#reponsive theme
tanaka-drew · 5 months
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[Premium] Theme — The State of Dreaming by tanaka-drew Preview/Purchase on Ko-Fi, Patreon or Payhip for $7
This is a responsive theme.
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This theme is NPF posts friendly. :D
Neither ask or submit links would show if you don’t allow people to ask you questions or allow people to submit things to you.
I don’t claim any of the fonts, scripts and/or tutorials I used unless stated otherwise.
See full credits @ tanaka-drew.tumblr.com/credits.
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chastiefoul · 1 year
frozen in time | kaeya
back with kaeya angst word count: 1.1k words theme: neglect, regret
gone were the days where he looked at you and saw his world, and somehow he’d always find a way to remind you of that fact.
and today is just the last straw.
when you first started dating him, you wondered how could kaeya never get tired of sweet-talking and complimenting you and the answer came as naturally as breathing for him, you deserve it. now that a few years passed, and his song of praises gradually dulled.. in-between exasperated sighs and spaces, was he implying that you have become someone who is not worthy of it anymore?
 “kaeya, will you come home early today?” you asked, voice still laced with sleep as you catch him already up and about in the break of dawn. funny how quickly things change. he used to be the hardest person the get rid of when you wake up in the morning as he cling into you until the very last second where he’d be late to work. but now even the hold of his arms when sunrise peeked is turning into a rare occasion.
the question lingered in the air, enough for it to sink into you how you’re now so accustomed in asking a question you never thought would be asking. kaeya who’d be running home the second his job allowed him to, spring on his step now barely come home early, now most often than not reeks of booze when coming home and you no longer have the heart to ask why. Not when the man seemed to be avoiding your shared house like a disease, going to work early, coming home late.
though sometimes a little bird with the title outrider would always tell you that kaeya drinks alone, it feels like it doesn’t mean anything anymore. nothing does, when he’s not by your side; and you’re starting to think that it’s not the case for him. kaeya has changed and unfortunately not for the better, not for you anyway. but you’re sure the knight of favonius hq was cheering now that the cavalry captain seemed to be taking his job more seriously.
he sighed, you stiffed slightly. he’s been doing that too many times these days, so loudly that you knew he’s making sure you heard it. making sure you know what you’ve asked inconvenienced him. “there’s a lot of work i need to catch up on,” he said coldly, tidying himself in front of a mirror, not sparing even a glance at you. your stomach tightened at the tone no matter how many times you’ve heard it, “okay, um.. well i’m planning making your favorite meal today for dinner, can you try?” you asked softly, another one of your many wasteful efforts to spend time with him, or lately, it feels like you wanted to reassure yourself that kaeya still loves and wanted to be with you. but why is it that each day the only reassurance you’re getting is that you’re being completely wrong?
no good morning or night, nothing of his gentle voice when speaking to you as he couldn’t seem to get his hands off you, no more of sweet nothing whispers, no more of... everything.
every day you keep building a hope that today will be different, that his reponse to something will be different, will get less cold but alas, those expectations keep being crushed by the man himself; leaving you to almost nothing to hang on onto this strained relationship except for the most important reason of all—that  you love him. so completely utterly in love with him. however you’re not sure you can keep doing that when he slowly but surely showed that he perhaps no longer feel the same.
he let out another of his signature annoyed sigh. How many times must you be reminded that now kaeya thinks talking to you is a chore?
“i can’t, (y/n), just.. drop it okay?”
you knew that one, a rhetorical question he had expected the answer to, assuming that you’d be okay with that. well, you thought that maybe it’s finally time to tell him that you were definitely not okay. “no, kaeya, i will not drop it this time, what is it today? another drinking session that’s why you can’t come home early?”
he’s quiet for a moment.
“can you really blame me? the house feels a little suffocating lately.”
that stung. oh that stung like a bitch.
because you were there. the unsaid words were clear the second he let out those words and he knew that because his face turned into one of ‘fuck i didn’t mean to say that’ so quickly. regret apparent on his features.
you didn’t even know how else you’d react to this horrible revelation that you just laughed. but instead of joy that it emitted, it just sounded incredibly painful. the back of your eyes felt burning, the lump on  your throat hurts. his hands reached out to you but the thought of him touching you right that second just felt revolting. “don’t. even.” you whispered, gritting your teeth.
“(y/n), i-“ kaeya started and you just had enough. you’ve heard him talk for far too long. “no. you felt suffocated by this relationship? tough. i felt unloved and unwanted for the past few months and you don’t see me drinking my life away at some bar.  you know what i did? i tried. i fucking tried, kaeya. i woke up earlier so maybe we can talk more, i visited you at work to bring lunches even when what greeted me was a ‘thanks’ you muttered to your documents, i organized the file of work you brought home when you accidentally slept on your desk, i tried making your preferred meals for dinner in hope you’d come home and spend time with me like we used to, i-“ you took a deep breath, your voice had become so shaky from the threatening sobs of cries.
you covered your crying face with your palms, not giving him the luxury of your defeated face, the face of someone who tried and lost.
“i give up, kaeya. the house feels suffocating? then i’ll leave.” you whispered, tears streaming down your face as you started to go to your shared room, wanting to pack up your stuff. kaeya who has been stunned for the past two minutes, processing your outburst finally snapped out of his trance. remorse and sorrow were all over his face as the usually calm and collected male panicked.
“honey, wait please. fuck. i’m sorry. (y/n), please, don’t leave.” he followed you closely, knowing his place and didn’t dare to touch you. you kept adding clothes to your bag, packing as lightly as possible cause the main thing for you that second was to get away from him, get away from that house that was full of your past and memories.
beside you kaeya kept apologizing multiple times, yet it’s all like a jumble of noise in your head. he kept hovering over you until the last step before the door.
“please, i can’t live without you,” his voice was incredibly weak, strained and would absolutely made you caved in if it was a few weeks ago, before all his actions proved otherwise and your presence there was not a welcomed one.
“kaeya, you haven’t been living with me at all for the past few months except when we’re asleep, i think you can get used to me not being there pretty quickly, you’re very good at that, right?”
your words once again left the man stunned, he's having a hard time finding words that would make all of this a bit more okay however it would be the same as sticking a band-aid on a stabbed and bloody stomach. it doesn't fucking work.
you stared at the man who once made you believed he loved you. anger, frustration, and betrayal all flooded in your chest but above all of that it's just sorrow.
you left, not looking back even once.
part 2.......?
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marvelstars · 3 months
Compassion as unlimited love
Obi-Wan and Yoda believed there was no turning back from the Darkside, that´s why Obi-Wan didn´t deny the fact he meant to kill Anakin when Padme asked him and why Padme wanted to take Anakin away from everything and why Obi-Wan kept himself hidden on Padme´s ship instead of going with her to try to bring Anakin back to his senses together.
His mission was to kill Anakin as punishment for his betrayal on the Jedi Order and his attack on the Jedi Temple. Acording to Yoda Obi-Wan´s mission was to "take Anakin out of his misery" because "Darth Vader had consumed him" that´s the Old Jedi Order approach to sith, to kill them because once you fall to the darkside it will forever dominate your destiny and in Anakin´s case as one of their own and member of their Jedi lineage, this was personal, so there was also revenge involved. Obi-Wan left Anakin to die burning alive because he wanted him to suffer and he was sure that was going to be enough to kill him, at no point he expected him to survive.
This is also why Yoda and Obi-Wan keep Luke in the dark about Anakin´s familiar connection to him, they were not sure how to approach the fact they were bassically telling Luke he had to commit patricide to defeat the Sith, it wasn´t something they liked but they thought it had to be done. They were suprised by the fact Vader told Luke the truth because they saw him as a being of complete darkness, inhuman, twisted, evil more machine than man and so unable to feel a connection or a wish for his Son to be with him.
