#remember when this was meant to be a 4500 word one shot?
groovebunker · 11 months
fran missed cc while she was away she just wishes she could tell her
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omgviolette12 · 4 years
Helena’s Skin
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 4500+
Pairing: Original female character of color/Tom Hiddleston
Warnings: Implied/Referenced Suicide, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Angst, Horror
 I’ve also posted this on AO3
There’s pictures there, in case you want some bonus content.
Story Playlist, for optimal reading experience : Here
Phew..this plot bunny was running around for a HOT minute! I'm not sure what my obsession is with stories that deal with betrayal of some sort...but I think I'm just a slut for some angst. Also, I've been listening to a ton of silent hill soundtracks, which put me in the mood to write something depressing. And goodness is that game good. This story is largely inspired by it, with some of the dialogue, text, and locations from the original game interwoven with my story. I changed things up a lot to follow the flow of my narrative though.
Tom dreamt of her again that night.
Pale, blue-tinted skin. Dark sunken eyes. Her stiff, swaying feet. He could even see the chipped red nail polish on her toes with clarity.
The cruel memory was always, without fail, in perfect detail.
Over the years though, he had slowly come to accept it. The pills never helped to stop the nightmares, and no amount of avoiding sleep was going to help his case anyway.
He liked to think of it as penance.
As always, he jumped up from the bed in cold sweat. And from the cross look on his girlfriend’s face, he must’ve woken her up on accident as well.
“I’m...I’m sorry Jen,” He turned a bit to rub at her naked shoulder, and hoped the action would coax her back to sleep, “ Just another one of those falling dreams..”
“Hmrrph..” She shrugged off his hand, and turned to face away from him. Thankfully, it didn’t take much for her eyes to close once again.
Tom sighed, and rubbed at his face tiredly. Whenever he had that dream...he could never fall back to sleep. It was as if all the emotions of that day were renewed, and it was hard to shake them off until morning.
His therapist suggested he acknowledge what he felt, during this time. The sorrow. The regret. The guilt. The gut-wrenching pain.
And if he were to be completely honest, it worked most days.
Often, he would find himself scribbling away at his personal journal at 3 am, nursing a cup of tea.
He wrote about how much he wished he could reverse time. The words he could have taken back, and the words he could have said instead. He wanted to tell her how much he loved her, and that he regretted ever leaving her.
Helena. Her name was Helena, but he could never bring himself to write it out. Just referred to her vaguely with pronouns.
But tonight...he couldn’t even bring himself to write. The dream was especially vivid this time around, to a disturbing degree. He could even smell the stench.
What’s worse, that smell was just as he remembered it three years ago.
Tom resisted the urge to throw up at the thought of it, and stumbled out of bed to the bathroom. He turned on the sink, and splashed the coldest water he could onto his face.
That probably wasn’t the best thing to do, either. He could still see her, swaying in that dark room against his closed eyelids.
His eyes shot open immediately, and he found himself dry heaving into the sink.
“Fuck…” he cursed silently, as his eyes began to well with tears.
It was going to be another one of those nights, and the only thing he could do was suffer through the dark memories until morning.
Slowly, he made his way to the kitchen. There was little tea could do at this stage, but it was a welcomed distraction.
“You’re really leaving...aren’t you?”
Her voice was soft, softer than it usually was.
All the yelling and screaming must have destroyed every malice she could have mustered in her body.
Her dark brown eyes were downcast, red-rimmed with sorrow.
“Lena. No...Helena. I never wanted for any of this to happen.” Although Tom intended to sound a bit caring, the words left his mouth with harsh coldness.
“I love Jen too much. Too much to stay...I’m sorry. Please understand.”
His wife looked up at him then. Her chapped lips trembled immensely with bridled anger. And even though her long hair was rather unkempt, he could still see the glare she sent his way through her bangs.
“Five...f..five years Tom. You’re r-really going to...to throw it all away for that..for..for her?”
Tears spilled from her eyes as she stuttered in anguish, and she fisted the fabric of her dress painfully as she continued, “ I... I love you so much, Tommy. I never meant anything I said...I was sick and -“
“Stop with that!” Helena was startled, and she stared up at him with wide eyes. Throughout their argument, this was the first time he had yelled so loudly at her.
His eyes were narrowed, shoulders squared. He was the embodiment of hostility.
“Don’t say things that you don’t fucking mean.”
Tom didn’t wait for her to reply. He grabbed his jacket, and left the house with a slam to the door. He’d pick up his belongings later, after he cooled down.
Although Helena infuriated him, he could never forgive himself if he hurt her physically. A part of him still loved her, even if it was small.
They were married for five years after all. He couldn’t necessarily forget it all, no matter how much he wished it was possible.
Their marriage...it was a happy one, at first. He remembered the day when he met her, how stunned he was by her beauty and tenderness.
He loved how her brown eyes looked against the sunlight, and the lone dimple that revealed itself when she smiled. He loved her gentle voice, when she would tell him about her day. Everything. He loved everything about this woman. Down from the hair, right to the toes.
However… things took a sharp turn for the worst when she became ill.
The doctors were clueless about what it was. It attacked her body so quickly and suddenly, no one could do much to help her ailing health.
Slowly but surely, she began to lose her glow.
Her smiling face was replaced with an ugly snarl, her body became skin and bones, and her kind words transformed into insults that aimed to shred at his heart.
She pushed him away with every chance she could, when all he wanted was to be there for the woman he loved.
So, who could blame him for straying?
Jennifer was kind, new, and beautiful. Everything that Helena was, but now wasn’t.
It didn’t matter to him that she was good friends with his wife. Surely, Helena would rather it be Jen than some stranger.
But now, she wanted to take back all those words of hatred, and backtrack like a coward. She begged for him to stay, despite all the times she pushed him away.
Her insults drove away the guilt whenever he went to Jennifer for solace. But if she decided to just take it all back now… where did that leave him?
Tom stewed like that for hours, walking about the neighborhood before he decided to make his way back to the house. It was late morning when he left, but the skies were already starting to darken.
Time flies when you’re upset, it seemed.
He readied and steeled himself to face her again. He was going to pack the rest of his things, and then leave.
For good this time.
But he hated that his heart still ached at the thought of it, despite everything that she put him through.
Tom entered the house cautiously, and searched for any signs of his wife. When he left, she was still sitting on the living room couch. Hours had gone by, so he wasn’t sure why he still expected her to be there.
Worst case scenario, she was in their bedroom. With how erratic she’d been acting lately, it wouldn’t be a surprise if she tried to prevent him from leaving.
Best case scenario, she was asleep in there. Her illness made her extremely weak, which caused her to sleep more often than not.
Tom found himself in front of the door, hand frozen on the knob.
He was tired, tired from all the fighting. If possible, he wanted to ignore her as he quietly gathered his things together.
With these thoughts in mind, he opened the door -
To the sight of Helena’s feet hovering above the floor.
“Tom, Tom? Thomas!”
He jumped from the kitchen table, and knocked his knee on it in surprise.
He grimaced, and looked up at Jennifer who gave him a worried look.
“Why are you out here? You even fell asleep..”
Tom looked around his surroundings, disoriented. He fell asleep?
He remembered coming to the kitchen to make some tea for his nerves. But before he realized it…
“I’m not sure how that happened...I’m sorry Jen.”
“..It’s okay, Tom. Are you feeling okay..?” She placed her hand on his forehead, her voice tinged with concern, “ You can call out sick, you know? Talk to me,”
Tom stiffened. He contemplated many times, talking to Jennifer about his dreams. But...she had been badly affected by Helena’s death as well.
She was friends with her, after all. Jen felt just as much guilt and shame that he did.
But Jennifer refused to talk about it, about her. Her way of coping was to forget Helena ever existed for her own sanity.
They were both monsters, monsters who drove the one they cared about to her death. They truly deserved one another.
Tom only shook his head at her question, and attempted to reassure her with a weak smile, “I’m fine, honest. But I’ll call out today...I’ve been working too much at the office.”
Jennifer didn’t pursue the topic any further, and returned his smile. “ Thank gosh, you’ve been taking way too many hours. Just relax for once,”
He watched as she moved about the kitchen through tired eyes, to fix herself some coffee. “There’s some mail on the table, by the way. I picked them up before I came in here.”
Now that she mentioned it, there was a small pile of envelopes on the table. He looked at them all indifferently, and dismissed the majority of them as junk or bills.
“..I’ll sift through them. Make me a cup as well, would you?”
He dragged the pile in front of him, and wiped his eyes to take away some of the droopiness.
He cracked his neck, and massaged his shoulder with a hand as he began to look through the mail. Like he expected, there were some bills, some junk… and..
A beige, worn out envelope that was sealed with red wax.
But the look of the envelope wasn’t what caught his eyes. It was the name on it that caused Tom’s throat to go dry, and his sweat to grow cold.
From: Helena
There wasn’t a return address, just her name.
Was this some sort of sick joke?
Unless it was possible for a dead woman to send letters, then the likelihood that it was his Helena that sent it was extremely low.
Still though...his hands wouldn’t stop shaking. Why did he feel so terrified?
First the nightmares, now this.
“Hey..everything okay?” Jen placed a steaming cup of coffee in front of him, and sat at the table, “You’ve been staring at that for a good minute now...is the bill that much?”
She took a sip of her own coffee, her voice lightly teasing.
“What? Oh, no, it’s nothing,” Tom quickly snapped out of it, and tossed the envelope aside as casually as he could, “Just some junk.”
Tom wasn’t sure what possessed him to take the envelope with him on his run.
Despite everything that told him to leave it closed, to leave it unread, he also felt the urgent need to keep it by his side.
He ran through a secluded park, with the envelope stuffed in his jacket pocket. If he was going to read it, he didn’t want Jennifer to know. Especially if it was actually from... her.
There was a drizzle earlier on, so the park benches were rather wet. However, he didn’t care as he plopped down to sit, and reached into his jacket pocket for the envelope.
A stray droplet of water from the overhanging tree fell on the envelope, as he sat and stared at it in silence.
Tom felt that he was probably overreacting. No, he most definitely was. There was no way on earth it was from his Helena. The same Helena who he still loved, to this very day. The same woman who took her own life that fateful evening.
He was only going to set himself for extreme disappointment if he hoped for that much.
Tom held his breath, and tore open the envelope without any regard for the wax seal.
And as he read its contents, the entire world came to a standstill.
In my restless dreams,
I see that town.
Silent Hill.
You promised me you'd take me
there again someday.
But you never did.
Well, I'm alone there now...
In our 'special place'...
Waiting for you...
Waiting for you to come to see me.
I know I’ve done some terrible things to you.
Something you’ll never forgive me for.
I wish I could change that, but I can’t.
I just...didn’t want you to see me like that anymore.
That ugly, repulsive me.
I was so angry all the time, and I
struck out at everyone I loved most.
Especially you, Tommy.
That's why I understand if you hate me, even now.
But I want you to know this.
I'll always love you.
And I want to see you, no matter how long it takes.
I’ll always be here…waiting.
With love,
He remembered her handwriting.  Her letters were always scribbled elegantly, but felt rushed at the same time. This was written by her. There was no doubt about it in his soul. He could even hear her gentle voice as he read it.
The emotions Tom currently felt was like a kaleidoscope. Confusion, hope. Sorrow, fear. And above all, excitement.
Excitement, at the small, unlikely chance that she was still alive.
Even if it didn’t make sense, even if it went against all reason. Even if he had been the one to pull her dead body from the ceiling himself.
If he had the chance to see her again...just once more…
He was going to take it.
Tom vaguely remembered that town she spoke of, in the letter.
Silent hill.
They went there once, for their honeymoon. It was a foggy little town, ways out in the middle of nowhere. Although it was scarcely populated, it was beautiful.
Helena had a strange obsession with the town, and she begged him constantly to take her back. But he was the type to enjoy the hustle and bustle of people, and the town was far too quiet for his liking.
Quiet to the point of being unsettling.
So although she begged him practically every year, he would always dredge up some excuse as to why they couldn’t go.
But now here he was, on his way to that very town against all sense.
“This place...isn’t it a bit too creepy for a resort?” Jennifer’s voice broke the silence in the car, and reminded him that he was not alone. Her eyes were trained outside the window, with furrowed brows.
Tom ground his teeth in frustration. He couldn’t come up with a proper excuse, as to why he wanted to leave so suddenly without arousing suspicion.
So...he disguised the trip as a mini-vacation, for the both of them. It would have been extremely preferable if he came alone... but he’d figure something out, eventually.
“It’s supposed to be a quiet, peaceful getaway. We’ve been needing some of that for a while now,” Tom said, in a nonchalant tone. “Besides, it’s only for a day or two.”
“Eh...I guess,” Jennifer still sounded thoroughly unconvinced, as they passed by the dilapidated welcome sign of the town. “I just thought it’d be, I don’t know...well kept?”
“It’s a part of the charm.” Tom wasn’t sure if he wanted to convince her, or himself with that statement.
Jen had a point. It’s been years since he came to this place, but he remembered that there was a decent amount of people that lived here.
Although the area was indeed very quiet...it definitely wasn’t a ghost town like he was seeing.
They were well inside the town now, but they still had yet to see anyone. The oppressive fog didn’t help matters either. He glanced down at the map on his lap, just to make sure they were going in the right direction.
“Hey...do you think we should just turn around? It looks pretty abandoned,”
Jennifer worried at her lip, her expression uncertain.
