#retelling of MDZS story
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Instruction on Courtship
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wangxianficrecs · 2 months
One for Heaven and Earth by cerbykerby
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One for Heaven and Earth
by cerbykerby (@cerbykerby)
T, 7k, Wangxian
Summary: An incredulous "Whoa," behind Lan Wangji yanks him out of his meditative state. He spins around fast enough for his wet hair to stick to his cheek. His eyes widen in horror. On the shore of the Cold Springs, Wei Wuxian stands, half-dressed in his own robes. He holds up Lan Wangji's heavenly robe, the fabric shining like spilled stars at midnight. "Lan Zhan," Wei Wuxian breathes, a whole constellation reflecting in his eyes. "What's this? It's so—" ---------- On the night Lan Wangji's mother left, she gave him a divine robe and told him to never let anyone see or take it from him. Kay's comments: Absolutely loved this re-telling of MDZS where Lan Wangji's mother was a heavenly maiden and made heavenly robes for him and his brother. A very creative look at the backstory between Lan Wangji's parents and I love the subtle ways it affected his relationship with Wei Wuxian as well. Beautifully written too! Excerpt: The Gusu Lan forehead ribbon means self-restraint. It is not meant to be touched by anyone other than one's fated person. Only with one's fated person can one truly be free. The heavenly robe is a gift bestowed on Lan Wangji by his mother. It is a status symbol as much as it is a part of his identity. Celestial blood flows through him. The robe is proof that he is entitled to walk among the heavens as he does on earth. To steal his robe would be to deny him his birthright. To even have permission to touch his robe would be a sign of complete trust. A forehead ribbon from his father. A heavenly robe from his mother. Both hold heavy significance. Neither can be given away without careful consideration. Which, to Lan Wangji's alcohol-riddled mind, is the perfect reason why Wei Wuxian should have both items.
pov lan wangji, canon divergence, madam lan lives, lan family feels, chinese mythology & folklore, fairy tale retellings, canon compliant, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, grief/mourning, loss, angst with a happy ending, supernatural elements
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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aleki-lives-here · 1 month
So since now we are mutuals I feel comfortable to do a bit of proselyting about one of my favourite bands ever: The Mechanisms. They are a band of immortal space pirates who travel space and time to commit act of unspeakable violence and find good stories to tell, also they where founder by vampire mad scientist lesbian but she has been thrown out of the hair lock before they started recording their albums (no I'm not joking this is canon lore, the lead singer is the one that created The Magnus Archives). Since you are a fan of Epic you may like Ulysses Dies At Dawn, it's a retelling of the Odyssey in a noir cyberpunk way and it's amazing, I cry every time I listen to the last song.
I haven't listened to their discography since I got into MDZS but now that I'm thinking of it there are several songs that could work with some characters (ohhh No Happy Ending for the Sunshot campaign, Peacemaker for the Nightless city massacre maybe, Laid in Blood is the perfect vibe for the first siege...)
But yeah they are amazing and it's my duty to spread their word
Well, not I have no choice but to listen to it then ahah. And, judging for what you've described here, I'm going to listen to it *gladly*, it sounds amazing! I'll give it a try once I can tolerate not having epic on repeat!
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i-bring-crack · 2 years
Bringing a MDZS, TGCF and SV crossover again.
Lmao a fix where post-canon: Shang Qinghua finished writting Heaven's official blessing and Grandmaster of Demonic cultivation, because he wanted to do those stories after finishing PIDW -but died- and then began to retell them to his lovely husband. After hearing him read all of MDSZ Mobei Jun stares and him and is just...
"It's about those clans located to the far southeast right?" And Shang Qinghua is like "what? What do you mean?" And so they come to look at a map and see that. In fact. They. Exist.
Shang Qinghua is so confused because tf?!? they aren't supposed to exist at all!! Yet the story had already been placed!
However, as goes through his notes again, he finds a few differences between the novels and real life.
1rst is that the Nie and Jin clan exists, he didn't want those two clans to exist in the second draft so that they don't add fuel to the angst, cucumber bro had dammed him to hell for it! And he doesn't need another cucumber bro!!
2nd is, with the existence of the tiny Mo clan– after the two of them went to explore that southeast part a little bit.– it means that there is definitely going to be the resurrection of the Yiling Patriarch, once more he made angst but just on the first draft!! On the second it was going to be that Wei Wuxian had been kept alive for 13 years raising Lan Sizhui and falling in love with Lan Wangji!
