#resurrected Terzo au
ladymorguesart · 3 months
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Another resurrected Terzo piece because I can’t stop drawing him..
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kabukiaku · 1 year
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copia's hair has been looking so VOLUMUPTIOUS lately in the US tour. i love it.
(copia ends up telling him the secret to his fluffy hair. he then styles terzo's hair for him, and it goes quite well 🖤)
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irlplasticlamb · 2 years
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we’re standing here by the abyss and the world is in flames.
prints available here
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mintea-in-space · 7 months
Part One
Part Three
The ghoul looks up at Copia, a shaking hand coming up to run through his hair and brush it from his face. Mismatched eyes narrow in confusion. “Wh-who?” He rasps, tail curling around himself. Copia feels the blood drain from his face. The ghoul sitting in front of him is wearing the former Papa’s face, those eyes being undeniably his. Copia would recognize them anywhere. So how does he not know?
“I- Do you know where you are?” Copia whispers, clasping his hands to keep them from trembling. “Do you know who I am?” The ghoul shakes his head and Copia slumps, tears beading in his eyes. “You don’t remember me, do you?” Again the ghoul shakes his head, face turning weary. “O-okay. Do you know your name?” The entire room seems to hold its breath, waiting as the ghoul thinks for a moment.
“….Thunder.” The ghoul tilts his head as Copia stays silent, mind racing. “And you are?…”
Copia shakes himself out of his whirling thoughts, forcing a smile onto his face. “I am Papa Copia. You’ve been summoned to serve the church of Emeritus.” A choked sob comes from behind him, and Copia knows that it came from Dewdrop. He can hear Aether whispering to him, trying to give comfort, he assumes. Terzo Emeritus sits in front of him in the form of a ghoul and he remembers nothing. A few tears run down his cheeks. Copia holds out his hand to help Terzo- Thunder, to his feet. The ghoul takes it, wobbling for a moment on shaky legs. Mountain steps forward with a robe for him to wear, and Copia pretends he can’t see how the earth ghoul’s shoulders are shaking.
Once Thunder is dressed, Copia tilts his head, indicating for him to follow. “Come. I will show you to your den.”
The look on Dewdrop’s face breaks Copia’s heart, doubly so when he can’t tell if he’s speaking to him or the newly summoned ghoul. “I know.” He whispers. “Just- just go to your den, I’ll meet you there after.” Dewdrop whimpers and Copia has to bite his lip. “I’ll be right there.”
The two of them leave the summoning room, Thunder crossing his arms over his chest as his tail flicks. “So…are all summonings like that?” He asks, jerking a thumb over his shoulder.
Copia chuckles tiredly. “No, P- my ghoul. Not usually.”
“Why were they so upset? Am I- is something wrong? Did you mean for someone else?”
Copia quickly shakes his head. “No- no it’s just-“ He sighs. “I’m sorry, you just look very much like someone we used to know. It took us all a bit off guard, that’s all.” They walk in mostly silence, the only sound the swish of Copia’s robes. Thunder looks around as they go, taking in the tapestries and statues and stained glass windows. He pauses for a moment in front of a specific statue, one Copia had recently put up. Terzo’s marble face looks out over the courtyard, a soft smile on his face. Thunder stops to look up at him, tail flicking again. “Who is that?”
Copia hums and stops next to him. “That is the Papa that came before me. Terzo Emeritus. He was a good man. And a very dear friend.” He folds his hands behind his back. Thunder stares at the stone face, a hand coming up to touch his own.
“Is he the person I remind you of?”
“Yes, he is.” Copia can’t find it in himself to lie, sighing. “It’s a little uncanny actually.” He tries to keeps his voice light.
Thunder hums before nodding. “He is very handsome, I suppose there are worse people to be compared to.” The crooked grin he gives the man has Copia tearing up all over again. The sharp fangs in the corners of his smile are new, but it’s still the same smile he knew by heart. It was good to see it again. Copia swallows the lump in his throat. “Come on, you must be exhausted. Let’s get you to bed, and one of my ghouls will show you around tomorrow, sì?”
