#replaying undertale rn :] such a good time
quirkle2 · 2 years
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2022 sans art vs 2016 (probably) sans art
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gotta-pet-em-all · 5 months
hey. Pine here. poking my head because. wow, you're really enjoying Fluff doing this, huh? (had a brief moment of "oh gods WHAT did I do" before I remembered I was technically logged into Fluff's blog and that she was just getting a lot of asks rn. way more than I ever get on my main lol. though my main is also just Not connected to the multiverse, which is tragic)
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anyway, don't get me wrong! Undertale is one of my favorite games of all time for good reason, and I'm glad you're enjoying Fluff doing this!
but for the love of the gods,
let Fluff play the damn game!
she's absorbed a good deal of info about it via osmosis (mostly from me) over the years but she is still playing this fairly blind. don't ruin it for her. don't micromanage what she does. if she doesn't do something "right" her first run, that's okay, the game is meant to be replayed multiple times!
let her make her own damn choices, you guys. Fluff's already self-conscious about being behind the curve when she really isn't, she's honestly doing better than I was on my first run, and I don't want to have to vet every single ask that comes into that inbox to make sure you aren't spoiling important things.
here's a cold boi to thank you for reading this and, hopefully, taking it to heart.
[An image is attached of a Glaceon blepping. The Glaceon is held in the arms of someone whose face is obscured with an emoji, but she has blonde hair in an undercut.]
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gensuta · 3 years
Happy pride month!! I love playing video games so I thought it'd be neat to share the many many games I've played with nonbinary and trans characters >:3
Sorry in advanced I’m copying and pasting stuff from twitter ;v; Also know that many of these games ARE on consoles, but if you buy them on pc/mac use itch.io if it exists. It gives devs more money!!
VALIDATE!!  There's a demo on Steam and Itch.io that you can play RIGHT NOW and also a patreon you can support and I highly suggest it ^o^ It's a lovely VN with several playable characters and rlly good writing
Extreme Meatpunks forever is so SO good omg. It's a VN/mech brawler where u be gay and fight fascists!!! Trans and nonbiney ppl are out here being badass af. The game has cws/tws built into the game ( which i love sm ) Also there's a ttrpg on Kickstarter RIGHT NOW!! 
Another game with nonbinary characters is an rpg called Ikenfell! It was one of my favorite games to play last year and the music and just everything? Honestly so good I'm def replaying it this year. It also has tons of good accessibility features!
ok but i wanna geek abt ikenfell just a smidge more  U DON'T UNDERSTAND 3 OF THE PLAYABLE CHARACTERS ARE NONBINARY <333 The strongest playable character also uses ze/zir pronouns and I think that's pretty epic
Ok so like literally every game I've played by @analgesicprod I've loved 100% And Anodyne 2? Everyone should go play it and I will keep saying it until everyone does. And yes there's a trans character in it <3 Drem my beloved <3  Go check it out!!
Another game studio I love is @pillowfightio !!! They worked on Later Alligator, We Know the Devil, and Heaven Will Be Mine. I highly recc all of them but esp. Later Alligator cuz like just look at Joanie. They're so cool.  
In the game Everhood gender doesn't exist <3 Literally multiple characters are referred to with they/them pronouns and the gameplay is very enjoyable 
 CW LOTS of flashing lights and I feel like there should maybe be more cws but I'm not sure what else to add :l I guess a warning is that Everhood gets into more serious stuff and I'll be honest when the game first came out I had to put it down for several days b/c I just wasn't ready for a lot of that stuff, but I honestly liked the game a lot!
