated
but thats not his fault
sometimes it comes off that he’s not interested in your quirk in a general sense, but it’s only because he doesn’t know how to ask without seeming pushy
he gets shy (but doesn’t show it) but with time that decreases to a sort of dry affection
i’m not saying he’s a dry boyfriend but he definitely isn't as spritely as someone like Denki might be
the way you’d see that he wanted to know more was if he asked you to come and fight with him, train with him and study
this is where he asked about your quirk
he didn’t ask to the extent of kirishima, who said everything that came to mind, he asked precise questions that gave him all the information he was desperate to know because you are so cool it makes his heart burn needed
and he also knew you would add more information as you explained, which he loved because he loved hearing you talk so passionately
this time your quirk allowed you to control people to an extent, depending on different plants and herbs you used
the plants each had a special line, muttered as you dropped the herbs anywhere on your opponent for it to activate
best believe todoroki asked for one to knock endeavour out, literally out of nowhere💀
once, one night you had been laying on your bed, and todoroki had popped over to see you. it was still quite early on in your relationship so you weren’t expecting him to cuddle up beside you and tuck into your smaller body, chin hooked onto your shoulder whilst his eyes bore into yours from below todoroki loves eye contact
‘Do your plants have meanings?’
that’s it, that’s all he softly whispered in your ear
‘What do you mean?’ You whispered back
‘Like...like roses mean love...do your herbs have a meaning linked to what they do?’
okay now he was blushing, very gently because he didn’t want to annoy you, or ask you a question you’d never thought of and make you feel silly or insecure about his quirk
YOU on the other hand were smothering a dopey grin. you knew your boyfriend and his boundaries, and you knew that him asking you in such an intimate setting meant he was trying hard for you
you also knew that he’d just given you free reign to ramble however you saw fit
so you explained, how each herb did this, how if you mixed them they did that, if you made a liquid infused with them it helped with your application in battle and so much more
todoroki listened silently, but his eyes were gleaming
literally glowing in the darkness- I mean was that even possible? it had to have been considering how todoroki looked at you that night
after you were done, he replied with a similar thing about his own quirk, and both of you had a long long chat that went from quirks, to schooling, to life, to aliens and more
todoroki had the weirdest humour, he never knew he was being funny until your quiet giggles morphed into full blown laughter- and caused a knock from the next room over because you were being too loud
he would let out his own little chuckles and smirks, seeing you enjoy his company so much
it was a while after that day when something new happened
you’d sent him a message, whilst he was sitting right next to you, and your contact name flashed on his screen suddenly, catching your eye
‘my calendula’
you looked at todoroki
todoroki looked at you
you both blinked
‘calendula?’ you asked
‘yes’ todoroki replied
‘why calendula?’
‘because,’ todoroki blushed deeply, eyes flickering away from yours
‘because you said calendula means joy...you’re my joy. arent you?’
and god help anyone who tries to say you aren’t todoroki’s joy
because you would literally throw them to the ground
your heart soared at how todoroki loved you and your quirk so much
even though it wasn’t blatantly obvious, it was the little things he did for you 😍
he originally going to call you his basil until Bakugou came round behind him asking him if he was writing the dorms grocery list. safe to say that plan was aborted immediately :D
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sorry I just
bakugo amuses me, he really does he’s so entertaining
okay sorry back to the headcanon
I headcanon you’re REALLY strong
like STUPID strong
Remember bakugos reactions to all the students quirks and he was like ‘shit I cant beat them 😨’
And his reaction to todoroki? yeah he’d literally see you use your quirk and just
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no I’m joking
but I feel like as your s/o he’d be super obsessed with your quirk
he’d always want to train with you, he’d see it as an amazing part of you that he wants to help hone so you can be the best of the best
not better than him obviously but the best anyway
not that he’d SHOW all of this awe and pride to you, it’s normally delivered in a bunch of bakugo sentences:
‘oi your form is shit. do this instead.’
that means he’s realised a new way you can throw this punch, with much more force
‘tch, go train. you need the training.’
he wants to train with you. again.
‘....finally. took you long enough to learn that.’
you’ve just done something successfully and he’s trying so hard not to blush at how well you did it.
here your power is more destructive
you can create sigils using a your finger in the air and they create attack power
this with bakugos quirk makes a formidable duo, and if he doesn’t get partnered with you he will most likely throw a fit
but not a long fit more of a like ‘oi why is she over there we work better together’
but he realises as heroes you need to work well with anyone you meet, so he’s not too fussy
because of the fact that you draw the sigils, you have a habit of tracing out patterns and new symbols and any sort of designs subconsciously
this is done normally on any part of your skin, with a pen
bakugo being old man bakugo 🙄 got mad at you
he told you off for almost giving yourself ink poisoning and ruining your hand and making it all dirty drama queen
but throughout all of this bakugo had been clutching your hand, and best believe he wasn’t letting go
he used the hand he was holding to pull you along and sit comfortably, dropping his own palm into your lap and mumbling something that kind of, sort of, might have been along the lines of ‘use my arm dumbass’
now you had bakugos arm to scribble on to your hearts content.
you used this when you were stressed, worried that your nerves were causing you to forget things or simply because you wanted to hold bakugo close
in fact, bakugo himself had adopted this habit, and you’ll notice I said arm instead of hand
bakugo got nervous around you, and therefore sweaty, which therefore lead to tiny little explosions in his palms when you were near
but this habit had started to make him feel comfortable with his hands around you, it made him trust himself more
he knew his power was strong and he didn’t want to hurt you, your quirk was something that helped him with that
and he wouldn’t tell you that but he was grateful. VERY grateful
he once asked why you used pen, and not your finger on your skin considering the pen ink is toxic
you answered very quickly, by pulling out a sheet of people and sliding your finger across the surface in a sigil shape
promptly the paper burnt into a cinder :)
and bakugo never asked again
and that is the end! I hope you liked it and I did the idea of Witchcraft justice 😅 please do send some more requests!
god I loved this so much they’re all so cute :,) thank you for this request!!
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wakaoujisenhime · 3 years
Hi! I really glad that I found your blog which still taking requests about knb stuff🖤 May I request fwb or friend to lover with Takao in nsfw please? Thanks a lot!
A/N: Hi there, I’m also thrilled to have you here! Now, I wasn’t quite sure whether you wanted headcanons or a scenario so I hope you don’t mind that I did a mix out of the two ...make sure to tell me if you wanted/expected something else 👀
For those who are interested in a fluffier take of the more or less same trope, I’ll leave a link to that scenario below...ANYWAY I hope you’ll enjoy this spicy scenario (also keep in mind that it’s my first time writing smut for KnB! 👉👈)
Tags: Takao x reader ✅  friends with benefits ✅  friends to lovers ✅  fluff ✅ slight angst ✅  smut ✅
☞ 𝕗𝕝𝕦𝕗𝕗𝕪 𝕧𝕖𝕣.
━━━━☆ ━━━━☆ ━━━━☆
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having someone as lively as Takao in your circle of friends guaranteed you a lot of fun and laughs throughout your days
the two of you understood each other since day 1 and had quickly become inseparable
his former basketball club teammates had always teased the two of you by saying how much you both looked like an old married couple, but you rarely to never payed any attention to it
the school years passed by in a flash and before you knew it, a new chapter of your life was awaiting you
usually, people tend to lose contact with their former schools’ friends, but that was never a worry in your friendship with the young man because neither you nor he intended to leave the other’s side, even if it meant that you’d have to live together
you had considered it, but never truly talked about it so now you both were living separated but close enough for daily visits and hangouts
whenever Takao and you took a walk or went shopping together small gestures such as holding hands, leaning your head on his shoulders, or him using your lap as his pillow after taking a seat somewhere were nothing out of the usual
no matter how small these may have been, there would always be some kind of warm and fuzzy feeling that spread inside of you whenever you were so close to each other
as time passed you began to desire more and couldn’t help but wonder just what would happen if you went past that threshold of friendship
at first, you thought that these thoughts were simply temporary and one-sided but as time flew by you began to wonder whether Takao shared these hidden desires as well
he began to increasingly close the distance between you two by doing innocent-seeming things such as inviting you to a round or two of street basketball while he had nothing on but some shorts or when he slept over at your house, he’d wander around half-naked with nothing but a towel which covered his lower body after he’d taken a shower
on one evening when he’d invited you over to his home, the two of you were snuggled as close as can be (since personal space never existed in your relationship) while watching a movie the two of you liked
you were slowly growing tired and whenever Takao caught that, he’d always try to make you fall asleep quicker by gently caressing your head, and now wasn’t any different
or so you thought...
your eyelids were slowly becoming heavier and just as you were about to completely doze off, you felt how his slender fingers began playing with your ear, tickling it in the process
as a response to this tingling feeling you began writhing your body, trying to escape his grasp as the smallest giggles escaped you
“T-Takao, haha...s-stop it!”
“Hmm? What’s wrong, am I perhaps bothering you?”
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Even though you managed to win some distance between you two, his fingers never paused and tickled you until tears rolled down your cheeks from so much laughter.
This continued for a couple of minutes until you fell right into his lap and surrendered. Takao laughed triumphantly as he gently pets your head a few times and leaned himself back.
“Sorry sorry, but I couldn’t help myself, you’re always so cute when you laugh like that.”
His apology didn’t mean much if you considered that mischievous grin that was plastered on his face. You wanted to pay him back for that so you simply crossed your arms and pouted, knowing fully well that this would trigger the young man’s conscience and make him feel at least a little bad.
Not even a minute later and his smile was replaced by a surprised and slightly worried expression. He whispered your name and poked your cheek ever so gently as he continuously asked whether you were mad at him. You used that short moment of confusion and swiftly took a hold of his cheeks, pulling his face down to you and kissing his lips. Even though that small peck didn’t even last five entire seconds, your friend looked so taken aback that he even raised his arm towards his mouth and ran his fingertips along his chapped lips.
“D-Did you just...? You...y-you really did, didn’t you?”
“What’s wrong Takao? Don’t tell me that good ol’ me stole your first kiss!” you teased and waited rather unusually long for the typical cheeky answer you were used to, but nothing came from him for quite a while so you simply looked up at him and whispered out his name. You saw his lips move and he said something that sounded very much like do it again, but since you were quite uncertain and wanted to make sure, but before even a sound escaped from your mouth, Takao’s hand took a hold of the back of your head, lifted it up towards his own face and now kissed you.
This time though you decided to savor the moment and even wrapped your arms around his neck. The young man seemingly had the same idea as he pushed your body further towards his own, with the help of his other hand that he’d placed on your back. At that moment neither of you cared for the fact that you were nothing more than friends and that this was considered unnatural, all desires that the two of you had kept hidden within yourselves for all this time erupted and came to light.
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the following day the two of you tried to act as if that kiss had never happened, but unfortunately, your memories of it were enough to push you past the threshold of friendship and gradually change your relationship
from then on both of you individually started getting closer to the other and at some point, it even bordered on possessiveness, but it couldn’t be helped since it was you both that unleashed your desires for the other
everything seemed normal at first and you started off with mere kisses on the lips whenever a situation presented itself; situations such as when Takao surprised you with a meal or when you helped him out with his chores/assignments
then slowly but surely you began to close the physical distance as well
when going out together the occasional gesture of him wrapping his arm around your hip to shield you from the masses of people that went on a shopping spree became a habit and even lasted for your entire walk; you on the other hand usually either hocked your arm around his or simply held onto his hand, but now you even intertwined your fingers with his own, caressed the back of his palm, and of course didn’t let go until you had to
you putting his clothes on, Takao using some of your skincare products, or him sleeping over at your place and vice versa was nothing uncommon, so even if it occurred more than twice a week neither of you truly minded it until that one faithful night that started it all off...
that night you were having another one of your sleepovers, you had cuddled up to him and played with his fingers while he caressed your head with his free hand
you still don’t know why but at some point you two started to jostle for something and you ended up underneath your friend’s lean body
it was all laughs at first, but the moment you two locked eyes with each other the atmosphere changed drastically and before you knew it, you’d began kissing each other passionately; it also didn’t take the two of you too long to get touchy-feely
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While your tongue was clashing against his own and battling for dominance, you felt his slightly cold fingers dive underneath your shirt. The sudden and unexpected sensation made your body twitch and your back arch against the young man’s chest, who used the opportunity to move his hand further up your back until his nibble fingers reached your bra’s hooks. You halted mid-kiss and opened your eyes and were greeted by a rather erotic expression from the man above you. His hair was a mess, his cheeks, flushed; his pupils were dilated up until the point where the black almost swallowed the slate blue of his irises, and his slightly chapped lips looked glossy from all the saliva you guys exchanged during your passionate kiss. To put it simply: he was a mess.
Knowing that you were responsible for his state made you feel hot and you couldn’t deny that you were getting more aroused by the minute. You used the small timeframe during which he was busy removing the two different fabrics from your upper body to remove his sweatpants. All this time nothing except your individual heavy breathing could be heard, neither of you said anything and just waited for the other to either back away or put an end to this and yet you didn’t. You heard Takao swallow audibly as he took a hold of your cheeks and pressed his lips once again against your own and that gesture made you lose it completely.
Before you knew it, clothes were thrown behind the couch and onto the floor until nothing remained but your undergarments.
“T-Takao, we’re really doing this, huh?” you ask between pants as you impatiently push your hips up to his clothed lower body. A low growl escapes him and instead of answering you, he just bit his lower lip while his hands were busy squeezing your breasts and playing with your nipples.
“ ‘Course we are,” he mumbled in between the kisses and licks he peppered your sensitive buds with. While his hands traveled down your abdomen, you used the opportunity to free his erection from the boxer briefs that confined it, wrapped your hand around his shaft, and began stroking it. With your thumb, you gently spread the bead of precum around his tip while continuously looking at his changing expression. The moment he noticed that his face had become the focus of your attention he immediately straightened himself and glared down at you.
