#akira x kawakami
srapsodia · 8 months
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Do you guys see my vision. Do you see it.
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 years
Ok so I couldn’t sleep and started thinking what if Shiho became a phantom thief and now I have a whole ass very dumb AU...so here is the don’t you want to go apeshit AU.
So Akira has an umbrella doesn’t wait but does see Ann get into the car he arrives at school and see’s Shiho overhearing other students talk about Ann the keywords get spoken both are in the metaverse, standard plot happens Shiho freaking out especially when she sees Kamoshida’s shadow but also getting angry.  When the two end up in the metaverse again and Shiho sees a cognitive version of Ann she goes full beast mode and awakens her persona. She refuses to go see Kamoshida when he tries to confront her oh so angry over someone not following his orders Akira’s there and the pair confront him, he gets pissed and basically says he’ll get them both expelled and that he’ll up the ante on he rumours about Ann and other horrible things. Shiho and Akria are ready to murder him.
Kawakami storms in overhearing everything and PISSED she is ready to end him when he reveals he knows about her side job and not say anything or else. She is shaking with rage and gets caught up when Shiho and Akira re-enter the metaverse. She awakens her own persona. The group then leave with Morgana and deliver the calling card that she plasters everywhere.
Kawakami having a persona doesn’t really help because Shiho pretty much single handily charges through the palace and beats the shit out of Kamoshida’s shadow. Morgana steals the treasure and comes back and Akira just standing there cheering her on while Kawakami’s just stealing other treasures.
The only reason she doesn’t kill him is that that’s too easy in her opinion he’s going to live with it and suffer, he dies now his reputation survives even if the truth comes out the school could bury it she wants his reputation dead and buried and him to live the rest of his life suffering.
The group start exploring the mementos, Kawakami especially loves the treasures like no need to be a maid I can just steal all this shit from mementos... until finds out about the other shadows and finds Takase’s guardians and well... her turn to go beast mode.
She still goes for the treasure a lot she’s as bad as Morgana and is the one who sells stuff at Iwai’s... he’s pretty convinced she’s a secret crime boss with the amount of stuff she goes in to sell.
Akechi turns out is watching as black mask as they’re in mementos and honestly kind of impressed. When the groups traveling, they actually see black mask destroying shadows and Akira falls hard and fast he is a pining mess.
Morgana ends up staying with Kawakami because he can not deal with the PINING! Akira is waxing poetic about the guy they saw tear apart shadows with his bare hands.
Kawakami: I mean it’s fine it’s not like I’m a crazy cat lady, it doesn’t count if the cat talks back right?
Shiho:…should we tell her that no one else being able to hear Mona and her holding full conversations with them it’s literally going to make her the definition of a crazy cat lady?
Also Ann and Ryuji started hanging out as he didn’t believe the rumours about her and defended her, and Mishima thinks that they are the phantom thief’s and keeps talking to them about it and Akira and Shiho overhear which is how the website happens. Ann and Ryuji are just very confused.
Ryuji:… dude we aren’t the phantom thieves
Mishima: Rrriiigghhht I gotcha
Ann: No we really aren’t
Mishima: Right I get it
Ann:…I don’t think you do
All other palaces under the cut... sorry this is very long
Palace 2
Shiho and Ann are on a date, Akira is sort of third wheeling when they meet Yusuke and then Madarame. When they get to Madarame’s palace they run into black mask and amongst Akira’s awful pining they end up agreeing to work together. Black Mask is basically just seeing how dangerous they are and if he should deal with them… but he seems the entire time flirting with Akira in their weird competitive way.
Black mask is ready to end Madarame when Shiho talks about how change of heart makes him suffer more that he has live with everything falling apart and death he’ll dies and the truth may never come to light and people will still respect and admire him but if he admits everything, he has to life his life with everything gone….
Akechi starts thinking after that. He agrees to help with a change of heart. Just to see.
He also agrees may help out other times to. Akira is beaming and Shiho regrets everything later that night when Akira won’t stop texting her!!! He doesn’t even what the guy looks like under the mask but still keeps texting about his eyes. HE HASN’T EVEN SEEN HIS EYES!
