Summary: Dean realizes he’s not showing the Reader the love she deserves and takes her on a romantic date to remind her that she is all he has ever wanted. Pairing: Dean x Reader Word Count: 2,155 Warnings: Um…bring a salty snack to combat the tooth-rottingly sweetness of this fic. It’s so sappy and fluffy I’m kinda sick to my stomach. And I blame my sister for making me watch a Nicholas Sparks movie today. Implied future smut at the end, but this is totally SFW. Author’s Note: This is an extremely late birthday present response to a challenge by Kayla at @one-shots-supernatural as well as one of the fic responses to my 2k celebration, requested by one of my absolute faves: @littlegreenplasticsoldier. My prompts were the song “Wanted” by Hunter Hayes (lyrics italicized throughout), camping, and the quotes bolded below. I hope you enjoy!
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“You two go ahead—muscle your way to a booth or a table. I’ll get the drinks.”
Dean shot Y/N a look of confusion, ready to protest that he could get the drinks, but she leaned forward on her toes and planted a kiss on his cheek, distracting him.
“I know you two are the pretty ones, but the bartender’s a guy this time, so I’ll be more likely to catch his attention.”
She turned him by his shoulders and pushed him lightly towards the crowded seating area, Sam already parting the crowd in front of him.
It was late and the place was crowded, but it took someone who was really brave or really drunk to stand their ground when the Winchesters wanted something. It didn’t take long to secure a booth, but once they were seated and Dean was keeping an eye on the local crowd, his mind went back to what his girlfriend had said.
“Dude, what’s with you? This case was a win. And we’re actually low on the catastrophe front at the moment.”
Sometimes it sucked that his little brother knew him so well.
He frowned, “it’s Y/N.”
Sam followed Dean’s gaze to where she was casually shooting down wanna-be lovers while the bartender filled drink orders and she waited patiently.
“She’s fine. Hell, Dean, she could kick any of their asses in a heartbeat, you know that.”
Dean shook his head, “that’s not it. Something she said—that we’re the pretty ones—“
Sam laughed at that, interrupting Dean as he ran his fingers through his hair in an exaggerated way. “Well, clearly she mainly meant me, but what’s your point, gorgeous?”
Dean shoved his brother’s shoulder but couldn’t stop the smile on his face, which had been Sam’s intent.
“My point, ugly, is that if she really thinks that—about herself, I mean—then I’m doing a shitty job in the boyfriend department. And let’s face it, I don’t exactly have a lot of experience there, so the chances are pretty good that I’ll fuck it up. I don’t want to do that to her.”
Dean watched her laugh at a comment from another admirer as she finally got the drink order to the bartender, then continued in a lower voice.
“I mean, anyone can tell her she’s pretty. She get’s that all the time, I know she does. But her beauty’s deeper than the makeup, you know? I feel like she needs to know that….”
“Then why the hell are you telling me instead of her?” Sam was trying, and mostly failing, at holding back laughter, but he straightened up when Dean shot him a look.
“Look, we both know you got seriously lucky with Y/N, and that you need her like everything that’s green needs sunlight. But if you’re worried you’re not giving her the attention she deserves, take her someplace this weekend—she likes hiking and the outdoors, right?” Dean nodded. “Well, there you go. Take her to one of Bobby’s old hunting spots or something and the two of you have some alone time. I’ll hold things down at the bunker.”
Y/N was walking over now, gripping three beers and weaving through the mass of people. When she met Dean’s eyes and smiled at him, Dean couldn’t stop the happy smile crossing his face in return—and he didn’t want to either.
“That might be the smartest idea you’ve had in a year, Sammy.”
“Okay, Dean, what’s this about? Making Sam hitch a ride with Lee Chambers back to the bunker and driving all the way out here? I know we don’t have a case, but I figured you’d be heading for the nearest cheeseburger, not national forest.”
Dean smiled, glad to have actually been able to surprise his girlfriend for once. She was a quick one, there was no doubt there, and when Lee had been an hour away, Dean had called in a favor to get some camping supplies and a ride for Sam.
Dean put Baby in park and took down the chain that crossed the trail, ignoring the sign saying, “Not Open to Public” and pulled it out of the way, before climbing back behind the wheel and driving past the winding trail. It had been a long ride, and he was hoping to get to the clearing he’d visited once before as a kid before the sun set—it would be a great view.
Y/N was still clueless. Score one for the boyfriend.
Y/N was looking at him funny, “did you and Sam have a fight? What was it about?”
Dean chuckled, “This is between me and you. And we’ve waited long enough.”
“Yeah, cuz that’s not ominous-sounding or anything.”
Dean rolled his eyes, pulling through the last of the trees and into the edge of the clearing, then backing up till the trunk was facing the edge of the ridge. The clearing was the edge of the forest before a natural drop-off; the grass died out a few yards from the tree line leaving dirt and gravel, but the view from the edge was incredible—and the fall was deadly, hence the block for tourists.
Dean parked and turned off the Impala before turning to face the woman in the front seat. “C’mon, Y/N. A little faith here—I just wanted us to have some time alone, you know? Something special. You know I’d fall apart without you, hell, you’ve saved mine and Sammy’s life several times, but it’s more than that. We don’t just need you for your hunting skills—“
“Or the fact that I could kick both your asses and I’m a better researcher than the two of you put together.”