I was debating on adding this bc while I love this game there's some issues. So Gnosia is like werewolf ( or among us if you will ) but more narrative focused with time loops etc. There's two wonderful nonbinary characters and you can be nonbinary HOWEVER ( minor gnosia spoilers. skip past if you want to avoid it) . . . For some reason finding out the AGAB of one of the characters is mandatory and I fucking hate that. It's so unnecessary esp for the world building that's been done. Also tws for the game: sexual abuse / assault, gore ( in only one scene ) (spoilers end) but yeah I still added it because the characters are so neat and strong for the type of game it is and without that bit I wouldn’t feel so :/ abt recommending it. It’s pretty fun ngl
Wandersong!!! The main character is nonbiney and I love them <33 It's such a lovely little musical adventure with such a nice narrative and!! Some of the devs just released Chicory ( which I haven't gotten to play yet ;v; ) but check that out too!!
Bravery Network Online is super fun!! It's a turn based rpg that feels really good and has two characters that use they/them pronouns ( Fel and Reed ) the character designs are sooo good and the game is currently in early access!
I never thought I'd see a claymation point and click musical featuring a nonbinary detective but Dominique Pamplemousse is just that Need I say more?
A personal fav I think about every now and then is Dad fighter 30XX!! Like who doesn't wanna beat up their friend's shitty dad in the parking lot of a dennys?? Also the win music is my FAV
SPIRIT SWAP!!! By @SoftNotWeak !!!! Super chill and pretty game by lovely people with a demo you can play right NOW!! This game makes me want to become a strong magical thembo
More games I’ve played, but am too lazy to ramble about
ROM:2064 ( game is amazing but i got mixed feelings tho bc the og devs aren't getting paid for it I think :/ )
A Year of Springs
Secret Little Haven 
A normal lost phone
Hollow Knight
Monster Prom / Monster Camp
Hades ( all of supergiants games slap btw )
If Found
Here’s games I haven’t played but have heard about
Diaries of a spaceport janitor
Hustle Cat
Tell Me Why
Our Life
Last Minute Love
Black Tarot
Apex Legends
World of Warcraft has trans npcs :0
Dragon Age Inquisition
Sky, Children of the Light
Death and Taxes :0
Flicker :0 ( roblox games do count! It’s always cool to see what ppl make in it )
Assassins Creed Syndicate has a trans npc
Verdant Skies
Wandering Wolf Trick ( I love nomnomnami’s games sm but haven’t played this one. Highly reccommend her stuff )
If you have any games you wanna add to this PLEASE please do and I'll add them!! And while you're here please support the Queer Games Bundle going on itch rn to support tons LGBTQ+ game devs financially (including me ) <3 Last little edit for now: I’d def suggest trying to find cws/tws for these games just in case I haven’t covered everything for the ones I did talk about <3
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sou-ver-2-0 · 4 years
hello, your secret fan here!! although I've just realized that I probably already outed myself by liking stuff, haha,, sending another anonymous ask once again just in case though (maybe I should just... dm you... next time... haha, just kidding..,,..,,, unless?? 😳😳) I must say, I wasn't actually expecting you to reply!! Your long response literally made me vibrate while reading it, I'm not exaggerating (idk why or how you prompt such a strong reaction out of me???? what's this sorcery)
anyway, I can't wait for your next meta!! I've never really thought that much about Kugie, so I don't have a very strong opinion about her, it's a very out of sight, out of mind situation for me rn. I'm very excited as to what you have to say about her. I have something I want to discuss (know your thoughts about) regarding that emotions vs logic post, which I still love a lot. I've seen that you've already talked about Nao before, but what about Keiji??
I remember staring at the Sou vs Kanna choice for a long while when I first got to it, unsure of what to do. After a while, I realized that the game never really specified what happened if two normal commoners tied I think?? It says what happens when a sacrifice or a keymaster tie, but it never mentions two commoners tieing.
After I realized that, I kept trying to vote for Keiji lol while thinking "you can't possibly kill them both if they tie, right?????? you can't just add a new rule out of nowhere, right??? this means they can both live, right?????? p l e a s e,,". Maybe my refusal to vote for Logic or Emotion was Denial lmao, but I still wonder what would have happened if they had let us choose Keiji.