They steal Madarme’s heart no real problem.
Yusuke actually kept hanging out with Ann and the also Ryuji… Mishima is now even more convinced they are the phantom thieves.
As is Makoto whose following them around.
Ann, Ryuji and Yusuke have no fucking idea what’s going on.
Palace 3
Akira actually figures out who Akechi is as soon as he starts calling the thieves out, he has spent the entire of the last palace listening to the other talk and bantering with each other and as soon as they call on him and they start bantering lightly he knows. Shiho also knows she’s just sitting there paling like ‘Oh god no not in the real world to Mementos was bad enough not here to’ she doesn’t even care he’s a detective she cares that she’s not going to get any sleep from 3am pining texts… especially now Akira has actually seen his eyes.
They meet in the corridor and Shiho nopes out as they start flirting and Akechi realises, he knows and then freaks out and runs for it… now Shiho has to deal with moping Akira.
Kawakami actually decides for them to go after Kaneshiro after she’s focusing more on teaching and notices students acting odd and see’s some at Iwai’s shop while she’s selling loot. So, she decides they’re going after him. She finds out who he is with Iwai’s help.
They don’t actually get into debt Shiho using her volley ball skill and pretty much downing the bank. Which catches Black mask’s attention and he meets up with them Akira pretty much says he knows but doesn’t care and trusts Akechi even though said will catch them. Akechi is full of guilt.
Kawakami is ignoring the teenage bullshit and her and Mona are stealing everything.
Makoto ends up realising they’re not the phantom thieves but has got adopted into their friend group. She’s tried show Mishima the evidence they’re not phantom thieves but he just says he’s really impressed how dedicated they are to secret identities… they’ve given up trying to talk sense to him at this point.
Palace 4
Futaba still contacts the group as Alibaba and they figure out about her but well they’re in LeBlanc and Sae and Sojiro are there and they both end up there in the palace Akechi’s there to…
Best way to describe the palace is fucking trauma… it’s in this one that Akechi working for Shido as an assassin, Wakaba’s death, Akechi being Wakaba’s subject of her research, Shido being Akechi’s father and maybe Futaba’s father as well is all revealed it’s a lot…
Sojiro awakens his own persona with everything especially the monster Wakaba that gives Akechi a fucking panic attack and has him unable to fight. Sojiro goes full dad mode. Sae meanwhile is with Futaba’s shadow and helping Futaba remember what actually happened.
Pretty such Sojiro is like ‘I have now adopted my future son in law and will be arranging therapy for him’ when they get out as well plotting Shido’s downfall.
Futaba is much better after and deals with medjed also starts hacking into Shido’s systems to fuck with him because they may not be targeting him yet but she will be fucking with him.
Also, Futaba, Sae and Akechi end up debating feather man episodes and lore so much… Sojiro closes the café and turns the lights off and none of them realise.
Palace 5 not 4 yeah orders a bit different because Sae knows about the metaverse and in Futaba’s palace Akechi revealed Sae has one and she is not happy with that at all.
While Kawakami, Shiho and Akira are on school trip Sae decides FUCK IT she’s dealing with her palace and basically demands a calling card that Sojiro and Akechi end up scribbling on a napkin that she grabs and then demands they let her into metaverse.
Sae is beating the shit of her own shadow while Sojiro and Akechi just watch on awkwardly… at the end Sae awakens her own Persona and the group come back with a new target.
Palace 4 now 5 Akechi reveals he’s been ordered to kill the target and that Shido will know somethings up those leads to
Akira: Hey Sae… how hard would it be to fake a death?
They handle the place without issue change his heart there’s a fake announcement of his death Shido thinks he’s won as Akechi mentioned killed thieves in the palace… not knowing they are getting ready to end him… Sojiro is ready to 1v1 him.
Maruki palace
No one is happy, Sojiro and Sae have coffee broken coffee mugs and try to shank him when he walks into LeBlanc
End is him getting kicked the shit out of by team mom and dad while they’re yelling
Bonus dumb ideas
Mona tries flirting with Ann one time even though she can’t understand him Shiho threatens to have him neutered.
