#akira x sae
yurimultiship · 2 years
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may-lutlone · 7 months
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what do you mean sae palace wasn't like this fjdndmmxmx
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akechisstinkyfoot · 2 years
reunion with a ghost
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effervescentdragon · 2 months
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My audience is God, because who the hell else could understand me? Who else has been dead twice?
Or: In July, we turn sorrow to joy. Happy Birthday beloved @saecookie 🩷
sources, in more or less correct order:
poetry&prose quotes: Title from Margaret Atwood - Half-hanged Mary // Andrea Gibson -The Madness Vase // X // Richard Siken // Catherynne M. Valente - Deathless // sae's tags on an amyXrory post // Erin Hunter - The First Battle // Friedrich Nietzsche // Haruki Murakami - Dance Dance Dance // X // Rafael Alberti - Paradise Lost // Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back // Franz Wright - East Boston, 1996; Night Walk // Richard Siken // last quote unknown, i keep getting bible results
Doctor Who transcripts from episodes: 2x9 The Satan Pit // 1x13 The Parting of the Ways // 6x13 The Wedding of River Song // 4x9 Forest of the Dead // Christmas Special: The Husbands of River Song // 8x1 Deep Breath // 7x13 The Name of the Doctor // 50th Anniversary Special: The Day of the Doctor // 6x7 A Good Man Goes to War // 1x2 The End of the World // 11x1 The Woman Who Fell to Earth // 60th Anniversary Special: Wild Blue Yonder // 11x9 It Takes You Away // 60th Anniversary Special: The Giggle // Christmas Special: Twice Upon A Time // 50th Anniversary Special: The Time of the Doctor // 9x12 Hell Bent
all pictures taken from pinterest and from my screenshots.
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icespur · 6 months
Incorrect Quotes Akeshu #104
Sae: Why don’t you go talk to him? Akechi, sarcastically: Oh. Yeah, sure. Sae: What? So you go tell him he’s cute, what’s the worst that could happen? Akechi: He could hear me.
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randoimago · 1 year
Hello my awesome friend 😃
May I please request headcanons for Joker, Ann, Akechi, and Sae reacting to their S/O bringing them a large meal like this to eat after they’ve had a long, hard day?
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Fandom: Persona 5
Character(s): Akira Kurusu, Ann Takamaki, Goro Akechi, Sae Nijima
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): God that looks so good.
He's a highschool boy, his appetite is insane. Seeing you made that for him after a long trip in Mementos has him smiling like crazy.
He would dig in with gusto, taking time to savor each bite and appreciating the flavors and textures of the food. Honestly, he's spent enough time at Big Bang Burger, he can eat that much food in no time.
Definitely makes sure you eat some with him too. You went through all the hard work of making it that he's going to feed you a piece of shrimp rather you want it or not.
Ann would be thrilled by the seafood feast and would eagerly dive into the meal, enjoying every bite.
She would likely be very talkative throughout the meal, chatting with you and expressing her gratitude and joy at the delicious meal.
Ann would also take the time to compliment you on your cooking skills, feeling lucky to have someone who can whip up such a tasty meal for her
Akechi is a bit taken aback by the gesture at first, but would soon warm up to it, appreciating the thoughtfulness of his significant other.
He would eat the seafood slowly and carefully, savoring each bite and taking time to appreciate the flavors of the dish. There's no way he'd be able to eat all of it though, so if you'd like to join him then you're free to.
Can't help but wonder how you got this much food together and cooked it without him noticing. Also wonders who's money you spent to get the food. Don't worry, he's not accusing you of anything yet, but there is a teasing smile on his lips.
Sae would be surprised but appreciative of the seafood feast, feeling grateful for the gesture after a long and stressful day.
Would have Makoto join you and her to eat this. There's enough for a small family and that's what you are so eat up.
You get a lot of "thank you's" from her. She knows it must have taken you so much time to prepare this, especially with timing it to be done for when she got home considering how often she works late into the night.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Persona Masterlist
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Persona 5
➤ Phantom Thieves
➤ Confidants
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Persona 4
➤ Investigation Team
➤ Social Links
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Persona 3
➤ S.E.E.S. Members
➤ Social Links
➤ Strega & Velvet Room
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Persona Spin-Offs
➤ Masterlist
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 years
Ok so I couldn’t sleep and started thinking what if Shiho became a phantom thief and now I have a whole ass very dumb AU...so here is the don’t you want to go apeshit AU.
So Akira has an umbrella doesn’t wait but does see Ann get into the car he arrives at school and see’s Shiho overhearing other students talk about Ann the keywords get spoken both are in the metaverse, standard plot happens Shiho freaking out especially when she sees Kamoshida’s shadow but also getting angry.  When the two end up in the metaverse again and Shiho sees a cognitive version of Ann she goes full beast mode and awakens her persona. She refuses to go see Kamoshida when he tries to confront her oh so angry over someone not following his orders Akira’s there and the pair confront him, he gets pissed and basically says he’ll get them both expelled and that he’ll up the ante on he rumours about Ann and other horrible things. Shiho and Akria are ready to murder him.