But he survived because Darth Sidious rescued him. Sidious had his own attachment to Anakin, he saw him as something that belonged to him. He also still believed he was the chosen one, in the sense his power could help him keep the force in darkness and support his rule this way.
When Luke told Obi-Wan he could not kill his own father out of moral principle and that there may be a way back from the darkside, Obi-Wan answered him that then "The Emperor has already won" "You were our last hope" this means that Obi-Wan expected Luke to either kill his father or be killed by him because there was no going back from the darkside.
The definition of Compassion as "unlimited love" is Anakin´s personal take to the Jedi principle of "compassion at the center of their jedi life philosophy" in answer to Padme´s question "Are you allowed to love, I thought the Jedi were not allowed to love?" but this wasn´t a generalized view in the old Jedi Order, this was Anakin´s personal take on it.
This is also why when Luke stopped himself from killing Vader, Luke rejects both the darkside the Emperor and his offer of power represents and also rejects killing his father out of a sense of justice as "the ends justifies the means" or to defeat the Sith that he exclaims "I am a Jedi like my father before me"
Vader comes back from the darkside because Luke forced him to remember what he used to believe, his real self, how he once believed in compassion as unlimited love, he believed if he helped enough he could solve the problems of the galaxy, he remembered how much he loved his Son, his family, Padme and Obi-Wan so he decided to sacrifice his life defeating his master, because he was reponsible, personally responsible of the sith becoming as powerful as they did in the Empire even if he also loved the Emperor and he did this out of compassion for his Son knowing this would bring an end to the Sith and the Empire.
Shmi and Anakin with their "the biggest problem in the universe is that nobody helps each other" and showing how helping made the galaxy better, they definitely made a difference for Naboo.
Anakin´s definition of compassion as unlimited love that he practiced during the clone wars is a theme of SW, Padme and Luke are the characters who embody the principle of "compassion as unlimited love" in relation to their compassion for Anakin after he fell to the darkside, is a love that can bring people back from the darkness which the old Jedi Order thought was impossible. When Obi-Wan choose to teach Anakin how to become a force Ghost was to show him he forgave him. In the Star Wars Saga it´s the story biggest message and why the story is about the Skywalker family.
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anbubros · 3 months
Lose My Breath - Ch 1 (Kakashi X Reader)
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(Firstly, thank you for the kind reponse to the 'prologue' or trial chapter, I posted a week or so ago! I took the interactions as an indicator that there was interest in a longer version and so, here we are...! I
f you read - I hope you enjoy. (Suggestions to plot welcome~)
In this chapter: Reader crashes down into Konoha and makes quite the impact, requiring immediate medical attention as her body tries in vain to adapt to this new, strange world.
Themes: Medical scenarios, mention of bodily injury, operations and healing.
Word Count: 2980
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Lose My Breath
“I lose my breath, as you’re walking in,
‘coz when our eyes lock, it’s like my heart stops.
Now, all I think about is how my world turned upside down,
Oh, I feel like there's something comin' over me…”
Stray Kids – Lose My Breath
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Chapter One
The sound of something cracking, bones snapping and the rupture of the ground beneath her was the last thing she could remember. She hadn’t felt her body hit the ground, numb as it was from the electricity that had coursed through her veins, the moment the storm had spit purple forks across the sky and landed at her feet.
It felt like floating, at first, as though all weight had left her body and she was being held, suspended in a pool of nothingness. Somehow feeling every nerve, every pulse and flex of her senses, while simultaneously numb to it. She was vaguely aware, as she hung in this frozen pool of time, that parts of herself, memories, emotions were being syphoned from her, peeled as though shedding a skin which no longer fit. Replaced by a cleaner, fresher model, still her- yet somehow… not.
There was something in her hand. She could feel her fingers curling tightly around it, the fabric stiff,  thick and knotted together to form a length of it. As her body pulsed in this strange space, the pull of this item drew her back to herself, like a weight attached to a helium balloon.
What was it? What had she been doing….?
Like a word about to be spoken, the memory, the thought was right there on the tip of her tongue and yet, at every attempt to grasp it, it wriggled away.
Who… was she?
The thought struck something in her chest, a drumbeat against her ribcage as she took a sudden, deep exhale and opened her eyes.
The light was too bright, the noise was too loud. Images swam above and her eyes struggled to focus as strangers’ faces flittered in and out of view. Her body felt hot, somehow alien to her as she became acutely aware of the pain, the strained drag of her own breath as it forced needles of air into her lungs. It felt like she had been swimming in a deep ocean and broken water just in the nick of time.
Her hand twitched and, turning her neck with great effort she could see the length of lead that had kept her grounded, that tie which had brought her back to herself. It twisted as she tried to grip her bloodied hand tighter around it. The purple lead, that had once held her incredibly nervous dog…
“M-Ma….” She tried to speak, the voice didn’t seem real, not hers as she rasped the breath from lungs that bubbled. “M-Maru… W-where….”
Her world began to swim as voices grew louder in her ears. As she gazed above the faces hovering over her, she could see a wide and unnaturally blue sky. It seemed so far away, the gentle drift of cloud a harsh contrast to the blurred movement of the figures nearest her.
Walls of rock and dirt cast long shadows across her body, unaware of the impact crater in which she lay.
“W-where is…. Maru…” she finally managed after what seemed like an age. “M-My dog….” Her arm, listless, was raised by unknown hands and laid across her chest, the lead still held fast in her grasp. “H-he’s…. nervous…. Please…” Her chest heaved as a volley of coughs burned from her throat, the taste of dirt thick in her saliva.
“Can you tell me your name?” A voice drifted into her mind, louder, closer than the others though she couldn’t focus on the face. It was a startling contrast to the static she heard in her ears.
She shook her head, the barest of movements she wasn’t sure would even be registered. Her head was so heavy on her shoulders… After a long and confused moment of pause, “Please….” She tried again, “find…. Find Maru…”
“Do you know where you are?” The same voice spoke, closer still to her ear as white clad figures began running hands across her broken body. A strange flush of heat prickled in her skin and with her eyes closed, she felt the green glow in the darkness behind her lids. It was only as the pain began to seep away, rolling in waves, did she realize how much she had felt.
“Y/N….” Her name had come to her suddenly, as though hiding beneath the blanket and now burned with relief as she gripped the lead tighter. Yes… that’s right. That was her name. Y/N…. Y/N…. Y/N! She whispered it repeatedly like a talisman, a precious charm. In that moment, all she could think, was that she wanted to live….
“At this stage, I think all we can do is continue to monitor her progress. It’s certainly an unusual case and I’m hesitant to draw any conclusions without further investigation.”
Kakashi Hatake listened attentively from where he crouched, an absent hand stroking the head of a medium sized, black and white dog. It had finally fallen sleep, though continued to tremble occasionally; it’s breathing labored.
“It’s a wonder her body was able to survive the impact at all…” the younger woman, dressed in black murmured as she poured herbal tea from an earthenware teapot.
“Quite…” A slightly older, blonde woman sat back into her chair, an arm crossed beneath her sizable bosom as she bit down on a thumb nail in thought.
“The impact crater sent ruptures right across the village and brought down buildings.” The darker woman straightened, clasping the tray to her chest as she eyed the older woman nervously.
“Ah…” Kakashi acknowledged, pausing his attentions to his canine companion. “I saw them myself when I returned. The last of the villagers from that area were being relocated and Genma explained the rest.”
“And this is the dog, Maru, was it? That she was talking about?” all eyes fell on the furry creature, which lay at the man’s feet. Occasionally it seemed to open its eyes as though to reassure itself that Kakashi was still there.