In mementos Sojiro insists on driving and has on numerous occasions threatened to turn this cat around if they don’t quiet down.
All palaces end up with Akechi and Akira doing their competitive flirting. The rest of them just ignore the two.
Futaba still helps out team and knows everything even if she doesn’t go in to the metaverse.
Sojiro meets Caroline and Justine and is just like well I’ve already adopted three kids what’s two more.
Sorry this is very very long and dumb I need sleep. Sorry.
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hauntingmiser · 10 months
Happy Thanksgiving!
here are some old drawings!
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littleshysheep-at-da · 8 months
All my Persona Series Ships!
(Felt like Posting this here, keep y’all Updated. I made this as Google Doc to send to people when I know they also like Persona so I don’t have to say it everytime)
I actually am a crazy Shipper, strongly dislike when people don’t Ship or break my Pairings, and am OTP/OT3 for life. I just also have Self Restraint and Common Sense, so I understand Shipping's all about fun (and doesn't have to be Canon Compliant or make sense) and to not be an asshole to other people having their own fun.
Also adding Sexuality/LGBTA+ Headcanons for ones I have them for (but I don't have them for every Ship or Specific Character). Also yes I am caring about Name Order here.
-Persona 5 (and it’s many Spin-Offs):
Akira (Gay) x Goro (Demi)
Ann (Lesbain) x Shiho
Haru (Bi) x Ryuji (Bi)
Futaba (Ace) x Yusuke (Ace Pan)
Makoto (Lesbain) x Kasumi (Bi)
Toshiro x Eri
Sojiro x Wakaba
Sae x Kawakami
Tae x Chihaya
-Persona 3:
Hamuko (Bi) x Minato (Bi)
Aigis x Hamuko or Minato
Ryoji x Hamuko or Minato
Fuuka x Natsuki
Mitsuru (Lesbain) x Yukari (Bi)
Junpei (Straight) x Chidori
Shinjiro (Bi) x Akihiko (Bi)
-Persona 4:
Yosuke (Bi) x Souji (Pan)
Yukiko (Bi) x Chie (Lesbain)
Naoto (Nonbinary) x Kanji (Pan)
-Persona 2:
Tatsuya (Bi) x Jun (Gay)
Eikichi x Miyabi
Ship Numbers (because Autism)
P5 = 9 | P3 = 7 | P4 = 3 | P2 = 2 | Total 21
Gender Breakdown 18/21 Ships
(not counting Kannao or Aigis and Ryoji)
M/F = 7| M/M = 4 | F/F = 7
Other Ship Notes:
I personally DO NOT see the Protags as self inserts. I think they all have their own personalities. So I don’t really have any self insert ships were I ship them just because I want to date a character, but I do understand some people have those.
Akira and Goro are a massive call back to Tatsuya and Jun from Persona 2, and Tatsuya and Jun are written with the intent to be romantic. Though I think after the third semester I usually don’t have to explain why I feel like Akira and Goro is an obvious Ship, it’s one of those you can totally have a different preference but you understand what I'm getting at right?
I reeeally hope I don’t have to explain that Futaba and Akira are in sibling dynamic so Shipping them would be gross.
Kasumi’s infatuation with Akira makes ZERO SENSE. The only people who see through your delinquent deguise is Goro (because soulmates narrative foil) and Ryuji (who doesn’t see through he’s just a good boy who trusts everyone), so Kasumi seeing through it makes NO SENSE. If she were to follow anyone around saying “Senpei” I think it would be Makoto.
Rise’s feral one sided thirsty crush on Souji is very funny to me (and I love playing it for comedy) but I don’t think he would ever reciprocate it. Her love just feels a bit too superficial, and Souji has too many issues of not being seen for himself for me to like it as a Ship.
I do think Yukari had a crush on Minato and I think Minato would be willing to try dating her, but I feel their love languages would be too different and it would end in disaster. Minato seems like the little actions and subtle comfort where Yukari seems like she would want big romantic gestures (something Mitsuru would do for her).
