#request 2114
lostdrarryfics · 7 months
Hi lostdrarryfics! I love you guys and I’m hoping you can help me find a fic. I read it on ao3. In it the Malfoys were all going to be sentenced for helping Voldemort and lose access to all the Malfoy vaults and homes. So Lucius and Narcissa do two spells. One to insure pregnancy and one to guarantee a boy. Both spells require a sacrifice and Lucius and Narcissa both end up dying. Narcissa not until after she has the baby. Draco gets a job with the sister of the nurse taking care of narcissa at st mungos. He works at a farmers market. He is barely making it and Narcissa tells him she wants him to take care of his future brother but when the baby is born they take him away from the hospital and put him in foster care. Harry ends up taking care of him and Draco ends up living on a farm rather than running the farm stand at the farmers market. Somehow Harry finds Draco and lets him visit his little brother. The owners of the farm are not happy about it. I think the brother’s name was Julian or Jules or something similar. But Harry might have renamed him. I’m not certain about that part. Anyway, thank you and I hope you can help me find it!
We believe you are looking for Variation by @lower-east-side (87k, E)
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innytoes · 2 years
Headcanons for a Rulie or Peterpatterlina (or both??) Time Traveler AU?
-Luke and Reggie are Time Traveling Pirates, basically. Except they don't really steal valuables or stuff, but Music Vibes. Basically the Time Travel Cops leave them alone because they're good at blending in and the worst they do is crash concerts. (Which they pay for. With money. That they may or may not make illegally but it's such small potatoes that it's like whatever.)
-Luke comes from the year 2401. He ran away from home and into the damn timestream. He slummed around the 1990s a lot, then popped back to the 1950s, where he picked up Reggie.
-Reggie who dresses like a greaser but reads paperback sci-fi novels in secret. Who keeps messing up his dates because he actually wants to listen to the speech at the planetarium instead of making out when the lights go down. Who soups up his friend Bobby's car for drag races because he likes Science Stuff and figures out ways to make it go faster.
Reggie who makes the most beautiful soulful music Luke has ever heard.
-Of course when Luke tells Reggie about time travel, he is both excited and worried Luke is some jock's friend trying to prank him.
-So Luke takes him to the few years flying cars were functional but not yet regulated to death. And then, per his request, to see some dinosaurs. And to watch the moon landing on TV. And the Mars Landing. And anywhere else he wants to go. And they make out in a few planetariums along the way, but only after sneaking in after hours and listening to the whole pre-recorded speech first.
-They find Julie in medieval times. There was a big Lute Revival during the plague of 2114 (kind of like our pandemic Sea Shanties), so Luke wanted to hear some of the real thing.
-Julie who wishes she could be a musician, but she's supposed to be a Lady, a Wife, a Mother. Julie who misses her mother so much and wants to run away from everything. Who is resisting meeting all the fancy Dukes and Marquis and whatever her aunt keeps trying to set her up with before she's considered an Old Maid.
-Reggie accidentally nearly gets run over by Carlos during his riding lessons and him and Ray take him back to the castle to fix him up. Luke has to freaking sneak into the castle to find him and accidentally stumbles upon Julie singing and playing instead, and he kind of... gets sidetracked.
Look Reggie will understand. That girl has the voice of an angel.
-Meanwhile Ray is tending to Reggie and worried the poor lad hit his head because what he's saying doesn't make sense. (Reggie wishes he'd read more historical novels before they went here because he keeps fucking up, and it's hard to lie to Ray who is so nice and fatherly and gentle with him that he wants to Cry.)
-In the end, Reggie comes clean and Luke and Julie fall in love and then there's this awkward moment where Julie tries to tell her dad about Luke and Ray tries to tell the kids about Reggie and it ends with Luke and Reggie staying for a few months and falling in love with Julie.
-And Ray realises his daughter has a chance to be truly happy with them. The places Reggie and Luke speak of, the times where women can do what they want, be what they want... it's not hard to let her go. But they have to promise to visit once a year.
-Just Luke and Reggie and Julie traveling through time and exploring music of all time periods and getting weirdly invested in silly music trends (Luke regrets introducing them both to Disco) and having fun.
-Maybe they pick up and Alex (college student from 2222) and Willie (17th century pirate) along the way.
-It was a mistake to introduce Willie to hoverboards. (Or WAS IT?)
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The Perfect Gift For Sensei
Lee’s Gift
Words: 2114
For: @alumort who requested some Rock Lee love for this event 💜💜💜 i apologize in advance 😂😂😂
Betaed by @crows-and-cookies who I thank forever for putting up with my fic writing to help me out with this one.
A perfect picture. That’s what Lee was looking for.
Something that held fond memories in a small snapshot of his life. A snippet of happiness, or a moment of bliss.
A picture that his sensei would be proud to display on his walls.
There were hundreds of options laid out in front of him. Pictures that he had spent months collecting, and which he now had to choose from.
“How about- no,” sifting through the options, he sighed. There was nothing that caught his eye. Not a single picture called out to him and said ‘me. Choose me’.
No matter how beautiful the picture turned out, it just never seemed to be the right one.
“I’m never going to have a gift for sensei at this rate,” he grumbled, sitting back on his legs and staring at the pile that covered his apartment floor. “Why is this so difficult? Surely there has to be something.”
Giving the pile one more look over, he sighed. 
“Perhaps trying to emulate Neji’s gift was not such a grand idea,” he sighed, disappointed that he was unable to produce a gift that was made by him. Something he had poured his heart and soul into for his sensei. “If I go out now, I may still have time to-“
Cutting off his own thoughts, he shook his head.
“No, I cannot give up!” He decided with a blazing fire in his soul. “I don’t need to purchase a gift for sensei. I know there’s one in here. I just need a fresh outlook. A fresh set of eyes!”
And he knew the perfect person to ask.
Leaving his pictures where they lay, he climbed to his feet and headed straight for the door. If he was quick, he would be able to find her before lunch.
With two sets of eyes searching through the pile of pictures, Lee was disappointed to find that nothing had changed.
Well, he was hearing more about how good his pictures were, which was nice for his confidence, it still seemed like an impossible task to find the perfect picture.
Everyone he thought might work, she would shake her head at and tell him to keep searching.
If she picked out a picture, all he could see were its imperfections—all of the little details that he got wrong.
It felt like they had been searching for hours, yet he still had no gift.
“You could just buy him something,” Tenten suggested as she flopped down on the floor. “I mean, it’s sensei. He’ll like whatever you get him.”
That was true. The only way to disappoint his sensei was to refuse morning training, which was something Lee would never do.
“I just thought…”
His words trailed off. All he could think about was that gift Neji had gotten for their sensei. That beautiful little wood carving that he had poured so much energy into crafting.
The perfect gift for the perfect sensei was only made better because it could never be replicated.
Neji was gone, and that was the final gift he had ever given their sensei. A gift that Lee had seen the older man staring at with a proud expression.
“I know.,” Turning towards him, Tenten settled on her side and offered a smile. “But you can’t dwell on it, Lee. You tried your best, and your pictures are beautiful.”
“They’re just not beautiful enough,” he sighed. “No single picture would earn me that fond expression that sensei always has on his face when he looks at Neji’s last gift.”
“That’s a good thing,” Tenten sighed when he looked her way, a frown tugging his lips downwards. “sensei looks at Neji’s gift like that because- because Neji’s gone.”
Somehow the words hurt more coming from Tenten. He had known that his sensei’s fondness of that gift was because of their loss, but he’d refused to acknowledge it. Doing so meant that he would have to admit that it was real. That he’d never be able to see Neji again. 
It had been months since the war ended and they buried their friend, yet he still couldn’t accept it. The world felt a little emptier without Neji there by his side complaining about his overabundance of energy and helping him up to his feet after a long, draining sparring match.
“Lee-“ Tenten reached out towards him, but stopped partway and just left her hand hovering there between them. 
“If I can get sensei a gift like that,” he whispered. “Maybe he’ll smile like he used to.”
That’s all he wanted.
For the man he looked up to, who he emulated himself after All he wanted was for him to experience that joy he had before. 
For his sensei to find happiness once again.
“I- have an idea,” Tenten spoke slowly, a hint of doubt in her voice. “I think I know the perfect gift for sensei,” Surprised by his teammates' sudden strike of inspiration, Lee straightened himself up and gave her his full attention. “But we’re going to need more than one picture. Is that alright with you?”
Glancing back over at the pile of photographs, Lee wondered what it was Tenten had in mind. 
Whatever it was, it would be grand.
A gift worthy of the most amazing sensei in all of Konoha.
It had to be.
Mornings were difficult for most people. They meant waking up, dragging themselves out of bed, and beginning a long day of tasks that they might not be looking forward to. Lee had never really understood why others found it so difficult to get up in the morning, but over the years he had come to accept that it was simply the way it was.
Some people did not enjoy the morning, and that was alright.
His understanding didn’t mean he didn’t reserve some judgment for those people when they opened their front door looking like they were about to collapse at any moment. Especially when the person in front of him was his sensei’s partner.
Someone who should be very used to morning wake-ups. 
“Lord Sixth-”
A hand came up in front of his face, silencing him before he had an opportunity to question the man as to why he looked like he was about to fall over. If Gai-sensei hadn’t gotten him used to early mornings, his job as Konoha’s Hokage should have. 
Lee had seen that man in meetings as early as six o’clock. Sure he wasn’t happy about it, but he looked a lot more lively than he did at this moment. 
“I am at home,” he began, narrowing his eyes when Lee opened his mouth to protest. “There is no ‘Lord Sixth’ at home. There is none of that from you anywhere, Lee. Got it?”
“No buts’, he insisted. “Now, what can I do for you at this, frankly, horrible hour of the morning?”
Holding up a small gift bag, Lee grinned. “I have a gift for Gai-sensei. I was going to give it to him at training, but Tenten pointed out that the risk of it being damaged was rather high, so I thought it would be better to give it to him here at home.”
A place where he could be sure that gift would stay safe.
“Right, Gai’s birthday,” it sounded almost as if Kakashi-sensei had forgotten what day it was, but Lee refused to believe it. Every year Gai-sensei would spend his birthday with his eternal rival. They would have competitions, get meals together, and spend the day simply enjoying each other's company. It was a tradition of theirs, and there was nothing that could convince Lee that his sensei’s husband had forgotten such an important day. “Gai! Your favourite student is here!”
Wheels screeched against the ground, and in a flurry of dust, Gai-sensei came spinning around the corner, barely stopping his wheelchair before crashing into Kakashi-sensei.
“How many times do I have to tell you,” he glared at his partner, not registering the fact that Lee was standing there in front of him. “I do not have a favourite student.”
“I don’t believe you for a second.”
“It’s true,” Gai puffed out his cheeks and poked his husband in the side. “Now,” turning his wheelchair around a bit, he grinned when he saw Lee standing there at the door. “Lee! It’s still a little early for morning training, is it not?”
“I apologize, Gai-sensei,” he held the bag out in front of himself in an offering. “I wanted to give you your birthday gift as quickly as possible, but I was afraid it might get damaged at the training field.”
Shaking his head, Gai waved Lee in. “Come on,” he insisted, already turning himself around. “You can sit down for breakfast with us.”
“Kakashi has made tamagoyaki. A light breakfast to start the day, but it will ensure we don’t have any incidents like my last birthday.”
