#ghoul Terzo au
mintea-in-space · 7 months
Part One
Part Three
The ghoul looks up at Copia, a shaking hand coming up to run through his hair and brush it from his face. Mismatched eyes narrow in confusion. “Wh-who?” He rasps, tail curling around himself. Copia feels the blood drain from his face. The ghoul sitting in front of him is wearing the former Papa’s face, those eyes being undeniably his. Copia would recognize them anywhere. So how does he not know?
“I- Do you know where you are?” Copia whispers, clasping his hands to keep them from trembling. “Do you know who I am?” The ghoul shakes his head and Copia slumps, tears beading in his eyes. “You don’t remember me, do you?” Again the ghoul shakes his head, face turning weary. “O-okay. Do you know your name?” The entire room seems to hold its breath, waiting as the ghoul thinks for a moment.
“….Thunder.” The ghoul tilts his head as Copia stays silent, mind racing. “And you are?…”
Copia shakes himself out of his whirling thoughts, forcing a smile onto his face. “I am Papa Copia. You’ve been summoned to serve the church of Emeritus.” A choked sob comes from behind him, and Copia knows that it came from Dewdrop. He can hear Aether whispering to him, trying to give comfort, he assumes. Terzo Emeritus sits in front of him in the form of a ghoul and he remembers nothing. A few tears run down his cheeks. Copia holds out his hand to help Terzo- Thunder, to his feet. The ghoul takes it, wobbling for a moment on shaky legs. Mountain steps forward with a robe for him to wear, and Copia pretends he can’t see how the earth ghoul’s shoulders are shaking.
Once Thunder is dressed, Copia tilts his head, indicating for him to follow. “Come. I will show you to your den.”
The look on Dewdrop’s face breaks Copia’s heart, doubly so when he can’t tell if he’s speaking to him or the newly summoned ghoul. “I know.” He whispers. “Just- just go to your den, I’ll meet you there after.” Dewdrop whimpers and Copia has to bite his lip. “I’ll be right there.”
The two of them leave the summoning room, Thunder crossing his arms over his chest as his tail flicks. “So…are all summonings like that?” He asks, jerking a thumb over his shoulder.
Copia chuckles tiredly. “No, P- my ghoul. Not usually.”
“Why were they so upset? Am I- is something wrong? Did you mean for someone else?”
Copia quickly shakes his head. “No- no it’s just-“ He sighs. “I’m sorry, you just look very much like someone we used to know. It took us all a bit off guard, that’s all.” They walk in mostly silence, the only sound the swish of Copia’s robes. Thunder looks around as they go, taking in the tapestries and statues and stained glass windows. He pauses for a moment in front of a specific statue, one Copia had recently put up. Terzo’s marble face looks out over the courtyard, a soft smile on his face. Thunder stops to look up at him, tail flicking again. “Who is that?”
Copia hums and stops next to him. “That is the Papa that came before me. Terzo Emeritus. He was a good man. And a very dear friend.” He folds his hands behind his back. Thunder stares at the stone face, a hand coming up to touch his own.
“Is he the person I remind you of?”
“Yes, he is.” Copia can’t find it in himself to lie, sighing. “It’s a little uncanny actually.” He tries to keeps his voice light.
Thunder hums before nodding. “He is very handsome, I suppose there are worse people to be compared to.” The crooked grin he gives the man has Copia tearing up all over again. The sharp fangs in the corners of his smile are new, but it’s still the same smile he knew by heart. It was good to see it again. Copia swallows the lump in his throat. “Come on, you must be exhausted. Let’s get you to bed, and one of my ghouls will show you around tomorrow, sì?”
Thunder nods, and the two move on. Copia isn’t looking forward to leaving Thunder at his den where he knows some of the other ghouls are waiting. Omega had already offered to help train the new ghoul, and he’s unsure of how he’ll react to this. If the ghoul beside him senses how nervous he is he doesn’t comment on it, tail flicking as he looks at Copia from the corners of his eyes. Their footsteps echo through the halls, the ministry quiet at this time of night. Eventually though, they reach the den, and Copia takes a shuddering breath before knocking on the door. A masked Omega opens it, dipping his head to the Papa in greeting. When he turns to the new multi ghoul, his shoulders stiffen. “N-now- I know what this looks like Meg. But it’s not him, it can’t be, okay? I know-“
Omega hardly hears him, a loud buzzing filling his ears. “Is this a joke?” He whispers. Although his voice is quiet, Copia flinches at the harsh buzz of quintessence behind them. “Meg, this is Thunder. Thunder, this is Omega, our senior most quintessence ghoul.” The Papa puts a hand on Omega’s shoulder and that seems to finally shake him out of his daze. “Could you show Thunder to his room? Per favore?” When Omega nods Copia turns to give Thunder a nervous smile. “Should you need anything, don’t hesitate to come find me.” And then he disappears, rushing back to the other den that his own ghouls inhabit.
