#rentarou's family
polyamanga · 10 months
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blackhakumen · 7 months
Mini Fanfic #1185: (Un)Suspect Culprits (100 Girlfriends)
10:14 a.m. at the Hanazono Mansion's Living Room.........
Hahari: (Plave Down a Now Broken Hair Dryer on the Table For Everyone Presebr to See While Giving Them the Stern Motherly Glare) So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, just disappointed and want answers.
Rentarou: .........(Quickly Got Up From his Seat) It was me! I did it. I'm the guilty party.
Hahari: (Shakes her Head Towards the Young Man) You didn't do it, Rentarou-baby, sit down.
Rentarou: How could you be so sure that I'm truly innocent? I could've used it to dry my hair off and missed and broke it by mistake.
Hahari: Perhaps, but even if you did, you would've been going to the ends of the Earth just to look for a new one by now like the sweetheart you are.
Rentarou: I-I mean, yeah! But....I-I could be-
Hahari: (Raises an Eyebrow at Rentarou in Silence)
Rentarou: (Sighs in Defeat While Sitting Back Down) Nevermind, I'm innocent.......
Hahari: (Simply Nodded) Indeed you are. Meanwhile......(Turns and Points at the Others Sitting Next to Their Boyfriend on the Sofa Together) You, ladies, on the other hand, are equally suspicious!
Kusuri: Don't look at me! (Points at Nano Next to Her) Look at Ms. Smarty-Pants instead, yep-yep!
Nano: (Turns to Kusuri) I beg your pardon? I don't recall ever using that hair dryer last night, let alone breaking it.
Kusuri: (Starts Grabbong and Rubbing her Chin Down) Reeeallly? That's strange~ How did you even know it was broken to begin with?
Nano: (Slowly Raises an Eyebrow) Because it's sitting right in front of us? Broken?
Kusuri: Hm. Excellent observation. (Got Close to Nano's Face While Glaring at Her Straight to her Eyes) Exactly what a guilty crook would say, Yep-Yep!
Nano: (Crosses her Arms) Your hypothesis is insufficient at best.
Hakari: ('Sigh') Mother, please, If it matters, which I doubt it is....I think I might of saw Karane using it last night before bed.
Karane: (Eyes Widened and Gasps Before Glaring at Hakari) Oh screw off, you liar! I don't remember using any of that crap!!
Hakari: (Raises an Eyebrow) Oh really? Then what were you doing inside the hallway bathroom at 2:00 in the morning, hm? When you're SUPPOSED to stay asleep!!
Karane: I was TRYING to get myself and Rentarou glasses of water so I could help calm his nerves, Einstein! (Gently Rubs on Rentarou's Shoulder) He had a nightmare last night.
Girls: ('Gasps') What?/ Oh no..../Is that right?
Hakari: (Turns to Rentarou With Great Concern on her Face) Rentarou, my love, is that true?
Rentarou: (Smiles a Bit Sheepishly While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) Yeah, but I....usually have these kinds of dreams every now and then, so it's nothing really!
Karane: (Angrily Points at her Boyfriend) Oh don't even start tryin' to deny it, dude!! You were cryin' your eyes out, tellin' me how afraid you were about bein' abandoned and alone for the rest of your life! Well, guess what, baka! (Hugs Rentarou Very Lovingly) You're stuck with us forever and ever and ever like superglue, so you better get used to it!!~
Rentarou: (Starts Tearing Up Again) Karane..... ('Sniff') You're gonna make me cry again~
Kusuri: (Immediately Rushes Over to Hug Rentarou With Tears in her Eyes Along with the Other Ladies Minus Hahari) Rentarohouuuu!~
Shizuka: {There is no need to cry.}
Nano: Especially now that you have us in your comforts.
Hakari: That's right. We'll throw ourselves s Cuddle Party to show much we love and care for you!~
Karane: Riiiight after rich girl here attempts to her crimes right now-
Hakari: (Immediately Glares at Karane) Are you serious right now!?
Karane: Hey, you've been accusin' me from the start! (Starts Butting Heads with Hakari) Consider this payback, pinky!!
Rentarou: (Tries Breaking his Two of his Many Girlfriends Up) Girls, please! (Turns Back to Hahari) How about I go out and pay for a new hair dryer inste-
Hahari: No! Who. Broke it?
Nano: Well.......Shizuka-Chan hasn't said much of anything as of late.
The sound of Shizuka letting out a loud gasps was more than enough to cause the gang argue among themselves. Leaving the heir of the Hanazono Clan to stand there and watch with a rather......guilty look in her face.
Hahari: Oh noooo...... This is a disaster!
?????: My thoughts exactly.
Hahari: (Gets Startled as She Turns to see her Maid, Meido Mei, Standing Next to her Out of Nowhere) ('Sighs in Relief') Oh...It's you, Mei-San. (Pouts at Mei) You know better than to sneak up to me like that! (Places her Hand onto her Chest) I could've gotten a heart attack.....
Mei: (Politely Bows to her Mistress) Apologies, milady. (Turns her Attention to the Arguing) But I must ask, what exactly has happened that caused this much of discourse?