Kawakami storms in overhearing everything and PISSED she is ready to end him when he reveals he knows about her side job and not say anything or else. She is shaking with rage and gets caught up when Shiho and Akira re-enter the metaverse. She awakens her own persona. The group then leave with Morgana and deliver the calling card that she plasters everywhere.
Kawakami having a persona doesn’t really help because Shiho pretty much single handily charges through the palace and beats the shit out of Kamoshida’s shadow. Morgana steals the treasure and comes back and Akira just standing there cheering her on while Kawakami’s just stealing other treasures.
The only reason she doesn’t kill him is that that’s too easy in her opinion he’s going to live with it and suffer, he dies now his reputation survives even if the truth comes out the school could bury it she wants his reputation dead and buried and him to live the rest of his life suffering.
The group start exploring the mementos, Kawakami especially loves the treasures like no need to be a maid I can just steal all this shit from mementos... until finds out about the other shadows and finds Takase’s guardians and well... her turn to go beast mode.
She still goes for the treasure a lot she’s as bad as Morgana and is the one who sells stuff at Iwai’s... he’s pretty convinced she’s a secret crime boss with the amount of stuff she goes in to sell.
Akechi turns out is watching as black mask as they’re in mementos and honestly kind of impressed. When the groups traveling, they actually see black mask destroying shadows and Akira falls hard and fast he is a pining mess.
Morgana ends up staying with Kawakami because he can not deal with the PINING! Akira is waxing poetic about the guy they saw tear apart shadows with his bare hands.
Kawakami: I mean it’s fine it’s not like I’m a crazy cat lady, it doesn’t count if the cat talks back right?
Shiho:…should we tell her that no one else being able to hear Mona and her holding full conversations with them it’s literally going to make her the definition of a crazy cat lady?
Also Ann and Ryuji started hanging out as he didn’t believe the rumours about her and defended her, and Mishima thinks that they are the phantom thief’s and keeps talking to them about it and Akira and Shiho overhear which is how the website happens. Ann and Ryuji are just very confused.
Ryuji:… dude we aren’t the phantom thieves
Mishima: Rrriiigghhht I gotcha
Ann: No we really aren’t
Mishima: Right I get it
Ann:…I don’t think you do
All other palaces under the cut... sorry this is very long
Palace 2
Shiho and Ann are on a date, Akira is sort of third wheeling when they meet Yusuke and then Madarame. When they get to Madarame’s palace they run into black mask and amongst Akira’s awful pining they end up agreeing to work together. Black Mask is basically just seeing how dangerous they are and if he should deal with them… but he seems the entire time flirting with Akira in their weird competitive way.
Black mask is ready to end Madarame when Shiho talks about how change of heart makes him suffer more that he has live with everything falling apart and death he’ll dies and the truth may never come to light and people will still respect and admire him but if he admits everything, he has to life his life with everything gone….
Akechi starts thinking after that. He agrees to help with a change of heart. Just to see.
He also agrees may help out other times to. Akira is beaming and Shiho regrets everything later that night when Akira won’t stop texting her!!! He doesn’t even what the guy looks like under the mask but still keeps texting about his eyes. HE HASN’T EVEN SEEN HIS EYES!
They steal Madarme’s heart no real problem.
Yusuke actually kept hanging out with Ann and the also Ryuji… Mishima is now even more convinced they are the phantom thieves.
As is Makoto whose following them around.
Ann, Ryuji and Yusuke have no fucking idea what’s going on.
Palace 3
Akira actually figures out who Akechi is as soon as he starts calling the thieves out, he has spent the entire of the last palace listening to the other talk and bantering with each other and as soon as they call on him and they start bantering lightly he knows. Shiho also knows she’s just sitting there paling like ‘Oh god no not in the real world to Mementos was bad enough not here to’ she doesn’t even care he’s a detective she cares that she’s not going to get any sleep from 3am pining texts… especially now Akira has actually seen his eyes.
They meet in the corridor and Shiho nopes out as they start flirting and Akechi realises, he knows and then freaks out and runs for it… now Shiho has to deal with moping Akira.
Kawakami actually decides for them to go after Kaneshiro after she’s focusing more on teaching and notices students acting odd and see’s some at Iwai’s shop while she’s selling loot. So, she decides they’re going after him. She finds out who he is with Iwai’s help.
They don’t actually get into debt Shiho using her volley ball skill and pretty much downing the bank. Which catches Black mask’s attention and he meets up with them Akira pretty much says he knows but doesn’t care and trusts Akechi even though said will catch them. Akechi is full of guilt.
Kawakami is ignoring the teenage bullshit and her and Mona are stealing everything.