Lee cringed at the reminder. It had been Gai-sensei’s first birthday since the end of the war, and he had gone a little over the top in enjoying his birthday breakfast, resulting in a rather large mess in the middle of training field D.
Tenten refused to do morning training with them on Gai-sensei’s birthday anymore after that.
Realizing that he was still holding the gift, Lee frowned. “sensei, wouldn’t you like to open your gift?”
“Later!” His sensei called as he rounded the corner into the living room. “After we’ve had some breakfast.”
Lee wasn’t sure what to do. It felt a little insulting to have his sensei ignore his gift, especially after all of the work Tenten and he had put into creating it, but he also understood the older man’s desire to put off gift opening.
He’d only get to open it once, after all. 
“Come on,” Kakashi-sensei waved him in. “You’re letting in all of the cold.”
“Oh!” stepping into the house, he watched as Kakashi shut the door behind him. “Do you think-”
“He wants to open everything tonight,” the Hokage informed him. “You’ll be at the party, right?” The party. In his rush to find the perfect present, he had forgotten all about the birthday party that his sensei had invited everyone to. “Well, regardless. You know now. Just put the gift on the table and he’ll open it when everyone is here.”
“But, Lord S-” One sharp look from the older man and Lee cut himself off, not willing to risk upsetting his sensei’s husband. 
“I take it whatever your present is, it’s important to you?” He nodded, unsure of what to say to convince the older man that his sensei had to open it now. That he simply couldn’t wait until later that evening to see what his reaction would be. “Fine, I’ll convince him to open it after breakfast.”
Lee’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Really?”
“On one condition,” Kakashi held up a finger, a playful look in his eyes as he stared at Lee. “Never call me ‘Lord Sixth again’.”
Lee couldn’t help but giggle. “Sorry,” he offered an apologetic smile. “I can’t make that promise. You’re the Hokage, and sensei would be disappointed in me if I didn’t show you the respect you earned.”
With a shake of his head, Kakashi pointed down at the bag in his hands. “Well, the least you could do is tell me what you got him,” he argued. “What’s so important that you can’t wait till later to give it to him?”
A blinding smile broke out across Lee’s face. “It’s a photo album,” he admitted, pride swelling in his chest as he thought about all of the pictures he and Tenten had sorted through. How the two of them had spent hours carefully organizing each page and writing little notes beside the pictures. “Tenten and I made it yesterday. I wanted to choose one picture for sensei, but-”
A hand came down on his shoulder, fingers squeezing lightly. Kakashi-sensei's words were loud and clear, though they were left unspoken. 
He’ll love it.
You did great.
His smile softened. “I hope he likes it.”
“He’ll love it,” Kakashi assured him. “Now let’s get to the kitchen before he gets impatient.”
Lee wasn’t sure what was better. The way Kakashi-sensei lifted his hand off of his shoulder and buried it in his hair, messing up the short black stands with a chuckle, or the smile he gave him.
That soft expression, with the closed eyes, that Lee had come to understand as Kakashi-sensei’s kindest smile. The smile that he only gave to those who needed comfort or support. 
He only wished Neji was here to see it with him.
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Hello! Congratulations on your followers! 🎊
I would love to request this prompt for SakuLee
“It’s hard to get used to...” “what is?” “Being someone that someone cares for...”
I hope you have fun!! 😊💕
Final stretch for this event. It is your turn, hello! Sorry for the wait. I always struggle with new couplings, so I hope this is sort of what you wanted.
Haruno Sakura x Rock Lee
Rated G, its mostly fluff.
2114 words.
Ao3 Link [x]
Sakura is not happy that Lee often overworks his body during training.
He threw his head back as sweat pearls ran down both sides of his face and turned on his heel to dodge the incoming punch. Even with weights on both legs and arms Lee was still very agile and fast, a skill he had trained hard to achieve over his childhood years and then honed even more following his injury in the Chuunin exams. Now, with the weights off, nobody could keep up with him and he was proud of that. If a mission required speed he was the one that was addressed first.
When it came to raw strength however, Lady Tsunade and in accordance with that Sakura were out matching him at a tenfold. Both women had built muscle mass over the years that Lee had never built like that (his natural build was just different and kept him lean even when he was strong) and so they were unmatched in a one on one fight. Especially since they could mould chakra well for their work as healers and concentrate them to their fists, which led to the overwhelming power of their punches. Defeating them would mean having to be agile like he was because taking one of these punches could knock you clean out.
That was why Lee liked working with Sakura and he supposed Sakura liked training with him too for a similar reason. Lee learned how to take harder punches or avoid the deadly ones and Sakura learned accuracy against an opponent that was fast and agile. Yes, Lee would probably win against her with weights off, but this wasn’t a real one on one fight, this was just training.
He jumped backwards and pushed himself up on his hands to escape the avalanche of stones that had appeared out of the earth. Sakura had punched down and ripped it clean open, but Lee was faster than that and so the only thing that was affected a little was his leg. He felt the cut before he saw the blood. Ouch, but nothing to be done about it.
“I’m sorry, Lee,” Sakura said and stopped for a moment, but Lee shook his head so that his hair was flying. “I can continue,” he offered her a thumbs up that had her smiling.
The only reason he had been hit, Lee concluded, was that his left arm still wasn’t as strong as it could be. The injury on both of his arms had largely healed and he was stronger now than he had ever been, but sometimes, after a long training session or mission, the left one got a little shaky. As if the nerves suddenly couldn’t handle the strain at all and needed a break. “That will never change, Lee,” Tsunade had said. “You are lucky you can still work as a shinobi, so it’s better to just accept that.”
Sakura knew too, of course. THere were days when he came home from missions and his arm was shaking so nervously that he couldn’t undress himself. In those times she would give him soothing ointments or calm the strain with a healing jutsu or other so that he could recover. She probably had noticed his shaking and was worried now, but Lee wasn’t ready yet to give up this training session. Not when he was so close to figuring out this new move he was trying to pull off.
Lee pushed himself forward and then jumped right over Sakura’s head. She just stared at him with attentive eyes knowing full well that she wouldn’T be able to follow him to these heights. Still, she pushed her fist into the earth and shot another stone upwards. He had assumed she would do that and couldn’t help but grin. He spun around just enough so that his right hand could directly go through the stone as if it was nothing more than butter to slice through. The two halves fell apart and Sakura needed to dodge not to be hit by them.
If he would improve this specific technique he would be able to cut through everything Gai-sensei had said. Be it earth or steel or wood. He was excited about that. It made him feel like a superhero from the manga he had read as a child.
Still, Sakura knew him well too, so once he was on his feet again she started her counter offensive, her right fist ready to go for him. “Got you,” she said once she was close enough to him and swung her arm, which gave him no option but to jump on his left arm to dodge. 
HIs left arm hadn’t been able to hold his weight any longer and he toppled over and crashed face first into the ground. For a moment Lee lost sight of whatever was happening in front of him, too much dust in the air and everything in front of his eyes spinning too. HIs nose hurt and his left arm was also shaking painfully.
“Lee, Lee, hello, Lee, are you awake?” He heard Sakura’s voice through such a filter that it seemed as if she was miles away.
Then there was a sudden warmth on his arm spreading first from soft fingertips through his insides to his head. Sakura was healing him, he realised, just like she was always soothing his nerves when he was straining himself too much. Slowly his mind stopped spinning and he could push his eyes open again. 
He was lying on his belly on the ground, both arms pushed away to the side. He turned his head and found Sakura hunched over him, the green light of chakra healing almost obscuring her face but he could still see that she was biting her lips like she always did when she was a little frustrated with something.
“Sakura…” he said weakly but she threw him a look that told him to be quiet for now. He felt a little ashamed that he was causing her such trouble, especially after she had extra checked in with him to give him an option to end their training session and he had declined it.
Soon the shaking stopped and Lee could feel strength returning to his arm. Sakura stopped with the chakra infusion, but she kept her hand on his arm and stroked over the bandages like she sometimes stroked over the scars beneath it. Lee tried to push himself up on his right arm so he could sit up, but Sakura was faster than him.
“Let me help you”, she said and crouched over so he could throw his arm around her shoulders. This was also something he had needed to learn. The younger version of himself had always promised himself that he would be the one that would take care of Sakura and protect her, but Sakura was really capable too of not only protecting herself, but also helping him in return.
She pulled him up and set his back up against a tree so she could examine him again. “Why didn’t you say you are bleeding!” she said in alarm and softly touched along Lee’s nose which seemed to be broken. “Really Lee, you have to be more careful during training. All your practice has no use if you end up injuring yourself so much that you can't fight anymore.”
While she was slowly touching over his face, infusing chakra where he had small injuries, his eyes were focused on hers the entire time. Sakura had always been very beautiful to him, but when she was concentrated and working she was the most beautiful. Especially when she was taking care of him. He smiled.
“Tsunade-sama has told you that your left arm is weaker than your right one,” Sakura said in her stricter teacher voice. “And that you should not strain it too much, especially when the nerves are giving in. We don’t know if they could sever again if you aren’t careful. So please, Lee, promise me you won’t ever do it again. Especially not in training.” She furrowed her brow. “And don’t lie to me again when I ask you if you are alright.”
Lee laughed. He couldn’T help it. Her behaviour was cute when she was worrying over him like this. Of course she was right and he was putting himself in danger, but if that meant that she was going to take care of him like this…? Maybe love did make you a little selfish.
“Lee, promise me!” She repeated.
He looked up and smiled at her. “You know, this is all still kind of hard to get used to…”
She put her head to the side like children did if they didn’t understand something: “What is?”
“Being someone that somebody would care for like this,” he replied with a quiet smile. “Someone somebody else would worry about.”
A moment passed in which Sakura said nothing and Lee just kept his eyes on his hands, then, suddenly, she pulled him into a hug. “Idiot,” she said and sounded a little like she was crying. “Of course I worry about you.”
He wrapped his hands around her and just held her like this, his nose half buried in her hair. There had been a time when Lee had thought that Sakura was just naturally warm. That her skin and her body emanate warmth like a little heater, to keep him warmed up no matter the situation or weather. But then he had once talked to Ino about it, who had shared my sleepovers with Sakura when they were younger, and realised that no, Sakura wasn’t warmer than any other person. She was just warm to him. It had nothing to do with unique circulation or such, it was all connected to how he felt when she was holding him close.
“I’ve seen you injured, you know,” Sakura pulled away a little, just far enough so she could look straight into his face. “It was horrible and I don’t want to ever have to see it again.”
Lee smiled and tried to look as apologetic as he possibly could: “I’m sorry.” 
“You better be,” she pouted a little. “You gave me a heart attack when I saw you fall apart like that. I thought I might have hurt you by accident! I like training with you, because you look especially cute when you are focusing on your abilities… but not if that means you end up injured like this!” She knocked her forehead into his. “I know I’m repeating myself, but I want you to carve it into your mind. I care about you, a lot. So please promise me to stop overdoing it.”
Sakura called him cute all the time, after all that was sort of how they had started dating in the first place. She had of course known about his feelings ever since they were children, but she had only gradually started liking him back. One day she told him that she realised that she thought he was actually really cute (and she added: in the handsome sort of way) and the rest went from there. Still, it didn’t ever lose its effect. Nothing could make him blush quite as easily.
He learned forward and pressed a light kiss to her cheek. “I promise,” he replied and squeezed her arm just enough to show that he meant it.
