#repeat tri jou
koushirouizumi · 1 year
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bestygogirl · 10 months
BEST YGO GIRL: Round 2, Group D
Match 8
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
Romin Kirishima
Sevens treats her so well. She can duel and is a successful musician. She gets her own song sung by her voice actor in the show. She is absolutely slay. She’s a rocker with pink hair and pronouns. And she also made a curry that was so bad that it was used as a bomb and to power a spaceship you guys HAVE to vote for Romin I know very little about her but she seems like a mix of girlfail and girlboss and that's extremely real of her. Also she has a guitar and guitars are very cool
Shizuka Kawai
Shizuka is obviously very sweet, supportive and positive, but she is also stubborn and brave as hell. There's the obvious ones: Ripped off her post-surgery bandages after being functionally blind in order to jump into deep water to save her brother without a second thought! Perfect win record, won her first ever duel despite having no clue how to play!
But there's a couple really great less obvious character moments as well:
First off, her message to Jounouchi before Duelist Kingdom: It's heavily implied they hadn't spoken in a long time since their parents' divorce. But Shizuka, a very sheltered pre-teen, was the first one to break the silence and reach out to her big brother - even though they were likely deliberately being kept apart by their mother, who seems to believe Jou is a bad influence on his sister. Jou and Shizuka's mom has likely been repeating this narrative to Shizuka growing up, too: "Your brother is no-good just like your dad. Your brother is dangerous. Your brother is a bad influence" etc, etc. But this doesn't stop her from secretly deciding to contact Jou. Shizuka had no idea when reaching out that he'd do something over-the-top like try and win money for her operation. She just wanted to talk to her estranged sibling and update him on her life, including her illness, which was probably really scary for her to talk about.
Second: This kid breaks out of a hospital, still blind and wearing post-surgical bandages after a major operation, to see her brother. She meets all of her brother's friends in one go and immediately is like "Whatever I'll get in your car strange woman, just get me to Katsuya!!" Then after the pier duel she's still so determined to offer what support she can that she gets on the giant aircraft of a well-known local maniac without hesitation. The first things she sees after years of declining eyesight are: her brother nearly drowning, literal gods being summoned, someone she clearly idolizes as a big sister getting Shadow Game'd, Honda getting dropped into a pit of lava, her brother ACTUALLY dying - and she remains kind, cheerful and brave throughout it all.
Third: Despite her clear idolization and respect of Jounouchi, she actually doesn't just thoughtlessly go along with what he says all the time! Several times in the anime, when she feels Jou is being impulsive, stubborn or unkind, she'll call him out on it. A notable example is in Virtual World when Jounouchi suggests they should just leave Kaiba and Mokuba to go off alone. Shizuka firmly tells him "No, that's not the right thing to do," and tries to go off after the Kaibros all by herself. This is really brave as hell, especially seeing as she's evidently prepared to go against ALL of her brother's cool older friends despite being young, a bit naive/inexperienced, and has seen a staggering amount of dangerous things happen to them all up to that point.
Fourth: Virtual World Duel. Yes she has a miniature crisis after seeing her brother's best friend get dropped into lava. But she recovers and wins the duel with a religious-iconography-power-lesbian card. Love that for her.
Fifth: Shizuka is the only character in the entire series to stand in front of Seto Kaiba and say to his face "human lives are more important than card games." And she's not even one of Yuugi's core friend group, who's seen Kaiba at his most vulnerable. From her perspective, this is not only a giant tall scary-looking older guy with the bitchiest resting face this side of the Pacific, he's also one of the most powerful individuals in Domino City (possibly in Japan.) Kaiba is a well-known public figure who Shizuka had previously probably only seen on the news for things like staggering wealth, general lunacy, and patricide. AND YET, she's the one who marches her little self up to him and tells him to land his damn blimp and get Bakura some medical care. (It kind of works, too! Kaiba is difficult and annoying to all of them and implies he doesn't care if Bakura dies, but after Shizuka makes her appeal, only THEN does he admit that KaibaCorp has excellent trained medical staff on board.)
Sixth: Pulls a truly disturbed prank with Mai and then laughs in the face of her brother's devastation. We love a weird kid with an extremely questionable sense of humor. She's definitely fine after all the Horrors(TM) she's witnessed. Probably.
Anyways vote Shizuka she's a fucking great character and the fandom has been SLEEPING on her!!!!
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atsoraasayoma · 3 months
My newest head cannon is Homeostasis is actually Ygdrassil and is using the Ygdrassill persona to get what she wants.
She had the Digidestined as deterrents and pawns for the Digital world she but doesn’t need them anymore.
So what does she want? She wants balance. But what is balance? Endless conflict. The good defeats the evil and keeps repeating the process. Birth and destruction over and over again as long as she is the one in command,
When the reboot happened in Tri even all the viral Digimon came back. That’s when she was like ‘you remember what you did before defeating these challenges?’
Well I’m letting them loose. And I am erasing your save file. Also I’m hijacking Hikari and merging two mega felines to make my siren and use her negative emotions to destroy your world.
Also the Digital World wants to cause the Digidestined as much discomfort as possible.
I think Homeostasis truly hates humanity. She loves using them as discardable tools and letting all those she possesses deal with the psychological torment after.
Remember how messed up Maki Himekawa got? Remember how disillusioned and devastated Hikari got? And then by proxy Rui. That poor kid.
Also the sadistic dark Gennai is Homeostasis mocking the human race with carnal murderous desires. Licking Sora, Choking Meiko, and just trolling the others especially with Ken’s persona.
Also remember that dangerous metal dragon you only beat with the light boost from Hikari? Well now he’s hunting you down for sport.
The Digidestined are nothing but clowns! Because they are nothing without their partners. But don’t tell that to Jou who straight up pins Gennai to the ground while Gomamon flopped them fishes around.
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Wasn’t aware the darkness could possess Hikari to. Or maybe that’s what Homeostasis Wants us to think and it’s still her the whole time.
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dragonandtiger · 1 year
Dreaming To Reality: Oneiromancy Chapter Thirty - 23
“As in… here, here?” Taichi asked, joining in, as he pointed down at the floor. “As in physically here on Earth, in this house, here?”
“Uh…,” Daisuke faltered before he shook his head vigorously. “Nope! Not at all! Totally not what I meant! Nope, nada, no way!”
“Uh huh,” Miyako said, her tone totally giving away just how much she believed him. “So what did you mean?”
“N-nothing!” Daisuke said. “I-I didn’t mean nuthin’! You know, just… typical Daisuke stupidity, right? Ahaha, who knows what random bullshit I’ll say next, am I right?” He forced out a laugh, or at least tried to, but it only came out awkward and stilted.
“Bullshit,” Tsuyosa repeated.
Kigaru glanced down at his son before he gave a dry chuckle. “Hmhm.”
“Wait, so you’re saying Zeed is here!?” Ryo demanded, panic clear on his face. “Right now!?”
“N-no, no, no!” Jou quickly jumped in, waving his hands. “Absolutely not!”
“T-that’s right!” Mimi said with a nervous giggle. “Why would Zeed-chama be here?”
Miyako’s expression deadpanned as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Wow. That was. So. Convincing. I totally believe you.”
Jin narrowed his eyes before he pulled out his cellphone. What the Chosen Children couldn’t see was Keiko’s brother accessing an app that pulled up a live security feed, which showed the various hallways in his home. He cycled through different shots at lightning speed until he came across a scene that chilled his blood. He snapped his cellphone shut as he took off running, startling the Chosen Children as he rushed by. “The bastard is in the kitchen with Sakura and Sera!”
Tsuyosa let out a quiet yelp as Keiko hastily placed him down on the sofa before disappearing, Nyamon quickly following after.
“Shit!” Taichi shouted as he ran after Jin, only to be seized by the arm and forced to a halt.
“Senpai, wait!” Daisuke shouted as he tugged Taichi back. “What’re you planning to do to Lord Zeed?”
“What am I gonna do?” Taichi repeated, incredulously. “What is he gonna do to those kids!?”
“Nothing!” Mimi said, sharply. “Honestly, Taichi! Zeed-chama wouldn’t harm a bunch of innocent children!”
“We don’t have time for this!” Yamato barked as he dashed past the Miracles Chosen, following after Jin.
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detectiveichijouji · 1 year
Case 4 - Make it Double!
[AO3 version]
“W-wha-WHAT!? H-how can you tell it was me who did this!?” Ishida Yamato, 20 years old -- a newly adult, had to face the police for a strange reason: Someone invaded Taichi’s room, and witnesses (neighbors and Hikari) said to have seen him leaving the crime scene.
“How can you think it was him!?” Sora, his girlfriend and the same age as him by a month of difference, snapped at the officers. She also was Taichi’s friend so… “Is this some kind of a prank, because I did not like it!”
“... Is Taichi ok?” Yamato refused to believe it was him who invaded the Yagami’s apartment, so he hoped that no one had been hurt, “Hikari-chan? Mr. & Mrs. Yagami?”
Taichi was not at home that night. He was at work, and had plans to move out sooner. However, Agumon and Tailmon sensed something was off. They tried to intercept 'Yamato', but… They had no success. Hikari was about to say something right now, when she, Takeru and Daisuke saw the police interrogating him and Sora outside.
Hikari… Did not believe that it was Yamato at all.
“What happened?” Daisuke asked the other two with him, “Why are the police arguing with Yamato-san?”
“Someone invaded our house as Yamato,” Tailmon explained, “Everyone was fine and nothing was stolen.”
“Do you think this is related to that Arsenemon guy?” Takeru asked.
“Hm, probably… The ‘Yamato’ we caught last night had a subtle digimon scent…”
“Another shapeshifter digimon” Daisuke sighed, “I can’t believe more digimon can do this besides Bakemon, Arukenimon and Mummymon… What if he uses anyone-else-we-know’s face next time!?”
“It’s ok, Daisuke-kun” Takeru grinned, “We know each other enough to unmask a faker in the wild.”
“Eh? Really?” Daisuke pouted, “Then, when is my birthday?”
“I think saying it here, outside a safer place, would make Arsenemon know that information,” Tailmon shrugged.
“Oh, that’s right!” Chibimon and Daisuke said together.
“Should we talk with Yamato-san?” Hikari asked the mons and the boys, “I think we should take this case.”
“The others would help too,” Takeru replied, “After all, Yamato is their friend too.”
Yamato heard of the young six forming their own ‘detective club’ and decided to talk with them. Usually he would go ask Taichi and Koushiro for those, but… What if Taichi and Koushiro do not believe him?
“So… Yamato-san, where were you when this happened?”
It’s awkward hearing Ken and the others interrogating him, but he and Gabumon knew this was needed…
“I was with Sora at a band gig. We were going to play that night… Taichi refused my invitation because he had to work late, Koushiro and Jou said they were also busy. And I couldn’t bug you six knowing you had school the next day.”
“Those tracks,” Takeru nodded sagely, “Yamato told me about the gig, but he didn’t want us to stay late because of school.”
“Yes,” Hikari added, “I remember seeing Yamato-san talking to Taichi this morning…”
“Hmm” Iori was watching every gesture and phrasing Yamato said, trying to spot any flaw in it. But those felt legitimate, and Gabumon would know if that wasn’t the real Yamato after all…
“So Sora-san and you have an alibi,” Miyako stated, stroking her chin.
“Alibi?” V-mon blinked.
“It means like, ‘you have a claim or evidence that you weren’t involved in the crime scene’ “ Daisuke explained to V-mon and the other digimon who might not know that either.
“Daisuke-san really got the spirit of a detective,” Wormmon commented with the other digimon, who nodded in agreement.
“Did you notice anything wrong when you came home?” Ken asked the next question.
“If I remember well... Sora and I saw someone flying from Taichi’s building.”
“Flying huh?” Iori repeated vaguely, “Hikari-san, did you witness anything from your perspective?”
“Um… It’s true. Tailmon woke me up immediately saying there was a digimon inside, but… All I saw was someone like Yamato-san in Taichi’s room… And that ‘Yamato-san’ jumped out the window…”
“But we didn’t see where they went.” Tailmon added.
“Do y’all think it’s… that Arsenemon guy from the calling card thingy?” Armadimon asked them all.
“Arsenemon?” Gabumon and Yamato blinked.
“Some digimon-thief who popped in stealing jewels” Daisuke replied with a shrug, “The police asked our help to deal with him, sorta.”
“The police might not know that a human cannot survive jumping straight out of the 13th floor” Ken mused, “So it’s definitely a digimon.”
“But… How can we clean Yamato’s name?” Gabumon asked a little hesitantly.