Makoto ends up realising they’re not the phantom thieves but has got adopted into their friend group. She’s tried show Mishima the evidence they’re not phantom thieves but he just says he’s really impressed how dedicated they are to secret identities… they’ve given up trying to talk sense to him at this point.
Palace 4
Futaba still contacts the group as Alibaba and they figure out about her but well they’re in LeBlanc and Sae and Sojiro are there and they both end up there in the palace Akechi’s there to…
Best way to describe the palace is fucking trauma… it’s in this one that Akechi working for Shido as an assassin, Wakaba’s death, Akechi being Wakaba’s subject of her research, Shido being Akechi’s father and maybe Futaba’s father as well is all revealed it’s a lot…
Sojiro awakens his own persona with everything especially the monster Wakaba that gives Akechi a fucking panic attack and has him unable to fight. Sojiro goes full dad mode. Sae meanwhile is with Futaba’s shadow and helping Futaba remember what actually happened.
Pretty such Sojiro is like ‘I have now adopted my future son in law and will be arranging therapy for him’ when they get out as well plotting Shido’s downfall.
Futaba is much better after and deals with medjed also starts hacking into Shido’s systems to fuck with him because they may not be targeting him yet but she will be fucking with him.
Also, Futaba, Sae and Akechi end up debating feather man episodes and lore so much… Sojiro closes the café and turns the lights off and none of them realise.
Palace 5 not 4 yeah orders a bit different because Sae knows about the metaverse and in Futaba’s palace Akechi revealed Sae has one and she is not happy with that at all.
While Kawakami, Shiho and Akira are on school trip Sae decides FUCK IT she’s dealing with her palace and basically demands a calling card that Sojiro and Akechi end up scribbling on a napkin that she grabs and then demands they let her into metaverse.
Sae is beating the shit of her own shadow while Sojiro and Akechi just watch on awkwardly… at the end Sae awakens her own Persona and the group come back with a new target.
Palace 4 now 5 Akechi reveals he’s been ordered to kill the target and that Shido will know somethings up those leads to
Akira: Hey Sae… how hard would it be to fake a death?
They handle the place without issue change his heart there’s a fake announcement of his death Shido thinks he’s won as Akechi mentioned killed thieves in the palace… not knowing they are getting ready to end him… Sojiro is ready to 1v1 him.
Maruki palace
No one is happy, Sojiro and Sae have coffee broken coffee mugs and try to shank him when he walks into LeBlanc
End is him getting kicked the shit out of by team mom and dad while they’re yelling
Bonus dumb ideas
Mona tries flirting with Ann one time even though she can’t understand him Shiho threatens to have him neutered.
In mementos Sojiro insists on driving and has on numerous occasions threatened to turn this cat around if they don’t quiet down.
All palaces end up with Akechi and Akira doing their competitive flirting. The rest of them just ignore the two.
Futaba still helps out team and knows everything even if she doesn’t go in to the metaverse.
Sojiro meets Caroline and Justine and is just like well I’ve already adopted three kids what’s two more.
Sorry this is very very long and dumb I need sleep. Sorry.
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narrators-journal · 3 months
Persona Masterlist: Spring of birth
We are on to our third one! Can you TELL I have a favorite fandom rn? Lololol
Previous masterlist: Here
Created: 6/30/24
Updated: 9/23/24
Fanfiction: x
Headcanons: //
Scenario: \\\
Ask: ^
OC included: _
Persona 2
😭 The group 😭
Their sexualities //
🎶 Mikichi 🎶
Regular content
Lovehandles \\\^
Relationship headcanons //
Patience training \\\^*
Envenomization \\\^*
🔧 Tatsuya Suou 🔧
regular content
The duty of a brother \\\
Yandere content
Yandere!Tatsuya headcanons //
💐 Tatsujun 💐
Regular content
Take me for a joyride \\\*
Off the clock \\\*
Not the expected birthday ride \\\^
When a door closes, a window opens \\\*
Primrose-scented wolfsbane \\\^
Leo rising \\\^
And sometimes that window shuts... \\\^*
Not safe for work \\\^*
Beach day \\\^*
Dark/Yandere content
Lion taming \\\^*
A turn of the tables \\\^*
Blasphemy \\\*
Yandere!Tatsujun headcanons //
🎤 Eikichi Mishina 🎤
Regular content
Eikichi nsfw alphabet //*
👮‍♂️ Katsubao 👮‍♂️
Regular content
After hours bonding \\\^*
🌷 Jun Kurosu 🌷
Yandere/dark content
Yandere!Jun headcanons //
Persona 3
🌓 The SEES 🌓
regular content
My thoughts on their sexualities //
🌙 Minato Arisato 🌙
Yandere/dark content
Yandere!Minato headcanons //
🥀 Jundori 🥀
Regular content
Jundori's spicy relationship takes //^*
Love bites \\\^*
☠ RyoMina ☠
Yandere/Dark content
It's just a flu \\\
Persona 4
🔎 The investigation team 🔎
The investigation team's sexualities (+ a bonus) //
👓 Yu Narukami 👓
Regular content
Narukami headcanons //
Yandere/Dark content
Platonic yandere!Narukami headcanons //
Persona 5/Royal
🎭 The phantom thieves 🎭
regular content
My thoughts on their sexualities //
🃏 Persona 5 protagonist 🃏
Regular content
A phantom show \\\^*
🐈 Ann Takamaki 🐈
Regular content
A phantom show \\\^*
👩‍⚖️ Sae Nijima 👩‍⚖️
Regular content
A phantom show \\\^*
🔫 Akeshu 🔫
Regular content
Akeshu's relationship //
☕ Haru Okumura ☕
Regular content
Over indulge \\\^*
General asks
Fic advice I suppose
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I literally don't even know why i ship ShuYuu it's just cute ig lmao
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sigmasemen · 4 months
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multiple blue lock characters x reader
tags: romance, cute relationships, established relationships, fluff.
