#ren x ohya
megashadowdragon · 3 years
( its not a harem)
the first chapter is where ann is his lover 
the second chapter is  with sayado kawakami
the third chapter is makoto
4th chapter is tae takemi
and the 5th chapter is sae nijima
and the sixth is with ohya
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subnautica-reviews · 2 years
Having played through p5r 7 times now, i think i can safely say that, in my opinion, Haru is the best possible option for true love interest.
-Haru x Ren is the only relationship Morgana actively supports (Ren would find Morganas opinion extremely important. He only reacts to Ren romancing Ann and Haru, Ann negatively, Haru positively.)
-Haru’s explicit feelings for Ren mentioned when you romance her are the only ones where it’s implied that they existed before the social link (She says that she only asked Ren for help to spend more time with him if you romance her. Although helping her is optional, her asking for Rens help is part of a story event.)
-Her story is something straight out of a romance novel (rich daughter being married off to a guy she doesn’t like and bam, bad boy with a heart of gold shows up to offer her the freedom she so desperately wants, so it works out thematically for her story as well.)
-And this pair is confused for a couple by other people the most (Sojiro doesn’t want Ren to “break her heart” and Ohya comments on the fact that Haru is way out of Rens league when you go shopping for the thing that has Teddie on it. Even the perfect Kunikazu that is crafted for Haru by Maruki thinks Haru and Ren might be more than just friends.)
This is why i think Haru is most likely to be Ren’s true love interest.
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lokiarsene · 4 years
ok i realize that post was made to stir up drama (or else it wouldn't have been phrased or tagged the way it was (and it was successful too, have another anon!)) but i'm actually really intrigued by your interpretation? social links/confidants seem to me to be inherently exploitative in favor of the mc so the idea that it's the teammates that are taking advantage is really interesting. would you be willing to explain more clearly how you reached that conclusion?
Ren’s help for the PT fulfilled the gameplay need of having your party members get stronger through abilities, while at the same time helping them resolve a problem in their personal lives. Very few, if any, of the rank scenes involved conversations in which Ren expressed parts of himself, his past, his current situation, things he considered important, things he felt as a person. It was all, for the most part, reactions to things that the PT had said and done.
I also want to note that Confidants in P5R are specifically stated as give and take, which means there is an inherent expectation of you do x for me and I do y for you. That is a choice for the story and a choice meant to show off the aesthetics and vibe of the story, which is a semi-seedy, underhanded, in the shadows of society way of living. I’m not criticizing the PT for being written this way, I’m saying that it does absolutely nothing for Ren as a person that actually connects to him.
This “react instead of act” problem in the PT’s Confidants even extends to several non-PT Confidants, with Yoshida being a notable exception. Iwai and Ohya, IMO, are also exceptions: through them we see that Ren genuinely does not care about toeing the line set by the justice system if it means he does the right thing, and he’s more than happy to talk up the PT’s activities to help them stay alive in the gossip mill. He flirts with lethal consequences if it means he sticks to a code of justice, and through Yoshida he sees how to temper that enough to apply it to changing society in legal ways. Justice isn’t just about rebellion, it’s also about sticking to what’s broken and fixing it from within.
He didn’t learn either of those things from the PT Confidants, which isn’t the PT’s problem. That’s just how they were written. But it’s because they were written that way that I can safely say that the PT’s Confidants did not in any way contribute to a significant change or emotional impact on Ren because of how Ren was positioned within those exchanges. It’s also why I can point to Akechi’s Confidant and say that nothing about it has Ren just be a sounding board for Akechi to say things and get helpful feedback. Their Confidant was written in a specific way to differentiate it from other Confidants. This is deliberate and makes their bond significant from a purely objective standpoint within the story itself. 
When their Confidant started in the TV studio, Akechi even says that he wants to talk to Ren more, that their conversations will be helpful. That’s the “give and take” part of their Confidant: conversations. An equal exchange that does nothing but benefit them as individuals.
To be brief: Ren was spectator in the PT’s Confidant ranks, but with Akechi he was a participant. They had conversations, which is remarkable considering Ren doesn’t actually have a ‘voice’ in the game.
To be even more brief: if the PT’s Confidants were so significant to Ren, then why didn’t Maruki pick them as the bargaining chip to blackmail Ren into staying in the dream world? Maruki picked Akechi for a reason, and it’s because Akechi was the most important thing to Ren compared to anything else.
