#respect to those that ship themselves with their favorite characters. good for you
deppiet · 1 year
About the yassification of GO2.
Warning: the following text is highly critical of the second season of Good Omens. If you enjoyed it, I am happy for you, and a non-negligible amount of jealous as well. Please scroll past before I inevitably rain on your fandom parade.
So, I did the thing. I binged the entire second season of what was, up to now, my favorite show ever, in one sitting. And I have a great deal of things to say, but hardly any of them is positive.
Let me start by saying that I don't mind the cliffhanger or the melancholy ending, like at all. In our era of Marvel apologists and the instant gratification culture, it is necessary for media to persevere and add nuance to romantic relationships. That said, what transpired during the six hours leading up to this sort of unearned climax hardly contains anything remotely close to nuance.
Who are these people? I don't mean the new characters, all of them written as cardboard-cut anthropomorphic personifications of stereotypes, yassified to the point of representation losing its purpose and getting in the way of, you know, actual writing. I mean the protagonists themselves, Aziraphale and Crowley, up to now my favorite characters in the entire world and -up to now- tangled in a love story so beautiful I had, for better or for worse, devoted a large part of my creative output on it, making art, songs, and metas on why what those two entities had was as close to perfect as anyone can hope to find for themselves.
These are not the characters I knew. The characters I knew spent hundreds of human lifetimes revolving around each other in a treacherous yet familiar dance- they both knew the love was there, it was comfortable like an armchair that has taken the shape of the body using it for years. They argued the way old couples do, and of course, like all fictional beings that are counterparts of one another, had differences to settle, but what stood in their way wasn't misunderstanding or miscommunication, in was their fear of Heaven and Hell, and their fundamentally different approaches on how to keep each other safe.
What is all this teen angst? This will-they-won't-they silliness that lacks any nuance, thematic coherence, or literally even trace amounts of understanding of the source material? Where is the dark humor, the quotability, the chaotic overarching plot, the self conscious camp? The season is so cynically written to cater specifically to a certain part of fandom, that I am losing respect for the original work- because if Neil Gaiman doesn't care for these fictional beings, and he evidently doesn't, why should I?
The thematic core of what made Good Omens what it was, had always been the "Love in unexpected places" trope Sir Terry Pratchett knew how to write so well. It had never been about the fantasy, because Sir Terry wrote satire wrapped up in a supernatural package, it had never been about the romance, because when the ship becomes the end instead of the means, the love rings hollow, like artificial light trying to pass as sunshine. The beating heart of GO lies in its philosophy, in the beautiful notion that the agents of two oppressive systems at war have more in common with one another than with their respective oppressors. That being a nobody, a mere cog in a larger machine, says more about said machine than it does about you, and that you can try to break free and build a life for yourself, where a happy ending looks like a dinner at the Ritz with the one you love most.
Shoehorning an underdeveloped "romance" between Beelzebub and Gabriel not only feels like bad fanfic (disclaimer: I like the ship and feel like it could have worked if developed in any capacity, and presented in a more humorous and character-appropriate way. I hate with passion how much they watered down Beelzebub in order to make them stereotypically romanceable, adding the Ineffable Bureaucracy to the ever-expanding list of characters I don't care about anymore.) but also, it muddles and grossly undermines the thematic raison d'être of Ineffable Husbands. If the ramifications for defecting and fucking off with the enemy were a slap on the wrist for the respective leaders of both sides, well surely the system can't be that oppressive after all. And if fear of the oppressive system wasn't, after all, what kept these beings apart, surely these two entities don't like each other as much as we thought. Or rather, one is reduced to a lovesick puppy and the other to a brainless husk of a character, a plot device, a means to go from place A to place B without spending much brainpower on the logistics.
And if these two new people got to kiss I care not, for they are not the same people I rooted for (props, though, to the actors, who gave, somehow, an almost Shakespearean gravitas to their love affair, underwritten and dumbed down as it was. They both love the characters, and it shows in the minuscule yet brilliant ways in which they added nuance where the script had none.)
What was that thing with the lesbians about? Though straight passing, I have always known myself to be attracted to women as well as men, and I am always highly suspicious when an "ally" writer (see: straight, no shade to straight people among which I live because they are, like, the majority) decides to make all characters queer, in the face of real-world statistics and despite NOT being queer themselves. When a person like Nate Stevenson does it they get a pass because writers self-insert and because, when done well, it can carry a message of equality. But when the ally writer does it, unless it is pitch-perfect, I am forced to examine the possibility of them being calculating about it and trying to score representation points, often because they need the rep as a fig leaf to cry homophobia behind when people start complaining about the atrocious plot.
Nina and Maggie were boring. They had no personalities, no cohesive backstories, nothing to make us understand what they are to one another and to the overarching plot ("plot" is used loosely here, for there was no plot: the series ended where it should have started, with six hours of -progressively more offensive to my intelligence- fanfic tropes in a trenchcoat serving as the, well, "plot"). I didn't care whether or not they'd end up together, because I have no idea who they are. The blandness of the dialogue had the actresses, both very talented as evidenced in the first season, grasping at straws with what little characterization they were left to work with, and the "ball" was so unbelievably bad a plot device no amount of suspension of disbelief was ever going to make it right.
The minisodes, though at parts clever and philosophical, felt out of place. This was another narrative choice I had to raise my eyebrows at, because it felt like a bunch of executives sat around a table and watched Neil Gaiman's powerpoint presentation of what made Season 1 financially successful. They were shoehorned in, largely irrelevant to the, eh, "plot", and most of them lasted far more than I personally deemed welcome, or necessary.
What else is there to say? The wink-winks and nudge-nudges to the Tumblr nation? The in-your-face Doctor Who reference? The narratively myopic choice to make Crowley a former archangel? The cheese dialogue, not one bit of which was quotable?
I am distraught. I am grieving an old friend, and a part of my fandom life I cannot, in good faith, return back to after this gross betrayal. I am happy for those who don't see it, because I wish I could love this season past its flaws. However, the writing isn't simply mediocre, it is irrevocably, immeasurably, undescribably bad, so bad I am shocked to my very core, so bad I find it offensive to Sir Terry's memory and everything his own creative output was lovingly filled with.
I am passing all five stages of grief and very much doubt I will return to this fandom. I loved the original story and the characters with all my heart- now the aforementioned heart is broken, not by the breakup or anything as pedestrian as cheap romantic tropes. But because my old friends, my family of fictional beings, are no longer the ones I loved and could relate to.
Deppie out.
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andreal831 · 26 days
Did you ever ship Stefan and Bonnie?
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I'm actually so shocked I've never discussed this here because I was obsessed with Stefonnie for the longest time and this post is making me fall back into it.
Stefan and Bonnie had such a beautiful friendship in the early seasons. It was very similar to Caroline and Stefan. I was actually rooting for Bonnie over Caroline initially when it was clear Delena was going to be endgame. I love Steroline, but Stefonnie would have been such an organic friends-to-lovers ship (we know I love a good friend-to-lovers over enemies-to-lovers). Especially, since this was the time Forewood was still going strong and I loved them too. It would have been such a great time in TVD with these ships.
But of course, the writers refused to let Bonnie have everything and eventually shifted Stefan's attention from being split between his two friendships with Caroline and Bonnie to only Caroline. They only ever really get it back in the final season and it was essentially just to rub it in for Bonnie that Stefan, her once friend, murdered her love. This whole storyline was clearly just designed to isolate Bonnie completely from the group. Stefan was supposed to spend the rest of his life making it up to her and then died so we didn't even get to see them repairing their relationship. If they were going to get together, it would have to be before this.
Stefan is the first vampire that Bonnie starts to feel comfortable with after her, very reasonable, hatred of vampires. Because he put in the effort. Even Caroline just wanted Bonnie to get over her fear/hatred without putting in too much effort. But Stefan spent time making her feel comfortable. And the fact that he had Grams approval goes a long way with Bonnie. Stefan on multiple occasions attempts to stop Bonnie from doing dangerous spells that he does want to happen, but he prioritizes her safety. He had so much respect and love for her from the beginning.
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Him asking so gently if he can come in and her little nod. This right here shows that their friendship at the bare minimum should have been prioritized. How do you not see romantic potential in this??
Even when he was a ripper, he never harms Bonnie. Or when Stefan and Damon had to kill her mom but Damon does it so *Elena* won't hold it against Stefan. Let's be honest, if Elena can forgive Damon for murdering her brother, she would have quickly moved on from Abby's death. But, to me, it was so important for it not to be Stefan because *Bonnie* never would have forgiven him.
I would have much rathered Stefan getting stuck on the otherside/prison world with Bonnie and repairing their friendship and developing a romantic relationship. Stefan was so protective of Bonnie that it would have given Bonnie a lot more support than she initially got from Damon. I know I am just biased and hate Damon, but I felt like their development was forced. Literally. They never would have interacted like that in other circumstances. I do think Damon needed that friendship, since the only time we see him have any character development is with Bonnie, but that wasn't Bonnie's job. Forcing her to befriend a man she hated, a man who murdered her mom, for his development was just never a favorite story of mine. But Stefan with her would have given her some comfort. I think she also would have had more faith in Stefan coming back for her and saving her if he was forced to leave her behind.
They fit so well together. They both have similar morals and a strong sense of righteousness. They both will sacrifice themselves for those they love and will bend their morals for their loved ones, but at the end of the day they are the heart of the friend group. They also were always trying to stop the other one from sacrificing themselves, understanding that the people the other was harming themselves for wasn't necessarily worth it.
Bonnie deserved to be loved like that. After losing her entire family and everyone she cared about, she deserved to have someone love her the way Stefan loves. And Stefan wanted to be human again. He would have taken the cure and they could have left Mystic Falls behind, coming back for holidays, but getting away from the toxic relationships they had with their family and friends.