taglist: n/a currently
characters: alexis ness, akira endoji, ryusei shidou, nijiro nanase, ranze kurona, michael kaiser, bachira meguru, rin itoshi, chigiri hyoma.
word count: 2668
extra notes: i originally had sae in this but he didn’t make it into the 9 character count i usually do.
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- Ness is very strategic about dates and things of the sort. He always thinks about the best ways to make you feel special, how to plan things out for you to enjoy yourself, he's particular.
- Though he tends to stick to romantic dinners in a nice restaurant, private to just you and him, sometimes you suggest something a bit more daring. Like, "Let's go to a yoga class!" or "Let's head over to the local water park!"
- But, arguably, his favorite non-romantic-dinner-date is definitely when you two went out shopping. Not to a mall or anything, just a town square, traditionally built with intricate patterns in the rocks.
- Ness, at first, was just window shopping and letting you pick everything. Whenever you looked at something for a prolonged second, he grabs it, buys it, and gives it to you. Especially if it's matching.
- He's a bit touchy on dates. Mostly wrapping his hands around your waist, occasionally glaring at people who stare at you for too long then pressing a firm kiss onto your lips, face, wherever he can reach.
- Ness enjoys taking you to fancy wine and dine restaurants, though gets confused if you order something more normal. He always gets you extra food just in case. (On most dates though, he's cooking for you.)
- At the end of the date, he walks you home and has his usual V-shaped smile plastered on his face while he waits for you to tell him bye. He then leans down, presses a kiss on your hand, then trails kisses up to your cheek and smiles.
- "I will see you soon, my love." He then walks off, leaving you dazed (with, of course, a soft smile on your face.)
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- Akira blushes bright red whenever you do literally anything slightly cute on the date. If you give a small giggle, he'll grip the table with a huge grin and bright blush on his face.
- He holds open every door for you, pulls out your chair, adjusts your outfit when people are looking. He'll do anything for you and your praise.
- He loves his first date with you. He remembers you went to a garden, and as he was chasing you around in there, he somehow stumbled into the fountain. He looked sad that he had ruined his appearance, so you jumped in right with him.
- He adores going on as many dates as he possibly can with you. You're practically going on one every other day.
- Akira, whenever you're going up an elevator or doing something before a ride, will bounce on his heels and smile as he's excited.
- Each date is extremely eventful though. You cannot say you've ever had a bland one. Whether the idea is skydiving or Akira just accidentally does something dumb, it's a 50/50 chance.
- One time, you went to a zoo and stepped on a bug. You didn't really care, however your (lovely) boyfriend's arms and legs were wrapped tightly around you as he stared at the guts of it. Then proceeded to act cool until he saw another one.
- He enjoys when you touch the tuff of orange hair in front of others because he practically chirps like a bird.
- Always buys souvenirs after every. Single. Date.
- He also loves going on coffee or hot chocolate dates in the winter because you always shiver and he gets to give you his coat. He's very proud of himself after that.
- At the end of each eventful date, you lean on his shoulder while listening to music with him. He fools with your hand until you both fall asleep.
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- Oh expect the most eventful dates to the point your legs are trembling after from running around with him.
- He adores to pamper you and give you all his attention on dates. And grab your ass. Also a very important part.
- Most dates include going to parks and beating kids on the jungle gym, going to a carnival and competing to see who's better (if he wins, he gives you the stuffed animal regardless), going to rave concerts, or staying home and fucking. Whatever he wants that day.
- He actually took you to see A Clockwork Orange. You didn't understand what he saw in it, especially considering the foulness of it... However, he explained how he fucking loved the gore. Weird, but you had learned to accept it after seeing that kick to the face Rin got...
- Shidou adores randomly slapping your ass on dates and making you yell. He finds it hilarious and will press kisses all over your face as a thank you for letting him.
- He sometimes invites you on sudden notice to feed strays with him, which then spirals into a long and loving date.