Wonderfully, the kiss made Sakura blush a little too. She found herself quickly again though: “Also, don’t tell me Tenten doesn’t also care for you! And Gai-sensei! They both worry about you and care for you very much! Don’t you disregard them with such nonsense talk.” She shook him a little.
“Right, right, yes, of course, I would never claim such a thing,” Lee waved his arms defensively. “But with you it is different. It makes me happy that it is you that takes care of me. If it is you, it makes me so happy that I can’t describe it. Everything about you makes me so very happy.”
Her blush deepened and for a moment her eyes went wide and he knew her well enough to know he had touched her with what he had said. “Ah, Lee, don’t say such things,” she replied, averting her eyes from his. “It’s too much.”
Lee pulled her into his arms again and tangled her fingers into his hair. He could have continued for several hours about all the things he liked about her and the things she did that made him happy and even more about the things she had done for him that he was thankful for, but for now he felt like just holding her like this said enough.
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adrl-pt · 17 days
Prisoner Exchange. Bypassing YouTube Slowdown in Russia. Get Involved in Our Activities.
You are watching the news from the weekly rally at the Russian Embassy in Lisbon. Today is August 31, 2:30 PM.
On August 27, during the forum "Ukraine 2024. Independence," Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi announced that 594 Russian Armed Forces servicemen had been captured in the Kursk region at that time. https://www.bbc.com/russian/articles/c23lej1nykko
On August 24, a prisoner exchange took place between Russia and Ukraine, with 115 individuals exchanged on each side. The BBC Russian Service reported that many of the released Ukrainian prisoners of war have health issues due to injuries and poor detention conditions. https://www.bbc.com/russian/articles/cj9l72w2vzeo
On August 25, the Unified Center for Searching for Russian Army Servicemen in Ukraine "I Want to Find" showcased how prisoners of war from the Kursk region are being treated: clean, well-fed, with smiling faces. Russia has no such center. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNiIy9GR5ts
On August 30, on the YouTube channel "I Gryanul Grem," Alexey Anulya, a private in the Ukrainian Armed Forces who was held in Russian captivity, shared horrific details of his imprisonment. https://youtu.be/igr4HWAV8Hc?feature=shared
On August 23, during a live broadcast of "The Breakfast Show," Ivan Chuvilyaev, a representative of the "Go by the Forest" initiative, once again advised Russian conscripts to "stand up for their rights," not sign contracts, and desert. https://www.youtube.com/live/qe76ODpGSzY?t=2114s
The "Committee-2024" association is holding an international rally today in support of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. We join in, thank Portugal for the military assistance it provides to Ukraine, and ask that it continues to increase its support. https://fb.me/e/3ZxTa1Zod
On September 3, Putin is scheduled to visit Mongolia, which has signed the Rome Statute. We call for the arrest of this war criminal. https://www.dw.com/ru/kreml-putin-ne-boitsa-aresta-v-mongolii-po-orderu-mus/a-70093225
On August 22, Novaya Gazeta reported that, according to a report on the availability of Google services and data, YouTube traffic from Russia has fallen by 35% over the past month. The sharp decline occurred on August 8, coinciding with the start of the Ukrainian Armed Forces operation in the Kursk region on August 6. https://novayagazeta.ru/articles/2024/08/22/trafik-videokhostinga-youtube-v-rossii-posle-nachala-zamedleniia-prosel-na-35-dannye-google-news
The Dozhd TV channel has released a free extension called "Potok" for the Chrome browser, which allows users to bypass the YouTube slowdown in Russia. https://x.com/tvrain/status/1829135290117623824
Cyber lawyer Sarkis Darbinyan, in a comment to a "Deutsche Welle" article, advised purchasing VPN services, as free VPNs cannot handle the volume of traffic needed for everyone to watch YouTube. https://www.dw.com/ru/rossiane-teraut-dostup-k-youtube/a-69905472
Maikl Naki has launched his own VPN service called nVPN. https://t.me/Nackepelo/6380
The support team for "The Breakfast Show" channel has developed apps for Android and iOS, where you can listen to the programs of this channel, as well as over 20 other channels: from Vladimir Milov to Valery Solovey. https://radio.antidot-media.com/
And finally, a message to you, dear viewers. This is not an entertainment channel, and we do not work for grants. We invest our time and money to help develop civil society and fight Putinism because we care. Your participation is essential. If you are in Lisbon, please find time at least once a month to come to our weekly rally. And please support the fundraising to return Ukrainian children; this link was created by the foundation at our request, and all donations go directly to the Orphans Feeding Foundation. https://www.every.org/orphans-feeding-foundation/f/help-us-return-the-deported
The common cause is achieved together.
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marketnetwork · 2 months
Impact of Smartphone Adoption on the Mobile Accessories Market
Polaris Market Research, a leading market research organization, has recently released a new research report titled Mobile Accessories Market 2024: By Types, Applications, Size, Share, Key Players Regions Forecast Analysis till 2032. The research study provides a detailed analysis of the market, covering all the major aspects, such as industry drivers, growth opportunities, trends, and top developments. Also, it covers the industry segmentation and competitive landscape to understand the current and future market scenarios. The study has been carefully prepared by expert analysts having extensive experience and expertise in the industry.
Request a Free Sample Research PDF: https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/mobile-accessories-market/request-for-sample
The research report covers historical, current, and forecast market data to provide a more thorough Mobile Accessories Market understanding. Industry-standard methodologies have been used when preparing the research study to offer an accurate and reliable market analysis. Also, the study uses pictorial representations such as charts, graphs, and tables to help readers comprehend the key statistics and other information easily. The research report serves as an excellent guide for businesses, consultants, stakeholders and anyone who’s looking to foray into the industry in any form.
Competitive Landscape
This section of the research report studies the competitive landscape of the market. It profiles the Mobile Accessories Market key players, covering all the major aspects such as company overview, revenue generated, and products/services offered. By going through the competitive analysis, businesses can identify and evaluate their competitors’ strategies to determine their strengths and weaknesses in relation to their own products and services. Also, competitive analysis enables investors to anticipate customers’ needs and expectations and develop products and services to cater to them. All the major strategic developments adopted by industry participants, such as acquisitions, mergers, and collaborations, have been covered in the study.
Buy Now This Premium Research Reports: https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/buy/2114/2
Industry Dynamics
The research report examines and analyzes all the major factors driving the market growth to estimate the current Mobile Accessories Market size and the market value by the end of the forecast period. The impact of key driving forces and opportunities in the market has been examined extensively. Also, the major challenges and limitations that can impede the market growth have been analyzed in the research report.
The research report details all the major technological innovations anticipated to drive the industry’s upward trajectory over the forecast period. Along with that, an analysis of key industry challenges and their impact on industry demand has been covered in detail in the study. Furthermore, the key trends that continue to manage consumer interest have been interpreted accurately for the benefit of readers.
Segmental Analysis
The research study categorizes the market into various groups and sub-groups based on common characteristics. By understanding the Mobile Accessories Market segmentation, businesses can develop tailor-made products or campaigns and improve their overall brand positioning. Also, segmentation analysis helps stakeholders minimize risk by examining which products or services are most likely to garner a major industry share. Furthermore, businesses can identify the best ways to deliver products or services to their customers. Along with all the major segments, a thorough analysis of various sub-segments has been included in the study to provide a thorough industry analysis.
Access the full report, here: https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/mobile-accessories-market
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snsinsider369852 · 2 years
In-wheel Motors Size, Share & Segment by Raw Material, by End-User, by Form , by Modification type , by Function, by Regions & Global Market Forecast 2022-2028
The goal of this research report is to provide a thorough examination of the global In-wheel Motors Market, which includes all industry participants. The research consists of a simple examination of complex data, as well as information on the industry's historical and current state, as well as projected market size and trends. The study examines all aspects of the industry, with a particular emphasis on major players such as market leaders, followers, and newcomers. The study includes a PORTER, SWOT, and PESTEL analysis, as well as the potential impact of market microeconomic elements on the target market.
Ask For Sample Pages of this Report @ https://www.snsinsider.com/sample-request/2114
External and internal factors that are expected to have a positive or negative impact on the company have been studied, providing decision-makers with a clear picture of the industry's future. The study also aids in the comprehension of In-wheel Motors market dynamics, structure, and global market projections. Because of its clear depiction of competitive analysis of top companies by price, financial situation, detection and equipment portfolio, growth strategies, and regional presence in the market, the research is an investor's guide.
By Motor Type:
Axial Flux Motor
Radial Flux Motor
By Propulsion Type:
Battery Electric Vehicles
Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
By Power Output Type:
Up to 60 KW
60–90 KW
Above 90 KW
Regional Analysis
The study outlines the primary factors driving the global In-wheel Motors market forward. These data can be used by market participants to develop strategies for gaining market share. Market constraints were also discovered during the investigation. Market actors can use knowledge on prospects to help them take the next steps by assessing potential in underserved areas. The study provides a detailed breakdown of the global market. The market research report examines key regions such as North America, Europe, Latin America, and Asia Pacific. Tables show historical and projected sales, revenue, growth rate, and market share for each sector.
Competitive Outlook
The research report also aids in the understanding of global In-wheel Motors market dynamics, structure, and growth strategies by analyzing market segments and project markets. The report is an investor's guide due to its clear representation of competitive analysis of key players by price, financial position, detection and equipment portfolio, growth strategies, and regional presence in the market.
The In-wheel Motors market study provides a comprehensive assessment of the industry's key players. The study delves deeply into operating corporate segments, product portfolios, business performance, and key strategic developments. Porter's Five Forces study emphasizes the importance of buyers and suppliers in assisting stakeholders in making strategic business decisions and defining the level of industry competitiveness. The market player positioning setion depicts the target market's current competitiveness scenario.
BUY NOW Link @ https://www.snsinsider.com/checkout/2114
Table Of Contents
 1. Introduction
1.1 Market Definition
1.2 Scope
1.3 Research Assumptions
2. Research Methodology
3. Market Dynamics
3.1 Drivers
3.2 Restraints
3.3 Opportunities
4. Impact Analysis
4.1 COVID-19 Impact Analysis
4.2 Impact Of The Ukraine-Russia War
5. Value Chain Analysis
6. Porter’s 5 Forces Model
7.  PEST Analysis
8. Global In-Wheel Motors Market Segmentation, By Motor Type
8.1 Axial Flux Motor
8.2 Radial Flux Motor
9. Global In-Wheel Motors Market Segmentation, By Propulsion Type
9.1 Battery Electric Vehicles
9.2 Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Contact US:
Akash Anand
Manager- Business Development
SNS insider PVT LTD
USA: +1-415-230-0044
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i'd rather be dead, than feel this pain everyday (/ _ ; )
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gangrenados · 3 years
im missing some good GOOD dick smut any recommendations kween?
Got you nonnie 👌🏽this are a few things cuz tumblr doesn't let me put more
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ghostdrew22 · 3 years
Can I request a draco x reader where they just stay together all day even tho its a school day so they just like skip school all day and then one of their friends catch them? It probably sounds confusing but I LOVE YOUR WRITING
Where Words Fall Short || Draco Malfoy
So I changed it into a teacher catching them instead, I hope it still suits your fancy. Thank you so much for this request, I had quite a nice time writing it <3
Requested: Yes Pairing: Draco Malfoy x fem!reader Warnings: mentions of mental illness? Idk what I should be warning you against in this one tbh so if you find anything then let me know <3 Summary: Draco is having a hard morning so Y/N keeps him company and they ditch lessons.
