#remember when we were scared it would be pg-13
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blackbat05 · 6 months
A New Feeling
Fred Weasley x F!Reader
Plot: An accidental trip to the newest department at the Ministry leaves Fred Weasley with a new feeling and wanting for more.
Genre: PG-13
A/N: Felt like writing something on a whim. Here's to new beginnings and fresh starts! Hope you enjoyed and thanks for the support!
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"Why are we even here George?" Fred bemoans as he unwillingly drags his feet behind his twin.
"Hey, I don't like this any more than you do." George stares at him accusingly. "But we have to submit these permits on time if we want to expand the shop." George sighs. "It's the sacrifice of spreading joy."
They squeeze themselves into the elevator with the other Ministry employees, the metal box taking them down to the lobby.
George throws a hand forward to block his twin as Fred is about to step out.
"What gives?"
"I don't think you need to meet Monty. Especially not when you purposely gave him a fire breathing candy that nearly burned half his insides. We need this permit."
"That's because he's a git." Fred rolls his eyes as he sees the mentioned employee entering the office. "He was harassing the witches at the shop! What was I supposed to do?"
"Fine! Just be somewhere else. I'll let you know when I'm done." George coaxes him before leaving to persuade Monty to expand Weasley Wizarding Wheezes. Perhaps it was for the best. George was always better at business talk with important wizards and witches.
Making himself sparse, Fred ambles down the hallways that were bustling with Ministry employees from various departments. He finds himself at the end of the many rooms and sees a lone ancient door tucked near the emergency staircase. That's strange. Fred's been here a couple of times but he has never seen that door, or what was behind him.
Curiosity getting the better of him, Fred takes long strides to the mystery door and finally gets a clue of what is behind it. In bold, it read: Ministry of Magic Library and Archives.
Fred turns the knob and the door disappears momentarily, allowing him to step inside.
It felt like he had entered a different realm. Bookcases towered over him as he walked deeper into the library. The number of books was a never ending maze. The smell of old pages demanded patrons to show respect to the sacred place.
Fred jumps slightly and bumps into an employee who stares at him curiously.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The employee chuckles. Fred can't help but to not notice the scent of strawberry wafting through the air. "How can I help you?"
Fred is rooted to the ground and for the first time, speechless. Her smile was infectious and the sunflower yellow robes seemed to magnify her beauty by miles.
"Well... I'm just... uh... waiting for my brother. I decided to explore the level." Fred explains. "This is new." He waves a hand around the library.
"You're sharp." She remarks and Fred feels oddly proud. "The library and archive room just opened six months ago. After the war, the Ministry felt that it was important to preserve the history and remember what everyone fought for." She leads Fred further in and his footsteps no longer feel heavy. "We have books on different subjects and from all over the world. Minister Shacklebolt felt it was important to learn from our counterparts."
They stop at the fifth shelve and with a wave of her wand, a book floats down.
"And by all subjects, we mean everything." She passes Fred a book titled 'Potions and Pranks by Momo Kohuro'. "Mahoutokoro certainly had a knack for producing students extremely proficient in potions. I think you would have liked it there."
"You know me?" Fred says dumbly.
"Of course." She smiles. "I just thought you have enough attention for the day- entire lifetime actually. I didn't want to freak you out." She refers to the wizards and witches who are unabashedly staring at their conversation.
"You and your family were very brave."
Fred's pride had grown exponentially and he had no idea how he should continue without looking like a fool.
"Um, do you think you could show me around the rest of the library? And maybe help me check out this book?"
She nods and leads him around the library and archive room until closing time.
"Thanks. I really enjoyed it."
"I hope I didn't bore you with my incessant talking. I just really like working here. Thanks for being such an amazing guest." She beams and his heart skips a beat.
"Come back anytime."
Fred leaves the library and heads back to the lobby where George is impatiently waiting for him.
"There you are! I thought you fell down the toilet. What took you so long?"
"Just got lost." Fred says simply, his brother's veiled insult flying over his head. George doesn't question Fred's odd behavior.
"We got the permit! But Monty wants us to both sign the papers even though I clearly know my signature would suffice." George purses his lips. "Maybe you were right about Monty being a stuffy old git."
"Uh huh." Fred says absentmindedly.
"Okay, that does it. What have you done with my brother?"
"Nothing! We can come down tomorrow right?" Fred asks.
"Tomorrow is a Saturday." George deadpans. "Tell me what the hell happened while I was away!"
Fred speed walks to the exit with his twin determined and hot on his heels. "Come on, we need to get back for stock taking."
"Not until you tell me what happened!"
The scent of strawberry still clouds his mind. Fred makes a mental note to get her name when he drops by the library tomorrow.
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mara-tevith-solo · 1 year
It Takes Two
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This is my second failed attempt to do a short, simple one-shot for this guy, Jeez Louise. Enjoy! Part 1, Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Pairing: Eventual Miguel O’Hara x Enhanced ex-Avenger Reader
Warnings: They’re idiots, full dance around your feelings and gaslight yourself about them idiots, injury, blood, violence, mention of miscarriage, Concussion Confessions, Mayday being a cutie pie, Peter B being the Dad, use of Spanish as a none-native speaker but i tried finding actual Mexican Spanish terms 
Rated: PG-13 but still, please no minors
Words: 1.6k+
Miguel O'Hara was an enigma. At least to you he was. To everyone else he was stern, stoic, even unpleasant and harsh. To you he was... different. It's hard to ever imagine the man as soft, but with you he very much was. He was always making sure that you were alright, that your workload wasn't more than you could comfortably handle, that your mental and physical health stayed a priority to you. He even went out of his way to make sure you never skipped a meal, especially when you were so thrown into a project that you forgot what day it was.
You weren't even supposed to be there, in the Spider Society. You weren't a Spider-Person. You were an enhanced ex-Avenger from Earth-199999 that he'd... taken pity on? You weren't even sure why he'd initially invited you to join the Society. No one was, not even Lyla. You just knew that he had a habit of seeking out your proximity, even if neither of you said a word.
"Y/n! There you are! Get suited up! Boss man needs you on deck!" Peter B materialized in front of you as you worked on a random engine you'd found lying around, earning a small yip and a quick juggling of the wrench you'd been using. Mayday found it entertaining at least, giggling her cute little cheeks off and clapping her little hands.
"B, you're lucky I like your kid, 'cause sometimes I'd like to sucker punch you whenever you scare me." You were joking, of course, and he knew it too, chuckling as he stroked May's fiery mane.
"Oh no. Can't have me face the consequences of my own actions. That would end the world!" His sarcasm kept her little giggles going as he lifted her high in the air. You couldn't name the intense emotion blooming in your chest in that moment, it was consuming and aching, like a sailor's widow looking for him to return every day up on a windy cliff. It felt like something was getting sucked through your chest as your gaze on the little toddler turned melancholy. Peter B was many things, and surprisingly observant was definitely one of them, though he had more than enough practice when Mary Jane was pregnant. He knew longing when he saw it, and he'd seen it on you more than once when interacting with Mayday, though he could swear they were getting less frequent and less intense the more time you spent with his little bundle of joy. He knew your life hadn't been all sunshine and roses, he knew that you'd once been expectant of your own little bundle, but Thanos had brutally taken that from you to hurt your then husband. And when you thought no one was looking, he saw the glances you centered on Miguel. "They're gonna be ready to go here soon, so you should get a scuttle on." He hinted with a warm half-smile.
You snapped out of your daze with a solid nod, offering the Spider and Spiderling a warm smile before quickly making your way to Miguel's office, where you knew that the tall futuristic man liked to start from. It didn't take you long to get there, your mask in hand as his gaze found you over the heads of the others, warming to a garnet shade from its usual intense ruby "Now that we're all here, we need to get a move on. Remember, we're dealing with two different Doc Ocks this time." Everyone nodded to him in understanding, his eyes lingering on you for a moment longer before a portal appeared with a deep thrum.
The city on the other side was in chaos, several flipped and destroyed cars on fire, people running and screaming in all directions, understandably so. Jess already had wheels on the ground, waiting for you as you hopped on the back and crouched, ready for her to slingshot you at the closest adversary. Your Volto mask suddenly felt claustrophobic, cutting off part of your peripheral vision, but right then wasn't the time to fix it. The click of the gearbox was your only warning that you were about to be catapulted, Jess bringing the bike down to neutral as she kicked out the backend right as you jumped, sending you sailing through the air and into an Ock who looked like he'd come straight from a silent hill horror film. He cried out in frustration as you latched onto him, immediately dodging his bladed mechanical arms, coated in fresh blood as you began scrambling to disable the arms. "Get off of me you halfwit!" He snarled at you with a voice like gravel and grit, the flash of his teeth reminding you of a shark's.
"Not until you stop rampaging in the wrong Universe, genius!" You snapped back, ducking wildly to avoid getting scalped. Other Spiders joined you, red and white webs trying to take control of his arms so that you could work in relative peace. You had the tip of your knife in the neural link, prying it out of his flesh as he began crying in pain and fear, his arms whirring and snapping frantically, trying to get to you. A strangled cry was your only warning before something solid hit you like a freight train, sending you flying away from the fight, a weird pressure just under your right collarbone, one that simultaneously stung and felt cold. You didn't have time to contemplate why as your back made hard contact with a concrete pillar, knocking the breath from your lungs without mercy as you fell the short distance to the ground.
Your ears were ringing so loudly you almost forgot what sounds were, your eyelids too heavy to work properly as you struggled for breath. You were in pain, bone deep, radiating pain that made you want to curl into a ball and sleep for a year as you laid there on your side in the dirt. You tried getting up on your hands and knees in a bid for air and to relieve some of the pain, your ears still ringing and your eyes barely opening, but blinding, shooting pain on the right side of your chest stopped you in your tracks. You could hear someone shouting, you couldn't hear what they were saying as your fight for air became more desperate, something rattling in your chest with every attempt. Your eyes finally opened fully as hands made contact, large warm hands that helped to center you against the pain. Miguel was crouched over you, his mask still in place but you could see the panic in the eyes of it "...'me on! You can do it, Y/n! Just one breath." You were shocked at how panicked he sounded as the ringing dissipated, but your body obeyed, sucking in a ragged, greedy lung full of air before repeating the process over and over. "Good, good. Buena chica."
You watched as he shrunk in on himself, taking big breathes of his own, his relief clear "Miguel..." You breathed, licking your lips under your mask "did we..."
"We got 'em." He nodded, one of his hands petting your hair "Let's get you back home." He was gentle as he picked you up, cradling you as close to his chest as he could, not letting anyone take you when they offered. He was adamant that none of them could see how afraid to lose you he'd suddenly been, how afraid that he had lost you he'd been. He couldn't stop that small vibrating purr he made as your head tucked itself in the crook of his neck, his hands clutching you closer in silent response. He felt guilty, like absolute shit, that you'd gotten hurt because his web had snapped, that little voice that liked to reside in the back of his mind telling him that you needed to go back to your Universe and stay there, that you'd be safer there. But the more rational part of him reasoned that at that moment, he needed to focus on getting you to medical, getting you better. He'd deal with the after later. "Stay awake, Cielo. Need you to stay awake right now." He could feel your breathes beginning to deepen, feel you relaxing into him more than you should have as he stepped through the portal.
"'M so tired, Mig." You mumbled your argument, nuzzling your masked face deeper into his neck "'N you're so comfy."
Any other situation he would have found somewhere comfortable for him and taken a nap with you, held you the entire time. But you were hurt, concussion was too heavy a possibility for him to just let you rest "No, come on, Y/n. You need to stay awake a bit longer. We're almost there." He let his concern and fear temper his tone, trying to get your hurt brain to understand the severity of the situation.
"You worry too much, Mig." You hummed softly, your filter long gone and your ability to worry about it gone with it "You should relax, you're so pretty when you smile." He couldn't feel your dopey little smile, but he could certainly hear it, feel how it made his heartrate spike wildly. His mind felt frozen, unable to fully process that you at the very least liked his smile.
"You're delirious." He huffed as he quickened his pace, trying to pass off your words as just concussed nonsense.
"Maybe," You conceded "but it doesn't change the fact that I've had the biggest crush on you this past year." He wondered, in his stuttering thoughts, if you realized that you were admitting all of that to him, if you were aware of what that mouth of yours was doing.
He was relieved as he passed the threshold of the Medical Wing, several Spider-Doctors rushing to take you from him "We'll talk about this when you're better, Cielo. Until then, survive." Without another word he was passing you to the nearest medical professional and watching as they whisked you away as quickly as possible, talking in medical jargon that he couldn't fully understand.
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ask-cari-and-floea · 11 months
Intro Post
This is an ask blog for two Kirby OCs who totally don't ruin our brains, Cari and Floea.
Our main blogs are @hunty-long-legs (Cari's creator) and @mistilteinn-magolor (Floea's creator).
Feel free to send in any kind of ask you'd like, this is for the purpose of getting to know these two better, after all. Just be sure to keep asks PG-13 at most, as we are both minors. So no NSFW or anything like that. Other characters may appear, if the ask calls for them or it makes sense to put them there. Also, remember that Cari and Floea are best friends and adoptive sisters.
