#renee responds
simp4wom3n · 4 months
Hi my fellow simps!
I need to update my taglist so please message me or comment if you want to be apart of any of the following ones:
General Taglist
Jenna Ortega Taglist
Renee Rapp Taglist
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acetone4veins · 2 months
Quotes + Mean Girls
associating angsty quotes (and some fluffy ones) to mean girls characters and dynamics, this is definitely longer than it should be and will probably be part 1 of many but anyways. lmk which were your favorites and which ones ruined you :) also shoutout to the cautionary tale discord who saw some of these already and ramble about these characters with me <3
posting under the cut so i don't clog anyone's feeds
"what a terrible thing to wound someone you really care for - and to do it so unconsciously."
Haruki Murakami
"and when nobody wakes you up in the morning, and when nobody waits for you at night, and when you can do whatever you want. what do you call it, freedom or loneliness?"
Charles Bukowski
"i am changing. i am trying to be better. it is slow; it is rough; it is repetitive, but i swear i am."
Abdulsamad S. M.
"i did not like to be touched, but it was a strange dislike. i did not like to be touched because i craved it too much. i wanted to be held very tight so i would not break."
Marya Hornbacher
"i was not a loveable child, and i'd grown into a deeply unlovable adult. draw a picture of my soul, and it'd be a scribble with fangs."
Gillian Flynn
"if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is, maybe i could get over this."
Jessica Katoff
"i wasn't beautiful anymore. now i looked like what i was, a raw wound."
Janet Fitch
"i'm restless and harsh and despairing. although i do have love inside me. i just don't know how to use love. sometimes it tears at my flesh, like barbs."
Clarice Lispector
"i did not mean to be cruel. i swear i am good, i am good, i am kind. i have love inside me. some place far far away."
"how much can you change and get away with it, before you turn into someone else, before its some kind of murder?"
Richard Siken
"your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing."
Dyodor Dosteovsky
"what and how much had i lost by trying to do only what was expected of me instead of what i myself wished to do?"
Ralph Ellison
"my god, my god, whose performance am i watching? how many people am i? who am i? what is this space between myself and myself?"
Fernando Pessoa
"it was good for a while, being empty. i didn't hurt anymore. but as time went on, it was like i could hear myself from far away, begging for permission to come back."
Myra McEntire
"is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?"
Friedrich Nietzsche
"who's the real you? the person who did something awful, or the one who's horrified by the awful thing you did? is one part of you allowed to forgive the other?"
Rebecca Stead
"you're a mess of good intentions gone wrong. you strike a match on yourself to keep others warm, and now the whole goddamn world's on fire. you try to put it out, and you try so hard. the dam breaks, and the waters of your sorrow pour free. you are sorry; so very, very sorrow - and you will drown everyone to prove it."
"there are times when i am convinced i am unfit for any human relationship."
Franz Kafka
"i am eternally, devastatingly romantic, and i thought people would see it because 'romantic' doesn't mean 'sugary'. it's dark and tormented - the furor of passion, the despair of an idealism that you cannot attain."
Catherine Breillat
"but whatever came, she had resolved never again to belong to another than herself."
Kate Chopin
"there were two reasons i was scared to let people in; the damage they could do, and the damage they could find."
Chris McGeown
"perhaps its good for one to suffer. can an artist do anything if he's happy? would he ever want to do anything? what is art, after all, but a protest against the horrible inclemency of life?"
Aldous Huxley
"i want so obviously, so desperately to be loved, and to be capable of love."
Sylvia Plath
"she wanted to say 'don't leave me', but she couldn't do it, not again. she was so tired of begging people to love her."
Kristin Hannah
"he is charmingly telling me how much he does not love me...and i, - listening to him carefully, - am approving it."
Marina Tsvetaeva
"she's gonna forever say 'i got this' even with tears in her eyes."
"still there is this terrible desire to be loved. still, there is this horror at being left behind."
Michael Cunningham
"can you understand me? someone, somewhere, can you understand me a little, love me a little?"
Sylvia Plath
"i am trying to make myself digestible. i am trying to make myself easy to love."
I.B. Vyache
"do you think it is possible that some people are born to give more love than they will ever get back in return?"
Tyler Knott Gregson
"the sensitive suffer more; but they love more, and dream more."
Augusto Cury
"a lot of people tell me i'm a bit dreamy. but i like the idea of that. of being somewhere else."
"you cannot make everyone think and feel as deeply as you do. this is your tragedy, because you understand them but they do not understand you."
Daniel Saint
Regina and Janis
"the bear loved the deer, it was obvious. it ripped the deer's throat out, and then licked the dying deer with the most passionate affection. i thought of you and me."
David Cronenberg
"can you hate someone for what they have done, but still love them for whom they had been?"
Jodi Picoult
"love isn't soft, like those poets say. love has teeth which bite and the wounds never close."
Stephen King
"i love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul."