Thunder nods, and the two move on. Copia isn’t looking forward to leaving Thunder at his den where he knows some of the other ghouls are waiting. Omega had already offered to help train the new ghoul, and he’s unsure of how he’ll react to this. If the ghoul beside him senses how nervous he is he doesn’t comment on it, tail flicking as he looks at Copia from the corners of his eyes. Their footsteps echo through the halls, the ministry quiet at this time of night. Eventually though, they reach the den, and Copia takes a shuddering breath before knocking on the door. A masked Omega opens it, dipping his head to the Papa in greeting. When he turns to the new multi ghoul, his shoulders stiffen. “N-now- I know what this looks like Meg. But it’s not him, it can’t be, okay? I know-“
Omega hardly hears him, a loud buzzing filling his ears. “Is this a joke?” He whispers. Although his voice is quiet, Copia flinches at the harsh buzz of quintessence behind them. “Meg, this is Thunder. Thunder, this is Omega, our senior most quintessence ghoul.” The Papa puts a hand on Omega’s shoulder and that seems to finally shake him out of his daze. “Could you show Thunder to his room? Per favore?” When Omega nods Copia turns to give Thunder a nervous smile. “Should you need anything, don’t hesitate to come find me.” And then he disappears, rushing back to the other den that his own ghouls inhabit.
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earthry · 1 year
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post resurrection, terzo's having a rough time.
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ghcstcd · 2 years
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Terzo’s face paint sure does a lot for him, not that he’s not cute without it.
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"Father, bless me for that I will sin"
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Summary: Father Jim deFroque gets possesed by a familiar face AN: Happy Jesus he knows me anniversairy y´all have a bit of Jim suffering in honor of that. Let me know if you want part 2. Also the art is a nod to a very beloved horror game. Guess which one in the comments!! TW: Possesion , cussing , discussion of religion , mild gore , pain Words: 1,3k
Father Jim deFroque. Some call him the good willing father of the Jesus talks, some know him from his masses, some know him from his not so holy night life. Somewhat he had the trace of a glorious Popstar-Life, but behind this naïve look and the preaching of comfortable lies with the subtle manipulation of giving some man all your money to be greeted into heaven with open arms. Not to speak that Jum had a lot of interesting callers , especially around easter. Some days he wondered if it wasn’t the infamous ministry who chased these kinds of calls upon his neck to annoy him. But , as a priest must, he kept his patience all the way, And it wasn’t only his good willing patience that helped him stay calm during the arguments on the Jesus talks, but also the leftovers from his wild nights . Some wonder if he had a cold that he never gets rid off as they get to hear the sniffing from time to time on calls
Yet , one call was interesting. It came , late at night while he was in the bathroom , taking care of his hair. He forgot to leave the light on in his bedroom , which made the call coming from it seem like the scene right before a jumpscare in a horror movie. The only source of light was the moon from outside, shimmering lightly through the stained glass. Jim picked up, who would he be if not a priest always available for his devoted followers?He was just surprised the call did go to his mobile phone rather than the one he was given by the church for the jesus talks. He picked up.
“Good evening ,May god bless your soul. you are speaking to Father Jim deFroque. How may I help you?” he answered in his usual demeanor. There was no answer. Except some weird, breathing noises. Jim thought it was one of these interesting calls again and was about to hang up when suddenly , a rather familiar voice spoke . “Another day of serving the lord?” . What a weird.. teasy sounding question. Jim firstly had to think for a moment. “Sir, is this a serious question or do you just want to …” Jim started with a confused tone as the voice interrupted him “..No..no.. genuine question.” . “Well , yes, obviously. How shall I not fulfill my duty of serving our shepherd” Jim responded in his usual demeanor. “How are you so sure that he is actually real? Has he done something to prove his existence to you?” Yes, it was done of those callers again. Jim took a deep sigh, deciding if he should just shit on the rules and tell the caller to fuck off, or if he should grab into his basket of “evidence” he keeps repeating like a broken record.
