#resonance! eggman
navtrash · 11 months
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random sketch i did last night Sonic Resonance AU by @angstsuccer Eggman design by @marcogamer2230 Aleena design by me :^]
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Song of the Day: June 17, 2023
Kenichi Tokoi: Mechanical Resonance
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sonicblueartist · 6 months
What about a one-shot or just a suggestive story where Shadow takes advantage of y/n?
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A/n: I'm probably gonna get all the fans' attention with this one huh? I normally don't write anyone but Tails but I am making an expection for some reason today. Have a good read I guess! Idk why I write what I write today XD Sorry for the long wait.
I left you guys in a cliffhanger. hah! idk if I would continue tho
Pairings: Shadow x Reader
They/them // She/her // He/him // Other
Summery; Eggman made a new weapon out of Shadow. Let's see what it is
Warnings: smut, lemon, suggestive themes, blood, marking, biting, tearing flesh, attempted rape
Word Count: 1371
Btw does anyone want to be in the tag list?
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As your eyes flickered over him in fear, you were instantly struck by the sharp and scary aura emanating from his breathtaking violet eyes. Shadow stood before you, his chest heaving rapidly as if he had just completed a long and demanding marathon. His fur was damp, drenched in sweat, and his claws peeked out menacingly from his gloves. His fangs were visible, adding to the unnerving sight that confronted you. But what puzzled you most was the absence of any evidentiary explanation for his condition, except for one haunting phrase that echoed in your mind.
"What do you think is the most natural instinct of an animal, the most wild and scary one?" Eggman's voice resonated in your head, reminding you of his words moments ago. "Their bloodlust? Hunger to stay alive? Maybe. But there is something else that is much *more* dangerous and entertaining. 'The will to do anything to death for their mate.' "
The memory of Eggman's sinister revelation half an hour ago flooded your mind. You hadn't expected this game of catch to turn into something so disturbing. Though you had managed to catch your breath, your heart still raced uncontrollably, struggling to make sense of the unsettling situation unfolding before you.
Your eyes widened in fear as Shadow took deliberate steps toward you, raising the possibility of him falling victim to Eggman's trap, turning against his friends. A sense of terror gripped you, leaving you feeling trapped with no way to escape. Desperately, you scanned your surroundings, searching for an exit, but found nothing. You found yourself backed into a dead end.
"And to mate, of course." Your throat tightened as you heard Eggman's words reverberating in your mind. The realization struck you like a bolt of lightning—Shadow was hungry, thirsty for you. Eggman's twisted plans had successfully turned him, and now the true extent of Shadow' instincts became clear. No, this couldn't be true. Shadow wouldn't do this to you, would he? The shocking dishonor of Eggman's manipulation left you bewildered, unable to fathom the torment inflicted upon your friends.
"C-come on, Shadow. This isn't you," you started nervously, your voice shaking. "We both know that you don't wanna do this. Behave yourself! Think logically, like you always do! We're still in Eggman's base. He's playing with you, with your mind, your instincts! You are the ultimate life form, damn it! You can't just succumb to Eggman like that! There are Badniks running around, and if they find us, we're finished-"
Your plea was interrupted as Shadow forcefully pinned both his hands beside your head, a whimper left your lips in fear. A deep snarl escaping his lips as you attempted to slide away. Trapped between him and the wall, you realized the extent of his transformation. No longer the loyal companion you once knew, he approached you with predatory purpose, garnered by one sole instinct—breeding. You were left with a terrifying decision. Would you become the first to fall at his hands before the Badniks got to you?
After examining his prey's frightened face for a while, Shadow slowly lowered himself, his nose skimming along your neck. His actions mirrored those of a true animal, inhaling your scent as his salivating mouth revealed his primal desire for your presence. The sensation of his warm breath against your skin sent shivers down your spine, intensifying the horrifying nature of the situation.
Attempting to muster the strength to push him away, you fought against his grip, but his strength surpassed anything you could have imagined. Like an iron vice, his grasp held firm, rendering your efforts fruitless. In spite of the predicament you found yourself in, you couldn't help but be mesmerized by Shadow' well-built form, his muscles flexing in the most hypnotic manner.
You quickly shook away such distracting thoughts, forcing yourself to concentrate on finding a way out of this nightmare. Every fiber of your being screamed for escape as Shadow began to suckle at your neck and shoulder, exhaling his hot breath in sporadic bursts. The sounds he made only served to further ignite the blazing heat that reddened your face, flooding you with a mix of desire and terror.
Suppressing a moan, you desperately struggled to redirect your focus, your mind racing for an escape plan. Yet, how could you concentrate on anything other than the overpowering dominance Shadow exhibited? Pressed against the wall by his scorching body, each breath and moan he emitted only served to remind you of the pleasure he was experiencing.
Amidst his sloppy kisses and teasing nibbles, you fought fiercely against the sensations threatening to consume you, trying to maintain your composure. However, as Shadow momentarily eased the pressure of his body against yours, he replaced it with his leg pressed against your groin, effectively preventing any escape. The mix of pain and pleasure elicited a whine from your lips, pushing Shadow to suckle at your shoulder with renewed vigor.
Finally, he got bored and withdrew from his sloppy territory. The room grew suffocatingly silent as he moved his fangs along your throat, gently biting a few places, feeling your heartbeat increasing. He licked his lips and shifted his attention to your other shoulder, leaving a trail of kisses and sucking hungrily, leaving little marks. But it seemed like that wasn't enough for him anymore; he growled, as if yearning for something more primal.
With his fingers deeply entwined in your hair, he pulled, causing you to gasp, displaying your neck like a plate of meal to him. Without warning, he sank his teeth into your shoulder, his fangs piercing through your skin. Tears slipped from your eyes as you cried out in pain. He let your arms go and held you tightly from your waist, as you gripped his back for support. You closed your eyes, gritting your teeth, and unwillingly scratched his back in pain. It felt as though his teeth were digging deeper into your shoulder, testing your limits.
Shadow let out a pleasured sigh through his nose, not yet satisfied. He continued biting harder than before, his eyes closed as he let out an animalistic growl. The realization that he could break your neck in half if he wanted sent a shiver through your spine. He sucked your blood with such thirst leaving you weak as you sobbed silently, drinking and swallowing it all as if he hadn't had a drop in weeks.
Before things grew any wilder, he pulled back, a string of blood and saliva still connecting the two of you. Panting for air, he tried to lick all the blood flowing from his mouth with his tongue, his breath hot against your face. Your blood flowed from your shoulder to your chest.
Satisfied with the mark he left on you, Shadow now went for your lips. Gripping your form, he forced his lips onto yours, connecting them. You hesitated, not wanting to taste the disgusting blend of your blood and his saliva. He pulled your hair once again, and when you whimpered in pain, he immediately seized the opportunity and engaged in a fierce kiss, taking your breath away.
Your heart raced as his hand wandered across your body in a manner both unnerving and inquisitive. He marked his territory, staking claim to every inch of your being. Your mind battled to comprehend the situation, as your body responded to his predatory touch.
Fighting the rising panic, you summoned your inner strength you managed to wrap your arms around his shoulders in a desperate attempt to distract him. As your lips collided in a feverish kiss, you hoped to manipulate the situation to your advantage.
To your surprise, he welcomed your advances. He tilted his head, letting out a low, carnal moan. Sensing that this could be your one chance to regain control, you decided to play along. You pushed aside your feelings of self-disgust and harnessed your newfound determination.
As you passionately kissed, your mind churned, searching for an escape plan. With each stolen moment, you became acutely aware of his animalistic nature, his primal desires, and his desperate need to assert dominance. Yet, instead of submitting to the imminent danger, an idea began to form in your mind.
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sonic-fankid-showdown · 2 months
Poll 9, Round 1.