WORDS : 2114
Growing up, Draco continuously watched as a curtain was drawn above the topic of mental health in his household. What should’ve been long, informative discussions about his withstanding family history and hereditary struggles with mental health, was broken down into, “Your father just gets a bit overwhelmed sometimes”, and “Your mother is a woman, and as women do, she often gets erratic until she tires herself out.”
None of it was true, of course, just excuses used to try and avoid the problem. But it wasn’t discussed. Not when Narcissa would sleep for days on end, or when Lucius was hospitalised, and especially not when Draco began to display symptoms similar to his parents. The family healer was called in, Draco was diagnosed and medicated, and it was discussed no further. Because words were just not the Malfoy way.
You’d long become accustomed to his habits when he wasn’t feeling well, he’d told you himself about his struggles, and you’d adjusted quickly enough. Now you know, just by the sight of him, when he’s having a rough day. As hard as Draco tries to follow in his parent’s footsteps and draw a veil on his suffering, he just can’t bring himself to do it when you’re around. You make him feel safe.
You read the watch on your wrist, 8.10am, and sigh when you notice that Draco’s still not in the Great Hall for breakfast. Draco prides himself on being organised and punctual, so when he’s even five minutes late to breakfast you know that he’s having one of those days and he might just not get out of bed.
“He’s just running late this morning, I watched him walk to the showers.” Crabbe says beside you as he notices worry etch its way onto your features. You nod and smile at him.
“Thanks Crabbe.”  You respond before grabbing the empty plate on your other side and filling it up with Draco’s favourites.
It’s another ten minutes before Draco finally walks into the Great Hall, and you feel your heart wrench at the sight of him- hair still wet from showering, faint bags beneath his eyes and a solemn look painting his face- he looks exhausted. You smile at him when he settles into the space beside you and he smiles back, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
He interlocks your fingers together as he sits down and you slide the plate of food toward him. He kisses the back of your hand as a thank you and you nod before turning back to your own food. On mornings like this conversation is sparse- it’s like a useless chore that you can both afford to forget- and you both resort to actions as a means of conversation.
Normally, words would be spent on endless declarations of love, confirmations of support, queries of comfort and insurmountable pleas to just sit in silence together. But now, now with this routine and understanding that sits comfortably on the border of your relationship, words no longer need to transpire between you both in order for there to be a mutual understanding of what you both need.
Most kisses are ‘I love you’ or ‘thank you’, but every so often when Draco paints every square inch of your face in adoration with his lips, then he’s telling you that you’re beautiful, that every piece of you is just another reason for him to fall deeper into love with you. Hugs are usually him begging for attention, trying discreetly to drag you away from whatever it is that you’re doing and bring you down to his dorm with him for cuddles.
But Draco’s preferred method of communication on days like this, is squeezing your hand. Information by hand squeeze increases in degree; one is ‘I’m fine, just tired’, two is ‘I’m probably going to disappear halfway through the day for some alone time’, and three is ‘Please spend the day with me’.
So when you feel that familiar pressure against your hand come in waves of three that morning, you know that he’s having a particularly bad day. You turn to him and nod, and this time when he smiles at you, it actually does reach his eyes.
When the first lesson of the day is underway, Muggle Studies, you and Draco are lying in his bed in his shared dormitory. There’s a risk of one his roommates coming back to collect a forgotten book or leftover homework, but it matters little when the two of you are spaced out in the small world of your own invention. You’re running your hands through his hair as his head sits comfortably on your chest, and his fingers are running up and down your other arm in an effort to keep him occupied.
The two of you spend the next few hours like that, just lying in his bed in silence as Draco thinks himself into oblivion and you try to calm him down. It doesn’t work though, and at some point you grow frustrated at the amount of tension that he’s built up in this shoulders, and demand that he gets up.
“Why?” He asks with furrowed eyebrows as he lifts his head off of your chest.
“Do you trust me?” He nods, and you smile. “Good, then come on.”
You pull him behind you quietly as the two of you roam the castle and head toward the Astronomy Tower- trying desperately not to arouse suspicion and get caught skipping lessons just as the day is ending.
When you reach the top and see that the sun is shining faintly, a satisfied sigh escapes your lips. All that cold and darkness in the dungeons wasn’t good for Draco and you’d lugged him all the way up here for some sunshine. You know that it won’t really fix anything that’s bothering him, but at least the Vitamin D might lift his spirits a little bit or help him to relax a tad more.
You sit on the ground and pull Draco down to sit beside you. He drops his head against your shoulder and pulls the back of your hand up to his lips, Thank you, is what the action says and you smile at the small acknowledgement. You lean your own head against his that’s resting on your shoulder and he shuts his eyes in content as you pull out the book that you’d brought up to read.
“Should I read to you?” You ask and he nods very softly, so you do as he asks and begin to read the novel out loud.
It’s mundane, sure, but Draco thinks that he could spend the rest of his life like this. When words have always failed him, you’ve been there to pick up pieces of his unsaid ministrations. Most people, if not all the people in his life, have always found his failure to conjure up words and describe his feelings, annoying. But not you, never you, you have always loved the way he tries so hard to show you his love instead of tell it to you. Whenever he feels torn apart, like a rag doll being tugged on both arms, you somehow manage to remind him that he’s made of skin and bone, not cloth and plastic. It’s you that reminds him he’s worth something, even when he feels as though he’s worth nothing.
“Hmm?” You respond absent-mindedly as you turn your head slowly away from the pages and toward Draco. When you catch a glimpse of his contorted features, concern washes over you. “What’s wrong? Do you want to go back inside?”
“No, no.” He shakes his head softly and smiles at you. “I just want to chat, is that okay?”
“Well… I was enjoying this book…” You tease and laugh when you see that he’s not amused. “I’m kidding, am’ all yours love.” You peck him on the lips quickly before closing your book and putting it aside.
He sighs, “I’ve been thinking-”
“Oh, that’s never good.” You immediately respond and he narrows his eyes at you which makes you laugh, “Okay, I’ll stop now.”
“You’re lucky I love you.” He says with a roll of his eyes, and a small smile, before he takes a deep breath and continues. “I’m going off my meds.”
You take a moment to digest what he’s said before nodding slowly, “Oh…”
“Oh…?” He raises his eyebrows in anticipation, worried that you won’t support his decision. “Are you mad?”
You’re taken aback by his question and turn to face him in confusion. “Mad? Why would I be mad?”
He shrugs, “I don’t know, mother was furious when I told her.”
“Okay, but your mother is notorious for having the emotional range of a green bean,” Draco, albeit begrudgingly, laughs at your comment with a shake of his head, “What? Am I wrong?” You ask with a laugh as well.
“You’re not wrong but that’s not the point. You’re bloody rude!” He tries to stop laughing but it’s not working and soon enough the two of you are rolling around on the ground, crying your eyes out in laughter.
After a good three minutes has passed the two of you have finally calmed down and the serious atmosphere has returned. “I’m not mad Draco, I could never be mad at you.”
“You were mad that time I tried to force a Ravenclaw to do my Muggle Studies research for me.” He says in a matter-of-fact tone and you shove him lightly.
“That was because you were harassing that innocent child!” You exclaim with another giggle, “I’ve never been mad at you for doing something that involves only you.”
“What about when I dyed all my pubic hair-“
“I told you never to speak of that.” You cut him off sternly before he can continue and a naughty smile appears on his lips at the memory.
“That was funny, admit it.”
“We were on vacation with my parents! Do you understand how awkward the conversation we had, after the swimming pool, was? They were so concerned about the fact that I’d brought home a boy with blue armpit hair!” You exclaim with wide eyes and Draco bursts into laughter again. “You’re such an arsehole.” You grumble out with a pout and he pecks you with a smile.
“You love me though.”
“I do… I really do.” You respond genuinely as you stare at him in admiration. Even on his worst days, when exhaustion wears his face like a mask and words fall short from his lips, he’s still the love of your life and nothing can change that. “I’m really proud of you, for making a decision like that.”
“Thank you.” He sighs and you can tell how much this has been bothering him over the past few days, if not weeks, by the way his shoulders finally relax. “I just don’t think they’re doing what they’re meant to. I don’t feel any better.”
“Mhmm.” You nod at him to continue as you take his hand in your own.
“I don’t feel worse either though, I feel the same. It’s been a year and I feel the absolute bloody same.”
“What are you going to do instead?”
“Whatever else the healer recommends.” He shrugs, “If she’s got nothing else that will work then I don’t know.”
“Well… I’m here for you, always.”
“I know.”
And it’s true, he does know, sure as he knows that he’s a Slytherin. There aren’t many things and people that Draco relies on, the fear of them letting him down always a barrier, but you he puts his absolute faith in. Because when words fall short to describe the amount of love that he has for you, and the amount of love that you have for him, there will always be actions and you two will always have each other.
You take your hands and cup his face in them before peppering kisses all over his face. He giggles under your touch, an effect that you’ve always had on him and he hates, but you make no move to stop until every corner has been graced with feel of your lips. It’s every word that you could possibly say to him, every sentence that could hold the weight of your adoration, because sometimes, words just fall short.
“Y/N-“ He begins when you finally pull away, wanting to tell you that he loves you, but you cut him off with a dopey smile.
“I know.”
The two of you lie down against the cold, hard gravel- fingers intertwined as you both shut your eyes and bask in the soft rays of sunlight. It’s almost perfect.
“Mr Malfoy, Ms L/N.” A voice drawls.
“Shit.” You mumble when you remember that it’s Wednesday- Astronomy.
Did I impulsively write this after declaring I’m going on a week’s hiatus to move? Yes. Did I put off packing for this? Yes. Do I have any regrets? Nope.
love you all,
jean <3
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Just in Your Heart {Taylor Swift x ChubbyMale!Reader}
Requested by: @lunchawx Wordcount: 2114 Summary: After five years of dating, you’re finally thinking of making it social-media official. Warnings: Fat shaming.
You weren’t the sort of person that most people would picture Miss Americana herself to date. Taylor Swift had gone out with some of the best looking, or at least according to the media’s standards best looking - men in the world. You didn’t need to go over them. The tabloids did that enough for you on a daily basis. But the point was that you were the opposite of a lot of these men. You weren’t in the entertainment industry. You weren’t rich. You weren’t famous. You didn’t have a six pack or a chiseled chest or that rugged jaw line or any of those things. You had worked your way up to being a curator at a Museum in New York - not one of the biggest ones, mind you, but big enough to where you always had a lot on your plate. You were overweight according to your doctor though you ate healthy and tried to get lots of exercise. And you had next to no social media presence, only followed by your friends and family - not even Taylor as for the most part, you both agreed on keeping you out of the spotlight, much as that sometimes hurt. But then again - you both had been together for five years now, and you weren’t being picked apart by the media. That was nice.
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“Do you think that this is folded in enough? I always think of that scene in Sleeping Beauty where they actually fold them in,” Taylor laughed, snapping you out of your thoughts. When you had stopped at the grocery store to get the ingredients for baking night, you of course had seen Taylor on the magazines. Stepping out with new ‘mystery man’ it had reported. It was only her new bodyguard and would be forgotten in a week or so but it was still a bit annoying to be surrounded by rumors of your own girlfriend.
“Yeah, that looks good babe,” You’d say, looking into her bowl. It was cake night in your shared apartment. The whole quarantine thing had the both of you at home a lot more, though you did still have to go to work, so you were trying new hobbies. Baking had been Taylor’s idea, and it was something you had shot down at first considering your weight, but she was so insistant. She had given you those puppy dog eyes you couldn’t resist. Those baby blues had you saying yes every time. “No shells this time?”