“You little vixen. Do you get off on what you see?” Takao asks as he removes your panties in a swift motion, gives them a quick sniff, and throws them behind the couch. The entire situation made you blush almost instantly, tainting your cheeks in a deep red, and even if you tried to hide from his cheeky grin and curious eyes, your friend was quicker than you and dove his head down between your legs.
Holding your moans and voice in general back proved to be quite the impossible task for you since your friend showed you that his big and loud mouth also had other and way more pleasurable functions than those. The way his tongue skillfully flicked against your clit the moment his thin fingers had come in contact with that one sensitive spot inside of you, made you moan out in surprise and had your back arching ever so slightly. It truly was different when people other than yourself touched your weak spots and with such precision on top of that.
At this rate, I-I’m not going to last—
Mere seconds after you’d thought that Takao took a hold of your thighs and pushed them up towards your chest, exposing your entire lower half to the rather chilly air of the living room. He spread your labia apart while continuing to lick your wet entrance and puffy clit. One of his hands kneaded your breast and the other caressed your mushy insides in a scissoring motion. His eagle-like eyes were fixated on your heavily breathing form and the way your moans turned into whines made him feel even more satisfaction and just like that, he threw all morale away and indulged himself in your body.
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that night had been quite a long and very pleasurable one
now that you knew how your best friend was in bed, you couldn’t help but see him in a different light
since the two of you were still single and simply had some occasional hookups with no serious intentions behind them it was a good thing that you had crossed the border of simple friendship and were now considering the other a friend with benefits
whenever one of you craved attention, needed to blow off some steam, or was just in need of some physical contact in general you’d repeat what the two of you started during that night
you were also lucky enough to see sides of your best friend that you’d never seen before let alone known of their existence
Takao ticked all the boxes one could wish for
he was attentive to your needs, respectful of your boundaries, he was both assertive and diffident, and of course so very skillful
one thing that surprised you was that he had quite the wholesome kinks despite his rebellious and rather wild appearance
he’d always treat you as if you were a treasure and make sure to give all of your body the attention it deserved
“You’re just so perfect (Y/N)-chan...how can one even think about holding back?”
that’s what he had told you once while the two of you were sharing the bathtub and his hands were caressing your body’s most prominent parts
sure he had his softer sides but like everyone else even he could experience more frustrating and stressful days during which that soft side was replaced by an intenser one
the moment he either left your messages on reading or simply came over to your apartment knocking the door half off its hinges you instinctively knew what was about to go down
on days such as these, he’d remain silent most of the time and simply use your body however he sees fit
someone got on his nerves today?
expect deep and relentless thrusting in all kind of positions that were sure to hit your most sensitive spots
he messed something up and got screamed at by his superior?
you better have a day off on the following day because this man is first going to edge you until you cry and then overstimulate your already spent body until you beg him to stop
bad mood in general?
he’d bind both of your wrists to the bedpost and would remain perfectly silent throughout the entire time he’d pleasure you, regardless of how many times you’d ask him if he was ok and whether you did something wrong, he’d simply spare you a single glance and continue eating you out in a slow but precise manner
the first time he’d shown you this “uglier” side of his you were quite thrown back, but afterward, he treated you so gentle and affectionate that it almost made you forget about everything that had transpired
as time flew by the fact you had tried to suppress ever so often finally came back to haunt you
the fact that the two of you were still friends
yeah sure you had now counted as friends with benefits for the past few months, but the clean cut between your relationship had never been made
“(Y/N)-chan is something the matter, you stopped moving your hips, y’know?”
and with that, you were brought back to the reality before you
the man who had occupied your thoughts was lying underneath you, arms crossed behind his head, small sweat droplets adorning and highlighting his flexed abdominal muscles, his hawk-like eyes looked at your exposed and slightly sweating body, focusing on your hardened nipples and the tightness of your walls that were clinging to his pulsating shaft
usually, you’d choose a better time to bring up important topics such as your relationship with the young man, but the adrenaline within you mixed with the ecstasy you felt from this entire situation made you speak up about what had been bothering you this entire time
“Takao...what are we?”
the light grip the young man had maintained on your hips tightened up ever so slightly and you could see how his jaw muscles tensed up
you yourself were taken aback by the direct confrontation so you couldn’t help but imagine just how much it threw him off the loop
after a while, he asked what you meant with that question and now it was your turn to be speechless
What do I actually want...?
the two of you were really close friends, but what now?
does this relationship even have the potential for a more romantic one or would it simply ruin everything?
Takao noticed that his question had quite the impact on you so he immediately got up from his lying position and took a gentle hold of your arms
his gentle touch startled you ever so slightly, your eyes darted instinctively to his own ones
“(Y/N)-chan...I’m sorry if I startled you with thi-“
“N-No no, don’t apologize! It was my fault for bringing it up in this situation...”
your faint smile was a pathetic attempt to reassure someone who’s known you for such a long time, so as expected Takao didn’t give in ...
· · ─────── · ❀ · ─────── · ·
You felt how his hands slowly moved up to your shoulders and unexpectedly pushed you back, ultimately changing your positions. Now that the young man was on top of you he trapped you underneath him by placing his hands on each side of your head and hooked his legs with yours in such a way that even if you tried to struggle, his weight and muscles wouldn’t let you move even an inch.
“(Y/N),” he began, the unusual way of him calling you by your full name made you tense up even more than you already were, “I think that the two of us know the reason why we never labeled this relationship...if you can even call it that.”
Without giving him much of an answer you simply nodded and waited for him to continue his line of thoughts. After some intense moments of silence, he sighed and began: “I want to be completely honest with you (Y/N), do you seriously think I’m doing all of these things just because I’m that sexually frustrated? Or do you think I’m indulging you just because we’re friends?”
There was some doubt inside your head concerning his last question, but you nodded nonetheless.
“I wouldn’t do that and you know it...sure when we first did it I thought that it might’ve been a mistake and that I was being too pushy, but when you became more touch-starved I knew that it had to mean something and that’s why I kept going...”
He placed one of his hands on your cheek and caressed it lightly, the sensation sending pleasurable goosebumps down your entire body. You wanted to intertwine your fingers with his, but before you could do that his warm hand left your cheek.
“...if you started having your doubts about all of this then I understand that you’d want to stop this.”
The expression he said that last part with made your heart ache, but that young man knew how to hide his pain. In a matter of seconds, he bounced back from completely broken to gentle and loving.
“But let me say this (Y/N)...just cause I’m backing down now doesn’t mean I won’t try to steal you away from your future partner!”
...You idiot
Just as he was about to pull away from your insides you hooked your legs around his hips, keeping him buried as deep inside of you as he had been mere moments ago. That gesture of yours was both surprising and quite pleasurable so it was no surprise that he’d have to take a deep and slightly trembling breath.
“Kazunari Takao, you’re such an idiot. When did I ever utter the words of not wanting to be with you anymore...?”
Now your hands found themselves on top of his cheeks, but this time you pulled him down towards yourself and kissed him. The element of surprise vanished pretty quickly and before you knew it he kissed you back with his usual vigor.
“I’m also scared you know..? You’re so important to me that I’m borderline anxious about what could happen if we really do cross the border of friendship, but I’d like to believe that our bond isn’t that thin that we’d end up as enemies if something shouldn’t work out...what do you think?”
The man above you remained silent, but the loving and relieved smile he’d cast upon you gave you all the answers you needed, so without saying anything else you just wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your forehead in the crack of his neck.
Now that you had reached a mutual and more or less wordless understanding it was your bodies’ turn to finish the job.
With newfound vigor, Takao slid his hands down to your legs and lifted them just enough to expose your private parts. He licked his thumb with the very top of his tongue and began drawing circles on your clit. As soon as you were wet enough for his shaft to thrust back and forth his hand directed its focus to your breasts and began kneading them.
And this night marked the first time the two of you embraced and pleased each other like a proper couple...
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whumblr · 3 years
Home is where the hurt is: Part 1 - Continued from Part 28
Tagging: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @burtlederp @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @hurtmebeautifully  @rougenoirofthepurpleterror @snuffhimout @susiequaz12 @mnmlover2002 @undertheburrow @whump-me-all-night-long @whumpinggoodtime @starnight-whump @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @im-just-here-for-the-whump @restrainthenmaime @freefallingup13 @whatwasmyprevioususername @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @firewheeesky 
A wave of annoyance hit Jay when he came home to Zayne waiting in his chair.
Wednesday was one of the few days of respite he got. He had training in the evening and after Zayne had intimidated him to get home on time after work, Jay had bargained a fixed day off so he could continue going without raising eyebrows.
It worked well. Except today, clearly. Though maybe he should’ve bargained for Tuesday evenings off. It could be quite hard, not to mention fucking ironic, to push through self-defence courses while the injuries from yesterday’s beating prevented him from standing up straight.
"Are you going senile? It's Wednesday." Jay pretended not to notice the dangerous atmosphere, Zayne leering at him from his chair, as he avoided eye contact and went to the bedroom to grab his bag.
"Thought maybe you were still sick in bed and in need of some distraction,” Zayne said, swivelling  the chair sideways.
"So you were planning on bullying on the sick," Jay called from the bedroom, "nice." He rushed from one end of the room to the next, fishing a t-shirt and shorts from his closet, grabbing his sneakers and stuffing them all in his bag in a hurry. If he could just make a quick exit, he could grab a bite to eat somewhere and kill some time outside. Not here.
Zayne’s gaze followed him as he rushed through his flat, eyes on the bag. “Means you’re well enough for some physical activity?”
Was he ever? “Not the kind you have in mind.”
“Just a little warm-up exercise to get you ready for your class.”
"No need.” Jay finally turned to him, frustrated. “Do you know how much it sucks when someone grabs your arm sparring, right on a day old bruise and-- oh what the hell, of course you do," he muttered as Zayne's grin only grew wider and his eyes lit up with every irritated word Jay spoke.
"No, really, do tell," Zayne got up and followed Jay to the hallway before he could slink off and out the door.
"Like this?" He clamped a hand over Jay's shoulder, right where he knew a large bruise was still healing.
Jay hissed at the sudden pain and twisted free.
Zayne took the moment to slither around him and stood in front of the door. Jay’s only escape.
“Get out the way,” Jay grunted. “I have to go.”
“No, you don’t. Still got an hour.”
Zayne casually stretched out an arm, leaning against the doorframe with his forearm like a bolt resting over the top corner of the door. He didn’t fully block the exit and his stance was open, like he actually stood to the side to let Jay pass.
But when Jay tried to scurry out and pull the door open, he looked up in annoyance – somewhat incredulous even - as it stopped against Zayne’s arm.
Come on, it’s a human arm, not some wooden bolt, why can’t I just…! He tried again hoping Zayne would pull back, which of course he didn’t.
Still leaning his full weight against the door, Zayne bent over Jay.
“You’ve had almost a week to heal, in more ways than one,” he cooed down on him, arm still not budging an inch. “Figured I should ease you into our routine again.”
Jay’s eyes widened and his breath caught for a bit. “It’s Wednes—“ he tried again, looked up to meet Zayne’s mischievous eyes.
“I know what day it is.”
“We had a deal.”
“Well, we don’t have to go all the way. Just a warm-up. Remind you what you’re taking those lessons for. How are those going, by the way?”
“Fight me off, then.”
With Zayne reaching up like that, his torso was unprotected. He was practically inviting – daring – Jay to make a move. Yet Jay resisted the urge to plant an elbow into his stomach and run. All it would do was make sure that Zayne would be waiting for him later that evening to show him what a bad idea that had been, leaving him with a boatload of extra adrenaline and stress during his training hour, only to come home absolutely drained and too exhausted to defend himself.
He scoffed at that. Defend himself? Yeah, right.
Zayne, noticing his hesitation, tsked softly between his teeth. “What use are those lessons if you’re too scared to use ‘em? Stay here. I’ll help you get over that fear.”
“You want to teach me how to kick you out of my own house?”
“Instruct you in the ways of violence, sure, maybe you’ll learn a thing or two.”
“I think I’ve had enough lessons in violence.”
“Tell you what. You can go to your little fight club tonight,” Zayne started and Jay already narrowed his eyes, waiting for the ‘but’.
“And I’ll be waiting for you when you return and we’ll pick up where we left.”
“Yeah, no.”
Jay didn’t like the sound of that. He quickly let go of the door handle, but Zayne’s hand snapped around his wrist in a bruising grip, pulling him back. Caught off-balance, Jay fought to stay upright before he keeled right into Zayne’s chest. The hand over the door lowered and settled against the frame next to Jay’s head as Zayne encroached on his personal space and sidled closer.
“Get on your knees and beg.”
“You have got to be kidding,” Jay growled in return, but the fingers around his wrist only tightened in warning.
“Am I?”
Jay pulled against the grip and to his surprise, Zayne let go. He flexed his fingers to get rid of the numb feeling, the blood now rushing back to his fingertips. Zayne however, pushed himself off the doorway. He tilted himself up to full height and pressed his torso forward as he stepped towards Jay, pushing him away.
Jay instantly fell a step back, only to be followed by Zayne who loomed over him.
The intimidation worked wonders. Jay stumbled back in fear. He dropped his bag, ready to compromise to avoid the looming punishment.
“Okay, fine! But I’m not begging to leave my own flat! We had a d—“
But as he lowered to the floor, hand raised in surrender yet still sputtering his complaints, the sudden force of a boot to the chest caught him off guard. He fell back over the doorstep to the living room. Heard heavy thumping footsteps get closer and before he could scuttle away on his elbows, a groan was forced from him as Zayne stomped on his chest and pinned him to the ground.
The leather toe of Zayne’s heavy motor cycle boot nudged against his chin. Jay glanced up, eyes wide, and caught Zayne’s grin before the man let his weight fall down.
Jay grunted, his ribcage protesting against the sudden force.
His back arched against the wooden floor and he let his head fall back as he grit his teeth against the pain. Big mistake. Zayne took full advantage and slipped his boot down over Jay’s now exposed throat.
