#request 1441
lostdrarryfics · 1 year
Hey, can you help me find an desert novel in which draco is sentenced as an probation to muggle world and works in bakery then turned into deterioration. Bill helps him and then he returns to hogwards as professor for potion's . Please help me find the five and its forgot where is it thank you
Sorry, we could not find this fic. Maybe one of our followers can help!
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jenna0rtega27 · 6 months
I was thinking of G!p Jenna Ortega x female reader, where they think they are home alone and while having sex Jennas mom walks in on them. After they are done Jenna and reader awkwardly go down to the kitchen and Jennas mom says she hopes they used protection. Jenna goes red, looks down and her mom starts yelling about having kids and all. Thanks
Never to be done again Part 1
Thank you for asking 18+ Jenna Ortega x F!reader Summary: Request Warning: Jenna g!p, some smut at the beginning, Unprotected sex (Thank you so much for your requests and your likes. It really motivates me to continue sharing lots of stories about our Jenna with you. I love you guys).Number of words : 1441
Part 2
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Pov Jenna: “~Aaah yes~ keep it up baby. » I'm at my mother's house and my mother went to pick up Aliyah from a friend's house. And they go shopping. And the rest of my siblings aren't home. So me and my beautiful girlfriend are enjoying the peace and quiet at home.
Y/n is lying on the bed with her head on the cushions and I am on top of her. My arms are placed on the bed at both ends of Y/n's head to support myself.
I thrust into her making her moan. My favorite sound since I became a couple with this wonderful person. Y/n has her arms wrapped around my neck and pulls me closer to her. She kisses me. My tongue asks for access into her mouth and she accepts. Our tongues move in circles and I press our lips back together. I keep sinking into my lip.
We've been fucking for 30 minutes now. We managed to do 3 laps. And honestly it's weird that my mom takes so much time. But no one is going to complain about it.
Now it’s Y/n on top of me and I’m lying on the bed. Y/n sits on my thighs facing me and jumps on my cock. I put my hands on his thighs to help him move. I moaned at the sight of my penis moving in and out of her dripping pussy.
“You look so good in…”
“Jenna…” My mother comes into my room. I open my eyes wide like Y/n who immediately stops jumping on me.
“JENNA MARIE ORTEGA!” How many times have I told you not to make love in my house! »
My mother yells at me. Luckily, my bed is in front of the door, so my mom can't see my girlfriend's tits since her back is to her.
“And how many times have I told you to knock before entering my room! Now get out of my room. Let's get dressed! » I shout back.
“Fine but you better not do that again.” » said my mother, pointing at us.
My dear mother comes out of my room and closes the door. My girlfriend gets off of me and starts to get dressed and I do as she does. His silence makes me really anxious. I hope my mother didn't ruin our relationship.
“I’m really sorry about my mother. I swear I didn't know she was back. » I say as guilt invades my whole body.
Y/n looks at me and a smile appears on her face that makes me sigh in relief at not seeing her angry. She steps forward and takes my face in her hands.
“Baby, it’s no big deal. I knew this was going to happen to us one day or another. We make love all the time when we're at your parents' house. Plus I find it funny. » Y/n says as a laugh leaves her lips. I laugh with her.
" I love you my dear. I said lovingly as I wrapped my arms around his neck and scratched his head with my nails.
" I love you too. » Y/n replies with a lot of love too and wrapping her arms around my waist. I stand on tiptoes and place my lips on his. The kiss quickly becomes passionate.
“Jenna Ortega the conversation is not over, leave this room immediately. And Y/n you’re coming too! » said my mother from behind my bedroom door.
I stop the kiss and pull away from Y/n.
"Come on, let's go face the angry monster." » I say laughing at my choice of words. But Y/n doesn’t laugh. She is terrified and I can tell you that I am too. I can tell you that getting caught by your mother having sex with your girlfriend is the most embarrassing moment of my entire life. And I will remember it for the rest of my life.
We leave the bedroom and go down to the kitchen. I immediately look down when I enter the kitchen and look straight down when my mother looks at us with narrowed eyes. I know when her eyes are narrowed like that, she's angry.
I sit at the kitchen table in front of my mother. Y/n goes to sit next to me but my mother points to the chair at the end of the table without breaking the eye contact she tries to make with me but I keep my eyes looking down. Y/n does as my mother says and sits down.
“Is this the first time you’ve made love in my house?” » Natalie asks, clasping her hands together. I hold back laughter because my mother thinks she's a superb interrogator.
I shake my head and look up to pinch my nose.
“Jenna, Y/n do you realize that, DJ, Cash could have walked into your room and been traumatized. Even worse, what if one of the boys brought Mya? »
“We’re sorry, mom. But we were really careful. We waited until everyone was asleep or no one was home. »
“Yes, we’re really sorry, Natalie. It wouldn't happen again. »
I know Y/n is terrified. And I would have liked to be close to her to comfort her.
“I forgive you, but no more sex in my house understood? » My mother said, pointing at us both.
" Yes mom. » “Yes Natalie. » We both answered.
" GOOD. » My mother gets up but sits back down and looks at me.
“Did you use condoms?” » my mother asks me as she looks at me intently.
Fuck! I completely forgot the condom! We don't take condoms since Y/n is on the pill. So we never take it during our sexual relations.
Y/n and I look down in shame and I hear my mother let out a breath.
“Jenna!” Do you know what happens when someone who has a penis can do after unprotected sex!? »
I make a disgusted face as Y/n sinks back into her chair.
“But of course yes, mom, I know what it does! And Y/n takes the pill! » I then say that all I want is for this conversation to end as quickly as possible.
“But that’s not enough Jenna! Y/n could get pregnant even if she takes the pill! Should I give you a lesson on sexuality and the use of condoms? » My mother said, looking at us both.
" Mom! No! No way! » I respond quickly as I stand up. “Come on baby let’s go.” » I take Y/n's hand and she stands up.
" No no no. As a consequence of having made love in my house and without a condom, you are going to pick up Aliyah from her friend's house. »
“But weren’t you already going to get her? " I ask. And it’s only now that I’ve never seen my little sister.
“No, she was staying later after all. » My mother tells me and I start to panic. I look at Y/n with wide eyes.
“Don’t worry. I didn't hear anything so I went running. And I’m really happy I went for a run because my ears wouldn’t have liked it.” My mother says and I roll my eyes.
“Okay, I’ll go. Come on Y/n let's go. » I say before my mother intervenes.
“No, Y/n stay here. I am going to start my sexuality and condom use class. » Natalie said, taking my girlfriend's arm and leading her towards her. Y/n is as red as a tomato.
" But… "
“Don’t worry my dear, you will have time to attend my class too if you hurry. » My mother says to me without letting go of Y/n's arm and looks at me with a smirk because she knows that she always wins at this game.
I roll my eyes and look at Y/n. And she looks at me. I know she's telling me to help her. But my mother will never let her.
" Sorry. » I say on the lips. Y/n gives a smile that doesn’t meet her eyes. I know she is ashamed and would probably like to step aside.
I leave the house and head to my car. I look behind me and see Natalie waving goodbye to me and still with that shitty smirk on her face. Y/n is still as red as a tomato at the thought of my mother lecturing her on sexuality. I breathe and get in my car towards Aliyah's friend.
At least we will have learned our lesson. We will never make love in my mother's house again.
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kagy04 · 3 months
G'Raha x WoL
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I love this cat boy
Not requested
Pure fluff
Words: 1441
Slight Endwalker spoilers
The Warrior of Light hardly ever had any time to themselves. But when you did, you didn't know what to do with yourself. Laying in bed would simply make you feel antsy and you would find yourself walking back and forth in your room with thoughts swarming in your head of the now disbanded Scions and how you missed the bunch, especially a certain redhead. So instead of dwelling on that, you decided to go out and see if anyone had any troubles they needed help with.
Walking down the streets of Limsa Lominsa, many people greeted you, but no one beckoned you over in need of help—which should have been a relief. But moments of peace only last so long.
"HEY! Someone stop him! Thief!" You heard a man yell after a masked figure who was running towards your direction with a box in their arms. You stepped aside, blending in with the parting crowd before raising your leg as the person ran past, effectively tripping them.
The man caught up, gasping for air while trying to express his gratefulness for catching the thief. Some Maelstrom guards close behind arrived to apprehend the thief, and you took the box from the ground to give it back to its owner.
"Thank you again! We don't have enough people watching over the cargo while we load it on the ship, so that bloody thief seized the opportunity to take one of our boxes."
"I can help with loading the ship," you offered the older man. Anything to keep you preoccupied, even for a little while, was welcomed.
"Oh dear me. I could never even think of asking the Warrior of Light to help with such—"
"I insist," you interrupted the man.
He nodded, not wanting to make a further scene, and because he needed the help. You helped the man and the few crew members load the ship. While in light conversation with the members, you found out they were heading to Old Sharlayan. So as repayment, you asked them to let you take the trip with them. The captain, recognizing your name and reputation, accepted this proposal without hesitation.
After securing passage on the ship bound for Old Sharlayan, you assisted with the remaining tasks, grateful for the distraction. The crew, initially hesitant about accepting your help, soon warmed to your presence. Amid the bustling activity of loading and preparing the ship for its journey, you found a semblance of peace in the rhythm of work.
As the ship set sail, you leaned against the railing, watching Limsa Lominsa fade into the horizon. The gentle rocking of the vessel and the crisp sea breeze provided a much-needed respite from the constant demands placed upon you. Yet, a sense of anticipation tingled within you as you thought about G'raha Tia. It had been too long since you had seen him, and the idea of surprising him brought a smile to your face.
The journey to Old Sharlayan was smooth, with the crew's camaraderie making the time pass quickly. You often found yourself reminiscing about your adventures with the Scions, sharing stories with the sailors who were eager to hear about your exploits. Your mind frequently wandered to G'raha, wondering how he was faring in his studies and duties.
As the ship approached Old Sharlayan, your heart raced with excitement. You disembarked with the crew, helping them unload their cargo before making your way through the familiar streets. The city, with its grand architecture and scholarly air, filled you with a sense of nostalgia.
Navigating through the bustling Agora, you made your way to the Studium, where you knew G'raha would likely be. The anticipation built with each step, and finally, you spotted him in one of the quieter courtyards, engrossed in a tome. His red hair glinted in the sunlight, and a wave of affection washed over you.
"G'raha!" you called out, your voice filled with excitement.
He looked up, his eyes widening in surprise. "Y/N?! What are you doing here?"
You grinned, walking over to him. "I thought I'd surprise you. It's been too long."
G'raha stood up, a wide smile spreading across his face. "It certainly has. I can't believe you're here!" He enveloped you in a warm hug, and you felt a rush of comfort and joy in his embrace.