He didn't have enough votes to be in danger, I wouldn't have voted for him otherwise. But it still makes me think what if. That small "aha!!" moment filled me with so much hope. In hindsight, it would have been awful if they had killed the two in that scenario lmao, but I was so blinded by the possibility of saving them both that I didn't really give it much thought. Anyway, long ramble over!! thanks for reading haha. I might be overlooking something, I really need to replay everything.
Oh wow, I loved reading your story of how you tried so hard to save both Sou and Kanna omg! I feel your pain haha. It hits you on such a gut level how unjust this moment is. You start clawing desperately for any way out.
I think it speaks well of Sara that she lifted that responsibility from Gin’s shoulders, although she can still betray his trust by choosing poorly. But hypothetically that’s one of the kindest things Sara can do, being a good big sister to Gin by lifting that burden from him. Still, it’s rotten work for Sara and us the Player to make that choice.
As much as I love your story, I believe you’ve answered your own question! It’s most likely that both Kanna and Sou would be killed if they were tied for first place. That’s why Sara couldn’t vote for Keiji. The Floormasters always lean on the side of cruelty rather than mercy when enforcing the rules. They’re adamant that “at least” two people will die in a Main Game. 
Hell, another possibility is that the Floormasters would kill everyone in the group if they couldn’t decide on a single victim by majority vote. That’s not a spoken rule, but we can’t completely discount the possibility, can we? Since the Floormasters like throwing around the rule “Play our games properly or die as a penalty” so much. At the very least, refusal to participate in the Main Game would result in death, as we saw in the First Main Game when everyone was afraid that Kanna would be late and be punished. 
What I’m getting at, is that while it makes perfect sense for the Player to try to “test” the rules of the Death Game, to see how much they can get away with, the stakes are much too high for Sara! So I completely sympathize with you trying to vote for Keiji in order to “trick” the Floormasters, but there is no way Sara could personally take that risk. This is another case showing how the Player and Sara are in fundamentally different worlds. 
Another thought:
Something significant about YTTD as a game is that it mostly has a linear narrative so far. Nankidai has a specific direction in mind for where he wants to take the story, regardless of the player’s choices. This is especially true in Chapter 1, where Sara’s votes don’t matter. Who did you vote for in the Practice Round? It doesn’t matter; Mishima always dies. Who did you vote for in the First Main Game? It doesn’t matter; Joe and Kai always die. 
The story doesn’t branch significantly until we get to Chapter 2, when our actions finally determine which characters live and die. But even so, as of Chapter 3-1A, the different story branches still parallel each other closely. Whether Alice or Reko survived, they both act as “tough, competent” team members, and they perform the same actions in fights. Whether Kanna or Sou survived, they’re both the “spunky waifs” in the group and they also act similarly in fights.
I’ll compare this kind of storytelling to Undertale, since that’s a popular game most people know about. In Undertale, the Player gets to choose from the get-go which characters live and which characters die. So the story has the potential to branch in different ways pretty quickly! This shows how Undertale’s protagonist is more of a blank slate for the Player to project onto, while YTTD’s protagonist has her own personality separate from the Player. We can influence Sara, but there are always going to be some choices she’ll refuse to make.
And that’s all I can think of to say on that! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, Anon. You don’t need to feel so awkward; I love talking about this stuff. :)
(I am a sorcerer though! You got me!!)
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theworldoffandoming · 4 years
23, 89, 44, 62, 18, 34, 8
OKAY UM I’m not sure I counted these correctly but here goes:
So I think this is part of my Crossroads playlist, which I repeat sometimes. I haven’t actually listened to a lot of Veridia’s stuff past like her 2016 album? Lol. Anyways, it just has those nice sci-fi vibes like that short 2014 album does, it’s just good. I think it’s one of her best. I don’t know if it has specific character vibes, just story vibes I guess? CR is such a vague story rn it’s been barely updated since I added this song to its playlist dsgjkd.