“Haha. It’s more than one and one makes two. It makes sense for you to be with us, for us to be together, but put aside the math and the logic of it; I want to make you feel…wanted.”
Dean reached over, grabbing Y/N hand to squeeze.
“This is about how you’re more than everything I need. You’re all I’ve ever wanted. I don’t know how you do what you do, the way you can make me smile at the weirdest times, the way that everything that doesn’t make sense about me, makes sense when I’m with you.”
Dean faltered, unfamiliar with this mushy stuff… but Y/N’s eyes were melting, and the smile on her face…it was the same smile she gave him after a particularly slow, sweet love making session. So, he soldiered on.
“This trip is about the two of us,” Dean squeezed her hand in his, “and how I wanna hold your hand forever… and kiss your lips…” He leaned forward and caught a glimpse of her smile before she mirrored him and gave him a sweet kiss, all lips with just a hint of tongue.
He leaned back and smiled at the look in her eyes.
“C’mon, I wanna show you something.”
It was a little cooler than Dean had been expecting outside of the car, which made Dean smile—more incentive to wrap her up. The view was…breathtaking. There were quite a few clouds in the wide open sky in front of them, and they were all painted surreal shades of orange, purple, pink and gold as the horizon was dominated by the half globe of the setting sun.
“Oh…Dean. It’s incredible.”
Score two for the boyfriend.
Dean boosted himself on top of the trunk, then pulled Y/N up in between his legs, cradling her against his chest as she took in the full sight and he lost himself in the feel of her curves and the smell of her hair.
He truly was one lucky son of a bitch.
The moment needed no words—they sat there together, watching the sun set and holding each other, and Dean had the fleeting thought that surely this moment would be added to his heaven landscape—and he was glad that he might get the chance to relive this on a loop one day.
When the last of the colors began to fade away, Y/N shifted in his arms, turning to press another sweet kiss to his lips. Dean slipped his hand into her hair, angling her to deepen the contact, losing himself in the taste of her in the way he rarely gave himself time to do anymore.
Then he heard it—the splat of water on windshield.  He looked up just in time for the next raindrop to land on his cheek.
“Oh, come on.”
The light sprinkle was already speeding up to be a steady drizzle as Dean groaned, sliding both himself and Y/N off the car.
“What’s wrong, Dean?”
“This” Dean pointed up to the cloudy sky, the magnificent colors gone to reveal a light gray shade that was playing hell with his evening. “I had a whole thing planned—camp out under the stars, cozy campfire, some quiet time alone,” Dean arched his eyebrows and Y/N chuckled, “the works. Fucking rain.”
Then Y/N tilted her head back, letting the rain wash her face as she spread her arms out—as if she’d embrace the storm if she could.
“I love the rain, though. The way it sounds on metal,” Dean listened to the music of it on the car and could kinda see her point, “the way it drops the temperature and clears the air… and especially the smell.”
“The smell?”
Y/N smiled, her eyes still closed and facing the sky. “Yeah. Petrichor…it means the smell of dust after rain. I’ve always liked it….”
She cracked her eyes open then, laughing to find Dean staring at her incredulously.
“Seriously, Dean—what’s wrong with a little rain?”
She started spinning in the drizzle, the rain coming down hard enough that her hair was starting to get slicked back and her oversize loose shirt began to cling to her curves in a way that Dean definitely noticed.
Y/N was still spinning slowly, practically dancing in the rain, her eyes coming back to Dean’s again and again as he stared at her child-like abandon and the joy that radiated from her.
“At this moment? Not a damn thing.”
Dean moved forward and caught her in his arms, pulling her into his chest.
Y/N chuckled again and then Dean’s mouth was on hers, and her mouth was otherwise occupied.
When they finally surfaced for breath, Dean realized the shower had slackened—it was barely sprinkling now, and the clouds were dispersing to reveal the night sky.
“Look, Y/N.” He guided her chin up to see the stars. This deep into the national forest, the light pollution was minimal, and maybe it was the recent rain, but the air seemed extra clear tonight. Peeking out from behind the clouds, the stars were finally making themselves seen, twinkling and filling the night landscape.
“Oh, wow. Dean, it’s---it’s like a fairytale, or a dream.”
He smiled, turning her around so that her back was to his chest, her head leaned back on his shoulder as she continued to stargaze. He’d brought a tarp and some sleeping bags for that purpose, but he couldn’t bring himself to let her out of his arms right now. The moment was too perfect to spoil with distance.
“That’s all I ever wanted, Y/N. As good as you make me feel, I wanna make you feel better.” Dean leaned his head in and whispered in her ear as he pulled her even tighter into his chest, “better than your fairy tales, better than your best dreams.
“I’ll never let you forget it.”
“Forget what, Dean?”
Y/N turned enough to look up into Dean’s eyes, her own sparkling with something that looked suspiciously like tears in the starlight, but the smile on her face gave him the courage to continue.
“Just how much I need you—how much I want you in my life. Just how important you are to me….”