Carefully and very slowly, he shifted his weight again and Jay let out a cut off soft gasp as the pressure on his windpipe increased until he couldn’t breathe.
Hands roamed up, clawed into fists and pounded uselessly against Zayne’s ankles and shinbone that were protected by more rigid, sturdy leather. Jay kicked and struggled, his own shoes squeaking against the wooden floor.
He reached up, feeling for the edges of Zayne’s boot, fingers clawing into the fabric of the black jeans. While it seemed he was just scrambling desperately at Zayne’s leg, he had a plan. He found the weak spot, just behind the knee, and his fingers squeezed hard.
“Whoa!” Zayne yelped and pulled back in alarm when he felt the soft pinch break through his jeans before Jay could fully twist his fingers into the tendon. “That is nasty, Jay! What the hell, did your training actually teach you something useful?”
Jay didn’t answer. He scrambled up and pressed himself up against the side of the couch. He sat on his hunches, one arm over the armrest the other hand massaging his throat, panting and wheezing trying to catch his breath with his eyes still warily on Zayne.
Zayne let out a scoff as he saw him like that, a cat backed into a corner, but started to laugh. He rubbed the back of his leg. “I still feel that. Well, okay. Go learn some more tricks, I guess.”
He stepped aside, clearing the way out. “The extra adrenaline might give you a bit of an edge, tonight.”
Continued here
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wallwriterstuff · 4 years
Dear Sister Part 2 ||Alec Volturi x Female Reader||
Dear Sister Part 1
Words: 5451 Warnings: A lot more swearing than I intended, and a fair bit of angst 
So this took a lot longer to put up than I had intended it to but unfortunately real life got in the way, but I’m back and ready to get my writing on beautiful humans! Keep your eyes peeled for more requests and some more random crap from the inner workings of my mind :D 
Request for @tiger-khans-blog​: Hey there I am really amused by your style of writing stories.Can I ask you another request for Alec Volturi? The thing is Demetri's younger younger Sister the reader fled from her family.As they had the tradition to get the girls married in a early age.And the reader is a Creator gifted Vampire.The Volturi gets to her.She is asked to join them.She recognizes Demetri immediately.She goes and hugs him.Demetri recognizes her.And she finds out that Alec and her mate bond.That's why she decides to torment Alec.So that he doesn't want her.But everything goes opposite.Alec falls for her head to heels.Then her Casanova image gets revealed that she is no less than her brother. Alec tries to convince her to give him a chance.Then Alec tries all the ways to make her fall in love with him too. Then she lastly agrees.Demetri gets against of this relationship.Then he tries to make them separated.But he becomes unsuccessful. As Jane is his mate.
How on Earth did they get here?
Alec could only blink as she slammed him into the wall of his room. He felt the stone crumble around his shoulders as she pushed him further into the rubble. He grit his teeth, a sharp sting running over his skin as the venom sealed the small cracks breaking apart his flesh.
“You did this!” she snarled. It was such sweet agony feeling the heat of her body so close to his, her skin sending sparks flying across his own. He wished it were under better circumstances.
“Actually, you were the one who invaded my room.” Alec pointed out, a hint of the bitterness he felt creeping into his voice. He was certain he was in the right; he’d not been sleeping around knowing his mate was in the same building as him after all. He had tried to get to know her, learned to love everything about her, and she’d just…thrown it all back in his face.
“What gave you the right to talk about me like that in front of all of those people? You do not even know me! You ruined everything between Santiago and me! My own brother thinks me a whore! You disgraced me in front of everyone we work with.” she was so close, her lips a hairs breadth from his own and spitting venom his way. Alec hissed, his vision flaring red briefly, but even though he was more furious than he had ever thought he could be he couldn’t bring himself to put his hands on her, to push her away. Once she stepped back he knew she’d be out of his reach forever. He could feel it deep down in his bones that this was a violent, permanent goodbye.
“Santiago should never have been with you in the first place, you belong with me! Fate has said so!” he snapped. Alec balled his fists at his sides, feeling the sweet numbness on his fingertips and knowing he would unleash it if he wasn’t careful enough. He glared her down, her own black eyes swallowing him whole. How was any of this fair? Her anger was unjustified! His was not! He had every right to be furious with her obvious disregard for their bond.
“Fuck fate! I belong to no one! How dare you assume you have ownership of me because you felt your dick twitch when you first saw me!” she spat, shoving away from him. He felt his shoulder crack unpleasantly but ignored the sting of it healing, too busy seething and trembling as he fought back the urge to lunge at her, trap her against the door she was walking towards so she couldn’t leave him. Had all those days spent in the library been wasted? Did she really feel nothing for him? Did she not see he that he would do anything for her?
“Keep my name out of your mouth, you have no right to speak it,” she hissed, turning in the doorway to send daggers his way with her eyes one last time. “Keep far away from me Alec Volturi. For the eternity I have left on this Earth I do not ever want to see it again.” She slammed the door shut behind her and Alec crumpled. Venom stung his eyes for the first time in years, and a horrible heaving noise echoed through his room. He didn’t realise it was him until Jane rushed to his side and pulled him close.
Alec hadn’t cried the way he did right then since the day they’d burned.
Y/N wasn’t around for a very long time after that. Months passed without her presence and Alec grew entirely numb to it all. He went to trials, stood in the background on missions, but nothing changed, he didn’t change. Alec had become utterly mute, not even Jane could get him to speak a word anymore and he spent all of his free time sitting in front of the fireplace in his room, stroking the worn cover of a copy of Private Berlin. Y/N had introduced him to the series and this was his favourite one; she’d bought all of the books for him and in his rage this was the only book he hadn’t destroyed. Every passing moment of his day felt like a fight against quick-sand that was trying to drag him down, and he was so, so close to giving up. What was the point? Y/N had taken half of him with her when she left and there was no good reason to continue unless he could become whole again.
Demetri often received post cards from her, and he had heard whispers of what these postcards contained. Clearly, she was having a wonderful time. She was travelling the world and sampling all the types of people each continent had to offer. It made Alec’s very soul ache whenever he had to hear about it. Given his empty state of being it wasn’t hard to understand why nobody really came to check on him anymore – he was hardly offering the most scintillating conversation -  which was partially why he was so confused to see Demetri sitting in front of him on his sofa. The tracker looked sombre, forearms resting on his knees as he glanced down at the book in his hands before looking up to meet his eyes again.
“Alec you have to stop this. We are all worried about you.” Demetri sighed. If he had the capacity to feel anything at all, Alec would be angry at him too right now. How was it fair that he could insult his sister and exchange cruel words with her, yet it was Demetri she would still stay in contact with? Alec had made one mistake! He had made plenty more. Demetri waited patiently for him to say something, anything, but Alec wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. What was there left to say after all? His mate had walked right out of his life without so much as a goodbye.
Just leave Alec thought. The very bones of him were tired.  
“Jane worries for you, and I cannot stand to see her beside herself over you.” He continued.
Then Jane can tell me as much herself Alec mentally groaned, though his face remained apathetic. Demetri would never guess his head was actually full to bursting with a host of negative thoughts when his face suggested his mind was painfully blank. He traced the images on the cover of his book, heart aching sharply like it was just yesterday she had left all over again.
“When I lost my sister the first time my heart ached in ways I had never known it could ache before. I know the feeling of loss-“
“My sister holds you every night like to let you go would be the death of her. What do you know of the way my heart aches?” Alec couldn’t stop the sharp words escaping him, his tongue whipping the tracker into submission. For the first time in a long time he felt the frustration Demetri brought out in him so strongly it was able to overwhelm the numbness in his soul. Alec was somewhat to be able to feel something for once, but it brought with it the undeniable heartache already nagging in the background, threatening to drown him once more. Demetri was quiet for a long while, staring down at his hands as he thought over his words.
“Alec, I-“
“Do not lecture me on affairs of the heart Demetri, how many did you have to break before you finally found one you felt was worth keeping intact?” Alec huffed, unfurling from the curled-up position he’d been sat in to plant his feet on the floor. He ran his hands up into his hair and scrubbed at his scalps with a sigh. As angry as he wanted to be with Demetri maybe he was struggling to feel it for more than just the perpetual numbness. Maybe he couldn’t be angry because deep down, he knew Demetri didn’t deserve it. The man had lost his sister twice over. He was grieving her absence as much as Alec was.  
“The first time my sister left, she was betrothed to an older man in the village who was a shoe in to become a partner in a cloth merchants firm. This merchant was one of the wealthiest men in town and her husband to be would soon have been amongst the upper echelons of society. Our family would have been propelled into wealth, status…these were the things my mother cared about. Not Y/N, though.” Demetri smiled, a wan and wistful thing that radiated hurt so intense it made Alec pause.
“What did she care about?” he asked finally. Demetri’s expression softened.
“The people she loved. She cared about the people she loved. One of them was a girl called Erato, a whore.” He told him. Alec’s brows furrowed. In a fraction of a second he had recalled every conversation they had ever had, the words imprinted on his mind and held dear in his heart as the only reminder she had ever once been with him. He understood almost immediately what had driven her away.
“He was said to have beaten all the whores in the brothel.” He quoted Y/N. Alec could remember the fire in her eyes, recall the sharpness of her tone. The anger she felt at her engagement had been obvious and the hurt had been strong enough to last a millenia. Demetri nodded solemnly.
“Erato was beside herself the night she came to Y/N, but mother would not call off the wedding. She would not trust the word of a whore and ruin our family’s chance at social success. Y/N ran away the very same night and was lost to me for a thousand years until she chose to find us. Do you not see, Alec?” he asked with a sigh. Alec’s brows furrowed, and then he settled back in his seat with a sigh.
“I see the wrong person sitting in front of me. I am tired Demetri, I don’t want riddles, if you’re here to tell me something profound then get on with it please.”
“Y/N has never been quiet about injustice! If she perceives anything that is happening to herself or others to be wrong or detrimental to wellbeing, she fights back. Bloody hell Alec! You stood from afar and never made a move to claim her as your mate!” Demetri sounded exasperated at this point and Alec couldn’t stop the hysterically choked laugh from escaping.
“She’s made it pretty clear I’m not intended to have her as my mate. She’s so powerful she can laugh in the face of fate.” He pointed out. Demetri groaned.
“But she isn’t!” he insisted, pushing to his feet and dropping a stack of colourful looking postcards on the coffee table, “Read them Alec. As loath as I am to admit it, she is miserable without you.” He shook his head as he left, the door closing a little harder than necessary. Part of Alec was satisfied because Demetri finally knew the sheer struggle of letting your sister be with someone you intensely wished they weren’t with. The other part was terrified of the small stack of cards on his tabletop. The loopy handwriting was a familiar scrawl, something that tried to be elegant but was close to illegible because she never had time to write things down, too busy experiencing the moment in real time. He could faintly smell her scent lingering on the surface of each one, and his mouth felt very dry as he reached for the stack.
Paris remains lovely as ever, but the lights seem dimmer than they were my last visit. Monsieur Ardoin is as hospitable as ever. Give my regards to our mutual friends.
Love, Y/N
So she’d been to Paris had she? He tried to ignore the bitter hatred that roiled in his gut at the mention of this Monsieur Ardoin but it was hard to stop, and the next three were the same. More names, more cities. Alec scowled, slapping down the card and leaning back in his chair. His hand ran over his face, as if he could somehow scrub the words from where they’d been imprinted on his eyeballs. The colourful little cards were taunting him though, the weakest trace of her scent caressing his nose and muddling his mind.
“Damn it all to hell.” He growled, reaching for the next one. They were addictive. A fresh and recent part of her for him to treasure, but the pain in him seared deeper with every word…or not? His brows furrowed, his body leaning forward as if being as physically close to the paper as possible might bring him some relief. If his heart still beat, it might have stopped.
How am I to believe your words are true? I might have once loved him, but Alec made it clear he never felt the same. How can I believe he held any sort of affection for me when he treated me no differently to any other person in the guard? I will not come back, I could not face any of them. That does not mean you could not visit me, you will always know where to find me after all, brother.
All my love, Y/N
Alec felt his eyes widen. It was…his fault? He did this? He ruined his own chance of happiness? He thought back to all those bittersweet memories he had (the only thing left of her now) where they had wiled away evenings reading in the library. They had always been opposite ends of the sofa, as was proper, never crossing that boundary, and whenever he risked glances at her she never seemed to be looking his way but the distinct tinkling of jewellery…had that meant she was looking at him and turning away before he could notice? The day they met her smirk had dropped for that briefest second, like the freight-train of emotion he’d been contending with had hit her to. Oh…oh how could he be so stupid!
He was out of the door and hammering on Demetri’s in the next second, the tracker opening the door with a deep frown.
“Alec you need to-“
“Where?” he demanded. Demetri blinked, his face going blank for a second. Alec felt every extremity twitch, the urgent need to move move move eating away at him.
“London.” He said finally, his tone obviously reluctant. Alec turned on his heel, ready to leave immediately, the consequences be damned.
“I have to-“
“Find her,” Demetri finished for him, though his face looked like he’d sucked a lemon, “I may not like it, but I suppose you have never liked it either have you? You have to find her. bring my sister home Alec…we’ll see about the rest after.” Alec very nearly laughed but the moment was too serious for that. Demetri’s acceptance of his bond with Y/N, however grudging, only made him more determined to find her.
“Tell me when you have a more precise location!” Alec called over his shoulder, already two floors down and headed for the door. Maybe the masters needed to know of his departure, maybe they didn’t, but if he was certain of anything it was his position in the guard. He was too valuable for them to lose and if he returned home with his mate…well Aro would probably be so pleased that his running away would most likely be forgotten about. Y/N had to accept him after all of this, didn’t she? What was more romantic than running across a continent and through a bloody ocean after your love? By the time Demetri called him back Alec was forced to hide in some rundown warehouse on the outskirts of a city he knew very little given its constant evolution – forgetting his credit cards was a double wounder.
The minute the sun went down he moved.