As for storytelling purposes, this just shows that the show prioritized ships they viewed would be the most popular (which was based in racism) over the actual storytelling. Bonnie and Stefan has so many similar stories that they could have bonded over, like their summer that no one knew they were missing and their parental issues. But also their history. Elena and Stefan were not the only two reflected in the story with Silas and Amara. There was also Qetsiyah. The full circle story that could have been if they had Silas' shadow-self (Stefan) fall for Qetsiyah's descendant (Bonnie), leaving Amara's shadow-self (Elena). Instead the show spent time forcing parallels by retconning itself with flashbacks.
I loved Bonenzo and Steroline, but if they had done Stefonnie right, it would have been my top ship. They had so much potential to show the development and to actually allow the characters to experience their emotions and work through their trauma. They would have helped each other as friends and fallen in love as they did. They are two of my favorite characters from TVD so it is no wonder I would love them together.
Now excuse me while I go find some fics to read!
Thanks for the ask!
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cosmerelists · 9 months
My Top 10 Favorite Cosmere Characters
Today is my birthday, so it's time for a purely self-indulgent birthday list! I thought I'd just share my own personal Top 10 Cosmere characters, which will just prove once and for all that I am SUCH a Stormlight girlie.
[Spoilers for Stormlight, Mistborn Era 1 & Era 2 and Shadows for Silence]
#10: TenSoon
I think I almost like TenSoon better in Era 2, when he's, like, an immortal quasi-divine figure who also happens to be a big, fluffy puppy. I like it when characters from different eras interact, so I was quite taken by having Wax meet TenSoon. I was also a fan of TenSoon back in the original series though, especially as his loyalty to Vin developed. And I'm one for a tragic sacrifice, so the kandra trying to kill themselves to avoid getting taken over by Ruin--that was a powerful moment (and I'm big fan of the fact that they did not, in fact, die. It was still a heroic sacrifice!).
#9: Silence
It's hard to say how much my love for Silence is part & parcel with my love for Threnody which, for whatever reason, is my favorite Cosmere planet. I like how Silence interacts with Threnody--the sheer horror and fatalism of living right on the edge of that forest, being a mother and a bounty hunter, keeping your dead grandmother in a back room...
#8: Adolin
I think Adolin is one of those characters I like because of his relationships with other characters. Especially Maya--I really love the relationship Adolin has with his sword, and when he and Maya fight back to back using the kata...that's one of my favorite scenes. I think he and Shallan are cute, and that he and Kaladin are cute, and that the three of them are a triad in their hearts. Also, and this will be a theme throughout this list, I love competent fighters and good fight sequences, so Adolin's duels really put him near the top for me.
#7: Navani
Rhythm of War really made me love Navani, I think. And not only because of that unhealthy yet somehow alluring relationship she had with Raboniel. We'll see throughout this list that I just like really competent characters, and Navani is such a smart and cool inventor of stuff, from watches to pain management devices to flying ships. And knowing what she went through with Gavilar and how she was made to think she wasn't smart or worthwhile only to have Dalinar and Raboniel recognize that yes she was smart and good at things and now she's cracked the code to make god-killing weapons and has bonded the Sibling and she's just so cool.
#6: Sazed
Honestly, I really love Sazed both before and after his ascension. I heard that people aren't always fans of Harmony, but I find him just as fascinating, if not more so--the idea of trying to balance such discordant shards in one being. But Sazed is, I think, my favorite character from the Mistborn Era 1 books. He is so sincere and smart and competent and deals with so much shit all the time. And I think he's doing his best.
#5: Jasnah
Like, Jasnah is just cool. She's so polished. So competent. So deadly. So smart. I think seeing Jasnah through Shallan's eyes for so long really made me respect and fear her as much as a reader can respect/fear a book character. That moment that she and Dalinar bonded over the book after Gavilar's death--very sweet. Kinda disappoited that we didn't get much with Jasnah & Elhokar--hard to remember they're siblings sometimes. In conclusion, I am both excited and scared to get more of her tragic backstory soon.
#4: Leshwi
Listen, I like cool fight sequences and enemies who bear a deep respect for each and duel a lot but never from a place of hatred. So, I was basically made to like Leshwi and how she interacts with Kaladin. But I also just like Leshwi's interactions with everyone. Leshwi and Moash? Awesome. "Hey you killed me once. Respect." Leshwi and Venli? Heck yeah. "I am slowly feeling you out and trying to see where your loyalties lie because they might intersect with mine." Once I am thrilled that Lewshi is joining the Listeners now. I want her to form a Radiant bond SO BAD.
#3: Steris
I seem to recall Brandon Sanderson talking about Steris as a character you don't like at first, but later you grow to love her. But if I remember correctly, I feel like I always liked Steris? Like yes, the marriage contract was a lot, but it was also so thorough and honest (and, honestly, funny). And then she just grew on me from there. As someone who makes a lot of lists, I also feel a kinship with Steris.
#2: Shallan
The first two times I read through the Stormlight Archives, I was all about Kaladin. But the third time, I really started to realize just how much I like the Shallan chapters. I think Shallan is a great character with a great arc--and I love the way she sort of grows into herself and her powers. Plus, I enjoy the slow reveal of how much she's already done--she already has a shardblade. And two spren bonds. And many murders under her belt. Quite the resume. And I really love Veil and Radiant, but especially Veil. The scene during the Oathbringer climax where she holds hand with her alters while constantly creating other alters to let them be killed legitimately makes me cry. She holds back a whole army by herself! She's amazing!
#1: Kaladin
Kaladin was my favorite character pretty much from the very moment I started reading Cosmere books (I started with Way of Kings), and he has never been dethroned in my heart. First, there's the simple fact that I love good fight scenes and fantasy heroics and people who gain the power they need at the very last second...and Kaladin does those things like every other chapter. But also, Kaladin is just such a good character. I love how he's not just a shallow fantasy hero--he has depression, and invents therapy, and struggles with guilt, and doesn't always make good choices. Sometimes the Kaladin chapters are tough--Rhythm of War was downright painful sometimes with just how much Kaladin was suffering--but even so. I will always look forward to the Kaladin parts the most, and like many, I deem Kaladin my #1 Cosmere Blorbo.
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glade-constellation · 4 months
TSAMS Ships I Like and Why
These are just my personal views about TSAMS ships that I like, and why I like them. I would like to preface that I don’t think any of these will be canon, I just personally like the ship dynamics. Also, they are in no particular order.
(List under cut)
1.) Monty/Earth/Eclipse
Vee-polyamory. Earth would be the hinge, and Earth and Eclipse have a queerplatonic relationship. It is a very big comfort ship for me. I do feel like Monty and Eclipse could be friend if they got over their issues, with each other and themselves. Their dynamic is basically the scary dog privileges trend. It may never be canon, but it’s currently my favorite.
2.) Lunar/Gemini
Honestly, I do genuinely think it could work out. Everything went wrong in canon around the time they died to get together, but this is fanon so I say it works. Another vee poly style relationship with Lunar as the hinge. It been shown a decent amount that Lunar does work well with both Castor and Pollux, and they all have similar vibes. Lunar is able to calm down and just talk with Castor about things, and can also match Pollux’s really high energy. They may have a rough time communicating with each other, but I think if they worked on that it would be a really cute relationship.
3.) Solar/Ruin
Yes, this is a tragic romance, but that is literally the whole reason I like it. Listen, these two are both sassy mfers, and would just play off each other really well. They’re the kind of couple to engage in parallel play all the time just because they like being near one another. They also just have a lot in common about coming from a dying world and being pretty hated by everyone in their respective dimensions. Ruin knowing what he was doing was going to end up killing Solar is devastating. It’s an interesting couple in the fact that is a doomed romance from the start, and Ruin knows that.
4.) Sun/Foxy
Someone I follow mentioned KidsCove as being a queerplatonic relationships and it’s changed my whole perspective on this ship. Yes. 100%. I love the idea of this. I think the whole reason Kids isn’t canonical (in universe) is that the characters seems to have a very specific views on what relationships are and how they’re supposed to look. I think if someone explained to them that you don’t have to be restricted to those things, they might be more open to the idea. Plus, like, Sun does a pretty good job handling FC, and I feel like Foxy would enjoy having someone around who can help and doesn’t complain about his child being too much. (Sadly, TSAMS has made it pretty clear that, canonically, Sun and Foxy both seem to be straight.)
5.) Canon/OC or Self Insert
Any sort of OC or Self Shipping is great, I love seeing that content. As long as it’s not Moon or the children characters, we’re chill. I myself have an Eclipse/Self Insert AU and have been low key cooking up something for a Sun/OC. Do whatever, cringe culture is dead.
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oiblackestsheep · 1 month
Hi! I really love your memes. Have you already done MBTI types as video games?
Thank you so much!! Honestly, I probably have at some point in the many years, but if I have, it's been a long time, so let's give it a go. I tried to get a mix of old, new, classic, and modern games in, and tried not to give every one a SUPER OBVIOUS game. Hope you like it! 😸
MBTI Types as Video Games
INTP: Slime Rancher
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It took everything in my power to not do Portal 2 for INTP, because it seems like the obvious choice and I wanted something other than that. Maybe not as puzzle-oriented, but Slime Rancher captures a different side of INTPs like their affinity for unique experiences through Ne, comfort Si that allows them to organize all their slimes effectively, and their inferior Fe that lets them take care of cute little creatures with minimal risk.
INFP: Minecraft
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An instant classic that lets your imagination run wild and live your life the way you think it should be lived, without the limitations of oppressive reality. Build the comfiest home with as many floors, rooms, walls, etc. as you want. Your house wouldn't be structurally sound and is impossible to create in real life? DOESN'T MATTER, it's what the INFP wants, and it what they can have in their own little world.