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kabukiaku · 1 month
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I want him to have his revenge arc <3
Happy Anniversary Meliora 👑
I had something else planned but I did not have the time to work on it. But this bad boy has been sitting in my drafts long enough.
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zombiisong · 3 months
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Finally some Terzomega!!
Have some ministry sweethearts! Cardi Terzo (or, as I named him a while ago, Cardinal Rivoluto) x Omega!! I love these two with my whole heart<33
I’ll be posting more Terzomega as the days go by, some fluff, maybe some angst to spice things up, we’ll see :3c I’m very excited over ghost posting
Hope you like it!!
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profanepurity · 1 year
I miss your Cardinal Terzo doodles so goddamn much. 💜
Hope life has been treating you well! ✨
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I miss doodling him too 😫 I'll be drawing much more of him soon! Life has had its ups and downs lately, but I hope it's been treating you well! 🖤🖤🖤
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earthry · 1 year
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post resurrection, terzo's having a rough time.
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His face is covered in thick black and white skull-paint,the same sort of grease paint they used in Vaudeville acts,Copia didn’t know animal skulls very well but it reminds him of a ram’s skull.
Day 1 of Yeehawgust: Gather the posse!
Im basing this whole month’s prompt for Copper and Iron fic specifically!
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More Ghost pirate AU !
So, I already rambled about my ideas for era 5 Ghost pirate AU, and I'm back for more, era 3 this time ! (including Meliora and Popestar ghouls, they should all be here but if I missed one I apologize. Also Dew, Aether and Mountain aren't here because I decided they're part of Copia's crew in this AU, though they used to be part of Terzo's.)
Terzo is captain of the Meliora ship (again, not very original but well).
Omega and Alpha are his seconds in command.
Zephyr has an impressive and slightly concerning collection of guns, always impeccably cleaned and polished. And a hidden sword in their cane.
Mist can usually be found precariously crouched on the figurehead, feeling the water splashing on her skin (yes even during storms. She's a water ghoul after all.)
Alpha carves sea monsters in his pegleg when he's bored (his right leg got crushed under a mast during a very nasty storm).
Air wields a spear. It's rarer than other kind of weapons, like swords and knives, but with how tall he is, it gives him a lot of reach.
Pebble with knives is basically a death sentence. Especially throwing knives. (He kisses the blades before throwing them).
Ifrit never visibly carries any weapon, but the second shit starts to go down, he'll have several in hands like he pulled them from thin air. ("Where did you get that axe from", "I swear you shove those up your ass it's the only way" and other things frequently heard when he pulls that trick).
Delta uses echolocation underwater, like killer whales, mainly to make sure the waters are safe for the ship or to spy on other ships.
Omega's arms, shoulders, collarbones, and shoulder blades are tattooed with constellations and legendary sea creatures. Oh, and there's a little "III" on his heart, wonder what that could mean... Also he can sail without a compass, using the stars' position instead.
Ivy can fix pretty much everything, they'd all be in deep shit without him. He usually has several tools hanging from his belt (and yes his hammer also ended up in some people's face once or twice.)
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st-danger · 8 months
please do terzomega but you pick the au I’m so desperate
Terzo leans over the water, very near to falling in but not quite, and dips his hand in the water, swishing it around as if waving. He doesn't have to wait very long; even in the twilight, he sees the glimmer of scales on an elongated body reflect what little daylight is left.
The creature that surfaces, not quite fish certainly not man, smiles at him and Terzo once again forgets to breathe.
