#resin lizards
purefilly-connection · 4 months
The Lizard Collector: A Fascination Rooted in Mystical Imagery
Do you have any collections? Collecting lizards might seem unusual to some, but for me, it’s a profound connection to a world of imagination and ancient myths. Living in Florida, I’m fortunate to be surrounded by these fascinating creatures, each one sparking a sense of wonder and a hint of nostalgia for a mystical era that may or may not have existed. My collection of lizards isn’t just a…
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gattogrigiobjd · 3 months
#Scales by Nadine Via Flickr: Reptile Doll Lucas
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everything has price tags and my display boards are ready! december 15th at the lynnwood event center!
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So I've made some resin keychains and finally (hopefully) got some decent pictures of them. I'm considering selling them, possibly on Etsy, or if anyone wants one of these let me know? I'm still figuring it out.
I'd also be open to doing pride flag colors once I get more resin.
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pjartandcrafts · 4 months
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softangelstims · 1 year
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Iridescent Lizard
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lindyloosims · 1 year
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My lizard boi Paolo! Also had some leftover resin to make bookmarks, cool eh?
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sasquapossum · 2 years
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Aroace Lizard v2, with v1's head and front foot for comparison. There's some extra webbing I need to trim away, and in future I'll adjust the resin proportions so the upper layers don't dominate the lower ones so much, but still a good result IMO.
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delightingintragedy · 2 years
Hekate Correspondences According to Hekate Liminal Rites by Sorite d'Este
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Goddess of: Crossroads, thresholds, boundaries, transitions, dreams and nightmares, oracles and divination, life and death, the restless dead, witchcraft and herbalism/poisons, protection, childbirth, the heavens, sea and earth.
Epithets: Chthonia (earthly one), Dadouchos (torch-bearer), Enodia ('of the wayside' or 'of the crossroad'), Kleidouchos (key-bearer), Kourotrophos (child's nurse), Phosphorus (light-bearer), Propolos (companion), Propylaia (the one before the gate), Soteira (savior), Triformis (three bodied), Trioditis (of the three ways), Brimo (angry/terrifying), Nexichthon (she who breaks open the earth), Prytania (invincible queen).
Symbols: Keys, torches, the moon, lunar crescent diadem, bronze/brass (her sacred metal), iron (particularly nails), bronze or golden sandals, virgin, garland/wreath, scorge, whips, sickles, swords, knives, wands, things done in threes, the strophalos, white, black, red, and saffron yellow.
Animal Associations: Lions, (black) dogs, horses, cows/bulls, hydras, snakes, bats, and dragons.
Plant Associations: Rue, laurel, cumin, sesame seeds, cornels, asphodel, maidenhair, rushes, galangal, verbena, sage, hedge-mustard, purple honeysuckle, cassidony, field basil. mandrake, hulwort, dittany, saffron, nose-smart, lion-foot, greenbriar, camomile, black poppy, alcua, all-heal, white hellebore, aconite, oak, ebony, garlic, and cypress.
Deities She's Worshiped With: Demeter and Kore (Eleusinian mysteries), Poseidon, and Hermes.
Deities She Absorbed: Brimo, Despoina, Enodia, Genetyllis, Kotys, Kratais, and Kourotrophos.
Deities She's Syncretised With: Artemis, Selene, Mene, Persephone, Physis, Bendis, Bona Dea, Diana, Ereschigal, and Isis.
Offerings: Dogs, goats, lizards (this can be something in their shape), incense and fragrances, resins like frankincense, myrrh, and storax, wafers and cakes, barley cakes, honey, vegetables, first fruits, flowers, fish like sprat and mullet, wine, milk, blood, oil, water, raw eggs, bread, cheese, and cheesecakes.
Types of Magic Historically Attributed to Her: Rejuvenation of the old, control over weather, necromancy/raising the dead, purification, love/binding/relationship destroying magic, invisibility/to move unseen, shapeshifting, control over animals, herbal/poison magic, and divination.
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katsukikitten · 1 year
All I can think about today is @saturnsorbits and Denki getting caught in the rain at the only train platform that doesn't have a covering or awning thanks to repairs.