Hahari: Everyone is arguing about who broke the hair dryer earlier this morning.....(Points Nei to the Broken Hair Dryer)
Mei: I see. (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) I wonder who was capable of doing such a-
Hahari: It was me!
Mei: (Turbs Back to her Mistress With a Bit of a Confused in her Face) You, mistress?
Hahari: (Eyes Starts Watering Up While Whimpering) Yes.....My hair got stuck in the blower. So when I tried pulling it out, my hand lost it's grip and flew across the wall, breaking it instantly! I got so panicky that I decided to form an a little investigation party to ease stress. I didn't mean for it to lead to huge fight, I'm so sorry!~
Mei: (Hugs Hahari While Gently Patting her Back, Calming her Down) There, there, Lady Hahari, it's alright. We all make mistakes from time to time.
Hahari: A-And....('Sniff') With mistakes....('Sniff') There's always a chance to fix them.....('Sniff') R-Right?
Mei: (Happily Nodded) Absolutely, milady. I'm sure we'll get everyone else to calm down soon enough. (Grabs her Chin Again) Or at least before they proceed to they war paints across their faces and start an all out brawl.....
Hahari: Oh come now, Mei Dear. I know our darlings can hyperactive at times, I doubt they would go as far as to do-
The broken hair dryer sudden starts flying towards Hahari in high amount of speed, causing her to quickly jump into her maid's arms while screaming out "MEI, SAVE MEEEE!~", as the device hits the wall instead, breaking it completely this time.
The two ladies then turn towards the chaos that is conspiring in front of their very eyes, exactly like Meido predicted it would go down.
Kusuri: (Grunting While Trying her Very Hardest to Push Nano Her All her Might.....And to Little to NO Prevail) Come....onnnnn!......Su...mo....Pow...errrrrr!
Nano: (Crosses her Arms Together While Being Completely Unfazed by Kusuri's Line of Offense) You do realize your physical strength is inefficiently outclassed and small compared to mines, yes? (Easily Gets Kusuri Off of Her with One, Stronger Push)
Kusuri: (Roll Herself Over to the Other Side of the Road Before Getting Herself Back Up on her Face) Compare my strength will you! (Takes a Drink of her One of her Chemical Filled Beaker, Instantly Transforming Her into her True, Taller Version of Herself) How about fighting me in THIS form then, Ms. Smart-Pants?
Nano: (Stares at Kusuri's Truer Form in a Somewhat Deadpinned Look on her Face) Not surprising to see you resort yourself to cheating- (Suddenly Gets Tackled to the Ground by Kusuri)
Hakari: I have just about enough with you today, you pigtailed Tsundere! (Puts her Up Towards Karane's Direction on the Other Side of the Room) Put 'em up, right this instantly!!
Karane: (Raises an Eyebrow) YOU know how to fight?
Hakari: (Comically Glares at Her Girlfriend Karane) Oh quit giving me that look!! Mei-San has been teaching Martial Arts long before I met you!
Karane: ('Tch') Yeah, well you better remember how to land a punch and dodge then. (Gets into Fighting Position) Cuz I ain't the one to toy with, Pinky!
Hakari: I have a name, you know!?
Rentarou: (Got in the Middle of Both his Girlfriend's Fighting) Girls please! We can talk this out-
Both combatants' fists accidently landed straight to both of their boyfriend's cheeks, causing him to spinning towards the ground, Instantly knocking him out in the process.
Hakari/Karane/Shizuka: ('GASPS') RENTAROU!!! (Immediately Rushes Over to Their Boyfriend's Side)
Shizuka: (Already Crying her Eyes Out)
Hakari/Karane: My sweet, darling boy!~/I didn't even see you there, dude! I'M SO SORRY!!~ (Turns to One Another Before Getting Up and Pointing at Each Other) THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!? WHAT!? HOW IS THIS REMOTELY MY FAULT!?
Karane: Well, MAYBE if you didn't try and punch me, none of this would've happened!!
Hakari: You tried to punch me in return, so you're EQUALLY to blame!
Karane: Nuh-uh!
Hakari: Yeah-huh!
Karane: Nuh-uh!
Hakari: Yeah-huh!
Karane: Nuh-
The rivalry duo suddenly hears the sound of growling aa they turn to see Shizuka Yoahimoto glaring directly at the two While a dark, ominous colored aura surrounds her entire body.
Hakari: (Shivering a Bit in Fear) S-S-Shizuka darling? W-What's wrong?
Karane: You're not really mad at us, are you?
Shizuka: (Still Glaring at the Duo in Pure Silence)
Karane: (Starts Shivering in Fear as Well) C-Come on! You saw what there. I-It was only an accident-
Shizuka: (Slowly But Angrily Typing the Words on her Phone) {Talk is now cheap. Now it is the time for both of you to atone. By my own two hands.}
Karane: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock Along with Hakari) ......You serious?
Shizuka gently place her phone down next to an unconscious Rentarou before cracking her knuckles and then neck from side to side.
Hakari: (Panicky Whispers into Karane's Ear) Karane, I think that answers your question effortlessly.
Karane: (Comically Glares at Hakari) YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT, YOU TITS FOR BRA-
Shizuka let's out a cute sounding battle cry as she launches herself towards both of her girlfriends, joining rest of the lovemates in the cloud of fighting, leaving only two members of Rentarou's Family, watching the chaos continues infrint of them.