3rd is the fact that the Jumeng clan– after asking nearby people who they are– JIANG FENGMIAN AND YU ZIYUAN EXIST AND ARE ALIVE!
Mobei Jun: "Those characters in the book?"
"Then there is only one posibility!! One!!" Shang Qinghua immediately runs around Yiling city and asks Mobei Jun who is hidding his identity with a shape-shifting talisman of sorts -have to thank those fans for suggesting the weirdest kinky ideas for that talisman to appear- to help him "find a small child very scared of dogs, poor and if you give him fruits! Any! he smiles! And if you see him to capture him right away!"
So Shang Qinghua and Mobei Jun try to find as fast as they can the little Wei wuxian and SQH does find him! Yay! Plot devoid of stupidity! But oh no.
[System Updating]
[Syatem Updating]
"Oh fuck" He doesn't even have time to explain, Shang Qinghua just grabs Wei Wuxian out of the dog fight and holds on to him before any System tries to tell him to stay away so angst continues. And he guesses right because the system starts to crash in his eyes, seeing it as a win he goes back to Mobei Jun who has a lot of kids in his arms. A lot.
"Orphans... I forgot to say orphans." Mobei Jun glares at him while the kids cry for their parents.
The two do a lot of apologies that day.
Meanwhile baby Wei Wuxian is just confused about the whole thing, "who are they?"
At first with how many kids were in Mobei Jun's hands he was sure they where kidnappers but then after all of that the tiny one says they found him? And then they have to quickly run before the cultivators catch them! Are they good guys? Are they bad guys!?
Shang Qinghua finally feels the poor boy tremble under his arm and so he settles the boy down once they are at an inn and very far away from the police sort of cultivators.
Shang Qinghua brings him to a bed and then proceeded to ask him a few things.
"You are Wei Ying right?"
Mobei Jun crashed at that point. Cuz, that's the name of the child, the demonic cultivator in the books. But the books already painted him as a man who had become an immortal, not the little child on the streets ooooohhhh what the fuck—
"You parents... they are Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze are they not?"
The boy beams "You know them? Then are you my mama's family? My baba's?"
"Ah... somewhat..."
"Really!?" Shang Qinghua had to lie saying that he is his uncle, and to go get a shower while they bring him some clothes later on. So now that boy leaves he is left with a Mobei Jun more than willing to listen and ask the thousands of questions he has.
Eventually Shang Qinghua tells him everything. [System Error. System Error] The systems simply says, so he guesses hopes that nothing bad will happen if he told the truth.
And nothing does! Ah! That's so good, goddammit he is crying so much to finally reveal everything. Every single thing! From his life as a writer, to his creation of PDIW how he had to listen to the fans so he could eat for once, how he then met Peerless cucumber which IS Shen Qinqiu though he wasn't meant to be and neither was he also meant to be here, and how both of them where destined to die yet they changed the storyline into something that looked like the first few drafts and then how he was thinking about writting more stories and he finally ends it once they think Wei Ying has been in the bathroom for too long and so Shang Qinghua goes to take care of him, grabbing some clothes they asked a maid to buy for them and had already been delivered.
So Mobei Jun has to process a lot. He is very quiet about it —possibly going through every stage of every emotion imaginable. Well Qinghua can't blame him! He just learned he is God!—
Once Wei Wuxuan has eaten and slept Mobei Jun just goes like "You are the worst god."
"I know."
The next day the cop cultivators are still searching while Shang Qinghua and Mobei Jun book it out with Wei Wuxian to the central plains and crash at Cang Qiong Mountain. No one bats an eye as to why a demon ice king is present, they ask Yue Qingyuan where Qing Jing peak lord is, then find him in in and middle of finishing a papapa, after they let him finish did they deliver the news to him. Sadly Binghe had to leave and not listen because the System works on him, PDIW' pov comes from him and therefore if the readers where to find out the existence of the transmigators... (are you serious system? They are still reading?) [System Error. The existence of transmigation and the System must not be shared with Protagonist Luo Binghe.]
(Fuck you.)
Shen Qingqiu: "Airplane. Private chat. Now."
"I'm going to die aren't I?"
Wei Wuxian flinched at the dramatic screams but Mobei Jun just huddles him close cuz no, he kinda deserved that. (Poor Binghe, his especial husband food is now being given to this Wei child.)
The two modern AU bros are still shouting outside, Shen Qingqiu trying to get all the information of ANY thing he has ever written, Even the textbooks from high-school! Yes! The cringe things he posted at 13 too! Everything! Everything!