The two of you spent the rest of the afternoon catching up, wandering through the tranquil gardens of Old Sharlayan. G'raha shared stories of his studies and the progress he had made, while you recounted your recent adventures. The conversation flowed easily, the bond between you as strong as ever.
As evening fell, G'raha invited you to his quarters, a cozy room filled with books and mementos. You settled onto a comfortable couch, and he handed you a steaming cup of tea.
"It's so good to see you," he said, his voice soft. "I've missed you more than I can say."
"I've missed you too," you admitted, feeling a warmth spread through you. "It's been hard without the Scions. I miss everyone, but especially you."
G'raha's eyes softened, and he reached out to take your hand. "I've thought about you every day. It's been difficult, but knowing you're out there, doing what you do best, helping people, has been a comfort."
You squeezed his hand, the moment stretching between you, filled with unspoken emotions. "I'm glad I came. I needed to see you, to be with you." You confess.
He smiled, a tender expression that made your heart flutter. "I'm glad you did too."
The conversation shifted to lighter topics, and as the night grew darker, the two of you found yourselves nestled together on the couch. The comfort of his presence, the warmth of his body next to yours, eased the restlessness that had plagued you for so long.
"G'raha," you whispered, your head resting on top of his, as his was on your shoulder. "There's something I need to tell you."
He turned slightly, his gaze meeting yours. "What is it?"
Taking a deep breath, you gathered your courage. "I've realised something over these past few months. I care about you deeply, more than just a friend."
G'raha's eyes widened slightly, his grip on your hand tightening. "You mean…?"
You nodded, your heart pounding. "I love you, G'raha."
For a moment, there was only silence, the weight of your confession hanging in the air. Then, G'raha's face broke into a radiant smile. "I love you too," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I've loved you for so long."
A sense of relief and joy washed over you, and you leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. It was soft and tentative at first, but as he responded, the kiss deepened, filled with the unspoken promises and emotions that had been building between you.
When you finally pulled away, both of you were breathless, your foreheads resting against each other. "I've wanted to tell you for so long," you murmured.
G'raha cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing gently against your skin. "And I've wanted to hear it for just as long."
The rest of the night was spent wrapped in each other's arms, talking quietly about your hopes and dreams for the future. The burdens and worries that had weighed you down seemed lighter with G'raha by your side.
As you drifted off to sleep, nestled against G'raha, you felt a sense of peace and contentment that you hadn't felt in a long time.
The next morning, you awoke to find G'raha watching you with a soft smile. "Good morning," he whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Good morning," you replied, feeling a warmth spread through you, nuzzling into his chest further for a few more moments.
The two of you spent the day exploring Old Sharlayan, hand in hand. The city seemed brighter, the air sweeter with G'raha by your side. As you wandered through the streets, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected turn of events that had brought you here.
Later that evening, as you stood on a balcony overlooking the city, G'raha pulled you close. "I don't know what the future holds," he said softly. "But I do know that I want to face it with you."
You nodded, leaning into his embrace. "Me too. Whatever comes, we'll face it together."
With the stars shining brightly above and the promise of a new day ahead, you felt a renewed sense of hope and determination. The journey might be long and filled with challenges, but with G'raha by your side, you knew you could overcome anything.
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diabolikwriter · 2 years
Nga yawne lu oer - Chapter 4
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Recom! Miles x Na’vi/Avatar! Fem! Reader - Chapter 4:
Sentences in Na’vi will be outlined like this: Nga yawne lu oer
Warnings: Strong Language! Racism, torture (kinda), (y/n) needs a hug, violence
Word Count: 1441
Chapter 4: Torture
                                                   (y/n)’s POV
When you awoke again you weren’t in the interrogation room anymore, no, instead you were strapped to a very uncomfortable chair, and in front of you stood, what you would come to learn, the most disgusting and cruel person you would ever meet. Said person, also called General Ardmore, was a woman whom looked down upon all things related to Pandora, and she was so self-assured and ignorant of what she was dealing with, she kinda reminded you of Parker and then with a twist of Quaritch. When she saw that you were awake, she looked at you so cruelly, as if you were a bug that she was just itching to squash.
“I would prefer to just get into it, but for the sake of you having once been a human being I will ask nicely this one time. Where is Jake Sully?”
 “I will never tell you where he is!” You hissed at her, and she in turn sneered back.
“How savage. Who would have thought that someone with the relationships you had and the bright future, would turn into such a savage.” She then went down the few steps leading up to the platform on which you were strapped to that uncomfortable chair, not to mention the thing that was around your eyes. “Turn it on, the savage has chosen.”
The screens that you just had managed to notice turned on and started spinning fast around you, and you knew what this was. It was a machine that Parker had gushed about, something about psychological torture while scanning the brain for memories… which meant.. do NOT think. You hissed briefly before staying silent and closing of from the world around you.
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You didn’t know how much time had passed, but you had a long time ago started feeling the strain and toll this took on your brain, and not to mention your eyes. But you hadn’t given up and you just kept your mind blank.
More time passed and your head had started hurting really bad, your mind was spinning, and the flaw in this machine was so apparent. It had tired you out, you couldn’t even form a thought, your mind and brain had ‘shut down’ from exhaustion. A bit longer passed and then you felt something wet glide from your nose and over your lips. Blood. And then an excruciating pain exploded in your head before you opened your mouth and let out a bloodcurdling scream.
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                                           Miles’s POV
You had passed out form ‘lack’ of oxygen, and you had been gasping in his arms and he had not hesitated pressing his mask to your mouth and even unconscious you gulped the air down. A few minutes had gone by with him just sitting and holding you before the doors opened and some medics, a couple of scientists and even a couple of soldiers walked in.
“She passed out from lack of air.” He informed, and when one of the recoms, Brown, came in his ears pressed to his head and his tail flicked.
“We’ll make sure she gets the air she needs, but the General has requested her presence.” Answered one of the scientists. As if on cue Brown stepped forward and reached out towards (y/n), his Darlin’, it doesn’t matter what she has told him about that nickname, it doesn’t matter that he isn’t the same, he loved her exactly the same way Human Miles did, and he did not like were this was going. But he couldn’t his at Brown he wasn’t a mindless savage, so he reluctantly let the other recom take her, but he hissed low under his breath “Careful.”.
“Of course, Colonel.” Brown whispered back.
Brown carefully lifted her up in his arms and carried her out of the room.
“Where are you taking her?” Miles asked one of the scientists.
“The general wants to interrogate her, before it’s too late and Sully tucks his tail between his legs or will start targeting us more violently. She wants to be one step forward him.” With that the scientist left to catch up with the group containing his Darlin’.
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An hour or so had gone by and Miles had gone to the Recoms’ quarter, he had just exited his room when he could hear Z-dog and Wainfleet talking, he went closer and could see that they were completely ensnared in their conversation.
“That’s so cruel.” Z-dog said, her ears tucked against her head and her tail had wrapped around her leg.
“Yeah, but it’s kinda in the job description, I just didn’t think that they would do it right now, not with how she apparently had passed out shortly before.” Wainfleet spoke low and Miles felt the dread in his stomach.
“I know. And I know that she’s one of those savages now. But we all remember her. And you know how dear her sister were to me.” Z-Dog sighed and Miles had heard enough he stepped forward and cleared his throat.
“Where is she?”
“Colonel!” Yelped Wainfleet, Z-Dog stood beside him looking troubled.
“Where. Is. She?” Miles bared his teeth.
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Fuck. Shit. Crap. Miles was almost running towards the place they were interrogating his Darlin’.
When he came into the room he saw multiple people standing around, and he saw you, restrained to a chair, and in front of you was the general, calmly questioning you as if she weren’t slowly killing you. Miles froze, you were completely unresponsive, but when you nose started bleeding, and when you let out that horrible scream, he’d had enough. He knew Lyle was behind him, making sure that nobody stopped him and so he jogged forward and slammed his fist on the off button. He quickly calmed himself down and put on a façade of indifference. And turned to the General who was looking up at him in annoyance.
“Colonel, why are you interfering with my questioning of the hostage?”
“General with all respect, I would like to question MY hostage by myself, and besides I don’t think driving her mad and putting her in excruciating pain will help that much.” Miles was seething on the inside, and out of the corner of his eye he could see her head lolling forward. That Bitch had overdone it.
“Colonel if I may remind you, this isn’t the woman you were engaged to, you are not even him she was engaged to.” General Ardmore said as Miles freed his darlin’, from the restraints and lifted her into his arms, her head tucked safely against his chest.
“I know General.” Miles did not know, she might have been permanently transferred to he avatar form and he might only be ag big and blue clone of human Miles Quaritch, but he loved her just as much as the last time he saw her, but he wasn’t about to let the General in on that secret. “But the memories of the Colonel tells me that this kind of treatment will not make her cooperative, she was always a stubborn woman.” That Miles knew to be true, memories flashed of all the times she had vehemently refused to do something because of her stubbornness and a smile almost made its way towards his lips, but he managed to keep it down, to keep his cool.
“Very well. But you better get something out of her, or else I will put her back in the machine, and next time I will not stop.” Warned General Ardmore.
“Of course, general.” Miles saluted and made his way back towards the recoms living quarters.
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Miles had placed her on his bed and had wiped her face with a wet cloth removing the dried blood and tears from her face, when he was done he caressed her face gently before walking out of the room. When he walked into the living room he saw Brown stand up and made his way towards him.
“I’m so sorry Colonel, I didn’t know that they would put her into that machine before we made it to the room and they asked me to place her in the chair.” Brown tried to explain himself, but Miles saw red and clenched his fist before raising it and smashing it into his face, and he kept on hitting Brown in the face snarling while doing so.
“Colonel!” Yelled Lyle, and he, Ja and Mansk pulled Miles back and restrained him with great difficulty. “Colonel, you need to calm down.” Said Lyle.
Miles did reluctantly so, and sagged against the men restraining him, he looked at Brown and said threateningly. “You will not touch her ever again.”
@ratchetprime211 @mechformers @iwishiwas-anita @iskamr @yumuramma @isabellekenway @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed​
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rreskk · 1 year
hii !! hope ur doing well
just wondering if you could do a Trevor x reader where the reader has a nipple piercing or like a lot of piercings sm like that lol
don’t mind if smut or not !
thank you :))
Apologies for the late answer. I've been stuck in writers-block for a while and trying to overcome it! Thank you for the request.
Summary: Trevor Philips likes a lady with nipple piercings.
TW: -Smut
Pairings: Fem!reader/ Trevor Philips
Word count: 1441
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It was a sudden urge, a momentary collision from a stranger to a stranger. Your two worlds merged when catching eyes in the crowded, lively night-club. His brown eyes, them brown goddamn eyes. The first words to exit his troubled mouth were profound compliments towards your black dress. With poetic terms, highly exaggerated, he expressed how ravishing your thighs and curves were. His voice, his charms; your weakness, even then. You managed to get his name (throughout the many attempts of distracting him from your physical appearance).