A part of Dean wanted to keep going, but this was getting way too mushy and open for him, so he did what he did best—acted instead of talked. He leaned in, showing her with his kiss just how much she meant to him, since he wasn’t comfortable saying it out loud to her, no matter how much she might deserve to hear it.
When the kiss was broken, it was Y/N who pulled back to look up at him. Her smile was knowing, understanding, and Dean smiled back, acknowledging his own embarrassment.
“It’s okay, Dean. This is incredible, and I love that you did it—but I know you love me without any grand gestures. And you know I love you.
“There are some things that could never possibly be forgotten.”
Then she pulled him down for another kiss, and Dean focused on the amazing woman in his arms and making her feel wanted in every possible way for the rest of the night.
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My Side of the Story
This is my entry for the “Request2Write” side of @whispersandwhiskerburn‘s 2K Follower Celebration. We had two prompts to work with: a song and a dialogue line. My song was “My Side of the Story” by Hodges (link below) and my line will be bolded within the story. 
Song Inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccuW5O0p_OI
Summary: The reader abandons the Winchesters, almost costing Sam his life in the process... but there are two sides to every story and the brothers only know the one.
Word Count: 4100-ish
Pairing: Dean x Reader (kinda... it’s complicated)
Warnings: SPN level violence, language, angst
A/N: First off, if you don't already follow @whispersandwhiskerburn you should really get on that. Seriously, people. You’re missing out. Second, I gotta warn you that I might be a bit rusty as this is my first fic in awhile but I do have a part two in mind if you guys like this one so let me know!  Feedback appreciated as always.
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“Sam? Y/N?”
Dean had his gun raised as he entered the log cabin, having sent Cas around back incase there were any demons left trying to escape. In all honesty, Y/N and his brother should have been able to take them all out by now but Dean knew that it never hurt to take precautions.
It seemed quiet enough as he walked further into the house, conducting a quick sweep of the main floor. But the quiet did little to easy his nerves. In fact, he found himself growing more and more uneasy as he made his way through the rooms.
There shouldn’t have been this many demons. Dean had already come across six bodies and he hadn't even made it upstairs. He found a bit of comfort in the fact that none of them had been Y/N or his brother, but the car they had hot-wired to get there was still parked out front so they should have responded when he called. Yet the house remained quiet while Dean’s mind screamed at him that something was wrong.
The upstairs consisted of three rooms and Dean had to step over a seventh body lying in the hallway as he made his way over to the first open door. As his eyes drifted past an eighth lying face down in the center of the room, they soon locked on a bloodied Sam, slumped against the far wall while another corpse rested beside him with Ruby’s knife protruding from it’s chest. Dean was across the room in seconds, sliding to his knees at his brothers side and pulling his face up to look at him.
“Sammy? Sam, hey, look at me.” Dean lightly tapped at his face, voice growing more desperate the longer his brother’s eyes remained closed. "Sam!”
Dean moved a hand to Sam’s neck, frantically searching for a pulse with his fingers.
“No, no, no no, no!”
A noise towards the hallway caught his attention and he glanced back, hoping to see Y/N standing in the doorway. Instead, a different woman stood there and as their eyes met hers flashed black with a smirk.
“Dean, I was beginning to think you weren��t going to show.”
The only response she got was an almost animalistic roar as Dean reached over Sam, pulling the knife free from the dead demon beside him as he got to his feet and quickly closed the distance between them. He took a swing with the knife which she dodged and they began grappling for control over the weapon. As his rage fueled him Dean quickly gained the upper hand, shoving her into a window to gain some distance, sending the upper half of her body crashing through the glass. Dean raised the knife, but a movement outside caught his eye and for a moment he paused, a series of emotions washing over him: relief, confusion, hurt, until finally settling on anger.
Y/N was running across the lawn, heading towards the cars.
The sound of glass crunching drew his mind back to the task at hand and he quickly plunged the knife into the demons back, before grabbing the back of her shirt and dragging her out of the window. Letting the corpse fall to the ground with a thud as he stepped closer.
She paused in the open doorway of the car and, although he couldn’t make out the features of her face in the darkness of the night, Dean could tell she was staring up at him. But the moment only lasted for a second before she was getting into the car and kicking up dust as she peeled away. Heading back down the gravel driveway and away from the brothers.
Dean ignored the gravelly voice that sounded behind him, continuing to stare after her. A mixture of rage and hurt fighting for control inside his mind as he watched her go. She’d abandoned them. She’d left Sam to die.
After everything they had gone through, after everything they had done to get Sam’s soul back he couldn’t believe that she would leave him to die like that. It didn’t make sense. But that’s what made it hurt even worse. Y/N had become a part of their family over the past two and a half years. She had worked just as hard as any of them to get Sam’s soul back. Dean had trusted her. He thought she had changed...
“Dean, this building has been warded. I can heal these wounds but we need to get Sam outside.”
Dean spun around at the mention of his brother, all thoughts of Y/N momentarily gone from his head as he took in the sight of the angel kneeling beside Sam. Before he could respond, a low groan coming from his brother once again had him running across the room. As Dean reached his side his hand quickly went to Sam’s neck, not believing what he had just heard. But sure enough, after a few moments, Dean found a pulse. It was faint, and Dean wasn’t surprised he had missed it before but it was there.