I will say with all Persona Romance Routes I am very much not a Fan of the Pandering that is “Girl likes you for no real reason” (it’s honestly just a boring Romance to me) and would’ve liked if more of the Girls just weren’t Romanceable so we could just have more Male/Female Friendships. I feel (aside from the stand out VERY BAD ones) a lot of the Romance Routes aren’t that bad, just don’t mesh well with the Tone and Tension of the rest of the Game (they’re kind Mundane and Boring in comparison to the Relationships I ACTUALLY Ship). But my Opinion on Persona Romance Routes as a whole would be a completely different discussion than Ships.
Update cause I forgot:
It’s necessary to say this so I don’t get Canceled; Hamuko and Minato are Canonically Two Halves of the Same Soul, some people choose to see that as Siblings and some people choose to see that as Soulmates. I used to prefer Siblings but now I prefer Soulmates. Either is fine but don’t mix em is all.
When I say Kasumi I usually actually mean Sumire. Sorry it’s partly cause it’s a Spoiler and partly cause I never got in the Habit of calling her by her Real Name. So unless Specific Context assume when I say Kasumi I mean Sumire. I just don’t feel like going back and changing it everywhere I’ve said it.
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brokenhardies · 2 years
okay so i finally have an idea where im going with my arcanas so ill post them below!
0 - The Fool - Yusuke Kitagawa I - The Magician - Sumire I - The Councillor - Tae Takemi II - The High Priestess - Haru Okumura III - The Empress - Futaba Isshiki IV - The Emperor - Akira Kurusu V - The Hierophant - Ichiko Ohya VI - The Lovers - Goro Akechi VII - The Chariot - Makoto Niijima VIII - Justice - Ann Takamaki IX - The Hermit - Ryuji Sakamoto X - The Wheel of Fortune XI - Strength - Sae XII - The Hanged Man - Zenkichi Hasegawa XIII - Death - Sadayo Kawakami XIV - Temperance - Takuto Maruki XV - The Devil XVI - The Tower XVII - The Star XVIII - The Moon - Hifumi Togo XIX - The Sun - Sojiro Sakura XX - Judgement - Kunizaku Okumura XXI - The World - The Phantom Thieves The Faith - Satoru Yoshizawa/Masaru Yoshizawa
all i need is fortune, devil, tower and star!
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textsfrommementos · 4 years
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megashadowdragon · 3 years
( its not a harem)
the first chapter is where ann is his lover 
the second chapter is  with sayado kawakami
the third chapter is makoto
4th chapter is tae takemi
and the 5th chapter is sae nijima
and the sixth is with ohya
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accidflamingos · 6 years
Akira Kurusu
Why do I ship him with so many characters in Persona 5?
Such as (but not limited to)
We don't know why, it just happens sometimes.
The trials and tribulations of a multi shipper.
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ship-personalities · 7 years
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randoimago · 2 years
Persona 5 Masterlist
check the fandom list to see who I write for
Also for some reason links don’t work on the Tumblr app so use your phone’s web browser instead because that seems to work (at least for me it does)
halloween 🎃 // winter ❄️ // valentines ❤️
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Phantom Thieves
Persona 5 Ladies Relationship Headcanons pt. 1
S/O Has Crush on Phantom Thief Sona // Part 2
Phantom Thief Girls Video Game Headcanons
Phantom Thief gals+Sumire find their s/o's shadow. How do they deal with it?
Finding Out Reader is a Necromancer :: 🎃
Phantom Thief Boys + Akechi Being Gifted Plushies of Their Persona
Hearing Their Favorite VA on Critical Role
Reader Introducing their Boyfriend to the Phantom Thieves
Platonic Affection Headcanons
Akira Kurusu / Ren Amamiya
Ann Takamaki
Futaba Sakura
Haru Okumura
Makoto Niijima
Ryuji Sakamoto
Yusuke Kitagawa
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Ladies Relationship Headcanons
Goro Akechi
Hifumi Togo
Munehisa Iwai
Sae Niijima
Sadayo Kawakami 
Sumire Yoshizawa
Tae Takemi
Takuto Maruki
Yuki Mishima 
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Strikers Specific
Alice Hiiragi
Zenkichi Hasegawa
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angstyastro · 4 years
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Took the word snack to a whole new level did ya kawakami.