Mei: Hrmm......This seems to be one of the rare instances where I didn't want my predictions to come to light.
Hahari: Well.....At least, it gotten a lot less chummy around here than usual....(Slowly Shrugs and Smiles)
Mei: ('Sigh') I suppose.....
Eventually, the two ladies managed to calm everyone down shortly after. The gang then patches both of Rentarou's cheeks up and shower him with kisses and hugs as they finally begin their first annual Cuddle Party among themselves, instantly making their day a whole lot better going forward.
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kinnikubustanut · 3 months
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Shizuka and nano should just kiss already, they're part of the same polycule cmon
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taperwolf · 3 months
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Madam, you are embarrassing your dog.
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mangaverse · 9 months
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Girlfriend No. 001
Type: Deredere
Occupation: First-Year High School Student
Age: 16
Birthday: June 22nd (Gemini)
Debut: Chapter 1
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Girlfriend No. 002
Type: Tsundere
Occupation: First-Year High School Student
Age: 16
Birthday: September 9th (Virgo)
Debut: Chapter 1
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Girlfriend No. 003
Type: Dandere
Occupation: First-Year High School Student
Age: 16
Birthday: November 1st (Scorpio)
Debut: Chapter 3
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Girlfriend No. 004
Type: Kuudere
Occupation: First-Year High School Student
Age: 16
Birthday: March 14th (Pisces)
Debut: Chapter 6
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Girlfriend No. 005
Type: Scientist
Occupations: Third-Year High School Student, Chemistry Club President
Age: 18
Birthday: April 18th (Aries)
Debut: Chapter 10
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Girlfriend No. 006
Type: Motherly
Occupation: Ohananomitsu High School Chairwoman
Age: 29
Birthday: May 12th (Taurus)
Debut: Chapter 15
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Girlfriend No. 007
Type: Glutton
Occupation: Third-Year Middle School Student
Age: 15
Birthday: September 3rd (Virgo)
Debut: Chapter 24
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Girlfriend No. 008
Type: Maid
Occupation: Maid of the Hanazono Household
Age: 19
Birthday: May 10th (Taurus)
Debut: Chapter 30
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Girlfriend No. 009
Type: Tomboy
Occupations: First-Year High School Student, Member of the Baseball Club
Age: 16
Birthday: January 9th (Capricorn)
Debut: Chapter 33
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Girlfriend No. 010
Type: Narcissistic
Occupation: Second-Year High School Student
Age: 17
Birthday: March 3rd (Pisces)
Debut: Chapter 39
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shizunano · 2 hours
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suuahko · 2 hours
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creepercraftguy · 6 months
The 100 Girlfriends with Really, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Stupid Names.
AKA: Everyone in this manga has a name that's a pun or a play on words like Ace Attorney and I'm gonna explain them to you from GF 1 to 28.
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Aijou Rentarou - The first syllable of both his names, "Ai" and "Ren" are both spelled with different kanji for "love." "Rentarou" means "Feeling Love."
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Hanazono Hakari - "Hana" means "flower" or "blossom" and "zono" means "garden". Her surname is a reference to the expression "Atama ga Ohanabatake," literally meaning, "flower garden in the head." This phrase is used to describe someone who is constantly delusional and imaginative, referring to her lustful daydreams and delusions along with the flower-shaped hairpins that she wears as a part of her character design. "Hakari" is also a homophone for "plan," highlighting her devious nature and scheming brain.
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Inda Karane - Karane's full name is derived from a highly typical Japanese tsundere sentence "betsu ni anta no tame ni yattenain dakarane!" ("It's not like I did it for you or anything!") The "In" in "Inda" also means "hospital" which is where she keeps sending Rentarou.
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Yoshimoto Shizuka - Yoshimoto can translate to "Lover of Books" and "Shizuka" literally means "quiet."
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Eiai Nano - "Eiai" is derived from "A.I." and "Nano" is derived from "Nanotechnology," alluding to her straightfoward, computer-like intellect and mechanistic demeanor.
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Yakuzen Kusuri - "Yakuzen" means "medicinal cooking" in literal translation, while "Kusuri" is a homophone for the Japanese word for drug or medicine.
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Hanazono Hahari - Her name is the same meaning as Hakari's, fitting since she is also very deluded. Hahari also contains the word "Haha," which also means "mother."
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Haraga Kurumi - The "Hara" in "Haraga" means stomach, referring to Kurumi's incredible appitite.
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Meido Mei - "Meido" literally means "Maid"
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Sutou Iku - Iku's full name is pronounced similarly to the Japanese word "sutoikku", meaning "stoic", as a testament to her high pain threshold.
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Utsukushisugi Mimimi - "Utsukushi" means "Beauty or Beautiful" Additionally, "Mimimi" has the kanji for "Beauty or Beautiful" twice, and employs the noma kanji, which repeats the kanji that comes before it. In her full name, the word "Beauty" is written in Kanji three times, and her family name and given name are pronounced in On'yomi and Kun'yomi, respectively. There are technically four counts if the Noma Kanji is counted. Therefore, her name can be interpreted as meaning "extremely beautiful."