But poor Airplane bro can only remember making Grandmaster of Demonic cultivation and Heaven's Official Blessing.
So while Wei wuxian is munching on more delicacy of the Demon Emperor food, and Binghe is eating with the boy, reluctantly. Shang Qinghua, Shen Qingqiu and Mobei Jun begin planning out some things.
1rst- To stop Shang Qinghua from writting ever again or just make him write some thing that could be useful, let's see how his God powers develop really.
2nd- Xianle Kingdom is still alive and surprisingly the place where Granmaster of Demonic cultivation takes place in, so that might explain the existence of ghosts and why no one cared about the kingdom or the Emperor in MDZS. Well anyways Shen Qingqiu will go to Xianle before Mei Nianqing and hopefully intercept the child from becoming a chosen one of Jun Wu and hopefully manage to prevent Xianle's downfall once and for all.
"Ah but Cucumber bro, the story takes place between ghosts and gods. We are neither of those."
[System Updated.]
[Mission: Lighten the story but the events must stay the same. Access to heaven has been granted if one can achieve level 150.]
"Oh look we have the levels above our heads, and the stats of everyone too!"
Shen Qingqiu Level 100
Mobei Jun level 113
Shang Qinghua Level 60
They go to the other room.
Luo Binghe Level 250.
"Jesus fucking Christ."
Alright new plan, Shang Qinghua will become a cultivator friend or teacher in Lotus Pier so as to keep a close eye on Wei wuxian's growth, rescue him before he looses his golden core but still have to learn demonic cultivation, rescue his family, if he can too, and saving the Wen remnants, which is going to be an enough for the clans to have a reason to kill him. Hahaha.....ha...
Shen qingqiu will have to be the Guoshi of Xianle, trying to also reprimand the future Green ghost's misbehavior and setting Xie Lian in a right path but one that is mundane enough. Maybe him just becoming a King will be fine.
Binghe will have to be convinced to become the heavenly emperor in case Xie Lians protagonist powers are too much and Mobei Jun gets to do all the spy work seeing if he can save some other characters from disaster like the ones from Yi city or preventing Banyue from falling, the Wen remnants from being abused and Wen Ning from being killed, guiding the poor bride ghost's resentment away or even saving He Xuan wayyy before the beefleaf arc starts. Shang Qinghua will be there too after taking care of Wei Wuxian first.
- - - - -
It just... it'll be fun seeing like:
- Wei Wuxian learning Demonic cultivation from actual demons. Angst by resusitating Hua Cheng so that he might protect Xie Lian especially during the 33 gods that tried to fight Xie Lian for the mountain.
-Posibility of the Yiling Wei clan established with the help of Shang Qinghua and Mobei Jun bringing in protection and poor characters who definely need to be here: usual Mo Xuanyu, Xue Yang, Wen Yuan, rest Wen remnants, A Qing for good measure. BUT ALSO feral Quan Yizhen, Shi Qingxuan with so much bad luck on his hands (despite Shi Wudu not wanting to) and maybe even Hua Cheng trying to learn how become really strong to protect his Majesty after he got banished by Mu Qing.
- If Mei nianqing gets found out then Shen Qingqiu will have to help him out and OH Heavenly Emperor Luo Binghe fight vs Jun Wu. Will that protagonist halo work?! Will it not!?! Hmmmmmm
-Maybe god Xie Lian VS god Luo Binghe. Who truly is the strongest protagonist!
-Qing Jing Peak's newly turned good but not really disciple: Prince Xiao Jing
-Mobei Jun just being used as a water source for the Burial Grounds and Yong An so they don't die.
-Omg Mobei Jun slapping some Qi or something to remedy Nie Mingjue so he doesn't die, still crashes into a comma or something. Woops.
-Yanli and Yingying friendship. Ultimate Shijies who got each other's back(literally).
-Wen Qing and Mu Qingfang talking about medicine and plants. Or better yet, some of the wen remnants that dont really master demonic cultivation becoming members of Ciang Qiong Sect.
-Nie Huasiang and Ling Wen where helped once by Shang Qinghua and suddenly started gathering suspicion as to who he was coming out of nowhere in their greatest need and deviating some plot points with his husband who is really a demon king. How does this man know other gods and has so many important people by his side? What can he see? What cant he?
-OMG Shi Qingxuan and Mo Xuanyu Dress Up BESTIES!!
-Zhuzhi-lang and Wen Ning just being Zhuzhi-lang and Wen Ning, maybe they strike up a friendship, maybe Wen Ning gets pretty scared at first.