Below the cut will be basic info and backstory about the two blorbos <3
She was a human living on Shiver Star before it froze over, but after it did, she ended up dying from the cold. However, Morpho Knight decided to give her another chance, and made her into a puffball, and she ended up in Dreamland. Floea and Magolor found her crashed down on the ground and Floea took her in. From then on, Cari and Floea ended up adopting each other as sisters. Once, Cari ate an apple that Dark Meta Knight poisoned (because of... another oc) and nearly died, and she met Papi in the Underworld. At a later point Cari fled from Floea's house, where she lived, to the Halberd in fear that she would hurt someone, thanks to random Cari intrusive thoughts. Floea was super worried when she went missing, but was able to find her, and let her stay with Meta Knight because she realized that she had not been feeding her well on accident. Oops. Now, Meta Knight is Cari's adoptive dad, and Kirby is her adoptive brother. She even became Elfilin's girlfriend.
Floea is part of one of the species of Ancients from the New World and she lived there with her parents. One time her parents went to Lab Discovera without her, bringing along Leon, Fecto Forgo used Leon to murder her parents. Some time later, she fell through one of the occasional portals Forgo was making pre-KatFL and landed in Dreamland. The Mage Sisters found her and took her in, raising her and teaching her ice magic, but when they all started getting a little crazy because of the whole cult thing, Floea got scared that they were going to hurt her or something, and ran away. That's when she met Cari and Magolor. Months later, Floea and Magolor ended becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. He even begrudgingly let Floea keep a doomer that ended up in the Lor one day that Floea named Gear. Also, Beryl (from the light novels) is a huge simp for Floea and once kidnapped and impersonated Magolor to try to get Floea to like him, but that just made her hate him.
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skzfairyy · 1 year
District 9: Chapter 13
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Mafia!AU || skz x OC’s || PG-17 ||
Pairings: Bangchan x oc, Minsung x oc, other pairings to come!
Genre: Angst, Romance, Enemies to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Humor, AU (& so much more lol)
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, weapons, language
Status: Ongoing
Wc: 1.9k words
AN: This chapter is on the shorter side but, its a really heartwarming chapter :) hope you enjoy! -Y2K
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The sun was completely hidden behind a couple of clouds when noon hit. Bangchan’s first hideout for his team was a secluded area deep in one of China’s forests. He had strategically picked a location a good distance from the nearest town, but still somewhere far enough that no one could just come strolling by. During this first year, it was crucial that they all stayed under the radar and out of sight, only going into town when the supplies in the compound ran low. 
Chan was able to secure this location after he remembered one of his assignments working with Jackson Wang led him here. Jackson owned the property, but had abandoned the entire compound due to how far away and closed off it was from everything, (socializing was essential to the District’s most notorious party host). The compound was big enough to house about 10 people comfortably.  
Minho was able to commandeer an old buggy they could use to drive into town if they needed to. It was perfect, nothing flashy considering they had to lay low for a while. 
The wrap-around compound was mostly gray with black glazed roofing tiles. The front was blocked off by a matching black metal gate. On the outside, the building as a whole looked abandoned and that’s exactly how they wanted it to appear. Along the walls there were vines of ivy creeping all the way up to the roofing tiles, overgrown Camphor trees and Bamboo blocking the view of the property. Inside, they had running water, electricity, and Jisung was able to set up a decent internet connection. A couple rooms had mattresses on the floor. One room was converted into Seungmin’s medic bay, one was turned into Han’s tech room, while Chan and Minho used the dining room as a larger office. The building will be able to house the entire team quite nicely once everyone arrives safely. 
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After the big scare last night, Minho and Chan decided that they needed to find a way to distract Han from his thoughts before he gave himself a heart attack. The girls would finally be arriving today (if all goes well), so they brought him out to the courtyard and went through some light training with each other. Even though he was their tech specialist, Han’s body looked as though he was training regularly, when he really only lifted weights with the boys every once in a while. The training was mostly to help distract Han from worrying, and partly for everyone to be able to keep watch for when the others arrived. 
They spent the whole morning going through different combination attacks and defensive attacks. Their shirts had all been discarded pretty early into their training, the humid climate making them unbearably sweaty and uncomfortable. This left them in only their workout shorts and the sweat that coated their upper bodies, as evidence of the hours of training they covered. Chan found himself trying his best to navigate the rocky waters between the couple, successfully cracking a few jokes with them well into the late afternoon. While Han takes a break, heading to the kitchen through a door on the side of the courtyard, Minho approaches Bangchan. 
      “Hyung, how are we supposed to be distracting Jisung if you keep looking at the gate every 10 minutes.” 
Chan feigns a shocked look at his accuser. “I was not checking every 10 minutes!” 
Minho just stands there, giving his friend a pointed look with his arms crossed over his chest, before sighing loudly.
      “Look, believe it or not, I want to make sure they get here in one piece too, but you have got to stop worrying so much. For starters, they’re with Changbin, someone we trust more than anything, and he would’ve let us know if something happened. Plus, have you forgotten the girls are both highly trained assassins? I doubt Yura is going to let some injury stop her from completing her mission.”
He punches Chan’s shoulder lightly and Chan just smiles at his friend, thankful for the pep talk he didn’t know he needed. 
      “Have a little faith in them, yeah?”
As Han opens the sliding door going back out to the courtyard with a water bottle in hand, they hear the metal gate not far from them begin to screech loudly. Minho instantly grabs the bow staff near him that they were using to practice earlier, Chan’s gun is freed from the back waistband of his shorts. Han’s chipmunk cheeks are full of water as he stands frozen in the doorway looking between the gate and the guys, all of them holding their breaths as they wait to see who’s behind the gate. 
The gate creaks open as Changbin, supporting a sweaty and limping Yura, walks into the courtyard. Her bandages are stained with faint patches of blood old and new. One of her arms is hooked over Changbin’s shoulder while she slowly makes her way inside.
      “You won over a technicality!”
      “Technicality, shmechnicality… hey, that's a funny word! Spell it Juggernaut.”
      “Dear god…” Changbin sighs as he and the limp-bodied girl move further into the courtyard.
Han drops his water bottle and sprints over to them, their hushed bickering stopping as he stands in front of them. Han’s hands cup Yura’s pale face, turning her attention to him. Yura’s eyes frown when she looks up, but the confusion quickly fades when she recognizes her old friend. 
      “J.ONE11!” She grins, her smile for the first time in a while is bright and dopey. 
      “Yura11g0nnadi3!” Han’s exclamation is softer compared to hers, sounding more like a sigh of relief seeing a piece of his heart alive and in front of him. Changbin clears his throat from beside Yura, a puzzled expression on his face as he looks between the two of them. 
Jisung just smiles at him and shrugs. “I’ll explain later.”
      “Hey now, I didn’t know this was a GUN show!”
Yura says louder, her eyes moving past Jisung’s shoulder as she takes in the shirtless Minho and Chan behind him. She turns to Changbin, her bright smile never leaving her face as she reaches at the hem of his shirt to pull it off of him. 
      “C’mon Milk Jugs join the party!” 
As Changbin makes a sound of objection, he starts swatting at her grabby hands, until Han pulls them into his own. 
      “Okay, calm down, Killer.” He says, chuckling softly.
      “I had to give her some stronger drugs for the pain.” Seungmin says as he enters the courtyard with a couple of bags in his arms. “So she's a bit… loopy.”  He glances at the giggly girl that’s now being held in Jisung’s arms. 
He had scooped her up bridal style, the feeling of her in his arms even for a few moments, does wonders for his racing anxiety. 
      “I’m not loopy, you’re loopy Minnie.” Yura giggles as she hears Seungmin’s comment.
Jisung smiled at her in amusement, sober Yura would be mortified at her behavior right now, something he’ll be sure to tease her about later.
Minho’s eyes follow the two of them through the threshold of the entryway. Yura notices him as she looks over Jisungs shoulder, their eyes lock briefly and Minho feels himself releasing his own sigh of relief.
      “She’s okay?” Minho turns to glance at Seungmin, the brunette man making his way inside when he glances at his old classmate.
      “She will be. You can come to help me hold her down, her hands tend to… wander in this state.” Minho glances at the door once more before shaking his head.
      “I’m sure Jisung has it covered.” Minho puts the staff in his hands down, dismissing himself from the courtyard quickly with a frustrated scowl.
Due to all the commotion, no one noticed Rina enter last. A sack of supplies on her sagged shoulder as she closes the gate shut. Finally catching the attention of Changbin and Chan who were standing near each other, catching up over the long journey. When she turns around, the bag falls from her arms as she releases a ragged breath she had been holding for far too long. Rina’s tired eyes find Chan’s warm ones from across the courtyard and he smiles fondly at her.
The anxious thoughts he had over the past few days about Rina’s well-being can finally be put to rest. She made it. His eyes take in her worn-out body and he can’t help but let out a sigh of relief. 
      “Would it be weird if I hugged you right now…” her voice is soft and a bit desperate as the reality of what they just experienced over the past few days sets in.
She’s spent the past two days running for her life, away from the only home she’s ever known, away from the same ‘home’ that has inflicted so much pain on her claiming it’s for the best, all to get to the man standing mere steps before her now. The same man who promised her a life of warmth and love, just as soon as she was willing to accept it– to accept him. 
He hears her question and glances down at his shirtless form. 
      “I mean… I’m a bit sweaty–“ 
Her feet are already moving towards him, launching herself at him, and he catches her in his arms. 
      “Chris, I couldn’t care less about that right now.” She mumbles into his neck.
Her legs are scraped and bruised and wrapped around his waist as he holds her as close as he possibly can to him. His worries for her are evident through the way his arms hold her close to him. 
      “You made it.” He sighs softly in her ear, the pain and regret evident in his tone while he hugs her impossibly tighter. 
Rina pays it no mind, her arms secure around his neck, her nose breathing in his scent, safe in his arms, and finally able to breathe freely.
They have a long way to go, but Rina made up her mind some time ago that this is the man she wants to be with, and today would be the first step towards that new journey, one they’d start together. 
      “Barely.” She chuckles out as he finally sets her down onto her feet, his hands not leaving her waist as his eyes check her over.  
Popping their intimate bubble, Chan notices that Changbin had joined everyone else in the house during their reunion.
      “How are you?” He asks softly.
      “Tired… and excruciatingly hungry.” Rina replies casually, she turns to glance around and winces clutching her side protectively.
 Chan obviously notices and takes her hand in his. 
      “I’ll give you a tour of the place after dropping you off to get checked out by Seungmin.” He says as he walks backwards towards the entrance.
Although Rina wants to argue that she’s perfectly fine, she’s realizing she kind of likes the idea of Christopher Bang taking the lead a little bit more, especially when it’s about her. 
      “Only if I can get food on the way.” She responds instead.
      “Hmmm…,” he pretends to think it over in his head, “...sounds fair enough.” He smiles at their playful argument.
      “Deal.” She tries to look serious, but fails miserably at resisting the power of this man's smile. 
Rina chuckles to herself, extremely content as she allows Chan to lead her into the house.
taglist: @toalltheunknown, @skzloveforever, @ryak14, @thesunsfullmoon, @woozarts
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simplylove101 · 3 months
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2024 Horror Challenge: [20/?]
↳“Some things should stay in the past.” (I think this what he said?? I can't remember lolol) The Watchers (2024) dir. Ishana Night Shyamalan
Plot: A 28-year-old artist gets stranded in an expansive, untouched forest in western Ireland. Finding shelter, she unknowingly becomes trapped alongside three strangers who are stalked by mysterious creatures every night.
Starring: Dakota Fanning, Georgina Campbell, Olwen Fouere & Oliver Finnegan
Okay, so I actually only just got out of the movie theater from watching this not too long ago, which was an impulsive decision I made this morning since it was my off day & figured why not. lol I actually haven't been back to the theater in forever cuz you know, money & convenience but it did feel good to remember what's so great about the experience (even if there was literally only 2 other people in the same showing as me since I went to a cheap matinee lmao) Anyway, about the movie, I didn't really feel the biggest need to go see it tbh but I have been curious about it. I didn't know too much beforehand since I've mostly avoided spoilers and I knew Dakota was starring in it, who I've always liked since she was a child. Also, that ofc, this is directed by M. Night Shyamalan's daughter (which is naturally gonna maybe give you some biased expectations about it) and my track record with him isn't the most solid, to say the least. BUT I did wanna give Ishana a fair chance since I've seen people point out that she has her own style, plus this story is based on a book so I went in with an open mind. Overall, I don't think I was totally in love with it but seeing it in the theater definitely enhanced the actual experience of watching it as they intended it. First, whoever did the sound mixing for this movie did a great job. Cuz there were moments that got me a couple times. lol There were some jump scares that didn't do too much to get me throughout but the knocks?? Damn, I'm glad I was seated in the back so the guys didn't see me flinch. XD I don't think the movie itself was too scary since I think in true PG-13 form they chose not to show certain things. There's a lot that is suggested and people who hate gore can watch this knowing that it never crosses the line of being bloody. It does feel very plot heavy (the lore of it all), which is interesting because at the same time there really isn't a whole lot to the story until much later when they reveal a twist (it wouldn't be a Shyamalan movie without at least one lol) but I didn't mind too much at first. By the hour mark tho, I did start to think it was feeling a little too long tho considering so I will say pacing was my main issue with this one. We would get these snippets of exposition throughout in between the bits of action in a way that felt a little forced maybe or at least the formula felt repetitive. But that said, I did enjoy the lore itself tho. Like, I wanted more of that than some of the stuff we got. lol Gotta point out that I do have an appreciation for ensemble stories in small spaces and the actors all did a wonderful job, especially Dakota. She is able to say so much with those eyes of hers without uttering a word. In one particular scene, she got me good. I also thought they did a nice job of establishing the aesthetic and feel of the movie right from the jump with a strong opening scene to set the mood. So, while it's got plenty of flaws that make it probably a 6/10 movie for me, there were things going for it as well. I think you can tell it's a first movie by the director but it shows potential. The ingredients for a stronger movie are there so while like I said, I didn't leave the theater loving it, I can appreciate its intentions. Also, it made me wanna read the book to see if I prefer that. If nothing else, it got me back in a movie theater so I'm grateful for that!