He decided for option two, he does not need any troubles right now , as he did not wish to ruin his image just because it was 2 am and he was about to go to bed since he didn’t feel like clubbing today. “Well you see, I consider my duty and life to be a blessing of our lord and saviour. He has led me to my mission to bring the message of the holy spirit to the masses and redirect the people back to the right path” . There was silence , then a chuckling.. “redirect them to the right path..sure” the voice replies snarky “do you ask them if they wish to? Do they come to you even?” Jim felt himself getting tired of this pointless conversation, but also weirdly anxious. “Sir, I only do what I must, not what I decide is the solution” . The voice snickered at that. “Im sure they’ll appreciate you” . That was when the call ended. Leaving Jim with the phone in his hand, starring at the screen of the suppressed number. Jim found this weird, but nothing shocking. And decided to go to bed, but he still couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was out to get him.
Jim didn’t have the most pleasant dream either, a rather short figure appearing in his dream only to laugh at him. As he stepped closer to the figure he got to see their face, it was familiar face paint what burned itself into his memory. The unmatched eyes, it was like he has seen them before. Why was this haunting him?  But that wasn’t the worst of it all. As the figure stepped closer, He was revealing his horns, and the ground beneath Jim was burning. They just watched him on fire, waving even a little with a smile he didn’t know was meant to be a greeting or a farewell. The eyes and the face paint stayed in his memory even as he awoke. It was still dark. He checked his watch , spotting it was only five am
The light in the bathroom was still on. Jim couldn’t recall if he switched it off before bed or not so he forced himself up to turn it off. Yet his eyes were greeted with a different scenery as he wished to. There was red paint on his mirror, spelling the word Sinner. Now that was the final straw to get the faithful man out of his calm demeanor. He inspected the paint, but the paint turned it out to be blood.
Firstly Jim went to check his locks and windows, in case someone wanted to pull a prank on him. But all locked and closed. Which was weird. To say the least. “Holy Father have mercy on my soul…” Jim whispered under his breath. And the plead was replies with a chuckling. The same as on the call. Jim shook his head, refusing to let his mind trick him. He started to consider that these were the after effects of his last trip. As he stood in front of the mirror with disbelief the light switched off.
Jim unintentionally screamed. Not sure if it was the shock  or the fact that everything what was going on seemed out of a horror movie. He prayed quietl under his breath, pinched himself even to wake himself up from this nightmare. Pleading to whoever was listening to stop his madness. “No, No” it sounded behind him. Jim gulped  and turned around to the noise,  (He felt incredibly stupid for acting like a horror movie protagonist in this situation) and spotted the man from his dreams sit there. Didn’t they say he was dead? Decaptivated even? And of course he had horns. He smirked at Jim. “So ..Are you still on the right path?, Father?" He asked while looking absent minded towards the wall . “What a stupid question, of course I am. What do you want, my soul? “ Jim yelled hysterically , losing his demeanor. Why was he tormenting him like that?
The man stood up. He didnt answer his question but was smirking even brighter. “Lets see how he can save you now from that” he replied, with that he revealed his horns and wings. He snapped his finger and a burning pain claimed Jim´s chest. The father screamed for mercy. To anyone that would listen to help him. “Burn in hell you--…” Jim went quiet. He felt something shift, enter his mind and spread inside him like poison , no prayers would save him now. And he was simply not qualified for an exorcism on himself and way too panicked to continue. Jim felt his faith fade, along with his mind.  No matter how hard he tried to stay and not let the evil take him over, it was too late for salvation. The begs of mercy faded slowly. His tortured expression turned into one of satisfaction
Father Jim was no more, his smile was not his own, his eyes always overshadowed with the omnipresent glow of his red eyes. Jim slowly got up, groaning from his floor. Facing his new form in the mirror. A bright smile painted his face and he chuckled. A weird dark red substance trickled from his mouth and eyes , and his iris were black along.
And with that the beloved father was gone , buried deep beneath the shadows of the possesion , locked in the dark of his mind.