-Demons and Ghosts hell yeah.
-Sha Hualing absolutely wreaks havoc with Wei Wuxian in Ghost City and Hua Cheng already grown up, depending if he died or not he is just : "Wei Shifu, why."
-Mei Nianqing and Shen Qingqiu playing cards. "You know solitare?" "No -_-." "Uno?" " No, do tell Shen Daozhang. 0-0" Song Lan and Xiao Xingcheng also agree to play. Mei Nianqing catching feelings of nostalgia because the three remind him of his old friends.
-Luo Binghe dying trying to teach Xie Lian and Wei Wuxian how to cook. He couldn't T-T.
-Mobei DAD! Of He Xuan because the misfortune killed him so he has to guide this ghost to not kill but he is filled by pure hatred dammit! And the same goes for the Xuan Ji who can't stop obsessing over Pei Ming so he has to tell her "he ain't worth it" every time. He finds Yin Yu and Banyue too and just has to take a minute into buttheading and slamming Pei Ming.
-heh Mobei Jun and Yushi Huang, gods who helped out humanity and are 100% done with Heaven shenanigans.
-Oh Shang Qinghua and Mobei Jun possibly giving the Jiang children all the love they deserve ♥❤<333
-Jun Wu being bad by uniting forces with ghost Tianlang-Jun but ghost Tianlang-Jun gets Jun Wu into ✨Danmei✨
"Luo Binghe that kid... doesnt he look like you?"
"Yeah he is my son."
"Hes gay."
"Oh... well mine isnt."
TLJ Pointing to Hualian "are you sure about that?"
-OH Maybe Jiang Yanli can learn martial arts under Qi Qingqi!
-Nie Mingjue wanting his little brother to succeed as head of the sect but Liu Qingge just says that he should follow his dreams and passions just like his sister has done. "And what is your sister?" "Worldwide renown writter no you cannot ask of w h a t."
-Xie Lian: Biological son of a King and queen, Emotional son of two Heavenly Gods equal in power and two weird Immortals as they fight for custody. Married to a ghost king who studied under the grandmaster of Demonic cultivation who in turn was taken care of and taught by the literal primordial creator with his demonic ice king.
Oh you know what will be funny? Is if they actually KNOW Shang qinghua is their creator but only after 800 years have passed or something and Shang Qinghua finally archives Godhood and the entirety of heaven just gasps and stays in silence as they see the Immortal Shang qinghua looks THE SAME even to the smallest details as the grand Jade Emperor that stands in the main hall of the heavenly palace. He is truly the first Jade Emperor. AND HE IS BACK OMG OMG OMG!!
Only the most powerful gods could have access to this site, and: Heavenly Supreme god Luo Binghe who didn't care about heaven, Literature God Shen Qingqiu always cooped up taking care of earth whose only reason of becoming a God was so he could endure papapa, God of death Wei Wuxian in Ghost city, God of Winter Mobei Jun having tea times and harvesting Yong An as well as taking care for the Mobei clan, God of Music Lan Wangji playing sad music whenever his husband wasn't home and papapaing when he was, Martial God Xie Lian... um...
WELL All the Gods he knew of where doing one thing or another and therefore NO ONE had told him about the history of heavenly emperors until he had been kidnapped by Jun Wu who then explained that OH GOD NO WHAT DO YOU MEAN GOD SHEN YUAN WAS ANOTHER CREATOR TOO! OF THE SYSTEM!??! THE FUCK—
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 1 year
What are your opinions on The Untamed? I got into MDZS by stumbling upon the donghua whilst the first season was premiering and devoured fan translations of the novel and kept up religiously with the manhua. I found out I think a year and a half ago that a live action existed and tbh, I'm not that interested. I think it's because of all the changes I've heard were made to the story and the themes and tbh, I'm not very into the graphics 😅 But my primary gripe is it supposedly not being a faithful adaption and instead a very loose one. Since on Ao3 it's somehow impossible to escape the grasp of The Untamed and I've seen so many silly fanons floating around accepted as canon due to the influence of CQL, my feelings towards it are even less generous. So many fans take CQL as the canon story instead of the novel, and its like we've read two different stories, because in many ways, we have. Still, Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan look gorgeous, and so do the rest of the cast so I'm a bit torn.