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About Gloom: (by @rosetintedjello) Gloom is usually carefree and energetic, but she knows when to take things seriously! She is extremely optimistic, and highly empathetic. She tries to see the best in everyone- including those who have wronged her. She would, however, dropkick someone for so much as looking at her friends wrong (she DOES yell "it's no use" first- she takes after Silver (vaguely) <3). She inherited Silver's psychokinesis and she has telepathy. Other than having small horns, she is 100% hedgehog! She's pretty sporty- she plays volley ball, surfs, and roller skates! She loves gardening, she collects seashells, and she loves playing fighting games.
About Crystal: (by @mutatedleemon) Crystal is originally an experiment by Eggman, who tried to create someone stronger than Sonic and/or Shadow, using their DNA and powers from a fake chaos emerald. After finding about her, Sonic kidnaps Crystal from Eggman and since then raises her together with Shadow, who agreed to help with her, after founding out about who she really is (he also resonates with her a little bit, one experiment to another). Crystal has problems with controlling her powers (a child+a lot of power = not very stable), so Shadow trains her. She also has a sword, which she can summon (like Amy's hammer for example). Crystal is very shy in front of everyone who isn't Shadow and Sonic, but generally very energetic, funny and active. She is a little traumatized after all the tests Eggman pet her through, to make her stronger, but she's healing thanks to her new guardians. Her powers resemble those of Sonic from the movie (electricity etc.). She was also given Inhibitor Rings by Tails, like the ones Shadow has, which help her control her powers.
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saphronethaleph · 4 months
Visiting Time
The front door opened with a crash.
“Sonic!” a voice shouted. “You’re not getting away this time!”
Tails lifted his welding mask, and turned off the torch. Then he hopped out of his garage, and into the main living area of their house.
“Hi, Silver,” he said.
“Tails!” Silver replied, waving. “Great to see you again. Where’s Sonic? I’m here to pay him back for what he did!”
“He’s out at the moment, not sure where,” Tails replied, shrugging. “What did he do, exactly? There’s a lot of stuff it could be…”
“You mean he’s been doing a lot of stuff he needs to pay for?” Silver asked, going over to one of the sofas and sitting down.
Tails shrugged. “No, not really, but he’s done a lot of stuff, and a lot of that could get misinterpreted! That’s the way it usually works, like with the Iblis Trigger or when Shadow got mistaken for him.”
Silver frowned. “Iblis Trigger?”
“I don’t actually know myself, but my research turned up a note from myself!” Tails replied. “It was back last time we broke time… no, maybe the time before last time?”
He scratched his head, then shook it. “Anyway, Sonic isn’t the Iblis Trigger, I’m supposed to tell you that. How’s the future, by the way?”
“You know, same old, same old,” Silver said. “Hey, can I get a mug of cocoa?”
Tails blurred into the kitchen and began mixing some up. “So… post apocalypse?”
“That’s same old, same old, for you,” Silver concurred readily. “This time I guess it’s global warming?”
“Huh,” Tails frowned. “I was pretty sure my Ring Energy Generators would prevent that, by using clean energy instead of fossil fuels. Any specifics?”
“Yeah, it’s nothing to do with fossil fuels,” Silver shrugged. “When I said warming, I meant literally. Volcanic eruptions and lava and stuff.”
“Oh!” Tails said. “I guess we might need to talk to Chip and see if he knows what’s going on… so what do you think Sonic has done, exactly?”
Silver floated over the cocoa and took a sip. “Man, you’re good at that… anyway, he built a giant robot and was using it to attack people.”
Tails gave him a perplexed look.
“Okay, look,” Silver began. “I know that realistically speaking it was probably actually Eggman who did it. But you know Sonic, the best way to get him to help out is to challenge him to a battle and then work from there.”
“I have trouble arguing with that,” Tails said, flicking both his tails, then snapped his fingers. “Oh, hold on a minute! I have something I’ve been working on to try and help with this kind of thing!”
He scampered off into his workshop, and Silver shrugged before drinking some cocoa.
A minute or so later, Tails came back with an odd-looking contraption.
“This is a recent project!” Tails explained, flicking some switches, and a little generator thingummy began to spin faster and faster with an ascending whiiiiir sound. “Aaand… there we go!”
Silver leaned in to see what was going on.
“...so, what does it do, exactly?” he asked.
“It detects inconsistencies in the fabric of space and time!” Tails explained, both his namesake tails flicking back and forth. “I got the idea after Sonic told me about this one time where I never met him and I ended up making myself cyborg tails. And this other time where I was a pirate. And, well, all the other times we’ve messed with that kind of thing… anyway, it detects where parallel lines of time are resonating with our own timeline, and identifies the points where our own history is being driven off course, because a different world is leaking into our own through a micro-hole to a universe only a few picometres in the ana or kata direction.”
Silver frowned.
“I’m not exactly an expert on temporal mechanics, but that sounds extremely specific,” he said. “How could you possibly identify those?”
“Well, it was easy enough once I had a big enough sample set,” Tails shrugged. “Which took about a month. Anyway, uh… okay… there we go!”
He pointed to the screen. “See here? Your personal timeline intersects with Sonic’s timeline in about a week, and you’re carrying one of the Chaos Emeralds at the time. The… yellow one, I think.”
Silver rummaged in his quills, and brought out a blue Chaos Emerald. “The blue one, actually.”
“That must be it!” Tails declared. “You need to bring the yellow one instead, because otherwise you and Sonic are going to be trying to go Super with two blue Emeralds and no yellow one. Once you’ve done that, that should fix the timeline until the next time it breaks.”
“Huh,” Silver mused, draining the last of his cocoa. “I guess that makes sense… I’d better go and find the yellow one instead. And work out what to do with the few weeks I’ll get to enjoy being in a non post apocalypse.”
Tails gave him a thumbs-up. “No problem! This just shows the value of my P.L.O.T. hole detector!”
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seansilv25 · 3 months
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Happy 33rd birthday to the Blue Blur!
And for this occasion, I have brought out my take on an idea that a good few people have already thought about before: "What if Metal Sonic was organic?" (Plus a few slight redesigns of Mighty and Ray)
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As for the story and lore of how this happened, the current idea is that Tails reverse-engineered one of the Robot Generators and Metal fell into one, turning him into this new organic form. He'd stick around with Eggman for a while before running away (after finding out how the doctor wiped his memory post-Heroes), eventually crashing in front of and being "adopted" by Mighty and Ray. Despite initially loathing them, he would come to appreciate the two, forming their own crew of Team Odyssey and him taking up the name "Neo the Hedgehog" as a reflection of his new life. (Oh, and he also gets a big love of anything s'more flavored).
Someday in the future, I'll eventually expand upon all this into its own fanfic. But not for a while, because A) I'm still busy with Resonance, and B) I have a different Sonic What If I want to do first (I'm not saying what it is because as far as I know, no one else has thought about it)
But either way, as I said at the top, happy birthday Sonic!
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blognam333z · 2 months
What if Dr. Eggman went in a different direction when designing the Phantom Rider? What if Dr. Eggman was smart enough to recognize the flaws?
This is the design I come up with my messy drawing skills,
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How this idea resonated with me, I noticed something off after rereading the phantom rider debut in issue 70. The design is on brand for Dr. Eggman and elements of his inspiration (Sonic). It’s cool and I like it, but with the contestant in the race you would have thought he would keep in mind…
Sonic not being able to run, being in mid air and running would give away his identity
Someone like Surge could easily override electronic devices
Sonic is likely to be outnumbered + the security
This would all equate to the likelihood of Sonic getting caught which happened in issue 71, but what if he changed it to something that prevented it all from happening? After all it’s meant to be a secret mission to distract and sway any suspicion of an alternative motive.