He was sure the Savile Row tailors wouldn’t miss just one Gucci suit, right? Even if it was worth over £1500. He was fairly sure that ridiculously pruned flowerbed in front of her hotel wouldn’t miss those flowers either. She had already opened the door before he had chance to knock.
“I am going to have Demetrius’s head on a stick.”
“I know you are angry but please, Y/N, give me time to explain.” He wedged his foot in the doorway, surprised when she didn’t attempt to close it. Her expression was devoid of emotion but she wasn’t turning him away just yet. Alec took it as a good sign, even if she wasn’t seemingly willing to let him in just yet.
“Your time is dwindling away Alec. Why are you here?” she asked. Alec looked her over, clearly dressed to go out and enjoy a night on the town. He held out the flowers.
“I want – no I need you to know, that every moment of your absence has been abysmal for me. I need you to know I will follow you to the ends of the Earth, endure any trial, overcome any obstacle, if it means you will understand how necessary you are to my very existence. I made the mistake of not letting you know that before, let me rectify that here, now. Give me a chance to prove to you Y/N that I cannot leave here without you.” He kept his voice firm, bold, but inside he crumbled. Here was this headstrong, independent woman who had survived the world just fine before she met him and could do so again if she made him leave. He had nothing left to do but pray she would accept him. Her eyes fell to the flowers.
“You do know I hate tulips, right?” Alec’s heart fell, chest tightening.
“I do now.” He said.
“I have dinner plans, Alec.” She sighed, leaning against the doorframe.
“Then let me take you to dinner.” He insisted.
“They are not the kind of plans that require a partner or a chaperone,” She retorted, “Maybe your life is abysmal but I happen to be doing just fine without you. Whatever Demetrius has told you in some desperate attempt to bring me home is false. You have my apologies for the inconvenience the journey must have caused.” She reached behind the door and pulled on a denim jacket, bringing some shades out of the pocket and slipping them over dark, burgundy eyes. Alec grit his teeth, watching as she locked her door.
“Demetri didn’t have to tell me anything, I read your postcards. You’re not happy, Y/N, and neither am I, so what is the sense of-“
“Opening someone else’s mail is considered a federal crime in some places. I would have thought a man devoted to upholding such laws would know that.” She snapped, still walking away from him. Alec hurried after her.
“I am not leaving until you give me a chance. Just one, Y/N, just one.” He hissed, reaching for her arm. His hand went straight through her and he stopped dead, his heart breaking all over again as she strode into the lift without breaking stride and pressed a button on the panel. She turned on her heel, pulling her shades down her nose to peer sharply at him over the black plastic rim.
“Just no, Alec, just no.” she retorted. The doors slid closed between them and Alec was left alone, jaw tight and fingers clenching into fists at his sides. He wasn’t sure how long he stood there, letting the waves of pain and frustration overtake him. He really didn’t enjoy the way a warm hand clasped his shoulder, because it wasn’t hers. Alec had whirled before the man even had chance to turn away, his teeth sinking into his windpipe and hands viciously tightening around his biceps. Bones cracked and veins burst, but it wasn’t enough to quell all of his anger. Not until the man and his wife were mangled beyond repair as well as the security guard who was guarding the CCTV tape that could have outed his very existence, did Alec manage to start thinking clearly again.
As a fire consumed their bodies in the dumpster in the next borough over, he fixed his shirt sleeves and refastened his cufflinks. He drew in a deep breath, smelling the oncoming storm in the air and simply listening to the sounds of the city. If Y/N wasn’t going to give him a chance he was simply going to have to create one, and that meant getting imaginative. What did you do for the girl that could have it all? She was powerful enough to create any gift. If she wanted something she easily got it, so how was Alec supposed to get what he wanted? Hell, she had probably already created foresight and was watching his every decision like that Cullen woman could so nothing would be a good enough surprise.
Maybe he didn’t have to surprise her though.
She was still out when he got back to her room, some stolen hotel stationary allowing him to leave a note he hoped she would read on her bed. Maybe flowers weren’t the way to her heart but another type of gift would do better? She was always wearing jewellery of some sort, so maybe some new jewellery was the way to her heart?
She never showed up at the time he had requested to meet with her.
Alec left another note a few days later, tracking her to a new hotel this time, but she didn’t show up so he could take her to the theatre either. He had hoped that a slew of invitations to various date-themed evenings would maybe make her understand he knew what he had done wrong now. He understood that by not making a move beforehand he had damaged her self-esteem and hurt her feelings, but if he could reverse that mistake now…He ran a hand over his face with a sigh, pen poised to write the latest in a long line of invitations to spend the evening with him exploring the Kew gardens. It was closed of course but that didn’t mean they couldn’t sneak in. A soft sizzling noise made him turn swiftly, fangs bared at the intruder until he realised the lingering wisps of red slowly dissipating in the air revealed the one person he wanted to see the most.
Violently red eyes glared back at him, her face set in the ugliest scowl she still somehow made beautiful. Y/N had her arms folded across her chest, her stance defensive.
“I detest flowers.” She hissed. Alec frowned.
“Then talk to me and tell me what you would like to do! I am trying Y/N and I will keep true to my vow. I will try for the rest of eternity to win you back if it’s what has to be done!” Alec said fiercely. He pushed to his feet, feeling frustration give way to hysteria as a short, mirthless laugh escaped him. “For the love of all that’s holy how can you not see the depths of my devotion to you!”
“Because your devotion is not to me!” she cried, “It never is for anybody! Your devotion is and always will be to my power! So many have sought to own me and what I can do and all have come using words and gifts as a way to try and trap me, as if I am so shallow as to be lured in by shiny things.” Alec blinked, taken aback by her tone. He had expected bitter anger, he was ready to welcome her fury and instead she simply sounded broken.
“You think I care for your gift? Y/N, my place in the guard is secure by what I can do. No threat or bribe to get you back brought me here, merely my need to have you by my side.” He murmured, frowning now. She took a step back when he stepped closer, her eyes pleading with him to stay put.
“Then why did you leave me to wonder what I did wrong?” she demanded. He had no doubt now that if she could cry she would have been. “If you felt so deeply for me why did you never say as such? I sat for months on the opposite end of the sofa to you, wishing you might feel the same for me, and when you finally decide to declare your feelings it is not to me whom you declare them but an entire room of strangers who then think of me as a whore for ignoring the very bond you were the first to neglect!”
Alec was quiet for a moment, digesting this information. His mind came up blank. There was no easy answer to it, no way to right the wrong that would ever erase the monumental amount of hurt between them.
“We’ve really made such a mess of this, haven’t we?” he said finally, lowering his gaze.
“How your sister and Demetrius make it look so easy I do not know…it is sickening.” She admitted with a huff. Alec couldn’t help but laugh, the smallest of smiles twitching his lips upward.
“I’ve been telling them so for almost three years now. I suppose that was another thing I did wrong really wasn’t it? I detest that he’s with my sister and yet I threw it in his face that I was supposed to be with his.” He shook his head. There was a pregnant pause.
“I like that better,” She said softly. Alec looked back at her, head tilting as he tried to figure out what she meant. “Be with. I like you saying be with rather than to have.” She clarified.
“That might be the first thing I’ve ever managed to make you happy with then…I truly am sorry, Y/N, for everything,” he said sincerely. She didn’t stop him this time when he stepped forward into her space, taking her hands in his owns and bringing her fingers to his lips. Her breath hitched at the delicate kiss he placed against her knuckles. “I realise now nothing I can do will ever make up for the hurt I’ve caused you, but we’ve both suffered enough haven’t we? If I can’t fix this mistake, give me the chance to start fresh with you, to make sure I don’t make anymore. I love you far, far too much to give up on you entirely, but if you can look me in the eyes and tell me you truly do not want me then…then I’ll leave now and not bother you again.”
The mere thought he might have to just leave her behind was so painful. He knew exactly what he would do if she chose to send him away now, knew exactly where he could go – the Romanians were always looking for a chance to get one up on them after all. Y/N seemed to sense the despair he was feeling. She had rejected all of his advances thus far so why would this one be any different? Her grip on his hands tightened.
“I am so tired of running from you.” She whispered. Alec exhaled sharply, disbelief showing on his face briefly before he composed himself. He tenderly cupped her cheek.
“Then stop running from me, and if you can’t bring yourself to stop running, let me run beside you.” He implored. For once when she locked eyes with him, Alec didn’t feel his stomach drop in anticipation or overcome with nerves. Everything finally felt how it should be when he was with his mate. His spirit calmed, his entire being relaxing into the moment. He didn’t even notice they had teleported anywhere until he was pushed backward and his eyes stopped zeroing in on her. He frowned, glancing about at his bookcase, his bed, all the things he was familiar with.
“Shhhh, if you’re not quiet enough they’ll hear you packing a bag.” She hissed, giving him a shove towards his closet. Alec blinked in shock, frozen for a minute before he broke into a wide smile, shoulders shaking with silent laughter. He had never moved so fast in all of his life.
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“Would you pair please find a room?” Demetri grumbled. Jane glanced at him, her amusement obvious while she cuddled closer to his side. Alec however had no intention as stopping anytime soon. She tasted far too good and stealing kisses from her as they watched a movie was his new favourite pastime. It was only very reluctantly after another complaint that Alec pulled back from his mate, amused by her scowl. She caught his jaw before he could turn away from him.
“Ignore him, he’s jealous Jane doesn’t like the taste of brunette on his tongue.” She quipped. She pulled him back to her with a smirk and Alec grinned a bit, claiming her mouth with a more passionate kiss than before. He didn’t want to push his luck however and parted from her fairly quickly, brushing her pout with his thumb and a twinkle in his eye that promised her patience would be rewarded soon enough. With her legs slung across his lap the group had settled to watch a movie a little over an hour ago, and Alec had been distracted ever since she’d settled against her side. He still found it incredible that they had spent months roaming the world together and still needed to be near each other almost constantly to be even remotely happy. It was unhealthy perhaps, but where else would they be?
The masters had not been happy with his disappearance as predicted, but his position had, as he had predicted meant little punishment. As soon as Y/N had spoken out and told Aro less than eloquently they could easily ‘fuck off’ again, Caius was left to stew in his rage while they resumed normal duties without any severe punishment. They simply didn’t get time off for a while but that was easily worked around, easily endured knowing they were in the same place and not to be separated again.
“Fine, if I cannot kiss you I will not torment myself sitting here and take a shower instead.” Y/N rolled her eyes, kissed his lips lightly and disappeared from his side in a flash of red. Alec smiled slightly, shaking his head a bit as Demetri sighed.
“I understand it now. I understand why you hate me. I detest you Alec, I truly and thoroughly detest you.” He admitted.
“Demetri!” Jane scowled. Alec simply laughed.
“Hate me as much as you like, your sister doesn’t.” he teased. Demetri groaned a little.
“Just…she seems happy. Keep her that way, will you?” he requested. Alec turned serious then, nodding his head as Jane rolled her eyes, protesting he was being a hypocrite.
“If you agree to do the same for Jane.” He promised. Demetri nodded once, both of them quickly diverting their attention back to the TV. It had taken him over a thousand years to find his mate and Alec had no intention of messing it up now. Though their story had begun with hurt, they were both determined to write a better ending, and they had an eternity ahead of them to make it as perfect as could be.
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dessarious · 5 years
Misconceptions, Miscommunication, and Misinformation Pt54
Inspired by @ozmav Maribat AU
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Marinette had been distracted by the broach Nathalie was wearing. She was certain it was the Miraculous and she was trying to come up with a plan to lift it. Hearing Gabriel call Damian ‘Mr. Wayne’ brought her attention back in time to see everyone’s reactions. She had no idea why everyone but Luka was acting like it was a huge deal, but Nathalie looked on the verge of passing out at that would give her the perfect opportunity to get the Miraculous while helping her.
“So your father sues me.” Gabriel scoffed in annoyance but Nathalie still looked horrified. Marinette wasn’t even sure she was taking in what was happening anymore. “I’ll get slapped with a fine and that will be that.” Damian’s looked turned to one of disdain, and possibly a little pity.
“That would be the case had the contract not included a specific penalty.” He sounded like he was lecturing a small child and now Gabriel and Adrien wore identical expressions of anger. It was really creepy if she was being honest. “My father wanted to keep my identity and me protected so that penalty was designed to ensure you wouldn’t break the contract. Mme. Sancoeur, would you please enlighten your employer as to what it was he agreed to?” Nathalie was staring off into space, her expression completely vacant.
“Chloe, would you get Nathalie some water… or maybe something stronger please?” Chloe nodded to Marinette and went to find something while she moved closer to the other woman. She began to rub her back in soothing circles but it didn’t do any good. Now if only Damian would distract Gabriel again she could grab the broach.
“Well, since it seems your stupidity has incapacitated her allow me to tell you what you signed.” That was all she needed. As Gabriel and Adrien turned to glare at him again Marinette swiftly removed the Miraculous and put it in her purse. She felt Tikki grab it from her hands and heard a small sigh of relief. One down, one to go. “The penalty stated was either half the total value of your brand paid to my father, or all of your shares in the company. Whichever you can come up with will be fine.”
Marinette heard a choked sound from behind her and saw that Chloe had returned. Adrien looked like he’d swallowed his tongue while Gabriel just looked… well blank. Except for one of his eyes twitching subtly. He gave the impression of an impending explosion. If Damian wasn’t just messing with the man, he was ruined. There was no way he had that kind of capital on hand and if he lost control of the company Marinette had a feeling Damian’s father, whoever he was, wouldn’t keep him on even as a designer. In one moment of pettiness the man had probably destroyed everything he’d built in his lifetime.
“No court will uphold that penalty, it’s far too extreme.” He’d probably meant to sound firm but his tone held hope more than anything else. He was trying to convince himself he was right.
“Oh, they’ll agree to uphold the contract. After all you had it signed, notarized, and filed with the courts before I even got here, which was also on the contract. There’s no reason for them to be lenient when you’ve already followed through on some parts of the contract, signifying that you did in fact read it, or at least she did.” A calculating light entered Gabriel’s eyes as he glanced at the still unresponsive form of his assistant.