It's a sudden shower, the kind that comes when the day is unbearably hot and you have to wear your stuffy business clothes today since you'll be on the floor instead of tucked away with the artifacts in more comfortable clothes.
Denki, a stranger in a suit beside you, groans audibly when the sky suddenly opens up. The two of you soaked to the bone in seconds while his electrifying honey gaze searches for shelter. Eyes glued to the spot as he instinctively grabs for you, pulling you along gently, although quickly through the torrential down pour until the two of you are squeezed under the smallest awning known to man, so small some of the rain still pelts into Denki's shoulders while he tries to keep you dry.
Well as dry as you can be for a drenched cat.
"Weather man didn't say all this. And when I've got a big exhibit to open." He laughs it off, "Sorry sweetheart ya got caught up in my shite luck."
"An exhibit? "
"Oh yea right. Fossils from Argentina and the ones scattered around North America. Cretaceous Period juvenile dinosaur feathers trapped in resin and the like. " He leans in close like he's sharing a secret, one he's proud of, "I've got an amber the size of my head with a fully intact lizard."
They way he speaks instantly gives you deja vu, your mind's eye only able to recall your computer screen and a series of sporatic emails exchanged between a partner from another museum. He wasn't the easiest to work with, his descriptions on the pieces varying on his interest and what seemed to draw his attention at the time.
But that didn't mean he wasn't the most fun.
"Denki Kaminari?" You tilt your head with your question and he pats down his dripping jacket.
"Damn did I leave my badge on again? They'll kill me if I need another replacement." When his clammy hands come up empty he narrows his eyes as if he too were hit with realization on who you are.
"Wait." He laughs loudly, "Don't tell me."
It's like he can't catch his breath from how hard he howls. It's infections and doubly so when it echoes back around the two of you before thunder tries to steal his lime light.
But it doesn't, not even the flash of lightning can take away from his sunny disposition that in turn makes you giggle.
"Saturn, aw love I've got us caught in the clouds on our big debut." He's laughing again holding his stomach before he finally goes into a light chuckle, exhaling while wiping the tears from this eyes.
"How did you get us caught in this mess?" You're ringing out the jacket you've shed and thunder rolls in the distance in warning that although it was moving away that his brother could strike.
Denki smiles, the air about him going from playful to serious for just a moment, for a few seconds you think you miss. Seeing his sunshine golden eyes darken and lighten just as quick as the passing storm. He tucks some hair behind your ear and that odd air still lingers even with his broad soft smile just as solid as the grey clouds floating over head.
"Because love, where I go the clouds are sure to follow."
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koukaaa-descent · 7 months
actually on that previous topic, what is your opinion on the life of a jester (life cycle, common predators, common?prey? do they just throw things(people) for fun?)
this one is definitely going to require the bulletpoint list and a linebreak !!!!!!
A jester probably starts off as a subspecies to the usual nutcracker parasite? An offshoot; a tiny squirming thing that just wanders around n squeezes into small spaces.
Once it’s large enough, it finds a suitable ‘host’ (usually a small box, container or cabinet) and sticks with it for a while, acting as an ambush predator (hunting snare fleas, hoarding bugs, other small stuff)
It typically spends a majority of its early life stages as a stationary ambush predator until it gains enough body mass that staying in its previous ‘host’ is unwieldy or uncomfortable.
By that point, it simply finds a box. Any box will do, as long as there’s a few holes. The secretions of its main body harden the box (both inside and outside) into a hard, resinlike material. Afterwards, it spends a time gathering the pieces required to create a crank (usually just some metal scrap and fabric.)
I like to think that the ghost girl helps it paint the box.
Regarding the humanoid limbs; those are only acquired after roughly a decade of its life, seeing as it’s probably pretty hard to collect intact body parts when the body in question has been ripped apart and eaten by multiple entities. Before then, it simply uses its own tendrils to wander around.
Regarding the ‘skull’; That, too, is a buildup of the ‘resin’ residue, although the peculiar shape is likely a result of the Jester’s own ‘carving’.