“Oh my god, it was one time, let it go,” Taylor laughed, going for the next couple of ingredients. “I don’t think that you put enough chocolate in yours.”
“It’s a light chocolate cake, not a Devil’s Food Cake. I’m still watching my weight, remember?” You kept on whipping the eggs until they were light and fluffy, and then finally folded your own into the rest of the mixture. “This will probably be my lunch tomorrow,” You joked.
“I’ll make you something, don’t worry,” She said, putting a kiss on your cheek, transferring a bit of flour that she had on her nose onto your skin. You laughed and wiped it off. “What were you thinking about?”
“Saw you on the cover of another magazine today,” You said, slipping behind her, taking the chance to run your hands across her waist as you went to grab one of the cake pans you already prepped. “They’re thinking that Greg is your new boyfriend. It’s really throwing them off that you’re not out there dating openly anymore.”
“Oh, that’s hilarious. I’m sure his wife is going to love that,” Taylor laughed, not taking it seriously. Being in the industry since she was a teenager meant that she had to develop that tough skin. You loved that about her. You only wished that you had been able to do that yourself. “Oh, let’s take a picture before we pop these into the oven.”
Always the change of subject. But you gave in, as you always did, giving her a little nod. She pulled out her phone, turned the front camera on, and snapped a picture of her kissing your cheek while the full cake pans were waiting on the counter. You were grinning, you couldn’t help it. Every time that this wonderful, beautiful woman gave you attention, you were fawning for it. You couldn’t wait to make her your wife. Just a little longer. Just getting the ring sized.
And then the pans went into the oven, and you settled back down on the couch, looking for something to watch while waiting for the timers. Taylor went straight to Law and Order. Of course. You even bobbed your head to the theme tune. Her favorite show in the whole world. She cuddled up to you, hand and head resting on your barrel-like chest. When she touched you like this, it was hard to feel insecure. And the way that she looked up at you whenever the screen went dark between scenes - still made you feel like blushing to this day.
Once the timer went off, cake out of the oven, it was the only part of this whole baking thing that you really enjoyed. Decorating. Tongue in cheek, going over the layers with the icing that you had managed to make look tie-dye with different colors. “What do you think, fruit maybe? Some whipped cream?” You looked over to see what she was doing, only to see that she was literally throwing sprinkles on top of the icing. Making a huge mess, but it was cute to see her looking so joyous.
“Whatever you want,” She’d say, bending low, turning the plate to see the other side of the cake, and then threw even more sprinkles. One thing could be said for her method - she was thorough. There was hardly an inch on it that was untouched. You looked back at your own which was looking plain in comparison, and started chopping up some fruit to put on the top. At least give some semblance of it being healthy. That way you wouldn’t feel as guilty when you went to the doctor next and explained what you’ve been eating. “I can’t wait to try yours,” Taylor said, sticking a finger in your spare icing and dabbed some of it on the tip of your nose with a giggle. Her eyes were lit up from the inside out. She looked happy. Truly happy. “Can we take another photo?”
“Can I at least get this off of my nose first?” You laughed. She shook her head no, and this time in the photo, she was licking it right off of you, the cakes on full display in front of you. Your face was scrunched up from the attention on your nose, which made her laugh when she saw it.
“This is really cute. I might even post it,” She teased, tongue in cheek.
“Doubtful,” You chuckled, and grabbed a knife to make the first cuts.
“No, really,” She said, leaning against the counter, looking at the picture on her phone. “We’ve been together five years now and I haven’t really been able to tell anyone but our close friends and family.”
“Does anyone else matter?” You asked, eyebrows furrowed. “Everyone that I care about knows about you. Why does the whole world?”
“I just - I don’t want you to feel like I’m ashamed of you when I’m not. I’d love to start posting pictures of us, like normal couples do.”
“We’re not a normal couple,” You pointed out. She was pouting again, but this time it didn’t look like she was trying to get what she wanted. She looked genuinely upset. You watched her for a minute as she dropped a couple more sprinkles on spots that she missed, trying to keep her hands busy. “Okay. Fine. You can post one tomorrow if you really want. But can we just relax tonight?”
“Okay,” She said, tucking a long blonde piece of hair behind her ear and smiled. She looked happy again. And that’s the way that you wanted to keep her forever.
Your phone was left in your office for most of the day while you were working on the usual day-to-day activities of the museum. You had forgotten your little agreement with Taylor the night before, having settled back in for a night of watching Olivia Benson on the television solving cases.
So when you finally had a chance to sit down and look at your phone, you were surprised to see that it was dead. You plugged it into your spare charger only for it to turn on and have hundreds - maybe even more notifications. You had to quickly go into your settings and try to turn them off so that you could have a breath. That was when you remembered, and immediately opened up instagram. 2.6 million follow requests. Jesus. At least your account was on private, who knows what they would have done if they had been able to go thorugh your photos and comment on them.
You’d leave those for another time to deal with. The next time that you were taking the subway and had nothing else better to do. But for now, you went to Taylor’s profile, where you were one of her millions of followers, never anything special until now. The two pictures from the night before, kissing and silly icing on your nose. ‘#bakingwithboyfriend.’
Over three million likes. Comments galore. And most of them were not of the nice and supportive kind.
‘Oh my god, is this some body positivity stunt?’ 'This is literally like three of her exes put together, weightwise. ‘ 'Must be really rich or have great dick’
There were other ones that were much more rude, but you weren’t going to go through them. You couldn’t. You wouldn’t do that to yourself. You put the phone back down, face down so that you wouldn’t have to look at it, or at the very least be a lot less tempted.
“Mr y/l/n,” Your assistant said, poking his head into the office. His face was looking flushed, so that already gave you an idea of what was going on. He already knew about your relationship, but that didn’t stop him from having fan-boy moments whenever Taylor came in. “She’s here to see you.”
“She can come in,” You said with a nod. He popped his head back out and the tall, lithe figure of Taylor, as dressed down as she could be, walked into the stuffy room. She smiled nervously and sat down across from you in the spot where donors or assistants usually would sit.
“You saw those comments, didn’t you?” Taylor said. You simply nodded. “I already talked to my publicist and we’re going to be taking comments off all of my posts. It isn’t right. Any of it.”
“Can’t say that it wasn’t expected though,” You admitted, leaning back in your chair. “I’m not Styles or Hiddleston.”
“That’s why I love you,” Taylor insisted. “You’re not any of those men, you’re you. They’ve got nothing, nothing at all, on you.”
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“But I’m apparently three of them,” You laughed humorlessly. “Look, I knew what I was getting into by falling in love with you. I can accept it. Just sucks that the day had come after all.”
Taylor was quiet for a moment, but then she leaned forward over the desk, and took hold of your hands, giving them a squeeze with her well manicured fingers. “You’re everything to me, y/n. And I just want to show you that. I want to show the whole world that.”
“I know. I know,” You breathed out with a sigh. “Were any of the comments good?”
“Selena is going apeshit in the comments. Or at least she was while I was on the way here. Threatening to fight some of the people saying the worst things but I already deleted most of the really bad ones. I have my publicist on it. Some of them were really positive though. You’re really handsome. Some of them are threatening to come after you when we break up.”
“Ha, like that’s ever going to happen,” You said, shaking your head. “You’re it for me, baby.”
“You’re it for me too,” Taylor said, raising your hands up to kiss the tops of them. Your unmusical hands. “So - are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll get over it. I guess. More incentive to go to the gym maybe. Gotta show your millions of fans that you can still get a buff guy after all.”
“Don’t change yourself too much,” She’d say, smiling. “You’re perfect. Completely and utterly ... perfect.”
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wellimaginethat · 4 years
Pairing: Kelly Severide x (female) Reader
Requested?: Yes
Word Count: 2114
Author’s Note: So I’m pretty proud of this, given that it is the first thing I’ve written after everything’s happened. I’m not sure if it’s exactly what the requester wanted, but I hope everyone likes it nonetheless.
Trigger Warning(s): Severe injury, hospital stay, mention of needles/IV, life or death situation, drama, cheesy fluff
Disclaimer: I don’t owe nor am I affiliated with any of the Chicago shows, I just like to play with the characters
Summary: Y/N runs in to a burning house to save a child but ends up getting hurt herself, leading Kelly to worry
Y/N = Your Name
Y/EC = Your Eye Color
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It all happened so fast. One minute you were there next to him, the next you were running towards the building, screaming that you saw a kid still inside.
You weren’t wrong.
You managed to save the kid no problem, but sustained pretty bad wounds yourself.
Kelly couldn’t believe it. His blood ran cold when he got in the house and found you and the kid. Cruz got the kid and Kelly picked you up, running you to the ambo.
He felt helpless as he watched them intubate you, trying to keep you alive until they got you to the hospital.
The ride to the hospital felt like it took forever and he couldn’t shake the feeling deep in his bones. He was terrified that you were about to leave him forever and there was nothing he could do. 
He felt like he couldn’t breathe, like there as a weight on his chest that he couldn’t get rid of no matter what.
When they finally got to the hospital and started wheeling you in, he was running alongside them into the ED, and he had to be pulled back to stop him from following the doctors.
The wait was excruciating. He couldn’t stop himself from passing back and forth. The rest of 51 got there not long after and they were all waiting in the waiting room for news on you, watching as their friend paced back and forth. They could all see how much pain he was in.
Although the two of you hadn’t made it public or told anyone yet, they all knew that Kelly loved you and that you loved him. Even if none of them knew the two of you were already together, they knew you should be, and they knew that if you died, it would kill Kelly.
All anyone could do was hope and pray that you would be okay.
No one said anything. It was so quiet that it seemed almost eerie to Kelly, given that they were in a hospital. Or maybe it just seemed quiet to him because his thoughts were so loud.
It felt like an eternity passed by, his entire body felt worn down and heavy but he couldn’t stop pacing until his eyes landed on Will Halstead.
The minute they locked eyes, he knew it wasn’t good.
“Tell me she’s not gone.” Kelly heard his voice, but it didn’t feel like he was speaking, he didn’t know where the words came from.
“She’s not, we were able to stabilize her, but it doesn’t look good.” Will told him carefully. Kelly could tell this was hurting Will, given that the two of you were friends.
Kelly swallowed hard and shut his eyes for a moment. “Can I see her?” He opened his eyes and saw Will nod.
“I’ll show you to her room.”
The minute Kelly walked into the room, he went straight to your bedside and carefully picked up your hand. You were hooked up to all sorts of wiring and machines, an IV was sticking out of one arm and there was a breathing tube helping you breathe. You looked so fragile there.
Kelly dropped to his knees next to your bedside, still holding your hand. “Please don’t leave me.” He begged quietly as everything finally caught up to him, tears finally springing to his eyes and slipping down his cheeks. “I can’t do this without you. I don’t want to do this without you. Please don’t leave me.” All he wanted was to hear your voice telling him that everything was okay, telling him to get you out of this damn place and take you home.
After some time, he couldn’t tell you how long exactly, his knees began to hurt and he forced himself up and to the chair, bringing it closer so he could still hold your hand and rub gentle circles on the back of it, he didn’t know when but he had stopped crying at some point. Everything hurt but he wasn’t about to leave your side.
Suddenly the machine that was monitoring your heart started going off like crazy and his head shot up to look at it.