“Nathalie must have forged my signature. I don’t ever sign documents without reading them thoroughly.”  Marinette’s head snapped up at the declaration. He’d really just accused his assistant of a crime that could come with jail time attached. If she hadn’t believed he was a terrible person before that would have done it. It took everything in her not to give the man a black eye. Even Adrien seemed taken aback by the claim. But Damian just rolled his eyes.
“You had it witnessed and notarized by a court employee M Agreste, but feel free to perjure yourself.” Damian’s dry words brought a sigh of relief from Chloe who had stepped up to Nathalie’s other side to help support her. She may be Mayura, but she didn’t deserve to be accused of crimes she didn’t commit. Especially by the person who convinced her to commit those other crimes in the first place. Marinette still didn’t know his endgame but if he was willing to sacrifice his most loyal supporter he was even more dangerous than she thought.
“You won’t get away with this you little-” Damian’s laughter cut him off.
“There’s nothing to get away with. You made your bed and now you have to live with the consequences of your actions. Something you don’t seem to have much experience with. Come on Luka, let's go get my stuff before he burns it.” Luka shot him a surprised glance. “They are busy.” He indicated Marinette and Chloe. “I need someone to come with me as a witness to make sure he doesn’t try anything and so that you can say I didn’t take anything that wasn’t mine.”
It was sound reasoning but Marinette saw a slight redness in his cheeks and he wouldn’t look Luka in the eye. He may not be ready to believe it but Marinette had a feeling he was finally ready to at least stop avoiding Luka. They were out the door before anyone else could react, but Gabriel followed hurriedly once his paralysis wore off, Adrien at his heels.
Nathalie finally seemed to be coming out of whatever hole her mind had fallen into. She blinked at Marinette before looking over at Chloe on her other side. Her stare was penetrating now, focused and intent.
“I need you to get me in contact with Ladybug.” Chloe dropped the woman’s arm as if burned.
“How… what makes you think I can do that?” Nathalie’s bland look had the same effect as most people rolling their eyes.
“You have that ridiculous signal and while I’m certain she’d rather fight an Akuma than cater to your whims, she’s far too noble for her own good and will come to see what you want just in case it actually is important.” Chloe’s eyes narrowed dangerously and Marinette saw her hand twitch towards the earcuff she and Plagg had changed the Miraculous into before she caught herself. Nathalie shouldn’t have noticed, Marinette wouldn’t have if she hadn’t known her girlfriend so well, and Chloe managed to settle into her spoiled rich girl persona at record speed.
“And why should I do that for you? I’m not going to waste Ladybug’s time because you had a falling out with your boss.” Nathalie didn’t react to the dig but Marinette could tell Chloe felt bad for it as soon as it left her mouth. They were working on her defense mechanisms but it was a slow process.
“You should do it because I can give Ladybug all the information on Hawkmoth she could ever need or want and a lot more besides.”
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captainneverever · 5 years
Runaway Groom
Tony shakily holds his phone. He’s outside on a balcony overlooking a moon-lit ocean, the warm August breeze ruffling his hair.
His thumb hovers over the number.
He should talk to Rhodey, his best bro forever. But this isn’t something he can talk to Rhodey about. HIs gut tells him that. Even if Rhodey is only on the other side of the sliding glass door behind him and Steve five years in the past.
Steve had thrown him a life-line once and Tony now needed to grab it. 
He is in Park Slope -- a mere two hour drive away. Tony knows, because he’s been obsessively stalking Steve’s Instagram for the past two days. 
It’s do or die. He risks it all by calling. No one ever wants to talk on the phone these days. But if Tony can’t reach Steve now, his chance evaporates into the air. Tony returns to the party, goes to bed at a reasonable time, and get up at 10 am to ready for his wedding.
“Tony?” Steve asks and frankly scares the hell out of Tony.
He can see beautiful warm smiling Steve, his shirt tight and stained from his morning run, just like the picture he posted on Instagram a couple of hours ago.
“Hey, I’m in town.” Tony goes for a casual breezy tone, even if his heart is beating wildly from anxiety and terror and fear of rejection. “Free for a drink?”
He can sense that Steve is hesitating. Yeah, yeah, bad idea. It’s already eight-thirty at night and people will be wondering where he is any minute now. The intense need for escape has settled in his bones and won’t let him go.
He just needs to talk to someone who knew who he was five years ago. That time before Tony gave up and settled for being just like his father. He silently begs Steve.
“Yeah but where do you want to meet?”
“Park Slope?”
That hesitation seeps into Steve’s voice. “Aren’t you in the Hamptons -- I saw --”
“Steve.” Tony’s voice cracks with desperation.
“Sure. Okay. Meet me at Three Brothers Pizza -- it’s around the corner from me. I’ll text you the address. I’ll be waiting.”
Tony is flooded with relief as he sneaks down to his car and away from the party. He is soon speeding on small local roads that rapidly evolve into the lighted I-495 highway into Brooklyn.
Damn, Steve had been everything that summer five years ago. He’d been working on contract for Stark Industries when Tony met him. Bigger than life, more beautiful than Tony’s AI programs, Steve had blown up Tony’s world. They’d spent all their time together, playing games, arguing over movies, going to the beach. Tony had not felt more alive than hiking next to Steve and watching the stars in the sky.
The thing was that Steve was going to Europe at the end of the summer. 
That last night when they promised to stay in touch and all that jazz, Tony confessed his fear of turning into Howard. Steve promised him that he would never be like Howard. Their hands brushed and Tony had wanted to kiss Steve so much in that moment -- and didn’t.
Tony was not gay. It was not okay for Tony to be gay. Fine for artist Steve to be gay and date gay guys and be happy with being gay. But not for Tony.
“If you ever need to talk, call me,” Steve said before he headed off to the airport.
After that summer, Tony lost himself and lost contact with Steve. Instead of being the brave strong person Steve believed in, Tony worked only harder to be like Howard. He buried himself more into work at Stark Industries and making it rain in R&D with government contracts. Howard was happy and was even happier when Tony got engaged to Maya, who ran an up and coming biotech firm.
A wedding and marriage so perfect that the Daily Bugle would be covering the event and fashion and gossip blogs had breathlessly covered all the arrangements from the dress to the guest list.
Tony should be more worried about how the wedding was going to turn out than finding parking in Park Slope on a busy summer night. He feels a pang of guilt not telling Rhodey where he went but he’s just having a drink or two with an old friend and then driving back to East Hampton. No one ever has to know what he did. He pays for a couple of hours of parking and looks for the restaurant.
Steve in person is even better than his pictures or Tony’s memories. He’s even more gorgeous in his blue shirt and tight jeans. Tony is gobsmacked and at a loss for words when Steve says hello in that low gravely voice.
Turns out that Three Brothers Pizza is owned by one of Steve’s friends, Bucky. “We can stay here as long as we like,” Steve says. “I have a set of keys.”
“And know the owner.” 
They order drinks and pizza. Steve shines that smile at him that is now making Tony dizzy. “What have you been up to?” he asks. It’s clear to Tony that Steve knows he’s getting married, that’s why he’s in New York, not California. 
But they don’t talk about that. They talk about the past five years, what they’ve done, where they’ve gone, what they’re doing now. Tony is shocked to find that he’s happy that Steve doesn’t have a special guy, not even dating. It’s wrong that his heart thumped a little and the blood rushed to his face when Steve said he was still single. Steve deserved the best person in the world, not to be alone. 
It’s long past midnight, the staff have cleaned up the restaurant, Bucky’s told Steve to remember to lock up when they leave. And Tony can’t stop talking to Steve. It’s 3 am and he should be in East Hampton and all he wants to do is keep talking with Steve.
He turns off his phone when he sees the text from Rhodey. Steve notices and arches an eyebrow. Tony blurts out, “I can’t go back.”
“Let’s go to my place -- you can get some sleep and then decide,” Steve replies.
“You’re being irredeemably practical,” Tony declares.
Steve grins and turns off the lights in the restaurant. They walk the block to Steve’s apartment. His roommate Sam is away for the weekend so they have the place to themselves.
Tony doesn’t want to go to sleep because the night would be over. Steve hands him a towel and a spare toothbrush and points him to his bedroom. “I’ll take the couch,” Steve says.
“I can sleep on the couch,” Tony insists. He puts down the towel and toothbrush in the tiny bathroom.
“You need the sleep.”
They’re in the hallway and Tony looks up at Steve. And Steve hugs him, engulfing him in his large arms and just holds Tony. Tony loses it and cries against Steve’s shoulder. Steve pats him on the back. “It’s going to be fine, Tony,” he whispering trying to reassure him.
Tony doesn’t want to ever let go. Every nerve in his body is tingling and he’s never felt more alive. And all he has to do is lift his chin, close his eyes and he can kiss Steve. He can feel it -- Steve’s lips on his -- and he knows in his gut that Steve would be a good kisser. He wants it to happen badly. He needs it.
And Steve breaks off the hug. “It’s late, Tony.”
Tony can only nod. Rejected and dejected, he slumps over to Steve’s dark bedroom, the black out curtains drawn closed. He turns to say good night to Steve and sees the conflicted look on his face. Steve cares, Steve cares a lot. Maybe even loves Tony.
Tony’s world shatters around him.
“I’m going to bed, see you in the morning.”
Steve says, “See you in a few hours. It’s already morning.”
He pulls the covers up and settles into the bed. He draws a shaky breath as he reconsiders everything he ever knew. Steve has given him all the answers he needs. One step further and Tony really does turn into Howard. He’s halfway there now with denying who he fundamentally is and lying to himself. Next step is cheating, followed up with even more drinking and family neglect and alienation. He’s only in his 20s and he can see how horribly wrong his life can go if he stays on this path.
He tosses and turns and finally falls into a restless sleep.
Tony startles awake when Steve knocks on the door. He has breakfast burritos and hot coffee. Tony props himself up in the bed when Steve sits down. “Wow, thanks.”
“Thought you could use some food. Going to be a long day.”
Tony’s eyes go wide and he scrambles for his phone. It’s 10:30 am, he’s very very late, and people are blowing up his phone. “Oh.”
“Yeah, your car’s been towed.”
Tony sniffs, then giggles, then laughs so hard that his sides hurt and the bag of burritos nearly falls off the bed. “It’s going to take a few hours to spring it from car jail.” He laughs again. 
Steve hands him his coffee and gets up to open the curtains. He’s wearing a t-shirt and pajama bottoms and he looks just as good as he did the night before. Tony sips his coffee and basks in the warm late morning sunlight. 
He caught that lifeline.
He’s been reborn and everything is new to him. It feels great, tremendous, real and the best he’s felt in years. All the curled up tension and pain is evaporating into the air and Tony is light and bouncy and brand-new and filled with feelings he has yet to name. He’s got time and desire. He wants to be whole. 
Steve is back sitting on the bed again with his own coffee and breakfast burrito. Tony has no words for how he feels being so close to Steve but he’ll figure it out. “Got plans today? I could use the help.”
“Sure. I’ve got nothing planned.” Steve puts his cup on the floor and puts on his serious face. “But, Tony, don’t you have to be somewhere?” 
“Nope,” he says, popping the ‘p.’ 
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’d bet my life on it.” He could get a ride to East Hampton if he wanted to. He isn’t moving from Steve’s bed that had that enticing Steve-scent if he could help it. “No plans at all.”
Steve’s phone rings. “Yes. This is Steve Rogers. Um.” He glances over at Tony so Tony knows that he’s the subject of the call. He sits up straighter waiting for the shoe to drop. “Tony Stark? He’s here.” He put the phone down. “Tony, it’s your friend Rhodey. You don’t have to talk to him if you don’t want.”
“Then I don’t.”
Steve nudged him. “He’s worried and you should tell someone that you’re not getting married.”
Chill sweeps through Tony as his old life reaches out to grab him. “Steve --”
“It’s going to okay. Rhodey is your best friend -- wouldn’t he want the best for you?” Steve reassured him.
Tony takes the phone. Rhodey of course unloads his worry and his fear. Pepper already has a plan to get him back for the wedding. Tony cuts him off. “I’m not getting married. It’s off.”
The relief in Rhodey’s voice overwhelms Tony, making him question what Rhodey really thought about him getting married in the first place. “Okay. You have to tell Maya.”
Tony makes his phone calls, taking the blows of anger and hate from his parents and Maya. The PR person and the wedding planner would handle the rest. In the meantime, Steve gets changed and find Tony clothes.
He smiles at Steve. He can’t tell yet where his journey will take him. All he knows is that he’s not getting married today, might not go back to Stark Industries, and isn’t likely straight either. He fervently hopes that Steve is part of the journey and maybe even the end.
But he does know he has to get the car out of car jail.
“Sure about this, Steve? Hunting down the car? Hanging out?” Tony scans Steve’s face to see if Steve is thinking of bailing because his question is more than retrieving a car from a tow yard.
“I don’t give up,” Steve replies, answering Tony’s unspoken questions. “You’ll need this.” He tossed a motorcycle helmet to Tony. “We’ll sort out the rest later.”
Tony squeezes Steve’s hand and they head out.
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spaceace314 · 3 years
Hi! (popping in with a question – I hope thats ok) Are you ever scared to exist where others can perceive you? For context, I want to start a tiktok account, but Im scared of people seeing me, which is a bit of a problem for the type of videos I want to make (cosplay :D). Also, I guess Im terrified of being judged and of the effects of cancel culture. Do you happen to have any advice for overcoming online stagefright... ? And the Fear of Being Known (TM) ? -Whiskers
Hi Whiskers! Great to hear from you again!
Yes, questions are okay, popping in is okay, and popping in to ask a question is okay. Honestly, at this point you could send me a message that said "ur a nerd -whiskers" and it'd be okay. I'm desperate for human contact, and at this point, I've developed a bit of a soft spot for you Whiskers. You're always welcome on my tiny little blog.