“...Like I said. A part of the charm. We’ll see some people, eventually.”
He could feel her anxiety from the passenger seat, and it started to affect his own mood.
The only thing that kept him from turning the car around, was Helena. The prospect of possibly seeing her again was too great a temptation.
But the question is...where was she, exactly?
Helena mentioned something about a ‘special’ place in the letter. That she’d be waiting for him there. But there were just so many possibilities… because this whole town was their special place.
Did she mean the park, by the lake? They would spend hours sitting on the bench...just the two of them, staring at the water. In their own little world.
Could Helena truly be alive...waiting for him there? The man who betrayed her so cruelly?
At Jen's sudden screech, Tom hit the brakes immediately, which caused the car to lurch forward violently.
He looked at her, as his heart thrummed against his chest, “What, what is it!”
“There.. right there, there was... there was..!”
She looked absolutely terrified, as she stared outside of the passenger window.
“Jen, calm down! What did you see?”
She didn’t look at him at all, and continued to stare outside the window, “In the fog. I saw a lady..and she.. she looked like… she was just right there..!”
Tom couldn’t make sense of what she wanted to say at all. He pinched the bridge of his nose, and addressed her once again, “I know you’re paranoid, Jen. But please, just calm down. It was probably just a resident.”
He really wished he came here alone all the more.
Jennifer was really shaken up, for whatever reason. And she went silent for the rest of the ride. Though, he certainly wasn’t about to complain about that.
Eventually, they saw a large building in the distance, right alongside the lake they’d been driving by.
Lake View Hotel. The same hotel where he stayed with Helena, on their honeymoon.
“...We’re here.”
Tom parked right by the curb of the sidewalk, a reasonable distance from the building.
But...something wasn’t quite right.
When he first came here with Helena, he clearly remembered that the hotel was on the other side of the lake, and they had to cross it with a rowboat. It was surrounded by a body of water, after all. And it was only accessible by a boardwalk.
However, the building was on this side instead. Completely opposite from what he remembered.
He decided not to think too deeply about it, though. Years had passed, and things might’ve changed.
“Wait, we’re getting out here?!” Jennifer asked in disbelief, her voice raised. The area was run-down, foggy, and quite frankly, disgusting. Tom couldn’t even blame her for her discomfort.
“Yes, Jen. There’s nowhere else to park,” he said, and exited the car first. “Come on, before it starts to get dark.”
Jennifer left the car with extreme hesitancy, and crossed her arms to hug herself. “Tom...this...this is like a freaking ghost town! Are you sure we can’t just...go somewhere else?” She tried to reason with him...but it was like he was another person entirely when he replied.
“If that’s what you want to do, I won’t stop you. Take the car.” He answered curtly, and began to walk ahead of her.
“I...what? Wait, please, Tom!” She ran up to him, and grabbed his arm, “What do you mean take the car?! You know I can’t drive. And I can’t just leave you behind! This...this isn’t like you,” Jennifer attempted to turn him towards her, but he remained stiff.
“...Did you ever really know me, Jen?”
When he finally looked at her, Jennifer took a step back due to his scary expression. “Because I don’t think you do. Not like Lena did anyway.”
“Len...Helena? Why..what does she have to do with this?!”
Jen immediately went on the defensive, and matched his hostile energy.
“She has everything to do with this! You were her friend, and she was my wife. Yet you refuse to even talk about her-”
“She killed herself! She left us behind! Even before that, she treated you like shit! She broke your heart...and I was the one who picked up the fucking pieces!”
The argument had escalated extremely quickly. But Tom didn’t care.
“How..how fucking dar-”
Tom didn’t even get to finish his sentence. He had blinked his eyes for even less than a second.
And then she was gone.
Tom was stunned, and didn’t register what happened.
His mouth was left open as the sentence died on his lips.
He looked around disoriented, whiplashed, and confused.
What? How? Where..What?
These were the questions that ran rampant inside his mind, as he looked about frantically for the woman he was just fighting with.
Jennifer was just right there, in front of him. He even remembered her angered expression clearly. But he had barely blinked his eyes before she disappeared into thin air.
She didn’t even scream.
Tom’s bones were weak from fear and confusion. He felt nauseous.
“..Jen? Jennifer? Jennifer!” He began to walk ahead, almost running, and screamed into the fog.
He walked around the area, and yelled her name like that for what felt like hours. But what answered him back were the endless echoes beyond the mist.
“Where...where the hell..?” Tom was out of breath, his body wrought with fear and exhaustion. He brought his hands to his knees and hunched over.
He came here to find Helena. He just wanted to see his wife again, to talk to her one last time. Even if it were some sort of delusion he concocted to stay sane.
But now..even Jennifer was...
He tried not to think about that possibility. Jennifer had to be alright. She had somewhere in this godforsaken town.  
Tom looked up from his knees, and up at the large building ahead. Lakeview hotel.
He was going to start there.
Inside the hotel was a stark contrast to the rest of the town. While the outside was in a state of disrepair...the inside of the hotel remained untouched by time. In fact...it was just as he remembered.
The only difference was...the lights were almost dim to the point of darkness, and he needed to use his phone light for added visibility.
“Jennifer..? Are you in here?” Tom called out, as he walked the halls of the hotel. He passed the receptionist’s desk, and moved towards the elevator in the distance.
Despite the apparent lack of proper electricity, it still seemed to function perfectly.
According to the elevator, there were six floors in total.
And without hesitation, he immediately chose the third floor.
Jennifer could have been on the first two floors, for all he knew. He could have searched every room, every corner.
However..he and Helena stayed in room 312 for their honeymoon.
It was a beautiful room, he remembered. There were large windows, and the view of the lake was extraordinary.
As Tom felt the elevator move, and watched as the numbers slowly rose to three...he recalled a memory.
“Goodness...isn’t it beautiful, Tommy?”
Tom watched as his beloved sat by the window, her hand pressed against the glass.
“I’m so glad we came here...it’s peaceful.”
He laughed, and moved closer to sit next to his wife. He draped his arms around her shoulders, and pulled her closely to his chest.
“I think it’s a bit too peaceful, though. I’m not sure how you convinced me to come, but,”
Tom breathed in the scent of her hair, and closed his eyes. “I agree, it is beautiful. Hazy and mysterious, just like a dream. It reminds me of you.”
Her embarrassed laugh echoed throughout the room, and she nuzzled her head further into his neck. “Hehe...you’re such a charmer.”
She tightened her arms around his body. Her next words were whispered faintly, but he heard her clearly through the quiet of the room.
“But if this is a dream...I don’t ever want to wake up.”
Tom stood inside the room. By the large window, was a figure.
Her hair was a short, dusty blonde, and she wore a white floral dress.
The same dress that Helena wore that day on their honeymoon.
However...his wife was far from blonde.
The only blonde he knew was Jennifer.
“Jen..Jennifer? Is that you..?” She turned to look at him, instead of the window.
As soon as he saw her face, his suspicions were confirmed.
“Oh.. oh thank goodness,” Tom breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that his hunch was correct. He didn’t know why she suddenly appeared in this room, but was pleased that he found her this quickly.
“Jen, you were right. We..we shouldn’t stay here…”
Jennifer only looked at him with a confused expression, and approached him with an air of worry.
“Tommy, did something happen to you? Are you...confusing me with someone else?”
Tom looked at her like she was crazy. “What? Jen, what are you on about..? And why are you wearing that..”
Jennifer had never, not once, referred to him as ‘Tommy’ in the three years they had been together. That was Helena’s endearment, and no one else’s.
She giggled, the sound of it melodic and gentle. “Oh, Tommy...you were always so forgetful. Remember that time, when you got lost trying to find our room at this hotel? I almost had to call a search party!”
She laughed once again, this time unrestrained. He recognized that beautiful laughter.
“Aren’t…” Tom’s throat felt impossibly dry. “Aren’t you Jennifer?”
Jennifer went silent. Her smile deepened, and her eyes darkened from their previous shade of blue.
“It doesn’t matter who I am. I’m here for you, Tom.”
He didn’t move an inch as she approached him.
Slowly, she removed the straps of her dress.
He allowed her to take his hand, and she placed it on top of her naked chest.
Tom didn’t realize it, but his face was drenched with tears. He squeezed the softness of her flesh, and his nails dug to the point it drew blood.
It was warm. He held his blood-stained fingers up to his face.
Before him, stood a woman with dark brown eyes, that would reflect beautifully against the sun.
Before him, stood a woman with the gentlest voice.
Before him, stood a woman with long dark hair, that ended right below her shoulders.
Helena smiled a sickly sweet smile. She took his hand once again, and moved it to cup her face.
“...See? I’m real.”
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mrsalwayswritex · 4 years
Birthday Surprise
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A/N: As usual, Gif is not mine, whoops.
Pairing: Pre Ghost Billy x Fem Reader
Word Count: 4500
Warnings: Swearing and pot smoking
“Happy birthday to me” She groaned as she blindly smacked at her alarm clock. Flipping the blanket off of her face she huffed and blew some wild hairs out of her face before standing up and dragging herself to the shower. Only once the water was steaming and as hot as she could handle, did she step inside and let a happy groan escape.
“Y/n! Billy and Chris are here!” Her dad shouted down the basement stairs while she was still in the shower. 
“Alright! Send them down!” She poked her soapy head out of the curtain and seconds later she could hear the stampede of feet down the stairs, both boys singing a rather horrible rendition of Happy Birthday, making her laugh loudly.
“Happy birthday Y/n!!” They both screamed and she could see their silhouettes outside of the light green shower curtain.
“Thank you guys,” She stuck her still soapy face out once more and both boys planted a kiss on either cheek. “But I am a little busy at the moment.” She closed her eyes quickly at the soap sliding down her forehead.
“Something we can help you with there, Y/n?” Billy grabbed the curtain from her but she pulled it closed quickly, making him laugh deeply. “You ain't even gotta open your eyes, love.” He and Chris, who you had called Rango for years, both laughed.
“Ha-ha.” She mocked laughed, “Just give me a second and I'll be out, can you find me a towel?” She chuckled, ignoring the feeling in her belly. Chris laughed easily and she was quick to add, “A real towel this time, Rango, not a hand towel.” She could hear him snap his fingers softly.
“I got you, girl.” He grabbed a towel from the shelf and tossed it into the dryer for her and she smiled. 
“You're literally the best, buddy.” Y/n cooed, finishing rinsing her hair.
“What’s the plan, Y/n?” Billy asked loudly, and Y/n smiled to herself, knowing that he had flopped himself onto her bed in the next room. “We skippin’ today?” No matter how many years she knew Billy, his easy accent never failed to make her belly flutter.
“I haven't decided yet, but my mom is supposed to be coming through later, so I'm gonna have to stop and see her at some point.” Y/n’s heart fluttered at the thought of her mom coming, mainly who she would be bringing with her, but the boys didn't need to know about that part. She wasn't sure if she would be able to focus on school work today, not with what was going to be waiting for her. That and the fact that her two best friends in the entire world were willing to skip with her made her decision for her. “It’s been decided!” She shouted, turning off the water to emphasize her point.
“Wait!” Chris yelled and his footsteps were heard running across the basement floor, when the dryer slammed closed he scrambled back in front of the shower with his hand over his eyes, but you could see them spreading open slowly, the smirk on his face getting wider. “Come on, Y/n, reach for it!” He laughed.
“Come on, Rango, just give me the towel, it's freezing!” Y/n whined, sticking her arm out of the shower. He laughed once more before shoving the still-warm towel into her hand. Drying herself quickly and wrapping the towel around herself she stepped out of warmth and shivered immediately. “Alright, other room so I can get dressed.” She snapped her fingers and both boys went with a sarcastic grumble.
Once she dressed quickly to avoid anymore cold chills and rubbing the damp towel over her hair. “Alright boys,” Y/n smirked as she walked in and they were both looking at old pictures on the walls. “What are we doing today?” He walked over and pulled them both together, hooking her arms around their necks.
“It's your birthday, babe, what do you wanna do?” Billy reached up and patted the side of her face. Chris on the other hand was laughing so hard his shoulders were shaking looking at pictures on her wall. 
“Hey! Those are great pictures, alright? We were just kids back then, man.” Y/n laughed pulling up a picture of the three of them in halloween costumes, around 6 years old. “It's been the three of us against everything since diapers, guys. We’re freaking graduating this year.”
“Well except the year you went to live with your mom.” Billy grumbled, obviously still not over that fact. 
“Oh don't frown, darling, it's not cute.” She grabbed his cheeks and squeezed, shaking his head lightly making him crack a smile. “Better.” They all laughed and Y/n clapped her hands. “Coffee, smoke with dad, raise hell?” She questioned, putting both of her hands out, palms up.
“You got it, boss.” Chris slapped his hand against hers, like they had done for many years, and ran upstairs. Y/n could hear him already chattering away to her father.
“You coming?” Y/n kept her hand up-turned and looked at the man closely. “What’s wrong, bud?” 
Billy looked at his best friend, seeing the genuine concern in her eyes and shook his head softly, giving her a small smile. “Nothings wrong, Y/n. Just remembering how much it sucked being stuck with Rango while you were gone.” He laughed, It totally wasn't because I was afraid you would never come back, no, of course not, he thought to himself shaking his head again. This time he reached out and slapped his hand onto hers like Chris had done and she smiled at him brightly. She’s going to be the death of me. He smiled back and they both took off up the stairs.