Within seconds the room was flooded with doctors and nurses and he was pushing himself and the chair out of the way without even thinking about it, just wanting to be out of their way so they could save you. All he wanted was for you to survive and be okay.
Next thing he knew he was being ushered out of the room. He stood in the hall for a moment before he began to walk back to the waiting room as if on autopilot.
Everyone looked up at him and he was at a loss, not knowing what to tell them because he didn’t know if you were okay or not. Without thinking he turned and began walking out of the hospital.
He hadn’t noticed that Casey was following him, because he was still running on what felt like autopilot.
Kelly eventually sat on a bench, and after Casey sat next to him, he laughed. It wasn’t a happy or even an amused laugh, it was a borderline manic laugh except it was brief, sudden, and then replaced by silence.
It worried Casey for a split second as he looked over at his friend.
“I feel like such a cliche right now.” Kelly told him, his voice a hollow rasp from holding back his emotions. “The woman I love is in a hospital room fighting for her life after pulling a heroic stunt and I feel like I can’t function, like I’m running on autopilot or like I’m just watching everything happen.” He looked at Casey then, and his friend could see how Kelly’s eyes were red rimmed and bloodshot. “There’s nothing I can do to help her. I feel helpless.”
There were a million things his friend could say, but he didn’t. Instead he put a hand on Kelly’s shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze, remaining silent for a long moment. “You know she’s not going to go down without a fight.” Casey finally spoke, deciding he would try to calm his friend. “She’s too stubborn.”
Kelly couldn’t help but snort. “God, if that isn’t the truth.” He shook his head as he leaned forward and put his face in his hands, he was trying to stay optimistic, you were still alive after all, but it was hard not to let the negative thoughts slip in.
It was silent for a couple minutes before Casey spoke up again.
“So you’re finally able to admit you love her, huh? Does she know?”
Kelly sat up for a moment before nodding. “Yeah. She does, actually.”
Casey would be lying if he said he wasn’t shocked to hear that. “You told her?”
Kelly nodded again after a moment. “This morning actually.” He rubbed his face as he leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “She didn’t say it back.” He added, swallowing hard.
“She was probably just shocked.” Casey tried to reassure.
Kelly nodded a bit. “Yeah.” He forced himself to get up. “Better get back in there in case there’s any news.”
No one said anything when he walked in, and they all tried not to stare as he shuffled in and fell into a chair in the corner of the room.
It was hours before anyone came to tell them anything.
“She’s awake.” As soon as those words left Will’s mouth, Kelly shot out of his seat.
“Can I see her?”
Will hesitated for a moment before nodding. “For a little bit, visiting hours are over and she needs rest.”
Kelly nodded. “I just need to see that she’s alive.” He told him.
Will nodded and led him back to your room, letting Kelly go in by himself and heading off.
Kelly walked in slowly, not sure what he’d be met with, you looked rough earlier but that was before they had to do more work, you could either look worse or better.
You were somewhat sitting up in the bed, you looked like shit and felt even worse.
Kelly walked over. “Hey.” He said softly, carefully picking up your hand.
“Hey.” You replied in a hoarse voice, sounding like you hadn’t used it in years or like you’d gargled with gravel. “I feel like shit.”
Kelly couldn’t help the small, relieved laugh as he shook his head. “I wonder why.”
You smiled tiredly. “I feel like a house fell on me.”
“Well, not quite a whole house, only the first floor ceiling.” Kelly told you in a teasing tone, but his eyes said something completely different. “You saved the kid though.” He added, knowing that was going to be your first question.
You smiled a bit more. “Good.”
Kelly swallowed hard as he took a seat in the chair near your bed, still holding your hand in the gentlest way, like you were made of glass.
“I’m okay.” You whispered after a moment.
Kelly nodded, not saying anything, not even looking at you.
“If you’re gonna yell, you should get it over with already.”
“I’m not gonna yell.” Kelly shook his head, still not looking at you. “I would’ve done the same thing.”
You fell silent again.
“I’m gonna go, give you time to rest, and I’ll come back tomorrow.” Kelly said softly, standing.
As he went to release your hand to walk away, your grip tightened to keep him from letting go. “Stay. Please.” You begged softly, Y/EC eyes looking up to meet his blue ones.
Kelly couldn’t tell you no, so he nodded and sat back down.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about what you said...this morning, I think? I don’t really know how long I was out.” You rambled quietly, ignoring the pain in your throat.
“Y/N.” Kelly said softly, trying to stop you, but it didn’t work.
You shook your head. “No. I have to know...” You said softly, your eyes meeting his again. “Did you mean it?”
“Of course I did.” Kelly said softly. “I love you, Y/N.”
You couldn’t help but smile. “Really?” You asked softly, even though he had just said so. “That’s good, cause I love you too.”
Kelly smiled back at you. “Good.” He leaned forward and gently kissed you once. “Now get some rest.”
“Will you stay?” You asked softly.
Kelly hesitated. “I don’t know if they’ll let me, but I’ll stay as long as I can.”
You scooted over and patted the bed next to you.
“You sure about that?” Kelly asked, raising a brow. “I don’t wanna hurt you.”
“You won’t.” You assured him, and the minute he laid next to you, you snuggled close to him.
You were released a couple days later but you weren’t cleared to go back to work yet, so you were planning on staying at your apartment and binge watching your favorite show.
Kelly, however, had other ideas.
“I’m here to take you home.” Kelly smiled as he walked into your room just as you were finishing getting dressed.
You turned and tilted your head. “Shouldn’t you be at work?”
“I took some time off to take care of you.” Kelly responded like it was obvious.
You frowned deeply at him.
“What?” Kelly asked you.
“You shouldn’t have done that. I’m fine.”
Kelly shook his head. “I’d rather be safe than sorry, and with my thoughts constantly on you they wouldn’t be on the job, so therefore I’m doing this for the both of us.”
You were about to argue but didn’t really see any sense in it, so you relented and nodded. “Does this mean you’ll be staying with me?”
“Either that or you can stay with me.” Kelly responded.
“That’s up to you.” You told him. “I don’t really care as long as we’re together.”
Kelly smiled at you. “You ready to go?” Reaching his hand out to you.
You nodded and took his hand, following him out.
“Do you need to stop at the front and sign out?” Kelly asked softly.
You shook your head. “I already did all that, I’m clear to go.”
He wrapped his arm around you as you were walking out of the hospital and led you to his car, opening the passenger side door for you.
“Aww, such a gentleman.” You said softly, kissing his cheek before getting in.
Kelly smiled and shook his head a bit as he shut the door and went around to get in the driver’s seat.
After you got back to your apartment, you ordered pizza and the two of you made yourselves very comfortable on the couch.
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anotherkpopvictim · 4 years
Broken But Healing - Hoseok X BTS Littlespace Drabble
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“Imogen asked: I’d love little Hobi being really unwell (maybe even a hospital trip) and just being taken care of by the rest of the members.”
A/N: First of all, thank you so much for requesting! I changed it slightly to an injury sending Hobi to the hospital instead of an illness or something. I hope I did your request justice.
Second, I am so sorry for posting this literally months after you requested it. Sometimes life just doesn’t bring me the will or inspiration to write, but I finally got it finished in a way that I liked.
Relationship: Little!Hoseok X Caregivers!BTS
Rating: G
Words: 2114
Hurt/comfort, fluff
DISCLAIMER: I don’t know shit about medical stuff so I’m sorry if it’s inaccurate but I tried my best.
Hoseok knew that going into a career that involved dancing meant having sore feet all the time and countless other injuries. It was unavoidable. He’d been lucky enough in his thirteen years of dancing not to have done anything severe. He’d never even broken a bone before.
However, there was a first time for everything.
All the BTS members and staff were gathered together in the rented performance hall, polishing everything up for the online concert they were going to be having in just a few weeks’ time.
Hoseok made a simple misstep while going through the choreography and his foot missed the stage, instead plunging him off of the rather high platform they were on.
As the lead dancer felt the breath knock out of him and an excruciating pain running up his left leg, he could hear the distant-sounding calls of his bandmates.
Namjoon was the first one to reach him, followed quickly by the other members and some of their staff. The leader had wide, concerned eyes as he kneeled next to Hoseok’s collapsed form. “Hobi-hyung, can you hear me?”
There were a few startled gasps and a couple swear words from the others, but Hoseok could barely focus on anything other than Namjoon’s face, the floaty feeling in his head, and the sudden numbness in his whole body.
“Hobi-hyung,” Namjoon repeated, trying his best to keep his voice calm.
Hoseok swallowed, “J-Joonie?” his tone was soft and airy, instantly giving away his little headspace. “H-Hobi f-fell.”
Namjoon, who immediately crowded in closer when he realized the other was in littlespace, took his hand and smiled sadly. “I know you did, baby. It was a pretty bad fall.”
Seokjin came into his view, immediately taking up Hoseok’s other hand. “Can you tell hyungs how you’re feeling, sweetheart?”
“I-It hurt before, but the pain went away now,” Hoseok replied softly.
Seokjin and Namjoon shared a concerned look between them at that.
Before anything else could be said, Jimin appeared at Hoseok’s head, upside down in his vision. “Baby, it looks like you’re gonna get to ride in an ambulance today, isn’t that cool?”
“Am-bu-ance,” Hoseok sounded out, eyes widening. “B-But the pain is gone. Hobi doesn’t need help.”
“Your leg is hurt, honey,” Seokjin said, kissing the little’s knuckles in comfort. “A doctor needs to look at it.”
Hoseok whined, looking between his three bandmates. “H-Hurt? I-Is it bad?”
There was a silence before Jimin smiled at him, though even upside down it looked more like a wince. “It’s pretty bad, baby.”
Almost instinctively, Hoseok lifted his head to glance down at his legs but was stopped by his three boyfriends pushing him back and shaking their heads frantically at him.
“No, don’t get up, sweetheart,” Seokjin said, a strained smile on his lips. “Don’t look at it.”
“Just look at us,” Jimin added, running his fingers through Hoseok’s disheveled dark locks.
Hoseok was so distracted and out of it that he barely noticed when the paramedics arrived, nor when they stabilized his leg. He frowned when he was lifted onto a gurney and the world began flying by. He immediately missed the warmth of Seokjin, Namjoon, and Jimin’s hands on him.
Yoongi came into his view before he could whine in displeasure, running a hand through the younger’s hair before they lifted him into the ambulance. The eldest rapper hopped in after him and sat next to him as the vehicle started up.
“I’m right here, Hobi-ah. Hyung’s right here, love,” Yoongi assured him.
A few seconds went by (or a few minutes - Hoseok’s mind was getting too fuzzy to understand time properly) before the younger spoke up. “H-Hyungie, don’t feel good.”
“I know you don’t, bub,” Yoongi replied softly. “It’ll be okay, though. I promise.”
Hoseok didn’t get to hear anymore before he fell completely into unconsciousness, but the older man’s words made him feel more at ease.
“How is he?” Jungkook stood up abruptly in the private waiting room as Yoongi walked in. Jimin put a hand on his shoulder and gave a gentle tug so he would sit back down.
Yoongi sighed, “He passed out on the way here. The paramedics said it was from shock but his vital signs were normal, if a bit elevated but they said it was to be expected. They just took him into the operating room so I had to leave him.”
“Did they say anything about how badly his leg was broken?” Namjoon asked worriedly.
Yoongi shook his head and sunk into Taehyung’s lap, who wasted no time wrapping his arms around his hyung.