ENTP: Among Us
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A creative and random environment where you have to either find the killer or be the killer terrorizing the space ship crew, interrupted by segments of ARGUING ~*~discussion~*~ about who the imposter might be, followed by voting to eject them into space via mob-mentality? Is there any game more chaotic and perfect for the ENTP to thrive in that I'm missing, here?
ENFP: Skyrim
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You are the nonspecific protagonist with unique dragon powers that let you literally scream somebody to death, and, once again, live your life the way you want to live it, as chaotic or lawful as you might want. Become a criminal werewolf who leads a dark, murderous cult by night, and is the dean of a magical college by day? YOU CAN DO THAT.
INTJ: Satisfactory
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Slowly and steadily building the most effecient space colony to mine resources and build interesting and novel alien technology? What could the INTJ want more. It won't happen overnight, but the efforts of the INTJ compound with each and every day, and one day, they'll make use of every square inch of the planet's surface for their factory.
INFJ: Coffee Talk
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A lesser known game to some, but just as impactful, nonetheless. You're simply a barista in a coffee shop, but you have the pleasure of meeting and hearing the stories of a diverse cast of characters that let you into their unique inner worlds. You'll get to explore their experiences and choose your own dialogue to interact with their lives and offer your input that is tailored to the individual character.
ENTJ: Left 4 Dead
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The goal is simple and well-defined: survive the zombie apocolypse. But the only way to do it in this game is to have all 4 players work together in perfect syncronicity as a well-oiled machine to cover all your bases as you traverse each level. It requires delegation of tasks, foresight of what's to come, and just a little bit of quick, thinking-on-your-feet, a perfect combination to engage their Te, Ni, and Se, respectively.
ENFJ: Mario Kart
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Everyone knows Mario Kart, and everyone loves Mario Kart. Much like an ENFJ, themselves. Mario Kart has a very low barrier-to-entry so that the majority of people can learn to play quickly, and enjoy time with their friends! It's fun, it's casual, and it requires a bit of that tertiary Se to make some quick turns to finish in first. The game resembles the ENFJ personality itself, and it is a favorite of an ENFJ I know for those same reasons (as she doesn't play many video games).
ISTP: Assassin's Creed
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(Couldn't find any good covers with Altair that fit tumblr's format, so I did Ezio, the fan favorite (and also probably an ENFJ assassins which is p cool?))
The franchise has undergone a lot of change over the years, so I do NOT mean the RPG elements, but rather the original elements of the games that made them so great! ISTPs would rather have a more focused way to engage the game, instead of the endless possibilities of an open-world, anyway. Quick reactions to stay hidden, a good grasp of the terrain around you and how to use it against your enemies, and a solid amount of Ti to calculate the most logical time to strike makes for a great way to engage the ISTP's top functions.
ISTJ: Super Smash Bros
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Again, the goal is simple, fight your friends and be the last one standing. The rules are simple, in fact, they are completely customizable so you can save your settings to define exactly what kind of experience you want to have, and you know what to expect. You can play it simple with a set number of lives and no items, or you can crank the spawn rate of all items up to the max, if you're in a particularly low-Ne, (low-risk) feeling, kind of mood. Still, the goal is always the same. Hone your strategy, defeat your friends (or foes lmao)
ISFP: The Sims
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Introverted by nature, they appreciate being able to spend some time alone without having to give up the things they like about the sensory world, including house and clothing fashion-design. These aesthetics were made to be seen, but sometimes they can only be made in a video game, and sometimes you need a break from real people. It's a realistic enough game that they can connect with it in a more relatable way than more abstract types of games, but they still please the Fi desire to live their personal life the way they wish without the limitations of reality.
ISFJ: Animal Crossing
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Again, it's a familiar environment, with just a little flaire to excite that inferior Ne. You've got what seems like endless tasks (in a good way lmao) to keep you busy taking care of your island, and also forming positive relationships with your fellow residents! You get to meet new people, help solve the residents' problems, become a pillar of your community, and at the end of the day, retire to your cozy home.
ESTP: Palworld
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It's new, it's weird but somehow familiar, it's Pokemon with guns. It might not be the most "original" game, but it was an inspiration nonetheless for the simple fact that it took all of the known successful elements of gameplay that people enjoy from other games, and put them all into one game that, for lack of better words, "just gives the people what they want". What you see is what you get, and it packs a punch.
ESTJ: Dark Souls
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Although it is the more introverted game compared to ISTJ, it requires an incredible amount of strategy in order to champion this game. The medieval themes are familiar, but that's the only comfort the game provides due to its overwhelmingly punishing gameplay style that only the thickest of skin can overcome. What says thick skin like inferior Fi?
ESFP: Rocket League
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It's extreme soccor (or football for my friends from across the pond), but instead of playing as people, you play as cars with rockets to propel them. Why, they ask? Because you want to, obviously. Realisitic enough that the concept is still based in a familiar reality, but the mayhem and competetion has been dialed up to 11 simply because it makes it more interesting that way. Again, what you see is what you get, AND IT PACKS A PUNCH.
ESFJ: Tabletop Simulator
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It might seem like an odd choice, but hear me out. It's social, it's familiar, it's easy to jump into, and you're not limited to the physical copies of games that your friends have at their houses - you've got, like, any tabletop game you could possibly want to play! It alleviates the limitations we feel in real life when we want to play games with friends, but maintains the integrity of connection and fun you have with them. PLUS, you can flip the table after losing a game for comedic effect without making a mess in someone's IRL home.
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nellasbookplanet · 1 year
Book recs: many worlds, portal fantasy edition
A typical portal fantasy follows a human from our world who steps through a portal into a magical land (think of narnia). But there are many fun variations of this trope! Sometimes it's the magical people who come to our world; sometimes we get to follow people who have returned from their adventures and are seeking for new meaning; sometimes our world isn't involved at all. As might be assumed, most portal fantasies are fantasy stories, but some lean more toward magical realism, others toward sci-fi. It's a fun spectrum!
I'm separating portal fantasies from alternate timelines/parallel worlds type stories (which will get their own rec post soon-ish). I also generally do not include stories where the character travels to fairyland/land of the dead/etc as those feel like a genre of their own to me, but the lines between them sometimes blur and this is, obviously, a subjective list.
(Titles marked with * are my personal favorites)
Other book rec posts:
Really cool fantasy worldbuilding, really cool sci-fi worldbuilding, dark sapphic romances, mermaid books, vampire books
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For more detailed info on the books, continue under the cut.
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The Magicians (Magicians trilogy) by Lev Grossman*
You may not have heard of this book, but you have probably heard of the scyfy series of the same name that crashed and burned a few years ago. This is the book it’s based on (pros: it doesn’t end in the same way; cons: it doesn’t feature the juggernaut ship of the show in any major way). For the uninitiated: features what is essentially a (secret) magic university for tormented geniuses. When he finds magic isn't enough to grant him happiness, main character Quentin goes digging into the truth surrounding his favorite childhood books searching for meaning, and finds out that the magical other world they describe might not be so fictional after all.
Stray (Touchstone trilogy) by Andrea K. Höst*
Young adult told through diary entries. Including this as a portal fantasy is a bit of a stretch, but essentially: Cassandra unkowingly walks through a wormhole and lands herself on another planet, where she has to survive on her own until she is rescued. Soon she finds herself embroiled in a war between creatures from dreamlike other dimensions and the people who saved her. Skirts the line between scifi and fantasy (it has psychic space ninjas!), but generally feels mostly like sci-fi. Absolutely fantastic worldbuilding.
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan*
Young adult. Kids who can walk between our world and a magical one get recruited into a magical school that trains them either to be fighters or sort-of diplomats. Our lead decides that fighting is stupid and that he’s going to peacefully solve every conflict ever, all while being the most delightfully obnoxious little brat possible and getting incolved in the most bisexual love triangle imaginable. Very good, funny, and heart-felt coming of age story.
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NPCs (Spells, Swords, & Stealth series) by Drew Hayes*
This one only counts as a portal fantasy on a technicality and on the fact that I love it and this is my list. Follows a group of DnD players whose characters immediately die, forcing them to make new characters, and, parallel to their adventures, a group of NPCs from the fantasy world who find themselves forced to take the place of a party of recently deceased adventurers. The two parties do cross path on occasion, but there aren't actually any portals involved as all characters (mostly) stay in their respective world. A fun and light-hearted adventure that turns a lot of the expected tropes of the genre and of character archetypes on their heads.
The Time of the Dark (The Darwath series) by Barbara Hambly
1982 classic. Medieval history student Gil and biker Rudy are complete strangers, but when they get mixed up with a wizard from another world the two must work together to survive and get back home. Fairly traditional fantasy with its fair share of issues, but! It has cool swordswomen, creepy lovecraftian monsters and also mammoths!
The Twelve Kingdoms by Fuyumi Ono*
Young adult, light novel. Yoko Nakajima is a regular high school student, or at least she was one until a strange man showed up in her school, swore allegiance to her and whisked her away to another world. As the two get separated, Yoko is stuck on her own in a strange world, hunted by humans and demons alike as she travels in search of a way home. Absolute high point of isekai literature, with an incredible main character and really cool and unique worldbuilding (also available as an anime, however I have yet to watch it and can't speak to its quality just yet).
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Peter Darling by Austin Chant*
Novella. An older Peter Pan returns to Neverland after years spent in our world, only to find that everything is different. Before he knows it, he finds himself working with his lifelong enemy, Captain Hook. Very gay and very trans, with interesting takes on toxic masculinity. Made my heart ache in the best of ways.
A Curse so Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer
Young adult. A retelling of beauty and the beast, where 'beauty' is a girl brought in from our world to a fantastical one and the narrative focuses a lot on what actually happens to the kingdom when the royal family suddenly disappears, and whether it’s even possible to fall in love with someone you know is deliberately trying to seduce you to break a curse. This is part one of a trilogy, however I'm only really recommending the first book as the second did not work for me at all.