Trevor Philips.
A recent visitor of Los Santos. He mentioned finding this night-club out of pure luck. There were large scales of alcohol in his system from the way he’d occasional lean against you for support, and the slight intangible slurs of his tongue. It was hard to understand certain words but it wasn’t really dependable considering he skipped from topic to topic, forgetting to engage you in his drunken rambles.
Nonetheless, the scenery changed as he hushed you into a private room (that was assigned to only janitors). He managed to get close to you, his hands eagerly tugging your waist, feeling your dress. You were flattered at the amount of praises, compliments, words of worship he’d express. This guy, Trevor, would stare at you like you were his saviour. That hungry, intense stare would slowly undress you until the shelves held both your weights.
He was sloppily kissing your lips, holding you on his lap. Your dress was torn off, underwear remaining. He too was shirtless for the time being as the kissing grew more passionate and wanting. There were hands clawing your bra-straps, burning your skin, tormenting your ass. He touched every possible sector of your skin until he couldn’t handle anymore, his patience lacking.
“Let me – “ Trevor would pant, “Let me see you, I gotta have you.”
From the tone of his voice, you knew he was demanding for the full package. It was visible from the beginning that he lacked self-control, so much so that refusing his affections at first had made him blame you for “misleading an innocent guy”. Childish yet hypnotising.
So you breathed in his neck and signalled him to take off your bra.
You could of sworn he whimpered with excited. Trevor’s fingers fiddled with the straps until it came loose. He then looked down and slowly revealed your bare chest, eyes glistening with delight when he came across a pair of nipple piercings that sat beautifully upon your breasts.
“Ohh… A nipple ring!” Excitement bubbled his voice. He allowed a finger to inspect this piercing, occasionally touching and pulling, testing the agility it had.
“Do you like it?” You’d squeeze together your boobs and lean forward, giving him a better viewing of it.
“That’s an underfuckingstatement… I fucking love when chicks have nipple piercings. It’s so hot.” Trevor was fixated on your chest before he cupped them into his big hands, giving them a squish.
You sat back as he continued playing with your breasts. Low groans would leave his mouth whenever it would bounce in his palms. He was utterly obsessed with your body accessory that it was driving him mad. He couldn’t stop himself from leaning forward and licking the silver piercing, eyes darting to yours for assurance.
Hands grasped the back of his neck and he immediately knew you liked the sensation and carried on licking each nipple ring, giving them the equal amount of attention and love. You’d moan his name whenever his touch got aggressive and possessive. He nudged you further onto his lap until your tits were touching his chest. Trevor looked into your eyes with a heavy smirk, once again kissing like there was no tomorrow. His kiss caught you off guard and made you tumble back, but he used this chance to crawl over you, the cold floor torturing your naked back.
“You’re proof of the divine, sugar.” He’d breath throughout the kiss, his hands trapping you into his cage. Then he crouched against your lower stomach and kissed down your neck before returning to your breasts.
“Ah…” You softly gasped when he animalistically licked in between your boobs.
“I think I love you,” Confessed Trevor who was obviously love-structed within the crest of your chest, “Marry me… Marry me, love me, let me fuck you, eat your pussy – “ And he continued bombing you with fake assumptions made from the void of his heart.
“I’m desperately in love with you, my lady.” He quickly proposed before departing from your chest and grabbing your arm, bringing it around his shoulder so your faces were close and personal.
“You can’t be so sure.”
“Are you telling me what I feel?”
“You’re drunk.”
He scoffed and nibbled your jaw, “I’m sober enough to be here with you right now.”
“It doesn’t work like that – You know what, fine, whatever.” You decided to change the subject before he could fuck you.
“Now can you help your poor old Trev out? My boy’s burning with passion. He needs some… Warmth.” You felt his finger itch closer to your panties, drawing it down enough for the cool air to tickle you.
The next few seconds, you were stripped, pussy dared to be exposed. You still had your arm draped around his shoulder, even when he was beginning to line his boner against your opening.
“That’s a girl…” He praised before rocking into you and moaning with delight.
You suggestively whispered his name and kept a steady grip on his shoulder as he began to thrust into your cunt. Trevor lowered his head, chewing on his bottom lip with his eyes closed.
“Oh, yeah. That’s right.” He’d grumble when finding a satisfying pace, using a free hand to feel your tits again as it would bounce due to the force of his thrusts.
“Fuck… Yes – AH!” Squirming, you gasped loudly after your piercings were being fondled with again. You looked down and saw him squeeze them with a dangerously focussed face. Trevor’s gentle touch was replaced by pure bliss as he just mangled your boobs, making you a panting mess.
“I love when chicks have sensitive nipples…” He’d ponder – watching you react to every poke and twist of his fingers against your piercing and breast.
“Harder… Trevor, harder!”
His eyebrows perked after you begged for more momentum. He adjusted himself, giving you a subtle wink, then creating deeper thrusts, abusing your pussy. Trevor would moan and bury his face between your boobs as the whole rush of adrenaline was frustratingly overwhelming.
“FUCK! YES!” You immediately laughed and whimpered.
Trevor growled when receiving your verbal enjoyment. He rocked harder until the janitors cupboard had echoes of skin slapping against one another. He’d heavily grunt, occasionally releasing a high-pitched whimper and whine. He just wanted to feel every inch of you.
“Oh, God… Yes, yes… Fuck! Trevor!”  
It went harder.
“I’m gonna…”
And harder.
“Trevor… OH, OH!”
He was practically chanting your name every second, his mouth not giving any rest as he thrusted again, feeling his hips shake and penis throb.
“Sweet little… Fuckin’ cunt… FUCK!” He swore in a whiney tone before inhaling dramatically and spluttering out inaudible praises, his cock squirting cum deep in your pussy.
The heavy release of his semen made you gasp for air. Your stomach felt heavy after his orgasm as he trailing his finger down your breast and stomach, bullying your clit despite the leakage of his own cum drooling out from your sex. He was sweating and panting, watching the way you squirmed in his arms.
“C’mon… C’mon…” Trevor antagonised, “Cum for me.”  
“ – Ohhh… Oh, fuck! Yes!”
“You’re so hot…” He’d ogle your body, fixated on your tits again. Something about your chest had him hooked. He restrained himself from doing anything else before your legs jerked up and stomach churning. He smirked when you came all over his fingers.
“Fuuuck!” You moaned through your intense orgasm.
“That’s right…” He praised.
“God, I feel so good, fuck!”
Trevor crawled over your static body as he desperately kissed your lips again. He rubbed your hips and waist, wanting nothing more but to be as close as possible.
“Trevor…” You murmured through the kiss, tugging on his thin hair.
“You’re gorgeous. Sexy lips, fuckin’ body of a goddess, baby.”
“Mmm…” You were enjoying his lips on yours before the door knocked and someone, presumable the janitor himself, called out.
“Eh? Hey! Who’s in there! Let me in, dammit! Get out!”
Trevor gave you a cheeky smirk as you both got dressed and rushed out of the cupboard, outrunning the janitors attempts of stopping you.
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kilibaggins · 9 months
A Wilson Christmas | Sambucky
Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes
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Request: From my New Years Celebration (which is still open) from @iignissfatuus : 🍎 sambucky, bucky joining sam's family for christmas week/weekend and him seeing the chaos during christmas dinner
A/N: my new years celebration is completely open still so head over there with the link and send me some stuff! i'd appreciate it <3 i loved writing this and i hope it fits how you saw it when requesting. this is a lot longer than i planned considering my celebration is supposed to be short fics but here i am… ADSFLJKJAsd
Words: 1441
Christmas with the Wilsons is nothing short of magical. Sam, who literally spent hours putting up the tree in the living room, let Bucky put on the lights. It was his way of showing Bucky that he was a part of the family. Bucky doesn't admit how emotional that makes him, but he thinks that Sam could tell by the way he wrapped an arm around his waist and kissed his cheek when Bucky got even quieter than usual.s
There are decorations everywhere, lights, wreaths, ornaments hung up on hooks on the walls, and Christmas paintings, it's like he walked into a stereotypical house from a Hallmark movie.
Bucky loves it. He loves the little coasters with cute snowflakes on them that Sarah made by hand, the paper snowflakes hanging in the air that the boys made, and every other little detail that brings together this wonder Christmas landscape for him to enjoy.
This morning when he and Sam were woken up by the insistent loud banging on their door at 6:47 AM, Bucky forced himself to get up, woke Sam up, and they had all made their way to the large tree with all the neatly wrapped presents.
Well… Some of them were neatly wrapped. Some were thrown together with too much tape, Aj, and some were thrown together with too much paper, Cass, and some were just outright… A little wonky. They could thank Bucky, who had not wrapped a Christmas present since the 1940s.
They had all opened their gifts and it had been wonderful. The kids each got Bucky a little keychain to add to his ever-growing set of keys. Who knew actually doing things outside of assassinations could make you accumulate so many keys? The key to the house, a key to Sam's car, a key to Sarah's car for when Sam was busy out and Sarah was busy in the house, the key to the old truck that Sam's been fixing up for him, even a key to his AND Sam's work. It's a little absurd.
Sarah had given him an old cookbook of hers, something passed down to her by her aunt. It's a beautiful one with handwritten notes on the edges. She told him that she'd noticed how interested he was in cooking and wanted to open that world to him more… She also said that now that he has a cookbook he has no excuse not to cook and Bucky had laughed.
Sam, wonderful Sam, gave him an antique chest with a few items inside. An old photo of the howling commandos, an old bottle opener, and varying other items. But one thing caught his eye. The bottom held a book. He pulled it out and stared at it with a smile on his face. There the book was sitting in his lap, and when he opened it he could tell how old it was. Something like this, at that age, must have been hard to find. He had thanked Sam and pulled him into a big hug and he could hear AJ and Cass whispering amongst themselves that next year they'd have to get him more keychains to beat that.
When Bucky and Sam first started dating the first gift Sam gave him was 'The Hobbit' trilogy of movies. Sam had insisted that even though Bucky might hate it since it was fairly different from the book itself, he just had to watch it. They sat on the couch and watched all the movies in one sitting and Sam couldn't believe when Bucky told him he loved it. Bucky's still not sure if the love he has for the movies is because of Sam or because of the movies themselves.
Bucky's gift… Paled a bit in comparison. At least, he thinks it did, but Sam's face lit up and it made Sam happy when Bucky embarassedly handed over the two smal gifts he got Sam. The first one Sam opened was a painting of the backyard on a small wooden board. It had taken Bucky hours and Sam knows that because Bucky had forced Sam to go on a trip to the store and kept texting him every half hour to stay away.