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Kakure Meme - "Kakure" means "to hide", and the "Me" in "Meme" means "eye," so her full name effectively means "two hidden eyes." The "Ka" in "Kakure" can also mean "splendor or flashiness" referring to the beuatiful face that she keeps hidden under her bangs as to not draw attention to herself.
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Iin Chiyo - Highlighting Chiyo's position at her school, her full name written in hiragana strongly resembles the second half of the Japanese word for "class president," - "gakkyuu iinchou." "Chiyo" also has the kanji for "award" and "wisdom," and "Iin" has the kanji for "school" or "institution."
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Yamato Nadeshiko - The phrase "yamato nadeshiko," describes the "personification of the idealized Japanese woman." Typically, a yamato nadeshiko is modest and courteous, with long, dark hair that is frequently styled nicely. They wear traditional Japanese attire, and they resemble the kind of woman Naddy's family attempted to turn her into before she rebelled and became obsessed with America. "Yamato" is a term for ancient Japan, and a Nadeshiko is a kind of pink carnation whose name translates to "Japanese Dianthus"
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Yasashiki Yamame - "Yasa" means "gentle" or "affectionate", and "shiki" means "spreading" or "laying out" like one would do with seeds in a field. "Sashiki" spelled in a different kanji also means "cutting and planting." "Yamame" can literally be translated to mean "Mountain Woman" referring to Yamame's large size, but "mame" can also mean "hardworking" or "healthy" and "legume" which means "vegetable."
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Momi Momiji - "Momimomi" is an informal way of saying squeeze or massage. "Momu" also means "to massage."
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Yakuzen Yaku - Like Kusuri, the word "yakuzen" literally means "medicinal cooking," and her first name contains the same word, albeit written in a different kanji. Kusuri even mentions this in the manga directly, to which Yaku responds that her mother named her after her favourite tree, Yakusugi Cedars. Furthermore, when written using the Goroawase wordplay system, Yaku can be written with the numbers 8 and 9 ("Ya" and "Ku"), referring to how she is 89 years old.
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Torotoro Kishika - "Torotoro" is a Japanese onomatopoeia that describes something becoming loose and viscous, which refers to the state Kishika enters when she is babied. Kishika also directly translates to "Flower Knight"
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Kedarui Aashii - "Kedarui" means languid, listless or feeling sluggish and "Ashi" a slang version of the pronoun, "atashi" often used by gals. Beyond just Japanese, Aashi means "smile" in Hindi, which makes sense given the constant smile she bears on her face.
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Nakaji Uto - The kanji for Nakaji is also used in the word "Chuunibyou," a colloquial term from Japan used to characterize early teens with grandiose delusions, a strong desire to stand out, and the conviction that they possess knowledge or secret hidden powers, i.e. exactly what Uto is. "Uto" is also an alternative interpretation of the kanj "shijin," which translates to "poet."
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Meido Mai - Similar to Mei, Mai's surname, "Meido" is pronounced in Japanese similarly to how "maid" is. However, it is spelled with the wrong kanji, which could highlight how Mai is an inexperienced maid in comparison to the perfect maid that is Mei. "Mai" can also mean "little sister."
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Bonnouji Momoha - The "Bonnou" in Bonnouji means "worldly desires," and "Momoha" means "108" referencing the 108 worldly desires of Buddhist terminology.
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Baio Rin - Her full name is a pun on how the word for "violin" is pronounced in Japanese, but also sounds like the world "violent" or "violence." Her name is also a reference to "Biohazard" the Japanese name of the violent horror shooter game series, Resident Evil.
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Hifumi Suu - "Hi Fu Mi" literally means "1 2 3" in the Goroawase wordplay system. Suu also means "number."
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Kaho Eira - Kaho's name is a pun on "Capoeira" the style of Brazilian martial arts that she practices.
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Nekonari Tama - Nekonari contains the kanji "Neko" and "Naru", which when put together means "to become a cat." Tama means "beads" but is also a homophone for "ball" referring to how cats like playing with balls of yarn.
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Saiki Himeka - "Sai" means "talent," "ki" means "strange." "Hime" means "princess" and ""ka" means "song." Himeka uses the first kanji of her first name and the second kanji of her last name for her stage name, "Kiki," literally translating to "weird princess" or "strange princess."
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Dei Matsuri - "Matsuri" literally means "festival," and "Dei" is derived from the ending particle of Edo dialect speech. "Dei" effectively replaces the standard ending particles "desu" and "da," emphasizing Dei's cockney English dialect.
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Usami Shiina - Usami is a short abbreviation of "Usagi no Mimi", which means "bunny ears." Additionally, her full name is a pun on "Ū samishī na" which means "Ugh, I'm so lonely," naturally referring to how Shiina is unable to engage in solo activities due to her autophobia
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anitrendz · 10 months
Top 10 Anime Couples-Ships Fall Season 2023 Week 6
Need your ship to sail higher? You'll have to rally voters at anitrendz.com!
Rentarou's newest ship enters Top 10, officially taking up half of the couples chart. Luckily for the rest of the contenders, these should be the only ships from Rentarou's Family that the first cour will cover. Stark and Fern rises five spots, the biggest movement and improvement, due to the last episode. Meanwhile, Ryuto and Runa reenters Top 10.