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The long, vivid dream I had about Barnaby the ghost owl from Billie Bust-Up
Buckle up, folks, because this is a long one.
My family and I were in a haunted mansion. It had a rule that if we touch each other three times, or if a ghost touches one of us once, we die.
Of course, this wasn't true in the actual game- Barnaby was able to touch Billie just fine- but it does remind me of the final round of Trivia Murder Party, where if a ghost player passes the living player, the ghost player comes back to life while the player they moved ahead of becomes a ghost in place of them. None of the ghosts in my dream came back to life this way, however.
Both my family members and myself fell victim to this death touch multiple times, because they kept forgetting that they weren't supposed to touch me in the haunted house, and because some ghosts here and there did it to me just to be jerks.
The only reason the death touch seemed to work on me was because I was paying close attention to it. I didn't "die" right away from it, instead I'd take a moment to realize I'd been touched, then I'd go limp and play dead until someone prompted me to move again, after which I'd become a ghost somehow.
This happened more than once, but I don't remember how I kept coming back to life in order to die again.
As a ghost, I was mostly able to explore the mansion freely since I could go through walls, floors, and ceilings, except for the ceiling on the top floor, and the floor in the basement. I remember passing through at least four fancy-looking bedrooms, along with a ballroom, a dining hall, and an upper walkway near the ceiling of the top floor that reminded me of the top floor of my old house.
There were a lot of other ghosts in the mansion besides Barnaby and I. Some were cartoony while others were more humanoid. Some were on Barnaby's side and would touch me just to be mean, as stated before. Others were more benign and left me alone.
Some even seemed like they didn't want to be there, and I remember at least one who let me know after I tried to pass through the roof that he couldn't, either. Another advised me that to get out of the mansion, I'd have to go outside the normal way, through an open door.
Somewhere near the ceiling of the top floor I met a round, white, puffy ghost who was glowing like a lantern and floating very slowly. When I got close to it to tell it how cute it was, it backed away, like a fish in a fish tank would if you leaned your face in close to it. I felt bad and apologized for scaring the puffy ghost.
Alright, now we get to the good parts...
The iconic chase scene from the game happened, and I could hear the “Million Gruesome Ways to Die” song playing in the distance, and I caught a glimpse of Barnaby chasing Billie from “out of bounds”. Once I managed to catch up to them, I began following Billie while positioning myself between her and Barnaby like this...
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But if you remember how in the Casper cartoon “There’s Good Boos Tonight”, the hunter’s bullets flew right through him, that was what happened to the projectiles that Barnaby launched at Billie. My attempt to stop them was fruitless. Among them were, for some reason, giant cubes of water that slid down the hall and through me (and I will admit they actually felt kind of refreshing), and either ice cubes or snowballs or something, which also went through me and felt chilly. (This probably happened because I was disappointed that Barnaby never mentioned any cold-related deaths in his song.)
Thankfully Billie did manage to get away despite my inability to help her, though Barnaby clearly wasn’t pleased with my interference, because after Billie escaped, Barnaby did a roll call of some ghosts from the upper floors (mostly humanoid ones resembling teenage bullies), and then singled me out as “the one blue ghost” from the lower floor that we were on, and told the other ghosts to get “the PG-13 manual” (apparently a guide for what can and can’t be done in a PG-13 movie?) and do everything that the manual said inside it, to me. Whatever the heck that meant. Notably, Barnaby never raised his voice or otherwise sounded angry while saying any of this, though it didn’t make him seem any less creepy.
What actually ended up happening was that the teenage bully ghosts surrounded me in a pillar formation, kind of like this...
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(No, I don’t know why they’re taller than me even though they’re supposed to be teenagers. They just were for some reason.)
They then proceeded to poke me, pinch me, pull on me, etc. It sounds kind of stupid now that I look back on it, but at the time it was really annoying. I did manage to escape by floating all the way to the top of their pillar formation, though.
I don’t remember exactly when I got my body back, but I somehow came back to life multiple times throughout the dream, only to die again from being touched by a ghost or by my family members. The same happened to said family members, too, though their reactions were more of the “oops, well, this is inconvenient” type than the “oh no!” type.
At one point after coming back to life, I found my family in a bookstore-like room on the first floor, and decided to escape with them out the front door, where a grim reaper-looking ghost was waiting to stop us.
The problem was, my grandmother was walking too slowly and fell behind, so when I went back to grab her arm (that was one touch out of the three-touches-and-you’re-dead rule, but it was an emergency so I was willing to risk it), the grim reaper ghost touched everybody who was ahead of us, then came back for me.
I fell limp on the ground and lay there until I felt the grim reaper ghost drag me back inside the house, through the dining hall, and into an empty bedroom, one that looked like it had just been moved into, unlike the others I’d seen. I remember looking at myself in the mirror, either in this bedroom or one of the others, and seeing my wispy ghost tail.
I was floating upwards through the mansion’s floors in desperation, and heard Barnaby's voice call out to me from somewhere, asking me in a mocking tone if I was floating up "to meet Peter Pan", probably because he knew that I couldn't escape through the ceiling. And when I asked him why he was keeping me there in the mansion, what he replied was downright chilling.
"Because I accept you, Colleen."
Yes, he called me by my real name. He said that he wanted me there and that he wanted to be friends, and that I'd "had a good life, right?" And then I felt him tug on me from below, pulling me down into one of the fancy bedrooms, where his wings turned into hands (kind of like his feet) and began slowly reaching towards me as he glowed rainbow colors for some reason. (Rainbows not depicted here)
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His voice sounded... different, less like his own and more like that of the Mysterious Stranger from The Adventures of Mark Twain (who talked in two voices, one low and one high, at the same time) as he said something like,
"Come play... come with me, into eternity..."
I backed up as far as I could, but that somehow made Barnaby's wings-turned-hands move faster to "catch up" with the distance I'd moved. When I floated up to the ceiling, they angled themselves upward to keep facing me. Since I couldn't get myself through the wall or ceiling, it seemed like there was no escaping from his grasp, but then in one hand he offered me a pair of "friendship tassels" he'd made for us. Yes, tassels, with pins of our faces on them that he'd made.
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This gave me an idea. I pulled on one of them, then let it go, and its rope retracted so quickly that the tassel slapped Barnaby in the face, giving me a chance to float up through the ceiling and get away.
I continued to explore the mansion and look for other ways out while evading the terrifying ghost owl, but I couldn't seem to shake him. I think I came back to life again somehow after encountering my brother and his friend in a room on one of the higher floors, but Barnaby found me and death-touched me just because he could.
After that, I tried hiding inside a TV, where a videogame with two giant robots fighting each other was going on (Billie Bust-Up is already a video game, so... a game within a game?), but Barnaby followed me in there, too.
No matter which room of the mansion I flew to, there was no losing him, but I was determined to escape. Alive or dead. The last thing I remember before waking up was trying to squeeze my way upwards through a narrow opening between a bunch of pipes, like this...
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I couldn't phase through any of the pipes, but I figured that since I was a ghost, it didn't matter if I got squished between them since I didn't have any insides to get crushed. And yet, it was still uncomfortable, slowly floating upwards through this gap that was getting narrower and narrower, wondering if I'd ever reach the top...
...and that was how the dream ended. I think the reason I had this dream was because I was having another existential crisis last night, so my subconscious mind had a lot of feelings it needed to work out because of that. It still bothers me how much better my subconscious mind is at coming up with cool stories than my conscious mind is, though.
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edith-hyde · 2 years
Norman Osborn X Female Reader
I Forgot My Umbrella - Part 35
Word Count: 1806
Summary: Norman comes into work after a terrible night of nightmares. You do your best to distract him from his worries.
Warnings: Age gap. PG/PG-13.
A/N: Short episode this time, but no less cheesy. Enjoy.
Tagging: @druigswh0ree @digital-demise @maskmare931 @b1ueoff1ine @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @wtfhasmy-lifecometo
Norman arrived home after his evening spent with you and he immediately went to the liquor cabinet. While he was with you, it was easy to forget Mayfair’s actions. But now that he was alone… Norman felt the burn of his rage. It exhausted him and he felt the ache in his bones, crying for rest. 
And naturally, the Goblin saw this as a prime opportunity to strike.
‘He has to pay for what he’s done.’
“He will,” Norman promised. 
‘He has to be made an example of,’ the Goblin snarled. 
“I know,” Norman agreed, “I’ll think of something…”
‘I’ve got something in mind for him.’
“No.” Norman said firmly as he downed a drink, “No killing.”
‘Coward,’ the Goblin grouched, ‘It’s no less than he deserves.’
“I know,” Norman sighed as he shuffled up to his room. 
‘Then let me loose,’ the Goblin begged, ‘I'll take care of everything.’
“No,” Norman groaned as he dressed for bed, “I won’t let you kill someone. Not again.”
‘We wouldn’t have to kill him,’ the Goblin mused, ‘We’d just have to scare him… put the fear of God in him. Make him realize his mistake for touching our woman.’
Norman rolled his eyes as he crawled under the covers. He hated the idea of the Goblin claiming you. But at least he didn’t want to kill you anymore so that was an improvement. 
“I won’t let you out,” Norman said sternly, “Even if Mayfair deserves it.”
‘He’s a worthless waste of space who will only hurt Y/N again. You don’t want that to happen, do you?! And what if he shows someone the evidence he has?’
“What can he do?” Norman yawned, “I am the CEO and we haven’t replaced the board of directors yet.”
‘HR might not be able to hurt you, but they could fire HER.’
Norman gritted his teeth.
“I wouldn’t let them do that. I have the final say.”
‘And what about the rumors, Norman? HER reputation would be ruined. Everything you’ve feared will happen. She’ll be known as the company whore.’
Norman felt his heart drop. The Goblin was right. Your reputation was on the line. And if Mayfair knew about the two of you, there was a chance that others did as well. Security likely saw the footage. 
Who's to say they didn’t pass it around and make you the laughing stock of the company? 
How could he have been so careless?!
 ‘I can make it all go away, Norman. I can give you everything you want. Just think of how happy Y/N would be if she knew you defended her honor and kept her reputation safe. She wants Mayfair to suffer just as much as we do.’
Norman closed his eyes, relaxing into his bed. He started to drift off into sleep, barely able to form a thought. 
He was so tired. 
He just wanted peace. 
“I’ll… think about it…”
As he drifted off, Norman tried his best to keep his thoughts on you. But it wasn’t long before his mind was filled with horrible images. Nightmares plagued him. Nightmares so real that he would swear they were memories. Some of them featured scenes from the other universe. But as the night wore on, Norman saw Mayfair.  
He saw Mayfair’s tortured and bloody face. He could hear his cries for mercy. His promises to do whatever Norman wanted. The feeling of his blood was so real on Norman’s hands. 
He could even smell it…
Norman awoke with a start. He immediately looked down at his hands and felt a flood of relief when he saw that they were clean. But then he noticed his sleeves. 
Were these the pajamas he was wearing last night? He thought he had been wearing a blue set, but these were black. 
In a daze, Norman went through his morning routine. He couldn’t even remember the drive to work. The nightmares repeated over and over in his mind, chilling him to the bone. Absently, he sat on the edge of your desk, waiting for you to arrive. However, he was so lost in his thoughts, he didn’t even hear the elevator ding. 
He wasn’t aware that you were there until you appeared in front of him. 
Your boss looked up at you and you could tell- something was very wrong. His blue eyes were haunted and his clothes were a mess. His tie was crooked and, when you looked closer, you saw that his buttons were all off by two. 
“Is everything okay?” You questioned, “Norman?”
His eyes finally snapped to your face. He didn’t even bother to try and smile as he spoke.
“Yes. I’m fine. Just tired.”
Norman rose to his feet. He teetered slightly and you immediately went to steady him. He shuddered at your touch and pulled away as if you had shocked him. You went to grab his hand and he tried to avoid the action.
But you wouldn’t let him. 
With determination, you pulled him into his office and shut the door. 
“Take off your jacket.”
Your command seems to snap Norman out of his haze. 
“What?” He asked with a cocked eyebrow. 
You grabbed his lapels and went to pull his jacket off as you spoke. 
“Your tie is a mess and your buttons are done all wrong.”
“Are they?” Norman questioned. 
With a surprised expression, Norman looked down at himself. He let you pull his jacket off and scoffed as he saw the state of his clothes. 
“I’m sorry… I’m…”
Norman clearly lacked the words to explain himself and you didn’t want to push it. You hung his jacket on a nearby hook and smiled. 
“It’s fine, Norman. We all have those days.”
You undid his tie, hung it over your shoulder, and started unbuttoning his shirt. Suddenly Norman’s hands came to grab yours. With a quick glance to his face, you saw that his ears were a bright pink. 