The two made quick work of getting Sam outside, and soon enough Sam was starring up at Dean from where he laid in the grass. Not a scratch on him.
Sam sat up, his hands moving to the large blood soaked gash in his shirt surprised to find the wound gone. But he couldn’t dwell on that long before a light smack to the back of his head had him looking bewilderedly up at his brother.
“What was that for?”
“We just got you back. Try not to fuck it up, will ya?”
Sam rolled his eyes but he couldn’t hide the small grin that was tugging at his lips as he rubbed his head. He looked from Dean to Cas, before glancing around. The smile falling from his face as quickly as it had come when he didn’t find what he was looking for.
“Where’s Y/N/N?”
You didn’t have much time left. 
One, maybe two days tops. But you had to find them. Failing wasn’t an option.
That was the only thing keeping you going as you stumbled along the dark road, silently praying that you were going the right direction. You were bloodied and tired, and after totaling your ‘borrowed’ car when you had briefly fallen asleep at the wheel you were a bit disorientated. But the GPS had said you were only a few miles from town, and if your information was right, only a few miles away from your boys.
You hadn’t seen them in years, or at least they hadn’t seen you. You did your best to keep tabs on them, both as a way to make sure you never crossed paths but also as a way to continually reassure yourself that they were alright. However, one afternoon, about four years ago, you had apparently received the wrong information and found yourself on the same hunt as the brothers. Once you’d realized this you had wasted no time in packing up and leaving town. They were the Winchesters after all. They could handle whatever nightmare was lurking around. But as you were on your way out you had spotted them heading into a small diner, and as you watched Dean give his brother a slight shove and saw the laughter take over Sam’s face you couldn’t hold back a teary laugh of your own.
That moment was all it took for you to know that you had made the right decision, and it was also the only moment during the past six years that you had seen them.
That had been enough for you, until two weeks ago when you decided that it wasn’t. You needed to see them one last time. You needed them to know that you loved them and that you leaving had nothing to do with them. Except it did. Just... not in the way they thought.
You weren’t an idiot. You knew from the moment your eyes met Dean’s up in that window what it must have looked like. That you were abandoning them. You had seen the love leave that man’s eyes the minute he thought you had left his brother there to die. It had taken everything in you to drive away that night. The only thing that had made it easier was knowing that Sammy would be alright and that Dean would have his brother too lean on in the days and weeks that followed your betrayal. Because you knew that’s what it was to him. A betrayal.  
And that was exactly why you had to find them. You could handle Dean hating you. Sure, it hurt, but you could handle it. What you couldn’t handle was knowing that Dean Winchester would have found some way to blame himself for why you left. And you refused to damn him to a life of thinking he wasn’t enough.
He had always been enough, and even if it was the last thing you did, you were going to make sure he knew that.
The sound of a horn and tires skidding on the asphalt pulled you abruptly from your thoughts, and you looked up in time to see a car just barely swerve around you. It stopped a few feet away, and as you turned to get a better look at it you couldn’t believe your eyes.
You’d know that car anywhere.
As you slowly approached the passenger side door of the ‘67 Impala, it opened and as soon as the man stepped out your knees buckled. But the pavement never came and you quickly found yourself being supported by the familiar giant.
“Whoa, hey, are you- Y/N?!” You heard the change in his voice as soon as your eyes met, flipping from genuine concern to one of pure shock and disbelief. But before you could say anything you were being ripped from his arms and slammed into the side of Baby. Your head colliding with the back passenger side window as you lost even more of your footing, faintly registering the sound of cracking glass. But all sound seemed to be lost on your ears as you stared up into the fiery green eyes of the man yelling mere inches away from your face.
You couldn't stop the tired smile that took over your face as you starred up at him. Everything was starting to grow a bit hazy but you knew it was him. No amount of exhaustion or bloodloss induced hallucination could mimic those eyes, and it was there in his grip that you finally let yourself succumb to the weight of the last few hours.
The last thing you remembered before losing consciousness was sliding to the ground as Sam dragged Dean off of you.
When you finally woke up you found yourself in the bed of a motel room. Neither Winchester to be found. 
Your heart began to race. Terrified that they had simply dumped you at some motel before getting as far away from you as possible. But no sooner had you begun to panic before they were both barging through the motel door, dripping wet and clearly in the middle of an argument.
“Why are we still here, Sam? We should have been gone hours ago.”
“Really Dean? We’re not going to just-” Sam was cut off as Dean hit him in the chest, nodding in your direction. “Oh, hey, you’re up.”
“How long was I out?”
“A few hours.” There was a slight pause as he looked to Dean, but when he realized his brother was going to be of no help he continued. “What, um- what happened to you?”
You sat up slowly, swinging your legs over so they were hanging off the side of the bed. After the week you had been having you knew you looked like shit, and the car crash had left you all sorts of banged up. None of which he knew about, so you couldn’t blame him for asking. 
“I’ve, uh- I’ve had a rough couple of days. Haven’t had much sleep and it just caught up to me I guess. Crashed the car a few miles out of town.”