- You teach him how to slow dance. He does it to impress you, but beyond that he'd suck.
- Always asking you to wear revealing outfits but accepts it when you don't. He enjoys how you gawk at his muscles when he flexes though.
- He also finds it fun to take you to cat cafes and to place all the cats on you, then take a picture and run.
- He buys you a lot of small trinkets, especially clips and plushies. He even gets a custom plush of him to put on your phone. (He has one of you on his too.)
- All dates end back at his place after a few rounds, having you curled up against his chest. For once, even though he feels empty as usual, he enjoys the sight of you on his chest. His breath and your face made you both drift to sleep.
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- Nanase is over the moon when you ask him out on a date. He's a bit scared to ask you out on dates but he appreciates when you ask him. The only time he ever asked you to take him out on a date was when he asked you to prom. (His mother was dolling him all up while he looked a bit embarrassed.)
- Most dates have you two holding hands or interlocked arms.
- Also getting dirty.
- Nanase sometimes takes you on remote dates to picnics so you can remain distant from everyone as it's nice to have just your company around.
- He loves dates where you two get to go on adventures together to try new things. Like rock climbing! (You found out he had a fear of heights with that.)
- A few times on your dates, he'd say a metaphor wrong to a snow cone vendor and you'd just giggle and kiss his cheek.
- He's very much a gentleman and will hold open doors for you constantly.
- Tried to slow dance with you when it was getting dark and it was raining, except he slipped and you both fell. It took a while for you to stop laughing.
- Usually you buy large drinks early on in the date to quench your thirst for the entire date.
- Whenever the date ends, you walk him home and shake hands with whatever parent is there at the time. You then wave and walk home. (He's texting you the entire way home to make sure you get home safely.)
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- He practically rushes to ask you out as he doesn't want any other guy to come sweep you up and take you away. 
- Dates usually are random, he'll go anywhere you want to go. The aquarium is the main spot. Not because he picked it, but because you did. You'll stare at the sharks for a few prolonged moments, then look at you and trail your fingers along his teeth.
- You always wear lipstick to your dates so you can press a kiss onto his cheek.
- He usually dresses pretty casual for dates. Shorts and a tank top. You always go all out and it's cute to see your contrasting styles.
- Sometimes you'll bring a Nintendo switch and show games to him that he enjoys.
- Most dates are actually at either of your houses as you two like having alone time together. Sitting in bed together, sharing his jacket as you lean against his shoulder and keenly watch the movie you had put on.
- He enjoys playing music in the background when you two do work out dates. By the end, Kurona is still going while you're face first on the ground.
- Kurona hates going to restaurants and instead picks up fast food for you two. He's always trying new things at places. Though he especially likes snowcones from a certain corner store.
- Dates ends with silent walks late at night, content with each other's company and nothing more. Though, not much more is needed for you to be satisfied.
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- Oh how he loves to spoil you rotten and pamper you. He sometimes runs his hands down your back and tells you how good you look. Asks you to wear outfits he specifically buys for you.
- He constantly takes you slow dancing and tells you that he has to show you off to the town. You're used to a lot of attention but it's even worse when Kaiser is flaunting you. Kisses you for the paparazzi.
- He pampers you a lot. Mostly dates on the town where he can show you off. Or he takes you in a helicopter and flies you around, taking you across buildings sight seeing.
- He loves how the cities reflect in your eyes and will randomly kiss you because of it.
- Always takes you to big, nice musicals and plays after renting out the entire theatre. He enjoys comparing you and his relationship to one of the relationships in the show.
- He adores feeding you German cuisine, says he made it but he most definitely did not.
- Most dates are very formal, however he doesn't mind any sort of date with you. He adores the look you get in your face after you've been pampered silly. 
- You have at least 50 different pieces of jewelry encrusted with a blue diamond or sapphire that he bought for you.
- Kaiser sometimes randomly reaches around your waist and presses firm kisses onto your neck, mumbling how beautiful your body looks in the outfit you have on. He just chuckles when you get embarrassed.
- All dates end with him dropping you off at home in some extra way, then telling your parents how great you were. He always has to make a grand gesture towards them as well.
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yurimultiship · 1 year
A lovely Akira x Sae fanart I saw by chance.
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thoughts on shuharu/headcanons?
Its not my personal favourite ship for either of them but it's definitely my favorite for Akira/Ren/whatever you wanna call him x any of the other female phantom thieves. I mean to me she was the only one who seemed like she already liked him during her confidant in the game and they do look pretty cute together as well as seem to have a matching temprement. I also feel like I can acc see a future for them as (at least as for what I imagine for Ren) running or working in a small cafe like Leblanc would suit him. As for what I imagine they'd be like in a relationship here's a couple headcannons of mine:
Lots of coffee dates, Haru would make a point of wanting to discover new obscure restaurants and cafes, and of course Ren will follow suit. Not that he doesn't enjoy it mind.