Oh this is an old one... Gosh I think I was introduced to it in what, 2011 or ‘12 maybe?? Or was it ‘13... Anyways I think it was from somebody else’s story playlist but I decided to steal it for my Aliens playlist since it’s got some Herr/Sie Dance Festival vibes where everything is happy and there’s dancing and sparing and just a good time right before some bad times come hehe but yeah. uwu
Okay so this is for my Elyse playlist where I indiscriminately cobbled together every ice/snow-themed video game song that Spotify would give me that also fit the vibes. Apparently it’s from Undertale but I have no memory of this and it fits Elyse’s hometown vibes?? It’s just very gentle and I can picture little chimneys puffing up smoke while the snow falls and is all piled on the roofs... uwu It’s just really good...
Okay this... This (and actually the first two songs also probably??) are because I’ve been replaying my old Spotify Wrapped playlists from past years because 1: I hoard them like a squirrel and 2: I get really sick of my current music sometimes and it’s just nice to listen to something old sometimes. As for playlist... I think it’s on Ron’s/Guardians’? It just... has vibes like that. It’s energetic, and Ron himself is just movement personified, plus like... something about how intense the girl he’s describing is reminds me of Marissa?? Y’know that awful... horrible ship that is literally just burning to the ground every waking minute of its existence yeah that one. But also I think it alludes to their friendship too, how she pulls him up even when she’s an angry bitter woman they still work together as a team even though Ron suffers every waking minute for it. And too how Ron tries to support the team and be the leader (even when Marissa is definitely gunning for the top), trying to contain his emotions (the titular ‘meltdown’) so that he can stay on top of things and keep the others safe. But I also think the song contains a note of hope, so it’s a bit of a positive spin on this otherwise worst ship ever (though I guess it’s also about Ron and the team, and his will to protect and lead them, since I also think the ‘we’ in ‘so we don’t drown’ could be the team in general.) But yeah I really think it contains some themes like being honest or not being honest with how he feels to protect people and be strong for them, when his pals are just like :| “Bro please” but yeah. XD; Since I think a lot of the lyrics that aren’t specifically romantic could be about him resisting opening up so he doesn’t, well, meltdown. XD;
Another Veridia song what do you know. :| Again maybe this is because I’ve been listening a lot to my old Wrapped playlists... but this one I think is actually about Elyse, since she’s one of my more social OCs (one of the few female protags I have that can fit the category of ‘seems I have a lot of friends’ since a lot of them are either lonely or just don’t fit the vibe even if they are just as social...) And... I don’t know, maybe it’s sort of a song-AU because it has a very specific vibe of being a high-rise apartment building with a big bay window where you can see the dark city twinkling below... And since she’s the only sci-fi OC that really fits the vibes... I guess? I guess that’s her?? But I guess in general I can see her trying to shift her attention so she wouldn’t have to focus on her own sadness. It just vibes a lot like her and something she’d do and think. Since she is at heart a positive sort, even if she does have her bouts of gloom, she at least tries to keep it together on the outside most of the time... though a certain cynical teacher can often get to her. XP But yeah I think in general she does worry about other people a lot, so yeah, I can see this being her focusing on the pain of others instead of her own.
So these are some nice Lo-Fi beats that I think feel like a quiet Elyse meditation when she’s reflecting on certain story events. It’s kind of sad, sort of like a drowning affection or emotion? That’s how I see it. Sort of drowning in thoughts. Reflecting on the somewhat recent past. I think I even drew a picture to one of these in the group of Lo-Fi beats that are on her playlist... But it just feels very... reflective and kinda sad yeah.
THIS SONG IS YOUR FAULT I had one of your small playlists on repeat so this isn’t even for one of my stories, YOU EXPLAIN THIS ONE. I just like the vibes it feels very... Zenith... yeah. Sometimes I like listening to other people’s story playlists it can take me out of my head for a bit and get into another world which is nice.