I LOVE the Untamed! (I say as I write up essays on why it's dumb and ruined themes and STUPID)
I only recommend it as a VERY loose retelling of what Mo Dao Zu Shi is. The Disney Ariel to the Hans Christen Anderson unrequited gay love letter to the world. So to speak. My one glowing compliment to it is that thankfully after fan pushback, the director, Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo were able to give us the scenes that stood out finally. And probably why we get the whole "Uncut" version of it that is solely focused on their scenes alone.
I don't recommend it as the first foray into the MDZS universe as it changes about all points of importance for a sanitized story. Themes and arcs are vastly lacking in the Live Action that the novel closes very neatly. Don't get me started how pairing Jiang Cheng with Wen Qing makes him EVEN MORE of an asshole regarding the entire Wen massacre and him letting her be burned to death. And somehow despite being an equal love story to the canon on screen Jiang Yanli/Jin Zixuan and the implied Wangxian, that just gets dropped from relevance??? BAD WRITING YANG XIA.
A lot of people of course came to fandom from the Untamed as of 2019, the book was very niche since it originally finished in 2016 and was issued physically and officially by Pinsin in 2018. A year before the Untamed aired. It was culturally a HUGE DEAL... due to it being danmei and so known as being such for it to be such a cashcow. But not for the West. For the West it was one of the biggest things since probably Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon for the genre of Xianxia and Wuxia to be renewed as an interest, or spotlighted once more. But a lot of its initial spark was because it was such an inversion of the usual standard xianxia and wuxia tropes. It places emphasis on the human of the genre over the fantasy.
CQL, tried to make it more in line with typical xianxia and wuxia out there. Doesn't quiet work as well when you have the original source turning all of these tropes and character arc expectations around and the Live Action drops those essentially for on air compliance.
The good the bad, can't be taken as the same between either because the intentions were different. Thematics cannot be scrubbed out from the original and the adaptation claimed to be the true source. The book is what the original intention was for, and worked. Sometimes adaptations lose out the canonical intention of the original but it is not the be end of it when it was reproducing what is already there.
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carriagelamp · 6 months
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My internet died for about half a week this month, so I had a really peaceful few days where I had an enforced excuse to do nothing but relax and read when I got home from work. It was incredibly zen and I really sank into my books that week.
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The Call of the Wild
A classic novel that I’ve always meant to read. I was sick and headachy this month and decided that this was the perfect sort of relaxing, narratively rich book to listen to. I really enjoyed it, would recommend. It follows a dog named Buck who’s snatched from his home in southern California and is shipped off to work as a sled dog in the Yukon, where a need for strong dogs to help transport goods over the snow and ice makes them very valuable. Buck has to learn how to survive in this harsh environment as everything from the weather, his fellows dogs, and his human masters seem to fight against him.
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A Complicated Love Story Set In Space // How To Bite Your Neighbour and Win A Wager
Putting these two together because my experience with them was pretty similar. For both I was intrigued by the title, got them from the library on a whim, and didn’t really mesh with either. I didn’t really get far enough in either to give much of a review, they just didn’t vibe. A Complicated Love Story Set In Space set up a scenario that didn’t really interest me — not surprising, I’m picky about my scifi — and How To Bite Your Neighbour and Win A Wager just had an… odd writing style to it. It very much feels like it’s main goal is to be a kinda horny about vampires which, if that’s what you want, all the power to you, but it’s wasn't doing it for me. I had to suspend way too much disbelief for the scenario to function.
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Indiana Jones and the Cup of the Vampire // Indiana Jones and the Curse of Horror Island
A pair of choose your own adventure books I found at a used book sale. I picked them up out of sheer amusement, and they were basically what I expected and paid for: cheesy 1980s adventure stories with Indiana Jones as a nominal protagonist. They were both varying degrees of improbable, ridiculous, and racist so YMMV but they were fun to play with while I was down and out on the internet front.
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The Kootenay Kidnapper
Eric Wilson is a classic Canadian author who writes children’s mystery/thriller novels. I’ve never read him before and decided to remedy that. At this point I choose to withhold judgement until I read another… I’m not sure how I felt about The Kootenay Kidnapper. It had some nice descriptive language, successfully raised the tension from time to time and made me really try to piece together who the villain was, but then also had some strange dead zones as well. The whole thing read a bit like a 1990s stranger danger PSA which was also… weirdly nostalgic? But also just weird. Would try another.
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Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation comic v3
I continue to be a MDZS simp, this is not news. 