The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials trilogy) by Philip Pullman
Young adult/middle grade, fantasy but has a lot of sci-fi aspects as well. Already well-known and for good reason, the His Dark Materials trilogy starts as what seems a pretty typical fantasy with some cool unique aspects (everyone has a soul-bound animal only they can speak to as their best friend!), and soon veers into a truly one of a kind story. It has magical portals, it has strange worlds with equally strange inhuman creatures, it has physics, it has god murder, it has gay angels, it has tragedy, and it’s very much worth your time.
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Every Heart a Doorway (Wayward Children series) by Seanan McGuire*
A tumblr favorite, the Wayward Children novellas feature a school open to children who have returned from adventures in other realms and now have trouble adapting back to regular life. Some installments are set in our world, others follow children as they have their otherworldly adventures. The main characters vary between books, but are generally pretty diverse with among others asexual, trans, intersexual and sapphic leads. Both funny and dark, it takes a closer look at the trauma many endure growing up different.
Otherside Picnic (Otherside Picnic series) by Iori Miyazawa
Sapphic light novel with a surreal and episodic horror vibe. Following the directions of an urban legend, university student Sorawo finds her way to a reality populated by horrifying creatures from ghost stories and modern urban legends (of which I'm sure you'll recognize many). Here she teams up with fellow explorer Toriko, both to both find out more about this strange world and to help Toriko find a missing loved one. Also available as a manga and (one season of) an anime.
Last Bus to Everland by Sophie Cameron
Young adult. Brody is dealing with a lot, but it all gets a little easier when he meets Nico, who shows him how to access Everland, a magical land where he feels less out of place. But when the doors to Everland start disappearing, Brody must choose which world is really home. I'd categorize this less as fantasy and more as coming of age with a fantasy slant. It's also very gay.
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The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
Surreal and fairy tale-esque, The Starless Sea is stories within a story, following graduate student Zachary as he finds a strange book which, in-between other tales, tells a story from his own childhood. Trying to find out how this came to be, Zachary gets involved with a pink-haired woman and a handsome man who are doing their utmost to protect a strange, otherworldly library available only through magical doors. It's a book hard to put in words, but which I once described as "romantic without being a romance while stile having a love story at it's core", and which can be summed up only as "an Experience". It's also quite gay!
The Memory Theater by Karin Tidbeck
Listen, there’s a whole bunch of Swedish portal fantasies I read growing up that I'm dying to include here, but I'm not because they’re not available in English. The Memory Theater however is available, and is very good. Two children who were stolen into an otherworldly realm that wants them dead fight return to earth, and are followed by one of their captors across universes. The story has the feel of a dark fairy tale, and their captors, while not fey, are very reminiscent of them.
The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow*
Historical young adult, more magical realism than fantasy. In the early 20th century, January is living under the care of her father's employer while he travels the world searching for valuables and secrets. But both her father and her caretaker are keeping something from her, something about her own family's history. When she one day stumbles upon a strange book, one that speaks of other worlds, she finally sets out to find the truth. However, there are those seeking to stop her and destroy the doors between worlds, no matter what.
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The Hollow Places by T. Kingfisher*
Horror rather than fantasy. After having divorced, Kara moves to stay with her uncle and help him run his museum of curiosities, until one day she discovers a hole in the wall of his house. The hole leads to a strange bunker, and beyond that, a dark and dangerous world beyond her understanding. In the company of a friend, she goes to explore this world, but quickly comes to regret her decision to do so.
The Unspoken Name by A.K. Larkwood*
The sort of portal fantasy you get when all the worlds connected by portals are fantasy worlds, and none of them are ours. The portals themselves become simply a part of the worldbuilding that the characters use to travel between fascinating places, and it's all really cool. It follows Csorwe (lesbian orc assassin whom I love), who grew up in a cult, indoctrinated as a child sacrifice to a god. But on the day she was meant to die, she instead chose to follow a powerful wizard and train to become his loyal servant and sword. Aside from being an excellent fantasy, it's also a close look at the hard path of unlearning indoctrination and the search for love and validation where you'll never find it, and learning to live for yourself.
Odin's Child (the Raven Rings trilogy) by Siri Pettersen
Norwegian (vaguely Norse mythology inspired) young adult. Fifteen-year-old Hirka grew up thinking she simply lost her tail to a wolf attack, but one day she finds out she never had one: she's an Odin's child, a human, sent from another world and rumored to spread rot and ruin wherever she goes. To keep her secret safe, she goes on the run, but there are forces hunting for her, wanting to use her in their war. This reads mostly as a fairly typical epic fantasy, with the portal aspect not playing a major role until the second book.
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The Barbed Coil by J.V. Jones
1997 classic. Tessa is a young woman with little going for her, until she stumbles upon a strange ring that transports her to a magical and dangerous other land. Here she meets Ravis, a mercenary who takes it upon himself to protect her, and discover her own special abilities, which she must use against an evil king whose mind has been corrupted and taken over by his crown, the Barbed Coil.
Skeen's Leap (Skeen trilogy) by Jo Clayton
1986 classic. While most portal stories are fantasy, this one has a distinct sci-fi flavour. Skeen is master thief wanted in a myriad solar systems, until her spaceship gets stolen and she's stranded on a backwater planet. Here she hears rumors of ruins leading to a strange other land. Hoping for treasure enough to get her off-planet, Skeen goes in search of this place, but finds herself stuck and unable to get back. This one has a unique, almost stream of consciousness prose that takes a while getting used to, but rewards you with a one of a kind experience.
Inkheart (Inkworld trilogy) by Cornelia Funke
German middle grade/young adult, in which the fantastical other worlds are those told of in books. Young Meggie's father has the ability to, when he reads, bring things and people out of the books, or put other people into said books. However, once having done so, he knows of no way to put anyone back where they belong. Now, years after he accidentally brought the terrible villain Capricorn and his henchmen out of their book, he and his daughter must evade them at all costs or be forced to bring further horrors out of the page and into the world.
Bonus AKA I haven't read these yet but they seem really cool
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An Accident of Stars by Foz Meadows
A teenage girl accidentally follows a worldwalker from her world to a magical realm on the brink of civil war. I believe this on has both a major polyamorous relationship and ace/aro characters?
The Sleeping Dragon (Guardians of the Flame series) by Joel Rosenberg
1983 classic. A group of college dnd players find themselves transported to the magical realm they previously thought just a game.
The Wandering Inn by Pirateaba
Webnovel. After having been transported to a magical world, Erin decides to, rather than become a warrior or a mage, start running an inn.
Honorary mentions AKA these didn't really work for me but maybe you guys will like them: The Marked Girl by Lindsey Klingele, The Summer Tree by Guy Gavriel Kay, Child of a Hidden Sea by A.M. Dellamonica, Spellsinger by Alan Dean Foster, The Shattered Gates by Ginn Hale, The Awakening by Nora Roberts, Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor.
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wonhuihonwuiii · 4 months
Jun + Hoshi (SoonHui)
As mentioned in my previous analyses, I have STILL been seeing people criticize Jun's relationship with the members. I cannot stress enough how adorable and unique each ship is so I have decided to do an analysis.
Here is SoonHui!
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Have you seen the way they look at each other? LITERALLY THE CUTEST! I’ve seen several clips (tho I am unsure of which exact videos they are from) of Hoshi watching Jun’s every move as if wanting to take him home (he’s so whipped but honestly same)
To be honest, I feel like SoonHui have SO MUCH in common to not be (at the very least) close friends. They are both part of the 96 line, performance unit, and are called gemini twins. 
Jun is usually quiet so his interactions with most members are typically not as highlighted in their content while Hoshi is the complete opposite! I think he appears to be more extroverted on camera so we see him mostly with those equally as active as him. 
I also think that Jun being a few days older and Hoshi being the leader of the PFU plays a role in their dynamic. I don’t mean this in terms of authority but mostly how they evidently respect one another given these roles. We would see Jun respecting and following Hoshi because he’s a leader. Similarly, we would see Hoshi being taken care of because he’s younger than Jun. I find it interesting how their dynamic is mostly serious but also slightly playful.
 On the other hand, I also noticed how Soonhui is INCREDIBLY supportive of each other! I feel like these aren’t as talked about because of how lowkey these moments are but I’d like to share a few of my favorite examples.
As we know, Hoshi typically acknowledges the accomplishments of other Seventeen members outside their group schedules. For example in a concert, Hoshi brought up the release of Jun’s song, Psycho. Hoshi also kept talking about Jun’s kissing scene when Junhao were in China. In a GoSe episode, he mentioned how Jun attended a Chinese award show a few days after their concert in Macau. In their God of Music comeback show, Hoshi also mentioned Jun winning in the Busan International Film Festival. In AAA 2023, BSS was also watching Jun’s award ceremony backstage despite being in an award show themselves. Hoshi even posted a selca of himself and the livestream of Jun accepting the award. In short, I just find it incredibly sweet how Hoshi never fails to take care of not just Jun’s screen time but actually give him the recognition he deserves by directing the spotlight onto the latter. This was again seen in their recently released 9th anniversary video where Hoshi asked Jun to speak about how he feels. Honestly, most of the time, Jun is given attention BECAUSE of Hoshi. It’s the simple “How do you feel about this or what can you say about this?” that shows how much Hoshi cares about Jun.
I also noticed how often Jun acknowledges / compliments Hoshi! For example, I’ve seen multiple clips of Hoshi being a bit dissatisfied with a performance despite doing good so Jun would always reassure him that he did so well or looked cool. In one clip (I don’t remember where it’s from), He even mentioned how Hoshi creates, executes, and monitors choreographies even until late at night because he’s that passionate and hardworking. Literally Jun expresses how he finds Hoshi cool every chance he gets!