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teruthecreator · 5 years
2, 6, and 12 for the 3 songs asks?
hey, guess who forgot u sent this? i did! hgbrjbgjbrhg anyway so 
2. three last songs you listened to 
well the song i’m listening to rn as i write this is CHERRY BOMB by Tyler the Creator, off the album of the same name! fair warning, if you go to that link and you’re wearing headphones, it is advised you turn it Wayyyyyyyy down as this song will likely snipe ur eardrums if not. idk why i’ve recently become so obsessed w this bop, but it blends this like harsh, grating bass with these beautiful little soft moments and this like beat that just feels so Confrontational im just….hhhhh it’s Good. i recommend highly, i just suggest you turn it down. 
after that it’s THE BROWN STAINS OF DARKEESE LATIFAH PART 6-12 (Remix) by Tyler the Creator, off the Cherry Bomb album. i have No Idea what the title means, but this is just a hands-down bop and vibe. the beat is funky and like the little synth noises in the back are just interesting, and the cuts between the little bridges and the verses is so jarring but also it works?? idk i really like tyler, the creator,,, 
and the last one is Say So by Doja Cat off her most recent album Hot Pink! doja is just kinda iconic on her own, but this song is funky and has those sexy vibes she’s always going for, and i just fucks w it real hard man!! it slaps!! she’s also Incredibly Pretty so like yep yep uh huh ill listen to your music you are Very Pretty. also everyone thinks she says “hot and moaning” in one of the chorus lyrics, and i had to look on genius to check (it’s not, but you can hear that phrase if ur looking for it AND hear the actual lyric if ur looking for it. i found that very funny.) 
6. three songs you wish you could erase from history (because they’re terrible) 
can i be honest here??? can i sit down and just be real w yall?? i don’t think i’ve ever heard a song that’s, like, Objectively terrible. it might be because my scope is extremely limited (since i find my favorites and then just listen to those for the rest of Time), or because i can find musical merit in even genres i’m not an active fan of. but i don’t think any song i’ve ever heard i’ve ever been like “oh, this is Awful and should never exist!” like if someone tells me an album is bad, i tend to stay away from it anyway, so it’s not like i can have an opinion of it Myself (bc i trust my friends music tastes but that doesn’t necessarily mean the album shouldnt Exist). also i’ll watch anthony fantano’s reviews and sort of decide if something piques my interest and seems to have critical merit enough to check out, but most of the time i watch reviews for albums i’m already a Huge Fan of (coughcoughIGORcoughcough). but…yeah! i don’t have an answer for this one! 
12. three favourite songs from video games 
Fallen Down from Undertale by Toby Fox. hands down, this is The Best song on the entire soundtrack, and i will defend that to my dying days. if you want to be transported to the fondest, rustic, most tender and emotional memories of places you’ve never even Been To, you listen to this song. if you’ve never felt the gentle embrace of a parental figure after you’ve had a nightmare, you listen to this song. if you want to cry your eyes out over the time lost in your life already, you listen to this song. if you want to think of World’s Best Mom, Toriel Dreemurr, You Listen To This Song. i once had a full-on out of body Experience playing Minecraft and playing this song on loop. this song is fucking amazing, Megalovania can suck my whole ass 
SPEAKING OF SONGS THAT WILL MAKE YOU EMOTIONAL, BUT ALMOST IN THE ENTIRELY OPPOSITE (BUT NOT RLLY) SENSE, Vs. Susie from Deltarune by Toby Fox gives you the instinct to rock out but also Cry at the same exact fucking time!!! how does this man keep doing it!!! i think i might be a Little biased bc susie is my absolute favorite character from Deltarune (and maybe even the whole franchise, if im being honest), but just that crooning guitar rift towards the end is so telling of her emotional state during this point of the game and every time i replay deltarune i just have to let this song play out a couple times bc its Such a short scene. i really hope this theme comes back when the full game gets released, it is an absolute bop and a heart-puller. 
last but not least, my absolute favorite banger from a game series is…. ASSGORE (Fingerfückung) by BotanicSage, using the songs ASGORE and Bergentrückung from Undertale by Toby Fox. yes, i’ve linked the original song, not the MMD bc i feel like this video deserves more love (the orig. has like 100k views and the MMD has over a million Come On People). on a serious note, the Undertale songs he samples from are definitely up there on my favorites from Undertale, but paired with the extra samples and the lyrics?? this is just God Tier. and the fact that this song was made out of Pure Spite is just the cherry on top. i Live for spiteful art!!! i want more of it!!! it’s great!!! we need more Fingers In His Ass!! 