Being scared to exist where others can perceive me? Haha yes totally never experienced that *nervous laughter*
Yea, I totally know that fear. But, as shown by the fact I have a tumblr blog where I regularly tell the internet my deepest insecurities and most painful home truths with very little fear of judgement, I kinda got over it. And granted, tumblr is a bit less scary than tiktok, because at least on tumblr you can hide behind the shield of anonymity, but still. Anyhow, I've totally got advice for you.
Imma get straight to the point. The Fear of Being Known (TM) isn't actually about what other people think of you, it's about what you think of yourself. If you're scared of being judged by other people, it's because you're already judging yourself. Any critiques that you're scared of getting are things you already believe about yourself, and you're terrified that other people are going to reinforce your own insecurities.
So the obvious solution to this is to not have any insecurities. Which is great, except that it's basically impossible. But that's okay, because there's another solution. I warn you, this solution really reeeally sucks, because it requires you to acknowledge your insecurities instead of just pretending they don't exist, but it also works, and it'll make you happier in the long run. Also, this method is supported by exactly zero scientists or mental health professionals, take my advice at your own risk.
Spaceace314's super helpful guide to overcoming the Fear of Being Known (TM)
Step 1: Find a judgement that you're scared of getting. Like, some reaction or feedback or comment that you don't want to get from people.
Step 2: Figure out if it's something that you need to address and change. (Note: if it is an issue you are aware of and are currently working on, disregard this step)
"You're ugly", no action required. Meaningless because it's arbitrary,  you're not doing anything wrong, and anyone who calls people ugly is petty, shallow, and not worth your time
"You're homophobic", action required. Figure out if it's true, from an objective point of view of "if this was my friend doing what I'm doing, what would I think of them". If necessary, work on becoming a better person, because of your "flaws" hurt other people and are something you can control, it's your responsibility to fix said flaws.
Step 3: When there's no further action you need to take for the judgement but it still makes you sad, work on acknowledging it and accepting it. You don't have to like it, but as long as you're aware of it, people pointing it out won't affect you as much, because they're giving you information you already have, which is more boring than hurtful.
"You have a big nose and it's ugly". Accept that you have a big nose. You may not like your big nose, and that's okay, but you have to accept that it's there and that you're not gonna change it. Then if somebody points out your big nose, your internal monologue reaction should be roughly "I have a big nose which I do not like. I am aware that I have a big nose. This is not new information, so I don't really care about it. The fact I have have big nose is old news. Also, I agree that my nose is ugly to some people, including me. This is something I definitely do not like, but it is also not new information. I have already been made aware that my nose is ugly, and I have accepted that I cannot change it, so this is old news. Many thanks for bringing this to my attention, but there was no need as this is something I Already Know".
"You're weird". Accept that you are different from many people. There is nothing wrong with that. You may not like it, and that's okay, just let your weirdness be a thing that you accept is true and allow to exist. Then if somebody points out your weirdness, your internal monologue reaction should be roughly "I am different from many people and I am aware of this fact. I understand that it makes you uncomfortable, but that's not my problem. It also makes me uncomfortable, but I've accepted that, even if I don't like it. Me being weird is old news and something that I am already aware of, therefore I don't really care. But thanks for letting me know anyway, even though it was unnecessary and kinda boring".
Step 4: Find new judgement you're scared of and repeat the process until you can't think of any more judgements that really scare you.
Now, if people judge you for the things you're scared they'll judge you for, you'll be okay, because you're already aware of those things, and you're familiar with your insecurities. And if people throw judgements at you that you're unprepared for, or that are unexpected, then do steps 2 and 3. Or just feel free to ignore the judgement if it's untrue and/or you literally don't care about it. You might even learn new stuff about yourself, and you might even end up being less insecure overall.
Okay, so now you're prepared for any reaction you might get, it should seem a little bit less scary to put yourself out there. Still fairly terrifying, of course, but that's okay. Now you've just gotta be brave, take the plunge, and actually put yourself out there. Because once you really know yourself, you can start to let other people know you too, and it'll be a really positive experience. Being yourself where other people can see you is one of the scariest things you'll ever do, but it's amazing once you've done it, because you're finally feel free to just exist without having to hide who you are.
Also, if anyone tries to cancel you, see if they have a valid reason. If they do, fix the problem. If they don't, ignore them cos they ain't worth your time.
I hope my advice somehow helps you a little bit, and I really hope you get the confidence to do your Awesome Tiktok Cosplay, and if you become a famous tiktok star, make sure you don't forget me! Good luck and Godspeed!
And the rest of y'all reading this (who I haven't forgotten about), I love all of you, be confident in your amazing selves, and stay safe out there!
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emiisanxious · 4 years
A Weird Kidnap - Chapter 1
Archive of Our Own Link
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: Gen
Fandom: Sanders Sides (Web Series)
Anxiety | Virgil Sanders
Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders
Deceit | Janus Sanders
Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders
Morality | Patton Sanders
Logic | Logan Sanders
Thomas Sanders (Video Blogging RPF)
Additional Tags:
Past Abuse
Alternate Universe - Medieval
Sympathetic Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders
Sympathetic Deceit | Janus Sanders
but for a good reason
Cursed Character
Panic Attacks
Please read chapter 3 notes for this mentions:
Eating Disorders
Implied/Referenced Torture
Taggin as the chapters goes...
Summary: “Virgil is a Prince who has no idea what a Prince is, kidnapped by Remus who is a mess, he is everything but at the same time nothing with the help of Janus. Because they were asked from Prince Roman. The question is, why?
Also: I'm bad at summary.”
Note: Small note: Yes, it's a fantasy AU, but does have modern things in there because I can. I'm not sure where this idea came from, I just... wanted to do this I guess.
"Shit! He got skinnier since I met him!" Remus was running away, holding on to his shoulder an unconscious male, around 30 years old no more than 1,66m. As a mercenary, he did mind kidnapping people, but it was a valid reason. "Dee you had the stupidest but brightest idea ever in accept that!"
The person called Dee, was around 1,72m, and his 25 years old, half of his face has scales, but he didn't mind as he kept running shooting magic to distracting whatever who was following them. "Shut up! I can't focus if you keep yelling!" They soon found out what they were looking for, a forest. No one dared to enter there during the night as it was dangerous.
"We are almost there, stop shooting." The kidnapper was starting to jump on the threes and obviously disappearing, soon he was followed by the mage, it took almost half of the night, till they are free from the guards. Setting a camp, and rest from all the chase. Remus was 23 years old, but he was taller in his 1,94m, he was also the strongest physically.
"I can't believe he is still a prince?" Remus said in disbelieve, now looking at the guy in question, his clothes weren't fancy, he was using well-used jeans, and a hoodie that was larger than him. Sure his clothes weren't easy to create and were done just for the prince so it was expensive but other than that? "This guy is... more skinny is that even possible?!"
Janus turned his eyes for the Prince who they just kidnaped, honestly? If he didn't know better, he would be confused as the mercenary. "Yes, he is." Brushing the fringe from the sleepy man he could see dark circles that meant that he didn't sleep in ages or at least wasn't well-rested. "I think now I know why your brother wanted to kidnap him."
"Heh, who knows what percussion it will have? I don't care, just need to return the favor." Although he said that, he was concerned, it wasn't like he didn't have a heart or didn't care for others, but he could shut up those thoughts as he puts more wood on the fire. "Rest a bit, I will take the first turn."
The mage nodded, liking or not he sure does need to rest to restore his magic, as he lays on the ground. Falling asleep quickly, he already knows Remus for a long time, so he could trust enough for that.
The mercenary stayed there quietly, looking at the night sky sometime later, he heard moving at his side, looking for the confused man who was just waking up.
Virgil was confused, his legs were tied together and his hands behind his back, panic started to rise quickly as he started to remember what happened. He curled on himself, as he tried to make himself thinner than he already was. His breath was getting chaotic and he couldn't keep calm.
"Hey dude, calm down!" He heard a voice, although he didn't have the strength to open his eyes to figure out who. "P-Please... D-Don't hurt me..." He whispered, he knew better than anyone that pleas won't work, but he couldn't help but do it, even though he was cursing under himself for how weak and raspy his voice sounded.
"I won't hurt you." The voice has a slight confusion but for the most part, was trying to keep calm and nonchalant.
"Please don't hurt me... I will be good just... Don't please. I won't run away again! Just please don't..." Virgil's voice was more steady than previous, and obviously, by the glassy green eyes, he wasn't talking with Remus, as he started to sob and cry. Murmuring pleas for not be hurt.
The mercenary was at a loss what he should do he wasn't good at comforting, so he moved to shake the sleeping male. "Dee, wake up." He kept moving the other, as finally, his partner was awake. "Don't look at me like that, but I can't... I don't know what to do... So help me?" It was sincere as he opens space for Janus to look around and soon returning where he was sitting in silence.
The mage finally understood why he was awakened as he looks to the Prince who was still murmuring pleas for not be hurt, again. "Tsc..." He tried to touch the smaller but was met with a flinch, so he just sits there in front of the other. "Hey, Virgil?" He tried to sound calm, but the other flinched more when he heard his name. "Vee?" That time the Prince didn't flinch. "Can I touch you?" A shake, well at least he was meeting with responses than just pleas.
"Intru, be alert okay? I will untie his hands" He didn't give the mercenary time to think, he was already untieing the other's hand. "Vee, look to me." Janus could see the clear fear behind glassy eyes. "I'm going to pick up your hands okay?" He moved the other slightly so both of the Prince's hands were over his chest. "Now, follow my breath." The mage wasn't sure if it was going to work or not, but he stayed there, with both hands around each of Virgil's wrist, breathing calmly as he locks his eyes with the other.
It was more than 20 minutes or so when the Prince calmed down. When he finally did, he looked more tired than before, Janus thought for a bit before untieing the Prince's feet. "Are you more calm?" Deceit asked as he looked at the Prince.
"Yeah..." Virgil wasn't sure at all if he should feel relief or anxious for what would happen next, but, at least for now, he was calm enough. Biting his lower lip as he locks his eye on the campfire. "So... What will happen to me now...?" He wanted to say how his father wasn't going to pay anything for him, and how useless it was to kidnap him but, he felt scared that they would kill him.
"Now? We are going to bring you to my brother." Remus said in disgust, nothing against Roman, but he was more butterfly, good and selfish, something the mercenary couldn't handle.
"Your... Brother?" That wasn't at all what he was expecting, he thought in tortures, or blackmail, or slavery. "What your brother wants with me?" Curiosity was winning against him, as Virgil dared to look to Remus, but it wasn't him who answered, it was the other male, who funny enough now that Virgil was looking at him, he had a nagging feeling that he already knew this guy.
"Who knows?" He wasn't going to lie to the guy, not after the panic attack the other just had, but that was obviously the worse thing to say as he could see Virgil starting to panic. "Okay, okay, stop, his brother asked for us to kidnap you, make them believe you died, or something. And bring you back to him." Janus looked to the Prince waiting for him to say something but as he didn't he kept talking. "People call me Deceit, he is called Remus, sometimes Intrusive. Remus's brother is called Roman. Do you know? Prince Roman?"
"Roman?" He had to wreck his head to remember from where this name was so... Familiar. It took him a couple of minutes till he was able to remember. "Oh... Oh! I do. He was a Prince that came once... And he never said he had a brother..." Virgil finally was starting to loosen up, although not so much, and was still scared. But for now, he was calming down his anxiety. "Why he would want me...?"
"That is something you need to ask him not me. Now I recommend you sleep, we are going as soon the sun is out." Janus said as he lays down again.
"As if..." Was all the Prince could answer as he at least tried to feel comfortable on the ground, it was more soft than the floor honestly, but it was still a bit weird, as he stares at the sky. "I did miss been able to do this..." His voice was quieter as he just enjoys the stars.
"What?" Remus finally said, as Janus was sleeping he tried to keep his tone quiet to not wake him up.
"Look at the sky? I do love seeing the stars... It calms me down..." He was uncertain as he kept his eyes open looking at the sky. "And sorry... But for more, you guys want to walk fast tomorrow I will be a dead weight... Literally."
"Okay, you're confusing me on so many levels, that is weird for me to say it. Just spit out and all." Remus didn't have the same calm or patient as Janus, but definitely was trying there.
"I'm useless and worthless and dead weight, I can't do anything on my own, and for more that I do know all the royal things, my father just... I'm a Prince just because my father needed one. But we are far away from that... I was called a slave, was treated like one, or even worse than that... I can barely walk around the castle without feeling tired. My point is... I'm sorry but... it would be more... Wiser. To just tie me up in a tree and let me die." It was a lot of self-hate, but he couldn't help, those two were gentler than anyone he had contact in the past 20 years.
Remus fall silently, he can't help in a panic attack, but he does can help with self-hate, he just didn't know if he wanted to. A long sigh as he just turns his eyes to Virgil. "Stop, those are the things that your father wants you to believe, so he can keep abusing you and treating you like shit. So you're tamed and won't lash out. So stop."
"How can----"
"I can say that because... You helped me. The day when I run away from my home, I found you... 8 years ago... When I was 15, I left my home, tired of being my brother's shadow I got into this realm and got in as a slave. You were the one who helped me to flee. I should have tried to bring you with me at that time but... I couldn't. The small-time I was here I was the slave who brought you food and water... Helped to wash your body... One day..." Remus lost himself as he closes his eyes looking at the sky again. "Dee found me, Dee was the mage of the realm where I came from, he came to make company for me and keep me safe. That is when I run away for the second time, you helped me to flee successfully."
Virgil was at loss, was it just 8 years? Sure it felt more like 20 years, was he so lost in that situation, that he lost the ability to count? He had to wreck his mind again to try to remember a 15 years old kid helping. "Oh..."