The digital disguise would overlay Sonic’s identity, though it appears generic, it’s meant to make him look vulnerable. Having “no” armor or protection would reduce the chance of Surge ramming into him or do anything reckless. However if that’s not the case then there are many options that can make up for this, in an urgent situation Sonic could activate invisibility cloak and an effective use of the hologram to project the background. 
Taking advantage that apparently the power ups that exist in the IDW world of Sonic, just hadn’t been used often and only one reference of it, might as well come up with something, I also added item boxes too. Thinking Dr. Eggman can compress them in the controls on the gloves. Just to add purpose to them.
On the hoverboard, this would trigger by a button on the board, when pressing on the front:
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This would triggered automatically if someone get too close with the exception of Sonic / Phantom Rider. The fake Phantom rider won’t be able to bypass it either.
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What’s on glove A: the left hand
This is for Surge or anyone that would try to apprehend him:
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This would be a way for “Phantom rider” to move around to mess with the others by teleporting them:
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This might be useful for saving the guy from falling:
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Making changes to the overall debut of Sonic villain alter ego “Phantom rider” that would still remain as his name, but he won’t transform on top of the rim as he could just transform elsewhere and be invisible while riding on his hoverboard. Just to sneak in, make himself visible and then snatch the camera and introduce himself as the “Phantom rider”, I think it would be clever as now it has a literal meaning into it. 
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For his crimes that would be changed for the benefit of self defense:
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He’ll do vandalism spraying some color in the course, if someone gets hit they have a similar effect to colorball in Sonic riders: Zero gravity game. Which obscure the vision of the racer to see a splash of color. Putting out a smoke trail of color would be optional as you can see in the reference I terribly hand drawn.
This would be part of the hoverboard, the trigger is the back end as you can tell:
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Glove B: right hand
If Sonic can’t balance on the hoverboard, might as well fly away
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-The second button is the On/Off for the hologram disguise
-Lastly be On/Off for the voice filter, I was thinking how hilarious and confusing it would be if he triggered it in front of one of his friends while being Phantom Rider. However, brush it off immediately as a cheap trick, 
What do you think? Overall I sorta want to keep Sonic having his villain alter ego as a secret, honestly. Do you think this AU would change anything in the story, with more prep and gadgets or would Mimic have a chance of revealing the “Phantom rider’s” identity in the end?
The design itself on Phantom Rider, it’s a Badger and yes it’s heavy metal themed because I thought it would look cool and yes the details on the hoverboard are intentional.
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au-sonic-smackdown · 8 months
AU Sonic Smackdown - Round 1, Right Side
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NEOSEGA! AU belongs to @chopp-6467
Evil Sonic AU belongs to @kittygamer2888
Read more about them under the cut!
After stopping the eclipse cannon and A.R.K from crashing into the planet, Sonic and company try to return to some form of normalcy, however a sudden clash between Metal Sonic causes shocking changes. For unknown reasons, Sonic, and Doctor Eggman shortly after, to suddenly vanish off the face of the earth. After this sudden predicament, Sonic’s friends are left confused and disjointed. Years pass and they haven spoken to each other…
Until! Unceremoniously decades later, Sonic is found alive on the deltas of Polaris! Despite everything Sonic (could maybe) have gone through in between then and now, his energy and attitude is unwavering. He's still steadfast and a go-getter, "Its better to live a life without regrets!". He's only slightly bitter and jaded over the fact that he lost 20 years of his life. No biggie.
While he may look aged, his abilities certainly have not. He's still just as fast and agile as he ever was! Maybe a little rusty because he hasn't touched the ground in a while, but you could barely notice even if you where looking. However, he does seem to have an bizarre trick to resonate with chaos energy naturally and intuitively. When asked how he can pull of those stunts without even learning it, his rebuttal is met with confusion: "What? Is it really that difficult? Its just a small exercise in teamwork really. It's really easy once you get a little bit of a handle on it." Maybe he is onto something…
Evil Sonic AU-
Sonic's personality is mostly firm, serious, and can be a bit arrogant at times. He can also be quick to rush things like attacking without a plan and plan's his fights during battle. He could care less about Knuckles and his friends, he just wants the Master Emerald and have that ultimate power to himself.
His abilities are mostly the same as the original Sonic (Spindash, homing attack, etc.) but he tends to use his machines more as he doesn't like getting his hands dirty, those are only in rare and dire times.
Sonic used to be this normal, brown, free-spirited hedgehog who just wanted to make friends with the animals and mobians in the woods and cities, but that all changed when he broke the sound barrier, changing him from brown to blue. Everything changed that day as his friends backstabbed him and betrayed him, left him for dead out alone in the woods. More time passes by and he would get bullied non-stop, and he was no longer the same friendly hedgehog he used to be as he became more distant and quiet throughout his years as a kid. But once Sonic saw how Tails would be bullied for being different too, he convinced Tails, manipulated him into joining his plan. To take over the world and change the planet his was, their way. And Tails, being a gullible kid at the time, accepted it. And after a while, Sonic didn't want to admit it, but deep down, he started seeing Tails as his beother later on in the years. To this day, Tails still works for Sonic, him being the one who plans the robots and builds them while Sonic is the one who plans the battles, but he has been practicing building his own robots with the help of Tails around.
Extra info: His name "Sonic" was just a nickname his friends used to give him because of his speed, and because of this, Sonic would go back to referring himself to his government name, "Ogilvie Maurice". And because the nickname "Tails" was a name that was given to the fox by the bullies in this AU, Tails still goes by "Miles Prower" here.
But because of Knuckles being the hero of this AU, he comes up with a new nickname for Maurice, it being "Needlemouse". So now that's what Maurice goes by, "Mr. Needlemouse" while Miles is simply just "Dr. Miles Prower".
Bonus: All of the characters here are aged up more, so Sonic here is only 20 years old and is 3'4. So.. there's that.
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skaruresonic · 8 days
It's always "why doesn't Sonic kill Eggman" but never "why is Eggman evil"
You'd think that since Eggman is the center/cause of this entire thing in the first place there would be a bit more interest in investigating his desires and beliefs regarding the subject matter.
Idw's moral quandary focuses exclusively on Sonic's view of things while doing everything necessary to ignore the agency and thoughts of everyone else involved.
That's a dead giveaway of the real reason why they introduced this morality nonsense. The writers never cared about exploring each character and how they affect things. It's becoming increasingly obvious that the people in charge of idw sonic just wanted to make Sonic look bad.
There's also the added bonus of the comic continuously proving that its version of Sonic is wrong. It cannot be interpreted as anything other than a desire to make Sonic look like a moron.
Well, we do know he wants to build his Empire out of a sense of unchecked ego and entitlement, which is about the extent we can expect as far as motivation goes.
I feel like asking why Eggman is evil is still pretty unnecessary tbh. He doesn't particularly need a reason to do evil things, just as Sonic doesn't need a reason to want to help out a friend. They're the kind of larger-than-life characters for whom explanations tend to dilute. Deceptively simple on the surface, but powerfully resonant, you know what I mean?
You'd think that since Eggman is the center/cause of this entire thing in the first place there would be a bit more interest in investigating his desires and beliefs regarding the subject matter.
That would be a valid point had the spark that ignited this entire moral quandary not been an accident. Eggman gets knocked out and by pure happenstance becomes someone completely different. He could have just as easily begun cosplaying as Gerald or something. actually nvm, that sounds interesting
For some reason, Sonic takes this fluke to mean that Eggman is capable of being good, when in reality he should have learned the opposite lesson: that the evil madman is who Eggman is because it's who Eggman chooses to be when equipped with proper faculties and free will.
Idw's moral quandary focuses exclusively on Sonic's view of things while doing everything necessary to ignore the agency and thoughts of everyone else involved.
Because the book has protagonist-centered morality. Sonic doesn't win arguments because he's particularly right or even good at arguing his point, but because the plot needs people to kowtow to him.
You must agree with Sonic because he knows best... except when it's convenient for the plot to pretend it never espoused that attitude.