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obsidianshadow · 1 year
Rating: T
Have some Omega reflecting on Terzo’s death 🥰
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blacklight-creature · 3 months
Drawing based off me and my friends au >_<
Tw: eyestrain kinda and blood
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Tiny bit of backstory:
This is lilith, Terzo and Omegas daughter she's trying to resurrect her father
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ratballet · 2 years
i fully realize i'm swinging at the hornet's nest here but ghost lore is so fractured and contradictory and borderline incomprehensible that to suggest there's some elevated crime in writing or drawing a copia/terzo AU when we regularly ignore/make up other shit is just. dbsjdkkd. what
and what do we even consider canon? the stage shows? the chapters? promotional material like photoshoots and magazine covers? music videos? interviews? comic books? what about when those sources frequently undercut or contradict each other? which one do you prioritize? is canon important? what about fanon? who even cares????
remember how the mockumentary said (with apparent canonical certainty) that ghouls were actually resurrected papas? haven't really seen anyone run with that one. and the ghouls are nameless and haven't had alchemical symbols since, god, what? 2017? also not important to the fandom. primo seems to be schrodinger's son depending on whether or not it fits the vibe the fan is going with. nihil's implied outsider status in the dance macabre music video directly contradicts his father's father speech in the chapters. this is all just calvinball!
no disrespect to tobias but ghost is at best a potpourri sachet of vague concepts and vibes that are 1) in frequent conflict with each other and 2) that the fandom seems to pretty freely cherry-pick to better suit their fanwork. "what if this guy wasn't related to the other guys (which we're not even sure about) and kissed one of them" is just an extension of that. if it's not to your taste (w/e! live your life) that's all well and good. i highly encourage you to block, mute, and avoid as needed. that's exactly why we have tags like the one on AO3.
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angellayercake · 1 year
Ghost Fandom Fic Recs
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This is such a great idea @ghuleh-recs thank you so much tagging me in yours and saying such lovely things about Banchetto!
I must say this is by no means an exhaustive list of the writers I admire but on digging through my tags and my AO3 bookmarks these are the ones that had my giggling and kicking my feet all over again
And this is getting really long so I'm am going to try to limit myself to one fic per amazing person 💜 haha I failed so hard at that you are all too talented.
@ghostchems I actually gobble up everything chems writes like a greedy little gremlin and I love her OCs as much as I love the Papas. But as I recently admitted I have been fangirling about her since before I was lucky enough to be her friend so Black Light Guides You is my go to for many reasons. It's got the signature horny/horror Chems blend as well as our boy getting resurrected and taking back his rightful position. I love how Terzo and Marion's relationship develops and I am so excited about where they are headed in the ongoing sequel A Perpetual Rise. And then Burn with me!!!! I came for Dracopia and stayed for Mia.
@ramblingoak The Queen of AUs if you want a Papa in any kind of situation Oak is the person you need. If I start talking about The Cardinal's Bride I will actually never shut up and Oak suffers enough word vomit about it from me so I will stop there. But I will say Oak is an incredible all rounder. Every thing she writes it is great and there is something fantastic for everyone. Sexy Cardinals, Mary Goore, Vibrating Pants, Ghaseball, Rat Birthday Parties or Zombies have at it!!
@the-hole-in-terzos-shoe No matter what the scenario Shoe writes the most romantic, charming Terzo you will ever read. I was going to rec the incredible My Dirty Little Secret and Let's get these heels off... which was inspired by our mutual love of Vita deVoid's Terzo but then she dropped Intro to Romantic Literature yesterday and I haven't been able to stop thinking about Professor Terzo so just go read both.
@sucharide If you want to read about some of the darkest depravity written in the most beautiful poetic way you could ever imagine then Roach is the writer for you and A Problem of Mind and Body is the perfect example. But my personal favourite and the first I read I think is Ritual and Ruination a silly and sexy look at the consequences of rituals gone wrong. And who am I kidding I can't not put Poor Beast in the Catacombs on here.
@zombiequeenblog I tell everyone who will listen to me about Cardinal Copia: A Sadistic and Glorious Bastard. It was my first Dark Copia fic and still to this day my favourite Copia characterisation. He is such a well rounded full character in this and I can't get enough. It's hot, it's emotional, it's scary at times but I can count on my hand how many couples I am as invested in and these two are at the top of my list. The world building is incredible, this version of The Abbey is so vibrant and all the side characters are so fleshed out. I have an especially large soft spot for Terzo in this fic he is the perfect dramatic flirt and I would give anything to be one of his girls.
@honeyynymphh Reading anything by Missy is like reading a gothic horror classic. The way she builds atmosphere is second to none a little nightmarish, a little maudlin (good golly go get this kid some laudanum!) is such a great example. And another one of my favourite Copia characterizations especially in The Mark of the Beast, Freshly Squeezed and my personal favourite there’s total depravity (standing right in front of me) he is so mean and I love it so much.