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evereverest2 · 1 month
Terzomega Drabble — Fallen Angel AU
story is below the cut if you want to skip my rant!!
ok i’m a newer tumblr user but it’s time i put on my big boy boots and info dump all my creative thoughts about a random set of characters on a random post that no one will see !!! woo hoo !!
so i’m obsessed with catholic lore deeply interested in celestial/demonic terzomega, and the other day i wrote a little drabble that i wasn’t totally satisfied with but i figured i could post it here and maybe that would give me some more inspo.
my idea is catholic priest terzo/fallen angel omega. as far as terzo goes i thought it would be cute if he was like one in a line of religious men. like his dad was a pastor (priests cant fuck but pastors can😏) and all of he and his brothers became priests, and like he treats it more like a job but he really likes the attention and how ppl adore him. kinda like He Is vibes. maybe he’s a a lil filthy priest who knows :>
i wont get into why i think omega fell bc if i make this into a story i want ✨intrigue✨ but i see him as this greatly wise beast burdened with his own knowledge of the universe, harrowed by his fall, guilty and ashamed and unable to come to terms with it. he obvi fell much later than the other demons. the next step is supposed to be hell, but by some cosmic mistake or decision, he fell into a church, and because of that he couldn’t like, yk, fall through to be a demon bc demons aren’t allowed in churches, so he’s kinda stuck between. id assume at some other point other ghouls try to make him come to hell. ive been really into alpha lately so it would be hot if alpha came, and they had a history bc yk all demons were angels once, and they fought and stuff. yees.
so anyway, i wrote this drabble that i will put below. i wasn’t entirely satisfied with it for a few reason… 1) i didn’t quite have a grasp on either of their characters for this au, partly bc of Little Monster, partly bc i came up with this two days ago and haven’t thought about it since and two 2) i wrote it during a day that i was burnt out w writing so its not up to snuff imo.
so if you got through all that and u make it through the drabble, i would really appreciate any feedback u can give. it’s only 1.4k words, so about a 10 minute read if ur slow, prolly closer to five :> thank u in advance, have a splendid (day/night) time :D
“Have a good night, father.”
Terzo waved off the sister, watching the heavy doors swing shut after her in the dim candlelight, deafening the sound of heavy rain outside. He turned to walk up the aisle, all the way up the steps to the altar, ensuring along the way that everything was in its proper place. He smoothed a wrinkle in the corporal, tweaking the positions of the chalic and paten until everything was just so. He looked out at the dark recess and nodded.
Not a hair out of place. All was right and in its proper place.
From the heavens a great shatter sounded, like thunder and splitting wood. Terzo looked up. Through the roof came a great, dark, feathery beast that collapsed to the floor with a reverberating crack of the tiles and pews it landed on. The storm raged on above, rain pouring in from the newly broken ceiling, falling onto the collision below.
The being slowly rose to a stand. A large man with dusky skin, great horns, and black wings, dressed in a stained and drenched robe that hung limply from his impressive torso. He looked up to the hole in the sky, facing the rain that dripped onto his face. With a sweep of his wings he was airborn, only to careen away from the opening and crash down once more. He was like a bird trying to escape its cage, desperately flapping his wings, staring to the sky, unable to fly again. Before him was his own destruction, a ravaged church broken by his falls.
Terzo had quickly dove beneath the altar in his shock, watching him with a mix of disbelief and terror stirring in him like water rolling to a boil, threatening to spill over the pot in the form of a scream.
The winged creature was suddenly still, lying in a shattered pile of wood and tile, breathing heavily. A heavy silence filled the cavernous church forebodingly.
Terzo fumbled for the Bible in his pocket, yanking off his cross necklace. A series of prayers escaped his lips in a whisper, convinced the winged horror was some sort of demon. When it did not suddenly burst into flames from the holy smite of God, Terzo slowly approached the unmoving beast, Bible and cross held before him cautiously. Once he was only a few feet away, he cried out, “In the name of the Lord, begone, foul demon!”
Nothing happened. He repeated himseslf. Not a flinch. The thing just lay there, panting harshly like a wounded animal. He flipped through his Bible, repeating any prayer he could think of. Nothing.
The beast peeked an eye open from lying face down, a black eye with white pupils. Watching him. Terzo, startled, threw the Bible at him. He winced.
“Be… Not… Afraid…” He spoke as through every syllable was painful, a deep, sonorous voice that shook Terzo to his core.
He froze for a long moment, then had an idea. He dashed away to the baptismal font and scooped up a handful of holy water, then ran back to splash it on the creature.
“You are a demon! Go from this holy ground!”
He did not move. From his quivering lips, he spoke again. “I… am… God’s… servent…”
He closed his eye again, saying nothing more. There was something amiss. Despite how he had tried most everything he could think to dispel a demon, and it lie in his church, unaffected.