The second was in a small cardboard box and when Sam opened ithis eys widened. It was a key to Bucky's apartment. The one thing that Sam didn't have access to because it was always Bucky's "safe space" that he could run to, even Bucky's therapist had said at the begininng of their relationship it'd be best if Bucky left his apartment to meet with Sam just so he had his own space.
Bucky had awkwardly explained how he talked to his therapist about being ready to give Sam the key, and she had thought it'd be a good idea. Bucky had been quick to say it didn't have to mean anything but that after everything, after the way they accept him into his home the way they had, he was finally able to return the favor. Sam had teared up and hugged him and Bucky's never felt so loved than he did in that moment.
Even though Bucky saw how much it meant to him he still couldn't see how his gifts were anything compared to what Sam has given him. A new life… A christmas.
He used to love Christmas, back when he still had his family to be around. It was a small holiday, nothing too special, nothing like this. It was something that brought them together though. Christmas dinner was quiet, comfortable, and safe. It was Bucky's favorite night of the year.
Bucky wasn't entirely expecting the pure chaos to come from the Wilson family Christmas Dinner. He probably should have, he's seen the cookouts, but he didn't really expect half of the town - yes he's aware it's an exaggeration, Sam - to show up and squeeze into the small little house. There are people everywhere. Couples singing to the Christmas music playing in the living room, Sarah and her girlfriend cooking some dessert as everyone crowds around them in the kitchen, Sam talking to some of the locals about the boat, it all seems so perfect but way too loud all at once. Bucky is trying to keep track of the conversation with Sam and a friend of theirs, Jake, as a few of the kids try to grab his arm. It's getting a bit… Overwhelming.
Bucky throws a fake smile at the kids and tries not to get too freaked as more people join the party. How many people did Sam invite, the whole neighborhood? It's only 3 pm and everyone is already crowding in before the dinner at 5. Even though it feels like the whole neighborhood, he knows there are probably only 10 people excluding Sarah, Sam, Aj, Cass, and himself. He takes a deep steadying breath and he feels a warm hand on his lower back. He looks over at Sam to see him smiling softly at him.
"Let's go get a breather," Sam whispers in his ear. He turns to the guy he's talking to and flashes his winning smile. "Gonna go get some air. Getting pretty crowded in here, even for me."
Bucky feels grateful for the escape as Sam takes him to the backyard and sits him down in one of their chairs. Sam sits next to him and gives him a knowing look, which Bucky chooses to ignore.
"Lot of people," Bucky says simply, nodding. Sam chuckles and nods.
"Yup. Warned you it'd be a bit much for you. You doing alright?" Sam asks, reaching out and taking his hand. Bucky smiles and nods.
"Oh, yeah. Great. It's… It's nice. Just. A lot." Bucky admits, shrugging. Sam smiles and kisses his hand.
"Just let me know when it gets to be too much. I'll rescue you. Knight in shining armor, the whole deal." Sam says, nodding seriously.
"The pretties knight to exist." Bucky snarks, trying to keep a straight face before laughing. Sam rolls his eyes and stands up, stretching. "Getting old, there?"
"Oh shut it, gramps." Sam jokes. He leans down and gives Bucky a kiss. "Come back in when you're ready. Nobody'll judge."
"Got it. See you soon."
"See ya, baby," Sam says, before patting his shoulder and walking back in.
Bucky takes a few moments to breathe in the chill air. Yeah, he's happy here. He goes back inside and is instantly bombarded by kids on both sides, asking him hundreds of questions at a thousand miles an hour and when he looks up he sees Sam laughing.
This is perfect.
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bad268 · 2 years
Hi! So for a request for ransoms characters you would write for would you write something for either Michael Gray x reader of Finn Shelby x reader where reader gets a camera and is super excited to show it to her bf. So she goes and takes a bunch of photos 1 day with him of random things (him, his friends, the car, Cyril, etc) later when she’s developing them she realises that he took some cute photos of her and him when she wasn’t looking❤️❤️
Anything for You (Michael Gray X Reader)
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Requested: Clearly (I strayed a little, but I hope you still like it <3 Also, happy new year everybody!)
Warnings: none.
Pronouns: You/Your
W.C. 1441
Summary: The reader (gn) gets a new camera for their birthday, and they receive a surprise upon developing the pictures.
As always, my requests and ships are OPEN
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~~(^Google/Peaky Characters)
You were a photographer at heart, that’s what everyone told you. You had taken an interest in photography when you were really young. Your parents had an obsession with getting family pictures every year, but you hated how big and heavy the cameras were. When you turned 16, Kodak revealed a small, handheld, portable version of his original camera. You bought the cheapest one you could find, and the rest was history.
You knew this would be how you make a living for yourself; by taking pictures, and it was through this that you met your boyfriend, Michael. He had been looking to get some pictures made for his mom and came across you at a nearby market. You were already taking pictures of the landscape, so he just approached you.
“Do you do that professionally?” He asked.
Being only 17 at the time, you shook your head. “No, I’m not. Just practicing, but hopefully, one day I will be able to do it professionally,” You answered with a smile.
“Oh no worries, love,” he responded with a smile as well before holding his hand out, “My name is Michael Johnson. Who might you be?”
“Oh, I’m Y/N L/N,” You shook his hand. He pulled it up to place a kiss on your knuckles.
“If you’d be interested in practicing portraits, my mother is looking to get some family pictures done soon,” He offered, and the rest was history.
You were by his side for everything from his brother’s birthday to when his apparent ‘uncle’ showed up at the farm. You stayed by his side even when he moved to Small Heath with his birth mother, Polly, and became a member of the Peaky Blinders. While it may not have been the safest option for him, you stayed by his side through it all.
And even though he was in a dangerous gang, that did not stop you from continuing your passion, and he did not try to stop you. He actually encouraged it! He knew how hectic and demanding his family was, so anytime you could sneak away to do what you loved to do was a semblance of normality.
However, you noticed that your camera was starting to deteriorate, so you made a small comment about it to Michael. You said how the pictures were not coming out as clear as they used to, and it was just a generally old camera. Almost immediately after you mentioned it, Michael ran to the store in search of a brand new camera for your birthday. He ended up finding a prototype Kodak that looked more advanced than any other camera he had ever seen, so he was excited to see your reaction.
“Happy birthday, my love,” He greeted you with a kiss as soon as you woke up. You returned the kiss as you sat up in the bed. “How did you sleep?”
“Great, I had you next to me the whole night,” You laughed back, placing a kiss on his cheek. “But what are we doing today? Family meeting or something illegal?”
“No,” He chuckled while shaking his head. He leaned back to grab a wrapped box from under his bed. Then, he handed it over to you. “Start with this.”
“You didn’t need to get me anything, love!” You exclaimed, ripping through the packaging immediately. He laughed at your antics as he collected the wrapping. Once you registered what it was, you let out a gasp, “No way! This must’ve cost a fortune!”
“That’s for me to know, and you to never find out,” He laughed, pulling you into his arms. He place a few kisses on your temples as you buried your face in his neck, muttering ‘thank you’s. “I’d do anything for you, love. Now, come on! Let’s go take some pictures!”
You did not need to be told twice as you were out of the bed and in the restroom in a blink of an eye, and you two were on your out the door within 20 minutes. You took his hand and led him through the streets on Small Heath. Passing by the betting shop, the Garrison, and you did not stop until you reached the waterfront because that was one place you had always wanted to take pictures.
“Go,” You pointed toward the shoreline. Michael looked skeptical, but before he could complain, you continued, “You are my muse. If I want my first pictures on my new camera to be of you, who are you to stand in my way?” That was all it took for him to be convinced.
You were out there all day. You were taking as many pictures as possible before the sun went down, and once it did, you both made your way to the Garrison where you met up with his cousins and mother for drinks.
Unfortunately, the next day, you had to get back to work. The betting shop was not going to run itself, and Michael needed to get back to his Peaky Blinders business. What you did not know was that Michael was working in the betting shop that day, and he dedicated his time to taking candid photos of you throughout the day. Polly, Esme, and Lizzie caught him a few times, but he signaled them to not say anything. You would just randomly hear them laughing before suddenly stopping when you ask them what is so funny.
You tried to ask Michael about his day when you go back to his room, but he just responded with extremely vague terms. That just made you assume that it was a bad day, so you did not press him any further. Climbing into bed, you let it go.
About a week later, you remembered all of the pictures you took at the waterline, and decided you would go get the pictures developed. You went to a little shop around the corner from the Garrison to get them printed. The lady running the shop said she would expedite your prints, but it would still take a couple of days to get them all. Confused as you did not remember taking that many pictures, you still accepted before leaving.
You stopped at the Garrison where Michael, Isaiah, and Finn were laughing at one of the tables, so you decided to join them for a drink. Polly and Esme did not expect you back at the shop for another hour, so you had time to kill.
“What made you stop by here?” Michael asked, throwing his arm around your shoulder as you took a drink of his whiskey. “Hey, that’s mine! If you want one, get your own!”
“I don’t want a whole drink,” You deadpanned, “Plus, I still need to go back to the shop after this. I was getting photos developed, but the lady said she couldn’t get ‘em all done today, so I’ll have to go back in a couple of days.”
“Oh,” he laughed.
“You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?” You accused.
“No, I don't think I do.”
Well, he lied. When you went back to pick up the developed photos three days later, you saw the pictures of Michael you took on your birthday as well as some candid pictures of you around the betting shop. Some were really cute and some were random but you knew immediately that Michael had taken all of them.
You were sitting on your bed, looking through the pictures, when Michael walked in. As soon as he registered what was in your hands, he started laughing as the first one he saw was you yawning. “You like those pictures, love?”
“I won't lie, some are cute,” You admitted as he sat next to you looking through all of the pictures. You ended up finding one that was stuck to the back of another one, and it was a candid of you and Michael. He was caging you in with his arms against the wall as he kissed your forehead. Immediately, you knew Polly or Esme must have taken it as it was taken from the end of the corridor. “This one, though. This one is my favorite.”
“That one is pretty cute,” He said, taking it from you, and leaning it on your vanity. “Is it safe to assume you like the camera?”
“Like it? I love it! Michael, I love you so much! Thank you for the best gift ever,” You said, setting the photos to the side as you buried yourself in his side. He returned the hug, placing multiple kisses along the crown of your head.
“Anything for you, love.”
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tropes-and-tales · 2 years
The Kindness of Strangers
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December 22:  Stocking/Hum - Meet-Cute (Dave York x F!reader)
(From the winter prompts found here)
CW:  Slight angst; mention of character death; implied illness; meet-cute; soft sad dad Dave
Word Count:  1441
AN:  Requested by anon!
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One of the worst parts of moving is how stuff gets lost, which is why Dave York finds himself in a mall weeks before Christmas, trying to find decorations.