Mans whipped (😏) and pretty much owns it.
In all seriousness, it's more like he enjoys seeing her doing things that make her happy, since he knows she wasn't for so long.
When it's his turn to decide what that do on dates/days out, it's usually movies or the arcades. They're both surprisingly nuts for horror. And the part timer working at the theatre in shibuya knows their faces by now and always seems slightly afraid.
Same goes for anyone in the arcades, naturally, Haru calls out the most horrendous sadistic stuff like in mementos while they play first person shooters. It's like she forgets she's in public sometimes. Ren finds seeing peoples shocked faces pretty funny.
When Ren moves back home Haru winds up coming to visit for a majority of the summer. Out in the country, she stands out like a sore thumb even more than in Tokyo. She hadn't not been in a city before and seemed to imagine it being a lot more different than it actually is.
His parents though mostly absent are incredibly confused by her sudden surprise arrival in a chauffer, with four suitcases of clothes (she knew she was staying quite a while). Especially as they'd never even heard of her.
Ren hadn't brought her up mainly because they didn't need to know, just like they hadn't bothered to call once when he was in Tokyo, he hadn't bothered to say anything.
Honestly, Ren had very few friends at home, even less after everything that happened. And the people who did still hang around seemed to have an issue with Haru. In general she has this level of unintentional classism-- she just kind of forgets certain things are a luxury and not everyday. And it seemed to be the main thing that was putting people off tho her. It really annoyed him but he didn't really know what to do about it except from distance himself.
It was all making him really regret moving home. So much so he wound up making plans for how he'd move back to Tokyo after finishing his 3rd year of high-school and what he'd actually do with himself once he did. Plans Haru and Makoto helped him draw up.
He, like Haru, wants to run some kind of small private run cafe. Sojiro is mentoring them both. They're heavily considering the possibility of going in on the buisness venture together but it's still very much early days.
Both of them have a keen interest in French literature. Which is part of what got them both talking to eachother outside of the group in the first place. They exchange annotated books a lot - haru using purple post it's and Ren using red.
After her "Relationship" with Sugimura, Haru isn't all that comfortable with physical affection. She especially hates feeling vulnerable. It's a very slow process for her to feel secure again. Luckily Ren is very aware of that and incredibly patient. Partly because he feels the exact same way. After being caught in Sae's palace, battered and dosed up, losing his autonomy and feeling out of control. It all bore on his mental wellbeing a lot. That understanding between them is part of what makes them feel safe around eachother.
Ren has a pretty hard time getting to sleep. He thinks maybe a part of him is Afraid he'll wind up in the velvet room again. Most of the time Haru tries to stay awake with him or offer to stay up so he feels less alone and in danger. But 99% of the time she winds up conking out, of course only after half an hour as incoherent slurred talking whilst she denies she's even tired.
In line with all this, Haru still has moments where she gets incredibly upset or distressed and isn't sure how to communicate it. The way Ren chooses to respond is to give her physical space but stay with her. A majority of the time they don't talk and he just sits by her, letting her come to him if she wants/needs anything (usually a hug once she's calmed down).
There's a lot of hand holding between them. If there sat idly somewhere haru tends to grab Rens hand and trace it's edges with her finger out of boredom.
She's definitely a snorer. But it's a cute snore. Like a little toot noise every so often. That actually does help Ren sleep.
Whilst he already has a pretty good sense of fashion. Harus always wanting to dress him up, and a majority of the time he let's her.
One time Ann suggested she should try and get him to wear a dress, not expecting the fact he was more than happy to. Even more so he pulled it off with way more confidence than anything any of them had ever seen. (Ryuji discovered something about himself that day)
When there together they have this peaceful quiet sometimes, both of them enjoy just stopping and listening to the world around them (which cannot be said for some of their other friends). As well as this they have this way of being able to communicate without words. When they're in group settings it drives everyone else insane trying to figure out what the difference is between their different stares at one another mean and how they developed such a language.
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littleshysheep-at-da · 8 months
All my Persona Series Ships!
(Felt like Posting this here, keep y’all Updated. I made this as Google Doc to send to people when I know they also like Persona so I don’t have to say it everytime)
I actually am a crazy Shipper, strongly dislike when people don’t Ship or break my Pairings, and am OTP/OT3 for life. I just also have Self Restraint and Common Sense, so I understand Shipping's all about fun (and doesn't have to be Canon Compliant or make sense) and to not be an asshole to other people having their own fun.
Also adding Sexuality/LGBTA+ Headcanons for ones I have them for (but I don't have them for every Ship or Specific Character). Also yes I am caring about Name Order here.