I also noticed that Jun is actually so supportive of Hoshi’s Horanghae agenda! In a video where they had to design caratbongs, Jun was FEEDING Hoshi all the tiger related designs and in the Huya video, Jun told Hoshi about the tiger character. Even in concerts, when Hoshi says “put your tiger signs up” Jun automatically raises his hand 🥹 It’s the ABSOLUTE cutest thing in the world.
Another thing I’d like to point out is how they make their presence KNOWN by being physically present. Hoshi visited Jun during his filming for Limbo while Jun visited Hoshi during his filming for Spider and Fighting (even had a coffee truck for BSS). It’s nice to know how members make time to drop by each other’s filming sets despite having busy schedules. It shows how much they care for one another.
Other moments I could think of would be maknae Hoshi to Jun (which is a bit rare since again, they’re relatively closer in age compared to others)
In in the soop 1, Hoshi called Jun because he wanted shabu-shabu. Initially, Jun said they should wait for Seungkwan since he was away from a shoot. However in the next scene, we see Jun preparing the ingredients because “Hoshi wanted to eat shabu-shabu.” It’s just cute how Jun had zero intentions of even cooking but because it was something Hoshi was craving for, he gave in.
In one of their God of Music promotions, Hoshi also whispered to Jun about his Epik High collab, wanting other members to acknowledge it. So Jun, with zero hesitation, brought it up in the conversation. After doing so, we could see the two of them giggling in the back, particularly with a happy Hoshi who once again got what he wanted! 
Another SoonHui moment that stood out to me would be Jun’s story about how quick and easy they make up after having an argument. Jun mentioned that after about 30 minutes to an hour after fighting, they would make eye contact, wink at each other, laugh it off then everything would be back to normal. I don’t know about you but the fact that they don’t even need WORDS to reconcile says A LOT about their relationship! This is literally how best friends or siblings would resolve conflicts. (This reminds me of that clip of Hoshi watching a movie in the airplane, specifically when he randomly made eye contact with Jun and the latter raised his eyebrow, making both of them laugh at each other’s silliness)
OVERALL, SoonHui’s dynamic is honestly one of my favorites in Seventeen! They have so many similarities yet are opposite at the same time. I do understand why some people would think that they’re a bit distant because l feel as if they’re ALWAYS together given their similar positions in svt so naturally there isn’t a need to be clingy to each other. However this doesn’t make them any less close. In fact, they act EXACTLY how siblings who are close in age are around one another. They would argue A LOT but in a room with many others, they would find themselves speaking up for each other! 
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japeneselunchtimerush · 8 months
Akashi for the ship tier list please, because i'm very predictable
I knew I could count on you to give me want I want(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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Ok Im not going to give a long explanation about each ship. But I totally am going to give an explanation about most of them.
Senpai♡♡♡: My top 1(they share a position) ships with Akashi, his first captain(and love) and his shadow. I could go on a rant about why they both make such good pairs but then this post would exceed 100,000 words. Ill just conclude by saying that they are top tier(literally)
SS+: MidoAka & TakaAka(they are a package deal) are absolutely adorable. I live both of them Individually but I prefer TakaAka along witb Mido(because MidoTakaAka is superior)
MibuAka: Ive already explained my thoughts on these two about a 100 times so ill just summarize. Both of them love each other so much it doesnt even matter whether its romantic or platonic. Reo just cares about Akashi so much and Akashi views Reo as someone so special to him its just a very good ship.
NashAka: Nash has a crush on Akashi. Enough said.
AoAka: Also have spoken about them quite a bit. Their friendship is so sweet and they have so much trust and faith in each other. They think so highly of eachother. Plus that dialogue in the kuroko's birthday ova was very cute.
KiAka: Very cute and fluffy pairing. Akashi saw Kise's potential from the beginning and encourage him to grow. Kise would definitely include akashi in a bunch of them and make him happy.
SS: This post is getting very long and I want to talk more about the other tiers so ill just include all of them here. All of these ships are very cute and Akashi would benefit a lot from these relationships. The friendships alone are great and the characters themselves are some of Akashi's greatest friends. Riko and Akashi would be a spectacular duo and im not elaborating any further.
I read one fic about these and I see the vision: I read a HanaAka fic(Beyond the waiting room and its sequel by sweet rosei) and I absolutely adored it. It does not only have the ship but it also talks about akashi's mental health, the selectivism about violence and Hanamiya's violence as well. Overall great fic 10/10 would recommend. Im definitely more open to this ship because of it.
OgiAka is a very special ship. I imagine that after the winter cup the GoM apologise to Ogiwara for the 111-11 match and afterwards Ogiwara asks akashi whether he likes basketball and this time Akashi says yes and I think it would be a very cute moment between the two.
Brothers: I know that AkaAka is a ship(pretty weird if you ask me) but I really cant see them as anything other than brothers. They love and care for each other more than anything. Bokushi was created to protect Oreshi and would do anything for him. One of my favorite things about them is thr character song "Return" when Akashi says " Now along with my other self" or something along those lines and its just so sweet that Oreshi is bringing his little brother with him on his healing journey.
Polyam: NijiHaiAka and MuraHimuAka that is all
Respect it but no thanks: Ive already explained my thoughts on AkaFuri before. All I will say is that I prefer their friendship more than their romantic relationship. Mostly because the fandom ruined it for me.
Soulbonded: Akashi and Kuroko's relationship cannot be justified with a word as simple as romance. Their bond is so deep it goes deeper than the mariana trench.
This still ended up being long as hell. Oh well
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cilil · 10 months
𝓐𝓝 ~ For my 6666th post, I decided to compile an Angbang appreciation post to (hopefully) spread some joy and positivity for one of my favorite ships of all time. I tried my best to present the things that I love about Angbang in a broad and open manner, so that it encompasses all sorts of takes and welcomes as many fellow Angbangers as possible.
As I will also say at the end of this: You're cordially invited and welcome to share what you love about this ship and/or add aspects I haven't mentioned in this post. Just keep it positive!
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Melkor. Ah Melkor, the man himself, the myth, the legend, a prime example for chaotic evil and our resident devil. Throughout the Silmarillion, as well as Tolkien's other writings, Melkor is busy hating pretty much everyone... except Mairon, it seems. He trusts him enough to let him run entire fortresses and taught him a lot of dark magic, which, as mundane as it may seem, is a lot more productive and friendly than Melkor has been to other people, including those who serve him. I - and I think many other Angbang shippers as well - love the idea that there is this one person in the world whom he actually likes and appreciates.
Mairon. The eponymous Lord of the Rings and general nuisance, enough to make Eru himself intervene twice, the Deceiver, professional pretty boy and peerless perfectionist. No other Maia has come close to causing as much drama, and something tells me Melkor will be proud once he hears about the Second and Third Age shenanigans. Mairon seems to hate everyone as well... except Melkor, with whom you could argue he might be a little obsessed. He's both frightening and hilarious and, for better or for worse, an icon both in-universe and outside.
Great ship name. Angbang is both a handy and memorable ship name and an amazing pun. It sure is a funny coincidence that my (to date) favorite ship all time also has my (maybe forever) favorite ship name of all time. And if that wasn't enough: If you take Morgoth x Sauron as the basis, their ship name is Moron which... yeah. No explanation needed. The stars aligned with this one.
Opposites attract. There are fundamental differences between Melkor and Mairon as characters, such as the chaos vs. order dynamic (as @maironite also pointed out), their goals - Melkor wanted to destroy while Mairon was more interested in getting things to run smoothly, though both were keen on enforcing their will - and their approach to handling situations they find themselves in - whereas Melkor is often impulsive, Mairon is more patient and calculating. You can also create an ice vs. fire dynamic, though they share the fire element (Melkor used to be the Vala of Fire and Ice and is still seen using these two elements a lot). It gives them some additional friction and spice to work with.
Similarities. Aside from their differences creating chemistry, Melkor and Mairon also share a few similarities and things they can bond over to balance whatever conflicts might arise. Both seem dissatisfied with the plans of Eru and the Valar, want to create whatever they wish to create without rules being imposed on them, have a questionable moral compass at best, like screwing people over and have obsessive tendencies (more on that later). I like to think that they can nerd out about about science and magic for hours, which likely became the foundation of their relationship in the first place, and that they also engaged in deep and challenging conversations that satisfied both of them in ways other conversation partners hadn't.
The Fall. We love fallen angels and a good corruption arc. Mairon's origins as a respected member of Aulë's household - who is still remembered for his skill despite his dark deeds - and moments where he could have potentially been redeemed are documented in the Silmarillion and the subject of many interesting discussions and fanworks. However, while less pronounced and presented as far less likely in the narrative, the same applies to Melkor. Even he started out as "good" and his motives, at least early on, are also understandable: He was dissatisfied with his inability to create freely and completely on his own. You could even say he's a bit of a failed artist which... is painfully relatable. As much pain and grief as both of them have caused, it's also tragic that they couldn't overcome their pride and choose a better path, for the sake of others as well as their own, and that Melkor ended up dragging Mairon down with him; both of them would have had the ability to do truly great things if this hadn't happened.
Philosophical aspects. To read Melkor and Mairon as a couple and their fates as a tragic love story creates interesting parallels with other star-crossed lovers in Tolkien's legendarium and raises fascinating philosophical questions. Can evil love? Can love be evil? Could love have been their road to redemption or was it - at least on Mairon's part - his doom? If I had to summarize my personal take on this, I would say that Melkor unwillingly corrupted love by genuinely being in love.
If you'd like to read a (more concise) take on this aspect which also touches on some other things mentioned in this post, I highly recommend this thread by @naruthandir.
There are just so many things you can read into this relationship and themes to explore, which I appreciate so much. It never gets boring and I always find new ideas to have fun with.
