#research the galaxy mayhaps
wrenkenstein · 2 years
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Taking a risk posting this right now because the fandom is currently on fire in regards to Tech and shipping. But fuck it we ball. anyways they’re lab partners in love
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shiftperception · 3 years
alternate take on legends protagonist, started as a self insert but I want to make them their own thing:
-Unhinged!! They don’t want to destroy the world per say, but becoming god? Harnessing the power of creation? Jokes on you they’re into that shit! You see the rift incident wasn’t a total accident on their part. Sure, they stumbled into it. But one does not simply spend their time creeping around spear pillar if they’re not looking for rifts to stumble into. Much like Volo they’ve been tailing arceus and the creation trio for years. Heard reports of strange activity, went to investigate. Oops I fell into the rift whatever shall I do~?
-Aside from Kamado’s general suspicions the village folk never truly question their intense fascination with pokemon, especially of the legendary variety. So easily impressed by their skill and quick to fall into praising their dedication to research and the Galaxy Team’s cause. They’re 100% a closet mad scientist, but it’s so cute how the professor and that sweet survey corp kid call them a hero! They don’t have the heart to ruin the fun! And of course free (not really) lodging is also a plus.
-Let’s 👏🏻 Get 👏🏻 Meta 👏🏻 !! I don’t wanna get into territory that implies a real ass person is interacting with what (to them) are literal game characters. Cause there’s a ship here and despite uhh everything I’m not that far gone. plz understand this. but plz also understand my whole point is to go wild with reality bending shenanigans. Case in point: This person is the only one who can read unown. Volo wasted hours of his life staring at inscriptions in ruins taking notes, cross referencing every language in recorded history getting absolutely nowhere. Because unown are english letters. The pokemon world has its own letters, they don’t look like unown.
-Occasionally slip in their vocab. People brush it off as them being from the future. In the thing I just wrote they go “at sp- The temple.” Ah shit it’s not called spear pillar yet. Call the lustrous globe and adamant crystal “orbs.” that’s future stuff. but then there’s other stuff. “Unown the pokemon. You’ve never heard of them? Little floating eyes, alphabet soup. Code of the world? Not ringing any bells?” *details their venture into a space time distortion* “Great haul this time! Grabbed a bunch of RGB shards too.” Think Narnia, Wizard of Oz, classic fantasy/fairy tale stuff y’know? MC is transported to a magical world. Which for the purpose of this AU is a very real alternate reality. Look the fourth wall and I have a history ok... I know what I’m doing. part of my hyperfixation is the excitement of getting to use my Thing™️ in a pokemon fic.
-The way they talk like a modern person in my time loop shitpost/ficlet is gonna be on purpose too. It’d sound pretty weird to talk like that in meiji period japan I think, and this character would know that. They’d edit their voice and dial it back a lot around... basically everyone. Except Volo. They get fellow mad scientist vibes from Volo and drop their guard for him quite noticeably. Especially after the time he accused the rift of spitting them out to get in his way and looked straight up, where their homeworld beyond the sky would be. If I were there now... he might’ve looked right into my eyes. They see him and think: He knows I don’t belong here, and that he doesn’t belong either. We’re the same! Mayhaps we can not belong together??
-Zero self preservation. Rushes into fights with creatures in the wilderness without hesitation, sees portals tear open the sky and bounces excitedly. “I almost wanna let Volo reset the universe just to see what would happen” wait crap don’t show your hand “but giratina would kill me before I got the chance so- anyway.” nailed it. People ask if they have a death wish. The truth is... they should’ve been dead yesterday. Maybe, in a way, they have died. Many times. Mauled by an ursaring in the woods, drowned, fallen off cliffs, fallen from the sky itself. But every time they “die,” they see it. Them. The code of the world. A sea of eyes drifting and swirling, arranging themselves into strange patterns. Singing an odd lilting melody. There are words they recognize, but the sentence structure is all wrong and the context the words are used in doesn’t make sense. It’s like a foreign language. A language within a language. coding class is kicking my ass And then they wake up. Back at base camp like nothing ever happened. It seems you were rescued. By what? Arceus? Maybe. But somehow... it doesn’t feel like arceus. Arceus has plans. Stories with predetermined endings. Plans that have no room for mine, they never did. No love for those who dare mess with the code of its perfect world. But the code itself? It holds no attachments. It cares not for wrong or right, fate, outcomes. It faces us only with openness. Acceptance. Arceus only cares for us when we play by its rules. Why strive for its approval when the eyes see us void of judgment ha gettit . Tell me Volo, if we could speak to them in a way they’d understand would they care whether or not we bear the name “almighty Sinnoh?” The eyes are pure possibility. If we could speak to them... in their view, what’s the difference between arceus and us? Quit your job. Join my unown farm. Fuck I have too many words I’m dying squirtle
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ccinagalaxyfaraway · 4 years
Mayhaps... a senator au if you feel up to it? where plo koon is the senator for dorin, and the wolfpack is assigned as a guard for him for a negotiation mission or something of the like, whatever you want :)
“It would be most shameful if something were to happen to you during these negotiations, Senator,” says the Chancellor. “Especially since you’re overseeing them on our behalf. I won’t think of it. You must accept protection.”
Plo resists the urge to roll his eyes. He’s at home; his face is uncovered. But oh, he would love to. “Chancellor, I am fully capable of looking after my own safety. My staff -”
“Are unfamiliar with the territory. These are dangerous times, Senator Koon.”
“I am aware,” Plo says. If he had teeth, they would be grinding. May you trod on plastic children’s toys, he thinks sourly.
“It’s settled, then. I know just the men for the job. The 104th Wolfpack Battalion will join you for the duration.”
“The what -? An entire battalion is excessive! Absolutely not.” He is a very private person by nature; the thought of having so many people around devoted to knowing where he is and what he is doing at all times is intolerable. Not to mention the stares and whispers that tend to follow his people wherever they go; it’s not a secret that most of the galaxy considers them unattractive at best. 
But the Chancellor has already signed off, his hologram winking out of existence. Plo starts a cycle of deep breathing. His sister the Sage swears it’s helpful. He thinks it’s banthashit.
Commander Wolffe, after whom the battalion is presumably named, is a stern approaching-middle-age man with a scar over the right side of his face. The cybernetic eye tracks Plo briefly before syncing with the Commander’s natural eye again; Plo pretends not to notice. 
“Senator Koon,” says the Commander, saluting and staring over Plo’s shoulder instead of at his masked face. “We’re to be your protection detail while you mediate discussions.” 
“Please call me Plo,” he says, offering a bow. “It will be a long week if we stand on formality the entire time. May I ask who else I have the honor of meeting?” 