“I can do that myself, you know.” He purred. 
You felt a bit of heat rise to your skin as you shrugged. 
“Yeah… I know…”
As you searched Norman’s face, you were happy to see that the haunted look he was wearing was starting to fade. But there was still a heaviness there.
You decided right then that he needed a distraction from whatever was on his mind. 
And there was no better way to distract Norman Osborn than with physical contact.
With a coy grin, you stood on tiptoes and kissed the base of his jaw just as you undid another button. Norman’s hands slowly released yours. You unfastened another button, snuggling into the crook of his neck as you did so.
“You’re trying to distract me, aren’t you?” Norman asked quietly.
“Maybe… is it working?”
You undid the last button and set your hands upon his chest. There was a tank top between your hand and his skin, but it still sent a fire through you. You kissed his jaw again and Norman sighed. His hands moved to rest on your arms.
“You’re tempting me is what you’re doing.”
You pulled away, your face burning. You could hardly meet his gaze as you bit your lip.
“Sorry… You just seemed so down… I wanted…”
Norman smiled and moved to tuck his knuckle under your chin, forcing you to meet his intense ocean eyes.
“Thank you.”
Your boyfriend looked you up and down before grinning.
“May I kiss you?” He asked.
“Of course,” you laughed. 
Norman brought his lips to yours, giving you a soft kiss. You closed your eyes and stepped closer, placing your hands back upon his chest. You were totally engrossed in the moment and would’ve happily stayed that way. But the phone rang, causing you to jump. 
Norman let out a groan, just before pulling away. With a scowl, he grabbed the phone. You remained held in his right arm, a hand still resting on his neck as you watched him. 
Norman’s tone was sharp but he suddenly shifted moods. His eyebrows went up as he listened to the voice on the other end. 
“Sorry Peter. I didn’t mean to snap. What did you need?” 
Norman listened for a bit as a smile grew on his face. 
“I’m so glad to hear it. I actually have the perfect project for you to work on. Whenever you’re able, just swing by the office. I can give you everything you’ll need.”
Norman listened for a bit, his smile growing even larger. He gave a happy nod as he spoke. 
“It’s not a problem…. No thank you…. Goodbye.”
Norman hung up the phone and happily gave you a quick kiss.
“Parker decided to take the job!” He said with joy. 
“That’s good,” you affirmed, “I’m so glad he accepted.”
“This is the answer to my problem,” Norman said with great relief, “If anyone can figure out that Formula, Parker can. The boy is a justifiable genius.”
“That’s very high praise,” you pointed out. 
“He deserves it.”
All of Norman’s troubles seemed to be entirely gone. Even though you had no idea why Norman had started out the morning so morouse- you were happy to see him joyful now. You wouldn’t dare ask why he had been so down. You didn’t want to remind him. 
“I look forward to working with him,” you said honestly. 
Turning your attention to Norman’s shirt, you began fastening the buttons. Norman smirked at you just before leaning down and kissing your cheek. He then began kissing along your jaw and down to your neck. You assumed this was payback for your attempt to distract him.
“Norman, I’m trying to make you look presentable,” you chastised. 
Norman pressed his nose against your ear as he whispered. 
“And you’re doing a wonderful job, my dear. I’m just showing my appreciation.”
You giggled, finishing up the last button. While Norman still had his head down, you threaded his tie under his collar and tied it in a proper knot. 
“There. All done.”
Norman pressed one last kiss to your cheek before pulling back to tuck in his shirt. 
“Thank you, my dear. I’d be lost without you.”
“You most certainly would be,” you smirked. 
Norman gave you a loving smile as he brought his hand up to caress the side of your face with his thumb. You leaned into his touch with a happy hum. 
“Thank you,” Norman whispered, “I came into work today a worried mess and you… you’ve restored my hope.”
“Hope for what?” you questioned.
“Hope that I can have it all.”
Norman gave you a toothy grin and you smiled as well. You would’ve loved to have kissed him again, but the phone began ringing once more.
“I believe the work day has officially begun,” Norman laughed, “Till lunch, my dear.”
“I’ll see you then.”
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The Conjuring sucks and doesn't deserve the popularity it gets
Now that I've got your feet wet, I'l start diving into the REAL hot takes. Spoilers ahead.
When I first watched The Conjuring, I didn't hate it, although I did groan at the exorcism scene at the end. Why? Because how many exorcisms do we gotta see that have the possessed floating in the air? Granted, I loved Belzebuth despite it doing the exact same thing with a crucified victim, but at least as a whole, it was different.
I've mostly forgotten The Conjuring now. Guess it really just had that effect on me. All I really remember is the aforementioned exorcism and that there were almost always lights on (which annoyed me to no end and really killed the atmosphere they were going for). I also hear people saying it's better than Sinister, which is a movie I adore for its originality and because it genuinely scared me. In comparison, The Conjuring does nothing new and is just a generic haunted house movie. Some people love it for precisely that reason, that's fine. I don't understand it, but it's fine. Still seems ridiculous that the MPAA would slap it with an R-rating on the basis that it's "too scary" for PG-13, even though there is absolutely nothing in there that a PG-13 audience couldn't handle. I mean, we grew up with the likes of rotten.com and Stephen Gammel's illustrations for Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark.
However, my perception of The Conjuring changed from a mediocre and banal haunted house flick undeserving of the praise it gets to an odious piece of shit when I found out the sort of people the Warrens really were. They made money off of the people they "helped", literally demonized their critics, shot staged photographs of their hauntings, and most disgustingly of all, Ed groomed a 15-year-old girl, and Lorraine was okay with it. All this was in addition to the exploiting some genuinely gullible families who truly believed the hauntings were real Don't believe me? Your search engine is your friend. Obviously, the Warren family denies these allegations, but the numerous testimonies don't paint a pretty picture. I dunno about you, but I'm more inclined to believe the people who weren't looking to make a quick buck off of discredited hauntings and vulnerable people.
Maybe I'm a little bit of a hypocrite in this regard. I see Bubba Ho-Tep as a masterpiece, despite Elvis being outed as a rather sleazy person who was up to some highly questionable shit. But I would rather take a single weird, introspective dramedy about aging and regret that just happens to use Elvis to illustrate its overarching message and features a soul-sucking mummy, over a generic billion-dollar grossing franchise that adds nothing new to the horror genre and continues to paint a duo of con artists in a positive light. None of my criticisms are even getting into it being Christian propaganda, which it most certainly is, but then, so is The Exorcist, which was actually great and The CONjuring chooses to riff on at the end.
I haven't bothered with any of the sequels or spinoffs. Why would I? The first movie was entirely unremarkable to me. If the Warrens weren't such awful people, I might have reluctantly given the franchise the benefit of the doubt. That just isn't the case, though.
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love-death-and-crisis · 9 months
1: the abuse
CW: descriptions of child abuse. These are moderately detailed but not graphic. Detailed descriptions of suicidal ideation.
I was raised mormon under two abusive parents. My mom is a remorseless monster. She beat me and verbally bullied me and took every opportunity to scare me with things like scissors. She hid this from my dad and staunchly denied all of my attempts to call her out on her horrible behavior. I watched her beat my younger siblings and then hide the broken instrument in the trash. She gaslit me hard.
My dad was neglectful, and even though he was passive he was truly complicit in my mother's abuse. He lived in denial that anything could be wrong with his perfect family. He was usually away from home, a workaholic that volunteered far too much of his time with the church, and when he was home he was entirely emotionally unavailable. The only memories I have of him are an awkward sex talk that truly conveyed zero actual information and his dreaded "hey, I need to talk to you" chats wherein he would tell me I wasn't doing enough at church or piano or youth group or whatever. The only thing I learned from him is that I wasn't allowed to rest or feel any form of joy.
Things got really bad around the age of 12-13. I remember very little from this time, but I know I was being viciously bullied in middle school and I definitely wasn't safe at home either. I remember one day feeling so oppressively hopeless that I was unable to hold back my tears. Feeling unsafe, I hurried to take the dog for a walk as an excuse to leave home. I could barely leave the house before the tears started streaming silently down my face. I couldn't get away fast enough. I made it about half way around the block when I sat down (collapsed, really) on the curb of a busy street. I was full-on sobbing at this point. I vividly remember watching each car go past and telling myself "okay... jump NOW... wait... THIS ONE GO...." I don't know if I would have actually attempted, a neighbor found me, called my parents, and my mom quickly found me and dragged me home. I remember feeling totally defeated and trapped.
Around this time, a teacher noticed how readily I accepted vicious bullying at the hands of the other kids and she sat me down to ask if everything was okay at home. I started weeping, and awkwardly tried to explain, but all I could muster was a whimpering "my parents are really mean". Despite my pleas to leave me alone, keening that if my mom found out things would only get worse, she did the right thing and reported the abuse. CPS showed up at my house, but my parents used their white middle-class charm to turn them away. The rest of the night was spent with my mom yelling at me for lying and trying to tear the family apart while my dad sat silently and listened. I frequently think of that night. I wish I had been turned over to foster care, as rough as that experience is I am sure that it would have been better than living under my parents' control.
I still weep regularly when I imagine how different my life could have been if CPS had succeeded in getting me out that day.
the control
My parents worked hard to keep me and my siblings under their control. We weren't allowed to consume much media at all. My parents only had a desktop family computer that was password protected and heavily monitored. We were really only allowed to watch G and PG vhs films, mostly disney. When I eventually got an ipod and some cheap pharmacy earbuds, she would frequently bitch at me to "take those off". I eventually realized that she didn't like the privacy I had discovered in being able to listen to something through headphones. She resisted cartoons, even things as tame as spongebob. Me and my siblings ended up watching a lot of children's TV through our teenage years because it was the only thing that wouldn't send our mom into a fit. We had a bit more freedom with books, but I got a stern talking to when my high school was reading catcher in the rye about how it would corrupt my spirit or whatever. My parents talked with the teacher and got me excused from that assignment.
I did get a flip phone in 7th or 8th grade (I paid for my own plan for a few years, and then my mom finally caved and started paying for me and my siblings to all have simple slide phones so that she could keep contact with us when we were out). My dad would read through my phone and frequently confront me about who I was texting, or why I had deleted all my texts. We fought many times when I insisted that my memory was full and I had to delete them and he insisted that I was avoiding his surveillance. It didn't help that I am amab and the only people I was really friends with were girls. (turns out I'm trans lmao) mormons aren't allowed to date until they're 16 and my dad's narrow definition of "date" really meant "hang out in a group when someone of the opposite sex is present". So he really discouraged me from forming any real close relationships.
The one refuge was a first generation ipod touch I bought during high school. The thing was old when I got it and it was so fucking slow, but it was a window to the outside world. I discovered reddit and facebook and porn. I started talking to people outside the cult. My parents tried to police that too, and set strict rules, but it was fairly easy to wait until they went to sleep and then sneak away to my room. I love that little ipod, I wish I still had it. It was a huge refuge for me.
I was taught from a young age that violence is love and that through lying I could get away with almost anything. I also got really good at hide and go seek. I still don't remember much of my childhood, but every year I spend away from my parents I discover new horrible memories of suffering inflicted at their hands that my body blocked out to keep me alive.
I hope i'm not forgetting anything big. Honestly this post can never be fully complete, and I just hope I can write and share more about my trauma in the future.
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sanmononoke · 11 months
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Saturday, November 4 -- Crack!ship AU: Write a crack!ship au.
Summary: San gets roughed up by some swine demons and seeks refuge in the back room... but maybe she finds more there...
Tags: Canon divergent, Demon Attack rewrite, Hurt/Comfort, werewolf x human, whole lotta angst, tw blood, tw gore, super ooc, do not come for me, actually do not look at my trash thanks, love you all, this is actually just bc I love Luke Hemmings ok, also no beta (hehe werewolf pun) we die like MEN
Rating: Teen (PG 13)
Featuring: Gregory Eeyore (@notmuchofatail)
Her side hissed with pain, a searing sound emanated from her ribs. Her body was trying to heal itself already. The boar demons really did a number on San; goring the wolf between them and their prey. White fur, stained red, was dripping on the street. The girl inside was panicking about the contagion in her blood. She couldn’t save anyone if she damned them all to a fate they didn’t choose. As quickly as the swine fell, one by one and excruciatingly slow, San twisted into her human flesh. Naked and scared in the middle of the street, she ran to the closest place she felt comfort. 
It was strange how well she’d grown to like Ruff to Fluff. With all the customer facing tasks and cleaning up, she thought she’d have to trudge through her work day despite being surrounded by animals. One thing that made her day rush by, surprisingly, was her boss. Greg didn’t seem to like anyone, not unless you were as unassuming as he was. Even then, San thought it was a lost cause to try and win him over. 
Then he smiled. It was one time and easy to miss. It was something sarcastic San had said, she couldn’t remember now. She just remembered the feeling in her stomach that came and went with it. A shift happened in her, not something primal or fierce, but something soft. The wolf hadn’t felt this way before, not for her pack, not for Lou. What she thought she felt for him was driven by an instinct, a want to be a part of something again. All she wanted from Greg was to make him smile again. 