Power dynamics. Now, let me preface this by saying that I'm aware that some of you prefer it one way, some of you prefer it the other way, some see the Vala/Maia power imbalance as inherently unhealthy and like to take that as a central theme of their relationship and some prefer to interpret these two has having a fairly equal relationship. However, I'm not here to debate which take is "right" or "better", nor do I have any interest to. I think that, whichever way you choose, it's an interesting concept to play around with. Did you know that Estë used to be a Maia? I honestly think it would be cool if she still was, just to bridge the divide between Valar and Maiar a bit more. Nevertheless, I think we can all agree that especially Melkor isn't interested in what other Valar think is proper or appropriate and that Mairon, ambitious as he is, probably also likes having a Valarin partner/spouse. It's also interesting as a contrast to Melkor's usual arrogance and thinking that he's above everyone, and if you need something to prove that he wouldn't categorically say no to being with a Maia, look no further than his attempt at (forcibly) marrying Arien in other versions of the story.
Kink. Well, we've talked about power dynamics already, so let's not beat around the bush. We have some hot evil gay sex on our hands here. Super freaky too, if that's your thing. This ship is, in my opinion, excellent for BDSM and was what allowed me to discover and enjoy kink for the first time (though, again, none of this is a must if you prefer other takes). You can play with their existing power dynamic, subvert it, have them live out their sadistic urges, have them do elaborate roleplays, make use of all the creepiness and weirdness of the Ainur, particularly evil ones... they even have a convenient dungeon in their basement! There's so much good and sexy Angbang smut out there and I'd like to take a quick moment to thank everyone who wrote these fics that inspired and entertained me for years - and will do so for years to come.
Queerness. There are a lot of gay ships in the Tolkien fandom and fandom in general, but I still feel like it's important to mention this aspect. In fact, if you'd allow me to share something personal: Angbang was my first contact with queer content and, while this may seem strange considering that I am a woman, it also started my journey to discover my own queerness and I will forever appreciate that (I suppose it was "femboy" Mairon in particular alongside Melkor being a raging bisexual disaster - just my headcanon, not trying to push this on anyone - that finally allowed me to break out of compulsive heterosexuality and heteronormativity). I don't know if anyone had similar experiences with Angbang, but, well, I thought if I'm making an Angbang appreciation post, this might just be the time to include it.
Obsession. Melkor is obsessed with all things bright and beautiful, and this might very well include Mairon. As far as I'm aware, him being a fire spirit like Arien and the Balrogs are is fanon, but he's at the very least associated with fire in canon (on that note: kudos to whoever came up with the "little flame" nickname, it's so cute). Meanwhile, Mairon loves power and, as mentioned above, is obsessed with Melkor and his legacy enough to not only continue what they started, but also create a religion all about him. I like to think that both of them are also very jealous, which certainly ended up being the doom of a few innocent bystanders. They're just angry and evil and insane together and it's endlessly entertaining to me.
Tolkien's accidental "evidence". This could probably be its own post (which I might do in the future, though I'd do some additional research for it), and I want to make it clear that I'm not trying to "prove" to you that Angbang is canon or anything like that, I just find it funny when canon gives me tidbits that I can use for my "agenda". First of all, there's the infamous seduction line that has singlehandedly spawned countless fanfics and most likely raised a few eyebrows:
"In the beginning of Arda Melkor seduced [Mairon] to his allegiance (...)" The Silmarillion
One of my personal favorites is also the fact that, in the Lay of Leithian, Mairon starts ranting about how cool Melkor is - after only briefly mentioning Lúthien - and gets mad at Beren and the others for not stanning his boyfriend master hard enough. To make sure everyone knows exactly how awesome Melkor is, he later made sure people pray to him and perform human sacrifices which, since even any positive effects it might have couldn't reach Melkor in the Void, was apparently just for shits and giggles and to troll some mortals. Now that is what I call commitment! There's also Melkor's trust in Mairon and his fire spirit kink, but I've mentioned that already.
Aesthetics. Spiky black armor is incredibly sexy. Then we have peak hell and hellfire aesthetics. We have crowns and rings. We have fallen angels and fire and ice, as mentioned above. And we have two incredibly hot (literally) angels kissing. You could make them fuck in an erupting volcano. It's just... yes.
To conclude: We love villains, we love dark lords, evil is fun!
What I discussed in this post is pretty much just everything I could think of, with my friends and fellow shippers giving me a few additional keywords to mention, so there's definitely more. I hope this post made some of you appreciate this ship as well, maybe sparked or rekindled some love for it, and I invite you to add on and/or share what you love about Angbang. However: I'm going to have to politely and respectfully ask you to remember that this is an appreciation and positivity post, so I don't want to see any negativity, complaints about the way other people enjoy this ship differently or shade. Time and place. Alright? Alright.
Love you!
"Whom do ye serve, Light or Mirk? Who is the maker of mightiest work? Who is the king of earthly kings, the greatest giver of gold and rings? Who is the master of the wide earth? Who despoiled them of their mirth, the vain Valar? Repeat your vows, Orcs of Bauglir! Do not bend your brows. Death to light, to law, to love; cursed be moon and stars above; may darkness everlasting old that waits outside in surges cold drown Manwë, Varda and the sun; may all is hatred be begun and all in evil ended be in the moaning of the endless Sea!" Lay of Leithian, Canto VIII
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necrotic-nephilim · 20 days
do you ship helena bertinelli with anyone? if yes, then which characters and why? what's your favorite helena ship? do you have any helena rarepairs? (i know you've talked about helena/steph and you're so right about it, it's a very interesting ship)
!!!! i have so many ships for my best girl ever yes oh my god thank you for asking.
my top pairing is probably Vic Sage/the Question. Vic is the basic answer, but man. i love them so much. no couple has matched each other's freak like that have. Justice League Unlimited is a great adaptation of Helena in general, but it also did a great adaptation of Helena and Vic's relationship. how he just dedicates himself to helping her with no expected return, but also wants to make sure she doesn't go too far in a hunt for vengeance that never ends for her. i think a lot of characters often want to change Helena or expect things out of her for their own needs, like the Batfam and the BoP. but Vic is one of the few people who just wants her to be better for her own good. when he tries to stop her from killing it's not because of his morals, it's because he doesn't want this crusade to consume her. and i just. man i think about them a lot. Helena rlly likes weird little men who give themselves wholly to her.
Zinda Blake/Lady Blackhawk is also a top ship for me. tbh i just like Zinda. but i do love how Helena and Zinda interact, being the more rough and tumble members of the BoP. they're both outsiders, in different ways. Helena is an outsider of the Batfam and Zinda is literally from a different time and an outsider to the current world. their friendship is so genuine and i think if Babs and Dinah can have. whatever homoerotic nonsense going on during BoP, then Zinda and Helena deserve some homoerotic nonsense too. as a treat.
if we're willing to count New-52 Helena, then i enjoy Helena/Dick/Tiger. i think Helena and Dick being a past relationship is really important in pre-Flashpoint for Helena's development, though i don't ship them as a serious couple beyond a fling. but in the New-52, i think this throuple be fun. Helena and Tiger respect each other as two very driven, no-nonsense agents and then well. they both clearly have some kind of thing for Dick. so it's fun finding the balance of how they could all work together romantically.
and ofc. it's a crime to mention Helena ships and not mention Renee Montoya/the Question. every time they interact it's really fucking gay. it's so gay that Kate Kane, Renee's own ex, assumed Helena and Renee were gay. i cannot be convinced against this ship. i genuinely think this ship should be canon. i mean. DC did tease us with this moment from an alternate universe and it's lived rent for me since. fucking criminal for us to only get one panel of what we could have if DC let Helena be a fruit in the main universe. being in love with Helena Bertinelli should be a right of passage for the Question mantle, i personally believe. if you asked me like. genuinely who i want to see Helena date in the current comics, Renee is my top pick. (i would say Vic but he's fucking dead and the New-52 butchered him so rip my mans-)
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lois lane (2019) #10
besides those ships, just about every ship for Helena probably falls into the category of rarepair. like you said i've talked about my love for Helena/Steph before bc god. i think it should be a thing more people ship. once i finish the fic i'm writing about them i will convince others to like it.
i also think Helena/Cass could be fun. in a *lot* of ways Helena and Cass are narrative parallels to each other. Helena was a victim of her family being murdered at about the same age Cass was forced to be a murderer. Helena grows up to believe in lethal justice because of this, and Cass grows up to be staunchly against it. Cass' Batgirl suit was made *by* Helena. they both want to be protectors of the most vulnerable people. they balance each other out in a lot of ways and i think they should kiss about it.
also probably a rarepair, i think Helena/Lady Shiva is fun. their fight during Birds of Prey (2010) had... questionable moments for Helena's characterization, but i do love so much that Helena knocks Shiva off her feet and gains a deep respect from Shiva. like. Shiva gives her a nickname and shows her admiration. i would like to see fanfic where Shiva continues to be weirdly admirable of Helena and bothering her non-stop. they could be a fun fucked up toxic yuri moment. this is just. so gay to me.