Common predators; during early life, I would say just about anything; spore lizards, hoarding bugs, snare fleas, masks (only if the unfortunate jester ends up in close proximity), brackens (there has been many a case wherein a newborn jester has tried to use a Bracken’s body as its temporary host). As an adult, very little tends to actively try to hunt a jester, much less actively consume it. Thus; masks. They are genuinely the singular thing around that can slowly, insidiously devour a jester. You just have to lob one at the box and pray it latches on. (If the jester is popped at the time, it’s far more likely that the mask will just end up shattered on the ground.)
Other predators may include the parasites that typically infest nutcrackers, seeing as they also have a ‘rooting’ system, digging in and digging in deep. Very deep. Eyeless dogs (in very rare cases) and manticoils (during the Jester’s newborn stages).
To answer the last question; I guess that they whip people around like that in their jaws solely to shred them like paper. Seriously. Have you seen dogs do that? it fucks something up horrifically if it’s fragile enough.
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gattogrigiobjd · 9 months
Color coded by Nadine Via Flickr: Nympheas Dolls Chou Lime Green, Quirky Qritters Bookworm, The Mushroom Peddler Sir Octavius Von Tentacle, Fairyland Absolem, and Reptile Doll Lucas
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squirmydads-creations · 6 months
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Lizard folk family reunion. I finally built one of the new plastic kroxigor from GW; it's huge and nicely detailed but a complete pain in the ass to build. You do not need to have a leg broken up into three pieces. I wanted to see how some size comparisons looked with the resin dragonkin from Etsy that I had recently painted, I also wanted to see how the new kroxigor compared to the old metal kroxigor, the guy on the left, and the one page rules resin print is over on the far right. The OPR print is definitely the burliest.
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yloiseconeillants · 1 year
ACTUALLY we did have this discussion in the discord, let me go collect my OCs:
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Ariadne probably smells like liquor and substrate, with an indistinct floral undertone. Like someone who went straight from a party to botany class- I do think that Ariadne would occasionally Actually Wear whatever the Amaurot equivalent of cheap mall perfume is when she would remember to do so. I am thinking of this one that my high school friend would wear that described itself as “grape-scented.” It wasn’t. But it IS nostalgia squared. Hades would mentally list this among reasons he should not date her again.
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Medusa is probably the clown daughter who is Very Particular about perfumes. I guarantee they are all solid perfumes that do not throw scent - you can only smell it if you are up very close, and it’s probably something very resin-y and smoky.
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Yloise is, of course, vaguely acrid, and probably has lingering tobacco smell (not cigarettes, Ari smokes cigarettes, Yloise smokes out of a pipe). Also I am sure she’s got dried lavender tucked into her sleeve somewhere.
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Louhi smells like campfire. I also wonder if she can’t quite shake the Saltwater smell out of her scholar robes.
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And the lizard twins both smell like an air-conditioned seaside museum. The room that’s sunken into the earth and completely enclosed. Heavy recycled air, vaguely damp.
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Lmao god thinking of the difference between Iris and Bricriu and laughing. Bricriu probably has like 7 different eau de parfums he cycles through and Iris probably smells like weed and wet paper.
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Iris’ weed smell is DISTINCTLY fresh bong smell. The one thing i will say in Iris’ defense is that they keep an IMMACULATE bong. He probably adds like a couple of drops of orange blossom water to it before every bowl. And ice. And all the other nonsense heavy recreational smokers get up to (NOT MILK JESUS CHRIST)
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pjartandcrafts · 9 months
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spikemd · 2 years
Dracula Daily friends, I have a favor to ask as we reflect on the incredibly weird and fun experience we’ve had with our Dear Friend Jonathan. Some background: I make resin dice for ttrpgs, and one of the styles that I specialize in is song or literary dice.
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Like these Frankenstein dice.
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And ‘The Raven’ dice.
Basically, I pull my favorite lines or lyrics from a piece and include them in dice that I try to give the vibe of the piece.
So my ask is this: I don’t want to make Dracula dice, I want to make Dracula Daily dice.
So what are the phrases that stuck in your head, the ones that became memes, the ones that made you stop and giggle? The one that came to mind immediately was “Once more have I seen the Count go out in his lizard fashion,” but I can fit 6-7 short phrases in a dice set and would love to hear your favorites.
Updates to come if I actually manage to cast this set!
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