His temper, usually cool, is frayed.  The girls are in school, at least.  The mall is crowded, full of crying babies and loud holiday music piped in over the intercom.  It’s a damned weekday and somehow the mall is full, and his temper is unraveling, and when he checks the mental list in his head, he despairs at ever getting everything finished in time for the holiday.
“Fuck it,” he finally mutters to himself.  He marches to the nearest department store near and makes his way to the holiday area.  He knows it’ll be picked over, but will the girls really miss the elaborate garlands his wife used to hang up?  Will they really miss having three different manger scenes throughout the house or the light-up reindeer in the front yard?
He doubts it.  They are still deeply grieving the loss of their mother and the loss of their friends in their old school.  The move cross-country was necessary:  a fresh start in a new place and a new home, but also a new job for him.  The only parent now, Dave York’s gone completely straight and taken an intelligence role with a branch division with the DIA.
He doesn’t need the money, of course.  He has Carol’s life insurance policy, still mostly intact even after the medical bills were settled.  He has the profits from the sale of his old home.
He has the tidy sum of money offshore from his less-than-noble work.
But that’s done now.  A fresh start.
A fresh start without Christmas stockings doesn’t count, though.
You bought your house last December, and your first Christmas in your new home had been spartan:  a feast of take-out reheated, surrounded by unpacked boxes.
Over the course of the year, you made the house your home.  Painted walls, unpacked your boxes, settled in.  Over the summer, you adopted a shelter dog, Max.
You are determined to make this Christmas better.  A party with friends, a dinner for those of you who have no families or are far from home.  And yes, you are one of those people:  you plan to spoil your mutt.  You already have presents for him, and now you just want a stocking for him to hang over your fireplace, to fill with treats—
You find the holiday section of the store.  This late in the year, it’s picked over and sparse.  There’s sad leftovers:  bent rolls of wrapping paper, chipped figurines, tinsel shedding its glitter and fibers.
The stocking section is pure carnage.  All of the ones with embroidered initials are in a pile, and all of the popular letters are gone.  You see five Q’s, two W’s, three U’s, but no M’s—
You sift through the pile, dimly aware of the man in the aisle with you.  He stands back, scanning the shelves, and you ignore him.  You hum along to the music playing over the intercom—
There.  There.  You see it, a fucking unicorn.  A stocking with an M embroidered on it—
You reach for it.  You snag one end of it, but then another hand reaches out too, grabs the other end.
The man in the aisle with you.  You look up and see him, see him attached to the arm attached to the hand holding the stocking you’re trying to buy—
You both drop it.
“Sorry,” you both say, and you both do the same awkward chuckle, give the same tight smile that is the hallmark of social awkwardness—
“No, sorry.  You saw it first,” he says, and he plucks the stocking from the pile and holds it out to you.
“Thanks.”  You take it, try to even out your smile into something more natural.  You lift your shoulder in a half-shrug.  “It’s for my dog.  It’s his first Christmas,” and when you look closer, see how handsome this stranger is, you feel the heat flood your face at your embarrassing admission.  You sound like one of those people, the sort to call your dog your son and put him in a goofy sweater and make him his own social media profiles, which…you only have one sweater for him.  
“That’s cute.  Has your dog been naughty or nice?”
Your face burns even hotter.  “Naughty, but he gets a pass.  He’s a shelter dog.”
“What’s his name?”
“Max.”  You finger the tassel on the stocking, the thought occurring to you a beat too late.  “Who’s your M?”
The man smiles at you, his brown eyes warm.  “Molly.  My daughter.”
“Oh!”  You take the stocking from your basket and hold it out to him.  “Fuck, take it.  Sorry, didn’t mean to swear but…a kid?  No, take it.”
He holds his hand out, pushes your hand away gently.  “No, you had it first.”
“No, seriously.  Please.  I’d feel terrible if I ruined some kid’s Christmas.  And, I mean…Max won’t know any better.  He’s confused by the Roomba.  He won’t know the difference on an initial.  I’ll just get a blank one, no harm.”
He hesitates, and you can see that he wants it.  That he’s just being polite.  “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely.  Please take it.”
He does, and he looks down at it.  “I appreciate it.”  There’s something in his voice, a tone that says this is a bigger moment than you realize.  There’s backstory you are unaware of.
“Sure.  Yeah, no problem.”
He lifts his head and looks at you, smiles again.  “You didn’t happen to see an ‘A’ in that pile, did you?  For my other daughter, Alice.”
“Actually…”  You turn, rifle through the pile again.  “Yeah, here.”  You pull it out and hand it to him, and his smile turns to pure relief.  He practically sags in relief.
“You’re a life-saver,” he tells you, and you wave him off, aware that he’s going through something or dealing with something and you’re just a stranger who was kind in a single moment.  Though sometimes, a single kind moment from a stranger is all a person needs.
Dave doesn’t mean to make it weird.  A stupid thing, to get choked up over a stocking.  To feel a sudden flood of emotions—sorrow and grief and hope and faint optimism, all at once.  The loss of his wife, raising his girls alone now…he thought he was adjusted to his new reality, but he guesses he’s not quite there yet.
And yet, here is a person, a stranger.  The holidays can bring out the feral side of people, but they can also bring out the good, which is what you’ve offered him.  A stranger with nothing owed to him, yet you graciously hand over the thing you’ve come to buy, and you smile as you do it.
He doesn’t mean for the words to spill out.  A stupid thing, to tell a stranger his business.  How far he’s fallen since his days as a mercenary, when he had every emotion carefully under control.
“Their mother died,” he blurts out, instantly horrified by what’s coming from his mouth.  “We just moved here.”
“Oh no.”  Your eyes widen in sympathy.  “I’m so sorry.”  
“I don’t…it’s fine.”  He chuckles, a little bitter.  “I don’t know why I’m telling you this.”
“I have one of those faces.  People just tell me things.”
“You should work for law enforcement then.  Work on getting confessions.”
You smile, shake your head.  “Nah.  I don’t like guns.”
You each stand there for an awkward beat of silence, and he starts to turn to leave, gives you another tight smile.  Something about the moment or something about him hits you, and you reach into your purse and pull out a piece of paper.  You hand it to him—a business card.
“This is you?” he asks.
“Yes.”  He reads it—you’re a music instructor.  You give music lessons.  Pretty far from law enforcement after all.
“It has my number.  My email.  You’re new in town, and if you need anything…”  You trail off, bite your lip.  “I’m just realizing how that sounds.”
He slips it into his pocket.  He spares you the truth which is, yes, it sounds like you’re hitting on him.  Giving him your contact information.  Him, a widower and father of two motherless daughters.  
“It sounds neighborly,” he says, and he smiles at you.  Because it is neighborly too, and he knows that now more than ever, he needs his new neighbors.  He needs friends; he needs people who are kind instead of feral, who do a simple nice thing for a stranger.
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imagineanime2022 · 2 years
Copycat *Part 2* (Male)
Katsuki Bakugo X Male!Reader
Word Count: 1441
Requested: @suya-x-syx
Request: Part 2 please 🥹✨❤️
*Part 1* 
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“Hey shark boy wake up!” You tapped his head and twisted your to the side waiting for a response. “Maybe that explosion was too big…” it was perfect, you shrugged after the confirmation from your father.
“Where the hell am I?” The confused mumbling from the hero in front of you. “Who are you?” 
“Good you're alive, you're worth nothing if you're dead.” You mumbled standing from your position crouched in front of him, you turned to your table where you picked up the board with the hero name Red Riot carved into it. “Don’t mind me…” You climbed onto the chair to nail the name plate above him.
“W-where..?” You glanced over at the other chair and smiled.
“Izu! You're awake!” You cheered as you walked over to him, you hopped down from the chair and walked over to him twisting his head so that you could see his face. “(Y/N) what are you doing?” You asked.
“I’m going to show you that you made the wrong choice.” You mumbled.
“What are you talking about?” Izuku asked.
“He’ll be here soon.” You mumbled, you walked over to the table the railing of the bridge, it was dark and there was no one out, since the explosion they were dubbing terrorist attacks became more freqant, heroes enforced a curfew. That made them easy to isolate and kidnap for your little game.
“How did you get me here?” Izuku asked.
“Oh! You wanna see!?” You asked as you walked over to the discarded gloves “look at these.” You held up the green gloves “I only had to watch your rescues a few times, I was there for some of them, you know your quirk is pretty easy to replicate with gadgets and honestly, your body isn’t very tolerable of your own strength, Red Riot over there is better off then you are taking a hit from the same power.” Izuku glanced over at the other hero who seemed to be trying to get out. “You might have realized but you can’t use your quirks at the moment.”
“What did you do?” Red Riot asked.
“It’s just a collar, don't get your knickers in a twist.” You muttered as you waved him off slipping the gloves on before clipping on a belt with what looked like grenades around your waist.
“(Y/N)!” You look above you to see Bakugo, the person you had been waiting for.
“There you are.” You mumbled. Our star player. Be careful, he’s still dangerous. Bakugo moved straight in for the attack, you dodged out of the way, pushing your arms up to cover your face as he reached out and let off an explosion. You pulled your arms back, shaking them off as you glanced down at them briefly.
“Thank you Red Riot.” You mumbled as you smirked at Bakugou.
“What are you talking about?” Bakugou asked.
“Me?” You asked “just replicated your friend's quirk, he’s the only hero that’s managed to withstand your explosions and I assumed that it had something to do with his quirk so I made a lightweight armor based on his quirk so I can withstand your explosions. Do you know what that means?” You asked.
“What?” Bakugo asked through gritted teeth as he put some distance between you both.
“That you’re not that special anymore.” You answered as you pulled one of the grenades off of your belt. “So that being the case, which quirkless loser do you save?” Your finger pushed through the loop of the grenade as you looked at the hero in front of your hand running over the pin.
“What are you talking about?” He asked.
“Right now neither of them can use their quirk and this.” You shook the grenade “is my replication of your quirk so answer quickly if you don’t get to save either of them.” 
“Wait.” He stepped forward.
“That’s not a name.” You smirked.
“You want to hurt me, why do anything to them?” He asked.
“People like you don’t get hurt not unless we take something irreplaceable,” You answered.
“Look (Y/N) I know that I hurt you when we were kids, the things that I said weren’t fair and that you're angry at me.” He said He’s lying to you, he doesn’t know anything. “I shouldn’t have said the things that I did and it’s clear that you were stronger than I thought.” He’s lying. Careful. Just as those words resounded in your head a bright green flash moved past you, when Izuku stopped he was supporting Red Riot’s hulking form. “Deku get Shitty Hair out of here, I’ll deal with this.”
“Kacchan you can’t hurt him.” Izuku begged him.
“I know that idiot just go!” Bakugo ordered, Izuku looked back at you one last time before turning and leaving. Your teeth gritted as tears welled in your eyes. He took everything from you, you should take everything from him. 