She doubted he would smile at her now, tracking debris and blood all in the back room. San clicked the door shut behind her and prayed that no one would hear her rustling about. Her hot skin ran tepid as it grew pale. Clammy hands reached in the dark for something to stop the blood flow; towels, blankets, puppy pads, anything. San was bleeding out of her guts. Her body was fighting the wounds as she fought time. The swine demons tore her to shreds and she was fighting a losing battle. She pulled some ratty donated towels from a shelf and covered the gash across her abdomen. Crimson wicked up the threads as she held the pressure, grabbing another. Her heaving breath and heart along with the cries of civilians in the other room drowned out the footsteps approaching. San cradled the towels into her nude form and the lights flicked on. 
A beat. 
Her eyes met ocean blues, no need to adjust from the dark. San’s breath hitched, she held it against her will until Greg breathed out her name, “San?”
It wasn’t a question. He knew exactly what he saw before him. The girl drenched in sweat and blood, naked and crouched over a pile of towels. She was hurt, badly. He moved to meet her, locking the door behind him in one fell motion.
“Stop!” She hushedly demanded, pleaded. 
Greg froze. What was he supposed to do? The girl he’d grown to love in the past months was mortally wounded and begging him to leave her to bleed. San talked about going home before. The Great Forest, guarded by spirits and wolves beyond Mundus' imagination. She painted a beautiful picture and how important the conservation was. Greg’s heart sank when she talked about leaving and he didn’t know why it bothered him so much. Until now. 
She was mere feet away from him and his heart was plummeting. San would just be another victim of this place if he couldn’t help her now. Ignoring her, Greg went to his knees beside her. San kicked herself across the floor away from him, sliding back against the wall. “Please, don’t! You can’t– you can’t touch me! My blood–” 
San was on the verge of tears, clutching the sopping towels to her torso, covering what she could. “I’m a– I’m, I’m–” 
The words wouldn’t come. She choked up every time she tried to say it, admit what she was. Admit she had been lying to him this whole time. San was a danger to him, the staff, the animals… Her stomach twisted at what Greg would think of her. “I know.” 
‘I know.’
San’s panicked hiccups subsided as she played his words back in her head. 
‘I know.’
“San… San, I’ve known for a while,” the man scooted closer, pulling a blanket from a bin. “You aren’t that good at hiding it,” he wrapped the cushy fabric around her shoulders, careful not to touch the contaminants. 
San was shivering. She’d been in dire situations before; the Order, the forest, the wolves. But she didn’t ever feel so cold, nor so hot that the tears streaming felt like relief. Greg knew. He knew and he hadn’t fired her, or accused her of being a danger, a liar. He knew and he kept smiling at her. 
He continued, wrapping his arms around her over the shield of thick wool, “You never scared me, you know? But you’re scaring me right now, so just… Just tell me how I can help you, okay? You’ve gotta get home, remember?”
His head rested on her shoulder as he leaned in, begging for her to meet him halfway. San slumped into Greg’s chest, “You promised me you’d send pictures, a-and you’d restore the forest. So, so you can’t be another victim of tonight. This place… it fucking takes and takes, but it can’t take you–”
“Will you come?” San asked in a voice almost unrecognizable to herself, so tender and mild. She repeated, still muffled into his collarbone, “Will you come with me?” 
It was Greg’s turn to feel an overwhelming sense of relief amidst a town wide tragedy. He placed his chin on her head and nodded, “Of course. I’ll go anywhere, just please get through this, San.” 
“I just need time to heal,” she breathed out. “Come morning, my stomach’ll have closed up and I’ll just need to rest for a while. A long, long while…”
Greg’s heart rejoiced that San seemed to believe she was on the mend and that he wasn’t going to lose her tonight. He hadn’t felt this invested in someone for ages, and he hadn’t expected San to sink her claws into him like she did. Maybe it was her lack of charm, that she didn’t try to worm her way into his brain. It just happened. It happened over a laugh, over their shared passion for animals, over his own protests. He fought it for weeks. He reminded himself of who she associated with, how odd she could be, how she was literally a werewolf. Yet, he couldn’t bring himself to see her as anything other than who she was to him. San wasn’t like anyone he’d met before. He loved her in spite of it all. He just couldn’t admit that to himself until he heard the muffled whimpers through the door, until he saw her doused in red. Greg held the girl close, determined to never let her go again, “You can rest, San. I’ve got you.”
Weariness took over. The girl curled into his arms, careful to avoid touching him with any exposed viscera. He wrapped the blanket tighter and San felt as if he was holding her together. She’d gone her whole life without being held like this. Any semblance of touch was either harsh or methodical. No one held the werewolf simply to hold her. No human showed her the kind of love and care Greg was giving her now. The flesh mended, but something else did too. A wound left by humans long, long ago. The voice in her head that told San she was a monster, an unlovable creature that needed to be left to the wolves, was replaced. Her parents weren’t people that knew her anymore. They didn’t see the woman she grew to be despite the bite. Greg did. He saw her. San didn’t know for how long, but she hoped he would for much longer after tonight. 
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thenightling · 11 months
Five Nights at Freddy's Movie review
I just saw Five Nights at Freddy's.
It was campy, cheesy, and predictable. And you know what? I loved it. It was strangely nostalgic. I know that the film is based on a relatively recent horror video game franchise but it's very much stylized to resemble a horror film of the 1980s. Not only was the pizza place and animatronics (modeled on Chuck. E. Cheese) nostalgic for the 1980s but there's a strategically limited use of technology in the movie, giving it a kind of timeless feel. The repeated use of The Romantics song "Talking in your Sleep." also helped. The music definitely helps give it an 80s feel. Spoilers below: The plot is this. A child predator killed a handful of children at the pizza restaurant. The bodies were never found. I'm sure it's not that big of a surprise to learn the children now possess the animatronics where their bodies were hidden. The main character, Mike, is battling for custody for his kid sister. An unpleasant Aunt Jane has gone through unscrupulous means to try to claim Abby (the kid sister). Needless to say Jane and those working for Jane fall victim to the possessed animatronics. Mike has PTSD because when he was twelve-years-old his kid brother was abducted (and his body was also never found). Needless to say the man who killed the children who now possess the animatronics turns out to be the man who killed Mike's kid brother and he was manipulating the ghosts of his victims who could not remember how they had died. As I said, it's cheesy good fun. There are a few jump scares (which used to annoy me as a kid). And there is that annoying strobe effect of flickering lights or faulty florescent lights but thankfully there weren't as many of those as I initially thought there would be. I have epileptic and photophobic friends who can't handle those sort of strobe effects so I was a little worried they would not be able to enjoy the film.
It's a very far-fetched movie and full of 80s horror tropes but that's not a bd thing. The combination of nostalgia, familiarity, and predictability made it oddly enjoyable to watch. If I wasn't already familiar with the video game franchise you'd think this was an 80s horror movie and that's actually a good thing. Even though the film is PG-13, there's enough death and creative film tricks where your imagination comes up with a lot of the horror. Though we now know who killed Mike's brother (and he obviously plans to haunt one of the animatronics in death) I can't help but feel that there are a few unresolved plot threads such as what happened to Mike's brother? Is he also haunting the restaurant? Is he the cupcake? I know the animatronics are supposed to resemble the ones from the video games, and they do. But I can't help but be bothered by how innately creepy they are. Animatronics can be creepy on their own. And if you know about how animatronics work you sit wondering "Are they skinned? Why do they have exposed joins and mechanisms? Doesn't that ruin the illusion that these are anthropomorphic animals?" I also love some of the cornier moments, such as how quickly Mike accepted "Okay, these robots are possessed by dead children..." It's a fun, cheesy, film. Blum House definitely knows what they're doing. They have brought back the type of horror films that were popular (and entertaining) from my childhood, even if they are shackled by the marketing demand for a PG-13 rating but I'm willing to argue that it doesn't need to be a higher rating than PG-13. I liked this movie the way I liked the 2022 Dracula movie, The Invitation. It was campy but good. It was refreshing to see the genre drifting away from Torture P0rn (not literal p0rn, just excessive gore that people seem overly happy to see). And I am pretty sure Spirit Halloween will be Happy to start carrying Five Nights at Freddy's merchandise the way they already do for Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, It, and Trick 'r Treat.
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spoontoof · 1 year
october 4th, 2023 5:50pm evil telephones
some archived short stories of mine:
uploaded on march 27th, 2023 8:51pm
Crap Poem
By Just Cabrera
one day after eating a bean burrito snack
i felt the urge to take a large crap
and so i ran to the toilet and sat
letting the poop slip out, which means that i shat
i crapped so much that my ass bled blood
it was almost like my toilet was gonna flood
after many long minutes, i got bored as fuck
so i took out my phone and began scroll for luck
youtube shorts doesn’t help my adhd
the phone was so bright that i couldn’t see
then i felt like i wanted to jump up with glee
there was no more crap
the shit had ceased!
i wiped my ass so fast like i was mrbeast
but when i tried to get up, my face filled with horror
my butt was glued to the toilet staller
i had sat down too long, and now my butt was fused
to the toilet so hard that it felt abused
the phone battery died, and i was very sure
i would stay on that toilet
uploaded on march 24th, 2023 8:33pm
          My name is Jay Squashnuggets. I had just moved into my college dorm room, when I saw who my roommate was gonna be. It was a friend I had known since 9th grade. He wasn’t my best friend, but, he was a good friend. I would call him the kind of friend I would watch a movie with, or sneak out to a party, but I wouldn’t call him the kind of friend I would tell ALL of my secrets to. I don’t wanna reveal his real name, but for the sake of this story, I’m gonna call him Stu. 
          Now, our college was very close to the high school I went to, which means a lot of guys that I knew from my high school, or guys that I didn’t even know but still went to my high school, went to my college. A group of popular kids were having a 1st year party for college. “Come on, we should go!” Stu repeatedly asked me. I was hesitant, but I agreed. The party was in a house outside of college grounds because everyone wanted drink. We were all under 21, so we didn’t any college security guards to come, and start calling the real cops on us. The party was at 3:00am. Great, when all the scary, supernatural stuff happens.
          It was a 10 minute drive from the college, I didn’t have a drivers license, but Stu did. We pulled up at the house. I want to keep this story PG-13, so I’ll skip all the alcohol and stuff and go straight to when poop gets real. I think I drank a little too much, because my vision got a little blurry. It wasn’t until I went into one of the bedrooms, and passed out. The last thing I remember before passing out, was the music being turned off, and a woman screaming. 
          I woke up and looked at the clock. 3:30. I had been sleeping for about 10 minutes. I went downstairs, and screamed in shock. There were 3 dead bodies on the rug. Then, I felt a hand drag me under the couch. It was Stu. “Shhh!!! They will hear you.” Said Stu. “Who’s ‘they’” I said. Half a second later I heard someone walk into the living room. “I know your here, Jay Squashnuggets.” How did this person know my name. Correction, KID. Yes, it was a kid. A girl. Sounded like she was 9. I wasn’t scared anymore. I realized I could fight this 9 year old. I started get out of the couch when Stu whispered, “No!” I ignored him, and I stood up in front of the girl. Then I realized something. Her eyes were completely black. No white parts. Just black.
          “I see you have a friend in the couch with you.” Said the girl. I kid you not, she ran so fast under the couch, she was under there in less then 2 seconds. But I clearly saw her run. I then heard something. Snap! She sped out of the couch holding something. It was dark, so I couldn’t see what she was holding. I made out something. She was holding Stu’s head. No body, just head. Her tongue extended out of her mouth, went into Stu’s ear, then his eyes turned black. A body extended out of his head. It stuck to his head. Then legs extended out of the body, then stuck to his body. Same thing with his arms. His face morphed into an 8 year old boy’s face, but eyes stayed the same. Completely black. The girl stuck her tongue out of his ear. Stu had became a black eyed child. 
          I was so scared of what I had just saw. I booked it to Stu’s car. I tried to remember how to start the car from the drivers test I had failed. I eventually started the car and drove as far away as possible. “Am I even driving the right way?” I thought to myself. I was originally gonna drive back to the dorm, but at this point I had no idea where  the hell I was. All I knew was I was on a road with woods in every direction. Eventually car ran out of gas. “Flip!” I said. I then saw what I thought was a miracle. Another car with its headlights on in the distance. I started to wave my arms like a lunatic. The car tried to avoid me, but I wouldn’t let it. It stopped. Then, 2 big guys got out of the car. 
          Okay, when I tell you these guys were big, I mean they were BIG. I mean, not fat-big, but, buff-big. One of them came over to me and started choking me. The other one came over and took out a gun, then he looked in all of my pockets. He took out my phone, but it didn’t turn on, and I knew why. “Battery’s dead.” He said while he threw the phone away, and he was right. The battery was dead. That’s why I didn’t call for help. Then, their trunk opened. I didn’t seem like they noticed. Then, one of the black eyed children stepped out of the trunk. 
          One of the big guys suffered the same fate as Stu. He became a black eyed child. The black eyed child looked at the other big guy. “I’ll kill you instead.” She then ate all of his organs in one millisecond. I immediately ran into the woods. She ran after me at full speed. I saw a ravine. I knew what I had to do. I jumped into the ravine and landed in the water. She too landed in the water and continued to chase me into a cave. She was going to fast and rammed into a wall. I heard many rocks fall onto the exit of the cave. I was caved in. 
          Now I am stuck in this infinite labyrinth of caves with no way of getting out. I have been surviving from eating beatles and drinking cave water. I’m stuck in here with this black eyed child somewhere in here. I’m writing this in a journal, hoping to be found dead by someone. I don’t wanna become a black eyed child for all of eternity, so…
 This is a suicide note now. 