“And you thought you’d just walk it off?”
You let out a small laugh as Sam walked over, sitting down next to you on the edge of the bed. “You could say that.”
Leave it to Sam to try and lighten the mood, even after all that had happened between you. It was something he always used to do whenever you were having a bad day or Dean had somehow pissed you off. The fact that he was still doing so now, even after everything, made you feel so incredibly unworthy of his friendship, but you were grateful nonetheless.
“Here, let me take a look at that.” He reached out, gently grasping your arm and inspecting the deep gash near your shoulder.
“I, uh- I was actually coming to find you.” You said, wanting to fill the silence. He paused but didn’t look up to meet your gaze before going back to his prodding and soon moving his attention to the wound at the back of your head.
“Both of you.” You sparred a glance over to Dean as he sat at a table on the far side of the room, seemingly occupied with cleaning the gun in front of him. When he didn’t show any signs of awknowledging you looked back to Sam. “I heard the two of you were working a case and I just- I was hoping we could talk.”
The only response you got was Sam declaring that your arm would need stitches before he abruptly stood up, walking over to a set of duffle bags and gathering some supplies. He was back beside you in a few moments but you could tell that the mood had once again shifted, and you didn’t push the subject any further.
The silence that took over the room as Sam got to work patching you up was almost suffocating. But it was the emotions rolling off each boy that really had you second guessing this whole thing. You couldn’t decide which was worse. The hurt written all across Sam’s face or the sheer hatred rolling off of Dean in waves.
Watching Sam’s face as he stitched up your arm you could tell he was fighting an internal battle, and the few times you had met his gaze it was clear to you what that battle was. He wanted answers. He wanted to know why you had left, and you could tell it was taking everything in his power not to ask. You just couldn't figure out if it was for your sake or Dean’s. However, one look at the man sitting across the room had you leaning towards the latter.
He was pissed, and you knew him well enough to know that the minute one of you broke the silence he would go off. The only thing keeping him contained at this point was the rhythmic process of cleaning his gun. Which, you weren't going to lie, had you a bit on edge yourself.
You couldn’t help but think that if Sam hadn’t been there when you ran into them Dean would have killed you. Your head still hurt from where you had smacked it against the window, and you were thankful that Sam had been quick to pull him off. You weren’t afraid to die. You just didn’t want it to be by his hands. Not for your sake, but for his. You knew that the truth would eventually come out and you didn't want him to blame himself any more than he already would. Not that he had a reason to, but you knew Dean. He always found a way to put the blame on his shoulders.
He hadn’t even sparred a glance in your direction since your first encounter, so you were surprised when his attention shifted to you without skipping a beat.
He must have felt your eyes on him, prompting the shift in his body as he raised the gun, lining up the barrel and tilting his head slightly, green eyes locking on target. You.
Yep. He hated you.
“Dean.” You looked over, noticing that Sam had finished with the stitches and was now glaring disapprovingly at his brother.
Here we go.
At the same time that you muttered an ‘it’s fine’ to Sam, Dean smacked the gun down onto the table, eliciting a startled jump out of you, and Sam mirrored him as he abruptly rose to his feet.
“She left us, Sam. She left you to die! And you’re just, what, going to sit there and stitch her back up and pretend everything’s okay? Pretend that she would do the same for you? Because she wouldn’t!”
“It’s Y/N, Dean. What do you want me to do? Let her die?”
“She sure as hell didn’t seem to have a problem with it.”
“Yeah, well I do.” Sam turned around, gathering up the medical supplies from the bed and starting to put everything away.
“Dean, I’m sorry I-” You tried to offer some sort of apology, not wanting the two of them to fight with each other, but he cut you off.
“You’re sorry? You didn’t accidentally put a dent in Baby, Y/N! You left Sam bleeding out in a house full of demons! You just left him! If Cas and I hadn't showed up when we did he would be dead! My brother would be dead! So why don’t you take your ‘sorry’ and get the hell out.”
“I can’t.”
“And why the hell not? Like I said, you didn’t seem to have a problem with it six years ago.”
You looked to Sam but he quickly averted his eyes, continuing to clean up. He had no problem making sure Dean didn’t kill you, but when it came to getting a verbal beat down you couldn’t blame him that that’s how far his help would extend.
Looking back to Dean you could feel the tears already beginning to well up in your eyes. You had hoped you would be able to keep them at bay. After all, this wasn't their fault. Knowing what they know, you were getting everything you deserved. You just wished you could tell them the truth. Tell them your side of the story.
“Dean I- I can’t leave. Not like this. I know you hate me but...”
His harsh laugh cut you off, but there was no humor to be found in it.
“Hate you? Sweetheart, ‘hate’ doesn’t even begin to cut it.” The coldness in his voice and stare felt like a dagger to the heart. Never in a million years would you have thought that type of anger would be directed at you, at least not until six years ago.
This was the man you had fallen in love with no matter how hard you had tried to fight it at the time. This was the man you had spent countless nights sharing secrets and hopes and fears with. The man who knew more about you than anyone. The arms you used to run to and feel safe. The eyes that used to hold so much love in them that he never had to say it. But there were no traces of that love left, and although it was to be expected it still hurt. More than you thought humanly possible.