“Catching the fake Yamato guy,” Daisuke said seriously, glancing at the others, “Right?”
“Yes/Yeah!” they all nodded.
Espimon was lurking outside with her camouflage on -- which means not only she was “invisible” but also had blocked all of her presence for the other digimon. After listening to the entire convo between Yamato and the 02 Team… She had to retreat and talk with Arsenemon.
But… Where’s Arsenemon now? Was he really the one who invaded the Yagami family’s apartment?
“Boss! Boss!!” She contacted him via her communicator, while flying high in the sky, “There’s some big big NEWS!!”
“Seems like someone invaded one of the Chosen Children’s homes and used one of them as a disguise!” she said, then… “Weren’t you, right boss?”
Arsenemon bit his lip. So, there’s someone targeting those kids too huh…?
“You know my Modus Operandi , Espimon. I don’t recall visiting any of the Chosen Children last night.” he replied nonchalantly, “Besides, we were together studying how to catch the next piece from that facility.”
“Oh… Right…”
“Sigh… Let me guess, you’re asking that because those kids think it was me, right?”
“Aye, boss!”
He was aware of this going to happen the moment he arrived and stole that broken gem. Also, he was pretty aware that those kids had one of the pieces, but he would rather talk to them first than going to steal it. But now… with another thief…?
“Should we do something, boss?”
“Heh, you know I can’t let them think bad things about me. A healthy rivalry is better than turning them into our actual enemy.”
“There’s someone walking around with Yamato’s face huh…” Taichi squinted his eyes at Hikari and Daisuke, “One Yamato is enough, but two of them!?”
“I know it’s you’re not working late today, Taichi-senpai but… Please, can we have your help?” Daisuke asked politely,
“No I mean… I don’t want someone pretending to be Yamato and giving him a bad name! He doesn’t deserve it.”
“We will help,” Agumon nodded, “Right, Taichi?” and the young adult nodded in return.
“So, what do you plan to do?”
“It’s easy,” Tailmon then explained their plan to catch the ‘fake-Yamato-mon’ (as Daisuke nicknamed it) and they went into action.
The group parted ways, and then Hikari and Daisuke hid behind a column from the building’s parking lot. Ken and the others were also hidden. But what was the plan? You’ll see it.
Taichi and Agumon walked back to the building’s entrance, and then they noticed Yamato walking there, without Gabumon. Taichi knew someone went after him last night according to Hikari’s report, so he was trying to buy the younger kids’ some time.
“Yo Yamato,” Taichi waved at the other, “I’m sorry that I couldn’t go to your gig last night. Are you upset?” The other’s silence was… terrifying “Man, you don’t need to be that cold! Hey, you’re not like that! You’re kinda an emotional bomb fuse who would yell at me everytime I’m insensitive.”
“Taichi,” Agumon stared at Yamato and stood in front of Taichi, “It’s him, the digimon who invaded your room last night.”
“We caught you… Bakemon.”
Ken’s voice echoed through the parking lot, and Stingmon appeared from behind the fake-Yamato-AKA-Bakemon. Bakemon dodged the attack and seemed frightened by having his whole scheme ruined.
“H-How did you know!?” Bakemon stared at the 02 group popping from behind the corners and pillars from the area. He changed back to his real form.
“Because,” Ken smirked, “You can shapeshift into anything you desire, and that I had used this trick before when I was the Kaiser. You’re one of the remaining Vamdemon’s minions right?”
“Tsc! As if! I have huge petty grudges with this broom hairdo!”
“W-what did you just call me!?” Taichi snapped.
“THIS HUMAN JUMPED ON ME AND PUNCHED ME WHEN HE WAS A TINY KID! I LOST MY JOB AND COULDN’T EVEN RETURN TO THE DIGITAL WORLD!” Bakemon growled, “This human is the reason I have to shapeshift into humans and human-like animals in order to survive!”
“A-ah… H-he… Senpai, you… You punched a digimon?!” Daisuke blinked.
“It was a long time ago! A-also you were kidnapping the entire Odaiba in order to murder my sister!”
“He got a point,” Takeru shrugged, “You have no reason to complain about that. You were helping Vamdemon after all.”
“How didn’t you try to murder Taichi-senpai this whole time then, why only now?” Daisuke squinted his eyes at Bakemon.
“I had no time for that before! I’ve been chased by dogs, cats, birds, human toddlers…”
“He sucks at being a killer, ok” V-mon nodded sagely, just like the others.
“A-are you making fun of ME now!?”
“The mystery is solved,” Miyako declared with a grin, “Now time to surrender and get sent back to the Digital World!”
“... Can I… return?” Bakemon’s eyes were filled with sparkles of hope and watery eyes.
“Y-you are… CRYING!?” Patamon exclaimed.
“I’ve been stuck in this filthy world for so long I wanted to go home, so please send me back!!”
“I think he was trying to murder Taichi-san to call for our attention” Iori commented on it with the others, yet using his usual poker face.
“This thing is getting weirder and weirder…” Taichi muttered.
“Can I go home or not!?” Bakemon was pleading.
“Yes, you can go,” Ken nodded, “But first I’d like to ask you a question.”
“Do you know someone called ‘Arsenemon’ by any chance?”
“Arsenemon?” Taichi, Agumon and Bakemon repeated in confusion.
“I think that’s a legit reaction” Iori chimed in, “Bakemon’s motives might be just trying to take revenge on Taichi-san, and not to steal that gem.”
“I guess it doesn’t hurt to ask, right?” Armadimon said with a frown. 
Suddenly, Tailmon saw something standing in the shadows and laughed. But not a maniac or menacingly laugh, just a very innocent and seductive tone.
“Where--” Miyako asked, looking around, as the rest of the group, until Tailmon pointed at the entrance to the parking lot.
“My, you did think I’d attack you?” Arsenemon’s voice was indeed smooth, “I don’t want to mess with the legendary Chosen Children.”
“Who are you!?” Daisuke shouted, and everyone glared at Arsenemon.
“I’m the elusive phantom thief you’re asking about. Might say I don’t like to hurt anyone, and I prefer to give you humans a chance to catch me.”
“Like a legit phantom thief” Iori whispered, but he was a little fascinated by it.
“So you mean… that you leave those notes beforehand?” Ken thought aloud, “And since we didn’t get any notes…”
“ Exactement mon ami, So please don’t lump me with those criminals.”
“Why did you steal that broken gem??” Ken asked one more question, “What is this ‘Grand Treasure’ you mean?”
“That will be answered once I get them all. Well, since you managed to catch the real culprit I’m leaving. Au revoir, Chosen Children . ”
The kids ran after him, but they saw no one there anymore. The group wasn’t sure what happened at all, but they just decided to let it pass. Then they opened the Digital Gate and sent Bakemon back, but for one single condition: To never cause any harm again.
Bakemon agreed with it and promised to never get involved with villainous digimon again.
The news on TV and digital devices started to be handy for the 02 Team, as they were using it to learn where Arsenemon would appear next. Or when they would receive a calling card.
The mystery has just started…
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure{s} (+Adv ~ Tri + {Side} / {A.U.} Adventure: [2020 Reboot]) ~ AMV [Anime Music Video] - Tomodachi no Uta {Song of Friends} (sung by: Nanami Kashiyama) {from originating series: Kagerou Project} featuring DUO/O.T.P/Poly-ships: - {Main} KouTaiMi / TaiKouMi (Mimi x Koushiro x Taichi); - (Heavily Implied) KouTai (Koushiro x Taichi)
PAST AMVS / VIDEO EDITS IN THIS SERIES: Kagerou Daze (Heat-Haze Daze) / Children Record [+Adv Chosen] / RED / Additional Memory and Imaginary Reload music edits for KageDaze / Days (short edit) / Lost Time Memory / Yesterday Evening / Summertime Record / Shounen Brave [+Jou] / Outer Science [+Villains] / Headphone Actor (short edit) / DAZE (short version / TV Size OP) / KOUSHIROS ? CYBER JOURNEY [+Maki] / Brave Heart x Kaien Panzermast [+Chosen Children] / Night Tales Deceive [Yobanashi Deceive] / [KOUSHIRO’S] Imaginary World / Mekakushi Code [Blindfold Code] [+Yamato&Sora&Adv Chosen] / Ultramarine Rain [+Mrs Yoshie Izumi; Izumis] / Imagination Forest [+Mimi&Jou] / Transparent Answer [TaiKou+Meiko] / Jinzou Enemy [Artificial Enemy] / DEAD and SEEK (short edit) / Headphone Actor (Full version Preview) / Otsukimi Recital [TaiKou+Chosen] / Shissou Word [Never-Lost Word] [(Yamatox)Sora(xMimi)(xJou)]+[TaiKou]+[Chosen] / My Funny Weekend [Mimi+Hikari+Chosen] / Kusanagi Attention [(Ken x)Miyako(x Hikari) (xDaisuke)+Mimi+02 Chosen+Advs Chosen (+TaiKou)] / Shinigami Record (Short Edit) [(+2020!)TaiKou] / [KSHRO’s]? Theory of Happiness [Adv~Tri TaiKou + Special Appearance] / Imaginary Reload (Music Edit Ver. 2) [Adv Chosen+2020 Chosen] / Children Record Re:Boot (Music Edit) / Children Record (Nijisanji Cover version)
Digimon Adventure{s} Franchise © Toei Animation & Bandai
Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work * Please do not re-post, re-distribute, edit, or use my specific editing of any work in this series without asking my Permission! I do not allow my works to be re-produced for any usage, including A.I.!
There are some spoilers for Tri (mainly Ketsui); {as well as a much smaller ‘moment’ of Mimi & Sora from “Kyousei”}; a scenery spoiler from the very opening moments of “Kizuna” also included (No character is shown!), as well as scenes from DigiAdv 2020 Eps 49~50, which feature an important mid-end series (second-to-last big) battle. The 2nd to final scene included has audio left in (though I still have to add in subs); of that battle’s aftermath; {the enemy itself is not seen in this}
This A.M.V. is part of the “A.M.V.s Route” of my Digimon Adventures Koushiro Izumi-centric, semi canon compliant A.U.s series; REPEAT?_VERSE (Please note all notes on that series if you choose to view it!) This one is an A.U. spin-off of sorts, with a pretty, “calm” song, and can easily be watched as a stand-alone!
A fan-translation for the song (not by me) can be found here! You may want to read the lyrics first before watching!
Side ships, AMV specific notes, & Lyrics/Translation under ‘read more‘!
also featuring - {as Poly, Friendship or Side-shipping}: -- Michi / TaiMimi (Taichi x Mimi); -- JouMi (Jou x Mimi); -- YamaMimi (Yamato x Mimi); -- MimiSora (Mimi x Sora); -- MiMei (Mimi x Meiko); -- Yamato x Jou x Mimi x Sora (YamaJouraMi); {as canon-compliant!} - (so long as KouTai is still included somewhere, regardless of combinations above involved)
{Other Original Notes}:
This A.M.V. is currently technically incomplete; I’m aiming to see if I can add in a few finishing touches; (as well as sub-titles!) However, as this has already taken me 1 hour and 45 min or so of editing, along with another full hour of simply previewing; (And this was made during in-betweens of a large storm near my area on top of that!!); Those finishing touches may have to wait just a bit longer, so hopefully this pre-view can suffice!!
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I walk home alone in this transparent city.
In the depths of these tearful eyes, my vision blurs, and I can’t see.
Within this scenery that never changes, I found something precious to me.
I don’t want to lose it, so I’ll carry it with me forever.
Ever since I met you, so many radiant and gentle words have piled up over TIME.
They’ll always be here.
I look back on today, that was full of smiles and dreams, while holding your hand.
Yeah, I fell down and cried yesterday, even if it’s embarrassing to remember…
This “LIGHT” is so small, so blurry.
Yet it SHINES so softly, so KINDLY.
- Mimi, about Mimi’s Friends {in this A.U.}
{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS [SPECIFIC] SHIP/O.T.P (KouTai/Taishiro); [along with] (this work) KouTaiMi / TaiKouMi and etc. listed Poly-ships; please remember + respect this when interacting please tag only while including ship names and DO NOT tag as only “brotp” or the like only*, thank you! } (*It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along WITH the ship names!!)
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!]