Again, if Sonic had some common sense, he'd have realized from his own personal experiences as Mr. Needlemouse that Eggman didn't choose to hang up his hat and become Mr. Tinker. Flynn could have made a parallel of it beyond a mere bookend, a real epiphany moment. But it goes nowhere because Flynn cannot provide a cogent answer to the question he raised; he has to deflect.
That's a dead giveaway of the real reason why they introduced this morality nonsense. The writers never cared about exploring each character and how they affect things. It's becoming increasingly obvious that the people in charge of idw sonic just wanted to make Sonic look bad.
They also wanted their work to appear deep(er than the games) without putting in the work needed to make it actually deep. Sneering obliquely at the games is enough to merit you applause.
It's funny too because I just read a ScreenRant article which contended that Eggman has ~pathetic flaws~ as a villain because... wait for it... Starline and co. called his methods "sloppy" in Bad Guys six or seven times. Starline called him out, so obviously we must take him at his word; never mind how much of a fuckup Starline is in his own right.
Dude, just because the characters say something doesn't necessarily make it true. Subtext! It's not just for novels!
And while I won't say the staff hate the games, they definitely give the impression that they look down on Sega!Sonic. Maybe they're not consciously aware that that's their vibe, but it's still the vibe they emit nevertheless. They just couch their sentiments in softer terms than would a regular fan.
There's also the added bonus of the comic continuously proving that its version of Sonic is wrong. It cannot be interpreted as anything other than a desire to make Sonic look like a moron.
Which is depressing, and not particularly inspirational for kids who so happen to pick up the book.
Really, the only target audience IDW could possibly be aiming at here are irony-poisoned millennials and Gen Zers. The reference pool is way too old for a younger audience, too niche for new fans, and too disdainful toward the games for people who want more games-flavored canon.
I can't imagine a ten-year-old picking up Bad Guys and slogging through Starline's monologues on ~the Sonic cycle~ because what the fuck is the duck man talking about. Or little Timmy who's just watched the latest Sonic film reading about the exciting adventures of puke-colored Clutch. Or little Susie, whose favorite characters are Amy and Cream, opening up an issue and seeing nothing but Lanolin's sneering face lol.
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tenshiharmonia · 1 year
I was browsing through the Sonic Unleashed tag when I saw someone who was making a tarot deck themed after the blue hedgehog's universe, and I must say, it kind of inspired me. So I wanted to give it a try and imagine what my own version of such a deck would be like. Not that I have the artistic skills needed to concretize my vision, but hey, it makes for a fun exercise. I mean, I've always been a fan of tarot iconography, and it just so happens that one of the franchise's main characters has a canonical interest in the matter (as Frontiers reminded us not so long ago), so it seemed appropriate. XD With that being said, let's see what I came up with. (Note that I'll mainly focus on the major arcana. I know that the minor ones are much richer in terms of meaning, but let's be honest, they don't stoke the imagination as much as their "greater" siblings. :p )
0 - The Fool : Sonic himself. Now, calling him a fool is obviously a gross misnomer, but the card itself represents bright-eyed and free-spirited idealism. It is the start of a new journey, which - you will concede - resonates quite well with the eternal adventurer that the blue hedgehog is. (Besides, it's only natural for the franchise's main character to figure on the first card. :p )
I - The Magician : Tails. This card is all about limitless potential, so the two-tailed fox was an easy choice (besides, as Sonic’s right-hand man, it’s only natural for him to come just after the blue hedgehog :p ). Learning from the Fool’s mistakes and experiences, the Magician works towards manifesting its intentions into beings, which resonates pretty well with the genius boy’s heroic aspirations and constant quest for self-improvement... Also, he is quite the tech wiz, and you know what they say : any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. :3
II - The High Priestess : Tikal. In tarology, the Priestess embodies feminine wisdom and intuition, perfectly echoing Tikal’s own role as the Echidna tribe’s voice of reason (even though nobody listened to her). Moreover, the Priestess is also regarded as a mentor figure, bringing to mind how the girl’s spirit acted as a guide for Sonic and his friends during their quest to stop Eggman and Chaos. Lastly, the Priestess is supposed to be quite knowledgeable about the universe’s secrets, which - once again - parallels Tikal’s ancient knowledge of the Chaos Emeralds and their powers...
III - The Empress : Aleena. I know, I know, Underground is probably a part of the franchise that most people would rather forget (except for its banger of a theme song). But I must admit, I’ve quite a soft spot for the way it depicted Sonic’s family (Manic, my beloved). As it happens, this card symbolizes motherhood. Both literally and figuratively. Since Aleena’s main characteristic is her status as both a mother and a queen, she seemed like a royal fit. :p Visually, I also like to imagine that the card’s illustration would take cue from the show’s opening and depict the gentle monarch, in her queenly attire, resting on a bed with her three playful newborns, highlighting both aspects of her character (I won’t deny that her design could enjoy a bit of a face-lift, though)...
IV - The Emperor : Eggman (featuring Sage). Naturally, as the Empress’ counterpart, the Emperor represents the figure of the father. Of course, they are merely symbols, so it’s less about their genders than what they stand for. While the Empress is kind and nurturing, the Emperor’s authority is harsh and severe. He isn’t devoid of affection, but he still views himself as reigning over his progeny, which I think echoes Eggman’s personality and the relationship he has with his creations pretty well. Also, he is at the head of the Eggman Empire, so he truly is the best suited for the job. :p
V - The Hierophant : Professor Pickle. Without going too much into the details, the Hierophant alludes to traditions, institutions, and to a certain extent, dogmatism. Like the High Priestess, he will often take on the role of mentor, providing wisdom and guidance. But he can also represents someone who is a little too set in their ways... All in all, I think you can see why I chose the professor. After all, he is an expert archaeologist who’s passionate about the planet’s many cultures and customs, counsels Sonic and his friends during their worldwide adventure, and who can be a little uncompromising on certain topics (like the making of cucumber sandwiches :3 ). Really, the guy checks all the boxes. One can imagine that the card’s artwork would depict the old chap enjoying a cup of tea and some (properly prepared) snacks while looking contemplatively through his office’s window…
VI - The Lovers : Sonic and Shadow. I mean, this is my tarot deck, so I can indulge myself as much as I want. :p No but seriously (not that I wasn’t serious, but you catch my drift), I would probably attribute this one to Amy. After all, she is the one with romantic aspirations, the one who yearns to experience the sweet embrace of love, waiting for her blue prince to notice her... That being said, instead of depicting Amy and Sonic as an actual couple, I like to think that the card would represent the young girl, bathed in a soft and summery light, simply daydreaming about her proverbial knight in shining armour. Indeed, the card itself is less about romance than fulfilling connections, in the broadest sense of the term. So the idea here would be that, even if her relationship with Sonic is not the passionate fairy tale she’d like it to be, it doesn’t prevent the two of them from sharing a meaningful and inspiring bond. :3
VII - The Chariot : The Tornado, soaring through the clear blue sky. This card stands for travels and freedom, so it was only natural for it to feature our heroes’ trusty mount. After all, it helped them discover so many new and exciting places... (As a bonus, I like to imagine that the card’s illustration would also include the three Babylon Rogues, racing through the sky around the plane. I don’t really know why, but I think it would be neat. I mean, in a sense, they do embody a certain form of freedom. A more abrasive and selfish variant than the one Sonic himself stands for, but still, it makes for an interesting contrast...)