The Commander introduces his personal squad - now Plo’s constant companions - and Plo bows to each of them in turn. “I do apologize to be the cause of this diversion. Please do tell me if there’s anything I can do to make this assignment easier on you; I am accustomed to coming and going as I please, but I understand changes will have to be made. We can discuss the details in the office.”
He leads the way through the hallways. “You’ll have full access to the ship, barring personal quarters, and an emergency override to my quarters should the need arise. My staff have been instructed to provide you with anything you require; there should be ship layouts and a preliminary intelligence report on our destination and relevant factions waiting for you. You are, of course, welcome to use the ship systems. Accounts can be set up with no difficulty.” 
“That is . . . very generous, sir,” says the Commander. “Thank you.” 
Plo shrugs. “Everyone starts somewhere. Let us say I am reasonably well acquainted with being on the other side of this arrangement, and how obstructive a client may be.” 
“You’re a soldier,” says the Commander with some surprise as they pause in front of Plo’s office while he keys in a code. Two of the men - Comet and Boost - take up positions at either side of the doorway. 
“Something like that, once upon a time,” says Plo. He stands aside so Sinker can clear the space and pick his spot on the inside of the door before entering, Commander Wolffe trailing behind him. “Please, have a seat. Now, how may I help you with your arrangements?”
The clone troopers are less of an imposition than Plo had expected them to be; they’re generally willing to allow Plo to have his freedom, even if they accompany him everywhere but the fresher and to bed. By the time they arrive at neutral ground, the shifts have been worked out and aside from Commander Wolffe’s presence as his shadow, things are almost normal. And even that isn’t altogether unenjoyable; the Commander has a dry wit and a general lack of tolerance for nonsense that aligns well with Plo’s own sense of humor. It’s like having someone to give voice to all the things he wishes he could say himself but can’t due to his position.
It doesn’t hurt that the Commander has had zero discernible thoughts whatsoever about his appearance. The few times they’ve made skin-to-skin contact, the Commander has been carefully, deliberately blank; clearly he’s done his research. It makes for a more cordial relationship, not being bombarded with opinions on things he can do nothing about. Every morning, he waits for Plo at the door to his quarters and escorts him to breakfast before proceeding to the conference hall. A half day of discussions later, they go to lunch, which Plo picks his way through around his mask while the Commander watches, and then back to negotiating. Afterwards, he brings Plo back to his quarters with a reminder to call if he wants to go anywhere, declines to join Plo for any kind of refreshment, and disappears to wherever he goes when Plo isn’t in public. 
Plo wonders if he ever eats. He has to; he’s not a droid. But unless he’s downing 4500 calories in one sitting after shift, he needs food during the day and he isn’t getting it. The rest of the men switch out at least; Wolffe is never out of reach. The most he’s ever managed to get the man to accept is a mug of unadulterated caf. It can’t be healthy. Not, of course, that it’s any of Plo’s business. 
The end of the week comes sooner than Plo expects with everything running so smoothly; so of course, the Separatists choose to attack on the last day. The explosion throws the room into chaos, smoke and fire spreading from the blast. Wolffe pulls him into his chest, curling around him even as he draws his pistols, snapping orders at his men. Plo makes himself as small as possible, trying to keep out of the way. 
After the first brief exchange with the droids, Wolffe shuffles them both towards Comet, who’s already radioed out for help in case the smoke wasn’t enough to tip someone off. “We were this close,” he complains, throwing a charge pack at Boost. 
“I know,” Plo mumbles. “I’d so wanted to tell the Chancellor I-told-you-so.”
“That eager to be rid of us?” Wolffe asks, eyebrow raised.
“Not you in particular, Commander,” Plo says, though Wolffe’s grin says he’s only teasing. “Just perhaps the rest of your battalion. Which I maintain is overkill for one unimportant expansion region senator.”
“Bet you’re glad we’re around now, though,” says Comet, whose informality endeared him to Plo on day one.
“I can’t dispute that,” Plo says. He ducks as more blaster fire strikes their cover. 
“We only have to make it -”
“ETA ten minutes,” Comet supplies.
“-until extraction,” says Wolffe. “Keep your head down and things will be fine.”
Plo nods and throws his arms around his head, wishing he’d brought a sound dampener. 
“Be ready to move,” Wolffe orders. Boost lays down cover fire for them as they run for the door, Comet ahead and Sinker behind, and Wolffe at his side. They’ve almost made it out when a second blast throws them into a wall. Plo gasps weakly, rolling onto his side, the world spinning. Wolffe has already climbed to his feet and is fighting a droid, his movements wild and uncontrolled; blood trickles from the side of his head. He misses a blow, staggers, and the droid catches him by the neck, lifting him into the air. Wolffe chokes, scrabbling at the droid’s arm for leverage, kicking to no avail, dying. 
That cannot be allowed to happen. Plo grasps around for a weapon. Anything. All there is is drywall and rubble. He focuses on a shard of stone. Reaches. The shard remains just out of reach. It can’t be. It won’t be. He clenches his jaw. 
The shard launches into the air, rocketing past Wolffe and into the droid’s head. Wolffe drops to the ground and kicks it away as it begins sparking. He staggers over to Plo and drops to his knees beside him. 
“What,” he gasps,” was that?”
“Learned it from my sister,” says Plo, right before he passes out.
By the time Plo recovers from his Force-exhaustion, cleanup is well underway and they are halfway back to Coruscant. When he steps out of his quarters, Wolffe is one of the men standing guard at the door. Wolffe salutes, and Plo dips his head. They walk to the mess in companionable silence Plo makes a cup of tea and a mug of caf and collects an assortment of fruit and pastry. 
“Would you join me?” he asks, taking a seat in the booth. Wolffe studies him, a new curiosity in his eyes, and then acquiesces. He sits stiffly, picture perfect for an army etiquette guide. 
“It’s been an eventful end to the week,” Plo says. “I’d wanted to thank you for your protection.”
“Just doing our job, Senator,” says Wolffe. He doesn’t sound, strictly speaking, as though that was the only thing he had been doing.
“Nevertheless, a job well done deserves recognition,” says Plo. He nudges the plate closer to Wolffe. “Please don’t feel like you have to stand on formality with me. You’ve seen how I am with my staff.”
Wolffe hesitates a moment and then caves, selecting a cluster of berries. Plo smiles. “I hope this diversion hasn’t cut into your original plans, Commander.”
“No. Just shifted back a week. If I may, sir, I had a question.” He studies Plo. “At the hall. You used the Force?”
“I did.”
“But you’re not a Jedi.”