“So what are your plans for today Y/n?” Y/n’s dad asked once the three of them were upstairs and seated around the dining room table, passing around a freshly packed ‘birthday bowl’ her dad called it. “Don't forget your mother is coming later,” He gave her a knowing look and she nodded happily.
“Oh, there is no way I could forget!” Y/n smiled happily, “I think I may skip classes today though, I don't think I can focus, plus,” She raised a finger quickly when her dad opened his mouth to protest, “It is my birthday.”
“I will not allow you to skip, but what you three do when you leave here is none of my business.” Her dad raised his hands and looked away, making the three teenagers laugh. “I don't want to hear any plans now though, because then I will be an accomplice.” 
“You got it daddio,” Chris shot her dad the finger guns and her dad shook his head. “We’ve talked about this man.” He shook his head harder. “If you must call me anything, call me Paul.”
“Dad? Pops?” Chris tried, and Paul looked like he was going to think about it but shook his head.
“I lied, don't even use my real name.” 
“You got, Dean.” Paul shot him a thumbs up and everyone laughed again. “Ok,” Chris started again after their laughter died down. “What really is the plan?” 
“Go to class.” Y/n shrugged, winking at her dad, who threw his hands in the air in mock exasperation. “But we really should be going soon,” She looked at her phone. “My mom will be coming around one o'clock and I wanna be back up that way before then.” 
“Thanks for the smoke, Jake!” Chris shouted as he walked out the back door, throwing a peace sign in the air. Y/n rolled her eyes and gave her father a kiss on the cheek and waved him goodbye, Billy nodding his head at the man before he followed.
Once they were outside, Chris and Billy both looked to Y/n, who stood on the porch just a step above them. When she started pacing back and forth with her hands clasped behind her back like an army general, both boys stood straighter, hands stiff at their sides.
“Alright, men.” She spoke in a deep voice, “Today we take down our enemy.” She spun harshly on her heel and turned around again. “Our enemy? Continuing a single day more being un pierced.” Billy dropped his head in laughter and Chris’s mouth gaped open, before they both rested their faces, mock seriousness returning. “Today we face our fears, today we add a truly useless hole to our bodies.” She stopped in front of them. “Are you ready?”
“Yes sir!” Both boys shouted in unison and raised their arms in a salute, the three of them saluted each other, none of them breaking the serious moment.
“You three are idiots.” Paul said, hanging half out the back door, hand in the mailbox.
Y/n smiled brightly at their backs as the boys both ran ahead, climbing walls and jumping over each other with the ease of many years of practice and trust. Billy was jumping back and forth between two pillars, getting closer to the top with every jump, huge grin on his face. 
“I don't know how you can manage to still do that, man.” Chris huffed, standing beside Y/n with a cigarette between his fingers, passing one to Y/n. Both of them looked up, Billy almost to the roof now. 
“Don't be a pussy, Rango, this is fun!” Billy grunted out, hand slipping and Y/n gasped, but he pulled himself up with the hand already on the roof. “Don't worry, love. I'm alright.” He winked at her, dangling his legs off the edge, chest raising and falling quickly.
“Are you done now, monkey boy?” She put her hand over her eyes to block the sun as she looked up at him. He looks like an angel, her brain supplied and she looked away quickly. “We’ve got places to be and things to get pierced!” 
Billy shot her a smile and began his descent to the ground, Y/n grinning when he landed on his ass in front of her. “Meant to do that.” He grinned and held his hand out to her, when she reached her hand to him instead of pulling himself up, he pulled her down with him. Billy wrapped her in his arms and she struggled, to save face of course, because she wouldn't let him know how badly she wanted to be in his arms every night. “Just accept it, love, accept it.” Billy cooed in her ear, causing the hair on her arms to stand up straight with goosebumps.
“Let’s go, guys, flirt later.” Chris rolled his eyes, smiling at the two of them. He knew. Chris may have been an idiot but there is no way that he could miss the looks that his two best friends gave each other. “Let’s go, let’s go.” He clapped his hands, ushering them both up.
After taking much longer than it should have the three friends, panting and smiling, made it to the tattoo and piercing shop. Y/n set her shoulders back and pushed open the door, not waiting for the other two. “Alright boys, this is it.” She clapped her hands, rubbing them together. “Who knows what they want?” Looking back at the boys, Billy with a wild smile but Chris looked like he was going to be sick. 
“Well I know what I want, so I'll go first.” Billy winked at her, unzipping his blue hoodie and throwing it onto Chris who batted it away. Billy walked to the counter and whispered to the man behind the counter who nodded quickly, holding out his hand and Billy slapped his ID into the man's hands. “Wanna be matching, Y/n?” He winked at her as he pulled off his t-shirt. 
Y/n blushed instantly, and Billy smiled at her, “I will not be taking my top off in front of you idiots.” She rolled her eyes.
“Nothing I haven’t seen before, love.” Chris’s eyes widened and Y/n blushed again, hiding her face.
“Wait, what?” Chris looked back and forth between the two of them but when neither would look at him, he rolled his eyes. “I always get left out of everything.” 
“You can join us next time, buddy.” Billy grinned at her and Y/n stuck her tongue out at him.
“There will be no next time!” She shouted.
“Why wasn't I told about the first time?!” Chris waved his hands wildly, Y/n waved her hand in his direction dismissively.
“Are we doing this or what?” The man behind the counter asked with an amused smile on his face. Billy nodded and hopped up onto the chair the guy had set up while they were talking. “I don't get many guys in here asking for nipple piercings.” He chuckled and Billy laughed with him.
“I'm not most guys, mate.” 
Once the three of them were all sporting red and swollen new piercings, Billy pulling his shirt loosely over his torso with a pained face, Chris rubbing his temple careful not to touch the new eyebrow ring, and Y/n trying not to sneeze and irritate the new stud in her nose.
“Well that was a few hours killed, what now?” Chris asked, stretching his arms upwards. Y/n pulled out her phone and checked the time.
“It's ten now, so lets head back up town and we can grab something to eat on the way. I gotta be at Dan’s house by twelve thirty.” Y/n smiled to herself, catching Chris’s eye. “We can meet up after I'm done with my mom, yeah?” Billy nodded back.
“I’ve got a few things that need done before tonight anyways, so i'm gonna bail out now.” Billy leaned forward, pulling Y/n into a careful hug and reaching out to bump fists with Chris. “Let me know what's happening.” He smiled at them both and took off at a run down the street.
“We’ve got to discuss this, you know that right?” Chris looked at Y/n with a stern face. “Why didn't you tell me?” 
Y/n rolled her eyes, turning to walk back the other direction. “It wasn't important.” She shrugged. “Where do you want to eat?”
“Don't change the subject, Y/n.” Chris stepped in front of her and she sighed heavily. “This is massive, Y/n, why didn't you tell me?” He put his hands on her shoulders. “When was this?” 
Y/n dropped her head to her chest, “Beginning of summer before junior year, it really wasn't a big deal, man.” She shrugged her shoulders, but not convincingly. His eyes widened. “Stop it, Rango. Don't think about it too much. Can we just go get something to eat?”
“Y/n..” Chris tapped her shoulder quickly, “Don't tell me..” His eyes closed and he sighed when she wouldn't meet his eyes. “Jesus, Y/n.”
“I'm done talking about this, Chris.” Y/n threw her hands in the air and started walking back up the street. “Are you coming or not?” She shouted over her shoulder, Chris ran his hand through his hair and jogged up to her side.
The two of them walked in silence until they got to a pizza place just a few blocks from where she would be meeting her mom. Neither one spoke while they ate, Y/n not even meeting her best friend's eyes. Everything is ruined now, she thought to herself, he’s going to figure it out. She kept pushing a piece of pepperoni around her plate.
“Just say it, Y/n.” Chris pleaded suddenly, “You know I have so many things running through my head right now, please just tell me what happened so I can fucking relax.” Y/n stopped playing with her food and slowly picked her head up to face him. “Just tell me.”
“It was the end of year bonfire, we just got a little drunk and a little too frisky is all, we decided to just forget about it and move on. That’s why you weren’t informed.” She explained, keeping her gaze locked on him. “Nothing became of it, so that was that.” She looked at her watch, “I've got to get to Dan’s, but I will see you later, yeah? Look i'm sorry we didn't tell you, ok? Love you.” Y/n stood quickly, starting to feel like she was running late, her clock reading 12:15. She kissed his cheek and he mumbled his goodbyes to her back as she ran out of the restaurant.
“You’re a goddamn liar.” Chris mumbled, throwing a bill on the table, he grabbed his hoodie and ran out after her. Pulling a cigarette from his pocket, he slowed his walk until she was about a block ahead. Chris hated following her like this, but she was hiding something from him and he was going to figure out what it was. Y/n didn't keep secrets and suddenly he felt like he had missed something crucial. He knew exactly where Y/n was headed, so he wasn't worried about moving to keep up with her, but once she turned off the road he was cutting through yards to keep the distance short without being seen.
Y/n stopped at her uncle’s house, sitting on the porch, leg bouncing away. Chris was watching his phone clock tick on, lighting up a cigarette off the other one. “What are you up to Y/n.” He questioned quietly to himself. 
Y/n sat on her uncle's porch, nearly vibrating with excitement, wishing she had grabbed a cigarette before she left Chris. She looked behind her when she heard the door open, “Hey Uncle Dan.” She smiled up at him and he patted her forehead softly. Dan, as usual, was holding a beer in his hand, clothes still stained from his day job as a painter. “Got a smoke I can get?” Dan nodded his head wordlessly, pulling the pack out of his overalls. 
Y/n smiled a thanks at him as he handed her a lighter, lighting one of his own and letting it hang from his lips. “My sister on her way?” He asked her gruffly, getting an excited nod in return. “She coming alone?” He glanced down at the girl and she smiled back, shaking her head.
“It’s been months Dan.”
“I know, kiddo.”
Y/n stood abruptly and it caught Chris’s attention as a truck pulled into the driveway and Y/n ran towards it. Mom’s here, Chris smiled at the woman as she got out and wrapped her daughter in a huge hug. When the two women went towards the back seat, Chris stepped closer. No way. When the back door opened and Y/n started crying, he knew. Holy shit. When Y/n reemerged from the back seat holding a small child Chris’s jaw dropped, no longer caring about staying hidden, pulling out his phone as he crossed through the yards.
“Mom!” Y/n shouted, jumping off of the porch and throwing herself into the woman's arms. “Where is she?” She clapped her hands quickly and her mother smiled at her.
“She's in the backseat, Y/n. What did you think that I would forget her?” The woman laughed as Y/n ripped open the back door, tears instantly streaming down her face at the sight before her.
The little girl, just a year old, smiled brightly at her, waving her hands around wildly. “Hi baby!” Y/n cooed happily, making grabby hands at the child who reached her arms towards her. Carefully unbuckling the squirming child and removing her from the car seat, she climbed back out of the vehicle, hoisting the girl on to her hip. “Happy Birthday babygirl.” Y/n kissed the child’s head.
“You look good like this, Y/n.” Her mother smiled at her daughter a little sadly. “She misses you, you know.” Her mother ran a hand over both girls’ face’s. Y/n smiled at her mother just as sadly, nodding her head as more tears rolled down her face.
“I miss her too, ma, I really do. It's hard to believe that she’s already a year old.” Y/n looked at the little girl, eyes full of wonder.
“Um, Y/n..” Her mother warned, a smile plastered on her face. “Incoming.”
Y/n whipped her head around quickly, seeing Chris crossing the street, not bothering to even look. “Shit.” Y/n whispered, arms tightening around the little girl. He stopped right in front of Y/n, eyes flashing between his best friend and the small child. “Did you follow me, Rango?” She admonished him softly, no real malice behind it.
“Hello, Christopher,” Y/n’s mother smiled at the boy, but his eyes never even met hers in acknowledgement. She nodded her head and touched Y/n’s shoulder lightly before retreating to the porch.
“I knew you were hiding something from me.” He whispered, his own eyes slowly filling with tears. Y/n tore her eyes away from him when she heard the hurt in his voice. “I knew it was more than you told me earlier, I knew.” 
“You have to know that this was for the best,” She tried to explain when she looked down, seeing his phone in his hand. “Oh shit, Rango, you didn't..” Y/n’s eyes widened as she started shaking her head quickly. “Please tell me you didn't.”
The two of them locked eyes and silence passed between them, the little girl in Y/n’s arms cooing is what broke the tension. Chris smiled down at the little girl and she waved her hands at him. Y/n chuckled lightly, looking at Chris once more. “Do you want to hold her?” She asked him almost shyly. When he nodded, mouth wide open, she smiled. “Go see your uncle Rango, babygirl.” He extended his hands to the girl and she reached for him.
“I'm so sorry, Y/n.” Chris said to the little girl, eyes flicking to his friend. “I panicked and I called him.”
Y/n nodded her head sadly, running her hand through the child’s hair. “Her name is Amelia, and today is her birthday.” She explained, Chris looked at her with a smile. 
“Hell of a birthday present for you, isn't it?” He laughed and Y/n nodded.
“It was not a pleasant gift at the time, but then I saw her face.”
“She looks like you, you know.” Chris beamed at her, laughing lightly. “Better you over her daddy.” Y/n froze at the word and his own smile faltered a bit. “Wow, that word was a lot heavier than I could have imagined. What do you want me to do?” Y/n sighed and shrugged her shoulders, laying her head onto his shoulder. Amelia reached and grabbed at her face, Y/n playfully growling and pretending to bite at the little girl’s fingers, making her squeal and both of them laugh.