VIII - Justice* : This one was admittedly a little tricky, but in the end, I think I’d go with Chaos. Let me explain. This card is about karma and retribution. It warns us about the consequences of our choices and actions. To put it simply, you reap what you sow. And I think that Chaos, standing impassively among the burning remains of the Echidna tribe, would make for an impressive illustration of that message. Because it’s also important to remember that the line is often thin between justice and madness, and that a righteous crusade can easily turn into a destructive vendetta if hatred and despair are allowed to fester. There is a time to punish, and a time to pardon. * Note that Justice (8) and Strength (11) are known to switch places depending on the deck. This numbering is the one I’m most familiar with, but feel free to procede in the order that suits you best. ;)
IX - The Hermit : Knuckles, sitting on the steps of the Master Emerald’s altar, contemplating the sky from his lonely island. Naturally, the Hermit represents the need to isolate yourself to reflect on your life and actions, which resonates quite nicely with the echidna’s "lone wolf" nature. This choice, however, carries a certain irony. Indeed, while the Hermit is supposed to be a figure of enlightenment, Knuckles’ solitary life has also led him to become a rather hot-blooded - and at times, naive - individual. In a way, it reminds us that maintaining some distance between yourself and the world can often be a double-edged sword...
X - The Wheel of Fortune : You’d think that in a series with so many casino-themed levels, this one would have been easy, but I had a surprisingly difficult time picking who - or what - would be adorning this arcane. Ultimately, my choice would probably be the Chaos Emeralds. As a card, the Wheel of Fortune naturally represents vagrant luck and the whims of fate, an idea that - I think - resonates pretty well with those miraculous jewels. Just like luck, they come and go as they please, and you have to seize them when they pass. And while they often seem to favour the heroes, they ultimately serve no master, meaning that they can be used to defeat evil just as they can help it rise. Their power will often shape the course of history, but there is no telling what awaits those who got caught in their crystalline spiral... Of course, the card’s artwork would depict the seven stones arranged in a neat circle, with the sharp ends all pointing towards the center, to mimic the appearance of an actual wheel. Incidentally, the center of the circle could be occupied by the sparkling silhouette of Super Sonic, to symbolize the ultimate and decisive power that the Emeralds bestow. Alternatively, I was thinking about having an image of the Phantom Ruby in this place, as the Chaos Emeralds’ sinister counterpart, a concept I wish had been explored more. In that case, the image of Super Sonic could be placed above the "wheel", while the bottom of the picture would be showcasing a nefariously grinning Eggman, emphasizing once again how the power of the Emeralds can affect the course of destiny... for better or for worse. (Of course, everything about this deck is merely hypothetical, so don’t take all those details too seriously. This is just brainstorming...)
XI - Strength : Cream. While this card’s name brings to mind the image of a fierce animal, it actually refers to inner strength, the force of the soul that manifests through courage and kindness. As someone once said, it takes a lot of strength to be kind. And I feel like there is no one better than the little rabbit girl to illustrate this message. For her sweetness and innocence hide a heart as strong as the mightiest of metals. A heart that is not afraid of standing against evil and injustice, but that will always choose to extend a hand to those who might need it, be they friends or foes. Brave, humble and generous, the little bunny is truly a shining example of fortitude. (Also, we all know what a punch she packs in spite of her age and daintiness, making her fits the literal definition of "strength" just as well. :p ) That being said, I must admit that I don’t really know what the card’s artwork could look like. My first idea would have been for it to feature Cream happily flying through the sky alongside Cheese while carrying an enormous - and adorably decorated - basket full of Chao*, but to be honest, I’m not entirely convinced... * One can even imagine Gemerl’s head sticking out of the pile, with an air of dumbfounded vacancy colouring his mechanical face, as if to say "I have absolutely no idea how I ended up in this situation, but I cannot say it's disagreeable". XD
XII - The Hanged Man : Big (featuring Froggy, of course). This card invites us to take a break and look at things from a new angle. So naturally, the feline fisherman was the number one candidate, considering how well his laid-back personality and tranquil outlook on life fits the arcane’s meaning. Besides, his passion for fishing provides us with the perfect excuse as to why he would be hanging upside down in the first place, having inadvertently got caught in somebody else’s line because of his clumsiness. :3
XIII - Death : The End. This one is actually deeper than it seems. Of course, the End fancies itself as an ineluctable embodiment of destruction, which already fits the card’s esthetic quite nicely. But those who know about tarot know that this card is actually about transformation and renewal, echoing the End’s role in the franchise’s narrative : by precipitating the fall of the Ancients’ civilization, it triggered the chain of events that would ultimately allow the entire series to happen (or at least most of it). In doing so, it also gave rise to the very hero(es) who would eventually defeat it. True to its name, its advent spelled the end of an era, but it also brought forth a new future, just like a decaying corpse will return to the soil and nourish the seeds that lie beneath... In fact, the card’s artwork would probably have the End’s moon form looming in the upper portion, while the bottom part of the illustration would feature a lonely flower, blooming in the middle of some verdant field (heck, said flower could even be growing out of the husk of a departed Koco, to really drive home the card’s message XD ).
XIV - Temperance : Mighty the Armadillo. This one was easily the most difficult for me to figure out, in part because I feel like there wasn’t really any obvious candidate. In the end, though, I think that Mighty would probably be the best suited for the job. As you can guess, Temperance represents the need for balance and moderation. It invites you to put a little water in your wine, and I feel like it resonates quite nicely with the armadillo’s character. Think about it, Mighty’s main attribute is that he is monstrously strong. Just like Equius Zahhak. He has to be extremely careful around other people, as even one single slip could result in him badly hurting those he cares about. Just like Equius Zahhak. Which is not always an easy feat, as he’s got a pretty extroverted and impetuous disposition. Just like... well, not really, but I think you see where this is all going. XD Mighty’s story is one of constant restraint and cautiousness, which - I think - echoes what this card stands for in a very interesting manner. Granted, I’m not really sure how to convey all that in a simple illustration*, but the idea is there. XD * Maybe having the armadillo rushing worriedly over to Ray - or helping the little guy up - after he accidentally sent the squirrel flying with a not-so-light jab on his shoulder, in reference to that one moment in the Sonic Mania animation (said scene greatly influenced my decision to pick Mighty for this arcane, so it wouldn’t be surprising)...
XV - The Devil : I actually have two different ideas for this one, so brace yourselves. :p - First of all, Solaris. I mean, a being of pure light hiding a heart as black as the darkest of nights ? Yep, that guy fits the bill like a glove. XD As a card, the Devil warns us about the dangers of materialistic obsessions, which could resonate with the all-consuming nature of the sun god’s flames. Not sure about which of his forms the illustration should depict, though. My main idea was for it to feature Mephiles with Solaris’ true form looming behind him, but it’s just one possibility (and even then, I’d still have to choose between the two different forms that the god takes during the final battle). Also, the Devil is usually depicted with a young couple chained at his feet, symbolizing his grip and power over mankind, so I was thinking it’d be interesting to have them be replaced by shackled silhouettes* of Silver and Elise, those whose lives were ruined by the flames of Solaris and the manipulations of his tenebrous half (alternatively, one of them could be replaced by Elise’s father, as it was his own obsession that kickstarted this whole mess)... * To represent how they are just unaware pawns on the fallen god’s chessboard. - Secondly, the Deadly Six. Now, I know what you’re thinking : "urgh, not those guys". But honestly, I don’t really mind them. Sure, Lost World’s writing was a little lackluster, to say the least, but in and of themselves, I don’t think they are that terrible (personally, I have a special fondness for the Zazz X Zavok pairing, but I guess that’s another story XD ). And more importantly, they would be perfect for this card. I mean, as I said, the Devil warns us about self-indulgence and earthly desires, which resonates so well with the hedonistic nature of the six Zeti. Truly, it’s no coincidence if the name of their group references the seven deadly sins. You have the glutton one, the vain and glamorous one, the one who revels in violence, the apathetic one, and Zavok himself is quite the epitome of pride. (And I’m not even taking into account their fittingly demonic, oni-like appearance...) As I said, though, I don’t really know which direction I’d rather take. Ultimately, I feel like the Deadly Six fit the card’s actual meaning better, but I also really like the gravitas that the fallen sun god brings to the table in terms of iconography. How can I put it, I feel like the Zeti would be better suited for the illustration of a minor arcane, if that makes any sense. I mean, the Devil is a figure that comes with a certain weight, and I’m not sure they’d be able to shoulder it. XD
XVI - The Tower : Imperial Tower, with the artificial sun created by Infinite looming over in the background. This card represents impending disaster, so it's only natural for it to feature a level from Sonic Forces. :p No but seriously, I think the choice is rather self-explanatory. In two different ways, actually : Eggman orchestrated the "false sun" battle as the ultimate demise of the resistance, but in the end, it spelled the fall of his own empire...