@kissingghouls SUCK CLUB!! I can't possibly decide which one of these is my favourite. I love this whole universe. There is so much going on and I can't wait to get to the bottom of the ongoing vampire mystery. I love how they all interact and I love that the all read The Cardinal's Bride! The Count, The King, and The Prince and I just love them all!
@xfilesinamajor With Wandering Steps and Slow This Terzo!!! This one right here is my favourite, god this fic breaks my heart but it is so so so perfect. His self esteem, his natural charm as a defense mechanism god I am obsessed with it. Also The Peach is one of the hottest ghost fics I have ever read. The ghoullettes really need to get more action, especially if it's like this
@writingjourney Everything Ibi writes is just so perfect. The slow burn of Honey and Venom and Unprecedented have me on the edge of my seat. But I have to especially urge everyone to read Friday Nights at the Cinema Club because if you aren't a Primo fan you are wrong and this will show you exactly why. Like I said, perfect!
@sweatandwoe I am always impressed with the ideas that sweaty comes up with. Really fun and original and hot. These assorted drabbles and headcanons are an excellent place to start. Study Break is so incredibly hot and The Sacrifice was a real highlight from petrifying papas. I also can't rec sweaty without mentioning the Saren fics because WOW. If you have any interest in Mass Effect and Turians then you have to read Overflow and Melting Point
@inkstainedrat Lacrimis et Memorias This fic broke my heart and put it back together again. It is the definition of bittersweet and yeah. I have a lot of feelings about Terzo and this story pokes every single one of them and is another one that stays with me.
@violet-lazer Another one of my favourite Terzo writers, in Pride, Incumbent and Astronomy he is so charming and lovely. Also Terms of Engagement Copia is such a cutie
@whatawonderfulexistence--blog Distractions is a lovely first date with Terzo and then Strawberries because i do love when he is being all seductive. Also I'm not fully caught up with Powerwolf yet but Atone was so HOT
@hallowed-be-thy-username Kissing the Obscene was the Terzo fic I ever read and Please Papa was the second and I just keep going back to them. I had started to fall in love with Terzo already but reading these and all the others really sealed the deal. And also coincidentally one of my favourite papa cosplayers!!
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ladymorguesart · 3 months
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Remember that Papa Terzo drawing I did a while back? Yeahhh, I decided to revamp it completely!
please do not repost, steal, trace, print, or use my work in any way or form.
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kabukiaku · 1 month
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I want him to have his revenge arc <3
Happy Anniversary Meliora 👑
I had something else planned but I did not have the time to work on it. But this bad boy has been sitting in my drafts long enough.
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anamelessfool · 1 year
Hello, I am A Nameless Fool.
30+. She/Her. I'm writing a massive Ghost AU because I'm insane. (And other stuff)
They have no time to consider what the Void is. All they understand is that it is Hungry. And they are the only two previously human beings that can ensure the health of their charge. They are the single line of defense at the border of Void and Not Void.
Scenes from the Void ( Ghost Band Eldritch Horror AU) AO3 Series Link
Feel free to read them in any order you like. I'm adding fics of each Papa, with a variety of emotional tones and subjects. They all revolve around a larger overarching plot.
Current Major Fic Projects
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WIP Oversee Us (Fallout 2024)
Cooper "The Ghoul" Howard x Outlaw Fem! Reader, Enemies to friends to lovers, bondage (con/non-con), Mystery, horror, action, Canon-typical Gore, Your Boyfriend Is Turning Into a Zombie, more tags on AO3
You're not running away from your sins, you're running towards the truth. Your crime is catching up with you and the caps are racking up. Some cheery bounty hunter is hot on your trail and basically unstoppable. You're doing everything to survive in the topside Wasteland, even if it means going along with the monster.