Pablo Neruda
"they will hook me up to a polygraph and ask me if i love you and i will say no but the needle will jump and sputter exactly how you laugh."
"there's a sickening feeling of familiarity, when the wrong person knows you too well and you know them too well. and they weren't always the wrong person."
"we don't mean to hurt each other, but we do. and perhaps no matter how right we are for each other, we'll always be a little wrong."
Beau Taplin
Regina and Cady
"i am intense darkness and you are a golden sunrise."
Arijit Singh and Pritam
"even before you touched me, i belonged to you; all you had to do was look at me."
"whether you come as a lover or an executioner, i am ready to receive you."
Agustin Gomez-Arcos
"for the longest time, i saw myself as a bad person. you don't know how much it meant to me when you looked at me and could see the good."
"but i have seen the best of you and the worst of you, and i choose both."
Sarah Kay
"i promised myself i would never fall in love with you. but it was 4 am, and we were laughing way too hard, and i felt happy for the first time in a long time, and i knew i was screwed."
Gretchen and Karen
"i would rather be with you - even the you that you seem to think is diminished - than with anyone else in the world."
Jojo Moyes
"it hurts, he realizes, to love someone who can't love themselves. like watching a work of art set itself on fire."
"how amazing it is to find someone who wants to hear about all the things that go on in your head."
Nina LaCour
"come love, make me better than i was. come teach me a kinder way to say my own name."
Andrea Gibson
"i wanted you to see a mess and still find me worthy of love, to tell me that you could still love me anyway."
Georges Bataille
"sometimes, love is as simple as watching the moon and sometimes its as difficult as counting the stars. but i love doing both for you."
Janis and Damian
"you may be born into a family, but you walk into friendships. some you'll discover you should put behind you. others are worth every risk."
Adam Silvera
Regina and Gretchen
"but i am very homesick for arms that have never held me."
"i burned so long so quiet you must have wondered if i loved you back. i did, i did, i do."
Annelyse Gelman
"so i wait for you like a lonely house till you will see me again and live in me. till then my windows ache."
Pablo Neruda
"how do you tell someone that the reason you're sad is because you love them?"
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aurorangen · 5 months
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Everyone is worried about Vincent, it's been over a week. If there's no word from Payton or his relatives then they'll contact the police. And then there's Veronica's case. Is her disappearance a police matter too?
Transcript & Bonus:
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Who is this barista?
Charlie: Hey have you heard from Vince? I've been trying to call him all week [sees Renee's face] Renee… Renee: [sorrowfully] I've been doing that too, He's not at home, he's not been in class. It's like [sighs] I'm getting so worried about him Charlie, it's like his Dad's disappearance. What if I never see him again?
Charlie: Don't think like that. We need to contact his Mum to see if she knows anything [thinking] Renee: Dad did that but there's been no reply. What can we do at this point? The police? Charlie: Damnnit. No…first we must get in touch with his other relatives. The police is the last resort.
Renee: And to make matters worse, my friend disappeared. Yesterday. She left a letter with her reasons. Charlie: [starts reading the letter] Strangerville? I have never heard of that place before.
?: Excuse me Miss here is your caramel frappuccino. Renee: Oops! I forgot about my order, thank you so much. [The letter in Charlie's hand catches the barista's eyes]
?: [on a call with someone] Yeah I'm on my break. The good or the bad news first? [shakes his head] She wrote them a letter, did you know about that? We'll get in trouble if anyone finds out. But the good news is that you intercepted him well. Their whole conversation, I heard it all. I can see it's clearly taking an effect…
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drama-dick · 1 year
little head canon that Renee says “goodnight Dan, goodnight Allison” every night before bed + bonus: when all the foxes have the sleepover after Baltimore she says goodnight to every single one of them
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binch-i-might-be · 4 months
wtf is wrong with that creep…im so sorry u gotta go thru this bullshit ray that was an abysmal thing to say like…
thank you <33
as I said, that's just so deranged. it came out of nowhere. I have never interacted with her and I had her blocked. so she's out there creeping on my personal posts with a sideblog and then taking like eight screenshots of the google search for "therapy" to. post to her zero (0) followers? girl what's going on
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prontaentrega · 7 days
me tengo q disfrazar de prócer y el saquito perfecto de prócer que tengo esta en lo de mi vieja y no me vaa dar tiempo de pasarlo a buscar entre la facu y el laburo grrrrr
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starsandthorn · 9 months
wghat. the fuck
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szaszzle · 2 years
@awolxsiblings​ Liked for a starter! :D
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“You... You better come up with your hands out,” Renee slurred. “Shit. I mean out with your hands up-- This ‘s a GPD crime scene. Authorized personnel only.”
Oh yeah. She was shit faced and bluffing. 
Not about the presence of a gun, that she did have and it was clutched in a sweaty hand that was surprisingly firm despite her blood alcohol level. The rest of it though? Sure it was a crime scene, but she was definitely not an official member of the Gotham police department anymore. 