(also if you’re wondering why all my favorite game songs are from undertale…………fuck you thats why jgbhjrbghjhrgh) 
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zefive · 5 years
here’s some really good (mostly) indie games for the steam sale
Iconoclasts - i have to recommend Iconoclasts, especially when it’s 40% off- it’s my all time favourite game, okay. absolutely amazing metroidvania
Yoku’s Island Express - metroidvania pinball. it’s really well put together, nothing but praise for this (and it’s cute)
Hatoful Boyfriend - listen. listen. as stupid as the concept it, this game is absolutely amazing. please please please check it out, it’s worth buying when it’s at full price and with it on sale, even more so
A Hat in Time - fun, really well done 3D platformer game, absolute at Mario levels
Portal 1&2 - not putting this on a rec list would be a crime. if you haven’t already played it, just. just get it
Underhero - while a bit rough, this rpg game is a gem, and i absolutely adore it. i bought it at launch, and definitely don’t regret it even a bit
Slime Rancher - a game all about collecting cute, happy slimes. i call it a ‘happy game’, because you can’t not be happy while playing it
Treasure Adventure World - kind of very rough around the edges, but it’s a fun time, and if you like metroidvania, you’ll probably like it! plus, it’s super cheap rn
Bendy and the Ink Machine - it’s kind of funny how much i adore this ‘horror’ game; the gameplay is chunky and rough, and can be kind of frustrating, but the atmosphere, the story, the characters - they make it all worth it
Night in the Woods - if i had to recommend just one game on this list, it’d probably be NITW. the characters, the story, the everything - this game is fantastic, and will very likely hit extremely close to him, in that good, ache-y way. worth buying at full price, tbh
Hyper Light Drifter - the day i stop loving HLD is the day i die. absolutely fantastic, from the combat to the atmosphere to the story that looms above you ever so vaguely
Cat Quest - this arpg game is fun. pure, undiluted fun. the story is silly, the characters are silly, but it’s such a great ride, you won’t care that it’s not That Deep™
Owlboy - amazing metroidvania game, with fun combat (and flying!!), amazing characters and story. i would absolutely die for Otus
Yuppie Psycho - if you even vaguely like horror, just get this. it’s amazing, and i absolutely adore it. and, if you’re hesitant, check out their first game The Count Lucanor, which is just as great and also really cheap rn
Angels of Death - AOD’s strength lies solely in character and story, i’m not going to lie. but oh boy, i love that story, i love those characters. the relationship between the two mains is perfect, and honestly makes it worth buying
Year Walk - gorgeous lowkey spooky game
Donut County - a really fun little puzzle-ish game! bit on the short time, but i absolutely adored my time with it, so i’d say it’s worth it
LIMBO & Inside - absolutely perfect games? yes?? Inside is the better of the two, but they’re both really great
The Final Station - idk why this game has mixed reviews, because it was a TREAT. i love myself some vague horror stories, and i found the combat pretty fun (from what i remember)
Pony Island - this game is so good, it’s almost criminal. i don’t really wanna spoil it, so just. check it out. it’s pretty cheap anyway
Pinstripe - there’s something just absolutely charming about this adventure game; the visual style, the story, the characters- it’s just. all around charming and fun
Monster Prom - probably the funnest dating sim i’ve ever played. and, hey- multiplayer!