-Persona 5 (and it’s many Spin-Offs):
Akira (Gay) x Goro (Demi)
Ann (Lesbain) x Shiho
Haru (Bi) x Ryuji (Bi)
Futaba (Ace) x Yusuke (Ace Pan)
Makoto (Lesbain) x Kasumi (Bi)
Toshiro x Eri
Sojiro x Wakaba
Sae x Kawakami
Tae x Chihaya
-Persona 3:
Hamuko (Bi) x Minato (Bi)
Aigis x Hamuko or Minato
Ryoji x Hamuko or Minato
Fuuka x Natsuki
Mitsuru (Lesbain) x Yukari (Bi)
Junpei (Straight) x Chidori
Shinjiro (Bi) x Akihiko (Bi)
-Persona 4:
Yosuke (Bi) x Souji (Pan)
Yukiko (Bi) x Chie (Lesbain)
Naoto (Nonbinary) x Kanji (Pan)
-Persona 2:
Tatsuya (Bi) x Jun (Gay)
Eikichi x Miyabi
Ship Numbers (because Autism)
P5 = 9 | P3 = 7 | P4 = 3 | P2 = 2 | Total 21
Gender Breakdown 18/21 Ships
(not counting Kannao or Aigis and Ryoji)
M/F = 7| M/M = 4 | F/F = 7
Other Ship Notes:
I personally DO NOT see the Protags as self inserts. I think they all have their own personalities. So I don’t really have any self insert ships were I ship them just because I want to date a character, but I do understand some people have those.
Akira and Goro are a massive call back to Tatsuya and Jun from Persona 2, and Tatsuya and Jun are written with the intent to be romantic. Though I think after the third semester I usually don’t have to explain why I feel like Akira and Goro is an obvious Ship, it’s one of those you can totally have a different preference but you understand what I'm getting at right?
I reeeally hope I don’t have to explain that Futaba and Akira are in sibling dynamic so Shipping them would be gross.
Kasumi’s infatuation with Akira makes ZERO SENSE. The only people who see through your delinquent deguise is Goro (because soulmates narrative foil) and Ryuji (who doesn’t see through he’s just a good boy who trusts everyone), so Kasumi seeing through it makes NO SENSE. If she were to follow anyone around saying “Senpei” I think it would be Makoto.
Rise’s feral one sided thirsty crush on Souji is very funny to me (and I love playing it for comedy) but I don’t think he would ever reciprocate it. Her love just feels a bit too superficial, and Souji has too many issues of not being seen for himself for me to like it as a Ship.
I do think Yukari had a crush on Minato and I think Minato would be willing to try dating her, but I feel their love languages would be too different and it would end in disaster. Minato seems like the little actions and subtle comfort where Yukari seems like she would want big romantic gestures (something Mitsuru would do for her).
I will say with all Persona Romance Routes I am very much not a Fan of the Pandering that is “Girl likes you for no real reason” (it’s honestly just a boring Romance to me) and would’ve liked if more of the Girls just weren’t Romanceable so we could just have more Male/Female Friendships. I feel (aside from the stand out VERY BAD ones) a lot of the Romance Routes aren’t that bad, just don’t mesh well with the Tone and Tension of the rest of the Game (they’re kind Mundane and Boring in comparison to the Relationships I ACTUALLY Ship). But my Opinion on Persona Romance Routes as a whole would be a completely different discussion than Ships.
Update cause I forgot:
It’s necessary to say this so I don’t get Canceled; Hamuko and Minato are Canonically Two Halves of the Same Soul, some people choose to see that as Siblings and some people choose to see that as Soulmates. I used to prefer Siblings but now I prefer Soulmates. Either is fine but don’t mix em is all.
When I say Kasumi I usually actually mean Sumire. Sorry it’s partly cause it’s a Spoiler and partly cause I never got in the Habit of calling her by her Real Name. So unless Specific Context assume when I say Kasumi I mean Sumire. I just don’t feel like going back and changing it everywhere I’ve said it.
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densesindealer · 7 months
Ask/Prompt Requests
Now that I finally updated my muse list, I'm going to ask or beg (take your pick) for more asks or prompts featuring characters I don't get to see as often as I'd like, or just some more for characters I really like. Also asking for asks or prompts featuring certain themes or kinks. You don't have to send in asks for the characters or asks with the kinks, though either would be greatly appreciated, but any ask in general is appreciated. That being said, I do really like these kinks or these characters and would love to have stuff in my inbox featuring them.