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taichi-x-koushiro · 8 months
A Summary of Repeatverse {if not Tri as a whole}
Repeat!Daisuke, holding up a Not Great Drawing: Well, basically, to stop the Virus, which Meicoomon was Infected with, from being spread further amongst the Digimon, your group 'originally', in 2005, went off to the Digital World to beat up, and get information out of, one of the key guys who first appeared, that "Alphamon"... then the fake Kaiser showed up!... then the older "Gennai"! Jou: T-Those {drawings} look nothing like them!! Mimi, EXCITED: No, I kind of see it!! Repeat!Ken, Helpfully Adding as Daisuke holds up more drawings: But Alphamon wasn't necessarily a wholly "bad" Digimon, {though Alphamon DID Get up to a Lot of Things...} and the "Kaiser" was a fake who ended up 'being' that "Gennai", who was ALSO a fake. Repeat!Daisuke: So you realized that the guy who's extremely evil was {Holding up scribbled Drawing!!} "Yggdrasil", who has a role in 'maintaining' the supposed "balance" of the Digital World, along with {Holding up Another Drawing} "Homeostasis", that 'being' who keeps trying to possess Hikari-chan! Repeat!Miyako, ADDING: "Homeostasis" also realized "Yggdrasil" was extremely evil and is trying to fight Yggdrasil for control to 'maintain' the "balance", but that makes "Homeostasis" something like our 'enemy' now too, regardless of its original "intentions" being 'good' or not! Repeat!Daisuke: THATS SO SIMPLE THEN!!! REPEAT!DAISUKE, FIRED UP: DEFEAT YGGDRASIL!!!!! A.U!Koushiro: (*facefaulting, along with Taichi by side*) {'I-It's not quite that simple, but let's go along with this for now, then.'}
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allgather · 2 years
“third-rate duelist with a fourth-rate deck” is such an iconic and timeless insult but if someone every tried to repeat that back to jou he would laugh a little, look like he’s about to walk away, and then turn back and deck them in the face.
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Koushiro Week 2022 - Day 7: Free Day
Days: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Title: Overcoming Characters: Koushiro Izumi, Jou Kido, Tentomon and Akemi Murakami (OC). Summary: Koushiro is nervous about his first date with Akemi and turns to Jou for support. Koushiro didn’t know how long he had spent sitting on his bed. The clock kept tickling, but he still wasn’t able to move an inch. He knew he would be late and it was the last thing he wanted, but his nervousness and fear were paralyzing him. Somehow he found the strength to pick up his phone and tried to call Sora, but she didn’t pick up. So he kept scrolling down his contact list and pressed the call button as soon as he came across his second choice. “Hello?” “Hey, Jou. It’s me.” “Is everything alright?” “Yes, yes, it is. At least, I think so.” Koushiro took a deep breath. “Actually, no, it’s not.” “What happened, Koushiro?” “I’m freaking out.” “Why? What’s wrong?” “I have a date and don’t know what to do or to say.” “Okay, take a deep breath. It’s not the end of the world. You can do this.” “What am I supposed to do?” He asked desperately. “Is it a rule to kiss a girl on the first date? Should I pay for her?” “The kissing part depends on how the date goes.” “And how do I know that?” “If you two are having fun; if you can talk to each other almost all the time. These are two of the things that indicate the date is going well. Then a kiss can happen at some point.” “I should just cancel it.” Koushiro ruffled his red hair roughly. “It’s better for everyone.” “How much do you like this girl?” “What?” “How much do you like this girl?” Jou repeated. “And does she like you too?” “I suppose so. We kind of asked each other out together, so that must mean something. Right?” “Usually, yes. How would you feel if she canceled it with you?” “I would be upset, probably.” “So you have your answer.” “How do you know so much about this?” “Actually, I’ve recently started dating.” “What?” Koushiro asked surprised. “You’re dating? Is it someone from the hospital?” “Yes, she’s a pediatrician. We met when we were doing rounds during med school. But I’ll tell you about her another time. What about you?” “We met in college. She’s a friend of one of my classmates. We got along right away and walk home together everyday.” “Interesting. And tell me… do you miss it when you don’t go home together?” “Yes…” He confessed. “I do. Does that mean I’m in love with her?” “That’s something you’ll figure out on your own. But you do have feelings for her, though you’ve realized it by now.” “Yeah… what do I do, Jou?” “You go out with her and see what happens. The best thing it can happen is you end up with a girlfriend.” “And the worst one?” “You realize you two are better of as friends, which is totally fine by the way.” “I guess so.” “I guarantee you’ll enjoy it. It’s almost like going out with a friend, like how you and Mimi did a few years ago.” “Okay, I can do that.” Koushiro looked at his watch. “I have to go, or I’ll be late.” “Alright. Good luck.” “Thank you.”
About fifteen minutes later, Koushiro was standing in front of the bathroom mirror taking a final look at himself after he fixed his tie. Then he returned to his bedroom and grabbed his two favorite colognes. “Tentomon, can you help me with something?” “Sure.” The Digimon landed beside him. “What do you need?” “Which one do you think it’s better?” He sprayed the perfumes on his partner and he immediately started sneezing. “Oh my God, I’m sorry! I didn’t know you were allergic to perfume.” “The smell is very strong.” “I think so too. I’m very sorry about this.” “Don’t worry about it.” Tentomon said tearful. “I get so emotional seeing you getting ready to go out on a date. I’ve been waiting for this moment so long.” “Oh no, don’t cry, Tentomon. It’s not a big deal, really.” “To me, it is. I’m so happy!” “Silly.” Koushiro couldn’t help but laugh. “So which one?” “The second one, for sure. Where did you get it?” “That’s my favorite one too. Takeru gave me for my birthday last year. I didn’t enjoy the scent back then, but now I think it’s not so bad.” He sprayed some of the cologne on himself and turned to Tentomon. “So, how do I look?” “You look great, Koushiro!” “Do you think it’s too formal? Maybe I should take my tie off.” “Maybe a little, but if you’re comfortable about it, that’s what matters.” “I am, but I want to try something more casual.” “Like leave the top button open like Taichi does sometimes?” “That’s a little too much for me.” The man laughed and removed his tie. “What do you think?” “Definitely without tie.” “I think so too. It’s settled then.” Koushiro put it back on a hanger and put it away. “Are you ready?” “Can’t I really go with you? I promise I’ll stay outside and won’t bother you.” “It’s safer if you stay with Jou while I’m out. I promise I will pick you up when the date is over.” “Okay.” “Come on, it will be fun with him and Gomamon.” “I know, I just really wanted to meet your girlfriend.” “She’s not my girlfriend, Tentomon.” “But she will be.” “You’ll get to meet her soon, I promise. Let’s go, I’m already late to meet her.” “Alright.” Tentomon followed his partner closely out of their apartment and then to the garage.
Keep reading it on FFN or AO3
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
{Index} KoushirouIzumi's DigiAdvs Things
(Img's in general, extra not-O.T.P A.M.V.s, etc. KouTai O.T.P stuff etc....!)
{Note: I am always adding to this. New works may be added sporadically. If you Interact on any of my works, please read my F.A.Q to see if I've already answered a question.}
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{+on taggings methods: What’s the deal with the variations in spellings for Ko[u]shiro[u]’s [+Jo{u}’s] Japanese names?} [x]
(for conveniences’ sake, I use the US version, “Koushiro” which has also been used in some official merch/usages on the J.P.N side. (Most obvious example being Tri {Saikai}) Please respect my choice and understand instead of bothering me to or demanding I change it, because I won't, thank you) {As I have made close to 50+ postings (likely now 100+) about Koushiro it would be difficult to go back and edit any particular posting with any particular spelling, and I’m most used to the US version’s way from his full name; “Koushiro ‘Izzy’ Izumi”.} (I do leave out ‘Izzy’ when I’m indicating the J.P.N version specifically. I note it can be ‘Koushiro[u]’ when listing out characters included/etc.)
{Taishiro / KouTai OTP}
My A.O.3 : Hikari @ A.O.3 {"Novel/Story Route"} Fic Index: [x] Other KouTai A.M.V.s Index: [x] (Any other tagged charas/ship's may also appear if briefly)
KouTai A.M.V.s - REPEAT?_Verse [x] {"Music Route"} KouTai F.S.Ts (Fan Sound-tracks) F.S.T #1 - READY?_ [x] F.S.T #2 - BEGIN [x] (To be Completed)
Main Index: “izzyizumi taishiro gifs” tag (Chronological Postings) [x]
KouTai{/shiro} O.T.P of O.T.Ps Compilation (with Moments across all medias) [x] Our War Game {/“Children’s War Game”} [x] 02!Taishiro [x] [x] Tri!Taishiro [x] [x] [x] 2020!Taishiro [x] [x] [x] [x] {This section to be Completed} (Very out-dated Index, check chronological postings above!)
JouxMi / JouMimi {Jou & Mimi} {JouMi Challenge} [x] [x] [x] (etc) [x] Michi / TaiMimi {Taichi & Mimi} [x] [x] [x] Soraxto / YamaSora {Yamato & Sora} [x] [x] [x] KouxMi / KouMimi {Koushiro & Mimi} [x] [x] Mimaxto / YamaMimi {Yamato & Mimi} [x] [x] [x] So{ra}Mi{Mi} / MimiSora {Sora & Mimi} [x] [x] [x] [x] Joushiro / Jyoushiro {Jou & Koushiro} [x] Taixora / TaiSora {Taichi & Sora} [x]
{Familial & Etc. Friendships} Yagami{s} (Duo) [x] Yagami Family [x] [x] Sora & Mrs. Toshiko Takenouchi [x] Koushiro’s "American" Friend? Info + {Lore/Tri musings/refs} [x]* [*Note: Planning to revise/Update]
Adventure 02 Daisuke Motomiya [x] Daixkari / DaiHika {Daisuke & Hikari} [x] [x] [x] [x] Kenxyako / KenMiya {Ken & Miyako} [x] Kensuke / KenDai {Ken & Daisuke} [x] [x] Miyaxkari / MiyaHika {Miyako & Hikari} [x] [x] [x] Miyakeru / TakeMiya {Miyako & Takeru} [x] [x] Kou+Miya Friendship {Miyako & Koushiro} [x] Bi!Miyako [x]
Tri Meixchi / TaiMei {Taichi & Meiko} [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] MiMei {Mimi & Meiko} [x] [x] [x] [x] SoMiMei {Sora & Mimi & Meiko} [x] [x] SoMei {Sora & Meiko} [x] [x] [x] Tri!Hikari’s Storyline Explanation / Parallels with 02!Hikari’s Storyline [x]
Kizuna Kizuna!Koushiro & Novels Kizuna!Koushiro {+Taichi; Tentomon; Menoa} [x] KouMeno {Koushiro & Menoa} [x] KouTaiMeno {Koushiro & Taichi & Menoa} [x] [x] (Note: TaiMeno in general may appear as an aside to anything listed above.) Adventure: (2020) 2020!Soraxto / YamaSora {Yamato & Sora} [x]
Ship Compilations: - MxF [x] - MxM & FxF [x] (+2020)!TaiKouMi [x] [x] YamaKouTai [x] TaiJouMi [x] YamaxJouMi [x] YamaxJouraMi [x] {Tri/BNM spoilers} KenDaiHika [x]
Other A.M.Vs: Older A.M.Vs (Made during my childhood/pre-tumblr days) I’ll Turn My Courage Into Wings {Adv-02 Taichi-centric/Taichi & Friends} [x] Walk on the Edge {Adv-02 Yamato/Yamato & Friends [+bonus YamaxJou} [x]
Newer A.M.Vs: Ashita wa Motto [Tomorrow I’ll Be] {Adv-02 Sora-centric & Soraxto} [x] She Said {So[ra]Mi} [x] Numb {Meiko & BNM!/Tri!Taichi} [x] Encore (Adv+Tri!Chosen & Meiko Positive) {Gen} [x]
Warriors {Frontier} [x] A.M.Vs Index for the Rest: [x]
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{Its 2k23 Ppl Pls}
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bestygogirl · 11 months
BEST YGO GIRL: Round 1, Group D
Match 16
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Propaganda under the cut!
Shizuka Kawai
Shizuka is obviously very sweet, supportive and positive, but she is also stubborn and brave as hell. There's the obvious ones: Ripped off her post-surgery bandages after being functionally blind in order to jump into deep water to save her brother without a second thought! Perfect win record, won her first ever duel despite having no clue how to play!