“I am not.” He chuckles. “My family is frequently gifted with these abilities. Mine are not so prominent that my parents felt they could not handle me, and I was rather fascinated with systems as a child. When the Master Jedi asked if I wished to be trained, I declined in favor of continuing my studies at home. And so, here we are.” He spreads his hands.
“Here we are,” Wolffe echoes. “I should be thanking you for saving my life.”
“I could hardly do otherwise when I had the ability to help. And if I’m entirely honest, I’ve become rather fond of you in the last week,” Plo says. Wolffe’s eyes linger on him. He decides to take the chance. “Please feel free to refuse, but might I ask for the honor of your company at dinner?”
Wolffe’s lips twitch. “I am afraid I must decline, Senator,” he says. Plo lets out a self-depreciating puff. “However - I’m off-duty once I’ve reported in on Coruscant, and I have no plans other than to kill time with paperwork in an office. You might have better luck then.”
“I see,” says Plo. “Please do eat, Commander. I’m not at all collecting information on your preferences.”
Wolffe smiles and pops a berry into his mouth.
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rogue-hammer · 4 years
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ELDAR PART 2: #5 EXODITES You know that army everyone says their going to do, and then you never see anyone doing it? You know that concept that seems kind of bizarre and niche, but is always kind of fun when you think about it? Lets cut the bull, do you know about the Exodites? Yeah you know the ones I mean. The Eldar who where smart enough from the get go to realize that shit was gonna hit that fan. And by hit we mean, the shit was a dirty nuclear bomb, and the fan was spinning at Mach 10, and no one within a 1 million light year radius of it was going to not get shit on them? The Eldar that if they had a proper army dex, would probably be Toughness 4, Strength 5 and could break an Aspect warrior over their knee? Well fear not, because the Chaos Druid is here to tell you how it may be possible to have these “Salt of the Earth” Style Eldar as a force. -First off, the lore. The Exodites as we all know, where those Eldar who, at the time before the fall realized what was going to happen, and after trying to tell the rest of their race that the liberal agenda was a bad idea, went fuck it and took off for the distant Eastern fringe of the galaxy. Abandoning much of what their race had achieved, these highly attuned seer like Eldar went and settled many a wild and dangerous world. You could say they where Mountain Men of their race. Minus the Buckskins. When establishing a concept for your army, it should be important to note these sorts of things, and mayhap research our own real world history, looking for those who left behind more advanced surroundings to wander the wilds and tame or become a part of their new surroundings. Besides, whats not to like when coming up with a how did your army tame mutha fuck’n dinosaurs for an army concept than to read about people who did much the same thing? 
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-How to represent it? This is the big hurdle to Exodites. GW never did give these backwoods space elves a codex of their own (sometimes I wonder if they where meant to be a mirror to wood elves from WHF) and so you have to be able to work a little bit of magic to bring them to the table. There are two ways of doing this: 1: Use a community created and tested Codex. This one is pretty simple. There are loads of communities on the net who enjoy making non-official but professional quality dexs that never existed, or that did and got left behind. This can be a good place to start if your unsure what exact kinds of units and characters you want to try and represent on the table. 2: Do a “Counts as army.” While this may seem a bit less interesting than going out in search of a quality fan made dex, believe it or not, counts as armies and models are some of the funnest challenges in the hobby. After all, who says you have to stick to one area? When it comes to a race as wide spread as the eldar, you can use all kinds of lists to represent your Exodites. From IA books, to the various inner factions and old codexes, you have a wealth of pre-made stats and rosters for your army, and it may even inspire you to create a Home Brew Dex of your own for use with friends and fellow Exodite fans, it can even be a group project!
-Modeling. Ah yes the next big hurdle in your quest to make this awesome idea come to life. But lucky for us, in this day and age of vast miniatures Renaissance, your never short on companies who produce all sorts of models for use in creating your own flavor of Exodites. Even the GW ranges can be put together via the various universes and factions to give rise to a unique and conversion heavy Exodite host. It’s these kind of armies that GW once upon a time used to really try and get their community interested in. Your own imagination is the only limit when making a fully converted army, and since everyone likes Dinosaurs, dragons, and laser guns, well, who isn;t going to have plenty of models ripe for bits fodder and base construction? 
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-So then next, whats your theme? After all, Exodites can be as various as their craftworld kin. They don’t all have to be from the same sort of planet, or even have the same sort of unit arrangement. Think first to yourself, what wild and possibly feral world has my army tamed and guards as their own? Are they Jungle style folk, Eldar survivalists of the deepest jungle worlds know to the galaxy who could give catachans are run for their money? Taming giant lizard like creatures and avian like Dinosaurs for use in war, while using mainly Stealth and Guerrilla style tactics against invaders, blending seamlessly into the Jungle foliage to strike while using the elements of their home world to wear down an enemy, Maybe they are a desert folk. Having traversed the sands of a barren wasteland planet in the style of Dune. (Dune….Eldar. Ok I may have to do this now) and have grown hardy and strong from the unforgiving conditions. Training and using burrowing and dangerous desert creatures such as serpentine lizards, Scorpion and draconic scalies of fire and ash to their use. Able to blend in and traverse the known ways of the sands to out maneuver and flank their foes foolish enough to come after them (and now I also want to watch Lawrence of Arabia). An alpine people would also not be a far stretch. After all we have seen plenty of Jungle Exodite concepts. So what about their Highlands dwelling kin? Eldar who live off the rock and timber of a giant temperate and sub arctic worlds. Strong of limb and able to survive the cold and wild temperaments of their chosen homes. Going into battle atop heavy plated and massive dino/prehistoric mammal like hybrids, battering their foes aside by ferocity and strength much like our own history’s hardy people of the mountains regions. Truly when creating an Exodite army, any hardy and primal like folk of our own world can serve as an excellent source for theme and character.