Oxenfree - amazing adventure/horror game. i don’t really wanna spoil anything, but let me just say you’re going to replay it at least once
Bastion - ah Bastion, how i love thee. this whole game is just so well done, and if you’ve somehow missed out on it, just. pick it up. treat yo’self
Cave Story - the fact that Cave Story isn’t more popular than it is is a crime, and that’s facts. it’s more or less the start of the indie genre as we know it, and there’s also a free edition to check out, if you wanna be 100% sure on buying it. but honestly, this game deserves your money, especially if you liked undertale, bc without it, there’d be no ut to speak of
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skeletorific · 8 years
Every single Undertale ask you haven't answered yet. Heck even the ones you have.
I’m putting a hecking read more line because that’s a lot of shit
1. Who’s your favourite character from UT? Excluding the skeleton bros its Undyne. I love her I love her I love her she reminds me or Erza from Fairy Tail and did I mention I love her?
2. Who’s your least favourite character from UT? Honestly? Alphys. Its not that I think she’s poorly written (she’s very fleshed out) but I don’t really like characters that I have to feel sorry for. Pity’s not really an emotion I like. Plus she never really apologized to me or Mettaton. She only seemed to be concerned with how she felt. Which I think its important for people with anxiety and guilt to learn how to forgive themselves, but it would have been nice to hear her say sorry.:
4. What’s your favourite quote? Anything out of Flowey’s mouth
5. What’s your favourite soundtrack? Spear of Justice. So pumped up
10. Your first letter to Mettaton was:Leg so hot. Hot hot leg. Leg so hot you fry an egg
11. Your reaction when you saw Omega Flowey for the first time: CONFUSED AND HORRIFIED SCREAMING
12. Your headcanon about Frisk’s gender: Female, but I really don’t give a shit. Mae or gender neutral Frisk is cool too.
13. Which UT character reminds you of yourself? Sans, minus the badass stuff, but with the laziness, fashion sensibilities, and shitty sense of humor
14. Which UT character reminds you of your best friend? My best friend….honestly some bizarre fusion of the River Person and Asriel
15. Would you smooch a ghost? If the right one came along
16. Which UT character would be your best friend? Why? Like I said, Sans and I have a lot in common. I think I’d have an odd friendship with Mettaton if the right circumstances came along. And of course Papyrus.
18. Did you do sth in game you regret? I KILLED UNDYNE
20. Your favourite land in UT and why: (Snowdin, Waterfall or Hotland) Waterfall. The atmosphere and the music were stunning, and I loved the color scheme
21. Your favourite place in UT and why: (Undyne’s house for example) The Judgement Hall. Gorgeous colors, beautiful atmosphere, and I am a sucker for pillars and stained glass.
22. Your headcanon about River person’s gender:…..honestly, not a clue. I’m going genderless.
23. Your headcanon about one of the UT characters:……too many to count. But Undyne is afraid of thunderstorms and copes by going out to fight them.
24. Butterscouch or cinnamon pie? B-scotch, my dude
25. Your opinion/headcanon about six human souls: Not all of them are kids. And they are all salty lil fucks.
26. With who would you go on a date? The dates with Sans were always pretty chill. 
28. Do you wanna have a bad time?….I mean not really
31. Would you want to fall into underground? I think only if I knew I could help them get out. While still being, you know, alive.
32. Describe or draw your undersona: I don’t really have one? When I think about self-insert stuff I tend to just view myself as a human who ended up friends with them on the surface. 
33. One reason why you love UT: Story, characters, writing, unique take on old mechanics
34. One reasom why you hate UT: For a game that’s meant to be replayed a lot the puzzles are repetitive as shit. The steam vent puzzles in Hotland can go fuck themselves. I’m with Papyrus its a shitty place.
36. Your favourite amalgamate: Lemon Bread. I love them for no reason.
37. Your headcanon about Gaster: who do you think Gaster is to Sans and Papyrus? (Father, brother, uncle etc) I’m that basic bitch who lives for Dadster
38. Your opinion about bad puns: This game actually completely changed me. I was a well-known Pun Hater. Now I’m a piece of shit who lives for the groans that follow a particularly bad one 
39. Do you draw fanarts from UT? If yes, then what do you like the most to draw? Can’t draw for shit
40. Which of human souls fits you the most? Patience. I kind of let stuff roll of my shoulders, and prefer to wait for the right moment. I’m also lazy as fuck
41. What would be the first thing you would to show to Sans, Papyrus or the rest of characters in human world? Why? Roombas. Just want to see Undyne and Papyrus gush about it and watch it for hours, Alphys try and reprogram it, Toriel use it to clean the house, Mettaton feeling oddly jealous of the attention its getting, and Sans laying his socks on top of it.