But there's a couple really great less obvious character moments as well:
First off, her message to Jounouchi before Duelist Kingdom: It's heavily implied they hadn't spoken in a long time since their parents' divorce. But Shizuka, a very sheltered pre-teen, was the first one to break the silence and reach out to her big brother - even though they were likely deliberately being kept apart by their mother, who seems to believe Jou is a bad influence on his sister. Jou and Shizuka's mom has likely been repeating this narrative to Shizuka growing up, too: "Your brother is no-good just like your dad. Your brother is dangerous. Your brother is a bad influence" etc, etc. But this doesn't stop her from secretly deciding to contact Jou. Shizuka had no idea when reaching out that he'd do something over-the-top like try and win money for her operation. She just wanted to talk to her estranged sibling and update him on her life, including her illness, which was probably really scary for her to talk about.
Second: This kid breaks out of a hospital, still blind and wearing post-surgical bandages after a major operation, to see her brother. She meets all of her brother's friends in one go and immediately is like "Whatever I'll get in your car strange woman, just get me to Katsuya!!" Then after the pier duel she's still so determined to offer what support she can that she gets on the giant aircraft of a well-known local maniac without hesitation. The first things she sees after years of declining eyesight are: her brother nearly drowning, literal gods being summoned, someone she clearly idolizes as a big sister getting Shadow Game'd, Honda getting dropped into a pit of lava, her brother ACTUALLY dying - and she remains kind, cheerful and brave throughout it all.
Third: Despite her clear idolization and respect of Jounouchi, she actually doesn't just thoughtlessly go along with what he says all the time! Several times in the anime, when she feels Jou is being impulsive, stubborn or unkind, she'll call him out on it. A notable example is in Virtual World when Jounouchi suggests they should just leave Kaiba and Mokuba to go off alone. Shizuka firmly tells him "No, that's not the right thing to do," and tries to go off after the Kaibros all by herself. This is really brave as hell, especially seeing as she's evidently prepared to go against ALL of her brother's cool older friends despite being young, a bit naive/inexperienced, and has seen a staggering amount of dangerous things happen to them all up to that point.
Fourth: Virtual World Duel. Yes she has a miniature crisis after seeing her brother's best friend get dropped into lava. But she recovers and wins the duel with a religious-iconography-power-lesbian card. Love that for her.
Fifth: Shizuka is the only character in the entire series to stand in front of Seto Kaiba and say to his face "human lives are more important than card games." And she's not even one of Yuugi's core friend group, who's seen Kaiba at his most vulnerable. From her perspective, this is not only a giant tall scary-looking older guy with the bitchiest resting face this side of the Pacific, he's also one of the most powerful individuals in Domino City (possibly in Japan.) Kaiba is a well-known public figure who Shizuka had previously probably only seen on the news for things like staggering wealth, general lunacy, and patricide. AND YET, she's the one who marches her little self up to him and tells him to land his damn blimp and get Bakura some medical care. (It kind of works, too! Kaiba is difficult and annoying to all of them and implies he doesn't care if Bakura dies, but after Shizuka makes her appeal, only THEN does he admit that KaibaCorp has excellent trained medical staff on board.)
Sixth: Pulls a truly disturbed prank with Mai and then laughs in the face of her brother's devastation. We love a weird kid with an extremely questionable sense of humor. She's definitely fine after all the Horrors(TM) she's witnessed. Probably.
Anyways vote Shizuka she's a fucking great character and the fandom has been SLEEPING on her!!!!
Princess Mary
My fave filler arc character. I really like her swapping places with Mokuba to help save the day.
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The Dark Team (part 13)
<<Previous part Masterlist   Next part>>
(Taglist: @lucywrites02, @louieboo87, @the-departed-potato, @jesuswasnotawhiteman, @idontknow296, @beksib, @spythoschei, @geekwritersworld, @whatafuckingdumbass, @mysticunicorn7 @shadowolf993 @toe-vind-ek-jou @joscelyn02, @t00-pi, @irwxnhugsx )
Warnings: creepy man, hungover (alcohol mentions), abduction mentions.
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Chirping birds woke you up as the light hit your face. It was a slightly sunny morning, you could see. A cold one, too. Your head ached; yesterday’s wine was stronger than you’d think. You remembered very little, and the hangover weighed on your feet as you tried to stand up. Soon, that weight redistributed up to your head, dizziness almost throwing you back in bed.
With much more effort than before, you got up and walked slowly to the kitchen, glancing around. Last night, a sticky kid fell asleep on the doorframe. You chuckled and decided to not wake him up. Loki was nowhere to be found; must be sleeping in his own room, if he had one by then.
An ibuprofen and some cold water later, you checked the time. It was so early; six in the morning. You decided to get working already; maybe someone on the team was awake. If not, you could at least take things off your to-do list for the day and get time free at noon to play videogames with Peter, or help him with that Lego Stark Tower he has been trying to build for almost two weeks now. A nice walk in the park to get some fresh air until some coffee shop opened; that’s what you needed.
The streets were emptier than you’d imagine, and then you realized it was saturday. Peeping in, a coffee shop next block was already opening, and people were lining up to get in. You made sure to have brought money and a laptop with you, and as you reached your pockets you realized you had your suit on, under normal clothes. Well, at least I’m prepared for anything now. Even a sunday morning in a lovely coffee shop, you thought, laughing to yourself. If Tony saw you like this, he’d recall that word he says you inherited from him. Paranoid. But no, Stark, I’m just hungover. Good to know your first instinct once you get up off bed is to suit up. Tony'd be proud. And a little disappointed, too.
You got a table far from the window, wall behind your back making sure nobody could eye your laptop. Once you were settled in and your coffee was getting cold, you started working. You were so glad you were out of the public eye, so you could afford yourself all of these outside activities. Sounded stupid, but if you were to have dinner with Sam, or Steve, or Thor, you’d have to also deal with paparazzis all night long. Actually, in dining out with Thor, paparazzis would be the least of your problems.
“Hey”, greeted Bucky from the other line. “It’s so early, what are you doing up?”.
“Buck, it’s already ten”.
“Oh”, he said, and you heard a sliding curtain by his side. “Oh, there it is. Sunlight”.
“Why are your times all twisted?”.
“We stayed up until five”.
“Doing what?”.
“Let’s say the mini bar was not so mini”.
“Oh my God”, you laughed, and checked for your work on the laptop. “At this point, I think the only one who didn’t get drunk last night is Spidey. Ah. Listen, I’ve arranged today’s plan, and it has to go right or else you can get abducted again. And we don’t want that, okay?”.
“I’m not sure what we’re supposed to do now. Didn’t we already get the stick?”.
“That’s the point, there’s more… you know, bottles hanging around” you lowered your voice. The coffee shop was almost empty, but just in case, you kept it under your breath. “That’s why you gotta get into Hydra’s last base again. Do not go alone”.
You instructed Bucky and then he tried his best to put you on speaker to the rest of the team, but failed. None of them could actually figure out how to do it; Steve was even less familiar with cell phones, and Thor… well, not even elaborating on him. The only Asgardian who seemed familiar enough with Midgard’s technologies was sleeping soundly on the compound. You had to explain the plan thoroughly another two times individually, and then finally hung up and got to work, sending them coordinates and turning off Hydra’s hacked security cameras.
Once they were already in, you had not much more to do. At least for a few hours, they’d be completely submerged in there, and your help wasn’t needed anymore. You still planned for some outcomes and didn’t even notice the man standing in front of you.
“OH... my God”, you gasped, taking yourself off your hyper focused state. The man chuckled. His teeth, yellow, seemed like he didn’t know anything about dental hygiene. His clothes were perfectly cleaned, though, in a tidy office-type suit; but his hair was hidden by a peaked cap that barely let you see his eye expressions. Very weird looking. Hard to read. Just now unemployed? Dressed like that to get attention? You frowned and closed all tabs, opening a fake account of email and some cheap online magazine. “What do you need?”.
“Can I sit here?”.
He smiled weirdly and manspreaded in the chair you told him not to sit in. You sighed and rolled your eyes.
“What are you doing?”, he asked.
You ignore him and keep pretending to read your mails, eyeing how many people were in there too. It was getting fuller than before. If he wanted to steal your laptop he’d have to do it in front of all of these people, and cross the whole coffee shop. He wasn’t planning on stealing. You made a security copy of all the files anyways.
“You have pretty eyes”.
You ignored him again, but now understood his intentions. God, people could be so shameless sometimes. You literally told him to go away. You’ll repeat it, just in case he would actually listen this time.
“Go away”.
He chuckled and stayed in place.
“I just want to talk, sweetie”.
“Sure. I’m not interested”.
“You have a boyfriend?”.
“I have a very strong fist”.
He got closer, leaning on the table, and lowering his voice said “You’re working on the supersoldiers mission, yes?”.
You froze. Suddenly, the creepy man was a bigger threat than you’d anticipated. Your hand hovered over the gun in your pocket, holding strong eye contact with him.
“Who are you?”.
“What do you have in your pocket?”, he teased.
“Wanna find out?”, you threatened.
Looking over his shoulder, an all-too-familiar fifteen year old hid behind a pile of coffee cups from the bar counter, holding his breath to not laugh. You sighed and broke the tension.
“Funny. Very funny. I almost shoot you, you know”.
“That’s not a very good instinct”.
“Not an instinct, I truly wanted to shoot you”.
“You sure were, pancake”, he said as he transformed back into himself, still in those ugly clothes covering half his face. As he looked down to himself, he frowned and changed his clothes to an Asgardian armor. “But your mortal bullets would be no more than a caress to my skin”.
“Let’s give it a try, shall we?”, you cocked your gun, joking. He laughed, and Peter got increasingly nervous as you played with your toys in a public and safe place, surrounded by civilians. “Don’t worry, Pete, it’s fake”.
Peter sighed in relief as you clarified and put it back in your pocket, and Loki smirked, knowing perfectly well you just lied.
“Why don’t we get something to drink, too, mr. Loki?”.
“Yeah, whatever you want, kid”.
“Not a kid”.
“Apologies. Actually, can you order it? I’m afraid Midgardians don’t usually take kindly to my presence”, he asked. Peter nodded.
“I do, mr. Loki”.
"Take it kindky".
Loki smiled and raised his eyebrows, a bit confused. Muttered an “I’m glad” and instructed him to get an americano, while you packed your laptop in the backpack.
"How's the incognito working out for you in your shiny armor?"
"Better than before. At least now I'm comfortable while getting the same bad looks I always get anyways".
"Shapeshifter can't manage to hide, how ironic", you said, giving him one of the new earbuds, with an attachable mic. "Since you have good strategy plans and you sort of know what you're doing, work with me".
"I thought we were already working together. You know, in this stupid thing called The Dark...".
"Yeah", you interrupted him, rolling your eyes once again. "From behind the scenes, I mean. This is so you can listen to whatever my earbud hears. Don't bite your tongue if you have any inputs, I'm running out of solutions".
Your phone rang again as you were getting up.
“It’s all gone to trash, y/n. We need a new plan, I can’t find Buck anywhere. What’s your backup?”, rushed Steve’s voice. It sounded like it was from a public service phone, and the static didn’t let you hear Steve’s surroundings. Loki looked at the floor, concentrating. He didn't find anything either, and was too far away to read his mind.
“Wait. What do you mean you can’t find him? You were supposed to keep an eye on him so he doesn’t get kidnapped again”, you said, opening your laptop again and looking for Bucky’s location. He didn’t have it on him.
“Yeah, that’s what I meant with ‘it’s all gone to trash’”.
“Okay, don’t freak out. Where are you?”.
“Hydra’s last base, top of the buil…”.
“Hold up, I have another incoming call”. You put him on hold and see who’s calling. It was Bucky, this time. You sigh out of relief. Peter watched you two concerned while approaching you with two coffee cups. You gestured to him to not talk, and Loki had started to type things in your computer. “Buck, where are you? What happened?”.
On the other side of the line, you didn’t get a specific answer. You heard muffled noises that you still couldn’t quite figure out what they meant, and more than one person behind the phone.
“Buck, you there?”, you asked once again. Bucky’s voice filled the silence with a heartrending scream of agony. You almost dropped your phone, and your heart beated to the speed of light. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. They have him. “Buck!”.
“Three hours”, called someone, probably one of the Hydra butchers. “You have three hours”.
“Three hours for what?!”, you tried to hold them on the line while tracing the call. It was from a specific coordinate, nobody could get there unless they teleported. Luckily, you had the perfect person for the job. Loki looked at you quizzically.
"Do we not have better people on it? Can't Stark go?".
You returned to Steve’s call, while thinking about some other alternative than taking you three there (including Peter). “They have Bucky. Location’s very far away from where we all are, so you try to get out of there and go to Asgard with Thor; they’ll try to kidnap you too, and Hydra’s resources are global. No, don’t argue, you screw up, now you do exactly as I say”.