Y/n laid a blanket down on the grass and Chris lowered Amelia to it, the girl immediately crawled towards the grass. Y/n smiled, waving a hand and telling him to let her go, “She loves the grass.” Y/n sat in the grass herself and her mother called from the porch. “Just like her mama.” Y/n smiled up at her, that word hanging just as heavy in Chris’s ears.
Chris sat behind Y/n, causing her to turn to face him with her back to the road. The two of them watching Amelia pull grass from the earth and throwing it into the air, smiling when it blew right back into her face. When Chris glanced over her shoulder, he saw him. Billy was approaching them quickly and Chris’s mind went into overdrive.
“What are you going to tell him?” He asked her once he knew Billy was in earshot.
“Billy?” She questioned, when Chris nodded his head, Billy stopped walking. “I mean what am I supposed to tell him?” She sat up straighter, crossing her legs under her. “Hey Billy, you remember that night that we decided was better left not talked about? Remember how I left for a whole goddamn year?” She mocked, pointing her hands dramatically at Amelia. “Well this is what happened.” Y/n chuckled dryly, rolling her eyes.
“Well I hope that was good enough.” Chris stood up, brushing the grass from his pants. Y/n looked up at him in confusion. Chris nodded his head over her shoulder and her heart stopped. “Better out than in right?” He patted her shoulder and walked onto the porch with Y/n’s mother.
“Y/n..” Billy's voice came from behind her and she closed her eyes tightly, willing this to be a dream.
“Oh fuck.” She breathed out when he touched her shoulder, this was not a dream. “Billy.” His name was a whisper as it left her lips.
Billy stepped around her and sat cross legged in front of her, eyes wide and breathing hard. He didn't trust his voice to work so he just stared at her, wordlessly willing her to look at him. Y/n kept her eyes closed tightly, picking at a random spot on her shoe. Billy cleared his throat and when she opened her eyes and looked at him, the dam broke and more tears fell down her cheeks. Billy reached out his hand and wiped them away, eyes never leaving hers.
“Why didn't you tell me?” He whispered and she sighed heavily.
“I didn't think you would want this in your life.” Y/n shrugged, turning her head to look at her little girl. “I wasn't ready and I knew you wouldn't be either. Apparently this is the time, though.” She made grabby hands at Amelia and the girl crawled right over to her. She picked her up and set Amelia down in her lap, facing Billy. Amelia looked up at him and smiled brightly. “Billy, I want you to meet someone.” She grabbed a hold of her daughters hands and spread them open wide, “This is Amelia.” She looked Billy directly in the eyes and took a deep breath. “Your daughter.”
Billy took a shaky deep breath in and blew it out slowly. “Our daughter.” He whispered and Y/n smiled at him. “Amelia. I like that.” He smiled at the little girl, holding his hands out to her. Amelia grabbed a hold of his fingers and pulled herself up, bouncing lightly and gurgling the whole time. “Hello, Amelia.” He cooed and she giggled. Billy looked at the girl, glancing between the happy baby and her smiling mother. “Y/n, I want this.” 
Y/n’s eyes snapped to him, her smile only growing wider. “I want this too.”
Amelia picked that moment to take a step towards Billy, toppling herself backwards in the process. Both Y/n and Billy reached forward, heads inches apart. Amelia who was sitting on the ground now, cooed up at the two of them. Billy nudged his nose into Y/n’s cheek, and when she turned her face towards him, he brushed his lips lightly over hers. Amelia clapped her hands together and they both laughed.
“She’s been waiting for this as long as we have.” Chris laughed out and Y/n’s mom laughed and nodded her head.
“You said it.” She agreed, smiling down at her daughter’s family, finally together.
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floatingpetals · 5 years
Boys in Blue || Pt. 6
Pairings: cop!Stucky x F!Reader
Warnings: little bit of angst, language, floof
Word Count: 4500+
Summary: (Cop AU) There was just one crappy thing after enough that happened to her. It possibly couldn’t get any worse, or so she thought until she saw the dreaded flashes of red and blue behind her. Could things get any worse?
A/N: Thank you for everyone who has been so patient for this part! It’s a longer part and I wanted to make sure I got it right. I also think I needed that break to get my brain working right again. I hope you all enjoy!! Let me know what you think! 
The gif is mine.
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Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Series Masterlist
Y/N sat back, her brows furrowed, and her mouth wide open with shock. She wasn’t sure she heard him right and even if she did, where the hell did they get that idea from?
Bucky and Steve were staring at her with wide eyes, confused and touch hurt. How did she not know she was their girlfriend? It wasn’t like they just assumed they were dating. They had talked about this before. Bucky and Steve shared a look, the same question. Right?
“What did you just say?” Y/N asked quietly. Steve swallowed loudly.
“Um… That I was going to kiss my girlfriend?”
“Yeah, that. Wh- I’m not your girlfriend though.”
Now Steve was really confused. He frowned and tilted his head to the side.
“Yes? You are our girlfriend?” He said uncertainly, his voice wavering slightly. Y/N clambered off his lap to stand in front of them both with her pointer fingers up as she tried to grasp the conversation.
“Our?” Y/N squeaked, turning to Bucky with comically wide eyes. “I’m sorry what?! No, I’m not!”
“Yes! You are! You agreed to it!” Bucky countered back, equally getting worked up alongside Y/N. She blinked, completely stunned.
“What?! When the hell did I agree to that?” She cried. “I’m pretty sure I’d remember that!”
“How-how do you not remember? It was when we went to Uncle Julio’s forever ago.” Steve replied.
“The place you said the beans tasted like they were from a can and that Steve thought the salsa was too spicy,” Bucky added. Y/N vaguely remembered the restaurant. They had gone to a few since.
“Right.” Y/N said slowly. “They had really good margaritas though.”
“Right,” Bucky nodded. “And that was the same night when we asked you what you were looking for in relationships.”
Y/N paused. Now that she thought back, she did remember that question. At the time, she thought it was a little odd that they had asked that question, but she didn’t have an issue with it.
“I vaguely remember that. It was cause of something Maddie said about her husband, right?”
“It’s what led up to it, yes,” Steve nodded. “I suppose the two margaritas you had to even be able to stomach the food helped, but you told us everything you were looking for.”
“Someone smart, confident, faithful, funny, honest, someone you feel comfortable enough with to wear sweats and no makeup around,” Bucky listed off the traits she had said so long ago, counting with his fingers. Y/N’s face burned.
“Wow, I sure said a lot.” She mumbled, looking at the feet.
“Yup. You were pretty open. Now I’m understanding why.” Steve shrugged. It was slowly dawning on him that maybe, just maybe there was a loss in communication. He let out a heavy sigh, falling back into the cushions. “After probably the best monolog ever, Bucky asked you if you were willing to give us a shot.”
Now she remembered. She must have blocked absolutely mortifying that memory from her brain. She had only known them for a month at that moment in time, and she laid out her heart for them. It wasn’t hard with these two. They were so easy to be comfortable around, neither demanding she acted like someone she wasn’t or judging her on who she was. They accepted her with open arms. When she did finally stop her rant, she downed the rest of the margarita and turned to Bucky, who had been wearing the blissful grin on his face. At the time, she thought he was one of the most handsome men alive and was completely thrown by his next question. It was so out of the blue, it must have been why it never registered.
“I-I mean, yeah. You asked, but I thought-.” She thought he was joking. “I thought you were joking!”
“Right, but you laughed and said ‘Sure why not!’ We thought it was weird how you played it off, but not once did you say you assumed we were joking!” Steve stated. Y/N turned to him with a panicked look in her eye.
“B-but we’ve not been dating!” She tried to deny. It was feeble, her brain was racing through every memory she had of the past two months. And so far, the facts were stacked against her.
“Technically, we thought we were!” Bucky pointed between Steve and him. “Do you really think we eat out every other weekend?”
“Or willingly without complaint hold your bags while you shop?” Steve added. “Or take you out to lunch whenever we get the chance?”
“Yeah, but… You’re together!” Y/N reasoned. They shared a perplexed look and shrugged.
“Well yeah we are, but we figured you’d figure it out when you agreed to date us,” Steve said slowly. His mild amusement was slowly melting away when the severity of this conversation hit him. She had a clue they were a couple already, but she didn’t know she was apart of their relationship either.
“Guess we should have talked a little bit more about this after the margarita’s left your system,” Bucky muttered. He too was quickly concluding that this supposed relationship was only that to them. Y/N hadn’t the slightest clue that they were quickly falling for her and how absolutely happy she had been making them both the past two months. It was all one-sided, and clearly, they were to blame.
“That explains all the hugs and the kisses on the cheeks.” Y/N uttered, unaware of their sinking turmoil. Steve nodded numbly.
“We figured you weren’t into PDA at that much, so we kept it as minimal as possible until you gave us the clear.” He replied softly. Y/N finally looked up, her heart cracking in her chest at the sadness written across their faces. “We didn’t want to make you uncomfortable with our PDA either, so we kept our hands to ourselves as best we could.”
“That’s why you acted like you were worried I see.” Y/N whispered. “You were worried it was going to make me upset?”
“Yeah, you never said you hated it, but you never initiated it yourself. We thought since this was such a new and different kind of relationship for you, you’d need time. Now it’s become clear, you didn’t even know we thought the three of us were in a relationship.” Bucky said with a dejected tone. On any other given day, Y/N would warp him up in her arms and tell him everything was going to be alright. However, right now, she was still reeling from the latest development.
“So, you're telling me, that for the past two months, you both assumed I knew we were dating? And neither of you thought to double check with me and make sure I was up to speed with you both?”
To both their credit, Steve and Bucky winced and at least looked embarrassed. They had been both so excited, thrilled that she agreed at the time, neither thought to question it and run her off with their doubts.
“Not that it’s an excuse, but in the past the few women we’ve asked if they’d be interested in giving us a chance, they stop talking to us altogether. You called us back the next day. It’s why we assumed we were dating.” Steve sighed, his eyes closing shut.
Y/N stood there in silence, letting his words sink in. Both men shifted uncomfortably, but neither said a word. They weren’t going to dig themselves into a deeper hole than they were already in. This wasn’t something small that Y/N could just look past and move on. They missed and theoretically kept key details of their relationship from her.
“I-I have no idea what to say.” Y/N rubbed her temples, her voice cracking. Steve deflated and Bucky had to turn his gaze away to hide his shining eyes. There was something incredibly upsetting about seeing a grown man seconds away from bursting into tears.
These really were some of the happiest two months of his life. True, he and Steve were happy with their relationship. They both knew where they stood and loved each other fiercely. Though they always felt like something was missing. He loved having Steve’s bigger and stronger body to wrap up around him at night to fight away the demons he crossed every day in his job, but there were days when he craved a softer and gentler touch of a woman for him to pamper and hold.
Steve felt the same, his heart aching for another that might cement them further. He loved Bucky with his whole heart, but when he met Y/N the day Bucky pulled her over, he knew she was the missing piece to the puzzle. And because he let his past experiences rule his fear, she was most likely going to slip from their fingers.
Y/N head started to throb, her stomach in knots. This was such an informational overload. It was all starting to come together, specifically why they acted the way they did around her. But this didn’t mean she was okay with how they handled things.
She could understand them being excited, happy that she ‘agreed’ to date them. But what about discussing their limits, or even what they would tell people? It wouldn’t exactly be a conventional relationship; Y/N didn’t even know if she was slightly on board with dating not just one, but both men. She needed time to think, to sort through everything that happened the past two months.
Rubbing her arm, Y/N began to chew her lips and looked back at Bucky and Steve.
“I… I think I need to take a break.” She muttered. She swore she could see their hearts shatter in their chest, the crestfallen expression causing her stomach to turn. “I’m not saying I’ll never call you again. But I need a break, to think about everything.”
Swallowing thickly, Bucky nodded slowly and bit back his tears.
“Right, of course.” He let out a shuddering breath. “We can understand that. Neither of us meant to keep anything from you. We honestly thought you knew.”
“I know. It’s okay.” Y/N smiled kindly, “You didn’t do it intentionally. I just… I need to figure things out.”
Both men nodded quickly, clenching their fists at their side. Y/N sighed heavily and grabbed her purse. Steve rose, smoothing the wrinkles in his uniform. Y/N’s heart fluttered at the sight of the fabric stretching across his chest and quickly averted her gaze.
“I’ll walk you to the door.”
Y/N winced at his defeated tone, cold realization settling in that he really was having a godawful day. She had to push aside the guilt she felt. Once she knew where she stood in this whole mess, she could possibly make up for kicking him while he was down. Following him to the door, she gave Bucky a tight-lipped smile over her shoulder. He watched sadly from his spot on the couch, digging his nails in his thigh.
Y/N paused at the door, Steve standing to the side to let her leave. His eye’s cast to the floor, his face void of any emotions.
“I’ll call you guys when I’ve had time to think.” She whispered. Steve nodded mutely, his eyes flicking up briefly to her face before returning to the floor. On instinct, Y/N’s hand lifted to squeeze his arm but froze before her hand touches his skin. Her breath hitch in her throat and she quickly pulled her arm back. “Bye Steve.”
He mumbled a goodbye, watching her disappear down the hall before shutting the door softly behind her.
“Wait, wait, wait. Back up.”
Y/N groaned, glaring at the half empty glass of wine in front of her. Maddie shot her a glare and situated Lexi on her other hip.