“It’s not a Ninken…” Kakashi addressed their unspoken question, “whatever it’s been through, it’s incredibly shaken, but is otherwise just a normal dog…”
“I’d like to have Hana Inuzuka look over the animal, though for now I will entrust it to your care, Kakashi.” The blonde woman spoke, finally picking up her tea and taking a long sip, eyes on the canine.
“What are you anticipating her finding, Lady Tsunade?” Kakashi hadn’t missed the Hokage’s tone of concern.
“Shizune!” the blonde woman sat up with such sudden force, the younger woman squeaked in surprised alarm. “Bring me the hospital report.”
The younger woman seemed to fumble over papers for a moment, before drawing forth a brown envelope and passing it to Tsunade who tapped a red tipped manicured finger over the page.
“As I examined our patient, she possessed all the hallmarks of a Shinobi’s body, without any indication of chakra.”
Kakashi frowned, it was unusual, but not unheard of for Shinobi to possess little to no aptitude for the Ninjutsu arts, which drew on the chakra source. However, this didn’t mean that that their chakra network was inaccessible. “And you wish to compare both patients…”
“She had suffered grave injuries, multiple broken bones, areas of skin burnt – almost fried and her entire nervous system was alite with electricity….”
“The medical team had to ground her body, to feed the current away, before they could even get near enough to examine her injuries…” Shizune added, carefully leaning forward to move aside the cup of herbal tea.
“Once she was stabilized, I conducted a further examination of my own and found that her entire chakra network, was not only polarized, but had no evidence of having ever been used.” Tsunade leaned forward, her elbows on the desk, fingers steepled in thought.
“That’s right. The chakra system follows the natural flow of the circulatory system and feeds clockwise. Although not active, her chakra network appears to be wired, so that it would flow the opposite way.”
“But Lady Tsunade… isn’t there a chance that this could just be coincidence? She could have just been born this way…?” Shizune spoke up.
“Perhaps. Or she’s a ticking time bomb….”
A silence fell in the room and Kakashi frowned in understanding. “You think that if her chakra network were to suddenly activate, perhaps as a result of the electrical charge, it may be unable to cope…” and what…explode…? he added to himself.
“Until we know more, it’s not wholly out of the realm of possibility.”
Kakashi dropped his gaze to the dog at his feet and ran a hand along its body in one thoughtful stroke.
“I will trust the dog to you, for safeguarding Kakashi. Have Hana check in with me regarding the results and I will take your report on your last mission in a few days.”
Accepting his new responsibility with casual grace, Kakashi straightened, shifting his weight enough to not frighten the animal who mimicked his movement by sitting up and looking around the room with wide, white rimmed eyes.
Shizune stepped forward, holding a length of purple rope. “This was what she was clutching when the medical team found her…”
Kakashi took the lead, squatting down once more and allowing the animal the time to sniff and investigate the item. It seemed familiar as the dog gave a few tentative wags, leaning up to lick Kakashi across the mask covering the lower half of his face. Pleased, he clipped it onto the dog’s collar.  
Kakashi Hatake had a natural way with animals, and they seemed to gravitate towards him, whether he wanted them to or not. This situation was no different, and inwardly he smiled in understanding as the animal pulled back against the lead, to keep distance between itself and the tall female stranger.
He reached a hand into one of his back pouches, taking out the remains of a meaty ration bar. Breaking off a chunk, he placed it in the flat of Shizune’s hand and invited her to crouch so she was at the dog’s level. Maru looked to his protector for reassurance, taking a bite of the jerky, before following his nose and tentatively picking up the proffered morsal with his teeth. He retreated quickly behind Kakashi’s leg to eat it.
“The poor thing…” Shizune murmured as she straightened.
“It’s not surprising, given what he’s probably been through.” Kakashi spoke with a shrug. “I’m sure I can garner more information, once I’ve introduced him to the pack-“
All eyes turned to the door as it aggressively swung on its hinges, the knock seeming to follow as an afterthought as Sakura Haruno entered, panting in distress. “Lady Tsunade!”
The Hokage was on her feet behind her desk in an instant as she took in the sight of her pupil, Sakura’s brows furrowed in determination, her eyes brimming with panic.
“It’s the patient, she’s… she’s having fits!”
The sound of squeaking wheels and hurried footsteps against the hospital linoleum clattered loudly as Y/N was wheeled from her room, and into one of the large, darkened treatment rooms. As the swinging doors fell still behind them, careful hands removed her body from the stretcher and, despite her shuddering and violent movements, laid her in the center of the markings across the floor.
As they stepped away from the circle and found their positions, hands twisting into seals, the symbols began to glow an eerie green.
“Someone give me a status report!” Tsunade’s voice was loud, commanding as she entered the room, taking a proffered clipboard and kissing her teeth in irritation as she read over the notes. “How long has she been prone?”
“The fits have been coming in more regular intervals Lady Tsunade, she became completely unconscious 8 minutes ago.” A white clad medic took the returned clipboard and followed in the woman’s trail as she took her seat at the head of the circle, completing it.
The markings on the floor glowed brighter still as Tsunade wove signs, her fingers clamped together, adding her own Chakra to the mix. Y/N’s body began to rise from the floor, her spine arched, rigid as if locked in one position, visibly pulsing in the air as her nerves misfired and a pool of energy now desperatly tried to escape. Lengths of bandage, inscribed with special sealing spells were wrapped around her torso, pinning her arms in place.
“Sakura!” At the Hokage’s command, the pink haired youth was through the doors and at her side. “Tell Shizune I want Anbu to seal off this room. Then, evacuate all other patients to the far side of the building or off site where necessary.”
“But… but Lady Tsunade-“
“Y-yes, right away, shishō!” As she fled from the operating room, the doors were barred shut behind her.
A sheen of sweat coated Y/N’s body, glittering in the glow of healing chakra, pale and grimacing with a deep frown of pain.  Her teeth were clamped against the scroll placed between her lips, preventing her from biting her tongue, while her eyes had been covered with another bandaged seal.
Tsunade gave a grunt of exertion and her own chakra flared once more, her hair whipping across her face as the energy in the circle created a vortex of pressure. Whatever happened, they had to contain the impact.
It was clear, Y/N’s body had tried to access it’s natural healing resources, though it would seem the unnatural route of her chakra network acted like a blockade. The energy had pooled around her heart, and with nowhere to go, strained against the confines of its bodily host.
Tsunade’s scowl of concentration deepened as she watched Y/N’s chest cavity push out from its body, straining against the bandages which held her sealed in place. This wasn’t going to work… she would need to do something else…
“Someone switch with me!” she called out and immediately a hand was on her shoulder, lowering into her seat to take her place. “I don’t want to see anyone let up, keep this level and concentrate, keep your precision. We must keep the energy contained!”
She strode into the center of the circle, where Y/N hovered at chest height and with her own hands aglow, ran them more closely over her form. Somehow, she needed to reverse the flow of Chakra and in that same moment, unlock the pathway at the heart… But could she do it and on time? Tsunade chewed on her lip in irritation.
As Y/N suddenly spasmed violently beneath her hands, Tsunade knew she couldn’t waste time toying with ideas. If electricity was the cause, then electricity she would use again.
With one hand, still glowing above the bulge now pressing against the bonds at Y/N’s chest, Tsunade used the second to make an incision. Her hand sharp with blue chakra for a moment as the first focused on removing pain and keeping the incision from bleeding out. She had to work quickly, her mind racing and sweat of her own dripping from her temples. She inserted two fingers, just above the heart, the air permeating with electricity as she drew lightening release into her fingers. With a quick, single shock, knocking the breath from Y/N, she paused and restarted the heart.
Tsunade cursed beneath her breath as the straining ball of energy beneath her hand suddenly swelled beyond proportion as though spooked, attempting to flee from the intruder.