It was enough to give Terzo pause.
No matter what the terrifying beast was, he was in pain. Not from anything Terzo did, but from whatever had caused him to fall through the roof of his church. Regardless of what was to be done, the winged man could not stay in the church.
“Err, excuse me. How do I… help you?” Terzo ventured.
No response. Terzo thought for a moment. There was no way he could lift him, or even drag him. He was enormous compared to the compact priest, with humongous wings to match.
“Could you walk?” The weak eye opened again. Terzo said, “I will take you somewhere more comfortable, si?”
He stirred suddenly, stumbling to his feet, hunched over and clutching his own ribcage. Terzo, unsure, began walking towards the doors. The beast slowly followed.
He locked the door behind him, trying to ignore that his precious church had been destroyed and how the winged man stared at him intensely. A problem for the morning. He led the creature across the street where his refractory was, his home. Luckily, no one was around to see them in this late hour, and even then, it was pitch black outside. The storm had shorted all the power, including the street lights.
Terzo led him to an empty bedroom on the ground floor, which held a rather small bed compared to some others he had, but Terzo was worried about him being able to walk much longer, let alone up stairs.
“Lie down on this,” Terzo instructed, pulling back the blankets. He hardly made it through the doorway with his large wings, but once he squeezed through he instantly fell onto the bed, making it bounce violently with the weight.
“May I… err… touch you?”
Not even a reaction. He seemed half ready to die on Terzo’s spare mattress.
Terzo pulled away the stained robe from his torso. The fabric indeed obscured a glistening wound sat between his lower ribs. Surprisingly, it was not bleeding as much as he would have expected, but it was concerningly deep.
Terzo hurried in and out with supplies to aid the poor thing. He bandaged the wound carefully, then moved on to examine the rest of his body. He was unable to flip him over, but he undressed him to ensure there were no more deep wounds. He wore no undergarments, and once Terzo was certain he had no other pressing injuries, he drew a blanket over his waist to grant him some modesty.
He gently felt for any broken bones, picking out any splinters he found along the way from his encounter with the church roof. There were bruises, which he could just barely make out on his purple skin, and he slathered them with cream. Given the nature of the fall, Terzo was surprised it was not more injured. He figured it must have been suffering from exhaustion more than anything, though he was no doctor.
After nearly an hour of tending to the strange being, Terzo sat back, exhausted. The man lay breathing heavily still from what Terzo surmised was a nicked lung. Even in unconsciousness, his face was pinched in pain, distress. Sometimes fangs would flash from his lips, as if growling at an invisible foe. He certainly looked like a demon, though something in Terzo’s gut told him not to worry.
That was, until he awoke.
Just when Terzo was beginning to wonder if he should call someone, the man sat up, his arms held defensively in front of him. Terzo stood, stumbled back in fear. The beast froze in place, staring at nothing. He looked down at his bandaged side, then at the small priest who had fallen to the ground in terror.
“No—” he breathed out, then clutched his wound in pain.
Terzo clamored to his feet and said, “You should lie back down, signore.” He very gingerly touched his shoulder, prompting him to lay back once more.
“I—” he huffed, wincing again.
“Do not speak. I think it is your lung,” Terzo awkwardly clasped his hands together. “...Although you may tell me if you are a demon.”
He shook his head, staring desperately at him. “No, I—” he gasped, “fell—”
“Let’s not worry, hm? As long as you do not plan to kill me, you should be resting. Then you may chatter all you wish.”
He opened his mouth, but said nothing. Instead he stared at Terzo with an unreadable gaze, one that made him more uncomfortable the longer he stood there.
“Do you… Eat?” he asked uncertainly. He shook his head. “Err.. Yes, well. I will let you rest. Just… let me know if you need something.”
After another thick pause consisting solely of staring, Terzo left the room. Just outside he fell against the wall, clutching his chest, his nerves jumping from his skin.
What was he doing?
ik im annoying thanks again for reading if u have ANY thoughts good or bad just give em to me any way u know how i SO appreciate it ur the best B)
i wrote a smut drabble for this concept LMFAO
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ghcstcd · 2 years
My little head canon for Terzo's Resurrection AU is that because he bleeds gold ichor from his gold gilded throat scar when experiencing negative emotions, people in the ministry start calling him the "Clergy's Treasure." Some mean it with reverence, as it’s a gift from the dark lord. 