“Don’t groan. I need to make sure I got everything right.” She tutted. “So, the two hotties with the bodies are in fact dating each other.”
“And they are open to an open relationship?”
“I think so. At least… They’re open with me.” Y/N said, her brows furrowing. She hadn’t really thought to ask that question before she fled. “They haven’t really seemed to be with anyone else. Just me.”
“For the sake of the argument, let’s say they’re just wanting to add you to the mix. Nobody else.” Maddie waved off to continue. “For the past two months, they’ve thought you were in a relationship because you inadvertently agree to it.”
“Well.” Y/N skewed her face in disagreement, but Maddie bulldozed right over her.
“Like it or not, you didn’t turn them down. Regardless on who knew what, they thought so. And from what you’re telling me and what I personally saw, my god I’m one jealous bitch.”
“What?” Y/N squawked. Maddie sent her a flat, unimpressed expression and took a sip from her sparkling water.
“Oh please,” Maddie grunted and set the glass down. Lexi cooed and reached out to grab the glass. Unfazed, Maddie pushed it to the side and continued talking. “They treated you like a queen. Bucky and Steve were both at your beck and call, 24/7. They made sure to work out their schedules so they could take you out to lunch almost every week. They wanted to be around you all the time, I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve looked over to you and seen you with that dopey grin on your face because they’re texting you. Not to mention, the very first encounter with you was you immediately yelling at them both. Let’s not forget that.”
“How can I when all you do is bring it up every damn day.” Y/N grumbled, taking a sip from her glass.
“Point is; They care about you. A lot. And honestly, I’ve never seen you happier.” Maddie explained. “This is probably the most unconventional relationship ever, but you have to admit. Having two men that care about you, treat you uh-mazing, and just want to be with you is pretty great. But the bottom line is, what do you want?”
Y/N grew silent, staring absently at the empty wine glass in front of her. That was the heavy question, wasn’t it? What did she want? Letting out a loud painful groan, Y/N buried her face into her hands.
“I don’t know!” She whined. “Maddie tell me! What do I want?!”
“I can’t tell you that!” Maddie exclaimed. “That’s for you to decide. At the end of the day, you have two choices. The first is you tell them you can’t be in a relationship and hope for the best. Chances are, they couldn’t look at you any other way than they have in the past two months, it’ll be too hard on them both and they’ll have to stop talking to you. It wouldn’t be fair to you, or them. The second is you pull your head out of your ass and tell them you’re falling in love with them both and you want to make it work.”
“I’m not falling in love!” Y/N denied with a scoff. Maddie rolled her eyes.
“Keep lying to yourself, princess. You get all starry-eyed whenever one of them calls, I see how much happier and less stressed than you usually are with them. Don’t believe me yet? Then answer me this; Does your heart skip a beat when you see them?” Y/N was reluctant to answer, but she eventually nodded with a pout.
“Do you feel like somethings missing when you go home at night and they aren’t there?”
Another reluctant nod.
“Do you think about their needs before you think about yours?”
Y/N thought about the brownies that were probably sitting uneaten back at their shared apartment that she knew she didn’t have to bring, but Steve would have loved. Yes, she supposed she did. Maddie was beaming now, wagging her fingers in front of Lexi’s face as she waited for the realization to settle in her best friend.
“Hate to break it to you, but you’re in pretty deep.”
Growing silent, Y/N let Maddie’s words sink in. Everything she was saying made absolute sense, and there was no real doubt in Y/N’s mind that she felt something for the two men. Somewhere along the way, Y/N found herself falling for them both despite constantly fighting those feelings. She was never going to act on them, at the time she didn’t think they’d ever be comfortable with the idea of sharing her. There was no way Y/N could ever ask them to choose, or even choose between them herself. I guess I worried for nothing, Y/N thought sheepishly.
“Now answer me one last question. Can you see yourself going forward in life without both of them there, by your side, loving you the way you deserve to be loved? And knowing they’ll make you the happiest and luckiest woman ever?”
No, she thought instantly. She couldn’t. Maddie saw the certainty flash across Y/N’s face and laughed. She walked around the island and patted Y/N on the back.
“I think you have your answer then. Now get out of my house. It’s bedtime.”
Y/N barked a laugh, ducking her head to hide her giddy grin. Stepping off the stool, Y/N turned to Maddie and hugged her tightly, careful of the tiny human in her mother’s arm.
“Thank you, Maddie. I don’t know where I’d be without you.” She murmured and let Maddie go. Maddie snorted.
“You’d probably be the town crazy lady with twenty cats that yells at people to get off her lawn.” She stated. Y/N rolled her eyes and leaned down to gently squeeze Lexi’s leg. The little girls squealed a happy giggle, chewing on her tiny fist between her gums.
“You’re mommy’s a bitch, you know that?” Y/N cooed. Lexi beamed, completely unaware of what was going on, but happy to get all the attention. Maddie, however, scoffed and poked Y/N in the side harshly.
“Out. Quit stalling and go back to your men.”
“Alright. Alright.” Y/N groaned. She walked out of the kitchen and through the living room where Jason and Robert were cuddling on the couch, a bowl of popcorn between them. “Bye, you two.”
Robert barely paid her any mind, too engrossed by the cartoon on the tv. Jason smiled widely with a mouth full of popcorn and waved at Y/N over the back of the couch. She made a face of mock disgust and rolled her eyes.
“Always the charmer Jason.”
Shaking her head, Y/N let herself out the front door and walked back to her car, toying with her keys. There were a few ways she could go about this. She could go home and call them tomorrow or she could call them now. It had only been about an hour and a half; she knew they’d still be up for at least another few hours. Gripping the steering wheel, Y/N let out the tension she was keeping in and started the engine after finally coming to a decision.
Twenty minutes later Y/N walked up the stairs and stopped in front of the door. Y/N took in a deep breath and knocked sharply, shifting anxiously from foot to foot. She heard heavy footsteps coming up to the door moments later and the lock flicking loudly. The door slowly opened, and Y/N smiled hesitantly, playing with her purse strap.
“H-hey.” Bucky leaned against the door, his eyes wide in surprise. Y/N’s breath caught in her throat at him in a tight tank, loose grey sweat pants and bare feet. Blinking rapidly, Y/N shook her head and tore her gaze away from his chest and tried to ignore the adorable stray curl on his forehead.
“I um… I know it’s late, but I couldn’t wait. Can we talk?” she asked nervously. Bucky looked her over, his eyes were soft and unperturbed. He could tell she was nervous, waiting for him to reject her and send her away. The corners of his lips turned up and he pushed off the door, reaching forward to take her hand in his. Y/N let out a breath of relief and let him pull her into the apartment. Shutting the door softly behind her, keeping her close before he led her into the living room.
“Have a seat. I’ll get Steve.” He said gently and strode down the hall. Y/N sank into the cushions, trying to relax as she strained to hear Bucky letting Steve know she was there. A few minutes later, Bucky walked back to the living room with Steve trailing behind. Steve paused, a flash of uncertainty going across his face before he blinked. She bit her cheek and smiled meekly.
“Hey,” Steve nodded carefully, his guarded eyes flicking over to Bucky. “Didn’t expect you to call back anytime soon let alone show up.”
“Yeah well,” Y/N laughed breathlessly. “I had a great helper who made me see I was overreacting a bit, again.”
Bucky and Steve chuckled softly, knowing exactly who she was referring to. If this conversation went how he thought it might go, Steve made a mental note to send her a thank you basket. Y/N looked back to her hands, a frown on her face and her heart in her throat.
“So, I know you’ve thought we’ve been dating for the past two months. I didn’t really have a clue, but it still doesn’t take away from the fact that you thought we were.” Y/N started. “A little unconventional yeah, I’ll admit it, but now that I’ve had time to process the idea, it’s not something I’m opposed to.”
“We didn’t mean to-,” Bucky said. Y/N shook her head and gave him a reassuring smile.
“No. I know. I’m not upset about it, honestly, I don’t think I ever really was. Maybe a little blindsided but not upset.” Y/N snickered. “It’s a little unconventional yeah, I’ll admit it, but now that I’ve had time to process the idea, it’s not something I’m opposed to.” 
Bucky’s eyebrows shot to his hairline, surprised by her admission. Steve was equally astonished, glancing at Bucky from the corner of his eyes. He tried to ignore the flutter in his stomach, not ready to get his hopes up just yet. But it wasn’t every day someone admitted they were willing to try out their unusual relationship. Y/N went back to staring at her hands, picking at her cuticles with an unsure expression.
“I mean, it’s not ever something I envisioned in my life. I definitely didn’t think I’d ever fall for not one, but two men like you two, but I can’t seem to find it in myself to be upset about it either.”
“You’re falling for us?” Bucky asked breathlessly. He walked around the coffee table and carefully sank into the cushion on the couch. He crossed his leg and tucked his ankle under his thigh, his knee gently brushing against Y/N’s thigh. Y/N nodded, her cheeks burning.
“Why wouldn’t I? You’re both sweet, thoughtful, freakishly considerate.” Y/N giggled. “Maybe a little oblivious and lacking in the communication department, but everybody has faults.”
“If all we have to work on is talking more with you, I think we can both agree we’re up for that improvement.” Bucky teased, winking over to Steve. The other sent him a tight-lipped smile, his fist clenched tensely at his side. Bucky frowned and tilted his head towards Y/N all while he kept his eye on Steve.
“I do have so many questions, and things are going to be a little weird for me to get used to, but I mean the only difference between then and now is that… Well, now I know we are in fact dating.” Y/N let out a heavy breath. Steve’s gaze snapped towards Y/N, his lips parting as a soft gasp slipped through. Bucky let out a breathy chuckle and threw his arm on the back on the couch, brushing his thumb against Y/N’s shoulder. She smiled softly at the soft caress and leaned into his touch.
“You still want to date us?” Steve asked breathlessly. It was almost like a dream, part of him couldn’t believe it. He was one hundred percent certain that he was still laying in bed beside Bucky, struggling to contain the tears from heartbreak before he fell asleep. This had to be a dream, right? Yet, when Y/N looked up and locked eyes with him, he could see the certainty and touch of worry. She nodded slowly and bit her lower lip.
“Of course, I do. I could never choose between either of you, not that I would ever want to either.” Y/N said firmly. “I can understand if you’ve lost a little of the trust since, you know, my freaked out early, but I really do want to make this work. Just thinking about-.”
Y/N didn’t have a chance to finish her rehearsed speech. In a flash, Steve was across the room taking up the empty seat beside her on the couch and pressing a desperate kiss to her mouth, effectively cutting her off. She squeaked against his mouth, startled at just how fast the giant man was, but melted instantly in his tender hold and wrapped a hand around the back of his neck.
Reluctantly pulling away, Steve pressed his forehead against hers with his eyelids tightly shut and couldn't stop the wide smile that spread across his lips. Y/N’s head swam, his hot breath fanning across her face. There was a gentle tug from the side, a soft hush stopping her whine before Bucky took his turn to kiss her. He was more controlled, surer. As if he knew at the end of the day Y/N would be back, that she felt things for them both. He brushed his tongue against her lower lip but pulled back with a wicked grin before she could return the kiss. Y/N inhaled sharply and pouted as her eyes flutter open.  
“So, we’re all in agreement?” Bucky whispered huskily. “From this point on, we talk about everything, don’t hide any secrets and we’re officially exclusive to each other?”
Y/N nodded numbly, still scrambling to get her wits about herself. Steve chuckled; his chest lighter than before. He cupped her cheek and turned her face back to his. Y/N blinked, melting at the intensity in his blue eyes.
“We should probably talk about what all this means.” Y/N muttered halfheartedly. She really did want to clear things up, but the longer she sat sandwiched between their two bodies, the quicker she felt her self-control slipping out the window.
“We can talk about logistics later. Right now, I just want to hold my now official girlfriend and longtime boyfriend.” He shushed, brushing his thumb along her lower lip. Bucky giggled, actually giggled and buried his face to her neck. He took in a deep breath, savoring her comforting smell and nodded.
“I think we all deserve that. Talk later, cuddle now.”
Y/N giggled and found herself being scooped up, back into Steve’s lap with Bucky pressed up beside her. She wrapped her arm around Steve’s neck and leaned back against Bucky. He kissed up her neck and rubbed soft circles to her arm. She sighed, letting her eyes slip shut in content. They were right, they had all the time in the world to talk later.
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writerrsj · 5 years
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Destiel fanfic one-shot (fluffy)
Dean and Cas - one parachute - one life-changing realization.  Guest appearance by Sam and a witch. No beta - just something I couldn’t get out of my head. 
“You knew, didn’t you?” Dean Winchester switches his attention between his brother and best friend. Neither denied it as they combined ingredients for the spell. A spell that would destroy the witch and the plane they were on. “I hate flying.”
The pilot rushed by the bound and gagged witch and by them. Opening a compartment, he held up two packs. “There are only two for the three of you.”
“Sonovabitch,” Dean ran the words together and turned away. Punching the tin metal deathtrap wouldn’t help, but he still considered it. The pop of the potion made him turn back. Cas held the small bowl in both hands as Sam added the final ingredient. 
Grabbing one pack, Sam started putting it on. He nodded to the pilot.  “We’ll be fine. You need to get out of here.”
“Have you guys jumped before?” The pilot looked at them then shrugged. “Pardon the pun, but you’re about to get a—”
“Don’t say it,” Dean interrupted. He shook his head slowly even after the man snapped his mouth shut. Considering they’d saved his ass, it was the least he could do. “He was going to say crash course.”
