#repetitive strain injury
prokopetz · 7 months
Frankly, my concern about younger generations switching to exclusively using smartphones for digital communication has less to do with computer literacy and more to do with the demonstrably harmful ergonomics of the smartphone form factor. I have an inkling that we're about to see a massive generational wave of RSI-related chronic disabilities as folks blow out every nerve and tendon from their elbows down by the time they're 25 trying to type on a touchscreen the size of a playing card.
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bearlyfunctioning · 2 years
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Comic #315: That eerie feeling - Website links: Here! I spent a lot of my younger years ignoring and enduring discomfort in my hands/arms from over work. This has come to bite me in the ass REAL HARD in my 30s. So maybe this simple treatment can help some of ya'll out? No matter what you do to overwork your hands: drawing, gaming, working, this should take the edge off the aches!  🐻👍 ❄️🔥
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dailydivergent · 8 months
If you experience carpal tunnel or any symptoms of hand pain, lack of circulation, or repetitive strain injuries (RSIs), you need to start wrist exercises.
Luckily, they’re very easy!
Wrist Curls You Can Do Right Now
Find an object you can hold with your fingertips—thinner hardback books are what I use.
Hold your arms straight out in front of you or rest them on your knees with your palms towards the sky.
Let your wrists naturally fall down, then curl them up til your palm is perpendicular to your forearm.
Repeat 5-10 times for 3 sets, with 30secs rest between each set.
Over time, you’ll want to make the objects heavier, but to get started, use anything!
In the beginning, it’s more about doing the actions at all than doing them perfectly.
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pileofpawns · 2 months
Every time I need to ice my wrist I sigh and go “UGHHHHHH” like a stereotypical angsty teen
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medie-val · 2 months
I recently (6-ish months ago) acquired a disability. I have been very forthright about this with the people in my life.
My mother recently sat me down to explain to me that I am probably disabled, which is a little funny, because I have multiple times tried to explain to her that I am, in fact, disabled now, to which she has repeatedly protested over the past six months. Ex: "I'm not sure the disability office at the university can help much, because you're not disabled!" Ah, bless.
Both my mother and I have a hard time accepting new paradigms until we think we came up with it ourselves because we are horrifically stubborn. I'm not really upset by this turn of events, because that would be hypocritical of me - I am also Like That sometimes. Ex: my therapist gently suggested to me that my pain level might be disabling and I might have to drop out of university. Two weeks later, I was telling her I thought I'd acquired a disability.
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Me: My hand/wrist hurts more than usual :'(
My phone, angrily showing me anywhere between 4 to 8 hours of usage per day.
Me: I just have no idea why this is happening. Maybe it will be better tomorrow! :)
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elfybeanburrito · 8 months
Not being able to use my hands for going on 2 weeks has not been good for me, mentally.
The things I usually do that aren't art still take a lot of work from my hands; cleaning my fish tank, repotting plants, building new habitats, cleaning/feeding/handling my snakes, cooking!
I miss baking.
I used to bake more when Slime and I first moved out together, until he saw how much it fucked up my hands.
I should be ready to start gently rehabbing my hands next week.
Damn, I miss drawing.
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musicmags · 8 months
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prokopetz · 9 months
In principle, I know that sleep deprivation aggravates inflammatory conditions, but in practice I'm always genuinely surprised when I get to bed at a reasonable hour and my RSI feels much better the next morning. This may be because I'm stupid.
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jacquelineamy · 10 months
Massage therapy is recognized as an integral component of the health industry, and is utilized for various back pain problems. A majority of doctors advise their patients to get physical therapy as a supplement to medical treatment. For more details visit at https://www.eastleighsportsmassage.co.uk/
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pebblegalaxy · 1 year
Navigating the Depths of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Understanding, Coping, and Overcoming #blogchatterhalfmarathon
Carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition that affects countless individuals, emerges as a relentless adversary, challenging our ability to navigate the world with ease. Within the layers of the human wrist, where intricate machinery of tendons, nerves, and ligaments coexist, a delicate balance is disrupted, leading to a cascade of discomfort and limitations. In the realm of literature and prose, we…
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pileofpawns · 2 months
When people see my wrist brace(s) and ask if I hurt my wrist(s) I literally never know how to respond because yeah, I did, technically, but it was through a repetitive strain injury from a lifetime of drawing and being on the computer and doomscrolling and playing the violin and not a big event like a broken bone or sprain or something like they’re probably thinking.
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familydocblog · 1 year
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome In Military-Age Adults
Hello, I’m Dr. Nunez, and today I’d like to discuss a common medical condition that affects many military-age adults: carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the hand and wrist, impacting daily activities. In this post, we’ll explore carpal tunnel syndrome in detail, including its symptoms, triggers, treatment options, and more. Photo by Anete Lusina on…
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writer-thrax · 1 year
Sorry, but I can't write anything this week. I might end up posting something short, but I doubt it. I suffer from RSI (very simply put, it's joint pain due to overuse), and it flared up over the weekend. As such, I have not been in a good condition to write anything. Even writing this was painful.
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snakeplantships · 1 year
I grieve. Had to pull out of the dinluke big bang as a writer since my tendonitis is a bitch and I should have known. I thought it was getting better after I botched almost everything for my courses this semester, but fucking alas. Can’t type for shit.
Wish I could say that this was just because I’m old but it’s been on and off since I was 16. Play the piano with proper technique, kids, and fix your posture while you still can.
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jestinajuliet1 · 1 year
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Massage therapy is recognized as an integral component of the health industry, and is utilized for various back pain problems. A majority of doctors advise their patients to get physical therapy as a supplement to medical treatment. For more details visit at https://www.eastleighsportsmassage.co.uk/
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