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WIP Violence & Gentleness
Primo x OC Papessa, Primo & Family| Family Drama, Young Primo, Whump, Protective Older Brother, Brotherly Affection, Action Adventure, Mystery, Noir, Late 1970s, OC Nameless Ghouls
LATE OCTOBER 1979 Primo has his work cut out for him as the bodyguard of the beautiful and fearsome Mater Emerita Jocasta. As mystery after mystery unfolds, it becomes harder to remain a honest man in this den of thieves called the Ministry. (Title graphic by @ghuleh-recs )
Ghouls and Lore
Blackened Feathers OC | Horror, Lore
Resurrection Reader & Papa (Any) | Ritual Magic, Ghouls, Trippy Weirdness (done for the @petrifyingpapas challenge May '23)
The Garden Nameless Ghouls, Terzo/Omega | SFW (strong language), Family Bonding, Dark Magic, Trippy, Adventure, Family Drama, Secret Relationship, Nonbinary Ghouls
Ongoing WIP Bestiary Nameless Ghouls (Canon and OC) | Ficlets 18+, Dark Magic, Alternate History, Weird Lore, Historical References, Other OC Papa Emeritus/Mater Emerita
Ongoing WIP Domestics Entire "Emeritus" Family and Church | Ficlets 16+, Domestic Fluff, Angst and Fluff, Humor, Slice of Life
Terzo x Omega
The First and The Last Terzo/Omega | Dark Romance, Ritual Magic, Trippy Weirdness
Reciprocity Terzo/Omega | Artist Model, Photography, Tender Moments, Body Worship, Oral Fixation, Cardiophilia
Ribbons & Ties Terzo/Omega | Domestic Fluff, Established relationship, Weddings Bring Out Your Fear of Commitment
Copia x Cardinal Marian (OC)
Sweeter Red Copia/OC | Fluffy Romance, bdsm, demi Copia, Bittersweet
All the Stops (Sweeter Red Sequel) Copia/OC | Fluffy Romance, bdsm, Bittersweet
Tilted Copia/OC, Terzo/Omega | Adventure, Dark Magic, Ghouls, Trippy Weirdness, Dark Past, Repressed Memories, Secret Relationships, Long-term Relationship
Wanna Bewitch You Copia/OC, Terzo/OC, Nameless Ghouls, Emeritus Family| Adventure, Dark Magic, Ghouls, Trippy Weirdness, Dark Past, Long-term Relationship, Fluff and Smut, Formalwear
Valentine's Day 1985 Young Copia & Primo | Brotherly Affection, Domestic Fluff, Valentine's Day, Hurt/Comfort, My Art
Primo x OC Papessa, Primo & Family
For One Creature's Sake Primo & Copia | Phobias, Family Drama,Young Cardinal Copia, Young Primo, Whump, Protective Older Brother, Brotherly Affection, Hurt/Comfort, Terminal Illness
WIP Violence & Gentleness Primo x OC Papessa, Primo & Family| Family Drama, Young Primo, Whump, Protective Older Brother, Brotherly Affection, Action Adventure, Mystery, Noir, Late 1970s, OC Nameless Ghouls
Interlude: In Orbit Always Primo x OC Nameless Ghoul (Edelweiss Ghoul | FWB, One Bed Trope, Psychic Ties, Dreams, Somniphilia, First Time, Friends BUT MORE
Secondo & Family
Maestro Sister Imperator & Young Secondo, Young Terzo | Ritual Magic, Sibling Rivalry (done for the @petrifyingpapas challenge May '23)
WIP Crossroads Secondo & Terzo, Secondo & Family | Ritual Magic, Horror, Trippy Weirdness, Brother Angst, Father & Son, Family Drama
Extra (Outside of The Scenes from the Void AU)
Call Me Papa IV & GN! Reader | SFW, Hurt/Comfort, Hugs, Cardiophilia, Comfy Read, Papa IV Reassures You Everything Will Be Okay
One Shot Papa IV & GN! Reader | Silly Fic, PG-13 Fun, Overly Dramatic, Concert Experience
Tights Papa IV x GN Reader | Fishnets, Body Worship, Massage, Sensual Play, Foot Play, Foot Job, Light D/s, Established Relationship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
WIP No Deal Papa Nihil x Fem! Reader | 1970s, Music References, Recreational Drug Use, Oral, Shotgunning, Nihil Being Father of the Decade, Surprise Ending
VIII Strength Papa IV x Gen Reader | Dom Sub Dynamic, Established Relationshop, Power Play, Body Worship, Bondage
100 Percent Papa IV x GN! Reader | Caring for Illness, established relationship, domestic bliss, injury recovery, coziness
Housekeeping Notes
I sometimes announce I'm doing fic or doodle requests. They are PG-13. I do not post NSFW works on tumblr, please read them through AO3 and keep them on AO3. I DO really love talking about writing and meeting other writers, so please don't be shy. NEMA