The Clergy, though, it’s their way of reminding Terzo that he is just a trophy for them now. He has no power, no influence. He’s no longer papa, but a trophy brought back from Copia’s victory.
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jake-kcat · 3 months
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We need to post our art here more often. Here is redesigned Stolas! [GHOST BC ANDROID AU]
Some Stolas Facts:
Stolas was supposed to be Terzo's vessel but he continued to malfunction during his test runs. Copia scrapped the vessel and made a new one for Terzo. Stolas was dismantled in the storage room but was able to power on and function on his own. Until he was found and caught to where Copia repaired him.
Stolas cannot speak but he can mimic perfectly without knowing what any of the words mean. He communicates with noises. He acts like an animal and crawls on all fours and can scale walls and ceilings. He is feral. Basically a guard dog since he can be aggressive.
Stolas crawls in the vents. He steals at least something from everyone and stores them in the back of the vents of the lab as a little hoarding nest.
Stolas is taller than Terzo when standing.
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mintea-in-space · 7 months
The Rumble That’s Calling Part Four
Read on Ao3 here
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
When Copia opens the door to his ghouls’ den all hell breaks loose. A slurry of questions is thrown at him, loud chirps and chittering filling the common room. He can’t make heads or tails of it, silently moving to drop onto the couch and cover his mouth with shaking hands. Mismatched eyes seems to stare into space, and after a moment they seem to realize he’s not listening to any of them. Tears blur Copia’s vision, overflowing and streaming down his cheeks as he tries not to sob. The ache in his chest is nearly overwhelming.
He startles when someone sits next to him, violet eyes meeting his. Aether. A steady hand is placed on his shoulder, and Copia can’t help but lean into it, desperately needing contact to ground himself. The others slowly surround him, sitting next to him and on the floor at his feet. “I’m sorry.” The words just barely claw their way from his throat. “I don’t know- it’s impossible. It- there’s no way-“
Dewdrop whines and bumps his head against Copia’s shoulder. “We- we didn’t do anything different, right? How- fuck, Papa he even smells the exact same-” The smaller ghoul is shaking like a leaf, and Copia almost breaks at the sound of his voice wavering.
“Satan below, and Omega’s face. I never want to see that expression on him ever again.” Copia chokes back another sob, gloved fingers turning white as they run across his face. “It has to be him. Doesn’t it? How else- but his memory. Why- fuck, why doesn’t he remember us?”
Mountain sighs from where he’s leaning against the back of the couch. “I don’t think we’re going to get any answers tonight, Copia.”
Aether nods. “We…we should get some rest. I can…I can show him around tomorrow, see what I can find out. If his soul really is the same then we’ll need to find a way to bring his memory back.”
His words settle like a dark cloud, weighted and sparking. After a long silence, Copia groans and tosses his mitre to the coffee table. “I’m going to stay here, if that’s okay. I don’t….I don’t think I can bear to be alone tonight.”
The others slowly stand, whispers of goodnight filling the air as they each press a kiss to Copia’s cheek. Eventually, only Aether, Dewdrop, and Mountain remain. The fire ghoul is clinging to Copia’s arm, and as the man stands Aether wraps an arm around his shoulders. The four of them end up in the room Dewdrop and Aether share, the air thick with grief and confusion. Sparkling robes and uniforms drop piece by piece to the floor, and Copia ends up in the middle of the three ghouls. Aether has his face tucked into his neck, a thick arm draped over his middle. Dewdrop curls up at his side, still trembling when Copia wraps an arm around him. Bare fingers play with the fire ghoul’s hair as Mountain curls around Dewdrop. The man stares at the ceiling, willing himself to relax enough to sleep. Mountain presses a kiss to his temple, the closeness helping but not by much.
What if it was his fault? What if Copia fucked up the ritual somehow? What if Terzo’s memories never come back? Could he live with that? Knowing that not only did he indirectly kill the man, but also essentially erased him from existence altogether.
Dewdrop whimpers in his sleep, hands twitching and tail curling around Copia’s thigh. The fire ghoul’s ears are pinned back, face scrunched. Copia pets through his hair best he can, a weak attempt at soothing him as his mind races. How could he look Omega in the eye again and tell him he now has to train this ghoul, this ghoul that bears his dead lover’s eyes and face? And what about his old pack? With how distraught Dewdrop is, he can’t imagine what the ghouls who came before would feel about it.