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birds of prey (2010) #6
my most rare Helena pair would probably be Helena Wayne, actually. but specifically Helena Wayne of JSA (2022). ever since, for some reason, it was made canon that the current Helena Wayne was named after Helena Bertinelli and took the name Huntress to honor her i *cannot* stop thinking about them meeting. because in-universe it makes *no* fucking sense for Bruce to name his kid after *Helena Bertinelli*, someone he's regularly at odds with and doesn't like. it's clearly an awkward explanation to try to make the whole two Huntress situation make sense. (it's almost as bad as Helena Wayne in the New-52 using Helena Bertinelli as an alias.) but because it's such an odd choice, i do think it could be fun for Helena Wayne, when she's back in time to see Bruce, to find Helena Bertinelli to get to know the woman she was named after and Helena Bertinelli just being. baffled by the idea of *Batman* naming his kid after her. it could be a fun fucked up moment.
my other super rarepair is Kara Zor-L/Power Girl. they had like. one meaningful interaction of JSA Classified and it's been PLAGUING me. something about when Power Girl doesn't remember her past and she's seeking a friend, she instinctively goes to find Huntress? but it's wrong bc this isn't *her* Huntress and neither of them understand why Power Girl would seek Helena out? god it's so good. i'm always a big fan of ships where one person in the ship is *so* obviously using the other person as a replacement for someone they lost and they both know it. it's such a doomed angsty thing where you could play with Helena actually really liking Kara, but knowing that she's just a replacement for Kara's Helena Wayne. good fucked up shit man.
and lastly: i really ship her with Dawn Granger/Dove. there's no canon basis for this, they didn't have a ton of interactions even when they were both on the BoP. but there's a very kind innocence to Dawn that contrasts Helena's violence really well. and i do love a ship with a corruption kink vibe to it. let Helena corrupt Dawn. i could write such fucked up porn about these two.
#necrotic answerings#helena bertinelli#idk the ship names for most of these ships so idk how to tag them#most of them are too rare to have ship names. tragic.#anyway i ship her with so many ppl#i do ship her with tim as well but i didn't mention him just bc i default to viewing them platonically.#also think babs is a valid ship for her. but in a hatefucking way.#i prefer their relationship when they can't stand each other it's more fun.#but yeah the realistic “i want to see this in canon” options are vic and renee#and then the rest are “i'm alone in this ship but i see potential” rarepairs#esp lady shiva. like i'm *really* tempted to write that fic.#i just need to read more comics with shiva.#actually the most fucked up option: cass/helena/shiva incestual threesome.#that has potential. but i don't think anyone shares my vision#also i've seen posts arguing for helena/jason#and while. longterm i disagree. i do think them sleeping together is on the table.#but largely ppl always bringing him up when talking about her sours me to that ship. so eh.#also i would ship helena/bruce in a fucked up way if that one batman: the brave & the bold episode didn't piss me off so bad#justice league unlimited is the *only* good adaptation of helena i'm so serious.#everything else eats ass with her. esp the arrowverse.#and the birds of prey movie.#but jlu does good by her and if you just watch that show you do have a solid grasp of her character#it adapts her story into a child-friendly medium in what i think is the best way it could've#anywhore thank you for this ask <3#you actually sent this when something rlly shitty happened so it was a nice little distraction from life to think about my answer#OH WAIT YOU KNOW WHO I FORGOT.#kate spencer. manhunter. I ship her with helena too.#lethal female vigilantes unite.#BRO those two deserve a teamup mini or something. they'd click so well.#dc hire me to write a huntress/manhunter mini series i promise i won't make them gay (my fingers are crossed)
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baede-6 · 2 months
Hello! I was wondering, what are your thoughts on the Drifteris ship, and of each of the characters themselves? XD
I love Drifter and Eris!They're honestly up there with Saint and Osiris for me when it comes to Destiny ships. Even more so after Season of the Witch.🖤💚
They're both pretty enigmatic characters when it comes to the characters we've come to know and love,and honestly I think they balance each other out really well.Eris is strange (in a good way!) and Drifter is...well...Drifter.
They have one obvious overarching theme in common that stands out to me above everything else and that is that they are both survivors. They have each other to lean on, which is always beautiful to see in a relationship, whether platonic or romantic. (Those brief soft moments we see between them are *chef's kiss*)
Drifter is honestly one of my favorite characters. He's the kind of character that you know has seen and done some things in order to survive, but keeps a light hearted attitude,and for the most part,has a positive personality, and faith in the Young Wolf, which is always a bonus.I think the moments that we do see that mask slip are incredibly well written,and it's usually when you aren't expecting it and it's incredibly brief.
I'm not huge on pvp as a whole, but I love Gambit, and honestly, his commentary makes it all the better. (One of my favorite comments he makes during Gambit is when he says something about how he'd help,but he pawned off his Gjallarhorn. 😂)
I've always liked Eris as well. I can really feel for her and her story. The fact that she's still sane after what she has gone through shows how strong of character she is. She's incredibly resilient and I have nothing but the utmost respect for her.She's also pulled me out of quite a few dicey situations before,which is always appreciated.She's pretty a tough cookie.(That doesn't even cover it.Don't even get me started on how awesome that cutscene with Savathûn was during Season of the Witch. Eris slayed that entire season!)
Thank you so much for the ask!
I'll see you starside...
"Trust". 😉
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sillypiratelife · 9 months
Random strawhats duo dynamics concepts:
— Nami and Sanji:
I don't have to mention how dead the crew is without them, I know, but I think it's so cool that they are super skilled at their professions. I wish we could see more of how badass Nami is as a cartographer or more of how insane is that Sanji can cook so well. Do you understand the level of physics and chemistry knowledge their professions required?? As I said, insane.
The abuse and torture they had to survive as mere kids, the way they took on their shoulders the way of their adoptive homes, their bonds with their sisters... Nami and Sanji are super similar, to the point I choose to interpret Sanji's obsession with Nami as (probably unconscious) recognition of the self within another lol.
Also? The obsession with money and women coming from their biggest traumas? The way Sanji steps on Nami's role when she's not there to knock some sense on Ussop and Luffy? The ability to hide their feelings so well they fool most of the strawhats? The self-sacrificing and self-hatred and the survivor guilt??????????? The way they hide behind their personas just to not make their friends worry????????????????
I need a hundred and more fics exploring them
— Robin and Zoro:
Older Siblings Duo.
I guess I could talk about their relationship with Chopper or the respect people have for them based on their reputations. I could talk about how good looking they are, how they unleash the fear of hell on their enemies, how they're "unbreakable" and "cool" and all that stuff.
But I think it's been said too many times.
Instead, I want to focus on their soft side, on their selflessness and their loyalty. The way they don't fear begging for the ones they love. They swallow their pain nonchalantly, like it is nothing, all for the sake of their crew. You can see how much Robin respects Zoro for being the one who keeps himself between her and the crew at first, how Zoro respects her as a crewmate, seeing her exactly for all her skills and capabilities.
Robin and Zoro quickly grew to stand side by side, not a word needed to be shared to know what their job was. They watch over their crew in silence, they listen to what the others have to say, they keep themselves observant, but they also allow themselves to get excited, to laugh and share the joy of their ship.
I'm obsessed with the balance between their dark sides and their softness. Absolute killers, they do whatever they want whenever they want. And yet? They are so full of childish joy and wonder whenever they are with their crew?
Kill me already.
— Ussop and Luffy:
They are so STUPID and DANGEROUS !!!!!
The thing is that the enemy should pray they don't go serious. They should beg for Ussop and Luffy to keep clowning, 'cause the second they decide it's over, it's over.
By far one of my favorite duos. They both want to live the pirate dream, they have so much fun with it and at the end of the day, they're used to getting underestimated and disrespected. Sometimes, they hold one braincell combined. Other times, Ussop and Luffy can read the situation in a way no one else can. They know how life at the sea is, what it means to give the ocean all your dreams, what it means to have spent years by the shore wishing to see your father or father figure coming home from his adventures, this time to take you with him.
What is it like to feel lonely, abandoned.
But for all the pain in their pasts, they found a way to turn it into gentleness. Big bright smiles and jokes, the strength to never go back when they are needed the most. Even with all of his lies, Ussop wears his heart on his sleeves, just like Luffy.
I love the relaxed style they have. They're so handsome and silly, wonderful friends, they love adventure and honestly? Little and middle sibling alliance for these two.
— Vivi and Chopper:
I'm trash for those characters that want to save everyone and have to face the fact they can't.
Chopper and Vivi suffer so much because they are naive, because they hope for a future where people don't have to die / get killed, where they can stop the horror with their speeches or with magical mushrooms. Even if they're doubted or rejected, they'll keep going. They know what it is like to pretend to be a monster, what it's like to have a mentor who would push them to the limit and make them go further, what it's like to have a father figure who would gladly sacrifice themselves for their countries / kingdoms.
While Chopper and Vivi are often seen as just cute or poor suffering characters, the truth is that they are courageous and incredibly strong in their convictions. While still young, they are some of the best in their professions and they are kind. Although they cannot always be the best in battle, they'll always do their best !!!
I adore how childish and innocent they both can be, how openly they worry about others, how they take care of their nakamas and beg for a place to belong. They come from lands of great coldness or great heat, of kingdoms in shambles, they are survivors, some of the last ones standing.
I can honestly continue talking about this duo forever.
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great-kung-lao · 4 months
Copy-pasting myself from discord server cause I want it to be here as well.
I was always a sucker for romance in fiction. I think The Mummy and The Matrix were my first exposures to how it can be done good in visual media. When two characters have respect for each other, badasses in their own ways and aren't bad towards each other (not toxic if we use modern language). No bickering or being at each other's throats, no hate, no problems that would make you genuinely question why in the hell these two people are even together. So when I became a gamer, my passion for good romance transitioned there. I remember when I've got my first PS2 and then bought Yakuza because of the hype that it is "Japanese GTA", I was blown away. It was much better than GTA and nothing like it at all. Since I didn't had an internet back then, my source of information were video game magazines and I was blown away by the news that Yakuza 2 is coming. Once it hit the shelves, I bought it immediately and boy oh boy was the game a massive surprise.
I think that was the game that showed me good romance in video games, it became a staple and KazuKaoru became an OTP, even though I didn't even know what shipping was, they just became favorites and dear to me. It is enemies to lovers where enemies stage doesn't last long, one might argue you can't even even call it enemies in the first place, they hit it off pretty quickly. You could fight together with Kaoru, you could take her places. Romance simulator in a game about underworld gangs. That was groundbreaking. Who knows, Yakuza 2 might be the first game with a properly shown kiss on screen in video games.