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yizukikhons · 4 years
TMA x Persona 5 crossover
I’m combining my newest obsession with one of my favorite games ‘cause I love playing the game “what characters from X series would belong to Y category from Y series”
Persona 5, but all the characters belong to different entities from the Magnus Archives (Note: this’ll be based off of the original game, as I have not been able to afford the new release of Royal, and so have not played it yet.) Main Cast: Akira/Ren: Beholding. I debated for a long time about what to pick. What fit the protagonist better? Did his attempts to appear harmless mean he was better suited for the Spiral and it’s deceptions? Or does the fact that he’s a Wild Card able to mold himself into anything his friends needs align him with the Stranger? Or does his anger at unjust treatment give him the greatest connection to the Slaughter, or the Desolation? In the end I went with Beholding not only because that’s what I made the Velvet attendants, but because the Beholding also witnesses all the other entities. It has ties to all of them, even the Stranger which is it’s antithesis along with the Dark. It would make sense that he would have access, have KNOWLEDGE, of all the other entities under this power. Ryuji: The Vast. I almost gave him the Lonely, as after Kamoshida broke his leg he was isolated from his peers, but Ryuji doesn’t WANT to be alone. None of the other entities felt right. The Flesh is too literal, the Web requires more smarts than this boy has, the Corruption makes no sense and so on. I eventually went with the Vast because Ryuji always talks about freedom, and how running made all of his worries fade away, how it helped him connect to his other teammates. Avatars of the Vast have a very laid back look on life and are by far some of the most friendly you can run into, though it doesn’t make them any less dangerous.
Morgana: Beholding. I was originally thinking about whether to make him a Spiral creature or maybe the Stranger, but I realized that whatever Morgana was, then the other velvet room attendants would have to be it as well. And Igor’s JOB is to know things and help guide the player without actually interfering. He can’t belong to anything BUT the Beholding.
Ann: The Stranger: I wasn’t super sure about this one, as the Stranger relies heavily on deception-which Ann is NOT good at-but looking back at all the statements that involve it, it’s evident that it doesn’t try to be GOOD at deception either. How would you know something’s not right if the act was perfect? And as a model, Ann needs to be able to put on different attitudes in order to have presence.
Yusuke: The Spiral. I wasn’t sure which one to give to Yusuke originally. Again, the Lonely was my original thought, as his eccentricities make it hard for him to connect to other people, but being isolated is something that happens TO him, not something he pursues. Yusuke says that he wants to inspire people the way the Sayuri did for him, wants to show the world in new ways. And what better Entity/Patron to follow then the one that does exactly that? The spiral is about fooling the senses, making you see things that aren’t there or perceiving things in impossible ways. What better way is there to describe how art is supposed to make people feel?
Makoto: This girl belongs to the Hunt. You might think the Slaughter because of the rage she feels at being treated like a doormat but nope! That’s her sister. Her sense of justice makes her pursue her prey. She stalks Akira, set traps for him and the Phantom thieves. Not to mention that she wants to be a cop-which tend to lean towards the Hunt due to pursuing criminals. Futaba: Beholding all the way. This girl wants to Know everything, wants to Understand above all. While her vision might have been clouded by grief after her mother’s death, she still Knew they were lying to her and pursued the truth relentlessly.
Haru: Slaughter. I don’t think I have to explain this one do I? Girl canonically has sadistic tendencies, and while one COULD argue that Sadism fits the Desolation better, she doesn’t destroy for destruction’s sake. 
Akechi: Desolation. I was originally going to give this boy the Slaughter like Haru due to his anger, until I realized that the anger wasn’t the point. It was directed at Shido. At building him up as high as possible just to take it all away from him. That’s quintessential Desolation mentality. The Desolation is about loss more than fire, and Akechi is determined to make Shido lose EVERYTHING, and believes anything destroyed in that process will be worth it, just to see the expression on his father’s face as he pulls the rug out from under him.
Sadayo Kawakami: Victim of the Buried. Not just because of her debt, but also because of her guilt. The Buried can be metaphorical as well as physical, and Kawakami is an excellent example of that. Sae Nijima: Slaughter. Her anger and tendency to lash out at Makoto are what made me decide on this Entity. She isn’t an Avatar. Like Melanie, she was infected with it and was slowly becoming more and more angry and violent.
Sojiro Sakura: Hunt. He’s been out of the game for a while, so the instincts have largely gone away, but as Wakaba’s friend he learned a lot and that knowledge has helped him keep Futaba safe.
Munehisa Iwai: Slaughter. Former Yakuza? Of course it’s Slaughter; but taking in Kaoru and leaving his clan cut him off from the entity and nowadays he’s just a normal human.
Toranosuke Yoshida: Victim of the Lonely. Being evicted from congress isolated him and left everyone unwilling to listen to him. 
Ichiko Ohya: the Dark. It doesn’t fit perfectly. The Dark is about hiding information, not publishing it;  but in game her abilities allow you to move around undetected, and her articles help your reputation. I almost went with the Spiral considering how she deceives people, but the characters don’t all need to be Avatars who symbolize their patron. I see it more likely that Ohya is a victim of the Dark, as Shido’s organization is trying to keep her from the truth. 
Chihaya Mifune: Web. As a genuine fortune teller it only makes sense that she would be aligned with the Weavers.
Tae Takemi: The End. Enough said.
Shinya Oda: The Hunt. He’s always searching for weaknesses, whether that’s in his competitors or the enemies in game.
Hifumi Togo: The Web. Not only do her abilities allow you greater control over battes, but she’s also caught in the Web of her mother’s making when she’s trying to turn Hifumi into a model.
Yuki Mishima: The Corruption. Mishima uses his ‘position’ as the Phantom Thieves manager to try and gain others respect and take advantage of people. Corruption isn’t always about literal filth and decay, so I think this kind of moral Corruption would definitely put him under this Entities gaze.