“How do you have everything and everyone!?” You asked hand lifting the grenade you still in your hand,
“(Y/N) calm down!” Bakugo pleaded, lifting his hands, you didn’t listen to him, instead threw the grande, the power of the explosion causing part of the bridge to collapse “Stop!” He moved forward fast dodging a few of the grenades that you were throwing, easily hitting you in the face before pinning you to the floor. “Please…” 
“You don’t get to ask anything of me.” You said through rushed breaths, you pulled the last and largest grenade from your belt “Do you think you can withstand your own quirk?” You pulled the pin and dropped the grenade letting it roll. The explosion was loud and the force was incredible, you smiled as he was thrown away from you, Red Riots quirk replication protecting your body, you hopped up walking over to a limp Bakugo.
“W..what do you w…want?” He asked.
“Hmm, well I want you to suffer and well your back hit the railing pretty hard and your ears are bleeding pretty bad, will you ever be able to be a hero again?” You asked. “We’ll see Kacchan.” You turned and walked away from him as you heard other rescue heroes calling out.
Izuku paced Bakugo’s hospital room after he recounted everything that happened “we can’t keep pulling our punches if he’s this dangerous.” 
“Since when have you given up on anyone Deku?” Bakugo asked.
“What?” Izuku asked.
“He hurt me for good reason, after everything I’ve done to him.” Bakugo answered.
“Dude you haven’t seen him in like 10 years.” Kirishima argued, Deku nodded in agreement.
“Look it doesn’t matter what he thinks about me we have to try and help him, he’s dangerous with only three of our quirks, he could start replicating other quirks.” Bakugo reminded them.
“First we find a way to get him off the street, then we can work on helping him.” Izuku suggested. “We have to make sure that you actually get better before all of that, I don’t think he’ll be around for a little while, he got what he wanted this time he’ll be waiting to see what happens to you next.” 
“Mmm.” Bakugo hummed.
You threw the empty belt onto the work table as you sunk into the desk chair and sighed “doesn’t feel any better does it?” You glanced behind you and shrugged as you started fiddling with some materials to make more grenades. “I told you the only way that it feels better is if you kill him.”
“Yeah because killing your Dad worked out so well for you.” You glared at the scarred male sitting in the shadowed corner of your workshop.
“I did what I set out to do. I didn’t care what it cost me.” Dabi answered as you rolled your eyes.
“Maybe I care.” You mumbled as you gently took off the gloves that were designed after Deku’s hero suit.
“You’ll never have him.” He shook his head. “Toga tried once.” 
“Why are you the only one left of the League and why are you here?” You asked.
“I’m here because you're the one that is going to help me get the rest of the league back and then we’re going to make the league good again.
“And why would I help you do that?” You asked.
“Because the first person that is going to show up to stop us is Ground Zero and then you’ll get to stop him.” Dabi answered, his bright blue eyes seeming to light up in the dark as he stood up “Get building kid, I’ll be back when I have a plan and a little more fire power.” 
Request Here!!
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safic4-m · 2 years
🚬🦁Are you going to finish me?
Pairing: Sally McKenna x Fem Lector
Author’s Note: Request made byPerraPeroNoLaTuyawho requested romance, smut and count #29 on the smut list.
Word count: 1441
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~Master list~
The place was a mess, papers everywhere, instruments on the floor and empty pizza boxes. The last few weeks Sally had spent a lot of time in her music booth and only went out to eat; today your girlfriend had gone out to get a new microphone and you decided to take the opportunity to clean up her work place, it had taken several hours but finally the place was clean.
You took the small trash can to empty it, but it was so much that a ball of paper fell out, you got curious and read its contents.
Ella es una dama, y ​​yo soy solo una línea sin gancho
She’s a lady, and I am just a line without a hook
T/n, soy un desastre cuando estoy sin ti
Y/n, I am a wreck when I’m without you
Te necesito aquí para quedarme
I need you here to stay
Me rompí todos los huesos ese día que te encontré
I broke all my bones that day I found you
Un corazón roto es todo lo que queda
A broken heart is all that’s left
Todavía estoy arreglando todas las grietas
I’m still fixing all the cracks
Dime lindas mentiras
Tell me pretty lies
Mírame a la cara
Look me in the face
Dime que me amas
Tell me that you love me
Incluso si es falso
Even if it’s fake
Pero tal vez eres demasiado bueno para mí T/n
But maybe you’re too good for me Y/n
You check the rest of the papers and the rest of the songs are the same, saying that you are too much, that she doesn’t deserve you and about why you are with her. Your girlfriend had never been good at expressing how she felt, so music was her method of release.
The last few weeks Sally had been distancing herself a lot and now you knew why, you had tried to talk to her before but always avoided the subject and ended up fighting. Your alarm goes off, reminding you that you have to go to work.
If you could you would stay to work things out with Sally, but this was a scheduled surgery and you couldn’t miss it.
- -
The sun’s rays come through the window illuminating the whole room, the blonde moves on the bed and buries her face in your pillow, your scent was impregnated in her, she had missed you so much during the night. She decides to stay in bed a while longer, but her plans are ruined when she hears the bedroom door open.
She quickly gets up and finds you holding a tray of food.
-Good morning sweetheart,- you greet, falling in love with his newly risen self.
-Morning,- he replies, settling into bed.
You place the tray on her legs and see her inspecting her breakfast, which consists of waffles with bacon (strange combination but very good), freshly ground coffee, a bowl of strawberries and toast.
-What’s all this?- she asks, popping a strawberry into her mouth.
-How did you sleep?,- you ask, ignoring her question.
-I missed you,- she answers pouting.
-Sorry, I wasn’t supposed to take so long but some things got complicated,- leaving a kiss on her forehead.
You both share breakfast in bed, as you move the sentences Sally finds a piece of paper, you pretend you didn’t see anything and wait for her to read it.
-Are you going to finish me?- she asks crumpling the paper you read the day before.
-Of course not,- you hasten to say, knowing that she tends to overthink things.
-So?- looking at you with teary eyes.
-I don’t know,- quickly regretting your words, -every time I tried to talk to you to find out what was going on we ended up fighting… and I don’t want that..
-Where did you find him?
-When I was cleaning your cabin…I had to read your garbage to know what was going on,- you say carefully, not wanting to scare her.
You wipe away the falling tears and pull her in for a hug.
-You can talk to me when you have these thoughts,- she says, rubbing her back.
-But it’s true… I don’t deserve you, I’m a fucking addict who doesn’t….
-Don’t even think about finishing that sentence, Mackenna.
-You’re a doctor, you save lives, and I’m just a mistake.
-Then you’re my mistake, yes, I saved lives, but you saved mine.
-What do you mean?
-The first time I saw you you were singing in a bar and I was determined to end my life, but listening to you singing…it was like you were talking to me,- remembering that dark moment of your life, -so when I saw you when I was completely sober I knew that my heart was already yours
-I didn’t know,- she says hugging you tightly.
-It’s because I didn’t want our story to start that way- she lets out some tears -I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you Sally- pulling you away from her to stand next to the bed.
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-Yes I will marry you,- throwing herself on top of you.
Luckily for her your body cushioned her fall and you were the one who received the full blow, you place the ring on her ring finger and kiss her passionately.
-I love you with every fiber of my being Mackenna.
-It’s Y/L/N,- she says with a wide smile.
Las Vegas hadn’t been a bad idea, Sally said she wanted to get married there, so they went to one of those chapels and got married. They spent the day gambling in the casino and left before they realized I was counting cards. You had gone out to buy a pack of cigars, but the image Sally greeted you with made your mouth go dry.
She lay on the bed with her eyes closed and her right hand rubbing slow circles between her legs, you ran your gaze down her body, her pale legs to her hips that squirmed in place, her heaving breasts and her parted lips.
A soft gasp escaped her lips, followed quickly by your name.
-I’m here baby
The blonde’s eyes snapped open, instinct taking over and she sat up in bed as she pulled the sheet to cover herself.
-Don’t hide from me, I want to see you,- you say in a husky voice.
Hearing you Sally can’t help but clench her thighs, as you looked at her with a hungry look in your eyes, you approach her leaving the pack of cigarettes on the nightstand before sitting next to her.
-Go on with what you were doing.
But Sally didn’t move, you took her hand gently and slowly guided it down between her legs, giving her time to pull away. Her breath caught as your fingers found her clit and you moved so you could leave kisses on her neck, while she was pleasuring herself.
-I love you- sucking on the skin of her neck.
The blonde let out a moan in response, moving your hand to caress her legs, as her hand gained speed and her hips sank into the bed. You whisper words of love as you mark her neck, watching as her movements went from circular motions, to pumping up and down.
-Keep it up, you’re doing great,- running your nails up and down her leg.
A moan escaped Sally’s lips and it didn’t take long for her body to tense as her breathing and moaning became faster and louder. her hips contracted, guiding your hand in and out, slowly, to drag her pleasure.
You felt her body relax as you settled in beside her, wrapping her in your arms, after a few seconds she lazily shifted in your arms to look up at you, dark, loving eyes meeting yours.
I kiss you, as you squeeze her to pull her closer to you,
When you broke the kiss, you took her hand she had used to bring it to your mouth, you held her gaze as you closed your mouth around her fingers, humming for her taste, you watched as the black of her eyes turned a little darker. When you were done, she kissed you, a little more forcefully and greedily, sliding her tongue inside your mouth, to prove herself.
-That was quite a show you greeted me with- you tease, playing with her hair.
-Just for my wife…plus I was feeling needy,- as a casual remark.
-You’re always needy,- brushing your nose against hers.
Sally was frowning at you but it looked more like she was pouting, but you were able to laugh at her.
-I love you Sally,- you smiled kissing her again.
-And I love you
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myristicisms · 1 year
Just kinda peeping on dash on my break for a sec to just say that if y'all wanna catch me on discord my discord is YuuyasRat#1441 , I mention that because it's a lot easier to reach me there than through pms here and also I like talking there a lot more. Anyways back to work I go so I won't be able to accept any requests or do replies for another four hours.