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fluffqk · 7 years
In other news, I ship Naoto x Yu, fight me.
Dunno about P5 ships. Naoto x Yu for life though.
Add them to my list of Naegiri and several others for "ships I will now DIE FOR."
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Lovely Introduction
[Akira Kurusu x Reader]
Summary: You're shy, this is your first day at Shujin Academy. Surely you won't embarrass yourself by bumping into anyone, right?
Warnings: NONE
Author’s note: After the longest pause, I decided to return! New stories, now I will be updating on AO3 - for my comfort, really.
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This was- what, the fourth school in the last 2 years? Probably. You always moved to different cities and transferred to different schools because of your parents' work. So when you were told you'll be a Shujin Academy student starting May, it didn't surprise you whatsoever. You just accepted the fact with a sigh, already thinking about what book to read next.
As May approached, you found yourself standing in front of Shujin Academy's entrance. Well, you thought to yourself, this can't be any worse than your previous experience. You took a deep breath as you walked through the entrance, walking inside the building and finding your way into your teacher's office room quietly. Miss Kawakami told you to meet her there to talk before class and so you could introduce yourself to your classmates - nothing new so far. You've been there before.
You stopped yourself just before knocking on the door, hearing muffled voices inside. You blinked, not trying much to eavesdrop as you pulled out your book to pass time. Even then you overheard words like "delinquent" and "troublesome", making you wonder who was the student that was getting scolded. Soon after that a woman sighed and the door opened, a tall boy walked out without much care as he swung his bag over his shoulder just as you wanted to walk in, book still in hands.
The muffled meow wasn't the only reason why the lad stopped in his tracks. It was also your startled gasp and your book that fell on the floor with a thud. You rubbed your slightly bruised forehead as you glanced up at the boy who blinked in surprise.
"I- am so sorry," he said, already kneeling down to pick up your book. "Oh n-no, no- no problem- my fault- wasn't looking-" you stuttered quietly, reaching down as well. What were the chances that you two would bump foreheads together, too.
You inhaled sharply just like the boy did and both of you stood up quickly. You felt your face was burning with embarrassement and your thoughts were a complete chaos. What a great start. You placed a hand on your forehead, then changing your mind and moving your hand to cover the lower half of your face as you looked at the student who held your book and- Well-? His black hair fell in his eyes, hiding his forehead, just like his classic glasses made his expression just a tad harder to read.
"Here-" he mumbled softly, handing you your book, his eyes were probably scanning you head to toe. "Th-thanks," you mumbled shyly, your fingers brushing against his as you retrieved your book, pressing it close to your chest. You couldn't bring yourself to look him in the eyes, finding the school floor way too fascinating. Was that a scratch there on the floor-
Standing in the doorframe was Kawakami, watching whatever was happening right in front of her. She watched as you tucked hair behind your ear, face coloured a bright red. She glanced at the always-so-stoic transfer student and just made a mental note that he was still as unreadable as he was five minutes ago in her office. She eyed as he reached to rub the back of his neck while his eyes were still glued to your face - your forehead, Kawakami corrected herself. She was wondering if she should step in and save you from more awkward moments.
Just as she was about to open her mouth, however, the boy spoke.
"I hope you're fine, see you around?" he mused, his tone soft, a small smile on his lips as he tried to come off more friendly. He lowered the hand that was still on his neck, giving you a second in case you wanted to react. "Y-yeah. Sorry for this- I- Yeah. See you around," you managed to say, frowning at the way your voice betrayed you. You looked up at him to see the smile and a small nod of his head - meant for both you and the teacher - as he then turned on his heels and took off.
Your eyes followed him, remembering whatever you could from this little interaction with him. A delinquent? Troublesome? You thought, remembering the words you accidentally overheard. Then you turned to look at the teacher, recieving a sigh from the woman. "Alright, come in. This won't take too long."