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thelreads · 2 months
I'm reading 100 girlfriends because of you and I think I cracked how the series will end.
Kusuri's immortality drug is not yet complete--Yaku says that she has the body of an 8 year old "but will probably live about 80 more years". So she still ages. And it's true that they could keep resetting themselves back to 8 but I feel like going through puberty more than once kinda sucks.
So I imagine, after gf 100, Kusuri has created a truly immortal drug. Whether it reverses your age or keeps you frozen in time or makes you grow older or whatever, it works. And of course Rentarou loves his girlfriends so much that they all agree to drink the immortality and live forever.
However, the immortality drug doesn't mean they can't have children. So as a result, Rentarou marries every girlfriend (because it's first comes LOVE, then comes MARRIAGE, and only then does the baby in the baby carriage come along and Rentarou is a PROPER GENTLEMAN) and has as many babies as each wife wants. But they're immortal, so, theoretically.... They could just. Keep having babies.
It doesn't even matter if some girlfriends only want one or don't want any at all, there's more than enough girlfriends to, for lack of a better term, "pick up the slack". And they're all immortal so it doesn't matter how fast they go anyway!
What I'm saying is, if they're all immortal and they keep having children, that means that, eventually, every single person on earth will be either one of Rentarou's descendants or married to one. *Everyone* will become part of Rentarou's family.
(also, of course, because they're immortal and basically the mothers of this new race of humans called "Rentarou's family", Rentarou is easily able to create a cult based around each of his girlfriends, so that they can be venerated as the goddesses he knows they are.)
I can already see the author looking at this post and going
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tokiro07 · 1 month
Something very funny to think about with 100 Girlfriends as a series is that it has effectively infinite content
Even just the act of introducing the remaining inevitable castmembers will take roughly 70 more chapters assuming that there are no double or triple introductions. Beyond that, each of them will require a second chapter for introducing them to the rest of the Rentarou Family, so that's about 140 chapters, which is about three years of serialization alone
Taking into account that the current average number of chapters between new girlfriends is 6, that gives us another approximately 280 chapters on top of that 140, meaning that at the current pace, there's no less than eight years of serialization to go (at least ten if we consider the average number of breaks that the authors rightfully take)
Even if the authors stop being able to think of absurd scenarios like "crash landing on an island in the sky and finding the real ass god damn Gum Gum Fruit" or "multiple chapters of Rentarou consuming various drugs that force him to fetishize his girlfriends in various outfits on pain of death", simply picking any two characters and throwing them together would potentially outlast every known manga in history
Let's say we had one chapter of Rentarou going on a date with every girl individually - that's a hundred chapters right there. It would take two years to cover all of those dates
Then let's say we had Hakari hanging out with every girl one-on-one. That's another 98
Karane? Another 97
Shizuku: 96. Nano: 95. Kusuri: 94. And so on and so forth until we get to the final one-on-one with Girlfriend 99 and 100. This would add up to a grand total of 5050 chapters across a little over 101 years
Obviously it's not going to go that long, and the Daily Life chapters often cover this basic idea in a few panels at a time, but theoretically every combination of girls+Rentarou could make a complete and unique standalone chapter, and the sheer scale of that still boggles my mind nearly five years into the serialization
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polyamanga · 4 months
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The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You! chapter 178
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blackhakumen · 5 months
Mini Fanfic #1195: Gaming and Tea Party (100 Girlfriends)
2:34 p.m. at the Hanazono's Mansion's Dining Room...........
Rentarou: (Takes a Sip of his Cup of Hot Tea Mei Made For Him Before Falling in Love With it Instantly) ('Mmm!~') This tea is amazing, Mei-San!~
Shizuka: (Happily Nodded in Agreement as Sgw is Munching on a Cookie in a Very Adorable Manner) {Your refreshments are a craft of legends~}
Mei: (Politely Bows at Two of her Guests) I thank you both for your kind words. Though, I would be dishonest with myself if I say that my culinary prowess does not need more work.
Hahari: (Smiles Brightly at her Maid Sitting Right Next to Her) Nonsense. You have been doing a wonderful job making tea and treats for us, dear. No need to feel discouraged about it.
Mei: (Bows to her Mistress) Understood, Hahari-Sama.
Hahari: (Felt a Sweatdrop Falling Down the Side of her Head) That wasn't even close to being an order, dear......
Mei: (Politely Bows to Hahari Again) My apologies.
Hahari: (Let's Out a Sigh Before Smiling) This is nice~ Having a relaxing tea time with one half of my favorite people in the world, sitting in the same table around me-
Kusuri: (In the Other Room) STOP BEING MEAN TO KUSURI, YEP-YEP!!!
Karane: (In the Other Room) Quit throwing the game too much and MAYBE I wouldn't HAVE on your case 24/7! Same goes for you too, Pinky!!
Hakari: (In the Other Room) It has been years since I've last played Mario Party, CUT ME SOME SLACK ALREADY!!!
Nano: (In the Other Room) I doubt any of your rage and screams will save you three from your inevitable defeat down the line.
Karane: Hey, don't compare me to these scrubs beside me!