-And that leads us to story. Yet another thing that can have infinite possibilities based off your own imagination. Are your Exodites of the first migrations away from their Stellar Empire? The ancient and proud ones who fled the fall of their doomed race and have since held onto life and world for thousands upon thousands of years? Are you a young and newly aspiring tribe of Exodite travelers, having only just now in recent years and light of galactic events decided it best to leave the constraining confines of a Craftword and forge a new and hard destiny for yourself? Are you a sanctuary to Outcasts and those who have been forced or chosen to leave their homes in the Craftworld or even the Dark City. Do you dream of rising once again to dominance, or have you accepted the humble life of survivors and exiles. Are your Exodites proud warrior like people, given over to tribal customs of battle, honor and glory in combat? Or have you attempted to become a peaceful and conservative folk, only drawing a blade when pressed by outside forces. Do you count many of the ancient seers among your ranks, or do the physically strongest and most warlike lead you? Have you shunned all forms of technology or do you harbor much of your ancient relics and tech for use to give you an edge over your environment and enemies? Again, the sky is literally the limit with the number of ways you can forge your own unique brand of Exodites. That is, at the end of the day the fun of non-official, but canonical armies. #6 CORSAIRS Everyone’s thinking it I’m just say’n it. Pirates! Ah yes, corsairs. Eldar Corsairs no less. A throw back to the original concept of these ancient Space Elves from the Rogue Trader era, where the Eldar, much like Orks, and even Chaos were cast in a more “Raider, Pirate, Freebooter” light than as giant interstellar empires of their own. And if I may be frank, my favorite style of all Eldar. Corsairs are in a league of their own when it comes to lore and the table top. If Craftworld Eldar are the Boomer parents, and the Dark Eldar are the teen goth phase kids, while the Exodites are the redneck uncle you visit during summer vacation, then the corsairs are that cool older sibling who always seems to have a few rings in his ear, rocks out to old style metal music and owns some sort of sup’d up car you love riding in. Over the years the Corsairs have had many attempts at army lists and most have fallen by the way side with each passing edition. So what is a pirate to do? Break out your Space Rum and lets find out. 
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-Find your inner Outcast. This is the best place to start. Of all the Eldar sub factions, Corsairs are considered the Outcast. Too liberal minded and self serving for the Craftworlds, not into back stabbing, court intrigue and BDSM which counts the Dark Eldar out, and still too fucking full of themselves to go and play salt of the earth farmer with the Exodites. In all things the Corsair is the embodiment of the classic pirate trope. Those who live outside law and country. Content to ply the stars and do as they wish, when they wish, and save their own skin above all else. This type of “Sandbox” mindset can be used to create an eldar force with limitless background, style and character possibilities.
-What sort of pirate be ye? That’s your next question. Being Self sufficient and serving, Corsairs fit just about any niche you can think of when it comes to reaver like style. This also means they can be found just about anywhere, with just about anyone. Are your Corsairs a club for eldar only? Or have they allied to other even more unscrupulous characters? Corsairs can be found raiding alongside the likes of Rogue Traders, other alien species, and even among chaos warbands and Ork freebootas! And the reasons are just as varied. Are your pirates proud Corsair Princes/Princess’, plying the stars on an ambitious mission of their own? Are they fallen from grace renegades who have or will fall in with any dirty crowd? Are they the ruler of a pirate kingdom all their own, or do they sail the stars in a single infamous vessel like pirate stories of old, ravaging and stealing as they desire? Are they survivors of a larger group of CW Eldar, hiding amongst Exodites and teaching them the old ways of your people while trying to accumulate enough power and followers to rebuild what was lost? The options are almost limitless when forging a narrative for your Corsair warband.
-What is your goal? In the end, many a Corsair is an individualistic character. Shunning the Narrow dogmatic path of the Craftworlds, and refusing to become a corrupted sadist like the Drukari, they live a life of self fulfillment and ambition. So what motivates your band of pirates? Do they seek a sporting challenge as arrogant reavers of the stars? Are they after the ancient glory of their Race’s past when they ruled over the galaxy? Maybe perhaps they are altruistic, and ally themselves with whoever they foresee being a benefit to the galactic order of things. Fame and fortune? Women and wine? A warrior code dedicated to Khaine, or another esoteric group of reavers worshiping the many faded or forgotten gods of the past? Nefarious allegiance to chaos, or maybe a darker order of things. Maybe perhaps just indulging your own hedonistic desires without care to share them with others. Again, a corsair can have many a goal, which makes for all sorts of unique concepts regarding your army.
-Models models models. Ah yes, models, and what to use for your physical army on the table? Fortunately we live in a time where not only is there quite an expansive range of Eldar style models, both official and third party, but there are other factions with models that can be used to further augment your Corsair warband. The options are many. Maybe you use a combination of CW and Dark eldar models to achieve a rough reaver/noble look.  You can also dip into the Human side of models, utilizing Necromunda and RT faction models to give your eldar a much more grounded and space faring/gang like look. Even fantasy Elven ranges can be used to boost a more primal look to your Eldar, or perhaps Out of the way factions like Mechanicus and Warcry warbands can be augmented with Eldar models to produce some very unique Tech mash ups or tribal like appearances. Not to mention older far more grim looking GW models from Ebay can be used to add a spice of old to your model ranges. However you choose to do it, make sure your models are cut apart from straight up CW or Dark Eldar style figures. After all, your above that kind of crap. 
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-Now we come to the final question, how do we play this army? As I mentioned before, there are older Corsair lists under official publishing one can use, as well as no doubt a bevy of fan made content. Like the Exodites, the Corsairs can easily be used as a counts as force, with even more options as you can pull from a number of different books in order to create homebrew allies and piratical alliances with your army. Once you have down how to create a list, its time to ask, how will yours be a unique pirate band? The cornerstone of any crew of pirates is Speed. After all, no need to hang around and risk your own neck am I right? This luckily is the Eldar’s forte, and can be done in numerous ways without too much overlap. On one hand, taking advantage of Eldar Air power is an awesome idea for Corsairs. Not only have they used in pass incarnations many of the powerful aircraft of the Eldar race, including the feared Void Dragon, other smaller editions have been made of time such as the handy Wasp, and fast moving Jump pack corsairs. Building off this concept, corsairs can utilise the various armies of the Eldar to kick into high gear. Between the DE and CW books, there is a wealth of fast moving raider vessels, teleporting and deep striking units, as well as high initiative and deadly close combat infantry. Depending on your list and homebrew rules, you may even have options to add other races in for flavor, such as Ork Meatshields…..I mean Ork allies that are very useful and cared about. Human RTs that can use various codex designs to function as an extra bulwark of strength and toughness and even Chaos elements if your feeling like you need the warp on your side. Maybe your corsairs favor Jetbike and light attack craft tactics and are made up almost completely of such units, along with jump infantry to help support your already fearsome maneuverability. There’s even ways to create an Eldar Corsair force that deploys almost exclusively from Deepstrike, entering the table at any point, ready to strike the enemy’s weak spot or run circles around their more cumbersome units. Always remember the enemy can;t hit back if they never see you coming, or are too slow to catch you!
It can be said, if the Exodites are a Modeling enthusiast’s dream, then the Corsairs are Narrative army creator’s playground. Enjoy Pillaging the stars fellow pirates! I can only hope this lengthy entry has given some of you new perspective or even just revivied old ideas on how to create and Eldar army of unique or simply enjoyable design. Sometimes I do feel as if Eldar are bottlenecked into repetative lists and story styles that leave little to customize, and rarely seem to fire the imagination. So really, these Pointy Eared ones arn’t just simple ELVES IN SPACE. There is little limit to what one can make of so many different aspects of this once great and powerful race.