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About Me 👇👇👇
I love: Clive Barker, John Bellairs, Mervyn Peake, Shirley Jackson, Terry Prachett, David Lynch, David Cronenberg
Other Hobbies: Larping, Sewing, BJD, witchcraft, wandering around the woods
Current Favorite Albums to Write to:
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mintea-in-space · 7 months
Part three of the Ghoul Terzo Au
Part One
Part Two
Omega is silent as he leads Thunder to his room, and the multi ghoul keeps his eyes down. There’s an overwhelming aura of grief radiating from the bigger ghoul, so much so it’s making him a little dizzy. They stop in front of his door, Omega unlocking it and dropping a key into Thunder’s hand before turning tail and stalking off. Thunder flinches at the sound of a slamming door, ears flicking as a few other ghouls poke their heads out at the noise. Shaking hands slip for a moment on the door knob before he pushes into his room, quickly closing and locking the door behind him.
“What the fuck…” He huffs, closing his eyes and pressing his forehead to the wood. His heartbeat is still thudding in his ears. With a groan he turns to take stock of his new home. The room smells of dust and not much else. There’s a window, with a desk sat underneath it, a twin mattress bed situated in the corner, a dresser, and that’s it. The wooden floor is bare, with a few marks as if the previous owner had shuffled the furniture around. The bathroom is practically a broom closet, a small sink and medicine cabinet along with the tiniest shower he’s ever seen. “At least they gave me a bar of soap.” Thunder mutters.
The sheets on his bed are black, with some kind of repeating symbol stitched into it. It matches the one on his summoner’s robes. A clawed hand smooths over the fabric, worn but still soft, and Thunder carefully sits on the edge of the bed before laying down. A square of moonlight comes in through the window, and the ghoul basks in it. So many questions whirl through his mind. What is his purpose here? Why him? His summoner had said he was here to serve the church, why does the thought of that make his skin crawl? Mismatched eyes open to stare at the ceiling. The statue in the courtyard flashes through his mind, marble features that were oddly similar to his own. He had a commanding presence, one that demanded respect, honor. Thunder is none of that, he’s scatterbrained, tiny. Hell he can’t even remember-
Thunder sits up, eyes wide. He can’t remember. He was summoned. Anything before that is a blank. Satan below it’s a miracle he remembers his own name. The ghoul begins to shake. He’s alone, with no memory, in a strange place. He has no allies, except for perhaps his summoner. Thunder curls up into a ball, hands clutched close to his chest and tail curled around his ankles. A crackling sound rumbles from his chest as tears bead in his eyes. Sharp claws dig into his arms, panic and fear making his pulse rush in his ears. I’m alone. I’m alone. I’m alone.
It isn’t long before sleep takes him, sinking into the shadow.
Thunder wakes with a yelp, drenched in sweat and tail thrashing. Glowing eyes dart around the room as adrenalin races though his veins. A clawed hand covers a spot on the side of his neck as he searches for anything that might try to hurt him, any sign of danger. It takes him a few minutes to slow his heart rate back down, brushing the sweaty hair from his forehead. He can’t recall what woke him up, just shadows and vague feelings of pain. “A nightmare.” He rasps. “Just a fucking nightmare.” Bare feet land on the floor and Thunder moves over to his dresser. There’s a few pairs of sweatsuits inside and upon further inspection they appear to be the same outfit just in different sizes. He takes a wild guess as to his own size, tugging the robe he was given off and pulling the sweatpants and sweatshirt on. Thankfully they fit. Thunder creaks his door open and pokes his head out, searching for any sign of activity. When he sees none he carefully steps out. The ghoul remembers seeing a kitchen back in the main common room, he just wants a glass of water and then he’ll go back to bed.