Kusuri: YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH, KARANE! I BLANE YOU FOR MY LOSSES! (Continues Arguing with Karane)
Karane: YOU KEEP THROWING THE GAME!!! (Continues Arguing with Kusuri)
Hahari: (Taken Aback From all the Screaming) -While the other half are yelling over a simple video game.
Shizuka: (Hides behind her Phone With a Hint of Fear) {I did not had the slightest clue that it could create this level of intensity.}
Rentarou: (Smiles Sheepishly While Gently Rubbing his Girlfriend's Head Next to Him, Helping her Be More Relaxed and Happy) That tends to happen a lot in most games, even more in Mario Party. That series in general bring out the worst in you if you're not too careful with your emotions.
Hahari: (Puts on a Pouty Look on her Face) Well, that doesn't sound right. What kind of party game would go out of it's way to make people angry so easily? You children these days should learn a thing or two from Mei-Mei andbI about mature sportsmanship in gaming.
Mei: (Happily Nodded in Agreement)
Rentarou: Wait, time out. You two play video games too?
Hahari: (Happily Nodded) Indeed we have!~ Whenever we have freetime in our hands, the two of us would sit down in the living room and play some fighting games to help ease our minds a bit.
Mei: Mostly Steeet Fighter.
Mei: (Sitting in the Living Room Playong Street Fighter with Her Mistress) Your skills has improved quite a lot, Hahari-Sama. Very impressive indeed.
Hahari: Thank you, Mei dear. But don't get too cocky now~ (Forms a Determined Smile on her Face) This will be the day that I will finally win!
The character Hahari is playing, Chun-Li, activates her second super, Houyoku-Sen, to deliver the final blow, only for Mei's character, Ibuki, to parry every hit flawlessly before performing three sets of combo and finishing her off with a Yoroi-Doshi.
TV: K.O.!!
Hahari: (Drop her Controller Down in Frustration) Dang it! (Crosses her Arms While Pouting) I reay thought I got you that time........
Mei: (Gently Place her Hand onto Hahari's Shoulder) I'm certain you will have your victory over me soon enough, Mistress. It takes more time and energy.
Hahari: ('Sigh') I know....(Turns to her Maid with a Bot of a Puppy Dog Look in her Eyes) You will continue to teach me your ways, dear?
Mei: (Happily Nodded) Of course.
End of Flashback
Rentarou: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise Along with Shizuka) You were able to parry all of that and play the entire game with your eyes CLOSED!!?
Shizuka: {Such a remarkable display of talent indeed!}
Hahari: (Happily Hugs Mei Beside Her) I know, right!?~ Our Mei-Mei is the most talented in the whole wide world!~
Mei: (Smiles Sheepishly) I-I wouldn't exactly call myself the most talented or anything.....(Her Smile Then Starts Turning Softly) But it means quite a lot to hear you all think very highly of me.
Hahari: Honey, don't be modest. You deserve every the high priase you received.
Rentarou: (Happily Nodded in Agreement Along with Shizuka) Yeah, you're pretty amazing, Mei-San.
Shizuka: {Amazing and spectacular~}
Mei begins to blush from all the praises she is now receiving from her now closest peers.
Meanwhile at the Living Room
Nano: Now to add more time for myself....(Uses her Character to Pick Up +45 Seconds Clock and Plsce it Down the Pipe to Add More Time)
Hakari: (Smiles Brightly) Take as much time as you need, dear.
Karane: (Turns to Hakari) She is literally taking the time. Why are you encouraging her?
Hakari: Just being nice here. (Rolls her Eyes) Something you should be trying to do sometime.
Karane: ('Tch') Pleass. I can be nice-
Hakari: When Rentarou's around-
Karane: (Turns Back to her Girlfriend in Anger) IN. GENERAL, SMARTASS!
Hakati: (Casually Puts her Hands Up in Front of Her in Defense) Okay. I'll take your word for it. For now anyways.
Karane: (Turns Away While Crossing her Arms Together) You better.
Nano: First to go is Karane.
Karane: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) What!? (Turns her Attention Back to the TV Before Rapidly Pressing the A Button on her Switch Controller to Try and Get Yoshi Out of Luigi's Grasps) No!
Kusuri: (Watches Nano's Character, Luigi, Pick Up Karane's Character, Yoshi, abd Taking Him to the Warp Pipe) Come on, Karane!
Karane: I'm. TRYING!!
Kusuri: Karane, come onnn! Please, Karane!
Karane: (Drops her Controller on the Ground and Sighs in Defeat as She Watches her Character Gets Dropped Inside the Pipe) Damnit. She got me....
Nano: Efficiently I may add.
Karane: (Pouts at her Girlfriend Beside Her) Hush you!
Kusuri: (Now Watches Luigi Pick Up Hakari's Character, Peach, Up in his Grasps) Come on, Hakari! COME ONNN!~
Nano: I don't see the Peach doll shaking.
Karane: (Watches Everything Happening on Screen Right Now) Wait, Seriously? (Turns Back to Hakari) Hakari, are you not mashing or something?
Hakari: (Mashing the Button as Hard and Fast as She Can) WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? I AM MASHING!!! (Smiles Brightly as She Shows Everyone What Button She Was Pressing) It's the B Button, right?