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The Radium Girls
I don’t read much nonfiction, but this book was so narrative in its writing that I seriously couldn’t put it down. Kate Moore took a historical event (the girls that were paid to paint watch dials with radium paint in the early 1900s) that had been written about in scientific and legal styles, and instead retells it with a primary focus on the girls themselves. You follow a variety of real life women over the decades and learn about the all the machinations that went into them being horrifically poisoned by radium, and how that changed the very foundation of American workplace safety. Super engaging, unspeakably appalling.
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Scott Pilgrim v1/2
My brother and I started watching Scott Pilgrim Takes Off on Netflix and… wow, it is not what either of us was expecting but we are loving it. We’ve both been big Scott Pilgrim fans since the naughts. Since I haven’t reread the series in years I decided I should pick it up to help notice the differences between the original series and this new show — I have the big, coloured omnibus version, so I reread the first collection of stories which amounts to volume 1 and 2 of the original. 
Scott Pilgrim is one of those comics that if you’ve somehow never read then you really need to, it’s one of my all-time favourites. It’s a story about Scott Pilgrim, a young adult who’s awkwardly trying to figure himself out, combining a coming-of-age slice-of-life with magical realism. The mysterious girl he meets, Ramona Flowers, can travel a subspace highway through Scott’s dreams — of course, don’t they teach Canadians how to do that? Huh, maybe it’s an American thing. Scott is known to be the best fighter in the province and when he defeats an enemy they explode into a pile of coins. One of the Evil Exes has Vegan Powers, and another can summon demonic back up dancers. This story just does whatever the fuck it likes and I adore it for that.
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Heaven Official's Blessing v3/4
I continue to be TGCF simp, this is not— seriously, the series continues to be excellent and I only get more and more invested in not just Xie Lian and Hua Cheng, but also in the side characters that are introduced. I was thrilled to have Shi Qingxuan become a bigger player in book 4, and really liked the whole plot with the Venerable of Empty Words and Black Water. Please, someone, help this guy…
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The Wind in the Willows
Another classic I had never read that I decided to pick up. It was excellent, I can see why it’s stayed so beloved over the years. Though I love a good cute-animals-in-lil-clothes-living-cute-lil-lives story, so I was an easy sell. It was much more tame than the likes of Redwall, but had a bit more going on than the likes of Brambly Hedge — it keeps you very engaged, but never raises the stakes so high that it stops feeling light and comforting. It is essentially a collection of stories that follow Mole and Rat, a pair of friends that live together on the river, through the seasons and the various misadventures they and their friends go on.
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The Woman They Could Not Silence
Since I liked The Radium Girls I decided to pick up another one of Kate Moore’s books. This one follows a woman who was intentionally committed to an insane asylum by her husband, purely because she was intelligent and outspoken, refusing to be cowed to his opinions or beliefs. This story details her time in the insane asylum, the abuses that the patients suffered, and how she came to fight the laws that allowed for such abuses to be perpetuated in the first place. A fascinating read about a historical figure I had never heard about before.
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cryptidafter · 1 day
🕷️ Recommend something of the asker's choice--a fix-it, an alternate pov, an episode coda, etc.!
Ah alternate POV! An unexpected but fun choice <3. You've been giving me a good reason to go back through old bookmarks.
This one is a bit tricky because most of the alternate POV fics I can think of are also canon divergence so I've tried to find some that are canon compliant but these aren't necessarily retellings of canon events from a different perspective.
Prying Eyes by bottlecapmermaid is a little tale about Yi City. Don't wanna spoil this one but it's outsider POV.
milk teeth, deep water by survivorcurse is a story in which Jiang Cheng teaches Jin Ling how to swim and thinks back on when he learned himself. Post-Guanyin Temple.
rots & rejoices by gloriousmonsters is a fic where Jin Guangyao pays Su Minshan a visit after he curses Jin Zixun. Lots of SMS pining which is my favorite thing ha.
other people's lives by northofallmusic in which WKX quietly ruminates on ZZS and JBY's shared history.
在天涯犹有未归人; those left at the edge of the sky by yiqie in which JBY ruminates on WKX and ZZS during ZZS' recovery/coma.
our restless shadows by northofallmusic is a story about WKX having A Time throughout the events of the show. This is a heavy one so definitely heed the tags and warnings!
Hilariously, I could not find the story I wanted to find that I swore I bookmarked where an outside disciple is witnessing the aftermath of Guanyin Temple. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, please send it to me T_T.
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tatertotcosmonaut · 5 months
Ne Zha was a movie I said I was gonna see, and ended up never touching it on my List, hahaha. Instead, I watched this movie about a black cat kinda spirit. I forgot the name. Another Chinese animated movie I watched was Big Fish Begonia.