Cas’ mouth shut on the unasked question. He now held the small bag that continued to drip. There wasn’t time to let it cool and harden. The plane was still hurtling through the air toward a mountain.
“This is an altimeter. You need to pull the chute by 4500.”  The pilot tapped the gauge as Sammy connected the cords.  “ 4500.”
“Got it. Cas?”
The pilot moved to the former angel who shook his head. “Put it on Dean.”
“If you’re doing a tandem jump—”
“Put it on Dean.”  The deep voice prompted the man to move.
Dean almost smiled.  Cas might be a fallen angel, but he could still command authority over most lesser mortals. He had let Cas get by with all kinds of crap he’d have killed anyone else for doing. The thought pulled something in him tight but there wasn’t time to think about it. There was never time to think or feel...and he wanted to be grateful for that. He was grateful for that. Glaring, he stepped his legs through the holes as the pilot prompted. The man helped him snap everything into place.  
The words still hadn’t penetrated the fog in Dean’s head. He’d agreed to come on the plane because that was the job. Dying (again) because he was still trying to do his job and fight monsters didn’t seem fair. He tried to shake off the fog as memories of things he’d done that were less than right filled his mind. “I guess it doesn’t matter that I’m cursed if I’m dying again.”
“You aren’t dying, but we’ve gotta move.” Cas walked calmly even as the plane tilted. “Sam.”
“I’m on it,”  Sam grabbed Dean’s arm and pulled him toward the open door of the small plane. “We have a plan and that doesn’t include dying with this witch.”
“When do our plans ever work out?” Dean tried to bite the words back when the plane pitched to the left. He turned back in time to see the witch roll into Cas’ legs to trip him.
Ignoring Sam’s call, Dean blindly pushed him back. The roll of the plane did the rest and sent his brother safely out the door.
“CAS!” Dean rushed forward as the witch continued to strike with her bound legs. Cas continued to hold potion steady. His blue eyes swung to Dean.
“Get out of here!” 
Dean ignored those words too. He kicked the witch and placed his hand on Cas’ shoulder. “I’m not leaving without you,”
Glaring, Cas repeated the incantation for the final time and tossed the bag and bowl to the ground. His body slammed into Dean as a bright light exploded.
Heat seared Dean’s flesh from the inside out. Either air or blood rushed in his ears, but he wasn’t sure which.  Pain didn’t flash through his body - it consumed it. He couldn’t pry his eyes open to look beyond the blinding light. It wasn’t the first time he’d died, but he thought it might be the last time. He no longer had a guardian angel…
‘It needs every last Winchester it can get and I will not let you die.’
‘That is your problem, Dean. You have no faith.’
Images of the angel accompanied the words - blue eyes, furrowed brow, trenchcoat, shadows of wings.
‘Hey, assbutt.’
‘I’m hunted, I rebelled, and I did it, all of it, for you.’
Memories of purgatory and hell flared briefly before the angel filled his mind again. Healing touch, rare smiles, awkward hugs.
‘I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.’
Something pulled Dean away from the light. His eyes opened to see a hand on his shoulder. He followed it to see familiar blue eyes.
Thunder and lightning. Wind. An angel flying. Dean remembered his first meeting with Cas - his lips twitched. “I stabbed you in the heart.”
Cas couldn’t hear the words anymore than Dean could. Air still rushed by but when Cas turned him he saw the earth below. The ground rushing to meet them. Too damn fast.
‘I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.’
The words repeated seconds before his body was jerked back hard enough to rattle his head. Time slowed to a crawl, but the memories continued. Battles and beer. Late nights and early mornings. Pain and laughter.
‘I”ll just...wait here then.’
‘I love you.’
The storm broke and blue sky appeared in front of him. Blue. He twisted to see Cas behind him and the parachute beyond him. The dark clouds still lingered, but they hadn’t died.
“Breathe, Dean. We didn’t die on the plane.” 
Dean wasn’t sure if he heard the words or not, but he felt Cas’ tight grip around him when he’d spoken against his ear. Air rushed into his lungs and the heat became a pleasant warmth. There was no longer pain. He could almost believe Cas had found his angel mojo again, but he knew he was just a man. 
More memories flashed even though his life wasn’t ending. Cas could never be a mere man.
‘I’ll interrogate the cat.’
‘I think it’s time for me to move on.’
He didn’t realize he was gripping Cas’ hand until he again felt words against his ear.
“There’s Sam. We’ll aim for him.” 
They veered left and Dean studied the ground floating toward them in slow motion. His brother was on the ground watching them - his arms waved wildly and his grin was wide.
“Bring your legs up. It will be like sliding into home base.”
“Have you ever played baseball?” Dean had meant to snap but the words came out with a chuckle. 
“No,” Cas answered needlessly. He also hugged Dean from behind as they slid along the ground.
“What the hell happened?” The words weren’t welcoming, but Sam dropped to his knees to hug them both.
Dean returned it then pushed him away. “What happened is you two idiots set me up. Your plan was always for us to jump. No one told me that.”
“If we’d told you, you wouldn’t have come.” Cas released the snaps connecting them.
Sam stood and stepped back. Dean remained on the ground - the memories flashed brightly once more as the truth became clear. He started laughing then laughed harder when his giant little brother stumbled back.
“Uh, Cas?” Sam scrubbed a hand over his face and stared.
“It wasn’t ideal and we probably got hit with some magic, but he’ll be fine. He isn’t broken.” Still seated behind him, Cas placed a hand on Dean’s shoulder.
“Falling is easy, it’s that last foot that kills you.” The words were garbled since Dean continued to laugh. “I’ve been falling for over ten years.”
The hand on his shoulder tightened and pulled him back. Dean rested against Cas’ chest and tried to find his control. The control that had always allowed him to do his job. Emotion clogged his throat and choked off the laughter. His eyes burned when he rolled them away from his brother and his angel.
Cas’ mouth brushed his ear when he said his name. A shiver rippled along Dean’s spine. It wasn’t the same adrenaline rush as when he’d fought for his life - when he’d fought to save Cas, when he’d fought to kill him. Ten years of life shared - good times and bad. Cas had always been with him. No, he wasn’t fight Cas. The feeling was something different, something softer, but still all-consuming, life-changing. More memories rippled from the darkness of his mind.
‘Dean and I do share a more profound bond.’
‘I’ll find some way to redeem myself to you.’
‘Whatever I ask, you seem to do the exact opposite.’
‘I always come when you call.’
Dean didn’t realize he’d turned until he stared into Cas’ eyes. Familiar, challenging, comforting.
‘I love you.’
Never breaking eye contact, Dean tried to find the words to explain his fall. “You aren’t my brother, Cas.”
Sam cursed, but it was Cas’ flinch that had Dean reaching for his tie. He fisted a hand in it and remembered the number of times he’d had to straighten it. The former angel had never learned to tie one well. He still looked good in a suit though.
“Always with the invasion of personal space.” It wasn’t the first time he’d reminded Cas. Dean had never backed away after any of them; this time, he didn’t let the other man lean back even an inch. He pulled slightly on the tie to bring him closer still.
“Dean?” Cas’ voice was even deeper. Brow furrowed, he tilted his head to the side. 
“Didn’t I once tell you to never change?” Dean watched pupils expand to cover move blue. 
“I’m just gonna...go...somewhere else…” 
Ignoring his brother again, Dean’s gaze flicked down to Cas’ mouth. It was a habit he’d never been able to adequately explain or stop. Now, it seemed so obvious. “Let’s hope this last foot doesn’t kill me.”
There wasn’t a foot between them, but Dean closed the distance and pressed a kiss on Cas’ mouth.
The last foot hadn’t killed him. Dean had even admitted to Cas that it had given him life. His fallen angel had saved his life and broken his own fall. It hadn’t been a chick flick moment though. Maybe a porn—
“It took you falling out of a plane to realize you loved him?” Sam shook his head with a laugh and drank more beer.
Dean frowned on principle.
“Demons and angels have said it for years.” Sam ran a hand through his hair and grinned. “None of that clued you in?”
“You didn’t know either,” Dean grumbled even as his eyes darted back down the hall. Cas had been sleeping when he’d left their room and still hadn’t joined them.
Beer spewed across the table when Sam laughed.
“Choke on that laughter, bitch.” Dean grabbed a towel and cleaned up the mess. Another glance, and still no Cas.
“Knowing and saying something are two different things. You always do the opposite of what I say.” 
Dean’s head spun back to frown at his brother. “Cas said something like that.”
“That one of your memories when you were falling?” 
“You just can’t let that go, can you? Don’t make me regret telling you.” Dean had shared some of those moments since Sam had been worried about the witch being able to use their spell against them. It had been weeks now and his brother continued to bring it up. 
“I could’ve said that when your life story flashed before your eyes it was all about Cas,” Sam pointed out with another laugh. “I’d be insulted by your lack of family devotion if it wasn’t so funny. It only took you ten years to figure it out.”
“Your point, Sammy?” 
“It was a helluva fall, Dean.” Sam smiled instead of laughed and lifted his bottle.
Dean clinked his against it and repeated the toast. “It was a helluva fall.”
“Would you do it again?” Cas now stood in the doorway. Sleep rumpled, he stared at Dean with his head tilted to the side.
“Yeah, angel, I would,” Dean vowed.
“And that’s my cue to leave.” Sam took the bottle with him and clapped a hand on Dean’s shoulder as he passed. “See ya, Cas.”
“Goodbye, Sam.” Cas entered the room and moved into Dean’s personal space.
Dean watched him with a grin. His gaze moved down to Cas’ lips as the fallen angel said the familiar words he’d never get tired of hearing.
“Hello, Dean.”
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choicessa · 7 years
Begin Again Pt. 2(Drake x MC)
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Drake x MC (Elizabeth)
Words: ~4500 (it got long again, I’m so sorry…)
Summary: After Elizabeth’s sudden disappearance after he’s been shot, Drake finally finds her in New York and tries to understand why had she left like that?
Note: Part two of THIS.
I allow myself to tag people who told me they would want to read part two, so here you are! <3 Aaaand I’ve got a bad news – it’ll be part three (please don’t kill me) @drakesass @psychicbluebirdpainter @chantelle-x0x @kamybelen-blog  @enmchoices aaand also tagging my dearest friend @mariawalkerwrites <3
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“A diner…” Drake stated, raising his brow questioningly and Elizabeth smiled slightly, stopping right in front of the doors.
“Yup, that what’s written right here.” She pointed to the big black letters on the window and Drake rolled his eyes, sighing.
“I didn’t forget how to read, Harris…” He murmured almost when Elizabeth pushed the doors.
The bell hanging from the ceiling ringed when they both stepped inside, stopping for a moment and looking around. The truth was it was almost her second home for the last months, every time when sitting in an empty apartment was too much, when too many memories were haunting her, she simply came here, at least for a moment dipping in the oblivion, letting herself forget, even if just for a moment. Drake obediently followed her as Elizabeth sat at one of the tables, in the corner of the diner, away from the ears of the rest of the customers. The waitress took their orders and after a moment she stood two cups of steaming coffee in front of them.
For a longer moment they were sitting in silence, only shooting shy glances at each other from time to time, slowly sipping their coffees. Elizabeth discreetly watched the man sitting in front of her, and when Drake turned his head to the side, looking out of the window, as if he just saw something very intriguing there, the girl allowed herself to look closely at him. On the one hand, he didn’t change at all, but on the other... His hair was probably longer than she remembered, although maybe it was just an illusion? Maybe time slowly began to blur the details of what he looked like? With sadness on her face, Elizabeth shifted her gaze lower, pausing for fractions of seconds at the height of his eyes, her brow furrowed, watching dark circles under his eyes. How many sleepless nights did he spend, just as she did, before finally regaining the semblance of any normality and sleep? How many times did he have to look at his reflection, just as she did, wondering where was the person he once was? How many times did he curse her name for what she did to him... Just like she spent long hours cursing herself for what she did, for how she screwed up not only hers, but his life as well. As Drake was still staring at something outside the window, the girl's eyes moved again, stopping on his lips and heart in her chest suddenly started to beat like crazy when she couldn’t take her eyes off the view in front of her. She almost felt the taste of his hot kisses, almost felt the same injection of adrenaline again as memories returned, every moment he grabbed her in his arms, pressing her into his body, his mouth finding hers again and again when she was forgetting about the whole world, everything around her shrinking to Drake and the taste of his kisses… But that was a long time ago, a chapter in her life already closed. When Drake sighed and turned his head to look at her, Liz quickly lifted a cup of coffee to her lips, pretending to take a sip.
Get it together, Harris! It’s just a stupid coffee and you are grown-up people! Stop behaving like a startled child!
She looked up once more, meeting the eyes of the man sitting opposite and corners of her mouth twitched slightly, rising in an imitation of smile.
“How are you holding up?” She asked, before biting her tongue.
Idiot! Of all the things you could have asked you seriously had to ask THIS question!? Of course he’s not fine! Not after everything you have done to him!
Drake raised his brow, just looking at her and Elizabeth shook her head, scoffing.
“Sorry, it was the most stupid question I could ever ask, of course you’re not fine…” She sighed, looking down at her cup of coffee.
“Yeah, well… At least I learned once and for all to never open up in front of anyone ever again. It’s not worth it, having your heart broken over and over again…” He murmured, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Drake…” Her voice was full of pain when she dropped her gaze, unable to look straight into his eyes.