“She’s not stable! I told you, keep your concentration, she must remain stable!!”
The circle around her began to glow even brighter, the hard steel of determination reflected in her eyes. Her own green lit hand flared ferociously as she pressed down against the ball of energy. “Get back….” She breathed between gritted teeth, “Damn you, get back in there!” Her fingers now pulsed with lightening release once more and this time, she knew she had done it. The bulge of energy dropped from beneath her hand with such force, Y/N’s frame was slammed back down onto the stone floor, her head cracking at the impact.
Tsunade dropped to her knees reflectively, pressing her ear to the woman’s chest and hearing, after a moment’s hesitation, a reassuring beat of pulse. Her hands moved quickly now to close the entry wound and use her own chakra to help guide the rogue ball of energy through its new route, wrapping around the organs, along the nerves and limbs, following the clockwise circulatory system where it pooled more naturally at the heart for a moment and set off once more on its way.
Y/N’s heart still beat slowly, the organ seeming to strain under the assault of energy, the rhythm occasionally skipping a beat and Tsunade added more healing pressure to support the organ until she felt it maintain a stronger and more steady rhythm.
Finally, she sat back on her heels and watched the results of her work, the soft glow of the circle still encasing her patients’ form, though she finally lay still, breathing rhythmically against the scroll.
“We must maintain her body’s current levels. I want her monitored like this for next 24hours, organize yourselves into shifts, no longer than 2 hours at a time.” There was an immediate murmur of acknowledgment and a shuffling of bodies.
Tsunade ran her hands across Y/N’s neck and the back of her head, where it had hit the floor moments before. Healing the injury and maneuvering her body into a more comfortable recovery position, she rose to her feet. “There is a chance her body could still relapse, I want to ensure she has had a full 24hour cycle before we can return her to the wards. I’m to be called for the slightest change, is that understood?”
She took a long hard look as Y/N finally lay peacefully, encased in the steady thrum of healing chakra. For now… it was all up to her.
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Monsters Reimagined: Thri-Kreen
D&D lore has never been kind to human/animal hybrid characters, especially to those who resemble animals stereotyped as being “evil”, such as gnolls or lizardfolk. This goes double for Thri-kreen the game’s default bugpeople, who etither get no lore at all, or get a few paragraphs describing how they don’t have emotions or personalities and see most other humanoids merely as food.
That’s the personality of a monster species, not a player option, and that general flatness of concept is expressed by almost every piece of thri-kreen art: depicting them mostly naked in a barren landscape brandishing a weapon at something.
While there’s a few seeds of interesting worldbuilding in the different versions of the Thri-Kreen , I’ve found the best way to make them conceptually rich is to continue my trend of combining two lackluster bits of canon into something distinctive, in this case, the mostly forgotten race of creatures known as dromites, who share the Thri-Kreen’s traits of being insectoid and psionic, but have a lot more interesting notes about their culture, Here’s What I’ve come up with:
The “Kreen” evolved on a distant world as a singular psionic hivemind, functioning much in the way you’d expect any colony of insects might save their ability to learn and retain information was far greater than that of any simple arthropod. Developing knowledge of engineering and magic that let them spread across the planes, they eventually suffered some kind of disaster that caused their hivemind to dissolve, leaving the “Thri-Kreen” as free willed individuals for the first time, where as before they were merely fragments of a consciousness that spanned planets.  The chaos was immediate, as if each organ and cell of a single body suddenly gained awareness, forcing the fragments of what was arguably a single world spanning organism to begin constructing cultures and civilizations from scratch.
While in the many millennia since the end of their hivemind have seen the Mantises take numerous different paths, the concept of “wholeness” is a reoccurring theme. The name “Thri-Kreen” literally means “un-whole”, referencing their psionic bond with one another, and hearkening back to their undiminished “Kreen” or “whole” state of the distant past. This search for wholeness leads the Thri-Kreen to live in small, closely bonded groups where each individual may be in contact with every other individual, much in the same way that creatures in cold climates will stick together to share bodyheat. While it’s not unsusual for smaller groups to break off from a larger one, absolute isolation is considered to be a terrible state for a Thri-Kreen.
Outsiders who come into contract with the Mantisfolk would describe them as a strange mix of dependant and standoffish: offering help without ever being asked but challenging every opinion ever voiced. This is because unlike most mortals, who tend to become resistant when their opinions are challenged, Thri-Kreen seek group consensus above all and when faced with a crisis will begin checking their ideas against others to throw their weight behind the best option possible. This leads to Thri-Kreen settlements being largely non-hierarchical, through prone to sudden political swings.
Thri-Kreen are mostly genderless, through groups looking to expand ( or larger enclaves looking to maintain their population) will yearly elect “queens” and “consorts” for the reponsibility of producing young.  Most other species mistake these individuals as leaders of the Thri-Kreen, when really their job is to fuck for days to months at a time.   Smaller, nomadic groups of Mantisfolk gather together to have these sorts of elections, and the young are divided equally to be raised by the different packmembers as they enter their pupation stage.
 The umberhulks that populate the underdark and slave pens of the cruel neogi bear an uncomfortable resemblance to present day Thri-Kreen, hearkening to the fact that while many of their kind found new beginnings across the astral sea after the dissolution of their singularity, many others found terrible ends. Likewise, the clockwork horrors that swarm across spelljammer ships and junkworlds communicate in a codified form of the Thri-Keen language, hinting at the existence of what might be an extinct conclave of mantisfolk engineers, or a hidden coterie of insectoid artificers intent on recreating their kind’s previous numbers in metal.
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Yooo bestayy!
So uh- I can't sleep rn but um idk if your doing requests soooooooooooooo.
May I request a Yandere madrigal family (separate) reacting to their s/o wanting to break up with them because they fell out of loved or something also the platonics doesn't like that so they try to get them to come back but unfortunately it doesn't work so they USE force to get back with them (it works or not, your choice bestie)
And uhhhh si. Yea that's all.
(Hiiii bestie! I will of course do it! Also I won't be doing Abuela or Antonio, for obvious reasons. This also might be my longest write yet...May of changed it up a bit. Cause thats what i accidently started writing.)
Yandere Madrigals reacting to their s/o /friend wanting to leave them
(Some are platonic. They're not too good either, sorry.)
Tumblr media
Tw: Drugging, kidnapping, blood, unhealthy obsession, yander themes.
"Mirabel, I'm breaking up with you."
Your voice rang in her ears like poison, you want to break up with her? Your lying right? "Nice joke (y/n)," Mirabel said jokingly.
"I'm not joking Mirabel, I'm serious."
Mirabels smile, curved into a frown. "Why?!" Mirabel asked, on the verge of tears. "Well, it's just...I don't feel anything when I'm with you Mira." You told her with guilt lacing your voice, "w-what are you saying?" Mirabel asked, with tears forming in her eyes. "
"I'm saying I don't love you anymore Mirabel,"
Mirabels face turned into a sad type of looking shock, "yea but I still love you (y/n)!" Mirabel said, trying to up turn the mood. "But I don't love you, I'm sorry Mirabel."
Silence filled the room, "I'll just go pack..." You told the crying girl, no reponse was heard from her. You gazed at her for a second, before you left the room.
Once you had packed your things, you walked down to the front door of casita.
When you tried to open the door it wouldn't budge, "casita please let me out." You asked the house politely, but it refused to when you attempted to open the door again.
You suddenly heard Mirabels voice from behind,
"You're staying here (y/n)..."
You walked into the flowery room, walking over to Isabela, who was attending to one of her plants.
"Hey Isabela..." She looked over to you, an eyebrow raising in curiosity. "Yes (Y/n) darling?" She asked with a smile. "Can we talk, please?" You said as you sat down onto Isabelas bed. "Yes certainly, but what about?" Isabela said, sitting next to you. Her hands gently sat in her lap. "Uhm, this is pretty hard to say..." You said as you quietly sighed, looking down to the ground.