You made a move to speak but quickly snapped your mouth shut as a wave of emotion washed over you. You squeezed your eyes shut, willing it back before taking a deep breathe and shakily starting over.
“I- I know, and I wouldn’t expect anything less, I just- I had to see you one last time and at least try to explain myself...”
“What’s there to explain? You abandoned us. End of story.”
You had almost forgotten how stubborn the eldest Winchester could be, and it still infuriated you to no end.
“Thats bullshit! You know me better than that! You honestly think I would just abandon you guy’s like that? I know that it looked that way but it’s not. Dean, please, you have to believe me.
“Dean, come on. Just let her talk.”
Dean tossed his hands up in the air in exasperation as his brother walked over to him. “Why the hell are you taking her side?”
“I’m not. I’m just as upset as you are, man. But...” His eyes caught yours for a moment before looking back to his brother. “I also want to know what happened. Because I refuse to believe she just left me there to die.”
They both turned to look at you, the weight of their combined stares almost knocking you off your feet. This was what you had wanted. To be given the chance to explain yourself. But even now you weren’t sure what to say. You couldn’t tell them the truth but you didn’t want them believing a lie either. At the same time you couldn’t leave without knowing that they understood and forgave you, but how were you supposed to make them understand something they didn’t even know was happening.
Your eyes snapped to Dean’s, sensing that behind all that rage he wanted to hear your side of the story just as much as his brother.
“Do you trust me?”
Dean let out a humorless laugh, turning away and muttering to himself about how ‘unbelievable’ you were as he took a seat at the table. Sam quickly stepping up in an attempt to keep the peace.
“Y/N, no offense, but you can’t really expect us to-”
“Before, I mean. Did you trust me before?”
Sam answered without skipping a beat. “More than anyone.”
“A lot of good that did us.” Dean muttered, back to fiddling with his gun. But you ignored him.
“You trusted that I would have your back, that I would fight beside you no matter what?” 
Sam nodded and you continued. 
“Then I need you to trust me now when I say that I would never leave you behind, Sam. You are my best friend. You’re family.”
“No! You don’t get to use that word.” Dean interjected, leaning over in his chair and pointing an accusatory finger at you.
“No, Sam! She has exactly five seconds to tell us why she left or she’s gone.”
“I can’t. Dean, I want more than anything to give you the answer you’re looking for but it’s not that simple. There are things-”
“That’s it. You need to leave. Now.” 
“Dean, please.” He was across the room in an instant, grabbing your good arm and dragging you towards the door while you pleaded with him to believe you. “I know what it must have looked like, and I hate myself for how much I hurt you but I didn’t have a choice. ”
You were at the door now and he paused to open it, revealing the storm outside. It was probably early morning, but with the dark clouds over head it was hard to tell.  But Dean didn’t seem to notice the rain as he pushed you through the threshold. You spun around, casting a hopeful glance at Sam as he approached the door but he made no move to stop his brother or pull you back in. Instead, he handed you a grey hoodie, offering you a grim smile before turning and disappearing from view.
Seeing that his brother wasn’t going to come to your defense again, Dean moved to shut the door but before he could your hand shot out, holding it open. He glared down at you, fully prepared to tear into you even more but when he saw the defeated gaze staring back at him he restrained himself. Waiting for you to say whatever it was you had left to say.
It was as much of a surprise to you as it was to him when you stepped forward, pressing your lips to his in a brief kiss. Even more surprising was the fact that he let you, and as you pulled away, you said peace.
“I love you, Dean. I know you don’t believe that, but I do. I always have. Just- promise you’ll remember that, okay?”
When he looked away you knew you weren’t going to get a response so you stepped back, shrugging on Sam’s sweatshirt and pulling the hood up around your face before turning into the downpour. 
The rain masked your tears as you made your way out of the parking lot, heading toward the main road that would lead you back out of town. Just missing the old truck pull into the lot on the other side.
As you walked the empty streets you found a sense of calm in listening to the rain, and the roar of the water hitting pavement was almost enough to drown out the howling of the wind. 
Forever Tags: @maximoffangel-girl @mariahoedt @goodnightwife @napping-ghost @heycassbutt-67 @anotherotter @bananyaaa @allinhishands 
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Angel’s 2K Celebration Masterpost!
When I hit 2k followers, I came up with a list of 22 songs and a bunch of dramatic dialogue lines. I asked my followers to either Request2Read a fic written with a song and a dialogue prompt, or Request2Write an spn fic featuring the song and dialogue prompt.
The results were 
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Below the read more you will find the Request2Write list of fics with links, prompts, and promos for each--and you should definitely check them out, or at least reblog this to give the writers a bit more of an audience. :)
The Request2Read fics written by me can be found through a masterpost HERE.
“Don’t” by @waywardjoy  written for “Don’t Make Me” by Blake Shelton with the prompt line: “You’ll be fine. You don’t need me. You never have.”