Huh. I probably value hand-drawn animation a bit more than 3D, that's why.
Come, give me an elevator pitch for NeZha!
I haven’t seen the film in like a year or two so I don’t remember it too closely. Ne Zha (specifically the 2019 one, there’s another Ne Zha film) is mainly known for the second half of the film, which makes sense as it’s more action oriented. The animation is pretty, it’s clear there was passion behind it. The music score also goes very hard-
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The story isn’t all that, very basic. I think it’s just a loose retelling of the tales of Ne Zha and Ao Bing. Pretty simple story about feeling like an outcast, the heavy weight of destiny, and how heavy the expectations of your family can be on a young mind. Also tragic yaoi lol! Ne Zha x Ao Bing is a well liked ship, mainly when the film came out. I saw zines themed around the two running around.
I understand the love of 2D animation, I also prefer 2D animation. If you do like 2D animation, I would recommend “Spare Me, Great Lord!” some really cool pieces of animation in that film.
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There’s also some other Chinese animated films (3D and 2D) that are coming out sooner or later but I forgot the names of them. One of my favorite xuanhuan is getting a donghua adaptation in 2025 though and the trailer was released last year. It looks good and is going to be animated by the same people that made the MDZS donghua, so I’m excited about that!
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babischlong-six · 9 months
fic stats meme
Tagged by @godotismissingx (thank you! <3)
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
most hits: The Transmigrated Villain is Causing Minimal Trouble - The Big Bad, with OP knowledge, returns back through space and time to fix all of the mistakes made over the course of MDZS, before they even happen, by threatening, bribing, killing, and marrying his way into a happy ending. (self-indulgent crack extravaganza)
second most kudos: Gentian Syndrome - Lan Qiren decides to follow in his brother's footsteps and lock up his murderous beloved away from the world. (LQR/WRH, surprisingly mild darkfic)
third most comments: Sorry about the blood in your mouth, I wish it was mine. - Hyunsoo and Jaeho's story, from the start, to the very end, told in missing scenes and hidden thoughts. (Canon-compliant The Merciless retelling.)
fourth most bookmarked: His Father's Man - Wen Chao tries to sneak out, but gets way more than he bargains for when his father's right hand man stops him right before he's able to jump the wall. (basically, a slightly better-adjusted Wen Chao and Wen Zhuliu get it on.)
fifth most words: Leave some space for the years | 给岁月 一些留白 - Mo Sanmei and Qiao Yicheng are two men who go through ordinary and painful struggles and get together along the way - but relationships aren't easy, and neither is family.
least words: Tell me how all this, and love too, will ruin us. - Hyunsoo and Jaeho's conversation before the fireworks on the beach. (sexual tension!!)
Most of my most popular stuff is my older stuff, and it's funny to see how much I've changed since then.
Tagging (no pressure): @the-marron @dobranocka @polkadotcravat @elemental-queen-writes
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sketching-shark · 1 year
I would love to see a well fleshed out animated series on jttw, especially on wukong’s story. Imagine of the same studio that made mdz(the founder of demonic cultivation) made a retelling on wukong’s backstory and even possibly gives six eared macaque more depth.
like what if macaque was written like suguru geto from jujutsu kaisen (if wukong and him had a relationship like gojo and geto, when they were homies) before the huaguo Shan war and had turned mac evil from vengeance and blames wukong for everything then gets defeated by wukong but gets reborn as a shadow monster that haunts wukong til the final fight that ends in macaques death from being beaten into a meat patty
Okay I have to be honest @lightningeringeopal I don't really understand a number of these things on account of not being familiar with mdz or jujutsu kaisen (X_X).
BUT REGARDLESS YEAH hoping and praying that some day we get a well fleshed out animated series for adults of JTTW that deals with both the moral dilemmas inherent in that work as well as allows for the canon-compliant accounts of individuals being beaten into meat patties <3. And tbh the events of JTTW present a case where it would make a lot of sense for the Six-Eared Macaque to blame Sun Wukong for everything that happened to Mt. Huaguoshan and its monkey yaoguai population to the point where he firmly believes he'd make a much better Monkey King and so takes on that title and persona for himself, and further justifies anything he does against the monkeys by thinking it's less bad than what he imagines SWK did and that therefore his actions are okay (I think there's a movie coming out hopefully some time soon that has exactly that premise...). It also honestly would work for LEMH to go from there to his role as the worst parts of SWK so that in his haunting of the Monkey King he's less about violence and more about a constant reminder of all the tragedies in SWK's life. Guy who gives up his identity and then his life so that he can scream at another guy for as long as he can.