Igor: Beholding. I explained this earlier in Morgana’s part, but Igor just fits the Beholding. He has knowledge that he shares with the player to aid in their journey, but he never interferes, never takes action.
Caroline: The Slaughter. I know I said that all the Velvet attendants would be beholding, but I thought that since the twins were two halves of one person, it would be interesting if their Patrons were different to reflect her broken nature. Justine: The End. I wanted to originally go for something different, like the Lonely or the Web. But Justine is a lot calmer than her sister, almost emotionless, and most of all she’s PATIENT, which is a trademark of the End. 
Lavenza: Beholding. As a Velvet attendant, she shares the same Patron as Igor.
Palace Rulers: Kamoshida: The Flesh. At first I didn’t know which Entity to give him. Should it be the Hunt, considering his lustful pursuit of the girls? Or maybe the Buried as he tries to pressure Ann into sleeping with him, using Shiho to keep her at his side. I eventually settled on the Flesh because even though Kamoshida was willing to do anything to get Ann as soon as possible and hurt Shiho when she turned him down in retaliation, the Hunt will never stop their pursuit because THAT’S THE FUN PART. There is no end for them. Kamoshida did want to catch Ann.
Madarame: The Spiral. I was originally going to go with the Lonely since he isolates his students, but other than that surface comparison, Madarame has no connection to the Lonely. He relied far more heavily on deceiving his students and tricking them into thinking that they owe him their artwork due to his mentoring them. 
Kaneshiro: The Corruption. I mean, he turns into a fly. What more is there to say, except that he possesses the same moral corruption that infects Mishima?
Okumura: The Buried. I originally went with the Flesh, but it felt far too literal. I eventually settled on the Buried as Okumura oppresses his workers and smothers them under exhaustion and debt to the company to keep them in line.
Shido: The Web. I thought about going with the Beholding as a sort of parallel to both the protagonist and Jonah Magnus from TMA, but Shido doesn’t want knowledge. He wants control, to exert his will on the masses, and that’s Web, not Beholding. Yaldabaoth: The Web. The ultimate expression of manipulation. Father of Puppets. 
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crossgartered · 4 years
P5R liveblog (6/?)
(Mementos & Kichijoji)
Wait Yoshida is only on Sundays???? Guess I'm not taking a mugwort bath for a good while
The recontextualization of Chouno being worried about another Kamoshida makes a lot of sense, actually, and I'm actually very here for it.
I had a suspicion earlier, but I really do think they just completely took out the hostage mechanic.
Tbh I'm glad that they're specifying the "[x] talk" skills. So Ann's Girl Talk works with female shadows. Etc. I dunno if that's how they always were specified but the description didn't say, or if it's only for royal, but I rather like it as flavor.
It's interesting to see how the sl abilities are getting shuffled around a bit, especially with Baton Pass (thank god!!!) being automatic now.
Random encounter with Takemi???? I was just doing my laundry???????
Of course the snowball woman is a nekomata. Of course she is.
Side note, am very pleased by new mementos requests. And also that I do more investigating for them. Well. Idk yet if it's just this one (plus the one that was already in p5) where you investigate first or if I'm right and there are more requests that require asking around
Hmm, that was a bit anticlimactic. I wonder if you get a chance every time you hold them up if you get it wrong the first time
Is Jose not here right now? Do I have no one to give these flowers to?
AHA there he is. I'm wondering if I need to actually get out of the car and go down the escalators once for him to show up.
"How can I phrase it... I guess I could say you're making this hazy, hard-to-grasp idea finally appear before me?" ...*Morgana voice* treasure?????
Hey, Makoto and Akechi are both reacting to the announcement ^u^
Is that Nakanohara in the crowd???
It's really interesting to me how Ryuji's main motivation for all this is payback. And fame but like mostly it's revenge. And after Madarame he says, "With this power... We might be able to do more than just getting back at society. It'll be a big deal!" Which is very interesting to me.
What a Chariot.
"So after Shiho Suzui, you did it again for someone you barely knew?" <- Now that's interesting. Sae considers Shiho to be who we did the Kamoshida change of heart for. She's not entirely wrong, of course, but there were other possible and valid motives. I wonder what Ren said to her...
Kichijoji is pretty cool so far
Incense? Wonder what that's for. In previous games it was for combat stat increases so 👀
Ooh, a jazz club. I wonder when I'll get to use it...maybe after I start hanging out with Ohya? They keep saying how it's for adults.
Baton Pass ranks?!?!?! : DDDD
Is it me, or is it way easier to earn money in this game than in vanilla p5? I've got over ¥200k rn and I haven't even sold my treasures from my last Mementos visit. It won't be nearly as bad as the first time I tried to slink with chihaya, when that opens up. It'll suck but it won't be unaffordable. Unless they change that aspect
Ngl when they started talking about a power stone shop that actually works in kichijoji I started wondering if chihaya had moved locations. Or if maybe she was going to get introduced here. But it's a normal accessory shop.
I wonder if this fried thing will be worth coming here on Sunday
Whatever; I'm spending my Sundays with Yoshida. If I have to wait in line for the fried thing then it'd better be /really/ good
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