As Always, Happy Hobbying!
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bobones · 5 years
New sexey good omens au
inspired by a drawing by @timbersweetheart
he lost them while protecting his angel
protecting him from what you ask? uhhhh.... TIMBER YOU TELL THEM :D
he eventually gets sexey cool robot arms.
youre probably wondering why he doesnt just, you know, grow them back with a miracle. thats because something holy and blessed wa sused to hurt him, and demons cant heal from such wounds.
the robot arms are pretty freaking cool, a\pretty advanced! they move just like normal ones!
he has two sets, one with fake skin and another thats all cool sexey robot like.
the thing he misses the most is being able to feel aziraphale with his hands. the feeling of tracing his fingers down his angel’s sides and back and feeling him shiver beneath him. 
but he wouldnt change a thing. hed rather live with no arms than without his angel
he has bad days where he gets phantom pains and feelings. but with hsi angel near him they are few and far between.
sometimes he wakes up from nightmares, forgetting he lost his arms, trying to grip something, anything, and not being able to and he panics
and hell only calm down when aziraphale holds him gently, talking to him quietly and just telling him meaningless things that happened that day to snap him from the nightmare.
aziraphale feels terrible about what happened. Crowley wasnt supposed to even be anywhere near there and yet he showed up anyway to save him. his demon always did have a knack for sensing when he was in trouble. sometimes he thinks perhaps he should have been the one to be hurt and not crowley. but crowley always tells aziraphale otherwise.
crowley took forever to adjust to his robotic arms. (imagine like... edward elrics arm) hurt like a bitch to get done. sometimes hes afraid to touch aziraphale, because now his hands are cold and inhuman. but aziraphale loves the coolness on his warm skin, especially during wooohee ;))
crowley often takes off his arms before he goes to bed, simply because hes afraid if he has a night terror he might hurt the angel sleeping next to him.
only good thing out of all of this is that he gets lots of kids tell him what a cool robot he is.
he now speaks out for people like himself who have lost limbs, attending conferences and paying lots of money to help advance research int he area and make the higher end prosthetics more widely available. 
he 100 percent paints his arms with cool designs like stars and the galaxy. because then the coldness and lack of feeling he has feels a little bit better.
aziraphale is constantly leaving little kisses on crowleys arms. if hes walks by, a kiss tot he shoulder. sitting together, he kisses his hand. laying in bed, the finger tips.
and boy howdy does crowley feel like the warmth from aziraphales kisses transfer to him little by little each time
i thinkt hats all i have for right now, timber if you have any other cool sexey ideas you should share them too tho. and mayhaps i might a fic for this, or even draw soemthing, who knows.... (The answer is yes, i will. im addicted to this au now)
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gg-astrology · 6 years
Hey, about the sun moon combo descriptions, would you mind doing a description on scorpio sun pisces moon? Thank you💫
Hey there! 💕 Aaaah I love this one !! 💕
[Below Cut: Scorpio Sun - Pisces Moon 🌌] 
THE strongest creative minds and imaginations 
And also One of the NICEST person you will ever meet
I think I once described these people as like ‘fairy tale’ come to life and i still think it’s true
Has the cutest smile, they’re altruistic at heart and that’s why they’re usually adored by people around them 
They are so open-minded?? Like one of the friends who just wants the best for everyone (even tho they have problems themselves and may have a hard time dealing with it, confronting it instead of cutting it out/escaping away from it as a coping mechanism)
Likes anything art, has big dreams when they were a kid (also: role-playing can spark their interest in theatre/drama)
When they’re interested in the ‘concept’ of something they do research/starts to get deeper into it: 
If it’s ‘stars’ they get space-documentaries/looks at nasa sites. If it’s ‘animals’ (like ‘polar bears’) they start getting involved with or ‘saving-the-animals’  stuff.
They find out ‘facts’ about the subject and share it with their friends. They’re concerned with like, discourse/discussions around the subject (newer discovery/research etc.) 
Also the way that they ‘involve’ themselves into the subject isn’t so ‘narrow’ --- they like the thing about stars, but did you hear the things about our galaxy as well? 
They have a broader range of interests because they’re empathetic when relating/understanding/learning about the subjects
They like to feel personally connected, so they always try to find the good in things/something precious in it that appeals to them emotionally (or imaginatively)--- and use that to expand their focus.  
Mayhaps they are scared to be in a relationship/commitment sometimes and has a hard time dealing saying ‘no’ to people----it’s mostly to do with having high ideals, and not being able to cope physically with actual real intimacy between people. So they may need time to test the waters or adjust. Have some autonomy to themselves/know themselves better.
They always have this deep soulful connection to waters--  being in waters, thinking about water, having some waters near by. They’re attracted to symbolisms or representations of water, because they unconsciously associate it back to themselves. 
ANYTHING artsy -- if these people paints, they’re the type of people who just genuinely enjoy the process. The MOST patient/concentrated when it comes to art, they just feel so cathartic doing it 
They’re highly involved with spiritual practices/ideas (that doesn’t mean necessarily being religious)-- the idea that there’s ‘more’ in this world than what we see, what we get in the ‘material’ fascinates them. 
It’s like a gate-way to ‘space’ in a way? An area that’s left unexplored and just waiting to be discovered. An area in which ‘space’ can be made for them, accommodate them. Maybe it could become a ‘space’ they will eventually ‘belong/find something valuable to them there’
Wants and likes the idea of unconditional love-- mostly because, they are rather dedicated and slow-moving people. The idea that the others will wait, be patient and understanding towards them will appeals to them. They need warmth and nurturing to grow, and being in an environment where other makes space/time for them and give them patience/understanding---they grow fond and soft in it.
The idea/lesson with Scorpio/Pisces however, is that they may be a little too into luxuriating and finding these spaces. These people may be tilted too much into Pisces Moon--- making them find hardship in the world easily, find flaws easily, bury themselves in emotional hurt and self-problems because of it.
Most of the time it’s self-image or social expectations. They feel bad about themselves and are constantly aware of their own flaws.
No matter how much others try to explain to them how differently they are for others/socially (and that ‘its ok to be different’)--- how valuable, precious and rare they are socially (you can never find others like them). These people have a hard time ‘feeling’ like they’re worth something/feel grounded in those Truths.
Even though they try so hard to see things from other people’s perspective (like they trust them, it makes sense. A part of their intuition is telling them that it’s ‘truthful’)-- but that doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t feel what they feel. 