XVII - The Star : Maria. The Star’s message is one of hope for the future, so Maria felt like the best suited for the job. Her serene kindness and unwavering optimism certainly fit the bill. I mean, even as she was unjustly murdered by those whose role should have been to protect the innocents, her dying words were still for Shadow to not turn his back on humanity, to allow everyone living on the world below "a chance to be happy"... Truly, I cannot think of a better candidate to embody the Star’s promise of a brighter future. (Also, she spent most of her life in a space station, so she’d be right at home on this card. :p In fact, its artwork could easily depict the young girl gazing at the stars through a window aboard the Ark...)
XVIII - The Moon : Rouge. This card is associated with both feminity and deceitfulness, warning us that everything isn't always as it seems, so who better than our dashing femme fatale-slash-master spy to illustrate it. Besides, as a bat, she’d fit the card’s nocturnal esthetic pretty well. :p
XIX - The Sun : Charmy Bee and his two dads and the rest of Team Chaotix. The Sun stands for radiant joy and success, so I thought those three would make for a fitting choice. I mean, they are quite a lively and light-hearted bunch, run a detective agency, and even founded their very own band. Sure, they seem to be perpetually broke, and I don’t think that their musical performances attract that much people, but... what was the point I was trying to make, again ? XD No but seriously, the irony of having those three goobers as an illustration of "success" is not lost on me. In fact, this hilarious contrast is also partly what motivated me to pick them for this card. :p As for the "joy" part, I guess it’s pretty self-explanatory. In terms of visuals, the card’s artwork would probably depict Espio and Vector standing in a sunflower field as they watch Charmy flying happily in the sunny sky above them...
XX - Judgement : Shadow, standing in a flower field, with the Ark looming in the sky above him. Entrusted with the hope of an innocent soul, but turned into an angel of death by his creator, the black hedgehog is ready to pass sentence on humanity. Will he find us guilty, or will he have enough strength in his heart to forgive ? Damnation or atonement, it’s up to him to decide what form the future will take... Anyway, the Judgement card is tied to introspection, so Shadow felt like the best candidate. After all, his personal quest is one of identity, reflecting upon the mistakes that were made and learning the truth of the past in order to move forward and forge his own destiny...
XXI - The World : Chip and Dark Gaia. This one was a no-brainer. After all, those two carry the will of the planet itself. Moreover, the World is, as a card, a symbol of triumph and completion. The journey is over, and it’s now time to celebrate. But it also reminds us that every end is a new beginning. In a sense, it mirrors the glorious cycle of nature that Chip and his brother embody : day and night, death and rebirth, plurality and unity... Now, in terms of appearance, I like to think that the card would depict the little lad hugging an image of the world, in reference to that one panel from the comic, with the serpentine body of his dark counterpart forming like a mandorla around him, to mimic how the card is traditionally illustrated. (Moreover, in order to tie things up and emphasize once again the cyclical symbolism of a tarot deck, I like to imagine that on the illustration of the Fool - which can interchangeably be numbered as either 0 or XXII -, Sonic would be depicted wearing Chip’s necklace/bracelet, reflecting how the story has come full circle and it’s now time to begin anew. Really, Sonic Unleashed as a whole feels like it was tailor-made to illustrate that particular part of tarology...)
And it seems that this post has come full circle too. Haha, I hope that you enjoyed the ride. Some were actually trickier than I was expecting, but all in all, I’m quite pleased with my choices. Of course, there are still a few characters that I wanted to include but couldn’t find an appropriate spot for, like Blaze or Metal Sonic. But hey, for the most part, I’m pretty satisfied. Besides, we still have to tackle the minor arcana. I don’t know if I’ll ever get the courage to do the whole deck (as I said, the suit cards don’t really fan the imagination as much as the "greater mysteries"), but still, theoretically speaking, there is plenty of space left for all the characters who didn’t make the cut this time around. XD Anyway, it definitely was a fun exercise. I wish I had the artistic skill needed to materialize my vision, but alas, my puny words will have to do. Of course, feel free to comment if there is something you’d like to tell me about the content of this post. If you have a remark to make about one of my choices, for example, or if you’d like to share your own take on the premise. Who knows, my knowledge of the Sonic universe is not exhaustive, so I might have overlooked someone or something that would have otherwise been perfect for one of those cards… In any case, I’ll be more than happy to hear your thoughts. ^_^ Also, in spite of my fascination for its iconography, I’m far from being a tarot expert, so don’t hesitate to correct me if I made a mistake when talking about one of the arcana’s meaning. :p With that being said, I don’t think I have anything to add, so I guess it’s time to close this post. Once again, I hope that you had fun reading it, and to those who made it this far, thank you for your attention. Take care ! :3
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fallen-symphony · 5 months
Who do you guys like the most on your team? Who do you hate the most on the enemy team?
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"An interesting question... Although I'm not one for relationships since I'm a superior being... I must admit that Obake's intellect and Motivations truly seem to resonate with me. He's like a more intelligent Dr. Regal.
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"As for who I hate on the enemy team... Probably my stupid brothers... Especially RiFT. So much power, yet he uses it to serve lower beings. What an insult..."
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"Glad to know we can get along, Slur. I have always found you fascinating... But as a brilliant mind who loves potential, Eggman Nega is a man after my own heart."
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"The feeling is mutual, Obake. I do have respect for Dr. Starline and the Analog Man as well."
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"Oh, it's such an honor to hear you say that, Mr. Eggman Nega, sir. Know that you are my favorite here as well."
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"As for who I hate... Though I haven't met them in person, that Peni Parker and her robot, SP//Dr remind me too much of Hiro and Baymax, which remind me of my past Failure! If I can't get my revenge on Hiro, then Peni will be the next Best thing..."
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"I feel the same way about that key wielding Sonic that showed up not too long ago! Dimensional variant or not, he's still a Sonic, and Sonic ruined my plans many times! I want to destroy him personally...!"
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"Hey! You lay off him, Egghead! That Sonic is mine, ya hear me!? I'm the one who's gonna destroy him! I hate him and every other Sonic out there! I'll destroy them all until the only one left is me!"
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"You tell 'em, Scourgey! Now, tell them how I'm your favorite person here!"
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"If by that, you mean my LEAST favorite person here, then yes, that's you, Rosy."
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"Awww! You say the meanest things, Scourgey! You're one of my favorite people here, too..."
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"But her... This one right here... She's my girl..."
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"Aw, thank you, Rosy. I like you, too. Such an adorable little psychopath ready to smash some heads... It's like having a little sister... But of course, my favorite has to be Dark Mega for obvious reasons."
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"You're my favorite, too, Dark Empress! A beautiful Darkloid queen like you has stolen my heart..."
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"As much as that Empress chick terrifies me almost as much as Rosy does... Gotta agree with her. Dark Megz is my favorite member here. We both got beef with our goodie-goodie two shoes doppelgangers, and we both want to live in a world of chaos."
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"Yeah... I'm disliking that Megaman more and more each day. He gets to keep his Lan, while I was rejected by mine when I became the ruler of the Darkloids."
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"I feel the same way about Roll. She gets to keep her Mayl, but mine wouldn't accept the new me..."