“You know, I…” He shook his head before looking at her. “I just still try to understand why. Why did you think that leaving was the best option? Why couldn’t you make another choice?”
“Drake, you know why…”
“Oh I do know? Well then… Was it because you got tired of me? Or maybe you never meant to choose me at all? Maybe it was just for fun, to chase after prince’s best friend just to rip his heart out later?”
“Drake, please…” She tried to interrupt but he didn’t let her, his eyes filling with anger once more this night.
“Maybe I was the one who got too attached and scared you away, huh?”
“Drake, stop…”
“Or maybe you simply didn’t want to take care of a cripple, in case something worse happened to me? Didn’t want to have a burden like me?”
“Stop it!” She shouted, raising her voice.
He finally fell silent but his eyes filled with anger were still locked on her.
“You left me, Harris! You left me when I needed you the most!”
“And I’ve already told you that I regret it every day! You want to know why I did that!? After you’ve been shot I couldn’t find my place anymore in that stupid palace. You were in the hospital, doctors couldn’t predict when will you wake up, if you will ever wake up and… I couldn’t find my place, not without you, not knowing that you were hurt because of me!” Her hands clenched into fists at this memory. “Can you imagine what I have felt, washing my hands, trying to get rid of the blood that belonged to you? How it was to still see your body laying motionlessly on the floor whenever I closed my eyes? Can you imagine how I felt knowing that if it wasn’t for me – none of that would have happened!?”
“You weren’t responsible for that assassination attempt…” Drake rolled his eyes.
“No, I wasn’t. But if I wasn’t there in the first place you wouldn’t get hurt.”
“That’s stupid…” He snorted. “Why would you even think that?”
“Don’t you see? If I’d never come to Cordonia at first place, you wouldn’t have fallen for me, I wouldn’t be the target of the assassins and… you wouldn’t feel that stupid need of saving me… I…” She took a deep breath before continuing. “I know I could have died and I know I should be grateful that you saved my life but… I was just… so angry at you. Furious! You risked everything, you risked ‘us’ and…” She stopped for a moment, gripping her cup with her hands, looking down into dark liquid in it. “If I wasn’t there, nothing like that would happened! You wouldn’t be hurt!”
“Come on, Harris…”
“And what if another attack would happen, huh? Even if you’re fine now, safe and sound, can you guarantee it won’t happen again? Could you promise me that in case of another assassination attempt you wouldn’t put yourself at risk just because of me? Saving me once again? I can’t put you in situation like that, I simply can’t. I can’t be the reason for something to happen to you!”
„You know that doesn’t make any sense? How can you blame yourself, Harris, if it wasn’t even your choice.” He sighed heavily, now looking tired, so tired with all that happened, with this pointless conversation which wasn’t solving anything, they were just going round and round, circling around the same thing and still not moving on.
“I know! But… If I never was there in a first place…”
“Okay, Harris, just… stop. It was my choice, I did it and you have nothing to do with it! Shit happens!”
“Almost dying is ‘shit’ for you?” Her eyes widened when she looked at him and Drake sighed heavily, rubbing his eyes with hands.
“What I’m trying to say…” He took a deep breath. “Is that I can as well be hit by a falling brick and die.”
“But putting yourself at risk is a different thing!”
“It was to save you!”
“But that’s what I’m trying to tell you! I don’t want anyone to risk their life for me! I don’t want to put you or anyone else in situation of saving me! I don’t want… I don’t want anyone to hurt because of me! I… I’m not worth it…” Elizabeth finally blurted out, immediately regretting saying those words.
She never wanted to admit it out loud, even though it was the whole truth. She didn’t feel worthy. Not worthy of being saved, of someone caring about her so much that would actually want to sacrifice everything just for her. Someone who’d be willing to hurt just to spare her the pain. Elizabeth looked down at the coffee in her cup, feeling new tears forming in her eyes. Oh God, no, not again… She had enough of crying and definitely didn’t want to cry in front of him again. And when she was looking into her coffee, still trying to stop tears from falling, she felt sudden warmth on her palm and she looked up just to see Drake’s hand on top of hers, squeezing it gently.
“You were to me.” He said, looking into her eyes, his thumb slowly stroking the top of her hand, brushing her skin. “You were worth every moment of pain back then. Because at least I knew you were okay.”
“Drake, you… You can’t just say things like that…” She murmured, shaking her head, looking down again.
His words were meant to soothe her but they caused a completely opposite reaction. That guilt overwhelming her again, the thought that someone could care about her so much, that he could care so much, he’d even risk his life for her.
“Harris… Look at me…” He asked softly and Liz involuntarily raised her face and their eyes met. For a moment she got lost in the look of his dark eyes, unable to look back, feeling almost like she got back in time, seeing the hint of a familiar tenderness, hiding in his eyes. “It wasn’t your fault. It was my decision and mine only. Don’t ever take a blame for that.”
“But if I’d lose you…”
“You didn’t…”
“But if I did! I’d never be able to live without you, knowing that something happened to you because of me…”
“Well, jokes on you, because I would never forgive myself knowing that I didn’t do everything to save you!” He sighed, shaking his head.
For a moment they were just looking at each other, that strange tension between them, the weight of words just spoken still hanging in the air. Until finally Elizabeth sighed, shaking her head.
“We’re pathetic losers, aren’t we?” She scoffed, laughing nervously.
“Yeah, well… If you call two people who were willing to sacrifice themselves for each other, just because they cared so much being a loser, than yes, we are them…” He sighed, to her surprise raising corner of his lips in a smile when something unreadable appeared in his eyes, something she once knew but now couldn’t read anymore.
“Drake, I…”
She wanted to say something, anything but her mind was refusing to come up with anything constructive, her thoughts just drifted away leaving a blank page in her mind. All those things he said… They were probably meant to help her feel better but they kept on reminding her about the guilt of leaving him, reminding her about his suffering caused just because of her... And even after everything she had done, he was sitting right in front of her, holding her hand, almost like nothing happened. How could she ever make it up to him? How could she ever deserve him again? Elizabeth swallowed hard, her gaze dropping down to their hands, still together, when his thumb kept on slowly stroking the top of her palm. It was so… ordinary, just like it always supposed to be… Just like they were always supposed to be… She was opening her mouth again when suddenly the ringtone of Drake’s phone brought them both back to reality. He slowly released grip on her hand, reaching to his pocket and Elizabeth almost painfully felt the lack of his hand on hers. How was it possible that his one single touch could make her go crazy again? How could it be enough to make her crave him so much?
“It’s… Liam…” Drake looked down at his phone, interrupting her thoughts.
“Oh.” Liz raised her brow surprised.
“I should… Uhmm…” He nervously moved hand through his hair. “I should probably get that…”
“Oh, sure! Take your time, I’ll just… Wait…” She waved her hand and Drake stood up, raising phone to his ear and leaving the diner to go outside.
Elizabeth’s gaze followed him, looking at his silhouette when he stopped in front of the diner, gesturing while talking to Liam and in that moment all of her doubts and regrets came back to her. What if she did make a mistake that night? Maybe running away was never a solution? Why all those reasons were enough back then but now they sounded like excuses? Why did she hurt him so much? Elizabeth looked away, blinking a few times to get rid of the new tears pooling under her eyelids. Thinking about it and going back to what was before, wouldn’t change anything, she had to learn to live with what she did and move forward. Or at least try... Sipping her coffee in silence, she was patiently waiting for Drake to come back .
“So what Liam wanted?” Elizabeth asked when he finally got back.
“Oh, he was just curious if I’ve found you.” Drake shrugged.
“Did you tell him?”
“Of course I did, Harris. He is your friend. He was worried about you, just like everyone else.”
“Everyone?” She repeated, the same wave of guilt flooding her again, reminding her that it wasn’t only Drake she left behind. Reminding her that she left all of them.
“Maxwell, Liam, Hana… They’re your friends, Harris, of course they do care about you!”
“I guess I left quite a mess leaving like that, huh?” It was rather a statement then a question and Drake sighed.
“They were just worried. They still are. You’ve never even sent a single message, to let anyone know that you are okay, that maybe we have nothing to worry about. Not a single sign. Just like you never existed in our lives.”
“I thought it was the best option. And I wanted to write to you, to anyone, but I was afraid. That if I would send even one message, I won’t be able to stop, that… I will get too attached and change my mind, go back to the things I tried to left.”
“Would it be so hard? So terrible to actually come back?”
Elizabeth raised her face and looked at him with her brows drew in pain.
“You know that’s not what I meant...” She sighed.
For a moment they were sitting in silence, feeling like every word has been already spoken, like there was nothing left to say. And it hurt. It hurt that once they could spend hours, long days and evenings just talking, laughing, happy they could spend some stolen moments in each other’s company. And now? They couldn’t even talk anymore, they didn’t have anything to talk about. Suddenly Elizabeth yawned, covering her mouth with her hand, shaking her head.
“I’m sorry, it’s been a long day.” She sighed, smiling apologetically.
“It is pretty late.” Drake admitted, looking at the watch on his wrist. “Maybe we should go…”
Elizabeth looked up at him and realized that even though this deafening silence between them was so strange and uncomfortable still she didn’t want this evening to end. That once he came back, she didn’t want to lose him again, she didn’t want to let him slip through her fingers. She wanted to hold him by her side as long as she could but at the same time she was afraid of admitting it. She was afraid of rejection, afraid that maybe she fed herself with hope too early. Maybe he was just trying to be nice, hear her explanation, maybe he only wanted to bury the hatchet and not begin again. She looked at him for a moment wondering if there was any way of telling him that she didn’t want to go? To part from him? Not yet?
And maybe there was something in her eyes, maybe Drake noticed that silent plea, the need of having him by her side, because he sighed and stretching his arms a bit, he looked at her.
“Maybe… Do you want me to walk you back? It’s late and I don’t want you to, you know…”
Corners of her lips moved, almost lifting in a smile when Elizabeth nodded.
“That would be nice. They paid the bill and left the diner, going back onto streets of New York. At the beginning this silence between them was almost deafening, again, but with passing time all the awkwardness suddenly evaporated and their presence was everything they needed, no words, no explanations anymore, just this silence. Both of them were deep inside their own thoughts, only feeling, sensing the presence of the other person walking next to them. They were slowly walking arm to arm, their hands casually brushing against each other with their every step. And none of them thought of moving, making the space between them bigger. Because it was something soothing in the way their skin kept on touching, the way their arms casually met from time to time. And when Drake looked at her for the hundredth time this evening, he noticed that her face finally relaxed and a small, almost dreamy smile was wandering over her face, making himself want to raise corners of his lips in a smile.
Was it really so easy to forget? Was her closeness, her smile, her joy once again enough to forget about the pain? It was still there, deep in his heart, but that feeling of being frozen, of being hollow, was slowly fading away. How was the longing so strong comparing to his broken heart? How could he miss her so much? Maybe it won’t be so easy to move on and to forgive but… If her single touch was enough to make him feel that warmth again, than maybe not everything was lost? She made a mistake but… He made a lot of them too and did it mean hating her forever? Forgetting about all the happiness they had and more they could have? How letting her into his heart was still easier than forgetting, feeding himself with hatred and anger, no matter what she has done?
Lost in his thoughts he suddenly realized that they’re going exactly the same way they once walked during their stay in New York, during the engagement tour. The same place, the same girl by his side but oh, how everything has changed. Sighing heavily he stopped for a moment, coming closer to the railing, leaning his arms against it, his gaze wandering over dark water, locked on the city lights somewhere far in front of him.
“What’s wrong?” He heard Elizabeth’s voice when she approached him slowly.
“Nothing, I just…” Drake sighed, shaking his head. “I was just thinking about the first time we’ve been here.”
“During engagement tour?” She murmured, coming closer, standing right next to him.
“Mhmm.” He nodded. “Everything was… so different back then…”
“Yeah… I still was involved in that Tariq drama, waiting for my name to be cleared.” Elizabeth sighed, shaking her head. “It seemed so complicated back then but later… It only got worse…”
Drake looked at her but didn’t say a single word.
“And I still don’t know how you managed to convince me to wear that stupid Henley shirt back then…” He sighed after a moment and Elizabeth looked at him, amusement in her eyes when she smiled slightly.
“You weren’t complaining, I even remember you saying it was quite comfortable!” She said, triumphantly pointing her finger at him.
“You do? Naah, you’re making this up, I’m sure I didn’t say that…” He rolled his eyes, smirking.
“Hey!” Elizabeth took a step closer and punched him gently. “Have guts to admit it, Walker! You loved that Henley.” She grinned to him.
No, I loved how much you were happy I wore it… He thought to himself, smiling warmly at the sight of her happy face.
“It wasn’t that bad…” He finally admitted, his gaze slipping over city lights in the distance and a smile wandering on his face.
Elizabeth smiled, looking at him, suddenly feeling that urge to reach out to him, that need to brush the skin on his cheeks, feel his stubble under her gentle touch... She missed him so much, missed his touch, that familiar feeling of his warm skin on hers. But she couldn’t. She lost her right to do that, didn’t she?
“I understand why you did that.” Drake said suddenly, silently. “Why you thought that running away was easier. I was running away my whole life, from things that were too much and… I understand.” He turned his head to the side, finally looking at her and Elizabeth swallowed hard, hearing his words. “I do understand but… it still hurts…”
“I just thought you will forget about me. That you will move on. That I will move on…” She admitted silently.
“Impossible, Harris. I could never move on…” He whispered.