“Do you think they’re the same that hijacked the ship on the first part of the mission?”, asked Loki once you cut the call.
“They might. We have to go get him, there's no other way. The rest of the team comes back tomorrow and they can't leave”.
“No, I have to go”, said Loki. “But I’m supposed to stay with you two and make sure you’re not endangered, and I’m sure if I leave you here all alone, you’ll try to come by your own means”.
“Which means”, you added, “if you take us with you, you can make sure we don’t endanger ourselves”.
“This is a terrible idea”.
“But the only one so far”, you convinced him. “Pete, feeling like going on a dangerous mission?”.
“Hell yeah!”, he said eagerly. Loki was not very fond of his enthusiasm.
“I can do this”, you assured him. “Do you trust me?”.
“Yes”. He didn’t hesitate. “But I don’t trust them. You two will stay behind me facing the danger, alright? Nothing of wanting to play heroes”.
“Got it. Let’s suit up, fellas. Bucky’s waiting”.
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dragonandtiger · 2 years
Dreaming To Reality: Oneiromancy Chapter Twenty Three - 25
“N-nothing?” Taichi repeated, aghast. “Rescuing Hikari isn’t noth-”
Mimi cut off the Chosen of Courage by thrusting a finger in his face before wagging it in a scolding fashion as she clucked her tongue. “Tsk, tsk, Taichi,” she said as she shook her head, still smiling. “It is nothing because Zeed-chama would never hurt Hikari.”
“Zeed-ch-chama?!” Taichi sputtered, his eyes bugging out.
Wallace stared at Mimi in confusion. “What does that mean?”
“[It’s a combination of the cuteness of ‘chan’ and the respect of ‘sama’,]” Mimi explained with a wink and a wag of her finger at Wallace. “Just perfect for someone like Zeed-chama, don’t you think?”
“Brilliant!” Jou said as he snapped his fingers on his right hand. “Just like Lord Zeed!”
Palmon nodded, folding her arms in front of her chest. “Right, right, because Zeed-chama is both cute and should be respected.”
“Can’t argue with that,” Gomamon laughed. “But I think I’ll stick with Lord Zeed anyway. You and Mimi can stick with Zeed-chama.”
“W… what? What!?” Yamato blurted out, his head whipping about as he stared between Mimi, Jou, Palmon, and Gomamon in shock.
“Mimi’s right, Taichi!” Daisuke said as he pumped a fist into the air. V-mon mimicked his every motion, the small dragon Digimon’s fists similarly clenched as his face positively glowed with adoration. “Hikari’s totally safe with Lord Zeed! Perfectly safe! She’s safer with him than she’d ever be literally anywhere else!”
Koshiro shook his head a bit, his expression somewhat dumbfounded. “I can’t believe we were ever worried in the first place. If Lord Zeed thinks Hikari should stay with him, then that’s obviously the best place for her to be.”
“You’re exactly right, Koshiro,” Tentomon agreed as he folded his digits in front of him and nodded sagely. “Lord Zeed knows best. We can’t possibly know better than him.”
Taichi looked back and forth between his friends, sputtering as he tried to recover his mental footing before he could finally blurt something coherent out of his hanging mouth. “Have you guys gone crazy?!”
“What’s gotten into you?” Sora asked, dread pooling into her stomach by the sudden change in her friends’ behavior.
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shihalyfie · 3 years
An analysis of Iori and his character arc
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Iori has a particularly interesting position in 02′s narrative (and, even more widely so, in perhaps all of both Adventure and 02) in that his base profile is rather unusual-looking even from the get-go -- the youngest child in both groups, yet with a (seemingly) mature demeanor that surpasses even his seniors. On top of that, Iori ends up having a very deep relation to 02′s themes and plot itself in a way that isn’t initially apparent, but actually makes him a very vital centerpiece of 02′s story.
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Before we get into Iori’s role in 02′s actual plot, it needs to be established that a very, very large amount of Iori’s character is heavily shaped by his family background and upbringing. Prior to the start of the series, the Hida family had a large void in it, with Iori’s father Hiroki having been killed in the line of duty. Being a mere five-year-old child who had lost his father barely into actually being sentient and basically had to live the following three years going off hearsay on what he was actually like, Iori ends up raised by his mother Fumiko and his paternal grandfather Chikara.
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While not in exactly the same way as the Takenouchi family (which is literally working in cultural preservation and study), the Hida family is very traditionalist Japanese -- Fumiko makes traditional Japanese food and snacks like kanpyoumaki and ohagi, and a lot of attention is given to the butsudan altar in their house where they honor the late Hiroki (also note the tatami flooring). That, combined with Chikara’s naturally strict personality, led to Iori being raised with “very strict manners”, and by a set of very firm guidelines on honor, respect, and the like.
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Having been raised into this kind of formality, Iori speaks almost exclusively in polite-form Japanese. This happens to initially make him come off a bit like Koushirou -- likely a deliberate parallel, given the Knowledge connection between the two (being the kind of person who admits that you don’t know everything and wants to know more requires a bit of humility, after all). That said, Iori’s way of doing this has some key differences from Koushirou:
Unlike Koushirou, who was largely polite out of an attempt to keep distance from everyone and thus had a streak of being somewhat non-confrontational, Iori is perfectly willing to say harsh or critical things -- in other words, his way of speaking is formal, but it’s not necessarily polite, and in fact Iori is probably the single most passive-aggressive person in this cast. He has absolutely no qualms about dunking on whatever he feels truly deserves the dunking, and he’ll certainly do it with a lot of grace, but he is very capable of being extremely cold when he wants to be.
Koushirou stuck to formality out of detachment and intimidation, to the point that, as per Adventure episodes 38 and 54, he was compulsively unable to bring himself to speak casually unless he forced himself. Iori, on the other hand, often “slips” -- on top of willingly defaulting to casual form whenever he’s talking to himself or (occasionally) to the Digimon (who are outside Japanese levels of propriety), he also has a tendency to start using casual form whenever he gets particularly emotionally compromised. (While it doesn’t quite come off in the translation, the above screenshots from 02 episode 10 are an example of this, with Iori losing his temper at the Kaiser and slipping into casual form -- and a bit of fun foreshadowing, guess who’s the one to successfully calm him down? Takeru. Remember this for later.) In other words, Iori’s formality is not compulsive, but a conscious thing he tries to maintain as he holds himself to high standards, and is unable to completely uphold during times his emotions get the better of him.
Ultimately, Iori may come off as “mature and composed”, but he’s still an impressionable nine-year-old child, who’s effectively parroting the rules his grandfather instilled in him because he sees it as The One and Only Guide to Living Life. In trying to figure out the right thing to do in any situation, Iori ends up constantly trying to fall back on “this is the right way to do things!” and taking it rather badly whenever things start falling outside of the expected pattern. Despite being the one responsible for Iori’s tightly principled life to begin with, even Chikara himself comments that Iori’s not being flexible enough in his thinking in 02 episode 5 -- because it’s not like he’s expecting Iori to be like this, but Iori is simply having a hard time applying these principles practically when he’s working with the limited range of being a nine-year-old child.
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And as much as it may be tempting to see Iori as stoic, watching his expressions and way of emoting throughout the series, he does very much have the full range of emotions and curiosity and even cheer of a nine-year-old child -- it’s that he’s just constantly holding himself back for the sake of being principled and well-mannered. This has the unfortunate side effect that Iori is, as the Animation Chronicle calls it, “clumsy at expressing himself as a child”. Because he’s constantly restraining himself like this, he has a hard time expressing himself or letting himself enjoy things in the way a normal child would.
It also goes a long way in explaining why Iori is never seen hanging out with any other peers his age, and is exclusively depicted in the company of either the rest of the 02 group, or his own family. While part of it is simply because (as per Japanese school procedure) he’s too young to be formally enrolled in any clubs, 02 episode 3 goes out of its way to show Iori being left alone in the classroom with only a teacher stuck supervising him, as he tries to force himself to finish his lunch due to his stubborn adherence to principle (even though he seems to hate tomatoes). In other words, it’s heavily implied that Iori’s own behavior ended up isolating him from his peers. Considering that the 02 group is generally made up of kids who are socially displaced in some way, it naturally follows that, despite being significantly older than him, they end up welcoming him into their friend circle and treating him as an equal.
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When the series starts, Miyako and Iori seem to have gotten a certain degree of closeness (with Iori as one of the only people Miyako drops honorifics on). It stands to reason that Miyako, being open-minded towards people and rather aggressively friendly, would be willing to befriend her neighbor despite the three-year age gap between them, and so they already seem to have developed a rapport where Miyako’s willing to come over to his place to help work on the Hida family electronics in exchange for food.
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So, you know, this and that happens, Iori becomes a Chosen Child, and this is the start of where Iori’s “principles” start coming into conflict with each other. The nature of the Digital World crisis is a no-brainer -- the Kaiser is doing terrible things, and Iori’s just been given the tools to do something about it, and so for him, upholding his principles to do the right thing means proactively doing something about it. But getting involved in this territory war will mean “fighting and hurting other people” (bad) and “hiding things from his family and sacrificing obligations to them” (also bad). Chikara advises him in 02 episode 5 that he still needs to be the one to decide what he wants and needs to do at any given moment, but it’s clear that this is still a new concept for Iori to swallow.
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It’s also important that 02 episode 5 is also the episode that introduces Jou, who very much understood the dissonance between “adhering to principles in spite of how practical that may not actually be”, which means the two of them end up bonding over...ditching real-life obligations to come to the Digital World. This bonding happens despite the fact that they have the largest age gap out of any two given kids out of the Adventure and 02 group (Jou is 15, and Iori 9) -- and yet, they’re able to bond over being like-minded like this. And while they come from different contexts, there’s also a parallel drawn between the two on “the importance of personal choice” -- because back in Adventure, Jou’s story involved channeling his desire to help others in a way different from his usual expected path as a doctor or as a Chosen Child, and, likewise, it will be up to Iori to find his own way towards what he thinks is right.
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Iori’s “adherence to principles” also needs to be distinguished from Jou’s in that Jou was someone more likely to be stuck to “practical” rules (one might call him Lawful) such as waiting for adults to help them with things, or what to put on eggs. Iori, on the other hand, has self-enforced rules that are far more ideological -- he doesn’t actually care that much about institutionally-enforced rules (note how he has absolutely no issue with sneaking into school with his friends in 02 episode 6) as much as he enforces a moral code on himself about “the right thing to do”. For instance, that he has to show his respect to Jou by formally finishing his introduction, even if it’s clear they know each other by now already.
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But, again, it bears repeating: Iori is a nine-year-old child. The rest of the kids respect him enough to not treat him like a younger child -- other than a brief moment of emotional compromise that Daisuke quickly apologized for, the group is never really depicted as paying particular mind or care to the fact that Iori is so much younger than them, and for the most part treat him like an equal. But Iori himself is conscious of this -- after all, it’s why he’s constantly speaking politely to everyone all of the time, but 02 episode 16 also implies he’s very self-conscious about this. The plot of the episode kicks off when Iori momentarily gets caught up in his excitement about potentially getting a new Digimental, and, once things start going south, he starts blaming himself for causing all of this and lashing out at the others for (at least, in his mind) singling him out to be the one to escape on the grounds of being the youngest. After all is said and done with the incident, Submarimon lets Iori have a moment of something Iori really does need: a bit of a chance to actually get to enjoy himself as a young child instead of restraining himself so much.
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Speaking of 02 episode 16, this is also where we first get to see how the pressure of maintaining Iori’s moral code starts to emotionally tear at him. It’s the first time we see Iori lose his composure this much. To everyone else here (and, perhaps, the audience, to some degree), Iori’s making a mountain out of a molehill -- he’s calling himself an unworthy person for telling a lie that even Jou himself clearly didn’t mind. But remember, Iori is someone who’s still learning a lot about how the world works at such a young age and is inclined by default to fall back on whatever his grandfather’s told him (to a point that even said grandfather considers to be overdoing it). Right now, Iori has basically built his entire view of morality based on this kind of thing, so putting a dent on it is like encouraging a slippery slope of potentially falling into moral depravity.
The reason why I say Iori’s character arc has a lot to do with Adventure and 02’s storytelling itself is that it’s a surprisingly pragmatic series when it comes down to it -- “it’s okay to lie, sometimes” is not exactly the kind of moral you’d expect out of your average kids’ show, but, perhaps a bit unusually, this series prefers to skip all of the preachiness and focus on pragmatics. (After all, back in Adventure, a lot of the final arc revolved around the question of “is fighting the right thing to do when there might be casualties?”, with the probably-kind-of-uncomfortable-but-frankly-very-practical answer of “it certainly beats having more casualties that would happen if you sat around and did nothing.”) Iori’s character arc is, effectively, this in a nutshell -- what’s the “right” thing to do when following principles alone doesn’t seem to be doing it? In the end, both Adventure and 02 are big on this -- preachy words and moralistic principles mean nothing in the face of striving to practically minimize damage and help others.