Promo: The Angst Queen strikes again! Joy might have a fluffy name, but her fics have this tendency to rip my heart to shreds, and this one was no exception. Dean x Reader, and SFW…if it’s okay to sob uncontrollably in your workplace.
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“A Prayer Away” by @summer-binging-spn written for “One Call Away” by Charlie Puth with the prompt line: “You can’t scare me away.”
Promo: A Castiel x Reader (though it honestly could be just a close friendship instead of a romance) angsty fic as the two of them clearly need each other and want to be there through the rough times… it’s just a shame that there are so many of those rough moments. SFW, and beautifully poignant writing.
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“Home” by @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes written for “Love Don’t Run” by Steve Holy with the prompt line: “I told you I would never give up on you. Did you think I was lying?”
Promo: This is a small 8 part series (each part is under 2k) that will take you on a roller coaster of emotions. A new fic writer on Tumblr, but one I can’t wait to read more from, Alyson delivered a Dean x Reader fic with heartwarming fluff and heartbreaking angst all wrapped up together with a finale that took even me, a veteran reader and writer, by surprise. Beautiful job working in your song; I’m going to think of this fic from now on when I hear it.
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“Breaking the Righteous Man” by @thegreatficmaster  written for “A Guy What Takes His Time” by Christina Aguilera with the prompt line, “If you want me to keep talking, you’re going to have to stop that.”
Promo: a twisted, angsty smut piece where Dean holds back from Alistair in Hell thanks to the Reader. A nice twist at the end, and as always, some beautiful smut here. Definitely worth a look (I don’t think I can add any more without giving away spoilers)!
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“Tomorrow” by @mery-magizoologist  written for “Tomorrow” by Chris Young with the prompt line, “If you haven’t figured it out yet, when it comes down to it, I’ll always choose you.”
Promo: Dean tries to be a martyr and break up with the reader who isn’t having any of it. I love the emotions in this short little fic, and I’d call it angst, but I suppose there are hints of fluff in it.
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“If We Don’t Make It” by @rizlowwritessortof for “Broken” by Lifehouse with the prompt line, “If we don’t make it out of this, I need you to know…”
Promo: Things start out super tense, and Riz did an absolutely amazing job of depicting the panic and suspense involved. Don’t worry though—the ending is worth the anxiety! Dean x Reader and beautifully written, definitely check this short piece out!
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“My Side of the Story” by @writer-picks-the-music  written for “My Side of the Story” by Hodges with the prompt line, “That’s bullshit! You know me better than that!”
Promo: I really loved this fic! It’s enigmatic though, and the cliff-hanger nearly killed me. Angry Dean, a reader who still loves him, and a complicated plot that I’m hoping continues into a part 2, this one will grip you fast and not let go.
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“Do You Really Want Me” by @arlaina28  written for “Hate That I Love You” by Rihanna and Neyo with the prompt line, “I need to know. Is this real?”
Promo: This is definitely one to check out. Angsty relationship that isn’t fixed in a blink of an eye for once; beautiful description of some rough hot smut, and on-point characterization of Dean Winchester—I quite enjoyed this fic!
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“Say You Won’t Let Go” by @barbedwireandbubblegum  written for James Arthur’s “I Won’t Let Go” with the prompt line, “I don’t care about your damn baggage. I just want you.”
Promo: This fic was absolutely beautiful! So poignant and painful at the same time...I just...ugh...whyyyyyy??!?!? Okay, Sam x Reader, angsty, as all of Sam’s relationships tend to be, but beautiful in the depth of emotion portrayed in this fic.
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“We Belong Together” by @mrsjohnsmith written for “We Belong Together” by Mariah Carey and the dialogue prompt “Why? Just tell me why, please.”
Promo: This was both one of the shortest and one of the best written fics on this list. Dean x Reader, emotional trauma after Dean has gone to Hell and the Reader is trying to cope. Analogies and characterizations abound in this mostly introspective piece, and I loved every word.
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“Bright and Warm” by @lipstickandwhiskey  written for “Must Be Doing Something Right” by Billy Currington with the dialogue prompt “Yes. Anything, just… yes…”
Promo: Lips sure did this one right. A slow, intriguing build up that lead to a gloriously fluffy ending, this Dean x Reader is a shorter one, but well crafted. I enjoyed the canon-style characterizations, the journey of watching Dean fall for the reader, and the hint of jealous Dean before chivalric Dean…just, sigh…
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“Haunted Memories” by @impalapiegirl67 written for “Little Do You Know” by Alex and Sierra with the dialogue prompt: “You make me smile. That’s why. You make me cry, laugh, sing, and get so angry I could kill you. And I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
Promo: This was a super angsty Sam x Reader fic because this relationship is under fire from the first word, and things only get more complicated between the two of them when you throw a demon into the mix. She did a great job with her prompts, and I was glad to see this addition to the celebration.
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“Turns of Fate” by @plaidstiel-wormstache written for “Little Wonders” by Rob Thomas witht he dialogue prompt, “If you could go back and do it over, would you?”
Promo: An angsty fic that is centered more on the reader than either of the boys--which is rarer than you would think. Kinda Dean x Reader but one of those with unrealized potential, you know? I quite enjoyed this fic, as I do most of her works, so I hope you check it out!