                         The End. 
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percontaion-points · 1 year
Covet chapters 84-87
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 84
And then we’re fading, straight off the roof, down the three flights of stairs, and up the hallway that gets us to my room. His mouth never leaves mine once.
Chapter 84 summary: All of the kids hang out on the roof for a long time and eventually trickle down to go to bed. There’s a heavy implication that Luca and Flint are going to slide into bed together. But since this is nothing more than a throw-away line, I kind of don’t care. 
Finally, it’s only Grace and Hudson alone up there. They dance for a moment before they start making out. Hudson bites her neck a little. When he asks if it’s too much, she says that it’s not enough. The two of them go downstairs together. 
Chapter 85
At first, I think he’s going to argue, but when I lower my mouth to his, he grins against my lips. And says, “I can totally live with that.”
Chapter 85 summary: They go down to Grace’s room, where things get even steamier. However, instead of banging, Hudson bites her. It’s so pleasurable that Grace ends up having an orgasm from it. After she’s calmed down a little bit, she insists that all of this is only because of the mating bond. Which… come on, babe. Stop kidding yourself. 
Chapter 86
“In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not very good at following rules. Besides, there are lots of other places I want to kiss you.” And then he starts tugging down my sweats.
Chapter 86 summary: They continue to have this weird PG-13 sex stuff, where they’re banging, but the writing is vague enough that I’m not actually sure that clothes have come off at all. I don’t know what’s happening. 
Anyway, I’m pretty sure that Hudson has his own orgasm. After, he’s lying on top of Grace, and she again brings up the fact that she doesn’t know much about him. She also randomly says some stuff she learned about the Library of Alexandria from a TED talk. 
Chapter 87
And though we didn’t technically have sex last night, we did a lot of other stuff.
Going to leave this right here…
Does that mean this is a real mating bond or is it another manufactured one like what I had with Jaxon? And do my feelings just ebb and flow along with who I’m mated to? Or do the feelings I have for Hudson have more to do with that three and a half months we spent together than I ever imagined? Does my heart remember something my conscious mind has forgotten?
Considering that she’s already been burned once, it’s kind of hard to blame her for feeling like this. Her second thoughts about Hudson are valid. 
“No, you said it was only the mating bond,” he tells me, sitting up now. As he does, the sheet falls down to his hips and, fight or no fight, there is no missing how beautiful his body is. 
“You agreed!” I tell him. “Your exact words were ‘I can totally live with that’!” 
“I can live with it,” he tells me with a shrug. “You’re the one who seems to be freaking out here.”
Look, when I said that I understood why she was having emotional problems getting attached to Hudson, I didn’t mean that Grace should sabotage her relationship with him. JFC girl, go to goddamned therapy. 
Big feelings, huge feelings that scare me so much that I can barely breathe. Barely think. I loved my parents and they were murdered. I loved Jaxon and he was ripped away from me. If I love Hudson—if I let myself love Hudson—what’s going to happen to me if I lose him?
Again, I’m sorry that her parents were murdered, and that the bloodletter manipulated her and Jaxon. 
This is a girl who is in desperate need of some intense therapy like a year ago, but she’s not getting any. And she’s also letting past hurt dictate her relationships in the future. 
It’s not that I don’t understand where she’s coming from, but she’s pushing Hudson away because of shit out of her control IN A PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIP. 
One, I feel more for Hudson Vega than I ever imagined I would. And two, I can never, ever tell him.
Chapter 87 summary: Grace wakes up the next morning in a chipper mood. However, as she lies there and thinks about the mating bond, she begins to feel this unholy panic. Because her first mating bond was fake, so who’s to say that this one isn’t as well? 
Hudson wakes up, and she decides on cruel, hurtful words rather than to actually talk through her feelings. As I said in previous cards, the entire thing boils down to her fear. She loved her parents and Jaxon, and they were both forced from her life. She’s afraid to get close to Hudson for fear of what his leaving would do to her next. But again, rather than to simply tell him all of this, she lashes out and says hurtful things. 
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all-about-kyu · 2 years
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Pairing: bunny hybrid!Jaemin x human fem!reader (side pairing: Markhyuck but nothing too heavy)
Genre: fluff, very light angst
Rating: PG 13
Warnings: hybrids, language, mentions of heats/ruts, making out
Word Count: 7k
Note: after several months in the works it’s finally here!! this is the first part of my neohybrid verse (yes I’m planning the others as we speak) so please look out for those too!
Hybridverse Masterlist || Bunny!Jaemin Masterlist
You hear an annoyed grunt from the puppy hybrid currently lounging on your couch. Just a moment ago everything was quiet and peaceful so the sudden noise made you jump. It had become a regular occurrence that Donghyuck would decide to randomly come to your apartment and complain about one thing or another. He claimed it was your duty as one of his close friends to listen to his problems, he’d always listen to yours in return even if he pretended to hate every moment of it.
“Why are you grunting, Hyuck?” you ask walking back into the room, ruffling his hair being sure to avoid his ears.
“Have you thought at all about what I told you?”
“You tell me a lot of things, idiot.” you comment flopping down into your recliner.
He growls again as if you could read his mind, his right ear twitching to push his point further along, “About my friend. The one who’s living with Jeno right now.”
“I’m sure his girlfriend is thrilled about that.” you interrupt sarcastically.
“She’s not the most thrilled, she does like Jaemin though. Remember how you told me you wanted a roommate since rent is a bit more pricey now?”
You groan at the mention of your rent, “Don’t get me started, who raises a rent by $200 just for maintenance? That’s ridiculous.” the puppy grunts in your direction again, “Sorry, I’ll stop interrupting.”
“Well, Jaemin, just got, let’s say removed, from his old apartment because of the building owner’s viewpoint.” he puts it nicely. “What do you think about a hybrid roommate?”
“I don’t know Hyuck, I wanted a girl roommate, less chance of awkward encounters. Plus with the unpredictability of a hybrid roommate going into their heat or rut I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
“Oh come one y/n, Jaemin is so sweet! He’s a bunny if that helps, he’s not a predator type at all. Plus in all the years of our friendship, I have never once gone into rut around you.”
You bite your lip and think for a moment. Donghyuck has always been a very persuasive person, which has gotten you in trouble more than a few times. But when it comes to things like this you know most times it’s just him looking out for his friends.
“If he’s okay living with me then I’ll meet up with him and see if we can agree on it.” you cave.
You watch as he lights up and squirms with excitement, making a small squealing noise (that was uncharacteristic for him) to further emphasize it. He didn’t even stick around long enough to explain why he was so excited, he was out the door and bidding you goodbye the minute you said you’d think about it.
Renjun hisses when Jeno pounces his swishing tail, his ears pressing back against his head. The puppy couldn’t help it though, he was rather energetic today and his girlfriend had been at work since early this morning. He has no outlet for his energy other than gaming (which most of his devices were dead). It was rare that Renjun hissed at anyone so all eyes turned to him when the noise hit the open air. The puppy recoils obviously sulking and wanting comfort even if he never admitted he wanted it. Hyuck returns to the room a moment later with a bag of chips, clearly confused about why the other hybrids were staring at the Siamese cat.
“He pounced my tail.” Renjun whines when he sees his best friend’s confused face.
“Of course, he pounced your tail, you were flicking it in his face.” the other cat comments.
“Chenle you can’t say anything,” the older cat groans, “you bully your poor bunny best friend and scare him with your tail all the time. Let’s not forget the time he bit it you scared him so bad.”
“Yeah but it’s Jisung.” he shrugs, “He knows it’s out of love.”
“Why did you tell us all to come here?” Jaemin questions, clearly over it already, “I was trying to find apartments before you told Jeno to drag me here.”
Hyuck giggles with a slight maniacal undertone before sitting beside the happy Samoyed hybrid, “That’s actually why you’re all here. I might’ve found you an apartment, my dear bunny friend.” he says, popping a chip into his mouth.
“What’s the catch?” Jisung says rather quietly, “There’s always a catch when it comes to your offers.”
“Good catch, young grasshopper,” Donghyuck chuckles, “My friend needs a roommate to help pay for the rent. She’s-”
All at once, all the other hybrids erupt in commentary or concerns. The Shiba hybrid flops back in his seat and lets them all talk over each other for a while. You’d think with him being a Shiba Inu and the rest of them being less combative domesticated animals he would have some sort of say above them. Their animal tendencies have hardly any control over their friendships. Renjun was one of the feistiest siamese cat hybrids any of them had ever met, and his counterpart Chenle, a Himalayan cat hybrid, was one of the most mischievous the friend group had ever met. Then of course the resident calm puppy, Jeno, there was no mistaking he was a rather needy breed. He may claim to hate the way his girlfriend dotes on him and make sure to brush his ears and tail daily but he absolutely adores it (just keep that godforsaken hairdryer away from him).
Then the bunnies, who were closer than any two other pairings in the group. Jaemin, a cashmere lop, met Jisung, a rex rabbit when the younger was just a kit still. At least in Jaemin’s perspective, he was. Jisung immediately took to the older bunny and eventually bonded with each other and when Jisung needed it he would stay with Jaemin. Of course, since then Jisung grew up and was living in an apartment he shared with Chenle but Jaemin still treats him like his child. Hyuck was the only combative hybrid of the group but no one ever listened to him; they brush him off thinking he just wanted to start something. It was agreed upon that he was one of the poutiest (next to Jeno) and no one could take him seriously most of the time.
Now was a time that he decided he needed to let a low growl out to get his friends to listen to him again. The moment he did so both bunnies nearly jumped a mile high, Jisung’s ears standing up straighter than normal, while Jaemin’s flattened impossibly closer to his soft brown hair. Renjun simply swats his hand at his friend telling him to be quiet, Jeno lets out a surprised yelp, and Chenle just speaks louder over the growl.
“Can I finish what I was saying?” the Shiba whines slightly, when no one responds he nods satisfied, “Good, now before you all interrupted me, I was saying that she’s really nice and I promise that she would help you out with brushing or anything if you need it.”
“I don’t know Hyuck, I’ve never lived with a human before, I know Jeno has his girlfriend but I’m not sure.”
Jeno sighs and looks at Jaemin, “Jaem, as much as we love having you around. She can only handle you for so long and it is our apartment and we would like to get back to our normal schedule. Also, the spare room was my nap place in the afternoons and you took it, which I’m not thrilled about.” he explains.
“This is a friend of Mark’s too!” Hyuck explains.
“Who’s a friend of Mark’s” Mark’s voice sounds at the entrance of the apartment. Hyuck bounces up and runs into his boyfriend’s arms, “Hi baby pup, is this another closed discussion?” he giggles, kissing the tip of one of Hyuck’s fluffy ears, earning a fake gagging noise from Renjun.
“Actually, I could use your help this time. I’m trying to convince Jaemin to move in with y/n.”
Mark lets go of the puppy hybrid and sits down beside Jaemin, “Jaem, y/n is a wonderful girl and I know you have your reservations. I don’t blame you for them, but I promise she’s a good person. Plus you’d have your own space, you wouldn’t need to worry about invading Jeno’s space any longer.” he bargains.
Jisung perks up suddenly and twitches excitedly in his place slightly, adding a foot stop for good measure, “Wait y/n! I love her so much! I’ve only hung out with her a few times with Hyuck but I really really like her! Jaemin, if you move in with her I can hang out with her more! Please please please?” he begs, knowing the older will cave.
Jaemin groans and stops his foot, his foot stops having a very different meaning to Jisung’s, “Fine, I’ll meet with her and see if we can co-exist.”
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It was barely a week later when Hyuck cornered both of you into meeting each other. He had told you he wanted to hang out and forgot to mention that Jaemin would be coming too. So the moment you enter his apartment and see floppy grey bunny ears and soft brown hair you don’t know how to function. You glare at Donghyuck who just raises his soda can in your direction before taking a sip. Dropping your bag beside the door you slowly approach the couch where the two hybrids are sitting.
“Hyuck,” you say with a tight-lipped smile, “you didn’t tell me that we were meeting today.”
“I didn’t know either, thanks Donghyuck.” Jaemin grumbles with a foot stomp.
The Shiba giggles, taking another sip of his drink, “Neither one of you were going to set up a meeting yourself so I did it for you.”
You sigh and begin to get to know the bunny hybrid. Hyuck of course facilitates conversation topics (that you entirely didn’t want to talk about on the first meeting). You quickly learn that Jaemin has particular hate for brushing his ears and tail, Hyuck telling you that you may have to do it for him sometimes. Jaemin blushes at the comment, he’d never let anyone besides Jisung brush his fur before, it was a task that required a lot of trust for him. When it comes time to discuss splitting the rent he informs you that he works at a little cafe around the corner from Donghyuck’s apartment and regularly picks up extra shifts where he can.
“Oh, and Jaemin you don’t need to worry about her bringing anyone over. She’s ridiculously single and hasn’t been on a date in months.”
“Lee Donghyuck if you don’t shut up I will throw you out a window.” you bite, “Affectionately, of course.”
“Hey, it’s okay, you won’t have to worry about me bringing people home either. Except for Jisung, but he said he’d be coming over to hang out with you more than me. There really was no use in raising that boy.” he jokes, “We can both be ridiculously single together and complain to each other when we need to.” he offers.