And so, Jou -- who himself grappled quite a bit with the dissonance between principles and pragmatism back in Adventure -- is the one to successfully reframe it in a way that Iori understands: most of all, Iori doesn’t want to see people get hurt, and whether “lying” or “not lying” is the right thing to do is not as relevant as “whether people are getting hurt”. Iori not lying would have caused a great deal more of hurt than lying, and it’s through understanding this kind of principle that Iori accepts that he still has a long way to go in terms of exercising his duty to others. The secondary Digimental arcs have a heavy theme of “acknowledging your deficiencies and resolving to improve”, and in the case of Iori and the Digimental of (this thing has been translated half a dozen ways, but, effectively, honoring your obligations to others), it involves his first major moment of coming to terms with the idea that the principles on paper he’s been stubbornly following aren’t going to do it by themselves.
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Once the Kaiser arc concludes and the group is posed with the question on how to handle Ichijouji Ken, Iori’s reaction to him is the most infamously extreme: Ken is a Bad Person who is completely beyond forgiveness, and Iori wants nothing to do with him. It probably needs to be made clear that Iori’s stance on not wanting to forgive Ken is not inherently unreasonable. Ken really did some awful, horrible things in the first half of the series, and it is completely within Iori’s rights to decide that he doesn’t want to forgive or like Ken thereafter.
The part where Iori’s behavior starts posing issues is not the part about whether he likes Ken or not, but rather that Iori gets so hung up on that lack of forgiveness that he becomes very bad at observing the practical reality in front of him. Or, in other words, Iori gets so fixated on the principle of what happened in the past that he’s unable to make good judgment calls on what should happen going forward. It is abundantly clear to everyone by (at the latest) 02 episode 26 that Ken is not going to easily lapse back into his old ways and would like to make an effort to repair the damage he caused; regardless of whether they like him or not, it’s in their best interest to cooperate with him and let him help out (and even keep an eye on him to make sure bad things don’t happen again!), especially when the factor of Jogress comes into play and turns out to be a very valuable asset in the fight ahead. But Iori has a a rather squeamish, petty response when he tries to claim that they shouldn’t need Jogress (in the midst of everyone else being excited about the possibilities it poses, even without Ken in the equation) in 02 episode 28, and even when he does go along with everyone working with Ken in 02 episodes 28-29 during the Giga House Incident, he approaches it like he and Ken are bartering favors and that he’ll have to “repay” Ken before he can properly return to pigeonholing Ken as an Unequivocally Bad Person.
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And so the issue here is: Iori being so determined to fixate on trying to stuff Ken into a neat box of a Bad Person isn’t good for himself, either, because it basically means he’s going out of his way to run pointless mental loops and maintain the feeling of stewing in a grudge against him, even when it’s helping absolutely nobody. Note the metaphor drawn when Iori practices kendo with Chikara in 02 episode 24 -- he keeps doing the same motion over and over again despite the fact it’s clearly not going anywhere, and Chikara has to warn him that doing nothing but aim for the head isn’t how you’re supposed to do it. Right now, Iori is having a hard time parsing things in ways besides shoving things in neat boxes of black-and-white morality, and this lack of flexibility is severely restricting his ability to be productive.
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What starts to really cause Iori to make a major shift in his thinking process is none other than his connection with Takeru, a subplot that had already started kicking off all the way back in 02 episode 19, when Iori witnesses Takeru suddenly taking a violent shift in mood against the Kaiser to the point it scares him. Iori, of course, considers Takeru to be a “good" and “kind person”, but someone like that should (in his mind) logically not be making sudden, violent outbursts like that -- and especially once he starts advocating for BlackWarGreymon to potentially be killed if it comes down to it, going very against Iori’s fundamental principle that killing anything that’s sentient is unforgivably immoral.
This “contradiction” is what leads Iori to realize that he needs to do much more if he wants to understand Takeru properly, and it’s also the start of how Iori grows into the trait of his first Digimental, “Knowledge” -- or, more specifically (as defined by Koushirou in Adventure episode 24 and 02 episode 2), “curiosity and a drive to know more”. In the case of Iori, this manifests in “I want to know more about other people.” It’s Iori effectively understanding that his very limited view of the world and how people work isn’t sufficient in itself, and this concept becomes the crux of his character arc for the rest of the series.
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After tussling around and getting increasingly confused about Takeru’s seemingly paradoxical behavior, Iori finally goes directly to Yamato to consult him about it in 02 episode 35, and Yamato explains the backstory behind Takeru’s trauma from losing Angemon back in Adventure episode 13, as well as a reminder that as much as it may have been his own fault, Ken technically went through some pretty similar trauma, and everything that’s happened since his fall from being the Kaiser hasn’t exactly been sunshine and roses for him either. Iori reflects on this as he goes home, with the important statement attached: he understands Takeru’s feelings. He’s now able to understand why Takeru acts the way he does, not on the grounds of principles of what’s right or wrong, but based on the fact that Takeru’s simply a very messy human being who’s not handling his own tendency to suppress his emotions well.
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Because Takeru is such a convoluted person, and because Iori’s fundamental issue with approaching things involves unraveling some very deep-seated tendencies in his mentality, the way the two finally connect in order to properly Jogress requires something a lot more convoluted than just happening to clash in a single magical moment like Daisuke and Ken or Miyako and Hikari did. Iori starts off the episode catching himself when he’s about to fall back into “principles over practicality” again -- he starts railing on the others for (in his mind) taking the impending BlackWarGreymon fight too lightly, before Armadimon reminds him that he’s hungry, and Iori realizes -- again -- that he cannot effectively enforce “the right or wrong thing to do” without taking other people’s feelings properly into account. Realizing that this is is a barrier between him and the others, especially Takeru, Iori tries to adjust his thinking pattern and even becomes the one to advocate that everyone get some proper food and rest instead of charging into the fight unprepared.
The meal results in Iori getting yet another rare moment of letting himself truly enjoy something without restraint, and is also followed by Takeru speaking openly to him about their potential Jogress -- openly, honestly, not covering it up, not even with the same light playfulness he would usually put on (including what he had with the very same topic at the beginning of this episode). It is an acknowledgment from Takeru’s own part that he’s been watching what Iori’s doing and also wants to connect, and an open and serious statement from someone who had constantly tried to cover up everything with a smile up until that point, and, with the two reaching an understanding, they finally achieve their Jogress at the end of the episode.
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This connection with Takeru, and the understanding that came from it, is what allows Iori to start applying a bit more flexibility towards approaching other situations. 02 episode 38 has him finally accepting Ken’s invitation to his Christmas party, after so many episodes of despising so thoroughly -- because now that he’s taking Ken’s position and feelings into account, he’s able to properly recognize him as someone doing his best to make amends going forward and be friends. Later, in 02 episode 44, despite having originally been the one more staunchly against it on principle, Iori handles the shock of having to kill an enemy with somewhat more grace than Miyako does, because not only had he already started considering the difficulty of fighting an enemy that cannot be reasoned with and wants nothing but wanton destruction (back during the end of 02 episode 29), Takeru is there to remind him that their priority must, first and foremost, be “saving lives” -- like, for instance, the girl in a wheelchair in front of him.
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And so, the final episodes of 02 put everything Iori’s learned to the ultimate test, when he learns that the major perpetrator behind it all is none other than a friend of his departed father.
Up until this point, much of Iori’s mentality had been shaped by the rather saintlike image everyone had put up of Hiroki -- it’s almost certain that he must have had his own flaws as a person, but the resistance to speaking ill of the dead, and the generally positive influence he’d had on his friends and family and his untimely death by “protecting someone”, painted him as effectively a perfect, impossible ideal for Iori to strive to. Much of Iori’s justifications for his own behavior had consistently been reliant on “my father said this” or “would my father would have done this?”, such as his reason for forcing down his lunch in 02 episode 3, or using him as a mental model in 02 episode 44. For Iori’s former mentality of “good person” and “bad person”, this is the ultimate contradiction that threatens to rip apart everything Iori had built his own values system on -- that someone so incredible and saintlike and virtuous would be friends with someone so unambiguously doing horrible things like Oikawa. Iori, taking this as an awful emotional blow, parses this with a desperate desire to understand the motive behind why someone would do this, because it’s not enough for him to continue until he does.
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And in 02 episode 49, we see Iori effectively forced to confront the fact that he can’t keep relying on the model of his father anymore as the sole basis for his way of life when, in the end, his father will never return. Iori doesn’t even know him that well; he can’t conjure up an image of him talking, or anything beyond just a flat, serene smile. And when the image of his father finally disappears, Iori almost immediately accepts it, as if he’d known the whole time.
It’s also significant that Iori declares that what he’ll do next is introduce Armadimon to his mother -- because, in the end, Iori is at least now capable of “moving forward”. He can’t get his father back, and the best thing he can do is make use of his existing support group and keep pushing forward with the people he does have in his life -- quite the opposite of Oikawa, who responded to the loss of that exact same person by clutching onto the remnants of the past they shared, and never becoming able to move on.
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Hence, 02′s finale ends on none other than Iori, and when you think about it, this is actually a pretty unusual position to be in for someone who’s not the lead protagonist (Daisuke) nor the most prominent focus of the story (Ken)! But it’s a testament to just how important Iori is to this narrative on a thematic level -- all of the struggles about the morality of fighting and the disparity between principles and practicality (which dated all the way back to Adventure), and 02′s prominent theme of coping with loss and regrets and figuring out how to best move on, are all tightly entwined with the character arc of this nine-year-old child. (If you want to take the parallel between the Adventure narrative and Iori even further, Iori and Armadimon sharing the same voice actress is possibly one of the most prominent ways of indicating how a Digimon partner is fundamentally meant to express one’s inner self.)
And especially since Iori is the person who should have been the most vehement about having any kind of sympathy or compassion towards Oikawa -- just remember how determined he was to be cold towards Ken only half a series ago! -- and it leaves a strong impression of the huge, huge journey Iori had gone on through this series. Iori’s arc closes on him understanding the nature of what Oikawa had wanted this whole time, and understanding exactly what it meant for him to make that sacrifice right after finally meeting his partner, and ends the story the most emotionally affected by it -- because, after all, that’s the sort of truly kind person Iori is.
Iori after 02
By the time of Spring 2003, when Iori’s had some time to reflect on it, we learn from Iori that he still does not forgive Oikawa. That in itself is fine; remember, Iori is perfectly within his rights to not do so after all that he’s done. However, again, a distinction must be drawn between whether Iori forgives him, and whether he still considers it to be important to understand the mentality behind why Oikawa did what he did, and to reflect meaningfully on that instead of running himself in circles fixating on a grudge. Again, it’s about going forward with what he knows and has, instead of getting fixated on past deeds -- and with that, Iori resolves to “study”.
In The Door to Summer, we also learn that Iori allegedly has a “girlfriend” -- or, at least, someone Daisuke calls his girlfriend (Daisuke is a bit of an unreliable narrator here, given he’s also totally blown Hikari’s “rejection” of his beach hangout offer up as if it were a full-on total rejection of him completely). It is, perhaps, interesting that Daisuke is capable of getting this impression about Iori’s relationship with someone outside the 02 group, given that he’d been rather isolated from his peers all the way back in 02 episode 3...
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Iori occupies an interesting position in Kizuna, because we only have one point in time where we got to intimately know him, and that was back when he was only nine years old -- and between that and Kizuna, there is a massive eight-year timeskip. He's 17 now, and we don't get any kind of catch-up period in the middle like we did with Takeru and Hikari in 02, and that is a time period where a lot of changes in demeanor could have happened with him compared to all of the others.
At first glance, it seems that he’s gotten much more stoic -- but this is actually something that should reasonably be expected, because now that he’s a teenager, it stands to reason that he would be much better at actually controlling his emotions and not necessarily get overwhelmed as easily. Plus, it’s not like he’s shown to be completely emotionless throughout the movie; he’s just doing a much more graceful job of holding himself back (look carefully at the credits and you can see him sweatdropping at Armadimon barging in on his practice), and moreover you can still see him deliver some pretty direct bluntness about the ramen in New York. Still with formal language, but nevertheless, no flattery is to be had here; Iori will dunk on you if he thinks you deserve it (even if it’s to do with mediocre ramen).