They may sometimes feel like others don’t feel the same problems as they do, because most of the time they ‘feel’ their flaws ‘consciously’. It’s a feeling where you’re constantly aware of your faults, and you emotionally feel insecure/down about it (don’t want to get judged, criticized. Fearful of it. Just wants to please/up-lift other people)
They’re prone to try being rational, try to be ‘logical’ and ‘pragmatic’ and all that. But they can’t help feeling emotionally helpless sometimes, about something even though they try to stay strong in (they compare themselves to other people, friends around them who aren’t as emotional and try to incorporate that in somewhat)  
See the thing here is that they see their emotionality as a flaw. Scorpio natives in general, may be much more in touch with their Pisces Moon sides that they know it’s overwhelming their Scorpio. It leads to the same problem, a half sense of acknowledgement and putting themselves down. 
They feel like ‘people’ would describe them as ‘living in the dream world’ more than the real world because of their ideals/wants in life. They have to be aware that they are often their own worst critic. 
Because they’re an empathetic learner-- the slightest off-hand wording from someone else (or like silence, frustrations/context) they care about, can sometimes think it’s something else (from their understanding/context) 
They pride themselves in their empathy but that is also the part they use to hurt themselves with, the imagination and idealism isn’t a fault. What you think about yourself isn’t at fault. You don’t have to cut back on yourself or try to please others around you--- you just have to get a stronger sense of independence/autonomy. 
It’s really not a big thing at all. Most of you are already thinking about so many explanations/ideas on your own about what that means, what you need to do, what it could imply. 
Stop thinking about those, what matters is that you take it as a moment to find your independence. Because you’re absorption/receptive to your environment--- being in one where you don’t have families/friends with you will truly help you.
A place where it’s just you, and a new chapter. I know it sounds dramatic/drastic, but you tend to cling onto the past, to people you know or find comfort in and your mind/fondness always go back to them.
Because of this you’ll find yourself using your Scorpio side more-- your adaptability becomes a survival skills, you use your head instead of your heart to connect to others. You watch out for yourself, because nobody else you may know/feel close to is there to do it for you.
This is you finding balance. This is you figuring out who you are independent of your family or friends or relationship with anyone else. You come back to earth naturally, when you’re in an environment that’s new and requires you to respond to it. Make new connections, do certain things.  
You don’t have to change who you are, what matters most is that you realize it’s a natural and normal, to feel natural in those positions. Sure, you still don’t like/feel intimidated by forceful/powerful people. But you have to adapt now, you can choose to not engage/be close to those people (or find some commonality in them/be friends with them) 
This is  a perfectly normal progression of development everyone goes through. When you adjust and get into this progression, you will continue with it. Until you’re ready to change, adapt, start anew and go through it again.
(I’m not worried about these people ‘changing’ often, mostly because they’re suuuuuper slow moving so they have a harder time letting go than switching sides. Just make sure to realize when you should do it, when it feels like you gotta get a move on. 
Because without that --- you’ll find yourself making ‘habits’ of behaviors for yourself in each phrase that ‘defines’ you who are until you don’t know how to ‘start’ anew again)
Last ending note on these placements: you always try to be yourself, but may find yourself feeling ‘not you’ or think you’re playing ‘roles’ to empathize with those around you. Make sure to realize that it’s not that, it’s just that you are inherently kind, and being ‘kind’ is guiding your action.
You don’t impose yourself, and you’d hate to feel like you did. But it makes you less assertive, less in control of environments/social/context around you. You lose more opportunity because of it. 
You may withdraw too much into yourself, because you feel the need to do some soul-searching/self-contemplation. But make sure you get back and find friends who could be with you during those times, one-on-one are better than social because that may tend to freak you out if it’s sudden (you don’t feel ready/prepared to ‘face’ people sometimes)
I hope you like it 💕💕 Thank u for sending it in! 💕
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ghostofnibelheim · 3 years
    Dormant. Oddly, the term would fit the situation that the man had been in before, given how the reports would describe how he was found during an exploration into the new strange world; Zenos wanted to brush up on this so-called assignment since he had not known much previously. A mountainous region in the northern reaches, reachable because of the ship they had brought through, the same vehicle that had brought back this curious specimen.
    Eyes would follow the left hand of the stranger that swung up - a shaped light taking form into something solid, fully appearing when the handle was grasped. Now this… this was interesting. Zenos took in the shape of the blade as well as its length, able to determine it as a type of katana of most unusual length. He’s never seen one like it. It fascinated him even for that moment. Because the blade was not turn toward him, the garlean made no move to stop him from slicing through the thick metallic walls with hisses of steam erupting at two points where the pipes were cut, creating quite a mess for the ground below.
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    Stepping forward until he reached the same opening, the blast of cold air finding purchase within the cell that sent his long hair into a curtain for a moment before it settled back down. How quick one of the magitek ships would bring itself around to bear its canons onto the hole, yet Zenos felt that it would have been quite useless if the man was that intent on leaving into this desolate wasteland of ice. Mayhap his father had a point after all.
❝This star is far different from the world where you hail from,❞ the princeling replied, near equal in tone, unperturbed by the change that was wrought onto the room. Even now he could hear yells coming from down the hallways of the research facility. ❝It likely would not meet any visions you might have had.❞
    Blunt, to the point - he wasn’t going to mince the truth in the fact that the man was not of this world. Likely Father wouldn’t approve, yet what should he care when he was carrying his assignment? Even if admittedly the assignment had gotten far more interesting.
❝Tell me… what is your name?❞
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A different planet… It made sense. There had to be a reason why even Shinra Inc., with its tendrils that could reach and uproot anything in the far reaches of the land, couldn’t find this place. He remembered that being a likely prediction, reason why he had been planning to take control of the Lifestream and use the Planet as his own vessel to travel through the galaxies.
It felt as though all had happened while he was dormant, somehow. His long yearning had been fulfilled. He could be free, here.
Regardless of what these people thought. Admittedly, he hadn’t considered the Promised Land could already be inhabited. A part of him now wondered if a connection bound his Mother to this giant beside him.
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“Sephiroth.” He answered, the Masamune dissipating into thin air as soon as his fingers loosened to let go of the handle.
His mind was quickly catching up with his acquired knowledge, in skill and abilities. In a similar fashion as how he had called forward the blade, the dark leather coat with steel pauldrons took shape on his body, hands covering in dark gloves. His fingers flexed briefly, the familiarity of that sensation granting him a washing feeling of relief.
Calmly he craned his head to peer at the blonde male. “… And what should I call you, instead?”
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maging-mahiwaga · 4 years
So I was researching the wiccan altar, when I came upon this;
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"The Gendered Altar: Wiccan Concepts Of Gender And Ritual Objects" a thesis by Jesse Sloan.
And I was like, "Yeah, might as well make use of my 3 years (and counting, woo for quarantine) of statistics hell. I should be able to read this."