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Events 11.13 (after 1960)
1966 – In response to Fatah raids against Israelis near the West Bank border, Israel launches an attack on the village of As-Samu. 1966 – All Nippon Airways Flight 533 crashes into the Seto Inland Sea near Matsuyama Airport in Japan, killing 50 people. 1969 – Vietnam War: Anti-war protesters in Washington, D.C. stage a symbolic March Against Death. 1970 – Bhola cyclone: A 240 km/h (150 mph) tropical cyclone hits the densely populated Ganges Delta region of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh), killing an estimated 500,000 people in one night. 1982 – Ray Mancini defeats Duk Koo Kim in a boxing match held in Las Vegas. Kim's subsequent death (on November 17) leads to significant changes in the sport. 1982 – The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is dedicated in Washington, D.C. after a march to its site by thousands of Vietnam War veterans. 1985 – The volcano Nevado del Ruiz erupts and melts a glacier, causing a lahar (volcanic mudslide) that buries Armero, Colombia, killing approximately 23,000 people. 1985 – Xavier Suárez is sworn in as Miami's first Cuban-born mayor. 1989 – Hans-Adam II, the present Prince of Liechtenstein, begins his reign on the death of his father. 1990 – In Aramoana, New Zealand, David Gray shoots dead 13 people in a massacre before being tracked down and killed by police the next day. 1991 – The Republic of Karelia, an autonomous republic of Russia, is formed from the former Karelian ASSR. 1992 – The High Court of Australia rules in Dietrich v The Queen that although there is no absolute right to have publicly funded counsel, in most circumstances a judge should grant any request for an adjournment or stay when an accused is unrepresented. 1993 – China Northern Airlines Flight 6901 crashes on approach to Ürümqi Diwopu International Airport in Ürümqi, China, killing 12 people. 1994 – In a referendum, voters in Sweden decide to join the European Union. 1995 – Mozambique becomes the first state to join the Commonwealth of Nations without having been part of the former British Empire. 1995 – Nigeria Airways Flight 357 crashes at Kaduna International Airport in Kaduna, Nigeria, killing 11 people and injuring 66. 2000 – Philippine House Speaker Manny Villar passes the articles of impeachment against Philippine President Joseph Estrada. 2001 – War on Terror: In the first such act since World War II, US President George W. Bush signs an executive order allowing military tribunals against foreigners suspected of connections to terrorist acts or planned acts on the United States. 2002 – Iraq disarmament crisis: Iraq agrees to the terms of the UN Security Council Resolution 1441. 2002 – During the Prestige oil spill, a storm bursts a tank of the oil tanker MV Prestige, which was not allowed to dock and sank on November 19, 2002, off the coast of Galicia, spilling 63,000 metric tons of heavy fuel oil, more than the Exxon Valdez oil spill. 2012 – A total solar eclipse occurs in parts of Australia and the South Pacific. 2013 – Hawaii legalizes same-sex marriage. 2013 – 4 World Trade Center officially opens. 2015 – Islamic State operatives carry out a series of coordinated terrorist attacks in Paris, including suicide bombings, mass shootings and a hostage crisis. The terrorists kill 130 people, making it the deadliest attack in France since the Second World War.
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salvinak · 1 year
Flexible Paper Packaging Market Size, Share, Forecast, 2030
Market Scope & Overview
The research report contains detailed statistics for each regional market, as well as an in-depth examination of each category, market sector, and regional and national market investigated for the report. Companies, investors, stakeholders, suppliers, service providers, and distributors can use the research report to assess the Flexible Paper Market. International business and marketing trends are studied to better understand the state of the market. By consulting credible sources to verify the data, the accuracy of the genuine numbers was also improved for the report.
Get a Free Sample Report of Flexible Paper Market :- https://www.snsinsider.com/sample-request/1441
The Flexible Paper market research includes information about the industry, product descriptions, firm profiles, financial data, and contact information. This study includes historical market analysis as well as market forecasts for each region, country, and sub-segment. Sales volume, price, revenue, gross margin, trends, prior growth, and expected future growth are all included in the data. Additional forecasts were developed using interview data and market research professionals' expertise.
Market Segmentation Analysis
The Flexible Paper report is the result of an extensive investigation into the factors influencing regional development, such as the region's political, economic, social, and technological conditions. With the help of these evaluations, the reader will be able to estimate the value of a financial commitment in a specific area.
Market Segmentation:
By Packaging Type
Shrink Sleeves
By Technology
Digital Printing
By Embellishing Type
Hot Coil
Cold Coil
By Application
Other Beverages
Beauty & Personal Care
By Material Type
Coated Unbleached Kraft Paperboard
Solid Bleached Sulfate
Coated Recycled Paper
Waxed Paper
Key Players:
The Key Players are Mondi Group, Sealed Air Corporation, Sappi Global, Sabert, Amcor Limited, Sonoco Products Company, Huhtamaki OYJ, DS Smith, Wihuri, Coveris Holding SA & Other Players
Regional Outlook
Analysts analyzed sales, production, and manufacturer data for each Flexible Paper market region, with a focus on North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East and Africa. Throughout the projection period, this section examines revenue and volume by region.
Competitive Analysis
The section of the report profiles the major Flexible Paper market competitors. It assists the reader in understanding the strategies and alliances that corporations form in response to market competition. The thorough investigation delves deeply into the alkylated naphthalene industry. The reader can determine the footprints of the manufacturers by examining the manufacturers' global revenue, global price, and global production during the projection period.
Key Questions Answered in the Flexible Paper Market Report
What are the overall prospects and risks of the current market scenario?
Which industry and category is leading sales, revenue, and market share research?
How likely it is that developing-market economies will grow in the coming years?
What are the most effective strategies used by the market leaders to increase their market share?
The research study analyzes the global market and conducts research on consumption, value, year-over-year growth, and future development plans to provide a comprehensive representation of the target market.
Table of Contents
 1. Introduction
2. Research Methodology
 3. Market Dynamics
4. Impact Analysis
5. Value Chain Analysis
 6. Porter’s 5 forces model
 7. PEST Analysis
 8. Global Flexible Paper Market Segment, By Packaging Type
9. Global Flexible Paper Market Segment, By Technology
10. Global Flexible Paper Market Segment, By Embellishing Type
11. Global Flexible Paper Market Segment, by Application
12. Global Flexible Paper Market Segment, by Material Type:
13. Regional Analysis
14. Company Profiles
15. Competitive Landscape
16. Conclusion
About Us:
SNS Insider is a market research and insights firm that has won several awards and earned a solid reputation for service and strategy. We are not merely a research organization. We are a strategic partner who can assist you in reframing issues and generating answers to the trickiest business difficulties. For greater consumer insight and client experiences, we leverage the power of experience and people.
When you employ our services, you will collaborate with qualified and experienced staff. We believe it is crucial to collaborate with our clients to ensure that each project is customized to meet their demands. Nobody knows your customers or community better than you do. Therefore, our team needs to ask the correct questions that appeal to your audience in order to collect the best information.
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ao3feed-deangabriel · 2 years
Multi-Fandom Imagines/One-Shots
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/mbBoAFu
by MultiversalGal
One shots and imagines of multiple shows/movies/universes! Requests are always open, it may just take a bit to get to them since they deserve to be well thought out and written!
Words: 1441, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Twilight Series - Stephenie Meyer, Twilight Series - All Media Types, Twilight (Movies), The Vampire Diaries (TV), Grey's Anatomy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Relationships: Gabriel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Dean - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/mbBoAFu
0 notes
lieutenantfloyd · 2 years
SFW relationships headcanons ; B.Bradshaw
Requested?: No
Warnings: none
Words: 1441
note: this was so much fun to write. Thank you so much to everyone who sent in requests so far. I have a few more Rooster fics in the works + a few things for Bob too :)
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a- asking (Who's the first person to confess and how does it happen?)
Saying Bradley exudes confidence is the understatement of the century. This confidence crosses over into every part of his life, love life included. He will 100% approach you first.
B - Butterflies (How they act when they're nervous.)
Truly nervous Rooster is a rare sight. He just shuts down. His breathing gets very rapid or very shallow depending on the situation. You can also tell he's just not all there and present. Once he's in that headspace, it can take a lot to get him out of it.
c- cuddles (What is their favourite cuddling position? Do they like physical touch?)
He wasn't a fan of physical touch until it came to you. Turns out this boy LOVES to cuddle. When it to comes a position, he's not picky.
d- domesticity (Are they the type to settle down with you? Are they willing to help with chores? What is your daily routine with them?)
I know it's such a cliche military stereotype, but once he's sure you're "the one", he's ready to settle down immediately. As far as chores and standard husbandly duties, Bradley is husband of the year, every year, for the rest of time. There's nothing he won't do for you. Want him to do dishes? Already done. Need him to fix the back porch? He's on his way to Home Depot rn. Want to use him as a ladder to dust the ceiling fan? He's bending down for you to swing your leg over his shoulder. Husband of the century.
e- encouragement (Do they encourage you to achieve your goals? If so, how do they support you?)
He's extremely supportive, especially vocally. He could spend the rest of his life singing you praises. Ask anyone and they'll all say he virtually kissed the ground you walk on.
f- favourite thing(s) about you (What are their favourite personality traits/physical features about you?)
he loves your outlook on life. He tends to be kind of pessimistic, so he loves if you provide some kind of contrast to that. He also loves how supportive you are of his career and him overall. It's far from an easy job/lifestyle, even just as a spouse, so having someone in his corner means the world to him.
g- goofiness (Do they like to make you laugh? How often do they joke around with you?)
Since the moment he laid eyes on you, hes done everything I his power to make you smile. Most of all he want to make you flustered. He's completely shameless with it to. He'll say the most out of pocket things in front just about anyone. The only people he won't do that around are his superiors, because he's on his Best Boy™️ behavior.
h- honesty (Would they lie to you? How much do they share with you?)
Overall he's quite honest, especially once you get to know him/he starts to trust you. If your with him, he'd only lie to you if he truly felt that it'd protect you in some way + it wouldn't hurt you to not know the truth
i- i love you (how fast do they say the L-Word?)
Looking back, he knew he loved you pretty soon after you two got together. This terrified him. Despite his forwardness in every other part of your relationship, this would be where you’d have to take the lead. 
 j- jealousy (Are they the type of person to get jealous? If so, how do they react to being jealous?)
This man is jealous as the day is long, especially around his fellow servicemen (and women!). He knows how they can be and while he trusts you completely, he doesn't trust them around you.
Speaking of which, i may or may not be working on a jealous! Rooster fic veryyy similar to this ;)
k- kissing (Where do they like to kiss you? How frequently do they like to kiss?)
He'll kiss anywhere he can access. He is partial to shoulder + neck kisses though.
l- love language (What's their love language?)
Words of affirmation. He absolutely LIVES off praise in both his professional and private life.
m- marriage (Do they want to marry you eventually? Who proposes to who?)
Just like in letter D, I don't want to lean into the stereotype but this man is on bended knee the second the idea evens pops into your head. He'll never tell you this, but he's been ready since a month or two into your relationship. He idolizes his parents so, so much and this includes their marriage.
He 100% will propose with his mothers ring too.
n- nicknames (What do they call you? What do you call them?)
So. Many. Nicknames. They evolve as your relationship does. You honestly don't know if he even remembers your real name at this point.
If you two get married, he's going to give you a call sign because you're his wingman in life :))
o- openness (How much do they tell you about themselves? Do they reveal everything at once or gradually throughout the relationship?)