With a silent nod, you followed her into the office, closing the door behind yourself.
Akira entered the class and sat at his desk quietly, placing the bag with Morgana on his lap carefully - definitely with more delicacy than when he whacked that new student with the bag. The not-cat crawled in the space under his desk and then stared up at Akira's emotionless face, noticing the boy was already lost in thought.
For a short moment, Morgana remained silent in hopes that the boy would speak about what's going on in his head. He wanted to ask wether the boy was thinking about their upcoming trip to Mementos - or if he was perhaps thinking about the accident from this morning. And most likely luck was at Akira's side because the door slid open the moment Morgana opened his mouth to meow a question.
Grey eyes, hidden behind fake glasses, quietly followed as Kawakami walked inside with you close behind, you immediately noticing his stare and just shyly did you look away, admiring the floor once again. Kawakami already came to the conclusion you weren't the most sociable person in the world and didn't question your sudden hobby to stare at the tips of your shoes. She sighed as she looked in front of herself at the whispering students. Of course their whispering was about as quiet as a normal speaking volume - you barely stopped yourself from rolling your eyes.
"Look at that hairstyle-",  "What thick book is that? Ew, must be, like, super boring?", "What a time to transfer, trying to be interesting or what?"
After hearing more of the whispers you really couldn't hold back and rolled your eyes with a small shake of your head. You glanced at Kawakami who seemed to listen in on the whispers too and when she caught you staring at her, she finally cleared her throat to quiet the students down.
From the corner of your eyes you saw a blonde girl and the 'delinquent' smile a little.
"Alright, class. This is our new transfer student, please be nice," Kawakami faked a smile. "Please, introduce yourself." "Ah- Hi- Hello, I am (Y/N) (L/N), please t-take care of me-" you almost whispered and copied Kawakami, also giving the class a fake smile. You glanced around the class for an empty spot, noticing one behind the boy that you met earlier. Kawakami seemed to notice the same spot as she just nodded, sending you off. "Please, share your textbooks with (Y/N)," Kawakami added as you just passed by the boy, his head turning slightly to follow your movement.
Moments later you saw his hand place a textbook on your desk, a little note tucked between the pages. While squinting at the back of his head, you pulled the note out, unfolding it:
'If you find yourself in Yongen, stop by LeBlanc. I'll make you a coffee as an apology for hitting you with my bag. -Akira'
That's actually- kind of nice?, you thought to yourself, a more genuine smile tugged at your lips. Well, a free coffee was a free coffee. You tore a piece of paper from your notebook, writing a note of your own.
You tapped Akira's shoulder softly. "Your hand," you whispered at the same time. A quiet nod was followed as you leant to hand him your little note.
After that, you didn't share any more words.
"You're awfully quiet, even for you," Morgana squinted, recieving a wordless smile in reply.
There was silence as Akira walked his daily path back to the café where he was currently living. He was holding a paper in his hands, turning it between his fingers as he reread the text.
'Make it 2 and we might have a deal. -(Y/N)'
"Just thinking..." he said finally, putting the paper in his pocket and then he pushed the glasses up his nose. "Seems like someone worth keeping close, don't you think?" he finally hummed, glancing over his shoulder.
Soon enough, he received an approving nod from his not-cat companion.
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p5confessions · 3 years
people who ship the adult characters like shido, kawakami, etc etc with the characters who are minors are red fucking flags and are all gross xoxo. akira x shido?? i seen that shit, weird asses
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that-fandom-pan · 4 years
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So I did Persona 5 x Hunger Games and this happened...