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Waiting on just a few more for this list. 
I hope you like these, and that you’ll reblog to spread the word about these fantastic writers and their hard work.
Thank you all!
This link will take you to the masterpost I made of all of my celebration challenges!
@2wonderinsighlents, @adaliamalfoy, @alcpegasus22, @andrastesflamingtitties, @angelofwinchester17, @alexastacio, @anokhi07, @ariethegreat98, @arryn-nyxx, @autopistaaningunaparte, @avasmommy224, @babypieandwhiskey, @bennyyh, @benjerry707, @bringmesomepie56, @bucky-thorin-winchester, @but-deans-back-tho, @captainemwinchester, @carry-on-ms-believer, @casownsmyass, @cfordwrites, @chaos-and-the-calm67, @dancingalone21, @d-s-winchester, @deafgirlsarecooler, @deandoesthingstome, @deanfuckingwinchesterrr, @deanscherrypie, @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog, @deanwinchesterforpromqueen, @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester, @deliciouslyshadowymilkshake, @demonangelimpala, @demondeansdomme, @end-lessnights, @faith-in-dean, @fandommaniacx, @feelmyroarrrr, @fiveleaf, @graceforme86, @i-is-for-inspiring, @ilostmyshoe-79, @impala-dreamer, @jalove-wecallhimdean, @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes, @jencharlan, @jensen-gal, @jotink78, @just-another-busy-fangirl, @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms, @katnharper, @kittenofdoomage, @kristaparadowski, @lipstickandwhiskey, @littlegreenplasticsoldier, @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid, @love-kittykat21, @loreleilara, @lunarsaturn88, @luv4jensen, @marilynnlew, @millaraysuyai, @mogaruke, @moonstonemystyk, @mrsbatesmotel53, @mrsjohnsmith, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mzpearlz, @nicolesyneah25, @nightmaredean, @notnatural-supernatural, @paintrider13-blog, @pinknerdpanda, @plaidstiel-wormstache, @rizlowwritessortof, @roxy-davenport, @rushernparadise, @salvachester, @seenashwrite, @septicxsoulxdarkxmind, @scorpiongirl1, @skathan-omaha, @spnrvt, @supernatural-jackles, @supernaturalyobsessed, @theafinnerup, @thegreatficmaster, @vote-for-pedro, @waywardjoy, @wevegotworktodo, @wi-deangirl77, @wonderange, @withoutaplease, @writingbeautifulmen, @xtina2191, @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou, and @yume-deaimashou
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Angel’s Celebration Challenges!
I have been super lucky as a writer and tumblr blogger and my followers are amazing--so when I throw celebrations/challenges, I always seem to have a good turn out. 
And while I make masterposts at the end of my challenges, I feel like they get skipped over a lot, and I don’t want to miss any chance to celebrate the writing of my wonderful followers!
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So I made this post! 
This is a collection of all the SPN Fanfic Masterposts that resulted from challenges that I’ve given. 
NONE OF THE FICS FOUND ON THESE LINKS WERE WRITTEN BY ME (my fics can be found on my MASTERLIST, including the ones I’ve written for my celebrations--those have their own section at the bottom of the masterlist).
Basically, this is a giant GIANT fic rec. Or an entire weekend of reading. :)
Have fun!
**P.S.: Any current challenge that is either open or waiting on the deadline will be linked at the bottom to make it easier to find!
I will update this as I add other challenges, and there is a link back to this post on each masterlist to make navigating through all of these lovely fics a little easier for you. You can also find a link to this post on the sidebar of my blog. Enjoy your SPN Reading!
750 Celebration: “We’ve Got a Fic for That!”
This was my first writing challenge, and was easily my favorite. I picked iconic lines from fandoms other than SPN (Disney, Harry Potter, Star Wars, you name it, I threw it in!) and challenged writers to include the line in an SPN fic. The results were AMAZING, and for anyone who is a fangirl for multiple things, you will love them at least half as much as I do.
1.5k Celebration: “Much Ado About SPN”
In hindsight, this challenge was waaaaay too outside the box for Tumblr; I designed it like I would a lesson plan for my students--using Shakespearean lines and alliterative SPN prompt words to create fics: BAD TEACHER! And yet, my followers rose to the occasion and made both me and The Bard proud by writing some wonderful fics.
2k Celebration: “2 Ways 2 Go: Request2Write”
This was a weird brainchild--my followers got to ask me to write, or ask to write themselves, with a combo dialogue prompt and a song that I had yet to see a fanfic for but thought deserved one. Some great results, and my first attempt to bring music into a fic challenge, something I definitely hope to do again.
My 2017 Birthday Fics!
These were some lovely little fics given to me by my followers on my 27th birthday. All are awesome, most are short, please check them out!
Hamilnatural Challenge!
I rather revealed my musical theater obsession when I made a challenge list comprised of a quote from each of the songs on the soundtrack for the broadway sensation, Hamilton. This was before the pandemic when it got even more accessible, so I only had a handful of followers participate. I took on the rest of the prompts myself! 
Feel free to reblog to spread the love to these awesome writers!
Thanks guys! Love you bunches!!!
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