Being a dancer and just an active person in general, all of them were worried about how long this injury was going to affect their boyfriend and how he would get through it.
It felt like forever before the doctor finally came into the room, a small smile on his lips. “Jung Hoseok is doing alright,” he said before anything else. The man was on the shorter side and probably in his late forties, a pair of black-framed glasses sitting on his nose. Dr. Song was one of the doctors that frequently tended to the BTS members, so it was nice to see a familiar face.
All six of them were on their feet and anxiously awaiting what the doctor would say next.
The man took a deep breath and glanced down at his file. “Hoseok-ssi suffered an impacted fracture of his left fibula and caused some damage internally, but nothing major was disrupted. Thankfully, he only has two hairline fractures in his tibia that should heal within a few weeks.”
They all let out a simultaneous sigh of relief; at least Hoseok hadn’t broken both leg bones.
“And the operation went alright?” Seokjin asked.
Dr. Song nodded, “Smooth sailing. He’ll be in a cast for about eight or nine weeks. After that, with some physical therapy, he should be back to dancing by the beginning of next year.”
“That’s good to hear,” Jimin said with a smile. “Thank you so much for everything, Dr. Song.”
The man smiled back at him. “No need to thank me. I can take you to him now if you’d like, though he is still unconscious at the moment.”
The six of them eagerly followed the doctor through the maze of hallways until they reached a room marked with ‘Private Room #7’ written on it in clear, bold letters.
“He should be awake within the hour but he’ll probably be out of it for a good while after that. We’ve given him some medication for the pain and judging by the notes on his file that says he’s sensitive to drugs, he’ll most likely be a bit loopy.” Dr. Song explained as he led them into the private room.
The room itself was fairly large and had a sofa and a few chairs around for seating. Dr. Song moved to pull aside a curtain that revealed Hoseok laying on the hospital bed. He only had an IV in his hand and a heartrate monitor over his left pointer finger. They observed their boyfriend’s paler than normal complexion but peaceful face as he slept.
“I’ll come back in a little while with some prescriptions to help with his pain,” Dr. Song gave a quick smile and bow which the boys all returned before the man left the room.
As soon as the doctor had disappeared, all six pairs of eyes were back on their boyfriend’s unconscious form and a silence fell over the room for a few minutes.
“He’s not going to be happy when he wakes up to find himself in the hospital,” Yoongi commented.
Jimin hummed in agreement, “He hates hospitals.”
They all knew how much of an understatement that was. Hoseok had a huge phobia of hospitals. Thankfully, their private room was fairly comfortable and homey, only the IV and monitor giving an indicator it was a hospital room at all.
“Do you think he’ll be Little?” Seokjin asked.
“Hard to say for sure,” Namjoon replied. “Though I think he might slip pretty quickly even if he wakes up Big.”
Jungkook was the one that looked away from Hoseok long enough to realize that they were kind of just creepily standing around his bed, hovering over him. “I think we’ll scare him if he wakes up and sees us like this.”
They went about gathering some chairs and along with the couch in the room, there was enough seating for all of them.
Taehyung was leaning on his hand as he watched Hoseok once more. He pouted and sighed, “I feel bad for hyung. I hope his leg will heal alright.”
Yoongi reached over from his seat to ruffled Taehyung’s hair, a fond smile on his lips. “We’ll do everything we can to help him, and we can hope.”
Hoseok blinked his eyes open, though they felt like they were weighed down by lead. He was met with the sight of a white ceiling and tan walls and unmistakable machinery beside him, and his six boyfriends scattered around the room.
Namjoon and Jimin were curled up together in a comfy chair on the right side of the bed Hoseok was on, fast asleep. Yoongi and Jin were slumped together on a couch a few feet away from the end of the bed, also fast asleep.
The only two who seemed to be awake were the maknaes. Taehyung and Jungkook were both seated on a chair together on Hoseok’s left, speaking softly with each other. When they caught sight of Hoseok’s open eyes they sat up straighter and looked at him with wide eyes.
“Hyung!” Jungkook blurted out.
Taehyung immediately shushed him, “Don’t wake the others.” Then he turned back to Hoseok with that gentle, boxy smile of his. “I’m so glad you’re awake, hyung. You really scared us earlier.”
Hoseok blinked at them, still trying to put the puzzle pieces of what had happened together. He was in a hospital - that much he had gathered - but the why was what he didn’t know.
Jungkook seemed to read his mind and said softly, “You had an accident during our concert rehearsal earlier.”
Oh, now he remembered.
Hoseok’s face paled and his eyes widened as his mind replayed the horrible experience. Tears welled up in his eyes before he could stop them, and he sniffled loudly. “H-Hobi gots hurt!” he managed out with a scratchy voice.
Jungkook instantly got up and hurried out of the room to get him a cup of water, while Taehyung’s face softened at Little Hobi. “You did, bub.” He replied, taking one of Hoseok’s hands into his own. “But you’re going to be just fine. Do you hurt at all right now, sweetheart?”
Hoseok shook his head and Taehyung smiled, relieved.
Jungkook returned with a large Styrofoam cup of iced water. He held it out and positioned the straw for Hoseok to take a sip. The cool water instantly helped the dryness in his throat.
“D-Does...” Little Hobi started, “Does Hobi have booboos?”
Taehyung and Jungkook shared a glance before Taehyung answered, “Yeah, baby. You broke your leg, but the doctor fixed it up in a cast so it can heal quickly.”
Hoseok let out a little whine as he looked at his legs, obscured from his view by a mountain of blankets (Seokjin’s doing probably). One leg was obviously larger than the other because of the cast, but at least he wasn’t in any pain.
“Hobi hyu- I mean, Hobi love,” Jungkook said, grabbing his attention once more. “I got some colorful markers from the nurses,” he held up a small bag of markers that Hoseok had missed, “I thought maybe we could draw pretty things all over your cast to help it get better. What do you think?”
Hoseok’s eyes widened and he smiled, tiredly but happily. “Yes, yes! Please Kookie. Please Taehyungie! Draw pretty pictures, please!”
The two maknaes chuckled fondly. Taehyung nodded, “Of course, love.”
Hoseok wasn’t so scared when Jungkook maneuvered the blankets off of his left leg and revealed the bulky cast covering most of his leg. It looked too plain, but Taehyung and Jungkook quickly worked to fix that by covering it in a variety of colors.
Hoseok giggled as the other two bickered about their drawings, feeling the last of the absolute fear he’d felt earlier leave him completely. He was still uncomfortable in the hospital, his fear ever lingering, and he was even more scared about his leg healing, but he knew he had his six boyfriends right by his side (quite literally, right now) who would help him through the tough weeks to come.
A/N: Fun fact: I have never broken a bone before so I don’t know actually know what it feels like. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it!!
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lps-heaven · 4 years
Hi! This is our introduction and FAQ post. We’ll keep this updated every now and again so feel free to check it for the most recent info!
Basic Info
First off, you can call us Calico and Bambi! We’re both in our early 20s, we’re both trans men and use he/him pronouns, we’re both autistic, we’re both artists, and we’re husbands!
Calico collected LPS toys as a kid in the early 2000s, and Bambi got into LPS toys just recently in the past few years!
Calico’s Profile:
I’m an autistic, gay, trans man! I have a list of diagnoses, but the ones that I’m most comfortable sharing on this blog are DPD, CFS, CPTSD, and severe anxiety. I’m a certified veterinary assistant, and I’m currently pursuing a college degree to become a funeral director/embalmer (Since it’s a little bit of a debate, I’ll note that I don’t mind the terms mortician/undertaker. I casually refer to it as mortician, myself).
Some of my first LPS toys were #2 - #16. I have many of the gen 1 toys, along with some of gen 2 and gen 3. My collection came exclusively from Walmart, (save for a few special mail order ones gotten by filling out a sticker sheet) so I don’t have any of the Target/Toys R Us/etc. exclusives sadly!
My top 10 favorites that I own in no particular order are #21, #49/#99, #88, #102, #185, #396, #488, #1013, #1395, and of course #1461 from the blog’s icon!
My biggest dream pets would be the bear from Extreme Pets: Mod pets (no #), #2512, #1695, #1819, and most of all #2114!
Bambi’s Profile:
[Still under construction]
Bambi is also autistic, gay, and a trans man! He feels comfortable sharing that he has NPD and ASPD. Bambi is currently a hobbyist taxidermist, but he’d aim for a career in it some day.
Bambi doesn’t have any LPS toys of his own yet, but Calico’s collection is open to him and basically works as his own when/if he wants to enjoy it.
Things This Blog Does
Currently due to life circumstances, we can’t be as consistent with content as we’d like to be. Sorry for the random hiatuses and spotty scheduling that we’ll have kind of indefinitely :c
In addition to making moodboards and stimboards (and maybe even art) of LPS toys at request or whim, every Friday is going to be Featured Friend Friday! Whichever pet is the Featured Friend of the week will get their very own post, usually with a stimboard to match! Sometimes we might also add commentary on what we think their interests would be, or what we think their name should be, or whatever ideas pop into our heads when we see the pet!!
Tiny FAQ
Why do you want [x pet]?:
Calico: My dream pets are either because I generally find their design really appealing and it makes me happy, or because it reminds me of Bambi!
Bambi: [pending]
Why is [x pet] a favorite?:
Calico: Dunno! All of them are ones that I had as a kid and just ended up really attached to. I could probably expand my favorites list to be around 20 pets long if I wanted to!
Bambi: [pending]
Why Calico and Bambi? Why #1461 and #2114?:
Calico: I made really elaborate stories with my LPS toys as a kid, and I would self insert using #1461 as a representation of myself for whatever reason! So I thought that would be fun to bring back for this blog.
Bambi: [pending]
Who can interact?: As a general rule of thumb, everyone but terfs/radfems/gender crits or nazis/neo nazis/alt-right can interact. Getting more into the details, we don’t accept interaction from anyone with bigoted or abusive content in their blog. If you promote unprompted violence, abuse, or hate against completely innocent and undeserving parties, DNI. We want this blog to be as inclusive as possible to all types of LPS lovers, but hate groups and abusers are a hard limit and will be blocked on sight. We also reserve the right to block any blogs that sketch us out in general; nothing personal.
Can I make a request?: YES!! Request whatever you’d like! We can’t promise that we’ll be the most timely getting to requests depending on our mental health and life situation, but feel free to request whatever! As vague as “can you make an aesthetic for [pet]?” or as specific as “stim board of paint mixing for trans masc [pet] who likes the woods and the color orange”! We don’t mind!
Are there things you won’t make?: Calico has trypophobia and there will be the occasional request he can’t fulfill because of it (honeycomb, whole lotus root, and barnacle clusters are all immediate examples). Bambi is very uncomfortable with images of hamsters and North American possums, so those won’t be appearing on our blog for the foreseeable future. Also, obviously, we won’t do anything outright bigoted or offensive (ex: we won’t be making an antisemetic pride stimboard for a pet or something else horrible like that)
Why did you make this blog?:
Calico: I’ve never seen people do moodboards or stimboards for LPS pets before, and the LPS blogs that I have found have stricter DNIs (and that’s perfectly valid!). I want this blog to be open to anyone who needs a little bit of LPS niceness. I don’t want anyone to feel excluded from their comfort for things that are oftentimes out of their control.