Donghyuck lets out a satisfied ‘hmph’ when Jaemin adds his comment. He’s about to add another comment but his phone begins to ring and you see his face light up, a sure sign that it’s Mark. He doesn’t say a word when he answers the phone, he just gets up and walks out of his apartment leaving you and the boy you just met alone in an apartment with a heavy silence filling the space. Neither of you says a word for a while and refuses to make any eye contact with each other. It stays that way for a few minutes and you hope that Hyuck returns soon, as much as his prompting was annoying, it did help you in the end.
“I-” Jaemin squeaks out, “I think he’ll be on the phone for a while, we both know his calls with Mark last a while.” “Yeah, you’re right, do you maybe wanna go look around the apartment and see what you think? It’s about a 5-minute walk away.”
The bunny nods and follows you when you head towards the door. The walk to your apartment complex was rather quiet, neither of you really said anything other than a random comment here and there about the weather or something that reminded you of something else randomly. Jaemin does seem to be on edge most of the way there though, you can’t exactly tell why though, you try to be as inviting and kind as you can. You like the idea of having him as your roommate, he seems nice, and you seem to click well despite the slightly awkward air that still surrounds you both. Though the moment you enter your apartment you see the bunny light up. You don’t even have to prompt him to explore the space. He starts bouncing slightly and assumes that he’s popcorning with excitement. You don’t know what he’s excited about but you feel warmth fill your chest anyway. You follow him from a slight distance as he explores more. When he starts opening doors you smile seeing how comfortable he already is.
“That’s my room, you can look around if you want. It’s not the cleanest right now but you can look,” you say when he grabs your doorknob.
He nods and opens the door, he stumbles back slightly as if something pushed him lightly but then starts walking forward as if in a daze of some sort. As he walks forward you take notice that his tail was twitching and shaking showing excitement even though he was focused on something. You notice him heading for your bed and specifically for a hoodie you had left out after you had gotten dressed this morning. He reaches his hand out for the material and you don’t stop him, honestly, you’re letting him figure things out before anything else. Pulling the hoodie against his chest and gently places his nose against it as well. You’re sure that he’s just trying to get acquainted with your scent so you don’t stop him. He turns to you with a blush on his cheeks, clearly feeling some level of embarrassment.
“You can hold onto it if you want. I know you need to get used to me if you do decide you want to live with me.” you smile sweetly, “Do you want to see which would be your room?”
“I’d like that.” he smiles, even his slightly larger front two teeth showing cutely.
You step out of the doorway and move to the door not even 5 feet away. It’s the room that shares a wall with your bedroom but it didn’t bother you too much. When Jaemin enters the space, free of any personalizations due to no one living there, he smiles brightly and turns back to you for a moment then curls up on the bed (which has rather plain covers on it right now), his grey ears now laying against his shoulder.
“When can I move it?” he asks, still lying in the bed.
“What do you think about next week?” you offer, a laugh slightly invading your tone.
You watch as the bunny boy lights up and bounds off the bed in your direction. Before you know it he has you wrapped up in a hug and he lets out a noise similar to a purr. You just giggle and hug him back. One would think it would be awkward hugging someone you met less than a day ago but this felt so natural you didn’t even care.
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By the day Jaemin was going to move in, all of the boys had come around your apartment. You barely knew most of them, only through Donghyuck really, but you quickly melded into their friend group. You were the one person that was allowed to pet Renjun (which Hyuck pouted about) but you knew it was partly to annoy his best friend. Jaemin seems to be particularly clingy with you though, which you hadn’t expected. He has a habit of hiding his face in the crook of your neck while he hugs you, which you find adorable, but it’s odd that he’s already taken to this behavior not even a week after meeting. Though you guess it makes sense considering you were about to live in the same space, maybe bunnies were just affectionate with people they share their space with. Jisung was affectionate with you but never like Jaemin, Jisung would let you twiddle with his hair when he was falling asleep during a movie night at Hyuck’s but that’s about it. Jaemin was on a completely different level. The others had offered to help Jaemin move his stuff from Jeno’s apartment to your apartment but he ended up denying all of them but Jeno and Jisung because he didn’t have many things in the first place. The minute all of his stuff was settled you had seen him more hyper than you have before. He was bolting around the house as fast as he could, bouncing up on the furniture occasionally. Eventually settling in your bed rather than his own and rolling around a little before getting comfortable.
You look to Jeno and Jisung hoping that they would have an explanation for his behavior. Jeno just smiles at you with his tail swishing behind him not saying a word. Jisung’s ears twitch when he hears something in the direction Jaemin disappeared to. He doesn’t seem to be too worried about it though and the tall bunny turns his attention back to you.
“He’s just happy.” he explains, “We both do that when we get really happy or excited about something. It’s a bunny thing, he seems to like the way you smell though.” he peers down the hallway slightly, “He’s never bolted into any of our rooms and made a makeshift nest in our beds. In his defense, though you do smell nice, we know you can’t really smell peoples’ scents like we can, but trust me you smell good. Jaemin just seems to really like it a lot.” Jisung rambles.
“He already stole one of my hoodies last week. I don’t know where he put it, all I know is that it’s missing.” you add.
Jeno tilts his head at you before adding to the discussion, “Is that why my whole apartment smells like you? I had no idea why it did, Kira thought I was crazy or it was just lingering around from when all of you came over.”
Not much later you see Jaemin emerge from your room, wrapped in one of the fluffy blankets you had thrown across your bed. The fluffy grey material of your blanket practically blends in with his ears. He seems to glare at both Jeno and Jisung when he stops his movement right next to you. You have never seen him so stoic before and you aren’t really sure how to react other than to just stand there. Suddenly he starts circling you closely over and over again. You look at the other two boys in front of you. Jeno looks completely confused by his friend’s action, his head flopping to the side further showing his confusion. Jisung, on the other hand, was as bright red as a tomato. He doesn’t say a word though, he seems too shocked by the action. When Jaemin finally stops his circles he stays standing close to you, almost as if he’s laying a claim on you.
“Jaemin, did you just do binkies around her?!” Jisung suddenly exclaims.
“And what about it?” Jaemin retorts.
“Y-you’ve just never been like this before.” he explains quieter this time, “I’m surprised.”
“Care to explain to the two of us who aren’t bunnies what you’re talking about?”
Jisung scrunches up his nose and shakes his head. He won’t give you or Jeno an explanation, you aren’t sure what just happened but it’s clear that Jaemin doesn’t want either of the other two boys near you. Though the older bunny does eventually relax more and joins the rest of you when you sitting in the living room, he still sticks close to your side. He goes even as far as to lay his head on you and put his nose against your neck. You give Jisung a look and he shakes his head again and turns to face Jeno. His face was still bright red but refusing to explain why he was so red. When Jeno slid a little closer to you on the couch you see Jaemin stomp his foot at the puppy hybrid. Jeno clearly is off-put by the stomp and slides back to where he was. He was merely getting more comfortable and turning to face you when you asked him a question but Jaemin was having none of it.
“J-Jeno, do you want to head out? You said you have plans later, right?” Jisung interjects when he sees Jaemin’s behavior.
“Ji, what ar-”
“You told me you have plans!” Jisung interjects with a tight-lipped smile and an odd tone.
“Oh yeah, did you want to go with me? Kira already gave me a few things she needed from there too.” he gave his classic puppy smile.
You knew they were trying to find a reason to leave, and you’re pretty sure it’s because of Jaemin’s odd behavior. Jaemin doesn’t care at all though, in fact, he almost seemed more content now knowing that they were about to head out. You hear him chitter (that almost sounded like a purr) before bouncing up from beside you. You stand up slowly after him and move to Jisung with a confused look still spread across your face. You hear Jaemin whine behind you when you hug Jisung. You have no idea why he’s acting so odd all of a sudden but you aren’t sure how to handle it. You make a mental note to text Jisung later to see if you can get actual information out of the younger bunny hybrid.
Jeno has his staple smile across his face, his tail wagging happily behind him. He doesn’t seem at all bothered by his friend’s odd display. It’s almost as if he has no idea what he’s doing, or he simply doesn’t have a care in the world about his actions. He hugs you despite the grunting that Jaemin does to again show his distaste for the action.
“Bye, you guys! Have fun with your plans.” you smile as they walk out your apartment door.
The minute you close the door and turn around and see Jaemin right there behind you. His long grey floppy ears framed his face just right. You had no idea he moved behind you, he moved so quietly and quickly that it scared you. He doesn’t say anything though, he just looks at you as if you should know what he’s trying to communicate.
“Jaemin?” you question.
“You can’t smell me?” he questions back, albeit in a much softer tone.
“Smell you? Have you not showered or something?”
“My scent, you can’t smell it?”
“I’m a human.”
“So no?”
You stay silent for a moment. He still has you practically pinned against the door. Then at that moment, you realize you’ll have a lot of learning to do about now rooming with a hybrid rather than another human. Sure, you did a little research, and you talked to Jisung and Hyuck about what Jaemin is like specifically. But doing things in theory versus in reality is very different. Hyuck warned you that Jaemin could get clingy. You hadn’t expected it to be instantly though. Jisung warned you that he might do some odd things, but he never specified what was weird. Perhaps he was referring to the circles he ran around you earlier. Maybe not though, he could be talking about something completely different.
“Is that a good thing?” you finally comment.
“I don’t smell disgusting, just like cinnamon.”
“That’s a nice smell, maybe a little intense.”
“It’s not intense, according to ex-girlfriends it was nice.”
He moves away finally and you let go of a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You watch him saunter off to his room as if nothing happened just now. You aren’t sure how to react to the situation, he wasn’t this way when you first met, something shifted and you couldn’t figure out what caused it.
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It’s been about a month since Jaemin moved in with you. Since that first day, he’s calmed down a bit but does get rather clingy when you get home from classes or your part-time job. Despite him already living here for a month, Donghyuck insisted that you have a housewarming type party for Jaemin moving in. You tried to fight it, all you could do though was talk him down to a small get-together with your shared close friend. You’ve been trying to get as much cooking and setup done before everyone arrives but Jaemin being suddenly clingy again has made that quite a difficult task.
“Jaem, could you please fill the bowls with chips and pretzels? I need to finish making this dip.”
Jaemin whines slightly, “But I want to be next to you.” he pouts.
You sigh slightly frustrated with his behavior, “Then go get the bags of chips off the table and put them in bowls on the counter next to me.”
With a slight grunt, he caves and does what you ask. You’ve noticed that he tends to cling to you when other hybrids have been around you or his friends come over. You’re not sure what to make of it, maybe it’s just his way of protecting you from something. Though you don’t need protection from his friends, they’re your friends too. Hyuck has been in your life since you were in middle school, if he was to hurt you (purposely) he would’ve done it already.
Your train of thought was interrupted by two things. First, Jaemin suddenly hugged you and nuzzled his neck against your hair, his floppy ears brushing against your cheek. Second, a knock at the door. Jaemin has never been physically affectionate like this before. He’s given the odd side hug once in a while, but to have him back hugging you and nuzzling against you is completely unlike him. The knock hits against the door again and you pry yourself out of Jaemin’s hold to finally go answer it.
When you open it, you see Mark and Hyuck standing there. Hyuck stumbles back slightly and coughs slightly. You’re confused but Mark is clearly reacting too, though much less obvious. You just look at them for a moment very confused still. It’s not like you smell bad, you showered earlier today.
“What’s wrong?” you finally ask.
“Your apartment reeks of Jaemin, what happened in the last week?” Hyuck rebuttals.
“Yeah, it’s really strong.” Mark adds.
You shake your head in slight disbelief. You should’ve smelled it too, sure you’re not a hybrid like everyone else around you but you should be able to at least smell it vaguely.
“I’ll open up some windows, just get in here and stop standing in the hallway like weirdos.” you tease, trying to make light of the situation.
The two hybrids walk into the space and Jaemin is already back at your side and clinging again. Hyuck looks him up and down a few times. He only stops when Mark elbows his puppy boyfriend lightly. You aren’t sure why he’s sizing up the slightly taller bunny but you get weird vibes from the whole situation.
The others start arriving slowly over the next hour and Jaemin’s clingy behavior only gets worse as time goes on and more of your friends arrive. Everything’s rather calm until Jisung arrives. You could handle the clinging to the extent it was before the other bunny’s arrival. Before he was just attached to your hip and randomly hugging you but now. Now he’s even clingier, though you thought it was impossible. He was always lingering close to you before, now he keeps his arms wrapped around you or trying to nuzzle against you again. The others of course notice how he’s acting but none of them say anything to him directly. They just give you brief glances trying to figure out what’s happening or convey something to you that you just aren’t understanding. You still don’t understand what he’s doing, Jisung refuses to make eye contact with you and is sporting a bright red blush on his cheeks. The same blush that he had the day he helped Jaemin move into the apartment.
“Can you guys please stop acting weird?” you whine, “I’m trying to enjoy everything and you’re making me feel weird.”
“Sorry, it’s just that Jaemin is being so clingy with you and we’ve literally never seen him like this.” Renjun explains.
“I am not clingy!” Jaemin defends, though it doesn’t help that he’s currently hugging you.
“Jaemin, can I talk to you?” Jisung asks quietly, “It’s kinda important.”
Jaemin nods and guides Jisung down to his room. Jisung has been over a few times over the past month and for the most part, stay with Jaemin. You of course saw him and had a few meals together but it wasn’t more than an hour at a time. Honestly, you’re really curious what they’re going to talk about but you know it’s probably not your business to begin with.