"I just don't think this is working for us Isa..." You told her gently, "what do mean by that?" Isabela asked, "I'm just saying, this relationship, I don't think is working."
Isabelas eyes widended, she then scoffed. "What do you mean it isn't working, of course it is!" She spat, "I'm sorry-" You said, trying to calm her. Knowing what was about to happen. "No! What did I ever do to deserve this?!" Isabela screamed, now off of the bed. Standing angrily in front of you, you stood up also. Ready for the argument that was about to commence.
"Isa, it isn't-" "BE QUIET!!" She shouted, she then continued. "Tell me, what did I do wrong?! TELL ME!" Isabela asked, her face now only inches from yours. You backed away slightly, "you didn't do anything Isabela, I just don't think this is right for me." You told her calmly, also In a attempt to comfort her. "YOU? YOU?!"
"Look, I'm sorry for upsetting you. But I'm leaving." You told her sternly.
As you attempted to walk off you suddenly became entangled in vines, you thrash around in them in a attempt to escape. But no avail.
Isabela is now infront of you, "ISABELA!-" Your mouth then is covered in vines, muffling anything you say.
"You just thought you could break up with me? You're mine, and always will be. Remember that.
(Short one, because she's literally so sweet as a yandere.)
"Where would you like to go now (y/n)?" Luisa asked with a sweet tone. "Um, I can't just keep putting this behind and behind me. We need to talk Luisa,"
Luisa's smilie suddenly curved into a soft frown, she knew what 'we need to talk meant' and it wasn't a good talk.
You two then both sat, a look of sorrow on both faces. "Luisa," you sighed. Then looking back up to Luisa.
"I just don't think this relationship is working between us."
your voice felt like poison to her ears, "w-what?! What did I do wrong?" She asked, tears filling her eyes. "You did nothing wrong Luisa, it's me. I just don't think I have feelings for you anymore. I'm sorry..."
After you spoke, you clearly saw the pained expression in Luisa's eyes. You felt like such trash right now.
You shifted the chair back, and stood. You were about to walk away, but a hand landed on your shoulder. You already knew who's it was. You turned around to see Luisa's tear stained cheeks, "you can't leave (y/n!), please, surely you have some type of feelings still. Right?" You gently shook your head, "no I don't Luisa, I'm sorry for hurting you like this."
With that you attempt to walk away, but a hand grabs you on your arm this time. A stronger grip with it. "What are you doing Luisa?" You ask.
"I'm sorry (Y/n), but your staying whether you like it or not..."
Julieta and Agustin: (Platonic)
"Um, guys can we talk please?" You ask nervously, the 3 of you now sitting. "What is it dear?" Julieta gently asks, Agustin giving you a smile also.
"Well um," You find it hard to say, since you know they're not going to take this easy. "I just don't think we should be together anymore..."
Julieta's and Agustin and faces drop, having a look of sorrow. With their mouths slightly hanging open. Julieta scoffs, "surely your wrong right?" She says, Agustin then chimes in. "I agree with Julieta, are you sure you've thought this through?" "Yes I have, I've actually been thinking about it for a while." You say sorrowfully. "I'm sorry if I hurt you both," "of course not mi amor. If you believe this is right for you, do it." Julieta says, putting her hand on top of yours. So does Agustin.
They bring their hands back, "at least some food before you leave?" Julieta offers. "That sounds nice," you reply.
Until the food is cooked, Agustin sits and waits with you. Giving you a soft stare and gentle smile.
A few minutes later, the food is finally ready. Julieta serves you the food, they oddly stare at you as you eat. You just decided to ignore it.
After you finish, you thank Julieta. "Thank you Julieta, great as always." You say, you go to stand up but Agustin says something. "About this relation ship thing mi amor," "your staying." Julieta says finishing the sentence off.
"What do you-"
Your eyes start to suddenly feel heavy, you quickly start to feel dizzy. Your eyes then close, you fall asleep. Falling into Agustins arms as they both smile as they look at you.
"They're so cute when they're sleeping aren't they?" "Yea, they are."
(I hope this platonic one was okay, I'm not too good at writing platonic yandere. Sorry.)
Dolores: (This might be short, idk)
"We're breaking up Dolores," You told the girl with a hard tone in your voice. "No we're not." Dolores said darkly. "Yes we are Dolores, and that's finale."
"You're mine, (y/n). You can't leave."
"First of all, I'm not 'yours'. And secondly this is the exact reason I'm breaking up with you, you're to posessive and clingy. It's getting tiresome."
You go to walk out the door, but are stopped by Dolores's voice. "And who are you gonna go to? You have no family or friends. You have me and that's it."
She was right who were you going to go to?! You hated how she was right. but she was. They had all left you when Dolores told them lies about you, just so they wouldn't talk to you anymore.
"That's what I thought, now come back and unpack your things."
"You're leaving?!" Camilo asked sorrowfully, you gave a soft nod. "Yes Camilo, I'm afraid this relationship just isn't working. I'm sorry if I hurt you." You said, walking over to the door, about to leave.
"W-w-wait, (Y/n), please! I'm sure we can just work something out!" Camilo shouted, "I'm afriad we can't. Goodbye, Camilo." (I don't know why the reader is so posh. Lol)
You started to twist the doorknob, but Camilos begging and sorrow voice stopped you, once again. His arms also wrapped tightly around your waist. "Please don't goooo (Y/n)," he begged, acting like a child who didn't want their mother to go. "Camilo stop this! You're acting like a child!" You scolded.
"Let go of me now!" You boomed, your hands finally being able to pry off Camilos arms. You opened the door, ready to leave once and for all. You looked back, seeing Camilo one last time.
"Can I please have a hug at least?"
You sighed in defeat, "fine."
As you hugged him, you suddenly felt a sharp prick in your side. You looked down to see Camilo grinning, a needle stuck into your side. "I'm sorry (y/n), but I just can't let you leave. I can't let any other being touch you." Your vision then turned all black.
Your eyes slowly opened, your mind foggy. You looked to see Camilo, standing above you. Smiling. "Let me go now!!" You demanded, thrashing around in the ropes that sealed you.
"Sorry but I can't do that Mi amor, you're my vida."
Pepa and Felix: (Platonic)
You stared boredly out the window, wishing you were free. Yes, Pepa and Felix did let you outside. It was just that, you didn't feel anything in this friendship anymore. You just felt dull and empty eveytime you saw the two.
"Everything okay mi vida?" Felix suddenly asked, concerned.
"Oh yea! Uh i'm fine." You replied.
You turned around to face him, "um is it okay if I talk with you guys?" You asked, getting slightly anxious. "Sure mi amor, I'll go get Pepa."
A few minutes later you were now standing between a angry Pepa and Felix.
"You want to leave us?" Pepa growled, Felix standing firmly beside her. "Um yea," you replied. Sinking into your self a little, knowing they weren't gonna take this easy at all.
"I'm sorry if-" Pepa cut you off, "after everything we done for you, and just for you to leave us?!!" Pepa screamed. Making it feel like your ears were going to bleed at any second.
"No please I swear, it isn't-"
You then fell to the floor, remains of a smashed vase sitting next to you. The slightlest bit of blood leaking from your head, you weren't dead. They made sure of that.
"You really thought you could just leave us, couldn't you?" They both said in sync.
Damn that was a long one!
(sorry for not adding Bruno!)
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Oooooooo I would love to hear more in general about your MC!!! She sounds like such a fun character!