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"Can I help you smash that good Roll that makes you look bad, best friend?! Can I, can I, can I?!"
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"Sure... As long as I get to land the last blow."
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"Obake and Eggman Nega are inspirational. Their genius far exceeds mine, and I have much to learn from them. I don't have any personal beef with anyone on the enemy team... Yet... But that ARiA and her army of Guardiangemon might be a problem."
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"CHYA HA HA HA HA HA!!! My favorite person here is obviously the Great Lord Brevon! No one can compare to his greatness...!
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"As for who I hate the most, obviously it's that blasted Commander Torque! He and Squid Head have been getting in Lord Brevon's way far too many times! I promise to destroy them!"
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"I can always count on you to praise me, General Serpentine. I, too, can't stand Commander Torque. That blasted dragon girl might not be with him now, but he can still be a problem... Especially with that new squad of his."
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"My favorite member is Ophelia! Even if it's not official, she's awesome!
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"And my favorite member on the other team is my beloved Nana..."
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"You're supposed to be talking about the enemy members you hate, lover boy. Anyway, probably no surprise to anyone, but Mr. Tinker is my arch nemesis on the enemy team. I got over the grudge of him 'murdering' Dr. Eggman ever since meeting the superior Eggman Nega. That doesn't mean I don't want to show him up. What about you, Sync?"
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"Gee, nice choices there, chatterbox."
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"I think we can all assume he hates everyone equally, teammate and enemy alike. Anyway, it seems we reached our limit, time-wise. We need to get back to our plans of taking over the Multiverse."
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themightyhumanbroom · 8 months
What are your top 5 fav sonic characters
(Also love your fics🔥)
I'm glad you're enjoying my fics! As for my favorite Sonic characters, I've had to narrow it down lol. These are in no particular order.
Sonic the Hedgehog. A cool guy who wants everyone to be free to live their dreams. Plus all that unfathomable power and he chooses to be good. Also I'm a sucker for easy-going characters that are sandbagging their asses at all times.
Surge the Tenrec. I'm a huge fan of her design, personality, and the amount of potential she has as a character. I'm also just a huge fan of the living weapon trying to find their place in the world trope.
Lanolin the Sheep. I resonate deeply with her trying to bring order to madness and the frustration when nothing is working like it's supposed to. She's the voice of reason and logic that's been needed for a while. There's been back to back armageddons and it sometimes feels like she's the only one who has noticed this. All the while she's doing her best to help people. I also have this habit of getting attached to characters that get unfairly dog piled by the fandom. Great design as well!
Tangle the Lemur. She's a lot of fun, fantastic design, and her tail power is really cool. She brings an amazing energy to the story.
Doctor Eggman. The guy steals the damn show every time he appears. Just larger than life and so entertaining to watch.
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egg-emperor · 8 months
being a game canon Eggman fan and trying to help share certain facts of his character and why they make him cool/interesting/lovable in a fandom where a loud vocal majority react very hostile towards that is a heavy cross to bear lol
but the reason I keep at it is because I'm very passionate about him and every person that tells me my analysis/fact sharing/creations can resonate/help them learn about him/bring them happiness and entertainment matters most and makes it all worth it 💜
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magmas-stuff · 8 months
Infinite: (Not) Weak (character overview)
In this post I'm tackling the short-lived antagonist of Sonic Forces, Infinite, and some of the characteristics that make him a, surprisingly, thematically resonant and just overall good villain.
To talk about his character, it’s pretty important to talk about the events that led to him adopting the “Infinite” persona. Before the events of the game, he was the ruthless leader of the Jackal Squad, calling himself “The Ultimate Mercenary.” Following an encounter with Dr. Eggman, Infinite accidentally revealed his deep-seated wishes to “change the world” and plunge it into anarchy and destruction, seeing as he’d grown tired of the world as it was. The doctor, taking advantage of this, hires the jackal as the new general of his army.
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Several months before Eggman took over the world, the Jackal Squad was assigned to guard Eggman’s Mystic Jungle Facility, where the Phantom Ruby had undergone analysis. Despite their skill, they were all completely wiped out by Shadow the Hedgehog. By request of Eggman, their captain decides to confront the Ultimate Life Form by himself, but is beaten to the ground and overwhelmed with fear. Never before had he felt so powerless, so incapable, so weak.
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To Shadow, it was just another grunt in his way, but to his opponent, it was an unbearable amount of humiliation. Vowing to never feel “weak” again, the jackal discarded his old self and was born anew as Infinite. Now, with the help of Eggman, he had the power to make all yield to his will, power unmatched even by the likes of Sonic himself (or so he believed).
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As part of his new identity, Infinite also adopted a much colder, intimidating demeanor, showing no hesitation when taking the lives of others. He revels in the fear of his opponents, perhaps to reassure himself that he is now above such behavior.  While Shadow strives to achieve perfection in all he does, Infinite is instead content with having his own flair, his “authenticity,” believing it to be superior, which is actually sort of one of his healthier traits.
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Before anyone knew it, a live music club was there. The performers, let alone the audience, don’t remember much about why they were here. Still, everyone enjoyed this moment… except for one. “Don’t get in my way. You’re holding me down.” After the concert, Shadow coldly declares this to his partner. The poor attitude towards the audience, the shoddy performance… a stage show with him was far from the perfection Shadow was looking for. But when questioned, Infinite laughed boastfully and slowly closed in on Shadow. “It’s good enough for a runt who can’t understand authenticity. I have no interest in following your smugness in playing at perfection.” “So, you admit you’re a fake. Surely you understand that.” (Translation by @browniestash!)
Infinite deems friendships, as with many other things, a sign of weakness. Even though he led his own squad, one that valued him as a leader and comrade, the jackal did not feel the same way, even disregarding their qualms when allying himself with the Eggman Empire. Infinite, at the very least following his shift in identities, sees friends as naught but fleeting illusions, stating that your own strength is all one can rely on.
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Obsession with power
Infinite, as a result of his encounter with Shadow, seems to be quite insecure about his strength, being obsessed with attaining more and more of it to the point of letting his own body be modified with the Phantom Ruby prototype. Referring to his past self as pathetic and unsightly for losing that fight, Infinite takes every opportunity to prove he is no longer that weakling. Even when facing unequivocal defeat, the jackal will refuse to retreat and insist on continuing to fight.
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When everything you know has come and gone, (You are at your lowest, I am rising higher) Only scars remain of who I was (What I find in the ashes, you lose in the fire!) When there's no one left to carry on, (This is an illusion, open up your eyes and...) This pain (persists), I can't (resist), But that's what it takes to be Infinite
After Sonic Forces, Infinite actually seems to reevaluate his need for power and his reliance on the Phantom Ruby prototype. After Dr. Eggman’s Otherworldification plan fails, Infinite is briefly freed from inside the Phantom Ruby and snatches the last remaining Phantom Ruby prototype from the doctor’s hands. As he is about to put it on again, the jackal is suddenly filled with doubt and hesitation. He ponders whether or not he really wants to resort to using that again. But before he can make a decision, his body vanishes with the light as the world returns to normal, which he seems to thinks was for the best.
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“Heheheh, it really is a modified Phantom Ruby prototype… Just as I thought! If I put this on, I’ll have power once again!” Infinite’s shoulders were shaking with joy as he placed his hand on his chest where he had once worn the Phantom Ruby… but suddenly a cold wind blew through his heart. (I’m resorting to this again…?) His heart’s craving for power and his pride, which was deep within him, causes doubt in Infinite. He hesitated for only a few seconds before deciding whether or not to put “this” on his chest, and that’s when it happened. “…Ah?!” The elimination of otherworldification occurs in Infinite, and his body disappears with the light. The core in his hand slips through and falls into the glimmering lava… with a sizzling sound, it is lost to the world forever. Infinite was wide-eyed and stunned, but… “H-Heheh, haha…” He smiled wryly, lightly shaking his head, as if to say that it was for the best, and then vanished with the light. The world has been saved once again by a strange fate that no one had any way of knowing. The wind was merely blowing in the sky. (Translation by @browniestash!)