The moment that Jisung and Jaemin are in his room and the door is shut Jisung gives him a particular look.
“What Ji? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You know why. What’s going through your head?” he sighs.
“Jisung, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You did binkies around her the first day you moved in. Every time I’m over here you hardly let me interact with her, like you’re scared I’ll steal her. Now today you’re being uncharacteristically clingy and hardly let anyone come close to her. Explain.”
“Okay, you got me. I really like her, I didn’t want to admit it but I do. I don’t want to say anything though cause we’re roommates before anything else and I don’t want to fuck that up.”
“There it is. Jaem, just tell her. The worst thing that could happen is her asking you to move out, and even then, we all know her by now. She won’t do that to you.”
“Jisung,” he sighs, “how do you know that?”
“You’ve lived with her for a month, she’s dealt with your clingy ass for a month and hasn’t told you to stop. Be honest with her.”
Jaemin nods at him still slightly unsure. The younger bunny takes his nod as a yes and exits the room. Jaemin follow not too far behind him and rejoined the rest of the hybrids and you. When they did return you noticed that Jaemin was suddenly a lot less clingy and letting you have your space and talk to the others. You don’t know what Jisung said to him in there, but you genuinely don’t know how to react. He’s been so clingy for the past month and now suddenly he’s sitting on the opposite side of the room and not even grunting when someone gets near you. You swear Jisung is magical, cause for the rest of the day Jaemin seems to let you breathe. It feels wrong though, having Jaemin so separated from you doesn’t feel right in the slightest. You want him close, he made you feel comfortable and safe even with the limited personal bubble.
You must’ve been clearly pouting about it subconsciously because you notice Hyuck giving you a certain look from his place curled against his goofy Toyger hybrid boyfriend. You return his look as if you have no idea what he’s on about. Though you should know better, your best friend is one of the worst instigators you know. His argumentative Shiba personality doesn’t help much either. He lets out a little puff of air before standing up, he grabs your wrist in the process and drags you into the kitchen.
“Talk.” he states plainly.
“Hyuck, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You’re pouting, and it just so happens to be after Jaemin stops clinging to your hip.” he pokes, “What’s up with that?”
“I just like him being close to me, we have some sort of weird bond.”
He stands there for a moment deep in thought. Then his eyes go wide, and you feel some odd emotion bubbling in your gut because you don’t understand his facial expression fully.
“We need Jisung in here now.” he states softly, “Park Jisung get your ass in here!” he yells through the apartment.
Jisung rushes into the room clearly startled by Hyuck’s loud call. He knows that Jisung knows something, he has for a while. Everyone knows Hyuck can talk anything out of anyone. It’s his specialty.
“Why is Jaemin so clingy?”
“Um… he really likes her. He did binkies around her the first day he moved in. Doing binkies means you really like a person, like wanting to be mates with them. I’ve never seen him like that before.” “Why didn’t you say that when I asked?” you question the younger hybrid.
“I thought maybe he just got so excited that he was moving in. I didn’t want to assume anything. But when I came here today and it smelled so much like cinnamon in a very possessive way I knew I was right.”
Hyuck just listens for a while as you and Jisung discuss his recent behavior since moving in. Everything pointed to him liking you. Not so deep down you like him too, you just didn’t want to admit it. You can feel his eyes on you too, you can feel him thinking up a plan but you don’t think you want to know it.
“So you being so desperate for his affection too. Is that possibly due to you liking him?” your best friend teases.
“I- Hyuck, this isn’t about me.”
“Oh, but y/n, it is. Do you like him too?”
You don’t answer, you quietly brush past him and sneak off to your room. What you don’t know is that Mark was employed by his boyfriend to send Jaemin into your room while you were distracted under the pretense of trying to find something for you. When you walk into your room and see Jaemin rooting through your desk you’re shocked, to say the least. He’s never gone through your stuff, he’s never stepped foot in your room without your permission.
“Jaemin what are you-”
The door slams shut. You turn around and rush towards your bedroom door, it won’t open though. There’s no doubt that this was Donghyuck’s doing. He probably had propped a chair under the nob to keep you trapped in there with your roommate.
“Lee Donghyuck let us out right now!” you yell through the door.
You can hear his laugh on the other side, “No way, you aren’t coming out of there until you talk shit out.”
You groan and flop back on your bed. Turning your head you look over and your bunny hybrid roommate. He looks slightly frustrated but more anxious than anything else. You slide over a little on your mattress and pat the spot next to you for him to join you. He jerkily nods and sits down next to where you lay. You watch him for a few moments and take in just how beautiful he actually is. His doe eyes and long lashes, the way his lips naturally sit in a slight pout no matter what his mood is. You notice how his fingers play with the ends of his ears, which you assume is an anxious habit. Sitting up, you reach to grab his hand before he can accidentally rip any fur out. You accidentally touch his ear though and he jumps away from the touch.
“Sorry, I just was worried about you ripping your fur out with you worrying on your ear like that.” you explain when he gives you a displeased look.
“It’s fine,” he sighs, “what’s even the point of them locking us in here. We don’t have anything we need to discuss.”
You debate for a minute about whether or not to tell him that Jisung told you everything. It could destroy your bond if you rat him out like that. You could like and say you did your own research. Or you could simply pretend that there really isn’t anything for you to discuss. After you weigh your options you decided to save his relationship with Jisung and tell him you know what’s up from your own research.
“There is something Jaemin.” you breathe out.
“What?” he asks with a skeptical lilt to his voice.
“I know why you’re so clingy. When you first moved in I did some research on bunny hybrids so I could be aware. That first day, you did binkies around me, then after that you were extremely clung to me no matter what. I didn’t help with that either though. I clung to you too, I liked how affectionate and domestic we were right out of the gate. It felt right for us to be like that. After you talked to Jisung today and stopped being clingy it kinda upset me. I was so used to you being clingy with me and being close to me that I didn’t want you to be separated from me anymore. Being affectionate with you feels right, comfortable even.” you ramble.
“Y/n?” he questions, “Where are you going with this?’
“I know you like me Jaemin. There’s no use denying it, especially after your behavior whenever I’m around any of the guys but you.” you giggle, “I like it though, I like you too. I like that you’re clingy and affectionate. I like that you feel protective over me, within reason of course. I like you Jaemin.”
“You mean it?” he asks with a hopeful tone.
“I mean it Jaemin.” you smile.
He smiles at you for a few moments and just reveled in the confession that just happened. You both know the implications of what you just said but neither of you want to say it. Just staring at each other you feel like you have a whole conversation. He leans in closer to you and searches your face for an answer to his silent question. You know exactly what he’s asking at this close proximity. You both know what you want to do, still no words interrupt the silence. Finally the tension in the room becomes too strong and you speak up.
“Yes, Jaemin, you can.” you near-whisper.
“You don’t even know what I was going to ask.” he teases.
You don’t let him tease you any longer though, you lean forward and connect your lips with his. You can feel him smile against your lips and kiss you back. He leans further forward making you lay back against your bed, your slowly wrap your arms around his neck. When you feel his tongue brush against your lower lip you immediately comply and grant him access. You feel his long bunny ears fall forward on either side of your face as you kiss. Moving your hands up into his hair you take the opportunity to also move his ears out of the way. When a soft sound escapes his lips at the contact to his ears you make a mental note to keep that in mind for later.
“We should check on them, it’s been a half hour and it’s dead silent in there!”
You hear Mark worry from the other side of the door. You couldn’t care less though, and clearly Jaemin doesn’t either. He just kisses you with renewed vigor and pours all the emotion he can into the kiss. Even when you hear the door slowly opens you don’t separate.
“You two figured things out fast.” Renjun comments with a disgusted noise.
Jaemin rolls off of you and flops next to you before sitting up, “You were all in on this?”
Jeno peeks his head in the door way, his fluffy white ears standing out against the pink of his hair, “At first no, but then Hyuck explained with Jisung’s help and we all agreed.”
“Plus you’ve been scenting this whole apartment for weeks now it smells like. We don’t want to deal with your territorial ass the entire rest of your life.” Chenle comments.
What was once you and Jaemin spending your first moments together as a couple alone became a small get together hosted in your room rather than in the living room. Ushering everyone back out to the living room you feel Jaemin tug your wrist back.
“Thank you,” he smiles, “I’m happy we both feel the same way, even if it did happen really fast.”
“Of course, Jaemin, I really like you and I hope we can love each other a long time.”
“We will, I know it.” he smiles again, pecking your lips, “We should be good hosts now though.” he giggles.
Joining the others in the communal space again you watch how your best friend gets his classic shit-starting face on. You’re internally prepping yourself for whatever he’s about to say. Mark notices it too, but you both know he isn’t exactly able to tame his combative, argumentative boyfriend most of the time.
“So, Jaemin, care to explain to everyone what exactly happened the day you moved in? Jisung told y/n and I everything about that bunny instinct.” he teases.
“Ji- y/n said-” he stutters, “So what if I did binkies, at least you know I was being serious about it!” he pouts.
You just giggle at his adorable display and kiss his cheek, “It’s okay bunnyboy, it was cute, it always will be.”
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255 notes · View notes
acradelius · 2 years
hiiii could i request scenario 63 with moicy x female reader? like maybe reader got into an accident or was injured on a mission? tyty!
"Thoughts Of Losing You Is Scary."
Fandom: Overwatch
Pairing: Moicy (Moira/Mercy) x F!Reader
Scenario: #63 - "The thought of losing you scares me."
Rating: Lime [🟢] (Equivalent to PG-13)
Warnings/Mention Ofs: Injured Reader, Head Injury, Leg Injury, Mentions of Flatlining, Null Sector OR14 (Not Orisa), Recovering
Word Count: 722 Words
Author's Note: Timelines wise would take place like right before King's Row Archive Event, so Moira would still be with Overwatch/Blackwatch to make things easier.
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“She’s.. waking up!” That voice was seemingly familiar, (Y/N) swore that she had heard of the voice somewhere before but was finding it difficult to pinpoint exactly who it belonged to. Everything that she was experiencing right now was becoming quite overwhelming, and concerning, but (Y/N) couldn’t determine why at that moment. Did something happen to her? Was she forgetting something that had happened to her? “B-Bright..” She groaned out as she decided to keep her eyes closed, questioning when did the lights become so bright, it began to hurt her eyes. (Y/N) was also beginning to notice the pain faintly throbbing throughout her head and right leg. Was she injured? Also, why did everything feel so.. stiff? “(Y/N)? (Y/N), can you hear me?” Another groan, can someone turn down the lights? “Moira, we need the lights off. They’re too bright for her.” Angela.. It was Angela trying to communicate with her. She looked exhausted, eyes red from irritation and puffy, had she been crying?
Moira walks swiftly until she’s behind Angela after turning off the lights, resting her hands upon her shoulders as an attempt to comfort her. (Y/N) could tell that Moira hadn’t been crying, but that there was still something concerning with how worrisome was evident in her expression. “How are you feeling? Are you in pain?” (Y/N) was seemingly confused by Moira’s questions, which led to Moira asking another one which definitely captured (Y/N)’s attention. “(Y/N), do you remember what happened? What happened to you?” (Y/N) came to the realization that something had happened, something that caused her to become injured, and from the behaviors that both her partners were expressing it must’ve been grim injuries. “What happened? I don’t remember anything..” She brushed her head against her head, cloth. (Y/N) must’ve sustained a head injury of sorts. Glancing down at the end of the bed, her right leg was in a cast. “Sustained major injuries, must’ve been gnarly.” 
A moment of silence, a moment of concentrating, then the memory comes rushing back to (Y/N). It was supposed to be a reconnaissance mission, trying to locate and strategize against the Omnics known as Null Sector. Get in, quick survey, get out. Yet, the mission somehow completely went wrong and instead of getting intel (Y/N) and the other squads were ambushed instead. There’s a lot of yelling, yet it becomes difficult to understand what's actually being over all the gunfire and droning sounds from the Null Sector. There was that one Null Sector that (Y/N) couldn’t seem to shake, that one OR14-NS. She remembers it catching up to her, grabbing her, then everything was just devoured by the void. “The retreating soldiers who had stumbled upon you, they said that they wouldn’t have believed that you weren’t dead by the amount of blood you were lying in due to your head injury, if you hadn't coughed. Then your leg was completely torn up when they brought you in.” Moira explained, filling in the remaining details after you had finished telling them what you could recall. 
“You’ve been in some sort of recovery coma for about a week now.” Angela then begins, gently grabbing hold of (Y/N)’s hand as her face starts to scrunch up, eyes glistening from the tears that she was trying to hold back. “There were times that you were doing well, but then moments later we were struggling to keep you from flatlining. It was terrifying, and ultimately, we thought that we were going to lose you.” It was then that the tears started to fall, Angela biting her lip harshly to prevent herself from sobbing loudly. Moira leaned down to press a gentle kiss to the top of her head, then looked back to (Y/N). “The thought of losing you scared us. We wouldn’t have known what to do next if we would’ve lost you.” Having both partners here, seeing their concern and seeing the love through that concern brought tears to (Y/N)’s eyes, squeezing Angela’s hand in return. She musters up a smile, mustering up a large one despite the pain. “You two don’t need to worry. I’m not leaving this world anytime soon, especially when I have you both right by my side.”
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