Both Karane and Kusuri turn to one another in silence as they slowly turn back to their bubbly rich girlfriend, shaking in rage before angrily and comically screaming out......
Karane/Kusuri: A BUTTON! Oh my GODDD!/ You gorgeous BOZO!!
Kusuri: (Groans While Facepalming Herself) Jesus freaking Christ.....How did you not know that!?
Nano: (Continues Playing the Game Efficiently) The instructions were shown right before we started this mini-game.
Hakari: It wa- (Suddebly Gasps at the Realization) Ohhhhhhhh right, it did! (Giggles a Bit Awkwardly) I guess I didn't notice up until now~ (Sticks her Tongue Right to the Side of her Lips as She Gently Knock Down on her Head)
Karane/Kusuri: YOU GUESS!?
Hakari: (Pouts at Both her Partners) Hey! I told you girls that it's been a long time since I've picked up and played a Mario Party game! Now, if you'll excuse me.....(Gets Herself Up From the Carpet Floor She Was Sitting On) I have a tea party to attend to. Rentarou!~ Shizuka!~(Happily Makes her Way to the Dining Room) Save room for one more, my sweet darlings!~
Karane: (Groans While Pinching the Bridge of her Nose) I knew we should've played something else. This is getting ridiculous right now......
Kusuri: (Casually Shrugs) Yeah, but Kusuri doesn't really mind it all the madness going around here, so long as I get to spend it with my favorite peeps in world!~ (Happily Winks at Karane Next to Her)
Karane: (Starts Blushing a Bit Before Turning Away) ('Tch') Whatever. As long as you're having fun I guess....(Gently Plave her Hand On Top of Kusuri's Head) Love you guys.
Kusuri: (Happily Hugs Karane on her Side) We love you too, Karane, Yep-Yep!~ Like, a whooooole lot!~
Nano: (Gently Pats Karane onnthe Shoulder While Playing her Game) Yes, likewise. Also, I thank you for giving me the free win, Kusuri-Senpai.
Kusuri: You're quite welcome, Na- WHAAAAAAT!?
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cloudypinkblink · 7 months
yo here is a fun headcanon i have that you might like
ex delinquent Sayuri, Satsuma knows about it and knows she can easily beat him up
masaru and chika are unaware about it and just think that their mom was in some kind of school club that involve fighting or something
This energized me for the day, so please have these doodles and a new AU/personal HC
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So this is the Sayuri ex-Deliquent thing; my personal little HC for it is that she and Satsuma are actually childhood friends (neighbors, probably) and that Sayuri and Suguru met in school, and clashed heads (a lot like our two beloved boys in the modern era....) (thie little chibis of the main trio represent their mirror for the back in time AU trio) Rentarou (calling him by first name feels sacrilegious, but it feels even weirder if I don't bc I refer to the other two by first name LMAO) does have a crush on Sayuri, but it's the type of thing that passes/is dealt with as they get older, bc he respects her and Suguru. He is very very much the one that kinda reigns them both in, but also gets dragged along. Suguru is a doctor, which is why he's being deligated Smartie Pants role; after all, Touma is a genius but also loves to box and isn't a weakling, so I figure Suguru is similar. Suyuri is very rambunctious; I think she's not only a regular delinquent, but definitely one of those girls that don't want to be looked down on for being a girl. So she likes to be tough and fight like the boys, and she doesn't take it well when someone (coughcough Suguru coughcough) criticizes her because he means well- the only person she kinda listens to is Rentarou, because he's her childhood friend. Suguru is fairly polite, actually; he's not an overly violent guy and while strong and athletic, has a more passive personality where he tries to solve things with words. It's Sayuri that later changes that mindset a bit, and gets him to enjoy and see the merits of talking with one's fists LMAO (so a good influence!). Rentarou comes from a strict, law enforcement family and he is under a lot of pressure to do good; his family isn't fond of Sayuri given her delinquency, but they're friends and there is no stopping that. He often feels more refreshed and encouraged after spending time with her, which is one of the reasons he develops a crush on her. Suguru and Sayuri try to avoid each other, and get into fights and arguments nearly any time they DO see each other- but then they keep getting into silly shenanigans (with poor Rentarou dragged along one way or another) I kinda want them to find out abt Digimon around this time, but I'll delve into it later.
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Sayuri is a little embarassed about her past? She was quite a bit worse than Masaru; yes he gets into street fights but he's also good about chores, caring for his sister and trying to do right by her- he doesn't skip as much school as she had, and usually she can find a valid reason why. Embarassment aside, she wasn't going to let Masaru tackle the world without knowing proper technique, and Suguru left too early to really teach him (but late enough to get him riled up, and you know Sayuri gave him an earful abt that when he came back LOL) She lets her kids believe whatever, not really ready to tell them she was a wild child herself. (Chika later finds out; Masaru does not and Chika is both excited she knows something Masaru doesn't know, but sad she can't share her findings, given they theorized about it) Sayuri of course chilled out and became softer as she got older, but it was mostly when she got her kids that she really calmed down. She wanted to be someone that they could tell mistakes to, who they could be honest with, etc etc., But when Masaru or Chika get out of line, there's a certain edge to her voice that definitely has their backs straightening. This is a really fun AU and I bet you weren't expecting me to want to delve into it but I 10/10 will. This is gripping me by the THROAT what have you DONE to me.