"You weren't useless or worthless, if you didn't help, I couldn't flee with Dee. The reason why I didn't argue too much about kidnapping you was because... I knew. I knew who you were, what you passed. My brother rarely goes to find me but... He did... He found me, after those 8 years, to ask me to bring you. So... Look, I'm the worse in comfort someone just... Things will change, for good Virgil. I promise. And even if my stupid brother can't help you, at least you can join me and Dee if you want." Remus smiled slightly as he moves to look at Virgil's eyes. "Just, hang in there."
This time, the Prince did start crying, but it was from relief than anything else, he could feel Remus moving to hold him on his laps and so resting Virgil's head on his shoulders, turning soothing circles on his back. "I'm sorry... For leaving you there... But... I'm back." Remus's voice was soft as he tries to calm the smaller.
Where he didn't wait to hug the kidnapper. Although he wasn't sure about what would happen when he found Roman again, he at least could trust Remus for now, soon he was sleeping on the youngest lap.
The next day, as the Prince warned, he wasn't able to walk that much, he forced himself to at least go out of the forest, but as soon they were out, he would fall on the ground. Shivering as the pain passed by all his body, all the time he didn't try to flee, instead he was holding Remus's hand with his life.
"Remus carries him, it will easier." Deceit said in a sigh, like Remus, he does know the Prince, most by the time that Roman was visiting that kingdom.
"I---Idontwannabeabother..." Virgil said way too quickly to anyone understand, yet Remus didn't care as he just piggy-back him. "Calm down, relax." With that, it was easier to travel. As they do small talks between them.
"So... Remus went from Prince to Slave to Mercenary to Kidnapper?" Deceit was mocking the other.
"What I can say, I'm unpredictable like that." It was lunchtime, so they stopped in a mountain where Remus was resting from carrying Virgil all the way there. "Virgil?"
The prince looked for Remus, tilting his head. "Hm?"
"Aren't you going to eat?" Deceit was the one to ask.
"I was supposed to?" It wasn't an answer but clearly expressed what he was feeling right now.
Remus looked to Deceit, and they both sighed. Although Remus was trying very hard to not show rage. "I should have killed that king." Was all that the mercenary said, before getting up and going outside the hole they were.
Deceit sighed again as he picked the food and brought it near the Prince. "Yes, why shouldn't you?"
"Because... Normally I would only eat when I was good? And definitely, I wasn't. I did Remus carry me all day."
It was easy to see the shock on Deceit's face, opening and closing his mouth a couple of times till he could found the words. "Virgil. I will do a series of questions and I want you to answer, whatever you feel like and if you feel like."
"Do you know what is take care of yourself?"
"Do you know what is love?"
"No. Well... Father said that what he did was for love, but... I remember that the gardener said it wasn't. But then said gardener was dead in the next day..."
"Did someone said bad things about you? For example: You're worthless, useless, or something like that?"
"... Yes..."
"Did your father abused you?"
"Define abuse..."
"Treated you like he treats a slave?"
"Oh sure. He told me that was normal... Isn't it normal?"
"No. No! You're a Prince!"
"What the difference between one and another?"
"Can you tell me, what your father told you?"
"Father said I would learn it when he passed away. He also told me that till there I would be his slave and do whatever he wanted. Sure he taught me how to portray in parties and what I should or not speak, to keep some sort of image, but he also told me that it was normal. For princes be slaves till the king passes away."
Virgil could see Deceit passing a hand over his head super annoyed. "For whatever is more sacred in this world. Your father is a dick, asshole, an opportunist, he is worse than the seven demons. REMUS!"
Soon he could see the mercenary back, where he was kinda surprised to see Deceit so... Angry. "Yes?"
"I'm going to hunt our dinner, can you stay here?"
"Yes...?" He looked confused as he looks at Virgil. "Dude, you still didn't eat?!" Although he could see the Prince flinch with the question and move back on the rock. "It's not... Calm down. I'm not..."
"Remus, he lived till now as a slave... Abused by his own father, he doesn't even know what abuse was! Or worse what a Prince is. I... Just make him eat okay? I will be back." Deceit said moving away and disappearing from there.
"Hey, how about... I start to call you Vee? Is that okay?"
"Yes..." His tone was lower as he hugs himself, scared.
"So Vee... Can I help you eat?"
"But I... Don't deserve... I did you carry... And I wasn't good..."
That broke his heart, yet Remus did move slowly closer, to sit next to Virgil, placing his hand where the other could see. "Here, look to me." With a bit of time, the other did so. "I want you to eat okay?"
"I... can't..."
"Why not?
"Because... I wasn't good, I don't deserve it. I did you carry me all the way here, and I can't stop thinking that I did something wrong, because you two seemed to be upset and angry..."
He took a deep breath as he looks at the Prince. "So... Didn't you answer Dee's questions truthfully?"
"Then that is enough for your reward. I just carried you because it would be a bother to stop all the time and... You did nothing wrong, we are upset and angry about something else. So can you eat at least something?"
Virgil took a moment to think about it, sure enough, he would receive food when he was good physically but he would also receive it when he gives good answers or just doesn't talk something wrong. "Yes..." As he moved to pick up the dry ration, although he would break it in half, giving Remus the other.
The mercenary didn't like it, half of the dry ration wasn't enough till dinner, but he supposed that at least it was something. Well, it was better than the dry bread and half of the water glass that Remus remember to bring to the Prince.
It wouldn't take too much for Virgil to finish it, although the sun was moving and it was already half of the afternoon by the sun. "Deceit right? Isn't he taking too long?"
"Yeah..." Remus needed to agree as he sighs. "But I believe in him, he will be back soon."
"Can I... Sleep? Till he is back?"
"Sure." The silence was soon back, turning his eyes at Virgil he felt bad, honestly, bad... He hated that king, he hated what he did with his own son! How he did that?! Why?! Honestly, he was glad that Roman asked for that. Hell, he was glad that his father wasn't that bad, sure he always did point how Roman was better, but at least he didn't abuse them!
When the sun was gone, Janus was back, with a horse. Holding the animal's leash and so bringing inside the cavern they were. "Let's pass the night here and tomorrow we can move."
"Did you..." Remus wasn't sure what he wanted to ask right now.
"I exploded some trees, I also picked up some apples, and then I went to pick up a horse because it's nicer than been carried around."
"Well... You will need to find an excuse for that." Remus said sighing as he shows up the half of the dry ration and explains what happened.
"They... Messed up so much... Shit." Deceit was furious and angry if he could he would kill that king himself. "Fine, luck for everyone I can think about excuses like that."
"You know... Well... How about we relax? Chess?"
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whump-tr0pes · 5 years
Honor Bound 2 - 10
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Honor Bound 2 - 10 (disowned by family) - @badthingshappenbingo​​ (requested by anon, @grizzlie70​​)
Red X is for posted, white X is for requested. 
This is a series. Start here, continued from here. 
This is a sequel series to Honor Bound.
Cw: death mention, blood mention, abusive language between family members
Gavin sat huddled on the couch, his knees pulled up to his chest. His skin still glistened with a thin sheen of sweat and his stomach roiled mercilessly. If he could just keep his mind away from the memories, it was alright. If he could think about anything other than…other than…
He gagged weakly as the memory of blood overwhelmed him again. Lying helpless on the carpet, a hole in his chest, watching his father’s throat ripped out by his own plaything. He could never have imagined that kind of…brutality…if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes. Now it was burned into his mind, no matter what he did to shut it out.
He did his best to take in a deep breath and blow it out through his lips. His chest ached as his ribs expanded, making his stomach lurch again.
What’s wrong with me? His mind shivered around the thought of the young man lying dead in the tool shed. Well, he probably wasn’t lying there now… The servants had been shooed towards the yard by his mother as she’d guided him into the house, a worried hand pulling him to the couch. “Go clean that up,” she’d said, like she’d accidentally spilled tea, not blood.
I’ve never not liked hurting people. He pressed his face into his hands. Did that plaything – did Vera – take that from me, too? He forced down a sob. Who am I if I can’t hurt someone?
He could feel it in him, deep down, past the fear and the guilt and the horror of his father’s death. He could feel that warm blanket of pleasure that waited to envelop him every time he took the knife to someone. Every time made someone suffer. Now, that seemed shielded from him. It seemed taken.
His mother opened the door from the hallway and slid slowly into the room. She approached him with hesitant steps, her face pinched with worry. She stopped in front of him and ran her fingers gently through his hair. “Oh, sweetheart,” she murmured. “You’ll feel like yourself again in no time.”
He nodded miserably, leaning slightly into the touch. She smiled.
She seemed a little smug about something. “I was right. They are headed north.” She sat on the couch next to him.
She glared at him, but gently. “You know who. Isaac and Vera and the rest.” She sniffed delicately. “They’re in some dirty little hovel a few hours north of here on the old turnpike at 52. Some…safehouse.” Her lip curled. “I’m surprised it’s taken them this long to get there.”
His eyebrows drifted together. “How do you know that?”
She smiled and shook her head. “I should have known better than to tell you when you were medicated.” Her hand went to his hair again and stroked gently through. His eyes slid closed for a moment. “There have been a lot of rumors of places outside of our control up north.” She rolled her eyes. “We can’t be everywhere. Who would want to live in such a miserable part of the country, anyway?” She sighed. “Our people in Beringer were able to get a tracker placed on their car. Instead of just taking them, the Wilsons and the Torrs wanted to track them to wherever they think is safe and make sure it no longer is.” Her mouth twisted into a sneer. “Send a message to everyone that would try to hurt us that doing so is incredibly unwise.” She squeezed his hand. “But we’ve got time. Time to get you feeling back to normal again.”
“I’m sorry, I just…” His face fell a little. “I…don’t…I don’t want this anymore. I don’t think I…can.”
“Then what,” she said evenly, “exactly, do you plan to do once I’ve brought those wretched little shits home?”
He couldn’t look at her. His eyes slid closed. “Please,” he whispered. “Please, don’t bring them here. I don’t care anymore, I don’t care about them. I never want to see them again. Please…if they’re headed north, maybe we should just let them. There’s no way they’d ever come near us again.”
“No.” He opened his eyes at the sound of her voice, sharp and steely. “I’m going to find them, and you’re going to help me.”
He raised his eyes slowly to his mother, expecting to find annoyance, or concern, or anything other than what he found: coldness. “What?”
“The tracker is just insurance.” She pursued her lips. “I want them to come to me.” Her nostrils flared as she drew in a slow inhale. “I want them to think they’ve won. I want them to think they have the chance to end this forever and then rip it away from them.”
His eyebrows pulled together in confusion. “…what could you possibly offer them that would make them think that?”
Her eyes softened for a moment and her hand went up to gently stroke his cheek. “You, honey.”
His eyes went wide. “What?”
“They’d never get close to you, sweetheart,” she soothed. “It would just look like they were going to, and then…we’d take them.”
“You’d use me as…as bait?” His stomach dropped.
“Only to coax them in.” There was a light in her eyes that Gavin didn’t trust.
“How could you protect me? You don’t know what they’re like…”
“Don’t worry about that, sweetheart. Just know that in the end, we’d have them.” She wet her lips. “We’d have them all. Especially…” Her lips curled back over her teeth. “Vera.” She spat out the name like it was a curse.
He was leaning away from her. “How could you put me at risk like that? I’m safe now. How could you just…dangle me out there…”
She gently cupped his face. “This is a chance to make the plaything that killed your father suffer, honey.”
He pulled her hands away from his face. “Dad’s d-dead, mom,” he whispered. “But I’m not. Why would you risk me to catch them…when I don’t even want them anymore…”
She let her hands fall to her sides. “This isn’t about what you want, Gavin. It’s about what’s right.”
“Is it worth it to you to risk me to do what’s right?”
Her eyes narrowed and she tilted her head. “Yes. But it wouldn’t be a risk. You’d be safe.”
“I won’t do it.” He lifted his chin. “I don’t want to.” He shuddered at how her eyes seemed to ice over again.
“I don’t care what you want, sweetheart,” she hissed. “Perhaps you don’t care that your father is dead, but I do. I’m offering you the opportunity to crush the people who killed him.”
“I won’t do it.”
“You don’t have a choice.”
He stared at her, his mouth hanging slightly open. He turned to go. “I’m leaving. I’m staying with Mark for a while.”
“You will do this,” she said softly, “or you will find no door open for you. Don’t turn your back on your family, Gavin.”
He spun to face her. “It feels like you’re the one turning your back on me, mom.”
She stared him down. “We don’t have a chance of bringing them to us unless I use you. You will do this.”
A chill moved down his spine. He swallowed hard against the lump that rose in his throat. “No. I won’t.” He reached for his coat.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“I don’t know,” he threw over his shoulder, eyes streaming with angry tears. “I’ll figure it out.”
“I’ll freeze all your credit cards. Contact all our friends. I’ll make sure not a single family door opens for you. Not until you come to your senses and help me with this.” His hand stopped on the door handle. “They killed my husband. Nothing will stop me from bringing them to justice.” He glanced back at her, at the expression of rage that twisted her features. “Not even you.”
“I’m still alive, mom,” he said, his voice breaking. “Call me when you’ve got your priorities straight.”
“If you walk out that door, you will not be welcome here again.”
His heart broke at the malice in her voice. “I won’t be your bait,” he said miserably. “Dad would have understood.”
“Gavin.” He flinched as her voice shot across the room. She stood. “Why do you think he let Vera get close to you?”
He turned all the way around to face her, paling. “…what?”
Her eyes narrowed at him. “He let Vera come to you because he knew she wouldn’t be able to resist the opportunity to take your life.” Her lip curled into a sneer, hostility coiling tightly in her eyes. “Because you couldn’t leave well enough alone. You had to seek them out. You killed their friend. You kidnapped that bitch’s little paramour. As soon as he saw Vera’s picture he knew she’d come straight to you. So he let her come. He let her walk right into his trap.” She jabbed a finger in his direction. “A trap you laid.”
He threw his hands into the air. “So you see how dangerous this idiotic plan of yours is!”