Kink Requests
Gender Transformation (Male To Female) (Can Involve Muses Not On My Muse List From Any Series)
Mind Control/Hypnosis
Slow Corruption
Mind Break
Instant Loss
Heart Eyes
Love Potion
Character Requests
Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa) (I Have A Lot Of Makoto, But He's Also My Favorite To Write)
Kaname Date (AI The Somnium Files)
Aiba (AI The Somnium Files)
Iris Sagan (AI The Somnium Files)
Mizuki Okiura (AI The Somnium Files)
Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
Momo Yaoyorozu (My Hero Academia)
Mt. Lady (My Hero Academia)
Nejire Hado (My Hero Academia)
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
Ema Skye (Ace Attorney)
Trucy Wright (Ace Attorney)
Jaune Arc (RWBY)
Velvet Scarlatina (RWBY)
Johnny Cage (Mortal Kombat)
Cassie Cage (Mortal Kombat)
Kitana (Mortal Kombat)
Dick Grayson/Robin (Teen Titans)
Komand'r/Blackfire (Teen Titans)
Raven (Teen Titans)
Ganyu (Genshin Impact)
Yoimiya (Genshin Impact)
D.VA (Overwatch)
Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)
Cornelia li Britannia (Code Geass)
Muffet (Undertale)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Aqua (Kingdom Hearts)
Audrey Belrose (Huniepop)
Yu Narukami (Persona 4)
Yukiko Amagi (Persona 4)
Akira Kurusu/Joker (Persona 5)
Lavenza (Persona 5)
Sae Niijima (Persona 5)
Hifumi Togo (Persona 5)
Sigma Klim (Zero Escape)
Clover Field (Zero Escape)
Alice (Zero Escape)
Ethan Winters (Resident Evil)
Eveline (Resident Evil)
Draculaura (Monster High)
Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Faith Seed (Far Cry 5)
Velvet Crowe (Tales Of Berseria)
Alice Angel (Bendy And The Ink Machine)
Mavis Dracula (Hotel Transylvania)
2B (Nier Automata)
Lola Bunny (Looney Tunes)
Yor Forger (Spy x Family)
Anya Forger (Spy x Family)
Shaggy Rogers (Scooby Doo)
Daphne Blake (Scooby Doo)
Bowsette (Super Crown)
Booette (Super Crown)
Any Animatronic (Five Night's At Freddy's) (All Are Women)
Ankha (Animal Crossing)
Character Requests For TF Asks (Males To Transform)
Jin Kirigiri (Danganronpa)
Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead (My Hero Academia)
Hizashi Yamada/Present Mic (My Hero Academia)
Fred Jones (Scooby Doo)
Lie Ren (RWBY)
Cardin Winchester (RWBY)
Liu Kang (Mortal Kombat)
Flowey (Undertale)
Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
Ryuji Sakamoto (Persona 5)
Yusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5)
Morgana (Persona 5)
Sojiro Sakura (Persona 5)
Takuto Maruki (Persona 5)
Dio (Zero Escape)
Tom Nook (Animal Crossing)
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randoimago · 1 year
Happy Pride Month! 😃
May I please request headcanons for Joker, Ann, Sae, and Akechi going to a Pride Parade with their S/O?
Going to a Pride Parade with S/O
Fandom: Persona 5
Character(s): Akira, Ann, Sae, and Akechi
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Happy Pride Month!! Love this idea!! I will say that I didn't write it as "Everyone is happy to go to Pride" just because of what I know of Japan's views with the community. There's nothing bad, but just want to give a bit of a warning that there is some hesitance from some characters.
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Oh, Akira would be thriving at a pride parade. He's wearing vibrant colors and accessories and is happily complimenting each float with you.
He's the leader of the Phantom Thieves, they fight for justice and to help people. So of course he absolutely vibes with the community too.
Akira will also happily get face painting done or if there are any small businesses selling pride merch then he'll be glad to dump quite a bit of money there (he's loaded).
Ann loves going to Pride Parades. They're just so pretty and aesthetically appealing. She'll gladly help put together some pride outfits for the two of you, keeping it looking good but also still resembling the flag (or even a different flag besides the rainbow if you wanted).
You know she is going to various booths and food stalls with you to see all the pride-themed stuff. Gladly gets pins and stickers to clip on to some of her outfits later.
She is loudly cheering and clapping when the parade starts. Happily holding your hand while marching with the floats and smiling widely as she engages conversation with you and others that are at the parade.
There's some hesitance about going initially from Akechi. Not because he doesn't support it, but because he's a bit afraid of being recognized and judged by others. I mean, it is Japan and the last thing he wants is you being harmed because a picture of his face ends up on the news saying that he attended a pride parade.
He does end up going with you because you're just so excited and he wants to support you. I feel like with Akechi constantly striving towards a single goal, he never really took the time to explore himself so going to a Pride Parade really does cause him to start thinking over some things.
At the end of the day, Akechi is genuinely happy that he went with you. He even did get recognized a bit at the parade, but was met with nothing but support for the two of you. It definitely made him want to have deeper conversations with you regarding identity too since he's constantly struggling with who he really is.
Also, a bit hesitant about going to a pride parade just because of public perception and what her superiors might think. She does go because it makes you happy and Makoto saying it'd be a great way to see another side of the public she's defending.
Sae does very much enjoy the floats and speaking/listening to various people of the community speaking about how Pride has helped them. It definitely brings her a boost of serotonin.
Does make sure to keep an eye out in case anyone does try to cause trouble. She knows how prejudices and bias can get so she keeps you close to her while remaining vigilant. But overall, she does really enjoy the experience and being with you.
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