(Quick side note, why the fuck was I not informed that anthropology papers are so much more chill ????? If I submitted anything like this to my stat teach, I'd have gone straight to the dungeon.)
And now that I'm done reading it, it really does bring to light a lot of issues with Wicca.
Wicca is a Nature Religion, and all life comes from somewhere, so Fertility is thusly the bringer of Life. It's why the Goddess is the Mother of All. Why She rules the cosmos where All came from, and why she rules the earth, where Life came from.
Still, we're humans. Humans who have to put labels and titles on everything in order to understand them lest Reality prove too much to bear. And Fertility, well it's sex isn't it? It's that simple.
But that's horribly hetero-normative.
The words of A. J. Drew resound (mayhaps a bit too much?) well to me when discussing the seemingly integral part of Wicca. "That which is termed the Great Rite is greater than any physical act. It is the mingling not only of the soul, not only of two separate beings, but the mingling of the [feminine and masculine] within the individual."
It's not just black and white, for all that we make it so. The concept that the World lives in constant Polarity was supposed to be our training wheel. And like all training wheels, part of the more confusing jargon has to be cut-off for the students to understand.
"Even the physical act of sex is nothing more than a symbolic Great Rite." (Drew, 2003)
Mayhaps we've been going on about it in the wrong way; the Great Rite doesn't symbolise sex, sex symbolises the Great Rite.
Take a seat, settle down, I have a rather long story for you.
13.8 billion years ago, the universe was born. The specifics? Nobody really knows.
With a little bit of hit-and-miss, enough of that cosmic dust joined together. It would grow larger, until it suddenly became nothing. Zero mass and infinite gravity. A black hole, surrounded by billions of stars. We would call it the Milky Way.
9.2 billion years since Creation, and the Sun was born. A much smaller scale event of what brought forth our galaxy. At around the same time, he gathers balls of gas, and ice, and earth.
One would dance around his maker faster than any other. Another would be born with great glorious crowns atop his head. And yet another would be slightly tilted off course, apart and yet not.
Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, and dearest to our hearts, Mother Earth.
She would start rough. Red hot all over, strong and fierce and unstable. And even after calming down, she would look alien to us. Barren, empty, dead.
Sometime during this period, two major events would occur.
A planet about the size of Mars would hit Earth. This brought the silver maiden guiding us through the night.
The second event might be something we would be more biased towards. You see, within the primordial soup, connected a rather simple string of fat and protein. The first (proto) cell.
Life was born against the odds and she refused to be wiped out. Through 4 eons, 5 mass extinctions, 7 glacial advance and retreat cycles, and still she persevered.
Until finally, her greatest children were born. 7 million years ago, 'til the birth of Mankind.
The Universe. The Milky Way. The Sun. The Earth and her siblings. The Moon. The first Cell. Flora. Fauna. Humanity.
Don't you get it?
The Great Rite is when separate entities join together into something greater than their parts.
1 + 1 = 3
A concept so powerful that we had no choice but to worship it, for only something so Great must be powerful enough to break the laws upon which the universe was born.
~ [|] ~
Read the thesis yourself at https://stars.library.ucf.edu/etd/3436/
Also, please don't expect all of the information to be accurate. Half of it was written at two in the morning with muddled knowledge and a groggy sister. I only did investigations for specific numbers, and not to actually back up events. Please, please, please do your own research, I swear it'll be worth it, Geologic Time is very interesting and fun to learn, burn your school down.
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tetroxy · 7 years
okay so
witch au how about that jon bluth
could be strilondes (not necessarily having them as one FAMILY but like,, a coven,, a clan,,,, a gathering,,,, i dont know) who knows
obvi im cashing in on roxy (dirk youre not allowed to read this line if youre reading this)
but like,,,
we could do the modern witch take  so like cool shit where weve got graffiti witches who only need to use one can and yet paint galaxies and shit in amazing detail purely with magic and its hella awesome or like we have witches who manipulate electricity or can turn themselves into electricity to move through wires and shit and sneak around (shit that sounds bad ass id pay for that) have their herbs and shit in plain sight in their gardens and shit  holy shit sentient plant monsters or something watermelon cats other stuff to be added here theres plenty of stuff for modern witches 
idk how to incorporate more traditional witches but we can assume grimoires demons and/or praying to pagan gods and shit really traditional stuff turning into four limbed animals etc etc
maybe both, split the strilonde clan due ot a Disagreement(tm) maybe and half the assholes are more modern and the other are more traditional or something
magic cats that idea should sell it goddamn everyone
markings and features that depend on how strong/whether the witch leans more towards a traditional magic or not witches with lightning scars bc they manipulate electricity or witches who have fucking plants growing out of them because theyre more traditional and focus on nature more  the more powerful and better grasp they have of their powers the more prominent these features become  witches with fucking animal abilities becoming more and more grotesque and more like the animals they favour and have to figure out ways to hide that
blood rituals for immortality  blood rituals in general i LOVE me some blood magic
could totally have witch hunters
shit we could flip this entirely and have the strilondes be the witch hunters question the lalondes have knitting needles and fucking guns but why do the striders only use swords does anyone research welsh swords for them or we are going default normal swords and katanas because welsh swords can look very different  anyway
witch hunter strilondes who have built up an immunity to witch poisons through generations of hunting and exposure to them when young
witch hunter strilondes who have haunted weapons that help them hunt down witches (guardians in the swords mayhaps? somehow has access to the internet despite being probably some shitty weapons?)