But there are some other interesting observations -- for one, the official website profile states that he’s actually settled on his future career in law at this point, and has made himself extremely busy in order to do so. (On top of that, he at least seems to be on friendly enough terms with his peers at school that they’re happy to greet him on their way out.) The drama CD indicates that Daisuke considers him the busiest out of the entire 02 group -- yet he and Takeru went out of their way to pick him up from school, because he’s that important to them. (Think about it -- how often do you see university students going this far to go retrieve a high school kid to hang out with them?) And likewise, Iori doesn’t even hesitate to state that he’ll make time for them, and throughout the movie he’s conspicuously seen in his school uniform, implying he really is moving things around to make it happen, because they’re that important to him.
He also engages in the single most chaotic action from this group, which is getting Armadimon to break into Menoa’s lab. It’s not that he’d inherently been against this kind of thing before, especially for something important (recall that he’d been happy to sneak into school for Golden Week with the others back during 02 episode 6), but it does beg the question of where and how he got this information that Armadimon could break electric locks. Perhaps he’s become a bit more, ah, pragmatic of a person since 02...
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So, in the end, Iori does become an attorney, and specifically a defense attorney (the Japanese law system does draw the distinction). The person who once wanted to stick people he considered to be doing wrong into a “bad people” box and call it a day eventually came to embrace a career that involves understanding people and advocating for their perspective, or at least bargaining for something other than defaulting to the harshest assumption and a solution that allows all of the parties to best productively move forward.
He also has a daughter, who seems to have been raised to be as well-mannered and formal as he was. But, thankfully, he himself is there to help raise and guide her as she grows up.
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variouscolors-old · 2 years
Kamen Chef AU details (updated):
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The prompt:
This is totally an AU verse now thanks to Kizuna and its drama CD’s info re: Daisuke.
The story starts when one day Daisuke and V-mon come to talk with Chef Digitamamon from Chinatown area and Daisuke asks Digitamamon to teach him some tips and such. Digitamamon then says he wants what Daisuke can do already and runs a little test. Surprised with Daisuke’s skill being not bad but also having room to be improved, the egg-like digimon accepts him as intern. V-mon also gets “employed” to help with Daisuke’s training.
Since it’s too dangerous for both, also the fact villains the Chosen Children still have to fight come to Digitamamon’s restaurant... Daisuke gets an ALIAS to keep himself safe from trouble (?!) -- So now while he’s working there he’s an Lighdramon-like armored digimon called Lightnimon and gets more than a double life as HS student and Chosen Child: Now he’s a masked chef.
As you can think, Daisuke himself still got no time to explain to his friends and his seniors (Taichi-Yamato-Koushiro-Sora-Mimi-Jou) or even his family about this part-time job. But hey, one day he will get there.
Now does this disguise work?
Since digimon can spot who’s a digimon and who’s not pretty well, the food scent messes with said senses and it also hides Daisuke’s scent.
Daisuke also tries his best to not talk much and only when needed. Anyone who knows him pretty well is able to identify him. There’s no in between.
To prevent being caught, Daisuke and V-mon have their own “safety route” to go back to human world and to come to the Digital World.
They also avoid using public spaces for that. So, basically he does it from his own room once everyone at home is asleep.
Thanks to 02 ep 33 we learn the 02 group’s digivices can give them the appearance and outfit they deeply want, so this is how Daisuke got this “Lighdramon-esque armor” and how he can switch quickly back to his original appearance. This is referred by “change” when mentioned.
Now, details about the muses involved there:
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Digitamamon (he/him): The owner of this restaurant, pretty strict but has a soft heart. Will fight whoever tries to hurt his employees and customers, but will also smack you in the head if you break his building. It’s like a father figure for his employees, and can speak ancient digimon language.
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Daisuke AKA Lightnimon (17yo, he/him): Just an ordinary Chosen from Odaiba... Who once saved the world from BelialVamdemon. So yeah, Daisuke’s pretty famous and of course there’s bad and mean digimon seeking to beat him and become famous for it. He works disguised as a digimon named “Lightnimon” (or Lightni, called by almost everyone there) as Digitamamon’s student. Somehow, his ideas and suggestions starts improving the restaurant to the point it gets pretty busy later.
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V-mon (he/him): Daisuke’s partner, best digi-bud and partner-in-crime when it comes to Daisuke’s food experiments. He supports Daisuke so much, but sometimes gets worried about Daisuke and Daisuke’s clumsiness... Though V-mon can also be a walking mess and stupid. Can evolve to multiple forms by using Digimentals, but his main adult evolution is XV-mon. He works as waiter and as kitchen assistant.
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Bakumon (they/them): One of the oldest employees from this restaurant. They can talk, but it’s more easier pretend to not, and just repeat the menu when someone asks them about something. They do everything though, but mostly to greet the customers and serve them.
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Gekomon(s) (they/them): A tiny amount of the employees lately are Gekomon from the local area. Some probably had met Mimi, Palmon, Taichi, Agumon, Jou and Gomamon before. They have small jobs such as helping serving the customers or keeping the place clean.
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νοσταλγία  (Chapter 11)
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νοσταλγία Masterlist
Pairing: Ivar/Reader
Summary:  This is a retelling/romantization of the Greek myth of Persephone’s abduction with Ivar as Hades and you as Persephone. The Reader character  is a Byzantine woman, follower of the Greek Pantheon/Religion, and a  devoted follower of Persephone. This takes place after 5A, but the universe of this is a little changed in relation with the series, of course. Thank you for giving it a chance, hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: The usual
A/N: Hi, hope you like this! I don’t really have much to say here lol
Taglist: @youbloodymadgenius​ @heavenly1927 @toe-vind-ek-jou @xbellaxcarolinax @pieces-by-me
“Tell me about your Gods.” Ivar orders one night, moving with a slight wince of pain to settle better in his seat.
This is one of the first times he has tried to talk to you as if you are anything other than the foreign witch he has chained to his side in more ways than one, and you should take advantage of that, you know you should.
To your best interests, you should be lying to him, you should have been lying since the day you crossed Kattegat’s walls. You should have lied, from the very beginning.
You should have lied, you should have used lust, anger, curiosity to your favor. You should have taken advantage of the cautious hope in his eyes, of the hidden fear he has of being left alone.
A better woman might have. A better Anassa, a better Greek. A better witch.
But not you.
You narrow your eyes, and when you consider Ivar’s spoiled request you cannot keep the words from leaving your lips even if you tried.
“I am not a pet, eager to entertain my captor.” You point out.
“I am not your captor, because you are not a prisoner.” He argues without hesitation, certain in his madness.
“Am I free to leave this room then?” You taunt, surprising yourself.
You could swear somewhere, maybe even from her Folkvangr, Sieghild is yelling at you to shut your mouth and count your losses. You can almost hear the curses and threats on her part.
King Ivar stares at you in cold anger for a moment, and you see the telltale move of him gritting his teeth in annoyance before he motions for the chair, “If you entertain me, I will consider it.”
“That doesn’t seem fair,” You push. Sieghild was right, you would have been killed so many years ago if you had been left alone without her. Gods above, you need to learn to shut up. If only the part of your mind that realizes you shouldn’t open your mouth were to speak before your own mouth does, that would be delightful. With your chin in your hand, you ask, “What do you wish to know?”
He asks about Hades, of course he does. And you tell him about the God’s might, how he came to rule over the Underworld, his gift with the dead and with fortune.
When he asks, you tell him about his dealings with mortals, and how he rarely leaves his Kingdom, but the Viking is not content with your answers, it seems.
“You are hiding something from me.” He points out, seriously and without hesitation. You frown, startled, but in your voice there’s the hint of a smile when you answer,
“What makes you think so?”
“You pick and choose at the tales of your Gods you tell, Priestess, don’t think I haven’t noticed.”
“There’s many tales, many stories, about the Gods. Explaining them to an outsider is difficult.” You defend yourself even if you taste the half-truth in your tongue. Facing the stories of old, facing the legends told to you by your mother and father, it brings out a strange nostalgia in you, a strange dread that makes you think you have lost the war you started in Eleusis long before you called your fellow Greeks to arms.
“You are an outsider to me.” He points out, eyebrows lifted and gaze challenging. Whether that’s a rebuttal to your point by returning the same title, or a remark that he has chosen to ignore the obvious differences between the two of you, you don’t truly know.
“Tell me some tales of yours, then.” You offer, betraying a small smile.
Let’s be something other than outsiders.
You know how foolish you are being, walking into the trap even with your eyes wide open, but there’s a beat in your heart that speaks of madness, of thrill, of something when you face the Viking.
But Ivar shakes his head, startling you and making your stomach drop for a moment. The realization you were trusting enough to long for closeness to the monster that captured and imprisoned you makes you ashamed.
He motions to you before pressing his fingers to his mouth, “I want to speak your language first.”
You raise your eyebrows, “It takes years to master Greek, my King.”
“I’m a fast learner, and you have nowhere else to go.”
“Fine.” You sigh, getting comfortable in your chair. Thinking for a moment on what you could teach him first, you grab onto the pendant hanging from your neck and show him the inscription.
He doesn’t consider the letters though, rough fingers reaching up and almost touching your own as he turns the circular piece back around, looking at the engraving of the twelve Olympians and the Gods of the Underworld.
“What is this?”
His face is so close to yours that you can -and a part of you wants to- lose yourself in the specks of blue of his eyes. It unsettles you, more because you don’t want to move away when you know you should.
And it is the honesty, the open curiosity that shine in his blue eyes that disarms you, that makes you lose the tight hold you have on control. Your breath stutters its way past your parted lips, and you pray he doesn’t notice, eyes searching his as you beg your tongue to give an answer.
“An old gift, it represents the Gods.” You reply, not wanting to delve into it for fear of having nostalgia clog at your throat.
“From whom?”
Of course he would ask. You take a deep breath, betraying a small, sad smile on your lips.
“My father gifted this to my mother the day they were to be married,” You explain softly, and realize after a heartbeat that he knows of your mother’s story, because you told him. When you were just a Priestess and he was just a Viking, you told him of your mother’s plight, of her resistance and of her defeat. It gives you a certain calm, to know he knows what it means to you. Turning the pendant back around, you insist on the inscription, tracing over a word well-known for both your Gods and his, “Moirai, Fates.”
“Moirai.” Ivar tests it in his tongue, harsh and rough on his untrained lips. Still, the moment of curiosity, of willingness to learn, on his part makes your mouth start to curve into a small smile.
You furrow it before it has the chance to give away your naïve heart.
The moon has almost made her journey all across the skies when you are dismissed by the King who, true to his word, seems to be quick to pick up the easier parts of your tongue.
Strange, how even the oddest and most bizarre of scenarios become routines after enough time has passed.
As agreed when the King concluded to not treat you as a prisoner -even if he still does, arguing semantics with a man that almost routinely is covered in blood is not high in your list of priorities- you are called forth to sit by the King’s side each morning and each night.
It is a set of shackles to keep you controlled by the Viking, but you find yourself enjoying his company.
Even if every day that you find yourself laughing alongside the youngest son of Ragnar, or exchanging tales or memories or hopes with him, you find a piece of you burning at the shame of having betrayed the people you promised so much for so long; your foolish heart still finds itself weaving a place in it for Ivar. Just Ivar. Not the King, not the Viking berserker, not your captor, but the man who through scarce glimpses you get to know. Ivar, who the more you know the more you deem a man you could trust rather than the King you thought you’d grow to resent.
As before, he manages to make you despise him as easily as he makes you admire him, hate his forced presence in your day and find yourself missing his voice or his expressive eyes when he’s not there.
You are served a small platter of finger food by one of the thralls, a petite girl of long brown hair, and you pick at what looks like cow liver and heart as you discreetly look over the hall in search of the King.
You don’t have to look for him long, for you hear the people greeting him before you even see him. After a breath, you hear the by now familiar sound of his crutch finding the wooden floor behind you, and he greets you,
The smile on your lips is foolish but free, and you surprise yourself when don’t try to school it as you turn around on your seat to face him. Noting he used the plural form of your title, you shake your head.
“Hiereia,” You correct, “There’s only one of me.”
His eyebrows rise and mouth curves into a side smile, expression dripping mirth as he mumbles,
“Thank the Gods. I don’t know what I would do more than one of you.”
You scoff at him as he takes his seat, rolling your eyes.