Is that last part passive aggressive?:
Calico: No, not at all!! I think that people should be comfortable in their own spaces! That’s why instead of sending anons nagging other blogs to loosen their DNIs, or encouraging others to disrespect their boundaries and interact without regard, I made a blog where the OP isn’t made uncomfortable by very much, so that you can interact knowing you aren’t crossing boundaries!
We’ll add on as needed as people ask stuff, but that’s all for now! Thanks for reading this long post (if you did) and we hope that this blog will be nice for everyone! We’ll see you!
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by rawrkinjd
Lambert places his trust in the wrong person, and Geralt picks up the pieces.
Reader Request (BookSmartMione): What would happen if Lambert trusted the wrong person? Had a bad drop? Would Geralt be able to pull him back out? Does he trust Geralt enough?
Words: 2114, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Piece Me Back Together, Dear Heart
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: Lambert (The Witcher), Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Eskel (The Witcher)
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Lambert, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Eskel/Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion/Lambert
Additional Tags: poor communication, Poor Understanding of a Sub, Bad Doms Do Damage, Subdrop, Explicit Sexual Content, Protective Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Soft Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Eventual Fluff, Angst, Trauma, Poor Coping
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blankpaigefics · 5 years
Hey girl!! Can I please request number 18 and either 90 or 94 (you can chose which one) with Felix?? Btw I love you lots and I’m so glad you started writing on here 😘 ~ Felix anon (you should be able to guess who I am lol 😂)
Ayy, my first named anon! I love you too and I’m very happy I started writing here, thanks for your support! 😘
I hope you like it! I feel like the last like two sentences didn’t really fit the way I wanted, but maybe that’s just me 🤷
Also, I let you have all 3 prompts 😉
Don’t Hurt Me
Prompt:  It’s okay to cry… + Trust me. + Did they hurt you?
Genre: mafia!au, angst
Word Count: 2114
Member: Felix
Warnings: gore, violence, mature language
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You shake your head, dazed, your body feels cold and sore. You open your eyes, your vision is blurry. You were sitting in a chair, the room was dimly lit. You try to reach for your head to brush your hands over your face, but you find yourself unable to. You tug your arms again and wince in pain. You shake your head slightly, blinking, trying to clear your vision.
You look down at your shirt. Why was there blood on your shirt? Was it your blood? You try to move your arms again. You feel something dig into your wrists. Rope.
“Finally, you’re awake.”
You look up as fear runs through your body.
A figure comes into view. A man you’ve never seen before, covered in tattoos.
“Who are you? What do you want from me?” Your voice trembles.
The man smiles at you. He grabs a chair, dragging it across the ground, placing it in front of you. He sits on it backwards, arms resting on the top. You see the knife in his hands, you feel your heart rate pick up as you try to back away.
“What I want is your boyfriend.”
You frown at him. “Felix? What do you want with Felix?”
“He has something of mine. Something he stole from me. And I want it back.”
You feel yourself frown in confusion. “Felix wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t steal from anybody…”
You hear other voices chuckle from within the dark room. The man in front of you also laughs, glancing behind him at the figures you can’t see.
“You don’t know what it is he does for a living, do you darlin’?”
“What are you talking about? Felix… he’s a dance instructor…?”
You hear the laughter again.
“Oh, but you don’t know him as well as you think you do. Sounds like pretty boy has been keeping secrets from you.” He grins.
You feel tears burn in your eyes.
“I-I don’t understand, please, please just let me go.” You can’t hold back the sobs that fall from your lips.
The man stands up, throwing the chair across the room as he grabs your hair, yanking it back, forcing you to look up at him. He shoves his knife towards your face, pressing the blade against your cheek, drawing blood.
You whimper at his actions, cowering away as best you can.
He grins. “Are you scared?”
You nod.
“Aw, there’s no need to be honey.” He coos as he takes a step back. “If Felix loves you like you think, he’ll come get you, and give me when I want. Then he can have you back. And who knows,” he shrugs. “If he’s lucky, he’ll get you back alive.”
You feel your blood run cold at his words.
You don’t know how long you’ve been tied to this chair. Long enough to hear your stomach growl at you. It must have been close to 24 hours by now. All you wanted was to be home, rugged up in your bed, laying with Felix. God, where was he?
You look up as a new face comes into view. You sigh in relief as you see the glass of water in his hand. You swallow dryly as he comes to a stop in front of you. He brings the glass in front of your face. Your eyebrows knit together in concern as you look up at him, you feel the dry blood on the side of your face at the movement. He pushes the glass forwards gently, against your lips. You part them slightly and the man tilts the glass back. You decide to accept the offer, remembering when they last offered you water, and you spat it back at them, result in your now bruised and bloody face.
You drink the water eagerly, letting the cold liquid slide down your sore throat. You cough and splatter as the man feeds you the drink. He stops and lowers the glass again.
“Thank you.” Your voice is course, sore from screaming.
He gives a slight nod before leaving you alone in the room once more.
You aren’t alone for long when the same man returns, along with his leader, the man who told you about Felix. This time the man who gave you water comes in with a tray being wheeled on a small trolley. Was it food? God, you were so hungry.
He stops the trolley across the room and pulls the sheet off it. You feel your heart drop as fear sets in. Instruments. Small metal instruments. For torture, no doubt.
“Wh-what are those for?”
The man says nothing as he picks up what looks like pliers, and walks over to you.
“Wait, no, please, don’t do this.”
He grabs your jaw tightly, his expression blank. He squeezes your face, forcing you to open your mouth. You protest however you can, begging him to stop, trying to pull yourself out of his grasp.
“Please,” you sob. “Why are you doing this?” You turn your eyes to the leader.
“Oh don’t worry darlin’, it’s just collateral. You know, a little motivation to get your boyfriend to stop waistin’ my time.”
The man forces the pliers into your mouth, tightening them around one of your back teeth. You feel tears streaming down your face as you are overwhelmed with fear. You sob and beg, clenching and unclenching your fists, trying to push yourself away from the cold metal pressed harshly against the inside of your cheek.
You hear yelling and rustling from outside the room. Both men pause and look at each other. You’re frozen in place, glancing between the two of them as you feel your chest rise and fall with staggered breaths.
“Go see what that is.” The leader nods towards the door.
The man removes the metal tool from your mouth and places it back on the tray before exiting the room.
You hear another distant yell, and, was that gunshots? The leader glances at his phone before shoving it in his pocket. He picks his gun up from the table and stands in front of you, squatting to be at eye level.
“You just sit tight for me, okay darlin’.” He smiles at you as he pats the side of your face harshly, causing you to flinch. He stands again and leaves the room, locking it behind him.
It’s quiet for what feels like hours. The yelling, the gunfire, it all stopped. Until you hear footsteps. Distant footsteps down the hallway.
“Help!” You scream into the empty room. “Someone please help.”
The door handle rattles as someone tries to open it.
“Y/n,” a familiar voice calls from the other side. “Y/n, is that you?”
“Seungmin?” You feel relief flood your body. “Oh god, Seungmin, please help me.”
“Hold on, I need to pick the lock.”
You hear more rattling coming from the door as Seungmin works on the lock.
“Did you find her?”
“Yeah, she’s in-”
“Y/n?!” You hear him bang on the door. “Seungmin, get the door open, now.”
“I’m working on it.” The younger huffs.
“Y/n, just hold on a little longer okay? I’m gonna get you out of there, you just gotta hold on a little longer for me.”
You nod to yourself, sniffling through the fresh tears falling from your eyes.
The door suddenly opens and the two boys rush in. Seungmin gives a quick scout of the room, flicking the light switch, illuminating the rest of the room with light.
Your eyes squint at the brightness as Felix rushes over to you, kneeling in front of you.
“Baby, are you okay? Did they hurt you?” He cups your face gently in his hands, looking at you with worry.
“Please get me out of here.” You sob.
Felix pulls a switchblade from his back pocket and flicks it open, cutting at the ropes tied around your wrists, followed by the ropes around your ankles. You rub at your reddened wrists as Felix helps you to your feet.
Felix sighs as he pulls you into a tight yet gentle hug.
“Felix, we need to go.” Seungmin reminds him as he glances out the door.
Before you can register what is happening you hear a gunshot ring through the room. Your eyes widen as you see blood spreading onto Seungmins shirt. You see the pain on his face as he instantly puts pressure to the fresh wound, slowly dropping to the floor. You scream out to him, reaching out for him. Felix stops your actions, pushing you behind him protectively.
The leader comes into view with his gun raised, ready to bargain with anyone’s life. Without hesitation, Felix raises his own gun and pulls the trigger, his shot hitting its target right between his eyes. You scream and cower away from the loud shot that rings through the room.
He rushes over to his friend slumped against the wall. He puts his hand over the youngers, helping apply pressure to the wound.
You watch as Changbin and Minho enter the room, also dropping beside their younger friend.
“It’s gonna be okay Seungminnie, You’re gonna be fine.”
The boy smiled before wincing in pain.
“Yeah, I know.” He glances down at the injury on his stomach before looking up at you. He then turns his attention back to Felix. “Now you need to go explain everything to her.”
You hear Felix chuckle softly. “I think I’d rather take a bullet to the stomach.”
Seungmin laughs as Felix stands up and turns to you. You see the worry on his face and it breaks your heart.
He steps towards you. “Y/n, god, I’m so glad you’re alright.”
You take a step back, away from him. Felix freezes in his spot, his worry replaced with fear and pain. “Y/n?”
You glance down at his hands, covered in Seungmin’s blood and holding a gun. He follows your gaze before looking up to meet your eyes. He slowly lowers himself, gently placing his gun on the floor. He then stands, lifting his hands slowly in front of him, trying to appear as non-threatening as possible.
He steps towards you carefully. “Baby, please. Trust me.”
“Trust you?!” You shove him harshly. “How the fuck do you expect me to trust you!? How long have you been lying to me?” Your voice becomes week as you begin to sob heavily. “Who are you?”
“I’m me. I’m the same Felix you fell in love with. Everything I do, I do to protect you. I should have told you, you’re right. But please believe me when I say I would never do anything to hurt you. Look me in the eye and tell me I’m wrong.”
You look over at your friends, Changbin and Minho, doing what they can to temporarily patch up a pale-faced Seungmin. One thing that you were positive you knew about Felix was his loyalty. You saw him defend and protect his friend without hesitation.
You turn your attention back to Felix. He looks so broken, so fearful of losing you. You can see how worried he has been about you. You can feel how much he loves you. You feel emotions wash over you as you drop your head into your hands. You can’t stop the tears that fall down your face, the sobs that escape from your chest.
You feel Felix wrap his arms around you, pulling you close to him. You drop your head against his chest in defeat. Felix rubs your back soothingly.
“It’s okay to cry… I should have told you everything from the beginning. But I didn’t, and because of that, you got hurt. You have every right to hate me, to be mad at me. You have every right to leave me. But please y/n, I’m begging you. Before you decide what to do, please, let’s go home and let me explain everything from the very beginning.”
You don’t say anything. You don’t know what to say.
“Please tell me you’ll let me explain?” Felix’s voice shakes slightly.
You step back, wiping the tears from your face, wincing as you touch your bruised skin. You look over at Seungmin again.
“Let’s just take Seungmin to get help.”
“And then we can talk?”
Felix needed to hear you say it, needed to know that you would talk things out, and figure it out together.
“Yeah,” you meet his eyes again. “Then we can talk.”
You see him relax, closing his eyes in content.
You feel your heart skip a beat, not knowing what the future held for you and the person that meant the world to you.
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