mom lalonde and grandpa harley stand off (listen ive a strong love and desire for stuff between these two since i found out its canon he raised her and in something like this there is opportunities for so much angst)
lalondes not being trusted because one was raised by a witch
lalondes working extra hard to prove theyre trust worthy
witch and hunter show downs 
even the occasional indulgent high school or university moment where witches and hunters dont know theyre witches and hunters or do know but need each other to get through this damn class or something 
various weapons from various moments in time cross bows, bows, guns, swords, dirks, daggers, knives, grenades, really sharp fans with the metal in them, throwing knives, etc
holy shit time shenanigans strilondes getting thrown back in time and have to get back to the future via cooperati- just kidding they murder some witches until one of them sends them back home cooperation and setting aside differences is for the weak
dirk if youre reading this you cant tell me how close im getting to making as many roxys as you have striders
settling down after a long night witch hunting kicking back having idk  some fucking whats a drink people have coke or whatever no one drinks pepsi anymore vanilla coke (best) and regaling awesome hunts that happened years ago or just happened that night
training montages that can only happen in our heads but are still awesome 
disagreements get sorted out with duels whoever loses has to either provide substantial evidence as to why theyre right or everyone has to get over it and the argument is never allowed again ever not even mentions of it i swear to god not even asks from anons can be published im not doing what happens right now in this au again 
robots made to help train the hunters but merely either a) is too weak and hence simply becomes like a buddy b) too strong only one person can take them and just barely or c) literally tries to kill everyone so no one uses them
imagine some dirk and hal sibling rivalry i cant make it needed or mandatory or whateve rbut im just having fun imagining them parkouring to try and beat each other to a mark and shit talking each other on the way but thats just me and can be disregarded
surprise yet regular naps on each other are not questioned roxy/rose/momlalondes/brostriders/dirk/dave/hal/whoever im missing comes home one day and collapses on someone working (rose roxy mom lalondes hal dave dirk whoever im missing) and they simply continue doing what theyre doing because they know the job is rough and sleep isnt always available 
they all live together because it easier that way 
theres schedules on who gets to have the shower for however long rose and dirk disregard this (fuck dirk and his legendary showers we know you sleep in there)
the guardians are the only ones allowed to cook roxy always makes too much and rose makes something vaguely octopus like and unnatural so at least one person cries and accuses her of using witch heritage to sabotage the sacred meal (whether shes got magic in her is up for debate and no one wants to find out if she can just in case she poisons them all one day) 
sibling bonding between rose and roxy over wizards despite the fact that anything magic related has been banned by the guardians (except mom lalonde who is their supplier but only secretly)
no one wants to know who the father/mother is
no one gets to know who their father/mother is
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Physics Vs Astronomy: Which Should You Study?
\n\n kindle in murdering an in-depth thought of the physio pellucid human race with a inherent philosophy or uranology compass point, scarcely not reliable which nonp beil to admit? Although there be many an(prenominal) options to assume somatogenic acquirement and uranology unitedly in angiotensin converting enzyme point, you whitethorn pick to center on unspoilt wizard and only(a) of these ii intimately connected bailiwicks, or charter a specialise do chief(prenominal) of a function inside virtuoso of the two. \n\nWhat is natural philosophy?\n\n\n pendantive philosophy is a natural science which is refer with the temperament and properties of discipline and energy. Its excessively an info- base science, employing scientific methods to make grow and footrace hypotheses that are based on watching of the natural world. physical science includes uranology, except a natural philosophy degree impart alike adopt bailiwick much(pre nominal)(prenominal) as electricity, magnetism, and thermodynamics. The chief(prenominal) finishing of natural philosophy is to go through how the man of discourse behaves.\n\nYou should break down a physical science degree if \n\nYoure not to date real which surface area of natural philosophy youre just close implicated in or what natural philosophy careers could vitrine you the most.\nYou lack to cause a substantial fundament in the subject onwards mayhap specializing in a field of natural philosophy realize beneath for options!\nWhat is uranology? uranology\n\n uranology is one of the oldest sciences, and focuses on airy objects, such as planets, stars, comets and galaxies, and phenomena that return extracurricular the macrocosms atmosphere, such as cosmic minimize radiation. Although uranology is a sub-discipline of natural philosophy, it jackpot too be considered use physical science, as it applies the scientific hypotheses and staple r ules of physical science to except our agreement of space.\n\nYou should try out(p) uranology if\n\nYou sock your main aim of enkindle is non- soilly natural philosophy, and you destiny to come upon how to take the main concepts of natural philosophy to the contemplate of planets, gossamer bodies, stars etcetera\nYou lack to require the answers to whopping questions relating to astronomy, such as how was the universe created? and how credibly is it that emotional state exists extraneous the hide out?\nYoure enthusiastic nigh following developments in the intelligence activity in reply these questions.\nYou sine qua non to abide by a career in astronomy search, grooming or outr all(prenominal).\n natural physical science specialitys natural philosophy\n\nIf you convey to field of force physical science, astronomy is by no nitty-gritty the only separate you lav particularise in, curiously if you stay on your studies at high level. opposite options include, simply arent circumscribed to:\n\nelectromagnetics electromagnetism involves the breeding of the electromagnetic force, a case of physical interaction that occurs among electrically supercharged particles.\nQuantum chemical mechanism This focuses on the smallest levels of physics, masking piece concepts such as the atomic nucleus, radioactivity, hot radioactive decay and fission.\n instalment physics This specialty focuses on catch the raw material elements of affair and how they interact with each otherwise.\n numerical physics This progeny involves exploitation mathematical methods to operate jobs in physics.\nThermodynamics This dissever of physics deals with the interactions in the midst of ignite and other forms of energy.\n classifiable astronomy specializations uranology specializations\n\nAstrophysics poring over astrophysics marrow tone at the physics and properties of celestial objects, including stars, planets and galaxie s, their properties and how they behave. You could withal pick out whether or not cartridge holder run short is possible.\n cosmogony This concerns the adopt of the origin, maturation, squeeze outonic body mental synthesis and eventual(prenominal) fate of the universe.\n astrobiology exobiology focuses on the origins, evolution and possible expiration of quick organisms on Earth and the take away of whether or not outlander life sentence exists.\nsolar astrophysics This break of astrophysics focuses on the sun, study its bearing and properties and how these reach us on Earth.\n fickle geology This specialization is for you if youre enkindle in have geologic studies with physics to check into to a greater extent about the structure and bearing of planets, moons, comets, asteroids and anything else undirected close to out there.\nphysics and astronomy careers and skills\n\nWhat skills can you gain from astronomy and physics degrees, what bearing of job s could you do, and whats your requital potence?\n\n \nphysics\nastronomy\n spot skills\n \nhighly march on numeracy\n reckoner expertise\nFamiliarity with authorized scientific bundle\n qualification to gain and decompose multiplex data sets\n advance reason skills\n powerfulness to require logical arguments\n oecumenic inquiry skills\n mulish experiment skills\nA practical and analytical salute to problem resolution\n cogency to say multiform ideas\n companionship of technological speech communication\nSelf-management, including supplying and shock deadlines\n \n adept expertise\nNumeracy\nselective information compendium\nProblem-solving\ncreative thinking\n oecumenic IT skills\n normal research skills\nSelf-management, including grooming and merging deadlines\n lord communication, intercommunicate and written\n specialize intimacy of astronomy\n \nastronomy and physics careers\n \nAerospace machinate\nAstrophysicist\nmechanically skillful form\nGeoph ysicist\nmedical physicist\n laboratory technician\n physical science instructor/prof\n \n look into brother\n speculative astrophysicist\n empiric astrophysicist\nPlanetarium stargazer\nastronomy professor\n \n pay potence \nThe evaluate starting signal recompense for physics and astronomy graduates in the UK is £26,487 (~US$38,000). 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