Fantasy setting: these are all elves (I wrote/planned this before I read kotlc, which is funny cause there are so many parallels to keeper that I couldn't have planned but unintentionally have now) but my MC's mom is a moonlight fairy (they're human sized, contrary to their sunlight counterpart, and they have the ability to project illusions, but this depends on how skilled/old said fairy is)
She's heiress to a large piece of land that in my world is called a Diadem. It's a 13th of her region and it gives her the title of Lady and also the reponsability to care for the ones that live in said region
Her mother and father passed mid-plot and so she inherited the title and role at the ripe old age of 15 (somewhat scandalous at the time, since ladies aren't presented to society or mentioned in any official record till they're seventeen)
She has a sister that's one year younger and a cousin the same age as her sister. She's protective of both (but her sister is even more protective of her, it seems)
Their family cat is called Bibi and she's very attached to her
To make the inheritance cycle easier, it's understood that she must marry down even the tiniest step (usually younger children of nobles that will inherit nothing themselves)
She (and her family) has a cursed secret that six extra people know, this is the driving force of the plot
These six people + her and her sister all live together in a single house by the third part of the story
By the second part of the story, she suffers from an injury and has to be on bed rest for the whole part. To help her recovery, her friend (whom I will call AM for clarification purposes) proposed she lighten her emotional load by having an empathy link with one of their friends (also called a strand of fate, but I won't get into that)
AM chooses AW (who is later a love interest for the main character) because he is alround the most mentally stable. This ensues AW and MC (her initials literally spell MC it's so stupid) spend a lot of time together, and they become best friends (more on the romance part)
Her dead grandmother is the source of all her issues (because she is the one who cursed the secret)
She's so fidgety. She paces so much it makes people around her dizzy
Stress cleans but only at her breaking point.
Can be a literature snob sometimes. Despises romances that are just cliches strung together with no real themes and motifs
Discovers she actually really likes to cook, but can never get a recipe right on the first try. It takes three. Every single time
When she's mad she becomes ice cold and is bitingly sarcastic. Her death glares should her awards
She's very optimistic most of the time
Tough in the way that she'd go through hell but she'd go though it crying. She'll feel every single emotion deeply in her soul. But she'd survive. Somehow
Making out alive it different than making it out herself. She still wants to be her at the end of the day, and even if there are moments where she doesn't know what to think, she hopes she'll put herself back together and recognize what she sees
Tends to a garden every day and picks out flowers for the table arrangements.
She knows flower language and makes little messages when she embroiders
She sings under her breath all the time, especially when cleaning to pass the time
Her telekenisis is freakishly powerful, even for her species. She doesn't start being able to manipulate light and cast illusions till she is eighteen/nineteen though
She's pretty in a soft, silent way. She can be striking only with her jewels and gowns, but that isn't her style
She's so smart. Not exactly in the bookish way but in the way that people sort of tell just by looking at her. Lots of people will remark that she seems incredibly intelligent and sure of herself much before they notice her beauty
Above all else, she is gentle. She is gentle because she knows how to let go, and be at ease.
She starts falling in love when she's 16, almost 17, not that she's completely aware of it.
They started out keeping a margin of each other, but when they do start trying to be friends, they hit it off
Both super smart and their minds are in sync. It's hard for outsiders to understand their conversations fully because there's a layer of inside jokes and references embedded into each one
She was so scared AW would resent her after a few months of being stuck with feeling her emotions. She herself feels as if there's a vulnerability she's not entirely comfortable having, but she assumes it must be worse for him, who didn't even need it in the first place
He gives her a ring at the one year anniversary of the empathy link and inside it's inscribed 'a small sacrifice', which is how he views having to share it with her.
She never takes it off, and it's the main object she fidgets with
As a Diadem, she isn't supposed to marry above her rank, to make inheritance cycles work better. It's not a solid rule, nor is it law, but it's generally understood to be the best option
But AW is just some guy. He inherited a small estate from his parents, and it pays the bills comfortably enough, so when MC does realize she might like him, she doesn't need to disqualify him immediately
In a plot twist, AW was very high up in the throne line (first in line after his father's death, but there's still a second cousin who gets coronated) in another region (I won't bother with explaining the politics right now, but there are five royal families within their kingdom, one of them being the one AW is connected to)
She agonizes over this, because in one single day the situation went from being neat and clear cut to having very uneven edges and requiring more sacrifices to be made
They confess when AW is bedridden from a stab wound. She's taking care of him and she looks just so stunning and in her element while caring for him that every single feeling he had contained so perfectly comes spilling out in feverish gibberish
MC doesn't even know how to react.
They get engaged though. 🥰
They get married as soon as they can, and it's the cutest little ceremony
AW gets called by his second cousin, the King, to be his head councilman, a position of highest prestige. MC urges him to take it, even if it complicates things for her, as she's really big on family duty due to her upbringing
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What if Seanchai was a bad creature ?
Disclaimer: this contains spoilers from the show and the books (so potential plotlines we have yet to see (or not) in the main series. As always this is a gray point of view.
First the origin of the name/word is very interesting.
Seanchaí (shan-a-key) were traditional Irish storytellers and the custodians of history for centuries in Ireland. They could recite ancient lore and tales of wisdom whenever it was needed [...] In ancient Celtic society, bards held a position of esteem, second only to kings. Bards memorized vast amounts of poetry which they performed live, and their poems and songs were often the only historical record available. Some may consider them to be historians.
Source [x]
This is very in line with the character, Jaskier and the Lark, which I love !
Now let's dig into the character...
We don't know much about Seanchai motivations except that they collect stories through time and gives a little push to bring them back to life when the world needs it. But when they decide it does actually. Are they full neutral ? Hmmm.
First Seanchai appears to Jaskier in two forms. His own and the elven one. As himself, they are uncanny and don't hesitate to slap him for a simple and quite legitimate question in his position and to scare him just after that. Then they appear soft and welcoming in their elven form. Seanchai uses his empathy for the elves and his love for music and storytelling to gain his sympathy. But they forces the conclusion in him from the very beginning.
The Scoi’atel mean well.
This is strange but I like and dislike one special thing in the show. And I can't decide if it is right or wrong. Yet this is one of the most interesting thing of this series I think.
One of the main theme of BO is the past that is lost and history being rewritten.
In the series, we learn that the elves are not all good. Their history is shady and full of horrors. Yes we follow the adventure of heroic elves who freed the people from the cast system. But we see also that further in the past terrible things lie.
The monoliths that the dwarves used to fertilise their lands came from long before. Balor find their initial purpose : travel through worlds (and Avallac'h that it does through time also - mark my words). But this is sacrilegious for the dwarves who see their belief and culture being twisted.
In the same time Merwyn look up to her ancestors and worships a conqueror. The ancient elves they descending from are tyrans in reality. They crushed other civilisations. And she wants to do the same to save her people.
In the series it's unclear if they are really separating Aen Seidhe and Aen Elle. I hope they will. I will assume they do in the rest of my analysis.
Then we have the Continent in The Witcher time, where humans eradicate non-humans and there are replacing every culture by their own. This is wrong as much as what we learn about the elves in BO and we just scratched the surface. The elves we see persecuted are not bad people per se. The Scoia'tael are a natural response to what is happening. This is a desperate reponse to a desperate situation. But those before them. Those still hidden in the fog of history, are... (And BO just teased them for me)
My problem is not who is good and evil in this particular conflict but Seanchai... They chose to maybe alter history, asking Jaskier to give hope to the elves, reminding them of how they fought to free themselves before.
Sure. But what for ? Minnie Driver said in interviews that Seanchai is an ancient elf. So what prevents them to be a very powerful Aen Elle that kept their knowledge to travel through time. Where did she collect the story she tells Jaskier from ?
Lore wise, I know what they tells is not true, of at least partially. I know that's the writer's take of the lore and they twisted it, but there is another twist to that, and I will get there later.