I'm not buying into them being rushed, slowburns can be exhausting and sometimes people can fall in love fast. I believe in this kind of stuff like soulmates, love at first sight, destiny, etc. It was so nice to see one of the manliest protagonists in gaming history expressing this positive masculinity. He can read a room when he is with Kaoru, he can hold normal conversations and treats her as his equal. Kaoru on the other hand doesn't put too thick of a walls in front of Kiryu and can accept his help when necessary, I'm not a fan of dynamics like "I can do this by myself, I don't need your help", to me it shows more like those people just don't trust their partner and don't respect them enough to rely on them. Help is not bad and accepting help doesn't make you weak.
Kazuma and Kaoru are two good and kind people who can be themselves around each other. It is one of the healthiest relationships where both partners treat each other well. There is trust, there is respect, there is understanding. They are labeled by society, but can see pass such trivial things. KazuKaoru is a wonderful love story of two opposites that actually find a lot in common in each other and it makes them comfortable with one another. Even if we look at them after Yakuza 3 with all the additional information we've got today, it is absolutely beautiful how after more than a decade they hold each other so dear to their hearts. Love that can transcend time and space is one of a kind and we as humanity deserve to have stories like theirs, it helps us to believe in good things that can happen in this world. This is what good love story is suppose to do.
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malice-death · 1 year
RWBY Ships
After getting to talk about my favorite characters from RWBY, I thought I talk about my favorite ships.
Of course, there are many that I ship, but these are just my top faves.
Alright Than.
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1.  Rosegarden (” Love Blooms Anywhere”)
When I finally got around to watching RWBY for the first time, Volume 4 had just come out, and I told myself that this character was quite fascinating.
But where Rosegarden comes in, I didn’t ship them until Volume 7, where it became clear that they both hold each other as friends, and that they both had a foot in the same mess.
Either way I like them both as friends and romantic partners, so even if this ship doesn’t happen, I will enjoy their interactions either way.
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2. Spiced Ice-cream (” Two is still better than One”)
Now the fact that I spent years watching this show, and that even though there is little interaction to even think of this pairing as romantic, you can clearly tell from Volume 9, that these two were in love.
I think that is great. The thing about shipping is that its free, and these two live rent-free in my head, the criminals.
Their dynamic of being partners, was the best thing to come out of their introduction, and the fact that Neo spent so long trying to find clarification for his death.
And of course, after being freed from the Cat, Neo decided to have a final talk with Roman and she settles for finding her own way home, while Ruby understands this, and thus brings the end to this ship.
But who says that fate can’t bring together again.
(And because I can just write a reincarnation fic, when I have the courage.)
To the next ship.
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3. Emercury (” Our feelings aren’t illusions.”)
Love comes in many forms, and I believe the form of love you get here, is someone trying to reach the other, and yet each want to take their own path.
And the other person questions, but still respects that they have those opinions.
Emerald as a character is great, and even with a rushed redemption, I still loved what she brought to the table, both good and bad.
Mercury on one hand is starved dog who has to fight for his scraps, but on a sadder note, is the same as Cinder in a way. An abused soul who never tries to step out of line (Unless it is to finally get the chance to murder.)
The thing is those they grew off of each other, and I think that shows as they work together throughout the show.
At first they didn’t want to work together, and Emerald thought that he was taking her place next to Cinder, but as time grew on, they both got use to the other and formed this friendship.
Than when they thought that they both were standing together, Salem changes the pieces on her chess board and pushes Mercury to Vacuo with Tyrian, who tells them that the world is indeed being brought to an end.
Still the two part ways on emotional goodbyes.
Not even needing words to explain themselves to the other.
Until they meet again, I guess.
While there still some time, I have to move forward.
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4. Whiteknight (” Not all princesses need a knight in shining Armor”)
Jaune and Weiss are two minor favorites of mine, but for different reasons.
I like that Wiess is a character that grows from flaws and reaches to high heights by seeing that family can come from those that aren’t your blood.
While Jaune is because he has a heart of gold that gets beaten and melted, and his emotions get racked through the dirt as he tries to make things better, not just for himself but for others.
These two had a long history together, but after they worked together, and each worked through their issues, you could see that their original opinion towards the other changed.
And if this ship did happen, then well, wouldn’t that be nice.
Now to the final message, each of these ships are of everyone's opinion, and I’m always open to hear it.
Thank you for reading.
And of course, a final hug to all who read the post.
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subbe93 · 9 months
Hi subbe I just wanted to ask you what's your opinion about coai shipping
Hey there, and thanks for asking ❤️
So, what do I think about CoAi? Nothing, really. Ai is nice and cute, and I think she should smile more because she has a cute smile! I think I understand why people ship her with Shinichi/Conan: They are in the same boat and they have experienced the same things. But somehow I can only see them as good friends. And I wish to see Ran and Shiho/Ai also getting know to each other better and being friends ❤️
And the same goes for many other Detective Conan ships which includes Shinichi or Ran. I can see why people ship them, but for me, Shinichi and Ran are meant to be. I can’t see Shinichi with Ai/Shiho, not with Kid, not with Amuro or anyone else than with Ran. The same goes with Ran: People can ship her with Sera, Araide, Eisuke, whoever, but I just can’t see her with anyone else than with Shinichi.
And just saying, I don’t hate any ships. I think that everyone can ship whoever they want together and I respect that, but I also hope that people remember to respect other’s ships too.
But for me, Shinichi and Ran are meant to be. When I started to watch Detective Conan, I hated Shinichi. I hate characters (and people) who are so self-centered, so full of themselves, and womanizers, and even though the main story interested me and even though during those first 5 minutes Shinichi was so cool while solving that first case, I saw those traits in him in the next minutes and my first thought was: Really? Do I need to watch over 800 episodes where THIS guy is the main character?! I hate him already!
But then we got the scene where Ran tells Shinichi that it’s okay to flirt with girls, but he should at least pick up his favorite. And do you remember his soft gaze when he looked at Ran? Ah, I was so melted, like… That boy is so in love with that girl, and part of me hated it because my picture of Shinichi was still a selfish womanizer, and that sweet Ran would deserve so much more, so much better, but goddammit, that look…
Luckily my opinion of Shinichi has changed 😂 I love him too ❤️
And after that, there were so many moments where we saw how much those two care for each other, how much they miss each other, how they can feel when the other one is in trouble, or how far they would go for each other… They are soulmates. And even though Shinichi is jealous and does pretty much to stop other boys from flirting with Ran, I remember one of my favorite ShinRan moments (Chapter 337/Episode 270) where Shinichi says to Ai that if he would tell Ran how he feels, she would just miss him more. He is the guy who breaks her heart by making her wait and he doesn’t want to see her cry anymore, even if it means he has no longer a place in her heart. I cried and it hurt. Oh, it still does. Because Ran's happiness is so important to him, so important that he is ready to "let her go" if it means that she could be happy, that she wouldn't worry, that she wouldn't cry. Not because of him. And if that doesn’t show how much he loves her, then I don’t know what. He had said somewhere in the beginning of the manga/anime (actually chapter 71/episode 10) that it hurts him to see Ran cry, and I can’t even imagine how it must feel to be the reason why the person who you love most in the world, cries because of you. And he can't do anything about it.
Oh boy, there are so many scenes that I would love to bring up (like in the school trip, that Bloody Ceiling -moment when Ran clung his arm scared and Shinichi just looked at her softly and told her it's okay, that she should pay her respect (or something)), and there are so many good posts on Tumblr about ShinRan that I would love to dig up and link them here because I agreed with them so badly, but maybe I got carried away and in the end, you just asked my opinion about CoAi, so I got a little bit distract 😂 But I wanted to explain why. And of course, I also know ShinRan is the main pair of the story, so the creator can make them be anything. But I have to say, even though there are long times that nothing happens between them (and I don't like it either), Aoyama knows how to do ShinRan - at least for my liking ❤️ They are a sweet and pure pairing, they complete each other, and they believe in each other... They are just... perfect ❤️
Haha, well, this became much longer than I thought, but that happens when I talk about ShinRan 😂 But hey, thanks for asking ❤️
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ambrozians · 19 days
dickroy and/or donnaroy for the ship ask!
1. what made you ship it?
i liked them for a long time but i think what cemented it was outsiders (2003), so them at their worst, basically. old friends, new enemies is also, like, the quintessential dickroy story and that drew me in as well. those stories showed the differences between them but also the similarities, and why they work so well together.
2. what are your favorite things about the ship?
i love when characters know each other so well that it’s a blessing and a curse. i know exactly what to do and say to keep you from falling off the deep end but i also know exactly where to cut when i speak. it’s also the trust, the respect, the loyalty, and the love. it always comes back to the love. their lives are fundamentally different without each other in it.
3. is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
even though i am a big believer in "dick is lian’s favorite uncle," i don’t believe he’s incredibly high on the list of people roy would want her to be raised by if something happened to him? like, if roy is out of the picture, the job of raising lian goes to dinah (and, obviously, her very much alive mother). roy loves him but he also is very aware of the effects bruce’s grade a parenting has had on dick (and how he hasn’t healed from that or even begun to process it), and undoubtedly can see the way dick has, at times, been like his dad.
re: donnaroy, i’m pretty neutral on them. not super passionate about them but i don’t actively dislike them either. i think what would’ve grabbed me is if they were written better? i know titans '99 is usually what fans of the pairing reference as good but i don’t agree. i don’t think they’re very fair to each other - donna using roy to challenge her "good girl" image and roy’s… everything with jade (which, i think his actions speak for themselves) - despite the sweet moments. i do love them when donna is resurrected, though, and starts appearing in outsiders!
ship ask
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