42. Which song reminds you of UT or one of the UT characters? Why? I’ve posted about this before but “Salvonic” reminds me of Frisk after a Genocide run and “Just Gold” by Mandopony makes me think of Chara and Flowey
43. Your opinion on underloid: Haven’t listened to much, but I’m down. I like vocaloid.
44. Do you forgive Asgore for what he’s done? Yeah, I love my Goat Dad, even if he makes poor decisions.
45. Did you pay for Tem’s college? Once, because I’m a filthy cheater and wanted Tem armor.
46. Have you seen any youtube letsplay of UT? Jacksepticeye’s play-throughs are what got me into the game in the first place. I also watched dan and Phil’s.
47. Do you listen to any fanmade songs? If so, then which are your favourite? Yeah dude. I really love the “stronger than You” parodies, and fishy love is my jam.
48. What are your favourite theories? Chara is the narrator
49. Who is your favourite enemy? (Not including boss monsters) Doggo. His yapping face fills me with glee
50. Do you have any headcanons about Chara’s past? (Why they hate humanity, why did they fell to the underground etc) I had a lengthy as fuck backstory written up at one point, but I think they had a neglectful as fuck dad. Not abusive, but he just left them alone and only paid attention when they did something wrong or “earned” his attention. Nobody in their lives did anything, leaving Chara to believe that you can’t trust other people to help you out or care about you. They ended up in the Underground by accident. They were walking late  night, fed up with everything, frustrated, crying and ended up tripping into the hold. What sucked was that they weren’t sure their dad would even notice.
51. Who is your favourite dog? Greater Dog. That little bark noise made the world right for a brief and shining moment
52. What was your reaction to true lab? Fuck this shit I’m out….
53. Your fabourite voice acting: tehrogue does good stuff. And FUCK supershadicx250 and crashboombanger’s Fell Sans’ voice FUCK ME UP RN
54. At the end of pacifist run did you stay with your friends or did you come back to your family? Did anybody actually go back to Frisk’s family? Other than for intellectual curiosity?
55. Who is older - Sans or Papyrus? For some reason regardless of universe I always see Papyrus as the older one.59. Your favourite puzzle: That one with Mettaton in the Dungeon
61. Did you still hate Flowey after you discovered his true indentity? I never hated Flowey.
62. The saddest moment: The God of Hyperdeath begging me to stop trying to abandon him
63. Which ending is your favourite? True Pacifist, obvs.
65. Any post pacifist run headcanons? I love PTA!Sans as much as the next girl but PTA!Papyrus is where its at. Also Alphys is introduced to a whole new world of anime because the only anime that ends up Underground is the crap kind that people throw away.
66. Your favourite NPC: I’m guessing you mean side character? Gerson. Love me some cantankerous old people
67. Humans or monsters? I REFUSE THIS CHOICE
68. The funniest situation: Temmie Village released horrified and manic giggles out of me, but also the date with Papyrus.
69. Skeletonfucker, robotfucker, goatfucker or kinkshaming? *looks at Red*………..kinkshaming (JK total skelefucker)
70. When playing for the first time how many candies did you take? All of them. Fuck da police.
71. Did you kill or spare Flowey at the end of the game? Spared, but hot damn I wanted to kill him.
72. If you had to be one of the main characters, which would you choose? Undyne. I want that hair and muscle tone74. Which character(s) would you like to cosplay? I’m not much of a cosplayer but I wouldn’t mind doing Chara. I’ve kind of got the hair anyways.
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