To his dismay there’s a ghoul already there grumbling to himself as he roots through the pantry. Thunder’s nose wrinkles at his scent. It’s very smokey, a bit musky. It reminds him of a bonfire. A fire ghoul. Dangerous. He’s bigger than he is, the muscles in his arms shown off in the tank top he’s wearing. The smaller ghoul is just about to slink back to his room when he looks up, golden eyes meeting his. Thunder freezes. The other ghoul just stares, and suddenly the room smells of ash, of cigarette smoke, and Thunder’s eyes water a bit at the strength.
“I thought Meg was fuckin’ with me.” Despite his scent changing, the fire ghoul’s tone is calm, disbelieving. “It’s really you.”
Thunder manages to tear his eyes away and crosses his arms over his chest. “I swear if everyone I meet says that…” So he looks oddly like the previous Papa. Surely he can’t be the first, right? Besides, he would know if he was him, wouldn’t he? Wouldn’t he at least recognize something?
The fire ghoul sighs before walking over and holding his hand out. “Alpha. Used to work with Meg.”
Thunder tentatively takes it, shaking his hand. Alpha’s grip is firm, sturdy, and his hand is warm. “Thunder.” Alpha gives him a sharp smile, bottom fangs poking out of it.
“What’re you doing up, short stack? Usually new summons oversleep after their summoning.”
Thunder grumbles. “Don’t call me short. I just…I had a nightmare. Can’t sleep.”
Alpha tilts his head as he goes back to digging through the pantry. “Wanna talk about it?”
“Ugh, no.” Thunder’s nose wrinkles. “Can’t remember it anyway, just pain.” His hand idly comes up to cover the side of his neck again.
Alpha seems to accept that answer, chittering as he pulls out a bag of chips and opens them loudly. “So what do you remember?” He tosses a few chips into his mouth before tilting the bag to the other ghoul, and Thunder tentatively takes a chip.
“Honestly… not much. I remember being scared, back in the pits. And…confused. Very confused. But I don’t really know why. And…and angry. I remember being absolutely livid.”
Alpha snorts. “That tracks. He would’ve been pissed if he died and ended up in the pits instead.”
Thunder glares before shoving his hand back into the bag to grab a handful of chips. “Well I’m not him. Ghouls are hell born, right? How the fuck would I get a human soul? And again, if I had a human soul, how the fuck could I be summoned in the first place? It’s just some fucky coincidence, yeah? I’m a fucking ghoul. And all I’ve done since I got here is make people miserable! Just by existing!” He growls to himself, shoving a chip into his mouth and crunching angrily.
Alpha lets him rant, eyes a little wide. “Yeah well, this place is a shit hole that tosses you aside when you lose your usefulness. I used to be something, you know. Used to be respected, until it was stripped from me. The current Papa has made things a little better for us ghouls, but we all know he’s not the one really running the show.”
Thunder looks up at him. “So…what do you do now?”
Alpha shrugs. “Wait for them to send me back. Light shit on fire. When the church does bonfires I’m the one they call. Most of the time I’m on candle duty, making sure all everything stays lit. It’s thankless work. No one ever notices anyway.” His eyes go distant as he eats. “Not nearly as fun as performing. Miss the stage. The fame.”
Thunder hums, tail flicking. “I like to sing. I wonder…I’ve never been on stage, I don’t think. I wonder if I’d like it.”
The bigger ghoul rumbles, a grin teasing his lips. “Oh you’d like it alright. If you’re anything like me.”
Thunder huffs and narrows his eyes at him. The buzz of quintessence hums through him, mismatched eyes faintly glowing gold. Alpha’s aura is bright, gold and red buried under ashy black. Like magma. That bright light is somewhat familiar, that flair for the dramatic, the need to be seen. After a moment he blinks, letting the aura fade away again.
“Perhaps maybe I am.”
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earthry · 1 year
having thoughts about omega and terzo post resurrection, omega becoming very overprotective and almost never leaving his side. most sisters and brothers of sin give him a very wide berth because of the growling and hisses he gives off if they even look at terzo. after a few months he calms a little but still keeps a close watch. 
at night he holds terzo in his arms safe and snug and quietly tells him that he’ll never let anything happen to him ever again.  
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