Seconds tick by in the dark, the only sound coming from Dewdrop. Even with the steady breathing of his ghouls Copia can’t seem to relax, too high strung for sleep to take him. He knows only one thing for sure, the clergy, and his flock, cannot find out about this. The chaos it would cause…he shudders to think about what Sister would do if she caught him. He adores the woman, he really does, but her methods tend to be a bit more…ruthless, than he’d like. And she already killed him once…
Copia’s stomach churns, bile burning the back of his throat. They have to keep this a secret. Thunder cannot be let out and about without a proper mask, without protection. There are too many risks. He closes his eyes. Tomorrow he’ll go down to the uniform department and see if they have a spare mask Thunder can use until he’s properly fitted. A groan slips from his mouth. And Satan below what uniform should he even have? The thought of dressing Terzo up in a vest and jacket like one of Copia’s ghouls is so absurd he nearly laughs out loud. Then again, the era four uniforms that have become widely standard for non performing ghouls also just don’t seem right. Perhaps…perhaps the era three? Copia hums. It would be fitting after all, for him to wear the uniforms Terzo picked out.
Aether noses a little further into his neck as Copia nods to himself. He’ll tell the bigger ghoul in the morning what the plan is, the sooner Thunder can be masked and in uniform the better. He can at least start training in the main den, and once he has a mask, he’ll be able to come and go as he wishes. Hopefully Thunder won’t be nearly as picky with his uniform as Terzo was, although somehow Copia doubts it. The ghoul still has his mannerisms after all, perhaps some things never really change. A few tears slip down his cheeks.
Clinging to the shred of a game plan he has, Copia shifts a little to get bit more comfortable before sighing. “Please, Unholy Father, please let things be just be a bit better in the morning?” He whispers, and at long last exhaustion sinks in and he falls asleep.
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kabukiaku · 8 months
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terzo & omega but they're KIDDOS!!!! 🥺🖤
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zombiisong · 3 months
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Ghoul Terzo!
This one’s a bit of an oldie… thought this idea was cute, and I haven’t drawn anything new today, so I thought I’d upload this!
Terzo was kind of freaked out at first, but Omega helped him back in his senses :) they’re just so lovely
Hope you enjoy the doodle!!
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profanepurity · 2 months
So Terzo being Asmodeus’s favorite is a 10/10 idea, what exact are the two’s relationship with each other like? Are they more or less casual with each other?
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They can be casual and sweet with one another, but their dynamic is very dependent on the situation they're in. In this au, Terzo has been chosen as a prophet of Asmodeus. What that looks like for Terzo as a leader of the church is multifaceted, just like the infernal king. Asmodeus can look like the gentle, soft sway of a candle, but he can also be a catastrophic wildfire. Some nights Terzo finds himself leading sex rituals in the demon's name, offering siblings guidance and teachings related to sex, and kneeling at the altar of Asmodeus while he gives him an intimate offering. But Asmodeus is not just an incubus and a demon of lust, but one of wrath and revenge as well. So when Asmodeus' lips brush against the shell of Terzo's ear, he might be whispering sweet praises or growling so deeply that it vibrates throughout Terzo's entire body. Those growls are orders, commands making his voice shake out of rage for the injustice, to burn. For Terzo, that burn often looks like passionate lust towards his work, against all notions that he is doing a bad job. It is an unapologetic and insistent rebellion against the church. Can you imagine how hot the flames were when they cut off his head and paraded it on the cover of a magazine? His relationship with Asmodeus is not always work-related, though. There have been many nights in the demon's altar room or Terzo's own bedroom with the two lying together in the peace the late night always brings. Asmodeus is a heavy, warm weight on Terzo that is constant and grounding. His touch is always hot, but in the same way that the sun is on cold skin. Terzo loves telling him about dates he's had with Omega. He pitches ideas for gifts, future dates, and other romantic gestures to show the ghoul how much he desires and burns for him. Asmodeus always nurtures the passion in Terzo but often reminds him not to burn himself out...
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earthry · 1 year
having thoughts about omega and terzo post resurrection, omega becoming very overprotective and almost never leaving his side. most sisters and brothers of sin give him a very wide berth because of the growling and hisses he gives off if they even look at terzo. after a few months he calms a little but still keeps a close watch. 
at night he holds terzo in his arms safe and snug and quietly tells him that he’ll never let anything happen to him ever again.  
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