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aleiocus · 1 year
First Lines
Thanks for the tag @urdnotflexthejedibard ! IDK who to tag, anyone who wants to :v My brain is mush this week.
By nearly all accounts, it was a peaceful day in Cloud Recesses. (My only published fic - Where We Fit in This Strange New World, MDZS post-canon)
2. Adventure was possible—of that he was certain.  (Unpublished, unfinished OFMD fic - Tolkien AU)
3. "Oh, my head." (Unpublished, unfinished TMA fic, post-canon; first chapter is in transcript format, this is the first spoken line.)
4. It was 24 Cloudreach, 9:42 Dragon. (Unpublished, unfinished yadda, DA:I post-canon character study)
5. The first story was for them: the one seen by the masses, the one that will live on beyond anyone in it, the twisting of facts to create castle walls—the legend. (Unpub/unfin DA II retelling)
6. We were told to never interact with the Others. (Scraps of something I was going to work with and never did.)
7. It wasn't a particularly remarkable day when It all happened. (Not scrapped, per se, but this won't be the first iteration of the story anymore)
8. If someone told me a year ago what my life would be like now, I wouldn’t have believed them. (From a mostly finished script for an original comic I'm still in the planning stages of.)
9. "Hello, this is Jim Davis speaking, may I inquire who I’m speaking to?" (Screenplay from my brief stint as a comm major. Fun fact: it's filmed and up on YouTube)
10. The pale sun rose in the north and towered above the mighty giants of the forest. (This one I forgot I had saved.)
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llycaons · 1 year
Bonus: misc treats - meta, interviews, poetry, and resources
*well-met by warlight* by wukuiyuxin
summary: have  you ever thought about wwx and lwj’s epic romance and said to yourself, ‘damn, I wish I could read some germanic style battle poetry about  them’, no? well, neither did I, but this poem is one of the most  incredible and creative written works I’ve seen for this fandom.
an intense retelling of the story in this incredible and gorgeous format. the  pattern formed by assonance, alliteration, and meter are absolutely  entrancing, and I ended up reading this out loud to myself like three  times in a row because the language was so captivating. such a unique  treasure work issues: none author issues: none
Underneath those translations by untamedconnotations
summary: informal meta/explanations about mdzs/cql translations and naming conventions, reposted from the author’s tumblr account. an opportunity to learn in greater detail from someone who knows chinese and can explain context and implications missed by international fans.
work issues: N/A
author issues: whatever it is on their page that’s not fanfic but it’s tagged RPF
Reference for Modao Zushi Writers: Chinese terms by chaoticjoy
summary: a reference guide for character titles and family names
work issues: N/A
author issues: none
The Freedom of Historical Anachronisms by Icarus
summary: explores the potential eras cql/mdzs could have been set in, given the details shown. there is no one right answer, so while short and easily readable, it's a fun trip into the past. a reference guide and helpful resource for worldbuilding
work issues: N/A
author issues: none
From the author herself by untamedconnotations
summary: a translated interview from mxtx. some fun facts and humorous stories
work issues: well. she is kind of homophobic and it does comes through in some of her answers
author issues: see above - RPF?
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wolffyluna · 2 years
What book should I read next, because I am bad at decisions:
The Mongol Art of War: the one of the few non-library books, but recommended by Brett Deveraux and useful research for if I do the Alice and Bob story for NaNo
Wish Lanterns: Young Lives In New China: a series of interviews with six Chinese Millenials
 Everlasting Flower: a history of the Korean peninsula
The Posture of Meditation: looks at meditation as an embodied thing The
Girl Who Fell Beneath The Sea: ya fiction that is a retelling of a Korean folklore
MDZS: why yes,  I am several volumes behind rn
Nineteen Ways of Looking At Wang Wei: also not a library book, and is about translation, using one Tang Dynasty poem as an example
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cruelsister-moved · 3 years
also you ever think about how funny tgcf and mdzs would be from the other person's perspective. hc narrating tgcf be like. [16 paragraphs describing xie lian's eyes and fantasising about their wedding] oh yeah and then like swd's fucking head fell off🙄typical. anyway and as I was saying then xie lian breathed in such a cute w-
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moiraifaerie · 4 years
is it ever explained why the characters in mdzs get their courtesy names so early (aren’t they like, 16 during the Cloud Recesses arc and therefore not considered adults properly yet?) did i just miss something?
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ladyhavilliard · 2 years
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