To end on a positive note, Infinite is not definitely dead! He's a character I really like from the one game he got to shine in, and Eitaro Toyoda has expressed his desire to see him come back, so we may actually see more of him in the future.
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saphronethaleph · 7 months
Blue, White and Pink Blur
“So… if I invert the second piece, I’d get an inverted waveform,” Tails said to himself, twin tails flicking. “But if I want three… oh, of course, I need to make a three-phase waveform! Circular resonance!”
He looked up at the sound of a screeech as Amy skidded to a halt in front of him.
“Hi Amy!” he waved. “What’s up!”
“Uh,” Amy began. “Is Sonic in?”
Tails scratched his head. “That depends?” he replied.
“Depends?” Amy repeated. “What do you mean, it depends? Depends on what?”
“Why you’re here,” Tails replied.
“You mean you’d say he wasn’t here if I was here for the wrong reason?” Amy asked, then paused. “...actually, yeah, I’d believe you’d do that.”
“Well, I might, but it’s not really necessary,” Tails replied. “If you’re here for the wrong reason, Sonic would be out of the house before I finished answering the question.”
Amy nodded, reluctantly. “Yeah, that’s fair too,” she admitted. “That does sound like a Sonic kind of thing.”
She looked down at Tails’s workbench.
“...what are you doing, anyway?” she asked.
Tails held it up. “It’s a new module for the Tornado!” he explained. “Next time Doctor Eggman, Ph.D (killer robots) tries to stop us, I’ll activate the Unrifler! It makes it so that all the bullets fired at the Tornado stop spinning, so they miss.”
Amy looked like she dearly wanted to ask how Tails had pronounced the brackets, but visibly let it go.
“...anyway!” she said. “That’s neat, but I came here for a reason – I wanted to ask Sonic about something, and then maybe why he never told me!”
“Told you what?” Sonic asked, leaning out the window. “Hi Amy! You’re not going to ask me out on a date, right?”
Amy looked contemplative.
“Would you say yes?” she asked.
“No way!” Sonic replied.
“Then no,” Amy replied, with a sigh. “But – look, uh, this actually is about you, Sonic. You know Surge?”
“Oh, yeah, her!” Sonic agreed. “She’s kind of mean sometimes. Kitsunami’s cool – kinda needs to take a chill pill but I know how hard that can be sometimes. But what about her?”
He looked combative. “Has she tried getting revenge on an uncaring world again? We never did properly stop her, Kit took her off and we don’t actually know where she ended up.”
“No, I just… I met her, and we talked,” Amy replied. “It was weird, we were both just out doing grocery shopping, ended up in the same shop… we both like gnocchi, that was a surprise.”
Amy shook her head. “But, uh… did you know she started as a clone of you, Sonic? She said Kitsunami worked it out in his lab…”
“Oh, he’s got a lab?” Tails asked. “That’s cool. I should do a joint paper with him sometime! I bet there’s something we could put together-”
“-not the point!” Amy insisted. “Sorry, Tails. But I kind of feel like I need to ask, because Surge is a girl and you’re not… is she that much of a clone?”
Sonic glanced at Tails, and Tails glanced back.
“Up to you, bro,” Tails said.
“I guess,” Sonic replied. “And, yeah. I guess the guy who made her did some kind of genetic modification and stuff, but that bit’s right.”
“Huh,” Amy said. “Okay, new question. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“How would that go, Amy?” Tails asked.
“I’m open minded!” Amy defended herself.
Sonic tried not to snigger, not quite successfully.
“I don’t mean like that,” Tails replied. “I mean, how would that conversation go? How do you start off with something like that?”
Amy began to answer, stopped, and looked contemplative.
“...okay, yeah,” she said, eventually. “That would be… but still…”
“Does this mean you won’t want to go out with me any more?” Sonic asked, in a hopeful kind of way.
“What?” Amy replied. “Of course I still want to go out with you, Sonic! You’re the best!”
“Darn,” Sonic said, snapping his fingers.
“But yeah, not many people know,” Tails said, drawing Amy’s attention again. “I know. Sonic, obviously. I guess that doctor who made Surge does, and so does she if she’s worked it out… Kit must know, he had the DNA sample to do the test you mentioned… and then there’s you, Doctor Eggman, and Espio-”
“Doctor Eggman – Espio?!” Amy asked, trying to work out which was more surprising. “How-”
“Eh, the Doc’s equal opportunity evil,” Sonic shrugged. “And Espio? Great voice coach, seriously. But apart from that, it’s just those weird mystical entities I’ve fused with. I’d give you a list but we’d be here all week.”
Amy nodded, vaguely.
“I guess that explains, maybe one thing,” she said. “Anyway, I said I wasn’t going to ask you for a date so… I, actually don’t know what to do for the rest of my afternoon.”
Tails thought for a few seconds.
“I’ve got a prototype Extreme Gear to try out?” he suggested. “It’s pink.”
“Sold!” Amy agreed immediately.
(based on a post I spotted going around, which I apparently can't reblog this to for some reason.)
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true-blue-sonic · 13 days
Good evening dear Blue :D
For the ask game
❤️ 🧡 💖 💀
(with the sonic media ofc)
Good evening!🍀
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom? (I think it is this one but on my laptop the heart is blacked out, but when I copy-paste it it becomes the red heart... confusing🤔😂)
I think as a whole it'd be Shadow, though for me, Silver is far more personally relevant, haha. But Shadow seems to be a difficult character to get down, because he's got so much going on with him in canon. In fanon materials, I'd say that he often either becomes a raging jerk or he becomes very soft, cuddly, gentle and suave with Sonic for tons of Sonadow fics, and though the first description fits him somewhat better, he's... well, neither, I'd say. And Silver of course gets uwu blorbified to hell and back, rip. But since Shadow is far more popular than Silver, I'd say he suffers the worst of it.
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
This is gonna be a very unpopular take, but the "Sonic has ADHD" theory doesn't sit well with me if the follow-up is "and that means he can never sit still, is infantile, doesn't listen to others, doesn't value his friends, can never take anything seriously, and is an insensitive unemphatic jerk". If I look at the Sonic in Adventure 1, Rush, or Black Knight, I see someone who is incredibly well-attuned to others' feelings and who knows what to say and do to radically change people's worldviews for the better. Plus, Sonic knows when to focus on adventures and when he has to get serious: I cannot recall a canon instance where he is bouncing around absolutely out of control with no regard for others, for example. And if something goes wrong through his actions (e.g. Lost World), he's trying his absolute hardest to make it right again. So I'm not really sure where the idea that Sonic needs to learn the power of friendship or is super hyperactive and never listens comes from.
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
Oof. I guess that I really don't like the direction things are going in, maybe? That is to say, I haven't felt particularly inclined to engage with new materials so much because they don't grab my attention in the slightest: I'll get SxSG when it releases, but I'm going in basically completely blind because I'm not interested in theorising about what could happen. Plus, I haven't watched a single TailsTube episode, nor have I played Superstars. And I also couldn't care less about the third movie, to be quite honest😅 I don't know; I'm happy to do my own thing in my own corner with Espio and Silver, but I do feel sad that the new materials we're getting don't resonate with me so much. I wonder how that's going to change in the future.
💀: If you had to choose one major character to die, who would you choose?
...Knuckles XD XD Between the main quartet plus Eggman, I simply care about him least, haha. Though, does Metal Sonic count as a major character? I've got plenty of characters I don't care about (Big, Cream, the Babylon Rogues), but I don't feel like they're present enough to be major characters. Metal is cool, but I have even less opinions on and feelings about him than I do Knux, so... XD
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