“As if you could be so lucky,” You dismiss, earning a breath that once could have been a laugh. As it is your new and strange routine, you look over the table and find a dish that looks unfamiliar. Pointing to it, you ask, “This one?”
“Osyrat kornbröd.”
You grab a small piece of the odd-looking bread, tasting it before you repeat the words back to him. He nods in approval, but you have a feeling it is because a week ago, when he mocked your accent when speaking his tongue, you switched to Greek for the rest of the day and frustrated him to no end.
Routine, familiarity like this, you know it should frighten you. You know you should fight, you know you should feel the pressing and suffocating pressure of unwanted binds, but…maybe it was fate after all. Maybe it is as Galla said: the woman that would have been content as an Anassa, as a meek wife, that would be Greek and nothing else; she died when they burned you before that temple, and something else, something wilder, hungrier, was left behind.
Maybe Ivar is right, and it was fate that you ended up here.
You choose not to think of it for now, you choose to ignore the should be’s and just…be. So, a new normal settles in your life.
Sometimes, you dine in the great hall, laughing discreetly at the stories shared by the warriors, or talking with the younger Prince who seems to be the person who wants you dead the least, or -more commonly- seething silently in your seat as you wonder if you could get away with regicide as King Ivar dangles your powerlessness, his hold over you, his control, like who taunts a cat with a  piece of string.
Other times, you meet in his quarters, imposing and cold as they are which you always find a way -silent or not- to complain about, or yours, which always brings the question by Ivar as to why you keep insisting on keeping a growing number of plants indoors.
You have to admit, even if your pride refuses to, that you prefer the nights and mornings you sit alone with the King over the ruckus of the main hall. Maybe you are selfish and don’t want to share his attention, maybe your foolish and naïve heart is intrigued by the stories he tells you, maybe.
And almost every night he continues to ask questions about your Gods and the stories you remember about heroes and legends. You know he sees them only as tales, and your situation as you sit beside King Ivar, dining and exchanging words as the night progresses makes you remember the tale of that woman you heard while in Persia, the one that wove tales for years on end to keep a tyrannical King from killing her.
Still, you relay the same words that have been spoken to you once, the naïve child waiting for her mother at Eleusis’ temple and asking all the questions that the world around her prompted.
There was a time when you believed the words leaving now your lips would be what your purpose was. Tend to the gardens of the temple, explain young girls the teachings of Persephone and Demeter, relay the ritual proceedings to ask for Hades’ blessing, bask in the music and the joy of Eleusis’ mysteries.
But that was before the blood, before the rust and the clashing of swords. That was before the Emperor’s whim dictated your Gods were no more, dictated your kingdom was his to play with. That was before you realized more than love and happiness, you wanted freedom and war.
You wouldn’t have ever thought you could stop an army from advancing from just standing still on the road. But it seems a heathen woman frightens these Christians more than anything.
“You are of noble blood, Constantinople welcomes your family name with open arms!” The Patriarch insists, “Come to the light of God and we will be merciful!”
“I have no interest in your mercy,” You bite out, eyes on the old man. “I want my freedom.”
“Your soul is prisoner, my child. Abandon these pagan ways an-…”
You interrupt him with a laugh, shaking your head, “‘These pagan ways’ built the empire you now live comfortably on. The Gods h-…”
The priest’s strike sends you stumbling to the ground, your cheek bleeding from his gold ring. Sharp pain spreads over the side of your face, and when you turn the old man you see the hand he backhanded you with curl into a fist.
“Do not speak of your false Gods to me, pagan.”
And even now, relaying the tales of your people to a King that knows nothing of your Gods, a weight in your chest seems to lighten, as if the stories gathered by your memory in all these years have been begging for air all this time.
Demeter’s suffering demands to be told again so that the world does not forget a mother’s love, Persephone’s resilience remains a safe haven in the storm of war and death, Hades’ courage and determination a testament to the ruthlessness of what a King ought to be.
And you allow yourself a small smile as you dine surrounded by foreign words and runes and customs. Sieghild was right all those years ago, when she found a crying child and made her a daughter: The Gods remain with you.
Before you know it the weeks Hvitserk promised it would take for their brother to arrive at the city has passed, and dragon-headed ships reach the docks.
After Prince Ubbe is welcomed with a feast in the main hall, while he is greeted with warm embraces, loud laughs and smiling faces; while Ivar seems to dwell for a few instants too long on the way his older brother is easily embraced by the people of Kattegat; he calls for his brothers to meet him in private.
You are asked to be there, and with a dead weight on your stomach you realize what this meeting is for.
And as you wait for someone to arrive, long after the warriors that escort you have left the room, you realize with deep shame how unsafe you feel without the vitriolic and unpredictable presence of the King.
“I thought I saw a familiar face in the crowd tonight,” The oldest Prince states as a greeting as pale eyes focus on you. You do not know why he chooses to speak to you in the tongue of the Saxons, maybe he thinks you don’t speak his tongue? “You are Greek. Far from home, aren’t you?”
“Yet I’m here.” You reply quietly, uncomfortable.
He sits across from you, grabbing a goblet and drinking mead, but without taking his piercing eyes off of you.
“My brother doesn’t share,” He states in a low voice, “So why are you here?”
You frown, “I’m sorry?”
“You’re not here for me to fuck, or kill,” He explains, elbows resting heavily on the table before you. “I saw you with Ivar tonight. Why?”
There’s a flash of anger, of ire, of protectiveness in his gaze; and you feel small and alone in the room with him. Your lips part, the familiar feeling of fear settling on your very bones.
“I-I…He wanted me there.”
“I know,” He insists, and when he speaks again his voice is a command, a threat, “Why?”
And the Gods might summon you home to the Underworld the day you let a man succeed at making you fear him. Your blood boils under your skin and you straighten yourself in your seat, finding the Prince’s gaze and narrowing your own eyes.
Whatever it is your lips try to say is quickly interrupted by the now familiar sound of a crutch finding methodically the wooden floor. Ivar and Hvitserk walk into the room discussing something between them, but the former, as if sensing your eyes on him, finds your gaze.
Strange, the new familiarity that has grown in this time spent at his side, that not only can he notice the change in you from your face and posture alone, but that in the slight narrow of his eyes you clearly see the question his voice doesn’t ask.
You offer a slight shake of your head, replying you are alright. He is still guarded and considers his brother in silence as he takes the seat next to you.
After a moment, he turns to you, a small smile on his lips. It feels true, it feels like your own lips want to return one in kind.
The thralls approach with food to set on the table, with all sorts of dishes that after weeks you are growing accustomed to, and small conversations start between the three brothers, leaving you to enjoy the strange peace.
You watch in silence as the oldest of the brothers uses a leg of lamb in his hand to motion as he talks,
“I’ve heard of ships from all over arrive at the docks,” He boasts, and smiles at Hvitserk, “Handling commerce suits you, brother.”
The other man nods, solemn, “I’ve been trying to secure some shipments to Dublin. It will be protected, I promise you.”
But it seems Prince Ubbe doesn’t want to hear about that, judging by the way is expression hardens, his eyes dim to a cold distrust. When they find you across the table, you realize it wasn’t that he didn’t want to hear about his brother’s plans, but rather didn’t want you to hear them.
“Should you talk about this in front of her?”
The question is directed at the King, and you turn rapt attention to him, a knot in the base of your stomach.
He shrugs, bringing a cup to his lips and drinking before answering.
“I don’t see why not, since she is to be Queen of Kattegat.”
Your lips part, a voice in your head screaming that’s not how you bring up an announcement like that, but you stay silent.
“What?” The older prince asks, voice low and raspy, eyes rapt on his brother.
“We are to be married soon,” He explains simply, turning to you and offering you a smirk, “Isn’t that right?”
You take a deep breath through your nose and face the dumbfounded princes.
“Yes,” The words catch in your throat, like a handful of coarse sand keeps them from reaching your tongue. You swallow and state, “I will be-…yes, we are.”
Prince Hvitserk looks between the two of you with a slowly growing smile on his face, but it is not as filled with poison as you thought it would be. It would make a less cautious woman think it is approval what shines in his brown eyes.
“Well…congratulations, brother.”
Ivar accepts the words with a slightly raised cup, but says nothing. You turn your gaze to the older prince. The simmering rage, the contained anger, they startle you and unsettle you way more than bare fury and vitriol ever could.
“Brother, you are not thinking straight,” Ubbe starts, hand gesturing to you. “Does she even know of the Gods? Does she even speak our tongue? You can’t just pick a Christian woman to marry and make a Queen, Ivar!”
“Call me what you will, my Prince, but never a Christian.” You hiss with narrowed eyes, drawing the fury of a man chosen by Father Zeus to you. Still, you hold his gaze.
Ivar chuckles softly, and you turn to him. As expected, he is already looking at you, sharing something in that moment when your eyes meet before he turns to his brother, his smile turning sardonic.
“A woman after my own heart.”
You roll your eyes, but your lips do start forming a small smile without your consent.
Only the younger Prince, Hvitserk, huffs a small laugh as he acquiesces with a small shrug. Ubbe keeps hard eyes on the youngest son of Ragnar.
“You’ll be marrying your enemy.”
“She’s not an enemy.” Ivar insists easily, leaning back on his seat. Still, being questioned about his decision is not something he is taking kindly to, judging by the tight set of his shoulders and the hard glare he directs to Prince Ubbe.
“I did not summon you here to ask for your blessing, Ubbe,” He interrupts, hand motioning to you, “She is to be Queen of Kattegat.”
The other man drinks from his cup in what you assume to be an attempt to quell his anger. After a breath, he quips, “The Gods may not be pleased knowing the woman you take as a wife worships false Gods.”
“The Gods may not be pleased with you offering peace in exchange for nothing,” Ivar replies, elbows resting on the table, and though both brothers are confused at what he means, you know exactly what he is talking about, “Before questioning my choices, brother, why don’t you make sure Stithulf has the lands you accepted as payment for surrender?”
Your eyes are wide as you take in the King’s profile, the surprise written all over your face. He speaks certainly, confidently, even though it is only your word he has as proof of Stithulf not being able to pay forth what he promised the Varangians.
He trusted you.
It makes something within you soften, makes your chest feel a strange warmth. But you push those feelings down and focus on the conversation, hoping the men confuse your surprise for something other than having had Ivar listen and heed your word.
As they discuss the possible truth behind Ivar’s taunt, a thrall refills your cup of mead, and it is the concealed fear in her eyes, the meek posture, the murmured words of respect, what makes you realize what the world is like now.
They treat you like…like Ivar’s consort. Like a…
You drink deeply from your cup, shaking off those words, those…titles.
But that’s what you’ll be, isn’t it? He has already told his brothers, and if there’s something you know about this man past his relentlessness, his ruthlessness, is how much he cares about how others see him, what others see him as. If he is willing to let his blood know of this, nothing short of the Gods themselves will make him change his mind.
Your fate is sealed.
It is hard to hear anything past the ringing in your ears, and for the rest of the night you go through the motions, replying when spoken to, wondering if death truly is worse than chains.
The Princes are dismissed, and you feel burning blue eyes set on you. You turn to face him silently, and he lets his eyes trace over your features before speaking,
“What’s with you, hm?”
You don’t offer an answer, instead asking, “When will you tell your people? About…about the marriage.”
“Your people may not take kindly to a foreign witch ruling over them.” You say quietly, tremulously. Ivar only shrugs.
“They have a cripple sitting on the throne, they won’t be too outraged.”
The same dry humor as well, lucky for you, they are probably all dead now, the same small and proud smile when he makes a quiet laugh leave your lips, the same stupid feeling in your heart as if you were still in Aneridge, just a Priestess and just a Viking.
You roll your eyes with reluctant fondness, a strange warmth spreading over your heart and making for a moment the weight of chains not as heavy. Still, you stand up,
“I think I will retire for the night, if…if it’s alright.”
You hate that you hesitate, you hate that you feel like having to ask for permission. Still, you say nothing else, waiting for his response.
He gestures with his hand, signaling a dismissal and a goodnight.
You ask the tall and white-haired man with the injured eye to take you to the apothecary instead of to your rooms, longing for familiarity. As you slip silently into the sleeping home, you find a lone lit candle by a window, and Freydis smiling and motioning for you to get closer.
So, seems the odds of her escaping the marriage are slimmer and slimmer, eh? Anyways, would love to hear what you think, and it means a lot that you read and like this story, truly. So, thank you, so so so much :)
Also, there’s a Freydis PoV thing I’ve had on my drafts for a while, and I’ll be posting it this Tuesday as the week’s extra spinoff chapter, so hopefully I’ll see you there ;)
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