Those words were never meant for her to hear but she did. She heard every single one of them and with her eyes wide opened she looked at him, feeling her heart beating like crazy in her chest. Oh, how much she wanted to tell him… Tell him that after all this time she still feels the same way, that she still loves him like she always did. She wanted to apologize him a thousands times, begging him to forgive her, again and again. But was she allowed to? Could he ever forgive her? She took a step towards him, taking a deep breath when she suddenly felt it.
A raindrop.
First, then second, slowly falling on her skin when Elizabeth looked up, surprised.
“Now it will start to rain?” She groaned when the raindrops began to hit her outstretched hand.
„Come on it’s just drizzle…” Drake rolled his eyes. „But we should go.”
“Just a drizzle, huh?” Liz asked when few moments later rain started falling for good.
Their clothes quickly soaked in just a few minutes, when they quickened their pace, wanting to escape the rainstorm as soon as possible.
“It’s just a rain, Harris…”
“But my hair! They’ll be destroyed!”
Drake rolled his eyes, murmuring something about “these women” and Elizabeth quickened her pace, now almost running, like it could help with hiding from the rain.
“Come on, it’s right behind the corner!” She urged, taking another turn, finally noticing familiar building in a distance.
Almost breathlessly they reached the door and ran inside, standing there in silence, interrupted only by their quickened breaths. Maybe they stood there for a few seconds, maybe a few minutes, until finally Drake cleared his throat and moved his hand over his wet hair.          
“So, uhm… I guess that’s it. Goodnight, Harris.” With those words he looked at her one more time before turning around, ready to leave.
Elizabeth was like a frozen one, watching as he was slowly disappearing in the distance. So that was it? He just came, they talked and… now he wanted to leave almost like nothing has happened? And she was supposed to lose him just like that? She opened her mouth before she even had a chance to think if she should say anything.
“Drake, wait…” She asked, silently.
Stay. Stay with me. Even if just for a few minutes but please don’t go yet. I need you. I missed you. And I don’t want to miss you anymore…
But even though her head was full of things she wanted to say, not a single word escaped her mouth. How could she ever asked for it, after everything she had done to him? He had every right to go, leave her, just like she did to him.
“Thank you for… walking me back.” She said finally, cursing in her mind for being such a  coward. For not having the courage to even try.
Drake only nodded, trying to hide his disappointment caused by her words. What was he counting on? Elizabeth had already made her decision, a long time ago, why would it be different now? Just because they spent some time together it didn’t mean that they could start again. That the whole past has suddenly disappeared magically, giving them a chance to try again. No. Now he had to leave again, and learn to live without her, once and for all.
“It was nothing.” He assured, a faint smile on his face as he turned toward the door to leave forever.
But then her voice stopped him again.
“You can’t be serious…”
“About what?”
“Going back in that weather? It’s a rainstorm out there!”
“It’s just a rain, Harris. And I’m not made of sugar. I’ll be fine.” He said, despite himself because the truth was that leaving her was the last thing he wanted.
“But… You’re all soaked, you can’t go out there!” Elizabeth protested again. She was well aware that she was only looking for an excuse to keep him a little longer, but she didn’t care. Not anymore. “Maybe… Maybe you’ll wait until it stop raining?” She blurted out before losing the last remnants of her courage. Maybe you can stay with me just for a little longer?  “I can make some tea to warm us up and…”
“And?” He took a few steps towards her, raising his brow questioningly.
“I have whiskey?” She smiled.
For a moment Drake hesitated, it was clearly visible that he was fighting with himself, part of him suddenly afraid of staying with her, afraid of letting her into his heart again, afraid that it will only break again. But at the same time the other part of him never wanted to leave her, that part wanted to stay here, with her, as long as possible, almost relieved that she gave him this possibility. And finally he raised his lips in a smile.
“You know that I could never deny a good whiskey…”
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real-life-pine-tree · 7 years
Seed of Darkness: How It All Begins (1/?)
All it takes it one bad seed to spoil the whole bunch. An AU collab with @violetganache42.
"So, you wish to not let this path be your destined fate."
"Of course! I'll do anything!"
"Then perhaps I can help. I'll give you the power you need to break from the chains you wear, but in return, you must join me."
"Join you? Why would I do that?"
"Because in my perfect world, you can do whatever you want. You're not restricted by chains. You can be anything you want to be."
"So what do you say? Do we have a deal?"
"Excellent. Now stay quiet for now. When the time comes, we will strike, and your destiny will finally be your own."
Two Years Later...
"Clear Wing, attack Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon! Spinstorm Sky Strike!"
It was the night of the Arc League Championship in the town of Paradise City. The first set of matches were over, and as of now, a lot of crazy stuff has been occurring, beginning with an intense duel heating up between Shay Obsidian from Heartland City and Sora Perse of Duel Academy, who was forcibly teleported back there right as he was in the middle of dueling two look-alikes: another XYZ resident and member of the Resistance named Yuto and the Pendulum pioneer known as Yuya Sakaki. After Sora’s sudden teleportation and the duel ending with no result, Yuto explained to Yuya about his hometown was also a place full of smiles until the Invasion struck, resulting in the carding of so many innocent people at the hands of Duel Academy. He also went on to mention that there are four dimensions in this universe: Standard, XYZ, Fusion, and Synchro. Despite his skepticism, Yuya knew that dueling should never be used as a weapon for fighting but to bring happiness among others, something he learned from his dear father Yusho.
Before the two counterparts could continue talking, a Duel Runner suddenly appeared, with the driver revealing itself to be Yugo, who looked like the formers and was anticipating his duel against Yuto since their last encounter. Before Yuya knew it, the two began their duel and it was quickly shown that Yugo is the Synchro counterpart to Yuya and Yuto when he Synchro Summoned Hi-Speedroid Kendama. Pretty soon, they brought out their respective ace monsters—Clear Wing Synchro Dragon and Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon—and fell into a berserk state, with their eyes shotting open and glowing aqua green and periwinkle. A concerned Yuya helped Yuto get back into his senses when he feared that the hatred he has for Yugo was getting to him and dueling shouldn’t be used to express hatred. As a result, he ended his turn.
Yugo initiated his turn, and thanks to the effects of Speedroid Razorang and Clear Wing, he was about to claim victory as he declared his attack with his 4500 ATK dragon to destroy Yuto’s 3000 ATK Dark Rebellion. To make matters worse, Yuya was caught in the crossfire and it looked like he was the one receiving the attack until…
Yuto used his cape to shield his eyes from a sudden flash of red light. "What the...?" he muttered to himself. He had tried to push his Standard counterpart out of the way to avoid getting hit from the attack, but something had just happened that prevented him from doing so, but what? What exactly caused this red light to flash out of nowhere?
At that very same moment, Yuya had just felt a sharp, stabbing pain pierce him through his heart. The penetration wasn’t lethal thankfully, but it was far from lethal; it felt too painful to even describe with words alone yet it would seem meaningless to even try to because a simple agonizing scream that was heard through the red light was all that was needed to even describe what happened.
Suddenly, Yugo's eyes stopped glowing as he regained his senses. At the same time, Clear Wing stopped the attack. "What is it, girl?" the banana-banged Duelist asked his dragon.
Clear Wing let out a soft growl, causing Yugo's eyes to widen. "Holy crud, you're right!" he exclaimed. "The Friendship Cup! I completely forgot about that!" He removed the remaining cards in his Duel Disk, ending the duel as both dragons vanished.
Yuto ran over to Yugo. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked.
"Look, I'm so sorry for the misunderstanding," Yugo said. "Somethin' was clouding my judgement and I completely thought you were someone else."
"Who?" Yuto asked, surprised by the change in Yugo's personality.
"I don't have time to explain," Yugo said. "Right now, I have to get back to my home dimension." He held up Clear Wing's card. "Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, let's head back to New Domino City!"
With a purring sound of agreement, a bright light flashed from Clear Wing’s card covered Yugo in its rays until he was gone, leaving Yuto more confused than he was a few seconds ago. First off, it looked liked his Synchro counterpart was talking to his dragon almost like if it was his pet. Does that meant he can also talk to Duel Monsters spirits too? But was he even aware about the high possibility of people saying cards can’t talk? Then again, Yuto was kind of a hypocrite since he can also hear their voices and communicate with them too, most particularly Dark Rebellion. Secondly, New Domino City was Yugo’s hometown in the Synchro Dimension? If so, then he needs to find him to try and gain more information about his misunderstand because whoever this person is, he must have the same facial traits as the two and Yuya…after this Friendship Cup event he mentioned. Speaking of Yuya, third of all, was he going to be alright after this abrupt ordeal? His head and body shifted to where he was only to find him still standing even after the red light faded away, which was rather peculiar. Did he really endure this combination of the light and the force of Clear Wing’s attack?
"Yuya?" Yuto asked. "Are you alright?"
But Yuya didn't respond. Instead, he fell to his knees, a blank gaze in his eyes.
Off in the distance, a pink-haired girl in pigtails ran to where the two Yu boys were. Yuto immediately recognized her as Zuzu Boyle, whom he had encountered on multiple occasions prior to the Arc League Championship. Right as she arrived, something even stranger was in the air: Yuto wasn’t sent back to Heartland this time. But why? With him and her so focused on Yuya, they didn’t even noticed that the bracelet that she had ever since she was a baby had vanished from her right wrist. Did that meant it had some kind of connection with them? As if there was a reason to keep them away from each other at all costs?
However, Zuzu was more concerned about Yuya, who had just lost consciousness. "Yuya, what's wrong?" the Melodious user asked, shaking the tomato-haired teen's body. "What happened?"
"I'll tell you what happened," Yuto said. "A Duelist with blonde and dark blue hair named Yugo challenge me to a duel, but things got so crazy. Not only was Yuya caught in the crossfire, but there was a sudden flash of red light coming from his body. Then Yugo said something about a 'friendship cup' and disappeared."
Zuzu was alarmed. "Are you saying Yuya got hurt?" she asked.
"Judging by his loud, pained scream, I think he did," Yuto said.
Zuzu looked deeply concerned. "Yuya..."
Meanwhile, in a different location, there was a remote island located nearby from a city that was surrounded by a large body of water. On the island was a large structure that looked like it was integrated onto the island itself. This was without a doubt Duel Academy, a duel school from the Fusion Dimension run under the Professor’s control where he has his students learn how to duel and use Fusion Summoning as a way to fulfill his plans; in fact, he executed the Invasion of Heartland City, which initiated the Interdimensional War as a result. It was also the same place where Sora was forcibly transported back to and was now resting in the infirmary due to the injuries he received from his duel against Shay. But his loss and revelation of his true colors weren’t on his mind right now; all that he could of was the students.
He remembered seeing his eyes locked into deep stares at each and every faces as he was being escorted indoors, including a pale-skinned, spiky black-haired Obelisk Force soldier maintaining his composure, a mathematically intelligent Ra Yellow boy deducing what’s going on, and two Slifer Red girls—one with long blue hair and brown eyes and one with tealish-blue eyes and brown hair that has gotten longer over the years—comforting each other. All he heard as he struggled to regain consciousness was the sounds of terror among those indoors and out. Mass hysteria and panic was around every corner no matter where you turned. Terrified screams echoed through the long halls and tall walls of the Academy. It felt like the paranoia went on forever and seemed like there was no end to it at all. Sora wasn’t sure if what he witnessed was all but just a bad dream…or if it was all too real.
Suddenly, a 14-year-old boy with slicked back purple and pink hair wearing an elite soldier's uniform slammed the infirmary door open. "Sora, we have to get out of here!" he exclaimed, speaking in a slightly high-pitched voice.
"Yuri?" Sora asked. "How come?"
The boy, Yuri, seemed a bit hesitant to answer. "Well... You see..."
"What's wrong?" Sora asked, sounding a bit serious.
"I don't know how to explain it," Yuri admitted, brushing a hand through his hair. "It all started when the Professor was murdered-"
"What?!" Sora interrupted, sitting up in the provided bed. "The Professor is dead?!"
"Yes, but that's not all," Yuri continued. "Every person we carded is being restored. Yet while all of the non-Duelists are returning to their home dimensions, the others...well..."
"What happened to the Duelists we carded?" Sora asked.
"They came back different," Yuri further explained. "At first I thought them attacking the other students was merely just payback, but they kept on winning. And whoever they defeated appeared to have joined their side, even our most elite Obelisk Force soldiers."
"But who killed the Professor?" Sora asked.
"Who else?" Yuri asked in response.
Sora looked deeply alarmed. "You don't mean..."
"Precisely," Yuri answered.
Sora got off the infirmary bed. "We have to do something to stop this!"
"I'm already ahead of you," Yuri said. He took out his Violet Flash Spell card, his preferred mode of transportation. "We must gather as many allies as possible and warn them about this sudden takeover."
Knowing what was going to happen, Sora strapped on his Duel Academy Duel Disk, put his deck in the Duel Disk, and grabbed on to Yuri's arm. "So where to?" the Frightfur user asked.
"Our first stop is the Standard Dimension," Yuri explained. "If my suspicions are correct, our dear friend Dennis McField is already there. No doubt he will be a prime target. Now then, shall we bring peace back to our home?"
"You bet!" Sora cheerfully replied. "Onward to the Standard Dimension!"
In a bright flash of violet light, Yuri and Sora dematerialized and vanished from the infirmary to the Standard Dimension to search for Dennis, leaving the room empty and leaving behind a horrifying viral outbreak that was only going to get worse if it’s not dealt with.
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