It takes him a little bit to really open up. Once he sees that you give him a safe, calm, and stable environment and/or show that you're in it for the long run, he'll open up more and more.
p- PDA (Are they affectionate in public or do they prefer to keep your kisses behind closed doors? Are they the type to brag about their SO?)
PDA with rooster is a dangerous game. His most polarizing (and hottest) traits converge here. Ego, confidence, shamelessness, and deep sense of  possession. PDA for him isn't really about affection, it's a complete power move.
q- quality time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
He tends to like to do more simple things, especially if work had been hard recently. He'll bring you out to the Hard Deck or even just drive around in his gird for a few hours.  Other times he wants to do I see him getting bored pretty easily so I can imagine him wanting to try new things with you. I also see him as being pretty outdoorsy.  Hiking, camping, zip lining, salsa dancing, painting classes, the occasional fancy dinner, whatever. As long as you two are together he's having a good time.
r- romance (Are they the romantic type? If so, how do they express their feelings?)
Some people may not see it, but he's romantic in his own way.
s- security (How protective are they of you? If they are, how do they show this?)
Extremely protective, sometimes overbearingly so. Don't be afraid to tell him to chill out a bit. He will both kill and lay down his life for you. If it isn't obvious, his family is the one thing you DO NOT mess with.
t- turn-offs (What traits do they find unattractive?)
Lack of understanding, inability to be serious, passive aggressiveness, picking unnecessary arguments.
u- understanding (Are they good at sympathising with your problems? Do they listen to you when you need to rant?) He's pretty understanding overall. If you're really emotional + impulsive there might be some friction, but he's more than willing to work with you to smooth everything over.
v- value (What do they value most about your relationship?)
Trust and security. This boy has what could be considered the most stressful and risky job out there.
w- wild card (A random headcanon about your relationship)
As much as he loves his job, and as much as a part of him that it is, the thought of something happening to you while he's out there shakes him to his absolute core. He remembers what it was like when his mother was widowed and he will do everything in his power to keep that from happening again. As time goes on he developed nightmares involving this exact situation.
x- x-ray (How well are they able to read you?)
He believes it's his mission to know you front, back, and inside out. It's honestly a little scary how well he's able to read you. It's also not uncommon for him to pick up on things you haven't even picked up on yet about yourself.
y- yearning (How well do they cope when their SO isn't with them?)
It kind of depends. If he's off doing something that keeps his mind busy, he's pretty ok. If there's a lot of downtime or he's doing something especially dangerous (so like, his job) he struggles a bit more. He honestly finds it harder when YOU travel instead of him. In his mind, you're supposed to be the constant to his variable.
z- zappy (Are they fast-paced in a relationship? Or do they like to take things slow?)
Read D and M. He will go as fast as you let him.
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skinnyducky · 3 years
a player’s demise // v.h.
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a/n i modified this request a lil bit since i already did something like this and completely forgot about it (”can’t forget”). so i changed some stuff but the them being in the talking stage and y/n finding out that he’s got a gf is still there. a lil inspired by euphoria. hope you enjoy !!!!!!
vinnie hacker x fem!reader
Word Count: 1441, slightly edited
WARNING: angsty, vinnie’s villain era, language, and that’s all i think.
Y/n groaned, roaming through the fair in search of her best friend. “Bitch, where the hell are you?” She spoke loudly into the speaker of her phone, hoping Y/bff/n would be able to hear her over the loud chatter and ringing coming from the carny games.
“I’m by the Ferris wheel.”
“Which one? There’s two.”
“The one by the carousel. There’s like a funnel cake and pretzel stand across from it.”
“Damn, you’re that far?” Y/n sighed, “I’m on my way.” She hung up the phone and made her way to the other side of the fair. After a few minutes—which felt more like an hour—Y/n finally made it to the Ferris wheel where Y/bff/n stood, munching on a salted pretzel.
Once their eyes met, they both squealed in excitement. “Hey, B!” Y/bff/n said, taking another bite of her pretzel. “Don’t you look delicious, tonight? Give the people a spin.” Y/n did as she order, allowing the girl to hype her up.
“Right back at you, babes.”
“So, whatcha’ wanna do? Hit the teacups? Get a pretzel? What’s the move?”
Y/n shook her head. “I don’t eat carbs,” she said jokingly, looking at her friend as if she was insane. “Besides, I just walked a mile to get here and that’s not even including the walk from the parking lot to the gate. Let’s just chill for a minute and relax.”
Y/bff/n nodded, and the two girls proceeded to wander around the fair aimlessly. As she continued to chew on her pretzel, she noticed a particular boy absent from Y/n’s side. With furrowed brows, she asked the million-dollar question. “Where’s Vinnie?”
“He’s sick,” Y/n said. “He told me he ate an egg sandwich from a gas station, and he’s been puking non-stop.”
“He’s sick…again?” Y/bff/n busted out laughing. “Y/n, this is the fifth time he’s canceled plans with you because he’s sick. Either he’s got a really fucked up immune system or he’s doing this shit on purpose.”
“No…Vinnie wouldn’t do that.”
“You don’t know that,” Y/bff/n replied, “you two have only been talking for a month or so. You’re still in the process of getting to know him.” Whether she liked it or not, Y/n knew her best friend was right. As much as she tried to convince herself otherwise, she barely knew anything about Vinnie. He was like a complete mystery, a case waiting to be solved. And him canceling all their plans, their dates, and hang-out sessions…just made her question if there was something more at play here.
Y/n groaned, “I guess you’re right. I mean, it is a little weird that lately every time we’re supposed to hang out he gets sick. It was understandable the first two times, but now it just feels like…he’s doing it on purpose. Like he’s trying to hide something from me?”
“Have you asked him about it or at least snooped around? I know if I was in that situation, I’d be running a whole FBI investigation. Busting through doors, hacking his phone, everything.”
“I get what you’re saying, but I don’t wanna be that girl.”
All of a sudden, Y/bff/n stopped walking. Y/n hadn’t noticed until she didn’t get a response from the girl. As she looked back, she noticed Y/bff/n squinting her eyes, looking off into the distance. “What? What is it?” Y/n asked, wondering what had her friend so shook.
“I think I’m seeing things.”
Y/bff/n pointed straight ahead, slowly shaking her head. “That’s not who I think it is, right?” As curiosity struck Y/n, she looked to where her best friend was pointing, her eyes landing on the cotton candy stand. At first, Y/n didn’t know who the hell her friend was talking about, but as her eyes scoured around, they landed on the very person Y/n didn’t expect to see. There leaning against the counter of the stand was none other than Vinnie.
“You’re joking.” Y/n muttered, trying her damnedest to convince herself that he wasn’t real. But if Y/bff/n could see him, then that meant it wasn’t just her imagination. That was definitely Vinnie…looking ever so healthy.
“Isn’t he supposed to be sick?” Y/bff/n said, attitude riddled throughout her tone. “He don’t look sick to me.”
Y/n huffed, “That’s because he’s not.” Without hesitation, the girl stomped over to the boy with Y/bff/n in tow. The two pushed through crowds of people, ignoring the glares and profanities being thrown their way.
“Ain’t this a surprise?” Y/n sneered, Vinnie jumping at the sound of her voice. The second his eyes landed on her, he turned pale. “Looks like you made a speedy recovery, didn’t you?”
“Y/n, what are you doing here? I thought—”
“You thought what? That I wasn’t going to show up just because you couldn’t make it? Sorry to tell you this but my life doesn’t revolve around you, Vinnie. Now the real question is what the hell are you doing here?” You asked, staring daggers at the boy. “Aren’t you supposed to be sick?”
Y/bff/n chuckled, “Don’t look sick to me.”
Vinnie shot her a glare before fixing his gaze back on you. “Y/n I—”
“Hey!” At that moment, Y/n noticed a girl out of the corner of her eye making her way towards her and Vinnie. At first, Y/n thought it was just one of Vinnie’s fans hoping to score a picture, but the second she planted her lips on his cheek, she knew right then and there that this girl was something more. “I didn’t know what kind of slushie to get you, so I just got us both strawberry-banana.” She said, handing him the drink.
“Who the hell is this?” Y/n scoffed, looking the girl up and down.
“Excuse me?” She replied, giving Y/n the same look. “Is there a problem?”
“I don’t know”—Y/n turned to Vinnie—“is there?”
Vinnie sighed, “Walk away, Y/n.”
“You know her?” The girl looked to Vinnie, awaiting his answer.
Y/n smirked, “Oh, he knows me very well. Don’t you, Vinnie?”
“Y/n…walk away.”
“No, I’m not.” Y/n snapped, shoving her finger into his chest. “Not until you tell me who the fuck she is.”
“I’m his girlfriend.”
Y/n felt her jaw drop to the floor as those words left the girl’s mouth. “Girlfriend!?” She and Y/bff/n exclaimed in unison. “What the fuck do you mean girlfriend?” Y/n asked, crossing her arms. “You mean to tell me this whole time while you’ve been talking to me, you’ve had a girlfriend? Is that why you’ve been sick? You were with her the entire time?”
“What is she talking about, Vinnie?”
He looked between Y/n and the girl before his eyes landed on the latter. “Kate, it’s nothing. She’s lying. It’s just a fan trying to break us up.”
“I’m just a fan now?” Y/n snickered, appalled at the boy. “So I was just a fan when you hit me up in my DMs? I was just a fan when you sent me all those dick pics? Huh, was I just a fan then?”
“He did what now?” Kate turned to Vinnie, looking at him as if he’d lost his entire mind. “Dude, are you fucking kidding me? Is that what we’re doing now? We’re just throwing away a year-long relationship?”
Y/bff/n gasped from behind you. “A year?”
“Baby, I swear it didn’t mean anything.” Vinnie whined, grasping at Kate’s waist to pull her into him. Though, she wasn’t having it as she ripped herself from his grip.
“Don’t you fucking touch me!” She shouted. “We’re over! I want nothing to do with you, Vinnie! Absolutely nothing!”
“Kate!” Vinnie reached for her but the second he even stepped a foot near her, she threw her slushie at him, covering his face in the pale pink liquid. It was like an artist splattering paint onto a white canvas. Y/n and Y/bff/n couldn’t help but laugh at the boy.
“Don’t call me, don’t text me, don’t come by my apartment, don’t even think of me. You’re dead to me.” Kate threatened before she marched off, avoiding the confused glances from all the bystanders who witnessed the scene.
As Vinnie wiped the remnants of strawberries out of his eye, he looked at the giggling best friends. “Yeah, yeah…laugh it up. You satisfied with what you did?”
Y/n shrugged before reaching for the boy’s slushie. Removing the lid, she raised it over his head and lathered him in more of the ooey-gooey substance. “Now, I’m satisfied.” She smiled, tossing the cup to the side. “Asshole.” With that, Y/n and Y/bff/n high-fived each other before making their exit, leaving Vinnie to lie in the mess he made.
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