Character Rundown and Districts
Since I decided to use codenames for the Phantom Thieves and the extra names for the bosses (but you probably know them already and some of them are pretty self explanatory):
District 1:
Joker - Protag/Akira Kurusu (I usually use the name from the manga) Panther – Ann Takamaki
District 2:
Skull - Ryuji Sakamoto Queen - Makoto Nijima
District 3:
Fox - Yusuke Kitagawa Oracle - Futaba Sakura
District 4:
Crow - Goro Akechi Noir - Haru Okumura
District 5:
Mona - Morgana Sophie - Sophia (from P5 Scramble)
District 6:
Mishima - Yuuki Mishima Takemi - Tae Takemi
District 7:
Coffee Dad - Sojiro Sakura Violet - Kasumi Yoshizawa (from P5 Royal)
District 8:
Asmodeus - Suguru Kamoshida Ohya - Ichiko Ohya
District 9:
Azazel - Ichiyuasai Madarame Chihaya - Chihaya Mifune
District 10:
Bael - Junya Kaneshiro Hifumi - Hifumi Togo
District 11:
Mammon - Kunikazu Okumura Leviathan - Sae Nijima
District 12:
Samael - Masayoshi Shido Kawakami - Sadayo Kawakami
Let the Games begin!
The Bloodbath
Mona and Chihaya fight Leviathan and Violet. Leviathan and Violet survive. Bael accidentally steps on a landmine.
Day 1
Skull, Coffee Dad and Panther unsuccessfully ambush Queen, Mammon and Sophie, who kill them instead.
Arena Event Acidic rain pours down on the arena
Mishima trips face first into a puddle of acid rain. Oracle trips face first into a puddle of acid rain. Hifumi refuses Kawakami shelter, killing her. Ohya refuses Mammon shelter, killing him. Leviathan refuses Takemi shelter, killing her. Sophia trips face first into a puddle of acid rain. Crow injures Violet and leaves her in the rain to die. Samael is unable to find shelter and dies.
Night 1
No deaths occurred
Day 2
No deaths occurred
Night 2
Fox decapitates Joker with a sword. Azazel’s trap kills Asmodeus
The Feast
Queen bashes Noir’s head against a rock several times. Hifumi cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide. Crow severly injured Ohya and leaves her to die.
Day 3
No deaths occurred
Night 3
No deaths occurred
Day 4
No deaths occurred
Arena Event A swarm of tracker jackers invade the arena.
Crow is stung to death. Azazel is stung to death.
Night 4
No deaths occurred
Day 5
No deaths occurred
Night 5
No deaths occurred
Day 6
Fox cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
Night 6
Queen strangles Leviathan after engaging in a fist fight.
1. Queen 2.Leviathan 3. Fox 4. Azazel 5. Crow 6. Ohya 7. Hifumi 8. Noir 9. Asmodeus 10. Joker 11. Samael 12. Violet 13. Sophie 14. Takemi 15. Mammon 16. Kawakami 17. Oracle 18. Mishima 19. Panther 20. Coffee Dad 21. Skull 22. Bael 23. Chihaya 24. Mona 
District Placements
1. District 2 2. District 11 3. District 3 4. District 9 5. District 4 6. District 8 7. District 10 8. District 1 9. District 12 10. District 7 11. District 5 12. District 6 
5 - Queen 3 - Leviathan 3 - Mammon 3 - Sophie 2 - Violet 2 - Crow 1 - Hifumi 1 - Fox 1 - Azazel 1 - Ohya
My reaction
That was a wild ride! Funny how Morgana was the first to go, guess everyone got tired of him yelling at them to go to sleep all the time. I like how very few of the deaths were actually caused by the Shadows, and a lot of them were caused by confidants or the Phantom Thieves themselves. Yusuke decapitating Akira really caught me off guard, especially with that being his only kill of the whole thing and he still came 3rd. And Makoto... I think she just needs to calm down, after killing 5 people to win the games.
Screw it, I’m turning this into a fanfic. Keep an eye on @that-fandom-bi-stories, I’ll be posting the chapters on there when they’re finished!
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th3b4dk1dzz · 4 years
Persona 5 x The Breakfast Club AU
The Brain- Makoto Nijima
The Athlete- Ryuji Sakomoto
The Princess- Anne Takamaki
The Basket Case- Yusuke Kitagawa (Yes, he goes to Shujin in this AU)
The Criminal- Akira Kurusu
Kobayakawa- Mr Vernon
Sadayo Kawakami- The janitor.
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