“You underestimated her. You told him she’d be yours as soon as she saw him. That she was weak. That she was broken. Your father is dead because you laid a poor trap,” she spat. “Your father is dead because of you.”
His eyes suddenly blurred with tears. A sob moved through his throat. “Good bye, mom,” he rasped. He slammed the door behind him and made his way to the garage.
He walked straight to the fastest car. He opened the door and popped open the visor. The keys fell onto the seat. He climbed into the car, furiously wiping his eyes against his sleeve. A half-formed plan was swirling in his mind. It would be incredibly dangerous, but no more dangerous than his mother’s plan to dangle him out for Isaac to snatch. His chest burned with bitterness. They were both willing to string me up to catch him. He put the key in the ignition and started the car, feeling the engine vibrate the seat. He did some quick mental math. If his mother was right, he’d reach the house in little more than four hours. He revved the engine. Maybe three. He pulled out of the garage and onto the street. He hit 60 before he reached the end of the block.
Continued here
@untilthepainstarts​​​, @womping-grounds​​​, @free-2bmee​​​, @quirkykayleetam​​​, @walkingchemicalfire​​​, @inpainandsuffering​​​, @redwingedwhump​​​, @burtlederp​​​, @castielamigos-whump-side-blog​​​, @insomniacscoprio​​​, @whumpy101​​​, @whumpywhumper​​​, @stxck-fxck​​​, @omega-em-z-02, @whumps-the-word​​
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outspokens-ar · 5 years
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new  york’s  very  own devin  bahar was  spotted  on  broadway  street  in  louis  vuitton  ankle  boots.  your  resemblance  to  bella  hadid  is  unreal.  according  to  tmz,  you  just  had  your twenty-third birthday  bash.  while  living  in  nyc,  you’ve  been  labeled  as  being  a  workaholic,  but  also  loyal.  i  guess  being  a  libra  explains  that.  three  things  that  would  paint  a  better  picture  of  you  would  be  messy  silk  sheets,  red  wine,  and staying  in  on  a  saturday  night.  (  female  &  she/her  )  +  (  katie,  21,  she/her,  est  )
I’m incredibly excited for this to be back so, hello, hello, I’m Katie and here’s a long ramble about my bby bean Devin !
Devin I. Bahar was born to Isabella Corine Bahar, an ex-model who retired when she got married, becoming far more attracted to the ‘rich housewife, bow down to me’ aesthetic than continuing to work, and Damian Ethan Bahar, a lawyer coming from a long line of family lawyers that were known for working important, high-profile cases.
The relationship she holds with her mother is strained due to the woman’s materialistic nature and her goal of marrying off her daughter for as much money as possible. Her eyes are always on a far bigger and shinier prize, no matter how good her life already is.
Her relationship with her father, miraculously, is healthier than the one she has with her mother, simply because she has absolutely no relationship with the male. He took off when she was younger, cutting off all contact with his daughter without a second thought and he hadn’t bothered to make any effort to try and have a relationship with her.
In fact, when she had attempted to start some form of a relationship with him after she turned eighteen, he completely rejected her and wanted nothing to do with her and it ripped her apart far more than she was willing to admit to herself or anyone else.
Even now, she isn’t sure if the complete cut in contact is due to her mother or if it was simply because she didn’t live up to his expectations, didn’t deserve his love. Either way, she has attempted to move on from it after the rejection, even if she still has that small hole in her heart over it.
Due to how strained her relationship is with her mother, she moved out of the household the day she turned eighteen, having managed to save up enough money to support herself, wanting to get away from her as soon as possible. However, the woman is still her mother and she does still attempt to have some form of a relationship with her, even if it sends her into a horrible mindset whenever she has a conversation with the woman.
She first began modeling at the age of 16 for a commercial project. She also starred in the "Swan Sittings" by Lesa Amoore, alongside actor Ben Barnes, before appearing in "Smoking Hot" by Holly Copeland. She also modeled for Hanna Hayes' F/W 2013 collection, alongside various other commercial projects, including campaign work for Chrome Hearts during 2013 and 2014.
She was then signed to IMG Models in 2014 and her career started shooting off from there.
She never actually planned to become a model, she actually wanted to be a photographer when she was younger and planned to go to school for it. When it came to the point where her focus turned towards college, she ended up heading towards visual arts, fashion design, and graphic design. Out of that, she discovered her passion for clothing and that’s what began her journey of designing clothes, a project she started along with her modelling career.
Since the start of her career, she has won over a dozen different awards that range over her multiple different career-interests. Managing to make a name for herself as a model and fashion designer.
As much as she enjoys photography, she puts most of her focus onto modelling and continuing to add to her own clothing line full-time. This leaves photography for her spare time as more of a hobby, however, she does step in to help other high-profile photographers from time-to-time.
She identifies as pansexual and has always been very open to sharing and talking about her sexuality.
Has always put her foot forward to support charities, organizations, and projects that support the entire LGBTQ community. Along with making sure to put her focus into other charities and organizations, she’s always been the type of person to ‘give back’ and to put her support into the things she believes in.
Devin suffers from intense depression and anxiety. For the most part, you would never know, she does well but, every once in a while she goes into a deep rut. She won’t talk to anyone, doesn’t want anyone around, generally entirely depressing and doesn’t want to bring other people down when it comes to it. It takes a lot of trust and a special type of friendship for her to allow you to be around during that time considering, most of the time, she’ll go completely off the grid the entire time. However, at the same time, she openly talks about her battle with depression and anxiety. She doesn’t ever want anyone to feel alone and she tries to involve herself with as many campaigns and projects that involve supporting those with mental illness as possible.
Along with this, she also has this back and forth with affection. She either hates being touched or gravitates towards it, it really depends on her mental state at the time and the general relationship she has with the other person involved. It can be difficult, one day she’ll be ready to give you a bear hug and the next day, she’ll shake if you try to shake her hand.
On a more positive note, she tries to be as positive as she can, to a reasonable extent. She never wants to take life far too seriously but, obviously, doesn’t want to take it for granted either. She’s the type of person you go to if you want clear-headed advice but you don’t want to be talked down to at the same time. Or if you want ridiculous jokes while also getting some kind of pep-talk.
Really the mom-friend but probably won’t ever admit to being the mom friend.
blog’s full navigation;
you can find links to just about everything here.
full about page;
if you want statistics, a more in-depth background, extra facts, and some other things, you can find a bunch of stuff here.
spotify playlist;
a mess but, ay’ check it out.
pinterest board;
a highkey mess but, ay’ check it out too.
connections page;
my page with connection ideas, some are specific but most are really used as templates for plotting. i’ll also update this with any taken-current connections.
wanted connections tag & side blog;
i’m also terrible with coming up ideas so, I have a sideblog to reblog things for wanted connections ( the top link will lead to the tag ), but it also has a tag for extra muse posts if you’re interested.
This is officially too long for an intro so, I’m gonna’ end it there, but if there’s anything else you’d like to know about my bby bean that wasn’t on here or on any of her other pages, absolutely hit me up because I can ramble for hours tbh. And if you’d like to plot, 100% slide into my dms and we can figure something out, or if we had a plot before the revamp and you want to keep it — let me know and we can keep rolling with it ! Also, feel free to hit me up here or on d*scord @ katie#7666 for plotting and such ! 
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sorneth · 5 years
LFRP! Sorneth Caduceus
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Art by @elizastarkart​​ , Paid Commission
Sorneth Caduceus
“Given my relatively small social circle, I’m seeking to meet some new faces and perhaps find some new adventures and stories to tell in the process. Perhaps you would be someone interested? Perhaps a bard like myself catches your eye, sparks your curiosity?”
The Basics ––– –
Age: 35
Birthday: December 21st
Race: Duskwight Elezen
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Marital Status: Happily married, closed relationship.
Server: Balmung, Crystal Datacenter
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Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Natural silver in hue and dusted with white highlights, it falls to mid neck in the front, and his shoulder blades in the back.
Eyes: A dark grey ‘white’ of his eye makes the moon white hues of each iris all the more vibrant. Strangely, they seem almost wolf-like in nature, though that could just be coincidence.
Height:  6'10 (208.28 cm)
Build: A militant style background, and strict upkeep have resulted in the sculpted muscle that makes up most of the Bowman's frame. Resulting in a tone that is well suited for agility, speed, and endurance.
Distinguishing Marks: 
Facial scar; Only about a year old, this wound was obviously left by a sword given it’s depth and path. It cuts down from his right brow, over the bridge of his nose, and down his left cheek almost to the jawline. 
Facial ink; intricate filigree like vines in dark grey ink adorn the right side of his face both above and below his right eye. 
Crest of the Wolf; Above his heart rests the bust of a wolf in black ink.
Common Accessories: 
Feather adorned hat; Rarely if ever seen without it, one might wonder if it’s removal or destruction would bring about the end of him with how attached he is to it. Weathered, but well cared for, it’s obvious that it’s been on every adventure the bard has had over the years.
Well made dragon scale collar; Stamped with a wolf’s head with an arrow in it’s jaws, the artisan made collar is of the bard’s own creation. An inch and a half wide black leather band circles his neck, with the outer surface wreathed in lavender hued scales from a dragoon’s signature armor. With a locking dog collar buckle at the back of the neck, and the crest of a dragon wrapped around an orchid at it’s front. The piece is both practical, and artistic in it’s design. The ‘d’ ring at it’s front also sports worry stone like pendant of a dark, night sky blue hue.
Silver orchid pendant; Strung from a sturdy chain and hangs low enough to kiss his collarbones, the pendant is as well worn as the holy symbol of a priest or paladin. 
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Personal ––– –
Profession: Bard & Storyteller first and foremost.
Hobbies: Carpentry, Leatherwork, Hunting, writing
Languages: Eorzean Common, Thavnarian, Hingan, Doman, Garlean, The old tongue (amarotine/pre-sundering), Gelmorian, traditional Ishgardian, steppe-tongue, shroud-speak.
Residence: Forest cottage deep in the Dravanian Wilds
Birthplace: Whenever asked, the bard simply says ‘The Shroud’
Religion: Similar to the Nights Blessed of the First, he worships and reveres the Sunless sea, and it’s celestial keepers. The Guardian of time, the weaver of fate, and the twelve zodiacs.
Patron Deity: He holds a special fondness for the fateweaver 
Fears: The rage of Dragoons, the loss of his senses, being forgotten/erased by time.
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Relationships ––– -
Spouse: Maxia Caduceus, Husband.
Children: None
Parents: Though they are alive, he’s never known them, nor has any memory of them.
Siblings: None that he’s aware of
Other Relatives: He may, he may not, he simply doesn’t know
Pets: A celestial wolf, not unlike a carbuncle, named Fenrir
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Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Frequent, usually an herbal mixture of medications and male birth control - though he will on occasion dip into fogweed to quell his nightmares and dull the pain of flashbacks/painful memories. Drugs: Aside from what he smokes, he usually avoids such substances unless properly prescribed to him by a medical professional. Alcohol: On occasion. He drinks to taste, and no longer indulges in wine as much as he used to - on account that it makes him into one -very- flirtatious and amorous drunk. Though he has been known to enjoy absinthe with select company.
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RP Hooks ––– –
The Wandering Bard; The man is not hard to find, and even harder to miss. From the music flowing from his harp within the taverns of Eorzea, to his enthralling stories told in the streets to groups of interested people or curious individuals. From the smallest settlements, to the big cities, his name his known as is his talent. All one needs is a genuine interest, and the bard is ever humbly at your service.
The Night Hunter; Only in circles of voidsent hunters, is his skills as a professional seasoned hunter known to his peers. With a reputation for clearing up to A-rank marks solo, he has never over his career failed a contract. For the right price, his bow is yours should you wish to hire him. Should you be tainted, marked, or a creature of the void or light yourself however? Be weary, for the wolf is always watching, and eager for a hunt.
Bad Dravanian Artisan; A bit of a guilty pleasure for the bard, his skills in leatherwork has been turned from a hobby into a marketed craft to the public. From collars, to leashes, floggers, whips, crops, bindings, and harnesses, he produces quality lifestyle and kink gear to interested customers. Custom works are also available to order, and the man takes pride in his every creation - even wearing and putting his own work to use himself. Stamped with his signature of a wolf’s head with an arrow in it’s jaws - it’s easy to trace his creations back to him.
The Secret Author; Under the pen name ‘Heliake Norrst’ the bard has written and produced a great number of books available in most book stores across the world, and in multiple languages for his international fan base. While his work varies in genre from adventure, to horror, mystery, and tragedy. It’s his Romance novels and Steamy erotica that’s made him world famous. Perhaps your character is a fan? Perhaps your character has been on a mission to find out who this mysterious and enigmatic author really is?
Lost in the woods; As one who hunts for his own food, leathers, pelts, and other materials for his craft. The bard is as much at home within the forests of the Shroud and the Coerthean wilds as he is within his cabin. It would not be far-fetched for him to cross someone lost, or having fallen victim to the erratic weather patterns or wildlife within those regions. Be it him happening upon someone while on a hunt, or having someone banging on his cottage door in want for help or shelter. Both are equally possible.
The Kind Traveler; The bard is not one to leave another at the mercy of fate, and even in his more ‘off the beaten path’ traveling it’s not an uncommon occurrence to come across another in need of aid. Nor is he hesitant to offer it. 
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Contact Information  ––– –
Discord: Sorneth#6998 (Your free to add me if your interested in RP! I -do- do discord RP, but I’m not the best at it in terms of keeping up.) Tumblr: Your looking at it! (Completely IC blog, unless it’s a direct message. You will get IC responses) In game: Sorneth Caduceus (I’m -very- whisper friendly! So poke me anytime!) Carrd: Here
Seeking: Connections, RP Opportunities, New RP partners to write with in addition to the two lovely people who I RP with already.
Additional Questions? Please feel free to contact me to your hearts content, I’m about as threatening as a newborn kitten and I promise I’m likely way more anxious and afraid of you, then you are of me. <3 So pour upon me questions, concerns, or plot ideas!
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