But Renee was out here anyway (conducting an independent investigation), and she’d heard a noise. Most importantly, she wasn’t about to get played. 
Renee willed her eyes to stop seeing double, and did her best to focus on any movement in the shadows. Primed to shoot if given a reason...
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simp4wom3n · 4 months
Requests Re-opening!!!
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In my attempt to get back into writing and talking to you all, I am reopening my requests!!
ALSO I will now be taking requests for Renee Rapp and any of her characters because I LOVE HER SO MUCH
So feel free to send any Jenna or Renee requests through to me, and as always feel free to send any messages you want I always love talking to you guys <3
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the-plothole-court · 2 years
nicky: andrew. dan and i have come to the conclusion that your INABILITY to learn the team handshake is what’s stopping us from having an effective practice.
dan: no i actually think it’s because of him tripping us and threatening to stab us.
nicky: it’s not.
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renee561 · 1 year
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badlandscola · 2 years
Do you guys have a patreon? Or is it too early in everything?
Interestingly enough, we don't! But it's exciting to think that some listeners might be enjoying the show enough to want to support it in some way. :)
Once season one is complete, we have tentative plans to build a lil' merch shop, which would include some kind of all-digital offering like a deluxe edition boxset or something similar. And that would probably be a pay-what-you-want sort of deal, which would make it a nice way to support the show while also getting something fun in return.
So, please do keep an eye peeled for that in early 2023!
And if you're still just ultra keen to help us out in the meantime, rating and reviewing the show is honestly just as a big of a boost as a Patreon sub would be! <3
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rookthorne · 2 years
Freeze! ✧ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ You're under arrest for being so lovely ❤. Copy this message to other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it 💕💗. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful, appreciated, loved, wonderful and important !!! 😌💞
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straight back at you, you gorgeous bean! thank you for this big smile on my face 🥰
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exoexid · 27 days
pleeeeeeease not jeremy acting all interested when he sees that jean has a photo of renee on his desk and saying ''oh! she's cute!'' when he actually dgaf just for jean to look at him and say "you like men. 🤨" and jeremy responding with "yeah, and you do too tf 🫵"
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rae-nee-dai · 1 year
someone forgot my name irl and called me by my french name unknowingly, anyway i responded but everyone was super confused
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hmmm-shesucks · 7 months
Once the foxes become more comfortable with each other, they begin to nag. Mostly little things, usually humorous things. They nag on Nicky for being too forward sometimes. They nag on Neil for his horrible life habits. They nag on Dan for her mother henning. They nag on Kevin for everything. It's fun, it's what families do. They all just pick on each other for fun.
It takes a little longer for them to feel comfortable nagging Andrew though, which, is understandable, but one of the first things they start picking on him for is his lack of communication in general. He NEVER talks. They just want him to participate sometimes.
Renee and Neil find this funny because Andrew talks A LOT just not around the foxes. He's not comfortable.
See, Andrew is fucking weird. Everyone knows this, but the foxes think he's weird in a “mysterious, murder you in your sleep, was totally the kid everyone thought was going to shoot up the school” kind of weird.
Andrew is not that kind of weird. He's a different breed entirely. He plans out how he'd survive the apocalypse, any of them. He is constantly fighting back the most wild intrusive thoughts. He is 24/7 existential crisis. His head is a wild fucking place.
But he is trying. Making progress. Trying to be more open and approachable, as Bee says. So he talks. Out Loud.
And the foxes hate him.
In the most monotonous voice ever
“Do you ever feel like your bones are dirty? Like, I could totally strip my meat suit and just give my ribs a good bleaching.”
“If that light fell out of the ceiling it would kill at least three of you and seriously injure the rest of us.”
“Nothing is stopping me from buying five ice cream flavors at once, but I'm learning self-control and Bee would be disappointed.”
“Currently having a manic episode. Should I A.) call Bee, tell her I'm not doing too great, and talk about my symptoms and how to best cope? B.) find the nearest mall and spend every dime I have in less than thirty minutes. Or C.) go apeshit and try to fight anyone and everyone who looks at me in a less-than-kind way. Children included.
*stage whisper* there's a secret fourth option but I'm saving it for later ;) (pronounced Semicolon left facing open parentheses. Yes he says this out loud)”
disappears for less than five minutes and comes back with three furrbies and a corndog, one that is obviously not from the mall's food court.
He's so fucking weird. Like, weirder than Neil, and it's awful (so good dude, the foxes eat it up)
And it's not the manic Andrew on meds. It's just Andrew. He's still Andrew. He's still quiet most of the time and he is still grumpy and apathetic, but he's also comfortable enoughto just blurt random shit out and have fun watching everyone figure out how to respond. He's found safety in his new family and he can openly be who he is without fear of judgment or rejection. He's happy in a way he's never felt nor ever thought he'd get to experience. He's just Andrew.
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