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22degreehalo · 8 months
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I've completed my transmasc Uto 50% cheesy romance character deep-dive, 50% ensemble gag comedy hijinx fanfiction!!
4.9 words, no real warnings other than what already goes on in canon, mostly Uto/Rentarou but also the entire family shows up at least for a line or two - please enjoy! <3
The 99 Girlfriends and 1 Boyfriend Who Really Really Really Really Really Love You!
Synopsis: A chance encounter with Uto at the Wayfarer Cafe will change everything...! Or perhaps not.
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comshipbracket · 7 months
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Antis DNI - Block the tag "comship" if this causes discomfort.
Remember, you are voting for the ship you prefer, not the ship you find more problematic
Propaganda for both ships under the cut.
Disclaimer: All ships (other than NozoCoco) on this bracket are FOLLOWER-SUBMITTED ships, the Mods do not always hold necessary knowledge to be aware of any errors or fanonizing what should be canon material that may arise.
Zackray Propaganda (MinorxAdult, Toxic Dynamic)
"Ray is a 13-year-old girl who wakes up in a weird building without memories. Oh, there are some weird killers in the building with her too. Zack is one of them and the first time they meet he runs after her with a scythe. Love at first sight <3 (/joke)
At first, her memories return and she remembers why she was in that building in the first place. With her memories back, she becomes apathetic and almost indifferent to everything.
After Zack saves her from a very creepy doctor, she turns to him and asks one thing: `Could you kill me?`. Zack is very confused, but after he realizes that he would never be able to leave the building alone, he offers her a deal. He would only kill her after she helped him leave the building. This is the beginning of their connection.
I can't give too many spoilers, but seriously, they are a duo that subverts all expectations. Although Zack is a cold serial killer and blah blah blah, Rachel can be more cursed and scarier than him. It's really funny that she spends the entire anime begging him to kill her, and his reaction every time is `Wtf is wrong with you`. And yes, Zack may be an adult, but Ray can be more rational than him and is very good at understanding things quickly. She is the one who always finds a way for them to escape the traps of the other killers in the building.
He spends the entire anime asking her to smile, because then he would be more excited about killing her, but every time she tries to smile, he laughs at her and says that her smile is lifeless (and it really is, my poor girl).
At one point in the anime she says that he is her god. It's serious. She even hugs a knife he gave to her very intimately.
He compares her to a doll a few times in the anime. It's so weird and cute <3
They're not canon, but I would argue that the romantic subtext is there. Anyway, they are weird, traumatized people who end up getting very attached to each other."
Family Rentarou Propaganda (Pseudo-Incest - Hakari and Hahari are related, Rentarou dates both. Kusuri and Yaku are related, Rentarou dates them both, Pseudo-Age Gap/Pseudo-Teen x Minor - Kusuri and Yaku both use an immortality potion making them LOOK 8, Rentarou is 16, Incest, MotherxDaughter - Hahari french kissed her daughter Hakari, Age Gap, AdultsxMinor, AdultsxTeen - Yaku is 89 and Hahari is 29 while Rentarou is 16, Nonconsensual Drugging/Nonconsensual Love Potion - Kusuri keeps doing this to Rentarou)
"The God of love in Rentarou's world has legitimately declared these are Rentarou's official soulmates. He is required to date all 100 of these girls. When he even considered cheating as an option, he beat himself up for an entire night before settling on making this a proper polycule circumstance. Even when Hakari's mom enters the polycule, the polycule still keeps going strong! He's the first harem protagonist I've ever seen who says `You know what? Let's try polyamory! That's a way better idea!` and manages it healthily
With the polycule growing strong, with this many girlfriends, you might think that Rentarou would run out of energy or time to care for all of them. He doesn't! When it comes to Hakari and Karane, he manages to please them both despite their clashing deredere and tsundere personalities and jealous attitudes. He gets them to fall in love with not only him, but it's heavily implied also with each other!
When Shizuka - a mute girl - enters the picture, he spends entire days staying up all night to transcribe every word in the book she uses as a talking tool into a proper text to speech app, despite the book not having an App Reader version yet. He even downloaded the app he made to his own phone to show it was safe to her!
He's able to understand Nano's lack of emotions and need to do everything logically, but also able to see the subtleties in her mostly neutral expression and notice when she's enjoying herself. With Kusuri, he tries to both support her endeavour of making weird and new drugs, but ALSO to keep her safe. He does everything he can to keep these girls safe.
When Hakari's mom tried to prevent Hakari from dating Rentarou, he and his girlfriends staged a girlfriend rescue mission where they'd snatch her back and find her a new place where they could be together forever, no matter how much it would end up with Hahari trying to hunt them down... only for Rentarou to find a relationship with Hahari as well, after convincing her he was right for her daughter! Hahari fell in love with his genuine and sweet way of adoring each of these girls! If I talk about the rest of them this'll become far too long, so I'll leave it here! I adore Rentarou's family. The best depiction of a polyamorous group I've seen in any media, despite all it's wonks."
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