The only things I am sure:
Meta wise it's a trope. And there is one dialog that made me laugh as horrible as it was. Because Seanchai tries to trick the spectator to watch to the end revealing from the get go what interesting things would be developed in the story.
But if we consider the things just character wise there is a shadow. If this is an Ean Elle, there is a good chance that they wants the Scoia'tael to succeed but for wrong reasons.
Remember that at the end of season 2, Francesca learns the existence of Ciri and she is forming the first occurrences of Scoia'tael (in the series verse). The existence of ancient blood that can carry the hope for her people to reach their ancestors. Their lost powers...
And then we have Jaskier that is time framed by his short human life and empathises with the oppressed because he has a partial knowledge of elven history (and he's been traumatized, let's not forget). And that partial history is only augmented by what Seanchai says to him.
When he hears the prophecy (that it not the correct prophecy for Ciri - that would come later) he is confused but Seanchai reminds him what they want from him. Give hope to the elves. Become the bard that makes people rise as the Lark did in her time.
The prophecy could be interpreted differently. I have seen a lot of part elf Jaskier interpretations (which I understand but not share, at least as Eile descendant). But here is my take of it.
I precise that I don't find this a good idea, as the lore is pretty much fucked up at this point because they took the problem the wrong way round in my opinion. But let see.
The time of the spheres is upon us. The Ean Seidhe lost across the skies => Those are the ones Balor banished in the other world that will become the Wild Hunt. The scout team. (Which is strangely not far from true and totally wrong in the same time 😅)
Cast adrift in time, ever searching for love and left behind => I get that this is for Eredin and his lover. So the motivation for Eredin to have access to Ciri is to find his lover back ? (Hmmmm this is where it goes to strange places for me and forces a love story where none was needed. It was good enough as it was in the first place illustrating the cast problem within the elves society, and we didn't have time to connect with the power of their feelings to make it worth it)
The Lark's seed shall carry forth the first note of a song that ends all times and one of her blood should sing the last => this gives us simultaneously the hint that Eile is the ancestor of Lara Doren who is the ancestor of Ciri. And the fact that Jaskier henerits the strength of Eile in changing the world with his songs.
I take the seed and the song as a metaphores because Eile is a bard and will give birth of the lineage that leads to Ciri. The first note of the song is her story that leads to what Jaskier will do, inheriting her power of storyteller to the masses, and the last is what Ciri is meant to be. She is to be the end of the story, or more exactly the last chapter. The last note of the song.
If I am wrong, then I am wrong 😅.
Why don't I want Jaskier to be special blood wise ? Clearly in BO, the infant of Eile is impregnated with Fjall as a proto witcher, so monster blood. And that makes them so special (Which is twisting some things for the Aen Elle/Seidhe point of view but can still match a little bit). But if Jaskier henerits this blood also, it means that he has a portion of elder blood in him, making him special too.
For me, Jaskier shouldn't be special. This is the fact that he is ordinary that makes him different and so relatable. He is like us, ordinary people. His struggles are human like in a family that is god like. The best witcher, the strongest sorceress, the destiny child... I mean later on, in the books, within the hanza, he is the least special member and has no strength at all, but he endures to stick with Geralt whom he doesn't want to abandon to his impossible quest. Even Milva thought he was going to break. But except for his inflexible loyality and his pursuing of preventing Geralt to stay alone, as he knows the end would be disastrous, he is terribly normal. His personal quest is to help a friend, and this is as beautiful as other things. And in the same time, he is the witness that can write down history afterwards.
Like wise in BO but he just learns history from another, for this part.
But, coming back to the prophecy itself, if I understand clearly, his song, that resurrects the forgotten past of elven heroes, is meant to end all time ! Meaning it will do something that will lead to a catastrophy. Ergo then, making the elves victorious can be disastrous.
But then, while he is confused, Seanchai repeats their will, giving him the task to help the uprising of the elves only. And The Song of the Seven is that. This is just the battle cry of the whole story that has been told to him. What would he do of the rest of it ? I hope something gray that will make us wonder again what is right and what is wrong. Which is something I love in the books. But who knows ? I can't wait S3 to have a little bit more.
But you know ? What is funny in a way is that the series does the exact same thing that every iteration of civilisations did in the witcher world they show us. They rewrite things to tell others, they twist lore. So their message is strange isn't it ? Thinking about how a powerful story can change the world and changing so much to the story that makes it so in the same time. Beautiful paradoxe, isn't it ?
At least, I like that it makes me think a lot. In that I appreciate the witcher series even with its flaws. And I want to know where they are going with it.
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dragoninstalled · 1 year
This is an ask blog that replies to asks with drawings kind of like a one-sided illustrative roleplay deal. I haven't done any kind of RP since about 2004 and have no idea what any of the specific terminology means. Making this up as I go!! Also dunno how long I'll feel like doing this for but I won't know until I give it a shot.
Blog run by @solradguy
CONTENT WARNING: Some responses may contain gore, blood, or suggestive themes but nothing explicitly sexual. These will be tagged following a "[warning] cw" convention. Ex: gore cw, suggestive cw, etc.
OOC/update posts will have "//" in the title and the #textpost tag.
Please keep ask prompts kinda short. I don't have much free time to answer these.
Asks can be targeted at a specific era (Order Sol, Xrd Sol, post-Strive Sol, etc.) but early Strive-era Sol, when he still has the Flame of Corruption, will be the default.
Asks can have mature themes but please remember a real person has to read these lol. Keep it civil.
Ship-based questions are fine. I like Sol with Axl and/or Jack-O' but I'm open to other pairings. Except...
...I won't draw any ship art of Sol with Sin, Elphelt, Ram, Dizzy, or Ky.
Idk I'm sure I'll add more to this as I think of things
#Answered - Answered prompts/requests/etc
#Unprompted - In-character posts that aren't updates or reponses
#Textpost - OOC update/notice posts
> ERA -- Ordered Chronologically Italic = no entries
#DI Sol - Dragon Installed Sol
#GGBegin Era - This covers pre-limiter post-FoC Sol (Frederick) through to pre-Crusades (2016-2073)
#Holy Order Era
#MLXX Era- Missing Link through GGXX
#Xrd Era
#Strive Era
#Post Strive Era - No FoC Sol, basically
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mediamemoir · 22 days
Kino Cuts: 1995 Addendum
While not a song per se, this tune, by David Lynch regular Angelo Badalamenti, haunted me for days after seeing this cryptic, mesmerizing trailer in the theater. Incredibly, DP Darius Khondji is reponsible for not one but two of the best looking films of 1995.
This trailer is a beautiful marriage of sound and image. Directed by Jean Pierre Jeunet and Marc Caro, this is City of Lost Children.
For completion sake, 1995 also included Dead Man Walking's beautiful collab, The Pillow Book's sensual theme, and Dangerous Minds' huge hit, Gangsta's Paradise.
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destinyc1020 · 4 months
But I'm not gonna just be a fan simply coz she does pap walks and is a model rofl 🤣
I think ppl really do expect ppl who look lik Kaia to always get praised, no matter what she does, no matter her skillset. No matter if she aint on the met gala theme "it dsnt matter!", no matter if shes monotone in multiple roles "shes improving!", no matter if she said nepotism isnt as prevalant "well her response is beter than xxx! She had a better reponse in her nxt interview!" Theres always going to b 100 excuses for the pretty white girl, lbr.
And nt lik Kaia aint got NO skills, actimg just aint one of them. Shes great in her book club! Vey informed and knowledgable. Bt now that shes a actor, ppl r going to criticize until she improves.
And ppl can talk about whatever on their own tumblrs. If u dnt lik it, block lol
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Exactly Anon 💯
And honestly, Kaia (or ANY actor at all) doesn't have to be an Oscar-nomination performing actress in order for me to be a fan of them. I have gladly liked some actors who's acting skills were questionable just because I simply liked them as people, or because they did great charity work, or even just because I just loved their movies. 🤷🏾‍♀️
But that doesn't mean that you're gonna be a fan of every single person out here.
And that's okay!
Believe me, Kaia is gonna be okay lol 😆
I agree with you Anon, Kaia excels in her book club and in her modeling. If she were smart, she would just take her book club thing full time and become a Podcaster or influencer. Maybe even a book writer? (If she doesn't want to do modeling anymore)
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sqtorux · 5 months
giggling and kicking my feet feet at ur reponse*:゚*。⋆ฺ(*´◡`) u r sooo cutie pie !!! and i love the new theme:3<3
im convulsing and sobbing at yours you're so so sweet i have the urge to be a better person for u ㅠ.ㅠ and thankyou my love thankyou (人・ω・)<3333
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anhtrainang · 9 months
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thanhduydesign · 2 years
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Alternative Worldings
What does it mean to live in a new world?
What do we talk about when we talk about worlding? Is it globalisation? Is it industrialization? Moreover, is it a singular, universal world?
In this public screening, we are interested in debunking the norms around modernity and the intersection of the self and society. Specifically, we are interested in providing critiques into our past and current “modern” world in order to think and speculate alternative worlds that we want to build and create with harmony and respect. The theme around this year festival is not about giving tools or insights for you but, rather, creating a space for questions and speculations to be build upon. Modernity seems to be benign, yet it is within this ideology that the world itself has started to crumble, for better or for worse. Therefore, it is necessary for us to raise question, to facilitate talks around the world we are currently inhabiting so that we have grounds to stand on when thinking about the futures.
This screening includes three animes: Neon Genesis Evangelion by Hideaki Anno, Ghost in the Shell by Mamoru Oshii and Princess Mononoke by Hayao Miyazaki.
In Neon Genesis Evangelion, Hideaki Anno laid out the bare ugliness of existence. Throughout the series, the protangonists are in a constant fight between their own happiness and their reponsibilities in saving the crumbling world. Hideaki Anno illustrates a world where the decay in one’s individual thoughts couples with one’s goals and destiny eventually lead to the end of the world. “Reason today seems to suffer from a kind of disease. … It is this division between the search for knowledge on the one hand and the evaluation of norms on the other which threatens to destroy all meaning.” (Max Horkheimer’s words in Reason Against Itself: Some Remarks on Enlightenment). Moreover, Hideaki Anno also touches base on Freud’s biological drives, death drive and eros, throughout the characters’ conflicts and internal monologues.
Moving on to the futuristic world of Ghost in the Shell (1995), Mamoru Oshii draws out a world where the disctinctive lines between human and machine are slender and intertwined, or perhaps where humanity turns into cyborgs. Consequently, there is no more distinction between one to another, a perfect universality. On one hand, it can be seen as a “colonial difference” critique on modernity aiming at universal knowledge; on the other hand, it takes on Michael Foucault’s “who are we now?” question, specifically, “But we are not generalities. We are not merely individual instances of a larger human character. We are specific human beings who have specific orientations and who deal with specific types of concerns in specific, if distinct, ways” (Todd May’s words in The Philosophy of Foucault). To quote one of the protangonists, Makoto Kusanagi, "If we all reacted the same way, we'd be predictable, and there's always more than one way to view a situation. Overspecialization leads to death."
The last movie in this screening is a direct critique on modernity ideology of producing universal knowledge in order to dominate, Princess Mononoke by Hayao Miyazaki. Necessarily, it is a direct critique towards Réne Descartes’ philosophy and famous quote, “I think, therefore I am”. The movie illustrates the fight between a “primitive” civilisation, in which all beings live in harmony, and a “modern” civilisation aiming at conquering and mastering all the resources around them. There are mythical and god-like entities that are rooted in Japan Shinto tradition, which is based on nature worship evolving through animistic belief, fighting against those that see nature as an exploitative entity.
We present here three movies that we think will make you think and question deeply: about the struggle within oneself and the responsibility of oneself towards the world, about universality and the individual in the society, and about the relationship between all beings inhabiting the same home. Essentially, the whole theme of this public screening draws on Walter Mignolo’s diversality that states we need  “an other thinking, an other logic that cannot avoid the planetarization of European legacy but that cannot rely only on it.  An other logic (or border thinking from the perspective of subalternity) goes with a geopolitics of knowledge that regionalizes the fundamental European legacy, locating thinking in the colonial difference and creating the conditions for diversality as a universal project.” (Walter D. Mignolo’s words from The Geopolitics of Knowledge and the Colonial Difference). Hopefully, this short statement will help you in better understanding this screening; however, as there is more than one way to unpack the movies, please do not rely on these as guides but rather conversations so that we can furthur discuss after the screening. We are looking forward to seeing your wonderful depictions of the movies, how it means to you and how you can imagine about the alternative worldings that you want to create.
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septembersghost · 2 years
Hmm, Sam Ryder from the UK (Eurovision Rep) kinda has a song in the vein of TS’s ATW. Lol, his is ATW(O) - https://youtu.be/UER1m3E0At8 (He’s the guy who got her earring caught in his hair at the MTV awards in Germany). I liked this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nN_0YlcN-i8 (Interesting lyrics & dynamic singer- theatrical?). He has worked in Nashville & is same age as her (similar music tastes). BTW you were very articulate in responding to my musical theater references. Wow, that’s why I like to read or see other’s reponses- because they may have a viewpoint I am unaware of. For example- someone said that Bejeweled intro references Into the Wood (film/musical). Lol, man, Corden keeps showing up on some of her projects. Sweeter than Fiction, Cats, Into the Woods, Rep dance skit, London Boy song, etc. Speaking of theatrical, HS’s music & videos AY (extended), TPWK, FL & MFASRmade me think his music & stories - very cinematic/theatrical also. Makes me wonder of TS & HS past unpublished collaborations and what they would come out now.
oh my gosh, this song is gorgeous, thank you so much for recommending it to me. Time heals, but it'll feel like slow motion/it's like I'm tryna move on but I'm frozen is very atw-coded.
he has such a powerful voice, i love the second song and its lyrics too! take the music, learn to use it turn it up/'til your speakers blow fuses/earn the rhythm, but never lose it/keep on moving 'til you know what the truth is
add him to my list of people who'd be fabulous as features on a vault track!
bejeweled definitely has some into the woods vibes, i'm not sure if she intended that or if it's the cinderella overlap in general. (into the woods is another one that is very dear to me, and i think taylor would empathize with cinderella and the baker's wife for different reasons. honestly, rapunzel and the witch too). her interest in fairytales has been a prevalent theme throughout her career, that's part of what leads me to believe (along with what gdt said about the topics they discussed and books he gave her) that her film will have a fairytale/fable element of some kind.
secret confessions i have never seen the into the woods movie adaptation because i fear a couple of the choices for the casting would anger me lmao (sorry to that man)
harry very much has a theatrical/showmanship vibe in his music videos as well, that seems to be a medium he enjoys using, and in very odd ways at times that could only come from his brain (i love adore you. does it make sense that it's a fish? maybe not. is it somehow sweetly emotional and human about joy and letting love go when you have to and finding yourself? yes!).
Makes me wonder of TS & HS past unpublished collaborations - what they have or might have created! this will always haunt me.
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jonathanivb · 2 years
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Testing type of art for my work - Video or Photograph
Upon unsatisfaction of the previous video, I am unsure whether videos is the better way of delivering or are photos. These are the photo that I took in response to deliver the theme. I wanted to try if photographs are capable of convey the theme and how it will inflict reponse. 
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